Oscar Ortega COLOMBIA
∙ currants ∙ table grapes
This excellent coffee is a microlot grown in Oscar Ortega’s farm near the village of Cusillo located in the Nariño department of Colombia. This micro region combines the benefits of volcanic soil, high altitude and relatively young coffee trees. It’s a clean, single variety coffee consisting of Caturra Arabica variety only.
hile Brazil is the world’s biggest coffee producer giving about 30–35% of the world’s total coffee production, Colombia comes second supplying approximately 12% of the world’s coffee. Colombia’s coffee is of excellent quality, grown at high altitudes on small peasant holdings, and the coffee is carefully picked and is wet-processed. The Colombian Federation of Coffee Growers is a wellorganised body representing and supporting the country’s small-holder coffee farmers. Colombia has over 600 000 small, less than 5-acre-farms nestled in the hills at roughly 1200 to 2 000 meters above the sea level. The Andes run along the whole country not only splitting the country into sections, but forming diverse micro-climates as well. Most Colombian coffee farmers, including Oscar Ortega, have their own small wet mills right on their farm: a pulper, a fermentation tank and the bean washing facilities. The coffee harvested during the day is typically pulped in the afternoon, fermented overnight and dried on patios on the farm allowing the farmer to control the quality of his coffee. Oscar Ortega established his farm in 2005 near Cusillo, which is a village located in the La Union in Nariño area. It is one of the highest places in Colombia where coffee is
grown on volcanic soils at an altitude of 1800 to 2050 meters above sea level. Oscar grows only the Caturra variety on his 12-hectare-farm and his coffee trees are about 8-10 years old. Harvesting is done by selective picking twice a year: the majority of the harvest is collected between April and September, and there is another harvesting period between October and January. The temperature ranges around 24 degrees Celsius during the day and about 16 degrees at night. Concrete tanks are used for fermentation that lasts for maximum 36 hours, and then the beans are dried in the sun for about 22 days. This coffee has a caramel sweetness to it creating a lovely buttery mouthfeel making it a popular espresso. Prepared as filter coffee we found subtle notes of currants and table grapes.
... To achieve the best taste experience possible use soft water and freshly ground coffee. Let it rest for a week after roasting but consume it within one month. Enjoy! the Casino Mocca team