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29 January 2021 ▪ 12:50pm - BBQ lunch on the Function Lawn ▪ 1:35pm - 2020 Year 12 Dux Awards at in the Rock Centre. ▪ We look forward to
Class of 1986: Suzanne Andrews (Connolly). Donna Dodd, Alison, Michelle Rankin, Deanne Ludkin (Vohland),Nikki Clark (Campbell), Jo Panitteri (Thackery), Lyn Bailey (Prior).
seeing you there!
PRESIDENT’S REPORT As I write my last report of 2020, I reflect on the year that has been like no other! From a major pandemic,
cancelled past student and school events, to the cancellation of international travel, we won’t forget 2020 for a
very long time. However, the School has done well to manage the situation and keep everyone safe. In late November, we welcomed the Class of 2020 as the newest past students. I was very privileged to speak to
23 July 2021 ▪ Foundation Day
them at their final Awards Assembly and present them with their Past Students’ Association lapel badge. The school formal this year was on the school grounds and the Rock Centre was transformed into a beautiful location to hold it.
▪ 5:30pm - Class of 2016 Five Year Reunion ▪ 6-9pm - Connection Sundowners
It was great to catch up with past student Suzanne Andrews whose twin girls are currently boarding at Cathedral. Suzanne told me that they had a reunion in Cairns with some of her cohort. She said ‘We did not realise most of us lived in Cairns and surrounding district, and it was 34 years since we were all back in boarding school. The night was full of old stories, boarding school mischief and laughter. We will not leave it for another 34 years before we catch up again.’ The PSA has had a successful year even though we had to cancel most of our events. We have been working
24 July 2021
hard behind the scenes supporting our archivist Toni Lanphier and also working with her to produce a new
▪ 1:30pm - Reunion
Honour Board featuring the Sisters, School Principals and Board Chairpersons who have made the school what it is today.
School Tour ▪ 6:30pm - Reunion Dinner
Please check out our website for information about the class of 2020 Back to School BBQ in January and this is where you can also update your details. https://www.cathedral.qld.edu.au/past-students-association I hope that everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please stay tuned for our 2021 events. Tom Porter | President PSA
PSA President
▪ thomas.porter@cathedral.qld.edu.au Event Name
cathedral.qld.edu.au/past-students-association Facebook @theCathedralSchoolPastStudentsAssociation 154 Ross River Road, Mundingburra PO Box 944, Aitkenvale, Queensland 4812 Australia
▪ Event Name
Porter H EMrATom DIN G
Telephone (07) 4722 2000
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Keble Cup celebrates My name is Natalie Cook
Keble House, one of the
and I live on a cattle
houses that was
property called Channel
disbanded in 1981.
Downs, 600km west of
Their colours were blue
Townsville near Julia
and yellow and their
Creek. I have been a
badge is in the display
boarder at The Cathedral
cabinet in Heatley
School from Year 7
through to Year 12. 2020
Keble House, along with Broughton House, was introduced in
is my graduation year
1972. Broughton won the inter-house competition three years in a row,
and was also the
1974, 75 and 76, but Keble in their nine years won no trophies or
introduction of ATAR in Queensland.
Boarding life is unique and although it can be difficult being so far
We honour Keble House in the Middle School through the Keble Cup.
from home, there are benefits. One of those is the ability to spend
Each house runs one event during the year and points are awarded.
large amounts of time, including many of my weekends, studying in
The house with the most points at the end of the year is declared the
the comfort of my private room, not having to worry about meal
winner. Bede House has won the Keble Cup for the last two years.
preparation or cleaning duties. But it is not all work and no play, with the occasional break for mini parties and birthday celebrations filling the year until we reached the external exams in Term 4. We Year 12’s sat the first ever external exams under the ATAR system, with English beginning on 26 October and concluding with Languages on the 17 November. Some exams I faced were more difficult than others such as Math Methods and Chemistry, but all
WHARE ARE THEY NOW? TAHNIA AH KIT Past boarder Tahnia (2015) has recently graduated from JCU and is currently working in her hometown of Mount Isa as a registered nurse.
required a positive attitude, good nights of sleep, and plenty of study. My subjects were all general, therefore, I had two exams in the first
week, and the remaining 4 exams in the second week. I spent my
Cassandra (2016) has been a
third week of externals relaxing and preparing for formal on 20
governess for three different
November, whilst other boarders headed home to de-stress.
families and heading to her fourth
Time out has definitely been needed after the full-on year of a heavy
station. She has completed a
school workload that was placed upon our shoulders, not only
Certificate 3 in Education Support
navigating a new senior school assessment system, but also the
and is now studying externally for a
implications of COVID, on schooling. The timetable of external exams
Bachelor in Primary Education.
does not follow a normal school day timetable, but the boarding staff ensured that we were able to come ‘home’ after exams. The boarding mealtimes cohesively cooperated with allowing us Year 12’s to relax, eat, sleep and study for the next exam and continue to make
JACQUELINE CURLEY Jacqueline Curley (Hasted Yr 10 1968) has just been named ‘Inspirational Woman of the Year’ by the Queensland
memories in boarding.
Rural, Regional and Remote Women’s Boarding has played a major role in the development of who I am, and I am forever grateful for all that I have achieved and experienced,
Network for her advocacy for farmers during the drought.
thanks to boarding. Jackie Natalie Cook Graduating Class of 2020
PSA President Mr Tom Porter Telephone (07) 4722 2000 thomas.porter@cathedral.qld.edu.au
cathedral.qld.edu.au/past-students-association Facebook @theCathedralSchoolPastStudentsAssociation 154 Ross River Road, Mundingburra PO Box 944, Aitkenvale, Queensland 4812 Australia t