September 2013 Business Voice Newsletter

Page 1

"Get Connected to the Region's Best Business Network"


YEA! Is a groundbreaking and exci ting afters chool progra m that trans forms local hi gh school s tudents into real , confident entrepreneur. YEA! strengthens the communi ty and the communi ty s trengthens YEA! Students are able to network with and develop relationships with local business leaders, create jobs, and launch businesses in their own backyard.

this issue

YEA! is currently accepting high school student nominations from the business community for the Class of 2014 and NEEDS YOUR HELP! Please consider nominating creative, motivated students who pursue their goals with tenacity. Your Deadline to apply is 9/23. Orientation is 10/7 and classes start Chamber 10/21. Read more on page 8. Visit Creating a Strong for more information.

Local Economy.

CEO Focus P.2 DC Fai r Pa ra de Winners P.3 Col orado Artfes t P.4 DCBA School Fi nance Forum P.5 YEA! Accepting Applica tions P.8 Business of the Month P.10 Business Trainings P.14/15 Women of Influence P.17

2013-2014 Board of Directors

CEO Focus


Income Tax Initiative— November Ballot

Are you ready? In November, Colorado voters will be asked to change the state constitu- • Pam Ridler, CCE tion to increase Castle Rock Chamber the state income President & CEO tax. The money • raised will be targeted for pre-K through 12th grade public education. This measure is called Amendment 66 • and, if passed, would provide an estimated additional $1 billion annually for public education. This tax will not sunset, which means it would last into perpetuity. The current state income tax rate is 4.63% and the proposed tax hike has two tiers: income under $75,000 would be taxed at 5% and income over $75,000 would be taxed at 5.9%. The proponents of this tax increase say this is only a 1.3% increase. That’s not correct. Going from 4.63% to 5.9% rate is effectively a 27% increase. One immediate concern for me is that many people earning above $75,000 are small business owners whose business income is taxed at the personal income tax rate. If this measure passes, many small companies will see a 27% increase in their state income taxes. Some questions which need to be answered include: •

Since Colorado ranks 26th in the nation in expenditures per student, what will the additional $1 billion buy us?

What improvements can we expect in student performance with this increase? Will we see an increase in student graduation rates, test scores and will our graduates increase our labor market competitiveness? Is this a tax increase largely about backfilling the state public employee retirement system, PERA? Why is Amendment 66 being built into the state constitution? Why is the initiative proposed as a two-tiered income tax? Doesn’t the higher tier unfairly impact small businesses whose incomes are taxed at a personal rate? Why should they be expected to shoulder a disproportionately higher share of the cost of public education?

C HAIRMAN OF TH E BOARD Michael Likens, gopixel design studios inc.

C HAIR- ELE CT Mike Tafoya, Estrada Strategies-DTC

TREA SURER Nino DiMatteo, FirstBank - Douglas County


IMM EDIATE PAST C HAIRMAN Aaron Barrick, Folkestad, Fazekas, Barrick, & Patoile P.C.

DIRECTORS Rand Clark, Random Productions Erik Erickson, WalMart Super Center David Farnan, Farnan Douglas County Libraries Todd Folkenberg, Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus B rooke Fox, Colorado Agricultura l Leadersh ip Found ation Lisa Frizell, Douglas County Assessors Office B rock Goodwin, Mutual of Omaha Nadine Kirk, RE/MAX Alliance B rian Leugs, Business Communication Support Elyse McNulty, McNulty Kaiser Permanente Jaye Thompson, Colorado Community Bank

Why has higher education been left out of this tax measure? Could a large tax increase like this actually hurt the future funding prospects of higher education?

Whether you own a business or not, it is imperative for you to become educated on this initiative, because you will be affected by the results of this ballot. On Tuesday, September 24, the Douglas County Business Alliance (DCBA) is hosting a pro and con panel discussion on Measure 66 located at the Lone Tree Arts Center from 7:30-9:00 am. This is a free forum. (See page 5.) The Castle Rock Chamber in partnership with DCBA continues to represent your business to government and initiates political action.

Linda Watson, Sky Ridge Medical Center

EX-OFFICIO Mayor Paul Donahue, Town of Castle Rock Frank Gray, President/CEO, Castle Rock EDC Sally Misare, Town Clerk Pam Ridler, CCE, President/CEO, Castle Rock Chamber

C HAMBER STAFF Pam Ridler, CCE, President/CEO Kevin Hamblin, Director of Membership Relations Melissa Mares, Director of Communications Wendy Krzeczowski, Event Manager Tammy C ratty, Office Administrator Susan O’Malley, Membership Account Executive Sonia Waugh, Receptionist


Another exciting year for the Douglas County Fair Parade They say that everyone loves a parade! Castle Rock, you know it's true. The Douglas County Fair Parade draws masses of parade lovers, fair and rodeo fans alike to downtown Castle Rock every year. For many, attending the parade is a long standing family tradition passed down from generation to generation. Judges of the parade this year, had difficulty in determining an outstanding winner outright, so first place ended in a tie between Douglas County High School and Castle View High School entries respectfully. School Pride was definitely the theme for both entries as proud students, teachers, coaches and parents banded together to enthusiastically promote their schools. Second place was awarded to Han Lee's Taekwondo Academy. Highly skilled and disciplined students demonstrated their martial arts abilities to the crowds who watched in amazement. Thank you to our Title Parade Sponsor, Plumbline Services and to Black Hills Energy and Medved Autoplex for their generous contribution to this town favorite.

As part of th e Cha mber’s An nual Banq uet Busin ess P erson of the Year Award Cere mony/Cele bration i n April; our 201 3 BP OY Award Winn er Ri ck Stucy of Stu cy Realty, lea d the Fair Parade a nd re ceived honorable r ecognition an d kud os from the cr owd s for his contrib ution s to the community. View more p hot os at : http: //fli HsjH uBcLH



DCBA School Finance Forum You're invited to: A Forum to Explore the 2013 Education Ballot Measure (Amendment 66) When: TUESDAY SEPT. 24, 2013 Time: 7:30am to 9:00am Where: LONE TREE ARTS CENTER 10075 Commons St. Lone Tree, CO 80124 *Coffee and a Continental Breakfast will be provided by Denver South Economic Development Partnership Opponents of the school finance ballot measure State Representative Polly Lawrence and Douglas County School Board Vice President Kevin Larson will be joined by proponents Senator Michael Johnston and CEO Chad McWhinney to express their differing views on why they oppose or support Amendment 66 on the November ballot. After brief introductions and a short question and answer session with the moderator, the audience will be able to ask the proponents and opponents questions. The DCBA hopes this forum can serve as an opportunity to educate the business community on the pro's and con's of the initiative. There is a free forum. For more information prior to the event: Colorado Commits to Kids: Coloradans for Real Education Reform:

DOUGLAS COUNTY BUSINESS ALLIANCE Influencing & Leading Legislation for POSITIVE OUTCOME DCBA is a coalition of business organizations with a mission to provide a single voice for the Douglas County business community. Key issues to DCBA members include transportation, water, businessfriendly public policy, education, tax policy and sustainable development.

Member to Member Discount Program As part of your investment with the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce, you are eligible to participate in this program! You may offer savings or items of value that represent your business and take advantage of those offers from fellow members. This is part of the Chamber’s ongoing efforts to help our members save. By participating in this program, you are furthering the goal of strengthening our local economy . View all the member to member discounts at in the Members Only section. Contact Kevin Hamblin at the Chamber, 303-6884597 to participate or email


September Calendar of Events Mon day 2 nd— Office Closed La bor Day Tuesd ay 3rd Free Business Con sultation (Cha mbe r) Wedn esday 4t h

PRESIDENT’S LEVEL Castle Rock Bank Colorado Community Media Sky Ridge Medical Center

Leads Re ferr al ( Castle Ca fe) @ 11:30 am Artfest Com mittee Meeting (Cham ber) @ 3:00 pm Thu rsday 5 th Ribbon Cutting (Cookie s & Crem a Coffee) @ 12: 00 pm Webster Un iversity MB A Cla ss ( Cham ber) @ 5:3 0 pm

EXECUTIVE LEVEL Black Hills Energy Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus Douglas County Living Magazine Intermountain Rural Electric Assoc.

Sat urd ay 7t h Colorad o Artfe st at Ca stle Rock (D owntown Cast le R ock) @ 9– 6 pm Sund ay 8th Colorad o Artfe st at Ca stle Rock (D owntown Cast le R ock) @ 1 0–5 pm

ENTREPRENEUR LEVEL Castle Rock Development Company FirstBank-Douglas County Patriot Enterprises

Mon day 9t h— Office Closed Tuesd ay 10t h Free Business Con sultation (Cha mbe r) The Breakfast Club Lead s (Village Inn) @ 7:3 0 am Business Train ing “5 Secret s t o Success” (Ca stle Oaks Church) @ 9:3 0 am

PREMIER LEVEL ANB Bank Arapahoe Community College Bonaventure of Castle Rock Bubbles Liquor World CoWest Insurance Group Douglas County Libraries Folkestad,Fazekas,Barrick & Patoile PC gopixel design studios, inc. Kaiser Permanente Medved Autoplex at Castle Rock Mike Ward Infiniti One Clear Choice Garage Doors Plumbline Services Inc. Random Productions Renewal By Andersen Wells Fargo Bank

Leads Plu s (The Fow l Line) @ 11:30 am Wedn esday 11t h Am bassador s Exec. Comm ittee Meeting ( Cham ber) @ 1 0:30 am Am bassador s Meet ing ( Chambe r) @ 12: 00 pm Thu rsday 1 2th Business over B reakfast (Ara pah oe Community Colla ge) @ 7:3 0 am Fair Par ade debr ief ( Cham ber) @ 1:15 pm WOI c omm ittee mtg (Cham ber) @ 3;30 pm Webster Un iversity MB A Cla ss ( Cham ber) @ 5:3 0 pm Friday 13t h— Leadersh ip Doug las County Retreat ( Marr iott) @ 9: 00 a m Sat urd ay 1 4th —Le adership D ougla s Retre at (Ma rriott) @ 8:00 am Mon day 1 6t h—YE A! Open house ( Cast le View High School ) @ 5:00 pm Tuesd ay 17t h Free Business Con sultation (Cha mbe r) Government Issues Com mittee Meeting (chambe r) @ 7:3 0 am Third Tech Tuesday ( Chamber) 9:00 am Wedn esday 18th Leadership Doug las County Stee ring Meeting (Cham ber) 7:30 a m Com munity Leadership ( Cham ber) @ 11:30 a m Leads Re ferr al ( Castle Ca fe) @ 11:30 am Business after Hours g opixe l (Ca stle R ock Cham ber) @ 5:00 pm Thu rsday 1 9t h Dougla s County Community Foundation ( Castle Roc k Bank Cast le Pine s) @ 4:00 pm Ribbon Cutting-Edwa rd Jones -De b Butr im( Chambe r) @ 4:00 pm Webster Un iversity MB A Cla ss ( Cham ber) @ 5:3 0 pm Friday 20t h Castle Roc k Econ omic Partne rs (ED C) @ 8:00 am Mon day 23 rd Castle Roc k Econ omic Gardenin g Meet ing ( Cham ber) @ 11:30 am

Tuesd ay 24 th DCB A School Finance Forum (Lone Tree Art s Cente r) @ 7:30 am The Breakfast Club Lead s (Village Inn) @ 7:3 0 am Free Business Con sultation (Cha mbe r) Business Train ing “Inspir ing y our Em ployees” (Cast le Rock Cham ber) @ 11:00 am Leads Plu s (The Fow l Line) @ 11:30 am Wedn esday 25th Business of the Month (Ca stle Roc k Adventist) @ 9: 00 a m Thu rsday 2 6t h Board of D irectors meet ing ( Cham ber) @ 11:30 Webster Un iversity MB A Cla ss ( Cham ber) @ 5:3 0 pm Friday 27 th Ribbon Cutting (D ouglas County Libra ry) @ 4:00 pm 6

Upcoming Networking Events Business Over Breakfast

Business After Hours

Thursday, Sept. 12th 7:30am to 9am

Castle Rock Campus 4700 Castleton Way

September 18th

gopixel design studios

October 2nd

Patriot Enterprises

October 16

Castle Rock Art Guild

November 13th


December 4th

ANB Bank

One Pass for Networking level, free to Asce nt level and above. $10 for Community Connection All events are 5-7pm GUESTS MUST PRE REGISTER. Contact Kevin or Susan a t the Chambe r 303-688-4597.

Free to Networking level & above members; $10 for Community Connection. Guests must have a pass.

Business After Hours

Wednesday, Sept. 18th 5pm to 7pm

Sponsored by gopixel design studios Held at the Chamber (420 Jerry Street) Come celebrate the end of summer with gopixel at the Castle Rock Chamber for our 4th annual Business After Hours.

Business Over Breakfast Thank You to Sky Ridge Medical Center , for hosting the Augus t Mul ti Chamber Business After Hours! Chamber members had the opportunity to network a t this Multi chamber event celebrating Sky Ridge’s 10th Anniversary. Happy 10th Anni versary Sky Ridge!

Sept. 12th

Arapahoe Community College

Oct. 10th

JM Kitchen & Bath 7

Young Entrepreneurs’ Academy: Students Wanted Challenge Your Creative Side and Make it Big in Business! Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA! ) is No w Ac c ep ti n g Applications. We want your kids! YEA! is looking for students, entering grades 9-12, who have what it takes to start their own small business, from the ground up, with instruction and inspiration from local leaders. Students must be creative, energetic and interested in entrepreneurship. The selection process is competitive and applicants are urged to apply early. Classes are at Castle View High School and meet in the main library from 5:00 – 8:00 PM on Monday nights. YEA! kicks off in October and ends in May. Cont ac t C ar r ie B u c ha n or call 7 2 0 -44 0 -3 72 6 or v is it :

Young Entrepreneurs Academy Class of 2013

Students in the Young Entrepreneurs Academy have achieved some pretty remarkable things. Through the year-long course, students learn to transform their passions into real businesses. Below, are a few of the businesses established from our previous class.

YEA! Is a groundbreaking and exciting afterschool program that transforms local high school s tudents into real, confident entrepreneur. YEA! strengthe ns the community and the community strengthens YEA! Students a re able to network with and develop rela tions hips with local business leaders, create jobs, and launch businesses in their own backyard. Students see that they can make a diffe rence within the comm unities in which they live. The enthus iasm and success of the students are empowering for the entire community! Contact Carrie

Buchan at 720-440-3726 or email

Thank You to All Our Sponsors for their generous support! Sponsorships Are AvailableContact Kevin or Susan 303-688-4597. Gold S pons ors:

Silver Spons ors:


Chamber Members Celebrating Anniversaries Business Opticians 2

Years with the Chamber 33 Years

Land Title Guarantee Company Outlets at Castle Rock, The

32 Years 21 Years

Han Lee Taekwondo Academy Cherokee Ranch & Castle Foundation TMMC Property Management

17 Years 16 Years 10 Years

Columbine Printing & Copy Center Summit Church of Castle Rock U.S. Small Business Administration

8 Years 7 Years 7 Years

FirstBank of Douglas County Fund Your Dream

7 Years 7 Years

Eclipse Promotions, LLC Cindy Welch Design Tallgrass Kitchen & Bath

7 Years 5 Years 4 Years

Metabolic Research Center Douglas County Veterans Monument Foundation

3 Years 2 Years

Colorado Real Estate Co., The Mobile Shred Document Destruction Wellspring Community

2 Years 2 Years 2 Years

Wedding Treasures Bridal & Tuxedo Citywide Home Loans Lightning Mobile

2 Years 1 Year 1 Year

Stumpy's Pizza Bar & Grill

1 Year

Are You Taking Advantage? AFFINITY PROGRAMS CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! Office Depot Program! Members save approximately 15% to 25% annually on their office supplies! To receive your National Program Office Depot card, please call Susan O’Malley at 303-688-4597 or email

Comcast Business Class is available to Members! Whatever the size of your company, it needs to respond quickly to the needs of customers, communicate reliably with suppliers, and find smarte r ways to increase employee productivity. Chamber members can save on internet Service and Voice service! For more information, contact Mark Pendergast of Comcast Business Class at 303-720-8090 or email

For More Information about these programs visit and click on Affinity Programs Icon.


Business of the Month-Gallaware, Inc. Gallaware is a software development company dedicated to improving the productivity and efficiency, and thus profits, of their clients by building custom desktop and web applications that are specific to the business’s needs as well as easy to use and maintain. They have developed software solutions for companies of all sizes and nation-wide, from the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs to 3M Health Information Services in Wallingford, CT. Their success is due to their attention to detail which helps them deliver a product that is truly beneficial to a business's operations. Their applications help make their clients more productive while performing their day-to-day office tasks so that they can spend more time actually working and growing their business. As a co-member of the Chamber recently summarized, Gallaware’s specialty is “creating software systems to lessen the stress and smooth the flow of information”. If you can't find Michael Likens, Chair man of th e Board, pr ou dly prese nts the Busi ness of a program "off the shelf" to automate, or better automate, the Mont h award to Ti m an d April Gallagher as Cha mb er staff an d ambassadors show t heir su pp ort. your office/data processes, or Word and Excel can no longer adequately handle it, Gallaware can develop a product cusThe Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce recently announced tomized specifically for your needs. Contact Gallaware at its August recipient for Business of the Month — Gallaware, 303-814-3867. Inc. Gallaware was established in Castle Rock in 1998 and has Congratulations from the Castle Rock Chamber for being been an active Castle Rock Chamber member since 1999. recognized as an outstanding business.

Join A Leads Group! Leads Plus!

Leads Referral

The Breakfast Club

2nd & 4th Tuesdays

1st & 3rd Wednesdays

2nd & 4th Tuesdays




11:30 am to 1:00 pm

11:30 am to 1:00 pm

7:30 am to 8:45 am




The Fowl Line

Castle Cafe

Village Inn




Kevin Hamblin

Susan O’Malley

Tammy Cratty

The policy for Chambe r Leads is to have one represe ntative pe r business pe r group. Chambe r staff maintains a regularly updated waiting list. Please contact the staff liaison from prefe rred group at 303-688-4597 to check availability. 10

Ribbon Cuttings, Celebrate Your Success Let us help you celebrate! Have you opened a new business, expanded at your current location, relocated, or celebrating a milestone anniversary? Let the Castle Rock Chamber and the Ambassadors help you share the good news! A Ribbon Cutting ceremony is an important part of your overall marketing and advertising plan and is a great way to kick off a grand opening or relocation of a business.

Meadow s Orthodont ics 3993 Lime light Ave. Suite B Castle Roc k, CO 801 09 (303) 660- 0112

Castle Roc k Oral and Maxillofacia l Surg ery 2352 Meadow s Blvd. Suite 2 05 Castle Roc k, CO 801 09 (303) 663-7890

http://MeadowsOrthod ontics.c om

http://ca stler ockom

Central Autos 1015 Park Street Castle Roc k, CO 801 09 (303) 688- 8355

Body by Vi/90 Day Challenge ( Visalus Sciences) Castle Roc k, CO (402) 7 07-7 919 http://t om jcrow. bodybyv

http://centaut os.c om/

NavPoint Real Estate Grou p 734 N. Wilc ox Suite 207 Castle Roc k, CO 801 04

Contact Kevin Hamblin to schedule your Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening Celebration. Call 303.688.4597 or email

(720) 420-753 0 http://nav pointre.c om


Ambassador of the Month-Melanie Calhoun I have worked in the community Real Estate Assis-

Chamber Now Accepting

tant to my hus-

Ambassador Applications

band, Tom Calhoun with RE/

As highly visible and prestigious volun-





Chamber's primary liaison to Castle Rock Chamber members and play an

for 12 years, as a

Melanie Calhoun RE/MAX Alliance The Calhoun Team

teers, the Ambassadors serve as the

Team. While assisting him, I also

essential role in membership reten-

use my Elemen-

ribbon cuttings, conveying member

tary Education teaching

license to

tutor children K-6th grade.

tion, recruitment, anniversary calls, needs and/or concerns to Chamber Staff and garnering support for the

I have been a member of the Chamber since June of 2011 and an Ambassador

Chamber. If you are interested in

as of February, 2012. My membership

program, email or call 303.688.4597.

and Ambassador position with the Chamber have greatly enhanced my business and personal life. Through working with the new businesses in

learning more about the Ambassador

Ambassador Program is Sponsored By:

Member to Member Discount Program As part of your investment with the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce, you are eligible to participate in this program! You may offer savings or items of value that represent your business and take advantage of those offers from fellow members.

our community, I have gained new friends and I am up on all the latest happenings around town. There are many dedicated Ambassadors here at the Castle Rock Chamber. That is why receiving this award is an honor and I am blessed to have the recognition. I want to thank the Chamber for this opportunity.

Membership Orientation:

When I’m not assisting my husband in

90 Day Challenge Castle View ABC Colorado Christian University Cornerstone Presbyterian Church Cox Baker & Page, LLC Digital Imaging by Design Guaranty Bank Home Care Assistance Kids Nite Out Land Title Pro National Automotive Group Remote Bookkeeper Sbarra Construction The Olive Grove

real estate, tutoring or fulfilling Ambassador duties, I spend my time with family and friends. Traveling, hiking, playing piano and dancing are just some of the activities I enjoy. Thank you Melanie, for your dedication and support of the Castle Rock Chamber.


This is part of the Chamber’s ongoing efforts to help our members save. By participating in this program, you are furthering the goal of strengthening our local economy . View all the member to member discounts at in the Members Only section or contact the Chamber at 303-688-4597 to participate.


Welcome New Members 1st Avenue Construction Rick Aryan (720) 465-7663 5231 S. Santa Fe Dr. Littleton, CO 80120 Contractors - Roofing Aspen View Academy Helen Sneed (720) 733-3436 2131 Low Meadow Blvd. Castle Rock, CO 80109 Schools - Academic B&B CafĂŠ Robert Schoene (720) 733-7827 322 Wilcox Street Castle Rock, CO 80104 Restaurants Blue Nectar Miguel Hernandez (303) 660-2280 215 N. Wilcox St. Castle Rock, CO 80104 Restaurants Blue Spruce Animal Clinic Jasmine Tom (303) 663-9700 101 Briscoe St. Castle Rock, CO 80104 Veterinarians

Restaurant of the Month

Hideaway Ba r & G rill 600 Jerry St reet Castle Roc k, CO 801 04 720.519. 0509 hideawaybarandg

Castle Rock Kid's Dentistry Michael Townsend (303) 814-1335 2352 Meadows Blvd. Castle Rock, CO 80109 Dentists, Dentists-Pediatric

Olive Grove Corp. The, Aradhana Mace (303) 660-2630 5050 Factory Shops Blvd.Suite 970 Castle Rock, CO 80108 Food Products, Specialty Food Items

Colorado Christian University Deanna Evers (303) 963-3305 304 Inverness Way Ste 150 Englewood, CO 80112 Colleges, Higher Education

ProNational Automotive Group Russell Ables (303) 941-8494 10200 E. Girard Ave.Suite A-300 Denver, CO 80231 Automobile Brokers

Cornerstone Presbyterian Church Shawn Young (303) 660-0267 2607 Fifth St. Castle Rock, CO 80104 Churches

Prudential Dayton Nooner (303) 656-0645 8000 S. Chester St. Suite 325 Englewood, CO 80112 Financial Advisor, Insurance

La Quinta Inn & Suites Sarah Lindo (303) 660-2230 884 Park St. Castle Rock, CO 80109 Hotels/Motels & Other Accommodations

Sprint J.R. Curiel (720) 883-6949 78 E Allen Street Castle Rock, CO 80104 Retail

Mike Ward Infiniti Krista Siekman (303) 350-4300 1800 Lucent Ct. Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Automobile Dealers, Automobile Repairs & Service

Beverage Sponsor

The Pepsi Bott ling Company 3801 Brighton B oulevard Denver 80216

Storage Sponsor

Park Street /Jerry Stre et Storage 1500 N. Pa rk St reet Castle Roc k 80104 303.688.22 42 13

Business Trainings 5 Secrets to Success Converting Suspects to Sales Tuesday, Sept. 10th 9:30 to 1:00 pm Cas tle Oaks Evangelical Church 826 Pa rk St, Cas tle Rock, CO

Mike Tafoya Business Strateg ist & CE O Coach

RSVP: FREE TO ATTEND! Lunch Included

Are you getting sales by accident or by design? Most business owners admit they get most sales by accident. Comments like these prove my point, “I met my last customer in the grocery line”, or “a friend of my wife referred my newest client”. Selling is an art as well as a science. Do you ask yourself these questions?

1) How can I consistently get in front of more qualified prospects? 2) How will I attract more prospects? 3) What message will help me to close more sales? 4) How did I lose that sale? At one point everyone in sales has asked these questions. What will you do next? Discover how to increase the number of leads, and close more sales by using Mike Tafoya’s 5 sales secrets developed during the down economy. In the workshop you will develop systems to: • Build strong relationships before trying to sell • Focus on the client not on products and services

How Does Your Business Thrive? Through the partnership of the Chamber, Town of Castle Rock, PS Miller Library and the Senior Core of Retired Executives (SCORE), we can help you keep your business on course or successfully help you launch a new venture by providing consultations with industry experts. Schedule appointments for a business consultation with an expert regarding the following:

• Be the expert and identify the pain

Business start-ups

• Read your prospect-they will tell you when they are ready.

Developing a business plan

Marketing and sales activities

Accounting and tax issues

Securing financing

Business organization

Managing business growth

Business Boot Camp

Access to Local Expertise

Database & GIS Research

Third Tech Tuesday was created and is taught by Dr. Michelle Post, Certified Social Media Strategist Understanding Social Media specializing in the analysis, review Management and creation of a Tuesday, Sept. 17th 9am to 10am social media stratCastle Rock Chamber of Commerce egy for individuals, entrepreneurs, small and medium Topics to include: businesses. 1. What is Social Media Management 2. Why do you nee d to know and understand Social Media Management 3. How to create a Socia l Media Management Plan 4. Applying tools and techniques to be successful at Social Media Management

Equipment: Bring your laptop or tablet, Free Wi-Fi is available.

Dr. Michelle Post has more than 25+ years in the IT/Business industries, and 8+ years in Higher Education and Nonprofit industries. View more at http:// index.php?show=about

Call 303-688-4597 or sign up at:

RSVP: Free To Chamber Members $10 for Future Members 14

HR Business Training Inspiring Employee Engagement: The Important Role of Coaching in High Performance When: Tuesda y, Sept. 24, 2013 Time: 11:00 to 1:00 pm Nicole Matt son Vice Pre sident of Human Re source s Sky R idge Medical Center

Cas tle Rock Chamber 420 Jerry Street

Think of a great sports coach. Who fi rst comes to mind? Bill Self, Tony LaRussa or ma ybe Pa t Summi tt? How about Tim Ta ylor from Frida y Night Lights? If so, these are all great examples of people (or fi ctional chara cters) who ha ve mastered, and in some cases defined, the fundamentals of coaching to inspire and lead a winning team. These same fundamentals are required in toda y's business world to inspire employee engagement and develop high-performing teams. •

Build learning into everyda y a cti vi ties.

Be a thought partner.

Gi ve and recei ve feedback to grow capability.

It may sound simple but there is an art (and a little science) to being an effecti ve coach in the workplace. In this workshop, we will discuss the business case for being an effecti ve coach, the ps ychological connection between coaching and performance, and how to use a coaching leadership style to expand indi vidual and team capacity. You don't ha ve to be a sports fan to walk awa y with a fresh perspecti ve on the role of coa ching in creating high performing teams!

RSVP: Free To Chamber Members $20 for Future Members


Customized, Confidential Consultations to Help Your Business Grow Business resources to keep you moving forward M ARK E T RE S E ARC H - C O M P E T I T I VE A N A LY S I S - BU S I N E S S T O O LS - L O C AL E X P E RT S

Chamber Offers Free Business Consultations H ow d oe s you r b us ine s s g row ? Is your business ready for that ne xt ste p? Not s ure about the next step? Not sure how to take it? WE ARE HERE TO HELP! Castle Rock Economic Ga rdene rs (CREG) is a group of de dicate d and expe rienced business lea ders whose miss ion is to provide small businesses with A C C ESS TO LOC A L EXPER TISE

the resources used by best-in-class firms, the reby enhancing the ir com petitiveness in the local, s tate and global marketplaces. Our purpose is to help

It is not possible to be an expert about every aspect of running a business. The Chamber

Douglas County businesses flouris h in today’s marketplace. W hethe r you’re

can provide participants with referrals to

just s tarting out and need help turning an

experts in such areas as financing, legal and


idea into reality, or you’ve been es tab-


lished for years and want to take your

D A TA B A S E & G I S R E S E A R C H

business to the next level, we ca n show

The program has access to industry leading

you how to gain the knowle dge, dire c-

research databases and GIS information to develop a custom growth plan. Databases


tion, and connections you need to culti-

include Reference USA, Dodge Report, JJ

vate a successful business.


The concept of e conom ic gardening fosters entrepreneurial activity by providing the essential information, infra-

WA N T MOR E IN FOR MA TION ? Economic Gardening information and a program application may be found at the Castle Rock Economic Gardening website.

structure, and resources required for www.C ast leRo ckEG.o rg

successful business development and growth. A ll se rvices a nd information are at little or no cost to both s tart-ups and established businesses in Douglas County, Colorado. Please take a few moments to explore our we bsite and learn how the Cas tle Rock Econom ic Gardene rs can he lp your bus iness grow.



Women of Influence Luncheon October 10, 2013 Time: 11:30 am to 1pm Cherokee Ranch and Castle Guest Speaker: Major Brenda Leffler

Major Brenda Leffler Lieutenant Colonel at Colorado State Patrol

The Women of Influence Luncheon Series provides opportunities and a venue for women leaders to network, share their best insights and business practices, and foster connections with others. Each quarterly luncheon will address a particular key issue and solutions to women's advancement.

Ma jor Brenda Leffler was promoted to lieutenant colonel — a ra nk no other woman has rea ched during the 76 yea r history of the depa rtment a li ttle over a yea r and hal f a go. Before joining the Sta te Pa trol , Leffler was a noncommissioned offi cer in the U.S. Army a nd the Na tional Guard between 1987 and 1997. She joined the depa rtment in 1993, sta rting her ca reer as a trooper in Golden. In 2002 Leffler was promoted to sergeant in Gilpin County. Jus t three years later she beca me a captain a nd then served as commander and major for the homeland securi ty section of the pa trol. Mos t recentl y, Leffler was a liaison to the executi ve command sta ff and the Offi ce of the Chief. "Lt. Colonel Leffler becomes an integral pa rt of a ccomplishing our Stra tegi c Plan, Intelligence-Led Policing plans and other pressing challenges fa cing the pa trol toda y," said Colonel James Wolfinba rger, Chief of the CSP.

RECOMMEND JOINING THE CHAMBER ! EARN CHAMBER CASH! WHAT: Stewardship Program WHY: Re duce Your Membe rship Investment Cost WHO: This program acknowledges and awards Chamber members for Stewardship of the Chamber in the Castle Rock Community. HOW: Steward Recognition: Your name and the refe rred new Chamber membe r will be spotlighte d in the Business Voice in STEWARDSHIP RECOGNITION section.

To complete your referral go to http://www.castlerock./org/pdf/ MemberReferralCard2012.pdf.

Leffler repla ced Lt. Colonel Anthony Padilla — the fi rs t La tino in tha t posi tion — who reti red in April . Wi th Lieutenant Colonel Brenda L. Leffler ‘s experiences, she is uniquel y qualified to inspi re and moti va te a t this qua rter’ Women of Influence Series .


Seating is limited. Purchase tickets at:

SUSAN AT THE CHAMBER 303-688-4597.

$37.00 for Chamber Members; $47.00 for Future Members. Questions? Call 303-688-4597.


This Luncheon is Sponsored by: Education Sponsor: MedVed Autoplex at Castle Rock 17

Town & County News and Events Once complete, the North Meadows Extension will cross over one creek and two railroads. It will intersect with two ma jor highways and have a total grade change of more than 20 s tories. Learn more a bout Allen Way/Founders Parkway projectChanges are coming to Founders / Mead- what it takes to make the Town's No. 1 ows Parkway. The T own and the Colorado transportation priority a reality and the progress that has been made s o far. The Department of T ransportation sha re the important respons ibility of making roads in newest TAP Update is now online:http:// Castle Rock safe for all travelers. CDOT Item/862 owns and maintains Intersta te 25 as we ll as all state highways, which includes U.S. Highway 85 (Meadows Parkway from the junction with U.S. 85 to I-25) a nd State Highway 86 (Founde rs Parkway east). Get to know y our local officers-The Castle CDOT is planning changes to Founders / Rock Police De partment has launche d Meadows Parkway between Factory Shops Douglas County's first Coffee with a Cop Boulevard and Woodlands Boulevard to series. These informal conversations with improve traffic flow through this busy cor- Castle Rock Police Office rs at local coffee ridor. The construction s chedule has not shops, restaurants and other venues give been finalized, but CDOT anticipa tes con- residents and business owners a chance to struction will occur in two phases. Read connect with police in a relaxe d atmosmore: x.aspx? phere. Read m ore: nid=1507 chamber_news7.htm CDOT begins Structural Repa irs on Surrey Ridge, Ridgegate and Happy Canyon Bridges-Three-Month Project Requires Lane Reductions on I-25 in Douglas County. Work is underway on a $1.2 million project to repla ce the concrete slabs on the I-25 bridges at Surrey Ridge Road and Happy Canyon Creek Road in order to extend the life of the pavement and the bridge. In addition, minor bridge work will take place on I-25 at Ridgegate. From late August through ea rly Novembe r 2013, both north and southbound I-25 from Ridgegate Parkway to Castle Pines Pa rkway will be re duced to three lanes 24 hours a day, seven days a week to accommodate the bridge repairs and concrete work. Read more: newsroom/cdot-begins-structural-repairson-surrey-ridge-ridgegate-and-happycanyon-bridges/

Dispos e of unwanted chemicals a t Household Chemica l Roundup Sept. 7 in Cas tle Rock- Douglas County residents have one last chance this summer to dispose of unwanted household chemicals. The last Douglas County Chem ical Roundup of the year will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 7 at the Castle Rock Utilities Building, 175 Kellogg Court.

First Annua l Douglas County Rotary and Centura Family 9Hea lth Fair. Sept. 29, 7 am to noon -- Low-cos t health screenings and education at the First Annual Douglas County Rotary and Centura Family 9Health Hea lth Fair. At Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus at 2350 Meadows Blvd., Castle Rock. For more information, go to a nd look for the fair lis ted at the Castle Rock Adventist Health Cam pus. Douglas County hits No. 20 on CNN Money lis t-One of two Colorado counties lauded for job g rowth. With an unem ployment rate down to 5.8 percent, com panies moving in at an unprecede nted level, weekly wages higher than anywhere e lse in Colora do, and Ste rling Ranch in the ondeck circle, it s hould come as no s urprise that Douglas County cracked CNN Money’s Top 25 list for “where the jobs a re” this past week. Ranking counties for job growth between the years of 2010 and 2012, Douglas County came in at No. 20 on the lis t, boasting a 9.1 perce nt uptick in growth over the three-year time pe riod. Broom field County, the only other Colorado county on the lis t, came in a t No. 15, having demonstrated a 9.7 pe rcent growth in jobs. Read m ore: http://

Annua l Pooch Plunge to make a splash at Butterfield Crossing Pool-As the sun se ts on summer, our pets will get the ir chance Castle Rock Among Best Towns in Coloto splash around at a public pool. The rado for Young Families-Town receives high marks in education, cos t of living and ninth annual Pooch Plunge will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 7, at economic growth. There’s a lot to love about Castle Rock – 51 m iles of trails, sum- Butte rfield Crossing Pool, 3952 W. Butte rfield Crossing Drive. The same day, mer events in full swing and strong Castle V iew High School will hos t its firs t schools. Those who live here know that, ever homecoming parade. The parade runs and many othe rs are taking notice. Confrom 8 to 9 a.m., and eastbound sumer advocacy website Ne rdWalle t recently ranked the best Colorado towns for Butte rfield Crossing Drive will be closed from North Meadows Drive to Butte rfield young families, and Castle Rock came in Park. The road will reope n in time for the fifth. Read more: http:// Pooch Plunge. Lea rn more at recreation. 18

Members in the News New Additions to Guaranty Bank & Trust CO — Chris tina Medina- VP, Branch Manager. Christina is joining the Bank as the Branch Manager of the Castle Rock and Castle Pines branches. She mos t recently served as Branch Manager at Colorado State Bank and Trus t. Prior to that, Christina served as a Branch Manager at TCF. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Adm inis tration from the University of Colorado. AnnMarie Ursetta-FSR, Financia l Service Representative AnnMarie is joining the Bank as the FSR of the Castle Rock branch. She previously worked with Colorado National Bank & Colorado State Bank & Trus t. She holds a Master’s Degree in Organizational Management and a Na tive of Colorado. Do You Own Guns? In July, a new Sta te of Colorado law passed will force all transfers of possession of a Colorado firearm to require an extensive background check. Gun Trust Utilization hoste d by Rey Cinocco will be on Thursday, September 5th at 6:30pm. Join Bill Henry - Robins on & Henry P.C. and Special Guest Jimmy Graham at Close Qua rters Defense-Denver at Blue Nectar Mexican Restaurant in Castle Rock. RSVP here or call (303) 688-0944. Elements Therapeutic Massage in Castle Rock will be celebrating their 5th year in business! Join them on Saturday, September 7th from 11am - 4pm for refreshments and gift ca rd specials! The Meadows Trash Bash Community Clean Up is Saturday, September 14th, from 9am to 11am. Let’s keep The Meadows beautiful with a morning of cleaning up litte r and trash from the neighborhoods, open space and pa rks! Volunteers of all ages are welcome and it would be wonderful to have participation from clubs and whole blocks taking part to increase effectiveness and involvement! Sign up here: The LiveBIG Color Blast Dash is September 21 from 9:30 am to 12pm at Metzle r Ranch Pa rk. Join othe rs for a fun and exciting race around Metzler Park. This family-fun color run will include lots of ente rtainment and a wacky good time. Racers will run around Metzler Park and be splashed with colored powde r as they make their loops around the pa rk. The race will finish with jumpy castles, face painte rs and f ood vendors in the park.Register online: https:// 19

Did You Know?

Upcoming Signature Events 24th Annual Colorado Artfest at Castle Rock September 7th & 8th –Town Hall/Library Parking Lots The weekend after Labor Day, the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce hosts a juried fine arts show with artists from across the country. Delight in the artistic impressions of more than 176 artists from across the country. Continual live main stage entertainment, featuring popular musicians, will provide a complimentary backdrop to this year’s program. We will also feature strolling entertainers, the Artfest Store; a silent auction; food and beverage vendors sure to tantalize your taste buds and an Imagination Zone for children. There is something for everyone at the Colorado Artfest at Castle Rock.

Upcoming Event Dates: Castle Rock Starlighting-November 23, 2013 Colorado Healthy Living Expo-February 8, 2014 Tell Us What You Think! Suggestions /Additions to this publication are always welcomed. Send comments to Melissa Mares:

As part of your membership with the Castle Rock Chamber, all members are eligible to contribute to our Business Voice Newsletter in the “Members in the News” section. Submit all press releases or company announcements to newsletter E ditor, Me liss a Ma res at by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s issue. Take advantage of this opportunity to reach fellow chamber members. *Some Restrictions apply. Are you taking advantage of the Member to Member Discount Program? Visit the Members Only section to sign up and view discounts at





420 Jerry Street Castle Rock, Colorado 80104 303.688.4597 ph 303.688.2688 fax https://www .face /Ca stleR ockCham ber 20

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