The Next Chapter: November 2017

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A CBOQ Retiree Newsletter

December 2017

ENTERTAINING ANGELS By Rev. Karen Lowe Clergy Care Associate, CBOQ

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2 I have enjoyed my first year as the Clergy Care Associate with CBOQ. One of the highlights was getting to share a meal with many of you at the Over 40 Luncheon at assembly. I found myself at a table with a group of “retired” pastors mostly from Peterborough. (Most pastors gathered around the table were still involved in interim ministry in various churches.) I wonder as I look forward, do pastors ever really retire or do we continue to find places to minister and live out our call both formally and informally for the rest of our lives? As we enjoyed our food, all of us started to introduce ourselves and learn about where we were currently ministering and where we had ministered in the past. As these conversations progressed, a beautiful

connection was discovered between two of the parties at the table. Rev. Philip and Rev. Ruth Brown were seated next to Rev. Diné René Lóta. Diné is the current pastor of the Portuguese Language Ministries of Central Baptist Church, Oakville—a ministry for which Philip and Ruth started sowing seeds in Oakville many years earlier. Philip explains the oblique contribution he and Ruth made: In the Fall of 1968 Ruth and I accepted a call to the Binbrook Baptist Church. As well, I began fulltime studies at McMaster University and Divinity College until 1973. While at University I met Elizabeth Allaby (now Demaray) who was also studying at McMaster. Elizabeth had been

a volunteer in Bolivia and was now working for Baptist Women in the Toronto Office. We talked about our overseas experiences. Ruth and I had been missionaries in Brazil for four years and Elizabeth in Bolivia. At this time, Rev. Dr. Archie Goldie served as Secretary of Home Missions for CBOQ. He was interested in seeing the viability of starting a Portuguese ministry in Toronto and surrounding area. He spoke to Elizabeth who then spoke to me to see if we could be part of this new beginning. The decision was made to hold a Portuguese speaking service in the Olivet Baptist Church, Toronto. Rev. Horace Estabrooks and his wife Esther were pastoring there at the time, around 1971.

November 2017 The Saturday before the service we spent visiting homes and businesses in the area of Olivet Baptist Church with the service the following day. The service was conducted in Portuguese with special music, etc. There was a good number present. From this humble beginning, personnel were invited from Brazil to enter into this ministry. The first to come was Rev. Dr. João Keidann—later others followed. The Oakville work … was a spin-

off of this beginning as were We didn’t actually get to entertain other congregations. angels that afternoon at the Over 40 Luncheon but we did get to feel As someone seated at their table, the Spirit moving as we witnessed it was beautiful to see the warm how God can take humble acts of affection between Diné, Ruth obedience and multiply them over and Philip as they found out the years to make a difference to many connection between them. Diné people. blessed the work that Ruth and Philip had done so many years earlier and I would love to share your ministry stories the Philips were able to bless Diné through the Next Chapter! Please email me for the work that he was continuing at if you have a story of in Oakville. God’s goodness you would like to share with others.



CBOQ wishes a very Happy Birthday to:

We are grateful for the lives of service that these men and women lived for the sake of Christ. We celebrate their lives and mourn their loss with their families.

Rev. Bill Virgin, September 12

Rev. Joseph Novak, November 27

Rev. Fred Goliath, September 26

Rev. Dr. Tommy Wong, December 3

Mrs. Jean Pierce, October 15

Rev. Allan Burr, December 5

Rev. Jim McGee, October 29

Mrs. Joyce Cook, December 11

Mrs. Darlene Draper June 29, 2017

Rev. Raymond Price October 17, 2017

Mrs. Dorothy Wilson July 17, 2017

Mrs. Mildred Little October 17, 2017

Rev. Karl Stairs August 28, 2017

Mr. Russ Lott November 4, 2017

From all of us at CBOQ,

Rev. Robert Brillinger November 9

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

BOOKS FOR (and sometimes by) BAPTISTS Because of Bethlehem, Max Lucado Love is born. Hope is here. Discover the true reason for the season. And comes with a bonus colouring book of the same title that helps you mediate in the middle of the hectic season. Perfect pair as a gift. $15

Martin Luther: The man who rediscovered God and changed the world, Eric Metaxas

Witness to the word: 50 profiles of faithful servants, by Victor Shepherd Includes profiles of C.S. Lewis, John Wesley, etc William H. Jones and more!

Canada to Colour: From Peggy’s Cove to the Majestic North A wonderful souvenir to celebrate Canada

Celebrate 500 years of the Reformation!

Copies are available from Bernice Quek at READ On Bookstore (located at the CBOQ offices) or you can reach her at or 416-620-2934.

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