"Get Connected to the Region's Best Business Network"
Castle Rock Chamber’s Golf Tournament
Monday, June 10th
MORE INSIDE Annual Banquet Award Winners Announced (Page 6) Chamber‘s Annual Golf Tournament, Get in the Game! Join us on Monday, June 10th at Red Hawk Ridge Golf Course located at 2156 Red Hawk Ridge Drive. This course features extreme elevation changes, abundant wildlife, rolling terrain and dramatic vistas. We have partnered once again with our Title Sponsor: Bubbles Liquor World, who lend their hand to the enjoyment of our golfers through contributions from their Colorado Beer, Wine and Liquor distributors respectively. We have added a morning In/Out Tournament for those players who can’t stay the entire day. Read more on page 9.
this issue Chai rman’s Fa rewell P.2 Legislati ve Wrap-Up P.3 mCommerce Business Training P.5 LDC Accepting Applica tions P.11 Business of the Month P.13 Cha mber Trip to Ireland P.15 Thi rd Tech Tuesda y P.16
Farewell from our Chairman What a year! It has been my pleasure and honor to serve as the Chair of the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce this past year. In the process, I have been fortunate to build lasting relationships, learn the true meaning of community and better understand what makes Castle Rock one of the best places to live and work in America. As I emphasized at the Annual Banquet recently, I am espeAaron Barrick cially appreciative of the law firm of Folkestad F olkestad, F azekas, Fazekas Barrick & Patoile, P.C. for giving me the Barrick & P atoile, PC opportunity to make a living while also encouraging me to d o more and “make a difference” in the community. Our accomplishments in the past year could not have been achieved without the leadership of Pam Ridler and the exceptional staff at the Chamber, the committed Directors and Ambassadors at the Chamber, and local business and community leaders. Our new Chair, Michael Likens, will continue the history of strong leadership at the Chamber.
2013-2014 Board of Directors
E XE CUTIV E C OMMITTEE C HAIRMAN OF TH E BOARD Michael Likens, gopixel design studios inc.
C HAIR- ELE CT Mike Tafoya, Estrada Strategies-DTC
TREA SURER Nino DiMatteo, FirstBank - Douglas County
IMM EDIATE PAST C HAIRMAN Aaron Barrick, Folkestad, Fazekas, Barrick, & Patoile P.C.
DIRECTORS Rand Clark, Random Productions David Farnan, Farnan Douglas County Libraries Todd Folkenberg, Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus B rooke Fox, Colorado Agricultura l Leadersh ip Found ation Lisa Frizell, Douglas County Assessors
The stated purpose for the Chamber is to support and promote business, foster a livable community with positive growth and act as a “voice” to government. This past year we supported business by expanding the Economic Gardening Program and Business Boot Camp, completing a membership drive, supporting Business after Hours, Business over Breakfast, Leads Groups and Castle Rock Stars Young Professionals and implementing the YEA! Program and Webster University MBA Program. We promoted a livable community by sponsoring events such as the Douglas County Fair Parade, Artfest, Octoberfest, Elephant Rock Ride, A Night at Gabriel’s, The Healthy Lifestyle Expo, Leadership Douglas County, the Women of Influence Luncheons, the Young Entrepreneurs Academy and Starlighting. We acted as a voice to government by addressing sometimes controversial initiatives such as the Douglas County School District’s plans, signage along the I-25 corridor, the Urban Renewal Authority, the Quiet Zones, retail marijuana licensing, renewable water resources, and the Lodging Tax.
B rock Goodwin, Mutual of Omaha Nadine Kirk, RE/MAX Alliance B rian Leugs, Business Communications Support Elyse McNulty, McNulty Kaiser Permanente Wendy Nelson, Nelson B2B CFO Jaye Thompson, Colorado Community Bank Nate Tucker, Tucker Castle Rock Bank Linda Watson, Sky Ridge Medical Center
EX-OFFICIO Mayor Paul Donahue, Town of Castle Rock Frank Gray, President/CEO, Castle Rock EDC Sally Misare, Town Clerk Pam Ridler, CCE, President/CEO, Castle Rock Chamber
C HAMBER STAFF Pam Ridler, CCE, President/CEO
The highlight of the year for me was the grand opening of the Rink on the Rock followed the next night by Starlighting and the fireworks. The enthusiasm and pride in all things Castle Rock was palpable. It epitomized what the citizens of Castle Rock can do when they come together to “make a difference”.
pam@castlerock.org Tammy C ratty, Office Administrator tammy@castlerock.org Melissa Mares, Director of Communications mmares@castlerock.org Wendy Krzeczowski, Event Manager
On behalf of the Board, the Chamber’s staff and the members of the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce, I thank you for your support and you continuing commitment and devotion to this community.
wendy@castlerock.org Susan O’Malley, Membership Account Executive susan@castlerock.org Susan Beams, Beams Membership Account Executive sbeams@castlerock.org
Douglas County Business Alliance, Wrap-Up Legislative Wrap-Up Breakfast Wednesday, May 15th Time: 7:30—9am The Wildlife Experience 10035 Peoria St Parker, CO RSVP to jvanderburg@capstonegroupllc.com With the end of the 2013 Colorado Legislative Session, the Douglas County Business Alliance is planning its Wrap Up Breakfast. Join our elected representatives, Representative McNulty, Representative Murray, Representative Holbert, House Representative Polly Lawrence, Senator Harvey and Senator Scheffel for a conversation regarding the 2013 Legislative Session – Success and Failures! Program is Sponsored by:
DCBA is a coalition of business organiza tions wi th a mission to provi de a single voice for the Douglas County business community. Key issues to DCBA members include transporta tion, wa ter, business-friendl y publi c poli cy, educa tion, ta x policy and sustainable development. The Douglas County Business Alliance is comprised of members from the Cas tle Rock Cha mber of Commerce, Castle Pines Chamber of Commerce, Castle Rock EDC, Northwes t Douglas County EDC, Highlands Ranch Cha mber of Commerce and South Eas t Business Pa rtnership.
Chamber’s Mission, Vision & Values Our Mission To support, encourage & promote member businesses in the community To be a “voice” for businesses to local & regional government To foster a livable, vital community where quality of life & positive growth are both possible Our Vision Igniting passion for business success & community prosperity. Our Values Accountability-to provide transparent & responsive leadership; acting as good stewards of funds, time & resources Innovation-to inspire new ideas, solutions and opportunities Integrity-to do things right and always do the right thing Your Chamber works to... Respect-to earn trust & to hold others in high esteem -Strengthen our local economy Team Work-to motivate and empower one another to do great things -Promote the community Relationships-to build enduring connections and partnerships founded upon -Take political action honesty, gratitude & commitment -Create business relationships Diversity-to honor and value varied ideas, beliefs and practices -Represent business with government
May Calendar of Chamber Events Wednesday 1st Leadership Douglas County (South Metro Fire) @ 8:00 am Leads Referral (Village Inn) @ 11:30 am Business Afte r Hours (Sky Ridge Imaging Center) @ 5:00 pm PRESIDENT’S LEVEL Castle Rock Bank Colorado Community Media Sky Ridge Medical Center
Thursday 2nd Webster University MBA Class (Chamber) @ 5:30 pm Friday 3rd Castle Rock Economic Partne rs (EDC) @ 8:00 am Ribbon Cutting (Firestone) @ 12:00 pm
EXECUTIVE LEVEL Black Hills Energy Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus Douglas County Living Magazine Intermountain Rural Electric Assoc.
Monday 6th Young Entrepre neurs Academy Class YEA! (Castle View) @ 5:00 pm Tuesday 7th Free Business Cons ultation (Chambe r) Government Issues Committee Meeting (Chambe r) @ 7:30 am Ribbon Cutting (Catholic Charities of Central Colorado, Castle Rock) @ 1:00 pm
ENTREPRENEUR LEVEL Castle Rock Development Company FirstBank-Douglas County Patriot Enterprises Webster University
Wednesday 8th Ambassadors Meeting (Chamber) @ 12:00 pm Event ROI Taskforce (Chambe r) @ 1:30 pm Thursday 9th Business Over Breakfast “Mobile Shredders” (Chambe r)) @ 7:30 am Lodging Tax Committee Meeting (Chamber) @ 3:00 pm Webster University MBA Class (Chamber) @ 5:30 pm Monday 13th Young Entrepre neurs Academy Class YEA! (Castle View) @ 5:00 pm Tuesday 14th Free Business Cons ultation (Chambe r) The Breakfast Club Leads (Village Inn) @ 7:30 am Leads Plus (The Fowl Line) @ 11:30 am Artfest Jury Comm ittee (Library) @ 4:00 pm Business Boot Camp Session 7 (Chamber) @ 5:00 pm Wednesday 15th Leadership Douglas County Steering Meeting (Chambe r) 7:30 am Douglas County Business Alliance–Pos t Session W rap up (Wildlife Experience)@ 7:30 am Community Leadership (Chamber) @ 11:30 am Leads Referral (The Fowl Line) @ 11:30 am Fair Parade Committee Meeting (Chamber) @1 pm WineFest Committee Meeting (Chambe r) @ 3 pm Business afte r Hours (The Grange in the Meadows) @ 5:00 pm Thursday 16th Douglas County Comm unity Foundation (Castle Rock Bank) @ 3:30 pm Webster University MBA Class (Chamber) @ 5:30 pm Friday 17th Castle Rock Economic Partne rs (EDC) @ 8:00 am Monday 20th Castle Rock Economic Gardening Meeting (Chamber) @ 11:30 am Young Entrepre neurs Academy Class Graduation YEA! (Cas tle View) @ 6 pm Tuesday 21st Free Business Cons ultation (Chambe r) Government Issues Committee Meeting (Chambe r) @ 7:30 am 3rd Tech Tuesday (Chambe r) @ 9:00 am Business Boot Camp Mentoring Session 7 (Library) @ 5:00 pm Wednesday 22nd Elephant Rock Ride Non-profit Meeting (Chambe r) @ 5:30 Business T raining-m Commerce (Chambe r) @ 11 am
PREMIER LEVEL Arapahoe Community College Bonaventure of Castle Rock Bubbles Liquor World CoWest Insurance Group Douglas County Libraries Folkestad,Fazekas,Barrick & Patoile PC gopixel design studios, inc. Kaiser Permanente Medved Autoplex at Castle Rock MyWedding.com One Clear Choice Garage Doors Plumbline Services Inc. Primrose Schools Random Productions Wells Fargo Bank
Thursday 23rd Board of Directors Meeting (Cham ber) @ 11:30 am South Colorado Business Partne rship (Colorado Springs) @ 2:00 pm Monday 27th Chamber Office Closed for Memorial Day Tuesday 28th Free Business Cons ultation (Chambe r) The Breakfast Club Leads (Village Inn) @ 7:30 am Leads Plus (The Fowl Line) @ 11:30 am Wednesday 29th Business of the Month (Acme Brick) @ 9:00 am Thursday 30th Webster University MBA Class (Chamber) @ 5:30 pm
May Business Training mCommerce
– The Future of Mobile Payment Processing
When: Wednes day, May 22 Time: 11 am to 1 pm Location: Castle Rock Chamber (420 Jerry Street) As conversations swirl about mobile commerce (mCommerce), business owners are becoming concerned about meeting both today’s demands for mobile credit card processing and positioning themselves for what tomorrow may hold. There are two primary tran saction types involved in mobile credit card processing: 1. Accepting credit cards with a mobile device 2. Accepting payments from a smartphone
Kim Callaway,CPP Fund Your Dream This Pr ogram is S pons ored i n part by:
Free to Chamber Members $20 to potential members RSVP: Tammy@castlerock.org
Both have become more and more prevalent and they continue to grow in adoption and usage. And, they both offer additional marketing benefits through integrated gift and loyalty solutions.
Join Kim Callaway, CPP, on May 22, from 11am to 1pm to explore this exciting topic. During the session you’ll learn: * The costs associated with mobile processing solutions? * What features will my business need when processing mobile payments? * How to select a mobile processing provider based on my business’ needs? Business Boot Camp Session 6 Update —2013-2014 Recruitment Underway Human Res ources was the topic of the A pril 16 session of the Chamber’s Business Boot Cam p. The business owne rs in the class took an in-de pth look at what makes a grea t em ployee and em ployer. Instructor Mike Tafoya of Es tra da Strategies, walked the class throug h a very valuable exercise tha t de scribes the s tages of an e mployee’s ca reer with a compa ny and the a ppropriate com bination of direction a nd s upe rvision a t ea ch s tage. Class mem bers a lso be nefited from a dis cussion of rea l life a nd hypothe tica l em ployee re lations situa tions. T he final portion of the class was dev oted to a discussion of job descriptions and s tra tegic ways they should a nd s hould not be used in the recruiting process. This was the fina l instructional class for the 2012-2013 Business Boot Camp. O n May 14 the gra duates will present their unique business growth impleme nta tion plans to their classmates, mentors and dis tinguis hed Cas tle Rock community and busines s lea ders. T hey will re ceive valua ble feedback and guidance as they prepa re to lead the ir busines ses to the next successful level. Registration is underway for the 2013-2014 B oot Camp tha t will beg in this fall. T o learn more a bout the program a nd reserve your s lot, vis it www.Cas tleR ockEG. com or conta ct Pam R idler at the Cha mber. This is a se ries of Business Boot Camp training highlights by Brian Leugs, Pres ident of Business Communications Support, Boot Camp Mentor and Chambe r Board Member.
Visit their website at: https://www. douglas countylibraries.org Thank You for your Support!
WE WANT YOU! Now Recruiting For 2013-2014 Program. www.castlerockeg.com/bootcamp.htm
“What is a current ratio and why would I want to track it?” View ans wer at: http:// www.cas tlerockeg.com/ blog/2012/06/05/wha t-is-a-currentratio-and-why-would-i-wa nt-totrack-it/
Learn how CREG can help your new or existing business succeed. “Ask CREG” today, it’s fast & easy! View more questions and answers at: www.CastleRockEG.com/blog 5
Award Winners Announced at Chamber’s Annual Banquet Castle Rock Chambe r Chairman, Michael Likens (gopixel design studio) announced the new officers and directors for 2013-2014 and award winners at the Chambe r’s Annual Banque t on April 25th at the De nver Marriott South. T his festive event featured many of Castle Rock and Douglas County’s leadership while lovely ladies with really big hats were escorted by gentlemen dressed in their southe rn bes t and othe r appropriate Derby attire for an evening of networking, dining, auctions and the annual award ce rem ony. The anticipated awa rd of the evening, the Business Person of the Year brought the audience to their feet as Rick Stucy, Stucy Realty accepted his award. Stucy, in an unassuming s tyle, acknowledged he was humbled to be among those who had won before him and his fellow nominees who in his words “we re worthy of this award”. The Bes t of the Best nominees and winne rs were announced and showcased in a video presentation created courtesy of Ra nd Clark, of Random Productions. The Citizen of the Year award went to John Manka, 1Stop Auto; Ping Lee Jung Volunteer of the Year awa rd recipient, Lisa F rizell, Douglas County Assessor’s Office and the Ambassador of the Year award was presented to Sue Turne r, Proforma Image Branding. A table decorating contest for the coveted traveling trophy is a popula r feature of the evening fun. The Chambe r De rby theme allowed imaginations to flourish as table sponsors we re featured. The winning table was awarde d to Folkestad, Fazekas, Barrick & L-R, Sue Turner, John Manka, Lisa Frizell, and Business Person of the Year, Rick Stucy
Patoile PC.
The evening was interspe rsed with incredible auction items of activities such as he licopte r rides contributed by Presenting sponsor, Sky Ridge Medical Cente r; A Taste of Tactics which included firearms instruction from the Douglas County Sheriff’s department giving first-hand interactive training utilizing m odified semi-automatic handguns on a law enforceme nt firearms s imulator; a group dinner cooked and se rved by our local fire departme nt; and a priceless opportunity for a child to “flip the switch” of the Star with Santa at the annual Starlighting. The Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors congratulates a ll our Award Nominees, and Bravo to our Award Winners!
2013-2014 Chambe r Board of Directors L-R (Back row) Aaron Barrick, Rand Clark, Jaye Thompson, Brian Leugs, Nino DiMatteo, Nate Tucker, David Farnan, Mike Tafoya, Frank Gray, John Cona, Michael Likens, Mayor Paul Donahue. (Front row) Lisa Frizell, Linda Watson, Nadine Kirk, Elyse McNulty, Pam Ridler. Not present: Wendy Nelson, Brooke Fox, Todd Folkenberg, Brock Goodwin, Sally Misare 6
Upcoming Networking Events May Business Over Breakfast
Business After Hours Thursday, May 9 7:30am to 9am May 15th
Castle Rock Development
June 19th
Patriot Enterprises
July 24th
Legacy Hospice
August 21st
Sky Ridge Medical Center
September 18th
gopixel design studios
October TBA
Sponsor this event!
November 13th
December TBA
Sponsor this event!
One Pass for Networking level, free to Asce nt level and above. $10 for Community Connection All events are 5-7pm GUESTS MUST HAVE ADMITTANCE PASS
Location: Castle Rock Chamber 420 Jerry Street
May Business After Hours Castle Rock Development Company
Wednesday, May 15 5pm to 7pm The Grange in the Meadows 3692 Meadows B lvd
Business Over Breakfast
May 9th
Mobile Shredders
June 13th
H&M Transmission Free to Networking level & above $10 for Community Connection Guests Must Have a Pass. Contact Susan O’Malley at 303-688-4597. 7
Chamber’s Golf Tournament-June 10th The Cas tle Rock Chamber of Commerce, in pa rtnership wi th Bubbles Liquor World will host their annual golf tourna ment on Monday, June 10 at Red Hawk Ridge Golf Course. $155 Noon Shotgun Start. Price Includes: Box Lunch Greens Fees Range Balls Golf Cart Goody Bag Prize Drawings Contest Holes BBQ Chicken/Brisket Buffet 19th Hole Networking Event Individual Trophies for Winners (Complementary beverages provided by Bubbles Liquor World & Colorado Beer, Liquor & Wine Distributors)
price will increase on May 24th
Don’t have all day to commit? Join us for a quick in and out 9-Hole Tourney, shotgun start at 8am! Price is $39 per player. Includes continental breakfast, green fees/range balls/cart, and networking with others! Space is limited, so Register Today!
Not A Golfer, You Can Still Participate! Increase Your Business Exposure and Represent Your Business.
RECOMMEND J OINING THE CHAMBER! EARN CHAMBER CASH! WHAT: Stewardship Program WHY: Re duce Your Membe rship Investment Cost WHO: This program acknowledges and awards Chamber members for Stewardship of the Chamber in the Castle Rock Community. HOW: Steward Recognition: Your name and the refe rred new Chamber membe r will be spotlighte d in the Business Voice in STEWARDSHIP RECOGNITION section. To complete your referral go to http:// www.castlerock./org/pdf/ MemberReferralCard2012.pdf. Award year with photo and article in the Busines s Voice. Credit can be ap plied to membershi p, event tickets, advertising, etc.
*Some restrictions apply
Sponsorship Opportunities Available, Starting as low as $99! http://www.castlerock.org/pdf/Sponsorship%20Flyer.pdf.
2nd Tournament Opportunity! Join Us for Golf Tournament in Castlerock, Ireland! http://castlerock.org/news2.htm.
GET IN THE GAME! www.CastleRock.org
June 10th, 2013 at Red Hawk Ridge Golf Course loca ted a t 2156 Red Ha wk Ridge Drive 9 Hole Tourney begins at 8am; 18 Hole T ourney beg ins a t Noon.
AT 303-688-4597 9
YEA! Class Update It has been a busy month for our Young Entrepreneurs Academy. We began the month with the Investor Panel. During this event, three of our businesses received funding. Shift Learning (http://www.shiftlearning.org/) and Shadow Snacks (http:// www.shadowsnacks.com/) both received funding to launch. Monster Mania (http:// www.monstermaniapillow.com/) was the big winner of the evening. This budding business received full funding and won a trip to compete with other YEA! businesses in New York. Garrett Crandall, CEO and Founder of Monster Mania is competing against 40 other young entrepreneurs for the Saunders Scholarship and a trip to the Small Business Convention in Washington, D.C. He will be presenting his business to Town Council and be fully operational by the end of May. We are preparing for our graduation and the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce’s six new members will be continuing to work hard as their businesses launch.
For more informa tion or to obtain an appli ca tion for the 2013/2014 s chool yea r, conta ct the Cha mber a t 303-688-4597.
YEA! Is a groundbreaking and exciting afterschool program that transforms local high school stude nts into rea l, confident entrepre neur. YEA! strengthens the community and the community streng thens YEA! Students are able to network with and develop relationships with local business leaders, create jobs, and launch businesses in their own backyard. Students see that they can make a difference within the comm unities in which they live. The enthusiasm and s uccess of the students are em powering for the entire community!
Mike Boy le, Emcee; Susan Beam s, YEA! Pr ogram Manage r; Joan Pratt, YEA! Instructor; Todd Folkenberg, Cast le R ock Adventist Hea lth Cam pus & YE A! Inve stor; Garrett Crandall, CE O Monster Mania and compet ition winner; Mar garet Reed, We bster Univer sity & YE A! Invest or; Woody Past oriu s, MyWedding.com & YEA! Investor.
Ribbon Cuttings, Celebrate Your Success Let us he lp you celebrate! Have you opened a new business, expanded at your current location, relocating, or cele brate d a miles tone anniversary? Let the Castle Rock Chamber help you share the good news! A Ribbon Cutting ce remony is an important part of your overall marketing and a dvertising plan and is a great way to kick off a grand ope ning or relocation of a business. A Chamber s taff re presenta tive, along with membe rs of our Ambassadors Comm ittee, will be on hand at your event to offer congratulatory remarks and take a photo for The Business Voice, our monthly newsletter. Certain restrictions apply, Contact Susan O’Malley for more details at 303-688-4597 or email he r at Susan@CastleRock.org.
Contact Susan 3 03 -68 8 -45 97
Beams at or emai l
Thank You to All Our Sponsors for their generous support! Gold S pons ors:
Silver Spons ors:
Batteries Plus Bulbs 4625 Trail Boss Dr Castle Rock, CO 80104 303.663.3744
Bronze S pons ors:
Chamber Members Celebrating Anniversaries Medved Autoplex Castle Rock Gabriel's Restaurant Village Inn Pancake House Gene's Muffler & Auto Service Autobahn Autobody, Inc. PRO Plumbing Service BreakThroughs, Inc. FirstBank of Douglas County Best Western Inn & Suites ITC Compounding & Natural Wellness Pharmacy Stucy Realty Company Well Within Chiropractic, P.C. Echo Ridge at Metzler Ranch
25 Years 23 Years 23 Years 23 Years 22 Years 21 Years 16 Years 16 Years 15 Years 13 Years 12 Years 11 Years 10 Years
Mutual of Omaha - Brock Goodwin Riverside Church Castle Rock RE/MAX Alliance - Nadine & Jim Kirk Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. Union- An American Bistro Castle Rock Bank at Castle Pines
10 Years 10 Years 10 Years 10 Years 8 Years 8 Years
Douglas County Community Foundation CertaPro Painters Castle Rock Dental Health FASTFRAME o f Greenwood Village Hilton Garden Inn Denver Denver Marriott South at Park Meadows Founders Family Medical Center & Urgent Care Martha's Finishing Touch Residential Cleaning Service Oakwood Homes
4 Years 4 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 2 Years
Blue Rock Enterprises Harbor Landscape Company Kiwanis Club of Castle Rock Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Brakes Plus 303 Technologies, Inc. Employer Essentials, Inc.
1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year
2 Years 2 Years 1 Year
Ambassador of the Month
Ambassador Program Sponsored By:
Congratulations to Lynette McNairy, H&M Transmission and Automotive, is our April Ambassador of the Month. Lynette is new to the Ambassador program, but is off and running with a great start. Lynette is proud to be an Ambassador for the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce, and looks forward to participating in activities which build personal relationships, and create opportunities for the business community to thrive in Cast le Rock. Thank you Lynette for all you do for the Chamber.
Farewell to Joanne Taylor After 5 1/2 years wit h the Chamber, Membership Development Vice President, Joanne Taylor, has decided to take to the skies and do some traveling. New opportunities and endeavors, along with several visits to see her grand daughter “across the pond” are on her horizon.
Member to Member Discount Program
We would like to wish her well and thank her for all her years of exceptional service and dedication to the Chamber. Stay posted for exciting news as we will be announcing the New Membership Development Director in our June Business Voice Newsletter. Join a LEADS Group! LEADS PLUS 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Meets at The Fowl Line
LEADS REFERRAL 1st & 3rd Wednes days 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Village Inn
THE BREAKFAST CLUB 2nd & 4th T uesdays 7:30 am to 8:45 am Village Inn
Contact: Tammy Cratty Tammy@castlerock.org
Contact: Susan O’Malley Susan@castlerock.org
Contact: Tammy Cratty Tammy@castlerock.org
As part of your investment with the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce, you are eligible to participate in this program! You may offer savings or items of value that represent your business and take advantage of those offers from fellow members. This is part of the Chamber’s ongoing efforts to help our members save. By participating in this program, you are furthering the economic development and growth in our community. View all the member to member discounts at www.CastleRock.org in the Members Only section or contact the Chamber at 303-688-4597 to participate.
The policy for Chamber Leads is to have one representativ e per business per group. Chamber staff maintains a regularl y updated waiting list. Please contact the staff liaison from preferred group at 303-688-4597 to check availability. 12
Business of the Month-Lowry Allstate Agency Are You Taking Advantage? AFFINITY PROGRAMS CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! Office Depot Program! Members save approximately 15% to 25% annually on their office supplies! To receive your National Program Office Depot card, please call Susan O’Malley at 303-688-4597 or email susan@castlerock.org
Aaron Barrick, Chamber Board Chairman, proudly presents the Chamber’s Business of the Month Award to Bob Lowry & his staff as Chamber Ambassadors & staff show their support.
The Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce recentl y announced i ts April recipient for Business of the Month — The Lowry Allstate Insurance Agency. Bob Lowry and his team ha ve been proud members of the Castle Rock Chamber for more than 15 yea rs! The Lowry Agency has been in the same convenient location for 17 years , a t 201 S Wil cox St., Castle Rock, 80104. Bob Lowry worked for a large corporation before deciding to join Allstate as an Agency Owner. His son David Lowry has been his partner for 12 years , joining the family business right after high school. The Lowry Agency takes a tremendous amount of pride in taking care of any need on the firs t call, and have plenty of staff available to handle all questions. Every person is fully li censed, and is capable of handling any call wi th ease and comfort.
Comcast Business Class is available to Members! Whatever the size of your company, it needs to respond quickly to the needs of customers, communicate reliably with suppliers, and find smarte r ways to increase employee productivity. Chamber members can save on internet Service and Voice service! For more information, contact Mark Pendergast of Comcast Business Class at 303-720-8090 or email markpendergast@cable.comcast.com
Bob Lowry has been a tremendous supporter of the Castle Rock communi ty and has become deeply invol ved in communi ty events and needs, along wi th specifi c support for school fundraising projects and student scholarships. The Lowry Agency has always maintained an “open door” policy, as no appointment is necessary. Walk-in’s are always wel come and can meet with any person, including Bob, at anytime. Bob is known as “the old blue truck guy”, as his restored 1954 na vy blue Chevrolet truck has become a Douglas County landma rk. Stop by, call or email the Lowry Agency for any insurance need, or simpl y to get advice about an insurance ques tion. Trul y, you a re “In Good Hands” a t the Lowry Agency!
For More Information about these programs visit www.CastleRock.org and click on Affinity Programs Icon.
Congratulations from the Castle Rock Chamber for being recognized as an outs tanding business. 13
Welcome New Members ANB Bank Jessica Newton (303) 394-5361 3851 Sol Danza Castle Rock, CO 80109 www.anbbank.com
Douglas County Temporary Services, Inc. Cheri Lynn Towne (303) 688-6795
Steve Spencer
734 N. Wilcox St. Suite 204 Castle Rock, CO 80104 Employment Agencies
Spencer Colorado Real Esta te by Keller Williams Rea lty, DTC
(303) 903-8976 www.spencercoloradoreales tate.com Real Estate, Real Estate - Residential/ Commercial
Accent on Hearing
Keller Williams Action Realty Gerrie Barnes
Joanne LaPorta (303) 663-2235
Gerrie Barnes (303) 912-3544
1189 S. Perry Stree t Suite 120
140 Wilcox St.
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Shawnee Pervich
(303) 904-0993
Audiology, Hearing aids
Real Estate, Real Estate - Residential
9702 Marmot Ridge Cir.
Turner Roofing & Exteriors, LLC
Little ton, CO 80125
Catholic Charities of Central Colorado-Castle Rock Office
Massage Envy Castle Rock
Stephen Ryan (303) 688-3025
Bernade tte Bille (720) 548-0233
2746 5th St.
5650 Allen Way Suite 116
Contractors - Roofing, Contractors - Siding, Gutters & Downspouts
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Castle Rock, CO 80108
Human Services, Non-Profit www.massageenvy.com Digita l Globe Services, Inc.
Health and Beauty, Massage
Jeff Cox (303) 736-2105 316 Wilcox St. Castle Rock, CO 80104
Monthly MooLa Brian Zimmerman
www.dgsworld.com Online Marketing
(303) 842-8011 www.monthlymoola.com Advertising, Marketing
Restaurant of the Month
Fow l Line 774 Ma leta Ln Castle Roc k 80108 720.733.7542
Beverage Sponsor
The Pepsi Bott ling Company 3801 Brighton B oulevard Denver 80216
Storage Sponsor
Park Street /Jerry Stre et Storage 1500 N. Pa rk St reet Castle Roc k 80104 303.688.22 42 14
View Video Presentation at www.Cas tleRock.org
And some meals.
*Registration Deadline EXTENDED to May 30!
Twitter for Business Tuesday, May 21 @ 9am Castle Rock Chamber Takeaways: •
Understanding Twitter
Why Twitter for Business
Tweeting, Re-tweeting
People to Follow, Lists to Follow
What to Tweet and When
Sharing Tweets with & from other Social Media
Twitter for Lead Generation
Twitter for Business Intelligence
Tools that Support Twitter
Free to Cha mb er Members $10 for Pote ntial me mb ers RSVP: Ta mmy @ca stlerock. org Bring Your laptop/tablet: Free Wifi available
Who Should Attend: The audience needs to have a Twitter account and it will s upport from beginner to intermedia te users. SAVE THE DATE : Next Thir d Te ch T ues day:
June 18th
Saturday, July 20 (2pm-8pm) At the Grange in the Meadows
How Does Your Business Thrive? Through the partnership of the Chamber, Town of Castle Rock, PS Miller Library and the Senior Core of Retired Executives (SCORE), we can help you keep your business on course or successfully help you launch a new venture by providing consultations with industry experts. If you are an established business or start-up, schedule appointment for a business consulta tion with an expert regarding the following: •
Business start-ups
Developing a business plan
Marketing and sales activities
Accounting and tax issues
Securing financing
Business organization
Managing business growth
Business Boot Camp
Access to Local Expertise
Database & GIS Research
Call 303-688-4597 or sign up at: www.CastleRockEG.com
Town & County News & Events Town moves forward with Legacy Water Projects, upgrades water treatment process-The Town of Castle Rock is continuing to reach milestones as it works toward the goal of using 75 percent renewable water by the time it reaches population build out. When the Town opens the Plum Creek Water Purification Facility this spring, it will for the first time be able to treat and deliver renewable surface water to residents and businesses. With the opening of this new facility comes the use of a new water disinfectant called chloramine. While this disinfectant is new to Castle Rock, many municipal and private water providers have been using chloramines as a disinfectant, some for more than 90 years. Read more: http://www.castlerock.org/chamber_news8.htm Household Chemical Round Up – May 11 – Parker The first of three, drive-through Household Chemical Roundups will be held during 2013, hosted by the Tri-County Health Department will be May 11, at the Parker Joint Services Center, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The events are offered free-of-charge to Douglas County residents, however, participants will be asked for a $25 contribution to help offset the high costs of hazardous waste disposal and will be asked to verify residency. For more information including a map and a list of acceptable item please visit www.tchd.org/householdchemical.htm Castle Rock Police Department launches new system for online crime reporting-A new online reporting system will soon give residents and business owners another way to connect with the Castle Rock Police Department. EPoliceReporting will allow residents and business owners to report nonviolent crimes such as gas theft, identity theft, vandalism, trespassing a vehicle or property, and lost property to police officers using the Web. The system is live at www.CRgov.com/ePoliceReporting Crimes reported through the system should be non-emergencies, occur within Town limits, and have no known suspects. Incidents occurring along Interstate 25 or on a state highway are not eligible, as those are pursued by Colorado State Patrol. In addition, crimes occurring in the unincorporated Douglas County areas are also not eligible, as those are handled by the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office. Read more http:// www.castlerock.org/chamber_news4.htm
Castle Rock Finance Department earns highest honor for transparencyThe Town of Castle Rock was again honored for its efforts to accurately and transparently communicate its finances to the public. The Town Finance Department this last month earned the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association. The award recognizes the Town’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, or CAFR. The CAFR is published annually and details all of the Town’s assets, expenditures, debt capacity and debt repayment, along with operating and budget information, and much more. A panel of judges from around the country judged the CAFR and found that it demonstrated a “constructive spirit of full disclosure” and clearly communicated the Town’s financial story. The document is available online, in the financial section of the Town’s transparency portal, www.CRgov.com/transparency. Read more at http:// www.castlerock.org/chamber_news6.htm Castle Rock considers tackling economic development hurdles with urban renewal authority-Creating jobs and expanding the tax base to generate more revenue to fund public services are Town Council’s two primary economic development goals. Still, some hurdles exist. The Castle Rock Economic Development Council holds the lead role for business attraction, retention and expansion in Town. Its leaders say there are two significant obstacles for businesses in Castle Rock: a lack of sites ready for development and a lack of vacant building space. To help address these concerns, the EDC recommended the development of an urban renewal authority, which is a detailed process. In order for residents and business owners to understand the goals and process of a potential URA for Castle Rock, the Town has posted information and documentation online, www.CRgov.com/URA. Read more at http://www.castlerock.org/chamber_news5.htm For children, May is the time to give it a Tri-All you have to do is tri! The Town of Castle Rock’s child-friendly triathlon is back for the eighth time this year. Children ages 5-14 of all ability levels are encouraged to Tri the Rock May 19 at Butterfield Crossing Park and Pool, 3952 W. Butterfield Crossing Drive. The races start at 8 a.m., but the bike racks open at 6:30 a.m. Race distances are: • 5 and 6 years old: 25-meter swim (one pool length), 1-kilometer bike ride (one lap around Butterfield Park) and a 500-meter run • 7-10 years old: 50-meter swim (two pool lengths), 4-kilometer bike ride and a 1-kilometer run •11-14 years old: 100-meter swim (four pool lengths), 8-kilometer bike ride and a 2kilometer run Registration is $40 per child until May 13. The fee is $45 if you register between May 13 and May 17, when registration closes. Register at www.tritherock.com, or by calling race director Kristen Trbovich, 720-733-2284.
Members in the News Castle View High School is holding a fundraiser to raise up to $6,000 to support athletics and activities as part of Ford Motor Company's "Drive 4 UR School" program. On May 4th, 10am to 4pm at Castle View High School (back parking lot) 5254 N. Meadows Drive, for every person who test-drives a new Ford vehicle, Ford Motor Company will donate $20 up to $6,000. Participants must be 18 or older and have a valid driver's license. Limit one test-drive per household.
Castle Rock Historic Trolley Tour-Saturday, May 18 from 9am to 3pm at the Castle Rock Museum. Learn more about the history of Castle Rock through the annual May Historic Preservation Month tour. Please contact the Castle Rock Museum for Tour times and to register for a specific tour. Museum is located at 420 Elbert Street. Call 303-814-3164 or visit http://www.castlerockmuseum.org/.
Douglas/Elbert Task Force Recycling Event is May 18 at 10:00 am at the Douglas County High School on 2842 Front St. For more information call 720-648-5558 or email joer@detaskforce.org. Cash donations will be accepted.
Join Douglas County Libraries as they celebrate all things Star Wars! Enjoy crafts, light saber training, snacks, and photo opportunities with Star Wars characters. Special Guest Matthew Reinhart, creator of Star Wars: A Pop-Up Guide to the Galaxy, will demonstrate his technique for creating intricate Star Wars pop-up art. Book sales will be provided by the Tattered Cover. This event will take place at the Douglas County Fairgrounds. May The Fourth Be With You, on May 4, 2013 10am - 3pm. Purchase your tickets online!http:// www.eventbrite.com/event/5091924082 Young Citizens of Philanthropy Host 2nd Annual Cycle against ViolenceGroup to Host Ride Benefiting the Women’s Crisis & Family Outreach Center-The Women’s Crisis & Family Outreach Center (WCFOC), through their Young Citizens of Philanthropy (YCP) partnership is excited to host their 2nd Annual CYCLE AGAINST VIOLENCE bike ride. Saturday May 18, 2013 in Castle Rock, Co. Registration begins at 6:45 a.m. and the ride will begin at 8:30 a.m. YCP and the WCFOC aim to break the cycle of domestic violence by uniting the community in a family friendly bike ride. The goal of the ride is to raise awareness in the community about an issue that is often minimized. Statistics show that every nine seconds a woman is beaten or assaulted. Studies also suggest over 10 million children witness family violence annually. With statistics such as this, it is an issue that cannot be ignored. Read more http://www.castlerock.org/chamber_news10.htm Horseback Miracles is hosting its third annual “Horses for Hope” Hoedown. The Hoedown is an exciting annual fundraising event to support the Horseback Miracles Equine-Assisted Sensory Based Therapy Program for “at-risk” adolescents. This year it will be held on June 8, 2013, from 4:00 PM until 10:00 PM at the beautiful Perry Park Ranch in Larkspur – 5655 Red Rock Drive, Larkspur, CO 80118. For more information visit www.HorsebackMiraclesorg. A&E Duck Dynasty Live in Castle Rock-Sunday, May 19 at 7pm at Douglas County Events Center located at 500 Fairgrounds Drive. Willie and Phil Robertson will be visiting Castle Rock to talk Faith, Family and Ducks. All proceeds will benefit The Rock Christian Academy. Purchase tickets at http://www.itickets.com/events/304570/Castle_Rock_CO/ Duck_Dynasty_Live_in_Castle_Rock.html
Downtown Castle Rock - home of the Colorado Wedding District finalist for Governor's Award-The Colorado Wedding District was one of ten finalists for the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) 2013 Live-Work-Play Peoples Choice Awards. Explore the shops and businesses in Downtown Castle Rock that comprise the Colorado Wedding District. www.coloradoweddingdistrict.com/
Creating Community Leaders-Leadership Douglas County April’s Topic: Law Enforcement Location: Parker Police Station On Wednesday, April 3, the Leadership Douglas County class met at the new Parker Police Station for a panel on public safety. The day began with a welcome by Parker’s Captain Jim Tsurapas and a discussion with Douglas County Sheriff David Weaver, Castle Rock Chief Jack Cauley and newly installed Lone Tree Police Chief Jeff Streeter. These leaders recognized the positive collaborations among law enforcement agencies and the efficiencies to their teams with shared manpower, equipment and cost benefits to all of the towns and cities involved during a time of increasing regional growth.
“It’s easy to criticize police work as a bystander. After you’ve gone through a Law Enforcement Day with LDC, however, you will gain incredible respect, understanding and gratitude for these men and women and their procedures and practices—and for putting their lives on the line every day to ensure that our streets are safe.” - LDC Participant The next Leadership Class is “Fire and Emergency Services” day on Wednesday, May 1, with activities in Lone Tree and Castle Rock.
A notable commendation recently came in the form of Triple Crown Accreditation to the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, which ranks the county 47th out of 3083 departments nationwide (top 1.5% in the nation). Achieving the Triple Crown distinction is so rare, that fewer than 40 sheriffs’ office in the country have qualified. It represents simultaneous accreditation from three law enforcement accreditation commissions. The morning segment included tours of the Parker facility, as well as the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and jail, and included a presentation by Coroner Lora Thomas and tour of the morgue. The SORT Team demonstrated a wellexecuted cell extraction much to the awe of class members.
Leadership Douglas County is currently accepting applications for the 2013-14 Class. The application deadline is June 15th, 2013. For more information on LDC or for an application visit: www.CastleRock.org/Leadership.htm For questions, please contact Carrie Buchan at clbuchan.co@gmail.com or call 720.440.3726.
The day would not have been complete without demonstrations given by the K-9 Team and a sniper/officer rescue demonstration by the SWAT Team. A hands-on simulation activity anticipating the actions of potential criminal behavior was experienced by each participant on a fullscale interactive video. The class also had the opportunity to receive brief one-on-one firearms training at the shooting range located at the Law Enforcement Training Facility Training Facility in Highlands Ranch.
THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS! Leadership Douglas County would like to acknowledge their Patron Sponsors: Breakthroughs, Inc. The City of Lone Tree and Douglas County Government and also their Program Sponsors: Black Hills Energy, Cherokee Ranch and Castle Foundation, Douglas County Libraries, FirstBank of Douglas County, South Metro Fire and Rescue Authority, Town of Castle Rock, Wells Fargo Bank, and the Chambers of Commerce of Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree and Parker. 19
Did You Know?
Upcoming Signature Events Chamber’s Annual Golf Tournament-June 10, 2013 Enjoy of day of golf while networking with othe rs. This friendly competition will include contest holes, fabulous prizes, vendor and distributor giveaways and more. Be a Sponsor and get face to face with potential clients! This tournament will sell out, so regis ter today at www.castlerock.org. The morning will begin at 8am with an in/out 9 hole tourney for those who can’t s tay the entire day. A noon shotgun start will kick off the afternoon tourney. An after hours networking event follows the tournament whe re a de licious chicken/ brisket buffet will be served , winne rs will be announced and prizes awarded. Don’t miss this event, it’s sure to sell out fast!
As part of your membership with the Castle Rock Chamber, all members are eligible to contribute to our Business Voice Newsletter in the “Members in the News” section. Submit all press releases or company announcements to Melissa Mares at mmares@castlerock.org by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s issue. Take advantage of this opportunity to reach fellow chamber members. *Some Restrictions apply. Are you taking advantage of the Member to Member Discount Program? Visit the Members Only section to sign up and view discounts at www.CastleRock.org.
Upcoming 2013 Event Dates: Subaru Elephant Rock Cycling Festival-June 3, 2013 Castle Rock WineFest-July 20, 2013
10th Annual Castle Rock WineFest-July 20, 2013
Douglas County Fair Parade-August 10, 2013
Colorado Artfest at Castle Rock-September 7 & 8, 2013
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420 Jerry Street Castle Rock, Colorado 80104 303.688.4597 ph 303.688.2688 fax www.CastleRock.org www.VisitCastleRock.org www.CastleRockEG.com https://www .face book.com /Ca stleR ockCham ber 20