Catholic News June 23

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Medal awarded for fostering warm relations

On the 23rd of April it appeared to be a normal Sunday service at St. Mary-in-the-Elms Church, Woodhouse, with Fr. John Farrell O.P. ending Mass a little earlier than expected. We are an unusual congregation. We celebrate Mass weekly with a Dominican priest from Holy Cross Church, Leicester on Sunday mornings, in an Anglican Church in Leicestershire. Reverend Lisa TemperleyBarnes, Parish Priest of St Mary’s and also St. Peter’s Church, Woodhouse Eaves, was discreetly present for Mass in order to mark an event which unites our two congregations – the presentation of the Papal Benemerenti Medal to Mr. Michael Kelly. Unbeknown to Michael, Fr. JohnPatrick Kenrick O.P. and Prior of Holy Cross Dominican Church and Priory, members of the Anglican community and several members of Michael’s family were quietly waiting in the vestry. Last June, in great secrecy, following Michael’s announcement that he was to retire as chair of the congregation committee, Major Bill


our Anglican friends over many years

Clark (right), retired Royal Signals Officer and founding member of the congregation, and Rod Darby (left), co-chair of the St Mary's RC Group and now holder of the Anglican liaison role, with Fr. JohnPatrick's support, had applied for Michael to be nominated for the medal, in thanks and recognition for his achievement over many years to foster warm relations with our Anglican friends and keep our congregation thriving. As Michael was invited to come to the front of the Church, the surprise guests emerged from the vestry to join the congregation. Fr. John-Patrick ceremoniously awarded the medal and scroll to an astonished Michael, and Michael’s wife, Mrs Gill Kelly was thanked for her tremendous support over the years. What a happy event it was, with everyone enjoying a celebratory glass of Bucks Fizz and a piece of very excellent cake afterwards.


Would you like a pleasant afternoon out, visiting the lovely market town of Melton Mowbray, and helping to raise funds for a good cause at the same time? If so, make sure to put Sunday 4 June in your diary.

Parishioners of Saint John the Baptist Catholic church in Melton Mowbray are always looking for new enjoyable ways to raise funds, and last year we ran our first ever Open Gardens. It was such a success that we decided to do it again this year. A group of parishioners have joined the church and Convent in opening the gates to visitors that day, and we hope to welcome many of you for an afternoon having fun and a social chat in the fresh air. These are not “show gardens”; you will not see pristine borders and colour schemes, but they are real gardens belonging to kind owners who are prepared to make you a cup of tea and give you a warm welcome.

Continued on page 2

20p 20p WHERE SOLD WHERE SOLD MORE THAN 24 YEARS OF BRINGING THE NOTTINGHAM DIOCESE TOGETHER MORE THAN 24 YEARS OF BRINGING THE NOTTINGHAM DIOCESE TOGETHER Published by Published by Bellcourt Ltd, N2 Blois Meadow Business Centre, Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 7BN Bellcourt N2 Blois Business Centre, Bumpstead, Haverhill, CB9 Telephone: 01440 730399 Telephone: 730399 Editor John Clawson. Tel: E-mail or Editor John Clawson. Tel: E-mail or Catholic News ISSUE 313 ISSUE 313 JUNE 2023 JUNE 2023 C C eellee b b rraattii n n g g G G o o o o d d S S h h ee p p h h eerr d d S S u u n n d d aayy aatt B B eeaa u u vvaallee P P rrii o o rryy S S eeee p p aa g g ee 33 M M aassss tt o o cceellee b b rraattee tt h h ee p p rr o o m m u u ll g g aattii o o n n o o ff tt h h ee ““ P P aarriiss h h o o ff T T h h ee A A n n n n u u n n cciiaattii o o n n ,, R R u u ss h h cclliiffffee”” ,, sseeee p p aa g g ee 88
Fr. John-Patrick awarded the medal and scroll to Michael


The monthly paper for the The monthly paper for the Diocese of Nottingham Diocese of Nottingham

Editor: John Clawson

Editorial Office: Bellcourt Ltd, N2 Blois Meadow Business Centre, Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 7BN

Telephone: 01440 730399 email: or


Distribution enquiries: Nick Layton e-mail, Bellcourt Limited,

Publication date: Fourth Sunday of the month for the following month. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Diocese.

Publishers and Owners: Bellcourt Ltd, N2 Blois Meadow Business Centre, Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 7BN

Advertising: tel: 0207 112 6710

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Views expressed in The Catholic News are not necessarily those of the editor.

Wanted Parish Correspondents

The Catholic News is looking for a Parish Correspondent in your parish to send in local news for publication in this newspaper. All items to be emailed to before 10th of the month

SVP – What We Do

Happy Anniversary St Vincent de Paul Society!

190 years ago Emmanuel Bailly, the editor of the Catholic Tribune held a meeting with Fre´de´ric Ozanam and some of his fellow students from the Sorbonne about reviving a student organisation which had been mothballed for three years during the revolutionary activities in Paris. This meeting was held on Fre´de´ric’s 20th birthday; he was already a well-established academic, writer and legal mind. What had been a debating and discussion group named the Conference of History would soon be reinvented to become a Conference of Charity with the aim of helping the impoverished people living in Parisian slums.

Under the patronage of St Vincent de Paul and inspired by the example of the Daughters of Charity, this Society adopted the title of the St Vincent de Paul Society and dedicated itself to help those afflicted beyond Paris, to build the Conference of Charity into a global network of Charity, and for the sanctification of its members. Emmanuel Bailly was the first President but it was Fre´de´ric who had the global vision.

This is our story and it is a wonderfully Christian one. A small band of passionate and perhaps gloriously nai¨ve individuals come together seeking wise guidance to organise themselves to take on the world. This is what we try to do today, this is what they did one hundred and ninety years ago.

There are so many strands of this story which deserve to be teased out, but I will offer you just six facets as they feel most pertinent today.

1. A more exciting telling of this story may be that Fre´de´ric and his colleagues suddenly

turned away from hardnosed academia when their hearts were softened by the plight of the poor. However, rather than break away from their former lives they redoubled their efforts and turned their passions to their ministry.

2. It is fascinating to see a Conference of History become one of Charity. On our own 190th birthday it is hard not to become an historian yourself, certainly that early SVP group were well informed about their history, they embraced good ideas but they were also prepared to interrupt historic trends, to campaign for workers’ rights, to break the cycle of poverty, and to commit equally to charity and justice.

3. In our own time we should be challenged to be reflective practitioners, to immerse ourselves in what the past has to teach us, the best that we have to offer, but also to learn from unhealthy patterns which must be ceased at all costs. We are not however constrained by the past, the Conference of Charity gravitated to St Vincent de Paul’s example equally because of this great witness to the poor but also the incredible freedom and flexibility which it encouraged its participants to have.

4.These figures did not work alone, they often had the incredible support of family, friends and patrons. Devotion to Blessed Fre´de´ric Ozanam is virtually impossible if you don’t also understand the level of love and devotion he held for and received from Amelie his wife and sweetheart.

5. These fine gentlemen intentionally nurtured a deep and lasting belief in the Holy Spirit who they would often call Providence. It is this belief which gave them the


The month of June this year will present our country with many challenges, Whilst our own lives may not have changed much since Easter those who are leading our nation will know that much is expected of them. In the first few days of May the Coronation of King Charles III was a spectacular and colourful display of what the British do best. We all know that our country and the world cannot just live by ritual and pageantry no matter how much money is made from foreign tourism. That said the Coronation weekend was concluded by some 52,084 registered events of the ‘Big Help Out’ extra Bank Holiday. Will this unexpected festival of volunteers give the much needed extra boost that our charities need and will our own communities which may well incorporate a foodbank gain a long term benefit?

Many areas of England will have elected a

considerable number of different councillors on May 4th They will bring new blood to represent our areas but like our MPs at Westminster they too must take appropriate responsibility for their actions and not be overwhelmed by the nature of any new office. So if we want our Royal and political leaders to face up to the challenges of 2023 we surely should make time to consider what we can do ourselves.

Our young people will always need guidance and today we should not only listen to their views on society but do our very best to advise them on how to handle social media. If we want to participate in this clearly we have to start at a very early age. Do we really want our children to have more friends online than in real life? One prominent regional newspaper has featured loneliness for many years. Sadly it appears to be on the increase and not just with young people.

The Coronation was a deeply religious ceremony with some 2,300 guests including many world leaders. I will conclude this article by examining just how busy Pope Francis was during that week. At the celebration of Mass in Budapest the congregation was around 50,000. The Pope being fully aware of the new tragedy in Sudan gave special emphasis to safe corridors in Europe for all refugees fleeing war, poverty and climate change. Whilst in Hungary and then back at the Vatican Pope Francis was pursuing all diplomatic avenues to bring about peace in Ukraine. We must hope and pray that the mission will succeed.

confidence to think in a world-changing way and this relationship with the divine which allowed it to succeed. It is important to grasp today that this work needs to continue and year on year the SVP is reaching more corners of the globe and we are still today proving a vital avenue for God’s love to the Poor.

6. You can expect to hear the following question asked often “where will we be in 2033?” 190 years is a great landmark but 200 is a little more rounded. As we have considered so many facets of this anniversary, it is perhaps a reminder that our founder did not wish to be our first President. There will be many people living in the world today who will need the SVP in 10 years, some may find themselves beneficiaries while others may find that the SVP satisfies a spiritual need and purpose for them. For all of them we pray for a Society which continues to seek partnership with Providence, that is confident to commit, and fosters the inner Saint in each of us.

Continued from page 1

Seven gardens are open, and £5 gets you into them all. You can visit just a few, or go round all of them, getting a feel for the different types of gardens in Melton. We have all sizes, types and shapes, from a small terraced house garden to those with unusual and extensive grounds. A local nursery has offered to support us by donating plants for sale, and we are sure the event will have something to interest everyone.

All the money raised will go to help build a badly-needed church hall next to St John’s. At present, we have nowhere even to offer people a cup of tea after Mass, but we aim to change that in the near future! So please do support us. The beautiful Victorian church will be open, with its lovely garden, and the Convent garden will also be open. Last year, the Sisters offered their visitors very popular, if unseasonal, Christmas cake, but so far, they have not disclosed what they intend to do this time! There are one or two changes to last year’s itinerary, and every garden offers a unique experience.

More details can be seen at ns.php?id=2433. Tickets available to buy online or at any garden on the day. For a list, map and tickets contact Frances on 07790 631635 or

Page 2 The Catholic News. June 2023.
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Good Shepherd Sunday where coincidences coincidentally aligned

St. John Houghton and St. Robert Lawrence are remembered yearly at their priory ruin site near Eastwood

Shepherd or Vocations Sunday. This is because in the Gospel of the day (from St. John’s Gospel) Jesus speaks of himself as the Shepherd who is prepared to lay down his life for his sheep. Two shepherds who laid down their lives for their faith, namely St. John Houghton and St. Robert Lawrence are remembered yearly at their priory ruin site near Eastwood, Nottinghamshire .The two monks from the Beauvale Priory became martyrs by being cruelly killed at Tyburn, London in 1535; for not accepting Henry V111 over the Pope as head of the Church and were canonised in 1970.Beauvale Priory (beautiful valley) was founded in 1343 by Sir Nicholas de Cantilupe. The monks at Beauvale were Carthusians, enclosed religious order of the Catholic Church. The community survived

peacefully living a life of worship and work for nearly two centuries until the disruption of the Reformation and the dissolution of the monasteries.

Staying with the theme of ‘good shepherd’ our shepherd/bishop Patrick led the annual memorial Mass, and homily preached by Rev. Deacon Anthony Sullivan.

The coincidentally is complete as Good Shepherd Sunday coincided as being the birthday of our own Good Shepherd, Bishop Patrick, who is pictured in this pastural scene with sheep and lambs surrounding the ruins of the priory.

The Catholic News. June 2023. Page 3
Gerry Molumby

Around our diocese

We were very fortunate with the weather on Sunday for our diocesan Pilgrimage Mass at Beauvale to celebrate St John Houghton & St Robert Lawrence. It was especially good to have pupils from 5 schools in the congregation and involved in the Mass.

Thank you to the Beauvale Society!

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Page 4 The Catholic News. June 2023.
Source - Twitter photos
A wonderful Coronation Concert in St Barnabas Cathedral.Well done to Greg, the Friends of the Cathedral & all who worked so hard to make the evening such an enjoyable occasion for a very full Cathedral of people. Bishop Patrick It was good to be with Canon George Woodall and the young people from Spilsby and from Louth who were confirmed on the Feast of the English and Welsh Martyrs in the beautiful church of Our Lady & the English Martyrs in Spilsby. Congratulations to them. Bishop Patrick Fr Emmanuel Abbem poses with Colin Hodnett and daily Mass-goers from Church of The Annunciation, New Mills after Mass on Colin’s 80th birthday on May 2nd.

Bingo and local history put the ‘Fun’ in fundraising in Melton

Parishioners in Melton Mowbray are busy raising funds to build a new church hall, next to the parish church of Saint John the Baptist. Friends of St John’s Church have promised at least £10,000 towards the building fund, and recently ran two events in the same week, which were both roaring successes in many ways

Local amateur historian Arthur Payne agreed to give one of his popular talks, “Melton Now and Then No. 1” in the church one evening. Over 35 people turned up, most of them not parishioners. They were delighted by Arthur’s lighthearted talk, which was accompanied by a fast-paced display of projected photographs from the last 150 years compared with modern photographs of the same scenes. There was much audience interaction, and an interval with coffee and home-made cakes which were very much appreciated. The event raised £291.85.

Frances Levett, who organised it, said, “We were pleased to see so many non-Catholics enjoying our church, which has recently been redecorated in original Victorian style. They were loud in their praises and generous in their donations. One of the hopes we have is that the new church hall will be of service to the local community, and will help with evangelisation. It was great to see that this is happening already!”

Arthur kindly refused to claim any expenses for his talk, saying that it was a pleasure to give it in such a beautiful building. He also responded to popular demand by agreeing to give a series of talks starting in September.

In the same week, another new venture, a Parish/School bingo exceeded expectations. Immediately after school ended at 3:30 pm 56 people attended, both adults and children, in a joint event run by Friends of St John’s and the PTA. John Richardson, a long-standing helper for both school and Parish, displayed a previously hidden talent as a caller, encouraging a whole flock of quacking little ducks! Local businesses supported the fundraising efforts by donating marvellous prizes including tickets for entry to children’s attractions, and top of the range cosmetics among many others. There was a hugely popular raffle, a 10p kids tombola and free refreshments. There was a marvellous atmosphere of fun and enjoyment, and this was a clear demonstration of close cooperation between the school and the parish. After deduction for a supply of tickets, for future events, the profit was £336, split equally between the PTA and the hall building fund.

The Parish has long needed a church hall, both to build up the Catholic community and to help with outreach and evangelisation. Already there are signs that this is happening and there is a new “buzz“ about Melton Mowbray. With five new people received into the church at Easter, the community is growing, and growing together. Praise God!

Photos attached are four of the bingo: the audience with eyes down, caller John Richardson in action, a table laden with raffle prizes, and happy ladies Catherine Dunn and Ann Kirby serving refreshments. Also one of Arthur Payne giving his illustrated talk.

The Big Help Out

In response to the Coronation weekend celebrations, the Monday 8 May was encouraged as a day for people to volunteer in services in the local community. At the Good Shepherd parish we appealed for help in cleaning the church. We were delighted with the response when sixteen volunteers arrived, picked up brooms, buckets and mops and got briskly to work. All smiles all round. Young and old got stuck in and soon all jobs were done. Homemade cake, biscuits and hot drinks rounded off a very pleasant morning with a few new recruits.

The Catholic News. June 2023. Page 5

Baptism of a group of Hong Kong children, at Holy Spirit Church

On the 1st April 2023, in a beautiful and moving ceremony, six children received the Sacrament of Baptism from Fr John at the Holy Spirit Church in West Bridgford. The children and their families have recently moved to the UK from HK. Fr John, our

Parish Priest ensured that the children were looked after by enabling their Catechism to be led by a Catechist from HK, so the teachings of Christ was imparted in their own language. To take this opportunity, we would like to express our gratitude to Fr John and Fr Liam,

Paying homage

for their support and care towards the Hong Kong community.

We ask Almighty God to bless and protect the children as they start their new lives cleansed of sin and to guide them with His divine light.

May the parents and God parents, reflect the love of God’s teachings and bring the children closer to God.

On the 6th May 2023, the Coronation of King Charles III took place in Westminster Abbey, London. The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, who led the ceremony, introduced a new element - the ‘Homage of the people’, a change from the traditional ‘Homage of the Peers’, whereby all people were invited to pledge support and allegiance to the newly crowned King ‘in recognition of his spiritual and earthly authority’.

At St Hugh’s Church in Lincoln, homage to King Charles III got underway early. In the days leading up to the Coronation, parishioners were encouraged to pray for the King and Queen through a prayer booklet especially created for the occasion by the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales, this was followed with a Mass, offered for the intentions of the King, on the morning of the Coronation itself; the crowning event was a tea party on the afternoon of the 7th.

The tea party was attended by over sixty people including clergy and proved a joyous occasion, with bubbly to toast the King and Queen and a short rendition of the National Anthem.

Homage to a different King and Queen (Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings and His mother, Mary, Queen of Heaven) had taken place earlier in the day through Sunday morning Mass, during which children, in the children’s liturgy group, processed with flowers to the Lady Chapel, where the statue of Mary had been crowned on May 1st. Mary shows us how we can best pay homage to the King of Kings through her words to the archangel Gabriel at the Annunciation

“Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done unto me according to thy Word” and allowing the Word to take flesh in us, becoming bearers and sharers of God's goodness, generosity and love.

God’s goodness, generosity and love are amply displayed in the parish and in the past week especially through the work of the flowers arrangers, the leaders of the children’s liturgy group, the choir, the clergy and the parish hall committee. Thank you to each and everyone of you for not only helping to make the Coronation more memorable but for directing and lifting up our hearts and minds to our King and Queen in Heaven. God save the King! Glory be to God.

Page 6 The Catholic News. June 2023.
Baptised children: Justin, Kolbe, Jamie, Bryan, Hadrian and Ian (from Left to Right)

See, I Do a New Thing

Bringing our Church’s social mission to life

A Caritas workshop near you this Summer

Saturdays, 10.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.

Lincolnshire: 3 June at Our Lady of Lincoln

Derbyshire, Peak & Burton: 10 June at St Alban, Chaddesden

Nottinghamshire: 8 July at Good Shepherd, Arnold Leicestershire & Rutland: Contact us for the local date

A year on from last summer’s Springboard workshop, you’re invited to another day for anyone who wants to see the Gospel come alive in their neighbourhood and wider world.


Members of the Community of Our Lady of Walsingham

Making space for heaven on earth

On the weekend of Good Shepherd Sunday, also known as Vocations Sunday, three members of the Community of Our Lady of Walsingham, travelled from Norfolk to lead a retreat at the Polish Scouting Centre near Lincoln. The retreat, open to all and advertised in parish newsletters, is organised each year by members of the Polish Catholic community in Lincoln and is conducted in Polish and English.

The retreat included a series of talks about Walsingham spirituality together with Mass, time for socialising and lots (and lots) of delicious food. One highlight was the final session, in which both the Polish and English speaking groups came together for sharing their experiences of the weekend, with Sr Gabi acting as translator. It created a unity and fraternity that pointed to something beyond the retreat itself and led one member of the Polish community to comment that they need the English community and the English community needs them.

Whilst we came together for spiritual nourishment through a retreat, perhaps, the greatest spiritual nourishment came from simply being together and witnessing the joy and generosity that featured over the course of the weekend. It seemed, Mary, recognising our poverty created by the language barrier, interceded for us like she did for the wedding couple in Cana, with the result that her son, Jesus, provided a ‘wine’ that went above and beyond anything planned.

The weekend was a beautiful experience of how we all need each other and how we all need Mary! A special thank you to the organisers, who give so much of their own time and resources to enable the retreats to happen. If you would like to learn more about the Community of Our Lady of Walsingham please visit: Our Lady of Walsingham, please pray for us.

Niebo na Ziemi

W weekend Niedzieli Dobrego Pasterza, nazywaną również Niedzielą Powołań, trzech członków Zgromadzenia Matki Bożej z Walsingham wyruszyło z Norfolk, aby poprowadzić rekolekcje w Polskim Centrum Harcerstwa, niedaleko Lincoln. Rekolekcje są organizowane corocznie przez członków Polskiej Wspólnoty Katolickiej w Lincoln i prowadzane w języku polskim i angielskim. Były one otwarte dla wszystkich i ogłaszane w biuletynach parafialnych.

Rekolekcje, karmiąc ducha uczestników, obejmowały Mszę Świętą oraz serię rozmów na temat duchowości Walsingham; z kolei pokarmem dla ciała były spotkania wspólnotowe, wzbogacone dużą (bardzo dużą) ilością pysznego jedzenia. Punktem kulminacyjnym rekolekcji była sesja końcowa, podczas której zarówno polskojęzyczne jak i anglojęzyczne grupy spotkały się, aby podzielić się swoimi świadectwami.

Stworzyło to atmosferę jedności i braterstwo, wyraźnie wskazującą na „coś” więcej, co pięknie wyraża świadectwo jednego z uczestników, członka polskiej wspólnoty, który powiedział, iż: „istnieje wzajemna potrzeba wspólnot, polska potrzebuje angielskiej, a wspólnota

angielska także potrzebuje wspólnoty polskiej”.

Na rekolekcjach spotkano się, aby otrzymać duchowe pożywienie, ale okazało się, że być może największym duchowym pożywieniem było stworzenie wspólnoty i radość z prostego przebywania razem oraz bycia świadkiem radości i hojności, która pojawiła się w trakcie tych weekendowych rekolekcji. Odnosiło się wrażenie, że Maryja, rozpoznając nasze ubóstwo spowodowane barierą językową, wstawiała się za nami, i tak jak to było w Kanie, stał się cud, w wyniku czego Jej Syn Jezus dostarczył „wina”, które wykracza poza wszystko, co zaplanowano.

Ten weekend był pięknym doświadczeniem i pokazał, jak bardzo potrzebujemy siebie nawzajem i jak bardzo potrzebujemy Matki Bożej! Specjalne podziękowania należą się organizatorom, którzy poświęcili mnóstwo własnego czasu i zaangażowania, żeby zorganizować te rekolekcje. Aby zdobyć więcej informacji dotyczących Zgromadzenia Matki Bożej z Walsingham, prosimy odwiedzić stronę internetową:

Matko Boża z Walsingham, módl się za nami.

· Celebrate how parishes across your county have been responding in the post-pandemic cost-of-living crisis

· Help each other develop what comes next for local and global outreach

· Build peer-support and collaboration with your local Caritas Hub and the diocese.

“See, I do a new thing!”

Paul Bodenham invites you to an upcoming Caritas workshop

This winter we saw what we’re capable of. Over 25 parishes in the Diocese of Nottingham ran ‘warm spaces’ or something similar. It was one the biggest outbursts of mission the diocese has ever seen. Intriguingly it all happened spontaneously, from the grassroots, with laypeople taking the initiative – and it’s only a fraction of what good people around the diocese are doing.

See, I Do a New Thing is a workshop near you to celebrate the impact you’ve had over the last year, discover God at work in it, share what we’re learning, and invest in the future. We will take time out to listen afresh to God’s call, and focus on developing two things which many have said they need:

· Self-confidence and practical skills for outreach

· Parish and diocesan structures to help lay leaders pray, plan and act.

The workshop will introduce a wider project called Paving the Way. Much is said about ‘missionary discipleship’, but what do you and your parish need for this outward turn to happen in practice? And how might Catholic social teaching, often called the Church’s ‘best kept secret’ become an engine of grassroots renewal across the diocese? With your help, at this workshop and over the next two years, we will find answers to these questions – and put them into practice for the common good and the kingdom of God.

To book your place visit

The Catholic News. June 2023. Page 7
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Mass to celebrate the promulgation of the “Parish of The Annunciation, Rushcliffe”, at The Becket School

We celebrated Mass on the Solemnity of the Annunciation on 25th March at the Becket School, to officially announce the establishment of our new “Parish of The Annunciation, Rushcliffe”. During the mass, Fr Simon Gillespie, Private Secretary to the Bishop of Nottingham, conferred the decree on behalf of Bishop Patrick to our priests, Fr John Martin and Fr Liam Carpenter.

The Mass, and the celebratory Hog Roast which followed were full of love, grace and joy. All four churches were joined together in such a wonderful occasion. We had great support from local communities, families and children. Parishioners from the Gambian community led the Offertory Procession through traditional dancing, young children did the readings, prayers of intercession, and led a reflection on the Annunciation through a most eloquent dance.

At the end of the mass, Fr Liam representing our entire parish pledged our unwavering support, prayer and love to Fr John as he becomes Parish Priest to one of the largest parishes in the Diocese with a population of 100,000 people.

Fr John and Fr Liam would like to express their profound gratitude to everyone who played a huge part in making the day the resounding success it was, especially in organising the Mass and celebration which followed. The tremendous hard work and dedication by those involved in such preparation will never be forgotten. On behalf of the whole Parish – Thank you to everyone who was involved, and those who came to celebrate – a parish is nothing without you!

After this day of celebration, we are ready to embark joyfully on a new phase of our Parish journey. We have formed a Transition Team and different working groups to facilitate a new way of being Parish. It is hoped soon that we will also have a new Mission Team, seeking to collaborate with the clergy in a spirit of co-responsibility for the life and mission of the parish. Although at the beginning of any new journey, there may be some uncertainty, we trust in the provident

guidance of God in our lives. Let us ask Almighty God for his guidance, concern, and care for each one of us, that we may be emboldened to move from a maintenance model of the Church to being aflame as Missionary Disciples, seeking to build the Kingdom of God, and drawing new people into contact with Christ and His Church. We invite all our parishioners to get involved in contributing their talents and offering their

skills to build a missionary parish community that reaches all people, so that all may feel loved and valued.

(The parish) is a community of communities, a sanctuary where the thirsty come to drink in the midst of their journey, and a centre of constant missionary outreach. Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel.

Scots College in Rome moving

The Pontifical Scots College in Rome is preparing to end seminarian formation on the Via Cassia, on the outskirts of Rome, where it has been since 1964, as it looks towards a new future in the city.

As no suitable building has been identified yet for the College, the Pontifical Beda College has generously offered to provide space for the Scots students while the search for a new College building continues. It is anticipated that the Scots will be residence for the next academic year.

The current building is now considered too remote from the centre of the city, making travel to the universities where seminarians attend classes time consuming and inconvenient.

There are currently 10 seminarians studying at the Scots College.

Page 8 The Catholic News. June 2023. NATIONWIDE SERVICE IN DESIGN, INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE OF LIGHTNING PROTECTION AND EARTHING SYSTEMS HAVE YOU BOOKED IN YOUR ANNUAL LIGHTNING PROTECTION TEST AND INSPECTION? IS YOUR SYSTEM COMPLIANT TO THE STANDARD BS EN 62305: 2012? CONTACT US NOW TO RECEIVE YOUR FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTATION OR FREE ADVICE AND SUPPORT REGARDING YOUR LIGHTNING PROTECTION WWW.LIGHTNING-PROTECTIONUK.COM 0115 8411 211 INFO@LIGHTNING-PROTECTIONUK.COM Please support our Advertisers DAILY: Holy Mass at 9am 7.30 am Morning Prayer 9.00 am Holy Mass 5.45 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary, Adoration, Evening Prayer, Benediction BIBLE STUDY: Tuesday 6th June 2.30 - 3.30 pm. Book of Revelation, final chapters THURSDAY 15th JUNE 2.30 - 3.30 pm: "Fr John Bradburn, Vagabond, Poet, Saint" (Fr Jonathan COTTON) ASCRIBED MEETING Special Meeting 1st July, Feast of Blessed A Rosmini, with Mass, prayers and lunch VOCATION DISCERNMENT Saturday 17th June 10 am to 4 pm Rosmini Centre, 433 Fosse Way, Ratcliffe on the Wreake, Leicester, LE7 4SJ Tel. 01509 81 3078; Mob: 07828781537; Why not join our ZOOM group from the comfort of your home? Send us your e-mail and we shall send the link. LECTURES IN JUNE
Fr Simon Gillespie, Private Secretary to the Bishop of Nottingham, conferred the decree on behalf of Bishop Patrick to our priests, Fr John Martin and Fr Liam Carpenter. Children from the First Holy Communion program led a reflection on the Annunciation through a most eloquent dance

the Stranger


We should never view people arriving from elsewhere as a political problem to be solved, but rather as brothers and sisters who we have a responsibility towards, and who greatly enrich our communities.

Migrants and refugees are human beings not just statistics, says Bishop as Bishops’ Conference releases new publication.

In 2023, people making dangerous journeys across the Channel to reach the UK are called by various names: ‘refugees’, ‘asylum seekers’, ‘migrants’, and often by more derogatory terms.

Love the Stranger is a new publication by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales’ Department for International Affairs that articulates our Christian duty to look beyond such labels and see the person who has left their homeland in search of a better life.

You can download the document at: Bishop Paul McAleenan, Lead Bishop for Migrants and Refugees for the Bishops’ Conference, emphasises the need to uphold their innate human dignity: “Our starting point as a society must be to recognise migrants and refugees as people. We need to understand their stories, their reasons for leaving their homelands and hopes for building a future here.

“We should never view people arriving from elsewhere as a political problem to be solved, but rather as brothers and sisters who we have a responsibility towards, and who greatly enrich our communities.

“People are driven to leave their countries, sometimes making dangerous journeys or

risking exploitation, because of conflict, poverty, oppression, or lack of opportunities. Looking beyond our own borders, we have a duty to help people flourish in their homelands, as well as welcoming those who leave in search of a better life.”

Cardinal Vincent Nichols, President of the Bishops’ Conference, welcomed the publication: “Love the Stranger draws together more than one hundred years of Catholic teaching to guide our response to migration in England and Wales today. While it does not propose detailed solutions to complex problems, it clearly calls for procedures which permit safe and controlled access and a fair hearing to those seeking asylum. Present arrangements in this country are dramatically lacking in both of these requirements.”

Vatican endorsement

Father Fabio Baggio CS, the Undersecretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, praised Love the Stranger’s rich review of, and reflection on, Catholic social teaching: “The text promotes an authentic culture of encounter at all levels and among all the actors involved. As we live in times in which the defence of the dignity of each human person may seem under threat, Love the Stranger invites us to not give up on the opportunity to live our catholicity ever more fully, to build more just and equal societies for the benefit of each and every person, and to be open to the contribution that strangers can offer as we care for their integral human development and ours.”

Protection of migrants and refugees a shared goal

Fr Manuel Barrios Prieto, the Secretary General of COMECE (Commission of Catholic Episcopal Conferences of the European Union) welcomes the publication as an important step forward towards the promotion and protection of migrants: “This advocacy document on the Catholic response to migrants and refugees is a timely reference and guidance in our polarised European societies.

It offers sound orientations on migration and asylum not only for Catholics, but for any person of good will who considers human dignity as the basis for a harmonious social coexistence. It is not a mere compilation of principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church on the matter, but a reflection on how these principles should be applied to the current challenges faced by our states and societies.”

Christine Allen, Director of CAFOD, the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, stresses that people have a right to flourish in their homelands: “People around the world continue to be tormented by conflict, which drives them from their homes as they seek safety. Communities are also losing their homes and their livelihoods to a climate crisis they did not cause.

“Working toward peace and tackling the climate crisis are the defining challenges of our time and we must show solidarity to those in need. The UK government can rise to these shared global challenges by reversing the counter-productive cuts to the aid budget, and prioritising countries impacted by conflict and climate change.

“Failure to act will mean people around the world continue to see their lives turned upside down and their homes destroyed by conflict and climate change.”

The Catholic News. June 2023. Page 9
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Book Reviews Book Reviews

Birthing The Holy:Wisdom from Mary



ISBN NO:9781932057270

Christine Valters

Paintner invites you to better know Mary and her heart through thirty-one of her titles, and, along the way, you’ll nurture the new growth in your life.

The Blessed Mother is known by many beautiful titles, some of which are familiar—Virgin, Queen of Peace, and Star of the Sea—and some we may not be aware of—Vessel of Grace, Greenest Branch, and Our Lady of Silence.

Paintner offers a flexible format to reflect on Mary’s titles through a thirty-one-day personal retreat, a series of novenas, or with visio divina exercises using striking images by printmaker Kreg Yingst. As you reflect on Mary in her role as Mother of Good Counsel, Woman Clothed with the Sun, Mystical Rose, Mother of Sorrows, Queen of the Angels, and other titles, Paintner invites you to hear what God calls you to develop in your life, help that dream or vision grow, and then nourish it in the world.

Whether you’re meeting Mary for the first time in these magnificent titles or revisiting her as a beloved companion, Birthing the Holy invites you to see the exploration of Mary and your life as a spiritual and creative act, one that can help deepen your faith even as it sparks new growth within you.

I Belong Children’s Book - First Holy Communion


Product Code: 1051

ISBN No: 9780852313770

An original First Holy Communion Programme that contains lively, colourful material in which illustrations and examples are used to reflect the world where today's children live and experience faith.

I Belong is a programme that contains lively, colourful material in which illustrations and examples are used to reflect the world where today’s children live and experience faith. It is hoped that the children using this book will create a personal momento of this special time in their relationship with God. At the end of each chapter is a “Family Time” page with suggestions for prayer and something to do together as a family. Small information boxes have been added throughout the book. These cover areas such as:search the church for particular items, explanation of Catholic practices, what to look out for while at Mass and new words associated with reconciliation, First Holy Communion and the Mass. There is also a symbol of a Bible to check out bible references at the end of scripture passages. A small candle features on the corner of each page which, when coloured, indicates progress through the book.

Living The Word: Catholic Womens Bible


Product Code 11743

ISBN NO:9781646801251


Do you long to connect with a variety of women just like you who live the Word of God in the world each day?

That connection is what makes the Living the Word Catholic Women's Bible different from other Bibles for women: it includes almost four-hundred pages of special features created for women by women--more than forty scholars, teachers, religious, authors, ministers, and speakers--such as Leah Darrow, Sarah Christmyer, Johnnette Benkovic Williams, and Sr. Maria Kim-Ngân Bùi, FSP--who come from a variety of backgrounds and reflect the diversity of the Catholic faith. You can walk through scripture in community with other women who seek to become closer to God by reading his Word and living it in their daily lives.

The stunning beauty of the Living the Word Catholic Women's Bible also makes it stand out among its peers. The extraordinary and elegant design enhances your reading experience by connecting various features throughout the text including fifty profiles of women in the Bible, ninety-seven Living in the Light of Faith essays, Take it to Heart questions for reflection and journaling, and quotations from saints and holy women. The tranquil colors and other design elements help you feel at home in the Bible.

Stations of the Cross – Inspired by the Work of SVP

Fr Gerard Bogan


CTS Product Code: D846

Please refer to this code when ordering over the phone

ISBN: 9781784697549

Walk alongside Jesus in his passion and Cross and be prepared to walk with compassion alongside our suffering brothers and sisters, with these meditations on the Way of the Cross in light of the work of the Society of St Vincent de Paul.

This meditation on the Via Crucis – the Way of the Cross – reflects on Jesus’ suffering through the inspiration of Blessed Frédéric Ozanam and the society he founded to help the poor and those in need: the Society of St Vincent de Paul. Walking alongside Jesus in his Passion and Cross prepares us to walk with compassion alongside our suffering brothers and sisters, to learn to love them as Christ loves them, and to enter more deeply into the mystery of God’s mercy revealed in his holy cross.

Peace of Heart –According to St Benedict

Fr Bernard Ducruet, OSB


CTS Product Code: PA66

Please refer to this code when ordering over the phone

ISBN: 9781784697426

Learn to welcome peace beyond trials and to see it as a limitless gift from God, through teaching marked by the Spirit of St Benedict.

Trials quickly take Peace away from us. Does this mean peace of heart is impossible? No, for Jesus himself promised it to us. There is peace beyond our trials, but we do not receive it according to the way of the world. Fr Bernard Ducruet, through teaching marked by the Spirit of St Benedict, leads us to welcome the peace as a limitless gift of God and the fruit of struggle.

A Year of Mindfulness

Dr Clare Campbell


ISBN: 0855977825

In mindfulness and meditation, we can hear the voice of our own heart, which can be drowned out by our busy lives and minds.

I first learned about mindfulness and meditation on a headteacher’s retreat to Assisi, and in that beautiful, spiritual place, I found great peace from taking part in daily meditation practice. Before I had experienced it in secular ways and during Yoga, but never before had I used it as a way to pray. I had seen the benefits of mindfulness and meditation as a way to relax and calm down, but by using scripture as a focus, it became one of my favourite ways to pray.

When I got back to school, I wanted to share this peace with the children. Children in 2023 have such busy lives, they can have more stimulation in a weekend than their grandparents would have had in an entire year. It is more important than ever that we build a time for silence and stillness into the school day and teach the children the skills they need to still themselves, regulate their breathing and calm themselves down. Mindfulness aims to develop skills for stilling the body and mind in preparation for prayer. This can be done as part of prayer and liturgy through guided meditation based on sacred scripture as part of collective worship, or in group or individual meditation as and when needed. Breathing slowly, concentrating on the inhalation and exhalation of breath, focusing on a Mantra, a prayerful word or phrase, listening to prayerful music and carefully listening to the words of the leader are the tools that you can use to deepen your spiritual life and that of the children in your care.

Over the years I have been exploring different ways to pray and I found the 4 pillars of prayer to include, the saying prayer, the doing prayer, the thinking prayer and the being prayer. I would argue that mindfulness and meditation includes each one of these pillars of prayer at once. Meditation in the saying prayer can be a Mantra that you use, focusing on a spiritual word or phrase, being still is still an action, which is why it is linked to the doing prayer. And one of the elements of the being prayer is silence. Being still and being in the presence of God. With children I use the term, “going into our heart rooms,” this is the most special part of our guided meditation, where children can be in their own personal “heart room” with God and speak to Him and listen to Him in their hearts.

Mindfulness is moving beyond ourselves to be transformed in God’s divine love.

Page 10 The Catholic News. June 2023.

The day I met a member of the Royal Family Christ the King Alfreton Coronation Lunch

Holy Trinity bring home the Cups

May Day and first day of Coronation Week, no difficulty guessing the theme for Christ The King's monthly lunch . With a four course lunch the pending Coronation was duly toasted !. Members of the parish SVP led the preparations and MC Gerry Molumby asked guests if and when they met any member of the Royal Family, varied stories from a London hospital visit by the late Queen ( one of our guests was nursing there) and another visit to Mansfield Library were shared.

Gerry Molumby

For the first time ever Holy Trinity Parish in Newark’s first team won the Willie Hall Cup, which is regarded as the Newark equivalent to the FA Cup.

It was great to see so many parishioners cheering them on to a 2 - 1 victory against League Champions The Rose and Crown.

2-in-1 Crossword

You can use both sets of clues to solve the puzzle: the solutions are the same.


7 Day before a period of abstinence upset the sad voyeurs (6,7)

8 Diverse views of two students in the group? (4)

9 Entirety: perhaps a long time coming? (8)

10 ‘Praise be to God': the French-American and English party embraced (4,3)

11 Lead of apostles appears to dwindle (5)

13 Oracle turned up, seen in company of lowly bishop (5)

15 Outmanoeuvre plan to get rid of dreadful Metro for something new in Paris (7)

18 Sorry Beth, an all-round tart prior to Lindisfarne (8)

19 One attends fires, getting up to no good (4)

20 Converted a Tao lifesaver and beatified one (6,2,5)


1 Contents of sermon by group Left ignored – it comes from the Parisian quarters (3,10)

2 Rights of Asian country put in a letter from Paul (6)

3 Ahab's wife's the first in jail: ever zealous, ever brazen, ever lustful (7)

4 French chap leaves during the season in Babylonia of old (5)

5 People of the Gold Coast, like before (6)

6 Book's antiquated cover is made for a Navy's Broad Church chap (7,6)

12 Quietly go on to Square assuming that the first of February will bring the Pope (7)

14 You ask how we enter heaven, initially in Hebrew, Lord? (6)

16 Not obligatory in Church to elect four for admission (6)

17 Saul's daughter finds setter near pub, having fallen over (5)

QUICK Across

7 Time at the eve of Lent for confession and absolution of the faithful (6,7) 8 Title given to some bishops (4)

9 Time without end (8)

10 ' Glory to God in the highest', or 'Praise (be) to God', in the Latin (4,3)

11 Leader of the Apostles, entrusted with the ‘keys of the Kingdom of Heaven' (5)

13 Female seer (5)

15 Beaujolais ------- or ------- Riche, for instance (7)

18 Saint, the apostle of Northumbria (c 635-687) (8)

19 Chinese mafia (4) 20 Saint whose feast day falls on

15 October (6,2,5)


1 Christ's promise of coming blessings (3,10)

2 Paul's longest letter: a text of primary importance for the Christian theological tradition (6)

3 Wife of Ahab, often synonymous with a wicked, scheming woman (7)

4 Region in modern-day Iraq before it became Babylonia (5)

5 Ghanaian people, alternatively-named 'Ashanti' (6)

It was also a case of two victories from three cup finals for Holy Trinity as they went on to complete a fairy tale end-of-the-season win against the fancied Nottingham Young Poets side to secure a 4 - 2 victory and bring home the Notts Senior Challenge Sunday Cup as well. Congratulations lads on a great season

6 Poet, Oxford don and son of the founder of the Broad Church movement (7,6)

12 High Priest (7)

14 Popular derivation of the Hebrew proper name for God (6)

16 Given by vow (6)

17 Daughter of Saul, initially promised to David (5)


The Catholic News. June 2023. Page 11
Across: 7 Shrove Tuesday, 8 Abba, 9 Eternity, 10 Laus Deo, 11 Peter, 13 Sibyl, 15 Nouveau, 18 Cuthbert, 19 Tong, 20 Teresa of Avila. Down: 1 The Beatitudes, 2 Romans, 3 Jezebel, 4 Sumer, 5 Asante, 6 Matthew Arnold, 12 Pontiff, 14 Yahweh, 16 Votive, 17 Merab.
Photo courtesy Newark Advertiser
Page 12 The Catholic News. June 2023.

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