Lethbridge Northern 4-H Beef Club 2021

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This 4-H Sale will be conducted on DLMS as a LIVE ONLINE ONLY sale with an auctioneer and sale order. DLMS will broadcast audio with Point & Click bidding starting at 7:00 PM, Wednesday June 2, 2021. To be approved for bidding, login into your account and click buyer approval, for instructions on how to get signed up for the sale.

“I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country & my world.” The Lethbridge Northern 4H Beef Club Invites you to our 73nd Annual Sale! During this uncertain time in our world, the 4-H communities have faced many challenges in their 2020-2021 season. While there are many changes in the way these 4-H members will be presenting their livestock, the one thing that has not changed is the hard work that members have put into selecting, training their projects and the care and attention they have put into feeding them. We passionately believe that by choosing to purchase a 4-H steer, you are investing in the youth of today and the community leaders of tomorrow! This year, our club has 15 steers that will be sold and we would greatly appreciate your support at the sale. We continue to uphold 4-H’s motto of “LEARN TO DO BY DOING.” Our members will be working hard over the next weeks to market their animals a little differently for June 2! To ensure the safety of the community, 4-H members and their families during COVID-19, we have decided to sell the club steers via DLMS online auction. If you are not comfortable purchasing an animal on the DLMS site, please contact a leader and we will have order buyers available who can bid on your behalf Here are the details of the available options: Option A: You may purchase a steer for your own beef requirements - as an individual, a company or business, or a group of friends. This is the best Alberta Beef that you may ever eat. These steers have been fed the best, balanced feed rations and have been individually well-cared for (brushed, cleaned, fed, exercised, as only a 4-H member would do). The steers purchased can either be kept for personal use or sold to an onsite purchaser for that day’s fair market value. Anyone wanting to butcher for personal use please talk to a leader to secure your slots at a local abattoir. Option B: You may choose to spend a certain amount of money if you do not wish to purchase the full value of a steer. We will pool your donations with others who wish to purchase a steer in this way. Contact one of the leaders to discuss this with them. You will be recognized as a full buyer, even though you only purchased a portion of the steer.

We would once again like to thank all of our previous and potential buyers and supporters of our club, as this event and the entire club would not be in existence without you! Thank-you! 1

4-H Leader / Parent Sale Contacts:

Payment – Cheques are made payable to:

Miriam Sinke – General Leader – 403-359-1177 emsinke96@gmail.com

Lethbridge Northern 4H Beef Club C/O Amy Slingerland Box 119 Shaughnessy, AB T0K 2A

Henry Van Hierden – 403-382-9813 pvfeeders@gmail.com Tony Slingerland – 403-382-8643 slingertn@gmail.com Bryan VandeMunt – 403-593-1555 vandemunt7@gmail.com Karen Dunsbergen – 403-894-1687 karendunsbergen@gmail.com

Delivery / Pick Up options for buyers: Following the sale the member will contact the buyer to arrange delivery to the location of the buyers choice. Please have your phone on and be available as the 4-H member will contact you to receive your instructions of where you want your calf to go. Anyone wanting to butcher for personal use, we have spots available at a local butcher shop for June 4. Please contact a leader to discuss options and availability.

4-H Thank YOU We would like to thank all of our previous and potential buyers and supporters of our club, as this event and the entire club would not be in existence without you! Thank-you! CHARITY CALF: Directly following the sale we

will sell our charity calf with the proceeds going to HALO Air Ambulance. HALO Air Ambulance is honored to provide the only dedicated medevac air ambulance helicopter in Southern Alberta. The HALO Air Ambulance program provides a much-needed contribution to the already established emergency medical services provided by Alberta Health Services. The availability of the helicopter improves response time to critically ill and injured casualties in remote or inaccessible areas and increases our capacity for delivering quality medical care. Since our inception in 2007 HALO Air Ambulance has been dispatched to over 850 missions.


Name: Nicole Slingerland 4-H Tag#: 4273 Steer Name: Astro Age: 14 Years in 4H: 1 Other Interests: Reading, baking and playing piano. My Project: My steer Astro is a big and tall Charolais. He had an attitude but I still mnaged to control him. A steak on your plate from this monster steer would be delicious.

Name: Maelle Mans 4-H Tag#: 4276 Steer Name: Bulls-Eye Age: 11 Years in 4H: 1 Other interests: Playing with siblings, painting, reading, Playing Playmobile, writing stories. My Project: In the spring of 2020 I had picked out a beautiful a calf to be my steer 4 H challenge, being in my first year of 4H however I did not bother to check if it was a male. Turns out when all the calves went to the auction mine was held back and sure enough, it was a female. Oh Great! So last minute I went to Mr. Pelleboer and he had a beautiful red steer for me. He was bigger then what I expected, and he was quite wild, and a perfect catch hence the name Bulls-Eye. He is a red Angus. On the Mini Show he wanted to do summersaults!! A whole lot of sass he gave me but turns out he’s just a big softy. He will make some great juicy steaks.

Name: Kayleigh Slingerland 4-H Tag#: 4277 Steer Name: Brisket Age: 14 Years in 4H: 3 Other interests: Other Interests: I love soccer, baking, spending time with my friends, nieces and nephews. My Project: I had a very good year with my 4H steer. Brisket came in tame when we bought him, although he didn't like his halter very much. By about the end of December, I got the halter on him and was able to walk him without him trying to get away. Although he was tame, Brisket was pretty stubborn and he never likes to walk on the halter for very long. Thank-you to

GTL Trucking and Cargill Feeds for your support in purchasing my steer last year


Name: Natalie Van Hierden 4-H Tag#: 4279 Steer Name: Charlie Age: 16 Years in 4H: 5 Other Interests: I enjoy working on the farm and raising my own animals My Project: My steer is a black Angus and his name is Charlie and he is very calm and has been easy to train. Thanks to Bullseye Feeds for buying my steer last year.

Name: Darren Van Hierden 4-H Tag#: 4282 Steer Name: Orville Age: 14 Years in 4H: 5 Other Interests: I’ve been learning a lot about mechanics this past year and really like it. When I’m done work for the day I love dirt biking and someday soon I also want to buy a quad. My Project: Orville is a Charolais. He has been very easy to train because he is calm and easy going. He will make a great steak someday! Thank you to John Schooten and Sons for purchasing my steer last year!!

Name: Sean Van Hierden 4-H Tag#: 4283 Steer Name: Johnny Age: 11 Years in 4H: 2 Other Interests: I enjoy helping my dad with yard work and truck maintenance. I also like to help my grandpa work on the feedlot and I enjoy reading. My Project: My steer, Johnny, has grown a lot. He has a stubborn streak and has been very difficult to train: when I want him to walk, he likes to race me around his pen! I have enjoyed working with him, although his nature made it a very challenging year. All around, I’m happy with the work I’ve put into him and hope he will make great steaks. I’d also like to thank Serfas Farms and Western Tractor for buying my steer last year. 4

Name: Danielle Sinke 4-H Tag#: 4286 Steer Name: Ace Age: 15 Years in 4H: 6 Other interests: I enjoy working with cattle, riding horses as well as spending time with my dogs. My Project: Ace is a home raised steer who I had picked out since the day he was born. He is a nice solid and well finished steer who loves attention. He has been very good with tying and loves any attention he can get. He can be a little stubborn at times but has been a very nice project steer to watch grow since the day he was born. I would like to thank Summit Livestock for buying my steer Clifford, last year. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Name: Jordan Slingerland 4-H Tag#: 4287 Steer Name: Diesel Age: 12 Years in 4H: 2 Other Interests: I enjoy quadding and dirt biking and helping my dad on his feedlot. My Project: My steer Diesel was a great steer to work with this year. He improved a lot throughout the season. He think he would be a mouth watering steak on your plate! Thank you to Pelleboer Farms Ltd for purchasing my steer last year. I appreciate your support.

Name: Amy Slingerland 4-H Tag#: 4290 Steer Name: Galaxy Age: 17 Years in 4H: 3 Other interests: Playing piano My project: My steer Galaxy was made quite an improvement since November. He is quite tame but is not too fond of being led. He has gained weight very well and I know he will taste great on a dinner plate. I would like to thank Eldorado Petroleum Services and Schuld Farms for buying my steer last year. It is much appreciated.


Name: Michelle Klok 4-H Tag#: 4291 Steer Name: Bandit Age: 14 Years in 4H: 1 Other interests: Reading, Playing piano, baking, cooking suppers, helping out in the field, tagging and treating calves. My Project: Joining 4-H in 2020 meant I didn’t get to experience the full part of the club, however, hanging out with Bandit, riding him, brushing and watching him fight over the food with the other 4H calves was worth it! I’m going to miss him when he goes that’s for sure! Bandit is a Brockle Face steer, he was so cute as a calf when I picked him out and he turned into a really nice and gentle steer with all the time I spent with him. Thank you 4-H Leaders for doing whatever you could to make this year as original as possible.

Name: Shamira Oskam 4-H Tag#: 4293 Steer Name: Texas Age: 12 Years in 4H: 1 Other interests: I love reading, spending time outside training calves, baking, sewing playing piano and crafting. My Project: My steer is a little mean and stubborn. He can be easy going and kind when he’s on the halter and loves getting brushed. He was very hard to get to walk at first but will taste good on the BBQ!!

Name: Nigel Stoutjesdyk 4-H Tag#: 4294 Steer Name: Chucky Age: Years in 4H: Other interests: I enjoy snowboarding, spending time with friends, and taking care of animals. My Project: Chucky is a solid steer who learned very fast how to lead me around. Even though he can be very stubborn he is a tame steer now and loves being brushed and fed. He will for sure make a great steak one day.


Name: Edwin Dunsbergen 4-H Tag#: 4295 Steer Name: Typhoon Age: 14 Years in 4H: 5 Other interests: I like building things out of wood, playing computer games and making up games. My Project: My steer is black with a white belly and weighs around 1400-1500lbs gross. He is very tame and leads pretty good and easy to catch. I would like to thank Stonks feedlots for purchasing my steer last year.

Name: Kiara Oskam 4-H Tag#: 4297 Steer Name: Galloway Age: 14 Years in 4H: 2 Other interests: I love helping on the farm working with the dairy cows and feeding calves twice a day and playing guitar. My Project: My steer is one of my favourite projects to work with, I spend lots of time grooming and halter training. He’s a pretty easy going calf. But getting him to walk takes effort. I would like to thank John Dekok at Optimum Manufacturing for purchasing my 4-H steer Buster last year!

Name: Carmen Oskam 4-H Tag#: 4298 Steer Name: Tornado Age: Years in 4H: Other interests: I enjoy baking and helping in and around the house and working with my 4-H steer Tornado. My Project: Tornado was a bit shy at first and would run away whenever I was near him. After spending time with him and putting a halter on him he became more and more friendly. When it comes to walking he still needs a bit of work as he likes to plant his feet in the ground but after you tire him out he walks perfectly! I would like to thank Mr Houweling at Alberta Prime Beef for purchasing my 4-H steer Archie last year.



Order # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

4H Tag # 4273 4276 4277 4279 4282 4283 4286 4287 4290 4291 4293 4294 4295 4297 4298

Member Name Nicole Slingerland Maelle Mans Kayleigh Slingerland Natalie Van Hierden Darren Van Hierden Sean Van Heirden Danielle Sinke Jordan Slingerland Amy Slingerland Michelle Klok Shamira Oskam Nigel Stoutjesdyk Edwin Dunsbergen Kiara Oskam Carmen Oskam Charity Steer

Steer Name Astro Bulls-Eye Brisket Charlie Orville Johnny Ace Diesel Galaxy Bandit Texas Chucky Typhoon Galloway Tornado Halo

Thank-you to our 2021 Sponsors Alberta Prime Beef- donated charity calf & use of facility for our sale PrairieView Feeders – Weigh in Facility Tony Slingerland Family – Fed charity calf Elanco (Sheila Hilmer) – Implants donation W.A.Vet Services: Vaccines donation AltaLink: Communication Event Sponsorship FCC: Sponsorship Funds AFSC: Sponsorship Funds UFA: Sponsorship Funds Doug Domolewski: Quality Judge Alley Handsaeme: Showmanship Judge Ryan Konynenbelt: Auctioneer

Thank you to our 2020 Buyers: Summit Livestock More than Just Feeds Alberta Prime Beef Winfield Farms Pelleboer Farms Gibbs Agencies Vanee Livestock Trucking Chester Bogi Darryl Groenenboom Future 13 Enterprises Inc. Schooten & Sons Feedlot

Stronk’s Feedlot Serfas Farms Western Tractor Optimum Manufacturing Emil Veterinary Services Slingerland Cattle Custom Silaging GTL Trucking Cargill Feeds Eldorado Petroleum Schuld Farms Alberta Prime Transport

North Albion Farms JF Murray Farms Ron’s Custom Silaging 8

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