Istanbul as an Endless Place of 'Urban Articulation' // Workshops

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�aps culture & space network . culture and space meet�ngs art�cle select�on . workshops . �dea contest . sympos�um|colloq�um|exh�b�t�on

The 4th of IAPS-CS Network* Culture and Space Meeting Series is held under the title “Istanbul as an Endless Urban Articulation Place” by ÖZÜ-Faculty of Architecture and Design as a part of Özyeğin University’s 10th Anniversary Events. The 4th of the series takes place between September 2018 and February 2019, consisting of interrelated activities as design workshops, national student competition, article competition, symposium / colloquium / exhibition and an award ceremony. Keywords: Istanbul, palimpsest city, urban articulation, randomness, spontaneity, and articulatability 2

istanbul as an endless “urban articulation” place

The 4th IAPS-CS Network Culture and Space Design Workshop aims, under the main theme of “Istanbul as Endless Urban Place of Articulation“ to introduce an urban inquiry articulated on discourse, action, construction, and revelation within the context of Istanbul’s layered structure. Accordingly, it attempts to generate a new mental construction process through the following questions: • •

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What kind of a whole or part does it produce to take the city at the center of the mind, in the cycle of construction, destruction and reconstruction? What kind of alternative life scenarios can the endless layers of changing and transforming Istanbul develop through this temporal intersection points? What is the possible alternative suggestion, manifesto, and dialogue opportunities about Istanbul? What does an articulated city say? What is the language of today’s architecture? How could it be read? What does architecture construct today? And how? How does architecture relate itself to the unpredictable state of the city? How does the city react? How does the architecture intervene? What does the place say? How does the society read it? Which are the “new” concepts an index to be formed on the new ways of living in Istanbul as an endless urban articulation place would contain?

4th IAPS-CS Culture and Space Design Workshop invites architecture,

design and fine arts undergraduate students on January 17-20, 2019 to discuss and produce suggestions, manifestos and dialogues on the boundaries and possibilities of urban articulations through various seminars, movie screenings and different workshop activities. istanbul as an endless “urban articulation” place


The announcement of workshop themes: October 19, 2018 Last date of application for participants: November 23, 2018 Workshops: January 17-20, 2019 Presentation and exhibition: February 11-16, 2019 4th Culture and Space Meeting: (Symposium, Colloquium, Exhibition, Award Ceremony): February 16, 2019

The Design Workshops has been held since 2012 for undergraduate and graduate students as a part of IAPS-CS NETWORK CULTURE AND SPACE STUDENT MEETINGS. (Bir Palimpsest kent olarak İstanbul ve kusurluluk, 2012) ( Bir Palimpsest kent olarak İstanbul’da Gelecek artık Eskisi gibi olmayacak, 2014), (Bellek, İzler ve Kent: Şişli-Bomonti, 2016).


istanbul as an endless “urban articulation” place

Workshop Coordinators • • • • • • •

Nagehan Açimuz, Seçil Mungan, Melis Keskin Demet Mutman, Bastian Lange, Ayşenur Tuğçe Öztürk Ali Kemal Terlemez, Orkan Zeynel Güzelci Alayca Erözçelik, Metin Çavuş İhsan Oturmak, Seda Oturmak, Feyza Sayman Gökçe Ketizmen Önal, Arzu Varol Ayşe Okudan, Güher Gürcan Tan

FINAL PRODUCT: The posters should be 2 A1 sized (the format will be indicated) + short movie + model + alternative presentation techniques will be discussed. AWARD: The working team which is selected as the most successful according to the participant’s votes, will be awarded Sarı Lale Kart (Yellow Tulip Card). (If the jury considers appropriate the selected works will have Annual Subscription of Istanbul Art News as Jury Special Award) istanbul as an endless “urban articulation” place


Participation Rules for Workshops Design Workshop is open to undergraduate students individually or as a team from (Architecture and Design Faculty Departments Architecture, Interior Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture, Industrial Design, Communication Design, Graphic Design etc..) Each team created/suggested, can include students/members from departments like psychology and sociology. Students who are graduated in 2018 can also participate. Students that want to participate in the workshops should fill the online form in MR96VvlddhGuS4co2 until November 23, 2018. Each workshop group will admit 10 students max. Participation Fee: Participation fee is 75,00 TL. The participation fee will be paid to Alico Turizm(as the recipient) with account number(IBAN) Garanti Bankası TR23 0006 2000 7130 0006 2966 98. Participants should indicate IAPS-CS Etkinlikleri-Atölye katılım ücreti at the statement of the money order, also their Name-Surname and ID Number. The money transfer document (ATM voucher, online banking print etc.) should be given by participant to the workshop coordinating team in person.


istanbul as an endless “urban articulation” place

Venues Workshops @ ÖzÜ - X Özyeğin University Campus


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Meeting @ TAK Kadıköy

sonsuz bir “kentsel artikülasyon” mekânı olarak istanbul


bir autopoiesis sistem olarak İstanbul/Galata Instructors: Gökce Ketizmen Önal, Arzu İl Varol Ben bir tek dev saniye içinde hem fevkalade hem korkunç olan milyonlarca eylem gördüm; hiçbiri de beni, hepsi mekânda aynı noktayı kapladıkları halde, birbirlerini gölgelememeleri, örtmemeleri kadar etkilemedi. Gözlerimin yakaladığı şey eşzamanlıydı, ama şimdi yazacaklarım zaman içinde sıralanacaklar, çünkü dil sıralayıcıdır.” Jorge Luis Borges, Alef ** Coğrafi bir büyüklük olarak kent eşzamanlı mekânsallıkları içerir. Farklı zaman ve mekânların eş zamanlı biraradalığında, özne ve nesnelerin hesaplanamayan karmaşık ilişkileri bağlamında çok yönlü bir “oluş” içindedir. Oysa dil ardışık bir dizilimi zorunlu kılar ve dil bilimden devşirilmiş artikülasyon kavramı kaçınılmaz olarak bu ardışık ilişkiyi barındırır. Kenti oluşturan ve farklılaşarak çoğalan fiziksel, zihinsel ve toplumsal mekânsallıklar arasındaki çok yönlü ve katmanlı ilişkiyi okuyabilmek için “artikülasyon” kavramını içerdiği tek yönlü ilişkiden arındırmak gerekir. Kentler; hiçbir zaman tamamlanmayacak, ideal ve tam olmayacak, bitmez tükenmez “oluş”lardır. Bu oluş hali `autopoiesis` bir sistem gibi sürekli kendini yeniden üretme peşindedir. Kentin sürekli kendini yeniden üreten yapısını `autopoiesis` bir sistem olarak ele almak, kentin “oluş” halindeki çok yönlü artikülasyonun kavranmasında yenilikçi bir çerçeve oluşturur. Bu atölye kapsamında, kentin kendi kendini üretme eğiliminin sürekli olduğu “autopoiesis” bir sistem olarak nasıl ele alındığı ve “oluş” halini çoğaltan bir dinamik olarak kentsel artikülasyonun sistem içinde nasıl bir rol oynadığı sorularına odaklanılmaktadır. - This workshop will be in Turkish. sonsuz bir “kentsel artikülasyon” mekânı olarak istanbul


urban encounters Instructors: Demet Mutman, Bastian Lange, Ayşenur Tuğçe Öztürk Cities are overwhelmed with its multi-dimensional identities, historical patterns, traditions and a social culture in between the global capitalist economy and traditional values. The city of Istanbul in such a framework continuously drifts among its multiple layers of physical, social, economic, cultural and political dimensions. Its multidimensional characteristics exposes an intertwined, articulated and manipulated relations among its citizens, its visitors and their mutual long and/or short-term encounters, daily practices, urban lives, shares, fragmentations and collectivities. In addition to all and everchanging everyday complexities, global flows of forced or willed population shifts creates a new form of a barrier in everyday lives of the new and former citizens. In such vast urban land of encounters and confrontations new formations and experiences of daily social and spatial interactions and practices leads towards a formation of multiple fragments of the city or multiplicities of encounters. Urban encounters highlight different forms of actions, challenges, interactions, tangibility and overlapping, forced or smooth adaptations, collectivities or individualizations, complexities and resolutions. The question is after all, how to develop a new of reading and understanding over the city and its citizens. How to excavate and expose the potentials of the everchanging urban pattern? And do these multiplicities nourish the city and its citizens? Is it possible to develop a new form of language? All in all, within a transforming urban and social pattern, can an urban encounter intervene into the practices of everyday life? Can it define a ‘new’, an alternative form of interaction? This workshop aims to challenge the limits and potentials of urban encounters of the everyday life experiences, as potential spaces of confrontation, resolution, collaboration and co-creation. In this manner the city of Istanbul’s, multi-faceted population, traditions, values, shares and commons as well as the contradictory experiences and limitations will be coded, de-coded and deconstructed through observations, interviews, visualizations and other forms of data collections in order to form an alternative for a space of interaction and encounter. - This workshop will be in Turkish and English. sonsuz bir “kentsel artikülasyon” mekânı olarak istanbul


Atölye Cadde: Bağdat Caddesi Üzerine Soyutlamalar Instructors: Orkan Zeynel Güzelci - Ali Kemal Terlemez “Artikülasyon” kavramı atölye çalıştay kapsamında; mimari anlamda kent içerisindeki uyum, harmoni, akışkanlık, farklılık, karmaşıklık gibi kavramların bir araya gelişi sonucunda ortaya çıkan bir durum olarak ele alınacaktır. Atölye çalışmasında, 2000 yılı sonrasında Bağdat Caddesi ve Çevresi’nde gerçekleşen beklenmedik ve hızlı değişimin çevresinde yarattığı fiziksel etkinin görselleştirilerek bir farkındalık yaratılması hedeflenmektedir. Bağdat Caddesi Aksı’nda belirlenecek bir zaman aralığında ortaya çeşitli mimari tipoloji, üslup ve yerleşim özellikleri tartışılacak ve günümüzde geldiği durum ortaya konmaya çalışılacaktır. Çalıştay kapsamında Bağdat Caddesi’nin kendisinin yanı sıra kuzey ve güney paralellerinde yer alan yapı adaları da ele alınacaktır. Çalışmada tüm Bağdat Caddesi’ni ele almak yerine, yapılan analizler sonucunda “artikülasyon” bakımından farklılaşmış ve seçilen mahallerler, yapı adaları ve parsellere odaklanılacaktır. Alan gezisinde yapılan eskiz ve fotoğraflama sonrasında ortaya çıkan veriler soyutlanarak veri heykellerine dönüştürülecektir. Mahalle veya yapı adası ölçeğinde tespit edilebilecek artikülasyonlar daha küçük ölçekli ve kompakt bir biçimde artikülasyonu ifade edebilecek formlarda (soyut kompozisyonlarla) tekrar sunulacaktır. Kentsel dönüşümün kent üzerinde yarattığı etkilerin tasarım disiplinlerinde eğitim gören katılımcılar tarafından yeniden düşünülmesi ve farkedilmesinin yanı sıra katılımcıların kenti analitik bakış açısıyla kodlayarak tekrar ele alması beklenmektedir. - This workshop will be in Turkish. sonsuz bir “kentsel artikülasyon” mekânı olarak istanbul


KENT ‘HAL’İ Instructors: Ayşe Okudan & Güher Tan Kentler, geçmişten günümüze pek çok farklı bakış açısıyla araştırılmış, kimi zaman bir makine, kimi zaman canlı bir organizma kimi zaman ise bir sistem olarak ele alınmıştır. Bugün kent, artık içinde öngürülemeyeni de barındıran bir mesele olarak görülmeye başlanmıştır; Tschumi’nin ele alışıyla Olay Şehirler/Event Cities olasılıklara ve anlık oluşumlara kapı açar. Kentte eklemlenme, zamanın doğası içerisinde gerçekleşen bir olgudur. Tek bir eklemlenme, fiziksel ve mekansal değişimlerin yanında, tıpkı bir kelebek etkisi gibi, sonsuz olasılıkta potansiyel eklemlenmeler oluşturacaktır. Eklemlenmeye, noktasal bir müdahalenin ötesinde, zamana yayılmış eklemlenmeler ağı olarak bakmak, onun olgusal yanının kaotik düzenini anlamayı kolaylaştıracaktır. Bu, bir eklenmeyi değerlendirirken, onu var eden/sebep olan eklenmeler ile onun var edeceği/sebep olacağı eklemlenmelerin bütünleşik ilişkisi zaman düzleminde karşımıza çıkacaktır. Gıdanın üretim ve tüketimi son 10-15 yıldır kentleşmekte ve kentin bir meselesi haline gelmektedir. Bu bağlamda gıdanın kentsel artikülasyonün tetikliyecilerinden olduğunu söylemek yanlış olmaz. Bir kentsel artikülasyon mekanı olan ve kapanlarla geçmişi Osmanlı’ya kadar dayanan İstanbul’daki hallerin ve dolayısla üretim-tüketim ağlarının, eklemlenme hallerini ve potansiyellerini araşırmak, hem kır-kent hem de üretim-tüketim ilişkisine dair keşifler yaparak ağsal yapısal ilişkileri deşifre etmeye olanak tanıyacaktır. Bu amaçla atölye çalışması için Ataşehir Meyve ve Sebze Hali’nde keşfe çıkılacak, bir sonsuz kentsel artikülasyon mekanı olan İstanbul, gıda ağları ekseninde araştırılacaktır. Bir arayüz mekanı olan Hal’in zaman içindeki dönüşümü ve barındırdığı potansiyel eklemlenmeler sorgulanacaktır. - This workshop will be in Turkish. sonsuz bir “kentsel artikülasyon” mekânı olarak istanbul


the transient project:alternative dictionary_istanbul Instructors: Nagehan Açımuz İşbakan/Seçil Mungan/Melis Keskin This workshop searches for alternative ways of reconstructing a new dictionary with the help of contemporary practices, meanwhile redefining the meaning of “dictionary”. Unique and original tools and methods will be open to discussion throughout the workshop to reread and interpret Istanbul. - This workshop will be in Turkish and English.

sonsuz bir “kentsel artikülasyon” mekânı olarak istanbul


Event Contact Addresses IAPS IAPS-CS Network For detailed information about the event: 18

istanbul as an endless “urban articulation� place

Publications of Culture & Space Meetings * You can obtain more information about past events from the sources given below. • • • • • •

Almaç, B., Gümrü, B., Günöz, Ö., Şen, İ., Şoher, Ş., Turgut,H. Bir “palimpsest” Kent Olarak İstanbul ve Kusurluluk:Bir Tasarım Atolyesi ve Öğrenci Yarışması”, s: 98-103, Arredamento, Eylül 2013, S:2013/09, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul. Turgut, H. “Istanbul as a palimpsest city and imperfection ” A/Z Dergisi, Bahar-2013, Volume 10-sayı:1, ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, Turgut, H., Cantürk, E. “Design Workshops as a tool for Informal Architectural Design Education ”, Open House International Journal., Vol.40, No: 2, 2015, pp:87-96 England. Turgut, H., Çelikcan, C. Bir “palimpsest” Kent Olarak İstanbul’da Gelecek Artık Eskisi Gibi Değil, s: 66-75, YAPI, Temmuz 2015, S:404, Yem Yayın, İstanbul. Turgut, H., Atıcı, M. İstanbul’u Düşlemek : Bir Ulusal Öğrenci Yarışması Deneyimi, Değerlendirmesi, s: 76-89, YAPI, Eylül 2015, S:406, Yem Yayın, İstanbul. Turgut, H., Akbalık, E. Dosya:”Bir Palimpsest Kent Olarak İstanbul’da Gelecek Artık Eskisi Gibi Değil,Yazarlar.Duygu Yarımbaş, Tuba Özkan, Emre Özdemir, Zeynep Tarçın Turgay Editör: Hülya Turgut, Esra Akbalık Mimarlık, OcakŞubat 2017, S:393,sayfa:40-57, Yapı- Endüstri merkezi, İstanbul.

istanbul as an endless “urban articulation” place


Sponsors Main Sponsor

Venue Sponsors

Award Sponsors

Announcement Sponsors


istanbul as an endless “urban articulation� place

Advisory Committee

Tony Craig, IAPS, President Peter Kellett, Newcastle University, School of Architecture, GB, IAPS-CS Network Co-coordinator

Scientific Organization Committee

Orhan Hacıhasanoğlu, ÖZÜ, Faculty of Architecture and Design, IAPS-CS network founding member Hülya Turgut, ÖZÜ, Faculty of Architecture and Design, IAPS-CS network coordinator Alper Ünlü, ÖZÜ, Faculty of Architecture and Design, IAPS-CS network founding member Nagehan Açımuz İşbakan, ÖZÜ, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Na-Md Mimarlık Nevşet Gül Çanakçıoğlu, ÖZÜ, Faculty of Architecture and Design Demet Mutman, ÖZÜ, Faculty of Architecture and Design

Graphic Design

Ümit Ceren Bayazitoğlu, IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia


İrem Bayraktar, ÖZÜ, Faculty of Architecture and Design Hande Tunç, ÖZÜ, Faculty of Architecture and Design Özge Özkuvancı, ÖZÜ, Faculty of Architecture and Design Ezgi Çiçek, ÖZÜ, Faculty of Architecture and Design Pelin Günay, ÖZÜ, Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi

* add-on .01

main theme

The 4th IAPS-Culture & Space Network – Culture and Space Meeting invites young designers, thinkers who generate ideas on the city, academics, undergraduate and graduate students to analyze and interpret the multi-layered and patterned structure of the ‘Palimpsest’ city of Istanbul that continues to undergo rapid changes and transformations for the purpose of supporting formal architectural education by means of informal activities. Participants who are to join and experience this scientific research process in literary, interactive and experimental manners are expected to investigate the city of Istanbul in terms of its ‘articulatability’. As a “palimpsest” city, Istanbul, which is in a constant interaction with a complex system of interconnected networks, is being transferred to the future with additional new layers that metamorphose in each second and are articulated and reticulated with the old in an adjoining, superposed and intertwined way. Cities that shape themselves every day in different ways gather the traces of the past, the present, and the future. With its multi-layered structure, Istanbul is home to produce, discuss, consume and reconstruct several propositions from the past to the present day. Here, it becomes crucial to investigate the concepts of ‘palimpsest city’, ‘palimpsest identity’ and ‘palimpsest in architecture’. The concept of palimpsest allows multi-dimensional readings when used as a metaphor in this context for places and cities (Turgut, 2018) where it is possible to read the superposed traces of the past, present and the future. The investigation and discussion of the concept of ‘urban articulation’ in every aspect within the context of Istanbul form the focus of the 4th IAPS-CS Network, Culture & Space Meeting. At this point, the relationship between urban articulation and ‘randomness, spontaneity and articulatability’ is essential. istanbul as an endless “urban articulation” place


Fahrelnissa Zeid, “My Hell” (1951), (Raad bin Zeid / Istanbul Museum of Modern Art)

In the urban context, articulatability denotes the capability of being gathered, articulated and transformed. The concept of articulation which is considered an analogy in urban research is derived from articular of French origin and it means “to connect one piece with another”, “the act of being articulated into something”, and “the connection/relationship between two parts” . This particular concept is usually borrowed in art and architecture in related to the relationship, position or disposition of the masses at various scales. Fahrelnissa Zeid’s “My Hell”, which demonstrates her mental reservoir and the articulation of the various figurative forms influenced by the Middle East and Europe, stands out to be one of the best examples for the concept of articulation.


istanbul as an endless “urban articulation” place

Although articulation conceptually means the perfect and harmonious formation and regulation of a chain by the articulation of the parts belonging to a whole or set, this relationship is debated on a ground consisting of many more conflicts when it is discussed in the context of urban studies. The existing physical, social, political, economic and environmental dynamics of a city, the actors who perform or stimulate the articulation, and the time factor brings about the possibility of adding a new piece to the city. Any possibility also bears the potential of a new separation, disorder, transformation, and conflict. When questioning how the intervention is to have an impact on the city and how it is to form a relationship with the existing situation, it should be kept in mind that the city is not only a physical built environment but also a living entity of social and cultural value. Any direct, indirect, voluntary and involuntary interventions render Istanbul a field of study for the concept of “urban” articulation. Scrutinized within the framework of an urban reality, all parts of Istanbul which are sometimes intertwined, articulated or separated, and its natural tendency of allowing new combinations and formations makes the city the focus of an endless design practice. As a kind of multiplicity environment, the city is multiplied and articulated in an endless spiral loop. A city with such multi-layered and multidimensional structure also becomes an important field of study for the acquisition of collective urban and spatial experiences and productions. At this point, while the theme examines the new lifestyles and the transforming mental processes which the urban-related situations that suddenly and coincidently or deliberately and systematically emerge, consume and produce within the process, it brings ‘the endlessly articulable state of Istanbul’ up for discussion through different concepts. In this regard, it is important to examine Istanbul as a harmonious or incompatible combination of large and small pieces, just like Fahrelnissa Zeid’s masterpiece.

istanbul as an endless “urban articulation” place


The following concepts are to guide the activities at the 4th IAPS Culture & Space Network Meeting where the close relationship between Istanbul’s multi-layered and multidimensional state as an endless example of urban articulation and “design”.

Rules of Participation Graduated young researchers and students (undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate) of Departments of Architecture and Design Faculties (Architecture, Interior Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture, Industrial Design, Communication Design, Graphic Design etc.) can participate to the events individually or as a team. Created/suggested teams can be formed by affiliating partners or consultants from fields such as psychology, sociology, and so on. 26

istanbul as an endless “urban articulation” place

sonsuz bir “kentsel artikülasyon” mekânı olarak istanbul

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