Warrior 16

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Volume VII, Issue I, Spring 2016

Recent Releases

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THE WARRIOR Military History at Its Best


The Bestselling Books of 2015

Our “All-Time Bestsellers” List New Releases from 2015



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Greetings Military History Enthusiast! I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the first Warrior catalog of 2016. This will be an exciting year for The Warrior, beginning with the new features in this issue. We are now featuring brand new titles that have only arrived in our warehouse in the past couple months! One that I think will be of particular interest to you is Paris ’44. This history of the Allied liberation of the city so long held in captivity breaks down myths perpetuated by other works, and makes clear who the real heroes of the liberation were. On pages 3 through 7 you will find a list of our Bestselling Books of 2015. Our bestselling title of 2015 was Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg, which encourages readers to explore the famous attack from a wide variety of perspectives.The experience is enriched by scores of photographs, a unique mix of rare human interest stories, a rare collection of artifacts directly related to the charge, and more. For further perspective on the Civil War, try Lincoln’s Bold Lion. This is the first biography of a remarkable young man whose combat career, in the words of historian Ezra Warner, “has few parallels in the annals of the army for gallantry, wounds sustained, and the obscurity into which he had lapsed a generation before his death.” This unique title can be found on page 36. On pages 8 through 12 we’ve included some of our All-Time Bestselling Books. Number one on this list is The Ultimate Basic Training Guidebook, an utterly indispensable guide to thriving in today’s military. It was written with the hope that no one else would have to go through basic training without the essential knowledge that can ease the transition into military life. For this Warrior, I’ve also chosen some older titles that complement our new releases. I think you’ll especially enjoy Special Operations in the American Revolution. What we today call SpecOps were an integral part of American strategy in the Revolution, and many of the lessons learned and tactics used at the time are still studied by modern day Special Operations forces. Read it in conjunction with this year’s title, True for the Cause of Liberty. It is the story of the untrained Patriot militiamen who waged a savage partisan war against the British that rivaled any fought in the northern colonies. These titles can be found on page 37. As always, we would like to thank you for your continued support of The Warrior. We encourage your comments and suggestions so we can continue to best serve you! Best Wishes, Carlie Rivera Editor, The Warrior

Forthcoming from Casemate A Shau Valor Thomas R.Yarborough Throughout the Vietnam War, one focal point persisted where the Viet Cong guerrillas and ARVN were not a major factor, but where the trained professionals of the North Vietnamese and U.S. armies repeatedly fought head-to-head. This is a thoroughly documented study of nine years of American combat operations encompassing the crucial frontier valley and a 15-mile radius around it—the most deadly killing ground of the entire Vietnam War. Other works have focused on individual battles or units, but A Shau Valor is the first to study the nine-year campaign—for all its courage and sacrifice—chronologically and within the context of other historical, political and cultural events. 9781612003542, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 336 pages, April 2016

Bacteria and Bayonets David Petriello The war waged by the United States against disease, and by disease against the United States, has impacted the country more than any other conflict and continues to present a terrible threat. Illness has helped to decide battles, drive campaigns, and determine strategy. This book not only traces the path of disease in American military history but also recounts numerous small episodes and interesting anecdotes related to the history of illness. Overall it presents a compelling story, one that has been overlooked and underappreciated.Yellow fever, malaria, tuberculosis, smallpox, and numerous other bacteria and viruses all conspired to defeat America, and are enemies that need to be recognized. 9781612003412, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 264 pages, February 2016

The front cover image is from Shade It Black by Jessica Goodell with John Hearn, Casemate Publishers, 2011.


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•BESTSELLING BOOKS OF 2015• Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg James A. Hessler & Wayne E. Motts The attack against the Union position on Cemetery Ridge still resonates with Gettysburg enthusiasts like no other aspect of the battle. On July 3, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee ordered more than 12,000 Southern infantrymen to undertake what would become the most legendary charge in American military history. This attack, popularly but inaccurately known as “Pickett’s Charge,” is often considered the turning point of the Civil War’s seminal battle of Gettysburg. Although much has been written about the battle itself and Pickett’s Charge in particular, this is the first battlefield guide for this celebrated assault. Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg is designed for readers to enjoy on or off the battlefield, and will give Civil War enthusiasts an entirely new appreciation for, and understanding of, Gettysburg’s third day of battle. 9781611212006, $37.95, $24.99, hardback, 320 pages

The Roman Army Patricia Southern The Roman Army reigned supreme for over a thousand years. From Britain to Syria, and from the Rhine and Danube to North Africa, there is abundant evidence of the activities of its legionaries and auxiliary soldiers. After 30 BC, Augustus turned the troops of the Republic into the world’s first major standing army. This book covers the complete history of the Roman Army from 753 BC to AD 476, including its successes and failures against Rome’s enemies such as Gauls, arthaginians, Goths and Persians. Life in the Roman Army was not all about fighting battles. Soldiers, centurions and commanding officers left behind a variety of documents, many of which are used in this book to reconstruct their daily lives and their combat experience. 9781445620893, $42.00, $27.50, hardback, 560 pages

Panzer Operations Hermann Hoth This book, originally published in German in 1956, has now been translated into English, unveiling a wealth of both experiences and analysis about Operation Barbarossa, perhaps the most important military campaign of the 20th century. Hoth critically analyzes the origin, development, and objective of the plan against Russia, and presents the situations confronted, the decisions taken, and the mistakes made by the army’s leadership. He sheds light on the decisive and ever-escalating struggle between Hitler and his military advisers. Hoth concludes his study with several lessons for the offensive use of armored formations in the future. His firsthand analysis, here published for the first time in English, will be vital reading for every student of World War II. 9781612002699, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 224 pages

War Bonds Cindy Hval America’s World War II is most often told through the stories of its great battles. From blind dates to whirlwind romances to long separations, War Bonds tells the story of WWII through romance. It highlights stories of couples who met or married during the war. Each of the 30 stories begins with a World War II-era song title and concludes with a look at wartime couples in their twilight, as well as when they were so hopeful and young and determined to save the world. Illustrated with photographs from the 1940’s as well as current ones of each couple,War Bonds offers readers a glimpse of bygone days, as well as a poignant glimpse of our own. 9781612002903, $24.95, $16.50, hardback, 216 pages

Hitler’s Last Witness Rochus Misch After being seriously wounded in the 1939 Polish campaign, Rochus Misch was invited to join Hitler’s SS-bodyguard. There he served until the war’s end as Hitler’s bodyguard, courier, orderly and finally as Chief of Communications. He watched Eva Braun organize parties; observed Heinrich Himmler and Albert Speer; and monitored telephone conversations from Berlin to the East Prussian FHQ on 20 July 1944 after the attempt on Hitler’s life. His memoirs offer an intimate view of life in close attendance to Hitler and of the endless hours deep inside the bunker; and provide new insights into military events such as Hitler’s initial feelings that the 6th Army should pull out of Stalingrad. Shortly before he died Misch wrote a new introduction for this first-ever English-language edition. 9781848327498, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 256 pages

Field Marshal Daniel Allen Butler Erwin Rommel was a complex man: a born leader, brilliant soldier, a devoted husband and proud father; intelligent, instinctive, brave, compassionate, vain, egotistical, and arrogant. In France in 1940, then for two years in North Africa, then finally back in France again, at Normandy in 1944, he proved himself a master of armored warfare, running rings around a succession of Allied generals who never got his measure and could only resort to overwhelming numbers to bring about his defeat. In Field Marshal historian Daniel Allen Butler not only describes the swirling, innovative campaigns in which Rommel won his military reputation, but assesses the temper of the man who finally fought only for his country, and no dark depths beyond. 9781612002972, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 600 pages

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•BESTSELLING BOOKS OF 2015• Marcus Agrippa Lindsay Powell Marcus Agrippa personified the term ’right-hand man’. As Emperor Augustus’ deputy, he waged wars, pacified provinces, beautified Rome, and played a crucial role in laying the foundations of the Pax Romana for the next two hundred years but he served always in the knowledge he would never rule in his own name. Why he did so, and never grasped power exclusively for himself, has perplexed historians for centuries. This book is lucidly written by the author of the acclaimed biographies Eager for Glory and Germanicus. Illustrated with color plates, figures and high quality maps, Lindsay Powell presents a penetrating new assessment of the life and achievements of the multifaceted man who put service to friend and country before himself. 9781848846173, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 384 pages

The Chickamauga Campaign–Glory or the Grave David A. Powell This is the second volume in a magnificent projected threevolume study of the overlooked and largely misunderstood Chickamauga Campaign.This installment of Powell’s tour-deforce depicts the final day of battle, when the Confederate army attacked and broke through the Union lines, triggering a massive rout, an incredible defensive stand atop Snodgrass Hill, and a confused retreat and pursuit into Chattanooga. Powell presents all of this with clarity and precision by weaving nearly 2,000 primary accounts with his own cogent analysis.The result is a rich and deep portrait of the fighting and command relationships on a scale never before attempted or accomplished. For any student of the Civil War in general, or the Western Theater in particular, Powell’s trilogy is a must-read. 9781611212020, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 768 pages

Battle of Britain Christer Bergström In time for the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, we now have perhaps the most thorough, expert examination of the topic ever written. Illustrated throughout with maps and rare photos, plus a color section closely depicting the aircraft, this work lays out the battle as seldom seen before. This book contains a large number of dramatic eyewitness accounts, even as it reveals new facts that will alter perception of the battle in the public’s eyes. The author has made a detailed search into the loss records for both sides, and provides statistics that will raise more than one eyebrow. It was the unparalleled efforts of “The Few” that won the battle. In the skies over Britain this work verifies where credit was due. 9781612003474, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 336 pages


Tanks in Hell Oscar E. Gilbert & Romain V Cansiere In this unique study Oscar Gilbert and Romain Cansiere use official documents, memoirs, interviews with veterans, as well as personal and aerial photographs to follow Charlie Company from its formation, and trace the movement, action—and loss—of individual tanks in this horrific four-day struggle. It is a story of escapes from drowning tanks, and even more harrowing escapes from tanks knocked out behind Japanese lines. It is the story of how the two surviving tanks and their crews expanded a perilously thin beachhead, and cleared the way for critical reinforcements to come ashore. But most of all it is a story of how a few unsung Marines helped turn near disaster into epic victory. 9781612003030, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 264 pages

Patton’s Third Army at War George Forty This is the story of General George S. Patton’s magnificent Third Army as it advanced across Nazi-occupied Europe and into Hitler’s redoubt in the last year of World War II. As America’s own answer to Blitzkrieg, Third Army’s actions from the Normandy coast across France and Germany to Austria gave a new dimension to the term “fluid warfare.” In these pages renowned military historian George Forty gives a vivid impression in words and pictures of what it was like to live and fight with Patton’s men. Full of eyewitness accounts and a host of photographs and maps, it relates the full story of how America’s most dynamic fighting formation led the Allied effort against the Nazis’ seemingly invincible European empire. 9781612002958, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 224 pages

The Ardennes, 1944–1945 Christer Bergstrom In December 1944, Hitler shocked the world with a powerful German counteroffensive that cracked the center of the American front. The attack came through the Ardennes, the hilly and forested area in eastern Belgium and Luxembourg that the Allies had considered a “quiet” sector. Instead, for the second time in the war, the Germans used it as a stealthy avenue of approach for their panzers. The Ardennes Offensive has often been described from the American point of view; however, this balanced book devotes equal attention to the perspectives of both sides. With nearly 400 photos, numerous maps, and 32 superb color profiles of combat vehicles and aircraft, it provides perhaps the most comprehensive look at the battle yet published. 9781612002774, $69.95, $45.50, hardback, 508 pages

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•BESTSELLING BOOKS OF 2015• The Fighting 30th Division Martin King & Michael Collins In World War I the 30th Infantry Division earned more Medals of Honor than any other American division. In World War II it spent more consecutive days in combat than almost any other outfit. Recruited mainly from the Carolinas and Georgia and Tennessee, they were one of the hardest-fighting units the U.S. ever fielded in Europe. What was it about these men that made them so indomitable? This book is a combat chronicle of this illustrious division that takes the reader right to the heart of the fighting through the eyes of those who were actually there. This work follows their story from Normandy to the final victory in Germany, packed with previously untold accounts from the survivors. 9781612003016, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 360 pages

Blocking Kampfgruppe Peiper Frank van Lunteren In December 1944 an enormous German army group crashed through the thin American line in the Ardennes forest. Caught by surprise, the Allies were initially only able to throw two divisions of paratroopers to buttress the collapse—the 82nd Airborne, which was rushed to the area of St.Vith, and the 101st, which was trucked to Bastogne. In this work Van Lunteren provides a fascinating, close-in view of the 504th P.I.R. during the Battle of the Bulge as well as its gallant sacrifice. Using never before published diaries, letters, battle reports and interviews with over 100 veterans, a comprehensive account is painted of a triumphant U.S. regiment in one of the fiercest fought campaigns in the history of the U.S. Army. 9781612003139, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 368 pages

Hans Sturm Gordon Williamson Few can match Hans Sturm in his astonishing rise from a mere private in an infantry regiment, thrown into the bloody maelstrom of the Eastern Front, to a highly decorated war hero. A young man who had displayed fearless heroism in combat, earning him some of Germany’s highest military awards, Sturm hated bullies and injustice, and reacted in his normal pugnacious and outspoken manner when confronted with wrongdoing. From striking a member of the feared Sicherheitsdienst for his treatment of a Jewish woman, to refusing to wear a decoration he felt was tainted because of the treatment of enemy partisans, Sturm repeatedly stuck to his moral values no matter what the risk. 9781781553930, $40.00, $26.50, hardback, 320 pages

Race to the Rhine Leo Marriott & Simon Forty The speed of the German Blitzkrieg in 1940 and the relative ease with which they brushed aside Allied defenses meant four years of occupation. But in June 1944—this time with American forces—the Allies finally returned for a rematch. Race to the Rhine, a companion volume to The Normandy Battlefields, links modern aerial photography with contemporary illustrations to provide a modern interpretation of the battles, replete with maps, diagrams and photos. It is now 70 years since Western Europe was freed from its occupation, and this book provides a graphic view of how it was accomplished. For those interested in visiting the sites, it supplies a guide to the places that best represent the battles today. 9781612002941, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 192 pages

The Battle of Kursk 1943 Valeriy Zamulin & Stuart Britton The Battle of Kursk continues to attract great attention even today. However, since the war, despite the enormous attention given to the fighting near Kursk, not a single book has been published, in which the photographs of Soviet war correspondents, taken directly on the battlefield, have been gathered, organized and presented for a broad audience of readers. This new photo study is unique - it consists of more than 500 photographs which capture images of the fighting, accompanied by expert commentary on them. This photograph album should also open readers’ eyes to a swathe of new Kursk material, much of it hitherto inaccessible. 9781909982857, $99.95, $64.99, hardback, 488 pages

Year of Desperate Struggle Monte Akers This work picks up where Year of Glory left off, with a minute examination of Stuart’s cavalry during the controversial Gettysburg campaign, followed by the nine months of sparring during which the Army of Potomac declined to undertake further major thrusts against Virginia. But then, Grant and Sheridan found that their prior victories had by no means prepared them for meeting the Army of Northern Virginia. In this work Akers provides a fascinating, close-in view of the Confederacy’s cavalry arm during this crucial period of the war. After Stuart’s death the Army of Northern Virginia would eventually be cornered, but while he was alive it was often the Northerners who most needed to look to their security. 9781612002828, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 312 pages

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•BESTSELLING BOOKS OF 2015• Spies, Scouts, and Secrets in the Gettysburg Campaign Thomas J. Ryan Despite the thousands of books and articles written about Gettysburg, this groundbreaking title is the first to offer a unique and incisive comparative study of intelligence operations during what many consider the war’s decisive campaign. Based upon years of indefatigable research, the author evaluates how Gen. Robert E. Lee used intelligence resources, including cavalry, civilians, newspapers, and spies to gather information about Union activities, and how this intelligence influenced General Lee’s decisions. Simultaneously, Ryan explores the effectiveness of the Union Army of the Potomac’s intelligence and counterintelligence operations. Everyone will appreciate reading about a familiar historic event from a perspective that is both new and enjoyable. One thing is certain: no one will close this book and look at the Gettysburg Campaign in the same way again. 9781611211788, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 482 pages

Marine Corps Tank Battles in the Middle East Oscar E. Gilbert In the aftermath of Vietnam a new generation of Marines was determined to wage a smarter kind of war. The tank, the very symbol of power and violence, would play a key role in a new concept of mobile warfare, not seen since the dashes of World War II. The emphasis would be not on brutal battles of attrition, but on paralyzing the enemy by rapid maneuver and overwhelming but judicious use of firepower. Our fights against Iraq in 1991 and in the post-9/11 years have seen further wars that demanded that unique combination of courage, tenacity, professionalism, and versatility that makes a Marine no better friend, and no worse enemy. This book fully describes how our Marine Corps tankers have risen to the occasion. 9781612002675, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 312 pages

Grunt Antonio Arques Fifty years after the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, authorizing US forces to defend South Vietnam, this incredible book arrives with a one-stop visual tour of every item of gear employed by American infantrymen in the long years of battle that followed.With over 2,000 photos accompanied by insightful text, this work digs into every nook and cranny of the infantry’s experience “in-country.” This unique book provides a visceral tour down memory lane for every soldier who served in Vietnam. It is also a revealing guide to those in the general public who may have wondered exactly what our troops felt, handled and experienced during that tumultuous American war in remote Southeast Asia. 9788496658493, $99.00, $64.50, hardback, 456 pages


With Paulus at Stalingrad Wilhelm Adam & Otto Rühle Colonel Wilhelm Adam, senior ADC to General Paulus, commander of the German 6th Army at Stalingrad, wrote a compelling and controversial memoir describing the German defeat, his time as a prisoner of war with Paulus, and his conversion to communism. The extraordinary story he tells, fluently translated by Tony Le Tissier, offers a genuinely fresh perspective on the battle, and it reveals much about the prevailing attitudes and tense personal relationships of the commanders at Stalingrad and at Hitler’s headquarters. It deepens understanding of the German side of the fighting and explains the circumstances that led some German soldiers to ask fundamental questions about the cause they were fighting for. 9781473833869, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 240 pages

Check Six! Jim Curran & Terrence Popravak, Jr There were no mission limits for a pilot in the Pacific during World War II; unlike in Europe, you flew until it was time to go home. So it was for James “Jug” Curran, all the way from New Guinea to the Philippines with the 348th Fighter Group, the first P-47 Thunderbolt outfit in the Pacific. This is an aviation chronicle that brings the reader into flight, then into the fight, throughout the Pacific War and back. This work, from someone who was there, captures the combat experience of our aviators in the Pacific, aided by pertinent excerpts from the official histories of units that “Jug” Curran flew with. 9781612002996, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 352 pages

Cushing’s Coup Dirk Jan Barreveld Lt. Col. James M. Cushing was an American mining engineer who happened to be in Cebu when war broke out in the Pacific. His most spectacular exploit came when he captured Admiral Fukudome and the “Plan Z” that was in his tow. This work reveals one of the most important intelligence triumphs of World War II. It was no less than the capture of the Empire’s fully detailed strategy for prosecuting the last stages of the Pacific War. It’s a story of happenstance, mayhem, and intrigue, and resulted directly in the spectacular U.S. victory in the Philippine Sea. In this book we finally learn of the huge intelligence coup by Lt. Col. Cushing that helped to shorten the entire war. 9781612003078, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 304 pages

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•BESTSELLING BOOKS OF 2015• America’s Modern Wars Christopher A. Lawrence While the past half-century has seen no diminution in the valor and fighting skill of the U.S. military and its allies, the fact remains that our wars have become more protracted, with decisive results more elusive.This fascinating book takes a groundup look at the problem in order to assess how our strategic objectives have recently become divorced from our true capability, or imperatives. It presents an extensive analysis of insurgencies based upon a unique database of 83 post-WWII cases, and it builds a body of knowledge based upon a half-century’s worth of real-world data, with analysis, not opinion.These pages provide an invaluable guide to how the U.S. can best project its vital power, while avoiding the missteps of the recent past. 9781612002781, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 376 pages

Sniper on the Eastern Front Albrecht Wacker Josef “Sepp” Allerberger was the second most successful sniper of the German Wehrmacht and one of the few private soldiers to be honored with the award of the Knight’s Cross. In this sometimes harrowing memoir, Allerberger provides an excellent introduction to the commitment in field craft, discipline and routine required of the sniper, a man apart. There was no place for chivalry on the Russian Front. Away from the film cameras, no prisoner survived long after surrendering. Russian snipers had used the illegal explosive bullet since 1941, and Hitler eventually authorized its issue in 1944. The result was a battlefield of horror. Allerberger was a coldblooded killer, but few will find a place in their hearts for the soldiers of the Red Army against whom he fought. 9781781590041, $19.99, $12.99, paperback, 192 pages

Cataclysm 90 BC Philip Matyszak We are accustomed to think of the late Republic as a period in which Rome enjoyed almost uninterrupted military success against foreign enemies.Yet at the start of the first century BC, Rome, outnumbered and outgeneraled, faced a hostile army less than a week’s march from the Capitol. This book is a military and political history of the Social War of 90-88BC. Because Rome’s former Italian allies had the arms, training, and military systems of the Roman army which they usually fought alongside, all Rome’s usual military advantages were nullified. The interplay of personalities; high-stakes politics and full-scale warfare combine with assassination; personal sacrifice and desperate measures (such as raising an army of freed slaves) to make for a taut, fast-paced tale. 9781848847897, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 256 pages

Survivors of Stalingrad Reinhold Busch In November 1942 – in a devastating counter-attack from outside the city – Soviet forces smashed the German siege and encircled Stalingrad, trapping some 290,000 soldiers of the 6th Army inside. This important work reconstructs the grim fate of the 6th Army in full for the first time by examining the little-known story of the field hospitals and central dressing stations. It includes firsthand accounts of soldiers who were wounded or fell ill and were flown out of the encirclement; as well as those who fought to the bitter end and were taken prisoner by the Soviets. They reflect on the severity of the fighting, and reveal the slowly ebbing hopes for survival. Together they provide an illuminating and tragic portrait of the appalling events at Stalingrad. 9781848327665, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

The Fires of Babylon Mike Guardia As a new generation of main battle tanks came on line during the 1980s, neither the US nor USSR had the chance to pit them in combat. But once the Cold War between the superpowers waned, Iraq’s Saddam Hussein provided that chance with his invasion of Kuwait. Finally the new US M1A1 tank would see how it fared against the vaunted Soviet-built T-72. On the morning of August 2, 1990, Iraqi armored divisions invaded the tiny emirate of Kuwait. In response, the U.S. led the world community in a coalition of 34 nations in what became known as Operation Desert Storm. Based on hours of interviews and archival research, this minute-by-minute account of the U.S. breakthrough reveals an intimate, no-holds-barred account of modern warfare. 9781612002927, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 248 pages

Professor Porsche’s Wars Karl Ludvigsen Regarded as one of the great automotive engineers of the twentieth century, Ferdinand Porsche is well remembered today for his remarkable automotive designs including the Volkswagen Beetle and Auto Union Grand Prix cars.Yet there is another side to his extraordinary career, for he was an equally inventive designer of military vehicles and machinery. In this field too he excelled. This tells the complete story, focusing on Porsche’s relations with the German armed forces and on the stream of advanced designs he was responsible for. It also describes Porsche’s creative work on aero engines, tank engines and even a turbojet for the V-1 flying bomb. This account confirms the preeminence of Ferdinand Porsche as a brilliant, prolific engineer, one of the most remarkable of his generation. 9781783030194, $50.00, $32.99, hardback, 296 pages

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•ALL-TIME BESTSELLERS• Ultimate Basic Training Guidebook Michael Volkin As anyone who has undergone the transition from civilian to soldier will tell you, basic training is a lot tougher and more challenging than any recruit can imagine. Michael Volkin discovered that fact soon after 9-11, when his personal vow to serve his country convinced him to enlist in the U.S. Army. This is a comprehensive, practical, and easy-to-follow survival guide written specifically for every new or prospective recruit about to enter any branch of the armed forces. It offers step-by-step instructions and solutions for how to prepare both physically and mentally for boot camp. The Ultimate Basic Training Guidebook was written by a soldier for men and women who want to become soldiers. No one should enter boot camp without having read this book. 9781932714111, $18.95, $12.50, paperback, 224 pages

G.I. Collectors Guide Henry-Paul Enjames This is spectacular new book from Europe’s leading uniform and equipment publisher will follow in the footsteps as such classics from the past as From Doughboy to GI. Histoire and Collections has earned a reputation for producing the finest, incredibly detailed and sumptuously illustrated books. Their technique reaches a new level with this latest book. All the uniforms, insignia, badges, weapons and equipment of the ETO are described in detail and depicted in both photographs and full color graphics. This book is a must for any collector in the field. 9782352500803, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 282 pages

Spearheading D-Day Jonathan Gawne This book examines the US landings at Omaha and Utah with an eye to what other writers have ignored. Utilizing the original military records and extensive veteran interviews, it covers such diverse topics as how the invasion tactics were developed, the organization of the units involved, as well as the uniforms and equipment of the assault troops. For the first time, both Navy officers directly involved with the first waves at Utah Beach speak out on what actually caused the misdirection of the Utah landings. Heavily illustrated, the emphasis of Spearheading D-Day has been placed on little-known photos, including a selection of rarely seen color stills taken from Coast Guard movies of the Normandy invasion. 9782352502012, $34.95, $22.99, paperback, 288 pages


Deutsche Soldaten Agustin Saiz Deutsche Soldaten is a stunning visual history of the German soldier and provides a unique reflection of how the men lived, ate, and washed themselves on the front, or behaved when at rest, what were their pastimes, ambitions, worries and how they spent their leave, through the collections of personal items and other artifacts they left behind.The author, an avid collector of military items from many different armies, makes available to the general public for the first time all these artifacts which he has collected over the years in order to create this complete illustrated history.There are a great many close up photographs that will be invaluable for collectors looking to see what the genuine article looks like. 9781932033960, $55.00, $35.99, hardback, 356 pages

GI-Collector’s Guide, Volume 2 HP Enjames After the release of Volume 1, many readers and collectors pointed out several pieces they possessed which were missing from the book. Although including each and every item issued to the American soldier is a near impossible goal, the author started making a list of what should included in a second edition. All chapters from volume 1 have been revised and updated and new sections have been added, including personal equipment, Stateside training, and the life of POWs in German camps. More than 1,000 new artifacts with detailed captions are featured in this completely revised new work. Volume 2 of the G.I. Collector’s Guide provides a complete and unequaled source of American ground force documentation for collectors and enthusiasts alike. 9782352500797, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 276 pages

Complete Gettysburg Guide J. David Petruzzi Some two million people visit the battlefield at Gettysburg each year. It is one of the most popular historical destinations in the United States. Most visitors tour the field by following the National Park Service’s suggested auto tour. The standard tour, however, skips crucial monuments, markers, battle actions, town sites, hospital locations, and other hidden historical gems that should be experienced by everyone.These serious oversights are fully rectified in this guide, penned by noted Gettysburg historian J. David Petruzzi and illustrated with the lavish, full-color photography and maps of Civil War cartographer Steven Stanley. Every student of Gettysburg, novice and expert alike, will want to learn from, enjoy, and treasure this book. No visitor to Gettysburg will want to be without it. 9781932714630, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 320 pages

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•ALL-TIME BESTSELLERS• Finding Your Father’s War Revised Edition Jonathan Gawne Originally published in 2006 and selling through three printings, this invaluable guide has been revised and updated for a new edition. It provides an overview of the Army in World War II, from the basics up. It goes on to explain how to find information from such sources as discharges, uniforms, paperwork, the National Personnel Records Center, National Archives, other facilities, and what you can expect from veterans organizations (and how to find them). The book also helps you to assemble the data you have collected and piece together the story of your relatives’ wartime service. Color illustrations of campaign ribbons, decorations, insignia, and rare photos accompany the detailed text. 9781612001999, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 352 pages

Filthy Thirteen Richard Killblane & Jake McNiece Since World War II, the American public has become fully aware of the exploits of the 101st Airborne Division, the paratroopers who led the Allied invasions into Nazi-held Europe. But within the ranks of the 101st, a sub-unit attained legendary status at the time, its reputation persisting among veterans over the decades. This book does not draw a new portrait of earnest citizen soldiers. Instead it describes a group of hardscrabble guys whom any respectable person would be loath to meet in a bar or dark alley. But they were an integral part of the U.S. war against Nazi Germany. The Filthy 13 remain a legend within the ranks of the 101st Airborne. 9781932033465, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 256 pages

Playing with the Enemy Gary W. Moore It was true in the 1940s, and it is still true today: if you have talent, someone will notice. In Gene Moore’s case, that someone was the Brooklyn Dodgers. Headed for baseball stardom, Gene’s destiny was interrupted by Pearl Harbor. After playing ball for the Navy in the Azores and North Africa, Gene and his team were sent to the States for a special mission: guarding German sailors captured from U-505. Gene convinced his commander to allow him to teach the enemy how to play baseball while he and his teammates waited for the war to end so they could be called up into the Major Leagues. But Gene’s future changed irrevocably in Louisiana. His life, and maybe our national pastime, was forever altered. 9781932714241, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 264 pages

Shade It Black Jessica Goodell & John Hearn How do the remains of American service men and women get from the dusty roads of Fallujah to the flag-covered coffins at Dover Air Force Base? And what does the gathering of those remains tell us about the nature of modern warfare and about ourselves? These questions are the focus of Jess Goodell’s story. With sensitivity and insight, Jess describes her job retrieving and examining the remains of fellow soldiers lost in combat in Iraq, and the psychological intricacy of coping with their fates, as well as her own. Death assumed many forms during the war, and the challenge of maintaining one’s own humanity could be difficult. This is one of the most unique accounts of America’s current wars overseas yet seen. 9781612000015, $24.95, $16.50, hardback, 192 pages

Once a Marine Nick Popaditch & Mike Steere May 6, 1986: Nick Popaditch arrives at the Receiving Barracks, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California. April 18, 2004: “Gunny Pop” comes home to face the toughest fight of his life-a battle to remain the man and Marine he was. This is the central drama of Nick’s inspiring memoir. Readers in and out of the military will stand up and cheer for this valiant Marine’s Marine, a man who embodies everything noble and proud in the Corps’ long tradition. Never has modern mechanized combat seemed so immediate and real, or the fight in Iraq seemed so human and worth believing in. Once you read this remarkable and uplifting book, The Marine’s Hymn will never sound the same. 9781611211443, $18.95, $12.50, paperback, 312 pages

Confessions of a Military Wife Mollie Gross This is an honest, witty, and often hilarious look at the life of the new generation military wife. Mollie Gross learned the hard way to laugh instead of cry at what she could not control as a military spouse—and as she quickly discovered, nearly everything was out of her control! A standup comedienne, public speaker, and wife of a Marine Corps officer, Mollie explores everything about the “issued” spouse, from deployment and the stress of having a husband in a combat zone, to the realization that marriage changes when your husband returns home from war. Nothing is taboo or out-ofbounds. Evocative and provocative, Confessions of a Military Wife is a can’t-put-down book that will leave you laughing and crying at the same time. 9781932714760, $25.00, $16.50, hardback, 288 pages

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•ALL-TIME BESTSELLERS• Demolishing the Myth Valeriy Zamulin & Stuart Britton Examining the battle from primarily the Soviet side, Zamulin reveals the real costs and real achievements of the Red Army at Kursk, and especially Prokhorovka. He examines mistaken deployments and faulty decisions that hampered the Voronezh Front’s efforts to contain the Fourth Panzer Army’s assault, and the valiant, self-sacrificial fighting of the Red Army’s soldiers and junior officers as they sought to slow the German advance, and then crush the II SS Panzer Corps with a heavy counterattack at Prokhorovka. Illustrated with numerous maps and photographs, and supplemented with extensive tables of data, Zamulin’s book is an outstanding contribution to the growing literature on the battle of Kursk, and further demolishes many of the myths and legends that grew up around this battle. 9781906033897, $69.95, $45.50, hardback, 664 pages

8th Air Force Gregory Pons America’s strategy for complete victory over Nazi Germany called for the utter destruction of its major industrial areas. These raids were carried out as early as 1942 by hundreds of heavy bombers from the US 8th Air Force, based in England. The descriptions of combat missions flown by B-17 crews over occupied Europe and the Reich are illustrated with official and private pictures taken from the personal albums of pilots, crew members, mechanics and Air Force photographers. The book contains hundreds of large format period pictures of actual missions, planes and crews; as well as personal mementoes and reproductions from servicemen’s scrapbooks. 9782915239829, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 192 pages

Major & Mrs Holt’s Definitive Battlefield Guide to the D-Day Normandy Landing Beaches Major Tonie Holt & Valmai Holt Already the best-selling Englishlanguage guide to the area, universally known as “The Bible”, this is the sixth, completely revised, up-to-date, much expanded edition of the definitive guide to the D-Day Normandy Landing beaches. The third in the Holts’ important series of Battlefield Guides (following the Somme and the Ypres Salient) it employs the same, highly acclaimed formula. Once again, the cold facts are interlaced with anecdotes of bravery, humor, sadness and humanity. 9781848845701, $29.99, $19.50, paperback, 352 pages


Notes of a Russian Sniper Vassili Zaitsev “As a sniper, I’ve killed more than a few Nazis. I have a passion for observing enemy behavior. You watch a Nazi officer come out of a bunker, acting all high and mighty, ordering his soldiers every which way, and putting on an air of authority.The officer hasn’t got the slightest idea that he only has seconds to live.” Vassili Zaitsev’s account of the hell that was Stalingrad is moving and harrowing. His exploits, including a famous ’duel’ with a Nazi sniper, remain the stuff of legend. His account is absorbing to anyone interested in World War II and seeing how one person could survive in the most extreme of conditions. 9781848325654, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 208 pages

Finland’s War of Choice Henrik O. Lunde This book describes the odd coalition between Germany and Finland in World War II, and their joint military operations from 1941 to 1945. This is a topic often missing in English, though in stark contrast to the numerous books on the shorter and less bloody Winter War. That conflict represented a gallant fight of a democratic “David” against a totalitarian “Goliath” that caught the imagination of the world. The story of Finland fighting alongside a “Goliath” of its own has not brought pride to that nation and was a period many Finns would rather forget. In this book, Henrik Lunde, a former US Special Operations colonel, once again fills a profound gap in our understanding of World War II. 9781935149484, $45.00, $29.50, hardback, 432 pages

Marine Corps Uniforms and Equipment 1941–45 Bruno Alberti The US Marine Corps has always enjoyed a special status among the American Armed Forces, as well as boasting distinctive uniforms and emblems. This new book presents the large variety of dress uniforms for both officers and enlisted men, as well as combat uniforms and specialty camouflage garments. Hundreds of items of clothing, equipment and insignia are illustrated by reenactment photos of the famous ’leathernecks’ in the form of large format color plates. Many period photos are also reproduced and help place the reenactment shots in the correct historical context. This book contains carefully-researched historical background, hundreds of concisely captioned color photographs of authentic artifacts, and photographs taken in studio conditions to allow the reader to see the uniforms and equipment in the greatest clarity. 9782915239997, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 144 pages

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•ALL-TIME BESTSELLERS• Barbarossa Derailed: The Battle for Smolensk 10 July–10 September 1941 Volume 1 David M. Glantz This groundbreaking new study, now significantly expanded, exploits a wealth of Soviet and German archival materials to present a detailed mosaic and definitive account of what took place, why, and how during the prolonged and complex battles in the Smolensk region from 10 July through 10 September 1941.The structure of the study is designed specifically to appeal to both general readers and specialists by a detailed two-volume chronological narrative of the course of operations, accompanied by a third volume, and perhaps a fourth, containing archival maps and an extensive collection of specific orders and reports translated verbatim from Russian. Quite simply, this series breaks new ground in World War II Eastern Front and Soviet military studies. 9781906033729, $69.95, $45.50, hardback, 656 pages

Encyclopaedia of AFVs of WWII: Tanks Jean Restayn Ten years ago, Histoire & Collections published a book entitled Tanks of World War Two, which contained hundreds of color profiles and 3/4 views by Jean Restayn. This book was a great success but has been sold out for too long. So the time has come to publish a completely renewed version, with many additions. In this volume the proper tanks, battle tanks and light tanks, of every nation, which were involved in the various campaigns of WWII, from Poland to Berlin and from Libya to Normandy, from the earliest Panzer I to the latest British Cruiser tank, are represented in full color. 9782915239478, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 128 pages

Shanghai 1937 Peter Harmsen This deeply researched book describes one of the great forgotten battles of the 20th century. It turned what had been a Japanese adventure in China into a general war between the two oldest and proudest civilizations of the Far East. Ultimately, it led to Pearl Harbor and to seven decades of tumultuous history in Asia.The Battle of Shanghai was a pivotal event that helped define and shape the modern world. Amphibious landings, tank assaults, aerial dogfights and most importantly, urban combat, all happened in Shanghai in 1937. It was a dress rehearsal for World War II—or perhaps more correctly it was the inaugural act in the war—the first major battle in the global conflict. 9781612003092, $18.95, $12.50, paperback, 312 pages

I Am Soldier of Fortune Lt. Col. Robert Brown, USAR (Ret.) & Vann Spencer This long-awaited book takes the readers into combat zones where Brown and his daring combat journalists, or fearless “dogs of war,” trotted across the globe. His rogue warrior journalists embedded themselves with anti-Communist guerillas or freedom fighters, often training and fighting with rebels against oppressive regimes. In their revolutionary journalistic style, they created the action and then wrote about it. Generals and leaders of exotic armies welcomed the SOF visitors and led them or allowed them to tread into unchartered territory. In short, the “Soldiers of Fortune” went where even the U.S. government feared to tread, and they did it with gallant style, not fearing risk but welcoming the challenge, as long as they felt the cause was right and needed to be reported. 9781612001937, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 440 pages

Exodus from the Alamo Phillip Thomas Tucker Contrary to movie and legend, we now know that the defenders of the Alamo in the war for Texan independence—including Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie and William B. Travis—did not die under brilliant sunlight, defending their positions against hordes of Mexican infantry. Instead the Mexicans launched a predawn attack, surmounting the walls in darkness, forcing a wild melee inside the fort before many of its defenders had even awoken. This book, after deep research into recently discovered Mexican accounts and the forensic evidence, informs us that the traditional myth of the Alamo is even more off-base: most of the Alamo’s defenders died in breakouts from the fort, cut down by Santa Anna’s cavalry that had been pre-positioned to intercept the escapees. 9781612000763, $24.95, $16.50 paperback, 432 pages

Sniper Ace Bruno Sutkus Throughout World War II, German snipers were obliged to carry a ’Scharfshützen Buch’ which recorded every kill. Each success had to be verified by a witness and signed by a superior officer. The journal of Sutkus is one of only a few such books to have survived the war. It records more than 200 kills, placing him as one of the war’s most successful snipers. As a Hitler Youth member his skill as a marksman was quickly noted and at 19, he was drafted into the Wehrmacht. Despite his age, he was regarded as one of Germany’s best snipers and in November 1944 he was awarded the highest award for a sniper. A large part of his journal is reproduced for the first time here. 9781848325487, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 256 pages

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•ALL-TIME BESTSELLERS• At Leningrad’s Gates William Lubbeck & David B. Hurt This is the remarkable story of a German soldier who fought throughout World War II, rising from conscript private to captain of a heavy weapons company on the Eastern Front. William Lubbeck, age 19, was drafted into the Wehrmacht in August 1939. As a member of the 58th Infantry Division, he received his baptism of fire during the 1940 invasion of France. With the assistance of David B. Hurt, he has drawn on his wartime notes and letters, Soldatbuch, regimental history and personal memories to recount his frontline experience, including rare firsthand accounts of both triumph and disaster. 9781935149378, $18.95, $12.50, paperback, 288 pages

The Devil’s General Raymond Bagdonas This is the story of the most highly decorated German regimental commander of World War II, known as the “Panzer Graf” (Armored Count). An aristocratic Silesian, whose ancestors had faced the Mongols at Leipzig, Strachwitz first won the Iron Cross in the Great War. After fighting with the Freikorps and in between the wars, he was serving with the 1st Panzer Division when the Polish campaign inaugurated World War II. Raymond Bagdonas, though impaired by the disappearance of 16th Panzer Division’s official records at Stalingrad, and the fact that many of the Panzer Graf’s later battlegroups never kept them, has nevertheless written an intensely detailed account of this combat leader’s life, as well as ferocious armored warfare in World War II. 9781612002224, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 376 pages

Guardian Angel William F. Sine U.S. Air Force Pararescue is the most skillful and capable rescue force in the world, taking on some of the most dangerous rescue missions imaginable. PJs (short for para-jumpers), are members of an elite unit whose commando skills are so widereaching they often seem like something out of science fiction. They routinely tackle perilous operations that are beyond the capabilities of other rescue organizations, and sometimes dare the seemingly impossible. This book presents true stories of uncommon courage told from the perspective of the actual men in the arena. They do these things for their country, to protect their brothers in arms, and to honor their motto: “That Others May Live.” 9781612001227, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 256 pages

Barksdale’s Charge Phillip Thomas Tucker The Confederacy’s “high tide” at Gettysburg came uring the swirling conflagration when Longstreet’s corps first entered the battle, when the Federals just barely held on. The foremost Rebel spearhead on that second day of the battle was Barksdale’s Mississippi brigade, which launched what one (Union) observer called the "grandest charge that was ever seen by mortal man.” This book describes the exact moment when the Confederacy reached its zenith, and the soldiers of the Northern states just barely succeeded in retaining their perfect Union. 9781612001791, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 336 pages


“The Devil’s to Pay” Eric J. Wittenberg Although many books on Gettysburg have addressed the role played by Brig. Gen. John Buford and his First Cavalry Division troops, there is not a single book-length study devoted entirely to the critical delaying actions waged by Buford and his dismounted troopers and his horse artillerists on the morning of July 1, 1863. This rectifies the glaring oversight. This comprehensive tactical study examines the role Buford and his horse soldiers played from June 29 through July 2, 1863, including the important actions that saved the shattered remnants of the First and Eleventh Corps. It also includes a detailed walking and driving tour of pertinent sites, complete with GPS coordinates. 17 maps, and more than 80 images, several published for the first time, round out this study. 9781611212082, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 288 pages

New Dawn Richard S. Lowry Fallujah. Few names conjure up as many images of blood, sacrifice, and valor as does this ancient city in Al Anbar province forty miles west of Baghdad.This sprawling concrete jungle was the scene of two major U.S. combat operations in 2004.This is the first comprehensive history of this fighting. In addition to archival research, New Dawn is based upon the personal recollections of nearly 200 soldiers and Marines who participated in the battles for Fallujah, from the commanding generals who planned the operations to the privates who kicked in the doors.The result is a gripping, pageturning narrative of individual sacrifice and valor that also documents the battles for future military historians. It is a story you will never forget. 9781932714777, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 312 pages

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16TH & 17TH CENTURY The Stuarts in 100 Facts Andrea Zuvich Discover the history behind the facts. The Stuart era encompasses the whole of the seventeenth century and beyond, with seven monarchs and a civil war that changed Britain forever. Many statements are made about this turbulent period in history, but what are the stories behind them? Which are true and which are merely beliefs that have grown into fact? Andrea Zuvich takes us on a tour of this fascinating era, condensing over 100 years of turmoil into easy bitesize sections. She examines some of the most important aspects and events of the period, from the deaths of kings to the discovery of new worlds and the dangers of drinking orange juice. 9781445647302, $13.00, $8.50, paperback, 192 pages

Regency Spies Sue Wilkes Sue Wilkes reveals the shadowy world of Britain’s spies, rebels and secret societies from the late 1780s until 1820. Drawing on contemporary literature and official records, Wilkes unmasks the real conspirators and tells the tragic stories of the unwitting victims sent to the gallows. In this ‘age of Revolutions’, when the French fought for liberty, Britain’s upper classes feared revolution was imminent. Thomas Paine’s incendiary Rights of Man called men to overthrow governments which did not safeguard their rights. Britain’s governing elite could not rely on the armed services – even Royal Navy crews mutinied over brutal conditions. To keep the nation safe, a ‘war chest’ of secret service money funded a network of spies to uncover potential rebels amongst the underprivileged masses. 9781783400614, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 224 pages

Reconstructing the New Model Army Volume 1 Malcolm Wanklyn This book provides a full listing of the troop and company commanders who served in the New Model Army during the first four years of its existence. This is the first time that the officer corps of the New Model Army has been pieced together on such a scale and with such an extensive range of source materials. Unsurprisingly it corrects numerous errors to be found in more general histories of the army. The book is therefore an essential tool for studying the officer corps of the first English army in which social status was not the prime prerequisite for attaining a senior military rank. Additionally, it is fully indexed and referenced. 9781910777107, $39.95, $25.99, paperback, 176 pages

Bombers, Rioters and Police Killers Simon Webb Civil disorder, violent crime and terrorism were all considerably worse during the Victorian period than they are today, though ironically many regard this era of British history as a being a by-word for stability and order. Simon Webb reveals the disorder and violent crime endemic in Victorian Britain; a time when the citizens faced problems eerily similar to those with which we have to contend today. Whether a rise in armed robberies and muggings; debates about the arming of the police; bag searches due to fears about terrorists planting bombs in museums and railway stations; or anxiety about the rioting on the streets of our cities; our Victorian ancestors faced precisely the same difficulties well over a century ago. 9781473827189, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 224 pages

18TH CENTURY Oak Island and its Lost Treasure Graham Harris & Les MacPhie Civil engineers Graham Harris and Les MacPhie have spent over a decade investigating the enigma of Nova Scotia’s Oak Island. In this new edition of their book, they set out the previously unknown story of how complex and expensive engineering work was undertaken to create an elaborate flood tunnel on the island. Built to frustrate treasure seekers attempting to get at the valuables buried decades earlier at the bottom of the island's Money Pit, the tunnel has admirably served its purpose. It has ensured that all efforts up to now to recover the treasure have been unsuccessful. The new facts and insights offered in this book are a startling and convincing addition to the history of Oak Island. 9781459502598, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 264 pages

The War of the Spanish Succession 1701–1714 James Falkner The War of the Spanish Succession, fought between 1701 and 1714 to decide who should inherit the Spanish throne, was a conflict on an unprecedented scale, stretching across most of western Europe, the high seas and the Americas.Yet this major subject is not well known and is little understood.That is why the publication of James Falkner’s absorbing new study is so timely and important. In a clear and perceptive narrative he describes and analyses the complex political maneuvers and a series of military campaigns which also involved the threat posed by Ottoman Turks in the east and Sweden and Russia in the north. Fighting took place not just in Europe but in the Americas and Canada, and on the high seas. 9781781590317, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 280 pages

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•18TH CENTURY• 19TH CENTURY & NAPOLEONIC• Fight for a Throne Christopher Duffy The bid of Bonnie Prince Charlie and his Jacobites for the throne of Britain has never lost its grip on the popular imagination. In July 1745 he and a tiny group of companions arrived in Scotland. They came unannounced and unsupported, and yet within less than five months Charles was able to lead an army to within marching distance of London and make King George II fear for this throne.Afterwards the Highland Army continued to out-fight the redcoats in every encounter, except its very last.These were not the achievements of a backwardlooking cause, and this groundbreaking study is the first to explain exactly why. These assertions rest on the recent advances by other historians in ‘Jacobite studies’, and the author’s continuing researches in to unexploited primary sources. 9781910777053, $69.95, $45.50, hardback, 680 pages

19TH CENTURY & NAPOLEONIC Moltke and his Generals Quintin Barry When Helmuth von Moltke took over as Chief of the Prussian General Staff, the Prussian army had not fought for more than forty years.Yet within a decade and a half he had brought it to the point here it was the strongest in Europe. His success was not only due to far sighted strategic planning, the comprehensive reorganization of the General Staff and his grasp of new technologies; it was also due to his leadership of a talented, if disparate, group of subordinates, even if some of them sometimes failed to grasp his overall intentions.This book examines these key relationships. 9781910294413, $69.95, $45.50, hardback, 256 pages

The Studnitz Wars Gilbert von Studnitz The journal of Prussian Major General Benno von Studnitz was originally published in 1891 in a very limited German language edition. Now, translated and edited by his great-grandson, the General's journal appears for the first time in English. After a long and successful career of thirty-seven years in the Prussian Cavalry, Studnitz retired as a Brigade commander and wrote his memoirs, calling upon the journals he had written during the actual events. Studnitz met and interacted with many of the interesting personalities of the late 19th Century in Germany. Not just some ponderous dry tome recounting facts and figures, Studnitz brings to life a vital period of European military history, recounted by an officer who as a participant was intimately involved and actually there. 9781910294406, $39.95, $25.99, paperback, 114 pages

Sedan 1870 Douglas Fermer The Franco-Prussian War was a turning point in the history of nineteenth-century Europe, and the Battle of Sedan was the pivotal event in that war. For the Germans their overwhelming victory symbolized the birth of their nation, forged in steel and tempered in the blood of the common enemy. For the French it was a defeat more complete and humiliating than Waterloo. Douglas Fermer’s fresh study of this traumatic moment in European history reconsiders how the mutual fear and insecurity of two rival nations tempted their governments to seek a solution to domestic tensions by waging war against each other. His compelling narrative shows how war came about, and how the dramatic campaign of summer 1870 culminated in a momentous clash of arms at Sedan. 9781473828896, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 256 pages

Too Little, Too Late The Chronicle of Jeremiah Goldswain Ralph Goldswain This is the story of the 1820 Settler, Jeremiah Goldswain, in his own words. After thirty-eight years on the eastern boundary of the Cape Colony, he sat down to write his memoirs. It is a close-up view of four decades during a period when the British Empire was expanding in southern Africa, with the borders being pushed ever farther into the hinterland by successive governors. As a result, there was constant conflict between the African tribes and the colonists. Jeremiah was directly involved in three of the nine Frontier Wars that occurred between 1779 and 1879. It is the story of hardship and the struggle for survival of Jeremiah and his family on one of the most volatile borders the world has ever seen. 9781928211242, $34.95, $22.99, paperback, 328 pages


Michael Embree This volume chronicles the conflict over the unification of Germany, which actually occurred on German soil.The campaign in southern and western Germany ensured that political control of German affairs would be firmly in Prussian hands, controlled by Bismarck, in much the same way that the great battles between Prussia and Austria in the east would exclude Austria from German affairs altogether.The detailed story of this, the war of unification within Germany itself, is narrated here, compiled from numerous published and unpublished sources, including many contemporary and firsthand accounts, as well as official reports.The importance of the campaign, far too often ignored, is told here.This is an invaluable resource for any student of European military history of the mid-19th Century. 9781909384507, $59.95, $38.99, hardback, 280 pages

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•19TH CENTURY & NAPOLEONIC• Wellington’s Hidden Heroes

Veronica Baker-Smith The courage of British troops in the Battle of Waterloo has been rightly praised ever since, but the fact that one-third of the forces which gave him his narrow victory were subjects of the King of the Netherlands has been almost completely ignored. This book seeks to correct a grave injustice through the study of Dutch sources, the majority of which have never been used by English-speaking historians. This book reveals a new dimension of the famous campaign, and includes many unseen illustrations. For the first time, a full assessment is made of the challenge which Willem I faced as king of a country hastily cobbled together by the Congress of Vienna, and of his achievement in assembling, equipping and training 30,000 men from scratch in 18 months. 9781612003320, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 208 pages

Napoleon In Defeat and Captivity: 1815–1821 Phil Carradice The book tells the fascinating, compelling and tragic tale of apoleon Bonaparte from his defeat at Waterloo, through the period of his abdication in Paris to his capture by the British and, beyond, as he went, reluctantly, into exile. It focuses on the Emperor’s time on the Bellerophon and Northumberland, the ships that carried him from France to England and St Helena. Napoleon’s residence on St Helena is also explored in detail. 9781781554708, $24.95, $16.50, paperback. 384 pages

Marching to the Drums Ian Knight In this gripping collection of first-hand accounts, Ian Knight presents the adventure of nineteenth-century warfare – from the thrill of the cavalry charges at Balaklava and Omdurman, to the terror of battle against an overwhelming odds such as Rorke’s Drift – in the words of the men actually there.These eyewitness accounts provide a vivid and sometimes shocking insight into the brutal realities of warfare for the British imperial soldier, who fought against enemies from massed ranks of Russians and assegaiarmed natives to sharp-shooting Boers, in often the most terrible conditions imaginable. It includes accounts focusing on the experience of battle during such pivotal conflicts as the Sikh Wars, the Crimean War, the Afghan Wars, the Anglo-Zulu War, and those in China, the Sudan and South Africa. 9781848322400, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 288 pages

24 Hours at Waterloo Robert Kershaw The epic and brutal battle of Waterloo was a pivotal moment in history—when the events of a single day defined the course of Europe's future. In this vibrant and exhilarating hour-by-hour portrayal of the battle, a renowned historian joins his voice with the eyewitness accounts of those who fought it. Masterfully weaving together painstakingly researched eyewitness accounts, diaries and letters—many never before seen or published—this gripping portrayal of Waterloo offers unparalleled authenticity. Extraordinary images of the men and women emerge in full color; the voices of the sergeants, the exhausted foot-soldiers, the boy ensigns, the captains and the cavalry troopers, from both sides, rise from the page in vivid and telling detail, as the fate of Europe hangs by a thread. 9781612002965, $35.00, $22.99, hardback, 448 pages

Life In Napoleon’s Army Elzear Blaze Blaze entered the army as a youth, via the Imperial Guard elite organization, a path only open to those of some wealth. After gaining his commission as an officer, he served in the campaigns from Poland in 1807 to the fall of France in 1814. Blaze’s memoirs are one of the most fascinating recollections of the Napoleonic Wars ever to be published. Written by an officer of wide experience and colorful style, the memoirs present an outstanding picture of the First Empire, providing an officer’s perspective of the character, customs and mode of operation of the French army. Its value is enriched and enlivened by anecdotes from the author’s own experiences. 9781848328228, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 208 pages

On the Road With Wellington A. L. F. Schaumann “August Schaumann was a natural born storyteller. He describes his Peninsula adventures so vividly that you get the feeling that you are there, riding next to him dodging French cavalry patrols and conquering the hearts and bodies of Spanish and Portuguese ladies.” - Fons Libert, The Napoleonic Series. This remarkable memoir captures the life and adventures of a junior officer as he endures the drama and agonies of the fierce struggle in Spain, Portugal, and southern France between 1808 and 1814. He was entrusted with gathering supplies and was caught up in a host of brawls and skirmishes. He laments the lot of commissaries exposing themselves to the enemy on their foraging raids, risking assassination by enraged natives, and being treated shabbily by the generals. 9781848328396, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 448 pages

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•19TH CENTURY & NAPOLEONIC• AFRICA• Death Before Glory Martin R Howard This is a highly readable, thoroughly researched and comprehensive study of the British army’s campaigns in the West Indies during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic period and of the extraordinary experiences of the soldiers who served there. Rich in sugar, cotton, coffee and slaves, the region was a key to British prosperity and it was perhaps even more important to her greatest enemy – France.Yet, until now, the history of this vital theater of the Napoleonic Wars has been seriously neglected. Martin Howard’s thoroughgoing and original work is the essential account of this fascinating but often overlooked aspect of the history of the British army and the Napoleonic Wars. 9781781593417, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 240 pages

Napoleon’s Shield and Guardian Edward Ryann This outstanding biography is a story of courage. It charts the career of a superbly brave cavalryman against the rise and fall of his imperial master. Pierre Daumesnil was a loyal follower of Napoleon throughout his astonishing career. Enlisting as a private soldier in 1793, he was caught up in the tumult of the Napoleonic Wars, surviving campaign after campaign to emerge as a much-decorated general and Baron of the French Empire. Daumesnil’s life was an adventure and one which typifies the dash, color and verve of this astonishing period. This biography, by a leading author, will appeal to Napoleonic enthusiasts and those interested in the life and times of Napoleon's elite cavalrymen. 9781848328419, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 400 pages

Wellington’s Redjackets Steve Brown & Robert Burnham The assault was failing.Wellington’s men had stormed the walls of the great frontier fortress of Badajoz only to be beaten back with terrible losses.Then on the keep of the old castle the French flag was torn down and a British officer’s red jacket was hauled up the flagpole. It was the signal – the British were inside Badajoz! This was one of the most famous incidents during the Peninsular War and marked not only the turning point in the capture of Badajoz but of the entire conflict. This is one of the most detailed unit histories ever published of a regiment during the Napoleonic era.As the first, and only, study of this regiment, it will undoubtedly be an essential purchase for those interested in Napoleonic warfare. 9781473851757, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 320 pages


The Lines of Torres Vedras John Grehan In 1809 French armies controlled almost every province of Spain and only Wellington’s small force in Portugal stood between Napoleon and the conquest of Iberia.The French invaded Portugal in the summer of 1810 but found their way blocked by the most extensive field fortifications the world had ever seen – the Lines of Torres Vedras. This is an authoritative account of the planning, construction and occupation, of the Lines and of the battles, sieges and horrors of the French invasion. It is also an important study of Wellington’s strategy during the crucial years of the war against Napoleon. 9781473852747, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

Fighting for Napoleon Bernard Wilkin & René Wilkin The French side of the Napoleonic Wars is rarely seen from the perspective of the lowest ranks of the army, and the experience of the ordinary soldiers is less well known and is often misunderstood. That is why this account, based on more than 1,600 letters written by French soldiers of the Napoleonic armies, is of such value. It adds to the existing literature by exploring every aspect of the life of a French soldier during the period 1799-1815. The book will be fascinating and informative reading for military and cultural historians, but it will also appeal to anyone who is interested in the war experience of common soldiers. 9781473833739, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 192 pages

AFRICA A Guide to the Anglo-Boer War Sites of KwaZulu-Natal Gilbert Torlage & Steve Watt At the outbreak of the Second Anglo-Boer War on 11 October 1899, approximately 25,000 Boers invaded the British colony of Natal from the Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek and the Orange Free State. In addition to maps and details of the locations of the various sites, this guide provides a brief insight into the most significant battles and events in the area. Information is also given about concentration camps, hospitals, memorials and graves, together with clear directions to places listed in the text.The maps have been specially drawn for this publication and many of the photographs were published for the first time in the first edition of this book. 9781928211464, $6.95, $4.99, paperback, 74 pages

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•AFRICA• Return to Morogoro James Bourhill The past is brought to life in this historical epic about a South African family whose lives collided with the biggest event in history: the First World War. The central theme is the largely forgotten East Africa campaign, but by definition a world war has a wide reach. Five members of one family with deep roots in all four corners of the country, served in three different theaters of war. It could be called a military history or a social history, but it is a truly South African story which contains much new material for historians, while for the general reader it offers an accessible insight into an unparalleled period of history. 9781928211747, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 256 pages

The Battle of Talana Pam McFadden The Battle of Talana was the first major engagement of the AngloBoer War. Although it ended with no conclusive result, it provided an opportunity for both Boer and British forces to appreciate the strength of their opponents. Battles of the Anglo-Boer War series provides an accessible guide to some of the major campaigns, battles and battlefields of this historic conflict in KwaZulu-Natal. The books are written for the general reader as well as for historians seeking fresh insights into the events leading up to, during and after the battles. The text is supported by contemporary accounts and photographs, some of which have never previously been published. Maps show in detail the routes and dispositions of the opposing forces for each battle. 9781928211396, $6.95, $4.99, paperback, 40 pages

The Battle of Elandslaagte Pam McFadden An attack on Elandslaagte station by the Boers prompted MajorGeneral John French and Colonel Ian Hamilton to employ innovative tactics at Elandslaagte. The strength of this attack had a major impact on the morale of the Boer forces that faced it. Battles of the Anglo-Boer War series provides an accessible guide to some of the major campaigns, battles and battlefields of this historic conflict in KwaZulu-Natal. The books are written for the general reader as well as for historians seeking fresh insights into the events leading up to, during and after the battles. The text is supported by contemporary accounts and photographs, some of which have never previously been published. Maps show in detail the routes and dispositions of the opposing forces for each battle. 9781928211402, $6.95, $4.99, paperback, 40 pages

The Battle of Colenso S.B Bourquin & Gilbert Torlage Faulty and inadequate reconnaissance of the area by Buller’s men was no match for the meticulous planning of the young Boer general, Louis Botha. The outcome of this battle – Buller’s first and failed attempt to relieve Ladysmith – was a serious reverse for British arms. Battles of the Anglo-Boer War series provides an accessible guide to some of the major campaigns, battles and battlefields of this historic conflict in KwaZulu-Natal. The books are written for the general reader as well as for historians seeking fresh insights into the events leading up to, during and after the battles. The text is supported by contemporary accounts and photographs, some of which have never previously been published. Maps show in detail the routes and dispositions of the opposing forces for each battle. 9781928211419, $6.95, $4.99, paperback, 40 pages

The Battle of Spioenkop Gilbert Torlage Confusion and carnage among the British troops on the summit of Spioenkop followed what began as a successful surprise on the Boers. Under constant, heavy fire the British were forced to withdraw, once again failing to relieve Ladysmith. Battles of the Anglo-Boer War series provides an accessible guide to some of the major campaigns, battles and battlefields of this historic conflict in KwaZulu-Natal. The books are written for the general reader as well as for historians seeking fresh insights into the events leading up to, during and after the battles. The text is supported by contemporary accounts and photographs, some of which have never previously been published. Maps show in detail the routes and dispositions of the opposing forces for each battle. 9781928211426, $6.95, $4.99, paperback, 48 pages

The Battle of Vaalkrans Steve Watt With Ladysmith weakening daily, Buller made a third attempt to relieve the beleaguered town. Inspired by his optimism, the British soldiers made an unusually feint attack on the weakly held Boer position. Although achieving partial success, Buller failed to capitalize on it and ultimately abandoned Vaalkrans. Battles of the Anglo-Boer War series provides an accessible guide to some of the major campaigns, battles and battlefields of this historic conflict in KwaZulu-Natal. The books are written for the general reader as well as for historians seeking fresh insights into the events leading up to, during and after the battles. The text is supported by contemporary accounts and photographs, some of which have never previously been published. 9781928211433, $6.95, $4.99, paperback, 40 pages

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•AFRICA• The Siege of Ladysmith Steve Watt The Siege of Ladysmith drew the world’s attention to this dusty, hot town in Natal. Although constantly under bombardment by the Boers, disease due to privations and poor sanitation, rather than military action caused the greatest number of casualties to the besieged. Battles of the Anglo-Boer War series provides an accessible guide to some of the major campaigns, battles and battlefields of this historic conflict in KwaZulu-Natal. The books are written for the general reader as well as for historians seeking fresh insights into the events leading up to, during and after the battles. The text is supported by contemporary accounts and photographs, some of which have never previously been published. Maps show in detail the routes and dispositions of the opposing forces for each battle. 9781928211440, $6.95, $4.99, paperback, 44 pages

The Relief of Ladysmith Ken Gillings After almost two weeks of continuous fighting in the Colenso region, General Buller finally broke through, in the rugged Thukela Heights area, to relieve Ladysmith. The Boers fought back heroically but they were eventually overwhelmed by the numerical superiority of the British forces. Battles of the Anglo-Boer War series provides an accessible guide to some of the major campaigns, battles and battlefields of this historic conflict in KwaZulu-Natal. The books are written for the general reader as well as for historians seeking fresh insights into the events leading up to, during and after the battles.The text is supported by contemporary accounts and photographs, some of which have never previously been published. Maps show in detail the routes and dispositions of the opposing forces for each battle. 9781928211457, $6.95, $4.99, paperback, 64 pages

The Battle of Modder Spruit and Tchrengula Steve Watt The Battle of Modder Spruit and Tchrengula was the last before the commencement of the Siege of Ladysmith. Due to military blunders the battle resulted in the defeat of British arms. A day later Lord Wolseley, the British Commander-in-Chief, commented, “for the last half century we had no such disaster as that of yesterday.” Battles of the Anglo-Boer War series provides an accessible guide to some of the major campaigns, battles and battlefields of this historic conflict in KwaZuluNatal. The books are written for the general reader as well as for historians seeking fresh insights into the events leading up to, during and after the battles. The text is supported by contemporary accounts and photographs, some of which have never previously been published. 9781928211488, $6.95, $4.99, paperback, 30 pages


The Rhodesian War Paul Moorcraft & Peter McLaughlin This superb and exciting book depicts the military history of Southern Rhodesia from the first resistance to colonial rule, through the period of UDI by the Smith government to the Lancaster House agreement that transferred power. There are vivid accounts of the operations against the black nationalist ‘guerillas’ by the security forces and the intensity of the fighting and courage of the participants will surprise and enthrall readers. Atrocities were undoubtedly committed by both sides but equally the protagonists were playing for very high stakes. But this is more than just a book on military operations. The authors are able to provide expert analysis of the historical situation and examines events up to the present day, including Mugabe’s operations against rival tribes and white farmers. 9781473860735, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 208 pages

Mampara Toc Walsh Toc Walsh was conscripted into intake 138 Depot Rhodesia Regiment on 18 April 1974 and endured a year of what he deemed to be ‘military mayhem’. In July 1976, he was drafted again with the 10th Battalion Rhodesia Regiment to continue his wild ride into the maniacal world of combat. Mampara is a no-holds-barred look at one man’s lived experience of war.The title of the book stems from the Shona word mampara that is said to originate from the slurred bark of the male Chacma baboon. The baboon indulges in alcohol-laden fermented fruit in an attempt to attain courage for difficult endeavors such as courting a female. In many ways, us as humans indulge in the same practice especially in times of intense stress or hardships. 9781928211303, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 256 pages

Mzee Ali Bror MacDonell & Kerrin Cocks ‘Mzee’ is the Swahili word for an ‘old timer’, a respected elder. Mzee Ali Kalikilima was born near the present-day town of Tabora in western Tanzania, probably in the 1870s—there is mention of ‘The Doctor’, Dr David Livingstone—to black Muslim parents of noble birth. Aged 14, Ali led his first slaving safari to the shores of Lake Tanganyika and thence, with his caravan of captured slaves and ivory, through the malaria-, tsetse fly- and lioninfested wilds, to the Arab markets of Dar es Salaam, some 1,200 kilometres away on the Indian Ocean. This book tells his story through the final surrender of WWI and his post-war experience as a British Colonial Service game scout. 9781928211631, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 240 pages

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•AFRICA• ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• Surviving the Ride Steve Camp & Helmoed-Römer Heitman Mine-protected and mine-resistant, ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles are today standard in the US, most major western armed forces and many other armies as a result of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.The South African Army was already routinely using mine-protected armored personnel carriers and patrol vehicles forty years ago even if they looked primitive and ungainly.A few years later, the South African Army had reached the stage where it could deploy entire combat groups into battle zones equipped with only mine-protected vehicles, including their ambulances and supply trucks.This is a fascinating pictorial account featuring more than 120 of these unique South Africandeveloped vehicles, spanning a forty-year period, with over 280 photographs, many of which are previously unpublished. 9781928211174, $69.95, $45.50, paperback, 242 pages

Zulu Victory Ron Lock & Peter Quantrill The battle of Isandlwana – a great Zulu victory – was one of the worst defeats ever to befall a British Army. Using source material ranging from the Royal Windsor Archives to the oral history passed down to the present Zulu inhabitants of Isandlwana, this gripping history exposes the full extent of the blunders of this famous battle and the scandal that followed.This is an illuminating account of one of the most embarrassing episodes in British military history and of a spectacular Zulu victory.The authors superbly weave the excitement of the battle, the British mistakes, the brilliant Zulu tactics and the shameful cover up into an exhilarating and tragic tale. 9781848328488, $29.99, $19.50, paperback, 304 pages

ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL Trajan’s Column

Frank Leppard & Sheppard Frere Trajan’s column is surely the most famous Roman monument in the world, appreciated for very different reasons by historians, archaeologists, art historians and the general public. More than a century ago casts were made of the entire column for Napoleon III and, at the beginning of the century, photographs of these casts were published by Conrad Cichorius. First published in 1988 and here extensively revised, this book re-publishes Cichorius’s Plates and supplies in addition a new and detailed introduction, a full commentary on all the reliefs, and some twenty-six specialised notes dealing with the design of the column, the problems affecting its interpretation, and our understanding of those wars. This is the most comprehensive and best illustrated book on the Column yet written. 9781781554036, $80.00, $52.50, hardback, 432 pages

Medieval Mercenaries William Urban The Middle Ages were a turbulent and violent time, when the fate of nations was most often decided on the battlefield, and strength of arms was key to acquiring and maintaining power. Feudal oaths and local militias were more often than not incapable of providing the skilled and disciplined warriors necessary to keep the enemy at bay. It was the mercenary who stepped in to fill the ranks. In this benchmark work, William Urban explores the vital importance of the mercenary to the medieval power-broker, from the Byzantine Varangian Guard to fifteenth-century soldiers of fortune in the Baltic. Through contemporary chronicles and the most up-to-date scholarship, he presents an in-depth portrait of the mercenary across the Middle Ages. 9781848328549, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 256 pages

Military History of Late Rome 284–361 Ilkka Syvanne This ambitious series gives the reader a comprehensive narrative of late Roman military history from 284–641. Each volume gives a detailed account of the changes in organization, equipment, strategy and tactics among both the Roman forces and her enemies in the relevant period, while also giving a detailed but accessible account of the campaigns and battles. Volume I covers the period 284361, starting with recovery from the 'third-century crisis' and the formation of the Tetrarchy. Constantine's civil wars and stabilization are also major themes, with the pattern repeated under his sons. Anyone with an interest in the military history of this period will find it both informative and thought-provoking. 9781848848559, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 320 pages

The Rise of the Seleukid Empire (323–223 BC) John D Grainger The Seleukid kingdom was the largest state in the world for a century and more between Alexander’s death and the rise of Rome. John D Grainger’s trilogy charts the rise and fall of this superpower of the ancient world. This volume relates the remarkable twists of fortune and daring that saw Seleukos, an officer in an elite guard unit, emerge from the wars of the diadochi (Alexander’s successors) in control of the largest and richest part of the empire of the late Alexander the Great. The volume ends with the deep internal crisis and the wars of the brothers, which left only a single member of the dynasty alive in 223 BC. 9781783030538, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 256 pages

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•ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• Hellenistic and Roman Naval Wars 6BC–31BC John D Grainger The period covered in this book, is well known for its epic battles and grand campaigns of territorial conquest, but Hellenistic monarchies, Carthaginians and the rapacious Roman Republic were scarcely less active at sea. Huge resources were poured into maintaining fleets not only as symbols of prestige but as means of projecting real military power across the Mediterranean arena. Taking the period between Alexander the Great’s conquests and the Battle of Actium, John Grainger analyses the developments in naval technology and tactics, the uses and limitations of sea power and the differing strategies of the various powers. This will be a fascinating study of a neglected aspect of ancient warfare. 9781848841611, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 224 pages

Lost Voices of the Nile Charlotte Booth When we think of ancient Egypt, we think of the gods, the pharaohs and the pyramids. However, life for the average Egyptian was very different from this glamorous perception, and not so very unrecognisable for us today. This book will tell the history of the ordinary population of ancient Egypt, using the stories of real people – often strange, at times amusing, and ultimately very recognizable. Aspects of life such as affairs of the heart, household religion and education and employment and will be explored, as well as and death and burial all from the perspective of non-royal members of Egyptian society. This book will draw on the archaeological records, artefacts, written records and the mummies themselves to recreate life in ancient Egypt. 9781445642857, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 304 pages

The Seleukid Empire of Antiochus III (223–187 BC) John D Grainger Too often remembered only as the man who lost to the Romans at Magnesia, Antiochus is here revealed as one of the most powerful and capable rulers of the age. Having emerged from civil war in 223 as the sole survivor of the Seleukid dynasty, he shouldered the burdens of a weakened and divided realm. His great Eastern campaign took Macedonian arms back to India for the first time since Alexander’s day, and he went on to conquer Thrace and finally wrest Syria from Ptolemaic control. A clash with Rome led to the defeat at Magnesia. Despite this, Antiochus remained ambitious, campaigning in the East again; when he died in 187 BC the empire was still one of the most powerful states in the world. 9781783030507, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 240 pages


The Anglo-Saxon Age Martin Wall The discovery of the Staffordshire Hoard in 2009 has captured the public imagination and stimulated renewed interest in the history and culture of the Anglo-Saxons. Who owned the treasure and how did they acquire it? Was it made locally or did it originate elsewhere? Why was it buried in an obscure field in the Staffordshire countryside? To answer these questions the author takes us on a journey into a period which still remains mysterious, into regions and countries long forgotten. This is a story of the ‘dark ages’ and the people who lived in them. The story challenges our notions of these times as barbaric and backward to reveal a civilization as complex, sophisticated, and diverse as our own. 9781445647722, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 272 pages

The Emperor Commodus John S McHugh Commodus is synonymous with debauchery and megalomania, best remembered for fighting as a gladiator. Modern popular culture knows him as the patricidal villain in Ridley Scott’s Gladiator. Much of his infamy is clearly based on fact, but is this the full story? John McHugh reviews the ancient evidence to present the first fulllength biography of Commodus in English. Openly autocratic, Commodus compromised the privileges and vested interests of the senatorial clique, who therefore plotted to murder him. Surviving repeated conspiracies only convinced Commodus that he was under divine protection, increasingly identifying himself as Hercules reincarnate.This and his antics in the arena allowed his senatorial enemies to present Commodus as a mad tyrant to justify his murder, which they finally succeeded in arranging by having him strangled by a wrestler. 9781473827554, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 320 pages

Brutus of Troy Anthony Adolph For much of the last 1,500 years, when the British looked back to their origins they saw the looming mythological figure of Brutus of Troy. A great-greatgrandson of the love goddess Aphrodite through her Trojan son Aeneas, Brutus accidentally killed his father and was exiled to Greece. He liberated the descendants of the Trojans who lived there in slavery and led them on an epic voyage to Britain. Leading genealogist Anthony Adolph traces Brutus’s story from Roman times onwards, charting his immense popularity and subsequent fall from grace, along with his lasting legacy in fiction, pseudo-history and the arcane mythology surrounding some of London's best-known landmarks, in this groundbreaking biography of the mythological founder of Britain. 9781473849174, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 224 pages

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•ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• Brutus: Caesar’s Assassin Dr Kirsty Corrigan Although Marcus Junius Brutus is one of the most famous, or infamous, conspirators of Rome and the ancient world, if not of all time, knowledge of this historical figure has principally been passed to the modern world through the literary medium of Shakespeare’s tragedy, Julius Caesar. Furthermore, any interest in Brutus has tended to focus only on events surrounding his most legendary act, Caesar’s murder. This biography instead considers Brutus in his historical context, gathering details from ancient evidence and piecing together, as far as possible, his whole life. As the first dedicated biography in over 30 years, this full and balanced reconsideration of this significant Roman republican is long overdue. 9781848847767, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 272 pages

The Roman Barbarian Wars Ludwig Dyck The history of the ‘barbarian’ peoples of Europe is filled with dramatic wars and migrations along with charismatic and often farsighted leaders. Inevitably, their greatest challenge was their struggle with the renowned military might of Rome. Even when outnumbered and faced by better equipped and trained Roman legions, the barbarians could inflict devastating defeats upon Rome. The Romans themselves admired the size and strength of the barbarians, which, combined with a life of hardship and intertribal warfare, made them dangerous opponents. This book begins with the foundation of the city of Rome and follows her growth into a martial empire, complete with its pageantry and glory, its genius, its brutality, and its arrogance. All this is told in a fastpaced, accessible narrative style. 9781473823884, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 240 pages

The Fall of the Seleukid Empire 187–75 BC John D Grainger The concluding part of John D Grainger’s history of the Seleukids traces the tumultuous last century of their empire. In this period it was riven by dynastic disputes, secessions and rebellions, the religiouslyinspired insurrection of the Jewish Maccabees, civil war and external invasion from Egypt in the West and the Parthians in the East. By the 80s BC, the empire was disintegrating, internally fractured and squeezed by the converging expansionist powers of Rome and Parthia. This is a fittingly, dramatic and colorful conclusion to John Grainger’s masterful account of this once-mighty empire. 9781783030309, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 240 pages

In Search of our Ancient Ancestors Anthony Adolph How is the Royal Family descended from fish? How distantly are we related to dinosaurs? How much of your DNA came from Neanderthals? From single-celled organisms to sea-dwelling vertebrates; amphibians to reptiles; tiny mammals to primitive man; the first Homo sapiens to the cave painters of Ice Age Europe and the first farmers down to the Norman Conquest, this book charts not only the extraordinary story of our ancient ancestors but also our 40,000-year-long quest to discover our roots, from ancient origin myths of world-shaping mammoths and great floods down to the scientific discovery of our descent from the Genetic Adam and the Mitochondrial Eve. This is the amazing story of our ancient ancestors, as told by one of Britain’s leading genealogists. 9781473849211, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

Agincourt R Hawley Jarman The story of the battle of Agincourt. A small English expeditionary force in Northern France battling to reach the coast before being cut off by an enemy superior in numbers and equipment; a victory plucked from the jaws of certain-seeming defeat - this story is familiar in the twentieth century. It is also the story of Agincourt in the fifteenth. The distinguished historical novelist Rosemary Hawley Jarman here recreates the whole of the brief, foolhardy expedition mounted by a 28-year-old English king determined to regain the realm across the Channel he believed was his by right. 9781445619750, $16.00, $10.50, paperback, 192 pages

In Search of Alfred the Great Mr Edoardo Albert & Dr Katie Tucker Buried in 899 AD as the king of the English at his capital city of Winchester, Alfred the Great’s bones were thought to have ultimately been moved to an unmarked grave. His remains had been completely lost to us for centuries until researchers at the University of Winchester discovered what is in all probability a piece of his pelvis in a cardboard box. This exciting discovery has reawakened interest in one of our most notable monarchs. The only English monarch ever to have had the epithet ‘the Great’, Alfred’s reputation reaches down to us through the years. There is a man and a life buried amid the myths. Within these pages, discover Alfred’s dramatic story. 9781445649641, $16.00, $10.50, paperback, 272 pages

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•ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• Medieval Britain in 100 Facts Matthew Lewis The medieval period is often thought of as the Dark Ages, a period of cultural stagnation and little economic and political advancement. However, Britain in this period survived invasion upon invasion, absorbing aspects of Anglo-Saxon,Viking and Norman culture. Britain developed from a small and fractured island in to a more unified and powerful nation that could hold its own in European politics. This book covers the extensive period of change, guiding us through the key events, such as the many invasions and internal conflicts, and the key personalities. It examines some of the most important aspects of the Middle Ages, from its formation after the Roman exodus, to the Norman invasion, to its eventual decline during the Wars of the Roses. 9781445647340, $13.00, $8.50, paperback, 192 pages

The Wars of the Roses Martin J. Dougherty Telling the story of the fifteenth century wars between Lancastrians and Yorkists, this book follows the course of the conflict from the succession of infant King Henry VI right through to the defeat of rebellions under Henry VII. Its protagonists were twisted by their conflicting loyalties of blood, marriage and, above all, ambition. From mad Henry VI captured in battle to the mystery of the ‘Princes in the Tower’ and the truth behind Richard III’s deformity, the book is a lively account of a tumultuous 50 years. Illustrated with more than 200 color and black-and-white photographs, artworks and maps,The Wars of the Roses reveals the scheming and betrayal, the skullduggery and murder behind the struggle to gain power – and then hold on to it. 9781782742395, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 224 pages

The Middle Ages Unlocked Mrs Elizabeth Chadwick & Dr Katrin Kania To our modern minds, the Middle Ages seem to mix the well-known and familiar with wildly alien concepts and circumstances. This book provides an introduction to this complex and dynamic period in England. Exploring a wide range of topics from law, religion and education to landscape, art and magic, between the eleventh and early fourteenth century, the structures, institutions and circumstances that form the basis for daily life and society are made accessible. It dispels modern assumptions about this period, revealing the complex tapestry of medieval England, its institutions, and the people who lived there. 9781445645834, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 400 pages

Agincourt Henry V, the Man at Arms & the Archer W.B. Barlett Agincourt would define the reputation of Henry V for the next six centuries, yet controversy was never far away. In the heat of battle, a massacre of French prisoners took place that shocked contemporaries to the core. More recently, historians have questioned whether the numerical disparity was quite as great as the chroniclers of the day suggested. Despite it all, Agincourt remains one of the great set-piece battles of the Middle Ages and a triumph that great names in English history such as Churchill can use as an inspiration down to our own times. This is the story of one remarkable day that was unparalleled in English history through the eyes of the king, a remarkable archer and the squire. 9781445639499, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 336 pages

The Wars of the Roses The Viking Warrior Ben Hubbard Beginning in 789 CE, the Vikings raided monasteries, sacked settlements and invaded the Atlantic coast of Europe and the British Isles. They looted and enslaved their enemies, terrorizing all whom they encountered. Sailing their famous longboats, they discovered Iceland and America (both by accident) and also sailed up the Seine to Paris. A thousand years after their demise, traces of the Vikings can be found as far apart as Canada and Turkey. This book examines the Norsemen through their origins, society, raiding culture, weapons and war tactics, exploration, trade, settlements and kingdoms. Illustrated with more than 200 color and black-and-white photographs, maps and artworks, it is an expertly written account of a people who have long captured the popular imagination. 9781782742913, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 224 pages


John Ashdown-Hill The Wars of the Roses call to mind bloody battles, treachery and deceit, and a cast of characters known to us through fact and fiction. But the whole era also creates a level of bewilderment among even keen readers. This book dispels the myths and brings clarity to a topic often shrouded in confusion. Between 1455 and 1487, a series of dynastic wars for the throne of England were fought. These have become known as the Wars of the Roses. But there never was a red rose of Lancaster. This book sets the record straight on this and many other points, getting behind the traditional mythology and reaching right back into the origins of the conflict to cut an admirably clear path through the thicket. 9781445645247, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 336 pages

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•ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• AVIATION• Fields of Battle Richard Evans Richard Evans revisits the sites of a selection of Greek and Roman battles and sieges to seek new insights. The battle narratives in ancient sources can be a thrilling read and form the basis of our knowledge of these epic events, but they can just as often provide an incomplete or obscure record. Details, especially those related to topographical and geographical issues which can have a fundamental importance to military actions, are left tantalizingly unclear to the modern reader. By combining the ancient sources and latest archaeological findings with his personal observations on the ground, Richard Evans brings new perspectives to the dramatic events of the distant past. 9781848847965, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

Dawn of the Horse Warriors Duncan Noble The domestication of the horse revolutionized warfare, granting unprecedented strategic and tactical mobility, allowing armies to strike with terrifying speed. The horse was first used as the motive force for chariots and then, in a second revolution, as mounts for the first true cavalry. The period covered encompasses the development of the first clumsy ass-drawn chariots in Sumer (of which the author built and tested a working replica for the BBC); takes in the golden age of chariot warfare resulting from the arrival of the domesticated horse and the spoked wheel, then continues through the development of the first regular cavalry force by the Assyrians and on to their overthrow by an alliance of Medes and the Scythians, wild semi-nomadic horsemen from the Eurasian steppe. 9781783462759, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 240 pages

Byzantium Triumphant Julian Romane This book describes in detail the wars of the Byzantine emperors Nicephorus II Phocas, his nephew and assassin John I Tzimiskes, and Basil II. The operations, battles and drama of their various bitter struggles unfold, depicting the new energy and improved methods of warfare developed in the late tenth century. These emperors were at war on all fronts, fighting for survival and dominance against enemies including the Arab caliphates, Bulgars (Basil II was dubbed by later authors ‘the Bulgar Slayer’) and the Holy Roman Empire, not to mention dealing with civil wars and rebellions.While essentially a military history, there is, inevitably with the Byzantine emperors, a healthy dose of court intrigue, assassination, and political skullduggery too. 9781473845701, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 208 pages

AVIATION Polish Wings No. 19 Prezemyslaw Musialkowski This new title in the established and popular “Polish Wings” series tells the story of the MiG-17 aircraft and Polish built versions in the Polish Air Force. The acquisition and operations of these aircraft in Poland is told in detail, illustrated with many previously unpublished photos. Color schemes and markings are described and illustrated. 9788363678272, $29.00, $18.99, paperback, 90 pages

Russia’s Warplanes Piotr Butowski Russia’s Warplanes is set to become the standard reference work on the subject. Written by an acknowledged expert in the field, this will serve as an exhaustive directory of the latest products of Russia’s military aviation industry. As well as outlining aircraft that currently equip the various Russian air arms, the first of two volumes also takes into account aircraft developed for and fielded by foreign states in the post-Soviet era. Supplemented by many photographs, some of which from exclusive sources, as well as specially created maps and diagrams, this book launches the most comprehensive study of the fixed- and rotary wing aircraft types – manned and unmanned – that can currently be found in Russian service or which are being built or offered for export. 9780985455453, $64.95, $42.50, paperback, 256 pages

Arab MiGs Volume 6 Tom Cooper & David Nicolle This book continues Harpia Publishing’s renowned coverage of air actions by Arab air forces during the October 1973 ArabIsraeli War. After researching in the Middle East for more than 40 years, interviewing and discussing the fighting in detail with pilots, participants and eyewitnesses from almost every unit involved, the authors provide the first ever coherent narrative of this air war. While it has often been argued that air power did not play a dominant role in the conflict, it eventually proved critical to its outcome. Supported by a plethora of background information, more than 300 photographs, color profiles, maps and diagrams depicting the action, aircraft, camouflage patterns, markings, and weaponry deployed, Arab MiGs Volume 6 is set to become the standard reference work on the subject. 9780985455460, $64.95, $42.50, paperback, 256 pages

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•AVIATION• Camouflage and Decals No. 3 Kari Stenman This booklet describes and illustrates the camouflage and markings of six Finnish WWII fighters. Photos and colors profiles describe camouflage and markings in detail. Also includes high quality decals for these aircraft in 1/48 and 1/72 scale, produced by ModelMaker: Brewster 239, BW-393 „7”, kapt. Eino Luukkanen, leader of 1/Lentolaivue 24, 1942; Brewster 239, BW-393 „9”, luutn. Hans Wind, leader of 3/Lentolaivue 24, 1943; Fokker D.XXI, FR-140 „11”, luutn. Aaro Virkkunen, 2/Lentolaivue 14, 1942; Gloster Gladiator Mk I, 271 „ A”, fänr. Åke Nettelbladt-Hollsten, Flygflottilj 19, 1940; FIAT G.50, FA-15 „5”, kers. Klaus Alakoski, 3/Lentolaivue 26, 1942; Morane Saulnier MS. 406, MS311 „ 5”, kers. Antti Tani, 1/Lentolaivue 28, 1941. 9788363678937, $35.00, $22.99, paperback, 24 pages

Scale Plans No. 27 Hawker Hurricane Mk II, IV and SeaHurricane Marek Rys Scale plans in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 of Hurricane Mk II, IV and SeaHurricane variants. All late subversions are shown. 9788363678951, $11.99, $7.99, paperback, 12 pages

The Flying Hours Andrew Millar Squadron Leader Andrew Patrick Millar’s Distinguished Service Order citation attests to his ‘superb leadership’, and ‘excellent example and personal achievements’ that were ‘largely responsible for the high standard and efficiency’ of his squadron. This is Squadron Leader Millar’s candid and retrospective personal account of his experiences while serving as a pilot with the Royal Air Force and commanding No. 20 Squadron in the Far East during the Second World War battle against the Japanese. Utilizing notes made at the time and his comprehensive logbook Andrew Millar’s gripping prose describes the trials and tribulations of mounting combat operations against the Japanese while based in India and Burma, firstly in Westland Lysanders and then piloting Hawker Hurricanes. 9780993212901, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 256 pages


The Final Few Dilip Sarkar During the summer of 1940, Britain stood alone, defying the Luftwaffe’s aerial assault. Fighter Command faced this challenge against overwhelming odds with immeasurable courage and tenacity, the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, immortalizing these young Spitfire and Hurricane pilots as ‘The Few’. Some 2,927 aircrew comprised the ‘Few’, 544 of which made the ultimate sacrifice that fateful summer, now known as the Battle of Britain. A further 791 would perish before the war’s end. Today, precious few indeed remain alive worldwide, the Battle of Britain Fighter Association now numbering less than forty. This important book commemorating the Battle of Britain’s seventy-fifth anniversary contains new interviews with ‘The Final Few’. This is likely to be the last such work produced, as sadly but inevitably Churchill’s Few fade from living memory. 9781445642369, $26.95, $17.99, hardback, 256 pages

Short Stirling Pino Lombardi During 30 years of research, this book was written about the Short Stirling, the RAF’s first four-engined heavy bomber in WW2. Illustrated with largely unpublished wartime photos, it describes in never before revealed detail, the design, construction, and the factories where Stirlings were produced. It is filled with personal anecdotes from both builders and aircrew. The final transport version of the Stirling is featured both in its RAF and post war civilian role – and how it went full circle to become a bomber again, in the hands of the Egyptian Air Force. It then explains to the reader what happened to all the Stirlings at the end of the war; what has been unearthed and survives to the present day. 9781781554739, $85.00, $55.50, hardback, 416 pages

The Fallen Few of the Battle of Britain Nigel McCrery & Norman Franks This emotional yet factual book describes the three and a half months (10 July – 31 October 1940) battle day-by-day and covers the essential details of every one of the 540 young pilots who died in this critical campaign that saved Britain from invasion by the Nazis.Thanks to the authors painstaking research we are given a short biography of each pilots and learn of their actions and the manner of their deaths, their squadrons and planes.The result is a unique record and fitting memorial of the courage and sacrifice of this select band of heroes. The text is enhanced by photographs of the individuals themselves. 9781473827875, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

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•AVIATION• De Havilland Mosquito Philip J. Birtles This book covers the creation, design, and development of the beloved Mosquito that was built in Britain, Canada, and Australia, followed by service during the Second World War in Britain, Europe and Asia.The Mosquito was initially designed as a twin Rolls-Royce Merlin-powered unarmed bomber with a crew of two and was constructed mainly of wood, which was a non-strategic material using unskilled labor.This essential book features the experiences of designers, construction workers, and aircrew. Also, it contains many original contemporary and previously unpublished photographs covering service with RAF squadrons and overseas air forces in its many varied roles. Appendices cover production, specifications of each variant, equipped RAF and RN units, and details of surviving Mosquitos. 9781781554944, $52.00, $33.99, hardback, 272 pages

Douglas A4 Skyhawk Gerard Paloque Originally designed to replace another aircraft from the same manufacturer Douglas, the famous Skyraider, the A-4 Skyhawk enjoyed a remarkable career for nearly half a century. It was first the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps who utilized this aircraft extensively, with the many squadrons labeled “Scooter” it’s quasiofficial nickname. The two branches implemented them especially during the Vietnam War before transforming them into “aggressors” within the core of the training units. 9782352503644, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 112 pages

Supermarine Spitfire Philippe Listemann By 1941, the career of the Spitfire is well underway and the RAF has a powerful aircraft with the Mark V that exceeds all expectations. But it is the Mk IX, commissioned urgently in the summer of 1942, which becomes the most famous Spitfire. The latest version of the Spitfire, the Mark XVI, fitted with a Rolls Royce Merlin engine, is actually a Mk.IX equipped with an engine produced by Packard in the United States. Commissioned in 1944, this version introduced for the first time the “glass bubble” on the Spitfire and was used by the RAF until the fifties, replacing the Mk IX and pending the commissioning of the first jets in frontline squadrons. 9782352503668, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 100 pages

Polish Wings No. 20 Wojciech Zmyslony & Wojciech Sankowski By 1941, the career of the Spitfire is well underway and the RAF has a powerful aircraft with the Mark V that exceeds all expectations. But it is the Mk IX, commissioned urgently in the summer of 1942, which becomes the most famous Spitfire. The latest version of the Spitfire, the Mark XVI, fitted with a Rolls Royce Merlin engine, is actually a Mk.IX equipped with an engine produced by Packard in the United States. Commissioned in 1944, this version introduced for the first time the “glass bubble” on the Spitfire and was used by the RAF until the fifties, replacing the Mk IX and pending the commissioning of the first jets in frontline squadrons. 9788363678630, $29.00, $18.99, paperback, 96 pages

Gloster Aircraft since 1917 Derek N. James Although most renowned for its series of seaplane racers for the Schneider Trophy Contests and for fighters like the Gamecock and the Gladiator, the Gloster Aircraft Company ran the gamut of design ingenuity, even though no type was ordered into quantity production. This updated edition describes the company’s formation and development in the face of a diminishing need for military aircraft and provides some fascinating insights into the manner to which it struggled to surmount the engineering and financial problems of the four decades of its existence before succumbing to the economic and political pressures of the post 1957 Defence White Paper era. 9781781554173, $70.00, $45.99, paperback, 480 pages

Luftwaffe Over Finland Stenman Keshinen This superb illustrated series books charts the rise and fall of the German Air Force from 1939 to 1945. Each volume makes use of over a hundred rare photographs, many of them taken by Luftwaffe personnel, to bring history to life and record both the men and the aircraft they flew. This title explores the German air war on the Northern Front. It presents the men and the aircraft used in this campaign, mostly from Luftflotte 1 and Luftflotte 5.The outstanding collection of photographs includes almost every type the Luftwaffe flew from Finland – from Ju 87 dive bombers and Focke Wulf Fw 190 fighters to coastal patrol and transport units – as well as some of the pilots. 9781848327986, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 72 pages

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•AVIATION• Stuka Spearhead Peter C Smith This superb illustrated series books charts the rise and fall of the German Air Force from 1939 to 1945. Each volume makes use of over a hundred rare and valuable photographs, many of them taken by Luftwaffe personnel, to bring history to life and record both the men and the aircraft they flew. The Ju 87 Stuka dive-bomber dominated the opening campaigns of World War II. It was a primary weapon of German Blitzkrieg tactics and the concept of lightning warfare. With more than 100 photographs and detailed commentary Stuka Spearhead profiles the various models and infamous tactics of these deadly dive-bombers from the conquest of Poland and the Norwegian campaign, through the invasion of the Low Countries, to the fall of France and the evacuation at Dunkirk. 9781848327993, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 72 pages

Dog Fight Norman Franks The history of aviation during the First World War is a rich and varied story marked by the evolution of aircraft from slowmoving, fragile, and unreliable powered kites, into quick, agile, sturdy fighter craft. At the same time there emerged a new kind of ‘soldier’, the pioneer fighter pilot whose individual cunning and bravery became crucial in the fight for control of the air. Dog Fight traces this rapid technological development alongside the strategy and planning of commanders and front-line airmen as they adapted. Drawing on contemporary memoirs as well as the author’s personal correspondence with surviving First World War fighter pilots and aces, this is an authoritative and captivating history that serves as an important tribute to the brave pilots of both sides. 9781848328327, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 256 pages

Soviet Cold War Weaponry: Aircraft, Warships and Missiles Anthony Tucker-Jones In this companion volume to his photographic history of Soviet tanks and armored vehicles, Anthony Tucker-Jones provides a visual guide to the vast array of aircraft, warships and missiles the Soviet armed forces deployed at the height of the Cold War. The so-called ‘Cold War’ was far from cold, with numerous ‘hot’ proxy wars being fought in Africa and the Middle East. All these conflicts employed Soviet weaponry. The MiG fighters, the Badger and Backfire bombers, the nuclear submarines have achieved almost iconic status, but, as Anthony Tucker-Jones’s book shows, there was much more to the Soviet armory than these famous weapons. Much of it, despite its age, remains in service with armies, guerrilla forces and terrorist organizations around the world today. 9781473823617, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages


Luftwaffe Bomber Aces Mike Spick The Luftwaffe excelled at ground attack and in doing so helped revolutionized modern warfare. Whether flying in support of panzer columns during the invasion of Poland and the destruction of France, deployed against British airfields and cities, sent against Soviet tanks, or thrown into the defense of the Reich, Germany’s bomber and dive-bomber pilots wrought havoc across the face of Europe during the Second World War. This book outlines the Luftwaffe’s revolutionary tactics, first tested during the Spanish Civil War, and highlights individual techniques and methods used against specific types of target. First-hand accounts add gripping drama to the narrative, and give an unsurpassed appreciation of just what it was like to dive-bomb, come under attack by fighters or brave a barrage of anti-aircraft guns. 9781848328624, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 256 pages

Stukas Over the Mediterranean, 1940–1945 Peter C Smith This enthralling pictorial guide reveals the formidable power of one of the most feared warplanes of all time. The Ju 87 Stuka dominated the opening campaigns of World War II. It was a primary weapon of German Blitzkrieg tactics and the concept of lightning warfare. Together with the panzer, it transformed air and land warfare, with countries falling in days and weeks, rather than after campaigns lasting years. With more than 100 photographs and detailed commentary, Stukas over the Mediterranean examines the role of German and Italian Ju 87s in such diverse campaigns as the attack on Yugoslavia, the battle for Crete and operations by the night flying squadrons. 9781848328006, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 64 pages

Stukas Over the Steppe Peter C Smith This enthralling pictorial guide reveals the formidable power of one of the most feared warplanes of all time. The Ju 87 Stuka dominated the opening campaigns of World War II. It was a primary weapon of German Blitzkrieg tactics and the concept of lightning warfare. Together with the panzer, it transformed air and land warfare, with countries falling in days and weeks, rather than after campaigns lasting years. With more than 100 photographs and detailed commentary, Stukas over the Steppe captures the many roles adopted by these famous dive-bombers as they blasted a path across Eastern Europe. 9781848328013, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 64 pages

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•AVIATION• A Flying Life Richard Riding This book consists of photographs taken by E. J. Riding, the author’s father, who spent his working life in the aviation industry. He was apprenticed to A.V. Roe & Company and employed as an aircraft engineer up to the outbreak of war. During the war, Riding became an AID inspector and was seconded to Fairey Aviation, London Aircraft Production, and the de Havilland Aircraft Company, where he signed out Halifax bombers and Mosquitoes as airworthy and ready for test flying. Sadly, Riding was killed in a flying accident in 1950. During his short life, he gained a lasting reputation as an engineer, professional photographer, draughtsman, and aero modeler. Although approached in a generally lighthearted manner, A Flying Life features in-depth and informative captions. 9781781554463, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 256 pages

Paint Locker Magic William Tate & Jim Meehan Naval aviation special markings and nose art is a field that has been largely ignored, primarily due to the lack of coverage in mainstream aviation history publications. Research into archives, feedback from veterans, and personal photographs by the authors, have documented thousands of previously unknown individual aircraft with these markings. This book covers markings on US Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard aircraft over the 100 year history of US naval aviation. This book includes illustrations of special markings and nose art on early canvas-covered airplanes through the World War 2 and on into the jet age, the Korean and Vietnam conflicts, and up to the present war on terror with aircraft marked to commemorate the 9-11 terrorist attacks. 9781625450418, $50.00, $32.99, hardback, 256 pages

The Panavia Tornado: A Photographic Tribute Michael Leek Through a collection of dramatic and informative photographs, supplemented by cutaway illustrations, this book highlights the agility and flexibility of this dedicated RAF aircraft. Throughout the course of its career, it has formed the backbone of the RAF across its many different theaters of operation. Utilized in a strike, antiaircraft, air superiority, air defense, reconnaissance, electronic warfare and fighter-bomber capacity, this aircraft type has enjoyed an immensely varied career. Each aspect is illustrated in this photographic celebration.This impressive new photographic publication will be presented in full color and is sure to be prized as a collector’s piece amongst fans of the genre. 9781781592977, $55.00, $35.99, hardback, 240 pages

The Avro Arrow Lawrence Miller When it first flew in 1957, the Avro Arrow was the world's best supersonic combat aircraft. It was the proudest achievement of the engineers and designers who came out of Canada's world-leading aircraft industry. Yet, after only six airplanes were built, the Arrow was killed. It was canceled by a Conservative government overnight— thousands lost their jobs. Astonishingly, the government ordered the finished airplanes cut up and destroyed. Using hundreds of photos, most in color, along with original documents, this book tells this amazing story—a key development in Canada's Cold War history. It provides the information that will let readers decide for themselves what best explains a decision which even today is hard to understand. 9781459407275, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 128 pages

Daily Telegraph Book of Military Obituaries Book Three David Twiston Davies This collection of 100 Daily Telegraph military obituaries from the last sixteen years includes those celebrated for their great heroism and involvement in major operations. Others have extraordinary stories barely remembered even by their families. Those featured include Private Harry Patch, the last survivor of those who went ‘over the top’ on the Western Front in 1917 and Lieutenant-Colonel Eric Wilson of the Somaliland Camel Corps who learned he had been awarded a posthumous VC in a prison camp. Colonel Clive Fairweather, who organized the SAS attack on the terrorists who seized the Iranian embassy in London in 1980, also features, among many more. 9781909808317, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 416 pages

Hawker Hurricane Survivors Gordon Riley With 2015 being the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain – arguably the Hawker Hurricane’s ‘finest hour’ – it is appropriate to tell the story of the surviving Hurricanes from around the world. Building on research originally started thirty years ago, the author has delved into the archives to amass new information. Today a number of Hurricanes are being privately restored globally. This book documents each aircraft by country of origin and mark by mark from the day it left the factory up to the present day. From the serious enthusiast to the casual museum or air show visitor, if you have an interest in the Hurricane this is the book for you. 9781909808348, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 224 pages

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•AVIATION• Avro Manchester Robert Kirby This is the definitive account of the Avro Manchester based upon detailed research by Dr Robert Kirby. This new and greatly expanded edition follows on from Dr Kirby's original edition of 1995, containing 30 per cent of additional text and is richly illustrated with more than 200 black and white photographs. In the early dark days of the Second World War, RAF Bomber Command was obliged to operate for 18 months deep into occupied Europe with the underdeveloped, Rolls-Royce Vulturepowered Avro Manchester. It was the largest and only Allied bomber to use the Vulture operationally. This account draws out, chronologically, the airframe and engine development intermixed with personal experiences from pilots and other personnel. 9781781552858, $85.00, $55.50, hardback, 512 pages

Combat Biplanes of World War II Peter C. Smith The era of the combat biplane is usually thought to have been between 1914 and 1938. By the outbreak of World War II, most of the advanced air forces of the world had moved on to monoplane aircraft for their front-line battle forces, both in bomber and fighter capacities. Yet despite this, many biplanes did still survive, both in front-line service and in numerous subsidiary roles, and not just as training machines but as fully operational warplanes. This book describes a selection of these gallant old warriors of all nations. They represent the author's own personal selection from a surprisingly large range of aircraft that, despite all predictions, fought hard and well in World War II. 9781783400546, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 304 pages

A Goldstar Century Ian Hall Number 31 Squadron RAF will celebrate its centenary in 2015; a pivotal milestone for a Squadron engaged at the forefront of military activity for the past 100 years. Former Commanding Officer of the Squadron, Ian Hall, has set himself the ambitious task of penning the Squadron's entire history, from formation right up to current-day activities. This lively and informative narrative is interspersed with firsthand accounts taken from interviews conducted with the men who made/make up the Squadron. Every facet of this long and varied history is relayed in a style that serves to provide an account that is at once celebratory and objective when it comes to recording not only the facts of the various deployments but also the personal stories of the men behind the headlines. 9781783400584, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 304 pages


RAF In Camera: 1960s Keith Wilson The ‘Swinging Sixties’ was a remarkable decade. For the Royal Air Force it was a most interesting period in their history, representing a period of base closures, contraction and a significant change in equipment especially in the level of technology operated. Here, Keith Wilson takes us on a richly illustrated journey through the decade, with each chapter focusing on a specific year and relaying all the fascinating events and highlights that characterized it. This is a colorful and insightful history, told with narrative flair and a clear passion for the subject matter at hand. 9781473837768, $60.00, $39.50, hardback, 320 pages

A Fighter Command Station at War Mark Hillier Situated close to the South Coast, on flat land to the north of Chichester in West Sussex, lies Goodwood Aerodrome. This pleasant rural airfield was once home to squadrons of Hurricanes, Spitfires and later Typhoons. RAF Westhampnett was at the forefront of the Battle of Britain as a satellite to the Sector (or controlling) Station of RAF Tangmere, part of 11 Group, which bore the brunt of the struggle for Britain’s survival in 1940. Packed with the largest collection of photographs of this airfield ever compiled, this illustrated publication provides a detailed history of the fighting as seen through the eyes of many of the pilots and ground crew. RAF Westhampnett brings to life those exciting but dangerous days of the Second World War through the words and photographs of those who were there. 9781473844681, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 192 pages

RAF Fighter Pilots in WWII Martin Bowman This is a pulsating account of the young RAF fighter boys who flew Spitfires, Hurricanes and Defiants in England against the Luftwaffe and from Malta 194045 against the Regia Aeronautica. Their story is told using combat reports and first person accounts from RAF, German and Commonwealth pilots who fought in the skies in France in 1940, in England during the Battle of Britain, and in the great air offensives over Occupied Europe from 1942 onwards. 9781783831920, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 256 pages

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•AVIATION• Dowding’s Eagles Norman Franks The Battle of Britain fought by The Few, as Churchill famously called them, will remain a legendary feat of arms for centuries to come. Sadly there remain only a handful today who can tell their stories so this collection of personal accounts is extremely timely. Each account describes the actions and impressions of the individuals who fought lonely battles against a numerically superior enemy. The odds were stacked against The Few. Over 500 pilots were killed in action during the summer of 1940 and this book is as much about those who gave their lives for their country as those who risked everything but managed to survive. Together with photographs of the men and their aircraft, this is an inspiring book. 9781473844209, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 272 pages

The French Air Force in North Africa Alain Crosnier This book, published in two volumes, presents an inventory of air units in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia) from June 1940 to the summer of 1967, for each of the following: the period of activity; missions; the various types of devices and their period of use; armaments and stationary. Besides schools, learning centers or training, these units are aggregated and presented according to the classification of air assets in use during the war in Algeria, as heavy hunting of light support aviation. Remarkably comprehensive, richly illustrated with around 2,500 photographs from personal albums, this is an exceptional document of reference and memory, an essential supplement for anyone interested in this period of history of the Air Force and its commitment to the other side of the Mediterranean. 9782352504207, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 240 pages

Scramble Tom Neil This is a fighter pilot’s memoir of four tumultuous years, 19381942, when he was first trained, then fought and survived in not one but two of the biggest aerial campaigns of the war, the Battle of Britain and the equally epic, but lesser known Siege of Malta. When the Germans were blitzing their way across France in spring 1940, Pilot Officer Tom Neil had just received his first posting – to 249 Squadron. He was soon to be pitched into the maelstrom of air fighting on which the very survival of Britain would to depend. Now 94, he is one of only twenty-five Battle of Britain veterans still alive and this vivid memoir is his last word on his fighter pilot experiences. 9781445649511, $42.00, $27.50, hardback, 640 pages

American Military Aircraft Jim Winchester After World War II, the US Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps retained their technological superiority through the dangerous years of the Cold War. The next generation of aircraft and weapons, with the emphasis on flexibility and affordability, has proven their worth in the recent conflicts in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Iraq. This is a comprehensive guide to more than 200 combat aircraft and helicopters that have kept the US at the cutting edge of aviation technology. Each aircraft is covered in detail, with feature boxes outlining its development, technical specifications, performance data, and variants. Unique graphics allow the reader to compare specific features like firepower, troopcarrying capacity, and bombload to those of other aircraft of the same type. 9781782743194, $45.00, $29.50, hardback, 448 pages

The French Air Force in North Africa Alain Crosnier This book, published in two volumes, presents an inventory of air units in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia) from June 1940 to the summer of 1967, for each of the following: the period of activity; missions; the various types of devices and their period of use; armaments and stationary. Besides schools, learning centers or training, these units are aggregated and presented according to the classification of air assets in use during the war in Algeria, as heavy hunting of light support aviation. Remarkably comprehensive, richly illustrated with around 2,500 photographs from personal albums, this is an exceptional document of reference and memory, an essential supplement for anyone interested in this period of history of the Air Force and its commitment to the other side of the Mediterranean. 9782352504214, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 176 pages

First In: The Airborne Pathfinders Ron Kent They were volunteers. These were the airborne troops who dropped into enemy territory ahead of any others, pinpointing the Drop Zone by means of a radio marker. They would then prepare the ground for the main forces that would follow. Once they had marked out the Drop Zones, they then had to defend them, whatever the odds. The 21st Independent Parachute Company operated in North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Norway, France, as well as the largest airborne operation ever mounted, Market Garden. In compiling this account of the ‘Pathfinders’, Ron Kent contacted survivors of his company to provide the first comprehensive history of a unit that General Browning told its commanding officer, Major Wilson, was ‘unsurpassed by any other in the world’. 9781848329461, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

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•MODELING• MODELING Frequently Asked Questions for Constructing and Painting Dioramas Mario Milla & Rafael Milla Possibly the most complete guide on how to make dioramas ever published, carefully elaborated to help you bring your dreamed dioramas to life alongside of two great artists and gentlemen. 9788496658530, $68.00, $44.50, paperback, 312 pages

The Revell Models Jean-Christophe Carbonel The origins of the Revell company date back to 1941 when an electrical engineer, Lewis Glaser founded a toy distribution company called ‘Precision Specialties’. The reconciliation with the world (emerging) models arrived via the company Gowland and Gowland who had the idea to launch a range of plastic toys and singed a distribution agreement with Lewis Glaser. The first volume is dedicated to the famous American brand, and reviews the different Revell products year by year from 1951 to 1981. Fans will be delighted by what models end up in the nearly 400 pictures of the airplanes, boats, helicopters, and other vehicles they were pleased to get in their childhood, or that are still enthroned on their shelves. It is also an essential reference book for collectors. 9782352504474, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 80 pages

Flight Craft 8: Mikoyan MiG-31 Yefim Gordon The MiG-31 started life as an advanced derivative of the famous MiG-25P interceptor, becoming the first Soviet fourthgeneration combat aircraft. First flown in 1975, it differed from its progenitor primarily in having a crew of two (pilot and weapons systems operator), a highly capable passive phased-array radar – a world first – and new R-33 long-range missiles as its primary armament. To this day the MiG-31 remains one of the key air defense assets of the Russian Air Force. The book describes the MiG-31’s developmental history, including upgrade programs, and features a full and comprehensive survey of the various MiG-31 model-making kits currently available on the market. 9781473823921, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 96 pages


Flight Craft: Russian Gunship Helicopters Yefim Gordon This volume deals primarily with the three principal attack helicopter types of the presentday Russian Army.The Mil MI-24 ‘Hind’ otherwise known as ‘the Flying Crocodile’;The Mil-28; and the Kamov Ka-52 ‘Alligator’ – NATO name ‘Hokum-B’.Wellillustrated histories and structural analyses are supplemented with detailed descriptions of the various plastic scale model kits which have been released, along with commentary concerning their accuracy and available modifications and decals.This level of detail and insight is sure to prove invaluable to a wide community of model-makers, both at home and overseas. 9781781592823, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 96 pages

Flight Craft 3: Hawker Hurricane Neil Robinson & Martin Derry When Sidney Camm’s masterpiece, the Hawker Hurricane, entered RAF service in late 1937 it quickly became one of the most important aircraft in Britain’s military arsenal, especially in the first three years of the Second World War. This title covers the history of this iconic design, from the prototype and the initial production variants’ entry in to RAF service, through its development and use, first as a day fighter, and then night fighter, intruder, fighter-bomber, catapult-launched and then carrier-based fighter, and eventually dedicated ground attack machine. 9781473827257, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 96 pages

Flight Craft 4: Avro Lancaster 1945–1964 Neil Robinson & Martin Derry The Avro Lancaster, such a stalwart of the skies during the Second World War, also enjoyed a colorful and exciting postwar career. It is this era that the authors have chosen to focus on here, profiling the aircraft type across its many variants. Split into three primary sections, this book offers a concise yet informative history of the Avro Lancaster’s postwar operational career (from 1945–1964) charting the course of all the various design improvements that occurred across this timeframe and including a selection of contemporary photographs with detailed captions. A 16-page color illustration section also features, profiling 48 separate aircraft (in profiles and 2-views). A model-making section completes this publication, offering exciting new instructional content. 9781473827240, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 96 pages

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•MODELING• Flight Craft 5: Sukhoi Su-15 Yefim Gordon In the late 1950s, the Sukhoi Design Bureau, already an established fighter maker, started work on a successor to its Su-9 and Su-11 single-engined interceptors for the national Air defense Force. First flown in May 1962, the Su-15 officially entered service in 1965 and was built in several versions, the late ones having cranked-delta wings and a more capable radar. Unfortunately the aircraft gained notoriety in two separate incidents involving shoot-downs of Boeing airliners, both of which were South Korean and had intruded into Soviet airspace on what was very probably clandestine spy missions. This book describes the developmental and service history of the Sukhoi-Su-15, containing a comprehensive survey of all model-making kits currently available on the market. 9781473823907, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 96 pages

Scale Plans No. 28. Fieseler Fi 156 Storch Dariusz Karnas Scale plans in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 of Fieseler Fi 156 Storch variants. 9788363678975, $11.99, $7.99, paperback, 12 pages

Scale Plans No. 29. MESSERSCHMITT BF 109F Dariusz Karnas Scale plans in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 of MESSERSCHMITT BF 109F variants. 9788363678982, $11.99, $7.99, paperback, 12 pages

Flight Craft 6: Il’yushin/Beriyev A-50 Yefim Gordon Brought out in the late 1970s as a successor to the obsolete Tu-126 airborne early warning aircraft, the A-50 co-developed by the Il’yushin and Beriyev bureaux is one of the most interesting military variants in the field of IL-76 military transport. Differing outwardly from the latter mainly in having a conventional “saucer” rotodome, the A-50 entered flight testing in 1980; the new Soviet AWACS entered service four years later. This book describes the A-50’s thrilling developmental history, taking in its many variants (including the A-50EI export model for India) and gives an extensive overview of the various scale model kits covering the subject currently available on the market. 9781473823914, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 96 pages

Flight Craft 7: V Bombers Martin W Bowman & Dave Windle Britain’s desire to stay at the leading edge in the design and development of modern jet powered aircraft was born in the later stages of the Second World War. The Vickers Valiant,Vulcan and Victor saw prolific and varied service during the course of their careers. This book contains fabulous color profiles (created by Dave Windle) of all three types in different operational modes, configurations and color schemes. Martin Bowman has written detailed descriptions and photographs to create the perfect enthusiasts reference. This enhanced and revised edition (the book was initially published in 2009) comes complete with model-making content as well as a host of brand new design features, making for a lively new addition to our esteemed Flight Craft series. 9781473834248, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 64 pages

P-51D Mustang American Aces Artur Juszczak More than 40 color profiles of the North American P-51D Mustang fighter flown by American WWII aces including the most famous like Maj. George E. Preddy Jr.; Capt. John J. Voll; Lt. Col. John C. Meyer; Maj. Leonard K. Carson; Maj. Glenn T. Eagleston; Maj. John B. England and less know. Extra. Includes one big profile 76 cm (30 inch) long. 9788363678791, $35.00, $22.99, hardback, 45 pages

Scale Plans No. 30. Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-1/MiG-3 Dariusz Karnas Scale plans in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 of Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-1/MiG-3 variants. 9788363678999, $11.99, $7.99, paperback, 12 pages

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•MODELING• Messerschmitt Bf 109 Marek J. Murawski & Asen Atanasov The monograph devoted to the early versions of the Messerschmitt Bf 109, the most famous WW2 German fighter, discusses its origins and development with coverage of changes made in its first prototypes, A-D variants and their sub-variants. The combat use of the aircraft in the Spanish Civil War, Polish campaign and Phony War is thoroughly described with many first-hand accounts included. The book also features short chapters on Bf 109 Ds in Swiss service and camouflage and markings of early Bf 109s. 9788364596384, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 192 pages

Curtiss P-40 Warhawk Tomasz Szlagor Curtiss P-40, known to Americans as Warhawk, and to their allies of the British Commonwealth as Tomahawk and Kittyhawk, fought on nearly all fronts of the Second World War, serving with the American, British, Australian, New Zealand, South African, Canadian, Free French, Chinese, Dutch and Soviet air forces. During the first years of the war the P-40 helped the Allies stem the offensive of the Axis powers and fight them back at the lastditch defensive positions. Never a high-performance fighter, it nonetheless proved a potent weapon in capable hands. Often turned into a fighter-bomber in later years, it soldiered on until phased out in favor of more advanced designs. 9788364596315, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 88 pages

Arado Ar 196 Marek J. Murawski This superb monograph is devoted to the Ar 196, a shipboard reconnaissance aircraft, which became the standard aircraft of the Kriegsmarine throughout World War II. Loved by its pilots for its superior handling both in the air and on the water, the A-1s were added to coastal squadrons, and continued to fly reconnaissance missions and submarine hunts into late 1944. Two notable operations were the capture of HMS Seal, and the repeated interception of RAF Armstrong-Whitworth Whitley bombers. This volume includes many rare color profile artworks, detailing the aircraft. 9788361220961, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 80 pages


P-51/F-6 Mustangs with the USAAF–European Theater of Operations Tomasz Szlagor The North American P-51 Mustang powered by the Britishdesigned Rolls-Royce Merlin/Packard engine was, quite simply, the best long-range escort fighter of the World War Two era. Entering service in November 1943, it curtailed prohibitive losses suffered by the heavy bombers of the US Eight Army Air Force which carried out the strategic daylight bombing campaign against the Third Reich. In the European Theater of Operations the USAAF also deployed Mustangs, with great success, as freeranging strafers, fighter-bombers, scouts and reconnaissance aircraft. Eventually, it was the P-51 that broke the backbone of the Luftwaffe. 9788364596681, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 88 pages

Grumman F6F Hellcat Vol. I Tomasz Szlagor & Leszek A.Wieliczko Grumman F6F Hellcat was one of the best fighter aircraft of the World War Two era and the most effective fighter of the US Navy.Volume One presents this legendary fighter in its first year of operational service through the end of the Marianas operation in late summer 1944. Throughout the war the only foreign user of Hellcats was Great Britain, receiving first aircraft in March 1943. Until late 1944 the Royal Navy Hellcats operated mainly in northern European waters and in the Mediterranean, participating in several air strikes on German battleship Tirpitz moored in Norwegian fiords, supporting Allied landings in Normandy and southern France, and joining operations in the Aegean Sea. 9788364596056, $22.95, $14.99, paperback 96 pages

Ship Plans No. 1 Japanese Destroyer Minekaze Grzegorz Nowak & Grzegorz Nowak Scale plans in 1/700, 1/350 and 1/200 of the IJN Destroyer Minekaze. A3 size pages in A4 pb. Also details in 1/100 are shown. 9788365281067, $11.99, $7.99, paperback, 24 pages

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•MODELING• ShipCraft 6: German S-Boats Steve Wiper The subject of this volume is the Second World War German Navy’s motor torpedo boats called Schnellboote, known to the Allies as E-Boats. One of the most effective coastal attack craft of the time, the type was built in large numbers and constantly improved as the war progressed, giving many variants to interest modelers. With its unparalleled level of visual information – paint schemes, models, line drawings and photographs – it is simply the best reference for any modelmaker setting out to build one of these famous boats. 9781848321229, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 64 pages

ShipCraft 16: Admiral Hipper Class Cruisers Steve Backer The subject of this volume is the largest and most sophisticated German cruiser class of WW2. The five ships suffered very different fates. Blucher was sunk during the invasion of Norway in 1940, whereas Admiral Hipper fought right through the war. The most famous, Prinz Eugen, escaped when Bismarck was sunk and survived to be expended in a postwar Atomic bomb test. Seydlitz was intended to be converted to an aircraft carrier, but never finished, while Lutzow was sold to Russia and sunk by her erstwhile owners. 9781848320628, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 64 pages

The Light Cruiser Yahagi Mariusz Motyka Yahagi, the second Japanese warship of that name, was the third of the four Agano-class vessels (the other three being Agano, Noshiro and Sakawa). Construction of the Agano-class cruisers was approved by the Japanese parliament (Diet) in March 1939 under the Fourth Naval Armaments Enhancement Program (Dai-Yon-Ji Kaigun Gunbi Ju-jitsu Keikaku), also known as “Four-in-Circle” Program (Maru Yon Keikaku), or simply Maru 4. Under the terms of the program, the four light cruisers (kei jun’yo-kan), also referred to as type B cruisers (otsu-gata jun’yo-kan, or simply otsu jun) and officially classed as second-class cruisers (ni-to- jun’yo-kan), were to fulfill the role of destroyer squadron flagships. 9788364596667, $28.95, $18.99, paperback, 92 pages

The Light Cruiser SMS Emden Samir Karmieh SMS Emden light cruiser was built by Kaiserliche Werft Danzig dockyard (nowadays Gdan´ sk in Poland). The construction process began in 1906, the launching of the ship took place on 26 May 1908. Together with SMS Dresden, she belonged to Dresden protected cruiser class. SMS Emden was put into service on 1 April 1910. Eleven days later she was sent to the German colony Qingdao (Tsingtao) in China. The destination was reached on September that year. There the ship was incorporated into German East Asia Squadron. In 1913 Lieutenant-Commander Karl von Müller took command of the ship. He was soon promoted to the rank of full Commander. 9788364596674, $28.95, $18.99, paperback, 80 pages

The Japanese Cruiser Chikuma Waldemar Goralski The Japanese cruiser Chikuma According to the provisions of the Treaty of London light cruisers could be armed with cannons with a maximum caliber of 155mm in quantities up to 15 pieces. Japanese engineers, admirals and Fukuda Fujimoto developed a draft of the ship classified as “medium cruiser type”. His task was to guard the main force fleet from attacks by enemy light forces and the fight against cruisers. The ship was ordered under the Second Fleet Expansion Program of 1934roku. Funds for the construction of the cruiser entered in the budget for 1935/1936. The ship, which was named Chikuma River (in Nagano Prefecture on the island of Honshu) was built in the shipyard of Mitsubishi Nagasaki. 9788364596629, $28.95, $18.99, paperback, 80 pages

The Heavy Cruiser Admiral Hipper Waldemar Goralski This is an in-depth look the heavy cruiser Haruna. Amply illustrated with full color profiles. English text; Super Drawings in 3D. 9788364596148, $26.95, $17.99, paperback, 80 pages

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•MODELING• The Battleship Haruna Waldemar Goralski Before the Konga class battle cruiser design was created, a similar type of British ship construction had been studied thoroughly (Thunderer, Neptune, Lion, and Indefatigable). During a council held on April 13, 1910, an order for a new class of ships was discussed, but a final decision was not made until May 23, 1910. In December 1910, during the Parliament meeting, the Japanese Prime Minister proposed construction of, as he described them in his speech, “huge armored cruisers” based on the British Invincible class. 9788364596216, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 24 pages

The Battleship USS North Carolina Stefan Draminski Launched in 1940, North Carolina was the first U.S. newly built battleship to have taken part in the war in the Pacific. During her busy combat career she demonstrated that battleships could perform very well indeed in their new role as escorts for fleet aircraft carriers and weapon platforms providing fire support for ground troops. Having earned no fewer than 15 Battle Stars during her wartime service, North Carolina was the most highly decorated US Navy battleship of World War II. After decommissioning, she escaped the chopping block and is preserved to this day as a floating museum. 9788364596360, $26.95, $17.99, paperback, 80 pages

Protected Cruiser Varyag Stefan Dramin´ski In-depth look the Imperial Russian cruiser Varyag, famed for her crew’s heroic defiance during the Russo-Japanese War includes design and construction notes, technical characteristics, data tables, machinery, propulsion, armament and operational history. Excellent visual guide to the ship from all aspects - overall and in detail - color schemes, ship’s boats, weapons, masts and fittings. Amply illustrated with 82 excellent computer generated color graphic images, this volume also includes 2 double-sided bonus pull-outs: a color poster and scale plans. The plans represent the ship’s 1901 configuration - bow, stern, port and starboard profiles in both 1/350 and 1/700 scales, along with 1/100 scale gun and 1/200 scale boat drawings, plus a detailed oblique view. 9788361220640, $26.95, $17.99, paperback, 54 pages


Adam’s Armour Adam Wilder ADAM’S ARMOUR 1 modeling guide is the ultimate in the construction of armor modeling! Adam Wilder’s pioneering processes and techniques are described by him in the greatest of detail. These present the culmination of many years of Adam’s work, many unseen in print until now. Adam’s Armour 1 will improve and enrich any modelers work from beginners to the more proficient. This volume totaling 192 pages covering every aspect of assembly, detailing and conversion techniques which keeps Adam at the forefront of scale armor modeling with Worldwide acclaim. This volume also includes a very special Gallery of Adams work. 9780955541384, $49.00, $31.99, paperback, 192 pages

Adam’s Armour Adam Wilder ADAM’S ARMOUR 2 modelling guide is the ultimate in the painting & finishing of armour modelling! Adam Wilder’s pioneering processes and techniques are described by him in the greatest of detail. These present the culmination of many years of Adam’s work, many unseen in print until now. Adam’s Armour 2 will improve and enrich any modeler’s work from beginners to the more proficient. This volume totaling 232 pages covering every aspect of stunning range of finishing techniques which keeps Adam at the forefront of scale armor modeling with Worldwide acclaim. 9780955541391, $49.00, $31.99, paperback, 232 pages

Camouflage & Markings of German Armor in the Battle for Cassino Jeffrey Plowman & Daniele Guglielmi Published as a companion volume to Camouflage and Markings of Allied Armor in the battle for Cassino (#12 in the Series), this is an authoritative guide to the armor deployed by the Germans over the course of the fighting for this strategic objective. This book includes a number of rare and unpublished photos with detailed captions. It includes: SdKfz 251s, Marder IIs and IIIs, Semoventi M42s, PzKpfw IVs, Sturmgeschütze IIIs and IVs, Nashorns, Panthers, Pantherturms and captured Shermans. Contains: 48 pages, 65 b&w photos and 19 full color plates of artwork. 9788360672259, $36.95, $24.50, paperback, 48 pages

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•MODELING•NAVAL & MARITIME• Sd.Kfz. 161 Panzer IV Krzysztof Mucha In June 1943 the production of Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H began in order to increase the armor piercing capabilities of its main armament. Although the new model received the modified 75-mm KwK43 L/48 tank gun, the Ausf. H was still sharing many components with the previous version. This Panzer IV version first saw combat in the summer of 1943 during the German retreat on the Eastern front. The tank proved to be quite complicated and laborconsuming in production which led to simplifying its design. As a result, the less complex Ausf. J model was introduced into production in June 1944. 9788364596704, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 40 pages

Char Leclerc M.P. Ribinson & Thiery Guillemain The Leclerc is the only battle tank serving in operational combat units in the French Army. Designed as a Cold War era tank killer that could take on numerically superior enemies, the Leclerc has served the armies of France and the United Arab Emirates for over twenty years. This is a survey of the Leclerc’s development and service in the French Army right up to the present day. It explains the differences between the eleven Leclerc production batches produced for the French Army, the different Leclerc derived vehicles, and the changes that have transformed the French armored force since the Leclerc first entered service. This latest addition to the Kagero Photosniper series is an ideal reference for historians and modelers alike. 9788364596353, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 96 pages

Sturmpanzer IV Brummbär Samir Karmieh & Krzysztof Mucha Germans had been produced many specialistic armoured vehicles. Storm tanks are among them. They were used as infantry support heavy vehicles. They destroyed buildings, fortifications, barricades etc. STURMPANZER IV BRUMMBAR built on PANZER IV chassis was one of them. It was armed with 150 mm StuH storm howitzer. From 1943 till 1945 BRUMMBAR took part in fights on all fronts. The publication is illustrated with unique 3D renderings by Samir Karmieha that show a lot of detail not only the external details of the vehicle, but also its inside. The book was also enriched with excellent modeling plans Krzysztofa Muchy that satisfy even the most demanding readers. 9788364596322, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 112 pages

Panzerjäger 38(t) Hetzer & G-13 Mariusz Motyka & Hubert Michalski The new format of the book A4 pages, archive photos, color profiles, mate coated paper, and soft cover binding. 9788364596285, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 80 pages

NAVAL & MARITIME The Last Big Gun Brian Lavery As she lay in dry dock, devastatingly damaged by one of Hitler’s newly deployed magnetic mines after barely two months in service, few could have predicted the illustrious career that lay ahead for the cruiser HMS Belfast. She would go on to play a critical role in the protection of the Arctic Convoys, would fire one of the opening shots at D-Day and continue supporting the Operation Overlord landings for five weeks. This tells the wider story of the naval war at sea and vividly portrays the realities for all of life aboard a Second World War battleship. The book will appeal to all those with an interest in military history and life in the wartime Royal Navy. 9781910860014, $36.95, $24.50, hardback, 440 pages

Operation Neptune Tim Benbow (editor) The D-Day landings of June 1944 were one of the most ambitious undertakings of all time, and their success one of the greatest military accomplishments. This volume provides the complete text of the Battle Summary written shortly after the war by the Admiralty historical staff, covering the planning, preparation and execution of the operation as well as the subsequent consolidation, together with the maps and detailed appendices from the original work. This is accompanied by a comprehensive introduction, newly written for this volume, which explains the context for the operation as well as an overview of further reading on the subject. This is the first volume in Helion’s new series, Naval Staff Histories of the Second World War. 9781909982970, $79.95, $51.99, hardback, 376 pages

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•NAVAL & MARITIME•US HISTORY• Operation Dragoon Andrew Stewart (editor) The Allied landings that took place in Southern France in August 1944 represented both one of the concluding elements of the wartime Mediterranean campaign and a decisive followon to the invasion of Normandy that had taken place two months before. “The Champagne Campaign”, as it was later termed, required considerable planning and the contribution provided by the Royal Navy had a significant part to in the final Allied success. With this came the capture of intact French ports and the establishment of a vital logistic hub would help safeguard the Allied drive through northwestern Europe. This is the second volume in Helion’s new series, Naval Staff Histories of the Second World War. 9781909982987, $69.95, $45.50, hardback, 128 pages

Royal Navy Search and Rescue David Morris & Eric Brown In this book, David Morris, Curator of Aircraft and Large Objects at the Fleet Air Arm, takes a look at a century of Royal Navy search and rescue, from the first mission to rescue a downed pilot in the Balkans in November 1915 to the present day. With a foreword by former Royal Navy Chief Test Pilot Captain Eric Brown, David Morris describes the aircraft and recounts some of the missions flown by Royal Navy search and rescue pilots over that century, from the Antarctic and South Georgia’s Fortuna Glacier to the jungles of Borneo, the Arabian Sea and Hong Kong, not forgetting rescues in British waters, including the floods of 1953. 9781445634630, $28.50, $18.99, paperback, 128 pages

The Watery Grave USS Cassin Young William J Craig Captain Cassin Young served with distinction in the US Navy until his death in January 1942. His fine example of courage and sacrifice was immortalized in December 1943 when the USS Cassin Young was commissioned into service. Using a host of first-hand sources and previously unpublished interviews, this book illustrates vividly what it was like for the young crew and officers to serve aboard the Cassin Young in some of the most intense naval battles of the Second World War. The USS Cassin Young went on to serve in the Korean War and now stands preserved as a monument to the memory of many brave young men who were willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of their country. 9781625450081, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 128 pages

10 Greatest Ships of the Royal Navy John Ballard In this readable and informative book, John Ballard tells the story of ten of the most significant ships in the Royal Navy, from HMS Victory, Nelson’s flagship at Trafalgar, to HMS Invincible, the key ship of the Falklands War. In between there are the stories of a variety of ships that encompass the era of the Royal Navy’s global preeminence and Pax Britannica, two world wars, the Cold War and the complex post-Cold War era. Each of the ships stands out for its unique contribution to naval history. Accompanied by a wide range of illustrations, this book is a unique insight into 200 years of Royal Navy and British history, seen through the stories of some of its most famous ships. 9781445646527, $24.50, $15.99, paperback, 160 pages


Richard H. Osborne In 2002 the wreck of a British cruiser was located by divers off the coast of Tunisia. The stunning photographs of the wreck inspired Dr Richard Osborne to delve into the controversy surrounding the loss of one of the Royal Navy’s proudest ships – HMS Manchester. Using the testimony of those involved, the highly respected naval historian Dr Osborne pieces together one of the most intriguing stories to emerge from the Second World War. Coupled with photographs of the wreck and a detailed account of its discovery, The Watery Grave: The Life and Death of HMS Manchester will shed new light on this remarkable tale. 9781473845855, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

US HISTORY Lincoln’s Bold Lion James Huffstodt The story of General Martin Hardin provides more than a combat record—in fact comprises a walking tour through 1800s America, with its most costly war only a centerpiece. From his childhood in Illinois, to his attendance at West Point, to his service on the frontier, Hardin’s life reveals the progress of a century. In these pages we also learn the prominent role of General Hardin’s mother, who acted as her son’s lobbyist in the heady social world of wartime Washington. Although, as we see in these pages, his gallantry and leadership in combat sufficed enough to earn him renown, and in this book the under-sung exploits of a true 19th-century hero are finally revealed. 9781612003399, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 448 pages

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•US HISTORY• Special Operations in the American Revolution Robert L.Tonsetic When the American Revolution began, the colonial troops had little hope of matching His Majesty’s highly trained, experienced British and German legions in confrontational battle. In this book, renowned author, and former U.S. Army Colonel, Robert Tonsetic describes and analyzes numerous examples of special operations conducted during the Revolutionary War. While the British might seize the coastlines, the interior still belonged to the Americans should the Empire venture inward. Most of the operations were conducted by American irregulars and volunteers, carefully selected, with specialized skills, and led by leaders with native intelligence. As this book establishes, the improvisation inherent in the American spirit proved itself well during the Revolution, continuing to stand as an example for our future martial endeavors. 9781612001654, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 288 pages

True for the Cause of Liberty Oscar E. Gilbert & Catherine R. Gilbert This study uses battlefield terrain analysis and the words of the officers and common soldiers, from pension records and little-known interviews, to bring to life the crucial role of one militia regiment—the Second Spartans of South Carolina—that fought in virtually every action of the vicious back-country war that decided the fate of America. Or as one private in the Second Spartans said, expressing admiration for his colonel: “. . . a few Brave Men stood true for the cause of liberty.” 9781612003276, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 328 pages

A Want of Vigilance Bill Backus & Robert Orrison The months after Gettysburg had hardly been quiet—filled with skirmishes, cavalry clashes, and plenty of marching. Nonetheless, Union commander Maj. Gen. George Gordon Meade had yet to come to serious blows with his Confederate counterpart, Gen. Robert E. Lee. Lee’s army— severely bloodied at Gettysburg—did not have quite the offensive capability it once possessed, yet Lee’s aggressive nature could not be quelled. He looked for the chance to strike out at Meade. In mid-October, 1863, both men shifted their armies into motion. Each surprised the other. Quickly, Meade found himself racing northward for safety along the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, with Lee charging up the rail line behind him. Last stop: Bristoe Station. 9781611213003, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 192 pages

Robert E. Lee at War Scott Bowden This book is the most in-depth and exhaustive study of Robert E. Lee’s generalship. It presents a fresh and compelling portrait of the true warrior that is sure to illuminate his legacy for generations to come. By mining fresh sources, and in adhering to a rigorous historical methodology, Bowden’s account of General Lee emerges to be as necessary as it is original. Never before addressed topics include a complete analysis of Lee’s art of war. Also, and for the first time, Bowden explains in great detail Lee’s ongoing efforts to craft and reorganize the army he inherited from Joe Johnston-a force unevenly led and inefficiently organizedinto a modern and fierce fighting machine known as the Army of Northern Virginia. 9780985357221, $60.00, $39.50, hardback, 208 pages

Billy Yank Michael J McAfee & John P Langellier Billy Yank or Billy Yankee was the name given to the Union soldiers of the North during the American Civil War: and a famous and enduring symbol of the period. Typically Billy Yank is presented dressed in regulation blue uniform topped with a forage hat, the standard headdress used by the military of the period. This handy guide delves a little deeper and sets out to discover exactly what the typical ‘Billy Yank’ looked like and how they lived. Compiled by two experts on the subject of military uniforms of the period, and crammed with fascinating facts and images, this is an excellent glimpse into the life and times of the union soldier and a valuable addition to the popular G.I. series. 9781848328068, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 72 pages

Grant Rising Hal Jespersen & James R. Knight Grant Rising is an inspired, one-volume summary in maps and text of Ulysses S. Grant’s famous battles in 1862 and his early life. It features techniques that portray Civil War battles in a new way, such as shaded relief topography, giving the maps a threedimensional appearance. Plus the use of different color tints to represent command relationships makes it easier to determine which brigades reported to which divisions and corps at a glance. Using slightly different shades of blue and red also allow for easy differentiation of many units on a single map. This is a truly new type of map reference book as well as a remarkable history of Grant's early life and career through 1862. 9781940169019, $50.00, $32.99, hardback, 112 pages

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REFERENCE Bearskins, Bayonets & Body Armour Trevor Royle The Welsh Guards have been at the forefront of British military history over the past hundred years. This book traces them from their foundation in the First World War and their baptism of fire at the Battle of Loos in 1915, through their fighting in the Second World War, the Cold War and the Troubles in Northern Ireland, the Falklands War, the Balkans, up to the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan in the 21st century. As well as the Regiment’s operational history, this book also offers a unique insight into its high-profile role in ceremonial events in London such as the Changing of the Guard, which have made the Guards one of the best-known symbols of Great Britain. 9781848327351, $60.00, $39.50, hardback, 352 pages

Special Forces Operations in South-East Asia 1941–1945 David Miller Many books have been written about Second World War special forces operations in Europe and the Middle East. Much less has been said about such operations in South-East Asia – those launched against the Japanese in Sumatra and the Andaman Islands, and the Germans in Goa. These operations, and the exceptional men who took part in them, have been almost forgotten. This gripping account, sets the record straight. It is based on extensive original research, including longhidden family documents, and the narrative is fascinating reading for anyone who is interested in the war against the Axis powers in South-East Asia. This history is the first general account of these operations. 9781783400638, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 240 pages

French Artillery and the Gribeauval System Jean-Marie Mongin This work presents in detail the uniforms of the foot artillery between 1786 and 1815. Formal in style, and indeed austere, the uniforms illustrated here were the very ones worn by those who participated in during the most crucial and of the Empire. (71 plates including 29 by Ludovic Letrun) An important part of the book is devoted to the detailed description of equipment (artillery, ammunitions, front axle units, forges, etc.). Developed and used by the gunners ever since the reforms of Mr. Gribeauval, his construction tables provide a clear presentation of primary artillery as well as the basic tactics employed by the Army. 9782352503187, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 80 pages


Artillery and the Gribeauval System 1786–1815 Ludovic Letrun & Jean-Marie Mongin After discovering the artillery pieces and the equipment used by the Foot Artillery at the end of the Ancien Regime, the Revolution and the First Empire, discover the men of the “Arme Savante” (the knowledgeable arm) who moved their guns around and served them on horseback. The mobile artillery, then the light artillery and finally the Horse Artillery was a new weapon which announced the changes in the centuries to come… Just like the Artillery Train which, with the First Empire, finally grew up, to the age of regulations. This was the organization of Mr. de Gribeauval, the Inspector of Artillery, set up slowly over nearly thirty years and which remained more or less as it was until 1825. 9782352503965, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 84 pages

Kalahari Dreaming David Hilton-Barber “Oh that the desert were my dwelling place, With only one fair spirit for my minister. That I might forget the human race, And hating no one, love her only.” —Lord Byron. For hundreds of years the vast territory of the Kalahari remained a blank on the map.Yet it gripped the imagination of poets, painters, writers, dreamers, adventurers and not a few charlatans.This book is a whimsical anthology of those who were inspired by this desert, those who lived in its bitter confines and those who died in its dry embrace. 9780620595711, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 132 pages

The Washingtons: A Family History Justin Glenn This is the fifth volume of Dr. Justin Glenn’s comprehensive history that traces the “Presidential line” of the Washingtons.Volume Five presents Generation Nine, including more than 10,000 descendants. Future volumes will trace generations ten through fifteen, making a total of over 63,000 descendants. Although structured in a genealogical format for the sake of clarity, this is no bare bones genealogy but a true family history with over 1,200 detailed biographical narratives. These in turn strive to convey the greatness of the family that produced not only The Father of His Country but many others, great and humble, who struggled to build that country. 9781611212372, $85.00, $55.50, hardback, 648 pages

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•REFERENCE• The Washingtons: A Family History Justin Glenn This is the fifth volume of Dr. Justin Glenn’s comprehensive history that traces the “Presidential line” of the Washingtons.Volume Five presents Generation Nine, including more than 10,000 descendants. Future volumes will trace generations ten through fifteen, making a total of over 63,000 descendants. Although structured in a genealogical format for the sake of clarity, this is no bare bones genealogy but a true family history with over 1,200 detailed biographical narratives. These in turn strive to convey the greatness of the family that produced not only The Father of His Country but many others, great and humble, who struggled to build that country. 9781611212761, $85.00, $55.50, hardback, 640 pages

The Map Makers’ World Marjo Nurminen & Juha Nurminen This book illuminates the fascinating cultural history of European world maps. Rigorously researched and informed by latest academic findings, The Map Makers’ World presents some 300 maps from the world’s finest museums, libraries and private collections. The book gives us a revealing and captivating perspective on the development of European world maps from the Early Middle Ages up until the modern period, i.e. from the 8th century until the end of the 18th century. The book is written as an exciting, flowing narrative, rather than a catalogue or an encyclopedia, and it takes the reader on the ultimate voyage of discovery. 9781910860007, $75.00, $48.99, hardback, 360 pages

The Complete Victoria Cross Kevin Brazier This fully revised paperback edition of the complete chronological record of VC holders is an essential work of reference for every student of military history. All the British and Commonwealth servicemen who have been awarded the highest honor for exceptional acts of bravery and self-sacrifice are commemorated here. The first VCs awarded for the Crimean War and in the nineteenth-century colonial wars are described, as are the VCs awarded in the world wars of the twentieth century and the most recent VCs awarded during present-day conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The extraordinary exploits recounted in this fascinating book make unforgettable reading. 9781473843516, $32.95, $21.50, paperback, 416 pages

Impossible Victories Bryan Perrett Victory on the battlefield is sometimes achieved against the odds – victory snatched from the jaws of apparently inevitable defeat. A daring counter attack, an unexpected maneuver, a stubborn refusal to be beaten and the impossible victory is won. In the ten dramatic episodes in this book, military historian Bryan Perrett revisits battles from the Peninsula War of 1811 to Vietnam in 1967, via colonial action in two world wars. 9781473847491, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 224 pages

Terrible Swift Sword John P Langellier This fascinating addition to the GI series demonstrates the full range of uniforms, equipment, and armament used by the troops who fought for Abraham Lincoln’s Union army during the American Civil War. Far from being uniformly clad in blue, the Union soldier appeared in a great variety of clothing, from simple civilian-style dress to elaborate uniforms inspired by European armies. This volume covers artillery, cavalry and infantry and includes over a dozen color images produced in the 1860s for the U.S. Army Quartermaster Department, as well as the complete 1861 U.S. Army uniform regulations. 9781848328129, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 64 pages

Custer and His Commands John P Langellier & Kurt Hamilton George Armstrong Custer was one of the most flamboyant and controversial officers ever to have served in the United States Army. This superbly illustrated book provides a unique visual record of this famous commander from his graduation at West Point to the last great battle of the American West: the Battle of the Little Big Horn. Rare photographs from private collections show his stylish uniforms, weapons and artifacts, and reveal the faces of the men who rode into legend with him. Includes images of the units he commanded and of the soldiers who fought – and some of whom died – at the Little Big Horn. 9781848328075, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 64 pages

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•REFERENCE•VIETNAM• The Cold War Spy Pocket Manual Philip Parker This book presents a meticulously compiled selection of recently unclassified documents, field-manuals, briefing directives and intelligence primers that uncover the training and techniques required to function as a spy in the darkest periods of modern history. Material has been researched from the CIA, MI5 and MI6, the KGB, the STASI as well as from the Middle East security services and on into China and the East. As insightful as any drama these documents detail, amongst many other things, the directives that informed nuclear espionage, assassinations, interrogations and the ‘turning’ of agents and impacted upon the Suez Crisis, the Hungarian Uprising, the ‘Cambridge Five’ and the most tellingly the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. 9781910860021, $12.99, $8.50, hardback, 128 pages

By the Emperor’s Hand Timothy Dawson & Graham Sumner By the sixth century of the Common Era the Roman Empire already had many hundreds of years of accumulated ceremonial embedded in its government, and practical science embodied in its army. The transition from Republic to Imperium and the more hierarchical structure that entailed, and the absorption of Christianity into state processes, had pushed the development of court ceremonial apace, and particularly driven its embodiment and display in ever more opulent regalia. Detailed literary and artistic sources, archaeology and insights derived from reconstruction and practical experience has gone into creating an incredibly lavish picture of the clothing of the longest-enduring political entity in history. 9781848325890, $60.00, $39.50, hardback, 304 pages

The Wargaming Compendium Henry Hyde This book gives a complete overview of the hobby of ’wargaming with miniatures, especially suitable for the newcomer but also containing sufficient depth and breadth of information to attract the more experienced gamer. Packed with color photographs, maps and diagrams the book is a visual treat, but one built on the solid foundations of a highly literate and engaging text that does not ‘dumb down’ the hobby. Every aspect is explained clearly and in a way that both informs and entertains, with plenty of personality, gentle humor and a lightness of touch. 9781473823778, $34.95, $22.99, paperback, 528 pages


M1 Abrams Tank Michael Green The Ml Abrams has proved itself to be the finest main battle tank in the World since its introduction into US Army service in 1981. It combines the ultimate balance between firepower, mobility and protection as demonstrated by its superior performance during the two Gulf Wars and in Afghanistan. It routed the Soviet equipment of Saddam Hussein’s army and today remains the yardstick by which friends’ and foes’ MBTs are judged. Its versatility and continual modernization of weaponry armor and engineering guarantees that the MI Abrams will remain the US Army’s spearpoint for years to come. Expert author Michael Green has produced a comprehensive collection of images and highly informed text. 9781473834231, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 184 pages

VIETNAM Surprised at Being Alive Robert F. Curtis Sometimes you do everything right, but it just isn’t your day. A part fails and your helicopter comes apart in flight, or the enemy gunner pulls the trigger at just the right moment and his rounds find your aircraft in exactly the right spot to take it out of the sky. Which is why, after 24 years and over 5,000 flight hours, Major Robert Curtis was so surprised at being alive when he passed his retirement physical. Starting with enlisting in the Army to fly helicopters during Vietnam, over the next 17 years he would fly around the world off US and British ships from Egypt to Norway and all points in between. His engaging story will be a delight to all aviation enthusiasts. 9781612002750, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 312 pages

The Typhoon Truce, 1970 Robert Curtis It wasn’t rockets or artillery that came through the skies one week during the war. It was the horrific force of nature that suddenly put both sides in awe. As an unofficial truce began, questions and emotions battled inside every air crewman’s mind as they faced masses of Vietnamese civilians outside their protective base perimeters for the first time. Two Super Typhoons hit less than a week apart. No one but the Americans, the foreign warriors fighting throughout the country, had the resources to help the people who lived in the lowlands, and so they did. In this book we see how for a brief period during an otherwise vicious war, saving life took precedence over bloody conflict. 9781612003290, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 264 pages

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•VIETNAM•WORLD WAR I• US Elite Forces Marti Demiquels Mr. Marti Demiquels, the author of this book and a dedicated collector himself, has put together not only most of the pieces contained in the following pages, but a complete museum on the Vietnam War as well, amassed throughout an entire lifetime of passionate study and collecting. 9788496658547, $61.00, $39.99, hardback, 250 pages

Hook Up! Alejandro Rodriguez & Antonio Arques The history, gear, uniforms, training and tactics used by the US Paratroopers at the time of the Vietnam War in detail through a comprehensive text and over 700 outstanding photographs most of them never published before. 9788496658554, $50.00, $32.99, hardback, 160 pages

WORLD WAR I Tracing Your Great War Ancestors: The Somme Simon Fowler If you want to find out about an ancestor who served on the Somme during the First World War – during the Battle of the Somme in 1916 or at any time during the fighting in this sector of the Western Front – this book is the ideal guide. It provides practical information and advice on how to conduct your research. It will help you to discover when and where your ancestors served and give you an insight into his experience of the war. It is also a fascinating introduction to researching the Great War as a whole. 9781473823693, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

Hospital Ships and Troop Transport of the First World War Campbell McCutcheon The biggest shipping loss of both world wars was the hospital ship Britannic, at almost 50,000 tons. Supposedly safe to travel the seas, many were lost in both wars. From the smallest of motor launches through steam yachts and converted ocean liners, Campbell McCutcheon tells the story of the First World War hospital ship. Many were lost to accidents, mines or German submarines but many served faithfully without loss of life or accident. Troopships were vital from the first days of the war, with convoys bringing Canadian and Australasian troops to the UK and France from early in August 1914, and many continuing in service until long after the war had ended, repatriating soldiers well into 1919. 9781445638676, $34.95, $22.99, paperback, 128 pages

Military Aviation of the First World War Alan C.Wood & Alan Sutton This beautifully illustrated book provides details of every power that took part in Military aircraft activity during the First World War. The war was a global conflict with 57 nations involved but with aviation being in its infancy only eight nations had a major air arm to their fighting Services. The book covers the formation, establishment and wartime exploits of all the major air powers during the war, as well as providing thumbnail sketches of all the major aces for each country. 9781781554227, $34.95, $22.99, paperback, 356 pages

Soldier Slang of the First World War Emily Brewer An amazing number of the words we use today were invented in World War I.They provide a unique insight into the experience of the war and the inventiveness and humor of ordinary soldiers. For millions of men the terrifying and unfamiliar experience of the war was made more bearable with a shared language that built on their camaraderie and common experience. A host of words from French, German, English, to Turkish and Hindi, were exchanged across No Man s Land and it is a mark of the war’s enduring influence that many of the words they coined live on in our everyday language today. This wonderful array of trench lingo brings to life the spirit and resilience of ordinary men from different nations caught up in the war. 9781445649887, $14.50, $9.50, paperback, 224 pages

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•WORLD WAR I• Letters from a Flying Officer Rothesay Stuart Wortley This classic text was originally intended, when it first appeared in 1928, as propaganda for airminded youth, these letters and diaries in fact tell the story of the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force from August 1914 to the Armistice four years later. The book is a beautifully writtenequal to the classic narratives of the first war in the air-the descriptions of aerial dog fights, dawn patrols and mess parties interspersed with Merrivale’s’ overview giving the reader one of the finest accounts of what it meant to be a Flying Officer in the early days of air warfare. 9781781554975, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 208 pages

The British at Ypres 1914–1915 Bob Carruthers This new volume in the longrunning Images of War series features the actions of the British Army at Ypres from 1914–15. Rare photographs illustrating the optimistic men of the BEF in the act of mobilization and transport to France are contrasted with photographs from the battlefield during the opening phases of the campaign, which culminated in the four-year struggle for the Ypres salient. The photographs are accompanied by a fascinating text, featuring Bruce Bairnsfather’s personal description of the conditions endured by the men in the rudimentary trenches on the Ypres salient during 1914–15 as the early phase of the battle for Ypres raged around them. 9781473836075, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 128 pages

Ypres Bob Carruthers This powerful collection, depicting the grim realities of the four-year struggle for the Ypres salient, showcases the work of the contemporary combat artists and illustrators from the Great War era. During the Great War artists and illustrators produced a highly accurate visual record of the fleeting moments the bulky cameras couldn’t reproduce. These works form a body of war reportage that are as valid as the written word. Today, the work of the combat illustrators and the official war artists from the Great War era is overlooked by historians in favor of photographs, but these illustrations are nonetheless important, as they provide a contemporary record of handto-hand fighting, trench raids, aerial dogfights, sea battles, desperate last stands, night actions and cavalry charges. 9781473837881, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 128 pages


The Emperors Gareth Russell The assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne set in motion the events that led to the outbreak of the First World War, one of the bloodiest conflicts in human history and a trauma that would bring down the Austro-Hungarian Empire. By the end of that conflict, not only had the Austro-Hungarian Empire crumbled but the other two imperial rulers of Europe, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, had lost their grip on power. In this new book, Gareth Russell tells the story of the Austrian, German and Russian imperial families during the four years of the First World War and the political and personal struggles that brought about their ruin. 9781445650500, $16.00, $10.50, paperback, 304 pages

World War I Fact Book William Van Der Kloot At the dawn of the information age, the First World War produced blizzards of information, contained in countless official reports. The number of countries involved, the scale of the military and the civilian involvement, and the allconsuming nature of this new, mechanized ‘total war’ make it almost impossible for traditional narrative history to interpret its many aspects in depth. The World War I Fact Book gives the reader access to the most important and revealing information available, using a variety of graphic tools to illustrate the raw data, for a uniquely concise and informative account of the ‘war to end all wars’. 9781445652061, $20.00, $13.50, paperback, 192 pages

War at Sea 1914–1915 Bob Carruthers This powerful collection, depicting the events of the Great War at sea, showcases the work of the contemporary combat artists and illustrators from the Great War era. The result is a stunning and vivid graphic record of life and death on the high-seas from 1914–18, as reported to contemporary audiences at a time when the events of the Great War were still unfolding. Artists and illustrators produced a highly accurate visual record of the fleeting moments the bulky cameras couldn’t reproduce. These works form a body of war reportage that are as valid as the written word. These illustrations are important, as they provide a contemporary record of hand-to-hand fighting, trench raids, aerial dogfights, sea battles, desperate last stands, night actions and cavalry charges. 9781473837867, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 128 pags

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•WORLD WAR I• Old Enough to Fight Dan Black & John Boileau Between 15,000 and 20,000 underage youths, some as young as ten, signed up to fight in Canada’s armed forces in the First World War. They served in the trenches alongside their elders, and fought in all the major battles. Many were injured or suffered psychological wounds. Many died. This is the first book to tell their story. The authors combed archives and collections to bring these stories to life. Passages from letters the boy soldiers wrote home reveal the range of emotions and experiences they underwent, from the humorous to the unspeakably horrible. Meticulously researched and abundantly illustrated with photographs, paintings, and a collection of specially commissioned maps, this is military and social history at its most fascinating. 9781459405417, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 448 pages

Victoria Crosses on the Western Front – April 1915 to June 1916 Paul Oldfield During visits to the First World War battlefields the author often wondered where various Victoria Cross actions took place; he resolved to find out. Research commenced in 1988 and numerous sources have been consulted in the meantime. The book is designed for the battlefield visitor as much as the armchair reader. A detailed account of each VC action is set within the wider strategic and tactical context. Detailed sketch maps show the area today, together with the battle-lines and movements of the combatants. Photographs of the battle sites illustrate the accounts. There is also a comprehensive biography for each recipient covering every aspect of their lives. Some fascinating characters emerge, with numerous links to many famous people and events. 9781473825536, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 256 pages

Hold at All Costs! Ian Uys Delville Wood in the Somme was the most famous battle ever fought by South Africans. Through this action other nations learnt to respect the fighting qualities of the men from the fledgling Union of South Africa. Erstwhile foes, Boer and Briton, fought shoulder to shoulder against the pride of the German Army. The saga of Delville Wood will never be forgotten by South Africa, yet the story of the battle, told through the eyes of the participants was never fully documented – accounts read like fiction, yet are wholly true. The author interviewed many of the South African survivors, now long gone, and has visited the wood on many occasions during the past thirty-three years. 9781910294376, $69.95, $45.50, hardback, 216 pages

The German Army in the Spring Offensives 1917 Jack Sheldon After the great battles of 1916, the Allied Armies planned to launch massive attacks North and South of the Somme. This latest work by expert Jack Sheldon describes the event of Spring 1917 from the defenders’ perspective. In particular it reveals the methods the Germans used to smash the French attacks and Oberst Fritz von Lossberg’s transformation of the defenses in the Arras front. Actions described in detail are the bitter battles around Monchy Le Preun, the Roeux Chemical works and Bullecourt as well as the capture of Vimy Ridge. 9781783463459, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 352 pages

Irishmen in the Great War Tom Burnell Following the success of the first book in the series covering 1914, this contains over 150 hand-picked news stories taken from a selection of twenty-seven Irish newspapers throughout the course of the year. These rare and untapped stories, many of which have not seen the light of day since the 1920s, give a unique insight into life on the front line and on the home front during the First World War. These are the accounts of local men at the front, letters sent home from soldiers in the trenches at Flanders, graphic narratives from allied gun turrets, Irish nuns at Ypres, Irish POWs held in Germany, and many more. Amongst the articles of bravery and death, there are also stories of humor and quirkiness. 9781473823457, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

The Fighting Pioneers: The Story of the 7th Battalion DLI Clive Dunn The story of the 7th Battalion Durham Light Infantry. With the creation of the Territorial Force in 1908 the battalion was redesignated as the 7th Battalion. It went to France in April 1915 with the rest of the Northumbrian Division seeing action almost immediately at the Second battle of Ypres. In November 1915 the battalion was picked to become the divisional pioneers. The 1/7 Battalion suffered 600 fatalities. In 1920 when the Territorial Army was reformed it was re-raised in its original role as infantry. The story concludes on 10 December 1936 when the 7th Battalion Durham Light Infantry became the 47th (Durham Light Infantry) A.A. Battalion R.E. (T.A.), whose personnel went on to serve in the Second World War. 9781473823488, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 320 pages

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•WORLD WAR I• Putty Anthony Leask Once described by a subordinate as “the most completely ignorant general I served during the war”, there was much more to Lieutenant General Sir William Pulteney than this dismissive remark would have us believe. This is a soldier’s story, one of many battles, of increased responsibility, and the rapid evolution of military technology. Generals make mistakes and those that involve life and death are unforgiving. Judgement can only be rendered on the available evidence which is comprehensively presented in this groundbreaking biography for the reader’s due consideration and verdict. The author will donate all his royalties from this book to support widows of Scots Guardsmen killed in action and those who have been wounded. 9781910294956, $79.95, $51.99, hardback, 672 pages

A Touch of Paradise in Hell Jan Louagie Away from the turmoil of battle in the Ypres Salient, the town of Poperinge developed into the nerve center of the British sector. In the heart of this bustling town, the Army Chaplains Philip (‘Tubby’) Clayton and Neville Talbot opened an ‘Every-Man’s Club’. The inspired way in which Tubby ran this ‘home from home’, turned Talbot House, or ‘Toc H’, into the best-known soldiers’ club of the British Army. The appendices, all wartime documents produced at Talbot House, shed further light on its early history, management and day-to-day working. This book can not only be enjoyed by the reader at home but also can be used as a guidebook during a visit to Talbot House. The annotations contain a wealth of interesting background information. 9781910777121, $59.95, $38.99, hardback, 336 pages

A Fool for Thy Feast Linda Parker The Revd P.B. Tubby Clayton may lay claim to have been one of the most charismatic and influential Anglican priests of the twentieth century. This is a modern assessment of the career of this remarkable man, using his personal papers, family papers, Toc H archives and Church Archives. The life and times of Tubby Clayton encompass the most interesting historical topics of the social, religious, and military histories of the twentieth century, and in this year in which the 100th anniversary of the opening of Talbot House is marked, it is fitting that the multifaceted personality, talents and achievements of this twentieth century priest be celebrated by an up to date biography. 9781910777350, $59.95, $38.99, hardback, 248 pages

Irish Aces of the RFC and RAF in the First World War Joe Gleeson The First World War had an enormous impact on Ireland. Over 240,000 Irish men and women volunteered to serve with the Allied forces, suffering almost 40,000 casualties. The Irish contribution to the air war remains overlooked, not just in Ireland, but also by historians generally. The contribution of Irish aces of the RFC and RAF to the Allied cause was enormous, just over thirty of whom accounted for 400 enemy aircraft. Some were revered by their men, others were controversial figures, but many of their stories remain untold. This book seeks to restore all those who were written out of Irish history, while also providing for their achievements to be considered in the overall context of the first air war. 9781781554869, $40.00, $26.50, hardback, 272 pages

Defiance! ‘Allies Are A Tiresome Lot’ John Dillon The year 2014 saw the start of four years of centenaries associated with the First World War. In the decades since that conflict ended the war has been characterized as ‘senseless’ and ‘futile’. In more recent years revisionist historians have attempted to ‘correct’ this portrayal. Using official documents and reports, as well as the personal letters and accounts of individual soldiers, this book draws out the demonstrable differences in the experience of those Tommies who fought on the Western and Italian fronts.This book turns a spotlight on a theater of the war away from the Western Front; it broadens the narrative beyond the mud and flat farmland of Flanders and recognizes the experience of those who fought and fell so much closer to Venice than to Ypres. 9781910777329, $69.95, $45.50, hardback, 216 pages


G.H.F. Nichols George Nichols was an artillery officer serving with the 82nd Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. He was wounded in 1917, and returned to the guns in March 1918, just in time to experience the fury of the Kaiserschlacht, the great German offensive designed to knock the British army out of the war. Nichols wrote a powerful account of the Kaiser’s last great offensive battle from inside the eye of the storm, and it is one of the few primary source accounts which are told from the often overlooked perspective of the British artillery men. First published in 1919, this wonderful primary source has long been out of print and it’s welcome return makes for essential reading for anyone with an interest in the Great War. 9781473833562, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 272 pages

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•WORLD WAR I• Missing But Not Forgotten Ken Linge & Pam Linge The Thiepval Memorial commemorates over 72,000 men who have no known grave; all went missing in the Somme sector during the three years of conflict that finally ended on 20 March 1918. This book is not a military history of the Battle of the Somme, it is about personal remembrance, and features over 200 fascinating stories of the men who fought and died and whose final resting places have not been identified. These captivating stories stand as remembrance for each man and to all the others on the memorial. They are meticulously organized so the book can be of use to visitors as they walk around the memorial; as a name is viewed, the story behind that name can be read. 9781473823587, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 288 pages

Visiting the Fallen – Arras South Peter Hughes Like Ypres, Arras was a front line town throughout the Great War. From March 1916 it became home to the British Army and it remained so until the Advance to Victory was well under way. The area around Arras is as rich in Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemeteries as anywhere else on the Western Front, including the Somme and Ypres, and yet these quiet redoubts with their headstones proudly on parade still remain largely unvisited. This book is the story of the men who fell and who are now buried in those cemeteries; and the telling of their story is the telling of what it was like to be a soldier on the Western Front. 9781473825581, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 320 pages

Nine Divisions in

Recollections of the Great War Francis Buckley This rare primary source account is the story of the hard fighting battalion of the 7th Northumberland Fusiliers, which saw action on the Somme, Passchendaele and in the Battle of Arras. It provides a rare insight into the experiences of the common soldier on the front line during some of the bitterest conflicts of the war. Francis Buckley here records not only the events of the battles he fought in, but also provides an emotional tribute to the heroism of the friends he made and lost during his time in the field. His recollections here provide a poignant reminder of the true human cost of war in the modern age. 9781473833555, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 176 pages

First World War Trials and Executions Simon Webb Between the beginning of the First World War in the summer of 1914 and the armistice in 1918, 51 men were executed in Britain. The great majority, over 80%, was hanged for murder, but in addition to this, 11 men were shot by firing squad at the Tower of London. One traitor and one spy were also hanged. This tells the story of the most interesting and noteworthy of these executions and the crimes which led up to them. Most books about true crime focus upon the crimes themselves and the trials which followed them. This book explores in detail the fates of the condemned men, examining what happened to them after their trials and the circumstances of the executions. 9781473833975, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 192 pages

I Was a Spy! Champagne

Patrick Takle The book explains how the Allies sank their differences and came together to turn the tide against the German Army in the summer of 1918. Although it is a detailed history of the fighting by British divisions, it also highlights the growing presence of American forces and their huge contribution to victory. The book deliberately binds together the genesis, size, and equipment of the British and American divisions and seeks to intermingle the American and British campaigns of 1918. By blocking the Third German Offensive on the Chemins des Dames and then arriving in time to turn the Kaiser’s army out of the Marne salient, the Allied divisions cleared the way for the decisive counter offensive at Amiens. 9781473834224, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 288 pages

Marthe McKenna & Winston Churchill With her medical studies cut short by the 1914 German invasion, her house burned down and her father arrested for suspected ‘sharpshooting’, it was perhaps unsurprising that the multi-lingual Marthe Mckenna (née Cnockaert, codename ‘Laura’) was recruited by British Intelligence. At the time she worked as a nurse tending the wounds of occupying soldiers, and as a waitress in her parents’ café in the Belgian border town of Roulers. This is McKenna’s vivid narrative of breathtaking adventures as she, aided by a gallant band of loyal locals, goes undercover to sabotage enemy phone lines, report suspicious activity or train movements, and even instigate an aerial attack on a planned visit by the Kaiser. 9781910860038, $19.95, $12.99, hardback, 288 pages

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•WORLD WAR I• Breaking Point of the French Army David Murphy In December 1916 General Robert Nivelle was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the French armies fighting the Germans on the Western Front. He proclaimed he ‘had the formula’ that would ensure victory and end the conflict in 1917. But his offensive was a bloody and humiliating failure for France, one that could have opened the way for French defeat. This is the subject of David Murphy’s penetrating, indepth study of one of the key events in the history of the Great War. By the opening of the campaign, his plan was an open secret and he had lost the ability to critically assess the operation as it developed. The result was disaster. 9781781592922, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 208 pages

Roll of Honour Barry Blades Unlike much of the traditional literature on the Great War, with its understandable fascination with the terrible experiences of ‘Tommy in the Trenches’, this book shifts our gaze. It focuses on how the Great War was experienced by other key participants, namely those communities involved in ‘schooling’ the nation’s children. It emphasizes the need to examine the ‘myriad faces of war’, rather than traditional stereotypes, if we are to gain a deeper understanding of personal agency and decision making in times of conflict and upheaval. This powerful account of the Great War will be of interest to general readers as well as historians of military campaigns, education and British society. 9781473821057, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 304 pages

The Burgoyne Diaries Gerald Achilles Burgoyne These are the diaries of Gerald Achilles Burgoyne, wrote from the trenches just south of Ypres while he was with the Royal Irish Rifles in the Great War. Despite conditions of allpervading mud, bitter cold and wind, let alone the bursting shells and the ‘sipping’ bullet, Burgoyne dispassionately recorded and drew what he saw. These vivid accounts, written on pages of a notebook, were almost daily sent back to his wife. Each day is a gem of interest, from the very first entry in November 1914 to the last in May 1915. This book is essential reading for all Great War enthusiasts and those wishing to learn more about the key conflicts that occurred in 1914 and 1915. 9781473827585, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

Trapped Behind Enemy Lines John Anderson & Victor Piuk As 1914 ends, the war which was supposed to be over by Christmas, had settled down to an entrenched stalemate. Trapped behind enemy lines are many British soldiers who are hidden by brave French families. The risks are high for both fugitives and their protectors. This book tells their story, while focussing on a young Scot who emerges from hiding as Mademoiselle Louise, leading an amazing double life for almost two years, ending in betrayal. Sentenced to death by the Germans only an impassionate plea from his adopted mother saves his life. Others are not so lucky. This book covers as aspect of The Great War that has been overlooked. It will be of interest to those who love intrigue, adventure, love and betrayal. 9781473838017, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 176 pages

The Hunger War Matthew Richardson In the First World War the supply of food to civilians became as significant a factor in final victory as success or defeat on the battlefields. Never before had the populations of entire countries lived under siege conditions, yet this extraordinary situation is often overlooked as a decisive factor in the outcome of the conflict. This highly readable and original comparative study looks at the food supply situation on the British, German, French, Russian and Italian home fronts, as well as on the battlefields. The broad perspective contrasts with some narrower approaches to the subject, and brings a fresh insight into the course of the war on all the major fronts. 9781473827493, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 296 pages


Horses of the Great War John Fairley This book uses a wide range of superb contemporary paintings to explain the contribution of countless innocent horses to the war effort and victory. These works supported by informed commentary tell how the horses were rounded up from all over the world in their hundreds of thousands; how the cavalry halted the German advance in 1914 and again in 1918; how Australian and Indian swept through the deserts of Palestine and Arabia, overwhelming the Turks and performing incredible feats of endurance. It will appeal beyond those fascinated by the war itself to all those of both sexes and all ages who relate to horses. 9781473848269, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 160 pages

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•WORLD WAR I•WORLD WAR II• VCs of the North Alan Whitworth Today the Victoria Cross remains the supreme British award for bravery. It takes precedence over all other awards and decorations. During its 160-year history, since the first medals were given for gallantry during the Crimean War in the 1850s, 1,357 of these medals have been won, and almost fifty of them have gone to the soldiers of Cumbria, Durham, and Northumberland. This carefully researched and revealing account describes in graphic detail the exploits and the lives of this elite band of heroes. The stories of these ordinary individuals will be fascinating reading for anyone who is interested in military history in general and in the long military tradition of the North of England. 9781473848221, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 192 pages

Fight the Good Fight John Broom Whilst a toxic mixture of nationalism and militarism tore Europe and the wider world apart from 1914 to 1919, there was one factor that united millions of people across all nations: that of a Christian faith. People interpreted this faith in many different ways. Soldiers marched off to war with ringing endorsements from bishops that they were fighting a Godly crusade, others preached in churches and tribunal hearings that war was fundamentally against the teachings of Christ. This book brings together twenty-three individual and family case studies, some of well-known personalities, others whose story has become neglected through the decades. Although divided by nation, social class, political outlook, and denomination, they were united in their desire to Fight the Good Fight. 9781473854154, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 240 pages

WORLD WAR II The Myth of the Good War Jacques R. Pauwels Familiar Second World War figures from Adolf Hitler to Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin are portrayed in a new light in this book. The decisions of Hitler and his Nazi government to go to war were not those of madmen. Britain and the US were not allies fighting shoulder to shoulder with no motive except ridding the world of the evils of Nazism. Nations that claimed a higher purpose in going to war are shown here to have had far less idealistic motives. The reality is far messier — and far more revealing of the evils that come from conflicts between great powers and great leaders seeking to enrich their countries and dominate the world. 9781459408722, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 288 pages

263 Squadron Alex Crawford This work tells the story of 263 Squadron, who took its Gladiators to Norway, not once but twice. In order to provide the ground troops with air cover the Squadron was sent to operate from a frozen lake in the south of Norway. Illequipped and hastily put together the Squadron suffered right from the start with a lack of equipment and the severe winter weather. Using official documents and firsthand accounts the story of 263 Squadron’s adventure in Norway can now be told in full detail. 9788363678821, $35.00, $22.99, paperback, 104 pages

Supermarine Spitfire V Britain Goes to War Peter Liddle The First World War had a profound impact on British society and on British relations with continental Europe, the Dominions, the United States, and the emerging Soviet Union. In this book group of distinguished historians looks back, with the clarity of a modern perspective, at the issues that were critical to Britain’s war effort as the nation embarked on the most intense and damaging struggle in its history. In a series of penetrating chapters they explore the reasons for Britain going to war, the official preparations, the public reaction, the readiness of the armed forces, internment, the impact of the opening campaign, the experience of the soldiers, recruitment, training, weaponry, the political implications, and the care of the wounded. 9781473828209, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 336 pages

Robert Grudzien´ More than 44 color profiles of famous Supermarine Spitfire V. Many versions and users are shown including camouflage patterns from different theaters of WWII. Includes 30-inch-long big profile. 9788363678814, $35.00, $22.99, hardback, 45 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Under The Maple Leaf Ken Cothliff The Canadian contribution to the Second World War Allied bombing campaign, from the first days of the war to the last, proved instrumental in securing the defeat of Nazi Germany.This book pieces together the extraordinary stories of four Canadian volunteers who chose to fly Under the Maple Leaf. They chose to serve their country and the British Commonwealth in its time of greatest need, and the choice was theirs and theirs alone. All came from different backgrounds and found life in the air force very different. With the exception of one man, all came home with their lives radically changed forever. This is the story of a few of Bomber Command’s many young Canadian aircrew, all of whom made their contribution to the eventual victory over tyranny. 9780993212918, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 256 pages

Hawker Hurricane Marek Rys´ The Hurricane was the RAF’s first monoplane fighter, and was the most numerous RAF fighter during the Battle of Britain. In 1940, more than half the German planes shot down were destroyed by Hurricanes. This book tells the story of its development and technical evolution, profusely illustrated with period photographs and detailed color photographs of surviving airframes, plus extracts from official manuals and 1/72nd scale plans of all versions, from the Mk.1 of 1936 to the Mk. IV of 1943. This work includes superb color artwork illustrates the many camouflage schemes and markings found on operational Hurricanes; it features walk-around color photographs and rare archive photographs and documents. 9788363678883, $45.00, $29.50, hardback, 164 pages

Focke-Wulf Fw 190 in the Battle for Sicily Morten Jessen & Andrew Arthy A fascinating and thoroughly researched account of FockeWulf 190 units, personnel, and operations in the Sicilian campaign of the summer of 1943. Based on a variety of primary sources, this book describes many of the very eventful missions flown by a handful of Luftwaffe Fw 190s against a multitude of British and American land and naval targets. The book features numerous firsthand accounts from German, British, American and Commonwealth personnel, along with a wide selection of photographs and maps, and color aircraft profiles by well-known aviation artist Claes Sundin. This is the first time that the full story of the Fw 190 in the battle for Sicily has been told, and this book will serve as the definitive account of this aspect of aviation history. 9788799335206, $55.00, $35.99, hardback, 224 pages


Rikugun: Guide to Japanese Ground Forces 1937–1945 Leland Ness This is the first nuts-and-bolts handbook to utilize both the voluminous raw allied intelligence documents and postwar Japanese documentation as primary sources.This second volume covers the armament of the ground forces. It takes advantage not only of postwar Japanese research, but also the extensive technical intelligence efforts of the Allies near the end of the war, and the postwar investigations that have heretofore generally been ignored to provide a complete examination of wartime Japanese armament. Each section provides both production and technical data, as well as a discussion of the unique characteristics of each weapon and its place in the force structure, accompanied by over 300 photographs and numerous data tables. 9781909982758, $59.95, $38.99, paperback, 448 pages

M4 Sherman Pat Ware The M4 Medium Tank - the Sherman – was one of the most famous tanks of the Second World War. It was produced in greater numbers than any other Allied tank, it fought on every front – in Western Europe, on the Eastern Front, in North Africa, Burma, the Pacific – and it continued to serve effectively as a front-line fighting vehicle in the Korean War, the Arab-Israeli wars, the Indo-Pakistani wars. Pat Ware’s new history of this remarkable tank covers in detail its design and development, its technical specifications and the many variants that were produced, and he reviews its operational role in conflicts across the world. 9781781590294, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 144 pages

Children’s Voices of the Second World War Helen Finch Many people today will only read about the Second World War in history books, and it is important to bring alive the stories of those who are left to tell their tales. The reader will laugh, cry and ponder when reliving the lives of those who were children during these times and who have willingly shared their personal experiences, both good and bad, in the pages of this book. Children's Voices of the Second World War covers a wide range of experiences including children who lived abroad under German rule, those who were evacuated and others who shared their homes with evacuees. Moving yet informative, it gives a fresh view on the Second World War. 9781781553800, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 128 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• 1942: The Second World War at Sea in photographs Phil Carradice This is a unique look at the fourth year of the Second World War at sea, through the medium of old photographs. Although it was not quite the beginning of the end for the Germans, many see 1942 as the turning point of the war. This book, the fourth in a series covering the Second World War at sea year by year, covers the naval battles of the year. Throughout the year, there were many serious engagements, including the attempted sinking of the Stier in May, the Battle of Guadalcanal in the Pacific theater in November, and the Battle of Midway in June. 9781445622491, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 144 pages

Panzers of the Wehrmacht Alexander Ludeke German Panzers continue to exert a tremendous fascination for military historians and military vehicle enthusiasts alike. To the delight of all fans of tank warfare, this Fact File provides valuable reference on vehicles of the German Wehrmacht. During the Second World War the tank became the main weapon of every army. This Fact File edition provides a concise technical history of German WW2 tanks. 9781473823976, $17.95, $11.99, paperback, 128 pages

German Artillery Wolfgang Fleischer The importance of artillery in warfare grew more and more throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. New developments such as solid cannon barrels improved hit accuracy and the range of projectiles. This Fact File volume focuses on German Artillery during the Great War, when it could be argued that artillery was for the first time the dominant weapon on the battlefield. Wolfgang Fleischer discusses the diversity of artillery developed and used during the First World War by the Germans. 9781473823983, $17.95, $11.99, paperback, 128 pages

German Heavy Artillery Guns Alexander Ludeke This book covers large caliber artillery guns beyond a diameter of 75 mm, used by the Germans during the Second World War. Whilst artillery was perhaps no longer the dominant force it had been in the trench warfare of the Great War, it was nevertheless essential, both in air defense and against tanks. This volume of the Fact File series presents the most important of the largest German artillery and air defense weapons, as well as railway guns and launchers. This meticulously researched and superbly illustrated book provides a compact and competent overview. 9781473823990, $17.95, $11.99, paperback, 128 pages

German Half-Tracks and Wheeled Vehicles Alexander Ludeke German armored vehicles continue to generate great interest among historians and military vehicle enthusiasts alike. Many of these lightly armored vehicles were used for transporting soldiers and in the provision of medical care. Alexander Lüdeke has devoted himself to the Radpanzertechnik in particular in this Fact File volume, providing a concise technical history of these German Military Vehicles 9781473824003, $17.95, $11.99, paperback, 128 pages

Brothers in Arms John Leete & Brian Berringer Adapting from a peacetime role to one of greater magnitude than anyone could have expected, resourcefulness, bravery and self-sacrifice were to become the cornerstones of Britain’s firefighting services during the Second World War. Rising to great challenges during air raids and always exceeding the expectations of a grateful population, these ‘heroes with grimy faces’ however remain the unsung heroes of the war on the home front. Their relatively unknown contribution was nonetheless significant and every member of the Corps played his part in winning the war on the home front. Many members of the Corps sustained injuries and three made the ultimate sacrifice. They were laid to rest in England. This is their story. 9781445648255, $24.50, $15.99, paperback, 128 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Armoured Hussars 2 Jan Jarzembowski & David Bradley Armoured Hussars 2 provides a highly-illustrated account of the 1st Polish Armored Division’s baptism of fire in Normandy in August 1944, from Operations Totalise and Tractable to the victory at Falaise, culminating at the climactic battle on Mont Ormel – the site of this triumph was justly named ‘A Polish Battlefield’ by the Canadians. This book will appeal to all who have an interest in the Second World War and the Normandy Campaign, and is a fitting tribute to those Polish soldiers who fought so gallantly for Europe's freedom as part of the Allied Liberation Army and played a decisive role in the defeat of German forces in France at the Battle of the Falaise Pocket in August 1944. 9781910777237, $59.95, $38.99, paperback, 184 pages

A Stretcher Bearer from El Alamein to Greece Bob Hopper George Hopper, ex-bank clerk and now Rifleman with the King’s Royal Rifle Corps, begins his superbly illustrated diary in May 1940 by telling of the early frustrations of military life. Eventually deployed to Egypt, George vividly recounts the horrendous conditions in the troopships and of Montgomery’s epic 8th Army battle with Rommel at El Alamein. Masterfully written and illustrated, this is an epic story of one man thrown into the battlefields of Egypt, Italy and Greece. From the Battle of Britain to El Alamein, to the invasion of Italy and the Greek Civil War, this is a historic account, both gripping and compassionate, of a world at war. 9781910777305, $35.00, $22.99, paperback, 166 pages

Wartime Bombing Decoys in Wales Ivor Jones Ivor Jones’ new book vividly describes the cunning nighttime decoys which saved Cardiff, and indeed Wales itself, from German bombings during the Second World War. By distorting what the German bombers could see from the air, the Ministry of Home Security was successful in averting hundreds and thousands of bombs from residential areas of the country. False ‘lights’ were created to mislead German bombers in search of targets; during the blackout, the ministry placed these lights in open countryside, or around the coast. Superbly illustrated with photographs and maps, this is a fascinating insight into a previously overlooked aspect of the Second World War. 9781781552339, $34.95, $22.99, paperback, 224 pages


Adolf’s British Holiday Snaps Nigel Clarke After the collapse of the Third Reich the race began to salvage the secrets of Hitler’s huge intelligence-gathering operation. The RAF and army intelligence scoured the remains of the Reich for the library of the ‘Zentral Archiv Der Fliegerfilm’. The Luftwaffe archive was of extreme value both to the West and the newly emerging superpower of the Soviet Union. In June 1945 a British intelligence unit stumbled upon 16 tons of reconnaissance pictures, dumped in a barn at Bad Reichenhall, deep in the forests of Bavaria. The documents were immediately discreetly evacuated back to England. These records remained classified until 1984. It is from this source that Nigel Clarke slowly acquired images, and amassed a collection of over 1,000 surveillance pictures of the UK. 9781781551196, $26.95, $17.99, paperback, 224 pages

Munich Playground Ernest R. Pope As senior correspondent for Reuters in Munich from 19361941, American Ernest Pope saw the cruel and outrageous behavior of Nazis in their native habitat. Pope has all the gossip...and the confirmed stories. Pope knew, saw or interviewed all the top Nazis and dozens of lower-level officials, including some of Hitler’s security. With great humor and fast-paced prose, he writes of encounters with Hitler, Hess, Streicher, and many more. Pope turns his savage wit and erudition on his former hosts. Fluent in Bavarian German dialect, Pope made many friends in Munich with citizens and officials alike. He heard jokes from Munichers that could get them thrown in a concentration camp and he poked fun at Nazis whenever he dared. 9781781554548, $32.95, $21.50, paperback, 192 pages

Secret Days ASA Briggs Lord Briggs has long been regarded as one of Britain’s most important historians. However, until the publication of this remarkable book, he had never written about his time at Bletchley Park. In this meticulously researched account he finally reveals the details of his life in Hut Six working as a code breaker alongside Alan Turing and Gordon Welchman. In addition to discussing the progress of the Allies’ code breaking efforts and its impact on the war, Lord Briggs considers what the Germans knew about Bletchley and how they reacted to revelatory memoirs about the Enigma machine, which were not published until the 1970s. Packed with fascinating anecdotes, this is the gripping, revelatory story of an extraordinary young man in an extraordinary place. 9781848326620, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 224 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Up Close and Personal David Lee In this gripping book, David Lee brings together the remarkable stories of soldiers involved in close-quarter fighting during the Second World War. These firstperson accounts take the reader directly to the heart of the battle. Inside these pages you will find the story of when a battalion of British soldiers trained in the traditional manner came up against the Waffen SS. For the desert war there is a detailed look at how a rifle battalion held the snipe position against overwhelming odds. For the Far East, Lee shows how hatred of the Japanese Army gave impetus to British soldiers fighting at Kohima and American soldiers at Iwo Jima. And finally there is the poignant story of a US infantry regiment on D-Day. 9781848328372, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 208 pages

America’s Commandos Leroy Thompson America deployed a diverse group of special operations forces (SOF) throughout World War II and in Korea. These elite units quickly earned a redoubtable reputation and proved themselves adept at hitand-run raids, gathering intelligence in long-range patrols, rescuing PoWs and living and fighting in hostile environments. This valuable, fully illustrated guide includes more than 100 rare and unusual photographs of the men, uniforms, special equipment and insignia of these elite troops. Units covered include the Marine Raider regiments and Paramarines; Ranger battalions; ‘Merill’s Marauders’; the Special Service Force, OSS teams; Naval CDUs; and ski and mountain troops. 9781848328051, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 72 pages

Bombs on Belfast Ian Adamson An event in the history of Belfast which had a profound effect was the blitzing of the city in the Spring of 1941. What seem inevitable now, that the Luftwaffe would target such an important manufacturing city, when at the time Belfast was thought to be out of range for the German planes. This left Belfast as one commentator put it ’ the most unprotected major city in the UK”. A heavy toll was paid in both human life and material damage, during the 4 raids almost 1000 people perished, 2500 were injured and most of North and East Belfast as well as the City Center reduced to rubble. 9781906578916, $13.95, $9.50, paperback, 88 pages

Passing Through John P McCann During World War II, tens of thousands of American GIs had their first introduction to the European Theatre of Operations in the small towns, green fields, rolling hills and forests of Northern Ireland. In the main, these troops had crossed the dangerous U-boat infested Atlantic Ocean directly from the United States. We, the 82nd Airborne Division were different. In order to add some combat experienced seasoning to the armies preparing for the coming assault on Hitler’s ‘Fortress Europe,’ High Command plucked our Division from the Mediterranean theatre and dispatched us to the British Isles. Now, some sixty years later, John McCann has undertaken the monumental task of chronicling the days when the 82nd Airborne Division 'passed through' Northern Ireland. 9781904242413, $23.95, $15.99, paperback, 128 pages

Utah Beach Schindler’s Krakow Andrew Rawson Nazi Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939 and five days later Krakow fell. Hans Frank’s General Government then subjected the Polish and Jews to four and a half years of terror. This is an essential guide to Krakow – a city of contrasts, with a medieval center and communist-era outskirts. Rawson details the relevant sights, including the Jewish Quarter, Wawel Castle, Podgorze Ghetto and Plaszow camp. He also explores the relevant museums, including the Schindler factory, the Gestapo headquarters and the Home Army Museum. The city is an ideal base for visiting nearby Auschwitz-Birkenau. 9781473827974, $16.95, $11.50, paperback, 144 pages

Georges Bernage & Dominique Francois During the night of 5-6 June 1944, the Pathfinders were the first allied soldier to set foot on Norman soil, the paratroopers of the 82nd and the 101st Airborne Divisions fighting all night until the 4th Infantry Division, landing on Utah Beach, linked up with them. With German troops and defenses, paratroopers' eyewitness accounts, and previously unpublished material, this is a superbly illustrated album. 9782840483588, $35.00, $22.99, paperback, 168 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Coventry’s Blitz David McGrory Between 1940 and 1942 the people of Coventry were subjected to continued and devastating attacks by the Luftwaffe, leaving 1,252 dead, 1,859 injured and a city in ruins. This is the first full account of the blitz that blighted Coventry during the Second World War, commemorating its seventy-fifth anniversary. This book uses new sources, material, and memories from people all over the world to bring the events between 1938 and 1945 to life, events that changed the face of the city and made it what it is today. Richly illustrated with previously unseen archive photography, the book is a must-read for the people of Coventry and its visitors, offering a unique insight into the defining moments of the city’s past. 9781445649993, $20.00, $13.50, paperback, 128 pages

Hitler’s Artillery 1939–1945 Hans Seidler This is a highly illustrated record of the firepower of the German war machine between 1939– 1945. Many of the photographs, all from the author’s collection, come originally from the albums of individuals who took part in the war. The images and text cover the guns in service with the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS and provide a unique visual record of artillery pieces. These include the 7.5cm 1.IG18, the 10.5cm infantry gun, the powerful 15cm field howitzer, heavy 18cm and 21cm mortars and others including captured French, British and Russian guns. Using over 250 rare and unpublished photographs together with detailed captions and accompanying text, this book provides a unique insight into German weaponry from early Blitzkrieg campaigns to the final demise of the Nazi empire. 9781783463770, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

United States Infantry Weapons of the Second World War Michael Green During the arduous campaigns in theaters of war from the Pacific to North West Europe, American infantry weapons played a key role in the eventual victory over the Axis forces. In so doing they earned a special reputation for ruggedness and reliability. In addition to being used by US ground forces they were widely adopted by other Allied nations. Expert author Michael Green puts the full range of small arms, be they rifles, submachine guns, shotguns, pistols, machine guns as well as mortars, anti-tank weapons and close infantry support artillery under the microscope. The typically informative text completes the wide range of photographic images. 9781473827226, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 200 pages


Armoured Warfare in the Far East 1937–1945 Anthony Tucker-Jones Anthony Tucker-Jones’s photographic history is a fascinating visual introduction to the armored battles of the Second World War in the Far East and Asia-Pacific regions, from 1937 to 1945. In contrast to the experience of the armies that fought in Europe and North Africa, in the Far East tanks remained an infantry support weapon, and their role is often neglected in histories of the conflict. The role of armored vehicles in each theater of the war in the Far East is shown in a selection of over 150 rare wartime photographs that record armor in action in China, Manchuria, Mongolia, Malaya, Burma and during the battles fought for the Pacific islands. 9781473851672, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

Aircraft Salvage in the Battle of Britain and the Blitz Andy Saunders This book is comprised of some 140-150 images of the work of RAF and civilian salvage squads during the Battle of Britain, the Blitz and beyond. The images depict losses across Britain, both RAF and German, during this period. Each picture tells its own story, and is fully captioned with historical detail. This book covers a topic that has rarely been examined in this detail. Each section has a short introduction and the images include those of shot down aircraft, including relatively intact machines, badly damaged/destroyed wreckages, photographs of pilots, and other related illustrations. All images are from the author’s unique collection of wartime photographs of Luftwaffe losses, collected from a variety of sources across some thirty-five years of research. 9781783030408, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 144 pages

Luftwaffe Bombers in the Blitz 1940–1941 Andy Saunders Luftwaffe Bombers in the Blitz is comprised of some 140–150 images of German bomber aircraft during the Blitz of 1940–1941. The images cover the entirety of the Blitz and also depict losses across Britain during this period. Each picture tells its own story, and are fully captioned with historical detail. Each section has a short introduction and the images include those of shot down aircraft, including relatively intact machines, badly damaged/destroyed wreckages, photographs of pilots, and other related illustrations. All images are from the author’s unique collection of wartime photographs of Luftwaffe losses, collected from a variety of sources across some thirty-five years of research. 9781783030224, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 176 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Nazi Concentration Camp Commandants 1933–1945 Ian Baxter Using many rare and unpublished images this book identifies and delves into the characters of the notorious men who were instrumental in one of the greatest crimes against humanity in World history. Rudolf Hess, the Commandant of Auschwitz, was a family man and hospitable host; and yet he presided over a regime that accounted for over a million deaths. Others, such as Amon Goeth and Josef Kramer, personally promoted violence and terror. Despite the capture, trials and punishment of these leading perpetrators, the stain of man’s inhumanity to man, woman and child remains ineradicable. Justice came too late for millions, but the lessons learnt must never be forgotten. This book throws new light on the managers of the murderous Holocaust process. 9781781593882, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

Hitler’s Light Panzers At War Paul Thomas This is a highly illustrated record of the German light tank from its beginnings in the 1930s to the key battles it fought in Poland, France, North Africa, Russia and North Western Europe. The book analyzes the development of the light Panzer, which ranged from the Panzer I, II and the Czech build Panzer 35 & 38t. It describes how the Germans carefully utilized the development of these light machines for war, and depicts how these tanks were adapted and up-gunned to face the ever-increasing enemy threat. Using 250 rare and unpublished photographs together with detailed captions and accompanying text, this book provides a vivid account of light Panzer operational deployment from the early Blitzkrieg campaigns to the final demise of the Nazi war machine. 9781783463251, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 144 pages

German Army on the Eastern Front – The Advance Ian Baxter German Army on the Eastern Front – The Advance is a highly illustrated record of the extraordinary feat of arms that saw the Nazi armies drive deep into the vast terrain of the Soviet Union, to the gates of Stalingrad and Moscow. It traces the campaign from these hopeful beginnings until, on the brink of victory, the defenders and the winter contrived to slow and then halt the advance. It vividly conveys the appalling conditions endured by the invaders. By early 1943 the German advance finally petered out, leaving some 1.5 million dead from the battle of Stalingrad alone. The long and costly retreat was about to begin. 9781473822665, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

The Few: Fight for the Skies Philip Kaplan In this new pictorial history from Philip Kaplan, the perspectives of both RAF and Luftwaffe airmen are considered within the wider context of one of the most iconic and pivotal conflicts of modern history. The Blitz, primarily the bombing of London and the major cities of Britain by the German Air Force, lasted for fifty-seven nights from September 1940 into May 1941. Life under the bombing; the perspectives of German and British airmen; the experience of sheltering in the London Underground; firsthand accounts of the horror by survivors left behind; all these voices are consolidated to great effect, providing a suitable commentary to the rare archive photography on display. 9781783463022, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 144 pages

Combined Round the Clock Bombing Offensive Philip Kaplan In World War Two, the most effective fighting units were usually small – submarine crews, infantry platoons, commandos, and bomber crews. Of these it could be said that the men who crewed the bombers caused more damage to the enemy and had a greater impact on the outcome of the conflict than any number of the rest. This library of rare archive photography provides a pictorial history with which to better understand the true extent of Allied operations during the second half of the Second World War. Firsthand accounts from both American and British bomber pilots feature. They work to create a real sense of precisely what 'round the clock' actually meant, as these concentrated attacks drained pilots of every ounce of energy they possessed. 9781783463046, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 176 pages

The Rise of Hitler Illustrated Trevor Salisbury A Nazi propaganda book found in the ruins of a bomb-damaged German home in 1945 and recovered as a souvenir by a British soldier. It forms the basis for this photographic account of Hitler’s early days as he gains acceptance and eventually took over the hearts and minds of the German people. 9781473822184, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 176 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Merchant Sailors at War 1943–1945 – Beating the U-boat Philip Kaplan Featured in this book are images of some of the most iconic and important merchant ships of the latter years of the Second World War, along with intriguing shots of the men who sailed and worked on them. The indomitable HMS Sackville, the only surviving corvette of the Second World War, is afforded particularly prominent coverage, alongside a host of lesser-known but equally formidable ships. This history, told in words and images, is sure to appeal to all military and maritime enthusiasts, representing an exciting addition to the established Images of War series. 9781783463053, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 176 pages

Battleships: WWII Evolution of the Big Guns Philip Kaplan Beginning with a pictorial essay on battleship construction in the 1930s and 1940s, this new book looks at the various design facets of the last great capital ships of the world's navies. Kaplan offers us a glimpse into those massive American and German navy yards and construction facilities that were put to use during this time, acquainting us with the arenas in which these final examples of battleship technology were laid down, built up, launched, fitted out, commissioned and taken out to sea. There is a look at some of modern history’s most significant battleships, relaying their thrilling stories, defining characteristics and eventual fates. Ships featured include Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, Warspite, Tirpitz and Yamato. 9781783463077, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 144 pages

The Waffen SS in Combat Bob Carruthers This is the photographic history of the Waffen-SS in combat on all fronts. The short six year history of the Waffen SS spanned triumph and disaster, and their story can be traced through these powerful images, which clearly document the reality of combat. These rare images span the combat history of the Waffen-SS from the optimism of the opening phases of the war in the west through the challenges of Barbarossa and the retreat against a numerically far superior enemy in both the east and the west. This powerful photographic record is essential reading for anyone with an interest in the course of the war from the German perspective and clearly demonstrates the scale of the task undertaken by the Waffen-SS on all fronts. 9781473833531, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

Stilwell and the Chindits Jon Diamond This latest book in the highly successful Images of War series covers the dramatic events that saw ultimate Allied victory over the Japanese in remote Northern Burma on the Chinese border. The plan involved two separate but concurrent operations. US Army General Joseph Stilwell was ordered to train up two Chinese divisions and seize the key Japanese base at Myitkyina. At the same time Brigadier Orde Wingate and his 77 Brigade (known as the Chindits) penetrated and fought deep behind Japanese lines. As this highly informative and well illustrated book reveals, the concept was ultimately successful with Myitkyina falling to Stilwell’s Chinese/US force in mid 1944. 9781783831982, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 176 pages

American Eagles Tony Holmes American Eagles provides a photographic snapshot of the lives of the American fighter pilots who volunteered their services during World War II, as well as the Spitfires and Hurricanes they flew. Some were prewar civilian pilots, others were rich playboys and a few were already serving in the RAF when war was declared. Men such as Don Blakeslee, Billy Fiske, ‘Gus’ Daymond and Jim Dunn, as well as many other notable pilots are featured in this volume, in photographs that have been carefully sourced from official and private archives across the globe. Each image has a detailed caption, chronicling the wartime exploits of the elite ‘band of brothers’ known as the American Eagles. 9781473835665, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 144 pages


Leyte, 1944 Nathan N. Prefer When General Douglas MacArthur arrived in Australia in March 1942, having successfully left the Philippines to organize a new American army, he vowed, "I shall return!" More than two years later he did return, at the head of a large U.S. army to retake the Philippines from the Japanese. The place of his re-invasion was the central Philippine Island of Leyte. Much has been written about the naval Battle of Leyte Gulf that his return provoked, but almost nothing has been written about the three-month long battle to seize Leyte itself. Leyte was a three-dimensional battle, fought with the best both sides had to offer, and did indeed decide the fate of the Philippines in World War II. 9781612001555, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 424 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Within the Barbed Wire Fence Takeo Ujo Nakano & Leatrice M.Willson Chan Takeo Nakano immigrated to Canada from Japan in 1920, later marrying and starting a family in his adopted homeland. Takeo’s passion was poetry, and he cultivated the exquisite form known as tanka. Then came the Second World War. Takeo Nakano was one of thousands of Japanese men forcibly separated from his family in 1942 and interned in labor camps in the British Columbia interior. This book, first published in 1982, is a rare first-person account of the experience of internment. This new edition includes a foreword by his daughter, Leatrice M. Willson Chan, with whom he collaborated in preparing his memoir. 9781459402607, $19.95, $12.99, hardback, 144 pages

Blood and Steel Donald E Graves Ordered by Hitler ‘to hold, or to die’ and to fight ‘to the last grenade and round’, the German army was a formidable opponent during the 1944 Normandy campaign. This book depicts the experience of that army in Normandy through its own records and documentation. The Wehrmacht Archive is an informative and colorful collection of translated original orders, diaries, letters, after action reports, and even jokes, as well as Allied technical evaluations of weapons, vehicles and equipment and transcripts of prisoner of war interrogations.You will also learn from official documents about the Germans’ efforts to cope with Allied air and artillery superiority, create new tactical methods for all arms and maintain discipline in the face of overwhelming odds. 9781848326835, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

The Battle of the Bridges Frank van Lunteren Operation Market Garden has been recorded as a complete Allied failure in World War II, an overreach that resulted in an entire airborne division being destroyed at its apex. However, within that operation were episodes of heroism that still remain unsung. This book draws on a plethora of previously unpublished sources to shed new light on the exploits of the “Devils in Baggy Pants” by Dutch author and historian Frank van Lunteren. A native of Arnhem—the site of “The Bridge too Far”—the author draws on nearly 130 interviews he personally conducted with veterans of the 504th, plus Dutch civilians and British and German soldiers, who here tell their story for the first time. 9781612002323, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 368 pages

KV Tanks on the Battlefield Neil Stokes A new Soviet/Russian type is added to PeKo Publishing’s photomonograph series. This time we can get to know the KV tanks’ history and its types. We show the tank’s development with 121 large, high quality, mostly unpublished photographs. 9789638962348, $41.95, $27.50, hardback, 128 pages

Barbarossa Derailed. The Battle for Smolensk 10 July-10 September 1941 Volume 3 David M. Glantz Volume 3, the documentary companion to Barbarossa Derailed, contains the documentary evidence for the two volumes of narrative. In addition to key Führer Directives issued by Adolf Hitler to provide direction to his forces during the Barbarossa Campaign, this book includes the daily operational summaries of the participating Soviet fronts, armies, and some divisions and many if not most of the orders and reports issued by the struggling Soviet armies. Precise translations illustrate not only the capabilities and states-of-mind of key Soviet commanders as they dealt with crisis after crisis, and how an army attempted to use its operational directives and tactical orders to educate its soldiers and officers in the basics of waging war in the midst of active and bloody operations. 9781909982116, $69.95, $45.50, hardback, 568 pages

Barbarossa Derailed: The Battle for Smolensk 10 July-10 September 1941 Volume 4 – Atlas David M. Glantz At dawn on 10 July 1941, massed tanks and motorized infantry of German Army Group Center’s Second and Third Panzer Groups crossed the Dnepr and Western Dvina Rivers, beginning what Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer of Germany’s Third Reich, and most German officers and soldiers believed would be a triumphal march on Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union. Soviet forces stubbornly refused to surrender, and a total of seven Soviet armies struck back viciously at the advancing Germans, sapping German strength and will. Serving as both a companion to the previous three text volumes in this monumental study, and as a standalone battlefield atlas, this volume provides over one hundred specially commissioned color maps that trace the course of the campaign, each accompanied by a detailed caption. 9781909982833, $99.95, $64.99, hardback, 152 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Nanjing 1937 Peter Harmsen The infamous Rape of Nanjing looms like a dark shadow over the history of Asia in the 20th century, and is among the most widely recognized chapters of World War II in China. By contrast, the story of the month-long campaign before this notorious massacre has never been told in its entirety. Nanjing 1937 by Peter Harmsen fills this gap. This is the follow-up to Harmsen’s best-selling Shanghai 1937: Stalingrad on the Yangtze, and begins where that book left off. This epic tale is told with verve and attention to detail by Harmsen, a veteran East Asia correspondent who consolidates his status as the foremost chronicler of World War II in China with this path-breaking work of narrative history. 9781612002842, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 368 pages

Zrínyi II assault howitzer Attila Bonhardt This is the first volume of PeKo Publishing’s new photomonograph series. This time we can get to know the Hungarian assault gun Zrínyi II’s history. The book contains 128 pages and 112 mostly unpublished photos. 9786158007238, $41.95, $27.50, hardback, 120 pages

Battle of Britain Voices Jonathan Reeve The quality of first-hand accounts left by the Battle of Britain fighter pilots is astonishing. Some were written during the attacks, some in the cold light of day later in the war or just after, but they all share one feature – they were written before ‘the Few’ truly became etched in the mindset of the British people. The fighter pilots’ modesty shines through. This is the first book to collect substantial accounts to give a true idea of the exhilaration of being in a dogfight with a swarm of Messerschmitt 109s. Far better than any single narrative, the ‘voices’ build up a complete picture of the Battle of Britain as it was experienced by the men who took part in it. 9781445642642, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 528 pages


Eisenhower’s Thorn on the Rhine Nathan Prefer This is the story of the Sixth Army Group (7th US & 1st French Armies) which fought on the southern flank of the SHAEF front. The French had multiple problems during this campaign so that increasing number of US divisions needed to take part. In the process the 3rd and 28th Infantry Divisions, and 10th and 14th Armored, among others were able to cover themselves with heroism, though hardly less than the threadbare German 19th Army, which bravely resisted against enormous odds until finally the west bank of the Rhine was cleared. Both sides traded blows in a ferocious campaign often neglected in histories of the war. This book informs us fully of the tremendous and costly struggle waged on that often-neglected sector of the front. 9781612003221, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 360 pages

Paris’ 44 William Mortimer-Moore This book punctures the myth parlayed by Is Paris Burning? and other works that describe the city’s liberation as mostly the result of the insurrection by the Resistance in the capital. Amidst the swirling streams of selfinterest and intrigue that beset the capital on the eve of its liberation, this book makes clear that Leclerc and his 2nd Armoured Division were the real heroes of the liberation and that marching on their capital city was their raison d’etre. At issue was the reconstitution of France itself, after its dark night of the soul under the Germans, and despite the demands of the Anglo-Americans and France’s own insurrectionists. That a great power was restored is now manifest, with this book explaining how it was ensured. 9781612003436, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 486 pages

“The Most Dangerous Moment of the War” John Clancy In early April 1942, a littleknown episode of World War II took place, said by Sir Winston Churchill to be “the most dangerous moment of the war,” when the Japanese made their only major offensive westwards into the Indian Ocean. Churchill said that potential disaster was averted by the actions of one pilot, Squadron Leader L.J. Birchall, who spotted the Japanese warships massing some 350 miles from Ceylon. The British lost a carrier, two heavy cruisers and many other ships; however, the Japanese eventually turned back, never to sail against India again. John Clancy, whose father survived the sinking of HMS Cornwall during the battle, tells the story of this dramatic but little known campaign in which a major Allied catastrophe was only narrowly averted. 9781612003344, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 208 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Ghost Patrol John Sadler The origins of most of the West’s Special Forces can be traced back to the Long Range Desert Group, which operated across the limitless expanses of the Libyan Desert, an area the size of India, during the whole of the Desert War from 1940 to 1943. Their work was often dangerous, always taxing, exhausting and uncomfortable. They were a new breed of soldier, and the Axis never managed to field a similar unit. Once the desert war was won they transferred their skills to the Mediterranean sector, then in strife-torn Albania,Yugoslavia, and Greece, fighting alongside the mercurial partisans. In addition, the LRDG worked alongside the fledgling SAS and established, beyond all doubt, the value of highly trained Special Forces, a legacy which resonates today. 9781612003368, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 232 pages

Agent Fifi and the Wartime Honeytrap Spies Bernard O'Connor Very Special Agent Fifi was described as ‘one of the most expert liars in the world’. Employed by the Special Operations Executive (SOE), Churchill’s wartime spook organization, her job was to entrap trainee agents and test their mettle in the field. Kept secret for seventy-five years, her existence long treated as a myth, Fifi's files were declassified in 2014 and her identity revealed as Marie Chilver, a half-Latvian, half-British escapee from occupied Europe. Marie’s extraordinary story reveals the inner workings of Britain's secret services and the lengths SOE would go to in equipping their agents for the highly dangerous espionage work in Nazi-dominated Europe. 9781445646503, $26.95, $17.99, hardback 240 pages

The Airborne Forces Experimental Establishment Tim Jenkins The evolution of British airborne warfare cannot be fully appreciated without reference to the technological development required to convert the detail contained in the doctrine and concept into operational reality. This is a detailed investigation of the British technological investment in an airborne capability and analyses whether the new technology was justifiable, or indeed, entirely achievable. The book combines the detail contained in the original policy documentation for airborne warfare and the subsequent technological investigations to determine whether sufficient strategic requirement had been demonstrated and how policy impacted upon the research program. 9781910777060, $69.95, $45.50, hardback, 216 pages

Totenkopf Mark C.Yerger & Ignacio Arrondo Throughout this book is new data on Waffen-SS schools, training units, and predecessors and successors as they pertain to the “Totenkopf” Division. A name index allows the reader to find all text entries and images for the more than 550 individuals in the initial volume that also details significant predecessors and successors. A glossary for the diverse terminology used in included. Primarily unpublished images enhance this volume with their extended data captions, the authors also tracking down period prints or negatives for some well-known images to allow them to be reproduced with previously unseen detail and clarity. These volumes will be considered among the significant postwar studies on the Waffen-SS with their vast amount of new material for the historian, military collector, and modeler. 9781910777091, $89.95, $58.50, hardback, 536 pages

Monty’s Functional Doctrine Charles Forrester Using a combination of new perspectives and new evidence, this book presents a reinterpretation of how 21st Army Group produced a successful combined arms doctrine by late 1944 and implemented this in early 1945. The book makes an original contribution to the debate on Montgomery’s command style in Northwest Europe and its consequences, and integrates this with tracking down and disentangling the roots of his ideas, and his role in the creation of doctrine for the British Army’s final push against the Germans. In particular the author is able to do something that has defeated previous authors: to explain how doctrine was evolved and, especially who was responsible for providing the crucial first drafts, and the role Montgomery played in revising, codifying and disseminating it. 9781910777268, $59.95, $38.99, hardback, 176 pages

History of the Totenkopf’s Panther-Abteilung Ian Michael Wood This book is the culmination of 15 years of research dealing with I/SS-Panzer Regiment 3, from its inception in 1942, when it was equipped with Panzer III’s and IV’s, until its conversion to the Panther tank during late 1943. The book covers the history of I/SS-Panzer Regiment 3 when it was equipped with Panther tanks. From the summer of 1944, Abteilung fought in Siedlce and later in the defensive battles east and north east of Warsaw. Later during 1945, the Abteilung would take part in the Konrad operations in Hungary in an attempt to relieve the forces trapped inside Budapest. By March 1945 the remnants of I/SS-Panzer Regiment 3 was in full retreat and would eventually surrender in May 1945 in Austria. 9786158007276, $31.95, $20.99, hardback

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•WORLD WAR II• SU-85 and SU-100 on the Battlefield Neil Stokes The SU-85 and SU-100 self-propelled guns were based on the proven chassis of the T-34 Medium Tank, and were used primarily in the antitank role. From mid-1943 onward, the SU-85 gave the Soviet forces a useful tank destroyer with a significant firepower advantage over the T-34’s 76.2mm gun. With the introduction of the T-34/85 in early 1944, the SU-85 design was upgraded with a 100mm gun to retain its firepower advantage, though a shortage of 100mm guns led to a number of improved hulls being armed with 85mm guns as the SU-85M. This book provides a pictorial history of the development and combat deployment of the SU-85, SU-85M and SU-100, illustrated with around 100 photographs. 9786158007207, $41.95, $27.50, hardback, 112 pages

Thunderbolt to War – An American Fighter Pilot in England John Anderson & Clint Sperry This book gives a remarkable insight into the structure and operations of a leading USAAF Fighter Squadron in England during the Second World War, together with personal thoughts and feelings of skilled fighter pilot, Clint Sperry. The 353rd Fighter Group was a rarely celebrated ‘workhorse’ of Eighth Fighter Command, but names of some of its charismatic leaders still resonate today. To survive was a lottery, but those with previous flying hours before entering service had the advantage of experience. Clint’s successes and traumas are highlighted to give a true picture of a fighter pilot’s war. He flew 106 missions in the P47 Thunderbolt, was awarded 3 DFCs, and credited with destroying or probably destroying five enemy aircraft, as well as many targets on the ground. 9781781554562, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 272 pgaes

Blood and Steel 2 Donald E. Graves Overwhelmed by the strength of the Allied air and ground forces following the D-Day landings, the Germans were compelled to abandon their efforts to hold France and much of the Low Countries and retreat to the Rhine. This book helps reveal the experience of German soldiers and armed forces personnel as they withdrew through a remarkable collection of translated original orders, diaries, letters, after-action reports and other documentation. It also draws upon Allied technical evaluations of weapons, vehicles and equipment, as well as transcripts of prisoner of war interrogations. The reader will learn from official documents about the Germans’ efforts to cope with Allied air and artillery superiority, create new tactical methods for all arms, and maintain discipline in the face of superior numbers. 9781848328518, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages


Fighting Nazi Occupation Malcolm Atkin When Winston Churchill made his ‘we shall never surrender’ speech in 1940 he was speaking in the knowledge that Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service was planning a civilian British resistance movement to mobilize after the country had been occupied. The Auxiliary Units are the best known, but this perceptive new study based on painstaking original research clearly demonstrates that they were never intended as a resistance organization. Instead, they were designed as a short-term guerrilla force, whilst their Special Duties Branch was designed to spy on the British public as much as any Nazi invader. Meanwhile, deep in the shadows, was the real resistance organization – Section VII of SIS. These conclusions will change our understanding of the preparations made in Britain to resist Nazi occupation. 9781473833777, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 224 pages

We Fought at Kohima Raymond Street & Robert Street The Japanese advance through Thailand, Malaya and Burma appeared unstoppable and the fate of India looked utterly precarious. Raymond was a member of the 4th Battalion The Queen’s West Kent and as a company runner he was uniquely placed to witness the dreadful and dramatic events as they unfolded. Not only did he miraculously survive but he made a superb record of the battle as fortunes ebbed and flowed. His memories have been transcribed into this firsthand account of one of the most decisive and hardest fought battles of the Second World War. We Fought at Kohima will surely be judged as a fighting man’s memoir of the highest quality. 9781473843677, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 208 pages

Setting France Ablaze Peter Jacobs During the summer of 1940, as Britain was fighting alone for its survival, the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, instructed the newly formed and clandestine Special Operations Executive to “set Europe ablaze.” From that moment on the S.O.E. took its own war to Nazi-occupied Europe by conducting a mix of espionage, sabotage and reconnaissance missions, with its F Section dedicated to aiding the liberation of France. This book describes the gripping story of the men and women who so bravely operated behind enemy lines, many of whom were betrayed and did not live to tell the tale. It pays tribute to the extreme courage and bravery of the individuals who did exactly what Churchill asked of them; they set France ablaze. 9781783463367, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 240 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• With Recce at Arnhem Mike Gallagher Determined to ‘do his bit’, Des Evans absconded from a reserved occupation in 1939 and joined the newly formed Reconnaissance Corps. After parachute training, he joined C Troop in time to play his role in Operation Market Garden, the ill-fated but glorious attempt to seize the Rhine Bridge at Arnhem. In this gripping memoir, Des vividly describes both the intense action and his emotions following the drop. At first there was an unreal sense of calm but this was soon to evaporate. In the intense action that followed, Des was ambushed twice and badly wounded. Fortunate to survive, he became a POW. After eight long months’ captivity moving between camps, Des escaped to American lines. 9781473843639, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 160 pages

Mortars in World War II John Norris Mortars were used throughout the Second World War by all armies and in all theaters. Although a very simple weapon they could greatly enhance the firepower of infantry formations, giving them their own mobile artillery arm. This book gives a brief history of the origins of the weapon and its use in the Great War before moving on to look in detail at the many types developed and used in the Second World War. This book is sure to be of great value to enthusiasts who collect mortars and their ammunition, re-enactors, modelers and war gamers as well as those readers interested in the history of weapons generally or those of World War II in particular. 9781783463763, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 240 pages

Reporting the Second World War Brian Best After a slow start, the Second World War produced an enormous number of war correspondents. Correspondents like Ernest Hemingway, John Dos Passos and George Orwell were all inspired to put their experiences on the printed page. Several performed acts of bravery recognized with a ‘Mentioned in Despatches’ and in some cases, a gallantry award. As a consequence, many were killed – the United States alone has a memorial dedicated to more than eighty. Reporting the Second World War is an in-depth account of the war, as seen through the newspapers of the day. It illustrates the momentous efforts of the correspondents and is a timely reminder of their dedication, skill and bravery in reporting the Second World War. 9781473834200, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 208 pages

The Battle of the Bulge: The Failure of the Final Blitzkrieg Philippe Guillemot In this new work, the author tackles the famous Battle of the Bulge. This is the first volume to be offered to readers, with an examination of the northern edge of this offensive launched by the 6th Panzer Army. Its deployment during the Battle of the Bulge represented its baptism of fire. Drawing on the examination of thousands of pages of archives, focusing as much on American as on German forces, as well as an analysis of the most recent studies combined with site visits, the author reviews the northern sector of the battle for us. Through this research, the author is able to reveal new factors to us, reexamining clichés and dismissing misconceptions. 9782352503828, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 192 pages

Blood and Steel 3 Donald E Graves This book is an extensive and colorful collection of translated German military documents, private letters and diaries relating to one of the most hard-fought battles of the Second World War. This rare material was gathered by the intelligence section of the American, British and Canadian armies and ranges from orders issued by Feldmarschall von Rundstedt down to jokes told by the ordinary German soldier, often at the expense of his superiors. This unique collection gives an unparalleled insight into German tactics, organization, morale and attitudes to their opponents during the Battle of the Bulge, the last desperate gamble by Hitler to defeat the Allied offensive in the West, and is required reading for all historians and enthusiasts of the period. 9781848322363, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 240 pages

February 1942 Adrian Stewart During February 1942, bad news of disasters came in an unbroken and seemingly endless sequence from the Far East to the Home Front. It was in retrospect, the month in which many long-established beliefs were destroyed forever. It was the month that confirmed that Britain no longer ruled the waves; that saw British prestige so damaged that it could never be fully restored; that foreshadowed and ensured the end of Britain’s Empire. In short it was the month that changed Britain’s world. It was also the month at the end of which Britain seemed likely to lose the War. Happily, this did not prove the case – so perhaps February 1942 further shows that a country can receive terrible blows but still survive and endure. 9781473821156, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 208 pages

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•WORLD WAR II•POST-WORLD WAR II• Evolution of Airborne Operations 1939–1945 Colonel Roy M M Stanley II USAF (Ret’d) The development of air transport in the early 20th Century led military strategists to examine the concept of inserting light infantry at key points behind enemy lines by air landing and air drop. The Germans were first off-the-mark with assaults in Norway and at Eben Emael in 1940. The Allies on the other hand developed the concept dramatically with the large scale Operation Husky in Sicily. The most famous airborne operation was the large scale but ill-fated Market Garden. Almost successful the Arnhem battle goes down as a heroic defeat. The culmination of WWII airborne operations was the multi-division Rhine Crossing Varsity. Expert author and collector Roy Stanley traces the history of airborne landings in words and pictures. 9781473843806, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 272 pages

Agent Michael Trotobas and SOE in Northern France Stewart Kent Nick Nicholas The exceptional exploits, courage and leadership of British SOE Agent Trotobas have long been recognized in France but not in his own country despite being recommended for the Victoria Cross. He immediately volunteered to establish and run a resistance group around Lille and the Pas de Calais for a year. As the Nazis closed in, he refused to leave the French men and women who had shown him complete loyalty. He paid the ultimate price, fighting to the death rather than undergo capture. As well as describing the operations of the Sylvestre-Farmer circuit, the authors record the rivalries and intrigues that sprang up culminating in betrayals and extraordinary demand for the court martial and execution of the Circuit’s British second in command. 9781473851634, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 304 pages

POST-WORLD WAR II A Handful of Hard Men Hannes Wessels During the West’s great transition into the post-Colonial age, the country of Rhodesia refused to succumb quietly. During this long war many heroes emerged, but none more skillful and courageous than Captain Darrell Watt of the Rhodesian SAS. It is difficult to find another soldier’s story to equal Watt’s in terms of time spent on the field of battle and challenges faced. When the guns went quiet Watt had won all his battles but lost the war. In this fascinating work we learn that in his twilight years he is now concerned with saving wildlife on a continent where they are in continued danger, devoting himself to both the fauna and African people he has cared so deeply about. 9781612003450, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 304 pages


Confessions of a Military Wife Mollie Gross This book is an honest, witty, and often hilarious look at the life of the new generation military wife. Mollie Gross learned the hard way to laugh instead of cry at what she could not control as a military spouse—and as she quickly discovered, nearly everything was out of her control! A standup comedienne, public speaker, and wife of a Marine Corps officer, Mollie explores everything about the “issued” spouse, from deployment and the stress of having a husband in a combat zone, to the realization that marriage changes when your husband returns home from war. Nothing is taboo or out-ofbounds. Confessions is a can’t-put-down book that will leave you laughing and crying at the same time. 9781611212501, $18.95, $12.50, paperback, 264 pages

Honourable Warriors Richard Streatfeild In 2009 Major Richard Streatfeild and his men fought for six months against the Taliban in Sangin. They were engaged in over 800 fire-fights, and were the target of more than 200 improvised explosive devices. Ten men in his company were killed, 50 were wounded. This is their story. His graphic personal account gives an inside view of the physical, psychological, and political battle to come to terms with severe casualties and the stress of battle. It also gives a direct insight into the experiences of soldiers who had to face down their fear throughout a prolonged tour of duty. This is essential reading for anyone who cares to understand the nature of the war in Afghanistan and how the odds are stacked against the army’s success. 9781473829015, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 240 pages

Israeli Air Force Operations in the 1948 War Shlomo Aloni Operation HOREV – the Israeli offensive from December 1948 until January 1949 – practically ended Israel’s War for Independence, with an Israeli victory that forced Egypt to seek ceasefire and to negotiate a settlement. From HOREV Day 1 on 23 December 1948 until HOREV Day 16 on 7 January 1949, this title presents Israeli Air Force missions during Operation HOREV in heretofore unseen depth and detail. Israel Air Force operations are detailed spanning the timeline of the conflict down to every unearthed sortie in depth, and shown in a way that operations during Operation HOREV had never been presented before. This level of detail has been made possible by extensive use of contemporary documentation. The detailed text is supported by numerous photographs and color profiles. 9781910294116, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 72 pages

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•POST-WORLD WAR II•DVDS• Shemya: America’s Cold War Sentinel Gerald Butler During the Cold War the Aleutian Islands became an electronic battlefield for the most sophisticated monitoring and highly secretive electronic gathering equipment then in existence. Because of intense Arctic cold and extreme winds the unique and massive monitoring equipment had to be strong and function during snow, sleet and winds over 120 mph, while personnel who manned and maintained them were also subject to identical conditions. Aircraft for secret reconnaissance missions had to launch and land under inconceivable conditions and on occasion, some did not return or crashed. The highly restricted devices have never been photographed or discussed other than by authorized operating personnel prior to the release of this book. Permission for its release has been authorized by the United States National Security Administration. 9781625450388, $28.95, $18.99, paperback, 176 pages

With the SAS and Other Animals Andrew Higgins In 1970 at the height of the Cold War, the young Sandhursttrained Sultan Qaboes of Oman, with secret British military backing, took on the communist rebels in a fierce but little known war. The value of winning the “hearts and minds” of the local population was quickly recognized. The local economy was a primitive one based on agriculture, and the author found himself solely responsible for the veterinary care of a territory the size of Hungary. His firsthand experiences and anecdotes of life dealing with every level of Omani society from rulers to black slaves and their varied livestock make for wonderfully atmospheric and often amusing reading. In short, this is an unusual and potent mix of Special Forces action and veterinary experiences. 9781473843622, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 224 pages

‘An Agony Continued’ Ken Wharton This book is called ‘An Agony Continued’ because of the agony which commenced at the end of the 1960s as the grief, the loss, and the economic destruction of Northern Ireland continued. This book will look at the period which encompassed the 48 months of 1980 and 1983. It saw the Hyde Park and Regent’s Park massacre of soldiers and horses from the Blues and Royals and the cowardly bombing of the Royal Green Jackets’ band.The years under study include the 1981 deaths of ten Republican paramilitaries who starved themselves to death in protest against the loss of their status as ‘political prisoners'. As ever, this book pulls no punches in its absolute detestation of both Republican and Loyalist paramilitaries. 9781910294390, $59.95, $38.99, hardback, 448 pages

‘Oft in Danger’ Jonathon Riley This is the biography of the most distinguished field commander of modern times, who turned to scholarship and writing at an early stage of his career and pursued both professional military life and historical study in parallel. Understanding Farrar-Hockley the soldier is impossible without also understanding FarrarHockley the scholar; the reverse is also true. He was never a stranger to controversy – Margaret Thatcher valued his candid advice because, as she said to him, ‘you tell me things I didn’t know’; and he never walked away from a fight in his life. He was a man of redoubtable character and huge achievements, an inspirational leader and commander in peace and war, at every level. 9781910777251, $59.95, $38.99, hardback, 416 pages

The End of Empire Martin Bell Martin Bell, the former BBC war reporter and Independent MP, served as a soldier in the Suffolk Regiment during the Cyprus emergency between 1957 and 1959. His narrative is a powerful and personal account of the violent process of decolonization, of the character of the British Army at the time, and the impact of National Service on young men who were not much more than ‘kids in uniform’. By drawing on recently declassified documents, he provides much more than a personal reminiscence. It is an absorbing account of the experience of army life from the perspective of a private soldier, and it is the inside story of how Britain tried to crush a violent rebellion sixty years ago. 9781473848184, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 224 pages

DVDS 100 Years War: Poitiers 1356 10 Years after the English victory in Crecy an Anglo/Gascon Army led by Edward of Woodstock won a great victory at Poitiers on 19 September 1356.This campaign was a masterpiece of strategic warfare. In 3 months, the Anglo/Gascon had carried out a devastating campaign of economic warfare that undermined the French State and destroyed the wealth of a major area of France. In this program, the BHTV team uses their experience as soldiers and guides to bring this iconic campaign to life. The team examines the political, military and economic background to the campaign and brings the subject to life by visits to all the major locations, skillful use of maps and complimented by re-enactment footage and vignettes of life and combat in 1356. 5060247620459, $29.95, $19.50, DVD NTSC

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•DVDS• The Waterloo Collection DVD Part 3 The period from mid afternoon until early evening on that terrible Sunday was the time, as Wellington described it, of ‘hard pounding’. The three programs on this disc cover the Massed French Cavalry Attacks led by Marshal Ney, the battle fought by the Kings German Legion and the 95th Rifles to hold La Haie Sainte and the adjacent sand pit. The Prussian march to Plancenoit and the bloody battle fought in and around the village is the subject of the third program. 5060247620077, $31.95, $20.99, DVD

Ypres–The Immortal Salient Part 2 DVD Ed Skelding & Nigel Cave Presenter Ed Skelding is joined once again by military historian and author Nigel Cave to take us through the complexities of the final stages of the fighting for the Ypres Salient. They visit Factory Farm and Spanbroekmolen. The film will also feature an interview with Annelies Vermeulen, Chief Executive at Talbot House in Poperinge. The team visits the Ploegsteert memorial and the trenches once used by Adolf Hitler at Croenaert Wood. Ed is joined by Nigel at ANZAC memorials in Polygon Wood where he explains the bitter nature of the relentless fighting. This film is completed by an extended and powerful interview with Nigel held on top of the Cross of Sacrifice memorial at Tyne Cot, when Nigel explains the power behind The Immortal Salient. 5060247620053, $24.95, $16.50, DVD

1914–The BEF and the Retreat Ed Skelding This film was filmed on location at the key locations of the opening Battles of the First World War and analyses some of the key battles and events at First Ypres. It is designed as a companion to the bestselling Battleground series of books by Pen and Sword. Filmed by acclaimed film-maker Ed Skelding, whose expertise in the field and strong Great War knowledge compliment the film. It is also presented by guest historian Nigel Cave, the series editor of the Battleground series of books and prolific Pen and Sword author. 5060247621098, $24.95, $16.50, DVD


First Ypres 1914 The BHTV team of military historians and battlefield guides take us to the muddy fields of the emerging Salient. To name but a few locations they take us to the scene of the Gloucester’s defense of Langemark and the attack of the ‘German Student Corps’ and the resulting ‘Massacre of the Innocents’ as the young men bravely marched into the concentrated fire of the Old Contemptibles. At Whschete Ridge, the team examine how the crumbling line was reinforced and held at tremendous cost by the first units of the Indian Corps to arrive and how on Halloween’s Eve the Territorials of the London Scottish fought another desperate battle to hold the Line in the same area. 5060247621173, $32.95, $21.50, DVD

Second Ypres 1915 The Second Battle of Ypres was a battle of the First World War fought from 21 April–25 May 1915 for control of the strategic Flemish town of Ypres in western Belgium, following the First Battle of Ypres the previous autumn. In the now established BHTV style, Battlefield guides Tim Saunders and Andrew Duff join a selection of historians on the ground to explore the actions of Second Ypres and analyze the significance of what was the first former colonial victory on European soil. The team explain the bravery shown by the troops on the ground and the horrors they faced from the advancing German gas clouds. 5060247621180, $24.95, $16.50, DVD

Special Forces: St Nazaire Raid BHTV Building on the success of various Commando Raids during 1941, Headquarters Combined Operations moved up the scale of size and complexity by electing to attack and deny the only dry dock that could take a German battleship for repairs, the Normandie Dock at St Nazaire. Shot on location in the usual BHTV style of expert commentary from naval and commando historians. During shooting the team secured unrivaled access to parts of the harbor and pumping houses that simply cannot be seen by normal visitors to St Nazaire. These shots are complimented by testimony from the surviving veterans, detailed maps, and some illustrative reenactment. The whole film gets under the skin of the Raid in a manner and depth that others have tried. 5060247620893, $24.95, $16.50, DVD

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This spring, the first books in the new Casemate Classic Fiction series will be released. The series will make available new editions of forgotten war classics after decades of being out of print. Perfectly capturing their era and with beautifully designed jackets, the first four will be released in April 2016, starting with the conflict that gave birth to gritty realism in fiction,World War I.The first four titles in this series are Under Fire, The Somme and The Coward, Bretherton: Khaki or FieldGrey, and Patrol.






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FORTHCOMING FROM CASEMATE Under Fire Henri Barbusse & Fitzpatrick Wray Set in early 1916, this book follows a squad of French volunteer soldiers through the eyes of an unnamed foot soldier. It combines soaring, poetic descriptions with the mundane, messy, human reality of soldiers living in their own excrement. Caught up in events they cannot control, the soldiers go through their daily routines, and through it all, they talk about the war, attempting to make sense of the altered world in which they find themselves. 9781612003825, $15.95, paperback, 304 pages, April 2016

Bretherton: Khaki or Field-Grey?

The Somme and The Coward A.D. Gristwood & H.G.Wells In these stories, the heroics of war and noble self-sacrifice are completely absent; replaced by the gritty realism of life in WWI for the ordinary soldier. Written under the guidance of the master storyteller H. G.Wells, they are classics of the genre. The Somme revolves around a futile attack in 1916 during the Somme campaign. The Coward concerns a man who shoots himself in the hand to escape the war – an offense punishable by death. 9781612003801, $14.95, paperback, 208 pages, April 2016


Philip Macdonald In the Mesopotamian desert, the W.F. Morris leader of a British patrol is shot and A British raiding party stumbles killed by an unseen enemy.The officer across a strange scene in a ruined is the only one who knows their chateau. A German officer is lying orders and has not told anyone else dead at a piano, next to a woman, where they are located. From then also deceased. The officer is the on the sergeant must try to lead the spitting image of a missing British men through a hostile desert officer. So follows a tale of mystery, which is not only an landscape full of invisible Arab snipers. One by one authentic account of conditions at the Front, but also a they are picked off, and the group of diverse characters remarkable thriller, with a highly unusual plot. must try to come together in order to survive. 9781612003764, $15.95, paperback, 320 pages, 9781612003788, $15.95, paperback, 246 pages, AprilTo2016 enter for the prize drawing, please provide your name, telephone number, and email address below. April 2016

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