Oxbow Catalogue Autumn 2016

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Publications & Distributed titles Autumn 2016

Archaeology • Ancient Near East Anglo-Saxon & Viking • Greece & Rome • Classics Landscape • Prehistory • The Medieval World

Welcome to the Autumn 2016 Catalogue from Oxbow Books

We are delighted to present to you an excellent collection of Archaeology and Ancient History books from our distributed publishers and our own Oxbow Books, Aris & Philips and Windgather Press imprints. Covering prehistory through to the medieval world, and including the Ancient Near East, British and World Archaeology, we hope there is something here that takes your interest. Don’t forget to turn to page 31 to discover our Oxbow highlights. Published and available to buy now, the list includes: the newest volume in the very popular British Historic Towns Atlas series by the Historic Towns Trust, the highly anticipated book by Keith Ray and Ian Bapty, Offa’s Dyke; and the first two titles in Oxbow’s new Fokus Fortifikation Studies series.

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Archaeological Method & Theory .......................1 Prehistory ..........................................................................2 Textiles ................................................................................6 Landscape & Nature.....................................................8 British Archaeology .....................................................9 Greece & Rome............................................................. 14 Aris & Phillips ............................................................... 17 Anglo-Saxon & Viking ............................................. 18 Medieval .......................................................................... 21 Egypt & Ancient Near East ...................................22 World History ...............................................................27 Oxbow Highlights ....................................................... 31 Trade Ordering Information .................................33

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Death as a Process The Archaeology of the Roman Funeral Edited by John Pearce and Jake Weekes

p. 9

p. 11

p. 14

p. 22

All prices and publication dates are accurate at the time of printing but subject to change without notice. Front Cover Image: from Eric Cambridge and Jane Hawkes (eds.) Crossing Boundaries: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Art, Material Culture, Language and Literature of the Early Medieval World (p21).

Archaeologies of Waste

Encounters with the Unwanted Edited by Daniel Sosna and Lenka Brunclíková

Encounters with the unwanted

Challenges traditional archaeological approaches that take advantage of refuse to infer past behaviour.

Danial Sosna and Lenka Brunclikova

Edited by

Danial Sosna and Lenka Brunclikova

Waste represents a category of ‘things’, which is familiar and ubiquitous but rarely reflected in archaeological and cultural studies. The ambiguity of waste challenges traditional archaeological approaches that take advantage of refuse to infer past behaviour. Recent developments in research in the social sciences and humanities indicate that waste offers many more dimensions for exploration. This volume covers topics ranging from the relationship between waste and identity in early agricultural settlements to the perception of contemporary nuclear waste. The book is structured into three sections that explore the relationship between waste and three domains of interest: value, social differentiation, and space.

Oxbow Books • 9781785703270 Paperback • b/w illus. • 182 pages • December 2016 • £36.00

Care in the Past

Archaeological and Interdisciplinary Perspectives Edited by Lindsay Powell, William Southwell-Wright and Rebecca Gowland

Archaeological Method & Theory

Archaeologies of Waste

Archaeologies of waste

Considers how we might recognise the provision of care in past societies in archaeological contexts. From the earliest societies, humans have faced choices regarding how people in positions of dependency are to be treated. These 12 papers examine the topic of care in past societies and specifically how we might recognise the provision of care in archaeological contexts. The topic of ‘care’ is examined through three different strands: the provision of care throughout the life course; care-giving and attitudes towards impairment and disability in prehistoric and historic contexts, and the role of animals as both recipients of care and as tools for its provision. Oxbow Books • 9781785703355 Paperback • b/w illus. • 208 pages • December 2016 • £38.00

Underground Archaeology

Studies on Human Bones and Artefacts from Ireland’s Caves Edited by Marion Dowd Presents new perspectives on the use and perception of caves at different times in the past, from the Early Mesolithic through to post-medieval time. Until the present day, human bones and artefacts recovered from Irish caves, principally between 1870 and 1990 had either been completely neglected or had not been examined with modern techniques. The 15 expert contributions presented here shine a light on the use and perception of caves at different times in the past, from the Early Mesolithic through to post-medieval times.

Oxbow Books • 9781785703515 Hardback • b/w and colour illus. • 232 pages • October 2016 • £48.00

Autumn 2016

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North European Bronze Age Rock Art and Burial Ritual By Joakim Goldhahn Applies new theoretical approach to the interpretaion of a well-known group of rock art engravings from a Middle Bronze Age burial context. This major new study by one of Europe’s leading prehistorians presents and discusses a series of rock art engravings from a Bronze Age barrow in Ljungarum parish, Jönköping Län, situated in southern Sweden. Sagaholm contains the largest group of rock engravings discovered in a burial context in northern Europe. Joakim Goldhahn addresses a number of aspects of the use of rock engravings in burial rituals during the Middle Bronze Age combining the antiquarian and scientific history of this extraordinary find.

Oxbow Books • 9781785702648 Paperback • b/w and colour illus. • 192 pages • August 2016 • £36.00

An Archaeology of Prehistoric bodies and Embodied Identities in the Eastern Mediterranean Edited by Maria Mina, Sevi Triantaphyllou and Yiannis Papadatos

An Archaeology of


Wide geographical and chronological range within the prehistory of the Aegean, Cyprus and the Near East. In the long tradition of the archaeology of the eastern Mediterranean, bodies have held a prominent role in the form of figurines, frescos, or skeletal remains. Growing literature on the archaeology and anthropology of the body has raised awareness about the dynamic and multifaceted role of the body in the construction, performance and negotiation of social identity. Contributors discuss new and old evidence; they examine how bodies intersect with the material world, and explore the role of body-situated experiences in creating distinct social and other identities. Oxbow Books


edited by Maria Mina, Sevi Triantaphyllou and Yiannis Papadatos

Oxbow Books • 9781785702914 Hardback • b/w illus. • 248 pages • October 2016 • £45.00

Massendinghaltung in der Archäologie

Der material turn und die Ur- und Frühgeschichte Edited by Kerstin P. Hofmann, Thomas Meier, Doreen Mölders and Stefan Schreiber This volume focuses on the problem of archaeolgical finds stockpiling in collections and the complex relationship between humans and objects. These 17 articles were contributions to a 2013 conference in Berlin organised by the German Association for Theories in Archaeology. Essays in the first part treat the virulent problem of objects stockpiling in collections. The history as well as the psychology of collecting are addressed. Contributions in the second part deal with the established empirical-antiquarian research in the light of the material turn and also show the complexity of the relationship between humans and objects. This volume discusses current attempts at the understanding of objects in other disciplines from an archaeological perspective. Sidestone Press • 9789088903465 Paperback • 388 pages • Available Now • £60.00


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Text in German

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A Minoan Palatial Settlement in Eastern Crete: Excavation of Houses I.1 and I.2 By Metaxia Tsipopoulou Individual chapters focus on the architecture, cooking wares, Early Minoan and Middle Minoan I pottery, and a study of vessels with potter’s marks.


Petras, Siteia I

This volume is the first of two that represent the final publication of Sector I of the Prepalatial–Postpalatial Minoan urban settlement and palace of Petras, Siteia, located in eastern Crete, and it presents the results of the excavations conducted there from 1985 to 2000.

INSTAP Academic Press (Institute for Aegean Prehistory) • 9781931534857 Hardback • 436 pages • December 2016 • £55.00

Prehistory Monographs

Studies in Aegean Art and Culture

A New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium in Memory of Ellen N. Davis Edited by Robert B. Koehl The papers published here are dedicated to the memory of Ellen N. Davis, one of the most valued Aegean scholars of her generation. All of the articles are in some way inspired or influenced by Davis’ own contributions to the field. In the area of metalwork, several papers investigate interconnections within and around the Aegean during the Bronze Ages, while others examine metal ware in its social context. Papers on wall painting range from studies of pigments and optical illusions, to representations of water.

INSTAP Academic Press (Institute for Aegean Prehistory) • 9781931534864 Paperback • 142 pages • December 2016 • £23.00

Kavos and the Special Deposits

The sanctuary on Keros and the origins of Aegean ritual practice, Volume II Edited by Colin Renfrew, Olga Philaniotou, Neil Brodie, Giorgos Gavalas and Michael J. Boyd This is the second volume in ‘The Sanctuary on Keros and Origins of Aegean Ritual Practice: the excavations of 2006-2008’ series. Volume II describes the excavation and finds from the Special Deposits at Kavos at the sanctuary on Keros lying opposite the settlement on the islet of Dhaskalio. The finds are presented here in their excavation contexts, and the significance of the Special Deposit South as a ritual deposit is examined in the context of Aegean prehistory.

McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research • 9781902937700 Hardback • 614 pages • Available Now • £64.00

autumn 2016

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Between and Beyond the Monuments

Prehistoric activity on the downlands south-east of Amesbury By Andrew B. Powell and By Alistair J. Barclay This book reports on the prehistoric archaeology revealed by investigations of a large area of Chalk downland south-east of Amesbury. The present volume covers the wider prehistoric remains from the site, describing all features of Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age date. The prehistoric monuments and extensive sequence of burials are placed in their wider landscape context, and the development, chronology and variability of prehistoric ritual and mortuary practices is explored. Collectively, they reveal the development and transformation of a landscape rich in ritual, mortuary and settlement features during an almost continuous period of over 3000 years. Wessex Archaeology • 9781874350903 Hardback • 132 illus. • 320 pages • November 2016 • £30.00

Wessex Archaeology Monograph

Kavousi IIC: The Late Minoan IIIC Settlement at Vronda Specialist Reports and Analyses By Leslie Preston Day, Heidi M.C. Dierckx, Kimberly Flint-Hamilton, Geraldine C. Gesell and Kevin T. Glowacki

Previous two volumes report on the houses of the settlement in their context, with focused analyses of specific buildings. The third volume in the final report of the cleaning and excavations at the Late Minoan IIIC settlement of Vronda that were conducted between 1983 and 1992. Detailed analyses of the architecture, pottery, other finds and botanical and faunal remains are presented in this third volume, along with a complete history of the site and an attempt to reconstruct the social, political, and religious organization of the settlement. Prehistory Monographs

INSTAP Academic Press (Institute for Aegean Prehistory) • 9781931534840 Hardback • 420 pages • July 2016 • £55.00

Social Change in Aegean Prehistory Edited by Corien Wiersma and Sofia Voutsaki Explains the processes of social and economic change from the Early Bronze Age III to the Late Bronze Age I period in the southern Aegean, using pottery, burials and settlement evidence. This volume brings together papers that discuss social change. The main focus is on the Early Helladic III to Late Helladic I period in southern Greece, but also touches upon the surrounding islands. This specific timeframe enables us to consider how mainland societies recovered from a ‘crisis’ and how they eventually developed into the differentiated, culturally receptive and competitive social formations of the early Mycenaean period.

Oxbow Books • 9781785702198 Paperback • 192 pages • September 2016 • £36.00


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Économie et société chez les Rèmes et les Suessions par le prisme de l’archéozoologie By Pierre-Emmanuel Paris The purpose of this study is to define the role of animal production within the new urban structures. Hence, the research focuses on the specific economical aspect of meat resources and their management: what is the place of this activity in the economy of Gaulish peoples? The research aims to approach these economic issues through the study of the fauna remains recovered mostly from Condé-sur-Suippe and Villeneuve-Saint-Germain. Sidestone Press • 9789088903618 Paperback • 94 b/w and 48 full colour illus. • 266 pages • July 2016 • £45.00


Au fil de l’os

text in french

This Must Be the Place

Perspectives on the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in Ostergotland, Eastern Middle Sweden By Tom Carlsson and Annika Helander The empirical martial consists of newly excavated Mesolithic and Neolithic sites in Ostergotland in Sweden. The study proves that the process of change from foraging to farming in this area can be regarded as alterations in the Mesolithic local communities and that the introduction of farming and animal husbandry was an apparent rather undramatic event. Riksantikvarieämbetet • 9789172096899 Paperback • 250 pages • Available Now • £19.99

Catalogue: Flèches de pouvoir à l’aube de la métallurgie de la Bretagne au Danemark (2500-1700 av. n. è.) By Clément Nicolas This volume contains the catalogue belonging to the book « Flèches de pouvoir à l’aube de la métallurgie de la Bretagne au Danemark (2500-1700 av. n. è.) ». It contains data on arrowheads deposited in Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Ages graves in the Armorican Massif, in southern British Isles and in Denmark. Sidestone Press • 9789088903731 Paperback • 718 b/w and 454 full colour illus. • 524 pages • Available Now • £80.00

Text in french

Europe’s Lost World

The Rediscovery of Doggerland By Vincent Gaffney, Simon Fitch and David Smith This excellent book reports on the work of the North Sea Palaeolandscapes Project, which has been researching the fascinating lost landscape of Doggerland. It aims to make the findings available to a general readership, and show just how impressive they have been, with nearly 23,000km2 mapped. It also tells the story of the rediscovery of Doggerland and the Mesolithic landscape more generally.

Council for British Archaeology • 9781902771779 Paperback • 202 pages • Available Now • £24.00

autumn 2016

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The Dyer’s Handbook

Memoirs of an 18th Century Master Colourist By Dominique Cardon Contains information allowing the reproduction of colours authentic to the 18th century. The Dyer’s Handbook concerns a unique manuscript from the eighteenth century; a dyers memoirs from Languedoc, containing recipes for dyes with corresponding colour samples. It is an exceptional document, hugely rare and of great significance not only to textile historians but dyers and colourists today, as thanks to the information in the manuscript the colours can be reproduced exactly, with the same ingredients, or reproduced using modern techniques by matching the colour samples. To the English translation of the text, together with facsimile pages reproduced in colour from the original manuscript, are added essays meant to situate it in its historical, economic and technological contexts.

Oxbow Books • 9781785702112 Hardback • 160 pages • Available Now • £48.00


Silk Trade and Exchange along the Silk Roads between Rome and China in Antiquity

Trade & Exchange along the Silk Roads between Rome and China in Antiquity Edited by Berit Hildebrandt with Carole Gillis Multi-disciplinary analyses by leading international scholars of silk as a commodity, gift, tribute and status symbol in antiquity. These collected papers connect research from different areas and disciplines dealing with exchange along the Silk Roads. These historical, philological and archaeological contributions highlight silk as a commodity, gift and tribute, and as a status symbol in varying cultural and chronological contexts between East and West, including technological aspects of silk production. The main period concerns Rome and China in antiquity, ending in the late fifth century CE, with the Roman Empire being transformed into the Byzantine Empire, while the Chinese chronology covers the Han dynasty, the Three Kingdoms, the Western and Eastern Jin and Sixteen Kingdoms, ending in 420 CE.

Berit Hildebrandt with Carole Gillis

Oxbow Books • 9781785702792 Hardback • b/w and colour illus. • 224 pages • October 2016 • £40.00


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ancient textiles series

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By Stella Spantidaki Presents a detailed consideration of the historical and social context of textile production in classical Athens.


Textile Production in Classical Athens

Textile technology is older than any other ancient craft and is an instance of cognitive archaeology that provides vital information about society. In Textile Production in Classical Athens, Stella Spantidaki provides the first synthesis of the available evidence from textual, iconographic and archaeological sources on textile production in 5th and 4th century BC Athens, employing an interdisciplinary perspective that sets the frame for future research in the field. As such this study is of special importance for textile specialists, ancient history scholars, historians of technology and students and will lead to a better understanding of ancient Greek textile production and Classical Athenian society. Oxbow Books • 9781785702525 Hardback • b/w and colour illus. • 256 pages • August 2016 • £38.00


Dress and Society

Contributions from Archaeology Edited by Toby F. Martin and Rosie Weetch Illustrates how dress constitutes an important aspect of the expression of group identities. Dress and Society illustrates the range of current archaeological approaches to dress using a number of case studies drawn from prehistoric to postmedieval Europe. Individually, each chapter makes a strong contribution in its own field whether through the discussion of new evidence or new approaches to classic material. Presenting the eight papers together creates a strong argument for a theoretically informed and integrated approach to dress as a specific category of archaeological evidence, emphasising that the study of dress not only draws openly on other disciplines, but is also a sub-discipline in its own right. Oxbow Books • 9781785703157 Paperback • b/w illus. • 192 pages • November 2016 • £36.00

Gods and Garments




Textiles in Greek Sanctuaries in the 7th to the 1st Centuries BC By Cecilie Brøns Examines temple inventories in order to investigate the role of textiles and clothing accessories in Greek sanctuaries in terms of attire, identity and position of individuals within the ancient Greek religious system. The aim of the present enquiry is to introduce textiles into the study of ancient Greek religion and thereby illuminate the roles textiles played in the performance of Greek ritual and their wider consequences. By merging the study of Greek religion and the study of textiles, the current study illustrates how textiles are, indeed, central materialisations of Greek cult, by reason of their capacity to accentuate and epitomize aspects of identity, spirituality, position in the religious system, by their forms as links between the maker, user, wearer, but also as key material agents in the performance of rituals and communication with the divine.

Oxbow Books • 9781785703553 Hardback • b/w and colour illus. • 384 pages • October 2016 • £40.00

autumn 2016


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landscape & Nature

Yorkshire Landscapes

A Photographic Tour of England’s Largest and Most Varied County By Doug Kennedy Over 100 pages of beautiful photography. Yorkshire is the largest county in England. Covering such a large area between the North Sea and the Pennine watershed, the variety of landscapes is astonishing. Doug Kennedy has roamed Yorkshire’s countryside, seeking out what makes each place special and applying his photographer’s eye to capture the scene in sumptuous photographic images.

Windgather Press • 9781909686977 Hardback • Colour photographs throughout • 112 pages • December 2016 • £14.99

Nemea Valley Archaeological Project - Volume 2 Landscape Archaeology and the Medieval Countryside By Effie Athanassopoulos

Two large sites and numerous smaller sites are discussed and illustrated. This volume presents results of a regional survey conducted by the Nemea Valley Archaeological Project (NVAP). These sites reflect political and economic trends prevalent in medieval Greece at the time; thus they are contextualized by a discussion of the history of medieval Greece situated within the Annales school and by an evaluation of recent trends in landscape and Byzantine archaeology. This study contributes to a better understanding of the medieval and post-medieval countryside.

Nemea Valley Archaeological Project

American School of Classical Studies at Athens • 9780876619230 Hardback • 72 colour and 57 b/w illus. • 200 pages • December 2016 • £104.00

Lost Landscapes of Palaeolithic Britain

The contribution of projects funded by the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund 2002–2011 Edited by Mark White, Martin Bates, Matthew Pope, Danielle Schreve, Beccy Scott, Andrew Shaw and Elizabeth Stafford Insights obtained from projects have helped to define future priorities and milestones for Palaeolithic research. Projects supported by the British Government under the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund administered by Historic England have transformed our understanding of the Palaeolithic and contributed to our understanding of Pleistocene environments in Britain. This is a period of multiple Ice Ages interspersed with warmer periods, which forms the backdrop for human evolution. This volume draws together the results of this research in a series of thematic chapters, providing a commentary for the non-specialist. Oxford Archaeology • 9780904220773 Hardback • 71 illus., 21 images and 4 tables • 198 pages • Available Now • £25.00


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An extraordinary Bronze Age burial on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor, and its wider context By Andy M. Jones Presents analysis of a highly unusual Early Bronze Age burial with preserved textiles, animal skin, basketry and an array of rare metal and organic objects. Excavation of a scheduled burial mound on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor revealed an unexpected, intact burial deposit of Early Bronze Age date associated with an unparalleled range of artefacts. The cremated remains of a young person had been placed within a bearskin pelt and provided with a basketry container. The unparalleled assemblage of organic objects has yielded insights into a range of materials which have not survived from the earlier Bronze Age elsewhere in southern Britain.

british archaeology


Preserved in the Peat

ANDY M. JONES Oxbow Books • 9781785702600 Hardback • b/w and colour illus. • 328 pages • August 2016 • £30.00

St Paul’s Cathedral Archaeology and History By John Schofield

First comprehensive account of the building history of St Paul’s Cathedral as revealed by archaeological excavation and recording, documentary research and engineering works. This is the first volume concerned solely with the archaeology of St Paul’s Cathedral in London, and the major changes it has undergone. John Schofield examines the cathedral from an archaeological perspective, reviewing its history from the early 18th to the early 21st century, as illustrated by recent archaeological recording, documentary research and engineering asssessment. A detailed account of the construction of the cathedral is provided based on a comparison of the fabric with voluminous building accounts which have survived and evidence from recent archaeological investigation.

Oxbow Books • 9781785702754 Hardback • b/w and colour illus. • 240 pages • September 2016 • £65.00

autumn 2016

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british archaeology

Digging at the Gateway

Archaeological landscapes of south Thanet The Archaeology of the East Kent Access (Phase II) Volume 1: The Sites By Phil Andrews, Paul Booth, A. P. Fitzpatrick and Ken Welsh A Kent County Council programme to build a new road link, the East Kent Access, in the south-east part of Thanet resulted in the largest archaeological project carried out in Britain in 2010. An Oxford Wessex Archaeology joint venture undertook the excavation of 48 hectares revealing a wealth of archaeological evidence spanning the Palaeolithic to Second World War. Oxford Archaeology • 9780957467231 Hardback • 568 pages • Available Now • £30.00

Temples and Suburbs

Excavations at Tabard Square, Southwark By Douglas Killock, John Shepherd, James Gerrard, Kevin Hayward, Kevin Rielly and Victoria Ridgeway This book details the results of excavations in Southwark, London, detailing an archaeological sequence which spans the early prehistoric to very latest Roman periods. The site lay on the Southern outskirts of Roman London and was the location of a large Romano-Celtic temple complex. A large finds assemblage includes a marble inscription, which is the earliest text found to mention ‘Londoners’. Pre-Construct Archaeology • 9780992667252 Hardback • 368 pages • Available Now • £27.00 The Lost Dark Age Kingdom of Rheged

The Lost Dark Age Kingdom of Rheged

The Discovery of a Royal Stronghold at Trusty’s Hill, Galloway By Ronan Toolis and Christopher Bowles The Lost Dark Age

Kingdom of Rheged •

The Discovery of a Royal Stronghold at Trusty’s Hill, Galloway Ronan Toolis & Christopher Bowles

Trusty’s Hill is flanked by unique Pictish Symbols that has puzzled scholars as to why the symbols were carved so far from Pictland. The Galloway Picts Project aimed to recover evidence for the archaeological context of the inscribed stone. The archaeological evidence from Galloway suggests that this region may have been the heart of the lost Dark Age kingdom of Rheged.

Oxbow Books • 9781785703119 Hardback • b/w and colour illus. • 200 pages • November 2016 • £30.00

Portable Antiquities, Palimpsests, and Persistent Places

A multi-period approach to Portable Antiquities Scheme data in Lincolnshire

By Adam Jonathan Daubney This book explores the significance of PAS data for Lincolnshire, in particular how these finds enhance the ‘known’ archaeological record, and how they come together to form multi-period artefact scatters, defined here for the first time as ‘plough-zone palimpsests’. A bespoke methodology is developed that allows PAS data to be analysed at different scales of time and place. Sidestone Press • 9789088903694 Paperback • 142 full colour and 40 b/w illus. • 332 pages • October 2016 • £55.00


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Excavations by Margaret and Tom Jones, 1965– 1978 By Sam Lucy and Christopher Evans With Rosemary Jefferies, Grahame Appleby and Chris Going This companion to Lives in Land (Oxbow Books 2015) is a comprehensive account of the Romano-British archaeology of the Mucking landscape. Excavations at Mucking revealed extensive evidence for a multi-phase rural Romano-British settlement. After the mid-second century AD the Central Enclosure was largely abandoned and settlement shifted its focus more to the Southern Enclosure system. Some of the latest Roman pottery was strongly associated with the earliest Anglo-Saxon style pottery suggesting the existence of a terminal Roman settlement phase. Given recent revisions of the chronology for the early Anglo-Saxon period, this casts an intriguing light on the transition, with radical implications for understandings of this period.

british archaeology

Romano-British Settlement and Cemeteries at Mucking

Oxbow Books • 9781785702686 Hardback • b/w and colour illus. • 456 pages • August 2016 • £40.00

AG R I C U LT U R E & INDUSTRY in South-Eastern Roman Britain

Agriculture and Industry in South-Eastern Roman Britain Edited by David Bird Major new assessment of our knowledge of the southern hinterland of Roman London. The ancient counties surrounding the Weald in the SE corner of England have a strongly marked character of their own that has survived remarkably well in the face of ever-increasing population pressure. The area is, however, comparatively neglected in discussion of Roman Britain, where it is often subsumed into a generalised treatment of the ‘civilian’ part of Britannia that is based largely on other parts of the country. This book aims to redress the balance. An overview of the environment and a consideration of themes relevant to the South-East as a whole accompany 14 papers covering the topics of rural settlement in each county.

Edited by D avid Bi rd Oxbow Books • 9781785703195 Paperback • b/w and colour illus. • 368 pages • November 2016 • £40.00

autumn 2016

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british archaeology

Medieval and Post-Medieval Occupation and Industry in the Redcliffe Suburb of Bristol Excavations at 1-2 and 3 Redcliff Street, 2003-2010 Edited by Mary Alexander

Excavations at 1–2 and 3 Redcliff Street, Bristol, revealed domestic and industrial remains dating from the establishment of the Redcliffe suburb in the 12th century through to the later post-medieval period. Cloth-dying was the dominant industry in the 12th to 14th centuries, attested by the remains of dye-stuffs recovered from waterlogged pits. The excavated remains are augmented by documentary and historical research.

Cotswold Archaeology • 9780993454516 Hardback • 79 illus. • 204 pages • Available Now • £19.95

Cotswold Archaeology monograph

Twice-crossed River

Prehistoric and Palaeoenvironmental Investigations at Barleycroft Farm/Over, Cambridgeshire By Christopher Evans, Jonathan Tabor and Mark Vander Linden This is the first volume charting the Barleycroft Farm/Over investigations alongside the River Great Ouse at its junction with the fen. Crucial is the river’s palaeo-environmental history and, dotted with islands, a delta-like wet-landscape has been mapped. This is an important book, both for the scale of its excavations and palaeo-environmental studies, its comprehensive dating programmes and, particularly, its innovative methodologies. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research • 9781902937755 Hardback • 680 pages • Available Now • £40.00

The Archaeology of the Lower Ouse Valley

Living Near the Edge

Archaeological Investigations in the Western Cotswolds along the route of the Wormington to Sapperton Gas Pipeline, 2006-2010 By Jonathan Hart, Andrew Mudd, E.R. McSloy and Mark Brett Archaeological investigations carried out between 2006 and 2010 in advance of the construction of a gas pipeline in the Gloucestershire Cotswolds resulted in the investigation of eighteen new sites dating from the prehistoric to medieval periods. The discovery of Early Neolithic and Early Bronze Age pits suggested transitory occupation in early prehistoric times. Cotswold Archaeology • 9780993454509 Hardback • 149 illus. • 240 pages • Available Now • £21.95

Cotswold Archaeology monograph

Along Prehistoric Lines

Neolithic, Iron Age and Romano-British activity at the former MOD Headquarters, Durrington, Wiltshire By Steve Thompson and Andrew Powell An excavation in 2010–12 at the former Ministry of Defence Headquarters in Durrington, Wiltshire, revealed evidence spanning the post-glacial to the post-medieval periods. The significant discovery made during the excavation include a relatively deeply buried Late Glacial Allerød soil. This report describes the site, and places it in its local context. Reports on the finds, dating and environmental remains are also presented. Wessex Archaeology • 9781911137047 Paperback • 39 colour illus., b/w figures and 25 plates 130 pages • September 2016 • £15.00


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Wessex Archaeology Occasional Paper

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An Iron Age and Early Romano-British Settlement By Andrew Powell Excavations near a large Late Bronze Age ringwork at Queen Mary’s Hospital, Carshalton, in the London Borough of Sutton, revealed a settlement, including a roundhouse, a possible granary and a number of pits. Many of the pits contained deliberately deposited assemblages of animal bones, ceramics and metal objects. Sheep were the most common animal deposited closely followed by dog burials. Wessex Archaeology • 9781874350941 Paperback • 33 colour illus., b/w figs and 10 colour plates 125 pages • August 2016 • £15.00

Wessex Archaeology Occasional Paper

british archaeology

Queen Mary’s Hospital, Carshalton

A Roman Villa and Other Iron Age and Roman Discoveries

At Bredon’s Norton. Fiddington and Pamington along the Gloucester Security of Supply Pipeline By Tim Allen, Kate Brady and Stuart Foreman This report presents the results of archaeological investigations along the 17kmlong Gloucester Security of Supply Water Pipeline in the vicinity of Tewkesbury. The archaeological mitigation works were commissioned by Severn Trent Water; following evaluation of the whole route, three sites were chosen for excavation, at Fiddington and Pamington in Gloucestershire and at Bredon’s Norton in Worcestershire. Oxford Archaeology • 9780904220766 Paperback • 198 pages • Available Now • £15.00

Excavations at Milla Skerra, Sandwick Rythmns of Life on Iron Age Unst By Olivia Lelong

During the late 1st millennium BC, the island of Unst was home to well-established and connected farming and fishing communities. The Iron Age settlement at Milla Skerra was occupied for at least 500 years before it was covered with sand and abandoned. Thousands of artefacts reveal the everyday practices of those who lived in this windswept, remote island settlement.

Oxbow Books • 9781785703430 Hardback • b/w and colour illus. • 144 pages • 2017 • £25.00

NEOLITHIC STEPPING STONES E xc ava t i o n a n d S u r vey Wi t h i n t h e We ste r n S e aways o f B r i t a i n 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 1 4 EDITED BY DUNCAN GARROW & FRASER STURT

Neolithic Stepping Stones Excavation and survey within the western seaways of Britain, 2008-2014 Edited by Duncan Garrow and Fraser Sturt The ‘western seaways’ are an arc of sea extending from the Channel Islands, through the Isles of Scilly around to Orkney. This book’s primary focus is Early Neolithic settlement within the ‘western seaways’ – sites that offer significant insight into the character of the Mesolithic–Neolithic transition in this particular maritime zone.

Oxbow Books • 9781785703478 Paperback • b/w illus. • 192 pages • December 2016 • £38.00

autumn 2016

◆ www.oxbowbooks.com ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249


greece & rome

Death as a Process

The Archaeology of the Roman Funeral Edited by John Pearce and Jake Weekes Draws on large-scale fieldwork from across Europe, methodological advances and conceptual innovations to explore new insights from analysis of the Roman dead.

Death as a Process The Archaeology of the Roman Funeral Edited by John Pearce and Jake Weekes

The study of funerary practice has become one of the most exciting and rapidly developing areas of Roman archaeology. This volume draws on large-scale fieldwork from across Europe, methodological advances and conceptual innovations to explore new insights from analysis of the Roman dead, concerning both the rituals which saw them to their tombs and the communities who buried them. In particular the volume seeks to establish how the ritual sequence, from laying out the dead to the pyre and tomb, and from placing the dead in the earth to the return of the living to commemorate them, may be studied from archaeological evidence.

Oxbow Books • 9781785703232 Paperback • b/w illus. • 272 pages • November 2016 • £38.00

Studies in funerary Archaeology

Archaeology and Homeric Epic Archaeology


Archaeology and


Homeric Epic

Important new multi-disciplinary exploration of the relationship between the Homeric epics and archaeology employing a variety of interdisciplinary approaches. The relationship between the Homeric epics and archaeology has long suffered mixed fortunes, swinging between ‘fundamentalist’ attempts to use archaeology in order to demonstrate the essential historicity of the epics. Archaeology and the Homeric Epic concentrates less on historicity in favour of exploring a variety of other ways in which we can use a multi-disciplinary approach to help offer insights into the epics.

Homeric Epic Sue Sherratt and John Bennet SSAA 8

Edited by Sue Sherratt and John Bennet

Edited by

Sue Sherratt and John Bennet

Oxbow Books • 9781785702952 Paperback • b/w illus. • 176 pages • October 2016 • £36.00


+44 (0) 1865 241249

Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology

◆ www.oxbowbooks.com ◆ autumn 2016

Edited by Toni Naco del Hoyo, Roger Riera and Daniel Gómez-Castro Chapters seek to explore the meaning of catastrophes and topics such as collateral damage in war, earthquake recovery and breakdown of interstate relations. For millennia catastrophes, whether those caused by nature, or by human violence, have impacted on historical societies. This volume deals with the actual meaning of catastrophes for the ancients, as well as how distorted our view of the remote past may be when applying modern terminology such as ‘humanitarian crises’ to events in the ancient world. The following chapters seek to explore such topics as collateral damage in war, earthquake recovery, breakdown of interstate relations, deportation, and postwar policies implemented on defeated societies.

greece & rome

Ancient Disasters and Crisis Management in Classical Antiquity

Akanthina • 9788375312171 Hardback • 164 pages • Available Now • £35.00

Ancient Historiography on War and Empire Edited by Timothy Howe, Sabine Müller and Richard Stoneman Combines historial and literary evidence to explore context of history-writing in the ancient world and its focus on war and empire. In the ancient Greek-speaking world, writing about the past meant balancing the reporting of facts with shaping and guiding the political interests and behaviours of the present. This book shows the ways in which the literary genre of writing history developed to guide empires through their wars. Taking key events from various ‘empires’, the essays analyse the way events and the accounts of those events interact.

Oxbow Books • 9781785702990 Hardback • b/w and colour illus. • 304 pages • October 2016 • £48.00

Small Finds and Ancient Social Practices in the Northwest Provinces of the Roman Empire Edited by Stefanie Hoss and Alissa Whitmore Uses the analysis of ‘everyday’ objects to reconstruct social lives and practices in the Roman Northwest provinces. Small finds – the stuff of everyday life – offer archaeologists a glimpse into the material lives of the ancient Romans. These objects hold great promise for unravelling the ins and outs of daily life, especially for the social groups, activities, and regions for which few written sources exist. These 12 papers use small finds to reconstruct social lives and practices in the Roman Northwest provinces.

Oxbow Books • 9781785702563 Paperback • b/w and colour illus. • 200 pages • August 2016 • £38.00

autumn 2016

◆ www.oxbowbooks.com ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249


greece & rome

The Athenian Agora - Volume 37 Amphora Stamps from Thasos By Chavdar Tzochev

The excavations at the Athenian Agora, on the Pnyx hill, and on the north slope of the Acropolis, have yielded 721 stamped amphora fragments from the island of Thasos. The book covers four main topics: the Thasian system of stamping ceramic products; a study of the hands of the engravers who made the dies for stamping the amphorae and rooftiles; the chronology of the officials mentioned on the stamps; and the dynamics of trade with Thasian amphorae in Athens. American School of Classical Studies at Athens • 9780876612378 Hardback • 31 illus., 2 maps, 1 chart, 723 figs. • 256 pages • November 2016 • £104.00

Athenian Agora

The Athenian Agora - Volume 38 Votive Reliefs By Carol L. Lawton

This volume includes all of the Classical, Hellenistic, and Roman votive reliefs found to date in the excavations of the Athenian Agora. A large part of the study is devoted to discussion of the original contexts of the reliefs, in an attempt to determine their relationship to shrines in the vicinity and to investigate what they can tell us about the character of religious activity in the vicinity of the Agora.

American School of Classical Studies at Athens • 9780876612385 Hardback • 12 color figs., 3 plans, 70 plates • 240 pages • December 2016 • £104.00

Athenian Agora

TRAC 2015

Proceedings of the 25th annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference

Edited by Matthew J. Mandich, Thomas J. Derrick, Sergio Gonzalez Sanchez, Giacomo Savani and Eleonora Zampieri The 2015 TRAC proceedings feature a selection of 14 papers summing up some of the key sessions presented at the conference held at the University of Leicester in March 2015. As this conference marked the 25th anniversary of TRAC, the volume opens with a preface commemorating the last 25 years with an eye toward the future direction of both conference and community. Oxbow Books • 9781785702877 Paperback • b/w illus. • 210 pages • Available Now • £35.00

Rome aan de Noordzee

Burgers en barbaren te Velsen By Arjen V.A.J. Bosman This book tells the story of the Romans in Velsen. What did they do here? What did they build and what remains in the ground today? Why was the Rhine to be the border of the Empire and what happened to the Frisians after the Romans left? This richly illustrated book presents a full overview of the Roman history of Velsen.

Sidestone Press • 9789088903632 Hardback • 200 full colour and 50 b/w illus. • 136 pages • Available Now • £35.00


+44 (0) 1865 241249

Text in dutch

◆ www.oxbowbooks.com ◆ autumn 2016


Edited with an introduction, translation and commentary by Chistopher Collard and James Morwood First English edition with commentary on one of Euripides’ finest texts for 125 years

Iphigenia at Aulis

Euripides died before completing this late masterpiece. Over the centuries other hands have contributed to the text we now have but even so for the most part it shows Euripides at his finest. After Agamemnon has discovered that the Trojan War can only be fought if he sacrifices his daughter Iphigenia, we witness the break-down of the most dysfunctional family in Greek mythology. The characters are expressively and movingly etched; their confrontations are charted with unsurpassed dramatic power; their shifts and changes can take the breath away, especially Iphigenia’s transformation from desperate pleading to a heroic acceptance of her tragic destiny.

Christopher Collard & James Morwood



aris & phillips

Euripides: Iphigenia at Aulis

Iphigenia at Aulis


Christopher Collard & James Morwood

Aris & Phillips • 9781911226468 | 9781911226475 Hardback | Paperback • 170 + 480 pages • August 2016 • £80.00 | £39.99

aris & phillips classical texts

The Art of Being a Tiger


Poems by Ana Luísa Amaral By Ana Luísa Amaral Translated by Margaret Jull Costa and edited by Paulo de Medeiros This is the first major collection of Ana Luísa Amaral’s poems to be published in English.

Ana Luísa Amaral


Margaret Jull Costa

& Paulo de Medeiros


Ana Luísa Amaral is considered to be one of the foremost Portuguese poets of her day. Her poems are resolutely female, but she casts her net very wide in terms of subject matter, from tender poems about her daughter to thoughts provoked by the theory of relativity and the larger themes of loneliness, loss, and death. The result is a poetry that takes equal pleasure in the physical and metaphysical, playing with words and ideas, a poetry that is always refreshingly oblique, taking the reader down unexpected intellectual and linguistic paths.


Margaret Jull Costa & Paulo de Medeiros

Aris & Phillips • 9781911226413 | 9781911226420 Hardback | Paperback • 178 pages • Available Now • £40.00 | £15.00

autumn 2016

aris & phillips hispanic classics

◆ www.oxbowbooks.com ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249


anglo-saxon & viking

Beasts, Birds and Gods

Interpreting the Staffordshire Hoard By Chris Fern and George Speake This booklet explores the awe inspiring artistry and craftsmanship of the Staffordshire Hoard. The Staffordshire Hoard is an extraordinary collection of Anglo-Saxon artefacts, of gold, silver and precious garnets, probably stripped from the armour and religious talismans of armies in 7th century England. This book is an introduction to this art by experts working on the hoard, through a selection of key objects, exploring its zoo of creatures and their meaning. They represent the symbols of a pagan warrior aristocracy, at a time of great change with the coming of the new religion, Christianity. West Midlands History • 9781905036202 Paperback • 40 pages • Available Now • £6.00

Saxon Gold

Hunting for History By Cathy Shingler Beautifully illustrated colour pages Saxon Gold tells the story of the Staffordshire Hoard, the amazing collection of Anglo-Saxon gold and silver treasure dug up in a farmer’s field. The treasure is full of secret stories about the ancient world of the Anglo-Saxons. A team of enthusiastic experts are using science and archaeology to find out its secrets. We go behind the scenes at the museum to meet the team and find out all about the treasure and the Saxons who buried it.

West Midlands History • 9781905036271 Paperback • 32 pages • Available Now • £4.99

Viking Age War Fleets

Shipbuilding, resource management and maritime warfare in 11th-century Denmark By Morten Ravn This book examines the building and use of ships for warfare in 11th century Denmark. The military operations of Scandinavian societies in the Viking Age depended on their ships. Different types of ships were used in order to transport troops and war supplies. This book examines the building and use of ships for warfare in 11th century Denmark. The subjects are addressed through detailed analyses of aspects such as resources, organisational structures and naval warfare. The outcomes are a more informed understanding of 11th century Scandinavian military organisation, shipbuilding and resource management.

Viking Ship Museum • 9788785180728 Hardback • 80 illus. • 250 pages • September 2016 • £45.00


+44 (0) 1865 241249

Maritime Culture of the North

◆ www.oxbowbooks.com ◆ autumn 2016

Cumbria, Dumfriesshire & Wigtownshire By Guy Points

The contents, including illustrations and photographs, all meticulously checked on site, are drawn from the author’s extensive research and travels over many years. Guy Points’ books are for those who wish to learn more about Anglo-Saxon church architecture, Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Scandinavian stone sculpture. Intended for the student and non-specialist alike, it bridges the divide between an academic approach and that of the interested general public. The aim is to provide an informed introduction to the subjects so that the reader will be able to confidently recognise Anglo-Saxon church architectural features and Anglo-Saxon / Anglo-Scandinavian stone sculpture.

anglo-saxon & viking

A Gazetteer of Anglo-Saxon, AngloScandinavian & Hiberno-Norse Sites

Guy Points • 9780955767999 Paperback • 36 colour photographs • 216 pages • Available Now • £16.95

A Gazetteer of Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Scandinavian Sites Lincolnshire By Guy Points Precisely located and described, including measurements and descriptions of decoration where appropriate. This Gazetteer aims to be a comprehensive guide to places, artefacts and material of Anglo-Saxon and AngloScandinavian stone interest in Lincolnshire. Part 1 provides background material to put the Anglo-Saxons and AngloScandinavians into their historical context. Part 2 identifies 117 “sites” with the aim of enabling the reader to know exactly what they are looking for and where exactly to find it: there is a site index.

Guy Points • 9780993033940 Paperback • 31 b/w illus. • 220 pages • Available Now • £16.95

autumn 2016

◆ www.oxbowbooks.com ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249


anglo-saxon & viking

Bronze Age Barrow, Early to Middle Iron Age Settlement and Burials and Early Anglo-Saxon Settlement at Harston Mill, Cambridgeshire By Leonora O’Brien Examines the excavations at Harston, Cambs, conducted by Archaeological Solutions Ltd. A Bronze Age barrow was encircled by two concentric rings of posts in the early to middle Iron Age, and a single crouched inhumation was buried nearby. A small group of roundhouses and granaries was built on the clays c.100m from the river, and nearly 200 possible grain storage pits were dug on chalk deposits next to the river.

East Anglian Archaeology • 9780993247705 Paperback • 250 pages • Available Now • £25.00

East Anglian Archaeology

The Reykholt Church Excavations By Gudrun Sveinbjarnardóttir Reseach from an excavation of an 11th century church in Iceland. The excavations at Reykholt in Borgarfjörður, Western Iceland, are among the most extensive investigations at a historic site in the country in recent times. Reykholt became a chieftain’s and ecclesiastical centre shortly after it was established around AD 1000, and the church site, is the first of its kind to be subjected to a full excavation in Iceland. These investigations were included in a research plan drawn up in 1997 when, in the wake of the closure of the secondary school, which had been in operation at the site since c. 1930, a decision was made to undertake extensive archaeological investigations at the site.

University of Iceland Press • 9789935231116 Paperback • 140 illus. • 370 pages • July 2016 • £40.00

An Anglo-Saxon Cemetry at Collingbourne Ducis, Wiltshire By Kirsten Egging Dinwiddy and Nick Stoodley Informs on one of the largest samples of burial remains from AngloSaxon Wiltshire. Excavations at Collingbourne Ducis revealed almost the full extent of a late 5th–7th century cemetery first recorded in 1974, providing one of the largest samples of burial remains from Anglo-Saxon Wiltshire. The cemetery lies 200m to the north-east of a broadly contemporaneous settlement on lower lying ground next to the River Bourne.

Wessex Archaeology • 9781911137009 Paperback • 101 colour and b/w illus., 28 colour and b/w plates 230 pages • July 2016 • £25.00


+44 (0) 1865 241249

Wessex Archaeology Monograph

◆ www.oxbowbooks.com ◆ autumn 2016

The Middle English Digby and N-town in Translation By Colleen E. Donnelly This volume contains modern translations of plays performed during the late Middle Ages in England about the lives of the Virgin Mary and Mary. Reading these plays of the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene from the late Middle Ages, we gain an understanding of the history of the Marian and Magdalene traditions practiced in earlier centuries.


The Marys of Medieval Drama

Sidestone Press • 9789088903670 Paperback • 6 full colour illus. • 200 pages • Available Now • £35.00

Lived Experience in the Later Middle Ages

Studies of Bodiam and Other Elite Landscapes in South-Eastern England Edited by Matthew Johnson This volume sets out the work of a team from Northwestern University and the University of Southampton, in collaboration with the National Trust. Between 2010 and 2014, the group carried out topographical, geophysical and building survey at four different late medieval sites: Bodiam, Scotney, Knole and Ightham. This volume seeks to present this work and discuss its archaeological and historical importance.

The Highfield Press • 9780992633660 Paperback • 300 pages • August 2016 • £25.00

The Conventual Church of the Knights of Malta Splendour, History and Art of St John’s Co-Cathedral, Valletta By Cynthia De Giorgio

St John’s Co-Cathedral’s rich history and artistic heritage is due to the fact that, for over 200 years, it was the conventual church of the Order of St John of Jerusalem. This new edition retains most of the narrative of the 2010 edition however all photography now reflects the restoration project, which has brought out the splendour of the heritage gem.

Midsea Books • 9789993275374 Hardback • full colour illus. • 144 pages • Available Now • £30.00 edited by Eric Cambridge & Jane Hawkes

Crossing Boundaries

Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Art, Material Culture, Language and Literature of the Early Medieval World Edited by Eric Cambridge and Jane Hawkes

Crossing Boundaries Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Art, Material Culture, Language & Literature of the Early Medieval World

In this major collection, contributors transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries to offer new approaches to a number of themes ranging in time from late antiquity to the high Middle Ages. The main focus is on material culture, but also includes insights into the compositional techniques of Bede and the Beowulf-poet, and the strategies adopted by anonymous scribes to record information in unfamiliar languages.

Oxbow Books • 9781785703072 Hardback • b/w and colour illus. • 320 pages • October 2016 • £55.00

autumn 2016

◆ www.oxbowbooks.com ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249


egypt & Ancient near East

Dynamics of Production in the Ancient Near East Edited by Juan Carlos Moreno Garcia Considers key developments in monetarization, trade and resource management at the transition from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age. The 17 essays collected here analyse the economic transformations which affected the old dominant powers of the Late Bronze Age, their adaptation to a new economic environment, the emergence of new economic actors and the impact of these changes on very different social sectors and geographic areas, from small communities in the oases of the Egyptian Western Desert to densely populated urban areas in Mesopotamia.

Oxbow Books • 9781785702839 Paperback • b/w illus. • 368 pages • September 2016 • £45.00

Life and Death in Asia Minor in Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Times

Studies in Archaeology and Bioarchaeology Edited by J. Rasmus Brandt, Erika Hagelberg, Gro Bjørnstad and Sven Ahrens

LIFE & DEATH  i n a s i a m i n o r

Chapters designed to be used for teaching. This book combines contributions in both archaeology and bioarchaeology in Asia Minor in the period ca. 200 BC – AD 1300 for the first time. The archaeology topics are wide-ranging including death and territory, death and landscape perception, death and urban transformations from pagan to Christian topography, funerary rights, Jews, and Christians, inhumation and Early Byzantine cremations and use and reuse of tombs.

Edited by J Rasmus Brandt, Erika Hagelberg, Gro Bjornstad & Sven Ahrens

Oxbow Books • 9781785703591 Hardback • Studies in Funerary Archaeology • 432 pages • September 2016 • £65.00

The Tomb of Pharaoh’s Chancellor Senneferi at Thebes (TT99) Edited by Nigel Strudwick Reveals new insights into burial practices at the height of the 18th dynasty. This volume focuses on the use of the tomb complex during the New Kingdom. It begins with an account of Senneferi himself, looking at his career, his family and other monuments made in his name as far apart as Gebel Silsila in southern Egypt and the Sinai peninsula. This book presents the results of the detailed analysis of what at first sight appear to be unpromising finds and reveals new insights into burial practices at the height of the 18th dynasty.

Oxbow Books • 9781785703317 Hardback • b/w and colour illus. • 432 pages • September 2016 • £70.00


+44 (0) 1865 241249

◆ www.oxbowbooks.com ◆ autumn 2016

The Iron Age: Pottery, Objects and Conclusions By Stuart Blaylock Tille Höyük 3.2 is one of the few Iron Age sites to have been excavated on the River Euphrates between Malatya and Carchemish on the Turco-Syrian border. In this second volume the pottery and objects are presented, together with chapters on seals and plant remains, along with a concluding discussion of the material covered in both volumes.

British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara • 9781898249375 Hardback • 604 pages • Available Now • £60.00

Tille Höyük 3.1 + Tille Höyuk 3.2 (bundle) By Stuart Blaylock

egypt & Ancient near East

Tille Höyük 3.2

Tille Höyük 3.1 presents the structures and stratigraphy of the important Iron Age sequence at Tille Höyuek, a mound at a crossing of the Euphrates in eastern Turkey. Tille Höyük 3.2 is one of the few Iron Age sites to have been excavated on the River Euphrates between Malatya and Carchemish on the Turco-Syrian border, at a crossing point on the west bank of the Euphrates.

British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara • 9781898249405 Hardback • 828 pages • Available Now • £100.00

The statuettes and amulettes of Thonis-Heracleion By Sanda S. Heinz A catalogue and analysis of 329 Late and Ptolemaic period votive statuettes and amulets from Thonis-Heracleion a sunken city in Aboukir Bay . The material ranges from Egyptian-style bronzes to objects of lead, terracotta, faience and limestone. Some are represented in foreign style and attest to a small Hellenised community at the site.

Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology • 9781905905355 Hardback • September 2016 • £45.00

Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology

Ship 17: a Late Period Egyptian ship from Thonis-Heracleion By Alexander Belov A study of the construction, structure and identification of Ship 17, a Late Period baris-vessel discovered during underwater excavations at Thonis-Heracleion, a sunken city in Aboukir Bay. Ship 17 is placed within the traditions of naval architecture both in Egypt and the wider Mediterranean.

Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology • 9781905905362 Hardback • December 2016 • £45.00

autumn 2016

Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology

◆ www.oxbowbooks.com ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249


egypt & Ancient near East

Iran 53 Edited by Cameron A. Petrie and C. E. Bosworth The 53 volume of IRAN contains eight articles and one shorter notice, which focus mainly on ancient history, archaeological and architectural topics from the pre-historic period to the 12-13th centuries C.E.

British Institute of Persian Studies. • 5550129586 Paperback • 189 pages • Available Now • £35.00

Iran 54 Edited by Lloyd Ridgeon Volume 54.I of Iran is a special issue, dedicated to the memory of Iran Afshar. It focuses on the theme of Iran and the West.

British Institute of Persian Studies. • 5550138540 Paperback • 102 pages • Available Now • £35.00

Archaeological investigations in the Niah Caves, Sarawak, 1954-2004 Edited by Graeme Barker and Lucy Farr This book is the companion volume to Rainforest Foraging and Farming in Island Southeast Asia: the Archaeology of the Niah Caves, Sarawak. Together they present the results of new fieldwork in the caves and new studies of finds from earlier excavations, a project that has involved a team of over 70 archaeologists and geographers.

McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research • 9781902937601 Hardback • 592 pages • July 2016 • £65.00

McDonald Institute Monographs

Current Research in Egyptology 2015 Edited by Christelle Alvarez, Alto Belekdanian, Ann-Katrin Gill and Solene Klein These proceedings for CREXVI represent the wide-range of themes that were offered by delegates during the conference. Papers focus on the theme of travel in ancient Egypt from a wide range of perspectives such as concrete or abstract travels, travel in space and time, travel inside, to, or from Egypt, travel in literature, travel of beliefs and ideas or travel of objects.

Oxbow Books • 9781785703638 Paperback • 160 pages • Available Now • £38.00


+44 (0) 1865 241249

◆ www.oxbowbooks.com ◆ autumn 2016

Edited by John MacGinnis, Dick Wicke and Tina Greenfield This volume brings together the outcomes of key investigations from across the Assyrian empire. While the Assyrian imperial capital cities have long been the focus of archaeological exploration, only recently has the peripheral areas been subject of sustained research. This volume sets out to synthesise the results of this research. The provincial archaeology of the empire is presented in a new light, with studies of the archaeological imprint of Assyria in present-day Israel, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey.

McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research • 9781902937748 Hardback • 408 pages • Available Now • £80.00

egypt & Ancient near East

The Provincial Archaeology of the Assyrian Empire

Inside an Ancient Assyrian Palace

Looking at Austen Henry Layard’s Reconstruction By Ada Cohen and Steven E. Kangas This book will be of interest to scholars and students and others interested in the ancient world, nineteenth century art, and design and historical reconstruction. Inside an Ancient Assyrian Palace studies this influential image in depth, both at the time of its creation in London in the eventful year 1848 and in terms of its afterlife. A hidden inscription reveals unsuspected contributions by the renowned architect-designer Owen Jones and his colleague the architectEgyptologist Joseph Bonomi.

University Press of New England • 9781611689976 Paperback • 47 illus. (42 colour) • 112 pages • November 2016 • £21.00

Christians and Others in the Umayyad State Edited by Antoine Borrut and Fred M. Donner This new Oriental Institute series aims to publish a variety of scholarly works that offers a significant contribution to understanding the Near East between roughly 200 and 1000 CE. The papers in this first volume are derived from a conference entitled “Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians in the Umayyad State,”. The goal of the conference was to address a simple question: Just what role did non-Muslims play in the operations of the Umayyad state. The eight papers in this volume thus focus on non-Muslims who participated actively in the workings of the Umayyad government.

Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago • 9781614910312 Paperback • 214 pages • July 2016 • £19.50

autumn 2016

Late Antique and Medieval Islamic Near East

◆ www.oxbowbooks.com ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249


egypt & Ancient near East

There and Back Again - the Crossroads II Edited by Jana Mynářová, Pavel Onderka and Peter Pavuk The present volume contains 24 studies divided into four sections – Methods and Technologies, Egypt and the Aegean – the Iconography, Problems of the 2nd millennium BCE and Problems of the 1st millennium BCE. The volume presents proceedings of the second international conference dedited to the study of relations between Egypt, the Aegean, the Levant and the Sudan in the 2nd and 1st millenia BCE.

Czech Institute of Egyptology • 9788073085759 Hardback • 197 illus. • 556 pages • Available Now • £82.00

Sex and the Golden Goddess II By Hana Navratilova and Renata Landgràfovà Three major papyri with the love songs are reproduced on colour plates, shown together for the first time. Ancient Egyptian love songs have attracted and puzzled researchers ever since they were first read. The second volume of the Golden Goddess series includes papers concerning the aspects of the world of Egyptian literary texts, but also cultural history and sensibilities of the ancient civilization – themes addressed include Begriffsgeschichte, textual analysis, literary studies, as well as concerns of historical anthropology and of reconstructing ancient individual biographies.

Czech Institute of Egyptology • 9788073085865 Paperback • 52 colour illus. • 264 pages • Available Now • £26.50

Leatherwork from Elephantine (Aswan, Egypt)

Analysis and Catalogue of the Ancient Egyptian & Persian Leather Finds By André J. Veldmeijer Describes, illustrates and analyses the leather finds from the excavations at Elephantine island (Aswan, Egypt). Analyses the finds from the excavations at Elephantine island that are conducted by the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), in collaboration with the Swiss Institute for Architectural and Archaeological Research on Ancient Egypt (SI). The majority of the finds are dated to periods well after the pharaonic era (4th century AD onwards), save for a few finds from the New Kingdom and the Middle Kingdom. The majority of finds are sandals and shoes.

Sidestone Press • 100 full colour and 100 b/w illus. 185 pages • December 2016


+44 (0) 1865 241249

Hardback • 9789088903793 • £210.00 9789088903717 • Paperback • £70.00

◆ www.oxbowbooks.com ◆ autumn 2016

By Arie Boomert “This book fills a long-standing gap in the history of Trinidad & Tobago, and the southern Caribbean more generally.” – Dr. Bridget Brereton This study relates the vicissitudes of the Amerindian peoples who lived or still inhabit the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, from the earliest occupants, to the present. Using archaeological, ethnohistorical and linguistic data, it discusses the social, political, economic, and religious development of indigenous society through the ages. The Amerindian struggle with European colonization is chronicled in detail, following centuries of independent existence during preColumbian times, as well as the survival of the current people of indigenous ancestry in the twin-island republic.

world history

The indigenous peoples of Trinidad and Tobago from the first settlers until today

Sidestone Press • 9789088903533 Paperback • 210 pages • Available Now • £45.00

Saba’s First Inhabitants

A story of 3300 years of Amerindian occupation prior to European contact (1800 BC - AD 1492) By Corinne L. Hofman and Menno L.P. Hoogland This book is based on archaeological research conducted by Leiden University in collaboration with the government and people of Saba This book tells the story of the indigenous inhabitants of the Caribbean island of Saba prior to European colonisation. The exceptional character of Saba with its diverse vegetation, attracted Amerindian communities from the prime episode of human occupation of the insular Caribbean. The Amerindians on Saba maintained extensive relationships with communities on neighbouring islands. The artefacts which have been found on Saba show these connections.

Sidestone Press • 9789088903595 Paperback • 100 full colour illus. • 112 pages • Available Now • £20.00

Some Friends Came to See Us

Lord Moyne’s 1936 Expedition to the Asmat By Nick Stanley The photographs in this book provide a unique account of indigenous Asmat life and culture immediately prior to colonisation. Lord Moyne was an Anglo-Irish politician, businessman and explorer. Unlike previous explorers of New Guinea, Lord Moyne was able to make sustained contact with several villages, bartering for objects that included shields and other carvings. Many of these objects were brought back to the British Museum as a means to address the severe lack of representation of South Papuan art in the collection. A series of photographs provide a unique account of indigenous Asmat life and culture at the time immediately prior to colonisation.

British Museum Press • 9780861592067 Paperback • 100 illus. • 90 pages • July 2016 • £30.00

autumn 2016

British Museum Research Publication series

◆ www.oxbowbooks.com ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249


world history

Eurasian Prehistory

Volume 12 Edited by O. Bar-Yosef, J. K. Kozlowski and A. Belfer-Cohen This journal is endorsed by the American School of Prehistoric Research and the Institute of Archaeology at Jagiellonian University in Poland. Its aim is to publish lengthy site reports with many illustrations and other data-based articles on aspects of the paleolithic and neolithic of Eurasia.

Peabody Museum Publications • 9788394246921 Paperback • 130 pages • Available Now • £16.00

Approvisionner Cayenne sous l’Ancien Régime Archéologie et histoire des réseaux commerciaux By Catherine Losier

Documents commercial networks of French Guiana during the Ancien Régime. The analysis of archaeological collections from six plantation sites and the official correspondence of colonial authorities between 1688 and 1794, provides new insights into the commercial organisation and external links associated with this colony, located on the margin of the circum-Caribbean world. It also discusses the globalisation and interdependency between Europe and the colonies. Sidestone Press • 9789088903571 Paperback • 26 b/w and 28 full colour illus. • 272 pages • Available Now • £50.00

Taboui – text in french

De Africa Romaque

Merging cultures across North Africa Edited by Niccolo Mugnai, Julia Nikolaus and Nick Ray When the Roman Empire progressively expanded its influence over the North African continent, it encountered a very heterogeneous mix of peoples with a long and diverse history. This collection of papers from the conference De Africa Romaque: Merging Cultures Across North Africa (Leicester, 2013), explores the mutual relationships between North African societies and Rome within this context.

Society for Libyan Studies • 9781900971331 Paperback • 250 pages • December 2016 • £30.00

The 1820 Russian Survey of the Khanate of Shirvan

A Primary Source on the Demography and Economy of an Iranian Province prior to its Annexation by Russia By George A. Bournoutian Translation and analysis of a rare Russian survey of the khanate of Shirvan, after its annexation by Russia in 1820. In 1820, when under pressure from Russia, the khan fled to Iran, and Shirvan was immediately annexed. In order to enumerate the population, a survey was ordered to be conducted. The Description of the Shirvan Province was published in 1867. The present work is a translation of the original survey. Gibb Memorial Trust • 9781909724808 Hardback • 4 illus. • 288 pages • August 2016 • £45.00


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Relics and Reliquaries in Malta, 1600–1798 By Edgar Vella The volume is profusely illustrated with splendid photographs which have been purposely taken by master-photographer Joe. P. Borg. The book discusses for the first time the rich tradition of relic veneration in Malta. It looks closely at the period between 1600, with the early documented translation of relics, and 1798, the end of the Knights’ period which has contributed greatly in the divulgation of the cult and veneration of relics. The author approaches the theme holistically, discussing not only their religious origins and significance but also the artistic value of the containers themselves.

world history

Treasures of Faith

Midsea Books • 9789993275626 Hardback • Colour photographs throughout • 240 pages • Available Now • £53.00


The Art of an Early Buddhist Monument in Context Edited by Akira Shimada and Michael Willis The papers in this book emerged from a conference at the British Museum held in September 2014 These papers from a British Museum conference brought leading specialists together to address aspects of Amaravati and its sculpture. Subjects covered in this volume include the rediscovery of the stūpa at the end of the 18th century as well as its recreation in the 21st century. The art of Amaravati is placed in the context of other sites and remains from the Andhra region which, despite its importance, has been relatively neglected in the study of the religious and visual cultures of South Asia.

British Museum Research Publication series

British Museum Press • 9780861592074 Paperback • 170 illus. • 152 pages • October 2016 • £40.00

Resistance at the Edge of Empires

The Archaeology and History of the Bannu Basin (Pakistan) from 1000 BC to AD 1200 By C.A. Petrie and P. Magee Provides specific insight into early imperialism in South Asia. This third volume present the final reports of the exploration and excavations carried out by the Bannu Archaeological Project (1985-2001) in Pakistan. It presents the first synthesis of the archaeology of the historic periods in the Bannu region, spanning the period when the first large scale empires expanded to the borders of South Asia up until the arrival of Islam in the subcontinent at the end of the first and beginning of the second millennium BC. The Bannu region provides specific insight into early imperialism in South Asia, as throughout this protracted period, it was able to maintain a distinctive regional identity in the face of recurring phases of imperial expansion and integration.

Oxbow Books • 9781785703034 Hardback • b/w illus. • 416 pages • December 2016 • £30.00

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bannu Archaeological Project

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world history

Battlespace 1865



Archaeology of the Landscapes, Strategies, and Tactics of the North Platte Campaign, Nebraska By Douglas Scott, Peter Bleed and Amanda Renner

Battlespace 1865

Combines battlefield archaeology methods and results with historical data and personal accounts of a significant campaign of the American Civil War and onset of the Indian wars.

Archaeology of the Landscapes, Strategies, and Tactics of the North Platte Campaign, Nebraska

Douglas Scott, Peter Bleed and Amanda Renner

First examination of the significant North Platte campaign of the US Civil and Indian wars. This study draws on techniques of battlefield archaeology, focusing on the concept of ‘battlespace’ and the recovery, distribution and analysis of artefacts and weaponry, as well as theoretical consideration of the strategic thinking of the combatants. It applies a landscape approach to the archaeological study of war and reveals an overlooked phase of the American Civil War and the opening of the Indian Wars.

Douglas Scott, Peter Bleed and Amanda Renner Oxbow Books • 9781785703393 Paperback • b/w and colour illus. • 144 pages • October 2016 • £38.00

Ancient Effigy Mound Landscapes of Upper Midwestern North America


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American Landscapes

Ancient Effigy Mound Landscapes of Upper Midwestern North America

By Robert A. Birmingham First comprehensive overview of the effigy mound phenomenon of the Upper Midwest of North America c 700–1100 CE

Robert A. Birmingham

This book provides an overview of the effigy mound phenomenon of the Upper Midwest centred on southern Wisconsin. It documents the nature of these unique landscapes, describing the use of topography and natural features to create the ceremonial landscapes, and provides the interpretation that these were living landscapes in which ancestral animals and supernatural beings were ritually brought back to life at places where the spirits are best evoked in a continuous cycle of death and rebirth of the earth and its people.

Robert A. Birmingham Oxbow Books • 9781785700873 Paperback • 240 pages • September 2016 • £38.00


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American Landscapes

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