November 2013 Business Voice Newsletter

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"Get Connected to the Region's Best Business Network"


The Castle Rock “Lighting of the Star” has been a community event shared by residents dating back to 1935. The same spirit of volunteerism, generosity and love of tradition exists today as Castle Rock businesses and residents prepare to celebrate Starlighting downtown on November 23rd. This year’s celebration will again include: carriage rides, hot chocolate, non profit booths, live Free entertainment and of course Santa will be present for Business photos and visits. Don’t forget to enjoy the Rink at the Rock, an outdoor ice skating rink in downtown Consultations, Castle Rock as well. For a complete To Help Grow list of Starlighting activities Your Business. from 2-7 pm, visit Read more pg. 17

this issue CEO Focus P.2 Young Professionals Social P.3 Leadership Boa rd Training P.6 November Business Trainings P.7 eXcelera te Business Program P.11 YEA! Update P.12 Regis ter Now, Ea rl y Bi rd Specials for Heal thy Li vi ng Expo P.14

2013-2014 Board of Directors

CEO Focus

Pam Ridler, CCE CEO/President Castle Rock Chamber


Expose Yourself in 2014


Let’s face it, when thinking about all the different marketing and advertising opportunities out there, it’s hard to figure out which will give you the most for your money.

Michael Likens, gopixel design studios inc.

The Chamber’s Chairman Circle designation is reserved for a limited number of active community leaders who take pride in being identified as investors in all the Chamber programs, community events and activities conducted throughout the year. Special, on-going recognition and additional benefits are received in return.

This concept offers the opportunity for you to gain exposure in our community. This is accomplished with a special feature which includes sponsorships that are available only to Chairman Circle businesses.

C HAIR- ELE CT Mike Tafoya, Estrada Strategies-DTC

TREA SURER Nino DiMatteo, FirstBank - Douglas County


IMM EDIATE PAST C HAIRMAN Aaron Barrick, Folkestad, Fazekas, Barrick, & Patoile P.C.

DIRECTORS Rand Clark, Random Productions

In addition to substantial recognition throughout the year, Chairman Circle sponsors receive special invitations, courtesy benefits and complementary tickets to specified events in addition to monthly recognition within our publications.

Erik Erickson, WalMart Super Center

You’re invited to join the Chamber’s Elite Investment Group, be a part of this prestigious group. Is the Chairman's Circle for you in 2014? Call me for more information at 303-688-4597.

B rooke Fox, Colorado Agricultura l Leadersh ip Found ation

David Farnan, Farnan Douglas County Libraries Todd Folkenberg, Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus

Lisa Frizell, Douglas County Assessors Office B rock Goodwin, Mutual of Omaha Nadine Kirk, RE/MAX Alliance

President Level

B rian Leugs, Business Communication Support Elyse McNulty, McNulty Kaiser Permanente Jaye Thompson, Northstar Bank Colorado Linda Watson, Sky Ridge Medical Center

EX-OFFICIO Mayor Paul Donahue, Town of Castle Rock

Executive Level

Frank Gray, President/CEO, Castle Rock EDC Sally Misare, Town Clerk Pam Ridler, CCE, President/CEO, Castle Rock Chamber

Entrepreneur Level

C HAMBER STAFF Pam Ridler, CCE, President/CEO Melissa Mares, Director of Communications

Premier Level

Wendy Krzeczowski, Event Manager

ANB Ba nk

Mywedding. com

Arapahoe Community College

Mike Ward In finiti

Bonave nture

One Clear Ch oice Garage Doors

Bub bles Liqu or W orld

Plumbline Servi ces, I nc.

CoW est Ins uran ce Gr oup

Rand om Produ ction s

Susan O’Malley, Membership Account Executive

Douglas County Librarie s

Renewal By Ander sen

Folkestad, Fazekas, Barrick & Patoile , P.C.

Rocky Mou ntain P BS

gopixel desig n studi os, i nc.

Sam’s Cl ub

Kaiser Per mane nte


MedVed Aut ople x Ca stle Rock

Wells Fargo Ba nk Tammy C ratty, Office Administrator

Sonia Waugh, Receptionist


Calling All Young Professionals-2nd Social Event is November 21st Come network and grow as young professionals in a rela xed and fun envi ronment. Whether you're an intern jus t sta rting your professional life, a tea cher, entrepreneur, an i nves tment banker or climbing the corpora te ladder, Douglas County Young Professionals has something for you. Ma ybe you are explori ng your options , contemplating a ca reer change, or even a young professional looki ng to sha re your knowledge wi th others? You will meet others like you at our events . Young Professi onals Age s 21 -39 Don’t fit age re quire me nts??? Come anyway for the in for mation or Send Your Employee s! Just Join Us!

Thursday, November 21st 6pm to 8pm Hideaway Bar & Grill 600 Jerry Street

We a re dedi cated to advancing opportunities for young professionals a cross Douglas County. DCYP members a re i nterested in networking and socializing, betteri ng communi ties they li ve in, fulfilling thei r pers onal moti va tions , a ttra cting a nd retaining young professionals in Douglas County. Business Owners ...Send Your Empl oyees , rea ch another demographi c tha t IS the Future of Douglas County! This group is now forming, and you can be a part of i t! Be A Sponsor, Host an event a t your loca tion! Gain Exposure & Connect with Young Professionals in Douglas County! Que stions? Contact: G olde n Goodwi n or Aaryn Niels on

Gain exposure to w hat's going on in D ouglas County. Build your b usine ss netw ork with other young professi onals.

Call 720.3 75.4 636 or E mail: i nfo@D ouglas CountyYoungPr ofessionals. com or Call Tammy or M elissa @t he Chamber 30 3.68 8.45 97


November Calendar of Events Friday 1st Cas tle Rock Economi c Pa rtners (EDC) @ 8:00 a m Monday 4th Young Entrepreneurs Academy Class YEA! (Cas tle View High School ) @ 5:00 pm

Monday 18th Young Entrepreneurs Academy Class YEA! (Cas tle View High School ) @ 5:00 pm Sta rli ghting Commi ttee meeting (Cha mber) @ 4:00 pm

Tuesday 19th Free Business Consul ta tion (Chamber) Tuesday 5th Free Business Consul ta tion (Chamber) Thi rd Tech Tuesda y “Social Media Metri cs & Measurements (Cha mber) Wednesday 6th @ 9:00 a m Leadership Douglas County (Wind Wednesday 20th Cres t Reti rement Village) @ 8:00 a m Leadership Douglas County Steering Business Training Series Meeting (Chamber) 7:30 a m Team Building for Success Community Leaders hip (Chamber) (Castle Oaks Church) @ 9:30a m @ 11:30 a m Leads Referral (Cas tle Ca fe) Leads Referral (Cas tle Ca fe) @ 11:30 a m @ 11:30 a m Thursday 7th Sta rli ghting Volunteer Briefing Ri bbon Cutting (QR Storytelling) (Cha mber) @ 4:00 pm @ 4:00 pm Thursday 21st Monday 11th Boa rd of Di rectors meeting (Chamber) Young Entrepreneurs Academy Class @ 11:30 YEA! (Cas tle View High School ) Douglas County Community Founda @ 5:00 pm tion (Cha mber) @ 3:30 pm Douglas County Young Professionals Tuesday 12th Free Business Consul ta tion (Chamber) Social (Hideawa y) @ 6:00 pm The Breakfas t Club Leads (Village Inn) Saturday 23rd @ 7:30 a m 78th Annual Cas tle Rock Sta rlighting Leadership Training “Developing your (Downtown Cas tle Rock) @ 2:00 pm Non-Profit Board Ingredients for an Monday 25th Extraordinary Leadership Team Cas tle Rock Economi c Ga rdeni ng (Philip S. Miller Libra ry) @ 11:00 am Leads Pl us (The Fowl Line) @ 11:30 a m Meeting (Chamber) @ 11:30 am Tuesday 26th Wednesday 13th Free Business Consul ta tion (Chamber) Ambassadors Exec. Committee The Breakfas t Club Leads (Village Inn) Meeting (Chamber) @ 10:30 am @ 7:30 a m Ambassadors Meeting (Chamber) Leads Pl us (The Fowl Line) @ 11:30 a m @ 12:00 pm Business after Hours (Medved Autoplex) @ 5:00 pm

PRESIDENT’S LEVEL Castle Rock Bank Colorado Community Media Sky Ridge Medical Center EXECUTIVE LEVEL Black Hills Energy Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus Douglas County Living Magazine Intermountain Rural Electric Assoc. ENTREPRENEUR LEVEL Castle Rock Development Company FirstBank-Douglas County Northstar Bank Colorado Patriot Enterprises PREMIER LEVEL ANB Bank Arapahoe Community College Bonaventure of Castle Rock Bubbles Liquor World CoWest Insurance Group Douglas County Libraries Folkestad,Fazekas,Barrick & Patoile PC gopixel design studios, inc. Kaiser Permanente Medved Autoplex at Castle Rock Mike Ward Infiniti One Clear Choice Garage Doors Plumbline Services Inc. Random Productions Renewal By Andersen Rocky Mountain PBS Sam’s Club Wal-Mart Wells Fargo Bank

Wednesday 27th Business of the Month (Village Inn) @ 9:00 a m

Thursday 14th Ri bbon Cutting (Cobbra Closets ) Thursday 28th-Happy Thanksgiving! @ 12:00 pm Chamber Closed Ri bbon Cutting “Fast Signs ” (Chamber) Friday 29th-Chamber Closed @ 4:00 pm Friday 15th Cas tle Rock Economi c Pa rtners (EDC) @ 8:00 a m


Upcoming Networking Events

Business After Hours

November 13th


December 4th

ANB Bank

January 15, 2014

Douglas/Elbert Task Force & Castle Rock Bank

Business After Hours

Wednesday, Nov. 13th 5pm to 7pm

1506 S. Wilcox Street Community Connection: $10 per person. One pass for Networking level, Free for Ascent level & a bove. Guests /Non-members must have an admitta nce pass. Call 303.688.4597 or Contact Susan@cas for info.

One Pass for Networking level, free to Asce nt level and above. $10 for Community Connection. All events are 5-7pm GUESTS MUST PRE REGISTER. Contact Susan at 303-688-4597.

Douglas County Young Professionals Social Thursday, Nov. 21st 6pm to 8pm Hideaway Bar & Grill 600 Jerry Street (See page 4 for details!)

2014 opportunities now available

Business Over Breakfast Dec. 12th 7:30am—9am Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus 2350 Meadows Blvd Community Connection: $10 per person. 1 pass for Networking level, free for Ascent level & above. Guests/Non-members must have an admittance pass. 303.688.4597 5

Leadership Board Training Offered in November DEVELOPING YOUR NON-PROFIT BOARD: Ingredients for an Extraordinary Leadership Team Tuesday, November 12, 2013 11am to 2:45pm Philip S. Miller Library Cost: $49.00 (includes lunch)

Facilitator: Dave Kilby, WACE President/CEO

Purchase Tickets at

Key components of the program will include: •

Winning Strategies for Success

Importance of the Nominating Committee

Traits of a Great Board Member

Board Orientations

Who Does What - Roles & Responsibilities

Tips on Meeting Management

Getting Your Leaders on the Same Page

Presented By:

Join A Leads Group! Leads Plus!

Leads Referral

The Breakfast Club

2nd & 4th Tuesdays

1st & 3rd Wednesdays

2nd & 4th Tuesdays




11:30 am to 1:00 pm

11:30 am to 1:00 pm

7:30 am to 8:45 am




The Fowl Line

Castle Cafe

Village Inn




Tammy Cratty

Susan O’Malley

Tammy Cratty

The policy for Chambe r Leads is to have one represe ntative pe r business pe r group. Chambe r staff maintains a regularly updated waiting list. Please contact the staff liaison from prefe rred group at 303-688-4597 to check availability. 6

November Business Trainings Offered Team Building For Success, Building a Communication Culture By: Mike Tafoya Business Strategist and CEO Coach Wednesday, November 6, 2013 (9:30am-1:00pm) Castle Oaks Evangelical Church (826 Park St.) Successful leade rs and CEOs will almost always give their teams all the credit for the success. Effective leaders know they cannot succeed without a rock solid team, but mos t business owne rs struggle to build e ffective and productive teams. Uncover the key building blocks neede d to build a dynamic and productive team. In this workshop your will learn: Free Lunch Included: * How to improve company morale RSVP at: * Effective communication and delegation methods * To build functional workflow m odels * Create buy-in from everyone on the team Teamwork is the foundation of every growing and successful business. You cannot succeed without the one a nothe r, so why not learn to leverage our greatest resource-our people. Mike Tafoya will bring this ever changing topic of teamwork to life in this impactful workshop. Come pre pared to build your Team for Success.

How Does Your Business Thrive? Through the partnership of the Chamber, Town of Castle Rock, PS Miller Library and the Senior Core of Retired Executives (SCORE), we can help you keep your business on course or successfully help you launch a new venture by providing consultations with industry experts. Schedule appointments for a business consulta tion with an expert regarding the following:

RSVP: Receptionis t@castle Free To Chambe r Members $10 for Future Members

Business start-ups

Developing a business plan

Marketing and sales activities

Accounting and tax issues

Securing financing

Business organization

Managing business growth

Business Boot Camp

Access to Local Expertise

Database & GIS Research

Call 303-688-4597 or sign up at:


This Holiday Season, Pledge to Shop Local & Support Our Community! Shopping in Castle Rock is important for several reasons. It helps local businesses succeed and strengthens the area economy. It also provides sales tax revenue to the Town, which is needed to provide core services like police/fire protection and road/park maintenance.

Did You Know? The Castle Rock Chamber offers many unique gift ideas, Stop by our Chamber Booth at the Starlighting event, Saturday, November 23rd to purchase Commemorative Starlighting Coasters & Ornaments or Visit our Chamber Office located at 420 Jerry Street in Downtown Castle Rock! Hours: M-F (9am to 5pm) Limited Supplies

Artfest Prints, Ornaments, Coasters, Tiles & More!


Business of the Month-Crystal Valley Ranch

Michael Likens, Chair man of th e Board, pr ou dly prese nts the Busi ness of th e Month award to Gregg Br own a nd Na ncy Schield from Crystal Valley Ra nch.

The Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce recently announced its October recipient for Business of the Month — Crystal Valley Ranch. Crystal Valley Ranch is a 1475 acre Planned Development located at I-25 and Crystal Valley Parkway, Castle Rock, Colorado. Contained within the PD are approvals for 3475 units, three school sites, neighborhood commercial and 400 acres of open space. To date, there are approximately 500 occupied homes. The town has completed construction of the $2.5M Rhyolite regional park with CVR which contains ball fields, shelter house and play sculptures. Castle Rock is also developing plans for the adjacent 125 acres historic butte named Mesa Quarry Park. Offering great vistas, this park contains walking, bike and mountain bike trails and open space areas. CVR is in the process of installing additional trails that will connect our neighborhoods to the community facilities. CVR neighborhood recreation center is now complete and open for use. It contains an outdoor pool, community multi-

Member to Member Discount Program

purpose room and fitness facilities. A pedestrian bridge crossing Crystal Valley Parkway is complete and open for public use. In addition to the obvious safety benefits, this structure will create the sense of arrival that will be a signature for all of CVR. Crystal Valley Ranch Developer, Gregg Brown, is honored to be recognized as the Castle Rock Chamber’s Business of the Month. They are proud of their development and excited for the future of Crystal Valley Ranch. Congratulations from the Castle Rock Chamber for being recognized as an outstanding business.

As part of your inves tment wi th the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce, you are eligible to pa rti cipate in this program! You may offer savings or i tems of value that represent your business and take advantage of those offers from fellow members. This is part of the Chamber’s ongoing efforts to help our members save. By parti cipating in this program, you a re furthering the goal of s trengthening our local economy . View all the member to me mbe r d i s co u n ts at in the Mem be rs Onl y s ecti on . Contact Susan by ca lli ng 303- 688- 4597 to participate.


Chamber Members Celebrating Anniversaries Business Ai r Academy Federal Credi t Union Col umbine Ki tchen & Ba th Pegasus Res taurant Perry Street Pediatri cs Better Business Bureau Pa rk Land Company UPS Store, The Wildli fe Experience, The developersDen Servpro of Cas tle Rock/Pa rker Gubbels Law Offi ce, P.C. H&M Tra nsmission & Automoti ve, LLC Video Conference Sys tems Integra tors Inc. Cas tle Pi nes Electri c WJ Bradley Mortga ge Capi tal Corp Cas tle Rock Professional Fi refighters Local 4116 Col orado Agri cul tural Lea dership Founda tion New England Financial - Pa tri ck Bra nnan Allsta te Insurance - Ma ry Ma cDonald Es tate Sale, The Cas tle Rock Oral and Ma xillofa cial Surgery Essence Health & Fitness Dove Chocola te Discoveries By Ci ndy ETC Servi ces, Inc. Golf Club at Bear Dance, The Project Recycle Sma,LLC Versatili ty - Ma rketing Essentials Chelsea Hutchison Founda tion Cutti ng Edge Dance & Acro Fresh Ai re Robinson & Henry, PC Cas tle Rock Famil y Ca re Norkus Design Flooring Specialist Smi th & Willis Hea ting & Ai r Douglas County Educational Founda tion Interi or Glass Design Home Depot, The Ba ck 2 Health Chi ropra ctic Clea r Choi ce Windows Ja ck in the Box Transameri ca Financial Advisors Fi res tone Complete Auto Ca re

Years with the Chamber 24 Yea rs 24 Yea rs 24 Yea rs 24 Yea rs 19 Yea rs 19 Yea rs 14 Yea rs 11 Yea rs 9 Yea rs 9 Yea rs 6 Yea rs 6 Yea rs 6 Yea rs 5 Yea rs 4 Yea rs 4 Yea rs 4 Yea rs 4 Yea rs 3 Yea rs 2 Yea rs 2 Yea rs 2 Yea rs 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r

Are You Taking Advantage? AFFINITY PROGRAMS CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! Office Depot Program! Members save approximately 15% to 25% annually on their office supplies! To receive your National Program Office Depot card, please call Susan O’Malley at 303-688-4597 or email

Comcast Business Class available to Members! Whatever the size of your company, it needs to respond quickly to the needs of customers, communicate reliably with suppliers, and find smarter ways to increase employee productivity. Chamber members can save on internet Service and Voice service!

For more information, contact Mark Pendergast of Comcast Business Class at 303-720-8090 or email

For More Information about these programs visit and click on Affinity Programs Icon. 10

EBDP Registration, Now Open!

eXcelerate BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Accelerate growth. Promote excellence. The Cas tle Rock Economi c eXcelera te Business Development Program (EBDP) is designed to lead and inspi re businesses to grow and prosper to thei r hi ghes t potential . Every business whether they a re in the ea rl y s tages of development or a re deepl y rooted and es tablished enterprises will benefi t from the concepts and s ys tems taught in the progra m. Our goal is to help pa rti cipa ting businesses a ccelera te growth and promote excellence through proven business development a nd business planning stra tegies and ta cti cs . Key elements of growth can be measured in many ways: • Increased Revenues and Profits • Added staff and Workforce • Acquisition of Investment Capital • Community Impact Ul ti ma tel y, these growth pa tterns depend on helping indi vidual business leaders grow in the knowledge and ability to i mpa ct thei r own company.

eXcelerate Business Development Program will provide business owners with: Business training • Peer group accountabili ty and • Leader mentors The goal for all participants is to establish and define their future growth strategies, and create an implementation plan for the immediate future.

RECOMMEND JOINING THE CHAMBER ! EARN CHAMBER CASH! WHAT: Stewardship Program WHY: Re duce Your Membe rship Investment Cost WHO: This program acknowledges and awards Chamber members for Stewardship of the Chamber in the Castle Rock Community. HOW: Steward Recognition: Your name and the refe rred new Chamber membe r will be spotlighte d in the Business Voice in STEWARDSHIP RECOGNITION section.

To complete your referral go to http://www.castlerock./org/pdf/ MemberReferralCard2012.pdf.

During the final session, the pa rtici pating members will present thei r s tra tegic plan to a group of thei r peers a nd communi ty leaders. They will recei ve feedba ck and confirma tion for ea ch business to complete thei r future business stra tegy. Pa rti cipants and past yea rs ’ gradua tes of the (EBDP) will be recogni zed i ndi viduall y a t the Cas tle Rock Cha mber of Commerce a nnual Banquet. View more informa tion about this new exci ting progra m at www.Cas Register Now, Spa ce is Limi ted: www.castlerockcha trati ons




YEA! Takes Flight with Student Idea Generation The dream of human flight was a reality for a number of young Castle Rock entrepreneurs, as members of the Castle Rock Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!™) were recently welcomed by SkyVenture Colorado where they toured the Lone Tree facility and discovered how to “fly their body” like skydivers do, during an actual free fall at speeds over 120 mph. These participants are members of a groundbreaking program that teaches students from all walks of life how to make a job,-not take a job, by starting their own business. In addition to lessons inside the classroom, YEA! introduces them to all types of areas of business through field trips, guest lectures, pairing them with business mentors, and working with them through the launch of their own real business. Students from the Castle Rock Young Entrepreneurs Academy, Class of 2014, began their yearlong program at Castle View High School in October. YEA! kicks off this year with new instructor, Randy Ridler, Business Banking Relationship Manager, Northstar Bank Colorado in Castle Rock. The Castle rock Young Entrepreneurs Academy is a yearlong program that guides high school students through launching their own real business or social movement. “Randy’s dedication to the community and deep entrepreneurial knowledge makes him a great role model for YEA! students," says Carrie Buchan, program manager. “Our goal is to teach students how to develop the type of entrepreneurial mindset that Randy has taken with him throughout his extremely successful and diverse career."

Some students of the 2014 Castle Rock Young Entrepreneurs Academy gear up for their flight!

own and operate fully-formed and functioning businesses, which may be carried on after their graduation from the program. During their visit to SkyVenture Colorado (SVC), students learned about the company’s founders and business model. Independently owned and operated, SVC has become one of the best training facilities in the world by focusing on staff training and delivering great customer service. “It is ‘cool’ field trips, like this one to SkyVenture, that makes YEA! the unique experience that it is. It takes experiential, project-based learning to a whole new level!” said Buchan. “By engaging in a hands-on approach to learning, our students were able to identify what it takes to start a recreational/entertainment business, as they discovered the tremendous amount of research, financial commitment and technical expertise that is required before a business such as SkyVenture—or any business—can take shape and, how important these considerations are when starting their own businesses.” About the Young Entrepreneurs Academy: YEA!’s direct m ission is t o help students e mbrace their pa ssion, ener gy, creat ivity and talent s, launch a venture, and v iew entre preneursh ip as synony mous with success and freedom . In 2008, YE A! spun-off” fr om the Un iversity of Rochester, where it was formed in 2 004 with support from the Kau ffman Foundation, t o create its own not- for- pr ofit corporat ion, YE A! Inc., wh ich is currently launching site s in c olleges, un iversities and high schools across the c ountry to pr ovide c om prehensiv e, excitin g entre preneurship education, le adership development and innovation t rainin g to y outh, prov iding them with skills they need to succeed in the 21st Century. For m ore in formation a bout the Y oung Entrepreneurs Academy, please v isit http: //cast leroc k. org/YE A.htm or www.yeausa .or g OR contact Carrie Buchan at 720. 440.372 6 or email il.c om.


Silver Spons ors:

Gold S pons ors:

Throughout the year students will work in close cooperation with local business leaders, community leaders and educators who use their personal 12

Ribbon Cuttings, Celebrate Your Success Let us help you celebrate! Have you opened a new business, expanded at your current location, relocated, or celebrating a milestone anniversary? Let the Castle Rock Chamber and the Ambassadors help you share the good news! A Ribbon Cutting ceremony is an important part of your overall marketing and advertising plan and is a great way to kick off a grand opening or relocation of a business.

Contact the Chamber to schedule your Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening Celebration.

Ambassador of the Month-Betty Graf

Castle Rock Homebrew Supply 1043 Park St. Castle Rock, CO 80109Eric Seufert 303-660-2275 Retail http://www.castle

Blue Spruce Animal Clinic 101 Briscoe Castle Rock, CO 80104 Jasmine Tom 808-391-6093 Animal Hospital http://www.blues prucea

Betty moved to Castle Rock six yea rs ago and loves it here! She grew up in small towns in Kansas and loves the fact that Castle Rock has tha t same small town feel. After li ving with her husband overseas for nine years , Betty was ready to settle down and li ve a quieter life in Colorado. Betty joined the chamber fi ve years ago and is in her fourth year as a Chamber Ambassador. She finds being an Ambassador a great fi t since she loves meeting new people and developing relationships with business owners. Betty has utilized the many Chamber networking events such as the Leads referral groups to promote her business with great success. For Betty, it’s a way for her to be “plugged” into the business community. As a Chamber Ambassador, Betty is a part of a professional group of people dedica ted to helping others grow thei r businesses. To her, i t’s what life is about - i t’s about what she can do for others . Betty is the head of her own marketing company through Reli v Internati onal. Reli v is a 25 yea r old food science company, committed to making a difference in people’s li ves. We all want to ha ve grea t health and feel amazing!! Through Reliv’s line of patented nutritional supplements that can become a reality! Reliv offers people hope for a better quality of life. It’s really Nutri ti on Made Simple!! As a reti red nurse, this is another perfect fit for Betty! Betty and her husband, Ha rlan, recentl y built their ranch and dream home and love ha ving their three grandkids out to the ranch. They especiall y love spending time with their fi ve horses. It’s a pretty ideal life, if Betty sa ys so herself! Congratulations and Thank You Betty, for all your ha rd work supporting and promoting the Chamber! 13

Saturday, February 8, 2014 8am to 3pm Douglas County Events Center

Colorado's largest Expo focused on Living, Working and Playing in Colorado! The Healthy Living Expo will feature companies, health organizations and nonprofits that specialize in your healthy lifestyle. Enjoy vendor booths, interactive, educational displays & demonstrations, and ongoing entertainment. The day starts off with the Freeze Your Buns off 5k with an estimated 500 runners. Runners Register at Showcase your products and services to residents of Douglas County and surrounding areas... Admission is FREE to the Public.

Register Early & $ave! >Single In Line 10'x10' Booth$185 (Chamber Members) $305 (Non Members) > Single In Line Corner 10'x10' Booth$225 (Chamber Members) $355 (Non Members) > Double In Line 10'x10' Booth$335 (Chamber Members) $565 (Non Members) > Double In Line Corner 10'x10' Booth$375 (Chamber Members) $605 (Non Members) PRICES INCREASE ON NOV. 30th www.COLORADOHEALTHYLIVINGEXPO.COM

Be where the customers are... Meet Customers, build confidence with a face to face meeting!

Network - meet and network your business with other Colorado professionals!

Show Customers Your Best Work - The Healthy Living Expo lets potential customers experience your work first hand - appeal to their senses!

Meet more Consumers in ONE day than any other advertising medium!

Register Now & Save Money! Prices Increase Nov. 30th! www.COLORADOHEALTHYLIVINGEXPO.COM

Sponsorship Opportunities, Now Available! Email or call the Chamber at 303-688-4597. 14

Welcome New Members Cadellie's Home

Go Green Carpet Clean

Prairie Hawk Dental

Kelli Eagle (303) 465-0909

Za cha ry Donahue (720) 961-4616

Aa ron Goodman (720) 515-1801

2608 Oak Vista Ct.

4068 Deer Vall y Dr.

3993 Limeli ght Ave. Sui te E

Cas tle Rock, CO 80104

Cas tle Rock, CO 80104

Cas tle Rock, CO 80109

Home Improvements

Carpet & Rug Cleaners



Capital 8 Castle Court Apartments

Greenway Dent Solutions


Sha ri Kissee (303) 940-1220

Hea th Bleil (303) 952-7692

Hei di Ha milton (303) 519-8167

3845 Tennyson St. Apt. 107

1015 Pa rk St.

7600 E. Pa rk Meadows Dri ve #1100

Denver, CO 80212

Cas tle Rock, CO 80109

Lone Tree, CO 80124


Autobody Repair



Denise Fuller (303) 688-3310

Mommy's Club

US Health Advisors

318 4th St.

Da vi d Nelson (303) 358-5018

Cas tle Rock, CO 80104

Jim & Jeannie Young (303) 653-9199


Health & Wellness

Aurora , CO 80014


Insurance - Health

Faithful Plumbing Inc.

Pediatrics 5280

Kurt & Debbie Riets ch (303) 945-6238

Sa rah Dacey, MD (720) 875-1550

Plumbing - Contractors

Cas tle Rock, CO 80109

Castle Rock Florist

2851 S. Pa rker Rd. Sui te 432 vidnelson

2352 Meadows Bl vd. Sui te 150 Physicians - Pediatrics www.pedia tri cs

Restaurant of the Month

800 New M emphis Ct 303.66 3.01 01 www.chilis. com

Beverage Sponsor

The Pepsi Bott ling Company 3801 Brighton B oulevard Denver, CO 8021 6

Storage Sponsor

Park Street /Jerry Stre et Storage 1500 N. Pa rk St reet Ca stle Roc k, CO 303.688.22 42


Developing Leaders-Leadership Douglas County October’s Class Topic: History and Open Space Steering Committee Planners: Ann Curry, Marcos Cordova, Donna Martin. Class of 2013. On October 2, the Leadership class began their day at the Highlands Ranch Mansion to learn about the history of Douglas County, followed by a trip south to Castle Rock, which included a tour of the abundant open space in the county. Perhaps the greatest lesson learned was that great communities don’t happen by chance, overnight, or by themselves, we create them by guiding change. (For more information on how your business or group can receive a personalized tour of our county’s rich resources, please call Jackie Sanderson at 303-660-7495.) High lands Ranch Mansion

Join Us and Experience What LDC is All About! The topic for November's Leadership Class is Healthcare and the day will be held, in its entirety, at Wind Crest Retirement Village, on November 6. To attend the class as a Guest or Alumni, or for more information on the Leadership Douglas County program, please contact Carrie at (720) 440-3726 or email

Leadership Douglas County would like to acknowledge Presenters and Sponsors for the day: Jackie Sanderson talks t o LDC c lass in October a bout DC Open S pace

Highlands Ranch Mansion/Metro Districts, Wind Crest, CR Parks & Recreation, CR Chamber of Commerce, DC School District, King Soopers, Costco, Jason Atwell, Shaun Boyd, Derald Hoffman, Irene Hubert, Adam Speirs and Jackie Sanderson. Thanks to P atron Sponsors: City of Lone Tree, Douglas County Government and BreakThroughs, Inc.;

Jason Atwe ll pre sents an enga ging and interactive Leadersh ip Skill on Public Spea king

“I learned so much about Douglas County Open Space that I never knew existed and some of the programs I wasn't aware of. This was the reason I wanted to be a part of LDC.” Diane Spomer, Participant “Great opportunity to see what Douglas County has to offer the community.” – Marian, Participant

Program Sponsors: Black Hills Energy, Cherokee Ranch and Castle Foundation, Douglas County Libraries, FirstBank of Douglas County, Highlands Ranch Metro Districts, South Metro Fire and Rescue Authority, Town of Castle Rock, Wells Fargo Bank, and the Chambers of Commerce of Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree and Parker.

Thank you all for your generous support! 16

Customized, Confidential Consultations to Help Your Business Grow Business resources to keep you moving forward M ARK E T RE S E ARC H - C O M P E T I T I VE A N A LY S I S - BU S I N E S S T O O LS - L O C AL E X P E RT S

Chamber Offers Free Business Consultations H ow d oe s you r b us ine s s g row ? Is your business ready for that ne xt ste p? Not s ure about the next step? Not sure how to take it? WE ARE HERE TO HELP! Castle Rock Economic Ga rdene rs (CREG) is a group of de dicate d and expe rienced business lea ders whose miss ion is to provide small businesses with A C C ESS TO LOC A L EXPER TISE

the resources used by best-in-class firms, the reby enhancing the ir com petitiveness in the local, s tate and global marketplaces. Our purpose is to help

It is not possible to be an expert about every aspect of running a business. The Chamber

Douglas County businesses flouris h in today’s marketplace. W hethe r you’re

can provide participants with referrals to

just s tarting out and need help turning an

experts in such areas as financing, legal and


idea into reality, or you’ve been es tab-


lished for years and want to take your

D A TA B A S E & G I S R E S E A R C H

business to the next level, we ca n show

The program has access to industry leading

you how to gain the knowle dge, dire c-

research databases and GIS information to develop a custom growth plan. Databases


tion, and connections you need to culti-

include Reference USA, Dodge Report, JJ

vate a successful business.


The concept of e conom ic gardening fosters entrepreneurial activity by providing the essential information, infra-

WA N T MOR E IN FOR MA TION ? Economic Gardening information and a program application may be found at the Castle Rock Economic Gardening website.

structure, and resources required for www.C ast leRo ckEG.o rg

successful business development and growth. A ll se rvices a nd information are at little or no cost to both s tart-ups and established businesses in Douglas County, Colorado. Please take a few moments to explore our we bsite and learn how the Cas tle Rock Econom ic Gardene rs can he lp your bus iness grow.



Members in the News Local family receives trip to Disneyland for Epilepsy Awareness Day-The Chelsea Hutchison Foundation in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, recently announced the winners of an all-expense paid trips to Disneyland for Epilepsy Awareness Day on November 7th. Two families of children with epilepsy won the trips, and one of those families is from Windsor, Colorado. Read more: http:// Siena at the Courtyard / The Hess Collection Special Event...sponsored by Bubbles Liquor World is Thursday, November 7 from 5:30pm to 7:00 pm. Enjoy a sampling of four perfect Thanksgiving wines from the Hess Family Estates paired with appetizers prepared by Siena at the Courtyard. Space is limited, reservations required. $30 pp plus tax/gratuity, call 303.688.2622 or email The 6th Annual Future for Families Gala benefiting The Women's Crisis & Family Outreach Center is Friday, November 8, 2013 from 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM at The Inverness Hotel & Conference Center (200 Inverness Drive W). Through the Future for Families Gala, the WCFOC hopes to unite this region in taking an important step towards breaking the cycle of violence. In an evening of dinner, dancing, live and silent auctions, and live entertainment, this event will offer attendees an elegant, memorable, and enjoyable time. To inquire more about ticket sales or corporate sponsorship please visit, contact Heather Orr at, or call at 303688-1094. All proceeds from this event will be directed to client services. Purchase your ticket at https:// start_rsvp.php.

The 3rd Annual Holiday Bazaar hosted by Castle View High School is Saturday, November 9th from 10am-4pm. Browse beautiful items for Holiday Gift giving from 70+ vendors.

Congratulations to Anthonette Klinkerman, (Courtesy Bootcamp) for her outstanding achievement. We are pleased to announce that her children's book, Battle of the Grandmas, is now officially an award-winning children's book! She enThe Douglas County Libraries invites you tered the 2013 Reader's Favorite awards to attend their foodie festival, Books, contest back in May, and the book beBites & Brews, that celebrates local cuicame one of seven finalists in its catesine and brews on November 9th from 4 gory, Children's -General. Shortly after, pm to 9 pm at Cielo at Castle Pines. Purher book won the Bronze Medal out of chase tickets at: 151 other entrants! Anthonette is headed pjzn654M to Miami in November to receive the Employers Needed for Countywide 8th award. Copies of her book, Battle of the Grade Career Fair-The Career Connect Grandmas (Written by Anthonette 8th Grade Expo is Wednesday, November Klinkerman and illustrated by recent 13, 2013 from 7:30am - 2:30pm at the DCSD graduate Justin Acquavella) are Douglas County Events Center in Castle available on, at akRock. This one day event for all 4,800+, eighth grade students in the District to and all other internet book outlets. experience meeting with businesses and The Castle Rock Historical Society ‘s CD higher education representatives. Busi"A Castle Rock nesses are needed to hosts tables for this Christmas" features event. More information here or to Regiswonderful holiday ter online visit music and is now Start your Thanksgiving Day on the right available at the or the left foot! By giving back to those Chamber. Pick yours less fortunate in our community at the up today. CD's are 9th Annual Turkey Rock Trot 5K Family only $10 and proceeds benefit the Castle Friendly Fun Run/ Rock Historical Society. Walk/Stroll-The ADOPT-A-FAMILY FOR THE HOLIDAYSDouglas/Elbert Task Douglas County: Santa’s Sharing is the Force presents the holiday adopt-a-family program of the 9th Annual Turkey Douglas/Elbert Task Force. The program Rock Trot on Thursorganizes sponsors for client families reday, November 28, siding in Douglas and Elbert Counties who 2013, a benefit of the have shown ongoing need during these Task Force and Food continuing difficult times. Last year just Bank! There are still over 200 families were sponsored in one partnership opportunities available to of these ways. The need is greater every sponsor this family friendly, fun event year. Sponsors are accepted through Dewhile marketing your business name to cember 6. For information and an applithe community, Visit their website at: cation to sponsor a family, go to but HURRY, or call the Task TIME IS RUNNING OUT… Force at 303-688-1114. 18

Town & County News and Events Free Wildfire Mitigation Seminar for homeowners and property owners on Nov. 9-Are you a homeowner or property owner in rural Douglas County or one who lives near forested areas or on large acreage? Please take advantage of a free wildfire mitigation seminar hosted by the Douglas County Conservation District on Nov. 9, at the Franktown Firehouse, from 9 a.m. until Noon. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. This seminar will present information on defensible space, structural ignition, current, forest health conditions, local fire mitigation, as well as forest health projects and grant opportunities. To register RSVP by Nov. 7 at 303-688-3042 ext. 100 or email: Proposed 2014 Budget continues focus on priorities; property tax to remain $40/year-Five major priorities continue to drive the Town’s 2014 Budget as proposed: securing long-term water, completing the North Meadows Extension, providing outstanding public health and safety services, creating jobs/expanding the tax base and developing Philip S. Miller Park. The proposed budget calls for no tax increases of any kind. That means that the owner of a $300,000 house still would only pay about $40, or up to 2.29 percent of their total property tax bill, to the Town in 2014 for the wide range of services that it provides. Details – including a four-page Budget in Brief document – are available at Additional officers serving, protecting Castle Rock-More police officers now serve and protect the Town of Castle Rock, following a swearing-in ceremony last month.These nine officers swore their oath and joined the Castle Rock Police Department: Cody Brown, Daniel Degennaro, Philip “Matt” McNairy,

Daniel Moffitt, John Silva, Robert Schuster, Chad Stoneking, Kevin Sullivan and Joseph “Buzz” Sutherland. In addition, Officer Kevin McCann was promoted to corporal. McCann has been with Castle Rock Police for 10 years. CDOT presents rail study findings to public-The Colorado Department of Transportation’s Division of Transit and Rail is holding several open houses over the next few weeks to present recommendations to the public from the Interregional Connectivity Study (ICS). Work began on the ICS earlier this year. It studied the area between Fort Collins and Pueblo, including the Denver and Colorado Springs metropolitan areas. Station locations also were identified. Read more: chamber_news9.htm

The work approved will ready the ground and move utilities near the high school to make way for an eventual bridge over the BNSF Railway line in the area. Another contract to complete all parts of the project west of the East Plum Creek is expected to be brought forth by the year’s end. Read more: chamber_news10.htm

Town pursues vision of Philip S. Miller Park one step at a time-Castle Rock is an active community, and, based on community feedback, the Town recognizes the need for additional indoor recreation space. That’s why a new 60,000-squarefoot fieldhouse remains a key component of the first phase of the Town’s largest park project ever – Philip S. Miller Park. Over the past three months, Town Council and Town staff have been reConstruction to start on North Meadevaluating the scope of the first phase of ows Extension-The Town and its partthe park due to increased costs and conners for years have been getting ready struction requirements. Following for Castle Rock’s largest-ever roadway groundbreaking in mid-May, engineers project, the North Meadows Extension discovered unforeseen soil conditions from The Meadows to U.S. Highway 85 that require a more extensive (and, and Interstate 25. And all of this year, therefore, more expensive) foundation we’ve been set to begin construction, for the fieldhouse and any other building while awaiting some final approvals. located at the park. At the same time, Now, we are excited to start building the the recovering economy is driving a reroad, which is the Town’s No. 1 transporvived construction climate, in which tation priority. Town Council approved a more projects are being built nation$2.36 million contract to start construcwide. The rules of supply and demand tion – an exciting milestone for the proapply, meaning less labor availability and ject. A groundbreaking ceremony was supply and, therefore, increased costs. held at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29, near Read more: the back parking lot at Castle View High chamber_news2.htm School, 5254 N. Meadows Drive. “We are thrilled that the day is here that we With a variety of unique features and will see earth moving on this project, more than 230 acres of space, the park is after years of preparation and hard work bound to be a regional draw. The park by many,” Mayor Paul Donahue said. will be fully built out over the next dec“This is truly a historic milestone for the ade or more. Read more about The Town of Castle Rock.” Town's No. 1 park priority PSM Park at 19

Did You Know?

Upcoming Signature Events Castle Rock Starlighting-November 23, 2013— The Cas tle Rock “Li ghting of the Sta r” has been a community event sha red by residents da ting ba ck to 1935. The same spiri t of volunteerism, generosi ty and love of tradi tion exis ts toda y as Cas tle Rock businesses and residents prepa re to celebrate Sta rlighting downtown on November 23rd. This yea r’s celebra tion will again include: ca rriage rides , hot chocola te, non profi t booths , li ve entertainment and of course Santa will be present for photos and visi ts. Don’t forget to enjoy the Rink at the Rock, an outdoor i ce ska ting rink in downtown Cas tle Rock as well. The Sta rlighti ng ceremony will begin promptl y at 5:00 pm and the lighting of the Sta r will be a t approxima tel y 5:30 pm. More info a t

As part of your membership with the Castle Rock Chamber, all members are eligible to contribute to our Business Voice Newsletter in the “Members in the News” section. Submit all press releases or company announcements to newsletter Editor, Melissa Mares at by the 15th of the month to be included in the f o l lo wi ng m o n th’ s is s ue . Take advantage of this opportunity to reach fellow chamber members. *Some Restrictions apply. Are you taking advantage of the Member to Member Discount Program? Visit the Members Only section to sign up a nd vie w dis counts at


Save the date, Register Now for Early Bird Rates! Colorado Healthy Living ExpoFebruary 8, 2014 DC EVENTS CENTER






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