The Connection Newsletter | April 2011 | Number 44

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Cathedral helps put the“well” back into Cardwell State School

Sister Schools share the Limelight

RSVP for Reunion Weekend!




After surviving the wrath of Cyclone Yasi, which shook Townsville quite severely, the School is almost back to normal. While we have been very lucky compared to some of our Northern neighbours with very minimal structural damage to School buildings, the mess that greeted us on the morning after Yasi came through was quite alarming. It was only through the tireless efforts of the boarding staff and students, the maintenance staff, and many other staff members, students and families that we were able to open the school after 3 days of closure. Our magnificent leafy green campus has taken a severe battering, but our signature rain trees have held strong in the storm and will no doubt return to their former beauty. We expect that the campus will be both fully recovered from cyclone damage and building site free for this year’s Reunion weekend in July. We look forward to welcoming past students from both St. Anne’s and The Cathedral School for our 94th celebration of the School’s opening. This year the Foundation Day ceremony will include the official opening of the significantly upgraded Sister Francis Boarding House, which I know many of our former students will be excited to see. As usual, we will be conducting tours of the School on the Saturday of the Reunion week end, something I know that past students really enjoy doing.




The Reunion weekend is a fantastic opportunity for old friends and classmates to get together to reminisce about their school days and I encourage all of those who can fit the events of this week end into their busy schedules to do so. Friday 22 July will see the Foundation Day service and Lagoon Dash occurring in the morning, with the five year reunion of the Class of 2006 happening late afternoon. We are very pleased that St. Anne’s girl, former School Captain, and Medal of Order of Australia recipient Sonya Bernhardt has agreed to be the guest speaker at our ceremony and to assist the Bishop of North Queensland in opening the new building. The Past Students’ Association dinner on Saturday night will again bring together tables of students experiencing their 10th, 20th, 30th etc anniversary.There will be two services at St James Cathedral that week end which both present and past students are invited to attend. On Saturday afternoon the Langton House family service will be conducted, and then on Sunday morning the Cathedral’s St Anne’s Day service will be held at 9:00am. It is sure to be a wonderful week end. Mr Ian Gamack Principal

Pictured on the front cover: Middle School students Conor Newman (left) and James Piggot (right) cook the BBQ with Mr Darren Parks, Head of Middle School on the Queenslander themed Free Dress Day held to raise money for cyclone victims.

The Cathedral School of St Anne & St James PO Box 944, Aitkenvale QLD 4814 154 Ross River Road, Mundingburra Telephone: (07) 4722 2000 Facsimilie: (07) 4722 2111 Email: Web:

Cathedral survives the wrath of Cyclone Yasi

Year 9 Cyclone Yasi Poems

Lots of trees down at The Cathedral School after Cyclone Yasi, fortunately there was no building damage.

Though school may have been cancelled and many families were preparing for the worst in North Queensland, about 70 boarders of The Cathedral School in Townsville were still at school, nervously waiting and watching the radar, getting the latest updates on Cyclone Yasi. For many of the boarders who live inland, we had never experienced a cyclone, let alone a cyclone of Yasi’s magnitude. Wednesday 2 February was a day of preparation - window taping, charging lanterns and electronics and moving and tying down objects that may have been unstable during the winds. Teachers and staff were also anxiously watching, waiting and wondering how to control 70 boarders during a category five cyclone but as a group, we all did well throughout the night. In fact, most of us slept through the whole occurrence.

Nothing could prepare us for what we were about to see as we woke up and looked out our windows. The lagoon, which had previously been drained, had already flooded. A thick layer of leaf litter, debris, trees and their branches covered the school grounds. Believe me, if you walked into the school before the clean up, you wouldn’t even recognise the place. The cleaning up effort on Friday put in by the boarders was astounding! We were all eager to start moving the branches, trees, leaves and sticks. Hundreds of man hours of cleaning up were completed within just a few hours. On behalf of all the boarders I would like to say a big thank you to our Principal, Mr Ian Gamack, Director of Boarding, Mr Jock Walker-Campbell, Head of Residence, Girls, Miss Rayna Page, Head of Residence, Boys, Mr Mark Muguira, Mrs Shelley Koch and all the other staff who were involved in the cyclone with us. We thank you all very much for keeping all of us safe, upto-date, calm and happy before, during and after Cyclone Yasi. I think many would agree when I say, this will be a memory that will stay with us for years to come. Written by Remy Atkinson, Year 11 Boarder from Dimbulah

The boy and girl boarding students after the Cyclone Yasi clean up.

The Yasi Rap

ry five Cyclone Yasi - a catego arrive After preparation, it did g, hin eec scr d an Whooshing AP! SN a h wit s he It threw branc us off the map. e wip n’t It’s very lucky it did her ground. rising, got to get to hig ly ick qu s ter wa the th Wi that nobody drowned. It is extremely fortunate g on with our lives But we must keep movin wnsville did survive! A giant of a cyclone, To wart,Year 9 Written by Zoe Ste

The boarders do a great job cleaning up after Cyclone Yasi APRIL 2011


Cathedral helps put the “well” back into Cardwell State School

Students of The Cathedral School came to school dressed in a “Queenslander” themed outfit in order to raise funds for Cardwell State School on Friday 18 February. Cardwell suffered greatly from the full force of Cyclone Yasi when the Category 5 cyclone hit the North Queensland coast earlier this year. The reason Cardwell State School was chosen as the recipient of the fundraising is because this year’s School Captain, Samuel Hoare is a past student of the school. Samuel’s family lives in Cardwell and he attended the school during his primary school years so this made it a fitting choice. A massive $4,600 was raised for Cardwell State School to assist with their cyclone recovery and restoration efforts. Funds were raised through the Queenslander themed free dress day and sausage sizzles at the swimming carnivals run by the Parents & Friends Association. Well done to everyone who assisted with this great cause!

Meet the School Leaders of


Congratulations to all students who were inducted into their respective leadership positions on Wednesday, February 16. Fellow students and staff, along with friends and family celebrated with The Cathedral School’s new leaders for 2011 at an Induction Ceremony and morning tea held at the School’s Rock Centre and Function Lawn. Pictured: The Right Rev’d Bishop Bill Ray and Mr Ian Gamack with the 2011 School Captains Samuel Hoare (left) and Alexandra Kanowski (right)



Sister Schools share the Limelight Mrs Katrina Wilshire Rowing Program Coordinator

For many years, Cathedral has maintained a healthy rivalry with our sister school, St Aidan’s in Brisbane. Their rowing coordinator and I have met, on many occasions and chatted at the podium at State Titles, while our students have received their medals. So much so, that a few years back, a group of our senior girls were just as excited to be sharing the podium with their friendly rivals, as they were at winning the race. It was hugs all round! Last year, it was to our delight that four of our Year 11 boys were asked to row a mixed eight with four of the St Aidan’s girls at the State Rowing Championships in Bundaberg. The icing on the cake was that the coxswain was from our other sister school St Margaret’s, as were the blades. The rowers completed a great 500m dash, made some new friends, and the three sister Anglican schools were seen by all to be enjoying a healthy involvement in sport, while on this special occasion all working hard for the same team.

Clean Up Australia Day With the slogan of this year’s Clean Up Australia Day being “You’ll sleep well at night knowing that you’ve helped out on Clean Up Australia Day”, The Cathedral School community certainly slept well after they took part in Clean Up Australia Day on Sunday 6 March at Rossiter Park, Aitkenvale. Over 450 people from the Cathedral community gave up their Sunday morning to help out this great cause despite the wet weather earlier in the morning. Thank you to everyone who attended. 2011 marks the 21st year since The Cathedral School first became involved in the program. The school community has been involved in cleaning up the same site over the years, removing rubbish from along both banks of Ross River from Aplin’s Weir down to the Charles Barton Bridge.

On 10 January 2011 The Cathedral School was excited to open its brand new Pre-Prep Centre catering for children from 3 and a half years of age. With an emphasis on learning through play and positive social interactions with peers, the children will begin to develop the frameworks for a life-long educational journey. The 1.1 million dollar project offers children a spacious and well-resourced area to learn and play. A fully fenced, shady playground provides a safe and attractive space out of doors, whilst classroom areas are colourful, comfortable and welcoming spaces. Pre-Prep student Jack Nicolls enjoys his first day of school in the new centre. APRIL 2011


Cla ss of 2010

Life is a journey - enjoy every moment

House Spirit Hat-trick for More House

The newest school trophies were fiercely competed for at this year’s Junior, Middle and Senior School swimming carnivals. The trophies for “House Spirit” were donated by the Past Students’ Association with the aim of becoming more involved in school events. It was great to see the all the students dress up, cheer loudly and participate in this very important event. The judging of the trophy is the responsibility of the House Deans and is presented to the House Captains at the end of the carnival by a past students’ representative. This year More House was lucky enough to win all three trophies. I had the honour as Vice- President of the Past Students’ Association to present all the trophies to my old house - MORE and to my younger brother Lachlan Porter, who is one of the 2011 More House Captains with Maree Christensen. Tom Porter, Class of 2007 Vice President, Past Students’ Association

Versatility is a difficult, yet necessary, skill for Cathedral Rowers Composite crews are a great skill developer and learning experience for all students involved. Our rowers participate in composite crews at many regattas: local ones between our own year groups; at state level with different regions; and now at National level with other strong schools. It is obvious as a school rowing program, that we have reached a new height, when we are being sought to make crews with other schools. It is even greater when our rowers take up the front seats, are the pace-setters and then win races. A highlight of the 2011 National Rowing Championships held at Westlakes in Adelaide was two of our girls, Alexandria McDonald (current student) and Larissa Allingham (past student, 2010), taking command of a composite crew of Somerville House and Toowong Rowing Club athletes. They were all smiles after winning a Silver medal in the Under 19 Women’s Eight. Not only do our students become competent sweep-oar and sculling rowers, they are valued and versatile crew members wherever they compete and have a very prestigious silver medal to show for it. GO TEAM CATHEDRAL! Mrs Katrina Wilshire Rowing Program Coordinator



Tweet Tweet

The Cathedral School has joined the social networking revolution and now has a Twitter Profile - TCSTownsville and a Facebook Page – The Cathedral School of St Anne & St James – Townsville. Next time you’re logged on to one of these sites don’t forget to become a “follower” on Twitter and “like” us on Facebook.

Both profiles are moderated by school staff and we will be posting regular updates and photos from recent events and activities around the school.

Staff Profile

David Phillips - Bede House Dean

David (never Dave), enjoys travelling with his wife Idoya and son Patxi, mainly to Spain to spend time with family and friends. He is a life member of Brothers Rugby Club in Townsvillle and tries to get to games when he can. David enjoys running, gardening and fishing.

How long have you been teaching at Cathedral? About 18 years. I was part time in 1991 for 1 year and after going away for some years came back part time in 1994 and full time in the middle of 1994.

What is the best part about your job? Teaching things to students and seeing them understand it for the first time.

If you weren’t a teacher what do you think you would be? I’d probably still be a fitter and turner somewhere. I would probably be in a remote mine somewhere in the world. Or maybe an engineer or a gardener.

What do you like most about The Cathedral School? The honesty and sincerity of our students.

What was your favourite subject at school?

Health and Physical Education, and Lunchtime.

Staff Profile Leanne Beal Dean of Year 7

How long have you been teaching at Cathedral?

I have been at Cathedral for 15 years and teaching here for 14 years.

What is the best part about your job? Working in Middle School allows me to see students develop and change as they move from Junior School through to Year 12. There is so much happening for students in those adolescent years and it is great to be a part of the team helping them along their path.

If you weren’t a teacher what do you think you would be? I can’t remember wanting to be anything else but a teacher. I was interested in forensics and medical procedures but realised I didn’t have the skills in Chemistry to make that happen! So, I guess if I could be anything else and could magically get the knowledge required, it would be something in that field.

What do you like most about The Cathedral School? I love that fact that the whole school is together on one campus from Prep to Year 12. The school really does have a sense of community and support and I don’t think many schools have that in the same way we do.

After completing her Bachelor of Teaching in Brisbane, Leanne moved to Townsville in 1993 to undertake further studies; intending to stay for one year and return to Brisbane. It didn’t quite work out that way. She enjoyed life in Townsville and began working at a Child Care Centre in 1994. 1996 was an important year; she met her now husband Peter and was offered the position of Outside School Hours Care Coordinator here at Cathedral, to begin early in 1997 following her wedding. And the rest, as they, is history. Leanne took up a teaching role the next year, with a Year 2 class, and taught in many grades across the Junior School until 2006 when, looking for a new direction, she took on a position as one of four teachers with the inaugural Middle School cohort. Leanne now has the position of Year 7 Dean and thoroughly enjoys working with the students in the Middle School, something she never dreamed she would enjoy back when she was working with Year 1 and 2 students! Her son, Conlan, 10, has been at Cathedral since Kindy. Leanne, Peter and Conlan are happy to be a part of the Cathedral community.

APRIL 2011


President s Report - Past Students Association We all have our memories of our years at The Cathedral School. I know when I look back and see the changes, I feel lucky to have been part of our school. Many past students and current students have told me they feel the same. As a member of the Past Students’ Association Committee over the past 12 years, I have been involved in these changes and have met many wonderful people. It is always a pleasure interviewing the Year 11 students for the Past Students’ Association Scholarship as they remind us of the community spirit that the school has for everyone. We surprised everyone at the final assembly last year when I announced that as we were celebrating 30 years of being fully co-educational to Year 12, we were going to award two scholarships, one to a boy and one to a girl who most embodies the spirit of the school and upholds its values. We congratulate the 2011 Past Students’ Scholarship recipients, Jacinta Conroy and Stuart Hubbert. As part of our committee, they are already helping us plan future events at the school.

Pictured:Tom Porter, Vice President (left) and Sandra Hubert, We are looking at standing out this year, so keep your eye on the up and President (right) with the 2011 Past Students’ Scholarship coming events. Some of these events are a Touch Football game between Recipients Stuart Hubbert and Jacinta Conroy past and present students, planning for a tour of the old school sites I’m sure each year gets better. Last year we said goodbye to a great group of Year 12 students with music, love and laughter. Everyone from teachers, students, parents and past students will tell you how much they enjoyed the events leading up to the last days of school. Even some of the staff put on a show for the graduating class of 2010; a wonderful memory for all of us.

Inaugural Past Students

including Ravenswood, the annual Reunion Dinner, a wine and cheese night and the rest you’ll have to wait for. I wish you all a safe and happy year and I look forward to seeing you at the next event. Sandra Hubert (nee Foster 1976 – 1980) Past Students’ Association President

VS Current


Touch Football Challenge

The Inaugural Past Students versus Current Students Touch Football Challenge was held on the School Oval on Sunday 17 October. The game was a new initiative of the Past Students’ Association which is introducing new events to keep the more recent graduates of the school connected with each other and with the school. This game was the first event of the new Special Events Sub-Committee who will be running two events a year, apart from the annual reunion activities on Foundation Weekend.

good chance to relax and enjoy the company of old and new friends. Many of the past students then took themselves for a tour of the school and were impressed with the recent changes. The afternoon however was not such a great result for the past students – they were soundly defeated by the current students. Josh Pollock (Year 12), the Past Students’ Association scholarship holder, accepted the trophy on behalf of the current students. The Past Students’ Association is looking forward to next year with a couple of major events on the drawing board so stay tuned.

It was a great afternoon of fun and fellowship. We saw about 70 past and current students there. It was nice to see a spread of past students from last year all the way back to 1988. Tom Porter (Graduated 2007) There was a BBQ and drinks after the match, which was a Past Students’ Association Vice-President

The Current Students team - the winners 8


The Past Students team

Past Student Profiles Louise Hanrahan (2008) – Bede House

Stand out memories from your years at Cathedral: The years I spent at Cathedral have definitely afforded me many memories. Of course, all the school camps have been very memorable – days spent trekking through Paluma and sailing through Hinchinbrook are not easily forgotten! Most memories do come from my final two years at Cathedral – especially many from my teachers. Chemistry lessons with Carmo, wondering when I was ever going to need to know how to balance equations (which I did use after school, much to my surprise), tutor group every morning with Cliffey, and choir rehearsals in the afternoons with Mrs Orr, are all times I talk about with other past students or with my friends at uni. What have you been up to since finishing school? Since finishing school, I took a gap year living in Dublin, Ireland, as a sports teacher, hockey coach and boarding house supervisor. I can honestly say that this was one of the greatest experiences of my life; though it was definitely a shock moving from an Australian summer to snow! In that year, I trained a student who became best in county Leinster for her age group at shot-put; helped Spanish exchange students with little English settle into a new country; and even supervised a week-long outdoor education program in Delphi, county Mayo. As well as working, I travelled all through Europe, seeing sites through Norway and Finland, sailing through Greece, and travelled throughout France, Italy, Germany and Spain, to name a few countries. After finishing in Ireland, I began studying Dentistry at James Cook University in Cairns in February 2010. I am now in my second year, and it is truly something I love.

Melissa Prince (nee Feather) 1989 -1997

Melissa’s memories of her 9 years at Cathedral are cherished. Cooking classes with Mrs Lauder, swimming carnivals, musicals, the Deb Ball and Formal were all good times. Melissa or affectionately known as Mel or Molly, was involved with the choreography for 4 of the school musicals. Dancing was Melissa’s passion and it became her career. On leaving school, she travelled overseas with Extensions Youth Dance Company and studied dance at QUT in Brisbane. Back in Townsville, Melissa took up competitive ballroom dancing where she met her prince charming. They have danced many floors together achieving 26th at the 2005 Australian Ballroom Championship and the highest placed Queensland Couple in the National Competition in 2006. Retiring from competition isn’t the end of the fairytale as Melissa & Rohan Prince were married in 2008. Their first business “Bridal Blitz”, teaches couples to dance and prepare for their wedding including shoes, hair and makeup. They have recently opened their own dance centre “Dancensations” in Kirwan, where they teach Ballroom, Latin, New Vogue, Ballet, Zumba, Pilates and more. A monthly cabaret is enjoyed by all. This keeps them very busy but The Cathedral School has always held a special place for Melissa. So she loves creating and teaching the students to dance for their Debutant Ball each year.

s t n e d u t s t s a P l o o h c s e h t vi sit

June Gilmore (nee Heatley - Class of 1946) and Thea Cowie (nee Heatley - Class of 1952) whilst on holiday in Townsville recently paid a visit to the school, particularly interested to see the changes to Heatley House.Theirs is a very personal connection to both the school and the Mundingburra site. Their mother was Alice Heatley – one of the original students of St Anne’s School when it opened in July 1917. Their uncle was Bill Heatley, the owner of Heatley House, and the girls have fond memories of visiting their cousins in their beautiful home and enjoying the magnificent gardens around the homestead. They remember black swans on the lagoon and beautiful pheasants in the bird cage. They also remember Bill’s magnificent flower gardens, which were well-known throughout Townsville in the 1930’s and 40’s.

The original Honour Board in the school reception area prompted lots of reminiscing about their school friends, and a walk through the halls and rooms of Heatley House provided glimpses of yesteryear, particularly in the panelled walls, parquetry floor and leadlight windows. Both June and Thea were impressed with the recent refurbishment of the front of the building. They commented that the twin gables and covered walkways have really added to the appeal of the building. Two more generations have attended the school since June was here - her daughter Jane Kippin (nee Gilmore - Class of 1969) and granddaughter Louisa Kippin (School Captain - 2001) have continued the family’s close connection with St Anne’s and The Cathedral School.

APRIL 2011


2005 Reu n i on

jamin Connor

Luke Richards, David Cliffe, Ben

Barbara Lansbury, Ch

loe Shiells, Tegan Nich

olson and Kirsten Lee

Paul Venn and James Dunbar

Sean Turner, Rhys Whalley, James Graw and Benjamin Connor

Rachelle Thomson, Chloe Shiells and Megan Geaney

1990 Reunion

The graduating class of 1990 celebrated their 20 Year Reunion last September. 20 of us met outside the Dining Hall for morning tea and a tour of the school grounds. From a nervous start at seeing old friends after such a long time, we soon slipped into comfortable and friendly conversation and it felt like it was only yesterday that we were students again. Most of us hadn’t seen each other since graduating and to tell the truth – we really haven’t changed that much! Pictures of children were swapped and stories told of various careers and achievements. From doctors, nurses, police officers, private business owners and that wonderful profession of motherhood it was great to see how ‘well balanced and successful’ we actually all turned out! John Rauch and Judy Newman joined us for the tour and the evening at the Watermark which really added to the fun and storytelling. Although many weren’t able to make it (2 babies were being born so that’s a good excuse!!) we thoroughly enjoyed catching up with school mates and hope that even more can attend for our 30 year reunion! Thank you to everyone for making the trip and to those who helped organise it all. Finally a note to the Year 12 students who are graduating this year – keep in touch.. because you will never have friends like the ones you make at school! Written by Angie D’Arcy (nee Raasch) 10


Above: Sally Simpson (nee Ford) Katrina Verevis (nee Burgess), Kerry Spillane, Katie Davies (nee Moore) and Cheryl Lamb (nee Rickets) Right: Darian Promnitz and Troy Burnett

Errolynne Cross, Kylie Sherwin, Warwick Kahl, Judy Newman and Damian McDonald

h c u o t n i g n i p e e K

Maureen Kille (nee Sullivan) from the Class of 1961 recently sent in these photos to share with everyone. “This is the year of 1961 (pictured left) and we are all still in touch. Some of us will definitely be attending our 50 year celebrations this year.” This is a photo of the ladies in 2010 (pictured right) in the same order as the photo from 1961. Unfortunately Caroline Archer was absent. 1961 Photo Back Row (left to right) Genny Ensor (nee Holland), Gill Doley (nee Craddock), Caroline Archer and Maureen Kille (nee Sullivan) Front Row (left to right) Robyn Baily (nee Washbourne), Sandra Boyd and Lyn Illingsworth (nee Martel)

Sonja Bernhardt

The Cathedral School would like to congratulate Sonja Bernhardt, CEO of ThoughtWare Australia, who was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for her outstanding contribution to the information technology industry. Sonja, a former St Anne’s student and school captain who graduated in 1976 is the 30th IT professional in Australia to be recognised by the Order of Australia and the first Queensland female in IT to receive it. When asked what her fondest memories of the school were, Sonja replied “I LOVED my time at St Anne’s, as the school was then known. Mrs Armati’s knowledge and guidance excited me with a thirst to continue to strive to be my best and to seek challenges. I took this away with me and it helped drive my interest in the information technology sector and also in being part of a community.” “Even memories of ‘knicker’ checks by the nuns and being caught hiding Milo in my laundry bag and being reprimanded by Mrs Mac are all fond memories and have helped shape me,” added Sonja.

Tracking down history “We are moving the School to Ravenswood” – “Have decided to evacuate to Ravenswood.” Again and again Sister Francis’ signature followed words destined to open a new chapter in the history of St. Anne’s School. The decision had not been easy to make; such a transplanting was bound to present innumerable difficulties, as well as tremendous financial risk, but the work of our School must go on, the need outweighed the hazard of the venture. (Dawn Magazine, 1942) Our wonderful school has played a major part in the history of Townsville and has given us the opportunity to look back and see how much the school has grown. During World War II the school moved from the site in Walker Street where the Townsville City Council Chambers is currently located to the small outback town of Ravenswood.

2012 will mark the year that it has been 70 years since the school moved out there. The Past Students’ Association is looking for old memorabilia, stories and photos from the move and the time spent in Ravenswood.We are also planning to hold an event in Ravenswood next year so stay tuned for more information. If anyone has old history of the school I would love to hear from you, please email me: Tom Porter (Graduated 2007) Past Students’ Association Vice President

APRIL 2011


2011 Reunion Contacts Class of 2006 – Sarah Hanrahan or 0400 326 010 Class of 2001 – Louisa Kippin or 0408 798 806 Class of 1991 – Paul Lyons or 0412 591 311 Class of 1981 – Jackie Mealey or 0402 021 964 and Lissa Everest (nee Schmidt) Class of 1971 – Josie Archer or 0417 766 357 Class of 1961 – Genny Ensor (nee Holland) or 0439 619 588 or 07 3353 3917

Founded 1917

Class of 1961

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The annual reunion activities will be on the weekend following Foundation Day. As has become the custom, the focus will be on the 10-year groups, but all past students are welcome to attend, and to gather as many friends as they can to make it a great event.


2012 Reunions

Class of 1992 Rayna Page 0407 159 437 Julie Hosking (nee Scott) 4722 2065 Class of 1972 Joanne Gowen (nee Beauchamp) 0458 778 151

Program of events: Friday 22 July 5.30 - 7pm Saturday 23 July 2pm - 4pm 6.30 - late Sunday 24 July 9.00am

Drinks by the Lagoon for the Class of 2006 School Tour & Afternoon Tea AGM of Past Students’ Association Annual Reunion Dinner – School Dining Room Church service at St James’ Cathedral


RSVP for REUNION WEEKEND Please remove and return by 8 July The Cathedral School, PO Box 944 Aitkenvale Q 4814

Name ________________________________________Previous surname______________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________ Email_________________________________________Phone_ ______________________________________ Years at the school_______________to______________, attending in Grades______________to_____________ I/We will be attending: H Class of 2006 Drinks by the Lagoon

Number attending:_ ____________________________

H Tour & Afternoon tea

Number attending:_ ____________________________

H Reunion Dinner at $35/person

Number attending:_ ____________________________

H Service at St James’ Cathedral

Number attending:_ ____________________________

I enclose dinner payment of $_________ by cheque or credit card Card type_ ____________________________________Name on card ________________________________ Card number______________________________________________________ Expiry date________________ 12


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