Saint Michael Parish Newsletter — June 2022

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What’s Inside: 3




A Letter From Our Pastor: Embrace the Holy Spirit


Offering Essential Help in a Time of Need

s a response to the legalization of abortion, the founders of Pregnancy Aid took swift action. Their goal was to Celebrating First offer support for struggling or Holy Communion shamed expectant mothers so Students Joyfully Receive they did not feel that their only “the Greatest Gift” option was abortion. “The cultural mores have changed, but struggling families Keeping Our still need help, and I believe that Stewardship our all-volunteer presence sends Commitments in a very strong pro-life message to the Summertime our clients and to the Olympia community,” shares Roseanne Cancer Support Ministry Hoza, Director of Pregnancy Aid Offers Valuable Place of Thurston County. “Our stance for Understanding will always be that we respond to and Support life’s difficulties with love!” Located on the Saint Michael Parish campus, Pregnancy Aid is open on Mondays and Fridays from 2 to 4 p.m., and JUNE 2022

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Pregnancy Aid helps around 15 people per week. This enables the volunteers to give lots of one-on-one attention.


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on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to noon. Any pregnant woman or family with a child ages 5 and under who is struggling financially can come and receive the services offered. There is a simple form to fill out, which volunteers will then use to track what each family has received, allowing for the responsible distribution of materials. Pregnancy Aid is able to offer material assistance in the form of diapers, formula, prenatal vitamins, clothing, blankets, bassinets, cribs, strollers, high chairs, etc. In addition, if a client can demonstrate a need as well as a plan for the future, there is limited financial assistance available. These funds cover needs such as rent and utility assistance, phone bills, gasoline, or medical bills. Funds and donations come from many generous parishioners at SMP and Sacred Heart. “We do not always see our clients long-term,” Roseanne says. “I would say that success moments are more what we experience. Some struggling families who are regulars often require only a small amount of assistance to stay on their feet. Often, ‘shopping’ at Pregnancy Aid can offer a stressed mom palpable relief as she finds that she can meet her family’s needs. We also have an occasional past client — one with a $100 donation! — who comes back to thank us and tell us how much our services meant to them.” Pregnancy Aid helps around 15 people per week. This enables the volunteers to give lots of oneon-one attention. There are a few items that the ministry always appreciates — financial donations, basic types of formula, and prenatal vitamins. “It is always great to be able to tell a distressed, unemployed dad that we will take care of this month’s rent,” Roseanne says. “It also turns out that much of our Similac formula that was pulled off the shelves due to the recent recall was free samples, and Similac will not replace them. Anyone is welcome to come in during our hours of operation to drop off donations.”

These are the items contained in a layette — a bundle of items given to each mom close to her time of birth. The layette contains the best of what we offer including a beautiful blanket that is handmade by ladies from Saint Michael Parish and Sacred Heart.

A volunteer helps sort and prepare donated items.

If you would like more information, please contact Pregnancy Aid at 360-956-7413 or You may also visit their website at


A Letter From Our Pastor

Embrace the Holy Spirit My Dear Sisters and Brothers,


his year we celebrate the great feast of Pentecost on June 5. Pentecost was that moment when the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles while they were gathered for prayer in Jerusalem. Coming 10 days after Jesus’ Ascension into heaven, the descent of the Holy Spirit turned the apostles from a collection of fearful followers looking for some direction into a band of courageous witnesses ready to declare their faith in Christ to the whole world. Pentecost is also referred to as the birthday of the Church because that was the day when newly filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter preached the first Christian sermon, inviting his hearers to turn to Jesus as their Savior and their Lord. Those who accepted the invitation were baptized and “were added” to the Church (Acts 2:41). That day marked the beginning of the Church’s public mission, which continues to the present. But the Holy Spirit’s actions in the Church were not limited to the apostles in an ancient time. He remains active down to the present, guiding the pope and the bishops as they go about their work of sanctifying, teaching and ruling in the Church. The Holy Spirit acts in the sacraments to make them effective signs of grace. We see the Holy Spirit’s work in the witness of the saints through whom He continues the work of salvation. The Spirit, moreover, acts not only in the Church as a corporate body, but also in the lives of individual Christians. We become temples of the Holy Spirit at our Baptism. Then at Confirmation, which is our own personal Pentecost, we receive the seal of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit unites us more closely to Christ, increases the spiritual gifts we have been given, and strengthens us to spread and defend the faith. Ultimately, Pentecost is more than simply a feast celebrating something that happened a long time ago. Of course, the coming of the Spirit we read about in Acts 2 took place just once. But the Holy Spirit remains active today, guiding the Church as a whole, but also working in the life of each individual Christian to make us holy.

Maybe you don’t feel as if the Holy Spirit is working in your life. Well, God the Father gave us free will, so we can choose whether or not we’ll obey Him. And God the Holy Spirit, being united in the one Godhead with the Father and the Son, honors that freedom. The Holy Spirit never force us to turn away from sin or compel us to obey God’s commandments. The Spirit offers us grace. The Spirit will beckon us toward heaven, and occasionally we may feel Him nudging us along, but we always have the freedom to choose God or to reject Him. Perhaps you’ve made a commitment to worship at Mass at least weekly (remember, M.A.S.S. — Make all Sundays sacred), and spend some time each day in prayer. Maybe you have promised to use some of your talents in parish ministries and service to the community. You may even have turned in a card at our last renewal to indicate your pledge of a portion of your treasure to be used in God’s service. I hope you’ve done all of these. If so, both the Holy Spirit’s grace and your response were involved in your decision. And the Holy Spirit will give you the strength to fulfill your commitments. This Pentecost, make the Gradual verse we’ll sing just before the Gospel your personal prayer: Alleluia. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful; and kindle in them the fire of your love. Alleluia. If you do, you’ll find the Holy Spirit working even more strongly in your life. You’ll be happier, and the world, at least your little corner of it, will be a better place. In Christ, through the intercession of Blessed Pier Giorgio, I love you.

Fr. Jim



his past April, it wouldn’t have been difficult to spot the youth who were receiving their first Holy Communion — they were dressed in their best and had a look of joy and excitement on their faces! The youth from Saint Michael Parish School and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd received their first Holy Communion the weekend of April 23 and 24. On the weekend of June 11 and 12, the online sacramental preparation students, the Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement students, and more Catechesis of the Good Shepherd students will receive the sacrament. The idea is for the students to receive First Holy Communion at the Mass they typically attend with their families. “We want the whole parish to experience their joy,” says Elizabeth Lyons, Steward for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and Sacramental Preparation. At Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, youth are invited to add their name to a box if they are ready to receive the sacrament. Then, teachers can discuss with parents if they are ready. Youth are invited when they are 7 years old. The day of First Holy Communion is always exciting for the children, and Elizabeth hopes the students realize the value of the gift they received that day and for the rest of their lives. “I believe being surrounded by the parish community, friends, and family adds to their experience,” she says. “I pray that the Eucharist would be the greatest gift they received on that day.” Preparing for this special day happens as part of the sacramental preparation process, whether taking place at Catechesis of the Good Shepherd or Saint Michael Parish School. But Elizabeth believes the most important preparations occur at home. “The best scenarios are families who form their children the moment they are born and continue

“It amazes me how deeply spiritual children are, and they understand the mysteries of our faith with perfect trust in God.” — ELIZABETH LYONS 4

MMUNION nts Joyfully Receive “the Greatest Gift” this process with additional formation through our school or Catechesis of the Good Shepherd ministry,” Elizabeth says. Students from both the school and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd receive extensive formation to prepare them for First Holy Communion. In addition, all of the teachers have gone through training to be prepared to guide students through several goals. Students are given lessons about Scripture, the altar, and sacred vessels, to name a few. “We present the gestures that happen in the Eucharistic Prayer,” Elizabeth says. “We guide the children on how to pray. In Lent, we focus on the Paschal Mystery with an emphasis on the Last Supper.” When students approach the altar to receive their First Holy Communion, they are more than prepared. Having been in her role here at SMP for nine years, Elizabeth loves walking children through the sacraments and seeing the looks on their faces when they understand a concept. “It amazes me how deeply spiritual children are, and they understand the mysteries of our faith with perfect trust in God,” she says. The students also made their First Reconciliation before receiving First Communion. We extend heartfelt congratulations to our students for receiving the most beautiful Sacrament of Holy Communion!





he kids are out of school and our fast-paced lives centered on school and youth sports activities have slowed down. Our own internal clocks are now on summer time. We’re ready for a break from our hectic lives. And while we take vacations and enjoy the leisurely pace of the season, we need to remember that summer is not the time to take a vacation from God. In fact, summer can serve as the perfect opportunity to grow in our relationship with God, especially since most of us have considerably more free time. So, instead of neglecting our faith due to busy days and late nights, try these simple steps to embrace God during the quieter summer months and during your vacation. Get More Active in a Parish Ministry The summer is actually a perfect time to get more involved in a parish ministry. Because we no longer have to get the kids to and from school, or get them to sporting events or other activities that normally occur during the school year, our schedules are a bit less cluttered. Summer is indeed a perfect time to fill some downtime with service to God through ministry and giving of your talents. Take a look through the parish ministries to find something that suits your particular interest or talent. Vacation Bible School, for Kids and Adults Vacation Bible School is a great way for younger children to learn about God through songs, activities and fellowship. The fun-filled lessons build upon Gospel teachings while keeping kids’ attention. For older children, it is a great opportunity to offer service by being a team leader or assistant. Adults can also help plan, decorate, organize and teach during the week. It’s a wonderful activity for the entire family!


Give Thanks for the Sun Praise God for the sun, time off from school and easygoing days by visiting the adoration chapel to say a quick prayer. Bring a journal or rosary along to help stay focused. Little children can even bring a religious coloring book to give thanks to God on their terms. Or, before heading to the pool, why not attend daily Mass with the kids? It’s a perfect way to start the day and set the tone that — vacation or not — God is still an important part of your family life. Don’t Take a Vacation from Mass Often while on a vacation away from our parish family, we are not familiar with where to attend Mass. Don’t let that be an obstacle for you. Check out in order to find out where and when to go to Mass. In addition, if you are lodging at a hotel, the concierge will assist you with directions to the nearest Catholic Church. Summertime Stewardship of Treasure The prime reason for keeping up our pledge all summer is that God doesn’t go on vacation. He continues to sustain us throughout the summer months. He persists in pouring out blessings on us, even during the hottest weather. He keeps on meeting us in His sacramental presence when we go to Mass wherever we travel. As God remains faithful to us during the summer, we are called to be faithful in our commitments to Him and our parish family, even during our vacation time. So, enjoy the warmer temperatures and the relaxed atmosphere. Just don’t forget Who provides the sun and the sand! And most importantly, remember to take God with you wherever you go on vacation!

CANCER SUPPORT MINISTRY Offers Valuable Place for Understanding and Support


any of us have been impacted in some way by cancer. Whether we have supported a loved one who fighting against cancer, or if we have received a cancer diagnosis ourselves, it is lifechanging. Understanding this wide-ranging impact, a group here at Saint Michael Parish is here to stand with those affected by cancer. The Cancer Support Ministry, which meets weekly, is for those currently fighting cancer and their family members and caregivers. The ministry is also open to those who are in remission. Ministry leader Kenny Broussard is a cancer survivor himself. Diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma in 2014, he has been in remission since August 2018. For many years, Kenny co-facilitated this ministry with Marlene Lopp — unfortunately, Marlene passed away on July 19, 2021. When Kenny was fighting cancer, he never even thought of seeking out a support group. He knows this ministry would have helped him during those dark times. “We want to provide a safe place for people to talk and hash it out,” he says. “Sometimes, it can be hard to talk to family because they don’t know what you are going through.” The group meets in a hybrid format, between in-person and Zoom. The meetings are structured like those in a faith-sharing group — at the beginning, members focus on a spiritual reading, video, or discussion, then they discuss their health updates or share anything else that is on their hearts. They meet for six weeks and take one month off. The meeting times vary, but this is their structure throughout the year. “I think people have the misconception that we whine about cancer together,” Kenny says. “That couldn’t be further from the truth. We are here to support each other while learning more about our faith and growing together.”

Kenny Broussard leads the Cancer Support Ministry.

Recently, a volunteer started hosting tai chi sessions for the group on Saturdays at 2 p.m. This has been a way for group members to add some stretching and light exercise to their lives. Over the years, Kenny has seen husbands and wives attend group meetings together. They come in lost, with a lack of communication. Often, they both walk away better able to talk about a cancer diagnosis. Kenny wants those impacted by cancer to know this group is available to them. It’s an opportunity to be with others who have an continued on back cover

“We have people come who are afraid, joyful, and everything in between. We don’t answer what we can’t answer, and we don’t ask why. We take what we can and learn from it. That’s the main thing.” — KENNY BROUS SA RD 7

PO Box 766 | Olympia, WA 98507-0766 (360) 754-4667 | @smp.olympia saintmichaelparish

CANCER SUPPORT MINISTRY understanding of what you may be going through. “We meet people where they are at, so we can practice our faith together and be there for one another,” Kenny says. Especially being a man, Kenny knows this group would have been so good for him when he was going through cancer. He often didn’t have the right words to talk about his feelings. “Just having people I could relate to would have helped quite a bit,” he says. The group relies on the intercession of Mary and St. Peregrine, the patron saint of those with cancer.

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Kenny gets a lot of great feedback from group members on what a blessing the group has been. “We have people come who are afraid, joyful, and everything in between,” Kenny says. “We don’t answer what we can’t answer, and we don’t ask why. We take what we can and learn from it. That’s the main thing.” There are many cancer support groups out there — but the SMP group is unique in that members can openly talk about their Catholic faith. Kenny has had people from all over the United States ask to join the meetings via Zoom.

Anyone who is or has been directly impacted by cancer is invited to join the Cancer Support Ministry. For more information, please contact Kenny Broussard at or 360-561-8228.

WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: Vigil 5pm | Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am & 5pm.

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