Global Ph.D. programme 2015

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Global Ph.D. Programme in Law Notice on the Public Tender – Six Mixed Ph.D. Scholarships1 2015

Católica Global School of Law (CGSL) is hereby issuing the notice on the 2015 call for applications to the Global PhD Programme in Law, starting October 2015. Admitted candidates receive a full tuition waiver and a monthly stipend calculated to cover their living expenses as doctoral students in Lisbon for four years, as well as expenses related to research stays abroad. Within the terms of the Framework-Agreement signed by FCT and the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, the Directive Board approves candidates selected by virtue of merit following the procedure outlined in the application for funding. Scholarship contracts are concluded directly between each selected candidate and FCT. Information about the Programme is available on the webpage of Católica Global School of Law at Hence, within the terms of the ‘Regime of Research Scholarship Holders’, enacted by Law nº 40/2004 of August 18, as it currently stands, together with the Regulation of Scholarships by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, the public tender for the selection of candidates to individual scholarships to attend the PhD Programme is now open. 1. NUMBER OF DOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIPS (BD) AVAILABLE There will be six scholarships available to candidates who fulfill the criteria laid down in n. 1 of article 30th of Decree-Law n. 74/2006, of March 24, modified by Decree-Law n. 107/2008, of June 25, and n. 230/2009, of September 14. 2. ADRESSEES The following may apply to this tender: Portuguese nationals or nationals of other EU countries; non-EU citizens who hold a valid title of residency or who enjoy long-term This document is an English language translation of the oficial notice in Portuguese (Aviso de Abertura do Concurso para Atribuição de Quatro Bolsas Mistas de Doutoramento), available at 1

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