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: 19
∫∑∑’Ë 3 æ◊πÈ ∑’»Ë °÷ …“
Part 3 Studying Area
≈—°…≥–∑—Ë«‰ª ®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ ¡’‡π◊ÈÕ∑’Ë 5,291.68 µ“√“ß °‘‚≈‡¡µ√ ¿Ÿ¡‘ª√–‡∑»‡ªìπ∑’Ë√“∫≈Ÿ°§≈◊Ëπ ‰¡à¡’¿Ÿ‡¢“ ¡’·¡àπÈ”™’ ‰À≈ºà“π æ◊Èπ∑’Ë à«π„À≠à‡ªìπ∑ÿàßπ“ Àà“ß®“°°√ÿ߇∑æœ ‰ª ∑“ß∑‘»µ–«—πÕÕ°‡©’¬ß‡Àπ◊Õ µ“¡∑“ß√∂¬πµå‡ªìπ√–¬–∑“ß ª√–¡“≥ 470 °‘‚≈‡¡µ√ °“√ª°§√Õß·∫àßÕÕ°‡ªìπ 13 Õ”‡¿Õ ‰¥â·°à Õ”‡¿Õ‡¡◊Õß Õ”‡¿Õ°—π∑√«‘™—¬ Õ”‡¿Õ‚° ÿ¡æ‘ —¬ Õ”‡¿Õ«“ªïª∑ÿ¡ Õ”‡¿Õ∫√∫◊Õ Õ”‡¿Õ欗§¶¿Ÿ¡‘æ‘ —¬ Õ”‡¿Õ 𓇙◊Õ° Õ”‡¿Õ‡™’¬ß¬◊π Õ”‡¿Õπ“¥Ÿπ Õ”‡¿Õ·°¥” Õ”‡¿Õ ¬“ß ’ ÿ√“™ Õ”‡¿Õ°ÿ¥√—ß ·≈–Õ”‡¿Õ™◊Ëπ™¡ (√Ÿª∑’Ë 1) ®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ ‡ªìπ®—ßÀ«—¥∑’˵—ÈßÕ¬Ÿà„®°≈“ß ¢Õß¿“§µ–«—πÕÕ°‡©’¬ß‡Àπ◊Õ ∑’Ë¡’∫√√¬“°“»‡µÁ¡‰ª¥â«¬ §«“¡ ß∫ Õ“™’æ∑’Ë ”§—≠¢Õß™“«¡À“ “√§“¡ §◊Õ °“√ ‡æ“–ª≈Ÿ°·≈–‡≈’È¬ß —µ«å Õ“™’æ„π§√—«‡√◊Õπ∑’Ë∑”°—π¡“°§◊Õ °“√‡≈’Ȭ߉À¡ ·≈–∑պⓉÀ¡ à«π„À≠à‡ªìπºâ“∑’Ë¡’≈«¥≈“¬ ·∫∫¥—È߇¥‘¡ ·≈–¡’§«“¡ «¬ß“¡ à«πÕ”‡¿Õπ“¥Ÿπ ´÷Ë߇ªìπ∑’˵—ÈߢÕßæ◊Èπ∑’Ë‚§√ß°“√π—Èπ ª√–°Õ∫¥â«¬ 9 µ”∫≈ ‰¥â·°à µ”∫≈°Ÿà —πµ√—µπå µ”∫≈¥ß¥«π µ”∫≈¥ß∫—ß µ”∫≈¥ß¬“ß µ”∫≈π“¥Ÿπ µ”∫≈æ√–∏“µÿ µ”∫≈ÀπÕ߉ºà µ”∫≈ÀπÕߧŸ ·≈–µ”∫≈À—«¥ß ¡’®”π«π ª√–™“°√∑—Èß ‘Èπ 2,678 §π ‡ªì𙓬 1,327 §π ‡ªìπÀ≠‘ß 1,351§π ®”π«π∫â“π 698 À≈—ߧ“‡√◊Õπ (√“¬ß“π ∂‘µ‘ ®”π«πª√–™“°√·≈–∫â“𠇥◊Õπ∏—𫓧¡ æ.». 2550 ¢âÕ¡Ÿ≈ ®“°Õߧ尓√∫√‘À“√ à«πµ”∫≈¥ß∫—ß) µ”∫≈¥ß∫—߇ªìπµ”∫≈∑’¡Ë ·’ À≈àß‚∫√“≥ ∂“π»‘≈ª°√√¡ ∑’Ë¢÷Èπ∑–‡∫’¬π®“°°√¡»‘≈ª“°√Õ¬Ÿà 2 ·Ààß §◊Õ«—¥‚æ∏“√“¡ ·≈–«—¥ªÉ“‡√‰√ ∑—Èß Õß·Ààßπ’È¡’ ‘¡‚∫√“≥·≈–¿“殑µ√°√√¡ Ω“ºπ—ßΩï¡◊Õ™à“ßæ◊Èπ∫â“π ´÷Ëß°”Àπ¥„À⇪ìπæ◊Èπ∑’Ë‚§√ß°“√ ¥—ß √Ÿª∑’Ë 2
Generally Physical Area Maha Sarakham province is a plain area that covers 5,9291.68 square kilometers with no mountains. Most of the area is covered by paddy field and located 470 kilometers in notheast away from Bangkok by car. Maha Sarakham has 13 districts : (Amphoe) Mueang, Khantharawichai, Kosum Phisai, Wapi Pathum, Borabue, Phayakkhaphum Phisai, Na Chueak, Chiang-Yuen, Na Dun, Kae-Dam, Yang Sisurat, Kut Rang, and Chuen-Chom (Picture 1). The province has peaceful and is located in the middle of Northeastern region.
Na Dun district, as the project area, consists of 9 sub-districts: Ku Santarat, Dong Duan, Dong Bang, Dong Yang, Na Dun, Phrathat, Nong Pai, Nong Khu, and Hua Dong, with approximately 2,678 people, in term of population: 1,327 males and 1,351 females under 698 households (refer to Population and household Statistic Annual Report, December 2007, by Dong Bang Sub-district Administration Orgarization). Dong Bang sub-district has two art historical sites registered to Fine Arts Department : Wat Pho Tharam, and Wat Pa-Rerai. These, as the project areas displaying in the picture 2, have historical Sims (or Ubosot) and mural paintings made by local artisans.
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Location Dong Bang sub-district, Na Dun district, Maha µ”∫≈¥ß∫—ß Õ”‡¿Õπ“¥Ÿπ ®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ ¡’ Sarakham province, connects to the following Sub-districts: Õ“≥“‡¢µµ‘¥µàÕ ¥—ßπ’È - Phrathat Sub-district, to the North, ∑‘»‡Àπ◊Õ µ‘¥µàÕ°—∫ µ”∫≈æ√–∏“µÿ - Phayakkhaphum Phisai Sub-district, to the South, ∑‘»„µâ µ‘¥µàÕ°—∫ Õ”‡¿Õ欗§¶¿Ÿ¡‘æ‘ —¬ - Nong Pai Sub-district, to the East, ∑‘»µ–«—πÕÕ° µ‘¥µàÕ°—∫ µ”∫≈ÀπÕ߉ºà and - Hua Dong Sub-district, to the West. ∑‘»µ–«—πµ° µ‘¥µàÕ°—∫ µ”∫≈À—«¥ß
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: 21
·ºπ∑’Ë®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ Maha Sarakham Province
Õ.™◊Ëπ™¡ Chuen Chom District
®.°“à ‘π∏ÿå Kalasin Province Õ.‡™’¬ß¬◊π Chiang Yuen District Õ.°—π∑√«‘™—¬ Kantharawichai District Õ.‚° ÿ¡æ‘ —¬ Kosum Phisai District
Õ.‡¡◊Õß Mueang District ®.√âÕ¬‡ÕÁ¥ Roi-Et Province Õ.·°¥” Kae Dam District
Õ.°ÿ¥√—ß Kut Rang District
Õ.∫√∫◊Õ Borabue District Õ.«“ªïª∑ÿ¡ Wapi Pathum District
Õ.𓇙◊Õ° Na Chueak District
Õ.π“¥Ÿπ Na Dun District
®.¢Õπ·°àπ Khon Kaen Province Õ.¬“ß ’ ÿ√“™ Yang Sisurat District ®.∫ÿ√’√—¡¬å Buri Ram Province
Õ.欗§¶¿Ÿ¡‘æ‘ —¬ Phayakkhaphum Phisai District
∑’Ë¡“ : °“√∑àÕ߇∑’ˬ«·Ààߪ√–‡∑»‰∑¬ Resource : Thailand Authority of Tourism
√Ÿª∑’Ë 1
·ºπ∑’Ë®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡
Picture 1 Maha Sarakham Province Map.
æ◊Èπ∑’Ë‚§√ß°“√ Õ.π“¥Ÿπ Project Area : Na Dun District
®. ÿ√‘π∑√å Surin Province
22 :
°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
Õ.«“ªïª∑ÿ¡ Wapi Pathum District
µ.ÀπÕߧŸ Nong-Khu Sub-district
Õ.𓇙◊Õ° Na Chueak District
µ.¥ß¬“ß Dong Yang Sub-district µ.¥ß¥«π Dong Duan Sub-district
µ.π“¥Ÿπ Na Dun Sub-district ∑’Ë«à“°“√Õ”‡¿Õπ“¥Ÿπ
µ.À—«¥ß Hua Dong Sub-district Õ.¬“ß ’ ÿ√“™ Yang Sisurat District
µ.°Ÿà —πµ√—µπå Ku Santarat Sub-district
µ.æ√–∏“µÿ Phra That Sub-district
µ.¥ß∫—ß Dong Bang Sub-district
®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ Maha Sarakham Province
µ.ÀπÕ߉ºà Nong Pai Sub-district
Õ.ª∑ÿ¡√—µµå ®.√âÕ¬‡ÕÁ¥ Patumrat District, Roi-Et Province æ◊Èπ∑’Ë‚§√ß°“√ The Research Area
Õ.欗§¶¿Ÿ¡‘æ‘ —¬ Phayakkhaphum Phisai District
·ºπ∑’ËÕ”‡¿Õπ“¥Ÿπ Na Dun District Map
∑’Ë¡“ : °√–∑√«ß¡À“¥‰∑¬ Resource : Ministry of Interior Thailand
√Ÿª∑’Ë 2
Picture 2 Na Dun District Map.
°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
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: 23
Tambon Dong Bang Information Topography Dong Bang sub-district is a plain with no mountain or river. Its eastern area is covered with mixed deciduous forest. Sandy and salt soil can be found throughout the sub-district.
Õ.«“ªïª∑ÿ¡ Wapi Pathum District
·ºπ∑’˵”∫≈¥ß∫—ß Map of Dong Bang Sub-district
∫â“π‚ππ‡¢«“ À¡Ÿà 6 Moo 6, Ban Non Kwao ∫â“π‚ππ‡¢«“ À¡Ÿà 9 Moo 9, Ban Non Kwao «—¥‚ππ –Õ“¥ Wat Non Sa-at ∫â“πÀπÕߪ≈‘ß Ban Nong Pling
∫â“π‡°à“πâÕ¬ Ban Kao Noi
‚√߇√’¬π¥ß∫—ßæ‘ —¬π«°“√πÿ √≥å Dong Bang Phisai Nawakhan Nusorn School ‚√߇√’¬π™ÿ¡™π∫â“π¥ß∫—ß «—¥‚æ∏“√“¡ Wat Pho Tharam ∫â“π¥ß∫—ß À¡Ÿà 5 Ban Dong Bang Community School Wat Pa-Rerai Õ∫µ.¥ß∫—ß Moo 5, ∫â“π«—ߥŸà ∫â“πÀπÕßæÕ° ∫â“π¥ß∫—ß À¡Ÿà 8 Ban Dong Bang ∂“π’Õπ“¡—¬ Ban Wang Du Ban Nong Phok Moo 8, Ban Dong Bang «—¥∑√ß»‘≈ªá®‘π¥“√“¡ ªÑÕ¡µ”√«®
µ.À—«¥ß Hua Dong Sub-district «—¥ªÉ“‡√‰√
”π—° ß¶å‡°à“πâÕ¬
∫â“π¬“ß –Õ“¥ Ban Yang Sa-at
Õ.欗§¶¿Ÿ¡‘æ‘ —¬ Phayakkhaphum Phisai District
√Ÿª∑’Ë 3
Picture 3 Dong Bang Sub-district Map
Õ.ª∑ÿ¡√—µµå ®.√âÕ¬‡ÕÁ¥ Pathum Rat District, Roi-Et Province
24 :
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√Ÿª∑’Ë 4
Picture 4 The villageûs main road
√Ÿª∑’Ë 5
Picture 5 The villageûs area
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Moreover, in the East of Ban Dong Bang, connecting to Ban Wang Du and about a kilometer from Dong Bang Subdistrict Administration, Organinzation is a swamp called çNong Kaen Changé. Itûs a big and deep swamp with a lot of water throughout the year and where a Floating Tripitaka House is located.
√Ÿª∑’Ë 6
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Picture 6 The Floating Tripitaka House at çNong Kaen Changé Wat Pho Tharam the north.
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: 25
In the West of Ban Dong Bang, bordering to Ban Nong Phok near Wang Long marsh, is a 15 Rai wetland called çNhong Sam Chang.é It is believed that herds of elephants lived in the area. Now, the area around the wetland and the marsh are owned by the villagers and outsiders, and modified, some to be fish farms.
√Ÿª∑’Ë 7 ÀπÕß´”™â“ß Picture 7 Nhong Sum Chang
Climate The weather in the area is, in general, effected ≈—°…≥–¿Ÿ¡Õ‘ “°“» ‚¥¬∑—«Ë ‰ª‰¥â√∫— Õ‘∑∏‘æ≈¡“®“° ≈¡ ¡√ ÿ¡ ƒ¥ŸΩπ¡’πÈ”Ωπ‡©≈’ˬµàÕªïπâÕ¬ ƒ¥ŸÀπ“«Õ“°“»Àπ“« by monsoons. Average precipitation per year is low, even in raining ‡¬Á𠃥Ÿ√âÕπÕ“°“»√âÕπ®—¥ ∑’˵”∫≈¥ß∫—߉¡à¡’™≈ª√–∑“π season. The weather is cool, especially in cold season. There is no irrigation system or any big water source to be used for farming. À√◊Õ·À≈àßπÈ”¢π“¥„À≠à‡æ◊ËÕ„™â ”À√—∫°“√‡æ“–ª≈Ÿ°
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History In 1757, a group of people migrated from Vientiane to look for more fertilized land to settle. They kept moving and doing farming until they reached a place near the area where Ban Dong Bang is nowadays. They settled at Ban Non Kao Noi at first. Then constructed a temple called çWat Thungé with Grand Chief Paen as the first monk. After he died, there was no new one coming, so the temple was deserted. (Itûs now part of Wat Pho-Tharam and located at Ban Dong Bang).
26 :
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Setting a community at Ban Non Kao Noi gradually increased the number of the communityûs people, causing the conflicts, dividing the people into two groups. The first group did farming at an area, approximately 20 Sens (a sen = 40 meters) from Ban Non Kao Noi, and set up a new village called çBan Song Ban Khahok (means squirrels--the place had a lot of squirrels)é which is now çBan Nong Phok.é Later, the villagers built a new temple called çWat Tha-Yaié with Monk Zanon as the first abbot. The temple is now called çWat Pa-Rerai.é At Ban Nong Phok, there is a big swamp, used for drinking and other household activities. The villagers called the swamp çHuay Ta Khon Toré or çHuay Tha Chané. They gathered at the swamp when they went for hunting and gathering wild plants. Isan people in old time called the gathering çPhok Kané or çRuam Kané, so it became the name of the village, çBan Nong Phoké. Some people believe that there was a big Phok tree growing near the swamp and that was where the villageûs name came from. Thus, Phok is the name of a big tree as well. The other group moved in to a forest and started to settle in the middle of the forest. Nobody could see the houses unless reached the center of it. Thus, the village was called çBan Dong Bangé. At the beginning of the settlement, the villagers suffered attacking from wild animals, such as, tigers and elephants. Their farm animals, even guarding dogs, needed to be kept safely or they would be killed and eaten with their dead bodies left near the western edge of the forest which was later called çZhong Hua Mahé until now. After settling down at Ban Dong Bang, a shrine of the local-god (Sao Lak Ban) was built. It was the shrine of the village, with its base as high as eye sight level. It was used in exorcising bad fortune. The villagers would prepare
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: 27
a gun, a knife, a spear, and swords for a shaman to use in the exorcising ceremony. The shaman would lead the villagers to walk around the shrine for 3 times, put all the weapons on the shrine, and says a prayer and a curse for those harmful ones to disappear. The dead-by-weapons cursing has become an annual ceremony, according to the belief of the people in old day.
Later, they constructed a new temple called çWat Pho-Thongé which, then, became çWat Pho Tharamé, the temple of Ban Dong Bang nowadays. (Picture 10)
Õ“≥“®—°√≈â“π™â“ß °√ÿ߇«’¬ß®—π∑πå Lan Chang Empire, Vientiane ¿—¬ ߧ√“¡ ∑”„À⇰‘¥°“√¬â“¬∂‘Ëπ∞“π Migration according to wars
∫â“π‚ππ‡°à“πâÕ¬ Ban Non Kao Noi ®”π«πª√–™“°√‡æ‘Ë¡ ∑”„À⇰‘¥°“√¬â“¬∂‘Ëπ∞“π Migration according to increasing of population
®”π«πª√–™“°√‡æ‘Ë¡ ∑”„À⇰‘¥°“√¬â“¬∂‘Ëπ∞“π Migration according to increasing of population
∫â“π°√–ŒÕ° (°√–√Õ°) Ban Kra-hok (Kra-rok) ‰ø‰À¡â∫â“π§√—Èß„À≠à ∑”„À⇰‘¥°“√¬â“¬∂‘Ëπ∞“π Migration according to big burning in the village
√Ÿª∑’Ë 8
∫â“π¥ß∫—ß Ban Dong Bang
∫â“πÀπÕßæÕ° Ban Nong Phok
Picture 8 Background of the villages in order
28 :
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Socio-economic and Administration People in the villages had simple ways of living. They praised one villager and called him/her çJah Bané or çPhor Bané. The person would take care of the villagersû problems. Later, when the villageûs population increased, the villageûs size did either, causing conflicts and villagers to move out and settle down as other villages around Ban Dong Bang. This caused the villagers to find a new leader who acted as çJah Bané. Luang Suriya Thong-yot was appointed to be the first çKam-nané and Mr.Thaite Phonchoo as the chef of the village. Many years later, the local government systemized the government administration, specifying çKam-nané and the head of the village to stay in the positions until 60 years old before retired unless dies or quits. Kam-nan and the chef has taken cared of the village, instead of çJah Bané since then. Occupational class Most villagers are farmers who rely on rain. They grow rice once a year and raise farm animals, such as, cows, buffalos, and chickens. Moreover, they grow mulberry and raise local silk worms which can be found a lot in Ban Dong Bang. These are what the villagers do when they are free from doing farming. They also do trading, and conducting household industry, for example, gemstone cutting, clothe sewing, silk cloth weaving, sticky rice container and local fishing equipment making, mat and foot scraper weaving, making and cow farming, and etc. These professions lack of serious support from government organizations. Skillful professions needed to be supported are as following: 1. Silk cloth weaving group Villagers from Ban Dong Bang, Moo 5 informally formed a group for silk cloth weaving profession. They weave silk cloths for their own use and sell. At the present, they are being supported, in term of knowledge and techniques in creating and applying the Hoop-Tam (mural painting) patterns, by the Office of Arts and Culture, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University. This is just a beginning of improving development to create Dong Bang communityûs uniqueness.
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√Ÿª∑’Ë 9
: 29
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Picture 9 Mud Mee silk cloth, by the silk cloth weaving group, with patterns applied from mural paintings (Hoop-Tam) at Wat Pho Tharam, Ban Dong Bang
30 :
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√Ÿª∑’Ë 10
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Picture 10 Dong Bang Silk Cloth Weaving Group was creating Hoop-Tam patterns. They were supported by the Office of Arts and Culture, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University (RMU).
√Ÿª∑’Ë 11 ºâ“‰À¡¡—¥À¡’Ë¢Õß°≈ÿà¡∑պⓉÀ¡ ∫â“π¥ß∫—ß Picture 11 Mud Mee Silk clothes by silk cloth weaving group, Ban Dong Bang
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2. °≈ÿà¡∑Õæ√¡‡™Á¥‡∑â“
√Ÿª∑’Ë 12
: 31
2. Foot Scraper Weaving
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Picture 12 Foot scrapers weaving is an occupation that makes money for the villagers of Ban Nong Phok after harvesting or free time.
3. °≈ÿà¡®—° “π
√Ÿª∑’Ë 13
3. Basket work
√Ÿª∑’Ë 14
Picture 13 Ghong-Kao
Picture 14 Sticky rice box
√Ÿª∑’Ë 15
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Picture 15 A collection of beautiful sticky rice containers
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4. °≈ÿࡇ®’¬√–‰πæ≈Õ¬
4. Gemstones Cutting
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√Ÿª∑’Ë 16
Picture 16 Gemstones cutting and maketing necklaces are part-time money making activities of the villagers when they are free from harvesting
5. °≈ÿࡇ擖‡ÀÁ¥
√Ÿª∑’Ë 17
5. Mushroom Farm
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Picture 17 Mushroom fram at Ban Nong Phok, is an additional occupation for the villagers, according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, when they are free after cultivation.
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: 33
Talad Nad Wan Sao (Saturday Market) An interesting trading that has been making money for people in Dong Bang sub-district for a long time is Talad Nad (Bazaar or Market) which is where merchants gather every Saturday making people from Dong Bang Sub-district and nearby communities to be able to sell and trade their agricultural products, such as, vegetable, native chickens, fish, as well as, many kinds of local food. Besides local products, sellers from other communities also bring their goods and food here causing cash circulating-over ten thousand baht per week.
√Ÿª∑’Ë 18 µ≈“¥π—¥«—π‡ “√å Picture 18 Saturday Market
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√Ÿª∑’Ë 19
Picture 19 Cows and Buffalos Market
Cow and Buffalo Market On every Sunday, at Dong Bang sub-district, there is a market for selling cows and buffalos. Itûs a small market for trading about 10 to 20 cows or buffalos making 50,000 to 100,000 baht cash circulating per week.
34 :
°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
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Education In the old days, there was no school so parents took care of teaching their children in their houses. They taught their children about local customs, ways of living, unity and love for their community, and how to be honest and trustworthy. Later, there was a school inside the temple, Wat Pho Tharam, to teach monks with Phra Palad Dum (a fellow of Grand Chief Chan Dee, the first abbot) as a teacher who came back from study in Selaphum district, Roi-Et province. By that time, there were not many people who wanted to study. When the Elementary Education Act was announced in 1921, the first school was built in Wat Pho Tharam, Ban Dong Bang with Grand Chief Chan Dee as the leader. A wooden building was constructed and called çPracha Ban Wat Ban Dong Bang Schoolé with Monk Palad Dam as the first principal. The school was available for grade 1 to grade 4 (P.1-P.4) since 1966. Later the schoolûs name was changed to çBan Dong Bang Community Schoolé with Mr. Songsilp Laosaeng as the principal. At that time, Dong Bang Community School was available for grade 1 to grade 6 (P.1P.6) according to the Ministry of Educationûs policies. Mr. Mong Laosaeng was the second principal of Pracha Ban Wat Ban Dong Bang School, and Mr. Khrueang Thong Yot as the third. During Mr. Songsilpûs principal period, the chief monk, Pra kru Pisainawakarn, together with some villagers, moved the school out of Wat Pho Tharam to an area, given by the government since the former principal, Mr. Khrueang Thongyot, connecting with Don Pu Tah (a holy highland) of the village. Later, moved about 3 Rais (1 rai =1,600 sq.m) inside Don Pu Tah area in order to construct study building and more in the future. Now, the school is available for grade 7 to 12. (M.1-M.6) In 1990, When Mr. Sophon Yodwongkong was the Kamnan of Dong Bang Sub-district, Mr. Songsilp Laosaeng, Head of Dong Bang Community School and Secretary of the Local Council, made an official letter to the local government, expressing his want and Dong Bang peopleûs in building a secondary school in Dong Bang
°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
: 35
µ”∫≈¥ß∫—ß ¢÷Èπ‰ª∑’Ë®—ßÀ«—¥ µàÕ¡“°√¡ “¡—≠»÷°…“‰¥âÕπÿ¡—µ‘ „Àâ®—¥µ—È߇ªìπ‚√߇√’¬π “¢“¢Õß‚√߇√’¬ππ“¥Ÿπª√–™“ √√æå Õ”‡¿Õπ“¥Ÿπ ®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ ·≈â«·µàßµ—Èß𓬠ÿ√»—°¥‘Ï »‘√‘ Õ“®“√¬å 2 √–¥—∫ 5 ‚√߇√’¬ππ“¥Ÿπª√–™“ √√æå ‡ªìπºŸâ ª√– “πß“πµ—Èß·µà 1 µÿ≈“§¡ 2533 ‡ªìπµâπ‰ª µàÕ¡“µ“¡§” —Ëß∑’Ë 1822/2535 ≈ß«—π∑’Ë 3 ‡¡…“¬π æ.». 2535 ®“°‚√߇√’¬ππ“¥Ÿπª√–™“ √√æå ‰¥â·µàßµ—Èß𓬠ÿ√»—°¥‘Ï »‘√‘ Õ“®“√¬å 2 √–¥—∫ 5 ‚¥¬Õ—µ√“‡ß‘π‡¥◊Õπ 9,290 ∫“∑ „À⥔√ßµ”·ÀπàßÕ“®“√¬å„À≠àµßÈ— ·µà«π— ∑’Ë 30 惻®‘°“¬π æ.». 2535 ·≈⫵—Èß™◊ËÕ«à“ é‚√߇√’¬π¥ß∫—ßæ‘ —¬π«°“√πÿ √≥åé ‚¥¬¡’ºŸâÕ”π«¬°“√§πªí®®ÿ∫—π ™◊ËÕ π“¬∑√ß√—µπå ∏π¡“≈“æß…å
Sub-district. Later, Department of General Education approved the request, made the school under management of Na Dun Prachasan School, Na Dun district, Maha Sarakham province, and appointed Mr. Surasak Siri to be the coordinator of the school since 1st October 1990. According to the announcement ref. 1822/2535, signed on 3rd April 1992 given by Na Dun Prachasan School, Mr. Surasak Siri with monthly salary of 9,290 baht, was promoted to be the principal since 30th November 1992 and the schoolûs name was changed to çDong Bang Phisai Nawakarnusorn School.é The current director of the school is Mr. Songrat Thanamalapong.
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Arts and Culture Dong Bang people stick to local customs and traditions. They have practiced çHeed Sib Song (12 months tradition) Kong Sib Si (14 practices)é and activities, such as, sprinkling water on elderly hands and getting blessing from them during water splashing festival. This is an occasion for young people to return home. The people, in general, are generous and helpful to each other like siblings. They love peace, merit making, and stick to traditional customs and religious practices. They have faith in Buddhism and love arts and cultures, and local traditional recreation, such as, Mor-lum, Mor-lum Klon, Mor-lum Plern, Mor-lum Zing, and Nang Ta-lung like other Isan people.
36 :
°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
√Ÿª∑’Ë 20 ™“«µ”∫≈¥ß∫—ß¡’§«“¡‡≈◊ÕË ¡„ „πæ√–æÿ∑∏»“ π“ √à«¡°—π∑”∫ÿ≠„π«—𠔧—≠∑“ß»“ π“ Picture 20 Dong Bang people believe in Buddhism and, together, make merit in on important religious occasions.
√Ÿª∑’Ë 21 °“√ª√–°«¥·≈–·¢àߢ—π°“√®à“¬º≠“·≈–°“√ ·¢àß√âÕß √¿—≠≠– ®—¥¢÷Èπ∑ÿ°ªï ‡æ◊ËÕÕπÿ√—°…å »‘≈ª–æ◊Èπ∫â“π ‚¥¬°“√ π—∫ πÿπ¢ÕßÕߧ尓√ ∫√‘À“√ à«πµ”∫≈¥ß∫—ß Picture 21 Paya poem and Sora Phanya singing are annually held in order to conserve the local arts, with support from Dong Bang Sub-distriet Administration Organinzation.
√Ÿª∑’Ë 22
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Picture 22 To temple Sand Carrying or Tob Pathai (Sand Pagoda Making) is an important folkway done on Visakha Bucha Day.
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Àπ—ߪ–‚¡∑—¬ À√◊ÕÀπ—ßµ–≈ÿßÕ’ “π
√Ÿª∑’Ë 23
: 37
Pamo-Thai Showing or Isan Shadow Puppets Showing
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Picture 23 Isan Shadow Puppets Performance
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...The sound of Isan Kan (an Isan musical instrument) is responding to a lyric in a familiar melody, pulling the audienceûs attention to the white cloth screen shined from a light bulb behind it, displaying figures of Bak Pong and Deputy Teu put up and performed close to the screen, hopping in front of the audience of all ages and genders whoûve waited to see this performance of the happy night... The above narration can be either be a historic record of Isanûs important custom or just a script in oneûs imagination describing a superior time in the past of an artistic performance called çPamo-Thai or Isan Shadow Puppets Showing.é
38 :
°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
√Ÿª∑’Ë 24 §√Ÿ∫ÿ≠≈’ À√◊Õ π“¬∫ÿ≠≈’ æ≈§”¡“° Õ“¬ÿ 58 ªï À—«Àπⓧ≥–ª–‚¡∑—¬ . ”≈’ ºŸâ ◊∫∑Õ¥µ”π“π Àπ—ßµ–≈ÿßÕ’ “π¢Õß™“«µ”∫≈¥ß∫—ß Picture 24 Mr. Boon Lee Polkhammak, 58 years-old, Head of So Sam-lee band, shadow puppets band, a carrier of Isan shadow puppet legend of people in Dong Bang sub-district
√Ÿª∑’Ë 25 §√Ÿ¿Ÿ¡‘ªí≠≠“¥â“π»‘≈ª–æ◊Èπ∫â“π Àπ—ߪ–‚¡∑—¬ Picture 25 Indigenous knowledge in folk art, Pamo-Thai (shadow puppet)
√Ÿª∑’Ë 26 µ—«Àπ—ߪ–‚¡∑—¬ ‰¥â¡“®“°¿“殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß Picture 26 Pamo-Thai leathers cutting from Mural Paintings
√Ÿª∑’Ë 27 Õπ°“√‡™‘¥Àπ—ߪ–‚¡∑—¬·°à‡¬“«™π Picture 27 Teaching how to perform Pamo-Thai to children
°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
: 39
√Ÿª∑’Ë 28 ‡ªìπ«‘∑¬“°√ Õπ»‘≈ª–æ◊Èπ∫â“πÀπ—ߪ–‚¡∑—¬ Picture 28 Guest speakers on the local art, Pamo-Thai, at schools.
√Ÿª∑’Ë 29 Õπ°“√∑”Àπ— ß µ–≈ÿ ß „Àâ °— ∫ ‚√߇√’ ¬ π™ÿ ¡ ™π ∫â“π¥ß∫—ß Picture 29 Teaching how to make Ta-lung sheet cutting to students at Ban Dong Bang Community School
∂“π∑’Ë ”§—≠¢Õßµ”∫≈ 1. ‚√߇√’¬π¡—∏¬¡ 1 ·Ààß ‚√߇√’¬π¥ß∫—ßæ‘ —¬π«°“√πÿ √≥å 2. ‚√߇√’¬πª√–∂¡ 1 ·Ààß ‚√߇√’¬π™ÿ¡™π∫â“π¥ß∫—ß 3. »Ÿπ¬å°“√‡√’¬π√Ÿâ™ÿ¡™π 1 ·Ààß 4. »Ÿπ¬åæ—≤𓇥Á°°àÕπ‡°≥±å 1 ·Ààß 5. «—¥ 4 ·Ààß ”π—° ß¶å 1 ·Ààß 6. ∂“π’Õπ“¡—¬ 1 ·Ààß 7. Õߧ尓√∫√‘À“√ à«πµ”∫≈ 1 ·Ààß
Important places of the Sub-district 1. 1 Secondary school, Dong Bang Phisai Nawakarnnusorn 2. 1 Elementary School, Ban Dong Bang Community School 3. 1 Community Learnirg Center 4. 1 Pre-school children development Center 5. 4 Temples and one House of Priest 6. 1 Public health station 7. 1 Sub-distriet orgarigation
40 :
°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
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Wats (Temples) and Sims (Ubosots) History 1) Wat Pho Tharamûs Sim Wat Pho Tharam is at 95 Moo 5, Ban Dong Bang, Dong Bang Sub-district, Na Dun district, Maha Sarakham province. The temple is under Maha Nikai Hierarchy and covers 6 Rais, 2 Ngans, and 6 square wahs, (1 rai = 1,600 sq.m.) according to the the map No. L 7017, series 5460 II. Neighboring Areas The North connects to a public road The South, a the public road surrounding the village The East , to land of the residents The West, to land of the residents Properties inside the temple, consist of 1. Five places of temple land: 19 Rais and 2 Ngans and 80 Square Wahs 2. The templeûs religious buildings are made from concrete and steels which is a pagoda, 14 meters wide and 20 meters long, built in 1908 with mural paintings of Vessataraûs tale and Buddhaûs background., the hall (Vietnamese art style), 17 meters wide and 22 meters long, built in 1922 and made from concrete and steels. 3. A floating Tripitaka House in the North of the temple History Wat Pho Tharam, as mentioned in a book, Histories of Temples in the Kingdom of Thailand, was built in approximate 1800 A.D and called çWat Ban Dong Bangé by villagers. Itûs an old temple that has a floating Tripitaka House in the north. There is no evidence of when it was built and by whom. There are Laotian and Khmer alphabets written on the floating house. Wat Pho Tharam was given this holy area by the King on 16th July 1908. The area is 14 meters width. Wat Pho Tharam, before, was called çWat Pho Thongé. Later in 1942, was changed to çWat Pho Tharam.é The floating Tripitaka House was located in the center of a pond. Later when Phrakru Chandee IV was the abbot, Sim
°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
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: 41
Bok was built. He designed Sim to have high base with mural paintings or Hoop-Tam both inside and outside the Sim. Hoop-Tam painted inside the Sim tells Buddhaûs history and Vessantaraûs tales. The one outside was painted about villagersû ways of living. The painters of these paintings were local artisans, Chan Salai and Singha. Both lived in Ban Dong Bang. Artisan Singhaûs painting also appears at Wat Pa -Rerai or Wat Nong Phok too.
√Ÿª∑’Ë 30 ª√–µŸ∑“߇¢â“«—¥‚æ∏“√“¡ Picture 30 The entrance of Wat Pho Tharam in front.
√Ÿª∑’Ë 31 ‘¡«—¥‚æ∏“√“¡ Picture 31 Sim at Wat Pho Tharam
√Ÿª∑’Ë 32 »“≈“°“√‡ª√’¬≠ (ÀÕ·®°) »‘≈ª–≠«πµ‘¥°—∫ ‘¡ «—¥‚æ∏“√“¡ Picture 32 Sermon Hall (Hor Jaek), A Vietnamese art, built close to Sim of Wat Pho Tharam
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°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
√Ÿª∑’Ë 33 ∫√‘‡«≥√Õ∫«—¥‚æ∏“√“¡ Picture 33 Surrounding of Wat Pho Tharam
√Ÿª∑’Ë 34 ∫—π‰¥∑“ߢ÷Èπ ‘¡ ∑“ß∑‘»µ–«—πÕÕ° Picture 34 Stairs to the east of the sim
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Name list of Abbots from the past to present at Wat Pho-Taram 1st Abbot, Phra Lee 2nd Abbot, Phra Tha 3rd Abbot, Phrakhru Chandee-1907 - 1930 4th Abbot, Phrakhru Pisainawakarn-1931 - 2004 5th (acting) Abbot, Pra Sahas Sumpahulo -2004 - present
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Phrakhru Phisainawakarn, a former abbot, said to the villagers once when he was alive this Sim was built more than 100 years ago. When he was a kid, he used to play in this temple. The painter of the mural painting was believed to be artisan Singha, the same person who did the painting at Wat Pa-Rerai too. Powder color was used to create Hoop-Tam at murals as well as at the one at Wat Pa-Rerai. The Hoop-Tam told historiesû
°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
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: 43
Buddha and behind the principle Buddha image was a picture of the Pagoda of remains: Ket Kaew Chulamanee, with two monks,a god and an angel, and an elephant. At the eastern front wall, were pictures of a pagoda of Buddha, a man, and a woman. The Templeûs Hall (Ubosot)ûs Structure The Hall (Ubosot) of Wat Pho-Taram, Ban Dong Bang, Dong Bang sub-district, Na Dun district, Maha Sarakham province, is made from bricks and cement with thick walls, high base, triangle roof, and poles to support the spreading roof base. Before, the roof was made from scale tiles and decorated with Ngoh or Cho-fah (gable apex), and Lam Yong and Hang Hong at the top of the roof. These art works were all made by local artisans. There are two cavity windows on each wall and the entrance is in the east with a swinging door, and Naka shaped stairs base lying in the east of the Sim. The roof is a one storage triangle with poles supporting the two layers roof base. The Sim still has mural paintings made by local artisans.
√Ÿª∑’Ë 35 ‘¡«—¥‚æ∏“√“¡ Picture 35 Wat Pho Tharamûs Sim
‚¥¬∑—Ë«‰ª™“«Õ’ “π‡√’¬°Õÿ‚∫ ∂Õ’°Õ¬à“ß«à“ ç ‘¡é In general, Isan people call a templeûs hall çSim,é ‰¥â‡®“–™àÕßÀπ⓵à“ß ’ˇÀ≈’ˬ¡‡≈Á°Ê à«π∫—π‰¥π—Èπ °àÕÕ‘∞ which has small cavity windows with stairs made from bricks and cement. ©“∫ªŸπ
44 :
°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
√Ÿª∑’Ë 36 ™àÕßÀπ⓵à“ß¿“¬„π ‘¡«—¥‚æ∏“√“¡ Picture 36 Simûs window when looked from inside the Sim
®ÿ¥‡¥àπ ¡’¿“懢’¬π®‘µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß ‚¥¬Ωï¡◊Õ™à“ß ™◊ËÕ ç𓬠‘ßÀåé ’∑’Ë„™â‡ªìπ ’øÑ“ §√“¡ ‡¢’¬« ¢“« ‚¥¬ºπ—ߥâ“π„π ‡¢’¬π‡√◊ËÕß√“«æÿ∑∏ª√–«—µ‘ æ√–‡« —π¥√™“¥° ·≈–√“¡ Ÿ√‡¡¢≈“ à«π¥â“ππÕ° ‘¡ ‡ªìπ‡√◊ËÕß ‡« —π¥√™“¥° æÿ∑∏ ª√–«—µ‘ ‘π‰´ ·≈–æ√–¡“≈—¬‚ª√¥ —µ«å ¿“æ·µà≈–µÕπ ∫√√¬“¬¥â«¬Õ—°…√∏√√¡·≈–Õ—°…√‰∑¬πâÕ¬ ‡ªìπ™à«ßÊ ºπ—ߥâ“ππÕ°‡ªìπ¿“æ‡≈à“‡√◊ËÕßæ√–‡« —π¥√™“¥° à«π ºπ—ߥâ“πµ–«—πµ° ‡≈à“‡√◊ËÕßæÿ∑∏ª√–«—µ‘ µÕπª∞¡‡Àµÿ æ√–æÿ∑∏‡®â“‡ ¥Á®ÕÕ°ºπ«™
Prominence The mural painting was made by an artisan-Mr.Singha, and blue, indigo, green, and white were used in painting. The painting inside the Sim are about Buddhaûs story, Vessantaraûs tales, and Thunder Giant and Goddess of lightning. The one outside the Sim are about Vessantaraûs tales, Buddhaûs story, Zin Zai, and Phra Malai blessing animals. Each picture has Dharma and Thai Noi alphabet. The outer walls of the Sim are picture tales of Vessantara and the one to the West is Buddhaûs background of when he decided to be a monk.
√Ÿª∑’Ë 37 ∫√‘‡«≥¥â“πÀπâ“ ‘¡«—¥‚æ∏“√“¡ Picture 37 The front of Wat Pho-Taramûs Sim
°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
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: 45
Moreover, there are paintings that display Isan peopleûs ways of life, such as, farming, fishing with Hae (local fishing tool), and local customs. On the west wall, there is a picture of western guys. We can tell they were western because the artisan made their figures big with high hats and rising top boots, and holding women. That shows western people ever came here and lived in Isan, or that the artisan saw them since one hundred years ago. The pictures of peopleûs ways of life are considered uniqueness of Isan Hoop-Tam artisans, for mural paintings in Isan temples usually have that underlined in them, acknowledging the tourists, who come to see Hoop-Tam, about Buddhismûs backgrounds and Isan peopleûs ways . Sim at Wat Pho Tharam was considered to have the Best Conserved Building Award from the Kingûs Siamese Architect Association in 2004, and registered to be conserved building. The Arts Fine department hasnût written anything at the temple but been replacing the old roof with a new one for the old one was very deteriorated. The Sim itself and the mural paintings are left untouched. The Hoop-Tam, nowadays, is very much more worn-out because of birdsû feces, dust, rain, and fungus.
√Ÿª∑’Ë 38 √àÕß√Õ¬§«“¡‡ ◊ËÕ¡‚∑√¡¢Õß¿“æ Õ—π‡π◊ËÕß¡“®“°¢’Èπ° ΩÿÉπ ·≈–‡™◊ÈÕ√“ Picture 38 Deterioration of the painting from birdsû feces, dust, and fungus.
46 :
°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
2) Õÿ‚∫ ∂«—¥ªÉ“‡√‰√ ∑’˵—Èß À¡Ÿà 5 ∫â“πÀπÕßæÕ° µ”∫≈¥ß∫—ß Õ”‡¿Õ π“¥Ÿπ ®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ µ“¡æ‘°¥— ·ºπ∑’≈Ë ”¥—∫™ÿ¥ L 7017 √–«“ß 5640 II ¡’æ◊Èπ∑’Ë 1 ‰√à 3 ß“π 60 µ“√“ß«“ ‚¥¬¢÷Èπ ∑–‡∫’¬π‚∫√“≥ ∂“π„π√“™°‘®®“πÿ‡∫°…“ ‡≈à¡ 110 µÕπ∑’Ë 217 ‡¡◊ËÕ«—π∑’Ë 22 ∏—𫓧¡ æ.». 2536 Õ“≥“‡¢µ ∑‘»‡Àπ◊Õ ®¥ÀπÕß´”´â“ß ∑‘»„µâ ®¥∂ππ “∏“√≥–∫â“πÀπÕßæÕ° ∑‘»µ–«—πÕÕ° ®¥æ◊Èπ∑’Ë¢Õß™“«∫â“π ∑‘»µ–«—πµ° ®¥∂ππ “∏“√≥–∫â“πÀπÕßæÕ° ª√–«—µ‘«—¥·≈– ‘¡ µ“¡À≈—°∞“π·≈â««—¥ªÉ“‡√‰√‡ªìπ«—¥‡°à“·°à‚∫√“≥ √â“ߢ÷Èπ√“« æ.». 2224 „π ¡—¬æ√–Õ∏‘°“√‡À¬« ‡ªì𠇮â“Õ“«“ ™◊ËÕ‡¥‘¡«à“ ç«—¥∫â“πÀπÕßæÕ°é µàÕ¡“¿“¬À≈—ß √“«ªï æ.». 2485 ‰¥â‡ª≈’ˬπ™◊ËÕ‡ªìπ ç«—¥ªÉ“‡√‰√é ·≈–„™â¡“ ®π∂÷ßªí®®ÿ∫—ππ’È
2) Wat Pa-Reraiû Sim Wat Pa-Rerai is located at Moo 5, Ban Nhong Phok, Dong Bang sub-district, Na Doon district, Maha Sarakham province, according to the map No. L 7017, series 5640 II. It covers 1 Rai, 3 Ngarns, and 60 Square Wahs, (1 rai = 1,600 sq.m.) and is registered as a historical site in a government gazette-no. 110, part 217-on 22nd December 1993. Borders Nong Sum Chang, to the North Ban Nong Phokûs public road, to the South Villagersû lands, to the East Ban Nong Phokûs public road, to the West History of the Temple and Sim According to hearsay found evidence, Wat PaRerai is a very old temple, built around 1681. During the period of Phra Athikarn Yew as the Abbot name it éWat Ban Nong Phok.é Later in 1942, the name was changed to çWat Pa-Reraié which has been used until now.
√Ÿª∑’Ë 39 ∫√‘‡«≥«—¥ªÉ“‡√‰√ ¥â“π∑‘»µ–«—πÕÕ° πÕ°°”·æß Picture 39 Eastern area outside Wat Pa-Rerai
√Ÿª∑’Ë 40 ∂ππ¥‘π‡≈’¬∫«—¥ªÉ“‡√‰√ ¥â“π∑‘»µ–«—πÕÕ° Picture 40 The laterite road to the East of Wat Pa-Rerai
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√Ÿª∑’Ë 41
: 47
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Picture 41 The Entrance of Wat Pa-Rerai is the West.
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The villagers, who came from Suvannabhumi, found this area fruitful and built villages here which, at first, were Ban Nong Phok and Ban Karok only. This temple was built at Ban Nong Phok which was in between the two villages. Wat Pa-Rerai was given a holy area on 4th June 1917, during the period of the 6th King of Chakri Monarchy. Structure of the Sim The Sim of Wat Pa-Rerai was believed to be built in 1681. and considered one of the very old Sims in North Eastern area. As a local style Sim, it is a remarkable religious architecture. The structure is thick and made from bricks and cement with a gable apex, hang hong (a sign), and two cavity windows on each wall.
48 :
°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
√Ÿª∑’Ë 42 ¥â“πÀπâ“ ‘¡ «—¥ªÉ“‡√‰√ Picture 42 The front of Wat Pa-Reraiûs Sim
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The entrance of the Sim is to the East with the stairs base made into Naka shape painted in white. The Sim is one storage building with triangle roof and its wing-like base, made from zinc covering the bottom part of the building that was from a new repair following the original model. The front of the roof has no painting.
√Ÿª∑’Ë 43 ¥â“πÀπâ“ ‘¡ «—¥ªÉ“‡√‰√ Picture 43 The front of Wat Pa-Reraiûs Sim
√Ÿª∑’Ë 44 ¥â“πÀ≈—ß ‘¡ «—¥ªÉ“‡√‰√ Picture 44 Behind Wat Pa-Reraiûs Sim
°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
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: 49
Art Patterns The Ubosot, or Sim as called in the local dialect, is a small thick building made from bricks and cement. It was built on a rectangle plan with one entrance, and one storage triangle roof which its base covering the supporting poles. Itûs decorated with Ngoh (Cho-fah in central Thailand dialect) and wooden Hang Hong. The building is located on a square base, 80 centimeters lifted from the ground, with cavity windows (Pong-iam) on the Northern and Southern walls. The windows are small cavities with no panels. The stairs are made from cement and in Naka shape which is Isan style art. Mural paintings or Hoop-Tam are on both inside and outside of the Simûs walls. Powder colors-indigo, blue, green, and white-were used in painting them. The inside walls were painted, by Isan local artisans, about Buddhaûs story and Pra Malai, and the outer ones are about Pra Lakha and Pra Rama (Laotian version Ramayana), and Vessantaraûs tales. Prominence The mural paintings at Wat Pa-Rerai were an art work made by a local artist. He was an excellent painter from Phayakkhaphum Prisai district, whose name was artisan Singha. He used powder colors to paint. He used brown for the background before sketching and painting the pictures. Colors mostly used were blue and indigo. The Hoop-Tamûs Story at Wat Pa-Rerai Outside of the Sim is painted about Phra Lak and Phra Rama or Ramayana, a story of the last great incarnation of Buddha, and Vessantaraûs tales. The inside is about Buddhaûs background, Phra Malai, and Buddhaûs past. The picturesû descriptions are written with black Thai Noi and Dharma alphabets, according to Isan traditional mural painting. This is a real art work made by a local artisan, which is very worth being conserved. According to the information and confirmation from the Arts Fine Department, the Sim and Hoop-Tam are over 100 years old. Sim at Wat Pa-Rerai has been registered in a government gazette-no. 110, part 217-on 22nd December 1993.
50 :
°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
√Ÿª∑’Ë 45
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Picture 45 The mural painting at Simûs wall of Wat Pa-Rerai
√Ÿª∑’Ë 46
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Picture 46 The mural painting at the front of Wat Pa-Reraiûs Sim
Current usability of the Sim ≈—°…≥–°“√„™âß“πªí®®ÿ∫—π Itûs still used as a place for holy ceremonies of the ¬—ߧ߄™âß“πÕ¬Ÿà„πªí®®ÿ∫—π ‚¥¬„™â‡ªìπ ∂“π∑’˪√–°Õ∫ æ‘∏’°√√¡¢Õß ß¶å „πß“π ”§—≠∑“ßæÿ∑∏»“ π“ ·≈–‡§¬ monks, and Buddhism ceremonies on religious occasions. ´àÕ¡·´¡ªØ‘ —ߢ√≥åÀ≈—ߧ“ ‡π◊ËÕß®“°«— ¥ÿ‡¥‘¡ºÿæ—ß≈ß ‚¥¬ The roof was fixed according to its deterioration. The roofûs structure was never changed. §ß√—°…“√Ÿª·∫∫À≈—ߧ“‡¥‘¡‰«â
√“¬π“¡‡®â“Õ“«“ «—¥ªÉ“‡√‰√ ∑’˪√“°Øπ“¡¡’¥—ßπ’È √Ÿª∑’Ë 1 æ√–§√Ÿ®—π∑√»√’µ≈§ÿ≥ æ.». 2450-2469 √Ÿª∑’Ë 2 æ√–Õ∏‘°“√ÀÕπ æ.». 2470-2485 √Ÿª∑’Ë 3 æ√–Õ∏‘°“√æ«ß æ.». 2486-2490 √Ÿª∑’Ë 4 æ√–æ«ß æ.». 2491-2515 √Ÿª∑’Ë 5 æ√–Õ∏‘°“√§”√‘π∑√å æ.». 2516-2531 √Ÿª∑’Ë 6 æ√–Õ∏‘°“√∂«‘≈ ¿— ‚√ æ.». 2532-2547 √Ÿª∑’Ë 7 æ√–∫—π‡∑‘ß Õ∏‘ªí≠‚≠ æ.». 2548 (ºŸâ¥Ÿ·≈«—¥·∑π)
Name list of Wat Pa-Reraiûs Abbots ever mentioned from the past 1. Phrakru Chandara Sri Talakun, 1907-1926 2. Phra Athikarn Hon, 1927-1942 3. Phra Athikarn Puang, 1942-1947 4. Phra Puang, 1948-1972 5. Phra Athikarn Khamrin, 1973-1988 6. Phra Athikarn Thawin Phassaro, 1989-2004 7. Phra Ban Terng Athipanyo (Acting Abbot), 2005
°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)
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: 51
Even though the mural paintings at both Sims are not very superior, they are still art works full of art inspiration which were made with strong faith in the Buddha in order to worship Buddhism. Thus, to inherit these cultural heritages is a very important duty for next generations in helping conserving them.
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°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)