September 2012 Business Voice Newsletter

Page 1


Sights and Sounds of the Colorado Artfest at Castle Rock

this issue CEO Focus P.2 AreaNewsletters Recognized P.4 Upcoming Business Training P.5 Fair Parade Winners P.17 Upcoming Events P.21

Celebrating Twenty Three Years of Vibrant Impressions in Historic Castle Rock Approximately 25,000 participants will delight in the artistic impressions of more than 178 artists from across the country. Continual live main stage entertainment, featuring popular musicians, will provide a complimentary backdrop to this year’s program. We will also feature strolling entertainers, the Artfest Store; a silent auction; student chalk art competition and the Imagination Zone for children. There is something for everyone at the 23rd annual Colorado Artfest at Castle Rock – the weekend of September 8th and 9th. View 2012 Commemorative print- page 19.

CEO Focus Success continues to be seen—and Castle Rock is the Winner!

Pam Ridler , CCE President/CEO Castle Rock Chamber

2012-2013 Board of Directors E XE CUTIV E C OMMITTEE C HAIRMAN OF TH E BOARD Aaron Barrick, Folkestad, Fazekas, Barrick & Patoile ,PC

Priorities for the Town of Castle Rock continue to focus on e co-


nomic developme nt which includes primary employment, ex-

Michael Likens, gopixel design studios inc.

pansion of the tax base, attraction of goods and se rvices neces-


sary to achieve the comm unity vision of a self-sufficient community and providing an outstanding business climate tha t encour-

Wendy Nelson, B2B CFO


ages, attracts and supports economic investments and activity.

Nino DiMatteo, FirstBank - Douglas County


Not one organization can be successful in achieving all these goals of e conom ic vitality, especially in a recovering ma rket, but afte r four years the Castle Rock Econom ic Partnership (CREP) has made some major strides. CREP is a public/ private collaborative partners hip among the Town, Chambe r, Castle Rock Econom ic Developme nt Council (CR EDC), Downtown Development Authority and Downtown Merchants Association. This type of collaborative team approach to community economic development is

Linda Watson, Sky Ridge Medical Center

DIRECTORS Rand Clark, Random Productions John Cona, ACME Brick David Farnan, Farnan Douglas County Libraries Todd Folkenberg, Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus

neithe r easy nor comm on. This is one of the reasons we we re again named the 2012 Best

B rooke Fox, Colorado Agricultura l Leadersh ip Found ation

Economic Development program in Colorado for the second time.

Lisa Frizell, Douglas County Assessors

Highlighting the Town’s quality of life and comm itment to bringing in new businesses is why Money Magazine’s August issue fea ture d Castle Rock as 2012 Bes t Places to Live in America (ranked #16).

CNNMoney annually chooses its top 100 places based on job op-

portunities, school quality, crime rates, health care and available activities; and we have added 98 ne w bus inesses to Castle Rock business base this year.

B rock Goodwin, Mutual of Omaha Nadine Kirk, RE/MAX Alliance Elyse McNulty, McNulty Kaiser Permanente Dr. Karl Sterner, Sterner Webster University Mike Tafoya, Estrada Strategies Jaye Thompson, Colorado Community Bank

So far in 2012, the CR EDC is leading the cha rge for CREP in working with several re loca-


tion/expansion projects. One of these prospe cts is in the te chnology field that would bring

Pam Ridler, CCE, President/CEO, Castle Rock Chamber

up to 10 se nior management positions and is currently in negotia tions of purchasing a

Mayor Paul Donahue, Town of Castle Rock

downtown building. The re is a pote ntial of an additional 40 em ployees if they also relocate

Frank Gray, President/CEO, Castle Rock EDC

their Data Cente r to Castle Rock. In addition, the EDC is in advanced discussions with a

Sally Misare, Town Clerk

Midwest company that is considering Castle Rock as a strategic re location. This m ove


would represent upwa rds of 100 employees over a five year transition pe riod. They have

Pam Ridler, CCE, President/CEO

identified land in Castle Rock and a re working with one of our area developers to assess the feasibility of this project. Melissa Moroni, Vice President of Programs

Not only is CREP inte rested in re location of bus inesses to Castle Rock, but also in the ex-

Joanne Taylor, VP of Membership & Community Development

pansion of our local businesses. The EDC is working to keep one of our local businesses

which has just under 100 current em ployees he re and to help them possibly expand by

Tammy C ratty, Office Administrator

bringing anothe r additional 50 employees if they are able to a cquire the right facility and

zoning within the T own limits. The current challenge for the EDC in assisting bus inesses, in

Melissa Mares, Communications Specialist

regards to relocation and e xpansions, is the lack of contiguous office and indus trial spa ce. This dilemma will be the focus of future discussions for CREP. Wendy Krzeczowski, Event Manager

The Chamber’s role with CREP is to fos ter entrepreneurial activity by providing the essen-

Susan O’Malley, Membership Account Executive

tial informa tion, infrastructure and resources required for s uccessful bus iness developme nt

and growth. (Continues on page 4)

Susan Beams, Beams Receptionist


September Chamber Calendar of Events Monday 3rd Chamber Office Closed for Labor Day Wednesday 5th Free Business Consultation (Chamber) Leads Referral (Mesquite Mexican Grill) @ 11:30 am Artfest Comm ittee Meeting (Chambe r) @ 3:00 pm Thursday 6th Castle Rock Stars Monthly Meeting (Chamber) @ 8:00 am Ribbon Cutting “Elle nberger Auctions” @ 4:00 pm Webster University MBA Class (Chambe r) @ 5:30 pm Friday 7th Castle Rock Economic Partners (EDC) @ 8:00 am Saturday 8th

Colorado ArtFest at Castle Rock (Downtown Castle Rock) @ 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Sunday 9th

Colorado ArtFest at Castle Rock (Downtown Castle Rock) @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday 10th Chamber Office Closed Tuesday 11th The Breakfast Club Leads (V illage Inn) @ 7:30 am Leads Plus (The Fowl Line) @ 11:30 am Wednesday 12th Free Business Consultation (Chamber) Ambassadors Exec Meeting (Chamber) @ 10:30 am Ambassadors Meeting (Chambe r) @ 12:00 pm Thursday 13th Webster University MBA Class (Chambe r) @ 5:30 pm Friday 14th Leadership Douglas County Re treat (Denver South Marriott) @ 7:30 am Saturday 15th Leadership Douglas County Re treat (Denver South Marriott) @ 8:00 am Wednesday 19th Free Business Consultation (Chamber) Leadership Douglas County Steering Meeting (Chamber) 7:30 am Community Leadership (Chambe r) @ 11:30 am Leads Referral (Mesquite Mexican Grill) @ 11:30 am

Business After Hours gopixel design studios, inc. (Chamber) @ 5:00 pm Thursday 20th Castle Rock Stars Monthly Lunch (TBD) @ 11:30 am Douglas County Comm unity Foundation Board Meeting (TBD) 3:30 pm Webster University MBA Class (Chambe r) @ 5:30 pm Friday 21st Castle Rock Economic Partners (EDC) @ 8:00 am Monday 24th Castle Rock Economic Garde ning Meeting (Chambe r) @ 11:30 am Young Entreprene urs Academy Committee Meeting (Chambe r) @ 3:00 pm Costa Del-Sol Spain Meeting (Chamber) @ 5:30 pm Tuesday 25th Government Issues Committee Meeting (Cham ber) @ 7:30 am The Breakfast Club Leads (V illage Inn) @ 7:30 am Board of Directors & Volunteer Sales Tra ining (Castle Rock Library) @ 11:00 am Leads Plus (The Fowl Line) @ 11:30 am Business Boot Camp Orientation (Chamber) @ 5:00 pm Wednesday 26th Free Business Consultation (Chamber)

Business of the Month “White Construction” @ 9:00 am Business Training “5 Secrets to Sales Success (Chamber) @ 11:00 am Thursday 27th So Co Business Partnership Board (Pueblo) @ 2:00 pm Ribbon Cutting Arapahoe/Douglas Works (Douglas County Libra ry) @ 4:00 pm Webster University MBA Class (Chambe r) @ 5:30 pm

PRESIDENT’S LEVEL Castle Rock Bank Colorado Community Media Sky Ridge Medical Center EXECUTIVE LEVEL Black Hills Energy Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus Douglas County Living Magazine Intermountain Rural Electric Assoc. Pinnacol Assurance ENTREPRENEUR LEVEL Castle Rock Development Company FirstBank-Douglas County Patriot Enterprises Wells Fargo Bank PREMIER LEVEL One Clear Choice Bonaventure of Castle Rock Bubbles Liquor World CoWest Insurance Group Douglas County Libraries Folkestad,Fazekas,Barrick & Patoile PC gopixel design studios, inc. Kaiser Permanente Key Bank Random Productions Plumbline Services Inc. Webster University









CEO Focus continued from page 2 All of these services are provide d at little or no cost to both s tart-ups and established busi-

Business of the Month AreaNewsletters

nesses in Castle Rock through the Business Boot Camp, one-on-one business cons ultations and business tra inings. We have begun two new initiatives with our Econom ic Gardening program: Business Assistance through use of technology “Ask CREG” which is a BLOG that uses loca l comm unity business experts in the fie lds of accounting, finance, IT, marketing, sales, HR, operations and other business service arenas that will assist business owners/mangers in the comfort of their office or home through the “Ask CREG” BLOG located on the Castle website. Jus t pos t a question and the appropria te expe rt will give you advice regarding your question. Our local expe rts a re comm itte d to empowe ring and equipping business owners to grow and succeed. We are now in the recruitment s tage for high school students to join the Y oung E ntre preneurs Academy (YEA!)—classes will begin in Octobe r. This new program is nationally accredited and will be the first in Colorado. The Chambe r will facilitate the program, located at Castle View High School with pa rticipants from Castle View, Douglas County & home schooled students. YEA! is a groundbreaking and exciting after-school program that transforms high school stude nts into rea l, confident entrepreneurs. These stude nts will develop bus iness ideas, write business plans, conduct ma rket research, pitch their plans to a local business panel of investors and actually launch and run the ir own real, legal, fullyformed com panies and social movements. This prog ram is complete with dynamic guest speakers from our local business community and exciting behind-the-sce nes trips to area companies.

The program is project-based a nd fun for all participants.

Check out (Continues on page 6)

Mission, Vision & Values Our Mission To su pport, enc ourage and pr omote mem ber businesse s in the c ommunity To be a “voice” for businesse s t o local and reg iona l government To foste r a livable, v ital community whe re qua lity of life and positive growth a re both possible

Our Vision Igniting passion for busine ss success and community pr osperity .

Our Values

Your Chamber works to...

Accountability-to provide transparent and responsive leadership; acting as good stewards of funds, time and resources Innovation-to inspire new ideas, solutions and opportunities Integrity-to do things right and always do the right thing Respect-to earn trust and to hold others in high esteem Team Work-to motivate and empower one another to do great things Relationships-to build enduring connections and partnerships founded upon honesty, gratitude and commitment Diversity-to honor and value varied ideas, beliefs and practices

-Strengthen our local economy -Promote the community -Take political action -Create business relationships -Represent business with government

Aaron Barrick, Chairman of the Board, proudly presents the Business of the Month award to Debbie Davis and her family, as Pam Ridler and Chamber Ambassadors show their support.

The Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce its August recipient for Business of the Month — AreaNewsletters. They hav e been proud members of the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce for more than 21 years! Debbie Davis, owner of Davis Graphic Concepts and publisher of Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters” joined the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce in 1991 shortly after her first monthly newsletter rolled off the presses at only 8 pages and was hand delivered to 300 homes in Founders Village. Twenty two years later, the pages have tripled and the distribution has grown to almost 16,000 homes in 12 Castle Rock neighborhoods. Debbie began publishing these newsletters in 1990 after leaving an Art Director position in Denver and starting her own home based graphic design business. “I realized a niche for a local publication where residents could let neighbors know about their businesses, teens could get word out that they babysit or mow lawns, and store o wners in town could reach out to potential customers in these new nei ghborhoods that were popping up throughout Castle Rock,” says Davis. In addition to the variety of adv ertising options such as display ads, Homebase listings and Advertorials, the newslett ers are also filled with valuable local information, community events, classifieds, business news, and so much more. (Read more on page 17)


Business Trainings 5 Secrets to Success, Converting Suspects to Sales-Sept. 26th Wednesday, September 26th

Discover how to increase the number of leads, and close more sales by using Mike

11 am to 1 pm Castle Rock Chamber 420 Jerry Street

Tafoya’s 5 sales secrets developed during the down economy. •

Low cost marketing and branding

Build strong relationships before trying

Are you getting sales by Michael T afoya CE O, Estrada Strateg ies

accident or by design? Most business owners admit they get most sales by accident. Comments

like these prove my point, “I met my last customer in the grocery line”, or “a friend of my wife referred my newest client”. Do you ask yourself these questions: 1) How can I consistently get in front of more qualified prospects? 2) What message will help me to close more sales? 3) How did I lose that sale? At one point or another everyone in sales has asked these questions. What will you do next?

to sell •

Focus on the client not on products and services

Be the expert and identify the pain

Read your prospect-they will tell you when they are ready.

Save the Date! Our Next Business Training will be on Tuesday, October 16th, 2012. Topi c: Unlocking the Merchant Services Mystery Presented By: Ki m Callawa y Fund Your Dream

Over the past 30 years, Mike Tafoya has been a leader in business development, sales process and sales strategies. Start

More i nfo a t: www.Cas

getting the results you need now and attend Mike’s newest sales workshop. FREE to Members; $20 for Non Members RSVP to or call 303-688-4597

Business Ex pert s can answer your quest ion s!

Now Accepting Student Applications for the Young Entrepreneurs Academy. Deadline is Sept. 21st View for more information. 5

Chamber Members Celebrating Anniversaries Thank You for your continuous commitment and dedication to your chamber. We celebrate your business success! Opticians 2

32 Years

Land Title Guarantee Company

31 Years

Outlets at Castle Rock, The

20 Years

Han Lee Taekwondo Academy

16 Years

Cherokee Ranch & Castle Foundation

15 Years

TMMC Property Management

9 Years

Columbine Printing & Copy Center

7 Years

Summit Church of Castle Rock

6 Years

U.S. Small Business Administration

6 Years

FirstBank of Douglas County-Castle Pines Location

6 Years

Fund Your Dream

6 Years

Eclipse Promotions, LLC

6 Years

Cindy Welch Design

4 Years

Cold Stone Creamery

3 Years

Tallgrass Kitchen & Bath

3 Years

Metabolic Research Center

2 Years

All Recycling, Inc.

2 Years

United States Air Force Academy Athletic Association

2 Years

American Family Insurance - Richard Tobin

1 Year


1 Year

French Photography

1 Year

Go to Car Gal

1 Year

Colorado Real Estate Co., The

1 Year

Mobile Shred Document Destruction

1 Year

Wellspring Community

1 Year

Wedding Treasures Bridal & Tuxedo

1 Year

(CEO Focus continue from page 4.) The T own’s Development Services Departme nt works hand-in-ha nd with CRE P to “grow the tax base” and “improve the business climate”. In doing so they created an unprecede nted te nant finish program ca lled “10 days or it’s free”. The program has been in place for 14+ months and s taff maintains a perfe ct record on the time frame and no refunds to date have been given. They recently re ceived an 80+% rating from ele ctronic survey respondents of their services of good or exce llent. It really takes a team to create a better community and we believe that our public/ private partne rship has seen many successes and we will continue to work togethe r to

JULY Ambassador of the Month Donna Thurlow

Correcti on t o July’ s Am bassa dor of t he Mo nth. Donna Thurlow has lived in Ca stle R ock for what she says w ill be “ six w onder ful years in July since I m oved to th is g reat city”. In Donna’s opinion, a lthough Castle Rock c ontinues t o gr ow, it has n ot lost the closene ss of liv ing in a small community. There are so many act ivitie s to pa rticipate and enjoy. People’s war mth and friendliness enhances the beauty of Ca stle Rock. Donna has been a m ember of the Chambe r just a little over two ye ars. As a Chambe r Amba ssad or she ha s the opportunity to pa rticipate in many of the Chambe rs pr ogram s, enc ouraging other busine ss owners to ta ke advantage of the many serv ices prov ided by the Cham ber t o enhance their business. D onna fee ls it is a great pleasure t o meet and get to know current busine ss owner s as we ll a s new busine ss owners that also see the value in Chambe r mem ber ship. While Donna enj oys part icipating in all the events, she particularly enj oys attending the Open House /Ribbon Cuttings for new busine sses, lettin g them know the Cham ber is here t o assist in grow ing their business. It’s all about helpin g other s in Donna’s m ind. Donna is the President/CE O of Be st Season s Trave l. As a Travel Spec ialist, being an Am ba ssador give s her the opportunity to build relat ion ships w ith others, startin g with the w onderfu l gr oup of Cham ber Am bassador s, and to learn more a bout th is c ommunity. “It’s like w ith anything, D onna says, “what you put int o it is what you w ill get out of it.” She trie s to take advantage of all the wonder ful opportunitie s offe red. Congratu lations on your hard w or k as an Am bassador of the Cast le R ock Cham ber of Commerce, Donna, and rec ognit ion for your efforts “a bove and bey ond the call” as Am bassador of the Month. Your t ime and dedication are a ppreciated.

build a much brighter future for us all who work, live and play in Castle Rock. 6

Be Inspired Over Lunch, October 11, 2012 Share the challenges, dreams and accomplishments of high profile women in business, government, science and the arts.

Thurs da y, Oct. 11, 2012

How Does Your Business Thrive?

Time: 11:30 am to 1 pm Cherokee Ranch & Cas tle 6113 Daniels Pa rk Road Regis ter a t The Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce welcomes Julie Schrock, a local business woman who has experience and training in a variety of fields, none of which are traditional qualifications for writing her first book. What Julie Schr oc k

qualifies her to write Missing Max: Finding Hope After My Marine Son’s Death are her experiences as the mother of a Marine son deployed to, and killed in, Afghanistan. On that topic, she is a subject matter expert. Missing Max is a compelling story of Julie’s journey of the extraordinary events surrounding the death of her Marine son, a working dog handler in Afghanistan. You will share her despair, fears, tears and finally, her hope as she moves through the days, weeks and months following word of Max's injury, and then his death. Her story will encourage lis-

Through the partnership of the Chamber, Town of Castle Rock, Douglas County, PS Miller Library and the Senior Core of Retired Executives (SCORE), we can help you keep your business on course or successfully help you launch a new venture by providing consultations with industry experts. If you are an established business or start-up, schedule your appointment for a business consultation with an expert regarding the following: •

Business start-ups

Developing a business plan

Marketing and sales activities

Accounting and tax issues

Her experience has had a profound effect on her ability to move forward. Julie's hope in telling Max's story is that it will provide strength, hope, courage and faith to those who need it. And she hopes that Max, and all fallen soldiers, will never be forgotten. Come

Securing financing

Business organization

and listen to how Julie moved through this episode in her life and where her experience is taking her now.

Managing business growth

Business Boot Camp

Access to Local Expertise

Database & GIS Research.

teners to live a life that is focused on making their lost loved-one proud. She has first hand experience with moving through the grieving process and, through her faith and the love of family and friends, beginning the healing process and going forward with her life. Julie will challenge you to examine your thoughts on the afterlife, as well as your faith.

Luncheon Program Sponsored By:

Thank You to Pinnacol Assurance for sponsoring the Education Program. We greatly appreciate the generous support of these sponsors. They help make this program possible.

The Women of Influence Luncheon Series: Lead; Motivate & Educate.

Call 303-688-4597 or sign up online: For more information contact Susan O’Malley at 303-688-4597 or email her at to learn more about sponsoring this program or one of the many other programs the Castle Rock Chamber offers it’s members and our community. 7

Dear Castle Rock Chamber Members... The Cas tle Rock Chamber Boa rd is on the move, crea ting opportuni ties for businesses to s core bi g and expand thei r fan base. Do you wa nt to be on the sidelines or in the game? Come be pa rt of our touchdown club as we launch our new member recrui tment season the weeks of October 15 and 22. Working side by side wi th boa rd members and a mbassadors, this is the perfect opportuni ty for you to gain new tea m ma tes while s cori ng for the Chamber. Our fi rst training camp under the tutelage of Ca thi Height is on September 25. You'll gain new ideas for your own performance as well as your team's . We will be providing free training, leads, moti va tion and rewa rds ! We promise tha t this will be fun membership for the record books . If you are interes ted in joining the new member recrui tment team, please conta ct Joanne Ta ylor. We need YOU!

Castle Rock Chamber Board of Directors Drive Chair, Linda Watson (Sky Ridge Medical Center)

Member to Member Discount Program As part of your investment with the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce, you are eligible to participate in this program! You may offer savings or items of value that represent your business and take advantage of those offers from fellow members. This is part of the Chamber’s ongoing efforts to help our members save. By participating in this program, you are furthering the economic development and growth in our community. View all the member to m e mb e r dis c ou n ts at in the Members Only section or contact Joanne Taylor at 303-688-4597 or email her at Joanne@castleroc k.o rg to participate.


Upcoming Networking Events Business Over Breakfast Oct. 11 JM Kitchen & Bath 1375 Caprice Drive Nov. 8 Wells Fargo Bank 445 S. Perry Street Dec. 11 Castle Rock Adventist 2350 Meadows Lane

BOB’s are 7:30 am—9:00 am

Business After Hours Sept. 19

gopi xel design s tudios , inc. (420 Jerry Street) Free to Networking level members/ above levels $10 for Community Connection $20 for non members. Have a Guest? Contact for passes.

Business After Hours—5:00 pm to 7:00 pm O ne pa s s for Ne two rk ing le v e l, F re e t o A s ce nt le v e l a nd a bov e . $10 for Community Connection. GUESTS MUST HAVE ADMITTANCE PASS.

Thank You Shawn Batterberry and Primrose School of Castle Rock for Sponsoring August Business Over Breakfast.

Thank You Javier Hoggard and Patriot Enterprises for Sponsoring August Business After Hours! 9

YEA! Is a groundbreaking and exciting afterschool program that transforms local high school students into real, confident entrepreneur. YEA! strengthens the community and the community strengthens YEA! Students are able to network with and develop relationships with local

Do you have a high school student that wants to start their own business or social movement? The Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) is a year-long after school program that teaches high school students how to start and run their own REAL businesses. YEA! classes will meet October through May, for three hours weekly. Applications will be accepted from students in grades 9-12. There are no classes during regular school holidays. Students are taught by an instructor and are exposed to guest lecturers, successful entrepreneurs and business mentors. The class goes on field trips to a variety of local area businesses. Finally, the students partici-

business leaders, create jobs, and launch businesses in their own backyard. Students see that they can make a difference within the communities in which they live. The enthusiasm and success of the students are empowering for the entire community!

pate in three major events throughout the year: the Investor Panel, Trade Show

Get Involved!

and a formal graduation ceremony. We are currently accepting applications for

Sponsorships Available

Students, Investor Panel and Sponsors. Read more at click on the YEA! Icon or contact Melissa Moroni at the Chamber 303-688-4597 or by email. Deadline to register is September 21.

Choose from these two available levels which best fits your company. Platinum-$5,000 Gold-$2,000

Join a LEADS Group! LEADS PLUS 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Meets at The Fowl Line

LEADS REFERRAL 1st & 3rd Wednes days 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Mesquite Mexican Grill

THE BREAKFAST CLUB 2nd & 4th T uesdays 7:30 am to 8:45 am Village Inn

Contact: Melissa Moroni

Contact: Susan O’Malley

Contact: Tammy Cratty

For sponsorship information, contact Susan O’Malley at 303-688-4597 or email

For more information a bout the prog ram or to volunte er, please con ta ct M e l is s a M o ro ni a t 3 03 -68 8- 459 7 o r ema i l Have a High Sc hool Student? Apply Now!

The policy for Chamber Leads is to have one representativ e per business per group. Chamber staff maintains a regularl y updated waiting list. Please contact the staff liaison from preferred group at 303-688-4597 to check availability.

Contact Melissa Moroni at 303-688-4597 or email for an application.



Attend Boot Camp Orientation on Sept. 25th @ 5 pm (Chamber)


Ribbon Cuttings-Celebrate Your Success! Let us help you celebrate! Are you opening a new business, expanding at your current location, relocating, or celebrating a milestone anniversary? Let the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce help you share the good news!

A Ribbon Cutting ceremony is an important part of your overall marketing and advertising plan and is a great way to kick off a grand opening or relocation of a business.

St. Jude’s Dream Home Castle Rock, CO Buy Your Raffle Tickets:

Whimsy on Wilcox 206 Wilcox Beth Alverez 330-660-0284 Beauty Salons, Boutique, Retail

A Chamber representative, along with members of our Ambassadors Committee, will be on hand at your event to offer congratulatory remarks and take a photo for The Business Voice, our monthly newsletter. Certain restrictions apply, Contact Joanne Taylor for more details at 303-688-4597 or email her at

Castle Rock Modern Dentistry 36 East Allen Street 303-660-6883 Dentist s 12

Welcome New Members CIAO

Pudge Brothers Pizza

Jane Idone

Stephanie Horne

(248) 245-0448

(303) 814-9200

Castle Rock

703 Wilcox St. Suite C

Castle Rock, CO 80104

Professional Organizer


Digital Imaging by Design

This and That

Catherine Fletcher

Marcia Morey

(720) 565-6003

(303) 902-6666

21 Wilcox St. Suite C

Photo Retouching & Restoration, Signs

Castle Rock, CO 80104 Gift Shops, Gifts - Religious

Mobile Record Shredders Terri Maestas

Villa La PAWS

(719) 544-5460

Eileen Proctor

205 N. Elizabeth Suite 120

(303) 660-5691

Pueblo, CO 81003

780 Kinner St.

Castle Rock, CO 80109

Document Shredding Pet Boarding, Pet Grooming, Pet Sitting

Restaurant of the Month

Pudge Bros. P izza 703 W ilcox Street, Suite C Castle Roc k 80104 303.814. 9200

Beverage Sponsor

The Pepsi Bott ling Company 3801 Brighton B oulevard Denver 80216

Storage Sponsor

Park Street /Jerry Stre et Storage 1500 N. Pa rk St reet Castle Roc k 80104 303.688.22 42


How “Ask CREG Works”:

What is “Ask CREG”? “Ask CREG” is an online panel of local community business e xperts who are committe d to empowe ring a nd equipping business owners to grow and succeed. We believe that through local collaboration and bus iness enrichment we will positively impa ct the local economy.

Attend Orientation/ Information Meeting Sept. 25th 5pm to 6:30 pm at the Chamber

Just enter your name, e-mail a ddress then select a category and enter your question in the Your Question comment box. Your question will be reviewed a nd directed to a local expert panelist within 24 hours. You can expect a res ponse within 48-72 hours. Visit the Blog, view othe r ques tions/ responses, ask your own. Che ck it out today at

Tell us what you think! Email

STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM REDUCE YOUR MEMBERSHIP INVESTMENT COST RECOMMEND JOINING THE CHAMBER ! EARN CHAMBER CREDIT! PARTICIPATE IN OUR STEWARDSHIP PROGARM! This program a cknowle dges a nd awards Chamber member s for Stewar ds hip of the Chamber i n the Castle R ock Community.

Steward Recognition: Your name and the referred new Chamber member will be spotlighted in the Business Voice in the STEWARDSHIP RECOGNITION section. Award for Steward: Begins today by referring others to become Chamber Members! It’s easy. To complete your referral go to http://www.castlerock./org/pdf/ MemberReferralCard2012.pdf. To be eligible for the Annual Stewardship Award a business must have referred and confirmed a minimum of three new members sales. The winner will be a business with the most confirmed new members. Award will be given at the end of the Chamber’s fiscal year with photo and article in the Business Voice. Credit can be applied to membership, event tickets, advertising, etc.




Town & County News & Events Castle Rock welcomes three new police officers - Leading his first swearing-in cere-

Join the Town for its first Backyard Summer Camp Out - The Town of Castle Rock will help you get away this summer without traveling too far. The Town will host its

mony for the Town of Castle Rock, Police Chief Jack Cauley Monday highlighted the calibe r a nd divers e e xpe riences of the Town’s three newest officers. Officers Troy

first ever summer camp out from 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 15, to 10 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 16, at the future site of Philip S. Miller Park. Registration opened Monday. Planned activities include: crafts, campfire stories, a community dinner, guided hikes, a scavenger hunt, stargazing, and a breakfast snack with coffee. The cost is

Gardner, Alex Razumovski and Jessica Walter officially joined Castle Rock’s police force during a ceremony Monday in Town Hall Council Chambers. They will fill three vacan-

$35 per family, which includes the tent site, dinner, breakfast, activities and s’mores). Proceeds will support the park’s development. Family members of all ages are welcome, but pets must stay home. Only tents will be allowed – no pop-up trailers or campers, etc. Read more at:

cies in the Town’s patrol division. These three officers were chosen from a group of nearly 90 applicants during a four-month s e le ct ion pr oce s s . Re a d m ore a t: http: / / www. town ofca s tle rock . com / CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=485

Castle Rock Fire Department’s Paint-A-Thon helps people-in-need - Every year, the Castle Rock Fire and Rescue Department partners with community members to spruce up a couple homes through the department’s Paint-a-thon program. The

Castle Rock Fire Department earns national

department currently is seeking volunteers for its seventh annual event. Volunteers help Fire Department members prepare and paint the homes of Castle Rock residents who are physically or financially unable to do so themselves. "People can serve the community through Paint-a-thon,” said Fire Chief Art Morales, who

accreditation - A new plaque will soon be displayed on the wall at Castle Rock’s fire headquarters, as the department Wednesday was honored with national accredita-

brought the program to Castle Rock in 2005. “As recipients of the program, they ensure their homes add beauty and value to our community when they are not able to do so on their own. As volunteers, they help beautify our community and provide service to those in need." Up to three homes will be given a face-lift Saturday, Sept.

tion. But to the 70 men and women who work for the Castle Rock Fire Department, it’s more than a one-time honor. The plaque represents their ongoing commitment to

15, and Saturday, Sept. 22. The effort will begin at 8 a.m. each day and continue until 5 p.m. or when finished. Participants must be at least 16 years old or accompanied by an adult and should sign up by Sept. 15. More info at:

improving their services for our community. Accreditation, earned through the Commission on Fire Accreditation International, is a lengthy process that includes community input, a detailed evaluation of current practices, and a commitment to continuous selfimprovement. Currently, only 151 of more than 26,000 departments nationwide have e a rne d the honor. Rea d m ore a t: http: / / www. town ofca s tle rock . com / CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=483 Douglas County Household Chemical Roundups Saturday, September 15, 2012 9:00am to 3pm Castle Rock Utilities 175 Kellogg Court, Castle Rock Open to all residents of Douglas County For more information, call 720.200.1592 or visit

Castle Rock Historical Society and Museum Heritage Walking Tour The Castle Rock Historical Society and Museum will lead heritage walking tours on the fourth Saturday of each month through September. This fun and educational outing is family-friendly. Tours start at 10:30 a.m. or tours starting at 11:30 a.m. are available by reservation, 303-814-3164 or For more information about the museum visit:

Castle Rock Firefighters Local 4116 asks for your help in the fight against MDA! 'Fill the Boot" and raise money for Mus cular Dys trophy. Please help the Castle Rock Firefighters Local 4116 in thei r efforts to raise money for the MDA Fill the Boot campai gn. Fi refi ghters will be s ta tioned all a round Cas tle Rock, Labor Day Weekend from 9 a m 15

Members in the News Kokish & Goldmanis, P.C. Attorney Named 5 Star Wealth Advisor—Bernard H. Greenberg,

Studio Fit is proud to celebrate Labor Day with 3 FREE fitness classes! Monday, September 3, 2012 - try R.I.P.P.E.D. at 8:00am - willPower & Grace at 9:00am and/or

an attorney with Kokish & Goldmanis, P.C. in Castle Rock, Colorado, has been named a 5 Star Wealth Advisor by 5280 Magazine and CoBiz Magazine for the third consecutive

Zumba Gold at 10:30am. ALL ARE FREE! Bring a friend! Reserve your spot by clicking here. For more information, click here, or visit

year. Greenberg commented on this award, "I am humbled and privileged to represent folks in the great State of Colorado and to have them think highly enough of my firm and our service is wonderful. We strive to assist families and business owners and I honored to receive this distinction. Arapahoe Community College's nurs ing program is ranked first in three separate jurisdictions for National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) results from Oct. 2011 Mar. 2012, as announced in a report publishe d by the Nationa l Council of Sta te Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). Among Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) programs in the College's jurisdiction, ACC ranked first out of 18 schools. For all similar ADN programs across every jurisdiction in the United States, ACC ranked first out of 614 institutions. For all BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) and ADN programs across every jurisdiction in the country, Arapahoe Community College was ranked atop a list of 1,035 schools. For more information, please contact Geri Rush, Director of Nurs ing a t A CC, a t or 303.797.5891. Take a chance on winning the St. Jude Dream Home® Giveaway and help the kids of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Reserve your $100 ticket for a chance to win a beautiful house with an estimated value of $470,000. The house is located in The Meadows at Historic Castle Rock in Castle Rock and is built by Oakwood Homes. The winner of the St. Jude Dream Home Giv eaway will be drawn on Thursday, September 20, 2012. For more information and to purchase tickets visit

Elements Therapeutic Massage in Castle Rock is Turning 4!! Come and join them for some birthday fun on Saturday, September 8th from 10 am to 4 pm. Enjoy Cupcakes, Punch and Free Chair Massages. Enter to Win A FREE Massage. Buy One Get One FREE Gift Cards from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Elements Therapeutic Massage is located at 323 Metzler Drive. Call 303-663-3702 or for more information: The Kiwanis Club is sponsoring a Wine Tasting event with Great Live Music Wednesday, September 19th from 5 pm to 8 pm in the Castle Pines Village Marketplace. Fees are $15 per person, with $10 of that going directly to the Kiwanis Club of Castle Rock. Come for a fabulous outdoor evening with friends, and benefit the Kiwanis Club at the same time! More information is at : Party like an animal with The Wildlife Experience Saturday, September 8th -- $1 Museum Admission. Free admission for Members Hike, climb or wade to The Wildlife Experience for an outdoor adventure carnival to honor their new mission and 10-Year Anniversary. A variety of family friendly outdoor adventure activities will be located throughout the museum grounds, and younger guests can even meet Diego from Nick Jr.’s popular show Go, Diego, Go! Some activities are an additional purchase. For additional purchase, visitors can relax with delicious carnival themed fare including kettle corn and BBQ or take in a wildlife film in the 3D Extreme Screen Theater. View fly er here: The stage is set for the Sassy Soiree luncheon fashion show that has netted over $140,000 the last eig ht years for emergency services provided by the Douglas/ Elbert Task Force. The September 14th event at the D.C Events Center will include designer labels and all fashions, including those modeled, are for sale in the clothing boutique. Hundreds of pieces of better jewelry will be available in the jewelry boutique. The popular silent auction will feature more than 150 items including art, home décor, children’s game and gift baskets, lots of wine, gift and dining certificates. Call Kathy 303-688-1114 for information and tickets. The last day to purchase tickets is Sept. 7, tickets will not be available at the door.


Fair Parade in downtown Castle Rock, Family Fun for All On Saturday, August 11th, Castle Rock residents line d the streets of W ilcox and we re entertained by comm unity bus inesses and organizations strutting their s tuff in the annual

Are You Taking Advantage?

Fair Parade. Thank you to our Title Sponsors: Plumbline Services for helping us host yet another successful parade through the s tree ts of downtown Castle Rock. W ith more than 84 participants, guests were delighted by ma rching bands, tractors, horses, princesses, fire truckers, and much m ore! Bes t float honors went to Cat’s Meow Florist. 2nd place we nt to the impressive group from Ha n Lee’s Taekwondo Academy. Emmaus Angelican Church was awarded 3rd place. Winners were honored with cash prizes an certificate for their efforts.

AFFINITY PROGRAMS CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! Pinnacol Assurance/CoWest Insurance Group-Workers Comp Group Dividend By combining the premiums of Castle Rock Chamber members, a l arger premium base is

1st Place Cat’s Meow Florist

established allowing Pinnacol Assurance to reduce costs and return dividends to members based on loss histories. Contact Pam Ridler for more information at

Office Depot Program!

2nd Place Han L ee’s Taekwondo Academy

3rd Place Emmaus Angelican Church

Members save approximately 15% to 25% annually on their office supplies! To receive your National Program Office Depot card, please call Susan O’Malley at 303-6884597 or email

Comcast Business Class is available to Members! Whatever the size of your company, it needs to respond quickly to the needs of customers, communicate reliably with suppliers, and find smarter ways to increase employee productivity. Chamber members can save on internet Service and Voice service! For more information, contact Mark Pendergast of Comcast Business Class at 303-720-8090 or email

For More Information about these programs visit www.Castle and click on Affinity Programs Icon.


Business of the Month-AreaNewsletters Business of the M onth continue from page 3. “Joining the Chambe r allows me to meet with many business owne rs in Castle Rock face-to-face and get to know them pers onally. The refe rrals I’ve received over the years have been wonde rful for my business.” Originally from small towns in Illinois, Debbie and her husband Doug moved to Denver in 1980, then to Castle Rock in 1985 as the 10th buyer in Founde rs Village, so they’ve literally seen and felt the Town’s growth first-hand. They have 2 da ughters who have grown along with the newsle tters, he lping out where they could, and watching changes in technology, as the newsletters a re now also available online at www.areanews lette for anyone to view, so they’re not just limite d to those who rece ive them in their mailboxes. Congratulations to De bbie Davis and AreaNews lette r for be ing re cognized as an outstanding bus iness. Back to school sales are not only for s tudents or teache rs, special savings are for all - make sure to use your FREE Store Purchasing Card (SPC) to save money in any Office Depot store. Your SPC allows you to receive the lowes t price on alm ost every item whe ther from the Chamber’s contract price or the in-store spe cial price (excluding furniture and technology products). Chamber Office Depot members or employees can save up to 60% off a list of 400 items commonly purchased by businesses. In addition to these savings take 5% off most other items in-store and save up to 70% off your copy and print jobs whe n you use your SPC. View All Member to Member Dis counts a t www.Cas

The Chamber is seeking Volunteers for the 2012 Col orado Artfes t, September 7, 8 & 9. The 23rd Annual Artfes t is a two-da y celebra tion of a rt and cul ture loca ted in his tori c downtown Cas tle Rock. Enjoy a n eclecti c displa y of a rt mediums by 180 juried artis ts from a round the country; includi ng paintings , cerami cs , glass and wood working, leather, photography and s culpture. Li ve Mainsta ge Entertainment, strolling performers , food & bevera ges , sponsor and nonprofi t booths and a children's a rea with a rt a cti vi ties complete this popular festi val .

Come join us and have fun while you meet new people, involve yourself in the community and participate in Castle Rock's biggest event! Ea ch vol unteer recei ves : •

A free Artfes t T-Shi rt

Entrance to Artfes t for the Weekend

A mini mum of 3 hours is requi red

Double shifts a re a vailable

Visit to sign-up!



Featured Art ist: Daniel Ng

23rd Annual Colorado Artfest at Castle Rock September 8th & 9th, Downtown Castle Rock 178 Artists from around the US, Kids Imagination Zone, Silent Auction, Great Food, Exciting Entertainment


Did You Know?

Colorado Artfest at Castle Rock-September 8th & 9th

As part of your membership with the Castle Rock Chamber, all members are eligible to contribute to our Business Voice Newsletter in the “Members in the News” section. Submit all press releases or company announcements to Melissa Mares at by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s issue. Take advantage of this opportunity to reach fellow chamber members. *Some Restrictions apply.

There is something for everyone at the 23rd annual Colorado Artfest at Castle Rock – the weekend of September 8th and 9th. Approximately 25,000 participants will delight in the artistic impressions of more than 180 artists from across the country. Continual live main stage entertainment, featuring popular musicians, will provide a complimentary backdrop to

Are you taking advantage of the Member to Member Discount Program? Visit the Members Only section to sign up and view discounts at

Upcoming Fall Events

this year’s program. More Event Details at

Oktoberfest-October 6th More than 70 food, craft and vendor booths provide a fun-for-the-whole-family event including kids’ activities, great shopping opportunities, live German bands and beer – creating the quintessential Oktoberfest experience. Oktoberfest is Oct. 6, 11 am to 6 pm for more information visit:

Castle Rock Starlighting—November 17th The Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce and Fire Depa rtment toge ther have been “illuminating” the famous, giant star on top of Castle Rock for 77 years. There are carriage rides, hot chocolate and caroling, while children eagerly await Santa Claus’ annual visit. The Starlighting Ceremony takes place on the Saturday before Thanksgiv ing, November 17, on W ilcox S qua re to us he r in the holiday sea s on. Ca ll 303-688-4597 or v is it:

Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce 420 Jerry Street Castle Rock, Colorado 80104 303.688.4597 ph 303.688.2688 fax

https://www .face /Ca stleR ockCham ber 21

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