Senior School Handbook - The Cathedral School

Page 5


University Entrance

In Year 10 students take a group of core subjects (taken by all students) and elective subjects (taken by some students).

Students who are planning to go to university after graduating will generally study six general subjects or five general subjects and one applied subject or one Certificate course of Cert III or higher. A prerequisite for most University courses is a satisfactory grade in English or EAL (English as an Additional Language). However, it is important to be aware of other prerequisite subjects that may be needed for entry into a specific Undergraduate degree. Please note that all tertiary providers have Foundation or Pathway courses for initial entry into University, if the required ATAR or prerequisites are not met from school study.

The core subjects are English, Mathematics (Advanced, General or Essential), Science, Humanities, Christian Education, Lifeskills Physical Education and Personal Development. Elective subjects consist of Drama, Music, Japanese, Visual Art, Food Technology, Digital Technology, Production Design Technology, Graphical Design Technology, Health & Physical Education and Certificate II in Workplace Skills. Music, Japanese and the Certificate II in Business (aimed at vocational students), are yearlong electives and all other electives are studied for one semester. Students taking Japanese or Music in Year 10 are expected to have studied these subjects in Year 9.

YEARS 11 AND 12 There are many pathways that students in their senior years can take. It is important in the first instance for students to have a general idea of what they wish to do on leaving school as this will determine a student’s choice of academic program. Students at Cathedral will study English and Mathematics and will choose four other electives.

Vocational Study Options Students who wish to combine school studies with vocational studies can do so at Cathedral. Some students even keep the tertiary study option open while taking up vocational studies. Within the six subjects students elect to study over years 11 and 12, internal and external Certificate courses, school-based traineeships and apprenticeships and regular work experience can all be included. In this way, students can learn valuable skills (while still at school) which they can demonstrate to an employer on graduation. A robust and full school-leavers resume can be an important component of a vocational student’s repertoire of learning upon completing Year 12. For a more thorough list of vocational courses, please turn to pages 60-62. At the end of Year 12 all students are eligible for a Queensland Certificate of Education(QCE). This certificate records a student’s performance in a wide range of studies that can be undertaken in Years 10, 11 and 12, including both academic and vocational forms of learning. The management of a student’s eligibility for a QCE occurs on an individual basis at the school. This process is managed by the Careers Advisor and Director of Studies.


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