OUT OF TOWN | The Murray
on the
Dip your toe into the many cultural and culinary treats on offer along the banks and surrounding towns lining these majestic waterways
EAT & DRINK Fresh produce is abundant in the Murray River region. At Simply Tomatoes take a tour, meet the resident sheep and enjoy lunch in the gorgeous 1890s homestead gardens (simplytomatoes.com.au). Rich Glen Estate is a family owned and operated olive grove with a farm gate store located in Yarrawonga (richglenoliveoil.com), while Mildura Chocolate Company creates sweet delicacies and provides employment for locals experiencing disadvantage (mildurachocolatecompany.com.au). Enjoy a tasting or a sensation lunch at Trentham Estate, a family-owned boutique winery nestled on the riverbank, just 15 minutes from Mildura (trenthamestate.com.au), or sit down to a meal at American Hotel, Echuca Moama’s oldest pub (americanhotelechuca.com.au). The Goulburn River Valley is considered Victoria’s food bowl – experience an abundance of eateries from local wines at Tahbilk (tahbilk.com.au), to the lush surrounds and indulgent treats at Billabong Garden Complex and Cafe in Shepparton (billabonggardencomplex.com.au), or dine and stay in Black Spur Inn in Narbethong (blackspurinn.com.au).
SEE & DO The red, sandy landscape of Mungo National Park is home to an array of animals, birds and plant life, including wedge-tailed eagles and red kangaroos. Most remarkably, remains of the earliest known humans to inhabit the Australian continent were found here, and date back nearly 40,000 years. Start at the Visitor Centre located off Arumpo Road to find out more (visitmungo.com.au).
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History buffs will love the historic Port of Echuca precinct, where Australia’s largest fleet of paddle steamers come home to roost. It still operates much like it did in the 1860s, and admission includes a guided tour, and entry to the museum and attractions (portofechuca.org.au). Golfers will delight in the picturesque Murray Downs Golf & Country Club, consistently voted one of Australia’s top resort courses (murraydownsgolf.com.au), while art lovers will relish the all-encompassing contemporary art experience at Murray Art Museum Albury (MAMA), where you can enjoy world class exhibitions and participate in workshops and immersive cultural experiences (mamalbury.com.au). DV For more information and to plan your trip, go to visitthemurray.com.au
Mungo National Park Rich Glen Olive Estate - Yarrawonga
estore your soul and reconnect with nature in the vibrant Murray and Goulburn River regions, with their sandy river beaches and towering red gum forests. Take a cruise downriver on a paddle steamer or canoe, delve into pioneer history, or kick up your heels at music, food and wine festivals.