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Oxbow Books Spring 2014 Catalog
New Books and Selected Backlist
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Oxbow Books and Windgather Press New Books and Selected Backlist Catalog—Spring 2014
Welcome to the first Oxbow Books catalog specially produced for the US market, which showcases new titles up to August 2014, and also includes a selected backlist of Oxbow and Windgather Press titles.
There are many highlights to pick out in the Oxbow list; Dictionary of Classical Mythology (page 19) is a superb compendium of information on Greek and Roman legends, brought vividly to life by beautiful line-drawings of vase-paintings. A Maritime Archaeology of Ships (page 10) is a highly original study that looks at the social practice behind ship-building and its impact on technological innovation. Constantinople: Archaeology of a Byzantine Megapolis (page 20) is a unique record of the archaeology of the inter-mural area of the historic city, a zone which comprises over half of the walled area, but which is little known. With its artifacts and monuments constantly being damaged, destroyed by development or looted, this report will be of great importance to archaeologists and historians. Not to mention Bosworth 1485 which sets out the detailed research that re-located the battlefield of Bosworth, and Celtic Art in Europe (page 20), a benchmark publication by pre-eminent specialists in 37 papers. Oxbow’s imprint Windgather Press publishes books on landscape history and archaeology, including garden history. In 2014 we are delighted to be publishing a biography of Laurence Johnston and Edith Wharton which views their gardens and their influential work including the world famous Hidcote through the lens of their friendship. An Author and A Gardener by Allan Ruff (page 42) will be published in July 2014.
We are also delighted to be including the first announcement in this catalog of a new Oxbow series: American Landscapes. This beautifully illustrated series will explore the landscape history of the North American continent, presenting accessible overviews of the latest research from archaeology, anthropology and historical studies. The first volumes launching in late 2014, will explore the Hopewell Ceremonial Landscapes of Ohio and the Ancient Effigy Mounds of the Upper Midwest. Future volumes include the archaeology of the North Platte Campaign, Nebraska and Mississippian rock art. Finally, we are always pleased to look at proposals for new publications, or to discuss a project prior to a proposal being submitted. Guidelines for submitting proposals are on our website. Queries or proposals should be directed to me—clare@oxbowbooks.com—so do come and join our substantial and ever-growing list. With best wishes
Clare Litt Publishing Director
Table of Contents
● ArchAeologicAl Method & theory ● lAndscApe Archeology ● textiles ArchAeology ● MAritiMe ArchAeology ● ZooArchAeology / Anthropology ● Ancient egypt ● Ancient neAr eAst ● AsiAn ArchAeology / AfricAn ArchAeology ● greece & roMe ● lAte Antiquity ● Anglo sAxon, Viking & eArly MedieVAl europe ● MedieVAl europe ● prehistory –british ● prehistory –europeAn ● british ArchAeology ● oxboW books selected bAcklist ● WindgAther press neW books ● WindgAther press selected bAcklist
3–6 7 8–9 10 11 12 13–16 17 18–19 20 20–21 22–23 24–25 26–27 27–29 30–39 40–42 43–45
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Archaeological Method & Theory
AniMAl secondAry products
Archaeological perspectives on domestic Animal exploitation in the neolithic and bronze Age Haskel J. Greenfield
Animal Secondary Products investigates animal exploitation and the animal economy from the end of the Neolithic to the beginning of the Bronze Age in the Near East and Europe. Incorporating current zooarchaeologial theory and cuttingedge methodological developments, it critically assesses Andrew Sherratt’s highly influential concept of a Secondary Products Revolution.
The model presented here argues for a genuine shift in development with a combination of both primary (meat hide, bone) and secondary (milk, wool, traction) products. It conceptualizes changes between the Neolithic and Bronze Age that dramatically transformed the nature of animal exploitation strategies, cultivation practices, land management strategies, nature of settlement, and political and economic organization in Europe. The 13 papers present a holistic discussion of Sherratt’s concept and investigate theoretical developments in our understanding of milking and the nature of Secondary Products, as well as examining contextualized zooarchaeological analysis and harvest profiles from a wide geographical range of sites.
froM these bAre bones
9781782974017, $130.00, May 2014, Hardback, 256 pages, Oxbow Books
raw Materials and Worked osseous objects Sonia O’Connor & Alice Choyke
A fundamental component of the study of worked osseous objects is the identification of the raw materials chosen to make them. In archaeological contexts many objects become degraded to the point where identification is very difficult and the way in which these materials decay during burial and upon excavation can vary greatly. Correct identification is crucial to the investigation of objects, their conservation and future curation. Above all, understanding raw material selection aids our understanding of human-animal interaction in the past both on pragmatic and symbolic levels since the choices made by artisans vary by cultural tradition as well as availability.
The 20 papers presented here explore a wealth of information pertaining to the use of osseous materials over the long period of human craftsmanship and tool manufacture. Together, these papers emphasize the need for confident and correct materials identification and demonstrate that functionality is by no means the only, nor necessarily the most important, factor in the selection of osseous raw materials for the fabrication of tools and other cultural objects
locAting the sAcred
9781782972112, $75.00, January 2014, Paperback, 256 pages, Oxbow Books
theoretical Approaches to the emplacement of religion Cecelia Feldman & Claudia Moser
Ritual happens in distinct places–in temples, in caves, along pilgrimage routes– and religious activities there incorporate a diverse set of objects such as holy water, cult statues, and sacred texts.
Understanding religious ritual requires viewing it not as a disembodied event, but as emplaced, grounded in both built and natural surroundings, and integrated with its associated material objects. Here authors examine various religious practices in the Greco-Roman world and pilgrimage routes in contemporary Israel. Other contributions focus on the East, on domestic religion in prehistoric Taiwan, and the palimpsest of ritual activity in Buddhist China.
The papers in this volume, with their disciplinary, geographic, and chronological diversity, will serve as a resource for theoretical approaches to the study of ritual practice that may have broad cross-cultural application and provide new insight into the relationship between ritual and place. The volume is based on a conference held at Brown University.
9781782976165, $50.00, February 2014, Paperback, 144 pages, Oxbow/Joukowsky Institute Publication, Oxbow Books
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Archaeological Method & Theory cAring for digitAl dAtA in ArchAeology
A guide to good practice
The Archaeology Data Service and Digital Antiquity
A wide variety of organizations are both creating and retaining digital data from archaeological projects. While current methods for preservation and access to data vary widely, nearly all of these organizations agree that careful management of digital archaeological resources is an important aspect of responsible archaeological stewardship. The Archaeology Data Service and Digital Antiquity have produced this guide to provide information on the best way to create, manage, and document digital data files produced during the course of an archaeological project. This guide aims to improve the practice of depositing and preserving digital information safely within an archive for future use. The accompanying online Guides to Good Practice take these elements further and address the preservation of data resulting from common data collection, processing and analysis techniques. 9781782972495, $30.00, Recently Published, Paperback, 122 pages, ADS Guides, Oxbow Books
the ArchAeology of household
Marco Madella, Gabriella Kovacs, B. Berzsenyi & Ivan Briz i. Godino
From the simplest huntergatherer society to the most powerful Empire, all societies are built on basic daily life, developed day to day with its specific material conditions. Household archaeology looks at the detail of the living domain, exploring the most essential elements of any social dynamic, the archaeology of the small scale. The Archaeology of Household looks at this important aspect of archaeological investigation in a variety of different ways using a range of theoretical and methodological perspectives, deep thinking about the mathematical nature of household space, and how societies world view was reflected in domestic space. Case studies include hunter-gatherer societies in America, Neolithic and Bronze Age lakeside settlements in Switzerland and the Alpine region, Bronze Age sites in Hungary and northern Europe and Archaic period Sicily. 9781842175170, $100.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 248 pages, Oxbow Books
Archaeological Method & Theory experiMentAl ArchAeology And theory
recent Approaches to Archaeological hypotheses Frederick W. F. Foulds
This short collection of papers reflects the continued diversity of work that experimental archaeology is able to produce and demonstrate how experimentation can be integrated with theory to substantiate a variety of hypotheses, whether validating information gathered from classical sources or testing the inferences of more recent theoretical ideology. Experimentation should be viewed as a method of interlinking objective and humanistic approaches to understanding the material record by allowing researchers to explore the myriad hypotheses that are continually developed and expanded upon during the practicing of the archaeological discipline. Showing how techniques from varied schools of thought can be combined, this volume aims to set a new precedent for the role of experimentation in the future of archaeology. 9781842177662, $70.00, Recently Published, Paperback, 144 pages, Oxbow Books
Mobility, MeAning And trAnsforMAtions of things
shifting contexts of Material culture through time and space Hans Peter Hahn & Hadas Weis
This book investigates the mobility of things from archaeological and anthropological perspectives. Material objects are characterized by temporal continuity, embodying a prior existence with lingering effects. Yet the material continuity disguises the transformations they may undergo, which only become evident upon closer examination. Objects are in perpetual flux, leaving visible traces of their age, usage, and previous life. While travelling through time, objects also circulate through space, and their spatial mobility alters their meaning and use with respect to new cultural horizons. This edited volume brings together studies of material culture, materiality and value, with regard to the mobility of objects, with the aim of tracing the ways in which societies constitute their valued objects and how the realm of the material reflects upon society. 9781842175255, $70.00, Recently Published, Paperback, 176 pages, Oxbow Books
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MAteriAlity And sociAl prActice
transformative capacities of intercultural encounters Joseph Maran & Philipp W. Stockhammer
Newly available in paperback, Materiality and Social Practice investigates the transformative potential arising from the interplay between material forms, social practices and intercultural relations. Such a focus necessitates an approach that takes a transcultural perspective as a fundamental methodology and, then a broader understanding of the inter-relationship between humans and objects.
Adopting a transcultural approach forces us to change archaeology’s approach towards items coming from the outside. By using them mostly for reconstructing systems of exchange or for chronology, archaeology has for a long time reduced them to their properties as objects and as being foreign. This volume explores the notion that the significance of such items does not derive from the transfer from one place to another as such but, rather, from the ways in which they were used and contextualized.
The main question is how, through their integration into discourses and practices, new frameworks of meaning were created conforming neither with what had existed in the receiving society nor in the area of origin of the objects.
Medicine, heAling & perforMAnce
9781782975410, $50.00, February 2014, Paperback, 224 pages, Oxbow Books
Effie Gemi-Iordanou, Stephen Gordon, Robert Matthew, Ellen McInnes & Rhiannon Pettitt
Whether it is the binding of shattered bones or the creation of herbal remedies, human agency is a central feature of the healing process. Both archaeological and anthropological research has contributed much to our understanding of the performative aspects of medicine.
The papers contained in this volume, based on a session conducted at the 2010 Theoretical Archaeology Conference, take a multi-disciplinary approach to the topic, addressing such issues as the cultural conception of disease; the impact of gender roles on healing strategies; the possibilities afforded by syncretism; the relationship between material culture and the body; and the role played by the active agency of the sick.
pAst bodies
9781782971580, $60.00, February 2014 Paperback, 176 pages, Oxbow Books
body-centered research in Archaeology Dusan Boric & John Robb
Archaeology often struggles in envisioning real people behind the world of material objects it studies. Such a fragmentation of past subjects and their bodies, if analytically necessary, is hardly satisfactory. While material culture is the main archaeological proxy to real people in the past, the absence of past bodies has been chronic in archaeological writings. At the same time, these past bodies in archaeology are omnipresent. Bodily matters are tangible in the archaeological record in a way most other theoretical centralities never appear to be. Ancient bodies surround us, in representations, in burials, in the remains of food preparation, cooking and consumption, in hands holding tools, in joint efforts of many individual bodies who built architecture and monuments. This collection of papers, available now in a paperback edition, is a reaction to decades of the body’s invisibility. It raises the body as the central topic in the study of past societies, researching its appearance in a wide variety of regional contexts and across vast spans of archaeological time. 9781782975427, $48.00, February 2014, Paperback, 160 pages, Oxbow Books
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Archaeological Method & Theory seeing lithics
A Middle-range theory for testing for cultural transmission in the pleistocene Gilbert B. Tostevin
There is substantial debate over the extent to which the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition and the dispersal of anatomically modern humans from Africa into Eurasia at the end of the Pleistocene were the result of the same process, related processes, or unrelated but coincident processes. The current debate shows a gap in archaeological method and theory for understanding how different cultural transmission processes create patterning in the material culture of foragers at the resolution of Paleolithic palimpsests. This research project attempts to bridge this gap with a middle-range theory connecting cultural transmission and dual inheritance theory with the archaeological study of flintknappers’ flake-by-flake choices in the production of lithic assemblages. Gilbert Tostevin is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus. He is an archaeologist who specializes in human evolution, lithic technology, and Paleolithic archaeology. He holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Harvard University. 9781842175279, $35.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 608 pages, American School of Prehistoric Research Monograph, Oxbow Books
geophysicAl dAtA in ArchAeology
A guide to good practice Armin Schmidt
This series is a basic guide to good practice in the creation, methodology, use and storage of geophysical data for archaeologists who increasingly use sophisticated methods for collecting and interpreting information. They are essential reference material for anyone interested in computer-assisted research and teaching in the arts and humanities.
9781782971443, $29.95, Paperback, 88 pages, Arts and Humanities Data Service Guides to Good Practice
shell energy
Mollusc shells as coastal resources G. N. Bailey, Karen Hardy & Abdoulaye Camara
Shell middens are ubiquitous achaeological features on coastlines throughout the world that have been variously analyzed and interpreted as mounds of food, burial places, or simply as convenient receptacles for the preservation of stratified remains. This volume brings together information about little known, or recently discovered, concentrations of shell mounds in areas including Africa, the near East, South-east Asia and the Americas as well as new work on mounds in the classic areas including Denmark, the Pacific NW coast and Japan. 9781842177655, $100.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 320 pages, Oxbow Books
interpreting ArchAeologicAl topogrAphy
lasers, 3d data, observation, Visualisation and Applications David C. Cowley & Rachel S. Opitz
This volume addresses the implications of multi-scaled topographic data for contemporary archaeological practice in a rapidly developing field, drawing on examples of ongoing projects and reflections on best practice. Twenty papers from across Europe explore the implications of these digital 3D datasets for the recording and interpretation of archaeological topography, whether at the landscape, site or artifact scale. 9781842175163, $80.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 288 pages, Oxbow Books
re-presenting the pAst
Archaeology through text and image Sheila Bonde & Stephen Houston
The archaeological past exists for us through intermediaries.
Some are written works, descriptions, narratives and field notes, while others are visual - the drawings, paintings, photographs, powerpoints or computer visualizations that allow us to re-present past forms of human existence.
This volume brings together nine papers, six of which were presented at a symposium hosted at Brown University in March 2007. 9781782972310, $40.00, Paperback, 215 pages, Joukowsky Institute Publications, Oxbow Books
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Landscape Archaeology AgriculturAl And pAstorAl lAndscApes in pre-industriAl society
choices, stability and change
Fèlix Retamero, Inge Schjellerup & Althea Davies
Through a series of case studies, this third volume in the Earth Series deals with the technological constraints and innovations that enabled societies to survive and thrive across a range of environmental conditions. The contributions are structured into three sections to draw out particular commonalities and contrasts in the choices made by pre-industrial communities in the construction of varied landscapes and cultural heritage: Landnam, Fields and field systems and Agro-pastoralism. The contributions focus on mountainous areas, where temporary migrations, in the form of transhumance, provided access to a diversity of resources based around seasonal constraints on their availability and productivity. 9781842173596, $80.00, July 2014, Hardback, 280 pages, Earth Series, Oxbow Books
Modelling ArchAeology And pAlAeoenVironMents in WetlAnds
the hidden landscape Archaeology of hatfield and thorne Moors, eastern england Henry P. Chapman
Modelling Hidden Landscapes details a different approach to the study of past patterns of environmental change within the broader framework of landscape archaeology. It utilizes a range of quantitative and qualitative methodologies and GIS modeling to investigate spatial and temporal patterns of Holocene landscape change for two raised mires in south Yorkshire: Hatfield and Thorne Moors. Whilst concerned with specific aspects of landscape evolution, such as peat growth and spread, the volume aims to illustrate the synergy which is generated through integrating spatial models with chronological modeling and stratigraphic, cartographic, topographical, environmental and archaeological information in order to better understand past landscapes, human activity and the archaeological record. 9781782971740, $60.00, February 2014, Hardback, 216 Pages, Oxbow Books
exploring And explAining diVersity in AgriculturAl technology
Annelou van Gijn, Patricia C. Anderson & John Whittaker
This volume is the outcome of collaborative European research among archaeologists, archaeobotanists, ethnographers, historians and agronomists, and frequently uses experiments in archaeology. It aims to establish new common ground for integrating different approaches and for viewing agriculture from the standpoint of the human actors involved. Each chapter provides an interdisciplinary overview of the skills used and the social context of the pursuit of agriculture, highlighting examples of tools, technologies and processes from land clearance to cereal processing and food preparation. This is the second of three volumes in the Earth Series, The dynamics of non-industrial agriculture: 8,000 years of resilience and innovation, which shows the great variety of agricultural practices in human terms, in their social, political, cultural and legal contexts. 9781842175156, $80.00, March 2014, Hardback, 304 pages, Earth Series, Oxbow Books
plAnts And people
choices and diversity through time Alexandre Chevalier, Elena Marinova & Leonor Pena-Chocarro
This is the first monograph in the Earth Series.
The dynamics of nonindustrial agriculture: 8,000 years of resilience and innovation, approaches the great variety of agricultural practices in human terms. It focuses on the relationship between plants and people, the complexity of agricultural processes and their organization within particular communities and societies. Collaborative European research among archaeologists, archaeobotanists, ethnographers, historians and agronomists using a broad analytical scale of investigation seeks to establish new common ground for integrating different approaches. By means of interdisciplinary examples, this book showcases the relationship between people and plants across wide ranging and diverse spatial and temporal milieus, including crop diversity, the use of wild foodstuffs, social context, status and choices of food plants. 9781842175149, $100.00, January 2014, Hardback, 432 pages, Earth Series, Oxbow Books
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Textiles Archaeology fAshionAble encounters
perspectives and trends in textile and dress in the early Modern nordic World Marie-Louise Nosch, Tove Engelhardt Mathiassen, Maj Ringgaard, Kirsten Toftegaard & Mikkel Venborg Pederson
At the heart of this anthology lies the world of fashion: a concept that pervades the realm of clothes and dress; appearances and fashionable manners; interior design; ideas and attitudes. Here sixteen papers focus on the Nordic world within the time frame AD 1500–1850. This was a period of rapid and far-reaching social, political and economic change, from feudal Europe through political revolution, industrialization, development of international trade, religious upheaval and technological innovation; changes impacting on every aspect of life and reflected in equally rapid and widespread changes in fashion at all levels of society.
These papers present a broad image of the theme of fashion as a concept and as an empirical manifestation in the Nordic countries in early modernity, exploring a variety of ways in which that world encountered fashionable impressions in clothing and related aspects of material culture from Europe, the Russian Empire, and far beyond. 9781782973829, $76.00, May 2014, Hardback, 256 pages, Ancient Textiles Series, Oxbow Books
textiles And the MedieVAl econoMy
production, trade, and consumption of textiles, 8th–16th centuries edited by Angela Ling Huang & Carsten Jahnke
Archaeologists and textile historians bring together 16 papers to investigate the production, trade and consumption of textiles in Scandinavia and across parts of northern and Mediterranean Europe throughout the medieval period.
Archaeological evidence is used to demonstrate the existence or otherwise of international trade and to examine the physical characteristics of textiles and their distribution in order to understand who was producing, using and trading them and what they were being used for.
Historical evidence, mainly textual, is employed to link textile names to places, numbers and prices and thus provide an appreciation of changing economics, patterns of distribution and the organisation of trade. Different types and qualities of cloths are discussed and the social implications of their production and import/export considered against a developing background of urbanism and increasing commercial wealth. 9781782976479, $70, July 2014. Hardback, 232 pages, Ancient Textiles Series 16, Oxbow Books
textile production And consuMption in the Ancient neAr eAst
Archaeology, epigraphy, iconography
Marie-Louise Nosch, Henriette Koefoed & Eva Andersson Strand,
In the past, textile production was a key part of all ancient societies. The Ancient Near East stands out in this respect with the overwhelming amount of documentation both in terms of raw materials, line of production, and the distribution of finished products.
The thirteen intriguing chapters in Textile Production and Consumption in the Ancient Near East describe the developments and changes from household to standardized, industrialized and centralized productions which take place in the region. They discuss the economic, social and cultural impact of textiles on ancient society through the application of textile tool studies, experimental testing, context studies and epigraphical as well as iconographical sources. Together they demonstrate that the textile industries, production, technology, consumption and innovations are crucial to, and therefore provide an in-depth view of ancient societies during this period. Geographically the contributions cover Anatolia, the Levant, Syria, the Assyrian heartland, Sumer, and Egypt. 9781842174890, $60.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 200 pages, Ancient Textiles Series, Oxbow Books
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Textiles Archaeology
Ancient textiles, Modern science
Heather Hopkins
This book is the publication of a series of lectures and experiments that were undertaken at the First and Second European Textile Forum in 2009 and 2010. Each had a new approach, exploring a question of textile manufacture in a scientific way, revealing answers and outcomes that were unavailable before. The First European Textile Forum hosted an experiment that found the relationship between archaeological hand spinning finds and the yarn they produce: only a meeting such as the Textilforum could generate sufficient data for analysis. This scientific approach reflects in contributions describing the reconstruction of tablet-woven artifacts, with explorations of the method of tablet weaving and a reassessment of archaeological finds and depictions.
The Second European Textile Forum explored the practical aspects of undertaking reconstructions such as Stone Age fabrics, Roman dyeing or the clothing of Gunnister Man, including the deconstruction of the original artifact, allowing for the unexpected and the implication of new findings. Techniques for treating raw materials, creating fabrics and finishing artifacts are explored. 9781842176641, $65.00, Recently Published, Paperback, pages, Oxbow Books
textile terMinologies in the Ancient neAr eAst And MediterrAneAn froM the third to the first MillennniA bc
Cécile Michel & Marie-Louise Nosch
New in paperback! Written sources from the ancient Near East and eastern Mediterranean, from the third to the first millennia BC, provide a wealth of terms for textiles. The twenty-two chapters in the present volume offer the first comprehensive survey of this important material, with special attention to evidence for significant interconnections in textile terminology among languages and cultures, across space and time For example, the Greek word for a long shirt, khiton, ki-to in Linear B, derives from a Semitic root, ktn. But the same root in Akkadian means linen, in Old Assyrian a garment made of wool, and perhaps cotton, in many modern languages. These and numerous other instances underscore the need for detailed studies of both individual cases and the common threads that link them. This example illustrates on the one hand how connected some textiles terms are across time and space, but it also shows how very carefully we must conduct the etymological and terminological enquiry with constantly changing semantics as the common thread. The survey of textile terminologies in twenty two chapters presented in this volume demonstrates the interconnections between languages and cultures via textiles. 9781782973911, $60.00, Recently Published, Paperback, 326 pages, Ancient Textiles Series, Oxbow Books
MAking textiles in pre-roMAn And roMAn tiMes
people, places, identities
Margarita Gleba & Judit Pásztókai-Szeke
While most textiles were manufactured at a household level, valued textiles in particular were traded over long-distances and this was influenced by raw material supply and costs, labor skills and costs as well as tradition. In the Mediterranean regions, the evidence for textile trade is especially abundant for the Roman times, well documented by the archaeological finds and written sources, which illustrate the typological and geographical diversity of textile commodities that circulated within and beyond the Roman Empire. They make it possible to identify regional products, to locate production centers and to obtain information on the organization and infrastructure of production and trade.
Papers in this volume approach the investigation of textile production and trade in the Roman Empire and beyond its borders by focusing in particular on the identity of the agents involved in these activities, i.e., textile producers, traders and consumers: who produced and distributed textiles and clothing?; how was production organized?; what was the social status of the agents involved and could it change during their working life?; how did their profession affect personal identity. 9781842177679, $60.00, December 2013, Hardback, 240 pages, Ancient Textiles Series, Oxbow Books
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Maritime Archaeology A MAritiMe ArchAeology of ships
innovation and social change in late Medieval and early Modern europe J. R. Adams
No longer a niche interest, maritime archaeology is recognized as having central relevance in the integrated study of the human past. Within maritime archaeology the study of watercraft has been understandably prominent and yet their potential is far from exhausted. In this book Jon Adams evaluates key episodes of technical change in the ways that ships were conceived, designed, built, used and disposed of. As technological puzzles they have long confounded explanation but when viewed in the context of the societies in which they were created, mysteries begin to dissolve. Shipbuilding is social practice and as one of the most complex artifacts made, changes in their technology provide a lens through which to view the ideologies, strategies and agency of social change. Adams argues that the harnessing of shipbuilding was one of the ways in which medieval society became modern and, while the primary case studies are historical, he also demonstrates that the relationships between ships and society have key implications for our understanding of prehistory in which seafaring and communication had similarly profound effects on the tide of human affairs. 9781842172971, $50.00, February 2014, Paperback, 160 pages, Oxbow Books
oceAns odyssey 3. the deep-seA tortugAs shipWreck, strAits of floridA
A Merchant Vessel from spain’s 1622 tierra firme fleet Greg Stemm & Sean A. Kingsley
In 1990 Seahawk Deep Ocean Technology of Tampa commenced the world’s first archaeological excavation of a deep-sea shipwreck south of the Tortugas Islands in the Straits of Florida. From a depth of 405 meters, 16,903 artifacts were recovered using a Remotely-Operated Vehicle.
The Buen Jesús y Nuestra Señora del Rosario was a small Portuguese-built and Spanish-operated merchant vessel from the 1622 Tierra Firme fleet returning to Seville from Venezuela’s Pearl Coast when a hurricane struck. Oceans Odyssey 3 introduces the shipwreck and its artifact collection—today owned and curated by Odyssey Marine Exploration – ranging from gold bars to pearls, ceramics, beads, glass wares, astrolabes, tortoiseshell and seeds, including detailed studies of the animal bones and silver coins. The Tortugas shipwreck reflects the daily life of trade with the Americas at the end of the Golden Age of Spain. 9781782971481, $39.95, Recently Published, Hardback, 201 pages, Odyssey Marine Exploration Reports, Oxbow Books
before the MAst
life and death Aboard the Mary rose Julie Gardiner
Before the Mast explores how the men of the Mary Rose lived, through their surviving possessions; how they were fed; their music and recreation, medicine and provision for illness and injury, as well as working practices: carpentry and maintenance, stowage, navigation and ship’s communications. The personal possessions of the crew included religious items, books, fishing lines and weights, sewing kits, money, hair combs, jewelry, knives, musical instruments and many items of clothing. The Barber-surgeon, who had his own cabin, brought on board a fine chest filled with canisters, bottles and pots of ointment and medicines, a variety of surgical instruments and a fine set of razors. Another cabin nearby was clearly occupied by the ship’s carpenters whose toolkit included planes, adzes, axes, hammers and drills, as well as pitch pots and special mallets for patching up leaks in the ship’s hull. The ship’s navigators had the best in sixteenth century compasses. The volume also includes an analysis of the human remains providing evidence for the stature and age range of the men most were under 30 their health, and injuries sustained. 9781842175040, $99.95, Recently Published, Hardback, 760 pages, Archaeology of the Mary Rose, Oxbow Books
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Zooarchaeology / Anthropology
shuffling nAgs, lAMe ducks
the Archaeology of Animal disease Erika Gal
The analysis of animal bone assemblages from archaeological sites provides much valuable data concerning economic and husbandry practices in the past, as well as insights into cultural and symbolic or ritual activity. Animal palaeopathology can identify diseases in archaeozoological assemblages but little interest has been expressed in investigating and understanding the cultural aspects of the diseases identified.
Shuffling Nags, Lame Ducks provides an invaluable guide to the investigation of trauma and disease in archaeozoological assemblages. It provides a clear methodological approach, and describes and explains the wide range of traumatic lesions, infections, diseases, inherited disorders and other pathological changes and anomalies that can be identified. In so doing, it explores the impact that man-made decisions have had on animals, including special aspects of culture that may be reflected in the treatment of diseased or injured animals that often incorporate powerful symbolic or religious roles, and seeks to enhance our understanding of the relationship between man and beast in the past. 9781782971894, $60.00, January 2014, Paperback, 264 Pages, Oxbow Books
Violence And ciViliZAtion
studies of social Violence in history and prehistory Roderick Campbell
This collection of essays begins with the premise that violence, in its relationship to order, is a central element of history.
Taking a broad definition of violence, including structural and symbolic violence, the contributions move beyond the problematic of civilization’s mitigating or foundational role, instead seeing violence as inherently social, and, perhaps, socially inherent (if variable). The question then becomes what forms of harm are authorized or banned in which social orders and how they change over time. Beginning with a theoretical introduction, this interdisciplinary volume includes seven papers representing cultural anthropology, history, archaeology and international relations. The papers range from China to the Americas and from the 2nd millennium BCE to the 21st century CE.
Together, the volume aims to paint, with a few strokes, the outlines of a deep historical anthropology of social violence. The volume is based on the proceedings of a symposium hosted at Brown University. 9781782976202, $50.00, February 2014, Paperback, 160 pages, Oxbow/Joukowsky Institute Publication, Oxbow Books
globAl Ancestors
understanding the shared humanity of our Ancestors
Jelena Bekvalac, Rebecca Redfern, Margaret Clegg & Heather Bonney
The last decade or so has witnessed around the globe increasing popular awareness of, and concern about, the long-term care and management of human remains. There have been significant shifts in many countries in both archaeological and museum practice, including legislative changes concerning excavation, curation and repatriation and the setting-up of professional bodies within the heritage and anthropology sectors responsible for the care and management of human remains in these sectors.
The papers in this volume examine professional practices in various parts of the world, the involvement of indigenous communities, questions of ethics of repatriation, the importance of the connections between past and present societies, the impacts of legislation and implications for archaeology.
9781842175330, $60.00, Recently Published, Paperback, 168 pages, Oxbow Books
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Ancient Egypt coptic docuMentAry texts froM kellis
Volume 2 p. kellis Vii Iain Gardner, Anthony Alcock & Wolf-Peter Funk
This is the second volume on fourth century Coptic documents written on papyri and boards, found in the ruins of houses at Kellis, the Roman predecessor of the village of Ismant el-Kharab in the Dakhleh Oasis. It is concerned with 75 letters and associated household accounts and lists, mostly from House 3. The documents are transcribed and translated with commentary.
Together, these two volumes break new ground in providing a unique insight into the social and economic relations of a sectarian group within a late antique village, and the opportunity to study that group’s interaction with other communities. They give voice to ordinary people and provide genuine insights into literacy and the role of women, communications and travel, multilingual society and normative forms of belief and practice. 9781782976516, $140, June 2014, Hardback, 320 pages, Dakhleh Oasis Project Monograph 16, Oxbow Books
current reseArch in egyptology 2012
proceedings of the thirteenth Annual symposium
Luke McGarrity, Carl Graves, Emily Millward, Marsia Sfakianou Bealby & Gabrielle Heffernan
The thirteenth Current Research in Egyptology (CRE) conference was held from the 27th–30th March 2012 at the University of Birmingham and once again provided a platform for postgraduates and early career Egyptologists, as well as independent researchers, to present their research. These proceedings for CREXIII represent the wide-range of themes that were offered by delegates during the conference, and cover all periods of Egyptian history; from Predynastic skeletal analysis through to Egyptology during the Islamic Middle Ages. These twelve papers include gender studies, analysis of Egyptian festivals, revisiting of chronological models, archaeological reanalysis of ancient landscapes, as well as social, historical and linguistic studies allowing a new appraisal of many aspects of Egyptian culture and history. 9781782971566, $76.00, Recently Published, Paperback, 170 Pages, Oxbow Books
Ancient Near East the eArliest neolithic of irAn
the oAsis pApers 6
2008 excavations at sheikh-e Abad and Jani
Colin A. Hope, Roger S. Bagnall & Paola Davoli
Over a period of several millennia, from the Late Pleistocene to the Early Holocene (c. 13,000-7000 BC), communities in south-west Asia developed from hunterforagers to villager-farmers, bringing fundamental changes in all aspects of life. These Neolithic developments took place over vast chronological and geographical scales, with considerable regional variability in specific trajectories of change.
proceedings of the sixth international conference of the dakhleh oasis project The Dakhleh Oasis Project is a long-term holistic investigation of the evolution of human populations in the changing environmental conditions of this isolated region in the Western Desert of Egypt. The Project began in 1978 and has combined survey and excavation to collect an extensive range of geological, environmental and archaeological data which covers the last 350,000 years of human occupation. This latest volume in the Monograph series publishing the results of the Project contains 41 papers with a wealth of new research and significant discoveries, from Prehistory, through Pharaonic and Roman times to the Christian period.
9781842175248, $180.00, Hardback, 512 pages, Dakhleh Oasis Project Monograph Series, Oxbow Books
rAdiocArbon And the chronologies of Ancient egypt
Andrew J. Shortland & C. Bronk Ramsey
This volume presents the findings of a major international project on the application of radiocarbon dating to the Egyptian historical chronology. Researchers from the Universities of Oxford and Cranfield in the UK, along with a team from France, Austria and Israel, radiocarbon dated more than 200 Egyptian objects made from plant material from museum collections from all over the world. The results comprise an accurate scientifically based chronology of the kings of ancient Egypt obtained by the radiocarbon analysis of short-lived plant remains.
The research sheds light on one of the most important periods of Egyptian history documenting the various rulers of Egypt’s Old, Middle and New Kingdoms. 9781842175224, $96.00, Recently Published, Paperback, 192 pages, Oxbow Books
To order call toll free 1 (800) 791-9354 or visit us online at casemateacademic.com/oxbow
Roger Matthews
Building on earlier campaigns of archaeological investigation, the current phase of the Central Zagros Archaeological Project is designed to explore these issues in one key region, the Zagros zone including central west Iran. Two Early Neolithic mounds were excavated: Sheikh-e Abad in the high Zagros and Jani, in the foothills of the Mesopotamian plains, each comprising up to 10 m depth of deposits indicating occupation spanning over 2000 years, and providing great scope for diachronic and spatial analyses. These two sites make major contributions to knowledge regarding the origins of sedentism and increasing resource management in Southwest Asia, and associated developments in social, cultural and ritual practices in this formative region of human cultural development. 9781782972235, $80.00, February 2014, Hardback, 224 Pages, CZAP Report 1, Oxbow Books
neolithisAtion of irAn
Roger Matthews
The period c. 10,000-5000 BC witnessed fundamental changes in the human condition with societies across the Fertile Crescent shifting their alignment from millennia-old practices of seasonally mobile hunting and foraging to year-round sedentism, plant cultivation and animal herding. The significant role of Iran in the early stages of this transition was recognized more than half a century ago but has not been to the fore of academic consciousness in recent decades. In the meantime, investigations into Neolithic transformation have proceeded apace in all other regions of the Fertile Crescent and beyond. Here, 18 studies attempt to redress that balance in reassessing the role of Iran in the early neolithization of human societies.
These studies, many of them by Iranian scholars, consider patterns of change and/or continuity across a variety of topographical landscapes; investigate Neolithic settlement patterns, the use of caves, animal exploitation and environmental indicators and present new insights into some well-known and some newly investigated sites. The results reaffirm the formative role of this region in the transition to sedentary farming.
9781782971900, $75.00, February 2014, Paperback, 272 Pages, British Association for Near Eastern Archaeology, Oxbow Books
Ancient irAn And its neighbours
local developments and long-range interactions in the 4th Millennium bc Cameron A. Petrie
The fourth millennium BC was a critical period of socio-economic and political transformation in the Iranian Plateau and its surrounding zones. This period witnessed the appearance of the world’s earliest urban centers, hierarchical administrative structures, and writing systems. These developments are indicative of significant changes in socio-political structures that have been interpreted as evidence for the rise of early states and the development of inter-regional trade, embedded in longer-term processes that began in the later fifth millennium BC. Iran was an important player in western Asia especially in the medium- to long-range trade in raw materials and finished items throughout this period. The 20 papers presented here illustrate forcefully how the re-evaluation of old excavation results, combined with much new research, has dramatically expanded our knowledge and understanding of local developments on the Iranian Plateau and of long-range interactions during the critical period of the fourth millennium BC. 9781782972273, $120.00, February 2014, Hardback, 400 Pages, The British Institute of Persian Studies Archaeological Monographs Series III, Oxbow Books
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Ancient Near East lAndscApe And interAction: troodos surVey Vol 1
Methodology, Analysis and interpretation
Michael Given, Vasiliki Kassianidou, A. Bernard Knapp, Jay Noller & Luke Sollars
The Troodos Mountains, in central Cyprus, is a region of great physical and cultural diversity. The landscapes range from fertile, cultivated plains to narrow, dry valleys and forested mountain regions and this physical topography is overlain a rich human cultural landscape of farming, mining, industry, settlement, burial and ritual behavior. Over six field seasons, a team of specialists and field walkers from the Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project (TAESP) investigated the northern edge of this region and explored the complex and dynamic relationship between landscape and people over 12,000 years. The results of their integrated and interpretative approach are presented here, in the first of two volumes. Beginning with a considered overview of the context, research aims and methodology of the project, Volume 1 provides detailed accounts of the archaeology, material culture, geography and environmental record of the entire survey area. This wealth of information is then bought together to produce a series of chronological and thematic analyses of the interaction between people and landscape in this region of Cyprus from the Prehistoric through to the Modern period. 9781782971870, $90.00, December 2013, Hardback, 400 pages, Levant Supplementary Series, Council for British Research in the Levant, Oxbow Books
lAndscApe And interAction, troodos surVey Vol 2
the tAesp landscape
Michael Given, Vasiliki Kassianidou, A. Bernard Knapp, Jay Noller & Luke Sollars,
The TAESP Landscape, the second of two volumes, presents an area-by-area analysis of the fieldwork and research undertaken by the Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project (TAESP) in the Troodos Mountains of Cyprus. Covering four regions of the survey area (The Plains, Karkotis Valley, Upper Lagoudhera Valley and The Mountains) the volume focuses on explicit research questions appropriate each region. Organized geographically, chronologically and thematically, each region is investigated from the Neolithic to the present day and, through ‘Intensive Survey Zones’ – selected to give a representative range of the physical and cultural terrain – many notable new discoveries are made. These include the pattern of Bronze Age Settlement in the Plains, Archaic rural sanctuaries and cemeteries, the scope of Late Roman copper-mining and isolated Medieval mountain settlements. The TAESP Landscape provides a fully integrated and data-rich analysis of the material from a wide range of contrasting archaeological perspectives. Taken together, these wide-ranging and interdisciplinary perspectives give a nuanced and sensitive approach to a strikingly multi-faceted landscape. 9781782971887, $76.00, December 2013, Hardback, 296 pages, Levant Supplementary Series, Council for British Research in the Levant, Oxbow Books
nishApur reVisited
stratigraphy and ceramics of the qohandez Rocco Rante & Annabelle Collinet
Nishapur in eastern Iran was an important Silk Road city, its position providing links to central Asia and China, Afghanistan and India, the Persian Gulf and the west. Despite previous excavations there are many unresolved questions surrounding the site; when was the city founded? Is Nishapur a Sasanian city? Was it founded by the Sasanian king Shapur I or II? Excavations were conducted in different areas of the mound, in order to address these questions. After an introduction to the site and the former American and Iranian excavations, this book presents the stratigraphy and the pottery of the site. The difficulties involved in establishing a precise history of the site led to a program of analysis undertaken by the Research Centre of French Museums (C2RMF). Chemical and petrographic analysis, thermoluminescence (TL) dating and archaeomagnetism analysis as support to the TL results were done. A pottery database has been created regrouping the stratigraphical and laboratory analyses data, in order to manage and present an organized corpus of 1000 samples. The combination of the data from the stratigraphical and laboratory analyses gives an accurate and completely new chronology of the site. Moreover, the study also brought to light a new typological sequence of the ceramic, as well as new data about the pottery production at Nishapur. 9781842174944, $80.00, Recently Published,
9781842174944, $80.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 144 pages, Oxbow Books Hardback, 144 pages, Oxbow Books
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Ancient Near East
the proto-elAMite settleMent And its neighbors
tepe yaya period iVc
C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky & Benjamin Mutin
The site of Tepe Yahya in southeastern Iran is famous, among other important aspects, for the Proto-Elamite complex dated to around 3000 BC (Period IVC). In addition to a synthesis of the Proto-Elamite period and the material assemblage at Tepe Yahya, The Proto-Elamite Settlement and Its Neighbors provides an updated review and comprehensive discussion of the Proto-Elamite sphere, its relations to Mesopotamia, and its eastern Middle Asian neighbors.
This innovative book illustrates that the multi-cultural situation at Tepe Yahya Period IVC was present across many sites in Middle Asia and that, in addition to the Proto-Elamite sphere and the cities of Mesopotamia, Middle Asia around 3000 BC was incorporated within an interactive multi-players network of polities.
Benjamin Mutin, is a Research Fellow for the American School of Prehistoric Research, Harvard University. C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, General Editor, and Project Director for Tepe Yahya, is the Stephen Phillips Professor of Archaeology, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, Peabody Museum (Director 1977–1990). 9781782974192, $40.00, February 2014, Hardback, pages, American School of Prehistoric Research Monograph Series, Oxbow Books
ArchAeology in the ‘lAnd of tells And ruins’
A history of excavations in the holy land inspired by the photographs and Accounts of leo boer Bart Wagemakers
Recently, a travel account and 700 photographs came to light by the hand of Leo Boer, a former student of the École Biblique et Archéologique Française in Jerusalem who, at the age of 26 in 1953–4 visited many archaeological sites in the area of present-day Israel and the Palestinian Territories. These documents inspired 20 internationally-renowned scholars—many of whom excavated at the sites they describe—to report on what we know today of nine particular sites chosen from the many that Leo Boer visited 60 years ago: Jerusalem, Khirbet et-Tell ( i?), Samaria & Sebaste, Tell Balata (Shechem), Tell es-Sultan (Jericho), Khirbet Qumran, Caesarea, Megiddo, and Bet She’an. Rather than focusing on the history of these sites, the contributors describe the history of the archaeological expeditions. Who excavated these sites over the years? What were the specific aims of their campaigns? What techniques and methods did they use? How did they interpret these excavations? What finds were most noteworthy? And finally, what are the major misconceptions held by the former excavators? 9781782972457, $98.95, April 2014, Hardback, 208 pages, Oxbow Books
beyond the fertile crescent
late palaeolithic and neolithic communities of the Jordanian steppe. the Azraq basin project Volume 1: project background and the late palaeolithic (geological context and technology) Brian Byrd & Andrew Garrard
Beyond the Fertile Crescent is the first volume of the Azraq Project, a large-scale archaeological and palaeoenvironmental survey and excavation project undertaken between 1982 and 1989 in the ecologically diverse sub-region of the Azraq Basin in north-central Jordan: an area rich in Palaeolithic and Neolithic archaeology.
Beginning with an overview to the Project aims, a detailed analysis of past and present environments and land use and the history of excavation in the Basin, Beyond the Fertile Crescent explores the geology, stratigraphy and dating of the Late Palaeolithic sites and provides a detailed description of the technology and typology of the lithic assemblages from the sites. These are then compared with those from the wider Levant, in order to explore possible links between technological traditions and social groups in order to understand the evidence for settlement strategies across the region. 9781842178331, $90.00, January 2014, Hardback, 448 pages, Levant Supplementary Series, Council for British Research in the Levant, Oxbow Books
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Ancient Near East Ancient irrigAtion systeMs of the ArAl seA AreA
the history, origin, and development of irrigated Agriculture B. V. Adrianov & Simone Mantellini
Ancient Irrigation Systems in the Aral Sea Area, is the English translation of Boris Vasilevich Andrianov’s work, Drevnie Orositelnye Sistemy Priaralya, concerning the study of ancient irrigation systems and the settlement pattern in the historical region of Khorezm, south of the Aral Sea (Uzbekistan). This work holds a special place within the Soviet archaeological school because of the results obtained through a multidisciplinary approach combining aerial survey and fieldwork, surveys, and excavations. This translation has been enriched by the addition of introductions written by several eminent scholars from the region regarding the importance of the Khorezm ArchaeologicalEthnographic Expedition and the figure of Boris V. Andrianov and his landmark study almost 50 years after the original publication. 9781842173848, $35.00, February 2014, Hardback, 300 pages, Oxbow Books
lAter prehistory of the bAdiA
excavation and surveys in eastern Jordan, Volume 2
A. V. G. Betts, D. Cropper, L. Martin & C. McCartney,
This is the second of two volumes to document extensive surveys and excavations in the region from Al-Azraq to the Iraqi border over the period 19791996. Broadly, it covers the Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic of the eastern badia. Late Epipaleolithic campsites have been found in the north-west of the harra in the foothills of Jebel Druze, while the central basalt region saw a floruit of activity in the late Aceramic Neolithic, when it was used extensively for hunting.
This volume covers the following period, which witnessed a further spread of campsites and short-term occupation out around the edges of the harra and across the hamad as far as the lands bordering the Euphrates to the north and east. 9781842174739, $96.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 240 pages, Levant Supplementary Series, Oxbow Books
Asian Archaeology / African Archaeology souVenirs And neW ideAs
Diane Fortenberry
During the 18th and 19th centuries, many travellers aimed to record their travels through Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Levant and Turkey by collecting souvenirs and mementos of places they had visited.
Souvenirs and New Ideas explores the human desire to retain the memory of a journey by ‘collecting objects’ with a series of essays examining the motivation of a variety of different travellers ranging from intrepid female solo travellers to European royalty. The acquisitions of these individuals ranged from tales of folklore and academic knowledge to the wholesale looting of Egyptian antiquities.
Although the habit of ‘collecting antiquities’ is deplored and condemned today, this volume sheds light on the attitudes behind the practice and seeks to strengthen our current beliefs about the value of cultural patrimony. 9781842178157, $50.00, Recently Published, Paperback, 200 pages, Oxbow Books
persiA’s iMperiAl poWer in lAte Antiquity
the great Wall of gorgan and the frontier landscapes of sasanian iran
Eberhard Sauer, T. J. Wilkinson, H. Omrani Rekavandi & J. Nokandeh
The Gorgan Wall stretches for over 200km through northern Iran. Guarded by over 30 forts, it is longer than Britain’s Hadrian’s Wall and Antonine Wall put together and is the most monumental ancient border defense system between Central Europe and China.
Until recently, dating proposals ranged over more than a millennium. The Gorgan Wall project has shed light on what made one of antiquity’s largest empires and earlier civilizations succeed.
9781842175194, $150.00, Hardback, 800 pages, British Institute of Persian Studies Monograph, Oxbow Books
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puspikA: trAcing Ancient indiA through texts And trAditions
contributions to current research in indology Volume i
Nina Mirnig, Michael Williams & Peter-Daniel Szántó
contributions to current research in indology Volume 2 Giovanni Ciotti, Alastair Gornall & Paulo Visigalli
It is perhaps commonplace to say that India is one of the world’s richest and most enticing cultures. One thousand years have passed since Albiruni, arguably the first Indologist, wrote his outsider’s account of the subcontinent and two hundred years have passed since the inception of Western Indology. And yet, what this monumental scholarship has achieved is still outweighed by the huge tracts of terra incognita: thousands of works lacking scholarly attention and even more manuscripts which still await careful study whilst decaying in the unforgiving Indian climate. In September 2009 young researchers and graduate students in this field came together to present their cutting-edge work at the first International Indology Graduate Research Symposium, which was held at Oxford University. This volume, the first in a new series which will publish the proceedings of the Symposium, will make important contributions to the study of the classical civilization of the Indian sub-continent. The series will cover a wide range of subjects reaching from literature, religion, philosophy, ritual and grammar to social history, with the aim that the research published will not only enrich the field of classical Indology but eventually also contribute to the studies of history and anthropology of India and Indianized Central and South-East Asia. Puspika 2 is the outcome of the second International Indology Graduate Research Symposium and presents the results of recent research by young scholars into pre-modern South Asian cultures. Focusing on textual sources in the languages in which they were composed, different disciplinary perceptions are offered on intellectual history, linguistics, philosophy, literary criticism and religious studies. 9781842173855, $76.00, December 2013, Paperback, 486 pages, Pupiska Series Vol 1, Oxbow Books
the sociAl liVes of figurines
recontextualizing the third Millennium bc terracotta figurines from harappa (pakistan) Sharri R. Clark
This research examines the figurines from the urban site of Harappa (c. 3300-1700 BC) as reflections of some of the underlying structures of Indus society and cultural change, focusing particularly on figurines from secure dated archaeological contexts. The figurines are viewed as artifacts whose social lives can be at least partially reconstructed through systematic analyses of stylistic and technological attributes and spatial and temporal contexts (usually fill or trash deposits). Comparisons with ethnographic data, historic texts and contemporary ancient societies also inform these interpretations.
Sharri Clark holds a Ph.D. and an A.M. in anthropology from Harvard University. She has conducted extensive archaeological and ethnoarchaeological fieldwork in Pakistan, India and Israel and has authored numerous articles. 9781842174555, $40.00, February 2014, Hardback, 512 pages, American School of Prehistoric Research / Oxbow
9781782974154, $56.00, February 2014, Paperback, 224 pages, Pupiska Series Vol 2, Oxbow Books
prehistory of the Western sAhArA
A synthesis of fieldwork, 2002 to 2009
Jo Clarke & Nick Brooks
During the last ten years, the Western Sahara Project has undertaken large scale archaeological and environmental research that has begun to address the gaps in our knowledge of the archaeology and palaeoenvironments of Western Sahara, and to develop narratives of prehistoric cultural adaptation and change from the end of the Pleistocene to the Late Holocene and place it within its wider Saharan context.
A detailed discussion of past environmental change and a presentation of results from the environmental component of the extensive survey work are provided. A typology of built stone features— monuments and funerary architecture is presented together with the results of the archaeological component of the extensive survey work, focusing on stone features, but also including discussion of ceramics and rock art and the analysis of lithic assemblages. 9781782971726, $110.00, January 2014, Paperback, 328 pages, Oxbow Books
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Greece & Rome
Greece & Rome
butrint 4
the Archaeology and histories of an ionian town Inge Lyse Hansen, Richard Hodges & Sarah Leppard,
This richly illustrated volume discusses the histories of the port city of Butrint, and its intimate connection to the wider conditions of the Adriatic. In so doing it is a reading, and re-reading, of the site that adds significantly to the study of Mediterranean urban history over the longue durée.
Firstly, the book proposes a new paradigm for the development-history of Butrint - based on discussions of the latest archaeological, historical and landscape studies from approximately 20 new excavations and surveys, together covering a temporal arch from prehistory to the early modern period. Secondly, it examines how the perception of the city influenced the archaeological methodology of 20thcentury studies of the site, where iteration and reversal were often being applied in equal measure. In this it asks important questions on the management of heritage sites and the contemporary role of archaeological practice. 9781842174623, $90.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 250 pages, Butrint Archaeological Monographs Series, Oxbow Books
A test of tiMe
the Volcano of thera and the chronology and history of the Aegean and east Mediterranean in the mid second Millennium bc Stuart Manning
A Test of Time, first published in 1999. This new edition comprises the original, unrevised text, together with an appended essay which critically reviews the continuing debate between 1999 and 2012 and presents a raft of new scientific data, including the Bayesian modeling of radiocarbon dates relating to a range of relevant archaeological sequences from Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean. 9781782972198, $90.00, March 2014, Paperback, 672 Pages, Oxbow Books
teMples And sAnctuAries in the roMAn eAst
religious Architecture in syria, iudaea/palaestina and provincia Arabia Arthur Segal
This lavishly illustrated volume presents a comprehensive architectural study of 87 individual temples and sanctuaries built in the Roman East between the end of the 1st century BCE and the end of the 3rd century CE, within a broad region encompassing the modern states of Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan. The individual descriptions presented focus solely upon the analysis of the external and internal space of the temples and do not involve any cultural or ethnic discussion. 9781842175262, $99.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 400 pages, Oxbow Books
trAc 2012
proceedings of the twentysecond Annual theoretical roman Archaeology conference, frankfurt 2012
Annabel Bokern, Marion BolderBoos, Stefan Krmnicek, Dominik Maschek & Sven Page
An wide selection of subjects was presented and are covered here: sessions looked at Greek art and philhellenism in the Roman world, the validity of the concept of ‘Romanization’, change and continuity in Roman religion, urban neighborhood relations in Pompeii and Ostia, the transformation of objects in and from the Roman world, frontier markets and Roman archaeology in the Provinces. 9781782971979, $70.00, Recently Published, Paperback, 220 pages, TRAC, Oxbow Books
After AlexAnder
the time of the diadochi (323-281 bc) Victor Alonso Troncoso & Edward M. Anson
When Alexander the Great died in 323 BC without a chosen successor he left behind a huge empire and ushered in a turbulent period, as his generals fought for control of vast territories. The time of the Successors (Diadochi) is usually defined as beginning in 323 BC and ending with the deaths of the last two Successors in 281 BC. This is a major publication devoted to the Successors and contains eighteen papers reflecting current research. 9781842175125, $72.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 240 pages, Oxbow Books
To order call toll free 1 (800) 791-9354 or visit us online at casemateacademic.com/oxbow
dictionAry of clAssicAl Mythology
Jennifer R. March
Jenny March’s acclaimed Dictionary of Classical Mythology, first published in 1998 but long out of print, has been extensively revised and expanded including a completely new set of beautiful line-drawing illustrations for this Oxbow edition. It is a comprehensive A–Z guide to Greek and Roman mythology. All major myths, legends and fables are here, including gods and goddesses, heroes and villains, dangerous women, legendary creatures and monsters. Characters such as Achilles and Odysseus have extensive entries, as do epic journeys and heroic quests, like that of Jason and the Argonauts to win the Golden Fleece, all alongside a plethora of information on the creation of the cosmos, the many metamorphoses of gods and humans, and the Trojan War, plus more minor figures—nymphs, seers, kings, rivers, to name but a few. In this superbly authoritative work the myths are brilliantly retold, along with any major variants, and with extensive translations from ancient authors that give life to the narratives and a sense of the vibrant cultures that shaped the development of classical myth. The 172 illustrations give visual immediacy to the words, by showing how ancient artists perceived their gods and heroes.
building for eternity
9781782976356, $49.95, July 2014, Paperback, 432 Pages, Oxbow Books
the history and technology of roman concrete engineering in the sea
J.P. Oleson, R.L. Hohlfelder, C.J. Brandon & M.D. Jackson
This book explains how the Romans built so successfully in the sea with their new invention of maritime concrete. It breaks new ground in bridging the gap between science and the humanities by integrating analytical materials science, history, and archaeology, along with underwater exploration.
9781782974208, $110.00, June 2014, Hardback, 368 pages, Oxbow Books
rough ciliciA
new historical and Archaeological Approaches
Michael C. Hoff & Rhys F. Townsend
The region of Rough Cilicia (modern area the south-western coastal area of Turkey), constitutes the western part of the larger area of Cilicia. It is characterized by the ruggedness of its territory and the protection afforded by the high mountains combined with the rugged seacoast fostered the prolific piracy that developed in the late Hellenistic period, bringing much notoriety to the area. It was also known as a source of timber, primarily for shipbuilding. 9781842175187, $130.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 320 pages, Oxbow Books
neighbours And successors of roMe
traditions of glass production and use in europe and the Middle east in the later 1st Millennium Ad Caroline Jackson, Jennifer Price & Daniel Keller
Presented through 20 case studies covering Europe and the Near East, Neighbours and Successors of Rome investigates development in the production of glass and the mechanisms of the wider glass economy as part of a wider material culture in Europe and the Near East around the later first millennium AD. 9781782973973, $85.00, May 2014, Hardback, 352 pages, Oxbow Books
Medicine And heAling in the Ancient MediterrAneAn
D. Michaelides
The 42 papers presented here cover many aspects medicine in the Mediterranean world during Antiquity and early Byzantine times.
The contributions are grouped under a series of headings: medicine and archaeology; media (online access to electronic corpus); the Aegean; medical authors/schools of medicine; surgery; medicaments and cures; skeletal remains; new research in Cyprus; Asklepios and incubation; and Byzantine, Arab and medieval sources. 9781782972358, $110.00, April 2014, Hardback, 446 pages, Oxbow Books
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Late Antiquity / Anglo Saxon, Viking & Early Medieval Europe
using iMAges in lAte Antiquity
Birte Poulsen, Stine Birk & Troels Myrup Kristensen
Fifteen papers focus on the active and dynamic uses of images during the first millennium AD. They bring together an international group of scholars who situate the period’s visual practices within their political, religious, and social contexts.
The contributors present a diverse range of evidence, including mosaics, sculpture, and architecture from all parts of the Mediterranean, from Spain in the west to Jordan in the east.
Contributions span from the depiction of individuals on funerary monuments through monumental epigraphy, Constantine’s expropriation and symbolic re-use of earlier monuments, late antique collections of Classical statuary, and city personifications in mosaics to the topic of civic prosperity during the Theodosian period and dynastic representation during the Umayyad dynasty. Together they provide new insights into the central role of visual culture in the constitution of late antique societies. 9781782972617, $90.00, April 2014, Paperback, 288 pages, Oxbow Books
Archaeology of a byzantine Megapolis Ken Dark
Constantinople: Archaeology of a Byzantine Megapolis is a major archaeological assessment of a key period in the development of this historic city. It uses material evidence, contemporary developments in urban archaeology and archaeological theory to explore over a thousand years of the city’s development. Moving away from the scholarly emphasis on the monumental core or city defenses, the volume investigates the inter-mural area between the fifth-century land walls and the Constantinian city wall—a zone which encompasses half of the walled area but which has received little archaeological attention. Utilizing data from a variety of sources, including the ‘Istanbul Rescue Archaeology Project’ created to record material threatened with destruction, the analysis proposes a new model of Byzantine Constantinople. A range of themes are explored including the social, economic and cognitive development, Byzantine perceptions of the city, the consequences of imperial ideology and the impact of ‘self-organization’ brought about by many minor decisions. Constantinople: Archaeology of a Byzantine Megapolis casts new light on the transformation of an ancient Roman capital to an Orthodox Christian holy city and will be of great importance to archaeologists and historians. 9781782971719, $99.95, Recently Published, Hardback, 208 Pages, Oxbow Books
the Anglo-sAxon church of All sAints, brixWorth, northAMptonshire
survey, excavation and Analysis, 1972-2010 David Parsons & Diana Sutherland
The church of All Saints, Brixworth, is an historic building of outstanding importance nationally and internationally. Built in a number of stages during the late 8th and early 9th centuries, it is one of a small number of churches in England surviving above ground from that relatively remote period and is one of the most complete— and is still in use. Its layout and general appearance are strikingly different from others in the region and its unique features, complexity of structure and striking variety of its building materials have been explained by the suggestion that it is Roman in origin rather than early medieval. Drawing on the results of extensive documentary research, excavation, geophysical and detailed structural surveys, and extensive fabric analysis of building materials, this beautifully illustrated volume presents a comprehensive description and account of one of the most important surviving early churches in the country and its architectural history. 9781842175316, $180.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 336 pages, Oxbow Books
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Anglo Saxon, Viking & Early Medieval Europe
eVerydAy life in Viking-Age toWns
social Approaches to towns in england and ireland, c. 800-1100 D. M. Hadley & Letty ten Harkel
The study of early medieval towns has frequently concentrated on urban beginnings, the search for broadly applicable definitions of urban characteristics and the chronological development of towns. Far less attention has been paid to the experience of living in towns. The thirteen chapters in this book bring together the current state of knowledge about Viking-Age towns (c. 800–1100) from both sides of the Irish Sea, focusing on everyday life in and around these emerging settlements. What was it really like to grow up, live, and die in these towns? What did people eat, what did they wear, and how did they make a living for themselves?
Although historical sources are addressed, the emphasis of the volume is overwhelmingly archaeological, paying homage to the wealth of new material that has become available since the advent of urban archaeology in the 1960s. 9781842175323, $65.00, December 2013, Hardback, 272 pages, Oxbow Books
silk for the Vikings
Marianne Vedeler
The analysis of silk is a fascinating topic for research in itself but here, focusing on the 9th and 10th centuries, Marianne Vedeler takes a closer look at the trade routes and the organization of production, trade and consumption of silk during the Viking Age.
Beginning with a presentation of the silk finds in the Oseberg burial, the richest Viking burial find ever discovered, the other silk finds from high status graves in Scandinavia are discussed along with an introduction to the techniques used to produce raw silk and fabrics. Later chapters concentrate on trade and exchange, considering the role of silk items both as trade objects and precious gifts, and in the light of coin finds. The main trade routes of silk to Scandinavia along the Russian rivers, and comparable Russian finds are described and the production and regulation of silk in Persia, early Islamic production areas and the Byzantine Empire discussed. The final chapter considers silk as a social actor in various contexts in Viking societies compared to the Christian west. 9781782972150, $50.00, April 2014, Paperback, 120 pages, Ancient Textiles Series, Oxbow Books
the eArly Anglo-sAxon kingdoMs of southern britAin Ad 450-650
beneath the tribal hidage
Martin Welch & Sue Harrington
The Tribal Hidage, attributed to the 7th century, records the named groups and polities of early Anglo-Saxon England and the taxation tribute due from their lands and surpluses. Whilst providing some indication of relative wealth and its distribution, rather little can be deduced from the Hidage concerning the underlying economic and social realities of the communities documented. Sue Harrington and the late Martin Welch have adopted a new approach to these issues, based on archaeological information from 12,000 burials and 28,000 objects of the period AD 450–650. The nature, distribution and spatial relationships of settlement and burial evidence are examined over time against a background of the productive capabilities of the environment in which they are set, the availability of raw materials, evidence for metalworking and other industrial/craft activities, and communication and trade routes. This has enabled the identification of central areas of wealth that influenced places around them. 9781782976127, $120.00, June 2014, Hardback, 240 pages, Oxbow Books
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Medieval Europe the coronAtion chAir And stone of scone
history, Archaeology and conservation Warwick Rodwell
Constructed in 1297 for England’s King Edward I, the Coronation Chair ranks amongst the most remarkable and precious treasures to have survived from the Middle Ages. It incorporated in its seat a block of sandstone, which the king seized at Scone, following his victory over the Scots in 1296. For centuries, Scottish kings had been inaugurated on this symbolic ‘Stone of Scone’, to which a copious mythology had also become attached. Edward I presented the Chair, as a holy relic, to the Shrine of St Edward the Confessor in Westminster Abbey, and most English monarchs since the fourteenth century have been crowned in it, the last being HM Queen Elizabeth II, in 1953. Now somewhat battered through age, the Chair was once highly ornate, being embellished with gilding, painting and colored glass. Yet, despite its profound historical significance, until now it has never been the subject of detailed archaeological recording. Moreover, the remaining fragile decoration was in need of urgent conservation, which was carried out in 2010 12, accompanied by the first holistic study of the Chair and Stone.
9781782971528, $39.95, Recently Published, Hardback, 320 pages, Oxbow Books
the MedieVAl kirk, ceMetery And hospice At kirk ness, north berWick
the scottish seabird centre excavations 1999-2006
Alasdair Ross, Tanja Romankiewicz, Thomas Addyman, Kenneth Macfadyen & Nicholas Uglow
Kirk Ness has long been considered likely to be an early Christian center, whose dedication to St Andrew may perhaps be linked with the 8th century translation of the relics of St Andrew to Fife. Such early dating was confirmed by a new sequence of radiocarbon dates from excavations carried out in 1999–2006.
In the medieval period Kirk Ness and its harbor appears to have been an important staging point for pilgrims on route to the shrine of St Andrew in Fife, providing the principal revenue for the nearby nunnery of North Berwick. Finds include a number of items of particular significance—coarse stone tools, lead objects, ceramic fragments and a bone of a great auk from early medieval deposits. The associated medium-sized cemetery population of 12th–17th century date displays notable contrasts in burial practice and osteological analysis established that one individual met with a violent death. Grave goods included a 12th century hairpin and a 17th century silk-covered tunic button with silver wire embroidery found together in the grave of a young female. 9781842176634, $60.00, December 2013, Hardback, 256 pages, Oxbow Books
trAditionAl buildings in the oxford region
John Steane & James Ayres
Oxford occupies a central position on the ancient route between Northampton and Southampton and on the east - west road between London, The West Country, Wales and Ireland. For this reason, unusually for vernacular architecture, the buildings of the region were subject to a wide range of influences.
This book, the fruit of twenty years research provides an account of vernacular architecture in the Oxford region from Anglo-Saxon times to the 19th century. It begins with a discussion of methods and procedures followed by a description of building materials, stone, brick, slate and thatch. This serves as an introduction to the heart of the book, eleven chapters dealing with surveys of cruck buildings, manorial and moated sites, town hours with particular emphasis on Abingdon, and houses in the countryside from farmhouses to cottages. There are then chapters on fire hazards, public houses and public buildings. Distributed through the book are special sections devoted to wall paintings, ferramenta, apotropaic marks, carpentry details, secrets under the floorboards, fireplaces, staircases and windows. The book is richly and profusely illustration with over 500 illustrations, photographs, maps, and a particular strength, a large number of drawings of architectural details and sketch perspectives. 9781842174791, $90.00, December 2013, Hardback, pages, Oxbow Books
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Medieval Europe
bosWorth 1485
A battlefield rediscovered Glenn Foard
Bosworth stands alongside Naseby and Hastings as one of the three most iconic battles ever fought on English soil. Fought on 22 August 1485, it bought to an end the dynastic struggle known as the Wars of the Roses and heralded the dawn of the Tudor dynasty. However, the actual site of the battlefield itself was uncertain and, between 2005 and 2010, an intensive program of research was undertaken utilizing, for the first time, a wide range of academic disciplines in a single large-scale systematic investigation. Bosworth 1485: A Battlefield Rediscovered is the result.
Utilizing data gained from a range of sources including historical documents, landscape archaeology, historical geography and metal detecting, the volume explores in detail each aspect of the investigation— from the size of the both armies, their weaponry and the use of early gunpowder weapons to the physical and tactical landscape of the battlefield—in order to identify where the fighting took place. Bosworth 1485 provides a fascinating and intricately researched new perspective on the event which, perhaps more than any other, marked the transition between medieval and early modern England.
A glorious eMpire
9781782971733, $65.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 264 Pages, Oxbow Books
Archaeology and the tudor-stuart Atlantic World Eric C. Klingelhofer
Fifteen papers present the results of new research into various aspects of material culture and historical archaeology that reflect culture, trade and social interaction shared by Britain and Colonial America during the Tudor and Stuart periods.
Recurrent themes include the use, significance and, in some cases, trade in specific types of pottery, including the ubiquitous stoneware flasks or canteens for sailors and solders on both sides of the Atlantic, and commodities such as wine and copper objects; the architectural history of manor houses and archaeology of plantations; aspects of the historical archaeology of Jamestown and Martins Hundred; the role of specific individuals in the development of Tudor-Stuart life and our new understanding of a London destroyed by the Great Fire based on Noel Hume’s rescue digs in a London destroyed by the Blitz. Overall the papers reflect the wide-ranging interests of Ivor Noël Hume, to whom the volume is dedicated.
stAirWAy to heAVen
9781842175101, $80.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 272 Pages, Oxbow Books
the functions of Medieval upper spaces Toby Huitson
Medieval stairs, galleries and upper chambers in cathedrals, abbeys, and parish churches have been an enduring source of fascination to historians and archaeologists since the eighteenth century, but their practical purposes have long been shrouded in mystery and speculation.
From libraries to lights, clocks to dovecotes, from secret games of skittles played over the vaults to the daring exploits of the twelfth-century Flying Monk, Toby Huitson explores the lofty spaces, nooks and crannies of medieval upper spaces though the interrogation of a wide range of documentary, visual and archaeological materials. Evidence is revealed for over 30 different functions during the period from around AD
1000 to 1550. Generously illustrated and fully-referenced, the text is accompanied by a set of special features and a quick-reference section, making it indispensable to all those interested in medieval history and architecture. 9781842176658, $60.00, April 2014, Paperback, 208 pages, Oxbow Books
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Prehistory—British quAternAry of the trent
David R. Bridgland, Andy J. Howard, Mark J. White & Tom S. White
This volume is an integrated overview and synthesis of available data relating to the Quaternary evolution of the River Trent in England. It provides detailed descriptions of the Pleistocene sedimentary records from the Trent, its tributaries and related drainage systems - a sedimentary record that spans a period of approximately half a million years—and the biostratigraphical and archaeological material preserved therein. Significant new data are presented from recently discovered sites of geological and archaeological importance, including previously unrecognized fluvial deposits, as well as novel analyses, such as mathematical modeling of fluvial incision as recorded by the river terrace deposits. In combination with a thorough review of the literature on the Trent, these new data have contributed to revised chronostratigraphical and palaeogeographical frameworks for central England and revealed the complexity of the Pleistocene fluvial and glacial records in this region. The findings add a significant strand to the growing understanding of Pleistocene fluvial sequences, the nature and technological attributes of Palaeolithic assemblages and highlights the value of the data that can still be extracted from such assemblages across the Acheulean world. 9781842174616, $60.00, March 2014, Hardback, 416 pages, Oxbow Books
celtic froM the West 2
rethinking the bronze Age and the Arrival of indo-european in Atlantic europe Barry Cunliffe & John T. Koch
Until recently the idea that Atlantic Europe was a wholly preIndo-European world throughout the Bronze Age remained plausible. Rapidly expanding evidence for the later prehistory and the pre-Roman languages of the West increasingly exclude that possibility. This reconsideration inevitably throws penetrating new light on the formation of later prehistoric Atlantic Europe and the implications of new evidence for inter-regional connections. 9781842175293, $70.00, Hardback, 237 pages, Celtic Studies Publications, Oxbow Book
gristhorpe MAn
A life and death in the bronze Age Christopher Knusel
Gristhorpe Man is a Research report on an early discovery of a very well-preserved British Bronze Age bog body.
A log-coffin excavated in the early 19th century proved to be well enough preserved in the early twenty-first century for the full armory of modern scientific investigation to give its occupants and contents new identity, new origins and a new date. Gristhorpe is on the North Yorkshire coast.
9781782972075, $90.00, February 2014, Hardback, 256 Pages, Oxbow Books
quAternAry history And pAlAeolithic ArchAeology in the Axe VAlley At brooM, south West englAnd
Robert Hosfield & C.P. Green
This investigation highlights the huge potential of old sites and the importance of the archaeological and geological legacy resulting from more than 150 years of field investigations.
The site, which has produced large numbers of Palaeolithic artifacts and is located in Middle Pleistocene fluvial sediments approximately 300,000 years old, is generally regarded as the most important open-air archaeological site of earlier Palaeolithic age in south-western Britain. 9781842175200, $120.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 384 pages, Oxbow Books
iMAge, MeMory And MonuMentAlity
Archaeological engagements with the Material World
Leading scholars in these 29 commissioned papers in honour of Richard Bradley discuss key themes in prehistoric archaeology that have defined his career, such as monumentality, memory, rock art, landscape, material worlds and field practice. The scope is broad, covering both Britain and Europe, and while the focus is very much on the archaeology of later prehistory, papers also address the interconnection between prehistory and historic and contemporary archaeology. The result is a rich and varied tribute to Richard's energy and intellectual inspiration. 9781782973928, $60.00, Paperback reprint, 366 pages, Prehistoric Society Research Papers, Oxbow Books
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celtic Art in europe
Making connections
Christopher Gosden, Sally Crawford and Katharina Ulmschneider
The Celtic world is accessible through archaeology, history, linguistics and art history. Of these disciplines, art history offers the most direct message to a wider audience. This volume of 37 papers brings together a truly international group of pre-eminent specialists in the field of Celtic art and Celtic studies. It is a benchmark volume the like of which has not been seen since the publication of Paul Jacobsthal’s Early Celtic Art in 1944.
The papers chart the history of attempts to understand Celtic art and argue for novel approaches in discussions spanning the whole of Continental Europe and the British Isles. This new body of international scholarship will give the reader a sense of the richness of the material and current debates. Artefacts of rich form and decoration, which we might call art, provide a most sensitive set of indicators of key areas of past societies, their power, politics and transformations. With its broad geographical scope, this volume offers a timely opportunity to re-assess contacts, context, transmission and meaning in Celtic art for understanding the development of European cultures, identities and economies in pre- and proto-history. 9781782976554, $120, June 2014 Hardback, 400 pages, Oxbow Books
excAVAtions At cill donnAin
A bronze Age settlement and iron Age Wheelhouse in south uist Marek Zvelebil
The SEARCH (Sheffield Environmental and Archaeological Research Campaign in the Hebrides) project began in 1987 and covers the Scotland’s Outer Hebrides.
The first major excavation on South Uist discovered that what was thought to be a shell midden at Cill Donnain was in fact a wheelhouse, a type of dwelling used in the period c.300 BC–AD 500; under which lay the remains of a Bronze Age settlement. The site itself is situated at the foot of a high steep-sided dune on the eastern edge of a large sand valley, close to the western shore of Loch Cill Donnain. The archaeological report of the excavation shows that, in comparison with contemporary neighboring settlements, it was unlikely that each was an independent unit and that they were linked by social and economic inter-dependency. The wheelhouse thus provides striking new evidence that contributes to developing theories about the social, material and economic life in the period.
This volume presents the extensive archaeological evidence found at the site, including pottery, faunal remains and a variety of bone and metal tools, illustrating that the Cill Donnain landscape is rich in archaeological sites of all periods from the Beaker to the post-Medieval. 9781782976271, $90.00, July 2014, Hardback, 272 pages, Sheffield Environmental and Archaeological Research Campaign in the Hebrides, Oxbow Books
settleMent in the irish neolithic
Jessica Smyth
The Irish Neolithic has been dominated by the study of megalithic tombs, but the defining element of Irish settlement evidence is the rectangular timber Early Neolithic house, the numbers of which have more than quadrupled in the last ten years. The substantial Early Neolithic timber house was a short-lived architectural phenomenon of as little as 90 years, perhaps like short-lived Early Neolithic long barrows and causewayed enclosures.
This book explores the wealth of evidence for settlement and houses throughout the Irish Neolithic, in relation to Britain and continental Europe. More importantly it incorporates the wealth of new, and often unpublished, evidence from developer-led archaeological excavations and large grey-literature resources. The settlement evidence scattered across the landscape, and found as a result of developer-funded work, provides the social context for the more famous stone monuments that have traditionally shaped our views of the Neolithic in Ireland. It provides the first comprehensive review of the Neolithic settlement of Ireland, which enables a more holistic and meaningful understanding of the Irish Neolithic. 9781842174975, $65.00, April 2014, Hardback, 208 pages, Prehistoric Society Research Papers, Oxbow Books
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Prehistory—European pAths toWArds A neW World
Mats Larsson & Geoffrey Lemdahl
Covering the approximately 6,500 years from the beginning of the Late Mesolithic to the transition to the Bronze Age, Mats Larsson takes the reader on a journey through the development of Swedish prehistoric society and culture set against the backdrop of climatic and landscape change. Using examples selected from a wealth of archaeological sites, artifacts and palaeo-environmental studies he explores a series of chronological themes: such as how the relationship between land and water influenced people’s lives in many ways and the development of often long-distance cultural and exchange networks, as reflected in the occurrence of ‘foreign’ stone axes, flint, copper and pottery. He describes how innovations, such as the introduction of agriculture, spread rapidly during the Neolithic, incorporating characteristics of extensive northern European cultural groups, beginning with the Funnel Beaker Culture with its array of distinctive objects, settlements and burial monuments, while retaining some specific regional and local expressions in material culture. Towards the end of the Stone Age the battle axe was replaced by the dagger as a symbol of the male warrior as a more stable society emerged in many parts of the country, concentrated around large farms with longhouses. It was only at this late stage that agriculture and the raising of livestock gained a firm hold, and the landscape was opened up permanently. 9781782972570, $60.00, April 2014, Paperback, 144 pages, Oxbow Books
the first fArMers of centrAl europe
Prehistory—European / British Archaeology exploring prehistoric identity in north-West europe
Victoria Ginn, Rebecca Enlander & Rebecca Crozier
Identity is relational and a construct, and is expressed in a myriad of ways. For example, material culture and its pluralist meanings have been readily manipulated by humans in a prehistoric context in order to construct personal and group identities. Artifacts were often from or reminiscent of far-flung places and were used to demonstrate membership of an (imagined) regional, or European community. Earthworks frequently archive maximum visual impact through elaborate ramparts and entrances with the minimum amount of effort, indicating that the construction of identities were as much in the eye of the perceiver, as of the perceived. Variations in domestic architectural style also demonstrate the malleability of identity, and the prolonged, intermittent use of particular places for specific functions indicates that the identity of place is just as important in our archaeological understanding as the identity of people. By using a wide range of case studies, both temporally and spatially, these thought processes may be explored further and diachronic and geographic patterns in expressions of identity investigated. 9781842178133, $60.00, March 2014, Paperback, 176 pages, Oxbow Books
coMMunicAting With the World of beings
diversity in lbk lifeways
the World heritage rock Art site in Alta, Arctic norway
From about 5500 cal BC to soon after 5000 cal BC, the lifeways of the first farmers of central Europe, the LBK (Linearbandkeramik or Linienbandkeramik), are seen in distinctive practices of longhouse use, settlement forms and location, landscape choice, subsistence, material culture and mortuary rites.
The rock art found in the World Cultural Heritage site of the Alta area, Norway, comprises thousands of images including vast panels depicting many animals including reindeer and elk as well as fish, birds, boats, humans and geometric patterns. Their discovery, study and interpretation has led to renewed interest in Sami prehistory. They provide much information about the people who lived in this northern area from about 5000 BC up until the birth of Christ; about their social organization, hunting and trapping, beliefs, rituals, stories, legends, myths and culture, changes, continuity and history.
Alasdair Whittle & Penny Bickle
Within the five or more centuries of LBK existence a dynamic sequence of changes can be seen in, for instance, the expansion and density of settlement, increased regionalization in pottery decoration, and some signs of stress or even crisis. However the LBK phenomenon was not one of uniformity and its internal chronology is not well understood.
This major study takes a large regional sample, from northern Hungary westwards along the Danube to Alsace in the upper Rhine valley and addresses the lifeways of developed and late LBK people through aspects of diet, lifetime mobility, health and physical condition and the presentation of bodies in mortuary ritual using a combination of isotopic, osteological and archaeological analysis coupled with a detailed program of radiocarbon dating. 9781842175309, $110.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 608 pages, Cardiff Studies in Archaeology, Oxbow Books
exchAnge netWorks And locAl trAnsforMAtions
Maria Emanuela Alberti & Serena Sabatini
Throughout the local Bronze and Iron Age, European and Mediterranean societies appear to have been involved in complex systems of exchange networks which invariably affected local customs and historical developments.
Archaeological evidence suggests social and economic phenomena, cultural expressions and technological skills stemmed from multifaceted encounters between local traditions and external influences. Examples of cultural openness and transcultural hybridization seem to be more of a norm than an exception. The articles in the volume explore the dynamic relationship between regionally contextualized transformations and inter-regional exchange networks. Particular effort has been put in approaching the issue in a multi-disciplinary perspective. Continental Europe and the Mediterranean may be characterised by specific development and patterns of relations, but the authors draw attention to how those worlds were not alien to each other and illustrate how common interpretative tools can be successfully applied and a comprehensive approach including both zones adopted. 9781842174852, $76.00, Recently Published, Paperback, 160 pages, Oxbow Books
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Knut Helskog & Tim Challman
In this beautifully illustrated book Knut Helskog provides a lyrical and personal interpretation of the chronology, patterning and possible meanings behind this extraordinary landscape of prehistoric rock art.
9781782974116, $70.00, April 2014, Hardback, 192 pages, Oxbow Books
MeMory, Myth And long-terM lAndscApe inhAbitAtion
Adrian M. Chadwick & Catriona D. Gibson
In recent years in archaeology there has been increasing acknowledgement of the ‘afterlife’ of monuments and other features in the landscape, and the role of the past in the past, along with discussions of the spatial and chronological links manifested in monument complexes and ritual landscapes. However this book takes the approach that memory studies are not at an advanced stage within archaeology; to date there has been little specific theoretical discussion of how such long-term persistence of place and practice was possible; and why this was the case. Memory, Myth and Long-Term Landscape Inhabitation explicitly seeks to use the evidence from recent large-scale developer-funded commercial archaeological excavation projects in the United Kingdom to address these questions, and to connect these new discoveries, as well as those from large-scale research projects, with current theoretical approaches. The volume also showcases some excellent examples of more ‘everyday’ memory practices that took place on settlements and across landscapes in the past. There is a focus on British archaeology from the Neolithic to the Roman periods, but other contributions deal with the Neolithic of Central Europe, Etruscan landscapes, prehistoric Egypt and historic Native American practices. 9781782973935, $70.00, December 2013, Hardback, 336 pages, Celtic Studies Publications 17, Oxbow Books
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British Archaeology A corpus of roMAn pottery froM lincoln
Margaret Darling & Barbara Precious
This is the first major analysis of the Roman pottery from excavations in Lincoln (comprising more than 150,000 sherds).
The pottery is presented in seven major ware groups. Fine wares include a modest range of imports and are dominated by Nene Valley products. Oxidized wares are mostly local products with a few imports as are the shell and calcite-tempered wares and reduced wares. The final three are the standard specialized wares: mortaria, mostly of German and Mancetter-Hartshill manufacture; amphorae (80% Spanish Dressel 20) and samian, mostly from Les Martres/Lezoux and 75% undecorated! The discussion explores the chronological range of the entire ceramic assemblage across the three discrete parts of the Roman fortress and later colonia. 9781842174876, $70.00, February 2014, Hardback, 544 pages, Lincoln Archaeology Studies, Oxbow Books
life in the liMes
studies of the people and objects of the roman frontiers Frances McIntosh & Rob Collins
Divided into thematic sections the contributions presented here to celebrate her many achievements all represent at least one aspect of Lindsay Allason-Jones’s research interests.
These encompass social and industrial aspects of northern frontier forts; new insights into inscribed and sculptural stones specific to military communities; religious, cultural and economic connotations of Roman armor finds; the economic and ideological penetration of romanitas in the frontiers as reflected by individual objects and classes of finds; evidence of trans-frontier interactions and invisible people; the role of John Clayton in the exploration and preservation of Hadrian’s Wall and its material culture; the detailed consideration of individual objects of significant interest; and a discussion of the widespread occurrence of mice in Roman art. 9781782972532, $90.00, December 2013, Hardback, 264 pages, Oxbow Books
British Archaeology counting people
A diy Manual for local and family historians John Moore
Local and family historians are often afraid to use numerical data (Statistics) in their research and writing. Yet numbers are an essential part of much historical work, obviously in population history but also in local studies of agriculture, industry and social history.
Counting People shows how amateur historians can use computers with appropriate programs to provide numerical illustrations of various historical topics as well as easing their researches. A final chapter covers research and publishing in local history. The Bibliography provides advice on local historical studies in England and Wales and a full list of sources for population history in England and Wales as well as guidance on the use of computers in local studies. 9781842174807, $35.00, Recently Published, Paperback, 140 pages, Oxbow Books
An AtlAs of northAMptonshire
the Medieval and early-Modern landscape
David Hall, Tracey Partida & Glenn Foard
An Atlas of Northamptonshire presents an historical atlas of the greater part of Northamptonshire (the first quarter having been published as An Atlas of Rockingham Forest). It presents in map form the results of fieldwork and documentary research undertaken since the mid1960s to map the landscape of the whole of Northamptonshire prior to enclosure by Parliamentary Act. This is the first time a whole county has been completely studied in this way, and the first time a whole county has had an accurate view of its medieval landscape with details of the medieval fields, woods, pastures and meadows which have been mapped by ground-survey of archaeological remains confirmed where possible from aerial photographs and early maps. The clearly laid out maps in full color throughout contain an immense amount of data which together provide a fascinating new portrait of this historic county. 9781842175118, $70.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 280 pages, Oxbow Books
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colchester, fortress of the WAr god
an Archaeological Assessment
Adrian Gascoyne, David Radford & Philip Wise
The town has been the subject of antiquarian interest since the late 16th century and the first modern archaeological excavations occurred in 1845 close to Colchester Castle, the towns most prominent historic site. The earliest significant human occupation recorded from Colchester dates to the late Neolithic, but it was only towards the end of the 1st century BC that an oppidum was established in the area. This was superseded initially by a Roman legionary fortress and then the colonia of Camulodunum on a hilltop bounded on the north and east by the river Colne. There is little evidence for continuing occupation here in the early post-Roman period, but in 917 the town was re-established as a burgh and gradually grew in importance. After the Norman Conquest, a castle was built on the foundations of the ruined Roman Temple of Claudius, and a priory and an abbey were established just to the south of the walled town. Although the town, as elsewhere, was affected by the Dissolution of the Monasteries and the English Civil War it remained essentially medieval in character until the 18th century. During the 19th century this process of change was accelerated by the arrival of the railway, industrialization and the establishment of the military garrison. 9781842175088, $90.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 352 pages, Oxbow Books
neWcAstle upon tyne, the eye of the north
An Archaeological Assessment D. H. Heslop & C.P. Graves
Newcastle’s long and proud history began in Roman times when Hadrian’s Wall marked the northernmost point of the Roman Empire. The first suitable bridging point the Romans found was 10 miles inland from the North Sea. They built Pons Aelius close to where the Tyne Bridge is today and it marks the birth of Newcastle upon Tyne as a settlement.
The exact significance of the early Roman occupation remains poorly understood, but recent development-led excavation has complimented the publicly-funded research of the late 20th century. The Wall itself passed through the heart of modern Newcastle, but its course has been lost either side of the fort. Following the withdrawal of the Roman army, the local inhabitants employed the decaying fort as a cemetery, eventually with its own AngloSaxon church. After the Norman Conquest, the same strategic site was used to plant a castle of national significance, as the town became the King’s northern bulwark against Scottish Aggression, and termed the ‘Eye of the North’. Prosperity followed the erection of a new bridge and as a result of its advantageous position as a port, the town developed an active waterfront, marketplaces and guilds. 9781842178140, $90.00, Recently Published, Hardback, pages, Oxbow Books
soMerset’s peAtlAnd ArchAeology
Managing and investigating a fragile resource Richard Brunning
The Somerset Levels and Moors are part of a series of coastal floodplains that fringe both sides of the Severn Estuary. These areas have similar Holocene environmental histories and contain a wealth of waterlogged archaeological landscapes and discrete monuments. The importance of Somerset’s prehistoric wetland heritage is shown by the fact that twenty-five percent of all the prehistoric waterlogged sites thought still to exist in England are from the Somerset moors. The County Museum holds the largest collection of conserved prehistoric worked wood in the UK, possibly in the whole of Europe. The Sweet Track (the oldest known wooden trackway in the UK) and Glastonbury Lake Village have produced the most complete record of Neolithic and Iron Age material culture in the UK and Glastonbury Lake Village was the best preserved prehistoric settlement ever discovered in the UK. This substantial monograph presents the results of the Monuments at Risk in Somerset Peatlands which thoroughly assessed the condition of the wetland monuments and the ongoing threats to their survival and aimed to answer key research questions about the sites through the use of minimally invasive excavation and to inform the development of future national and county wetland strategies. 9781842174883, $80.00, Recently Published, Hardback, 352 pages, Oxbow Books
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Oxbow Books: Selected Backlist Prehistory–British
BEYOND THE GRAVE New Perspectives on Barrows Edited by Jonathan Last 9781842172582, $70.00, November 2007, Paperback, 180 pages, Oxbow Books
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Oxbow Books: Selected Backlist Prehistory–European
BRONZE AGE CONNECTIONS Cultural Contact in Prehistoric Europe Edited by Peter Clark 9781842173480, $80.00, September 2009, Paperback, 224 pages, Oxbow Books BRONZE AGE SETTLEMENTS IN THE LOW COUNTRIES Edited by Stijn Arnoldussen, Harry Fokkens 9781842173077, $80.00, June 2008, Hardback, 200 pages, Oxbow Books CASTING THE NET WIDE Papers in Honor of Glynn Isaac and His Approach to Human Origins Research Edited by Jeanne Sept, David Pilbeam 9781842174548, $35.00, February 2012, Hardback, 304 pages, Oxbow Books, American School Of Prehistoric Research Monograph CAVES IN CONTEXT The Cultural Significance of Caves and Rockshelters in Europe Edited by Knut Andreas Bergsvik, Robin Skeates 9781842174746, $90.00, May 2012, Hardback, 304 pages, Oxbow Books
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A CORRIDOR THROUGH TIME the Archaeology of the A55 Anglesey Road Scheme By Richard Cuttler, Andrew Davidson, Gwilym Hughes 9781842174234, $70.00, September 2012, Hardback, 304 pages, Oxbow Books ARCHAEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT IN NORTHUMBERLAND Till-Tweed Studies Volume 2 By D. G. Passmore, Clive Waddington, Tim Gates, Peter Marshall 9781842174470, $80.00, April 2012, Hardback, 368 pages, Oxbow Books
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Windgather Press: Prehistory–British / Landscape Archaeology
Windgather Press: British Archaeology interpreting the english VillAge
landscape and community at shapwick, somerset
Mick Aston & Dr. Christopher Gerrard
An original and approachable account of how archaeology can tell the story of the English village. The Shapwick Project examined the development and history of an English parish and village over a ten thousand-year period. This was a truly multi-disciplinary project. The result is a fascinating study about how the community lived and prospered in Shapwick. In addition we learn how a group of enthusiastic and dedicated scholars unraveled this story. As such there is much here to inspire and enthuse others who might want to embark on a landscape study of a parish or village area. Seven of the ten chapters begin with a fictional vignette to bring the story of the village to life. Text-boxes elucidate re-occurring themes and techniques. Extensively illustrated in color including 100 full-page images. 9781905119455, $49.95, Recently Published, Paperback, 416 pages, Windgather Press
the roMAnobritish peAsAnt
towards a study of people, landscapes and Work during the roman occupation of britain Mike McCarthy
Unlike many other volumes on Roman Britain, this book focuses on the ordinary people—the farmers, shopkeepers, laborers and others—who are rarely given centerstage. Using evidence from archaeology, texts and ethnography, it aims to rebalance our view of Roman Britain away from elite institutions and social classes, which are generally more archaeologically visible, towards the common man. Natural forces underlying the use of land for agriculture and regional variations in agricultural practice are considered as an underlying theme for discussion of the size, health and nutrition of the population. How people earned a living is addressed through selected examples, as are questions of family size and structure, rules of social behavior, customs and taboos, the presence and role of foreigners and non-locals. A number of major themes for future consideration are identified. 9781905119479, $60.00, Recently Published, Paperback, 160 pages, Windgather Press
A forged glAMour
landscape, identity and Material culture in the iron Age Melanie Giles
A Forged Glamour evaluates settlement and funerary evidence, analyses farming and craftwork, and explores what some of their ideas and beliefs might have been. It situates this regional material within the broader context of Iron Age Britain, Ireland and the near Continent, and considers what manner of society this was. In order to do this it makes use of theoretical ideas on personhood, and relationships with material culture and landscape, arguing that the making of identity always takes work.
It is the character, scale and extent of this work (revealed through objects as small as a glass bead, or as big as a cemetery; as local as an earthen-ware pot or as exotic as coral-decoration) which enables archaeologists to investigate the web of relations which made up their lives, and explore the means of power which distinguished their leaders. 9781905119462, $60.00, Recently Published, Paperback, 224 pages, Windgather Press
the historic lAndscApe of deVon
A study in change and continuity Lucy Ryder
This book studies the 19th century historic landscape of Devon though the creation, manipulation and querying of a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) database to examine physical evidence of change and development through field and settlement patterns.
Making use of tithe surveys, the relationship between field and settlement morphologies and patterns of landholding is discussed for three case-study areas in Devon, developing the idea of landscape pays and the identification of regional differences in the study of the historic landscape.
9781905119387, $76.00, June 2014, Paperback, 256 pages, Windgather Press
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betWeen the Wind And the WAter
World heritage orkney Caroline Wickham-Jones
The Archaeological sites of Orkney give us an unparalleled glimpse into prehistory. Inscribed as the ‘Heart of Neolithic Orkney’ World Heritage Site in 1999, four great monuments—the village of Skara Brae, the Ring of Brodgar, the Stones of Stenness and the burial mound of Maeshowe—are also at the center of the archipelago’s story.
This book looks at what makes these monuments so special. Caroline WickhamJones explores the Neolithic world in which they were built, how they came to be a focus through the ages, and what they mean today. Picts, saints, Vikings, antiquarians and tourists populate Orkney’s past: a history which is channeled through these ‘dances of stones’.
9781909686502, $39.95, June 2014, Paperback, 178 pages, Windgather Press
building the greAt stone circles of the north
Colin Richards
Of all prehistoric monuments, few are more emotive than the great stone circles that were built throughout Britain and Ireland. From the tall, elegant, pointed monoliths of the Stones of Stenness to the grandeur of Stonehenge and the sarsen blocks at Avebury, circles of stone exert a magnetic fascination to those who venture into their sphere. In Britain today, more people visit these structures than any other form of prehistoric monument and visitors stand in awe at their scale and question how and why they were erected.
Building the Great Stone Circles of the North looks at the enigmatic stone structures of Scotland and investigates the background of their construction and their cultural significance. Beginning with a consideration of how the stone structures of Western Scotland can be interpreted, the volume looks in detail at the context of the circles and cairns from Orkney and the Outer Hebrides—from quarrying the raw material to their symbolic role within the landscape—before widening out into a consideration of the societies who built and used them and the myth and folklore that is now embedded within these megaliths. 9781909686120, $65.00, January 2014, Paperback, 320 pages, Windgather Press
norfolk gArdens And designed lAndscApes
Tom Williamson, Patsy Dallas & Roger Last
Norfolk Gardens is a celebration of the rich history of gardens and parks in the county of Norfolk—a kind of ‘Pevsner’s Guide’ for lovers of designed landscape. Beginning with a detailed exploration of the history of gardening in the county— from the pre-18th century ‘medicinals’, through the establishment of the great country house gardens and civic spaces of the 18th and 19th centuries, to the impact of modern ideas of ‘ecology’ and ‘minimalist’ gardening—the volume gives detailed descriptions of 330 of the most beautiful and significant gardens, parks and open spaces in Norfolk. It explores the impact gardeners with national reputations—such as Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown, Edwin Lutyens and Gertrude Jekyll—have had on the development of garden, landscape design and planting, both in the county and on the wider national stage, and examines the influence that these landscapes have on our ideas of gardening today. The volume is more than just a guide to gardens and spaces open to the public: whether large, well-known public spaces or small, private gems, all the gardens included are of particular importance in the history of gardening. Lavishly illustrated throughout in full color, with an introduction by the distinguished landscape and garden historian Tom Williamson, Norfolk Gardens is a comprehensive and detailed account of the history and heritage of gardening. 9781905119929, $49.95, Recently Published, Hardback, 256 pages, Windgather Press
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Windgather Press: Landscape Archaeology ecology And enclosure
the effect of enclosure on society, farming and the environment in south cambridgeshire, 1798-1850 Shirley Wittering
South Cambridgeshire has some of the richest arable land in England and has been cultivated for millennia. By the turn of the nineteenth century industrialisation and massive population growth had resulted in an enormous increase in the demand for food, which in turn led to enclosure. But this desire to plough every available piece of land resulted in the destruction of many valuable and distinctive habitats that had existed for centuries.
An Author And A gArdener
the gardens and friendship of edith Wharton and laurence Johnston Allan R. Ruff
Garden designer, Edith Wharton, as a writer, chose to expose her innermost thoughts and feelings and was continually in the public eye. Her friend, Laurence Johnston, however, wrote nothing about his gardens, hardly permitted photographs of himself or his gardens and, though he kept an engagement diary, these, with two exceptions, have not survived.
The Ecology of Enclosure breaks new ground in comparing the effect of Parliamentary Enclosure with the findings of the enthusiastic 'Botanisers' from Cambridge; this reveals not only the effect of enclosure on the ecology of the land but also on the people whose link with the land was broken.
As a result Johnston remains a shadowy figure upon whom light occasionally falls from within the diaries kept by Edith Wharton. Wharton was a passionate gardener—an aspect not yet fully explored in previous biographies—early in her life after she had made her first garden at The Mount, at Lenox, MA, she claimed she was a better landscape designer than novelist.
9781905119448, $70.00, Recently Published, Paperback, 192 pages, Windgather Press
9781909686465, $70.00, July 2014, Hardback, 360 pages, Windgather Press
landscape and community in AlpesMaritimes, france Andrew Fleming, David Austin, Rosamond Faith & David Siddle
Cipières, in the AlpesMaritimes, is a French upland landscape rich in archaeology and distinctive in its topography. Cipières: Community and Landscape in the Alpes-Maritimes is a unique exploration which brings together a wealth of documentary sources retained in the village with material evidence in the landscape to produce an interdisciplinary and holistic account of the development of one community and its lands.
Beginning with a history of the Project, the volume examines the village’s morphology and archaeology, including a landscape survey and investigation of the agrarian systems of the Plâteau de Calern, before moving on to examine settlement patterns, population, politics, social structure and the local economy from the fifth century through to 1900. 9781905119998, $76.00, January 2014, Paperback, 432 pages, Windgather Press
offA’s dyke
landscape and hegemony in eighth century britain Ian Bapty & Keith Ray
The massive ancient earthwork that provides the sole commemoration of an extraordinary AngloSaxon king and that gives its name to one of Britain’s most popular contemporary national walking trails remains an enigma.
Despite over a century of study, we still do not fully understand how or why Britain’s largest linear monument was built, and in recent years, the views of those who have studied the Dyke have diverged even as to such basic questions as its physical extent and date of construction.
This book provides a fresh perspective on the creation of Offa’s Dyke arising from over a decade of study and of conservation practice by its two authors. It also provides a new appreciation of the specifically Mercian and English political context of its construction. 9781905119356, $50.00, May 2014, Paperback, 200 pages, Windgather Press
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Windgather: Selected Backlist Landscape Archaeology THE ENGLISH MODEL FARM Building the Agricultural Ideal, 1700-1914 By Susanna Wade Martins 9780953863051, $29.95, December 2002, Paperback, 250 pages, Windgather Press OAK A British History By Esmond Harris 9780953863082, $30.00, December 2003, Paperback, 256 pages, Windgather Press LANDSCAPE ENCYCLOPAEDIA A Reference to the Historic Landscape By Richard Muir 9780954557508, $90.00, December 2004, Hardback, 297 pages, Windgather Press SWALEDALE Valley of the Wild River By Andrew Fleming 9781842173725, $50.00, March 2010, Paperback, 166 pages, Windgather Press
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A New Series from Oxbow Books
AMERICAN LANDSCAPES First titles will be published in late Fall 2014
Archaeology, anthropology, landscape history and environmental diversity
Series editors: Peter Topping and Mark Lynott American Landscapes is a new series from Oxbow Books which will present lavishly illustrated volumes exploring the landscape history of the North American continent. Each volume will provide a comprehensive and accessible narrative aimed at the informed reader, presenting an up-to-date review of the latest research from archaeology, anthropology, historical studies and the environmental sciences, which will also provide a guide to the detailed literature. The aim is to produce an expert overview—from a holistic landscape perspective—of the history and changing land use of particular areas/regions or archaeological/historical themes across a wide timeframe in the United States and Canada The first five titles have been commissioned and the series will launch in late 2014. All titles will be available from Oxbow’s US distributor, Casemate Academic (formerly The David Brown Book Company). To register your interests in the series and receive advance notification of titles please send an email to Crystal Gagnon crystal@casemateacademic.com.
Hopewell Ceremonial Landscapes of Ohio Mark Lynott During the first five centuries of the Christian era, a remarkable society built a large and elaborate complex of earthen mounds, walls, ditches and ponds in the southern flowing drainages of the Ohio River Valley. The number, size, and variety of forms make them some of the most impressive earthworks in all of North America. The development of the vast Hopewell Culture earthwork complexes such as those at Mound City, Hopewell, Fort Ancient and the Newark earthworks was accompanied by the establishment of wideranging cultural contacts reflected in the movement of exotic and strikingly beautiful artifacts such as elaborate tobacco pipes, obsidian and chert spearheads, copper axes and regalia, animal figurines and delicately carved sheets of mica. These phenomena, coupled with complex burial rituals, indicate the emergence of a powerful ideology of individual and group power and prestige, and the creation of a vast cultural landscape within which the monument complexes were central to a ritual cycle encompassing a substantial geographical area.
Ancient Effigy Mound Landscapes of Upper Midwestern North America Robert A. Birmingham Between circa A.D. 700 and 1100, Late Woodland people of the Upper Midwest used the topography and other features of the natural landscape to create vast ceremonial landscapes consisting of thousands of earthen mounds sculpted into animals and animal spirits that mirrored their belief and clan based social structure and that served an important role in mortuary ritual. In so doing, the Late Woodland people created quite visible three dimensional maps of ancient cosmology and social structures that are similar to the beliefs and social systems of more recent Indian people. With the benefit of LiDAR survey, the nature of these unique effigy mound landscapes can now been documented with unprecedented precision and the use of topography and natural features to create the ceremonial landscapes examined. An interpretation put forward that demonstrates how these were living landscapes in which ancestral animals and supernatural beings were ritually brought back to life at places where the spirits are best evoked in a continuous cycle of death and rebirth of the earth and its people.
Transforming the Landscape: Rock Art and the Mississippian Cosmos Carol Diaz-Granados, Jan Simek, George Sabo, and Mark Wagner There is a vast repertoire of American Indian rock art spread across an expansive region of eastern North America created during the Mississippian Period. Unlike portable cultural material, rock art provides in situ evidence of ritual activity that links ideology and place. Our focus on the widespread use of cosmograms in Mississippian rock art imagery anchors broad distributional patterns of motifs and themes within a powerful framework for cultural interpretation, yielding new insights on ancient concepts of landscape, nature, ceremonialism, religion, and a more comprehensive perspective on Mississippian symbolism.
Archaic Landscapes of Louisiana: Hedgepeth Mounds, Watson Brake and the Middle Archaic Mounds Joe Saunders Middle Archaic earthen mound complexes in the lower Mississippi valley include major sites in Louisiana, of which the Hedgepeth Mounds, Watson Break and Frenchman’s Bend are the best known. Identified as being earlier than many of the mound complexes further up the Mississippi, early exploration of the Louisiana complexes produced little in the way of material culture. However, research programs involving extensive coring, stratigraphic studies, and both radiometric and luminescence dating have identified and examined pre-mound middens and occupation surfaces and buried soils producing a range of lithic and fired clay objects and organic materials for dating. At Watson Brake, for instance, where 11 connected mounds enclose a probable ritual space, substantial moundraising began ca. 3350 B.C. and continued in stages until some time after 3000 B.C at which point the site was abandoned. Year-round occupation supported by broad-spectrum foraging is indicated. This volume brings together the results of 25 years of research in order to explore the origins, cultural development and ultimate demise of early moundbuilding traditions in the lower Mississippi region.
Battlespace 1865: Archaeology of the North Platte Campaign, Nebraska Robert Scott and Peter Bleed In early 1865, as the Civil War was winding down and Plains Indian communities were reeling in the wake of the Sand Creek massacre, combat swept across the Nebraska panhandle. Operating on terrain they knew well, Cheyenne warriors and other Native forces encountered the US Cavalry who operated with a modern network of trails and stations. Archaeological consideration the battlefields, bases, and landscapes associated with this fighting expose how the combat developed and how the opposing forces dealt with the challenges they encountered. This study draws on techniques of battlefield archaeology as well as historical accounts of the participants, LiDAR-informed terrain assessment, and theoretical consideration of the strategic thinking of the combatants. It applies a landscape approach to the archaeological study of war and reveals an overlooked phase of the American Civil War and the opening of the Indian Wars.
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