Jan_Feb 2021 Georgia Communities FIRST

Page 23

Education Buzz:


Have you checked your learning pulse?

Did you learn something today? What was the last education program you attended? Did you exit the learning event with a list of actionable items for your personal and professional success? Have you implemented your action items? Do you know how you learn best? Do you have a learning plan? Do you support your team’s learning goals? Ongoing learning and development programs are vital to workplace success, change, and transformation. As an adult education practitioner, I encourage you to avoid making learning an emergency event. Set a plan for your learning; either have annual goals for personal success or by working closely with your organization to ensure training programs are available. Have measurements for your learning success. Remember learning is a process. Create a learning experience for yourself by being organized, set a schedule, create a space, have your learning tools in hand, engage, listen, take note, highlight, and ask questions. Share what you learn with others. You can be your own learning advocate. Contact CBA First when you have a training need or desire.

Kristi Greer

Senior Vice President Director of Professional Developent Community Bankers Association of Georgia

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