this issue Legisla ve Event P.4 Self Defense Workshop P.6 Amp Up Customer Service P.13 Facebook Jumpstart P.19
Join CDOT for a public project mee ng!
Chamber Partners with CDOT I 25 Expansion CDOT ini ated a Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study scheduled for January 26th in Kirk Hall at the Douglas County Fairgrounds to iden fy immediate and longer-term solu ons to this vital stretch of highway, which connects Colorado Springs through Castle Rock to the Denver South area. I-25 is the only north-south interstate route through Colorado, connec ng the state's largest popula on and employment centers. Project Background: Between Monument and C-470, I-25 experiences conges on on numerous days throughout the week. Weekday and weekend travel delays and unreliability frustrate travelers now and will only get worse as Colorado's popula on grows from 5 million to more than 8 million in the next 20 years. Conges on, high (75 mph) speeds, and climbing grades contribute to severe crashes and can lead to long periods of highway closures. It supports Homeland Security and the military, interstate commerce, and tourism. This PEL study is the first step to analyze and address safety, travel reliability and mobility issues. Ac on is coming and we need your help. Learn more at : h=ps://
Castle Rock January 26, 2017 5:00 – 7:00 pm DC Fairgrounds – Kirk Hall 500 Fairgrounds Road Castle Rock, CO 80104
February 4, 2017 DC Events Center
What I’m thankful for A le=er from the CEO/Chamber President—Pam Ridler, CCE
As I write my 18th year-end message to all of you as Chamber business members, I believe it’s important to reflect on what has transpired throughout the last year. Being thankful is something I try to prac ce every day, but this me of year it’s top of mind for most of us. With even just a li=le reflec on, we should realize what’s important to our lives. Contempla on of what lies in the future I believe gives focus to selfimprovement and is a prac ce that I believe we all should work towards. By being mindful about those around me, showing them gra tude and love helps me focus on what the future will bring. My hope is that you'll consider sprinkling GRATEFULNESS throughout your life. I like to build an acronym to help me remember and digest, so here it is. G—ra tude of the support from my family, friends, coworkers and our volunteers R—espec0ul of others for their differences and to work towards earning their trust A—cceptance of varied ideas, solu ons, beliefs and opportuni es T—ime to reflect on my life and work on my personal growth E—agar to take on new ventures and bigger challenges in the New Year
F—reedom gained from being an American—we may be a na on divided on many issues, but what place is without conflict? I believe the area that we must be united in is suppor ng our military and our first responders. They are our true heroes. U--nderstand and acknowledge what a giO life is and that life is a journey which should be enjoyed L—ove my family which includes six beau ful grandchildren, my faith and good health. N—urture and guide our Chamber and community volunteers to con nue their great work of selflessness and outstanding leadership for the good of our community E—nthused by what my outstanding staff has accomplished and to celebrate their successes S—ympathy and compassion for those who are experiencing major illnesses and loss S—upport and foster our vibrant community. Individuals who take risk and demonstrate innova on deserve the credit for drama cally improving our community’s economy. If there is a silver lining to hard economic mes, it’s a greater apprecia on when things are going well. During this last holiday season, it was wonderful to see the ac vity throughout Castle Rock, I hope that ac vity turns into financial success for our local businesses. I BELIEVE we all must act as an ac ve par cipant in the fostering and crea ng of our future and give ourselves the permission to succeed. Last, but not least, I’m grateful for you and your decision to be a part of our business community and your investment in your Chamber of Commerce.
Pam Ridler, CCE Chamber President/CEO 2
2016-2017 Chairman Circle Sponsors President Level: Castle Rock Bank Colorado Community Media IREA Sky Ridge Medical Center Execu ve Level: Black Hills Energy Douglas County Living Pepsi Entrepreneur Level: ANB Bank Brookside Inn Castle Rock Adven st Hospital Castle Rock Development Company Medved Autoplex Castle Rock Outlets at Castle Rock Patriot Enterprises, Inc. Premier Level: 212 Pizza Company Al tude SEO Arapahoe Community College Asarch Dermatology Center Chuck & Don’s Pet Food Supplies Colorado Chris an University ConneXion Spot Douglas County Libraries The Emporium Firstbank of Douglas County Folkestad, Fazekas, Barrick & Patoile, P.C. Front Range HVAC gopixel design studios GroovyTek Kaiser Permanente Lokal Homes Inc. Metzler Memory Care Nytech Hea ng & Cooling Olinger-Dignity Memorial One Clear Choice Garage Doors OrangeTheory Fitness-Castle Rock Plumbline Services, Inc. Rangewood Orthodon cs RE/MAX Alliance-The Kirk Team Renewal By Andersen
2016-17 Board of Directors We asked 5 accomplished managers the things they would’ve done differently at the onset of their careers
Chamber Staff Pam Ridler President & CEO Melissa Mares Director of Communica ons Alicia Early Membership Development Director The Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors are made up of representa ves from public, private, and nonprofit business sectors and our leaders in our community. They represent the broad diversity of our membership and contribute significant amounts of me, talent, and energy to ensure the growing business vitality of Douglas County, Colorado.
Directors con nued:
Jill Garber Arapahoe Community College Brock Goodwin Mutual of Omaha Nadine Kirk RE/MAX Alliance– The Kirk Team
Execu ve Commi;ee
Mark Michael Versa lity Crea ve Group
John Manka, Chairman 1 Stop Tire & Auto
Andrea Nyquist Outlets at Castle Rock
Bernie Greenberg, Chair-Elect Kokish & Goldmanis, P.C.
Michelle Peck TMMC Property Management
David Zwerenz, Treasurer Firstbank of Douglas County
Julie Voorhees Keller Williams Ac on Realty
Aaron Fort, Treasure-Elect Fort & Company CPA’s
Linda Watson-Kolstad Sky Ridge Medical Center
Elyse McNulty, Immediate Past Chairwoman Kaiser Permanente
Tom Waymire, Castle Rock Bank
John Woodrick Event Manager Sue Turner Office Administrator Angela Murray Membership Services Coordinator Carrie Buchan Program Manager: Leadership Douglas County Judy Woodley Business Training Coordinator
Ex Officio Frank Gray, President/CEO, Castle Rock EDC
Now Hiring—Open Posi on Visitor Center Coordinator
Folkestad, Fazekas, Barrick & Patoile, P.C.
Sally Misare, Town Clerk, Town of Castle Rock
Send resumes to:
Todd Folkenberg Castle Rock Adven st Hospital
Pam Ridler, President/CEO, Castle Rock Chamber
Directors Aaron Barrick
Pre-Session Kick Off Event at Sky Ridge —January 9
Take Poli cal Ac on There Are Many Ways to Get Involved!
Douglas County Business Alliance: Influencing & Leading Legisla on for Posi ve Outcome The Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce established the Douglas County Business Alliance (DCBA) to promote a unified effort of certain Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development Councils of Douglas County to lead and influence state and federal policy, legisla on and regula on to create and/or enhance a posi ve business climate for the business community of Douglas County. The Douglas County Business Alliance is comprised of representa ves from the following organiza ons: • Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce • Castle Rock Economic Development Council • Highlands Ranch Chamber • Lone Tree Chamber • Northwest Douglas County Economic Development Commission • Parker Chamber • South Metro Denver Chamber
Pre Legisla ve Session Kick Off FREE EVENT Monday, January 9 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM Sky Ridge Medical Center 10101 Ridgegate Pkwy Lone Tree, CO 80124 Please RSVP to Mary Marchun –
The Chamber’s Government Interests Commi=ee provides our business community with a proac ve voice and advocate regarding governmental issues; and promotes economic interests, which contributes to the quality of life of Castle Rock. This program facilitates communica on and educa on between the business community, local, and state governments. A variety of elected officials, concerned members and businesspeople meet to discuss and clarify issues that are affec ng our community today, tomorrow and in the future. The Horizon Luncheons offer an opportunity to make connec ons with community leaders. Each luncheon features guest speakers to help keep you up-to -date on the local community, business hot topics, statewide informa on and much more.
Learn more, contact
Le Sponsorships are available, contact to learn more
The Horizon Luncheons offer an opportunity to make connec ons with community leaders. Each luncheon features guest speakers to help keep you up-to-date on the local community, business hot topics, statewide informa on and much more. 4
March 29, 2017 Special Guest: Dave Corliss, Town Manager
Great Main Stage Entertainment Schedule Coming Soon!
Get Your 5
Wellness Rocks hosts Self Defense Workshop
WORKSITE WELLNESS It's more than good business. It's good business strategy.
Workshop will provide you with moves and techniques to show you how to protect yourself Please join us for our first Wellness Rocks Workshop of the year as we welcome John Halle= from Rocky Mountain Self Defense. Organiza ons that foster health and safety at work have healthier, happier employees and healthier bo=om lines, too.
Self Defense Workshop Thursday, January 19, 2017 11:00 AM— 1:00 PM Philip S. Miller Library Please RSVP to Angela Murray at (Lunch will be provided) About the Instructor: John Halle= founded Rocky Mountain Krav Maga in November 2005. He is a 2nd Degree Black Belt with the Krav Maga Alliance under John Whitman former President of Krav Maga Worldwide, KMA FORCE: Military & Law Enforcement Cer fied Instructor, a cer fied Level 5 Krav Maga Instructor with Krav Maga Worldwide, a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer, CrossFit Movement & Mobility Trainer, CrossFit Gymnas cs Trainer, Olympic WeightliOing Trainer and a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. He also has accolades in Hapkido and grappling. Currently he is pursuing further advancement in Krav Maga, CrossFit and MMA.
By crea ng a work environment that promotes safety, physical ac vity, healthy habits, and overall wellbeing, companies can benefit from higher employee sa sfac on, increased loyalty, improved produc vity, and lower health care costs.
Wellness Rocks is a worksite wellness program of the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce that partners with Tri-County Health Department and Health Links Colorado to connect employers with free advising and low-cost resources.
The benefits of workplace health and safety: • Lower health care costs • Higher employee morale and greater job sa sfac on • Higher produc vity • Fewer injuries • Increased ability to recruit and retain top talent • Lower absenteeism
For informa on about employer resources, please contact Angela Murray at the Chamber 303-688-4597 or contact Michele Haugh, Tri-County Health, at 720-200-1518.
Learning from the best prac ces of companies that have launched successful programs and from of the leading research-based models, we know what works.
Learn more about Worksite Wellness Watch video h=ps://
Weathering Storms and Working Toward Success This year is the perfect year to turn things around. Disasters Don't Have to Be Disastrous - Just Ask Others Everybody and every business is going to face challenges, obstacles and difficul es somewhere along the line. Challenges oOen mes are the trigger points that help develop our character, hone our skills and inspire crea vity. A Dutch proverb says, "The gem cannot be polished without fric on, nor the man perfected without trials." Problems may arise and cause delays in schedules and plans but delays are not denials. In his effort to develop a nickel-iron ba=ery, Thomas Edison tested over 9,000 experiments without geVng posi ve outcomes. While at his work bench con nuing in his effort to achieve success, a long- me associate expressed his regrets to Edison for not geVng any results. Edison quickly replied, “Results! Why man, I’ve go%en a lot of results. I know thousands of things that won’t work.” Going it alone can be lonely and discouraging when working through difficul es. Seeking input, guidance, and counsel from trusted advisors can help you to see things from a different perspec ve, develop a strategy and stay focused on a solu on. When Life Hands You a Bowl of Dirt, Develop a Process for Making Shirts You may need to ask yourself a series of ques ons in order to develop a process for overcoming the challenges, problems, or obstacles you or your team are facing. What good things are happening within the project that can be highlighted? Who needs to be no fied of this problem or delay? Have others dealt with a similar problem, if so, how did they handle it? Are there other poten al problems that might be created through our effort to solve the exis ng problem? Is there another viewpoint, solu on, or perspec ve we have not considered? Some mes, mind mapping a problem can help lead to a solu on. Op mism Beats Pessimism In their Fall 2013 newsle=er, Employee Assistance Program, LLC commented on research regarding op mis c people saying, "According to psychologist Suzanne Segerstrom, op mism is not
just about feeling posi ve. It’s also about being mo vated and persistent. In her book, ‘Breaking Murphy’s Law: How Op mists Get What They Want From Life – and Pessimists Can Too,’ Segerstrom explains that op mists tend to deal with problems head-on. Instead of walking away, they plan a course of ac on, seek advice from others, and stay focused on solu ons. Segerstrom also says that op mists tend to expect a good outcome, and even when they don’t get it, they find ways to learn and grow from the nega ve experience. Op mists believe their ac ons shape their des nies." There Must Be a Pony in Here It's kind of like the story of the twin boys had who had developed extreme personali es — one was a total pessimist, while the other was a total op mist. Concerned for their children, the parents took them to a psychiatrist. First, the psychiatrist treated the pessimist. Trying to brighten his outlook, the psychiatrist took him to a room piled to the ceiling with brand-new toys. But instead of being overjoyed, the li=le boy burst into tears. Confused, the psychiatrist asked, “What’s the ma=er? Don’t you want to play with any of the toys?” “Yes,” the li=le boy cried, “but if I did I’d only break them.” Next the psychiatrist treated the op mist. Trying to discourage his outlook, the psychiatrist took him to a room piled to the ceiling with horse manure. But instead of wrinkling his nose in disgust, the op mist was delighted. Then he climbed to the top of the pile, dropped to his knees, and excitedly began digging out scoop aOer scoop with his bare hands. “What do you think you’re doing?” the psychiatrist asked, just as baffled by the op mist as he had been by the pessimist. “With all this manure,” the beaming li=le boy replied, “there must be a pony in here somewhere!” Success can some mes be buried beneath a lot of dirt, mud, and manure. Keep digging! ~ Mark Turner, President/CEO of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce 7
Elevate Your Business Exposure Adver sing Space Available in Livability Castle RockMagazine Livability Castle Rock-Douglas County, Colorado magazine, the centerpiece of the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce's marke ng strategy, is star ng sales and giving our local businesses the opportunity to purchase adver sing space. Don't miss this opportunity to promote your business to thousands of residents, businesses, poten al newcomers and visitors. Your adver sement will also be featured in the digital version of the magazine, which is available on the chamber's website and at The digital magazine is promoted on the digital newsstand, where it can be downloaded, embedded or shared through email and social media. The print magazine features highquality ar cles and photography about Castle Rock-Douglas County’s business climate, quality-oflife ameni es and tourist a;rac ons, and is distributed to poten al residents and businesses throughout the year. To take advantage of this excep onal marke ng opportunity and set up an appointment, please email our sales rep is Derek Brady at He can be reached on his cell at 615.944.1556 or give him a call at the chamber!
Leverage Our Business Connec ons & Experience
Ambassador of the Month– Ambassador of the Year Be;yGraf—Reliv Graf, Reliv Interna onal Be=y Interna onal The Castle Rock Chamber proudly honors Be;y Graf as our Ambassador of the Year.
Accelerate Growth, Promote Excellence Let us help you establish a firm business founda on- from showing you how to develop your business plan, to iden fying the best ways to obtain funding, and everything else associated with opening your doors. All services and informa on are at li=le or no cost to both start-ups and established businesses in Douglas County, Colorado. Our business consultants leverage their combined years of experience to help you guide your business to sustainable success year aOer year. Contact at the Chamber to learn more about our business training courses.
Contact the Chamber for ques ons regarding scheduling a business counseling or register online now at: h=p:// -business/
Do you have ques ons about…
• • • • •
Congratula ons Be;y & thank you for your outstanding efforts!
Learn more about Trainings/Consulta ons Watch video h=ps://
Be=y finds being an Ambassador a great fit since she loves mee ng new people and developing rela onships with business owners. She has u lized the many Chamber networking events such as the Leads referral groups to promote her business with great success. For Be=y, it’s a way for her to be “plugged” into the business community. As a Chamber Ambassador, Be=y is a part of a professional group of people dedicated to helping others grow their businesses.
Star ng a business? Developing your business plan? Marke ng and sales planning? Accoun ng or tax advice? Securing financing? Managing your growth?
Members Only Sec on Enhancements Your Chamber makes it easy for members to take full advantage of their benefits, all you have to do is take the first step Did you know that the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce has made several exci ng improvements to the “Members Only” sec on of the Chamber website that will make it easy for you to take full advantage of your benefits? Take a moment to visit the page at: h=p://
Please familiarize yourself with all of our amazing benefits we have to offer your business, be%er yet...become an expert and a%end one of our Member Orienta ons that are held on the last Thursday of every month at the Chamber.
Increase Your Exposure Members can link their Facebook page, LinkedIn account, and/or Twi=er page to their business directory lis ng as well as upload a “Membership Badge” to your website that proudly lists you as a member of the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce. Be sure to add your Hot Deals and a Member 2 Member Deal to promote your support to the Castle Rock Business Community. Lastly, proudly display your Membership Decal s cker on your storefront or vehicle. This decal symbolizes your business’s commitment to the Castle Rock community.
Member Orienta on January 26, 2017 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM Castle Rock Chamber
Business Directory Features AOer joining the Chamber, all members receive a company login name and password to access the Member Informa on Center of the Chamber website. Members Login: h=p://
Contact Angela Murray at the Chamber for ques ons or assistance. Email her at
Save Money In the New Year by using our Connec ons! Bulk Mail Discounts Bulk Mail Rates are offered to Chamber Members in good standing. Members can use The Chamber’s bulk mail permit number to significantly reduce the cost of postage for qualified mailings.
Office Depot Savings Members can save approximately 15% to 25% annually on their office supplies! Do business out of the country?
How to Access Your Member Page Just email to request your username and password informa on. We’ll verify the name and organiza on submiVng to confirm that the email used to make the request is valid and belongs to your membership account. Then we will email your username and password to the email address that was used to request the login info.
Let’s Get Social Be sure to visit and connect with us on Facebook and Twi=er. Make sure you Like our facebook page and click No fica ons On so you never miss a post.
Need a Cer ficate of Origin? THE CHAMBER CAN HELP! A Cer ficate of Origin (CO) is an important interna onal trade document a=es ng that goods in a par cular export shipment are wholly obtained, produced, manufactured or processed in a par cular country. COs also cons tute a declara on by the exporter. The Castle Rock Chamber is an approved provider of COs for the state.
Direct Market to fellow members on our Members Only Facebook Page: h=ps:// castlerockchamber.membersonly/ Like Us and Follow our facebook page for the latest news and happenings— Check in whenever you visit, let your customers know YOU ARE INVOLVED IN THE CHAMBER & YOU CARE ABOUT OUR COMMUNITY! h=ps:// CastleRockChamber/ 9
Chamber’s Job Board is a Huge Success—Post Your Openings Today! Need Help, Ask Angela!
San ago's Mexican Restaurant, Outstanding Business
Ambassador of the Month Abby Tardiff—ANB Bank Ambassador of the Month– The Castle Chamber proudly Be;y Graf,Rock Reliv Interna onal honors Abby Tardiff as our December Ambassador of the Month.
Great Food and Service Since 1990 The Castle Rock Chamber proudly honors San ago's Mexican Restaurant as our November Business of the Month recipient. They have been members of the Castle Rock Chamber for more than twelve years. When San ago's opened it's doors in 1990, there were three important items the owners firmly believed had to be implemented in order to set them in a league of their own. The first was that all of the food had to be fresh, as a child the owner disliked le4overs. Second, was a mentality of "We only have one chance". When a customer enters the restaurant, He or She is greeted with a friendly face, the food is fresh, good, and made with care. Third, was a humble approach of not naming the restaurant aOer oneself, but to name it aOer a Saint, a4er all not all new businesses are successful, and they would need all the help they could get. The rest is history, their customers would travel from different ci es to Brighton to eat their food. Eventually insis ng on them opening others in their local area.
Currently they have opened 27 restaurants, so you too can enjoy one closer to you and of course all year round! Visit our local loca on today! San ago's Mexican Restaurant 860 Kinner Street Castle Rock, CO 80109 720.733.0090 Congratula ons San ago’s for being recognized as an outstanding member business! Thank you for your support!
Be Inspired Over Lunch!
Abby Tardiff is a Commercial and Consumer Lending Officer at ANB Bank in Castle Rock. She moved back home to Colorado in May of 2016 aOer living in West Virginia for eight years, and she is happy to be living near, and working in, beau ful Castle Rock. She has been ac vely involved in the Chamber of Commerce since star ng at ANB Bank, and she became an Ambassador in August of 2016. She is passionate about people, which is why she loves all the opportuni es to network and build rela onships. As an Ambassador for the Chamber, she is able to dig deeper into the community, get involved, volunteer, and help foster business connec ons. Congratula ons Abby & thank you for your outstanding efforts!
The Women of Influence Luncheon Series provides opportuni es and a venue for women leaders to network, share their best insights and business prac ces, and foster connec ons with others. Each quarterly luncheon will address a par cular key issue and solu ons to women's advancement.
February 22, 2017 Time: 11:30 AM to 1 PM Union, American Bistro 3 Wilcox St Castle Rock, CO 80104 Purchase Tickets at 10
January & February Calendar of Events View Events Calendar h=p:// January 9, 2017 DCBA Legisla ve Forum, 7:30 am (Sky Ridge Medical Center) January 10, 2017 Breakfast Club Leads Group, 7:30 am, (Village Inn) Free Business Consulta ons, 10-12 pm or 2-4 pm, (Chamber OďŹƒce) Leads Plus!, 11:30 am, (Fowl Line) January 17, 2017 Government Interests Commi;ee (GIC) 7:30 am (Chamber) Free Business Consulta ons, 10-12 pm or 2-4 pm, (Chamber OďŹƒce) Third Tech Tuesday, 9:30-11 am, Seven Social Media Trends You Need to Know for 2017 (Chamber) Ribbon CuUng: Block Advisors, 4 pm, 4833 Front Street, Unit E, Castle Rock, January 18, 2017 Leads Referral Group, 11:30 am (Castle CafĂŠ) Community Leadership Mtg, 11:30 am (Chamber OďŹƒce) Power Partners Leads Group, 1:30 pm (Chamber OďŹƒce) Business AVer Hours, 5-7 pm (Castle Rock Bank) January 19, 2017 Wellness Rocks! Self Defense Class 11-1 pm (PS Miller Library) January 20, 2017 Chamber Board (Millhouse)
January 24, 2017 Breakfast Club Leads Group, 7:30 am, (Village Inn) Free Business Consulta ons, 10-12 pm or 2-4 pm, (Chamber OďŹƒce) Leads Plus! Leads Group, 11:30 am, (Fowl Line) Ribbon CuUng: Colorado HorsePower January 26, 2017 Member Orienta on, 7:30 am (Chamber) Biz Builder Lunch ‘n Learn: Amp up your Team’s Customer Service, 11 am 1pm (Chamber)
February 1, 2017 Leads Referral Group, 11:30 am (Castle CafĂŠ) Power Partners Leads Group, 1:30 pm (Chamber OďŹƒce) February 2, 2017 DC Job Fair, (DC Events Center) 2 pm—6 pm February 4, 2017 Douglas County Lifestyle Expo (DC Events Center) 8 am – 2 pm February 7, 2017 Government Interests Commi;ee (GIC) 7:30 am (Chamber OďŹƒce) Free Business Consulta ons, 10-12 pm or 2-4 pm, (Chamber OďŹƒce)
Catholic Chari es of Central Colorado - Castle Rock OďŹƒce 210 FiOh Street, Suite 100, Castle Rock, CO 80104 (720) 215-4521 Category: Human Services www.cchari
February 9, 2017 Business over Breakfast, 7:30 - 9 am (TBD) February 14, 2017 Breakfast Club Leads Group, 7:30 am (Village Inn) Free Business Consulta ons, 10-12 pm or 2-4 pm, (Chamber OďŹƒce) Leads Plus! Leads Group, 11:30 am (Fowl Line) February 15, 2017 Leads Referral Group, 11:30 am (Castle CafĂŠ) Community Leadership Mtg, 11:30 am (Chamber OďŹƒce) Power Partners Leads Group, 1:30 pm (Chamber OďŹƒce) Business AVer Hours, 5– 7 pm (TBD)
Illumina on Light Show 650 Sky View Lane, Larkspur, CO 80118 (719) 799-6708 Category: Recrea onal Ac vi es www.illumina
February 16, 2017 Biz Builder Lunch & Learn: Health BeneďŹ t Cost Containment for Small Employers, 11 am (Chamber) February 21, 2017 Third Tech Tuesday, Build Your Exper se with Facebook Live and Groups, 9:30 – 11:00 am (Chamber) February 28, 2017 Breakfast Club Leads Group, 7:30 am (Village Inn) Free Business Consulta ons, 10-12 pm or 2-4 pm, (Chamber OďŹƒce) Leads Plus! Leads Group, 11:30 am, (Fowl Line) 11
Christopher and Banks 5050 Factory Shop BLVD, Suite #1020 Castle Rock, CO 80108 (303) 688-6696 Category: Retail
Make Strategic Connec ons at Our Networking Events Fees/Admission: Business Over Breakfast Events •
Free for members.
Guests must have a guest pass from Alicia or an Ambassador for both events.
Fees/Admission: Business AVer Hours Events • • •
$10 for Community Connec on Level One Pass for Networking Level Free for Ascent Level and Above
Host an event at your loca on, Bring more exposure to your business— Contact Alicia for info.
Business AVer Hours January 18, 2017 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
501 Wilcox Street
Interested in expanding your Network? Business Over Breakfast February 9, 2017 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM Loca on: Sam’s ClubNew Castle Rock Loca on
Join us at one of our networking events to start growing your reach. By a=ending our networking events you will: 1. Increase Your Visibility 2. Expand Your Professional connec ons 3. Find Referrals 4. Create Strategic Partnerships 5. Socialize Registra on is not required; however, be sure to add this event to your calendar. 12
Amp up Your Team’s Customer Service
#1 Customer Service Training, SEND YOUR EMPLOYEES!
Thursday, January 26, 2017 11am to 1pm Castle Rock Chamber Guest Speaker: Joe Weber, Chick-fil-A
Good customer service every day by every single member of your team is vital to the overall health of your business. Excellent customer service pays big dividends. 1. Service is what customers remember. Your employee “is” your company. Through daily interac ons, customers may remember your company fondly – or you may lose a customer and gain bad press. 2. Customer service reflects heavily on your en re business. If you offer great customer service, people assume you have great products and vice versa. Plus, they feel confident that if they experience a problem, you will give them the help needed. 3. Excellent customer service shows customers you care. Customers who feel as though a company cares about them are more likely to refer others and become repeat customers. 4. It’s a great marke ng angle. When real-life customers talk about how great your customer service is, those reviews and tes monials serve as a powerful marke ng message.
Okay, so it really is vital and you have talked to your staff about it, but what else can you do to make sure they believe it and know how to achieve it? You and your team can a=end this Biz Builder Lunch n Learn to learn how one company excels at it. Hear from accomplished Chick Fil-A owner/operator and speaker, Joe Weber. Chick Fil-A has achieved numerous awards for customer service excellence including 2015 Choice in Chains Award, 2015 Consumer's Choice Award, & the 2014 Customer Service Hall of Fame award.
Small Businesses...This One’s for You! Health Benefit Cost Containment for Small Employers Feb 16—11:00 AM—Biz Builder Lunch n Learn Health Benefit Cost Containment for Small Employers (Chamber) There are things that a small business owner/manager needs to know about current health care trends. Healthcare benefits are a major expense and factor in employee sa sfac on. This Biz Builder Lunch n Learn will tell you what you need to know about this topic and can DO to protect your business, maintain a compe ve benefits package and reduce costs. Centura experts will provide ps and connect you with helpful resources. Please Note: Lunch is NOT served at these trainings, feel free to bring your own. 13
Welcome New Members The Castle Rock Chamber partners with more than 600 member businesses and organiza ons including 15,000+ employees to support local business, promote our community and cul vate a vibrant economy. Health Images Castle Rock, CO 80109 Healthcare (719) 930-4249 h=p:// Colorado Living 3120 N. Century St. Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (970) 214-9595 h=p:// Leaf Guard 5825 W. 6th Avenue, #3C Lakewood, CO 80218 (720) 907-9952 In & Out Smart Repair 4991 Factory Shops Blvd., Ste 110A Castle Rock, CO 80108 (985) 630-8026 American Family Insurance James Thiessen Agency 514 Perry Street Castle Rock, CO 80104 Insurance (303) 551-0594 h=p://
Country Financial - Mike Misuraca 7979 E. TuOs Avenue, Suite 100 Denver, Colorado 80237 Insurance - Investments (303) 474-9025 h=p:// mike.misuraca Profit Pilots, Inc. 2373 Central Park Blvd. Denver, Colorado 80220 Business & Trade Organiza ons (303) 355-0550 h=p:// Envoy Mortgage 116 Wilcox Street Castle Rock, CO 80104 Mortgages (303) 731-6625 h=p:// Castle Rock Cryo Care & Rejuvina on 751 Maleta Lane, Ste. 104 Castle Rock, Colorado 80108 Health & Wellness (303) 663-6990 h=p://
Chamber Anniversaries—Together We Will Do Great Things! We'd like to take this opportunity to recognize local businesses who are celebra ng a their Chamber anniversary with us. These businesses are the fabric of the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce, we are grateful for your support through your membership investments. Company Name # of years FirstBank of Douglas County 50 Castle Rock Bank 43 Hier Drilling Company 43 Park Street - Jerry Street Storage 40 The Fort CPA Group 37 Op cians 2 37 Land Title Guarantee Company 36 Boyd Chiroprac c 33 Black Hills Energy 31 Acme Brick 31 Double D Auto Repair, Inc. 31 CoWest Insurance Group 30 Castle Pines Golf Club 30 MW GOLDEN CONSTRUCTORS 30 Intermountain Rural Electric Associa on 30 Ted Spring Photography 30 Olinger- Dignity Memorial 30 Colorado Community Media 30 Folkestad, Fazekas, Barrick & Patoile, P.C. 30 Hair Design Team 30 White Construc on Group 30 Rotary Club of Castle Rock 30 Medved Autoplex Castle Rock 29 Waste Management 29 Arapahoe/Douglas Works! 28 Air Academy Federal Credit Union 28 Columbine Kitchen & Bath 28 Pediatrics at the Meadows, PC 28 Pegasus Restaurant 28 Gabriel's Restaurant 27 Village Inn Pancake House 27 Gene's Muffler & Auto Service 27 Autobahn Autobody, Inc. 26 AreaNewsle=ers 26 Castle Rental, Inc. 26 Douglas County Libraries 26 PRO Plumbing Service 25 Insurance Town and Country 25 Outlets at Castle Rock, The 25 Wonstolen, Al 24 Big O Tires 24 Crisis Center 24
Company Name # of years Party Time Rental, Inc. 24 Sam's Club #6634 23 Castle Rock Senior Ac vity Center 23 Park Land Company 23 Flying Horse Catering 22 Castle Cafe 21 High Tech Audio Systems, Inc. 21 Han Lee Taekwondo Academy 21 Kokish & Goldmanis, P.C. 20 BreakThroughs, Inc. 20 Brookside Inn 20 CSU Coopera ve Extension 20 Cherokee Ranch & Castle Founda on 20 NAPA Auto Parts 20 Crystal Valley Ranch Dev. Co. 19 Allstate Insurance - Bob Lowry 19 Angie's Restaurant 19 BEST WESTERN PLUS Castle Rock 19 Douglas Land Conservancy 19 Faith Lutheran Church 19 Castle Rock Foot & Ankle Care 19 Link Real Estate Group 19 Douglas County Government 18 Sco= & Associates- Dispute Resolu on Services 18 Rockyard American Grill & Brewing Company 18 Douglas Elbert Task Force 18 Red Hawk Ridge Golf Course 18 Copperfalls Spa and Salon 18 UPS Store, The 18 Links at Plum Creek, The 17 Comfort Technologies, Inc. 17 Courtesy Plumbing & Hea ng Services, Inc. 17 American Solu ons for Business 17 Castle Country Assisted Living, Inc. 17 Berkshire Hathaway Preferred Real Estate 16 Zonta Club of Douglas County 16 Stucy Realty Company 16 Makkai Capital Management - Adam Makkai, CFA 16 Sky Ridge Medical Center 15 GLB Bookkeeping & Tax, LLC 15
Anniversaries continue on next page 15
More Chamber Anniversaries—Together We ARE Doing Great Things!
Company Name Rock, The Spencer Fane LLP Nytech Hea ng & Cooling Dumb Friends League- Buddy Center Heard Financial Solu ons Theatre of Dreams Echo Ridge at Metzler Ranch RE/MAX Alliance - The Kirk Team Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. FASTFRAME of Greenwood Village Bruce L. Fosdick, CPA, PC Castle Rock Orthodon cs Plumbline Services, Inc. Campbell Chiroprac c, Inc. TMMC Property Management Parker Port-A-Po=y, Inc. Echo Pages San ago's Mexican Restaurant Douglas County Living Webolu ons developersDen Servpro of Castle Rock/Parker State Farm Insurance - David Topolnicki Pinnacol Assurance Old Stone Church Restaurant, The Signature Interiors/Rita Coltrane Pure Water Solu ons, Inc. American Legion Post 1187 Union - An American Bistro Castle Rock Bank at Castle Pines Columbine Prin ng & Copy Center DeYoung Brothers Construc on Sunny Cruises & Travel gopixel design studios, inc. CoolCarGuy.Com Metro Mix, LLC Plum Creek Church Peak View Dental, P.L.L.C. Castle Oaks Covenant Church Camp Bow Wow Venaxis, Inc. Brooklyn Veterinary Clinic, Inc.
# of years 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
Company Name # of years Summit Church of Castle Rock 11 Fund Your Dream 11 Grand Lodge on Peak 7 / BGV Marke ng 11 Sunset Stone 10 RE/MAX Professionals - Joan Pra= 10 IMI Global 10 Cox Baker & Page, LLC 10 BJ Enterprises Back Flow Tes ng & Repair 10 Reliv Interna onal 10 A Repair Guy, Inc. 10 Sky Ridge Imaging Center at Castle Rock, The 10 Gubbels Law Office, P.C. 10 H&M Transmission & Automo ve, LLC 10 1 STOP Tire & Auto 9 Goddard School, The 9 Fowl Line 9 Portocol Business Strategies 9 JM Kitchen and Bath 9 Murray, Carole 9 Budget Blinds of Castle Rock 9 180 Branding 9 Castle Pines Electric 9 Barnes Plumbing and Hea ng, Inc 9 Red Stag Produc ons 9 Aflac - Wendell Cummings 8 Plum Creek Funding, Inc 8 Knothead Tree and Lawn 8 Chick-fil-A 8 Douglas County Community Founda on 8 CertaPro Painters of Castle Rock 8 Taylor, Bruce 8 Castle Rock Mini Storage 8 Colorado Pump Service & Supply Co. 8 Guadalajara 8 Tallgrass Kitchen & Bath 8 Colorado Agricultural Leadership Founda on (CALF) 8 Cetera Advisors - Patrick Brannan 8 Re rement Strategies & Investments, Inc. 7 Premier Pain ng LLC 7
Anniversaries continue on next page 16
Even More Chamber Anniversaries—Together We All Succeed!
Company # of years Pediatric Den care, P.C. 7 Historic Douglas County 7 Outback Steakhouse 7 Augus ne Grill 7 Colonial Benefit Group 7 Jaris Realty, Inc. 7 Greater Castle Rock Art Guild 7 Castle Rock Smiles Pediatric Den stry 7 GE Johnson Construc on Company 7 Barn, The 7 KC Mortgage 7 American Family Insurance - Timothy Brown Agency, Inc. 7 Aluwind Inc. 7 Allstate Insurance - Sydney Strausheim 7 Colorado Horse Park, The 6 H&M Collision & Auto Body 6 Elements Therapeu c Massage 6 Remote Bookkeeper, LLC 6 Castle Rock Church of Christ 5 Bright Now Dental 5 One Clear Choice Garage Doors 5 Comcast Business 4 Parts Interna onal, Inc. 4 3 World Orphans 3 Transworld Business Advisors 2 Johnston Construc on 2 Holiday Inn Express and Suites 2 Master Magne cs, Inc. 1 Premier Wealth Management-A financial advisory prac ce of Ameriprise Financial 1 Mathnasium of Castle Rock 1 Detailed Elegance Events 1 Crea ve Colors Interna onal 1 Cranelli's Italian Restaurant 1 Paczosa and Associates, P.C. 1 Wesbield Consul ng, LLC 1 OnPurpose Enterprises 1 Costco Warehouse 1 Lisa Lisa Bou que 1 Way Out West CO Inc 1
Ambassador of the Month Bre= Turner—180 Branding Ambassador of the Month The Castle Rock Chamber proudly honors Bre=Graf, Turner - ourInternaNovember – Be;y Reliv Ambassador of the Month.
Bre= Turner is a Colorado na ve, and he has lived in Castle Rock for 20 yrs along with his wife Sue and son Steve, who are also ac ve in their marke ng and branding business, 180 Branding. The family moved to Castle Rock just before the town exploded with record growth. At the me, the town was star ng to grow at an accelerated rate. Bre= believes that aOer 20 years, he is sure that the move to Castle Rock has been one of the “best decisions” of their lives. The family cherishes the sense of community that Castle Rock has along with its “small town feel”. Bre= and his wife joined the Castle Rock Chamber shortly aOer star ng their promo onal products and apparel business back in 2008 and now they’re a full marke ng and branding agency without agency fees. Bre= joined the Ambassador program with the chamber in 2013 and Bre= said that being a member of the Castle Rock Chamber has resulted in many strong new rela onships with other like minded business owners. Congratula ons Bre; & thank you for your outstanding efforts!
4 Ways to Take Your Business to the Next Level It’s a new year, and its me to do things differently if you want to grow your business. Chart a Course If you’re dissa sfied with the direc on of your business currently, or you want more from it, decide what that more is. Don’t think in nebulous concepts. Instead ask: • How do I plan to grow? • What do I want to accomplish? • How will we get there? • What’s the bridge that will take us from where we are now to where we want to be? Make an ac onable map of what it will take. Jim Collins and Jerry Porras wrote about the concept of establishing a “Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal (BAHG)” in their book, "Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies." In the book they wrote, “A BHAG engages people—it reaches out and grabs them. It is tangible, energizing, highly focused.” Give people on your team something to get behind. Seek Out a New Audience If you’re not sure of your BAHG, try a smaller one instead. One of the easiest ways to grow is selling your product/ service to a new audience. We see this all the me with high-end designers. They create a budget-friendly version of their line and mass market them in stores. Think about your product or service. Is there a way to reach another market, possibly by pairing with another business? Get crea ve behind brainstorming ideas. Hire Slowly, Fire Fast Once you’ve established where you want to go, you need to assess your team to decide who is a good fit for your new direc on and who is not. This does not mean you let go of your most loyal employee because she’s not sure how to post to Instagram and that’s going to be a big part of your new marke ng strategy. This is about geVng rid of detractors, not people who are lacking teachable skills or those who don’t agree with you.
Change is difficult under the best of circumstances but if you have a toxic employee, don’t let her infect the others. Get rid of her quickly so you can embrace the new direc on unencumbered. If you are fortunate enough to be hiring at this me, give some thought to the skills you’ll need as you make the leap to the next level. If your current team is missing something, you’ll need to hire it or teach it. Remember not all skills can be combined into a single jack-of-all-trades employee. For instance, if you realize you need a bookkeeper, personal assistant, and social media help, don’t lump all of these into one job descrip on and try to source for it. Instead, think about professional growth and interests for your current employees. Has anyone expressed a desire to learn more about social media? Terrific. Now take it out of that bookkeeper job descrip on. Consider Your Leadership Infrastructure When you’re a small business and your en re staff is huddled around a coffee table at the local coffee shop, you’re agile and able to respond to things quickly. As you grow and move on to the next level, you need to begin to consider your leadership infrastructure. This is the ideal me to join a mastermind group or some sort of business-leader-to-business-leader mentorship program. The movement from small business to mid-sized is a much less organic experience, and must be more organized and deliberate.
A Final Word About Next Steps for Your Business As you grow, remember you’re not alone. There are many community resources that can help, including your local chamber. ~Chris na R. Green
Restaurant of the Month
Kneaders 826 New Memphis Ct, Castle Rock, CO 80109 720.974.4821
Beverage Sponsor
The Pepsi Bo=ling Company 3801 Brighton Boulevard Denver, CO 80216
Storage Sponsor
Park Street/Jerry Street Storage 1500 N. Park Street Castle Rock, CO 303.688.2242
Got leads...We do— Join a leads group today!
Business Trainings At a Glance Jan 17—9:30 AM Third Tech Tuesday - Seven Social Media Trends You Need to Know for 2017 (Chamber)
2nd & 4th Tuesdays 11:30 AM—1:00 PM Loca on: The Fowl Line
2nd & 4th Tuesdays 7:30 AM—9:00 AM Loca on: Village Inn
1st & 3rd Wednesdays 11:30 AM—1:00 PM Loca on: Castle Cafe
1st & 3rd Wednesday 1:30 PM—3:00 PM Loca on: Castle Rock Chamber
Some restric ons apply.
Third Tech Tuesday—Let’s Get Social! Two Social Media Trainings to Jump Start Your Year!
Jan 26—7:30 AM Member Orienta on (Chamber) Jan 26—11:00 AM Biz Builder Lunch & Learn Amp up Your Team's Customer Service (Chamber) Feb 16—11:00 AM Biz Builder Lunch n Learn Health BeneďŹ t Cost Containment for Small Employers (Chamber) Feb 21—9:30 AM Third Tech Tuesday - Build Your Exper se with Facebook Live and Groups (Chamber)
January 17, 2017 9:30 AM - 11 AM Castle Rock Chamber Seven Social Media Trends You Need to Know for 2017
February 21, 2017 9:30 AM - 11 AM
Jan 19—11:00 AM Wellness Rocks Self Defense Workshop (PS Miller Library)
Taught by: Dr. Michelle Post, PHD
Castle Rock Chamber Build Your Exper se with Facebook Live and Groups Fees/Admission: Free for Networking level and above $10 for Community Connec on Members $25 for Future Members
Third Tech Tuesday Fees/Admission: Free, Networking level & above $10 for Comm. Connec on $25 for Future Members Biz Builder Fees/Admission: Members are free $25.00 for Non-Members
Developing Leaders in Douglas County
Thank you to our November and December Host Sponsors: Parker Senior Living by MorningStar Credit Union of Colorado
Developing Leaders in Douglas County
Douglas County Sheri’s OďŹƒce Wind Crest Re rement Center
The LDC Class of 2017 spent their November and December class days exploring healthcare, aging, philanthropy and opportuni es for civic engagement. Through tours, presenta ons and expert panelists, par cipants learned about resources available for those who are aging in Douglas County; and got a behind-the-scenes look at how Colorado’s 18th judicial district court handles the scope of legal cases that come through the system.
Each Leadership Day revolves around professional development. Class members have received professional development training on team building, crea ng common visions, strategic planning and cataly c leadership—skills they can take back to their workplace to make them more eec ve leaders and team members.
In November, complemen ng Health, Aging and Philanthropy Day, a panel consis ng of Brooke Fox (CALF), Donna Sco= (Douglas County Community Founda on), Wayne Hansen (Summit Church) and Dana Rinderknect (Community First Founda on) discussed their organiza ons’ reason for existence and the tremendous social service needs in Douglas County exis ng alongside its ranking as the ninth wealthiest U.S. county, with the ďŹ rst in income disparity in Colorado.
If you would like further informa on, or are interested in applying to LDC for 2017-2018 and would like to preview the program by a=ending a class day, please let us know by calling 720-440-3726 and emailing Classes start in the fall each year.
In December, the LDC class had the opportunity to talk with elected county oďŹƒcials, municipal leaders and meet with 18th Judicial District judges Susanna Meissner-Cutler and Paul King. Photos from these recent classes can be viewed on the LDC Facebook page at h=ps:// leadershipdouglascounty
Considering LDC for referring a colleague?
“I appreciated all the elected oďŹƒcials who cared enough to spend several hours with us sharing what they do for our community.â€? ~ Tom Bailey, Adolfson & Peterson Construc on
Established by the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce in 1999, Leadership Douglas County is a nonproďŹ t, nonpar san, program designed to broaden par cipant knowledge of the community while enhancing leadership skills, to increase the strength and eec veness of our community leaders.
Many thanks to our valued sponsors who make Leadership Douglas County possible: LDC gratefully acknowledges these major sponsors: Patron Sponsors—BreakThroughs, Inc., Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce, City of Lone Tree, Town of Parker. Leadership Sponsor – Douglas County Government. Program Sponsors—Charles Schwab & Co., Douglas County Libraries, South Metro Fire Rescue Authority, Town of Castle Rock. 20
Our Vision Igni ng Passion for Business Success and Community Prosperity
Our Mission Support and promote member businesses • Be a “voice” for business to government • Foster a livable community with posi ve growth •
Upcoming Events— Douglas County Job Fair—February 2, 2017 Employers a=ending the Job Fair will represent a wide variety of industries and have several different types of staffing posi ons for which they will be hiring. This event is FREE for the public to a=end. 2 PM to 6 PM @ DC Events Center
Douglas County Lifestyle Expo—February 4, 2017 Features companies, small businesses and nonprofits from across Colorado. Day begins the freeze your buns off 5k. 8 AM to 2 PM @ DC Events Center.
Women of Influence Luncheon—February 22, 2017 Be inspired over lunch. This quarter’s luncheon is held at Union Bistro at 11:30 AM.
WEBSITE TRAFFIC: Nov/Dec— Website Hits: 33,590 Total Hits for the Year: 299,728
Horizon Luncheon Series—March 29, 2017 Stay up to date on the latest community & business hot topics, statewide topics an more! Guest Speaker: Dave Corliss, Town Manager.
Chamber’s Annual Banquet—April 21, 2017 Installa on of new officers and Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce. Also the presenta on of the annual Business(person), Ci zen, Ambassador, Volunteer of the Year and Philip S. Miller awards.
Castle Rock WineFest—July 15, 2017 More than 180 varie es of Colorado wine will be showcased by Colorado’s superb winemakers who are rebuilding a tradi on of excellence. New Loca on: Bu;erfield Park in the Meadows.
Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Parade—July 29, 2017 The parade exemplifies old-fashioned, hometown charm with approximately 85 entries consis ng of 4-H projects, marching bands, stagecoaches, horses, rodeo queens and dance troupes from all over Colorado.
420 Jerry Street Castle Rock, CO 80104 303.688.4597 ph 22