Catherine Chung Journal Entries Semester 3 - Summer 2023
June 20th, 2023 Today’s clinic went somehow well although I was a little disappointed about myself taking so long to finish a patient. I couldn’t find a specific code on softdent to properly chart on HTC and had to ask the faculty help. For the next time, I need to pick back up the pace that I had last semester. June 21, 2023 Today’s clinic session was a full time day and it was exhausting. I was embarrassed and sad that I couldn’t treat my patient since his classification required more advanced skills than I have right now and had to dismissed him. For my second my patient everything went well and got to finish them in one appointment. One big take away from this session is to start timing for each assessments so that I will finish on time the patient. June 27, 2023 Overall today’s clinic was great although it didn’t start as I planned. I was disappointed to not be able to finish my patient because he had to leave . The good point was I got approved for sealant. The second clinic session went great, took multiple competencies and successfully passed them. June 28th, 2023 This morning clinic session went very slow. I was struggling taking FMX on my patient and at the end of the session faculty told me that I should kept this patient for next semester because of his tenacious calculus. So, I was a little bit disappointed. The second session in the afternoon, I had another patient with tenacious calculus and it was very hard for me to removed all calculus. It was my first time hand-scaling a patient with tenacious calculus ( classification 3). I think angulation and fulgruming was my main issue. July 3rd, 2023 Today’s clinic was great and very productive. I did multiple competency and finish scaling one of my patient and started a new patient and scaled them. Overall, I felt that I was efficient for the first time this semester. Taking sealant comp was very challenging. I t was my first time doing it on a real patient and didn’t expect that It would be that challenging. Patient’s tongue was on the way and needed extra cotton roll and dry angle to make sure the area where I worked on was dry. July 5th, 2023 I felt great today because I got to finish my class 2 patient in one appointment and scaled another patient. I felt accomplished at the end of the day. I found very convenient scaling while standing. I felt like I have more strength on my hand.
July 7th, 2023 It was a great Monday clinic session with all my goals for the day accomplished. I was a little worried about my patient because he seemed to be uncomfortable. So, I rushed to finish the appointment. At the end of the day, I called my patient to make sure he was ok. I found challenging scaling under crowns and I was always skeptical if calculus was still there. July 12th, 2023 Todays ’s clinic went smooth, although I felt I was slower than usual. My patient seemed very interested and where asking many questions. So I decide to take the time to explained everything and educate the patient instead of rushing to finish my patient. July 17th, 2023 No major issue encounter during this clinic session. It was a good clinic day! Everything went well like I planned.