The Next Chapter: August 2017

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A CBOQ Retiree Newsletter

August 2017


Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings. Romans 9:19-23 By Rev. Karen Lowe Clergy Care Associate When we follow Jesus there are many meaningful activities that we get to participate in as expressions of our devotion to him and in service to his Kingdom, such as, strengthening our local church body, serving our neighbours, providing care to those who are poor, sick, or homeless, and delving deeper into God’s word to be shaped more fully into the person he created us to be. Paul’s words remind us that underneath all of our activity there is one purpose that we are called to, inviting people to know the good news of Jesus’ saving grace. Every other good activity we can engage in becomes secondary to our calling of inviting people to know the transforming love of God.

Paul had a special calling as an evangelist to travel to diverse areas in order to preach the gospel to them in a way that would give each people group the best possible chance to turn from living their own way and follow Jesus. We see an example of this in Acts 17 when Paul is in Athens and starts explaining the gospel with the use of an idol labelled the ‘unknown god’ in order to connect with the people where they were so that they would be able to hear his message of God’s redeeming love. In this case Paul became like an Athenian in order to reach the Athenians.

particular community and connected to a particular local church that has a specific vision and mission on how to best preach the gospel in its context. On our own we cannot be all things to all people. I am so proud to be a part of the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec. We emphasize the autonomy of the local church and allow a diversity of expressions of the gospel that all together capture the heart of God for all people. On my own I can only bring the gospel to one small group of people but together we can “become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.”

We do not all have the calling of Paul. Most of us are rooted in a 1

August 2017

LIVING THE MARY PORTION By Rev. Bob Mather-Dyer For decades, my need for God was increasingly submerged in the needs of my churches and in my need to excel in what I was doing. I was haunted by the Bethany scene of stressed-out Martha, blissed-out Mary and Jesus saying that Mary had chosen the better portion and it would not be taken from her.

now I am free to seek and to find.

A Martha at heart, I always felt stung by this passage. Only the compassion in His voice as He challenged Martha kept me hopeful.

So today, living my vocation as a child of God, I have wonderful freedom in choosing the content of my life. If it’s a “Mary” portion, I’m probably on board. If it’s a “Martha” portion, I could be on board, but only if it doesn’t interfere with my “Mary” portion.

Now I am retired. Martha has already been my sister for decades; I have a great relationship with her. Mary is also my sister. I always wanted to discover her “better portion” and

A Jesuit gave me the theological foundation of my retirement. He said, “Your vocation is not what you do. Your vocation is who you are. You are a child of God. Whatever you do is simply your ministry.”

welcome release from the frantic ministry of Martha of Bethany. The Good News is, whatever I choose for the day, I am the same child of God I always was.

I find such delight in the ministry of Mary of Bethany, simply hanging out with Jesus. At the same time, I also find

A FAREWELL Dear CBOQ friends and pastoral leaders, What a privilege it is to serve you and our greater CBOQ family. I trust your summer is providing rest, renewal and refreshment in your lives. I am consistently amazed by God’s hand of blessing on our churches and leaders and am so thankful for your attentiveness to the Spirit of God as you engage in your mission from God in your communities. Praise be to God for all that is being accomplished in the name of Christ. It is with a sense of regret and sadness I feel to report to you a change coming in our Baptist family. I have 2

recently received a letter of resignation from Brian Craig, our Director of Leadership Development, effective September 8, 2017. Brian has faithfully served our CBOQ family for the last 9 years. We are deeply grateful for Brian’s life of service to God, his commitment to excellence in leadership and his thoughtful care and encouragement to pastors and ministry leaders throughout the CBOQ. Brian writes:

Our God has always shown himself in my life to be a God of change and growth. One of his ultimate promises is that he is making all things new. At this point in my life, he has helped me discern that I have come to a new season and it is time for a change.

Effective September 8, 2017, I will be resigning as Director of Leadership Development for CBOQ. Having served in this role for nine years, I now a convinced my calling is leading me elsewhere. It has been an honour to serve this family of churches over these years. So much good ministry has been accomplished by so many churches and so many of you, my colleagues. The time has been marked by many joys and successes, but has also witnessed the challenges of life and conflict which are part of the life of any human group. In these I have sought to offer the gifts God has given me to support you in your ministries. You have taught me much about the nature of God and his

The Next Chapter church; I believe we have grown together in revealing God’s kingdom. While I am uncertain at this point exactly what this next chapter holds for me, I know the life we have shared together will inform the ministry God has for me next. Particularly, I want to thank Tim McCoy and the staff team of CBOQ for their deep care and support for me and for the work I have endeavoured to do over these years. This family of churches is profoundly blessed to have this team of deeply committed followers of Christ. To all of you in our churches, continue to love and support these fine servants in the vital work they do, frequently unnoticed, as so often good service tends to be. I pray that CBOQ will continue to

VOLUNTEER! If you would like to volunteer with CBOQ, let us know! We have many different volunteer opportunities, from helping with the mailing to building furniture at Assembly. If you have a gift that you would like to use, we are most grateful for your time. For current volunteer opportunities, please call us at 416-6228600.

seek God’s leading forward, finding fresh and innovative ways to strengthen the work God is doing in our two provinces. We live in a day of significant challenges to the cause of Christ. Stay faithful to the commitment to shared mission that has marked this family of churches throughout its history. One of my favourite benedictions, which I’ve prayed over many of you at New Pastors’ Orientations or at Reignite Conferences seems a fitting blessing for me to offer: “Go in God’s love, for God’s love alone endures. Go in peace; that is the gift of God. And go in safety and security, because we cannot go where God has not already gone. Go with God.” In Christ, Brian L. Craig

Brian will be missed deeply on our team. But, with Brian, we remain dependent on God to lead us through this transition and will be committed to embrace what is in store for CBOQ’s future of leadership development. Thank you for your continued prayers for Brian and our CBOQ Board and leadership team as we begin this season of transition. May you feel peace and strength on this journey of serving God together. Blessings and joy to you,

Tim McCoy Executive Minister, CBOQ

OUR NEW LOOK Perhaps you’ve noticed that our logo has changed! Maybe you’d like to know how we arrived at our new look. You can find out the story behind the logo at!

Did we miss your birthday? Do you have a prayer request? Is there someone who should be on our In Memory list that we missed? Contact Sheila Dyck at or call 416-620-2933. You can also reach us by mail at our office’s address at:

If you haven’t subscribed already to The Next Chapter, you can do so at

Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec ATTN: The Next Chapter 5 International Blvd, Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3


August 2017

BIRTHDAYS CBOQ wishes a very Happy Birthday to: Virginia Keith, June 19 Vladimir Canji, July 7 Ken Duncan, July 7 Lois Lohnes, July 9 Muriel Harrington, July 11 John Keith, July 13 Galahad Cheung, July 12 John Gill, July 20 Tricia Crisp, July 20 Norman Bullock, July 24 Ellen Tree, July 25 Raymond Price, July 26 Joy Townsend, July 30 Beverly Burns, August 3 William Sturgess, August 8 Yanis Smits, August 9 Luis Notario, August 19 Norman Barton, August 28 Nancy Bell, August 28

IN MEMORY We are grateful for the lives of service that these men and women lived for the sake of Christ. We celebrate their lives and mourn their loss with their families. Mrs. Audrey Smurthwaite Nov. 19, 2016

Rev. Glen L Barrett Feb. 13, 2017

Mrs. Shirley Hirtle April 8, 2017

Rev. Arthur J. Hadley Dec. 25, 2016

Mrs. Elle Puusaag Feb. 13, 2017

Rev. David V Emery April 11, 2017

Rev. Clarence A Roberts Jan. 30, 2017

Rev. Douglas Steven Feb. 14, 2017

Mrs. Glee Jones April 14, 2017

Mrs. Marilyn Tuson Jan. 30, 2017

Mrs. Helen B. Gray March 20, 2017

Mrs. Winnifred Palmer May 5, 2017

Rev. John E Smith Feb. 3, 2017

Rev. Gheorghe Cocis Mar. 30, 2017

Rev. Kenrick Sharpe June 11, 2017

BOOKS FOR (and sometimes by) BAPTISTS Building Below the Water Line, Gordon MacDonald

Faith Seekers; Faith Finders, William H. Jones

The work done below the waterline in the Christian’s soul determines whether he or she will stand the test of time and challenge.

This book traces the search for and discovery of faith in Hebrew pilgrims.

The Action Bible, illustrated by Sergio Cariello

The Life of a Pastor, Douglas V. Coombs

This graphic novel version of the Bible is captivating for children and teens alike. Filled with pictures that engage young readers, this book will quickly become a favourite and makes a great gift to bring Bible stories to life.

The memoirs of a CBOQ pastor for 50 years.

Copies are available from Bernice Quek at READ On Bookstore (located at the CBOQ offices) or you can reach her at or 416-620-2934.


We are dedicated to our churches­—to their health, their growth and their ability to serve God in their community well. We are committed to providing them with the best support possible to extend God’s kingdom into a world that needs the love of Christ.

You are invited to be a part of what God is doing in our Canadian Baptist family. Please pray for us, consider volunteering with us or send your donation today. | 416-622-8600

A family of churches, transformed by Christ, revealing God’s kingdom

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