ETHIOPIA black tea ∙ peach ∙ orange blossom
Kelloo is a light-bodied, floral coffee with hints of peach ice tea. It
comes from the region of Oromia. It was grown at the altitude of 1900 metres and is made up of local
coffee varieties, all wet-processed.
thiopia has always been the country of extraordinary coffees. Ethiopian coffees can be instantly recognized on blind cuppings because of their distinctive flavour made up of the several hundreds of indigenous arabica coffees grown wild in various micro-climates. 95 % of Ethiopia’s 300 000 tonnes of coffee export is supplied by more than a million small farmers. The rest is grown by an increasing number of private and state-owned farms.
tions the cherries are sorted out by hand, and only the ripe ones are processed. The first step in the process is slowly drying the cherries in shade for a few hours prior to pulping. Pulping is followed by a wet fermentation lasting for 24–28 hours, and then the cherries are washed and left soaking in cold water for another 12–24 hours. After this, they are spread on elevated African drying beds where they dry for 10–12 days protected from the sun.
This coffee is from Sidama, from Nensebo in WestAsri. This region is sometimes called Guji, named after a tribe in Oromo. The privately owned Gora Kone washing station was founded in 2009 and processes the coffee grown by about 700–800 farmers in Nensebo. Such a farmer typically has a farm of less than a hectare and grows about 1500 coffee bushes. As no pesticides are used, and there is no pruning, we might call the coffee organic.
There are two paths to purchase Ethiopian coffees: on the coffee stock exchange (Ethiopian Commodities Exchange, ECX), or through the coffee trading companies comprising several co-operations. Due to this Ethiopian coffees often cannot be traced back to individual farmers in case of each lot, so we should regard Kelloo as the coffee of a microregion, rather than of a micro-lot or estate coffee.
Our coffees taste the best when extracted with water of the proper hardness* range. In order to highlight the best flavour of our roasts we recommend having 5 to 10 days of resting period after roasting, but consume within two weeks of opening. Enjoy!
This micro-region produces fresh, bright and floral coffees with hints of lemon tea. At the washing sta * Total hardness: 50 –175 ppm CaCO3 (2.9–9.8 °d), ppm CaCO3 (2.2–4.2 °d), pH: 6.5-8.0.
alkalinity/buffer: 40 –75 (The SCAE Water Chart)
photo by The the Nordic Collaborative Approach Coffee Source