Bella Entertainment Magazine Issue 4

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Emmy Award winner for the Carlton Complex Fire. Horror Flim extrodinary.

The Spokane

Sagendorf Ghost Crew The Vape Guy of Utah. Read his story of his Vape crew.

Read real story’s from around the Washington area.

© John J Dick Photography

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October 2015 | Issue 4

8 37 Contents Cover Story


Chilling Night at The Roosevelt Apartments Not a true story.



6 8 18 26

Mikayla Daniels


Halloween Makeup Tips by Jessika Beyer

Horror filmmaker, Emmy Award winner.

Kory Sagendorf

Vape King, Merch guy

Spokane Ghost Crew

Haunted stories from around spokane experienced by the Spokane Ghost Crew.

Introducing Daisy Devine After Hour Diaries Get all the latest reviews of bands that come into Spokane Washington! Get some great tips and recipes for Halloween




Contents PEOPLE

12 LVRKR 22 The One Who Looks 16 Nicholas Tanek 36 Charles E. Butler

New Age band that defeat the boundries. A true blue American Horror Movie. Writer of Chipped Black Nail Polish Horror Illistrator extrodinar.

Halloween Contest Entries 21 42 14 45 27 34 13 38 25 15 44 28

Kevin Phipps Thomas Landrum Elle Richards Marsha Keeney Alexis Sharpe Michael Crow Staci Bernstein Crystal Amber John Dick Carlos Miguel Jason Skidmore Rene Guerrero


The Roosevelt Apartments are one of the oldest buildings in Spokane Washington. It is said that two twenty-five-year-old girls had been murdered there in the late 70’s. They can still be seen roaming the halls together as they look for their murderer seeking their revenge. On countless incidences young men in their twenties when visiting the sixth floor of the building are never seen again,

Š John J Dick Photography

Š John J Dick Photography

the last thing that can be heard is the chilling screams that echo in a falling decent throughout the building. No one knows what happens to them, but speculations from the residents say that it’s the two girls pushing said men down the elevator shaft to act out their revenge of their murder.

© Michael Gomez




irst meeting Mikayla you wouldn’t suspect that already at the age of 36 that she already has an Emmy under her belt. Film Making, Directing, and teaching. This girl can do it all and with class. Mikayla didn’t always start out in film, not just 5 years ago she was going for her degree in science. It wasn’t until she took a class for one of her

credits intro to movie making did she know that her love of movies would have sparked up again. It allowed her to see filmmaking as a career choice which also let her see that she could actually do something that she loves. She spent her whole childhood writing and watching films, that class really spoke to her and changed her life completely.

Really just learn as much as you can about all aspects of filmmaking and intern, work for free on sets, etc. So you can meet people.

Five years later she is now working for KHQ Spokane Washington’s Local news, Lead wardrobe and costume designer for Central Valley High schools theater department, T.A. For the film department at EWU, Models for fun, and making as well as helping with shorts for about twenty shorts with The Spokane Film Project. Within the year, she hopes to be teaching intro to film classes for local middle and high school students. She is also busy writing her next feature “Escape the Midnight Sun” A coming of age/ road trip horror script based in Alaska. She plans to start working on this in a few years, one of her hopes is to have it done within five years. One of Mikayla’s passions and inspiration for many of her shorts is horror she tells us that she has always been a huge horror fan. When Mikayla was eight she remembers watching the original “House of Wax” and from there fell in love with horror. Mikayla had been through a lot of really dark, scary stuff in her life and found that horror was a way to bring the dark places of her mind to life as well as evoking others dark places in her shorts she creates. Mikayla’s biggest drive in her career is her four boys. Every day they are a big reminder to her to keep becoming successful in her career so she can provide the things they need and also show them that they too can pursue their dreams with enough hard work ad dedication put into it. Last year Mikayla and her crew had been working on the Carlton Complex Fire that burned 256,108 acres in the western part of Washington. The fire started on July 14, 2014, by lighting. Her and her crew from KHQ, on of Spokane’s Local news stations, worked diligently to capture the story and keep all of eastern Washington informed. All of their hard work paid off in the end. When Mikayla heard that they had been nominated for an Emmy, she was both surprised and excited her all at once. Her boyfriend and her along with the rest of the crew drove up to Seattle for the awards. Which was one week before she was to graduate with her B.A. in film. She tells us that it was a crazy feeling when they called her category She didn’t think that they would win. She tells Bella that her boyfriend had looked at the awards at that point and tried reassuring her that it had to be them, from counting the remaining a different entry, but her executive producers wife felt that it could have been a tie. It ended up being a tie Mikayla tells us that after they called their entry the night had become a blur. We asked Mikayla what advice she would like to give you all who are aspiring to be in a career for film. “Run…It’s a trap! It is a really har field to get into but if you really love making films and are willing to work hard and network it can be done. Really just learn as much as you can about all aspects of filmmaking and intern, work for free on sets, etc. So you can meet people. The jobs I have gotten have been from local people I have met in the film community. It’s all about your work ethic and your love of film and if you love it, then that passion will show up in your work.”



ory Sagendorf vaper and merch guy. Kory got into vaping because like most vapers he wanted to quit smoking cigarettes. He started with a tiny E-cig two years ago which he didn’t like it very much so he went to the mechanical mod which offers up much more of the smoking feeling. As the vape industry grew, Kory discovered the competitive circuit which now is a prominent portion of the vape industry. Kory found a vape competition in his hometown Tooele Utah, he decided to enter, being his first time he didn’t even place. He told Bella Entertainment “ I knew from that day that vaping was going to be a big part of my life.” Talking to him about his vape business I was immediately corrected that he doesn’t actually run a business but an organization of vapers, to come together with others to do what they love. His vape group that he runs offer services to smokers as well as to help get them to quit smoking by vaping. He also helps vapers that are in the competitive circuit to be seen by talent scouts from there they will be added to a competitive league of sponsored vapors if they are good enough. Kory plans to turn Utah into one of the vaping capitals of US like San Diego California and Las Vegas Nevada. Many of you have probably been to a vape competition maybe even been in one or you’ve heard of them but never been or have no clue what they are. As Kory tells us, Vaping competitions are incredible events to go to and participate

in. At his they judge on the criteria of distance and density of clouds blown out by two competitors standing back to back. They also hold competitions for best tricks with vapors. This is where you see those that can make mushroom clouds rings and tornados that you saw on vines and youtube all of the time. Along with all the competitions, they also hold workshops for coil building. As well as throwback videos they post in Kory’s group called Modified Vape Squad, you can find them on Facebook. Kory also is a Mech guy for the band Thira and Ill Nino. He got his start from his father. Kory tells us his father would invite bands for a lovely home cooked meal and to be able to do their laundry or any other amenities they may have needed. From there Kory became friends with the bands very quickly. So with that and his years of experience in sales he knew he would be a perfect merch, guy. He saw on facebook one day that Thira was looking for a merch guy and jumped on the opportunity and got the job. Through touring with Thira, Kory was able to meet bigger bands like ill-Nino which they liked his style and eventually offered him a job to merch for them.


Kory has only been with Thira for about a year. Alongside vaping and touring with Thira, Kory also does piercing at his families shop in Utah which is call Tattoos on Vine. He has always had a passion for body piercing and modifications. He feels that he helps people see themselves as they want to be seen. Which he feels is the best way to make people more unique. He hopes to see himself very prominent in the vaping industry but also still touring. Kory doesn’t feel that he could ever stop touring. He would also like to see the metal community and the vaping industry come together, ultimately metal needs more vapers. He hopes in five years that he will be making a living on his passions.


VRKR is about I feel, something

really come out of putting so much

more than just the music we put

heart and work into something that’s

out, there’s just been so much

vision change from where we started

100% optional. It feels good at the end

encompassed within this project that I

into what it is now, at the beginning we

of the day knowing you’re fulfilling your

don’t necessarily feel the term “artists”

had a completely different idea of how

dream in a sense in one way or another,

or “musician” really does what we do

and what we wanted to be, even just in

to really push for something even

justice. Because it’s more than that,

the past month or two the big picture

though not everyone believes in you

it’s a learning experience, to say the

has changed so much it feels like, I’m

or necessarily cares to be honest. But

least. What I’ve learned about music,

really excited to see what we’re doing

the feeling of uploading a new song or

art, people, the place we live, and even

a year from now! It really goes to show

seeing someone smile after your set is

human interaction since we started

that creative vision is a powerful and

something you just can’t beat and I truly

LVRKR is absolutely insane, I mean

ever changing thing, which wonderful

don’t think either of us would trade that

yeah, music and a common interest or

in it’s essence can be nerve racking at

for anything really. I know I wouldn’t. I

shared interaction was what started

the same time. We’re currently pushing

guess from here all we can really do is

all this yes but, I really feel like it’s led

for a few releases, as well as looking into

to keep going (not that it’s any trouble),

me at least to look beyond that. This

future bookings locally as well as out of

keep doing what we love, and keep

project is fun, I love making music and

town and even state which is a lot of the

learning. I would like to say thank you for

art, but personally I feel like the people

reward in our efforts and that’s where

reading, and showing interest in what

who have helped us reach where

it comes back to the memories you

I’ve had to say. Even the smallest amount

we are today are the ones to thank,

make, the ones that make it all worth

of support makes all the

without the unimaginable amount of

it. I think the best thing really when you

support we have been shown I’m not

have a project like this one, something

sure that I would be where I am today

that was built completely off a spark

and for that I’m truly grateful. From our

of imagination, is looking back at the

standpoint it’s really been interesting

memories, the accomplishments that

to say the least to watch our original

Staci Bernstein


Elle Richards


Carlos Miguel



Nicholas Tanek is an American ghostwriter from New Brunswick, New Jersey. He graduated from Rutgers University with a bachelor’s degree in English. Nicholas Tanek grew up as a New Jersey punk rock skater kid who lost himself in the early 90’s New York City rave scene. After years of drug addiction, he got his life together when he was reunited with Lynn, the love of his life, before she died at the age of 37. Instead of choosing negativity, he chose creativity. Losing Lynn inspired him to write his first book, The Coolest Way To Kill Yourself. There is quite a bit of kinky sex, drugs, and music in the life of Nicholas Tanek and he has some unique stories to tell. Chipped Black Nail Polish by Nicholas Tanek Link: A Tribute to A Different Kind of Jersey Girl. In New Jersey during the summer of 1989, an awkward thirteen-year-old who was obsessed with weird music fell head-over-heels in love with the coolest post-punk rock girl he had ever met. Nicholas was insecure. He was a daydreamer, wishing for romance when he was told, over and over, that he could not have it. He was a toy, pulled and pushed, wanted and used, dragged along yet held at a distance. Nicholas fell in with the out crowd, and loved every minute of it. He fell in love and got left behind, but not before she changed him forever. This is an irrational, emotional love story for the teenager inside all of us.The music is loud, and you’re about to be pushed into the pit. What some people are saying “I should have put you in therapy.” - my mother. “I can’t believe you’re publishing this. You do not have my permission to use my real name.” - name redacted.“I insist that you use my real name.” - Kevin. “Finally, a title that doesn’t scare people off. Not like the first book, The Coolest Way to Kill Yourself.” - Kim Gray, publicist The Coolest Way to Kill Yourself by Nicholas Tanek Link: Okay, so no one actually kills themselves in this book. The Coolest Way to Kill Yourself pulls you into the early 90’s New York City rave scene, in all its chaotic, psychedelic glory. The narrator grabs you by your wrist and drags you behind two teenage lovers from New Jersey as they tumble through a whirlwind of reckless hedonism that eventually spirals into a dark, devastating world of

drug addiction and heartbreak. As a teenager, Lynn cried, “No one is ever going to write something for me.” Nearly two decades later, in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, Nicholas did just that. The gesture came too late for our unlikely heroine, but his heart was in the right place. A broken heart… but a true love. Reunited after years apart, Lynn and Nicholas embraced their love and sexuality, and embraced each other, despite troubled pasts, despite illness, despite all of their imperfections and mistakes. They shared the kind of honest and shameless connection that few have had the honor of knowing, and most would never understand. “We’re not hurting anyone. We’re just living life without caring what anyone thinks about us, without

caring about the consequences.”“It’s the coolest way to kill ourselves,” Lynn said.So turn the page, and pull the trigger. What some people are saying. “I used to think that I was a fairly liberal and open-minded person. But this world is truly a world outside my comprehension and comfort zone.” – my sister-in-law “You will never publish this book.” – my ex-wife “Are you crazy? I can’t believe you are publishing this.” – most of my friends “I love the fact that you are publishing this.” – most of my cool friends“You have disgraced me.” – my mother “Why is your mother so angry about your book? Make sure you shovel the snow from the driveway.” – my father

Š John Dick Horror Photography

Spokane Ghost


During our investigation, there were many personal experiences, not to mention the constant feeling of being “watched”. By Brian McCraw and Kasey Menard


t a residence in Spokane, my paranormal team prepares for a night of skepticism and intrigue. Checking EVP recorders, EMF detectors, night vision cameras, and preparing all technology – especially extra batteries – for the investigation ahead. As the 6 of us walk up to the homeowner who is visibly shaken by her experiences, being a skeptic herself, I extend my hand, “My name is Brian McCraw. I am the Lead Investigator for the Spokane Ghost Crew.” Spokane Ghost Crew (SGC) is made up of 10 members: Brian McCraw, CoFounder/Lead Investigator; David Dement, Co-Founder/EVP Specialist/ Investigator; Richard Janessen, Co-Founder/Investigator; Trevor Gouge, Tech/ Investigator; Sarah Goin, Mgr/Investigator, Alexis Gouge, Mgr/Investigator, Rich Dennis, Investigator; Kasey Menard, Investigator; James Benoit, Investigator; PJ Greenfield, Investigator. SGC was created in January of 2014 with only a flip phone, digital recorder, and a camera until February when we obtained a camcorder with the addition of Trevor to the team. Since then, we have gathered more technology and equipment with the support of local author of Haunted Spokane and Operator of Two Dog Tours, Chet Caskey. You may know Chet from his local “ghost tours” in downtown Spokane. Our equipment now includes multiple EMF detectors, K2 Meters, laser grids, Spirit Box, Ovilus 3, night vision camcorders, and a full spectrum camcorder. Now let’s get to the stuff you REALLY want to hear. Spokane Ghost Crew’s 4 top frightening investigations to date. Starting with number 4 on our list, located in Stevens County, WA.





he history of this home dates back to

was very concerned about the safety of

“no”, as in don’t go down there. Another

the 1800’s when a man and his dogs

her family. She had constant nightmares

EVP was caught in the root cellar itself

resided on the property. A fire broke out

of the homestead burning down,

which was a deep dark growl.

and the dogs ran to the root cellar. The

hearing a man scream, and howling.

biggest evidence was caught on film.

man ran into the house to save his dogs.

Previously, they had two psychics on the

Brian and Trevor were investigating in

As he was coming back up the stairs,

property who told them there were 3

the front room of the homestead. A

the home crumbled all around him,

“Hell Hounds” on the property.

larger than average doll was propped

collapsed and burnt to the foundation. In 1950, a homestead was built upon the same foundation. And stands to this day.

During our investigation, there were many personal experiences, not to mention the constant feeling of being “watched”. Dark masses played with

The current owners of the property,

our eyes, but the EVP’s caught, were

who wished to remain anonymous

our proof. As Brian and Trevor were

told horrific tales of paranormal and

descending the stairs to the root cellar,

unexplained occurrences. The mother

one EVP captured was a resounding


in the sitting position on a box. After multiple attempts of jumping all around the box, we discovered the doll did not move.

However, after requesting for

someone to move the doll, the doll fell over! This was our first investigation with this property but not our last as the inquiry is ongoing.

Greenwood Cemetery, Spokane. Brian, David, Richard, Trevor, Rich, Sarah, Alexis


his investigation consisted of 3 levels of the cemetery itself and the “1,000 Steps”. Beginning with an unkempt level 1, multiple pictures of orbs were captured along with the uneasy feeling of someone being there – but you couldn’t see them. Level 2 was the worst area for the team. During an EVP session at the gravesite of the Cannon family, we captured an EVP stating, “Hit, kick Rick”. Approximately 10 seconds later, Rick was physically attacked by an unknown source. Level 3 had a pronounced ease. The section where multiple veterans were laid to rest, one EVP was captured. We requested for someone to tell us a

story from Vietnam. The response seemed to be in a mocking manner and simply stated, “Vietnam.” “1,000” steps was by far the better of the investigation. I stood at the bottom of the steps, walking up. The feeling of someone right behind you is overwhelming. EMF detectors go off and you can feel the breath in your face. It’s a very intense feeling. Ascending the stairs, we began feeling light-headed as if someone was draining all the energy from us. At that time, 2 EVP’s were captured within 30 seconds of each other. A female voice yelling, “Hey”, twice as if to get our attention. By the time our team had hit the top of the stairs, we were exhausted, drained of energy and all our cameras died.

JR House, Spokane. Brian, Richard, David, Trevor


oe Jeffries and Lisa Roth came to us one day about the unexplained activity happening in their rental home and especially their 12-year-old daughter. There were stories of blankets being pulled off the bed including being dragged out of bed, the smell of cooking, and apparitions. Lisa picked up humming a tune while cleaning. Our crew captured that particular tune, hummed by a little girl, on our recorder.

names, objects moving, shadow figures, EMF readings off of flowers, and physical attacks. Team member, Brian, was scratched multiple times with one episode captured on film in the girl’s bedroom. Recently, Joe and Lisa relocated to a new residence. To this day, no unexplained activity has been reported at either home.

Multiple personal experiences happened to each member of our crew. From hearing our

Old Train Boarding Home, Hillyard. Brian, Richard, David, Trevor


uilt in the late 1800’s this residence is now titled, “The Oldest Building in Hillyard” by local residents. History of this property began as an old boarding home for the railroad workers and later rumored to be a brothel. Sightings of a woman in all white have been reported.

During this investigation, the smell of Vanilla tobacco pipe was noted outside as well as inside by multiple members. At the entrance door, an EVP was captured speaking the name, “Helga.” Video captured rocks being thrown mysteriously down the hallway and the overwhelming feeling of being “watched”.

We hope you enjoyed our stories of our 4 top creepiest investigations. If you have or know someone with paranormal activity, please call us at (509) 315-4084 or email us We offer confidentiality and anonymity to anyone who requests it. You can also check out our YouTube and Facebook page: Spokane Ghost Crew.

Kevin Phipps


THE ONE WHO LOOKS ‘One Who Looks’ puts the horror back into the horror film. Samuel Johns and Andrew Simpson have created a genuinely disturbing and thought provoking film, that takes the viewer on a dramatic and intense journey into what lies beyond the psyche. ‘One Who Looks’ follows Rose (Ruth Redman), on a seemingly inexorable journey toward her darkest fears. Part memory, part dream/ nightmare, broken fragments of time and space challenge Rose and the viewer to hold onto, or make sense of, a dark unfurling reality. Rose could be a metaphor for many of our journeys through life. A middle aged woman living in an average house, with a friend called Heather (Carole Street), who talks too much but doesn’t seem to hear her, and a social life outside of home with a club and friends. However it is precisely here, when we begin to make assumptions about what, where and who constitute Rose’s life, that the film deftly pulls the rug from beneath our feet, questioning not only the relationships in her life, but their very existence. We also meet Edmund (Tom Bonington), who could be a social friend, or a husband? We are also introduced to Ben a terrifying patriarch figure (John Broom), who could be a father, or is that a long deceased king!? If you’re suitably confused then we can begin! Because truth be told, this film will find your

deepest fears and expose them. It is a film in which each individual will likely take away a different experience and interpretation. Rose is in effect trapped in a labyrinth of her own making, as are we with her. How she perceives her world and how she finds her way out of this maze, is something the viewer will find through reflection of self, is she being hunted and drawn into a final confrontation? Perhaps taking some of it’s cues from the contemporary surrealist horror found in the likes of Ben Wheatley ‘A Field in England’ and Jennifer Kent’s directorial debut ‘Babadook’, ‘One Who Looks’ clearly retains that rich vein of ‘Hitchcockian’ psychological close attention to detail. An exploration of the human psyche is only possible with an understanding of what it is made up of. This is where the film excels; building on strong character performances, taught pacing and a clever artistic use of composition and slow camera movement. What unfolds is not a series of jump scares or a romp around a haunted house, but rather a rising panic attack that waits for just the right moment to plunge its icy sliver deep into the spine. This is more than a simple horror film, it is a bold statement, about fear and horror itself. A destabilising experience that returns the horror film back to it’s true roots; our innate fear of oblivion, the fear of nothingness, of the void.

John Dick


Daisy Devine


After hour Diaries

hat is After Hour Diaries? Well, it’s time for you to find out! To start, allow me to introduce myself- I am Daisy Devine, alternative pin-up model and bad-ass rocker bitch with a heart of... well, not quite gold- but its at least silver quality. I’m passionate about art in all its forms- and for me, nothing really speaks to my soul quite like people expressing themselves passionately. I’ve made it my personal mission to search the Inland Northwest and beyond seeking out the hard-working talent deserving of some much needed recognition. Each issue I will bring you the inside scoop on the latest bands I’ve checked out- their sound, the type of energy they inspire, along with pictures, links and interviews as I uncover the best in local music. Your role: You know a band that kicks some ass? Tell me about them! If you’re in a band and want me to check out your stuff- email me a demo! Then be sure to catch each issue, as well as my weekly blog on facebook or WordPress. Now, here’s a look at some of my favorite reviews, so you can see what you’ll be getting in The After Hour Diaries.

Alexis Sharpe


Rene Guerrero



“I love explaining reasons but only if you love to cry… go on now, keep on talking- I will find a blatant lie. I’ve waited long enough, I’m here to cross the line…I know that this is your intent, to be using all these broken hearts as product placement- You know that it’s not half as bad as you make it seem, through a constant stream of ‘Life isn’t beautiful’” Well, life may not be beautiful at times, but those lyrics certainly ARE!! Not to mention powerful as hell! So who wrote the song that has had me under its spell for a few months? Easily placed in the top FIVE of my google plays most played songs...Are you ready for this!? It is our very own: Moretta. I very vividly remember the night Riley got the CD, we opened it up and played it right there in the car and I’ve been mind fucked ever since. Every song is lyrically heavy, rich with thought provoking and meaningful context; complimented by a collaboration of instrumentals that tell a story all on their own. Merged together you’re left with a thing of beauty. Recently I was able to meet up with they guys of Moretta for an in depth look into the story behind their full length debut album. Like myself

and most of my generation, Moretta wasn’t expected or planned- but rather a byproduct of the infamous thought “that sounds fun, sure! Why not..?” Yay for happy accidents!!! So, it all began with one man. We shall call him Joe. He stated that once the pen hit the paper, track after track just poured out. Before anyone could process what had started- a full length album was set in motion. It wasn’t long before he found the dedicated and eager Kc Maretto on drums, followed by the beautifully bearded and unpredictable Zack Wyrchic on guitar, then finally completed by the Stroker Ace on the bass- Connor. As with anything in life, the week leading up to the full band’s first gig was a scramble- but with each member of the group giving their solid commitment and drive to deliver the best performance they could for the fans- precision, technique, and everything else locked into place just in time.


“What is it that you want to portray to your audience with your music?” This is one of the questions I asked on Saturday when Braedon invited me to interview The Broken Thumbs, who he is the guitarist for. ‘Bandgineer’ Kelton (commonly known as dj Daethstar) responded by saying: “We want the audience to feel emotion.” “... That emotion, IS party.” You know what? It works! We either party to celebrate, or we party to forget- and their newest release: Laying Lowembodies both. The lyrics start out showcasing the flawed concept in society that we need to conform to political ideals, then get lost in the shuffle. Undeniably this inspires a very heavy feeling in the listenerwhich is quickly replaced with a restless energy as the song continues: “It’s in the air we breathe It’s in the water we drink It’s in the life that you let go”. About now, you start getting pumped up and ready for action- but with no idea what to even do! The music flows into a very calm and soothing melody and slows-almost to a stop... Wait for it... Boom! Back to the energy at full speed, capping it off with a motivating chant: “There’s got to be a better way I know there is We have laid low long enough”. The Broken Thumbs are much like this song,

with a multitude of aspects sown together like a patchwork quilt; and just as carefully constructed, resulting and in a beautiful work of art. Having the opportunity to sit with the guys and conduct my interview, gave me a look at how much heart and soul has already been fused into this project. In hearing the way each member talked, and the glinting light in their faces- the words that Ryan, percussionist, said rang true: “Being in a band is very much like a relationship, you’re married to it.” You get back just as much as you put in, and it is a constant effort that you never stop pouring yourself into. Find them. Watch them, hell- stalk

them (no, not really- DON’T do THAT!), but DEFINATLY pay attention because there is so much more to come from The Broken Thumbs. Well music Lovers, I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing! Thank you for joining me, catch you later Lovey’s!

6425 N. Lidgerwood St. Spokane Wa, 99208 509-242-8907


Exciting news for the Spokane Area! The Palomino (previously known as The Palomino Club) is opening its doors October 31st, 2015. The Palomino has new venture with a whole new staff, and is ready to make an impact on its community. Not only can The Palomino support great touring bands and concerts, they are adding a flare for the arts with hosting numerous events, auditions, poetry slams, improv nights and great comedy. The Palomino also has a full production staff that specializes in producing events, and are looking to book the venue and help people plan and execute a successful event. The Palomino will be open for business 5 nights per week, targeting different age markets and genres in hopes to bring quality entertainment to all. Not only will the venue have superior events, they will also be the home to a local performing arts school that has been teaching students all forms of performing arts and soon will be adding film classes to their services. Keep an eye out for all their upcoming events, with their first event being on Halloween night with “Descend”. Descend will be for ages 18 and up and they will be having drink specials for mocktail’s and cocktail’s, costume contest, balloon drop, and lots of fun prizes! Check out or The Palomino on Facebook.

Michael Crow


Charles E.



hank you to all at BellaEntertainment. For those of you who haven’t yet heard of me in this online network of horror fandom, my name is Charles E Butler and I write and illustrate independent horror film review books. I was born in the UK in the Yorkshire city of Leeds. Leaving school at 16 with minimum qualifications, I have struggled most of my adult life in obtaining and keeping a job. I have a natural flair for art and creativity and my hours out of work were waylaid by my venturing onto the boards as a sometime actor. The jobs I have held for more than three years at a time include warehouse operative, postman, print finisher, wine-waiter, door-to-door salesman, telephone agent and believe it or not peanut picker and doughnut fryer! I could take you on a guided tour of Leeds and show you the very few places that I haven’t worked! In 2008, I walked out of another job and ventured to the local library. I obtained a book that reviewed the works of a major horror film studio. Opening the book, I realized that the author had made several glaring errors that would insult any real horror fans intelligence! He had simply banked his cheque and decided to write any old waffle. I threw it down in disgust. Glancing back up, I stared at my video shelves for a long time. Going through my head was the phrase: “I could do that, except I could write accurate reviews!” I had planted the seed. As my video collection consisted mostly of vampire movies, the obvious topic for the

book was Dracula! I narrowed this down to reviewing all the straight adaptations of Bram Stoker’s novel. In three months, I had written the first draft of my first book The Romance of Dracula. In two years, I found myself pitching my manuscript to publishers across the world. I was rejected forty-eight (48) times. The letters assured me that the work was good, even inspiring and excellent, but they couldn’t sell the author. When I received a letter back from one publisher but not the book, warning bells sounded and I published to Kindle pad in February 2010. The Romance of Dracula; a Personal Journey of the Count on Celluloid had hit the internet market and became a big sensation. Through emails and inboxes I was asked by fans to write a follow-up book and Vampires Everywhere; the Rise of the Movie UnDead appeared in 2012. The following year I published my most personal book on Vampires, Vampires Under the Hammer that concentrated on the vampire movies at Hammer films that I was weaned on in my youth. Vampires the final Hunt is the latest book on sale and was published in November 2014. Since writing that first book, I have written articles for many vampire/horror websites and for noted printed publications, We Belong Dead and Diabolique. I have realized the dream of selling my illustrations at the Bram Stoker International Festival in Whitby in 2014. Had a short story read on camera by none other than Hammer Icon herself, the lovely Caroline Munro for a new horror series titled Fragments of Fear. The future has many more adventures and dreams to fulfil in the shape of several books and graphic novels. Seen on these pages are caricatures of my favourite horror stars!

Crystal Amber


Halloween Makeup

Tips From Jessika Beyer

© Katie Hartwig

Ben nye liquid latex John Dick’s Horror blood Tag black and red dry facepaints Ben Nye Bruise wheel some around the house red and black eye-shadows Set with Ben nye theatrical set spray

Continued from page 39 © Katie Hartwig

© Katie Hartwig

© Katie Hartwig

Tommy L.


Jason Skidmore


Marsha Keeney


Special Thanks Too.. To everyone that has helped out in making this issue possible we wouldn’t be possible with out you. Just to name a few John J. Dick for most of the photos in the magazine, Kingston Nelson for being a wiz at Engligh and correcting our grammar, Tonya Erdman for helping with photoshoots and also taking the majority of our photos. I have always said this since starting up the magazine that we are a community. Bella wouldn’t been anything without the great community we have here in Spokane and surrounding areas.

“It’s not about the fame or the money. It’s about the creative minds that make all of our senses scream. Art, Photography, Music, Film, Dance, The Art of Written Word. All of these things and more make up Bella Entertainment”

Cheif Editor/Owner: Cassandra Dhaenens Photographers: Tonya Erdman John J. Dick

Melissa Nay Photography 509-995-7637

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