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Priest assignments 2016 Bishop's letter on Mass attendance Diocesan News Ordination of Father Frels World Youth Day information Domingo, Día del Señor y Día Nuestro
Priest Assignments
For the good of the People of God in the Diocese of Tyler, Bishop Joseph E. Strickland has announced the following pastoral assignments and appointments. All assignments are effective August 1, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
Rev. Msgr. Zach Kunnakkattuthara assigned as Pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Marshall (from Coordinator of Diocesan Prison Ministry).
Rev. George Elliott, STL, assigned as Parochial Vicar of St. Michael Parish in Mount Pleasant (from full-time academic studies in Rome), effective August 17, 2016.
Rev. Lawrence Love assigned as Pastor of St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Mineola (from Administrator of St. Peter the Apostle Parish, Mineola).
Rev. Kevin Young assigned as Parochial Vicar of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Tyler (from Parochial Vicar of Our Lady of Victory Parish, Paris), effective August 4, 2016.
Rev. Steve Paradis assigned as Pastor of St. William of Vercelli Parish in Carthage (from Pastor of Holy Family Parish, Lindale).
Rev. Gary Rottman assigned as Coordinator of Diocesan Prison Ministry and appointed Dean of the Southwest Deanery (from Pastor of Most Holy Trinity, Trinity).
Very Rev. Lawrence Rasaian, JCD, JV, assigned as Pastor of Holy Family Parish in Lindale (from Administrator of St. Boniface Mission, Chandler). Father Rasaian will continue as Judicial Vicar of the Diocese of Tyler.
Rev. Luka Ulahannan, MSFS, assigned to pastoral care for the English-language community at St. Peter Claver Parish in Tyler. Father Ulahannan will continue as chaplain of CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Hospital in Tyler.
Rev. Christopher Ruggles, JCL, assigned as Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Nacogdoches and appointed Dean of the Southeast Deanery (from pastor of St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Frankston). Father Ruggles will continue as a judge of the Diocesan Tribunal.
Rev. Jesudoss Thomas, STL, assigned as Spiritual Director for Holy Trinity Seminary in Irving (from Pastor of St. William of Vercelli Parish, Carthage).
Rev. Jonathon Frels, PhD, assigned as Administrator of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Frankston (newly ordained).
Rev. Msgr. James Young granted retirement from active ministry and granted senior priest status (from Pastor of Sacred Heart, Nacogdoches).
Rev. Paul Key, STL, assigned as Administrator of St. Boniface Mission in Chandler (from pastoral care of English-language community at St. Peter Claver Parish, Tyler). Father Key will continue as Coordinator of Diocesan Campus Ministry. Rev. Carlos Rangel assigned as Administrator of Most Holy Trinity Parish in Trinity (from Parochial Vicar of Sacred Heart Parish, Nacogdoches).
Rev. Freddy Celano assigned as Administrator of Sacred Heart Parish in Mt. Vernon (from Parochial Vicar of St. Michael Parish, Mt. Pleasant), effective August 17, 2016.. Rev. Jose Marin assigned as Administrator of Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission in New Summerfield, and as Parochial Vicar of Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Jacksonville (from Administrator of San Pedro Mission, Tatum and Parochial Vicar of St. Joseph Parish, Marshall). Rev. John Henao-Lopez, STL, assigned as Parochial Vicar of Sacred Heart Parish in Nacogdoches (from full-time academic studies in Rome), effective August 17, 2016. Rev. Steve Duyka, released from service as Administrator of Sacred Heart Parish in Mt. Vernon, continuing as Parochial Vicar of Sacred Heart Parish, Texarkana, effective August 17, 2016.
Rev. Elipido Lopez-Rodriguez assigned as Administrator of San Pedro the Fisherman Mis- Rev. Morgan White assigned to the Liturgical Institute at the Universion in Tatum (from Administrator of Our Lady sity of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Ill., for full-time academic studies in Sacred Liturgy (from Pastor of St. Joseph Parish, Marof Guadalupe Mission, New Summerfield). shall)
Bishop Strickland’s Pastoral Exhortation on the Sunday Obligation
s we continue in the liturgical season of Ordinary Time, a large portion of which falls during the summer months, it is appropriate for us to briefly reflect on our participation in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on Sundays, and the Christian duty that each of us has to offer praise to God on this day. Having instituted the Sabbath Day at the creation of the world, the Lord commanded the people of the Old Covenant to keep the day holy by resting from labor. 1 The chosen people rested in him, on his day - the Lord’s day - as a sign of the covenant he had made with them. This was a day to remember and praise the Lord for the many blessings he had given to the Israelites, from creation through the exodus from slavery in Egypt. When Jesus Christ, the long-awaited Messiah and God incarnate, dwelling among us, rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples on Easter Sunday, the day after the Sabbath and the first day of the week, this became the day for his followers to mark the new beginning, the New Covenant formed by Christ’s victory over sin, darkness and death. Christ fulfilled the promises of the Old Covenant, thus Jesus became the true place of rest, the true Sabbath.2 In time, and by the authority of the Church, the followers of Christ began to celebrate the day of the Resurrection as the preeminent day while continuing to honor the moral and spiritual command of the Sabbath. 3 Sunday distinguishes Christians from the world around us and is an indispensable element of our Christian identity. 4 In the words of St. Jerome, “Sunday is the day of the Resurrection, it is the day of Christians, it is our day.”5 It is “our day” because it is when we participate in Jesus’ saving action, by celebrating and living his passion, resurrection and ascension. 6 How then do we participate in this work of Christ and offer God worship in the manner most pleasing to him? We do so by following the command of our Lord who, on the night before he died, divinely instituted the Holy Eucharist as a living memorial of his sacrifice and instructed those present to “do this in memory of me” (Lk. 22:19). When the priest, acting as Christ by virtue of his ordination, does as the Lord commanded, the once-for-all sacrifice on Calvary is made present; through our participation in it, we are filled with “every grace and heavenly blessing.”7 This re-presentation, which we call the Mass, is the true and perfect means of worship established by Christ, given to the Apostles and handed down to us today through their successors, the bishops, so that we can abide in Christ, and him in us ( Jn 6:56). The
Mass is the only worship a Christian can offer that is truly worthy of God, because it is a participation in the Son’s worship of the Father, in the Holy Spirit. All other worship flows from this. Out of justice for all that he has given us, we have the privilege and responsibility to worship our Creator. Because there is no other way to adequately give thanks and praise to the Father than by joining our worship to Christ’s, and because the Sacraments, most especially the Eucharist, are the source of the grace we need for our salvation8 , the Church obliges us in conscience to participate in the Eucharistic Sacrifice on Sundays and other holy days.9 The obligation is fulfilled by assisting at (attending) Mass offered any time after 4 p.m. on the preceding evening, or anytime on the Sunday or holy day.10 This also necessitates that we avoid any activities that would prevent the worship that is due to God or the rest of mind and body that is proper to Sunday. While attending Mass should always be seen as a great privilege, the Church knows that in our human weakness, we may be tempted to put other things before God. In light of this, the
Church has established that Catholics who willfully miss Mass on a Sunday or holy day without being excused for a serious reason (like illness, the care of infants or the sick, or obligatory work to support one’s family) commit a grave sin. 11 By divine law, anyone who is conscious of grave sin may not receive the Body of the Lord without having previously been to sacramental confession. 12 It should be noted that even though an individual may be in a situation which prevents them from worthily receiving the Eucharist, the obligation to attend Mass remains. Despite the pressures which can make our Sunday obligation difficult, none of us should be “deprived of the rich outpouring of grace with the celebration of the Lord’s Day brings.” 13 It is important for us to understand that Sunday worship is not merely a matter of discipline, but an expression of our relationship with God which is inscribed on the human heart (Ex 20:8). 14 While this relationship calls us to praise and thanksgiving at all times, it demands of us a special time of renewal and detachment when our prayers become explicit. 15 Many who profess faith in Jesus reject the idea that formal, communal worship of God is necessary. They would offer that Sunday can be honored and God can be worshiped in nature, or in private prayer or by reading Scripture from the comfort of one’s home. In part, this is true: God can and should be given worship at all times and from all places. But we worship “in spirit and truth” most perfectly in the way that Christ handed on to us through the Apostles. Further, we do not worship alone because we are not saved alone, but as members of the body of Christ – the Church. We are one in Christ and we share at the one table (Gal 3:28), so that we can strengthen one another under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I will conclude this reflection with two requests of great significance. To the pastors and priest-administrators of the Diocese of Tyler, I exhort you to ensure that the faithful, reverent and beautiful celebration of the Sunday Eucharist is and remains the central and most important activity of your parishes and missions! Never must the Mass be treated casually or as anything less than the moment when heaven and earth meet. Every liturgy we celebrate must be given the very best we have to offer. Everything in the life of your parish or mission must be ordered to it, and all of your other important works should flow from it. In the liturgy, God’s grace is poured on us so that he can be glorified and we can be made holy. 16 As an alter Christus, may the Holy Mass also be your source of strength and constant renewal as you bring God’s loving mercy to his holy people. To the mothers and fathers, commitment to weekly participation at Holy Mass, especially in our world today, is the most important thing you can do for your family. You must teach your children to understand and participate in the Sunday Mass. By your example, Mass should not be presented as a burden or something to be done before the fun can begin, but rather as a true source of joy and unity for your family. Further, flowing from your encounter with Christ as a family at Holy Mass, I encourage you to use Sundays as an opportunity for true recreation to build up your family relationships; perhaps this can be done by taking the opportunity to practice the Works of Mercy as a family. For all of us, may Sunday – the Lord’s Day and Our Day – always be a time when we celebrate the work of the Creator, remember our baptism, enter into the rest of God, renew our relationship with him, profess our faith, and offer back in sacrifice what God has given to us by celebrating the Paschal Mystery of
Christ and receiving him in the Eucharist that feeds us. Given at the Diocesan Chancery on June 29, 2016, the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul.
Joseph Edward Strickland Bishop of Tyler
1 Exodus 20:8-11 2 Apostolic Letter Dies Domini, 18 3 Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2175 4 Ibid., 30 5 In Die Dominica Paschae II, 52: CCL 78, 550 6 Dies Domini, 19 7 Roman Missal, Eucharistic Prayer 1: The Roman Cannon 8 CCC, 1129 9Code of Canon Law, 1247 10 Ibid., 1248 11 CCC, 2181 12 Ibid., 916 13 Dies Domini, 30 14 Ibid., 13 15 Ibid., 15 16 Apostolic Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium, 10
ientras continuamos en la estación litúrgica del Tiempo Ordinario, gran parte de la cual transcurre durante los meses de verano, es apropiado que reflexionemos brevemente acerca de nuestra participación en el Santo Sacrificio de la Misa los Domingos, y el deber cristiano que cada uno de nosotros tiene de ofrecer alabanza a Dios en este día. Habiendo instituido el día sábado (sabbat judío) en la creación del mundo, el Señor ordenó al pueblo del Antiguo Pacto guardar el día santo reposando de sus labores. 1 El pueblo escogido descansó en él, en su día—el día del Señor—como signo del pacto que hizo con ellos. Este era un día para recordar y alabar al Señor por las muchas bendiciones que les había dado a los israelitas, desde la creación hasta el éxodo de la esclavitud en Egipto. Cuando Jesucristo, el mesías esperado y Dios encarnado, habitando en medio nuestro, resucitó de los muertos y se apareció a sus discípulos el domingo de Pascua, el día después del sábado y el primer día de la semana, este se convirtió en el día en que sus seguidores marcaron un nuevo comienzo, el Nuevo Pacto llevado a cabo por la victoria de Cristo sobre el pecado, la oscuridad y la muerte. Cristo cumplió las promesas del Antiguo Pacto, convirtiéndose así en el verdadero lugar de reposo, el verdadero sábado.2 Con el tiempo, y por la autoridad de la Iglesia, los seguidores de Cristo comenzaron a celebrar el día de la resurrección como el día preeminente, mientras continuaban honrando el mandamiento moral y espiritual del sábado.3 El domingo distingue a los cristianos del mundo a nuestro alrededor y es un elemento de nuestra identidad cristiana.4 Como dijo San Jerónimo, “el domingo es el día de la resurrección, es el día de los cristianos, es nuestro día.”5 Es “nuestro día” porque es cuando participamos en la acción salvadora de Jesús al celebrar y vivir su Pasión, Resurrección y Ascensión.6 ¿Cómo, entonces, participamos en esta obra de Cristo y le ofrecemos a Dios adoracion en la manera que más le complazca? Lo hacemos siguiendo el mandamiento del Señor quien, la noche antes de morir, instituyó divinamente la Santa Eucaristía como el memorial viviente de su sacrificio e instruyó a los presentes diciéndoles “hagan esto en conmemoración mía” (Lucas 22:19). Cuando el sacerdote, actuando como Cristo en virtud de su ordenación, hace lo que el Señor ordenó, el sacrificio ofrecido una vez por siempre en el Calvario se hace presente; por nuestra participación en él, somos “colmados de gracia y bendición”.7 Esta re-presentación, que llamamos la Misa, es el medio verdadero y perfecto de adoración establecido por Cristo, dado a los Apóstoles y transmitido a nosotros hoy por sus sucesores, los obispos, para que permanezcamos en Cristo y él en nosotros ( Juan 6:56). La misa es la única adoración que un cristiano puede ofrecer que es verdaderamente digna de Dios, porque es una participación en la adoración del Hijo al Padre, en el Espíritu Santo.
Toda otra adoración fluye de esto. Tenemos el privilegio y la responsabilidad de adorar a Dios nuestro Creador, como un acto de justicia por todo lo que nos ha dado. Ya que no hay otro modo de dar alabanza y acción de gracias al Padre adecuadamente, y porque los sacramentos, especialmente la Eucaristía, son las fuentes de gracia que necesitamos para nuestra salvación,8 la Iglesia requiere en consciencia participar en el sacrificio eucarístico los domingos y otros días santos.9 Se cumple con la obligación asistiendo a misa ofrecida en cualquier momento después de las 4 PM en la tarde del día anterior, o en cualquier momento durante el domingo o el día de fiesta de precepto.10 Esto también nos impone la necesidad de evitar cualquier tipo de actividades que impidan la adoración que se le debe a Dios o el reposo de mente y cuerpo que es propio del domingo. Aunque asistir a la misa siempre debe ser visto como un gran privilegio, la Iglesia sabe que en nuestra debilidad humana podemos estar tentados a colocar otras cosas antes que Dios. A la luz de esta realidad, la Iglesia ha establecido que los católicos que voluntariamente no van a la misa en domingo o en días de fiestas de precepto sin haber sido excusados por una razón seria (como enfermedad, el cuidado de infantes o de los enfermos, o la obligación de trabajar para sostener la familia) cometen un pecado grave.11 Por ley divina,
cualquiera que esté consciente de pecado grave no puede recibir el Cuerpo del Señor sin previamente haber ido a confesión sacramental.12 Tenemos que tener en cuenta que aunque una persona pueda estar en una situación que le impida recibir dignamente la Eucaristía, la obligación de asistir a la misa permanece. A pesar de las presiones que puedan hacer dificultosas cumplir nuestra obligación dominical, ninguno de nosotros debe estar “privado del flujo abundante de gracia que lleva consigo la celebración del día del Señor.”13 Es importante que entendamos que la adoración dominical no es meramente una disciplina, sino una expresión de nuestra relación con Dios que está inscrita en el corazón humano (Éxodo 20:8).14 Aunque esta relación nos llama a alabar y a dar gracias en todo momento, también nos exige un tiempo especial de renovación y desprendimiento cuando nuestras oraciones se hacen explícitas. 15 Muchos que profesan fe en Jesús rechazan la idea que la adoracion a Dios formal y en comunidad sea necesaria. Ellos argumentan que el domingo puede ser honrado y Dios adorado en la naturaleza, o en la oración privada o leyendo la Escritura en la comodidad de su casa. En parte, esto es verdad: Dios puede y debe ser adorado en todo tiempo y en todo lugar. Pero adoramos “en espíritu y verdad” más perfectamente cuando lo hacemos en la manera que Cristo nos lo transmitió a través de los apóstoles. Más aun, no adoramos solos porque no somos salvados solos, sino como miembros del Cuerpo de Cristo—la Iglesia. Somos uno en Cristo y compartimos la misma mesa (Gálatas 3:28), para poder fortalecernos unos a otros bajo la guía del Espíritu Santo. Concluiré esta reflexión con dos peticiones de gran significado. A los pastores y sacerdotes administradores de la Diócesis de Tyler, les exhorto a que se aseguren que la celebración fiel, reverente y hermosa de la Eucaristía Dominical es y permanezca siendo la actividad central y más importante de sus parroquias y misiones. La misa nunca deber ser tratada casualmente o como algo menos que el momento en que el cielo y la tierra se encuentra. A cada liturgia que celebramos se le debe dar lo mejor que podemos ofrecer. Todo en la vida de su parroquia o misión debe estar subordinado a ello, y todo el resto de su importante trabajo debe fluir de ello. En la liturgia, la gracia de Dios es derramada sobre nosotros de tal modo que él sea glorificado y nosotros seamos hechos santos.16 Como alter Christus, que la Santa Misa sea su fuente de fortaleza y renovación constante mientras le llevan la misericordia amorosa de Dios a todo su pueblo santo. A las madres y padres, la cosa más importante que ustedes pueden hacer por sus familias, especialmente en el mundo de hoy, es el compromiso a la participación semanal en la Santa Misa. Ustedes
tienen que enseñarle a sus hijos a entender y a participar en la misa dominical. A través de su ejemplo, la misa no debe ser presentada como una carga o como algo que tiene que hacerse antes de que comienze el entretenimiento, más bien debe presentarse como una verdadera fuente de gozo y unidad para sus familias. Más aun, fluyendo de su encuentro con Cristo en la Santa Misa como familia, los animo a que usen los domingos como una oportunidad de verdadera recreación para edificar sus relaciones familiares; quizás esto pueda hacerse aprovechando la oportunidad para practicar las Obras de Misericordia como familia. Para todos nosotros, que el domingo—el Día del Señor y Nuestro Día—sea siempre un tiempo cuando celebramos la obra del Creador, recordemos nuestro bautismo, entremos en el reposo de Dios, renovemos nuestra relación con él, profesemos nuestra fe, y le ofrezcamos de vuelta en sacrificio lo que Dios nos ha dado celebrando el Misterio Pascual de Cristo y recibiéndolo en la Eucaristía que nos alimenta. Dado en la cancillería diocesana el 29 de junio de 2016, la Solemnidad de los Santos Pedro y Pablo.
Joseph Edward Strickland Bishop of Tyler 1 Éxodo 20:8-11 2 Carta Apostólica Dies Domini, 18 3 Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, 2175 4 Ibid, 30 5 In Die Dominica Pas 6 Dies Domini, 19 7 Misal Romano, Oración Eucarística 1: El Canon Romano 8 CIC, 1129 9 Código de Derecho Canónico, 1247 10 Ibid., 1248 11 CIC, 2181 12 Ibid, 916 13 Dies Domini, 30 14 Ibid., 13 15 Ibid., 15 16 Constitución Apostólica Sacrosanctum Concilium, 10
A continuation ofThe Acts of the Apostles The ordination of Father Jonathon Frels
For more photos from the ordination and other diocesan events, go to: Dioceseoftylerphotos.com TYLER – Bishop Joseph E. Strickland said that the ordination of Deacon Jonathon Frels to the priesthood is a sign that the work of the Church written about in the Acts of the Apostles continues today. “Through the Church that Jesus Christ established, his apostles continue to act,” Bishop Strickland said in his homily during the June 11 Mass of ordination in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. “We are an apostolic people. Along with Pope Francis and the bishops of the world, right here, right now, in this small but beautiful cathedral, we continue the very same acts, the same work of the Spirit. That is what we celebrate at this Mass.” The Acts of the Apostles “is all about mission,” Bishop Strickland said, “the preparation for the Christian mission, the mission to Jerusalem, the mission to Judea and Samaria, the mission to the gentiles, the mission through St. Paul to the ends of the earth. … And in the mystery of God’s calling, your life of mission, the ends of the earth, bring you here to continue the Acts of the Apostles.” That is, the bishop said, “a humbling reality. I face the challenge of being the fourth apostle for the Diocese of Tyler. I can’t live up to that. I can never accomplish that work. But the grace of God and the Holy
Spirit can overcome my weakness, which is very real, and strengthen me to be the apostle this church needs.” That same grace, he said, has been at work in Father Frels’ life from his baptism and has moved and guided him in his journey to the priesthood. “You began your mission in the Church on Jan. 20, 1974, when you were baptized,” Bishop Strickland said. “Truly, that’s when it begins for all the baptized, pope and bishops, ordained and religious, all the faithful. We are the baptized of Christ, in Father, Son, and Spirit. We have received an indelible character that is deepened and enhanced and enriched in the charism of priesthood that Jonathon receives today.” That journey continued through Father Frels’ confirmation and into his chosen life and career as a chemist. The new Father Frels is also Dr. Frels, with a PhD in chemistry. He worked in research and development at Eastman Chemical in Longview prior to entering the seminary. In Longview, he was a parishioner at St. Mary Church, where he taught CCD and discovered adoration. As his understanding of the faith grew and deepened, he began to feel the call to the priesthood. “The Lord was nurturing your heart and ultimately calling you to take a chance,” Bishop Strickland said, “to take a new path. And here you are. You’ve been in formation for years, but in many ways you’re just beginning. Continue that formation, continue to learn and to study, as all of us priests and deacons are urged to do. Ordination is never an end, but a beginning, again and again, to deepen our life in Christ at his altar and in all his sacraments.” As a priest, “you are to be a steward of the sacraments,” Bishop Strickland said. “What a glorious stewardship that is! My brother priests can tell you that many times it’s ordinary, mundane. But there are moments of reconciliation, as the Word of God speaks of, to be reconciled in a sacramental way, to anoint those who are seriously ill, to console those who are mourning, to baptize the infants, and to visit with and nurture the lives of families. All of that is your call, your mission.” The bishop called on Father Frels to stand up and to turn in a slow circle to see all those gathered into the cathedral for his ordination. “Those faces – our brother priests and deacons, the religious, the faithful – are who you will serve, in this place, at this time,” Bishop Strickland told him, “continuing the 2000-year tradition that began with the Acts of the Apostles in our one holy, catholic, apostolic faith.
The Church continues to act.” The new priest also joins a brotherhood, the bishop said, the presbyterate of the Diocese of Tyler. “You are going to work with (these men),” Bishop Strickland said. “You are going to cry with them, laugh with them, you are going to find them at times to be a pain in the neck, as they will find you. But they will be your brothers. You join a presbyterate, a brotherhood, where we need to and we do care for each other. This is always an extension of our care for all the faces in this congregation.” Yet even as he joins a brotherhood, the Church also needs Father Frels’ singular gifts, the bishop said. “We need you,” he told Father Frels. “We need your love, your energy, your quiet heart, your wonderful mind, your caring spirit, your presence. Give all that you are and know that, as Scripture tells us, and as our Lord models so marvelously for the body of Christ, his body, pour yourself out and you will receive abundantly in ways you could never imagine. “I can testify to that, Jonathon,” Bishop Strickland said, “and these men can as well. The baptized can testify to that. When we truly become the baptized of Christ, our lives and our world are transformed.” Father Frels, 42, is a native of Corpus Christi and a son of Dan and Susan Frels, both deceased. He has a younger brother, Matthew. He has a bachelor of science in chemistry from Southwest Texas State University and a PhD in chemistry from Texas A&M. He has lived in East Texas since 2002, when he moved to Longview to work at Eastman Chemical Company there. He has been serving at the cathedral.
Father Frels’ first assignment will be at St. Charles Borromeo parish in Frankston, as administrator.q -Susan DeMatteo
Seminarians Our
Through your gifts to the Bishop’s annual appeal, the Diocese of Tyler is currently supporting 15 seminarians. We have grown so much as a Diocese over the last 29 years. So many priests have come from around the world to help begin and develop the Church in East Texas. The hard work of these missionaries and the faithful families they served has borne great fruit. Today, we now have many energetic young men raised right here in the Diocese of Tyler undergoing intense formation to become priests for East Texas. While many other places struggle to find seminarians, we have been blessed. Our seminarian classes have grown so much that the number of applicants for the seminary is now exceeding our ability to fund their formation. These are worthy, energetic, excellent candidates who we need in our seminaries. In this time of remarkable growth, I humbly look to you, the faithful, to make this expansion in our seminarian classes possible and sustainable by your support. Bishop Strickland
ALTO The cleared building site for the new church.
Father Rivera
UPDATE Last year, we introduced you to Margil Catholic Mission in Alto, TX. The people of Venerable Antonio Margil had dreamed of classrooms for their growing community. The people of the Diocese rallied together, and today Margil Catholic Mission has the classrooms and even bigger dreams for the future. Around November of last year, the Catholic community in Alto,Texas, had a decision to make. They were bursting at the seams. With 50 children on the rolls for faith formation, the only air conditioned room was the small mission church, which they filled to capacity. Every other activity had to be outside— parish fundraisers, social events, celebrations for confirmation and the like. With an average $100 a week in offertory, the Mission prayed for a way forward. With savings from countless fundraisers, the community was able to purchase the adjacent lot which had an auto shop and a house. These properties were in great need of repair, and the mission was in need of help. After publishing their story through the Catholic East Texas and featuring it in the Bishop’s Annual Appeal video, you responded! With a grant from the Appeal and the generosity of members of the faithful across the Diocese, donors from Nacogdoches to Tyler to Texarkana raised over $60,000 to help.
Today, the house next to the repair shop has been completely refurbished. A new roof, flooring, and a new air conditioner transformed the home into a comfortable environment, complete with several faith formation classrooms. In addition, Fr. Rivera now has an office where he can meet and counsel families, and take care of the administrative tasks for the mission. But they are not done dreaming. After classrooms, the greatest need is a space for the community to hold social events and large gatherings—a parish hall. With the auto shop in poor shape, the best recommendation was to tear it down. A parishioner of the Cathedral in Tyler donated the time and use of some heavy equipment, and the people got to work. The garage almost vanished overnight, and the valuable materials were sold to help with the replacement building. That’s when Fr. Rivera had an inspiration. With a packed church, an unexpected leap in funding thanks to the Diocesan community, and a perfect lot of land, the community be-
gan to think big. Several parishioners asked Fr. Rivera to consider building a new church. The current sanctuary could make a fine parish hall, they thought, and a new Mission-style church with more seating could accommodate their rapidly growing congregation and give a lot of hope to the people of Alto. The idea caught on, and once again, the people of the community are ready to work for their mission. Several benefactors have already pledged brick and other materials, and they are in preparations right now. It’s amazing what a difference a year makes. Last year, the members of Venerable Antonio Margil were hoping to scrape together the funds to renovate a rusty repair shop. Today, with help from donors like you, they are clearing the way for a new church. Your gifts truly make an impact. The Bishop’s Appeal raises funds every year to keep rural missions like this one financially viable. Thank you for your generosity. More information about the Appeal can be found at dioceseoftyler.org/ourmission.q
New classrooms at Margil Mission
I LLU M I N AT E On July 8-10, 375 youth from across the diocese of Tyler gathered for “Illuminate”, the 2016 Diocesan Catholic youth conference. The conference featured music, Mass and Eucharistic adoration, and speakers from all over the nation.
Follow Bishop Strickland and youth from around the Diocese of Tyler as they travel to Poland for World Youth Day 2016. See photos, videos and more from the group during their pilgrimage by visiting http://wydtyler2016.tumblr.com/ from July 23 to August 2. The trip begins on July 23 with travel from Texas to Poland (with a stopover in Germany). On the 24th, the group will tour the city of Warsaw before heading to Kraków. On Monday the 25th, our pilgrims will make an excursion to the Jasna Gora Monastery in Częstochowa, home of the image of the Black Madonna of Częstochowa to which miraculous powers are attributed; Bishop Strickland will celebrate Holy Mass for the group at the Monastery. On the 26th, our young people will visit the Divine Mercy Convent outside Kraków and learn the amazing story of St. Faustina Kowalska and her visions of Christ. They will also tour Kraków and the famous Wawel Cathedral. On Wednesday the 27th, our pilgrims will travel to the birthplace of St. John Paul II in Wadowice. They will then visit the Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Official World Youth Day activities begin for our pilgrims on Thursday, July 28 as the group welcomes Pope Francis and attends the opening prayer service. Friday begins with morning catechetical sessions, afternoon music and prayer and Stations of the Cross in the evening. On Saturday, the pilgrims will participate in a Walking Pilgrimage to the vigil side, then attend an Evening Vigil with Pope Francis. WYD culminates on Sunday with Holy Mass celebrated by Pope Francis. On their way back to Texas, out Diocese of Tyler group will have a day in Vienna, Austria. They’ll arrive back in the Lone Star State on Tuesday, Aug. 2. Please keep our pilgrims, and the millions of other young coming to Poland from around the world, in your prayers as they deepen their relationship with Christ in this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Follow along at: http://wydtyler2016.tumblr.com/
Comisión Litúrgica para la Diócesis de Tyler Ofrece
Programa de Formación en Liturgia y Música Primera Fase (Primer Año)
Segunda Fase (Segundo Año) Tercera Fase (Tercer Año)
Noviembre 5, 2016: Adviento y Navidad
Noviembre, 2017
Noviembre, 2018
Febrero, 2018
Febrero, 2019
Junio, 2018
Junio, 2019
Febrero 18, 2017: Cuaresma y Pascua Junio 3, 2017: Celebraciones especiales
Diocesan News
Faith Catholic Catholic Formation Charities Schools The diocesan Office of Faith Formation will hold an in-service day for faith formation leaders Aug. 6, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., in the Cathedral Center in Tyler. The training day is required for all parish faith formation leaders. Bishop Joseph Strickland will present his vision and focus for catechesis for the diocese, and Father Dan Dower, Episcopal Vicar for Education, will present his role and his plan for catechesis for the diocese. Registration deadline is Aug. 5. To register, call the faith formation office at 903-266-2146, or email lporter@dioceseoftyler.org. There is no cost, but registration is required.
Life Banquet
Please mark your calendar for Monday, October 10 for the 2nd Annual East Texas Sanctity of Life Banquet in Tyler. Last year’s banquet was completely sold out. This year’s speaker will be Nikolas Nikas, president of the Bioethics Defense Fund, a pro-life publicinterest legal and educational organization that advocates for the human right to life and the fundamental right of conscience throughout the United States. This event is open to all across East Texas who wish to promote a culture of the sanctity of life, from conception to natural death. For more information, including how to purchase tickets, visit easttexaslifebanquet.com.
Bishop Joseph E. Strickland has named Kathy Shieldes Harry director of Catholic Charities of East Texas, beginning June 1. “Kathy is a lifelong Catholic and educator in both public and Catholic schools in the Tyler area. Her experience gives her strong connections not just to Tyler, but to the entire East Texas area, and I believe her talents will allow her to continue to develop the wonderful ministries of Catholic Charities of East Texas,” Bishop Strickland said of the appointment. Harry comes to Catholic Charities after 23 years as principal of St. Gregory Cathedral School in Tyler. She is a Tyler native, a graduate of the Tyler Catholic schools, and a parishioner of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. “I am delighted with the opportunity to serve the Diocese of Tyler through Catholic Charities,” Harry said. “I think that, as Catholics, the desire to serve the people of God, especially those in need, is just bred into us. It’s our baptismal call, breathed into us by the sacraments. And I can’t think of any better way to answer that call at this stage in my life than through Catholic Charities.” She is married to Kent Harry, has two children, Gregory and Rebecca, and one grandchild. For more information about Catholic Charities visit: ccetx.org
St. Gregory Cathedral School in Tyler will begin the 2016-2017 academic year Aug. 17. Doors will open at 7:30 a.m., with dismissal at noon the 17th and 18th. The first full day of school will be Aug. 19. Teachers will be sending out summer letters (the first week in August) inviting students and parents to “Meet the Teacher” on Aug. 16, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. St. Gregory offers a three-day (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) and five-day preK program for 3- and 4-year-olds. The school has a dyslexia specialist, Suzanne Ybarra, and will offer specialized instruction to students diagnosed with dyslexia. St. Gregory is a preK-5 program. For application and enrollment information, contact the school at 903-595-4109. St. Mary Catholic School in Longview has scheduled its back to school events. The Parish and School Welcome Back Luncheon, hosted by Home and School Association, will be Sunday, Aug. 7, after the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Registration will be Aug. 9-11, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., in the library. The first day of school will be Aug. 17, and will begin with a donut breakfast. St. Mary is a preK3-12 program. For information about admissions, contact the school at 903-7531657. St. Patrick Catholic School in Lufkin will begin the 2016-2017 academic year on Aug. 15. St. Patrick is a preK3-8 program, and offers Kumon Math, Saxon Phonics, and the Shurley Grammar Method. The school is enrolling now. For information, contact the school at 936-634-6719 or see the website at stpatricklufkin.com. Bishop T.K. Gorman Catholic Schools in Tyler will have its Welcome Back Fair Aug. 15 at 6 p.m. The first day of school is Aug. 17. For enrollment information, contact Jan Pilgrim 903-561-2424, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., or email jpilgrim@bishopgorman. net. Bishop Gorman is a 6-12 program. 9