january 2022
T he U sher M inistry
Fostering Hospitality and Building a Strong Community in Our Parish
ach of us is made in the image and likeness of God, with our own unique talents that New Year’s Resolutions can be put to use to glorify the Lord and serve His church. We all need to take the time to pray 3 Start 2022 with a and ask the Lord the words of the hymn “Servant Clean Spiritual Slate Song” — “What do you want of me, Lord?” Victor Godinez is Head Usher here at Queen of the Holy Rosary. He’s been ushering for more than 10 years, 4 Catholic Schools Week: most of that time at the 11 a.m. Sunday Mass. Victor Celebrating the Blessings got involved because he wanted to do more than just of Our School Community attend Mass, and the Usher Ministry was a perfect way to do just that. One benefit of the Usher Ministry is 6 The Feast of there are no meetings — most of the ministry duties the Epiphany occur during Mass. Victor also appreciates that this (From left) Chris Serrano, Huey Huynh Celebrating the and Victor Godinez all serve as ushers at the ministry provides a valuable opportunity to get to Revelation of God to 11 a.m. Sunday Mass. know parishioners and the other ushers. Mankind “You start to see the same people each week, and you get to know them,” he says. “Ushers are there to also greet people with a smile and help with whatever needs 7 Our Knights of they may have.” Columbus Council: Importantly, ushers also serve as a resource for visitors and a contact if a medical Working Year-Round emergency should occur. They also seat folks who arrive after church has begun. The Usher Ministry’s service was critical during the beginning of the pan to Promote the demic. Victor and the other ushers seated attendees in accordance with social Sanctity of Life distancing guidelines. Victor continued with his usher duties throughout the past two years, even though many have stepped aside due to the pandemic. 7023 W. 71st Street In these times, he knows ushers are even more important. Overland Park, KS 66204 continued on back cover www.queenoftheholyrosary.org
2 Stewardship
Queen of the Holy Rosary C at h o l i c C h u r c h
New Year’s Resolutions T
he New Year has arrived, and we have all been busy making — and trying to keep — our list of New Year’s resolutions. Many of us choose resolutions geared toward health and fitness. After all, possessing good overall health is critical to our well-being. Others may try to avoid a particularly bad habit. Maybe you need to quit smoking or stop swearing. Still, many of us plan things we have always wanted to do, but never get around to doing. As the days of January continue onward, however, many of us find the inspiration of keeping our good-intentioned resolutions to be fading fast. By the end of the month, most of us have given in to our temptations and returned to our old ways. We are only human, right? Discouraged by this yearly failure, many of us don’t even bother making New Year’s resolutions anymore, especially if we feel like we won’t succeed. Maybe our failures lie in both how we make our resolutions and what resolutions we actually choose. What we need to understand is the “root” of our resolution. For example, if you resolve to eat less candy to drop those recently added holiday pounds, is the “root” of your resolution a selfish one — wanting to look better since you overindulged? Or, are you genuinely seeking to stop giving in to each “sweet tooth” craving by practicing mortification — giving up of a personal pleasure to glorify God? If the “root” is a selfish one, only to ben-
efit yourself, then it is often difficult to keep in the long run. However, if we are trying to glorify God, our mission is much more important and worth keeping. Tying your New Year’s resolutions into the principles of stewardship — giving of your time, talent and treasure back to God — is a great way to ensure that the “root” of your resolution is right on track! For instance, resolving to pray each evening before going to bed glorifies God, brings you peace before slumber, and allows you to grow in your relationship with Christ. The “root” is pure. Your desire to keep it will be stronger and make it easier for you to keep. In the same way, resolving to return your talents to God by helping others in need is an excellent choice in creating a selfless resolution with the right “root.” Furthermore, resolving to re-evaluate your finances is also extremely important, and the beginning of a new year is a great time to do it. Are you giving back to God out of gratitude for all He has given you? Or are you merely dropping a dollar or two in the collection basket just to feel good about yourself ? If you are not where you would like to be as a good steward — either with sharing your time, talent or treasure — you can resolve to do better. The New Year is a perfect opportunity to start anew and become the good steward that God desires each of us to become. And when we choose selfless things that build His kingdom instead of ours, we are sure to not only stay on track, but to succeed!
A Letter From Our Pastor
Start 2022 with a Clean Spiritual Slate
Dear Parishioners,
any of us were taught in school
that the month of January gets its name from Janus, the ancient Roman god of doors and gates. His image was always carved or painted with two faces, one looking forward and the other backward. This reflected, of course, that you can go either out a door or in through one. From this very specific function, his role was generalized to include all beginnings and new endeavors. Because of Janus’ place in the Roman pantheon, it seemed natural to the Romans to name the first month of the civil year after him. (The Church year began back with the First Sunday of Advent, you’ll remember.) And although we no longer worship the pagan gods of the ancient Romans, the name has stuck down the centuries. But we’re not immune to the human instinct that moved the Romans to name the first month after Janus. His double countenance, facing forward and backward, reflects how we approach the coming of each new year. The last week of the old year finds the newspapers and TV programs giving a glance back at the past year (“the 10 best, or worst, movies of…” and such) along with predictions of what the new year will bring. My personal favorite is always “the 10 worst predictions” for the year just ending. Just like the secular world does — Janus-like — we both look back at our own successes and failures, happy events, and sad ones, during the year just ending, and forward to the new year as we prepare our resolutions. When we reflect back on the blessings we’ve received, our hearts should be filled with gratitude — and blessings there have been, no matter how difficult the year has been. But for most of us, there have been failures and failings, too. That calls for repentance, and perhaps a trip to the confessional — but God, who makes “all things new” (Rv 21:5), will then
give us a clean spiritual slate with which we may begin the new year. I’d also like to challenge you to include your grateful response to God as you make your resolutions for the new year. You don’t have to wait until you fill out a commitment card to decide this is the year when you’re actually going to attend Mass once a week in addition to Sunday (or begin worshiping every Sunday if you haven’t been doing so) or to pray the Rosary every week or to begin regular prayers with your family. Include in your resolutions how you are going to get involved in some ministry in the parish or some service to the community, and then do so. Decide to become more faithful in your financial stewardship if your treasure commitment is less than it should be. Look forward to the new year and bring Christ and His Church to the center of your resolutions. Then see what a good year it will be, with God at the center! Have a happy, and holy, New Year. Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. William Bruning Pastor
Queen of the Holy Rosary C at h o l i c C h u r c h
Celebrating the J
enny Yankovich, Principal of John Paul II Catholic School, describes herself as a product of our Catholic schools. Immediately following her college graduation, she returned to the area to teach within this archdiocese. “My husband and I knew we wanted our children to attend Catholic schools because Catholic education is very important to us,” Mrs. Yankovich says. “I know firsthand the impact of a faith-based education. This is a gift our students are given.” We celebrate this gift of a faith-based education during Catholic Schools Week, which is an annual recognition of Catholic education in the United States. “I tell the students that we’re going to celebrate what you get to do every day,” Mrs. Yankovich says. “I always tell them you get to come here. You don’t have to be here, but your parents are making sacrifices so that you get to be here.”
Typically, Catholic Schools Week starts the last Sunday in January, and at John Paul II Catholic School, the week includes a myriad of different activities. “We spotlight these things that we do every day that don’t happen at public schools,” Mrs. Yankovich says. “We start our day with prayer. We go to Mass as a school community. We pray for each other and with each other to remind ourselves of what we get to do here.” The week is divided up to celebrate the different people who make us who we are including our teachers, students, families, parish, and community. Usually there is a service project that the school engages in for the entire week, as well, to give back to the community. “On Sunday, there will be an open house to invite families and community members to meet our teachers and see what we’re all about,” Mrs. Yankovich says. “We honor our parish and community and make sure to thank them.”
Blessings of Our School Community For teacher and staff appreciation day, the students usually write “thank you” notes and shower their teachers with love. “It’s an opportunity to thank teachers and staff for everything they’re doing, and we know how difficult it has been during these past years,” Mrs. Yankovich says. “We also celebrate our families and have a day for grandparents, too, so that they can come into the school and be involved.” Mrs. Yankovich has been involved in many Catholic Schools Weeks at John Paul II Catholic School — she has been with the school for 14 years and has served as Principal for the last six years.
“It is always a busy week!” Mrs. Yankovich says. “I have a planning committee made up of teachers who plan Catholic Schools Week together, and I am grateful for them.” Parishioners and community members can be involved in so many different ways during Catholic Schools Week, and one way is simply to spread the word about our school and the work we are doing together. “We are John Paul II,” Mrs. Yankovich says. “Having a strong faith foundation is the biggest gift we can give our kids. Wherever they go next, we’ve done our part here, and they can build on that.”
If you would like more information about Catholic Schools Week at John Paul II Catholic School, please reach out to Principal Jenny Yankovich at 913-432-6350 or jyankovich@archkckcs.org.
Queen of the Holy Rosary C at h o l i c C h u r c h
Celebrating the Revelation of God to Mankind
hile “The Twelve Days of Christmas” is one of the most popular and widely recorded Christmas carols in America and Europe, its lyrics are rarely recognized as referring to the 12 days that stretch from Christmas Day on Dec. 25 until the glorious Feast of the Epiphany. For centuries, we as Catholics celebrated this feast as the commemoration of the coming of the Magi on Jan. 6, but the decision was made a number of years ago (at least in the United States) to celebrate Epiphany on the Sunday that falls between Jan. 2 and Jan. 8. The Feast of the Epiphany, which originated in the Eastern Church, marks the end of the Christmas season and is intended to celebrate the revelation of God to mankind in human form through the person of Jesus. The word “epiphany” is taken from a Greek word meaning “appearance” or “manifestation,” and finds its earliest reference as a Christian feast in the fourth century. But exactly which “manifestation” of Christ Jesus do we recognize on the Feast of the Epiphany? These three men, traditionally named Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, travel in haste towards the Christ Child and remain an undying testimony to the long pilgrimage of peoples in search of salvation.
On the Feast of the Epiphany in 2007, Pope Benedict XVI acknowledged that this celebration elucidates not only man’s pilgrimage towards God, but also God’s pilgrimage towards man in the person of Jesus Christ. He spoke of the glorious incarnation with these words: “It was out of love that He made Himself history in our history.” On the Feast of the Epiphany, therefore, we come to realize that we are all on a pilgrimage towards Christ, the source of salvation. This pilgrimage is unique to each and every man, but results in a universal and dynamic experience — a constant “growing closer” between God and man. It is for this opportunity that we rejoice! In the words of Pope Benedict XVI: “Happy are those who, while possessing the truth, search more earnestly for it in order to renew it, deepen it and transmit it to others. Happy also are those who, not having found it, are working toward it with a sincere heart. May they seek the light of tomorrow with the light of today until they reach the fullness of light.” Now when asked: “What occurs on the 12th day of Christmas?” we can respond with joyful certitude: “Epiphany!”
On the Feast of the Epiphany, we come to realize that we are all on a pilgrimage towards Christ, the source of salvation. This pilgrimage is unique to each and every man, but results in a universal and dynamic experience — a constant “growing closer” between God and man. It is for this opportunity that we rejoice!
Working Year-Round to Promote the Sanctity of Life
he pro-life cause is of utmost importance to the Fr. Carl Zawacki Council 10841 Knights of Columbus, with events taking place this month and throughout the year. The Council currently is holding its annual Baby Shower, with playpens set up in several areas of the church. “We are collecting diapers, wipes, baby clothes, as well as cash, for our local pregnancy crisis center,” says David Janner, Grand Knight. “We do this all through January, and we’ve done it for as long as I can remember.” On Jan. 30, the last Sunday in the month, the Council will hold Life Saver Sunday. “We’ll be collecting money for the pregnancy crisis center and handing out Life Saver candy,” David says. “Our parish is very, very generous with these two programs. The Council also takes part in the Walk for Life in June, conducted by the local pregnancy crisis center. Of particular importance this year is the upcoming measure on a state-wide election on Aug. 2. The issue is an amendment to curtail abortion practices. A program to promote the amendment,
“Value Them Both,” is being launched with support from the Archdiocese of Kansas City. The Council is also working in conjunction with our Respect Life Ministry, led by Judy Dowd. In March, a representative from the archdiocese will speak at Queen of the Holy Rosary, providing details about the program. This will be repeated in June. “The June event will be a reiteration of how important the issue is, and will be held in conjunction with a voter registration drive,” David says. On July 31, the last Sunday of the month, Fr. Bill will speak to the parish in the lead-up to the election. “A lot of communications will be sent out before the election,” David says. “There will be information in the bulletins about how we can get cards, bumper stickers or yard signs. This is a new initiative because of the election.” Besides taking part in the fundraisers and the election, parishioners can reach out to the two preferred pregnancy crisis centers to see what their needs are. These are Advice & Aid in Overland Park, and the Wyandotte County Pregnancy Center. Both are approved by the archdiocese.
Parishioners may contact Judy Dowd at jpdowd613@gmail.com to offer help for ministry projects, or call David Janner at 913-302-0419.
Queen of the Holy Rosary C at h o l i c C h u r c h
7023 W. 71st Street Overland Park, Kansas 66204 (913) 432-4616 | www.queenoftheholyrosary.org
T he U sher M inistry “When you usher, you serve a purpose, besides just worshiping and praying,” Victor says. “You are there for the parishioners so they can have a positive experience at Mass.” In addition to serving as an usher, Victor is also a member of the Knights of Columbus. His wife, Denise, serves as the Director of Religious Education —
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Victor helps her as needed. Victor and Denise pitch in with the Youth Group, as well. Victor invites anyone to get involved as an usher. It’s a fairly simple ministry, and he will train you. “I’d love to see more younger people get involved,” Victor says. “This is a great way to set an example for your children.”
If you would like to become an usher, please contact Victor Godinez at vgodinez1@yahoo.com or 913-553-1524.
Saturday: 4:00 p.m. | Sunday: 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m.
Tuesday - Friday: 8:15 a.m.| First Saturday: 8:15 a.m.