Saint CATHOLIC CHURCH Parish Community Bids Fond Farewell to
Fr. Robert Duck
Contents: 2 Stewardship
Giving During the Summer Season
3 Farewells,
Celebrations and Embracing Our Spiritual Life
4 Celebrating
Sacrament of First Holy Communion A Joyous Day for Our Second-Grade Students
6 Spiritual Direction: A
Powerful Opportunity for Discernment and Growing Closer to God
7 The Feast of
Corpus Christi Understanding How Much Jesus Loves Us
JUNE 2022
“Thank You for Letting Me Be a Part of Your Lives”
s our Associate Pastor, Fr. Robert Duck has spent the past three-plus years serving here at St. Francis Xavier. It’s been a joy to have him and all the energy he brings to his vocation. He will now be stepping into a new role as Pastor to St. Michael in Henryetta, St. Stephen in Holdenville, and St. Teresa in Okemah. We will miss him, but we are so thankful for the time he was here. The sentiment is shared, as Fr. Robert says he will miss the people of St. Francis Xavier. “They are the ones who have truly formed me as a priest, and it has been the privilege of my life to walk with them in their journeys of faith and see We thank you, Fr. Robert the action of God in both individuals and the Duck, for your contributions — community at large,” he says. many blessings on your new Fr. Robert was ordained to the priesthood assignment! on June 30, 2018. Stillwater was his first assignment, so in many ways, we have set him on the path of his priesthood. “You will always be a part of who I am and how I am a priest for the rest of my life, a gift that will only become clearer with time,” he says. continued on page 5
Stewardship Giving During the Summer Season
e’ve stopped delivery of the newspaper and mail. We’ve taken the dog to the kennel. The iron is unplugged, and the stove is turned off. Is there anything else we need to do before we leave on vacation?” Aren’t you forgetting something? Did you remember to write a check to your parish for the Sundays you’ll be gone? “But I won’t be at Mass at home those Sundays. Can’t I skip those envelopes when I’m away? After all, I’ll put a dollar or two, or maybe even five, in the collection at the church where we visit. Isn’t that enough?” Many Americans, whether we have school-age children at home or not, operate on an academic calendar. We assume our organizations operate September through May and then take it easy during June, July and August. To some extent, many parish activities do function on such a schedule. Our parish may not hold Religious Education classes during the summer. Our choirs frequently take a break. Even many of the parish staff members take summer vacations! Can’t our giving take a vacation
during the summer, too? Even as we form the question in our minds, we know the answer. The prime reason for keeping up our pledge all summer long is that God doesn’t go on vacation. He continues to sustain us throughout the summer months. He persists in pouring out blessings on us, even during the hottest weather. He keeps on meeting us in His sacramental presence when we go to Mass wherever we travel. As God remains faithful to us during the summer, we are called to be faithful in our commitments to Him and our parish family, even during our vacation time. God’s steadfastness in giving to us is the primary reason for us to respond by being faithful in our stewardship toward Him. But there is also a practical reason why we need to keep up our pledges of time, talent and treasure throughout the summer — the Church needs our involvement year-round. Even though some parish activities are reduced during the summer months, the parish’s expenses are not. After all, there are still Sunday
Masses and weekday Masses, too. The parish staff members still need their salaries. Of course, we need to run the air conditioning in our church during the hot summer months. Despite the fact that some parish functions are suspended, other activities may take place, such as Vacation Bible School. Although the regular parish Religious Education program may be suspended, the summer expenses are often the highest, as textbooks and other supplies are bought for the upcoming school year. Our parish has to pay its bills on a year-round basis, just like your family. Our parish plans a budget for the year, taking into account the commitments that you, the members, have made. If parishioners do not live out their financial commitments to the parish, the budget will not balance. Our giving needs to be maintained throughout the summer, just as God maintains His generosity to us. Our stewardship is a response to God’s gifts. And God pours out His gifts and His grace upon us all year long.
Farewells, Celebrations and Embracing Our Spiritual Life Dear Parishioners,
ack in April, we received the news that our Associate Pastor Fr. Robert Duck would be moving to a new parish. For Fr. Robert, it’s more than just one, but three parishes! Beginning July 1, he will be pastor of St. Michael’s in Henryetta, St. Teresa’s in Okemah, and St. Stephen’s in Holdenville. We will miss Fr. Robert, and we wish him nothing but the best in his future pastorate. Let’s pray for him and his new people. Coming to St. Francis Xavier will be Fr. Robert Healey. We’ll feature him in next month’s newsletter. The big event of May was 30 of our kids receiving their First Holy Communion. What a joyful weekend it was to watch these children and their love for the Lord. I am grateful to the parents for guiding their children and to the catechists,
especially Rob and Gina Agnew, for helping prepare the kids for this big day. Join me in praying for these children and their families. Finally, this stewardship newsletter allows me the opportunity to draw your attention to spiritual direction opportunities in our parish. Not everyone needs a spiritual direction but anyone wanting to go deeper in their spiritual life should consider it. It’s an opportunity to have a guide to the spiritual life that can be sometimes hard to navigate. In Christ,
Very Rev. Brian O’Brien Pastor, St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Celebrating Sacrament o
A Joyous Day for Our Se
econd grade is a special year for students in St. Francis Xavier’s religious education program, Xavier Kids. The students received First Holy Communion on April 30 and May 1, all dressed in their best with bright smiles on their faces! In turn, we celebrate this joyous occasion alongside these students. A few of the students who received the sacrament are older than second grade. About half received the sacrament at 5 p.m. English Mass on April 30 and the other half at 1 p.m. on May 1 at Spanish Mass. The students have spent the school year with excellent teachers leading them through preparations for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. “The character of this group is that they were very excited to receive the sacrament,” says Jacob Farni, children’s minister. “That’s a sign of hope that there are 35 kids excited to receive Jesus.” All kindergarten to fifth-grade students are welcome at Xavier Kids from 9:45 to 11 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Having been in this position for about two years, Jacob is excited to have had a First Communion celebration that returned to some normalcy. Last year, the students sat with their parents and went up to receive from
First Communion, English Mass
Fr. Brian O’Brien one by one. This year, they sat as a community of students and received Holy Communion at the same time. “The idea is we are forming a community of disciples,” Jacob says. “They went up as their group and received from Fr. O’Brien.” If you have children, you know second-grade students are eager to share what they have learned. In that way, these students are now some continued on page 5
“Jesus is infinitely wise, and think how he told us, ‘Be like a child.’” This wasn’t a day where someone just told these children about Jesus. They know Who they received.” — Jacob Farni
of First Holy Communion
econd-Grade Students of the best evangelizers. “Jesus is infinitely wise, and think how he told us, ‘Be like a child,’” Jacob says. “This wasn’t a day where someone just told these children about Jesus. They know Who they received. It’s not just a host — it’s Jesus.” Jacob was drawn to work in ministry because he went through a conversion in college. He wants to make sure children can experience Jesus. “No one should have to wait until college or later in life to find
God,” he says. In addition, Jacob has spent time in the seminary and worked as a director of religious education in his hometown of Elk City, Okla. “I was so attracted to this parish because of Fr. O’Brien’s mission,” Jacob says. “He is outward-focused. He wants to grow the parish, not just keep the lights on.” We offer our heartfelt congratulations to the 35 students who received their First Communion this spring!
Farewell to Fr. Robert Duck Although he will miss St. Francis Xavier, Fr. Robert looks forward to meeting his new parishioners and becoming acclimated to Henryetta, Holdenville, and Okemah. He also looks forward to moving into a pastor role and becoming more involved in the lives of parishioners. Fr. Robert has two older siblings. His mother lives in Tulsa. “My mother has been supportive of my vocation to the priesthood, and it is because of her that I have the greatest gift of my life — my faith,” Fr. Robert says.
First Communion, Spanish Mass
continued from front cover
In his free time, Fr. Robert enjoys reading and watching movies. He looks forward to doing more cooking in his new assignment. Fr. Robert has a message for parishioners as he moves on to the next stage. “Thank you for letting me be a part of your lives and opening your hearts to me,” he says. “It has been the greatest blessing of my life to serve you and learn how to be a priest in the midst of such a wonderful community.” We thank you, Fr. Robert, for your contributions — many blessings on your new assignment!
“Thank you for letting me be a part of your lives and opening your hearts to me. It has been the greatest blessing of my life to serve you and learn how to be a priest in the midst of such a wonderful community.” — Fr. Robert Duck 5
Spiritual Direction: A Powerful Opportunity for Discernment and Growing Closer to God
s parish spiritual director Marilyn Seiler puts it, spiritual direction offers us an essential and powerful reminder to continually grow closer to God. “It’s a reminder to find the best way for each individual to grow in the way that suits best that person,” Marilyn says. “There are many ‘voices’ competing for our attention daily, especially in this digital age. It is helpful to periodically enter into a safe, quiet space where the director can be wholly focused on what the directee has to share. The director can then offer candid and inspired feedback and guidance to help find that still small voice of God.” Spiritual direction is a one-on-one relationship where a trained director helps another to grow in their spiritual life. Often, the spiritual director facilitates discernment and the exploration of feelings, senses, and images from the directee to help them recognize the Holy Spirit at work in their life. Anyone interested in deepening their relationship with God can receive spiritual direction. A typical session takes place once a month for about 45 to 55 minutes in the spiritual director’s office or an office at the parish. “The vision of the diocese is to ‘build a culture of discipleship and community, inviting all in our (parish) to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ,’”
Deacon Randy Hearn says. “The ministry of spiritual direction is directly related to this invitation to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and those who seek the call of God in their lives.” Spiritual direction is a confidential ministry — nothing that is shared between the director and directee is shared with anyone else and the director does not reveal with whom they are meeting. “Spiritual direction is not a one-size-fits-all relationship,” Marilyn says. “Directors and directees are wise to discern as to whether they are spiritually compatible. If one of them is not the right fit, the director has the list of available directors in Oklahoma and can help you contact the right person.” There are currently 80 known and trained Catholic spiritual directors in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. Spiritual directors participate in a two to four-year training program where they learn the necessary skills and meet with directees. They also continue to receive regular spiritual direction and supervision themselves, to provide competent spiritual direction to individuals.
If you are interested in receiving spiritual direction, please contact Marilyn Seiler and Deacon Randy Hearn at
The Feast of Corpus Christi Understanding How Much Jesus Loves Us
f you were to make a list of “famous people from history” to invite for dinner, there’s a good chance Jesus Christ would make the cut. As a historical figure alone, the meal conversation would no doubt prove interesting. Yet, the thought of spending personal time with Christ ushers in additional considerations that far exceed a mere “getting to know you” routine. Jesus Christ is the only human being in history who is also your Creator — He already knows you intimately! You might then imagine that if Christ revealed Himself to you personally, then you would immediately love Him deeply and believe without doubt. You might think to yourself, “If I could just meet Him once, it would be easy to believe.” There is a bit of truth in this thought. As human beings, we are affected by personal presence, and the most intense communication transpires through physical contact. Just ask the apostle, Doubting Thomas. The sight of Christ alone was not enough – Thomas required physical touch to be satisfied. The beauty of the Gospel message is that it is universal. Just as the resurrected Christ invited Thomas to touch Him in the flesh, so too does Christ invite us — His disciples in 2022 — to meet Him physically in the
Sacrament of the Eucharist. So, if you would like to share a meal with Christ, the time is here! You have already been given a perpetual, open-ended invitation to dine with Him, in His Father’s house. Through the gift of the Eucharist, we are invited to share in the eternal banquet of heaven. This belief is the incomprehensible glory of our Catholic faith. We celebrate with great joy, therefore, the night in which Christ instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. Although “re-presented” at every Mass, we commemorate this event on two special feast days of the liturgical calendar — on Holy Thursday and on the Feast of Corpus Christi. The joy of this “holy gift” cannot be adequately expressed on Holy Thursday, due to its nearness to Good Friday. Therefore, the Feast of Corpus Christi — also known as the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ — is given its own day on the liturgical calendar. Throughout the rest of the world, the Feast of Corpus Christi is normally celebrated on the Thursday following Trinity Sunday, thereby mirroring Holy Thursday. However, the U.S. does not maintain this feast as a Holy Day of Obligation. It is considered a “moveable feast” — this year, the Feast of Corpus Christi occurs on June 16, but the continued on back cover
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church 711 N. Country Club Rd • Stillwater, OK 74075 Web: Phone: (405) 372-6886
CORPUS CHRISTI celebration is transferred to the following Sunday, June 19. On this glorious feast, take the time to thank Our Heavenly Father for the gift He bestows on us through the Sacrament of the Eucharist. In the words of St. Teresa of Calcutta: “When you look at the Crucifix, you understand how much Jesus loved you then. When you look at the Sacred Host, you understand how much Jesus loves you now.” Happy feast day! So, if you would like to share a meal with Christ, the time is here! You have already been given a perpetual, openended invitation to dine with Him, in His Father’s house. Through the gift of the Eucharist, we are invited to share in the eternal banquet of heaven. This belief is the incomprehensible glory of our Catholic faith.
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