CBA’s Innovation
Committee Making Real and Meaningful Progress
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F E AT U R E S July/August 2022
C B A S TA F F John McNair President & CEO Lori Godfrey Executive Vice President and Chief of Staff, Government and Regulatory Relations
Innovation Trailblazers – p. 9; CONNECT Agenda: Make your plans for convention. – p. 22
Kristi Greer Senior Vice President Professional Development
The Case for Continuous Innovation
professional development
Finding the Fun in Questioning the Status Quo
CBA’s Preferred Service Providers
Education Buzz
Lindsay Greene Senior Vice President Member Services, Marketing
CBA’s 54th Annual Convention & Mini-Trade Show Topics & Agenda
Lisa McNair Director of Finance
Upcoming Programs
t h e l at e s t
Get Involved! Make Your Voice Heard
Advocacy T-Shirt – Order by August 31
s pot l i g h ts
CBA’s Innovation Committee: Making Real & Meaningful Progress
Being Comfortable With Discomfort
Bank Innovation Reimagined
Cassie Cornell Assistant Vice President Digital Strategy and Professional Development Marketing
member services
Up with Coupons
Cybersecurity Policy Development 101
McNair & Hester Scholarship Winners
Connie Shepard Assistant Vice President Professional Development and Member Engagement Ellen Shea, CMP Director of Association Services
On the cover: Chris Stanley, Senior Vice President/Fintech Banker, SouthState Bank, Atlanta and Chair of CBA’s Innovation Committee.
s tay connected
Becky Soto Assistant Vice President Professional Development and LEAD Board
@company/ cbaofgeorgia
Community Bankers Association of Georgia 1640 Powers Ferry Road SE, Building 28, Suite 100, Marietta, GA 30067-1425 (770) 541-4490 or (800) 648-8215 • Fax (770) 541-4496 | • J u ly/ A u g u s t 2 0 2 2 | G e or g i a C o m m un i ti es F i rs t | 1
John McNair President & CEO Community Bankers Association of Georgia
The Case for Continuous Innovation Over the years, we have all heard quotes and phrases regarding change, such as: “The only constant is change,” and “If you are not moving forward, you are moving backward.” There are many more as well; however, the general idea is that it is important to always be innovating and evolving both in our professional and personal lives. Considering the micro and macro economics of the world we live in today, the case for innovation should be abundantly clear for Georgia’s community banking industry.
The Qwickrate Community Bank Index first quarter 2022 statistics for all Georgia community banks under $10 billion in assets reveal a five year low in both NIM (3.18%) and NII (.48%). Additionally, due to a variety of factors mostly inflationary based, the average efficiency ratio hit a 5-year high rising to 70.6%. Obviously, these Q1 numbers do not reflect the recent Fed rate increases which will drive up interest rates; however, I am already seeing and increase in deposit rates. While these are only a few metrics, they do help make the case for the need to innovation.
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When discussing innovation with bankers, some will note the implementation of a new fintech or regtech solution or perhaps a complete change of their core processor. Both are certainly forms of innovation; however, may not be part of a comprehensive and ongoing approach to the business. In my 35-year businesses career, the companies I have seen succeed over time have adopted a philosophy of innovation throughout the organization – not just in the C-suite. All employees are encouraged to bring innovations to the table for discussion as to how a new process or technology fits into the broader organization. In sum, innovation becomes pervasive throughout the organization and becomes part of the company’s culture. To help member banks develop a culture of continuous innovation, CBA has launched an education series named the CBA Innovation Exploration Bundle. This comprehensive series has been thoughtfully designed with the help of CBA’s Education Committee and Innovation Committee. In other words, designed by community bankers for community bankers. I encourage all to consider the series as well as embrace a philosophy of continuous innovation throughout your business.
Rebeca Romero Rainey President and CEO ICBA
Finding the Fun in Questioning the Status Quo When’s the last time you left a meeting and found yourself saying, “I never thought about it that way before!”? For me, the answer allows me to gauge how much I’ve successfully encouraged differing viewpoints. If I’m not asking myself this question regularly, it’s a red flag that I need to be looking for new ways to welcome input.
As leaders, it’s our job to create a culture that celebrates and harnesses differing perspectives. But it’s not about discussion for discussion’s sake; it’s about broadening our mindsets. Healthy debate helps us achieve an outcome where we’re all pushed to think beyond what might be readily in front of us. This openness to doing things differently and hearing new ideas naturally invites more discussion on topics you may never have realized were there. Open dialogue is important, because as a community bank, no two scenarios are exactly alike. Having a team that offers a variety of different opinions will allow a bank to think creatively to problem solve. It creates a space where employees ask, “Is this OK, or are we missing an opportunity?” and “How can we better meet the needs of the community?”. When you have an environment where it’s OK to disagree, you develop a dedicated team, which yields a better outcome.
In addition, healthy debate introduces an element of fun into strategy. When done right, it’s engaging, stimulating and inspiring. It also leads to a culture of excellence where staff are encouraged to question the status quo and stretch the organization so it can grow to new heights.
Take the 40 Under 40 featured in last month’s issue. None of these leaders received the distinction by doing things the way they’ve always been done; they learned to be leaders through example, through education—at events like our LEAD FWD Summit—and through their own experiences. This has driven them to challenge their banks and teams to do better and be better. That makes them shining stars, and it also speaks volumes about the culture their banks have created. Thinking about our leadership team at ICBA, I’m grateful for the discussions we have. Our complementary perspectives have helped us continue to grow to better serve the needs and interests of our members, and I know all of you seek the same for your communities. So, let’s use this as a call to action to keep finding the fun in questioning the status quo. I’m certain it will help us continue to flourish.
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Get Involved! Make Your Voice Heard! Make plans to attend CBA’s Upcoming Advocacy Events
Lori Godfrey Executive Vice President & Chief of Staff Government and Regulatory Relations
Town Hall Talks are a multi-location Grassroots alternative to a Day at the Dome for you to meet your legislators in person. We are proud to be partnering with NFIB to host these “Town Hall” style events where attendees will have the opportunity to engage your legislators in a Q&A session and hear their perspectives on legislative issues that may impact community banks. Attendees will be presented with CBA & NFIB updates, programs, insights on the upcoming legislative session, and most importantly, meet & greet legislators. In addition, this will be a great opportunity to network with other CBA & NFIB members and affiliates. Bankers, we encourage you to invite any small business clients to join and attend these Town Halls with you.
1:00 AM 1 Arrivals / Check-in 11:15 AM Welcome & Introductions: John 11:20 AM CBA Advocacy Update: Lori 11:30 AM NFIB Advocacy Update: Nathan Humphrey, Senior State Director 11:40 AM Networking Lunch 12:30 PM Legislators Introduction and Opening Comments 12:45 PM Question & Answer Period with Legislators 1:30 PM Wrap Up and Departures
July 21, 2022 | Watkinsville July 28, 2022 | Valdosta August 4, 2022 | Augusta August 11, 2022 | Milledgeville
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Funding customized for your bank’s evolving needs. Lock in low-cost funding now with flexible terms and tailored structures. While many banks are experiencing significant liquidity today, that situation can change quickly and dramatically. Now is a good time for your bank to secure low-cost funding as rates continue to rise.
Whether your bank seeks fixed- or floating-rate pricing, overnight or term options, or millions or billions of dollars, IntraFi® FundingSM is the answer. It’s a reliable funding source—one of the largest in the U.S.—that doesn’t require collateral, credit lines or stock purchase requirements. And unlike some other funding alternatives, IntraFi Funding counts as deposits, not borrowings.
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Use of IntraFi Funding is subject to the terms, conditions, and disclosures set forth in the applicable program agreements, including the IntraFi Participating Institution Agreement. IntraFi Funding and the IntraFi hexagon are service marks, and IntraFi is w. a registered service mark of/IntraFi Network LLC. 6 | ww cbao | July A ugust 2022
If you enjoy networking with bankers, partner firms, and legislators, you won’t want to miss CBA’s upcoming Advocacy After Hours. Watch for details on Axe Throwing events in the metro Atlanta area and in Macon. Another fun way to raise funds for CBA’s advocacy efforts giving community banks a voice at the Capitol.
Back by Popular Demand 2022 CBA Community Banking Champion T-Shirt
If you missed the opportunity to order a 2022 CBA Community Banking Champion t-shirt, CBA’s LEAD Board is giving you another chance! Monies raised from the t-shirt fundraiser support CBA’s advocacy efforts at the state capitol. Perfect for casual Fridays, CBA events, community service events and more - increase awareness of our industry brand. Don’t miss out! Order your shirt by August 31st!
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Mary WIlliams, Executive Vice President, Chief Operations Officer; Paul Rogers, Vice President, Strategic Project Management; Ria Maharaj, Vice President, Operations Manager; and Cassie Orloske, Data Controller and Operations Support Officer.
Covid-19 has accelerated the move to electronic payments. There is less need for bricks-and-mortar banking as account holders can complete just about any transaction online. To stay competitive—and retain customers— banks need to find ways to compete effectively with non-bank fintechs, large regional banks and large credit unions. The challenge in everything is to find business partners that offer leading edge technologies and share common goals. When you choose United Bankers’ Bank as your partner, you gain access to background systems that support your business. UBB’s operations team manages a full gambit of payment types for its community bank customers. Through our biometric fingerprint secured UNET system, we run ACH transactions as well as both domestic and international wires. Collectively, our operations and payments teams have more than 425 years of experience in banking, payments and operations. This allows community bankers to focus resources on their customers. By offering instant payments, banks can capture deposits currently held in fintech payment system wallets.
UBB’s operations team manages a full gambit of payment types for its community bank customers.
First for your Success is the guiding principle for what we do. As the nation’s first bankers’ bank, we were founded by community bankers who pioneered the bankers’ bank model. We’re a full-service bankers’ bank offering the resources and support community banks need to compete, succeed and remain community based. Our business is built on relationships with community banks and the pledge that we will never compete against them.
1650 W 82nd Street Suite 1500 Bloomington, MN 55431 8 | ww w. cbao | July / A ugust 2022
Contact: Call: 952-885-9461 Visit:
CBA’s Innovation Committee Making Real and Meaningful Progress
Guest article from Chris Stanley
he Community Bankers Association of Georgia formed its Innovation Committee in 2019 with the participation of over twenty senior leaders from Georgia’s community banks around the state. We have made remarkable progress. Our bankers have embedded themselves in the organizations that propel Atlanta, and Georgia, forward. These include the Technology Association of Georgia’s Fintech Society, Georgia Tech’s Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC), Fintech Atlanta and the Georgia Fintech Academy, itself a great advance forward in building a knowledge-based pipeline of future leaders to serve our state’s banking and financial technology community.
“The members of our innovation committee understand that this paradigm shift has occurred and that only the forward thinking will thrive and survive.”
Innovation in banking has reached a tipping point, in no small part due to the pandemic. Consumers and businesses were compelled to do that which they had previously been hesitant – fully embrace the latest technologies, and specifically financial technologies. What had once been a distant rumbling for most banks was suddenly front and center, and with significant implications for the future of community banking. The members of our innovation committee understand that this paradigm shift has occurred and that only the forward thinking will thrive and survive.
Chris Stanley Senior Vice President & Fintech Banker SouthState Bank Atlanta CBA Innovation Committee Chair
Each month we discuss both macro and micro trends. We invite influencers to speak and share their knowledge, expertise and experiences. We hear from the CEOs and founders who are at the forefront of this innovation. And in this way, “fintech”, a term that is broad, sometimes ambiguous, and often scary, becomes relatable. The vast choices in the market are suddenly more manageable and strategic priorities come into focus. Our bankers are making real and meaningful progress that will benefit their customers, whether consumers or small businesses, and thus their communities. This is something we all strive for, and I hope you will consider joining our growing Innovation Committee.
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Being Comfortable With Discomfort As ICBA’s chief innovation officer, it’s my job to push the envelope, to make people uncomfortable. And while this may sound counterintuitive to fostering successful collaborations, research suggests discomfort is normal when tackling new challenges. That uncomfortable feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you decide to try something new serves as a motivator and is why I tell community bankers: “To succeed in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, you need to get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable.” Last week, I talked to a community bank president and CEO who faced this challenge head-on. He observed that cybersecurity, once relegated to the bank’s information technology (IT) department, had instead become a natural extension of the business that affected everyone across the organization, him included. For him, getting comfortable with discomfort meant brushing up on his skills to meet current demands, which he did by obtaining a certification in cybersecurity.
Get out of your comfort zone
Community bankers can, through their leadership and action, change culture and spark innovation in various ways, including: 1. Facilitating open communication. Innovative leaders communicate openly and broadly across an organization. They understand the valuable role staff plays in carrying out a bank’s mission, vision and strategic direction, and regularly ask for their support and input. 2. Cultivating a collaborative environment. Community bank leaders understand that collaboration fosters innovation and works to create a collaborative environment. They aren’t afraid of challenging the status quo and asking for input. Some of the most innovative ideas at banks are sitting on the tips of people’s tongues. It’s up to you to draw them out. 3. Bringing in outside talent to accelerate the process. Leading innovation in the digital age means looking outside the organization for new talent in places you’ve never explored before: different industries, adjacent markets and various types of organizations. As outsiders, these individuals are unencumbered by traditional ways to approach a problem and can offer fresh insights and ideas.
Charles Potts Executive Vice President & Chief Innovation Officer ICBA
Bringing folks together who may have different approaches but a common goal—to create memorable customer experiences—is what ICBA’s ThinkTECH Accelerator program is all about. It offers community banks an opportunity to talk with and learn from bank technology entrepreneurs. Just as importantly, it’s a chance to share their expertise to create solutions that take our industry forward. At ICBA, we believe there is more we can do to help our community bankers get comfortable with the pace of change. We are always looking for new ways to create collaborative, educational experiences for our bankers, helping them grow and improve alongside financial technology companies. Discomfort is a necessary part of growth and innovation. Embrace it and the lessons it provides. Draw on your past wins and experiences and build on them to meet the challenges of the digital age. It’s in you. All you have to do is figure out how to tap into it. And as you do, you’ll get more and more comfortable with the uncomfortable.
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FULL SERVICE DESIGN-BUILD ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING RETAIL & INTERIOR DESIGN & FURNISHINGS CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SITE & MARKET ANALYSIS BRANDING & MARKETING Eclipse Brand Builders is an award-winning commercial design-build firm with unparalleled experience in the financial industry. We partner with financial institutions throughout the Southeast as a single source of responsibility for comprehensive consulting, design and construction services, which we provide with an unwavering commitment to honesty, integrity and helping our clients achieve long-term success.
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Bank Innovation Reimagined Challenges, tips, success stories, getting started, customer experience, employee adoption, improving efficiencies
t’s a new era for community banking - the pandemic forced banks to become proactive, and to question existing business models. At the same time, fintech firms emerged that challenged the status quo in banking. According to an Accenture report, some of the top banking trends for the coming year include reimagining the importance of innovation, using technology and automation to improve banking experiences and back-office efficiencies, understanding the impact of new payment alternatives, and fighting for talent. Georgia community bankers have found that keeping up with the changing digital marketplace is indeed a challenge and opportunity. CBA is pleased to share experiences from those on the digital front line – challenges, where to start, employee adoption, improving efficiencies and successes.
What has been the biggest challenge when it comes to fintech/innovation? Any suggested solutions?
Frank Griffin
Griffin: The biggest challenge for me concerning fintech and innovation is knowing what President innovative product or offering fits in my shop. Like many, I like new technology and I am Flint Community Bank intrigued by the latest and great advancements. Every vendor throws around phrases like Albany Fintech, Metaverse, NFT’s or Crypto Currency, so much so that it has created a cacophony of buzzwords that can make you feel like you are behind the times if you are not participating in or providing a way for your customers to use those products. Quite 770.406.8598 frankly, today, most of those words have no real tangible impact on the way the majority of community banks interact daily with their customers. For most community bankers, I believe it is best to keep your ears to the ground THE “THREE R’S” OF PROGRESSIVE LENDING. and stay in the conversation, so that you do not miss an opportunity that to provide new technology that fits The average consumer will purchase 9 vehicles during their lifetime. Will you be their lender of choice for the future?* in your market or will be of benefit to your customers. However, be careful to not be overwhelmed by the fastOTTOMOTO helps you build long-term profitable relationships that help you retain customers and remarket to them for talking heads who attempt to play to your fear of missing all their financing needs both now and in the future. out. This can cause you to purchase a product or change course unnecessarily which will not produce a return for THE SHARPEST TOOLS, your bank and can end up being a costly mistake. TM
What tips do you have for bankers exploring innovation? How to get started.
Griffin: Do your homework!! Make sure the product fits in the unique structure of your community and your bank. The new product or offering must enhance the experience of your customer so much that it is easily seen in an increase to the bottom line by growth in revenues or decrease in operational expenses, or preferably, both!!
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Success Story
Herring: First Century Bank, N.A. (FCB) partnered with a global fintech partner to launch a virtual commercial purchasing card at the beginning of last year (2021). The card program was marketed to e-commerce marketplace sellers to facilitate purchases needed to run and scale their businesses, such as Google and Facebook digital ad buys and arranging logistics with carriers all over the world. The program has been a success for FCB and also our fintech partner, which enabled them to stay ahead of the curve in a very competitive market and also provide a value-added service. This helped them maintain their current client base and attract new clients. We expect this program to see $1 billion in spends by 2022 YE.
Improving the Customer Experience
Herring: Whether you’re a traditional community bank or a fintech, payments-focused bank like FCB, the client experience is always at the forefront of what we do. Our BSA and Compliance teams are well-versed in what it takes to onboard emerging fintech payments clients and assist in understanding regulatory implications of every program. This knowledge base allows FCB to provide a frictionless, efficient onboarding experience and for a smooth program launch. Combined with our ability to be nimble and responsive, the results are an improved client experience, which helps us build a long term foundation of trust with our fintech and BaaS partnerships.
Helen Herring Senior Vice President, Payments Implementation First Century Bank, N.A., Commerce
Closing SBA loans keeps doors open. Small businesses count on your expertise. You can count on ours.
Your customers have never needed capital more than they do right now. Plus you need to offset narrowing margins by increasing noninterest fee income. SBA/USDA lending is the perfect answer. And ICBA recommends just one provider to make the process hassle-free: Holtmeyer & Monson. Give customers exactly what they need, at no net cost to your bank. Call 800.340.7304 to start
1 4 | ww w. cbao | Ju l y / A ugust 2022
How does your bank promote employee adoption of a new technology or fintech service? Sebade: I think the cultural aspect of your bank being ready to adapt and knowing what you are trying to accomplish with innovation and technology is a very large hurdle for FIs.
Have you implemented a fintech/innovation solution to improve service or revenue?
Sebade: I think as banks we are always getting pitched about how technology is going to improve our expenses – it is part of every pitch. If you asked that question to the BankSouth team, I think you would get back a laundry list of things that were intended to improve our efficiency but what really happens the project frees up time and that time ends up being spent on other tasks (or in the worst case, our old processes don’t update with the new technology and we become no more efficient with a higher tech spend). Anyway, I think it may be rare to ask if someone is trying to improve revenues through fintech and expand their offerings to reach new customers or offer a new level of service or product.
Keith Sebade Chief Strategic Officer BankSouth, Atlanta
Helping your bank fight elder financial abuse in your community Georgia’s seniors need your help! Make a meaningful impact by sponsoring the protection of vulnerable senior housing residents in your community. Contact us to learn about partnership opportunities within your bank’s footprint.
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Have you implemented a fintech/innovation solution to improve efficiencies?
Dawn Bridges Executive Vice President/Chief Technology Officer First National Bank of Coffee County, Douglas
Bridges: While not a fintech related innovation, First National Bank of Coffee County (FNBCC) recently converted from a traditional phone system to a cloud-based phone system, improving our communications capabilities. Our traditional phone system was outdated, lacked both functionality and support, and we had experienced outages with our service provider. Our goal was to find a cloud-based phone system that could provide a modern telecommunications experience as well as business continuity capabilities. In addition, we wanted the ability to easily manage and configure the phone system ourselves. Our team investigated a number of providers including several of the well-known vendors and eventually decided on an established vendor which had recently added a cloud-based phone service to their suite of offerings. The selection of this vendor has proven to be a good one for FNBCC. The vendor offers a complete digital communications suite, and we were able to integrate all of our communication channels – video conferencing, telephone, and instant messaging into one platform. The cloud-based phone system operates on traditional VOIP desktop phones, as a desktop app, and on a full feature mobile app. This flexibility allows us to effortlessly extend our phone system to remote work environments and enables our employees to easily communicate with each other and our customers while on the go. We have the ability to fully administer the system as well as analyze call volumes and call quality. Not only has the system improved the quality and dependability of our communications, but we have also achieved efficiency gains by having a fully integrated telecommunications system.
The Clock Is Ticking!
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Get a Tour of CECLSolver.
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What has been the biggest challenge when it comes to fintech/innovation? Any suggested solutions?
At Craft Bank, it took us a long time to identify the right partner to develop a loan portal for us. We had in our minds very specific functionalities that we wanted for this app. Before consummating our arrangement with LeapXL we spoke with probably 20 different software companies, many of whom had already developed apps that incorporated portions of what we wanted, but not in its entirety. It was interesting to be “pitched” as to why a certain already available app was actually superior to what we “thought” we wanted. In the end, our portal will do exactly what we want and how we want it done. So, if it does not achieve the customer service and efficiency goals that we have set, then that will be 100% on us. My suggestion would be for any bank seeking to implement either an upgrade or a new piece of technology to do the following: a. Have clear consensus among the decision makers as to what you want – everyone should articulate the same objective in 20 seconds or less; b. Have clear consensus as to why this is necessary (not just important); c. Have the CFO run a model to project the quantitative goal: increase revenue, save FTE’s, enhance customer service, etc. And then compare that with the cost to purchase as well as the cost to implement and then maintain; d. Finally – ask the troops about it. If they don’t get behind it, it will be added to the bin of stuff you have, but don’t use.
Ross Mynatt President & CEO Craft Bank Atlanta
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Executive Insurance is a Preferred Service Provider of the CBA of Georgia, and has been working with community banks in Georgia since 1980. We are totally committed to the future of community banking and consequently are setting the standard in service, knowledge and innovation in this very important area. We encourage you to call on us for a comprehensive review of your specific needs.
Mr. Ryan Sower • P.O. Box 480 • Stockbridge, GA 30281-0480 770-474-2355 • 800-772-1404 • 1 8 | ww w. cbao | Ju l y / A ugust 2022
ICBA Securities
Point to Point Environmental
Jim Reber | | 901.762.5884
Mark Faas | | 678.565.4435 Ext 151
Scott Brown | | 334.328.5731
Chris Nelson | | 205.567.3613
Dan Brannan | | 404.997.6023
Diana Baker | | 678.317.7882
Alex Jernigan | | 229.220.0064
Phil Winn | | 678.458.9899
David Saylor | | 770.729.4139
John Gianacaci | | 609.915.9168
Independent Community Bankers of America James Bates Brannan Groover LLP SHAZAM
Genesys Technology Group, LLC Harland Clarke
STS Group Travelers
College Ave Student Loans Christine Ahlgren | | 678.500.5330 Reid Moehn | | 619.865.3395 Warren Averett
Lisa Berry | | 205.769.3388 Wipfli Mary Boortz | | 715.858.6677 GOLD LEVEL
CRA Partners
David Lenoir | | 901.529.4786 Executive Insurance Agency, Inc.
Ryan Sower | | 770.474.2355 Kasasa
Bankers Healthcare Group
Ryan Busenitz | | 678.595.0625
Crescent Mortgage
Melissa Wallace | | 678.797.4062
Michael Ernst | | 404-603-3441
Brian Mullett | | 315.663.1121 Skip Willcox | | 478.357.4441 Sarah Martin | | 470.702.9407 Eclipse Brand Builders
Sharon Morris | | 678.890.1140 FITECH
Sarah Humphrey | | 817.698.2268 Holtmeyer & Monson
Arne Monson | | 800.340.7304 IntraFi Network
Danny Capitel | | 770.630.6796
Stokes Carmichael & Ernst LLP
Chis Bates | | 601.366.7370 Bahr Consultants, Inc.
Hank Bahr | | 865.694.6098 Darnel, Inc.
Greg Herring | | 770.786.4500
Mauldin & Jenkins Ron Mitchell | | 229.446.3600 Newcleus Bank Advisors
JR Llewellyn | | 678.427.1015 Interested in becoming a Preferred Service Provider?
The Preferred Service Provider packages offers Associate Members the option of upgrading to package of your choice. A few benefits include early access to advertising, exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities, simplified budgeting and of course – increased exposure! All packages are reviewed by CBA’s Member Services Committee. To learn more, please contact Lindsay Greene at 770.541.0376.
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Mark Your Calendars for these Excellent Training Opportunities August 18-19: Cyber Risk Summit August 22-26: Advanced BSA/AML Officer School September 15-17: Connect – CBA’s Annual Convention October 5-6: Directors Conference: CEOs, Chairmans & Committee Chairs October 18-19: Advanced Compliance School *NEW Dec 13-15: BSA Fundamentals
CBA continues to provide relevant, timely, and effective education. Find our training calendar on the website or contact one of the “ladies of learning” to discuss your professional development needs and goals. JULY
Branch Leadership HR RAP Innovation Exploration: Micro-Learning-Deposit Programs Banker Regulatory Forum
Executive Channel Cyber Risk Summit Adv BSA/AML School CBLA 3
CONNECT: Convention Sept 14-18 Q3: Compliance: Fair Lending, CRA, UDAAP Retail Banking Forum Innovation Exploration: Micro-Learning-Lending Programs
CBLA 4 Advanced Compliance School Director’s College Branch Leadership HR RAP Innovation Conference
2 0 | ww w. cbao | Ju l y / A ugust 2022
Banker Regulatory Forum BSA Update Coaching Essentials
Executive Channel HR Rap Q4: Compliance BSA/AML Fundamentals
Education Buzz: Change is inevitable
Change is the only thing constant. Simon Sinek says, “Though we crave certainty for almost everything, innovation and progress happen when we allow ourselves to embrace uncertainty.” As ambassadors of the community banking industry, we must choose to embrace change and innovate. Change management is critical to the success of organizations in our world today. So, what is change management? It’s effectively managing the change. We manage people by setting expectations, training how to meet
expectations and evaluating how people are meeting goals. Managing change is similar. You start with a plan, written goals and expectations, established timelines, defined resources, and ensure an after-action review takes place. Let’s encourage each other to ensure new initiatives are successful by establishing agile work processes, an equipped workforce, and a culture of learning. Simon Sinek also says, “The best leaders are students.” And I say, to maintain relevancy, I must choose to learn.
Kristi Greer
Senior Vice President Director of Professional Development Community Bankers Association of Georgia
Dedicated to Community Banks. Driven to Provide Results. With 25+ years of agency experience and endorsements from multiple state banking associations, AgoraEversole can take your marketing to the next level. Contact us to start our partnership today. TRADITIONAL | WEB DESIGN | SEO | SOCIAL MEDIA | DIGITAL ADS | 601.366.7370 J u ly/ A u g u s t 2 0 2 2 | G e or g i a C o m m un i ti es F i rs t | 21
Register Today Reserve Your Room Agenda Donate to Auction Exhibits & Sponsorships
2 2 | ww w. cbao | Ju l y / A ugust 2022
2022 CBA Annual Convention Agenda
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 • CBA Board Meeting • Convention Registration • Exhibitor Set-Up
Thursday, September 15, 2022
• Hot Breakfast • Welcome and Opening Session with Stephanie Stuckey • Stretch Break • “General Session - General Session Panel Strategies to Support Small Business & Community Banking. How Can Community Banks Support Small Business? Ask the Banker. Ask the Small Business Owner.” Stephanie Stuckey, Marty Mosebey and Bankers
Friday, September 16, 2022
• Hot Breakfast • Kick Off with Charles Potts, EVP/Chief Innovation Officer, ICBA • General Session-Banking as a Service with Eric Sprink • General Session-The Great Resignation: Engage & Retain, Recruitment, Compensation-Panel • Exhibit Break Time
Saturday, September 17, 2022 • • • •
Breakfast Kick Off Regulator Panel Regulator Debrief/Recap and Legal Update with Q/A Corrie Hall & Lori Godfrey • Stretch Break • General Session - Inclusivity and Innovation With People First Damon Moorer, President and CEO, TCM Bank N.A.
• Board Reception* • Board Dinner*
*Events by invitation only.
• Exhibit Break Time • Breakout Session - “Cryptocurrencies: The Landscape, Use Cases, and Future Projections” Rahm McDaniel,NYDIG & Marcie Bomberg, WIPFLI • “Breakout Session - Five Critical Strategic Traps That Face U.S. Community Banks In 2022” Speaker: Marty Mosby, Stifel • General Session & Announcements • Afternoon On Your Own • Night Event (PAC Fundraiser) • Breakout Session - State of the Core Industry David Saylor, Genesys • Breakout Session - Leveraging Data to Map Future Success - Sanjay Bhaskar, Klarivis • General Session & Announcements • Rebeca R. Rainey-President & CEO, Independent Community Bankers of America-ICBA Update • Afternoon On Your Own
• Break for Breakouts • Breakout Session - Georgia Agriculture Economic Topic Kent WolfeKeynote Address with Ray McElroy • Breakout Session: TBD • General Session & Announcements • Afternoon On Your Own • Chairman's Reception, Dinner and Party
Sunday, September 18, 2022 • Departures
Download the CBA App Your Source for All Things CONNECT! Scan this code with your phone’s camera and click the link to download. J u ly/ A u g u s t 2 0 2 2 | G e or g i a C o m m un i ti es F i rs t | 23
2022 CBA Annual Convention Speakers
Stephanie Stuckey Chief Executive Officer Stuckey’s Corporation
Charles Potts Executive Vice President, Chief Innovation Officer, Innovation & Vendor Relations ICBA
Marty Mosby Director of Bank Advisory & Strategic Services Vining Sparks IBG, L.P.
Rahm McDaniel Head of Banking Solutions NYDIG
Eric Sprink President & CEO Coastal Community Bank
Damon Moorer CISM, President and CEO TCM Bank N.A.
Lori Godfrey EVP and Chief of Staff, Government and Regulatory Relations CBA of Georgia 2 4 | ww w. cbao | Ju l y / A ugust 2022
Corrie Hall Partner James Bates Brannan Groover LLP
Marcie Bomberg-Montoya OCI, OEI, Principal WIPFLI
Rebeca Romero Rainey President & CEO ICBA
Ray McElroy
9 Hours of CPE!
Friday Cash Prize
Thursday Night Hosted Bar Co-Sponsor
Saturday Cash Prize
Thursday Coffee Station Breakouts
Thursday Cash Prize
Tote Bag Sponsor
Thursday Promo Items
Bottled Water
Friday Breakfast
Mini-Trade Show Cash Prize
Classic Sponsor
Saturday Breakfast
Thursday Keynote Speaker & Participant Gift
Friday General Session Networking Break
Saturday Promo Items
Convention Swag Item
Thursday Night Hosted Bar Co-Sponsor
60-Second Commercial & Board Appreciation Reception & Dinner Co-Sponsor
Saturday Keynote Speaker & Participant Gift
Name Badges
Ribbon Sponsor
60-Second Commercial & Wifi Sponsor
60-Second Commercial & Chairman’s Reception & Banquet Co-Sponsor
Thursday Breakfast
Thursday Night Dessert & Coffee Co-Sponsor
Charging Station
Saturday Night Photo Booth
Board Appreciation Reception & Dinner Co-Sponsor
Snack Bags & Welcome Refreshments
Board Appreciation Reception & Dinner Co-Sponsor Board Meeting Refreshments/Gift Chairman’s Reception & Banquet Co-Sponsor
September 14-18, 2022 | The Ritz Carlton, Amelia Island, FL J u ly/ A u g u s t 2 0 2 2 | G e or g i a C o m m un i ti es F i rs t | 25
CBA’s Mini-Trade Show – Your Solutions Center
Meet 34 of the best community bank providers around, each offering solutions to help your bank. Take a moment to visit with a mix of new and previous exhibitors – learn and enter to win a variety of prizes, including cash giveaways on both days.
Thanks to our Exhibitors!
Abram Armored | ACG | AgoraEversole | Atris Technology, LLC | Bankers Healthcare Group | BCC-USA College Ave Student Loans | Consultants & Builders | CRA Partners | Crescent Mortgage | DefenseStorm DeNyse Companies | Eclipse Brand Builders, LLC | Executive Insurance Agency | FITECH | Genesys Technology Group Gulf Coast Business Credit | Holtmeyer & Monson | ICBA | ICBA Securities | IntraFi | Kasasa | Newcleus Point to Point Environmental | QwickRate | SBA Works | SHAZAM | StreetShares, a MeridianLink® Co. STS Group | Travelers | United Bankers' Bank | Vericast | Warren Averett
Going Once...Twice...SOLD! Donate to CBA's Silent Auction Benefitting CBA's Advocacy Efforts.
One of the highlights at CONNECT, CBA’s Annual Convention, is the Thursday night silent auction. Enjoy dessert, coffee, and cocktails sponsored by Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta, FITECH and Stokes Carmichael & Ernst. Bid on some phenomenal prizes in our silent auction in support of CBA’s advocacy efforts. Please support the fundraiser by donating to the silent auction. Popular items include electronics, artwork, collectibles, sports memorabilia/ tickets (UGA, Braves, Falcons, Atlanta United, etc.), use of a condo or vacation property, children’s items, gift baskets, gift cards, home décor, purses, jewelry, and more. The funds provide Georgia’s community banking industry a voice in state politics.
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Reasons to Attend the 2022 Advanced BSA/AML Compliance School • CBA of GA continues to focus on the needs of Georgia BSA Compliance teams. • Our 2022 Advanced BSA/AML Compliance agenda is built to include the feedback and needs of our community bank BSA compliance teams. If you have not completed the survey, use this link to give us your suggestions and needs. • This year our CBA Advanced BSA/AML Compliance School will continue to include current, real-world regulatory solutions, tools, and processes to support the bank’s BSA compliance policy, procedures and best practices in order to receive excellent exam ratings.
Facilitator: Dianne Barton, PSI
• We are seeking pre-approval for both CRCM credit and ACAMS CEPs (20+ CPEs earned). • Rather than general knowledge, all topics focus on specifically applying to BSA compliance. Erin Woodside Hot topics include: James, Bates, Brannan, • Fintech and the BSA Risks Groover, LLC • Emerging Payment Systems - Fraud and BSA Compliance • Cryptocurrency – BSA Implications Whether Banking or Not Banking • Cannabis – BSA Red Flags, State and Federal Regulatory Update as well as Georgia Legal Update • BSA Reform – What’s on the Horizon and Impact to the BSA Programs Now • CBA chooses speakers who have proven facilitation and instructional skills that allow attendees to learn, explore, use, share and teach the knowledge gained from our classes • Hands-on learning that allows for transferable action to job responsibilities.
Doroteya N. Wozniak James, Bates, Brannan, Goover, LLC
• Provides tools to implement and support the bank’s compliance program. • Practical “real world” interactive sessions resulting in knowledge, skills and tools for BSA compliance and getting your job done.
Melissa Snead GA Dept. of Banking
Special Thanks to Our Sponsors Craig Hirsh OCC
CBA Group Rate is available until Tuesday, July 19, 2022. Please click here or call, 800-342-0212, and reference the Community Bankers Association of Georgia to book your room. J u ly/ A u g u s t 2 0 2 2 | G e or g i a C o m m un i ti es F i rs t | 27
Why aren’t you a part of CBA’s HR & TD League? Lots of conversations about employee needs & wants. Get a jumpstart on 2022 by securing your place in the starting lineup. Plan to take advantage of HR/TD R.A.P Sessions in 2022. They are strategically scheduled in July, October, and December. The R.A.P Sessions will be facilitated by CBA Team members and CBA Associate Members that possess a strong HR background with knowledge in topics such as employee recruitment, retention, engagement, performance, HR law and other Human Resource topics. These sessions will also offer ample opportunity for networking and learning from other community bank human resource associates. Another benefit of the league is access to a law team to pose questions.
Learn more and register today!
HR/TD RAP Session - 7/22 Sponored By: HR/TD RAP Session - 10/21 Sponored TBD HR/TD RAP Session - 12/9 Sponored By:
GOING FURTHER 2 8 | ww w. cbao | Ju l y / A ugust 2022 • 800.277.0040
Quality assurance, tax, and advisory services are critical for financial institutions in today’s rapidly changing industry landscape. We currently provide professional services to hundreds of financial institution clients throughout the country, which translates into a first-hand understanding of the industry and its best practices.
OBJECTIVE: The conference objective is to (1) provide a platform for bank leadership to share ideas and converge on topics and practices relevant for continued success and (2) to provide education and “best practices” for CEOs, Chairpersons and Committee Chairpersons as they continue to lead their organization.
WHY ATTEND: We believe that bank leaders and board members are continually diluted with their time and energy related to personal, regulatory, business, and community obligations. As such, the CBA of GA is dedicated to practical guidance to narrow the focus of bank leaders and board members. These sessions will put an emphasis on the important over the urgent, to help establish processes that will ease the administrative burden of chairing executive meetings, board meetings, or committee meetings.
Special Thanks to our Sponsors
Choose July Session – Growing the Retail Team
This session focuses on the Branch Manager’s Role as Sales and Service Leader. Managers learn to plan, motivate, and challenge the team to consistently provide exceptional service and meet the Branch’s goals.
The agenda includes: o The Retail Branch Performance Chart o Finding How Today’s Customer Experience is Changing o Maximizing Your Bank’s Competitive Edge o Growing the Retail Branch from Within o Security and Safety in Retail Banking o Making Referral Recommendations o Networking Do’s and Don’ts o Retail Banking “Best Practices” and Action Planning
Workshop 4: Raising the Bar for Sustainable Growth DATE: October 18, 2022 Target Audience Retail Managers, Branch Managers, Assistant Managers, Head Tellers, Teller Supervisors, Branch Manager Candidates (Universal/Personal Bankers) and anyone responsible for the direction, supervision, and development of a retail branch. J u ly/ A u g u s t 2 0 2 2 | G e or g i a C o m m un i ti es F i rs t | 29
YOU ASKED, WE LISTENED! More time to dive into the topics and learn from your fellow bankers as well as subject matter experts
Our bankers asked – we are delivering! CBA’s popular Cyber Summit will have more time for conversations. We are proud to bring excellent subject matter experts to continue growing the knowledge and skills that support keeping our banks cyber aware. In addition to great speakers and topics, we are planning deep dive activities to give participants time to interact with the materials, ask questions, write action steps, and learn even more from their peers. The learning environment will encourage conversation to support growth and improved cyber governance and operational maturity. Join your fellow information security officers, digital innovation experts, operations managers, and risk managers to increase knowledge, share resources, and ensure your bank is Cyber Aware & compliant. We will welcome back: Zack Duke, Paul Perry, Marisa Reynolds, Jim Rumph, ZB Serrato, and more. TOPICS: IT & Cyber Governance: The IT and Cyber Governance session will cover the policies and processes which determine how organizations detect, prevent, and respond to cyber incidents. We will walk through some of the best practices around these processes and help you create a culture of cyber awareness among your employees. Cyber threats are more of a people problem than a technology one – so managing the risks and controls involved takes extra care. Vendor Management & Risk Assessments: When the technology is moving fast at your bank and management is asking you to turn around vendor management quickly. How to make sure that you are vetting new technology/fintech efficiently and effectively that aligns with regulatory guidelines. Marisa and Jim will share how to move through the process of vendor management at your bank, understand your risk appetite, keep the board informed, set expectations for management, and grow your technology portfolio for the bank to align with the bank’s strategic plan. Information Security and Privacy Regulatory Forum The OCC, Board, and FDIC (together, the agencies) are issuing a final rule to require that a banking organization 1 promptly notify its primary Federal regulator of any ‘‘computer-security incident’’ that rises to the level of a ‘‘notification incident,’’ as those terms are defined in the final rule.” Cyber Risk & Security in Community Banking Deep Dive Roundtable Activities Peer Exchanges Information Security and Privacy Regulatory Forum Incident Response Deep Dive into Final Rule & Best Practices Including Roundtables Activity Cyber Fireside Chat with ISO & Cyber experts (Panel & Peer Discussions) Keynote Address: Communicating to Executive Leadership on Cyber Security Regulatory Panel
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Zack Duke, Finosec
Paul Perry Warren Averett
Marisa Reynolds Genesys Technology Group
Jim Rumph Wipfli
ZB Serrato CalTech
Special Thanks to Our Sponsors
Thank You to Our Exhibitors
AMATAS | Atris | CBSI | DefenseStorm | Finosec Genesys Technology Group | Liberty Technology NXTsoft | STS Group | Warren Averett Learn more and register today!
CBA Group Rate is available now through Sunday, July 17, 2022. Please click here or call, (912) 201-2000, and reference the Community Bankers Association of Georgia to book your room.
Upcoming Forum Dates: July 13 – Safety & Soundness Focus November 16 – Compliance Focus
The goal of the Banker Regulatory Forum is to establish a dialogue with the state and federal regulators/agencies regarding their policies, procedures, and objectives. It also serves as a clearing house for CBA member concerns.
Special Thanks to Our Sponsors
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Innovation Exploration Regulatory Series: Live Virtual STREAM | 2:00 - 3:30 pm
Implementing Deposit Programs | Wednesday, July 20 Join Troutman Pepper attorneys James Stevens and Keith Barnett, along with and experienced BAAS bankers Chris Stanley, SouthState Bank and Helen Herring, First Century Bank, for a discussion on the unique features and challenges associated with prepaid and debit card and other deposit programs as well as the establishment of FBO account programs for third parties. The discussion will focus on the impact of the brokered deposit rules, BSA/AML requirements and other regulatory regimes that apply to theseprograms.
James Stevens Troutman Pepper
Keith Barnett Troutman Pepper
Chris Stanley SouthState Bank
Helen Herring First Century Bank
Implementing Credit Programs | Wednesday, September 7 Join Troutman attorneys and experienced BAAS bankers for a discussion on the unique features and challenges associated with credit cards and other credit programs for third parties. The discussion will focus on the impact of the true lender, valid when made and other regulatory regimes that apply to these programs.
Watch for details on:
Fundamentals of Fintech Video Coming soon – What is Fintech? What is BaaS? Where should a bank start when it comes to Innovation? You won’t want to miss Charles Potts, EVP, Chief Innovation Officer, ICBA and Chris Stanley, SVP/Fintech Banker at SouthState Bank, as they answer these questions and more, while laying out an action plan for banks to begin or build on their innovation program. Innovation Exploration Conference – Coming October 2022 Calling all forward-thinking bankers! The Innovation Exploration Conference is a must-attend for your bank. In addition to hearing from industry experts and bankers sharing best practices in their innovation journey, you’ll also have the opportunity to meet with fintech exhibitors with solutions for your bank. Details coming soon.
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Up with Coupons
Jim Reber
President & CEO ICBA Securities
Larger interest payments can build a floor under your bond prices Up with People, which readers of a certain age may remember, was an organization that had a run of popularity in the 1970s and ‘80s by promoting wholesome values and positive thinking. Its delivery channel was through song and dance performances, often in large arenas and stadiums. Up with People provided the halftime entertainment for five Super Bowls between 1971 and 1986, though in recent decades it has been relegated to the dustbin of a bygone era. Today’s attitudes toward pop culture, it seems, have little room for this squeaky-clean message; The Simpsons had several episodes featuring a snarky knockoff, “Hooray for Everything.” More salient to the current environment, at least pertaining to community banking, is a simple-to-execute investment strategy: Up with Coupons. This tactic can be employed at any time, and in any interest rate scenario. The reason we’re talking about it today is that it could well be utilized to both limit the price volatility and normalize the cash flows of your bond portfolio. As we’ve seen, market values have been on a one-way trip in 2022, and putting a floor under your investments may strike some as a good idea. Moving target: If we look back just a year, we would see a totally different rate landscape. It was nearly impossible to buy a bond, particularly an amortizing security, which had a price as low as 100.00, much less at a discount. So, going “up in coupon” would seemingly have heaped an additional pile of prepayment risk onto the portfolio, at a time when mortgage refinancing was setting its own world records. For example, in June 2021, a 15-year agency mortgagebacked security (MBS) with a 1.0% coupon would have cost about 100.00, so if your bank purchased that security back then, your book yield will forevermore be 1%. A similar bond with a higher coupon, say 2.5%, would have cost about 104.50. Its resultant yield would have been totally a residual of the prepayments, over which an investor has little control. Many a portfolio manager opted for the lower coupon, given the need to stabilize the shrinking net interest margins.
experience price compression in low rate environments, like the bond market of a year ago. When a market sell-off occurs, the price declines will be less acute for the higher coupon cohorts. Another factor is that average lives, and effective durations, will remain shorter for the higher coupon securities. Using very recent speeds of our two model pools as examples, the 1.0% bond now has an expected average life of almost six years, while the 2.5% is around four years. To be clear, neither of these are expected to have much prepayment activity in the near future, as the collateral for both is plainly out of the money to be refinanced. Discount munis: Buyers be alert: Let’s shift investment sectors, but stay on message. The tax-free municipal segment of a bank’s collection of bonds is an important determinant of overall performance. There are specific rules that apply to tax-frees purchased at prices below par that you may have forgotten, since “discount munis” was an oxymoron for most of the last four years. The Internal Revenue Code states that a tax-free bond that came to market either at a par or premium price, which is subsequently purchased in the secondary market at a discount, is subject to capital gains tax to the extent the yield is attributable to the discount. For example: a bond with a 3.0% coupon that came to market at par, and is now priced at a discount to yield 4.0%, will be taxed at the capital gains rate on the 1.0% incremental market yield. The upshot is a muni priced to yield 4.0% may not yield 4.0%, given its coupon and original price. Your brokers can and should walk you through all the ramifications of these matters, which have some subplots that space does not allow to discuss here. The easiest work-around? Ultimately, multiple applications of this strategy suggested here can make life better for your community bank. Limited price volatility? Probably. More predictable cash flow? Likely. Up with income? Most expectedly.
MBS shakeout: Today, of course, we have a completely different set of dynamics; foremost is the lower prices for all things in the bond world. The 15-year 1.0%’s are now worth around 86 cents on the dollar, for a decline of about 14%. The 15-year 2.5%’s are down in price “only” about 10%. This demonstrates how premium (up-in-coupon) pools will J u ly/ A u g u s t 2 0 2 2 | G e or g i a C o m m un i ti es F i rs t | 33
PROTECT YOUR BANK FROM THREATS WITH A CYBERSECURITY PARTNER Banks need to solve their cybersecurity problems so they can get back to what they do best and what matters most—running their banks and serving their customers. Warren Averett provides a partnership that allows you to delegate cyber issues to the experts so your bank can meet the pressing technology needs of today, while also becoming more protected, more streamlined and more efficient in the years to come. Connect with our team to: • Answer your questions about your bank’s cybersecurity position • Uncover opportunities for your bank to increase efficiencies by leveraging technologies • Lay the groundwork for a customized technology plan to meet your bank’s unique needs
Contact Lisa Berry today for a complimentary assessment to see how we can help you. 205.769.3388
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Georgia | Alabama | Florida |
Cybersecurity Policy Development 101: What Should be Included in a Cybersecurity Policy? Each business should have a cybersecurity policy in place to protect your company’s information and reduce your employees’ risk when it comes to their cyber-related activities. But, if you don’t have a cybersecurity policy, where should you start?
Developing a cybersecurity policy is all about combining your knowledge of your company’s specific needs and employees’ roles with cybersecurity best practices to create a unique policy that works for your organization. Ultimately, a cybersecurity policy should set expectations and give employees the resources needed to abide by the policy and protect your organization. So, the basic framework of cybersecurity policy development starts with considering: • What cyber protection does your company need, and what risks do you have? • What expectations does your organization have of your employees concerning those risks? • How can you equip your employees to understand and comply with the cybersecurity policy? Your cybersecurity policy development will depend on your organization’s business needs, the cybersecurity measures you have in place and the role your employees play, but all good polices have a few things in common. Here, we’ve outlined the four main elements to consider when developing a policy for your organization. 1. Employee Education Your employees are the first line of defense against cyber attacks and hacking, so considering their cyber education is a crucial component of cybersecurity policy development. While you can’t totally eliminate human error, developing a cybersecurity policy and educating your employees can greatly reduce your chances of cyber risks and insider threats. 2. Password Management Considering password guidelines is a vital part of cybersecurity policy development. Some common password guidelines include: • Passwords need to be changed every 60 – 90 days on all applications. • Passwords need to be different on each application. • Passwords need to be 15 characters or longer, must use a combination of upper- and lower-case letters, at least one number and one special character. While some of your employees may find it challenging to have a different password on each application, you can
potentially make it easier by providing them with a password manager or offering multi-factor authentication. 3. Device Security With more people working remotely, it’s difficult to know where your organization’s devices are—much less how secure and accessible they are. If these devices are stolen or misplaced, your organization’s data could be compromised—which is why device security should be a consideration in your cybersecurity policy development. Consider requiring employees using personal devices to frequently lock their devices and avoid public networks if possible. Personal devices need their own set of guidelines to ensure the safety of your organization’s data. 4. Privacy Settings Encourage your employees to activate privacy settings on their personal email and social media accounts to limit the amount of personal information people can access. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can make your private information easily accessible. Inform employees about the dangers of including private information on these platforms. Depending on your organization’s IT structure, you may also have other needs that should be addressed in addition to these four main elements, such as information about email use, general web access guidelines, accessing internal applications remotely, file sharing and more. While this is just a general overview of cybersecurity policy development, it’s important to hone a policy that’s specific to your organization’s needs and risks. If you need assistance developing a cybersecurity policy for your organization, Warren Averett is here to help and start the conversation about how you can best protect your organization.
Lisa Berry
CRCM, CCBCO Warren Averett J u ly/ A u g u s t 2 0 2 2 | G e or g i a C o m m un i ti es F i rs t | 35
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Congratulations to the Winners of the Inaugural McNair Family Scholarship Summer Boyd, Customer Service Representative, First Port City Bank, Bainbridge, has been selected as the first-place recipient of the inaugural McNair Family Scholarship. Ms. Boyd is enrolled at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC) in Bainbridge, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in business management. Congratulations also to second place winner Lindsey Kinnett and the two runners up, Noah Simmons and Mac Wages. The McNair Family Scholarship recognizes and honors the achievements of Nicholas (Nick) R. Cimino. The scholarship is awarded once per year to an adult learner who is currently employed at a Georgia community bank and plans to work towards an associate, bachelor, or trade degree. The scholarship is designed to offset student expenses (tuition, study materials, and expenses).
Summer Boyd “All of the applicants exhibit the characteristics of hard work, dedication, and Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Customer Service Representative perseverance needed to complete their respective educational objectives while First Port City, Bainbridge working,” said John McNair, President & CEO, Community Bankers Association of Mr. Scott Ewing | 1st Place - $1,000 Georgia (CBA). “It is an honor for the McNair family to have the opportunity to help them all in their journey.”
The McNair family is sponsoring the first-place $1,000 scholarship. CBA partner, College Ave Student Loans, learned of the scholarship and is awarding a $500 scholarship to the second-place winner and $250 to the two runner-up winners.
Lindsey Kinnett
Valdosta State College Executive Administrative Assistant Community Banking Company of Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald Mr. Corey Gibbs | 2nd Place - $500
Noah Simmons
Georgia State University Teller Persons Banking Company, Conyers Mr. Bruce Spence | Runner Up - $250
Mac Wages
University of Georgia Personal Banker Oconee State Bank, Watkinsville Mr. Neil Stevens | Runner Up - $250
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rship Schola r e t s e 2 0 22 H
CBA is pleased to announce and congratulate the winners of the annual Julian & Jan Hester Memorial Scholarship. The 2022 scholarships were open to Georgia high school seniors who intend to enter a Georgia college, university or technical school in the fall semester of 2022. Applications were submitted to the association through CBA member community banks. The scholarship is named for the late Jan Hester, daughter of Lalia and the late Julian Hester, long-time CEO of the CBA. The scholarship program began in 1991 and is based on academic merit, not financial need. In addition to supporting community banking, this scholarship fund is an opportunity to pass on the positive qualities both Julian and Jan Hester exemplified to further the development of tomorrow’s generations. Each winner received a $1,000 to the Georgia college, university or technical school of their choice. CBA is appreciative of the participation from member banks from throughout the state. Special thanks to the panel of judges, which included Dr. Marguerite Brickman, University of Georgia, Athens; Kristy Brown, Greater Community Bank, Rome; Trudy Eller, American Commerce Bank, Bremen; Drew Kessler, Genesys Technology Group, Norcross, and Brian Reed, College Avenue, Wilmington, DE.
Emily Lariscy University of Georgia
Dylan Savannah Lee Georgia Southern University
Gentry Walker Tootle Mercer University
Graham Spires University of Georgia
CBA's 2022 Georgia Financial Directory—Available Online 24/7
The 2022 Georgia Financial Directory is online and available to all CBA members! The directory is your complete resource within the Georgia financial industry and contains information on banks, holding companies, banking products, and more. In addition to information on Georgia's community banks, the directory also includes CBA Board Members and staff, CBA Associate Members and Preferred Service Providers, routing numbers, FDIC certificate numbers, and more. The directory is in the Members Only section of CBA’s website. Anyone in your bank or business may access it.
Special thanks to our advertisers:
ACG ∙ Bahr Consultants ∙ Bankers Healthcare Group ∙ BCC-USA ∙ College Ave CRA Partners ∙ Crescent Mortgage ∙ Darnel, Inc. ∙ Defense Storm ∙ DeNyse Companies Eclipse Brand Builders, LLC ∙ Executive Insurance Agency ∙ FITECH Genesys Technology Group ∙ Holtmeyer & Monson ∙ ICBA ∙ ICBA Securities ∙ IntraFi Network ∙ James-Bates-BrannanGroover ∙ Kasasa ∙ Mauldin & Jenkins ∙ Newcleus ∙ Point to Point QwickRate ∙ ServisFirst Bank SHAZAM ∙ Stokes, Carmichael & Ernst LLP ∙ STS Group Travelers ∙ Warren Averett ∙ Wipfli 3 8 | ww w. cbao | Ju l y / A ugust 2022
CBA Sponsorships Still time to SHINE! Looking to showcase your business? Reach your target audience with a sponsorship during these upcoming programs. Contact Lindsay Greene at CBA for more information on CBA sponsorships.
August: CBA Leadership Academy • Cyber Risk Summit Advanced BSA/AML September: Connect • Charlie Curry Memorial Clay Shoot October: CBA Leadership Academy Advanced Compliance School Director’s College • HR Rap Innovation Conference Chuck Harwell Memorial Clay Shoot November: BSA Update • Coaching Essentials December: BSA Fundamentals
Are You READY for Cybersecurity?
Community banks are subjected to more than 90 million cyber events every day. To mitigate risk, DefenseStorm works as your partner in addressing the unique cyber threats and compliance demands facing your bank in today’s complex nancial services landscape to build a community of trust together. Learn More
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