ESIA Voluntary Service – Volunteerism for Global Education and Understanding
YOUTH EXCHANGE NEW DELHI, 22-‐28 February 2013
The Youth exchange in New Delhi, India was organized from 22nd Feb to 28th Feb 2013. 28 participants from 18 to 28 years old from seven-‐partner organizations from Europe and Asia (Spain, India, Vietnam, Philippines, China, Poland and Greece) and 1 group leader per country participated in the event. The main aim of this event was to explore, share and learn more about the topic of global education and the film making process. During the 5 days of work we have proposed the following objectives: 1. To offer the participants the space to meet, exchange and to offer a strong ICL. 2. To give the participants motivation to implement follow up activities. 3. To inspire the participants to be the responsible global citizens.(volunteers) 4. To give the opportunity for participants to learn more on the topic of film making. 5. To make 7 short movies in 7 different countries on volunteering and global education, lasting maximum 15 minutes.
With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union
ESIA Voluntary Service – Volunteerism for Global Education and Understanding
The way to achieve the objectives, the methods were based on non formal educational principles, meaning that everybody had the chance to present their points of view, share their experience, learn by doing, experimenting, trying, etc. The work was divided into 2 parts. The morning part was normally dedicated to culture, intercultural learning and global education. The afternoon part was about film making. Step by step the participants were able to understand what means being and acting as a responsible, open minded active citizen, and to wrap this understanding into a movie frame.
YOUTH EXCHANGE DAY BY DAY If we look deeper into methods and topics of every day, the Youth Exchange looked like this: DAY 1 – The first morning, when the participants had already the whole night of sleep in India, we gathered in our working room in the Majestic Hotel, East of Kailash, New Delhi. The informal inauguration and welcome was done by Mr. Anil Kumar Saxena, Ex – Director, Directorate of Film Festivals, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. And Mr. Faizal Khan, International Film Critic. We even learned that in India the film makers break a coconut in order to have good luck during the shooting of a movie and we broke one as well!
With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union
ESIA Voluntary Service – Volunteerism for Global Education and Understanding
The first session of the morning was aimed for the participants to introduce themselves, know the program, the objectives of the YE, to know each other better and to start preparing a smooth and cozy environment for working together during the week. After the presentation of the program and the objectives, made by the two facilitators, the whole group in the circle first presented their names, where are we from and our expectations of participating at the Youth Exchange. The second step was to go further and see what we have in common. We have played “ The wind blows”, a game where a participant stands in the middle of the circle, everybody else is sitting on their chairs. The person who stands in the middle says The wind blows on the persons who…ex. Like to wake up early, and the ones who do have to stand up and search for an empty chair. There is always a person who is remaining standing up and continues with the wind blows…
With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union
ESIA Voluntary Service – Volunteerism for Global Education and Understanding
Another activity to remember our names and try different types of communication:
Trainers explained that a competition is starting and divided participants in 2 groups, every group representing a team. Two long adhesive tape lines were stuck on the floor and participants were asked to create a line and to touch the line with their feet. Participants had to find “alternative ways” to communicate and create the alphabetic order of the team from A to Z. The group that finished as a first have raised the arms. The second task was to create the age order of the team from the younger to the older. The next group building activity was to create groups by saying 2 numbers. The first number meaning how many persons has to form one group and the second number meaning how many points on the floor are they allowed to touch. Afterwards we invited the participants to move freely within the space, on the flow of the music and when the music stopped, they have to find a couple and discuss about different things: why am I here, what are my passions in life, how am I connected to the world of the movies, what do I expect from this YE, etc. In this way the participants had the chance to know more about the others and also reflected about their expectations for the YE. The last activity of the session: we have asked the participants to use their creativity and create their own flying machine. This flying machine will fly above the Airport of Feelings (that we previously put on the wall), telling us how the expectations of each participants became true or not. If the machine flies high, it means that the feelings and the level of learning is high, the opposite, there are things that are missing…
With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union
ESIA Voluntary Service – Volunteerism for Global Education and Understanding
During the first afternoon, we merged into the topic of Visualization and still Photography. The topic was divided into two sessions respectively in which participant theoretically and practically explored the Understanding of Image, Realism & western perspective, and Principals of Still Photography, Color, Composition, Lighting and Various Visualization skills. The participants practiced how to create a Perfect image.
After dinner, we had the chance to watch an inspiring National Award winning Film “BAAL GANDHARV”. DAY 2 – On the second day of work we have woke up really early and head for the Taj Mahal and few more historical and artistic monuments in Agra and New Delhi, where during the whole day the participants had the chance to practice the photography skills they explored during the previous day. We also visited a temple where we could observe a Buddhist ceremony and eat dinner in the same temple.
With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union
ESIA Voluntary Service – Volunteerism for Global Education and Understanding
DAY 3 – The following day we have started with the introductory activity for participants to understand the topic of culture and intercultural society. The participants put themselves in two lines, all of them looking to the front. The facilitator drew a symbol on the back of the last participant and he/she had to draw the same to the back of the person in front. When the picture got to the first person, she/he drew it on the paper and showed it to the rest of the participants. And like that three different times.
After the debriefing of the exercise the participants in smalls groups 20 min. discussed the following questions: “what is culture”, “multicultural and intercultural society”, “what is importance of language in culture”, etc. In plenary the groups gave brief presentation of their work in groups and in the end the facilitator made a theoretical part on different layers of the culture, using the “Model of onion”. For each layer youngsters were asked to give examples from their experience or daily life. The second part of the session about the intercultural learning was to explore cultural differences and our emotions/behaviors when we meet differences, also to find constructive ways of dealing with/preventing conflicts raised from differences. The participants were split into two groups and given a paper with the instructions. They had to represent a culture that was co-‐living on the same land with another culture but had no information about them. The situation was that in order to get enough rice from the King who was the master of their lands, they had to take a picture of him and his family. The problem was that one group only have one part of the camera and
With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union
ESIA Voluntary Service – Volunteerism for Global Education and Understanding
the other group has the rest of it. In order to survive they had to negotiate with the other group and find a common solution of the problem. Each group first had to define their culture, based on some of the instructions given on the papers, values, beliefs, attitudes, language. (eg: When you talk to strangers, you do not make direct eye contact because you think it can upset them. When you talk to somebody, you like to keep a slight distance between you (1 m). Verbal characteristic of your communication style When you discuss something with someone, you avoid direct confrontation. Silence in conversation reflects a positive and constructive discourse. Norms and customs of business behavior Men are more intelligent and analytical then women, and you behave accordingly. In business situations, it is normal for men and women to sit in two separate groups. Greeting and style of addressing people You address others with “Brothers or Sisters”. And the other group: When you greet someone, you give him a warm hug. Your greeting words are: “Hello dear”. You address other people only by name and you repeat the name of the person many times in conversation etc. ) The rest they had to imagine and create themselves in the group. The groups had 40 min to discuss and agree about the different aspects of their culture, prepare their outfits, symbols, etc. and when ready meet between the delegates to know each other and in 5 min try to find as much as possible about the other culture. The second meeting between the delegates was about discussing the strategy of how to take the picture of the King and survive both of the cultures (There was not enough rise to live in abundance both of the culture but enough for both of them to survive) The third meeting and the final one was already with the whole group where they presented the solution to the problem. After the solution has been represented, the participants gathered in the big circle again and together discussed about what happened, about their feelings during the activity, how they lived the process being part of a culture with characteristics that were not theirs, how they communicated with the other culture and what were the challenges and how did they overcome them. So what new things they learned about themselves?
With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union
ESIA Voluntary Service – Volunteerism for Global Education and Understanding
The afternoon was dedicated to the Film Studies. These two sessions were all about exploring the Historical Development and Aesthetical form of Art of Cinema. The first session concluded The idea of Cinematic form and Concept of Cinematic Structure, Film Genres, and Development of Cinema and In the second session was about The Silent Era of Cinema, Coming of Sound and Development of Cinema.
DAY 4 -‐ On the 26th, the 4th day of work, we started to talk about the global education in all its aspects. First we have created a net with a string where each participants shared a thought or idea she/he has about global education. After that we came to a common definition of what global education is and which aspects are important to know about it. The causes and the consequences of our acts and the importance of being aware what is going on in our local communities and in the world. These were the conclusions of the session. After that the participants split into smaller groups and had 1,5 hours to explore the surrounding of the Hotel and the blocks nearby and to catch the moments through photography where different aspects of global education are visible. When they came back we have started to talk about the Script writing, without seeing yet the pictures they have made. During the following 2 sessions of script writing participants explored the technical and Aesthetical topics, which was as follows. 1. In the Search of a Story 2. Idea and Developing Idea 3. Theme & Genres 4. Fiction and Non Fiction 5. Narrative 6. Mis-‐en Scene 7. The Three Act Structure 8. Writing a Screenplay
With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union
ESIA Voluntary Service – Volunteerism for Global Education and Understanding
After the more theoretical part (we have printed out all the pictures they have made before), we have moved into practical one. First, we have changed the working environment. We went to a nice park in the centre of Delhi and there we have exposed all the pictures made by them. In small groups they had to create a story that is connected to the global education, choosing some of the pictures they had in front of them. During 1,5 hour they were creating stories, guidelines for a movie on Global education.
With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union
ESIA Voluntary Service – Volunteerism for Global Education and Understanding
The afternoon was all about film making. Participants in three groups had to create short movies from its beginning to its end. They had to recreate three different situations, using the whole Hotel as the scenario. Each group had one director, few script writers, cameras, actors, post production, etc. Participants had hands on experimental sessions on professional cinematography and post-‐production equipment’s. So they spend the day on exploring “The Development of Cinematographic Camera”, “Linear and Non-‐Linear Editing”,
“Lighting”, “Exposure”, “Composition”, “Transitions”, “Dubbing” And various Post-‐production and Camera Handling Techniques.” In the end of the day we had three different 3 min movies in the post production. And finally, this third night we had celebrated the International night, where all the countries could present some small pieces of their countries, some food, drinks, clothes, small typical objects, etc. We all enjoyed the time with rich difference in flavors, colors and smells.
With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union
ESIA Voluntary Service – Volunteerism for Global Education and Understanding
DAY 5 -‐ The Final Day was dedicated to three different things: “Direction and Basic Video Production”, Closing ceremony in the evening in the LPS Auditorium, PHD House, celebrating the International short movie festival, and finally the evaluation of the Youth Exchange and the farewell party. In the morning, In two different sessions participants explored the various creative & management of skills of Filmmaking Like 1. Role of Director 2. Cinema as Director’s medium of Expression 3. Modes of Film Production 4. The Director & The Actor 5. Dramatic Effect of Lenses & Camera Angle 6. Packaging and Marketing of a Film Through revising the movies the participants have made the day before, discussing the results and giving a general tips and feed back to the participants. Secondly, we have discussed among all what kind of short movies we would like to make within this ESIA project, technical aspects, deadlines, topics, different approaches, etc. In the end we had a common vision of what we will create during next month in our countries.
With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union
ESIA Voluntary Service – Volunteerism for Global Education and Understanding
After lunch we all moved to Another Venue for the Closing Celebration of the Youth Exchange. Where they had the opportunity to mix up Indian Film Fraternity, Art & Media Students, Youth and Government officials. Also a short film form each partner country was screened.
With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union
ESIA Voluntary Service – Volunteerism for Global Education and Understanding
When we came back, we have made the final evaluation of the Youth exchange. First in an informal way, in circle, everybody could express their feelings, impressions, learning outcomes of the YE. Afterwards we handed to the participants an evaluation questionnaire form which we could learn more about their all over impressions. And finally we said goodbye to each other, full of motivation and willingness to start creating our movies. SOME WORDS ABOUT THE EVALUATION… The evaluation during the Youth exchange was an ongoing everyday process. A part from the “Airport of feelings”, where the participants situated daily their flying machines according to how their expectations were coming true day by day, we have also had daily evening meeting with the participants in national groups with their group leaders. These moments were perfect to share the feelings of the day, the new learning achieved, the personal challenges overcame, etc. They were made in a very personal and safe environment where also the personal contact between the participants became very close.
With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union
ESIA Voluntary Service – Volunteerism for Global Education and Understanding
On the other hand, the overall and final evaluation showed us that the participants enjoyed very much the Youth Exchange. They felt exhausted after so many days of intense work and creation but they appreciated the level of intensity and the amount of new things they have learned from each other. Moreover, they felt enriched by the knowledge of new cultures and people and surprised that they have so many things in common. They have new very close friends now. One negative side of the Youth Exchange that many of them pointed out was that they felt they didn’t have enough time to explore the surroundings and have more free time to spend with each other. The timetable was very condensed and when finished, they were too tired to go out. On the other hand, they were empowered with what they learned and felt ready to make a movie in the national teams. An overall impression is that this Youth Exchange was a success, the strong Euro-‐Asia dimension influenced on the richness and the intercultural learning of the participants, they have gained personal and professional motivation in many aspects of their life. Moreover, they became aware of so many things they are surrounded with by just changing their normal environment for a week…observing the difference and learning from it!
With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union
ESIA Voluntary Service – Volunteerism for Global Education and Understanding
TESTIMONIALS Through my exposure on this youth exchange program, I have been unconsciously redefining my world. Thanks for giving us this chance, European Commission. I will give back by doing more volunteer work not just in my community, but to communities who need help the most.
I hope there will be yearly audio-
Youth exchange was indeed a
visual-presentation about what ESIA
fantastic idea, which eventually
do. so that we can inspire people to
brought different nationals
volunteer or to donate in the said
together wherein we came to
organization. and also if its possible
know the different aspects of
after the volunteers training will put
work, adaptation and and
into practice.
definitely the importance of Teamwork. Classes of Filmmaking led by Mr. Abhijeet Kumar helped in exploring different aspects of
Well, took part ESIA was a precious
Filmmaking and teamwork.
experience for me. Meeting other
Regular Workshops and
people from other culturals and
dialogues helped in initiating
sharing ideas together, those things
knowledge, fraternity and Global
helped me a lot to understand more
about Youth in Action. By making a movie about volunteering activities, I hope we can contribute more for our
I enjoyed a lot working with
social so that people can know more
people from other continents. I
about volunteerismt.
could find out and learn many things because of that.
For sure, staying in India during the training was amazing and my creativity was encouraged by that reason.
With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union