Village Diary
Things change so please check with the organiser before setting out. Have you an event? Please send brief details (preferably following the format below) to in plenty of time!
19 March Thorp Arch & Walton (YCA) Ladies Group, Boston Spa Methodist Church, 7.30pm.
Friday 6 March Quiz Night St Peter’s Church
Talk by St John Ambulance. New Members welcome. For info email
Doors open at 7 pm with a “Heads Down” start 7.30pm. Tickets cost £7.50 including first drink and finger bites. Tickets available from Doreen 842344 or Janet 844189.
Saturday 7 March Walton Village Work Day
11 April Wetherby Town Hall Art Exhibition by members of Artists Around Wetherby
9.30am Holly Cottage (more details on page 12)
A chance to buy original art and quality prints, cards and other artisan products from local artists, refreshments in aid of the Royal British Legion.
Sunday 8 March Thorp Arch Annual Litter Pick Please meet in the car park of LEH Primary School at 2pm. Wear old clothes and gardening gloves; litter pickers provided. (more details P10)
MAY 8, 9, 10, 16 & 17 May Artists Around Wetherby Open Studios. Artists in Thorp Arch and Walton are taking part, look out for the orange balloons. All studios are within 6 miles of Wetherby and offer refreshments in aid of the British Legion. Map and full details available at Castlegate and Touchwood in Wetherby or Yeadons and Costcutter in Boston Spa nearer the event or see
16 March Walton Group of Artists Art Day, Walton Village Hall
Sunday 28th June - Scarecrow Trail & Strawberry Tea at St Peter’s.
Clare Dean (member of Walton Group of Artists) will be running a workshop using seed heads as inspiration, exploring texture and acrylic inks/gesso ( Open to members first, contact Clare Dean (clare@ to be added to the waiting list for when a place becomes available. Workshops are £35 for non-members.
The Scarecrow theme this year will be Children’s Characters From The Musicals/Films. Further details with timings etc. will be announced in the April issue.
19 March Walton Group of Artists Demonstration, Walton Village Hall 7-9pm
7 November Walton Village Hall 3rd Annual Bonfire and Fireworks Night
Heather Burton will be holding a demonstration using palette knife painting in Acrylics ( Demonstration open to non-members, cost £3 on the night.
Details to follow. Thursday 12th November - Requested by public demand the return of a Fashion Show by Life & Soul.