October 2011 Business Voice Newsletter

Page 1


Membership Appreciation Day is Oct 14

The “MAD” Committee thanks its Chamber Member businesses for their support. See details on page 2.

M MORE ORE N NEWS EWS IINSIDE NSIDE Women of Influence Luncheon — Register Now


Economic Update


Castle Rock is on the Map


Business Training


2012 Leadership Douglas County Class

15 Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice

• CastleRock.org

e d”! l t s ol i a C S k c o R “

Share the challenge s, drea ms and a ccomplish me nts of high profile wome n in busine ss, gove rnme nt, science and the arts!

Thursday, October 13, 2011 11:30am-1pm Gabriel’s Restaurant 5450 Manhart Street Sedalia, CO

Guest Speaker

Anne McCarthy, President of

Anne McCar thy -

Westmeath Communications

Cor por ate Communications Str ategist and For tune 500 E xecutor

Luncheon Sponsor

Registration $30 Members $40 Non Members Register for this event today! For more inf ormation, visit CastleRock. org or call the Castle Rock Chamber 303-688-4597.


Education Sponsor Key Bank Register Early! This event will sell out.

Anne has spent more than 25 years in communications, as both a strategist and an executor for Fortune 500 com panies in the United States, E urope an d Asia. All six of her corporate roles with Western Union, SAP, Du Pont, Polaroid, IBM an d Sara Lee involve significant engagement with the “c-suite” and other key stakeh olders, from “Wall Street” an d electe d officials t o employees and customers.

Castle “Rock Solid”!

For sixteen years the Castle Rock Chamber has chosen a day to celebrate its members and thank them for their support. October 14th is Membership Appreciation Day (MAD) to recognize member businesses that are committed to the Chamber and contribute to the economic vitality of the community through Chamber membership. For more than fifty-five years the Chamber has proven to be a “Rock Solid” member-driven, organization that contributes signific antly to the community through events and programs that enhance the economy. This year’s theme – Castle Rock Solid! –reminds our members, and the community alike, of the importance of working together for the benefit of all. You will recognize Chamber Ambassadors and Staff on this special day by their blue shirts as they deliver the new 2012 Chamber Member Directory, as well as a “Thank You” gift to business members. Member Appreciation Day is made possible by our sponsors, Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus and Wells Fargo Bank. Bank The Chamber encourages you to join us in thanking our hard working businesses and service providers wherever you see their Chamber decal proudly displayed in their store windows!

Title Sponsors ~

Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice

• CastleRock.org


Economic Update


Analysis of Colorado’s Job & Economy (for August, 2011)


After back to back years of job losses, Colorado is likely to add jobs this year. The 8-month average annual employment is about 12,600 workers greater than last year.


In late September the Broomfield-based Business and Economic research evaluated several scenarios and projected that there would be real GDP growth (US) of 2.4% to 2.9%, with the addition of 15,000 to 24,999 Colorado jobs in 2011.


C HAIRMAN OF TH E BOARD Linda Watson Sky Ridge Medical Center Aaron Barrick Folkestad, Fazekas, Barrick & Patoile, P.C.


Gary Horvath Colorado Economy Researcher — Labor Market Information Group

At that time it seemed that expansion would be at the lower end of those ranges (real GDP growth of 2.4% and +15,000 Colorado employees). With uncertainty in the global, national and state economies it now appears that output and employment gains will remain at the upper end of those ranges. While it is clear that we are view ing the Great Recession in our rear view mirror, there are significant short-term and long-term risks that must be addressed.

The changes of a recession have increased, but by all accounts they remain below 50%. Here's to a stronger economy in the months ahead! Gary Horvath has conducted business, economic, and market research in Colorado for more than twenty years. (For Important quarterly reports released on September 20, 2011, article continues on page 6)

Pam Jenkins Castle Rock Bank


IMM EDIATE PAST C HAIRMAN Lisa Frizell Office of Douglas County Assessor

D IRECTORS Rand Clark Genesis Church/Random Productions Jim Diaz Community Media of Colorado Nino DiMatteo FirstBank - Douglas County Aaron Fritz Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus B rock Goodwin Mutual of Omaha Michael Likens gopixel design studios, inc. Laurie Lewis CoWest Insurance Group Jim Mundle Douglas County Living Magazine Jim Riley Castle Rock Development Company Lo ri Swager Premier Pilates and Wellness Mike Tafoya Estrada Strategies Jaye Thompson Colorado Community Bank

EX -O FFICIO Pam Ridler, CCE President/CEO, Castle Rock Chamber Mayor Paul Donahue Town of Castle Rock Frank Gray President/CEO, Castle Rock EDC Sally Misare Town Clerk



Igniting passion for business success and community prosperity

Mission Support and promote mem ber businesses Be a “voice” to government Foster a livable community with positive growth Call us at 303.688.4597 or visit our website: CastleRock.org.

Core Competenc ies • Creating a Strong Local Economy • Promoting the Community • Advocating Political Action • Developing Business Relationshi ps • Representing Business to Government

The official Castle Rock Chamber website offers relocation and school i nformation, Business Directory links, community events schedules and much more. Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice

• CastleRock.org

Pam Ridler, CCE President/CEO pam@castlerock.org Diane Leduc Director of Marketing diane@castlerock.org Melissa Moroni Director of Programs melissa@castlerock.org Joanne Taylor Director of Membership joanne@castlerock.org Tammy C ratty Office Administrator tammy@castlerock.org Melissa Mares Communications Specialist mmares@castlerock.org Susan O’Malley Membership Account Executive susan@castlerock.org


The Colorado Artfest at Castle Rock, presented by the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce and Title Sponsors, Sky Ridge Medical Center and Webster University, celebrated record crowds at the twenty second annual juried fine arts event. More than 174 juried artists and popular regional entertainers energized the streets of downtown Castle Rock the weekend after Labor Day. Popular features of the festival included a silent art auction, consisting of donated art from Artfest artists; strolling entertainers; an Imagination Zone for Kids with interactive art; dance troups and a special presentation by the Castle Rock orchestra recognizing 9-11. Visit ColoradoArtfest.com for more photos and information about this annual community event. Photos courtesy of phae@phaelixe.com

Thank you, Colorado Artfest Sponsors...

Photos courtesy of phae@phaelixe.com Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice

• CastleRock.org


Chalk Art Competition at the Colorado Artfest Introduces Local Talent Castle View High School Students Compete for Honors Amidst the fine, juried art exhibits at the Colorado Artfest at Castle Rock, was an inspiring sight. A group of Castle View High School art students contended for the Best of Show honor in a Chalk Art Competition held during Artfest. That honor was awarded to Chris Coiro, a junior, with honorable mention going to seniors Summer Teeters and Claire Hays and Emily Oldani, a ninth-grader at CVHS . The winning image was chosen by Coiro from a National Geographic photograph that he modified with colors. Chris is an AP Art student that recently moved to CVHS. Summer is also in AP Art and taking lots of art classes; Clair Hays has experience entering art shows on a district, regional and national level. Clair is also in AP Art. Emily Oldani is in a draw ing & painting 1 class and was invited to join the competition by her instructor, Ms. Julie Holladay. Ms. Holladay is an art instructor for CVHS and has taught most of these student artists in multiple classes. Other students competing were: Maddi Kowalis, Grade 9; Caroline Sellers, Grade 9; Olivia Walker, Grade 9; Candace Garrison, Grade 9; Hayley Williams, Grade 10; Steven Skirvin, Grade 11; Jenna Hendrickson, Grade 12; Branson Garife, Grade 11; Becca Wakefield, Grade 12; Jenna McMullins, Grade 11.

Best of Show winner of the Chalk Art Competition for high school age students, Chris Coiro. Pictured with CVHS art teacher Julie Holladay, Chris displays his ribbon and cash award and his winning chalk art below .

A large majority of these budding artists are also in Art Club or National Art Honor Society. The Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce, organizer of the Colorado Artfest, was pleased to serve as host for the Sidew alk Chalk Art Competition. For many years, Artfest has featured an Imagination Zone to encourage young artists to express themselves and this years sidewalk art competition is an expansion of this program. 17 AP students will be exhibiting their artw ork at the Denver Art Museum (along with Holladay’s personal artwork) November 14-28. The reception is Nov. 18th. Ms. Holladay invites you all to attend and witness the making of a new generation of artists.

Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice

• CastleRock.org


Economic Update (continued from page 3)

Important quarterly reports that were released on September 20, 2011: The Colorado Legislative Council released Focus Colorado: Economic and Revenue Forecast. The Governor's Office of State Planning and Budgeting released The Colorado Outlook: Economic and Fiscal Review.

Ca st le R ock

These documents are valuable tools for gaining a comprehensive understanding of Colorado's economy. For more details see the Colorado September Update at http://cber.co/.

Castle Rock is on the map! Below are some links that describe the various honors Castle Rock and the county have received over the course of the last 6 months, and a new one was just added! Douglas County ranks fourth in the nation in job growth over the last 10 years. (4.12.2011) Castle Rock ranks 19th in the country on best small towns to live. (8.03.2011) Douglas County ranks No. 7 in wealthiest counties in the U.S. based on median annual household income. (8.18.2011) In addition, the Town of Castle Rock received an award from CIO (a national magazine/training organization for technology), which annually selects 100 companies from across the world for “technology innovations that advance business results.” The Town was among the 100 recognized for its our technology enhancements in Development Services including In Your Backyard GIS mapping and other GIS applications, electronic plan review, CRW system for permitting and planning, etc. Most awardees were private sector companies (ex. Capital One Financial, Dell, Dow Chemical, Fed Ex, IBM, Intel, Marriott International, Standard & Poor’s) Castle Rock was the only US government entity selected.

Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice

• CastleRock.org




One pass for Networking level, free for Ascent level and above $10 for Community Connection GUESTS MUST HAVE ADMITTANCE PASS

Business Over Breakfast

January 16 Speed Raceway

June 15 Sky Ridge Medical Center

February 16 Imagine Center For the Visual & Performing Arts

July 13 Crystal Valley Ranch

March 17 Folkestad, Faze kas, Barrick & Patoile, P.C., Castle Rock EDC, White Construction Group McKilip & DiCiesare, CPAs Free to Networking members and above, $10 for Community Connection members $20 for non-members. Breakfasts are held Thursday mornings 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. unless indicated.

January 13

Primrose School - Castle Rock

April 14 May 13

FirstBank - Douglas County Village Inn

June 30

H&M Transmission & Automotive H&M Collision & Auto Body

July 28

Woodlands Academy

August 25 September 1

Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus Wholistic Healing Center of Castle Rock

October 13

JM Kitchen & Bath

April 8 Showcase After Hours May 18 Castle Rock Development Company The Grange in T he Me adows

August 17 Patriot Enterprises September 14 gopixel design studios, inc. at the Chamber October 19 Cherokee Ranc h & Castle November 16 Wells Fargo Bank December 7 Tana Dolce

One pass for Networking level, free for Ascent level and above $10 for Community Connection All events are 5-7 :00 p.m. GUESTS MUST HAVE ADMITTANCE PASS

THAN K YOU... To Business After Hours sponsor, gopixel design studios, inc., fo r a fun -filled evening o f business networking, hot dog grilling and socializing. Go to gopixel.com/hot-dog to witness the creativity of our business members and vote for your favorite decorated hot dog! Winners of a $25 and $50 gift certi ficate will be named in next month’s Business Voice after votes have been tabulated.

Thank you to Janie Medrano, owner of Wholistic Healing Center of Castle Rock for sponsoring the September Business Over Breakfast. Chamber Ambassadors showed up in force for the ribbon cutting and networking, including Mayor P aul Donahue and past Mayor Randy Reed (inset) who toured the new facility at 404 Jerry Street.

Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice

• CastleRock.org





T uesday 4th Government Issues Committee Meeting (Chamber) @ 7:30 am


Wednesday 5th Free Business Counseling (Chamber) - By appointment only Leadership Douglas County (Louviers) 8:00 am-5:00 pm Leads Referral (El Parral) @ 11:30 am



Thursday 6th Castle Rock Stars Membership Meeting (Chamber) @ 8:00 am


Friday 7th Castle Rock Economic Partners (EDC) @ 8:00 am


T uesday 11th Free Business Counseling (Chamber) - By appointment only The Breakfast Club Leads (Village Inn) @ 7:30 am Leads Plus (T he Fowl Line) @ 11:30 am Boot Camp (Chamber) @ 5:00-8:00 pm



Wednesday 12th Free Business Counseling (Chamber) - By appointment only Leadership Steering (Castle Rock Police Municipal Building) @ 7:30 am Ambassadors Exec Meeting (Chamber) @ 11:00 am Ambassadors Meeting (Chamber) @ 12:00 pm Starlighting Committee Meeting (Library) @ 1pm


Thursday 13th Business Over Breakfast (JM Kitchen & Bath) @ 7:30-9:00 am Douglas County Business Alliance Board Retreat (SEBP) @ 8:00 am Women of Influence (Gabriel’s) @ 11:30 am-1:00 pm Webster University Open House (The Grange) @ 6:00-7:00 pm Friday 14th Membership Appreciation Day @ 9:00 am T uesday 18th Free Business Counseling (Chamber) - By appointment only Government Issues Committee Meeting (Chamber) @ 7:30 am Business T raining “ Core Disciplines of Business” (Chamber) @ 11:00 am-1:00 pm Wednesday 19th Free Business Counseling (Chamber) By appointment only Community Leadership (Chamber) @ 11:30 am Leads Referral (El Parral) @ 11:30 am Business After Hours (Cherokee Ranch Castle) @ 5:00-7:00 pm Thursday 20th Board of Directors (Chamber) @ 11:30 am Ribbon Cutting (Enchanted Gifts) @ 12:00 pm Douglas County Community Foundation (T BD) @ 3:30-5:00 pm

Monday 24th Castle Rock Economic Gardeners Taskforce (Chamber) @ 11:30 am Customer Service Training “ Holiday Help” (Castle Rock Outlets) @ 2:00-4:00 pm T uesday 25th Free Business Counseling (Chamber) By appointment only The Breakfast Club Leads (Village Inn) @ 7:30 am Castle Rock Hospitality & T ourism (Chamber) @ 8:30-10:00 am Leads Plus (T he Fowl Line) @ 11:30 am Wednesday 26th Free Business Counseling (Chamber) By appointment only Business of the Month (Wal-Mart) @ 9:00 am Starlighting Committee Meeting (Chamber) @ 1pm

Friday 21st Castle Rock Economic Partners (EDC) @ 8:00 am Ribbon Cutting (Castle Rock Foot & Ankle) @ 4:00 pm Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice

• CastleRock.org


Welcome NEW MEMBERS American Family Insurance - Richard Tobin Richard Tobin (303) 792-0740 9510 Meridian Blvd. Englewood, CO 80112 rtobindistrict.com Insurance

Colorado Real Estate Co., The Helen DesVeaux (303) 351-5573 210 Fifth St. Suite 200 Castle Rock, CO 80104 TCRECo.com Real Estate

Bling! Claudine Jaksch (303) 663-3313 333 S. Perry St. Castle Rock, CO 80104 shop4bling.com Boutique

Douglas County Veterans Monument Foundation Todd DeVoe (303) 704-2797 4400 Castleton Ct. Castle Rock, CO 80109 Fundraising

French Photography Jack French (303) 840-1260 fren chphotography.net Photographers Go to Car Gal Jenny Skaufel (303) 570-8484 gotocargal.com Automobile Brokers Kroenke Sports & Entertainment Scott Booth (303) 405-1100 1000 Chopper Cir. Denver, CO 80204 pepsicenter.com Entertainment, Sports Entertainment

Chamber Member Orient ation - September 2011





• CastleRock.org



Celebrate Chamber

Starlighting 2011 Save the date!

Anniversaries Business

Number of years

Castle Rock Equine Practice

25 Years

Castle Rock Senior Center, Inc.

17 Years

Mountain Man Nut & Fruit Company

15 Years

Grange at The Meadows, The

10 Years

La Petite Academy

9 Years

Terrafocus Electronic Claims Processing

8 Years

Douglas County Democratic Party

8 Years

Parker Port-A-Potty, Inc.

8 Years

Grand Lodge on Peak 7 / BGV Marketing

5 Years

BYG, Inc.

4 Years

A Repair Guy, Inc.

4 Years

Sky Ridge Imaging Center at Castle Rock, The

4 Years

AdvantEdge Business Group

3 years

Wind Water Salon and Spa

2 Years

1 Guy, 1 Truck & 1 Trailer

2 Years

American Family Insurance - Timothy Brown Agenc y, Inc.

1 Year

Aluwind Inc.

1 Year

Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice

Join Us on Saturday, Nov. 19th Downtown Castle Rock Starlighting is an annual community tradition that Includes lighting the star on top of Castle Rock.

Enjoy caroling, dancing, carriage rides, Santa Claus, hot chocolate and the new Ice Skating Rink at Third and Elbert Streets. The lighting of the star is the grand finale to this “Norman Rockwell experience”. Go to CastleRock.org for a schedule of events.

• CastleRock.org


Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice

• CastleRock.org



Promoting Our Members

IREA Invites Businesses to Lunch Who says there’s no FREE Lunch? All members of the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce are cordially invited to meet IREA’s Board President, Tim White, and their new General Manager, Patrick Mooney, for a discussion about energy costs, their investment in the Comanc he 3 coal plant, renewable energy and other issues of importance to IREA members. This discussion will be held at Pegasus Restaurant from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Friday, October 14th, with lunch provided. Please take this opportunity to meet with IREA management to learn about the challenges being faced by your electric cooperative, and to let them know how you feel about the job they are doing. Space is limited. Please RSVP to Becki Duly via email at bduly@intermountain-rea.com, or call 303-688-3100, ext. 207.

including, Maggie Sottero , Alfred Angelo, Disney Fairy Tale Wedding, Mary’s Bridal, Moda Bella, Karalina Sposa , Sandals Destination , The Dessy Group, Alexia Designs, Pretty Maids, Bill Levkoff, and many more. Tuxedo rental is available along with a large selection of flower girl dresses, formal gowns, tiaras, veils, gift items, fresh water pearls and much more! They are excited to join Downtown Castle Rock opening their new boutique location at 611 Wilcox Street. Please visit our website at www.weddingtreasuresbridal.com

Folkestad Fazekas Barrick & Patoile, P.C . is pleased to announce that Gina B. Masterson has joined the Firm.

Fitness Walk Seeks Local Business Support Donations from Castle Rock Chamber members are needed in the form of promotional items, such as water bottles, pens, stickers, coupons, etc. that can be included in participants’ “goodie” bags for the October 15th Douglas County School District (DCSD) Flat 14ers Fit 4 Colorado Community Walk. “Race food,” breakfast items that can be provided to walkers when they complete the walk, is also needed. All donors will receive: Their name and link on DCSD Staff Wellness website Opportunity to place a promotional item in the goodie bags

Ms. Masterson is a real estate and transactional attorney with more than fifteen years of legal experience. Her practice focuses on a broad range of transactions and finance matters including but not limited to real estate, secured lending, forec losures, workouts, real estate acquisitions, sales and leasing, debt resolutions, commercial leasing, commercial evictions, title and survey issues and easements.

Contact Folkestad Fazekas Barrick & Patoile, P.C., at 18 S. Wilcox Street, Suite 200, Castle DCSD is hosting this community event in partnership with CBS4, Rock, CO 80104-1909, or call 303.688.3045, Tri-County Health Department, Douglas County Education Foun- fax 303.688.3189 or visit ffcolorado.com dation, Castle Rock Parks and Recreation Department, Douglas The Women’s Crisis & Family Outreach Center proudly presents County Open Space and Natural Resources Department, and the the Future for Families Gala: Passport to Hope Douglas County Fairgrounds. This event is an evening of dinner, dancing, live and silent aucIf you are interested in this opportunity or have any questions, tion and live entertainment. This event brings together approxiplease contact Charlee Roberts, CPPW Wellness Coordinator, at mately 350 wonderful WCFOC supporters in an elegant, memocharlee.roberts@dcsdk12.org by October 4, 2011. rable, and fun time. A small program is included with the evening. With exc lusive one-of-a-kind trips, including Honduras and The walk is part of DCSD’s Flat 14ers Initiative, which is a simple a “Choose your Own Adventure” you won’t want to miss your chance to support a great local agency and acquire unique aucphysical activity program that encourages students, teachers, tion items. families and community members to track steps to virtually climb Colorado’s 14er mountains (see www.flat14ers.org). The To inquire about Corporate Sponsorships please contact Ann route is 2.0 miles in length, equivalent to hiking part way up the Carter, acarter@twcfoc.org. To inquire about table purchases, Mt. Evans trail, a 14,264 foot peak in the Front Range. please contact Renee Forsythe, rforsythe@twcfoc.org. To purchase tickets for our events please call 303-688-1094 or visit www.twcfoc.org Time: October 15, 2011 at 9:00am Place: Douglas County Events Center The Wildlife Experience’s 9th Annual Boa Ball is October 8th, 500 Fairgrounds Drive, Castle Rock, CO 80104 6:00 -10:00 p.m. Who: Everyone, age 0 – 109! Cost: FREE! The elegant simplicity of black and white evening allows gala Wedding Treasures Opens Boutique in dow ntow n Castle Rock guests to discover the magic of The Wildlife Experience. Each moment of the evening will uncover new experiences - immerse Wedding Treasures Bridal and Tuxedo was established in 2002 in Salida, Colorado and carries an extensive line of designers (continued on page 13) Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice

• CastleRock.org



Promoting Our Members

TOWN & COUNTY In the News

(continued from page 12) The Wildlife Experience’s 9th Annual Boa Ball is October 8th, 6:00 -10:00 p.m. yourself in the adventure with classic pianos, graceful stilt walkers and even daring fire dancers. With the funds raised at Boa Ball, The Wildlife Experience educates over 200,000 visitors about our world’s most beautiful places, introduces visitors to wildlife, and inspires them to spend time outdoors enjoying and conserving our natural resources. $125 for Juniors (under 40) and members of The Wildlife Experience $175 per person $250 Patron Fabulous live and silent auction items, including a New York City Getaway, Golf at Sanctuary, an Arkansas River Rafting Trip and much, much more! For more information, please contact Aubrey Ryan at 720.488.3312 or Aryan@twexp.org.

Black-eyed Pea Restaurant 850 New Memphis Ct. 303-688-1133

Douglas County Offers Free Tax Lien Seminar Oct. 6 Become informed and get prepared for the Tax Lien Sale on Oct. 20 Potential investors are invited to learn how to invest in delinquent property taxes through a tax lien at Douglas County’s Tax Lien Seminar on Thursday, Oct 6 at 6:30 p.m. at the Douglas County Philip S. Miller Building, 100 Third St., in Castle Rock. The seminar is designed to help those interested in becoming a tax lien holder on a property by providing tips on the process, what to be aware of and what makes a more risky investment. This is a great opportunity for first-time participants to learn more about whether they are prepared to make an investment or for previous participants to brush up on the process as well as get any questions answered. “Tax liens are not risk free but can be a stable long-term investment, similar to a Certificate of Deposit,” said Douglas County Treasurer Diane Holbert. “I strongly encourage researching the property in question by visiting our website: www.douglas.co.us/treasurer/Tax_Lien_Sale_Information.html or the Assessors site http://www.douglas.co.us/assessor/ index.html All properties available for bidding at the Tax Lien Sale are those properties that have 2010 or prior year property taxes owed to Douglas County. Douglas County’s average collection rate on property taxes is 99.9 percent annually, therefore only a small percentage of taxes are available to bid on at the sale. The statutory interest for the 2011 Tax Lien Sale is 10%. A person or company can bid on the delinquent taxes at the sale where the highest bidder will be awarded and becomes the lien holder. This seminar will explain what the lien holder will be responsible for paying to Douglas County and what the lien holder will get back in return if their tax lien is redeemed. In preparation for the annual Tax Lien Sale, the local newspaper will publish the first listing of delinquent properties. The publications will be Sept 22, Sept 29, and Oct 6. No changes will be made to the advertisement once it has been submitted for publication. Property owners have until 12:00 noon on Oct 19, to pay their taxes. (continued on page 16)


751 1343 22,399

Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice

• CastleRock.org



The Ambassador Program is sponsored this month by:

Chamber Ambassador

Sue Turner Proforma Image Branding Sue Turner is a Denver native, and has lived in Castle Rock for fifteen years with her husband Brett, and son, Steve, all of whom work in their own business, Proforma Image Branding. She moved to Castle Rock when Littleton started getting “too big.” She and her family love the small town feel, and the sense of community that is typic al of small towns. Even though Castle Rock has grown a lot in the time she’s been here, Sue feels it has maintained the small town feel, and frequently talks about how “they roll up the sidewalks at night.” Sue is in her first year as an Ambassador, although she has been a strong advocate for the Chamber since she joined more than three years ago. She enjoys being an Ambassador for the camaraderie that it brings, as well as the opportunity to mentor new and potential members.

Wholistic Healing Center Of Castle Rock 404 Jerry Street Castle Rock, CO 80104 Healthcare

Being an Ambassador provides the opportunity to take an active role in the community and make a difference. The role of Chamber Ambassador also defines you as a person who is interested in building business relationships, encouraging new business leaders to become more involved and generally making this community great place to work and live.

Thank You,

It is the same reason Sue enjoys being a member of the chamber - for the relationships she has developed, and many strong friendships as well. Having clients become friends is what being in business is all about!

For serving as the Restaurant of the Month in September. Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice

• CastleRock.org


Creating Leaders Leadership Douglas County Leadership Douglas County is pleased to announce the 2012 class: Lisa Anderson - Town of Castle Rock Erik Bostrom - Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa Julie Britti - Freelance Writer Kay Dry - CH2M HILL Michele Duncan - Arch Insurance Group Felice Entratter - Entratter Valuation Solutions, LLC Leslie Good - Douglas County Libraries Matt Goudy - Castle Rock Fire and Rescue Department Denise Haas - TMMC Property management Brooke Hengst - Your Castle Real Estate Erin Jones - FirstBank Kristen Knoll - City of Lone Tree Deborah Lane - Douglas County Sheriff's Office Mike McNairy - H&M Transmission and Automotive Jamie Noebel - Highlands Ranch Community Association Pete Ritchie - Wind Crest Dan Rodriguez - Parker Chamber of Commerce Kerry Schalders - Dex One Corporation John Thornton - Intermap Technologies

Introducing the Douglas County Leadership Class of 2012

Leadership Douglas County Patron Sponsors: City of Lone Tree Douglas County Government Leadership Douglas County is designed to broaden participant knowledge of the community while enhancing leadership skills, which in turn increases the strength and effectiveness of our new community leaders. For more information on the Leadership Douglas County program, please call Melissa Moroni at (303) 688-4597 or email melissa@castlerock.org.

Leadership Douglas County Program Sponsors: Black Hills Energy BreakT hroughs, Inc Cherokee Ranch and Castle Foundation Douglas County Libraries FirstBank of Douglas County Highlands Ranch Metro District South Metro Fire Rescue Authority Town of Castle Rock Wells Fargo Bank Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce The Castle Pines Chamber of Commerce The Chamber of Commerce of Highlands Ranc h The Lone Tree Chamber of Commerce The Parker Chamber of Commerce Thank you for your generous support!

Chamber endorses extending sheriff's term As business leaders, we understand that where people chose to do business, live, work and play is impacted by their sense of security and public safety. Therefore, the Castle Rock Chamber Board of Directors has voted to endorse the 1A ballot initiative to increase the maximum number of consecutive terms for the county sheriff from two to three terms. We believe that this continuity of service will enhance public safety and save taxpayer Castle Rock Chamber Board dollars in the future.

Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice

• CastleRock.org


TOWN & COUNTY In the News

Douglas County governments sign historic agreement The Partnership of Douglas County Governments recently entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for Disaster-Emergency Mutual Aid and Disaster-Emergency Resources Assistance. The purpose of the IGA is to set the terms for emergency management cooperation and the provision for disaster-emergency mutual aid and assistance, including County disaster-emergency assistance funding, during declared emergencies and disasters. Partnership members recently gathered for a ceremonial signing. They are (L to R) Sherilyn West, Mayor of Larkspur; Vicky Starkey, Board Member, Highlands Ranc h Metro District; David Weaver, Douglas County Sheriff; Jim Gunning, Mayor of Lone Tree; Steven Boand, Douglas County Commissioner; William Moffitt, Executive Director of Facilities Management, Douglas County School District; Jill Repella, Board Chair, Douglas County Commissioners; Jeff Huff, Mayor of Castle Pines; Amy Hunt, Board Chair, Douglas County Libraries; Paul Donahue, Mayor of Castle Rock; and David Casiano, Mayor of Parker. Tow n survey confirms: Castle Rock a great place to live The nearly 1,500 responses received to the Town’s 2011 community survey confirmed that Castle Rock is a great place to live.

The survey made clear that water is the respondents’ top priority. Other issues on residents’ minds were economic sustainability (including employment and entertainment opportunities) and public transit. (Most respondents supported the decision to eliminate the Town bus service last year and said they would not support a new tax to fund fixed-route, regional or on-demand transit service). Small-town feel and the Castle Rock’s central location were the reasons most frequently given for living in Castle Rock, along with the Town’s scenic beauty. Local business owners reported being hopeful about the economy when surveyed in May and June. The survey revealed that additional public educ ation is needed in areas such as the portion of property tax that supports Town services ($40 a year on a $300,000 home); development impact fees/developer contributions for water funding (each new home and business built pays significant fees for water and sewer systems); and how some services, such as the golf course and Recreation Center, are funded ( mostly by user fees, and residents pay less than nonresidents). Town Council and staff will work to implement these and other survey follow-up efforts. View the full report on the survey results at CRgov.com/2011survey or on the Community Connections page on the Town’s Transparency Portal at CRgov.com/transparency.

When asked how likely they would be to recommend Castle Rock as a place to live on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 representing the strongest recommendation, 71 percent of residents said either 9 or 10. This is the highest score for that question that research firm North Star Destination Strategies has seen in almost 10 years of conducting community surveys. North Star conducted the statistically valid survey of Castle Rock residents and business owners online in May and June. The firm followed up the survey with detailed phone interviews of 70 respondents in order to understand the “whys” behind the answers given in the survey. In addition to giving Castle Rock high marks as a place to live, residents and business owners also rated Town services, amenities and quality of life extraordinarily high. For those questions, a 1 to 5 scale was used. Virtually all services scored in the 1 to 3, or excellent to OK, range.

Don’t Miss Oktoberfest! Saturday, October 8th 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Festival Park at Second Street More than 70 food, craft and vendor booths provide a funfor-the-whole-family event including kids’ activities, great shopping opportunities, live German bands and BEER! creating the quintessential Oktoberf est experience. This year, four breweries will be featured — Del Norte Brewing Company, Durango Brewing Company, Elk Mountain Brewing and a special surprise! See you There!

A majority of residents surveyed said that they agreed with the Town’s vision and current priorities, which Town Council recently affirmed as an early step in the Town’s 2012 budget process. Council’s goals and priorities include renewable water, outstanding public health and safety services, economic development, the North Meadows Extension and priority park projects – namely, Philip S. Miller Park.

Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice

• CastleRock.org


House GOP Statement on New State Revenue Expectations Natalie Mullis, Colorado Legislative Council Staff Over the summer months, economic recovery slowed significantly. Consumer spending, government spending, and business investment all decreased because of uncertainty about the state of the national and world economy. However, Colorado does have some bright spots. Farm income and oil demand have both increased, benefitting those industries in Colorado. Although the chance of a recession is rising, we think there will be a continued but very slow expansion of Colorado’s economy. For FY2011-2012 Colorado revenue expectations have decreased by $110 million and the FY 2012-2013 revenue expectations have decreased by $201.8 million. Expectation is that the amount of property taxes collected will be larger than the December 2010 forecast. Plus the FY2010-2011 general fund budget was balanced and will end with an extra $294.4 million, which will be placed in the reserve and State Education Fund. We don’t expect personal income to grow by 5% until 2014. Therefore, SB 228 will not be triggered until FY 2014-2015. Henry Sobanet, Governor’s Office of State Planning and Budgeting, The Colorado Outlook: Economic and Fiscal Review Expectations from the general fund have not changed since June. The summer distributions cause concern but stock sell-off may have created taxable income to make up for it. However, stock sell-off won’t show in revenue tracking until early October. We only expect 18,000 new jobs for 2011 and 10,000 in 2012. The budget remains mostly intact but not sufficient to trigger balanc ing actions. Next year’s budget remains constrained, with the expectation that the budget will be similar, with no room for growth, to the last fiscal year if this revenue forecast holds. We are seeing the same worrisome trends in the economy as legislative council. The manufacturing sector is close to retracting but there is welcome news for the service sector, which saw expansion in August. However, one month does not constitute a trend. Net private investment has yet to recover indicating the economy is not adding capital equipment to produce more. Contrary to belief, Colorado does not need more spending, but instead savings and investment for the economy to grow . Representative Gerou asked about the anticipated K-12 backfill for FY2011-2012. Mr. Sobanet said that the appropriation for the state education fund exceeded $500 million, which is higher then the annual contribution from the income tax. Therefore, sustaining that appropriation is the challenge. Senator Lambert asked if there is a gage on how broadly based the drop off is in private investment in housing and other industries. There is an overall drop off in private investment. The housing marketing has been analyzed relative only to private investment and unemployment. The Douglas County Business Alliance has been established to promote a unified effort of certain Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development Councils to lead and influence state and federal policy, legislation, and regulation to create and/or enhance a positive business climate for the business community of Douglas County. Members include the Chambers of Commerce of Castle Rock, Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, Castle Pines and Parker; the Economic Development Council of Castle Rock and the Southeast Business Partnership. Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice

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Pam Ridler, Chairwoman for the St. Jude Dream Home fundraiser, cuts the ribbon to celebrate the Open House Tours that began on September 24th. Other officials in attendance were Chris Boysen, Alan Johnson, Frank Gray, President and CEO (Castle Rock EDC); Art Morales, Chief (Castle Rock Fire Department); Town Councilman Clark Hammelman (Town of Castle Rock); Castle Rock Chamber Board Chairwoman, Linda Watson (Sky Ridge Medical Center) and representatives of St. Jude and Joyce Homes – Castle Rock, Dream Home builder.

Developers, engineers, contractors, builders, sponsors, civic officials were invited to a slab signing for the newly completed St. Jude Dream Home. Pam Ridler, Chamber CEO and President, added her best wishes above.

Artist’s rendering of eagle atop the Veterans Monument due to be completed in November of 2012.

Pam Ridler, Castle Rock Chamber President and CEO, presents a check for $5,000 from the Chamber to Lorin Ricker (left) and Todd DeVoe, board members of the Douglas County Veterans Monument Foundation. The Chamber donation is for the Eagle sculpture to be located within the monument on the corner of Wilcox and Fourth Streets, where the “plaza” is currently under construction and scheduled for completion by Veterans Day of this year (11/11/’11). The actual monument, a soaring eagle, that will contain dinner plate-sized medallions recognizing each branch of our military at its base, is scheduled for completion November 2012. Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice

• CastleRock.org


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