Purebred Sheep Breeders of Ontario Sale - DLMS Farm Gate Timed Auction

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Welcome to the 2023 Purebred Sheep Breeders of Ontario

Sheep Education, Junior Days and Online Sale!

Education and junior weekend will take place at Erin Fairgrounds, Erin ON June 16,17,18 2023.

Online Sale will be hosted on DLMS Farm Gate

Timed Auctions Opening June 16th and Closes

June 17th


It is with great excitement as we prepare for our first ever online timed sale. The PSBO has been around for over 25 years and this is the first time we have ventured from our in person format. We feel this to be the best way for our consignors to be seen by as many eyes as possible from Coast to Coast! We have timed the sale in such a manner that anyone purchasing sheep from out of Province should have ample time to find rides with folks possibly headed to the Classic in B.C. The markets in Ontario hold strong as does the Quality of the animals. Bid with confidence and please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about a certain lot. Thank you for stopping by our sale listing!

Sale Preview

We are recommending all consignors have their animals present for viewing at the Erin Fairgrounds in Erin Ontario. Saturday June 17th. Check the comments of each lot. There it will list if the animals will be available for viewing at Erin Fairgrounds.


The Purebred Sheep Breeders of Ontario is a reputable group that has been involved in the industry and hosting sheep events since 1996! We stand behind what will be offered at our sale and all animals will be healthy and will be guaranteed as breeders if handled in a proper manor by their purchaser. Should any disputes arise it shall be handled between seller and purchaser.


All payments are to be sent to the PSBO Secretary. Cheques are to be made out to the Purebred Sheep Breeders of Ontario. E-transfers are also a preferred method of payment. Mail Cheques to Joan Finlay Box 364 Lucknow ON NOG 2H0 Etransferpsbo.secretary@gmail.com


Animals may be removed straight from Erin Fairgrounds at the conclusion of the Sale on June 17th. There will also be trucks headed every direction from Erin Fairgrounds on Sunday June 18th. We will do all we can to find your purchases a ride in your direction. Contact us quickly after the sale so we can make arrangements with trucks leaving Erin on the Sunday. Paul Finlay will be headed to the Classic in BC and will have some room. Call to confirm a spot! 519-441-1361

Sale Contacts

Spencer Jackson 519-993-4491


Kyle Seguin 613-698-7570


Blair Dow 613-805-7519

Exhibitor Contacts

Irwin & Mary Jackson: 519-856-4490

Strathearl Suffolks- 5431 7th Line Rockwood ON strathearlsuffolks@live.com

Spencer, Amy, Mason & Sierra Jackson: 519-993-4491 Green Valley Hampshire- 5431 7th Line Rockwood ON spenceriwjackson@gmail.com

Gary Reynolds: 519 492 1263

Bond Vale Farm- 5603 Line 72 RR# 2 Atwood, Ontario. Bondvale@hotmail.com

Mary & Scot Robertson: 705-279-5151 Tri R Way Livestock- 3067 Flos Rd. 6 W Phelpston, ON marye.1068@gmail.com

Sean &Deena McBrien: 519-437-1874 McBrien Livestock- 19665 Hill Road Ridgetown, Ontario mcbrien3@ciaccess.com

Gregory Bell: 613-489-2976

Bell’s Pride Hampshire- 7280 Rideau Valley Drive South, Kars ON gregorybell@ripnet.com

Jim and Wendy Driscoll: 519 589 7390

J&W Dorset’s- 7832.12th line. RR#2 Alma Ont. jimmydsheep@gmail.com

Josh, Melissa, Felicity & Austyn Groves: 519-761-1449

Van Gro Farm- 594 Hwy 54 Brantford vangrofarms@hotmail.com

Kyle Seguin: 613-698-7570

Mactaggart Family Suffolks c/o - 7124 4th line rd. North Gower, ON seguinsheep@hotmail.com

Frank & Ned Cursio: 519-766-3012

Arkell Valley Suffolks/ Cursio Farms- 285522 Artemesia Southgate, Town Line, Proton Station ON



Jim Young: 519-757-2192

Young Sheep- Brantford ON jfrog9@rogers.com

Take note that bidding will only be through the online Website DLMS. There will be no live auction bidding at Erin Fairgrounds but please bid with your phone! Many Sheep will be there to view but not all so please read the comments on lots you are interested in carefully!


1.Visit dlms.ca and follow the link to the DLMS Farm Gate timed auction site www.farmgatetimedauctions.ca, click the LOGIN/REGISTRATION button. First time users will select the REGISTER button from this page. Fill out the registration form to signup for a free user account and it allows you to select a username and password for use on all Farm Gate Timed auctions. This program will send you text and email messages whenever there is activity on your favorite lots or someone challenges your proxy bid and this is why you will be asked for both your current email and cell phone number. If you are a past participant in the Farm Gate Timed auctions simply enter your username and password to continue. This takes you to a list of both current and upcoming Farm Gate Auctions.

2. You can choose your favourite lots in this sale at this time and the program will allow you to open either all sale lots or just your favorite lots on your screen. Any time there is active bidding on a lot you have identified on your favorite list you will get a text and/or an email noting this activity.

3. The program allows you to place a proxy bid on any sale lot. This in fact protects your interest in any lot of interest for you to a specified dollar value you set, when you may not be able to give 100% attention to the sale. If the lot has a $2000 bid on it and you place a proxy bid of $3500 into the system, the computer will bid $2100 for you but if some one else bids $2200, the computer will again bid for you, this time at $2300. The system will look after your interest to a maximum of $3500. If another bidder is on at $3600, your proxy will no longer be effective and you will no longer have the winning bid on this lot without once again logging in and bidding again or moving your attention to a second lot of interest.

4. At closing time of the sale the entire sale will extend bidding if a bid is placed on any lot in the sale. Any bid received after close time will extend the sale by the time listed on each sale. In Most cases the time gets shorter the longer in to extended bidding the sale is. When no bidding occurs for the extended time the computer will declare the sale finished.

5. Following the sale the Owner or Sale Manager will invoice all buyers in the sale, please contact the seller with questions or to arrange delivery, pick up or shipping of your purchases.

For more info and assistance with bidding contact any of the sale contacts listed on the DLMS Website; DLMS Farm Gate Timed Auctions ~ Mark Shologan Ph: 780-699-5082

WHAT IS RACEHORSE STYLE SALE CLOSE? Racehorse style sale close is when the entire sale stays open in extended bidding. This type of sale allows you as the bidder to change to a different lot within the same sale if the bidding has gone in to extended bidding.

HOW WILL EXTENDED BIDDING WORK? When we get to the close out end time the clock for close extends with any bid placed with less than 5 min on the clock. This type of extended bidding turns the end time to more of a soft time. Extended bidding allows bidders to compete in lots like a real auction and give all bidders the same time to make a decision. Always follow the clock to see how much time remains in the sale you are interested in.


LOT# 1

Yearling Ewe

Young LW 39K

February 12 2022 Twin

Sire- McGlashan 56G

Dam- Young LW 86E

A big solid ewe with good length and width. Her fleece was beautiful and sold before she was sheared off ready for fall shows. Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 2

Yearling Ewe

Young LW 41K

February 20 2022 Twin

Sire- McGlashan 56G

Dam- Young LW 137G

Not the biggest ewe but very correct with a beautiful head.Her fleece was beautiful and sold before she was sheared off ready for fall shows. Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 3

Yearling Ewe

Bond Vale Anetta

March, 2 2022 Twin

Sire- Deakin 17-2121 RR Arrmani

Dam- Bondvale Lady

This ewe is a large spring born yearling. Lots of breed character with a good fleece. Her dam was our show yearling last year that won at the Royal. The second dam Hunterdown Lass 32B was one of the original ewes Gerald Hunter picked from his flock for us to build on. Will be scrapie resistant tested prior to sale day

Animal will not be at Erin Fairgrounds for viewing.


LOT# 4

Yearling Ram

Cursio Farms 183K

January 14, 2022 Twin

Sire- Cursio Farms 252H

Dam- Atkinson 190E

Here we have a Twin born Yearling Ram, half sibling to our other lots on the Sire side. A true to type Dorset Ram with a nice tail set, length of body, power and performance, who will add carcass traits and gain-ability to your lamb crop. Sired by our home bred Ram CUS 252H, a balanced, thick ram with a nice blend of Australian genetics on the sire line and Canadian genetics on the Dam line. 183K carries himself well on quality feet and legs with heavy bone, a wide chest and rump with high performance EPDs.

Scrapie Genotype: QR

Genovis EPDs: Gain Percentile of 97%, CARC percentile of 96%, Mat percentile of 92%, Loin percentile of 98%

Maedi Visna “A” Status Flock, Genovis Recognition Award Winner-3 rd Place for Maternal Breeds for Ontario. Animal will not be at Erin Fairgrounds for viewing.

LOT# 5

Yearling Ewe

Groves Girls Genetics 1307K

February 23, 2022 Triplet

Sire- Dorsets n Daylilies 0023s “Closer”

Dam: Groves Girls Genetics 0522 SA

This ewe is exposed to the 2022 Royal Supreme Champion ram “Sam I am “, for fall lambs. She has a lot of potential and has so much growth left to her. She is a triplet lamb and her dam managed to raise all three on her own. Her dam is a ewe that we have never had to touch when she delivers her lambs. We really appreciate the hip on this ewe and it's

just going to get better and better. Take this girl home and see her blossom into a great show ewe or better yet, an excellent brood ewe. Her sire goes back to the well-known American ram, “White Onion”.

Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 6

Fall Ewe Lamb

Cursio Farms 595K

Oct 4, 2022 Single

Sire- Cursio Farms 252H

Dam: Sheperd’s Fold SFD 58G

Here we have a single, fall born ewe lamb out of a triplet born Dam and twin born Sire, half sibling to our other lots on the Sire side. Another true to type Dorset ewe with good bone and top line with a good tail set complemented by strong carc and loin EPDs. Sired by our home bred Ram CUS 252H, a balanced, thick ram with a nice blend of Australian genetics on the sire line and Canadian genetics on the Dam line. 595K carries herself well on quality feet and legs with nice bone, a wide chest and rump with quality performance EPDs.

Scrapie Genotype: RR

Genovis EPDs: Gain Percentile of 85%, Carc percentile of 96%, Mat percentile of 82%, Loin percentile of 96%

Maedi Visna “A” Status Flock, Genovis Recognition Award Winner-3 rd Place for Maternal Breeds for Ontario

Animal will not be at Erin Fairgrounds for viewing.

LOT# 7

Fall Ewe Lamb

Cursio Farms 413K

October 7, 2022 Twin

Sire- Cursio Farms 252H

Dam- Sheperd’s Fold 131G

Here we have a twin, fall born ewe lamb half sibling to our other lots on the Sire side. A true to type Dorset Ewe with good bone, nice tail set, depth of body and a smooth top line with a balance of performance and physical traits.

Sired by our home bred Ram CUS 252H, a balanced, thick ram with a nice blend of Australian genetics on the sire line and Canadian genetics on the Dam line.

413K carries herself well on quality feet and legs with nice bone, a wide chest and rump with quality performance EPDs.

Scrapie Genotype: RR

Genovis EPDs: Gain Percentile of 90%, CARC percentile of 81%, Mat percentile of 86%, Loin percentile of 83%

Maedi Visna “A” Status Flock, Genovis Recognition Award Winner-3 rd Place for Maternal Breeds for Ontario Animal will not be at Erin Fairgrounds for viewing.

LOT# 8

Fall Ewe Lamb

Jim Driscoll 173K

November 28, 2022 Twin

Sire- Jim Driscoll 199E

Dam- Jim Driscoll 126 G

Genovis and Codon Tested

Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 9

Spring Ewe Lamb

Jim Driscoll 76L

January 23, 2023 Twin

Sire- Jim Driscoll 199E

Dam- Jim Driscoll 174D

Genovis and Codon Tested

Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.


LOT# 10

Spring Ram Lamb

Bell’s Pride 7L

February 1, 2023 Single

Sire- Seguin H 20-135H

Dam- Bell's Pride 56D

We liked the look of this ram when we pulled him out of the pen, we liked him even better after shearing him. This ram weighs 145 pounds at 111 days with lots of muscling. He will get quality lambs to market earlier to take advantage of higher prices. This ram is sired by a Seguin ram which is out of a Fleener club style ram and out of a Bell's Pride dam. This ram should test RR for scrapie based on his parentage. Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 11

Spring Ram Lamb

Green Valley 28L

February 4, 2023 Twin

Sire- VIP 8832

Dam- GreenValley 2H

A ram lamb that is as stout as I can make them! He is heavy boned, deep ribbed, wide topped and is RR to boot! Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 12

Yearling Ewe

Bell’s Pride 15K

February 16, 2022 Twin

Sire- Seguin H 20-135H

Dam- Bell's Pride 29F

The sire is a Seguin ram that goes back to a Fleener club style ram that has produced some

great sheep in our flock. Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 13

Spring Ewe Lamb

Green Valley 1L

January 25, 2023 Single

Sire- Deakin 2267

Dam- GreenValley 49H

A really flashy profiling lamb that is extremely straight in her lines and has plenty of gas in her tank! Her Sire Deakin 2267 is the #1 Ram on The GenOvis Elite Proven Ram List! Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 14

Spring Ewe Lamb

Green Valley 3L

January 27, 2023 Twin

Sire- VIP 8832

Dam- GreenValley 25F

A youthful ewe her that is super straight made. Her Sire VIP8832 is club lamb breeding. They pack on muscle quickly as they grow and finish! Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 15

Spring Ewe Lamb

Green Valley 48L

February 10, 2023 Twin

Sire- GreenValley 6K

Dam- GreenValley 25F

Don’t let this lamb’s youthfulness fool you. She is super square made, level and deep in her rib shape. Her future is extremely bright! Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.


LOT# 16

Ewe Lamb

Young 52L

January 8 2023 Twin

Sire- Park Lynn Gavin 36G

Dam- Young 80E

Nice long ewe lamb with light colour. Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.


LOT# 17

Choice of a Ewe Lamb

Sire- Todd H&J 31G

A very unique opportunity here! The top bidder will be able to pick out a ewe lamb of their choosing from a select group of 2023 ewe lambs at McBrien Southdowns! Animal will not be at Erin Fairgrounds for viewing.

LOT# 18

Choice of a Ram Lamb

Sire- Todd H&J 31G

Another unique opportunity here! The top bidder will be able to pick out a ram lamb of their choosing from a select group of 2023 ram lambs at McBrien Southdowns! Ram will be RR! Animal will not be at Erin Fairgrounds for viewing.


LOT# 19

Yearling Ram

Arkell Valley 520K

April 15, 2022 Twin

Sire- Stonehill 13E

Dam- Arkell Valley 93G

An RR yearling twin Ram that is ranked high on Genovis EPD, with excellent feet and heavy boned legs. He is a long and deep bodied ram. He is complete Suffolk type as a result of Arkell Valley and Stone Hill genetics.

Arkell Valley is a Maedia-Visna status A Flock! Animal will not be at Erin Fairgrounds for viewing.

LOT# 20

Yearling Ram

Mactaggart 22-126K WDM 126K

May 15, 2022 Single



RR for scrapie resistance. Nice young ram, still has his lambs teeth. Gorgeous head and long bodied ram. Watch seguinsheep on facebook for video and updated pictures closer to sale date. Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 21

Suffolk Ram Lamb

Tri R Way Livestock SRA 181L

January 15, 2023 Single

Sire- Tri R Justis 19J

Dam- Tri R Lass 98H

Scrapie resistance AARR (lab result May 12)

Birth weight 9.5 lbs. ADG @ 50 days 0.58 lbs, ADG @ 100 days 0.93 lbs, and ADG after weaning @ 50 days 1.12 lbs. Good testicular development. Correct ram lamb with very desirable Suffolk breed characteristics. Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 22

Suffolk Ram Lamb

Strathearl Suffolks 1L

January 25, 2023 Twin

Sire- Strathearl 7K

Dam- Strathearl 2J

This is a power packed buck lamb. He is loaded with muscle, built tremendously wide and deep, not to mention a gorgeous Suffolk head. His sire 7K only left the farm once and was Supreme Ram at Rockton Fair after breeding half our flock! He has Jordan Livestock on both sides of the pedigree. Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 23

Suffolk Ram Lamb

Strathearl Suffolks 10L

February 3, 2023 Twin

Sire- Strathearl 7K

Dam- Strathearl 28J

This is a sneaky good ram out of our Supreme Ram from Rockton. He is young but super straight and square made through his hip and hind quarter. Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 24

Suffolk Ram Lamb

Strathearl Suffolks 28L

February 5, 2023 Twin

Sire- Strathearl 13K

Dam- Strathearl 24G

Another young ram with an excellent square structure to his hip and tail set. He handles like a club lamb. Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 25

Suffolk Ram Lamb

Strathearl Suffolks 75L

February 17, 2023 Triplet

Sire- Strathearl 13K

Dam- Strathearl 32H

A triplet born and raised here! He is really wide topped deep in his rib and heavy boned! Full discloser he does have a little grey on top of his tail head. May just be lambs fleece, but we want to be honest that it is there. Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 26

Yearling Ewe

Strathearl Suffolks 3K

January 23, 2022 Single

Sire- Vangro Lockdown

Dam- Strathearl 60J

Here is a Stud ewe ready to go to work! She definitely isn’t the going to be the tall ewe in the bunch but she will be just as wide and deep as any out there. Don’t miss this one! Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 27

Yearling Ewe

Strathearl Suffolks 19K

January 27, 2022 Twin

Sire- Strathearl 46G

Dam- Homestead 121F

A very straight made ewe here. Her sire 46G is the #2 Ram on GenOvis Proven Elite Rams List! Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 28

Yearling Ewe

Strathearl Suffolks 47K

February 5, 2022 Twin

Sire- Strathearl 46G

Dam- Strathearl 34H

A very straight made ewe here. Her sire 46G is the #2 Ram on GenOvis Proven Elite Rams List! Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 29

Yearling Ewe

VGRL 1400

February 8, 2022 TWIN

Sire- Whispering Hills Prince Extraordinaire 7-10RR

Dam- Renn-vue Farms AC 2584

This ewe is out of one of our original ewes that we imported from Renn-Vue Farms. The dam of this ewe has produced solid ewes for us for 12 years straight. Every year she gives us a smart set of twins. This ewe has bone and mass. We love her thickness! Her sire is the Whispering Hills Prince Extraordinaire. He did wonders for the Renn-Vue flock in Michigan and when we had the opportunity to bring him to Ontario, we had to jump on it. Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 30

Yearling Ewe

Strathearl Suffolks 49K

February 10, 2022 Twin

Sire- Strathearl 35F

Dam- Strathearl 28F

This ewe is an absolute beast! She may be as wide as she is tall! Sire was a Royal Champion and her dam has produced many high dollar offspring for us over the years. If you like them

stout, look no further! Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 31

Yearling Ewe

Strathearl Suffolks 75K

February 28, 2022 Twin

Sire- Maccauley 4104

Dam- Strathearl 47D

A very wide based deep ribbed ewe here with a beautiful head. She is sired by our very popular Maccauley ram. She is loaded with muscle! Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 32

Yearling Ewe

VGRL Lumina

March 6, 2022 Triplet

Sire- Whispering Hills Prince Extraordinaire 7-10RR

Dam- VGRL American Dreamer

This ewe is a triplet out of one of our favourite brood ewes. The genetics on this ewe are deep! The sire is our Whispering Hills ram, “Prince Extraordinaire”. On the dam side, you will find double Luxford breeding. She has lots of growth left since she is a March baby. We have been incredibly picky about the structural correctness of legs on our Suffolks and we think you can see that on this ewe. Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 33

Yearling Ewe

Arkell Valley 525K

April 19, 2022 Triplet

Sire- Stonehill 13E

Dam- Arkell Valley 194H

She is an RR triplet yearling ewe. Line breed to my Stone Hill herd sire. She comes with very good depth of loin, a very good Suffolk head with excellent breeding potential. Perfect on her feet and legs with very good Genovis scores. Please note that this girl has torn the edge of one of her ears. Arkell Valley is a Maedia-Visna status A Flock! Animal will not be at Erin Fairgrounds for viewing.

LOT# 34

Yearling Ewe

Arkell Valley 527K

April 19, 2022 Triplet

Sire- Stonehill 13E

Dam- Arkell Valley 89G

Another excellent RR yearling ewe. She is a Granddaughter by A.I. of Owen Home 1E. A triplet with excellent feet and legs with a lot of bone. She is a deep and long bodied yearling ewe. Arkell Valley is a Maedia-Visna status A Flock! Animal will not be at Erin Fairgrounds for viewing.

LOT# 35

Yearling Ewe

Arkell Valley 536K

April 24, 2022 Twin

Sire- Stonehill 13E

Dam- Arkell Valley 29D

The last yearling ewe I have to offer. One of the best with perfect feet and legs. A long and deep bodied ewe. A granddaughter of one of my best foundation ewes. She is a half sister To AVS 90, the ram chosen by Stone Hill as one of Paul’s flock sires. on the dam side. Also very good Genovis EPD. Arkell Valley is a Maedia-Visna status A Flock! Animal will not be at Erin Fairgrounds for viewing.

LOT# 36

Fall Ewe Lamb

Mactaggart 22-167K

October 1, 2022 TWIN


Dam- Mactaggart 20-79H

RR for scrapie resistance. Super correct, big bodied, easy keeping ewe with bright future ahead of her. Twin to our other fall ewe lamb entry. Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 37

Fall Ewe Lamb

Mactaggart 22-171K

October 1, 2022 TWIN


Dam- Mactaggart 20-79H

RR for scrapie resistance. Very flashy, extended and correct ewe lamb. Twin to out other ewe lamb entry. Watch seguinsheep on facebook for video and updated pictures closer to sale date. Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.


Fall Ewe Lamb

Arkell Valley RR 596K

October 4, 2022 Twin

Sire- Stonehill 13E

Dam- Arkell Valley 60J

An RR fall born ewe lamb. A granddaughter of Super Sire 95 on the her maternal side. She has a very good loin measurement and high Genovis numbers. Also very good depth of body on strong feet and legs. Arkell Valley is a MaediaVisna status A Flock! Animal will not be at Erin Fairgrounds for viewing.

LOT# 39

Fall Ewe Lamb

Arkell Valley RR 597K

October 4, 2022 Twin

Sire- Stonehill 13E

Dam- Arkell Valley 60J

She is the full twin sister to AVS 596K. She has a very high loin measurement for a ewe. Again excellent depth of body and feet and legs.

Arkell Valley is a Maedia-Visna status A Flock! ! Animal will not be at Erin Fairgrounds for viewing.

LOT# 40

Spring Ewe Lamb

Tri R Way Livestock SRA 214L

January 18, 2023 Twin

Sire- Homestead Acres 129G

Dam- Tri R Lass 168H

Scrapie resistance AARR and Maedi Visna MVV/CAEV antibody Negative (test results May 12) Birth weight 11 lbs, ADG 0.52 lbs at 50 days, ADG 0.88 lbs at 100 days and ADG after weaning 50 days on feed 1.12 lbs. Vaccinated with Glanvax 6 May 3, 2023 and will have received 2nd dose by sale date. Correct lamb with lots of potential! Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 41

Spring Ewe Lamb

Strathearl Suffolks 4L

February 1, 2023 Twin

Sire- Strathearl 7K

Dam- Strathearl 74J

What a sweetheart of a ewe lamb here!

Gorgeous headed, smooth made, wide topped, big boned. A complete package! Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 42

Spring Ewe Lamb

Strathearl Suffolks 7L

February 1, 2023 Twin

Sire- Strathearl 7K

Dam- Strathearl 75J

Another sweetheart of a ewe lamb here! A notch more square in her make up with a nice head and beautiful feet and legs. Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 43

Spring Ewe Lamb

Strathearl Suffolks 14L

February 3, 2023 Twin

Sire- Strathearl 7K

Dam- Strathearl 60J

We love this lamb for the mass she shows at a young age. She is super square made out through her hip .A great 4H Prospect! Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 44

Spring Ewe Lamb

Strathearl Suffolks 20L

February 5, 2023 Twin

Sire- Strathearl 7K

Dam- Strathearl 22J

This lamb has always stood out with her flashy look and smooth design. Check out how wide she is for her age! Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

LOT# 45

Spring Ewe Lamb

Strathearl Suffolks 33L

February 6, 2023 Twin

Sire- Strathearl 13K

Dam- Strathearl 37H

A super long sided, smooth handling lamb. Again she has tremendous width for her age. She does have a dark spot on her shoulder but the rest of her is snow white. Animal will be available for viewing at Erin.

Email: Duffield@xcelco.on.ca www.codan-suffolks.com

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