Angelos Yearbook '09 Part 3

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splashing water.

squeeking sneakers.

a bat cracking. screaming cheers. footsteps on gravel.

a hole in one.

swish. we have all seen these sports, but sometimes

we need to

be still

and listen to understand

what is really going on.


Sports 154-155

Consistency is the Name of the Game In their 22 years as a part of CBU, the Lancers baseball team

“Juco (junior college) transfers don’t want to sit. They are not

continues to improve upon the past and look to the future, all the

patient so this year we were forced to go a little younger, but I like

while maintaining their current status of consistency and success.

the young group and they could do some significant things in their

Since the beginning of their CBU existence the road has been a

four years at CBU,” he said.

roller coaster for the baseball program. Throughout the first 14 years, the team had never enjoyed more than three seasons in a

Led by a motivated coach and backed by a diligent coaching staff,

row with a winning record. Starting in 2001, however, they have

there is no doubt that this is a talented and hungry Lancer team.

gone seven of the last eight seasons with a winning record.

As a whole, the coaching staff share a common goal: providing

Four of those winning years have been overseen by Head Coach and former UCLA Assistant Coach Gary Adcock, who is in his sixth year. Adcock has coached his team into the playoffs in his first five seasons at CBU. “Cal Baptist graciously offered me the

“I could very clearly

see the direction the University was headed, and wanted

to be apart of it”

a prideful and influential field of student athletes that are determined to grow in every aspect of their lives through the hard work and tenacity that college baseball offers. “I constantly remind myself that decisions made from the ages 18 to 22 in college often times shape a lifetime. It is my hope

opportunity to be a head coach. I had been an assistant for 10

and prayer that in my time – with the young

years and felt like it was time to see if I could run my own club,”

men – that I can help mold and guide them

Adcock said. “I could very clearly see the direction the University

for life after the baseball field,” he said.

was headed, and wanted to be apart of it.”

“Baseball at CBU is difficult, arduous and tough. But they learn that anything in

The 2009 season posed the biggest challenge yet for Adcock, who

life worth having comes through

had been forced to replace 18 players from last year’s team, leaving

consistent preparation on a

him with a plethora of new faces around the diamond.

daily basis.”

“We feel like we have struck a good mix of youth as well as transfers. The question will be how long will it take us to gain experience in such a great league. We try to keep a balance of youths and veterans but that becomes hard when you are looking to replace 18 guys,” Adcock explained.

“I am extremely proud of what we have been able to do. I am sure there are plenty of teams who would like to have reached the level of success this program has achieved,” Coach Gary Adcock said. Adcock was an assistant for coach for 10 years before taking on the head coaching job at CBU in 2004. [left to right] Drake Fages, Brian Sharp, Corey Kiefer and Cole Bullard. [photos by: Michael Ring]

Jesse Parker

Determination is the Name of the Game Starting out strong and finishing on top is how I plan to execute.

I know what it takes to win. I have played at Division I level. I

I have dedicated four years of my life to CBU and I am not done. I

come from a family of strong winners. My grandfather, Marlon

plan to finish the master degree program. You can catch me during

Strong, played baseball for the New York Yankees, my father,

the season on the softball field, in the gym or in the batting cage.

Stephen, played baseball for Cal State Dominguez Hills and Cal

The amazing school record is what drew me. I also came because

Poly Pomona. I know this game inside and out. I have broken the

it was close to home and my sister ‘Jamie the Lancer’ started

longest winning streak. I came to CBU to play the game not let the

second baseman in ‘04 and ‘05. Our quad starts out in September

game play me. I am Sarah Strong no. 21, Third Base.

but we will not play a single game until February. We are ready to meet our match rain or shine; we will bring home the Nationals.

We are CBU softball teammates. GSAC winners five years in a

Defeating my rivals is worth waking up at 5 a.m. to get in practice

row and we will contribute to many more. There is life outside of

time. I’ve got heart, I hope to lead by example and leave a legacy.

college softball like faith, family, friends and education. We have

With the help of my team we will take first place. I am Nikki Lowe

more things in common than we know, one is this game the other

no.3, Captain.

is Christ. We look forward to each game and each day we spend together. Welcome to our world.

I stand at a height of 5’11 but I don’t look down on others. My

Victoria Taylor

humble attitude and bright mind may lead me to a job as a personal trainer. I love this game; nothing comes closer. You want to be alert when you step up to the plate and I throw you one of my fast pitches. To be better at everything is my goal. I will carry on the legacy of this great program. I am Kendall Gorham no. 27, Pitcher.

[left to right] Tory Ferreira, Nikki Lowe and Elizabeth Garland are just a few members of a hard-working team that have been GSAC winners five years in a row.

baseball/softball 156-157

Love Mentality Once a week the girls gather together to eat,

instigators of the team meals, which are hosted at

laugh and build bonds on a level to which their

Braun’s home. According to Pace, the two girls are

individually-minded sport does not lend itself.

the mental and emotional leaders of the team and have done a fantastic job pulling them together.

They are a golf team, a concept which, to many who know the game, almost sounds like an oxymoron.

Braun chose to attend CBU after her graduation

They play a sport where it is you against the world.

in 2005, and she along with a few soccer players

Players are pitted against a field of numerous others

came together to become the first golf team in

and face a course, which at times, seems poised to

school history. The team had a rocky start though;

eat them alive. Yet the female Lancer golfers have

luckily, Pace, the current golf coach, was already in

found strength in numbers and seem to be passing


that wise approach on to their male counterparts. “It may sound cheesy, but our main team goal is “The girls are more team oriented than the guys,”

to love one another,” Braun commented. “Because

Lane Pace, men and women’s coach, said. “That

it’s such an individual sport, your head game, your

may just be the nature of girls versus boys, but it’s

mentality, and what’s going on around you have

been nice to see.”

a big effect on how you play the game. If you’re having problems on the team at that moment,

Still, why should team cohesion matter in a sport

you’re not going to play as well as you can.”

that is admittedly so individualistic? What is the benefit of the girls being friends and enjoying each

Pace’s introductory season with the new golf

others company on and off the course? “The team

program culminated in Braun’s triumph at the 2006

aspect is really for encouragement,” Pace said.

regionals, giving she and Pace the chance to win nationals in Indiana. Unfortunately, Braun didn’t

Encouragement can be a big factor when it is you

win, and the fact that her teammates were not able

against the world. The psychological benefits of

to accompany her to the National Tournament

knowing your teammates support you, good day

opened her eyes to some important team-oriented

or bad, and that they are there to pick you up is

ideals. Ideals which she has inspired an entire


program with.

“Golf is so mental; negativity really doesn’t help,”

In a society where it is much more commonplace

Jaymee Braun of the women’s team said. “The team

for men to set an example for women, the CBU

dinners were started so we could come together as

women’s golf team is setting a new precedent. In

a team. Last year we were not as close. This year

the words of Pace, “The girls are leading the way for

we hang out and communicate and we are really

the guys, and I don’t care who knows it.”

playing better.” Hope is still high on both sides for next year’s “Our


teams. The men will most likely be returning their

Menendez, men’s squad, said. “We hang out and





entire team with much more experience and a new

practice together.”

class of seniors to lead them. Though Braun and Williams are graduating and moving on, the legacy

Yet even Pace admits they are not quite there

of friendship and unity they have built amongst

yet and have a ways to go to reach the level of

teammates will surely continue to thrive. It also

camaraderie and success that the women have.

doesn’t hurt that the best player on the team and

“They (the men) are still searching for an identity,”

possibly in the entire NAIA, Malin Thorberg, will

Pace said. “Part of that is the fact there are no

only be a junior with plenty more collegiate golf

seniors on the guys side.”

ahead of her.

The seniors on the women’s side have been key. Braun and fellow senior Jessica Williams were the

Jacob Breems, Sean Bowman, & Riley Hagel

Golf is both a team sport and at the same time completely individual. The players must have a constant state of concentration and positive attitude. The sport requires incredible mental toughness and discipline. [left to right] Bradley Strzelczyk and Bryan Sandoval.

Although golf is incredibly tough and requires great skill, it offers an experience unlike any other. It isn’t about how well one can throw a ball, how fast or even how physically strong one is, but rather how much time and concentration one is willing to give. [left to right] Shauna Curtis, Samantha Katz and Adriana Niclotti. [photos by: Kenton Jacobsen]

golf 158-159

Before we get into the nity gritty, let’s get some information from

and citizens of the community, and helping them to maintain good

our trusted friends at Wikipedia online. The definition of wrestling

work habits,” Petty said.

they give states: “Wrestling is part of the martial arts. A wrestling match consists of physical engagement between two people in

This respect is mutual as his player’s see him as a father figure and a

which each wrestler strives to get an advantage over, or control of,

tremendous influence on their lives.

the opponent.” “He is coach on the mat, and dad off the mat,” Chauncey Philips The quote by legendary wrestler Dan Gabel hangs proudly in Head

said without any hesitation. “He has helped me see that wrestling

Coach John Petty’s office: “Once you have wrestled, everything else

isn’t everything and how important school is. Now I see wrestling as

in life becomes easier.”

something to do while I am in school, not the other way around.”

Petty was hired to be the first ever wrestling coach at CBU on Feb. 4,

Jerel Price from Las Vegas, Nev., explained how Petty pushes him

2008. He comes from Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa.

daily. “Coach emphasizes hard work. In the past wrestling came easy for me, but coach challenges me and pushes me to get better.”

“Coming to CBU was a God send!” Petty said. Starting a new program is difficult for everyone involved. The Petty was happy with life in Iowa. He had no complaints other than

wrestlers take ownership in the program since they are the first –

the weather at times, but he had no intention of leaving until he

the pioneers. “We have a chance to establish the program to be

heard about the job, and it was at that point he and his wife began

whatever we want. Since we are the first there are no pre-conceived


notions about us, but then also it is hard because many people don’t know wrestling so many don’t understand it,” Price said.

Petty is not only trying to bring up great wrestlers at CBU but much more. “We are helping the athletes become better husbands, fathers

Nicole Davis & Rebecca Newton


Pinned to the matt! Andrew Collins works hard during his match to try and secure the victory. This was the first year for the program and still brought 32 student athletes to the roster. The CBU community was fortunate enough to see 11 matches in the Van Dyne Gymnasium including opponents such as Air Force and Stanford University. [photo by: Michael Ring]

wrestling 160-161

Intramurals. It’s the one chance students get to live out their dream

The doctors told McDaniel that he could play basketball, but he

of being the All-Star they’ve always dreamed of, or for a select few,

would have to play easy – but McDaniel cannot play easy. “When

reliving the reality of where they should be, where they belong --

I’m on the court, I am not your friend. I’ll rip your heart out and

The All-Stars they should have been.

stomp on it. That’s how I get my competitive side out. To me, it’s all about breaking records and leaving a legacy,” McDaniel said.

Intramural sports have been around at CBU since the late 1950s, but have grown tremendously in numbers and enthusiasm. “They

After the incident, McDaniel took on a “poor me” attitude. He

are a great opportunity for students,” Chris Hofschroer, director

stopped playing basketball and became very bitter. He would skip

of recreation sports and outdoor activities, said. “Basically, it’s a

class and ignore the coach’s phone calls. His spiritual life became

recreational sports league used for interaction for our students.”

very dark and difficult.

Though there are no NAIA championships on the line, fans are

McDaniel’s brother, Micah, convinced him to attend CBU. Once

always hyped and players always put their best foot forward. There

here, he found a revived spirit for God and others. He decided to

are upsets, underdogs and rivalries. Rick Diflorio, resident director

try to build new friendships with the students. Intramurals was

of Smith Hall, said, “Here at CBU we don’t have fraternities. We

his perfect opportunity. “It’s about building relationships to last a

have intramural teams.”

lifetime,” Hofschroer added.

Among all the glitz and the glamour, while some fall by the

McDaniel has discovered that he can get the same rush and

wayside, some rise to the occasion and become the All-Stars they

competitive spirit of playing actual college ball. “It feels like old

were born to be. Jordan McDaniel, captain of defending intramural

times,” McDaniel said. “I hope to keep the same guys on our team

champions “Dream Team” is one of those born to be an All-Star.

for the next two years and to leave our own legacy.”

The road was paved for McDaniel to be a college basketball MVP

Regardless of his setbacks, McDaniel took the time to be still, focus

at MiraCosta College and live out his dreams until he received

on God and realize his goals. He hopes to lead the only intramural

a concussion during a heated battle with his rival school – he

basketball team to ever win the championship four years in a row

was soon rushed to the hospital. While being held overnight

and achieve the legacy he’s dreamed of.

for observations the doctors noticed that McDaniel’s heart was beating irregularly. After multiple tests they came to the conclusion that he has cardiac arrhythmia, a condition in which his heart beats

Katherine Seipp, Andrew Hochradel & Wyvonia Brown

irregularly and nearly stops while he sleeps.

The AlL Star

that Should

have been

“I don’t want to lose heart, I just want to believe”

Show some hustle! Jordan McDaniel’s love for the game keeps him moving toward the coveted title of intramural champions four years in a row. [photo by: Kristin Vaughan]

From Alaska to Yucaipa, students have literally crossed the country in

As a result he quickly set to work traveling the country, attending high

order to run for CBU.

school track meets and inviting potential runners to view the CBU campus in preparation for the fast approaching 2008-2009 season. By the time he

CBU also traveled to the Cal Poly Pomona Track and Field department

was done, Watkins had recruited four men and 12 women.

to recruit Assistant Coach Wade Watkins to develop and coach the new men and women’s cross country teams.

As it turns out, five out of the 16 team members for the 2008-2009 season were already here on campus. These five approached Watkins when they

Before coaching at Cal Poly Pomona, Watkins, a high school track and

found out that he was developing a team and expressed serious interest

field coach for 16 years, trained as a professional athlete from 1988-1992.

in joining the team.

During this time Watkins was able to travel all over the world competing in various duathlon races. He feels blessed to have been able to compete

Both the men and women’s teams competed in seven events in their first

at the highest level attainable, but ultimately, coaching has always been

season, including the Cal State Fullerton Opener and meets at UC Irvine,

his main desire.

UC Riverside and Pepperdine. Referring to this past season, Watkins said, “It was definitely a big learning experience for both the athletes and

When Watkins arrived here in the spring of 2008, he had everything he


needed to start a cross country team- everything but physical runners.


As a former professional athlete, Watkins knows the importance of developing a “team atmosphere” that his athletes can use to encourage each other and grow together. “Running is never easy,” Watkins emphasized. “When one is running solo, one has to rely entirely on his or her own strength to make it through the race. When you run with someone there’s an inner connection between the two runners, which helps throughout the long periods.” Team unity is one area that Watkins hopes to improve on for future seasons.

Laura Manimtim & Ope Peters

CBU also traveled to the Cal Poly Pomona Track and Field department to recruit assistant coach Wade Watkins to develop and coach the new men and women’s cross country teams. [left to right] Josh Zubia, Coach Wade Watkin, Assistant Coach Laura Moore., Javier Madrid, Jacquie Lutz [photo by: Cayla Ames]

Cross country 164-165

[right] “It’s my last season forever, for the rest of my life, so my goal is to really try hard because I’m not going to have this opportunity ever again,” Dunya Wren expressed about coming to the end of her undergraduate and tennis career at CBU. [middle] When he’s not on the court scoring points, Gabor Toth enjoys reading and listening to country music, a genre he has grown quite fond of. [right] Aside from eating and breathing tennis, Raquel Vescovi has high hopes for her future here in America, in which she plans to benefit from being bilingual in the work force. [photos by: Kyle Meyer]

Branching out and Coming Together

As we have seen in the past, CBU is no stranger to plucking out

she helps me to feel more comfortable because she is the only

the best athletes from numerous countries across the globe, and

family I have here.”

this season was no exception. Despite the overwhelming feelings of non-familiarity and new Newcomers to CBU, Raquel Vescovi from Campinas, Brazil, and

beginnings, for others it was the end.

Gabor Toth from Cegled, Hungary, have both experienced their first year of college much different than many of the students

Highland, Calif. resident, Dunya Wren has played her last season

here at CBU. With family and friends nearly thousands of miles

as an undergraduate student here at CBU. However, she will

away, they have learned to adjust to American life. But why have

always carry with her the memories and the love of tennis.

they chosen to leave everything they know and step into a world of such cultural diversity different than what they are used to?

When most 2-year-olds are still learning their A-B-C’s, and starting

It’s simple – for the love of tennis.

to understand the harsh laws of gravity, when fragile bodies hit the ground in what seems to be the hundredth attempt to learn

“I have been playing tennis since I was 8 years-old. My dad and

how to walk, Wren was learning how to play tennis.

my sister played and that’s how I grew to really love it,” Vescovi Her decision to attend CBU nearly four years ago was something


she didn’t expect. When asked how she is able to cope when feeling homesick, Vescovi gave much of her thanks to fellow teammate Marcela Montanha. “She has been like a sister to me and helps me all the time whether it’s on the court or in everyday life. She helps me feel comfortable like I am at home because we are both from Brazil,” Vescovi explained. When Vescovi first came to CBU,

“I knew about CBU because my sister had graduated from here

“I have only been here for two weeks, and of course leaving all of my family and friends is hard, but they are happy for me.”

Montanha couldn’t help but see

and also because the former coach had really pursued me during my senior year of high school, but at the same time I was looking at several other schools,” Wren said. Wren reminisced about a moment that changed her life. “When I was growing up my dad was really hard on me. He was also my coach

what she saw in herself – when she was a freshman coming to

and it was hard for me because the line was always blurred. So I

the U.S. “I had faced all the situations Raquel was facing when

remember my freshman year he had watched me play a match

she first got here. I helped her with the culture shock when she

but I lost it in three sets, and I was so used to my dad saying, ‘you

was homesick; I was also able to share with her my love for Christ

should have done this and that,’ and I came off the match and

and how we could grow in our faith together here at CBU. That

my dad said, ‘I’m so proud of you.’”

was another thing that made our friendship stronger,” she said. Wren stopped speaking as her eyes began to fill with tears. Montanha also expressed what a great asset Vescovi has been to

“Hearing my dad say he was proud of me meant a lot, especially

the team this season. “Raquel plays left hand and is very skilled.

since it was my freshman year and I had lost. That was a turning

When she enters the tennis court, she plays hard from beginning

point for me. It made me want to love tennis and not just play

‘till end.”


Despite the leap of faith into a culture that is incredibly foreign

Whether they have come from opposite sides of the world or

to Vescovi, she is not alone. Toth, newly recruited men’s tennis

merely opposite sides of town, tennis has been the bond that

player has faced many of the same obstacles as Vescovi.

has brought these young men and women together to play a sport of passion.

“I have only been here for two weeks, and of course leaving all of my family and friends is hard, but they are happy for me,” he

Candice Ybarra

said. Toth, who has been playing tennis for over 10 years, expressed his love for the game, and his desire to play professional tennis in the future. His inspiration comes from his sister with whom he is very close. “My sister plays water polo at Fresno State, and

tennis 166-167


WE ARE THE The Lancers have a history of working hard, fighting for what

three national tournament appearances as well as coached

they want and never ceasing to bring a crowd to its feet on

eight All-GSAC honorees, two NAIA All-Americans, a GSAC

our home court in the Van Dyne Gymnasium.

Player of the Year and an NAIA Scholar-Athlete.

This feat was proved once again this season as the men’s

Also, the team has added to its family with six new players this

basketball team overcame one of its hardest hits: getting over

season: Brandon Robinson, Nedal Tartir, Nick Johnson, Robert

the loss of two key players early in the season. “The team was

Rose, Johnny Bell, and, a crowd favorite, Omar Krayem.

in shock and really down before the season,” All-American Mark Roussin explained.

The women also had their fair share of newcomers. With a

new coach and a handful of new players, they had to adjust. After taking this early blow, the team had two choices –

“We had to start over from scratch. Our team bonding is

succumb or overcome. Being the mighty Lancers that they

cool, but I think our chemistry on the floor is something that

are, they chose the latter. “It was hard on the team and the

every team struggles with, but that just comes with maturing

coaching staff, but we were able to overcome it and move

through the season,” Jeanie Deno, a guard, said.

on because we still have very good players on our team,” Kristopher Corso said.

“It’s kind of been a roller coaster this season,” Deno continued.

One key to a successful team is trust among the players. “We “You have to give a lot of the credit to Coach Tim Collins for

just have to learn to trust each other. We made a lot of goals

pulling us together because he reminded us of the chip on

in the beginning of the season, so we’re just making sure we

our shoulder,” Roussin said. “He had us moving on from the

accomplish those and take care of business,” Bryana Williams,

situation by reminding us that there was nothing that could

a forward, mentioned.

have been done. We were able to remain focused on our goals for the season rather than live in the past and question

“We have a lot more talent than last year. We only had seven

why it all happened.”

people last year. We’re a lot deeper on the bench. I just like to see how talented we are as individuals. We are a powerful

The team had outstanding games early in the season from

team and have had a lot of success,” Williams added, proving

winning the Homecoming game against Grand Canyon 71-

that strength is definitely in numbers.

62, to the overwhelming defeat of Holy Names 82-44, and not to mention making history by playing against UCLA early in

Both teams have worked hard this year and it shows out

the first semester.

on the court. They are a force to be reckoned with and they

continue to improve each day. The dedication and chemistry Another reason the team made it through this rough season is the dedication and determination of Collins. This year has been a big one for Collins as well. It marks his 30th year as a college coach. He has lead the Lancers to five GSAC tournaments and

is evident in these powerhouse teams.

Katherine Seipp & Krissy Amstutz

[above] With an ambitious record, Guard Kendra Morris blocks a lay up from her adversary. [right] Forward David Hopkins led the GSAC in 3-point percentage, shooting .485 (33-for-68) from beyond the arc. [below] In the legendary tradition, Lancer fans Peter Ramirez and Justin Quartermine raise their Banner newspapers in response to the competing team.

Basketball 168-169


Seniors Katrina Clark and Micah Tokuda both held this position their senior year. They were the only two four-year returnees for the Lancers and both exclaimed it was hard to walk away. “Saying goodbye to the girls, to volleyball and to the competitive play will be hard. I have fully enjoyed my years here and I am really going to miss being

(noun) a


specialist that can

replace a

back row

player at


with the girls,” Clark said. “I think the thing I will miss the most will be my teammates and my friends. What I have learned through my four years here at CBU is that the relationships with one’s peers and one’s relationship with God are most important,” Tokuda added. “I will miss the down times with the team and just hanging out with the people I love here. It will be hard because I am from Hawaii and I live so far from all the close friends I’ve made here at CBU.” Ryan McGuyre, head coach for both players, plans to stay in contact with the two seniors rather than just saying goodbye. “Both Kat Clark and Micah have been an integral part to this program. I will miss the fact that they both understand the game extremely well and have been helpful in communicating that to the rest of the team,” McGuyre said. Both liberos will remember this final season as one to cherish forever. The


See Katrina Clark


Micah Tokuda

women’s team hosted the Dig Pink game while the men’s team played a number of top ranked NCAA opposition. For Dig Pink the women’s team honored Clark’s mother, who is a seven-year breast cancer survivor. It was a game the Clark family will hold in their hearts forever. “Being able to play for my mom and honor her in my play, as well as seeing the incredible amount of support for the cause was the best part of the Dig Pink game,” Clark smiled. Tokuda will never forget when the men’s team beat BYU. “It was such a great game because we were down 2-0 and came back to win the next three games and we did it in pretty dominating fashion. It was exciting because it was on national television so the nerves were definitely there,” Tokuda explained. “But I love the pressure and I love playing in the spotlight so I knew it was going to be a good game. I was just happy we pulled off the win and our team showed a lot of heart and fight, especially when things weren’t going our way.” Clark and Tokuda impacted their team on and off the court this year. Fellow teammates will have a lasting impression of them as they say farewell to their liberos; both seniors left their teams with their own legacy. “Kat’s legacy will be one of leadership and dedication, humility and a willingness to learn. Micah leaves a legacy of hope, as a guy who truly started from the bottom and worked his way up. It has taken a large amount of perseverance and determination from him, but he has proven that if you stay after it, good things will eventually happen for you,” McGuyre praised. Clark and Tokuda not only left their mark in the record books, but also in the hearts of their coaching staff and teammates.

Nicole Palmer

[right] “Go Kitty-kitty, go kitty-kitty, go!” the team yells after a great play made by Katrina Clark. Clark could not help but laugh every time her team started to sing her cheer. The team has come up with cheers to not only celebrate the point, but acknowledge who made the point possible; incorporating the name of a teammate into the cheer. [below] Before the first whistle is blown, both teams line up on the end lines and the starting line-ups are introduced. When a player’s name is called, he walks forward and usually waves into the stands. That is not the case for Micah Tokuda. When the announcer says, “and at starting libero, from Hawaii, Micah Tokuda.” Tokuda takes a step forward and gives a hang loose sign, bring a little bit of his home into the gym. [photos by: Kristin Vaughan, Andrew Hochradel & Reina Mendez]

volleyball 170-171


Better. Faster. Stronger.

The CBU cheerleading team has gone through many changes this year. They have a new coach, Wendy Rice, a year round schedule of competitions, more practices (at a later time) and a lot of new additions (some from as far away as Alaska!). All of these changes have revamped the team into something stronger, better and more enthusiastic than ever before. Like many of the returning girls, Kristin Fruh is enthusiastic about the new coach, she said, “She has a vision.” The changes were difficult, but the team has come together to embrace the new challenges. According to Amanda Brown, “It was hard adapting, but when you are held to a certain standard you expect more of yourself. We never settle; we’re never satisfied. We are always trying to get better.” With practice now at a later time, the girls have to learn to manage school, cheer and their social lives. Budgeting time can be a struggle. “At first it was really hard to balance, but it got easier,” Alexandra Kimbrell explained. She advises the use of physical lists as a way to keep track of what needs to get done.

Some girls, on the other hand, find that the new 9-11 p.m. practice time is

Kimbrell shares a similar feeling. “Because I’m shy it has allowed me to get

more convenient. “It’s easier to get stuff done,” Lindsay Kragten said.

to know people and make friends quicker then if I would have just gone to school for school,” she said.

Despite these hardships the girls love what they do. “I don’t know if I could do one without the other. You just have to manage well and do what you have

Through all these positive changes the girls have managed to keep still in

to do. It’s not easy. Neither is cheer. Neither is school,” Brown admitted.

their thinking and have not forgotten who they are and why they are there. Their transitions have made them stronger, more hopeful, enthusiastic,

Kragten is of the same mind on this subject. “I have to do it because it

and more capable of accomplishing the new goals that they have set for

makes me feel better,” she explained.

themselves personally and for their team as a whole.

Though the changes have been challenging, the girls have stuck together,

The entire team’s feelings about every change that has taken place this year

and their friendship has remained strong. Not only has their bond held

can be mirrored in Brown’s final reflection about the team. “Our support

them together but it has allowed them extend their spirit to the entire

goes so much further than cheering for games. What our program is set

CBU community. “Because I’m a commuter, I wouldn’t have made the

upon is set in stone. We respect each other, we care about each other, we

friends I have today. I’ve become best friends with some of them,” Fruh

encourage others for improvement and we never forget why we are there,”


she said.

Lisa Luna & Jessica Swarner

Whitney Lawrence, Pagge Miller, Aryn Stegemiller, Reyna Fujii and Megan Cummings are physically supported by their teammates. The same is true emotionally. “Cheerleading is like support,” Amanda Brown explained. “You support your team; you support your school.” [photo by: Michael Sampson]

cheerleading 172-173

OLE! OLE! OLE! It was a season of almosts for both the men and women’s soccer teams. Firstly, the men almost did not qualify for post-season play but scrapped to grab the final and 8th place slot in the GSAC conference. They then almost went on to upset the defending NAIA national champions, Azusa Pacific, in the first round of games but unfortunately lost out 1-0 after a hard fought game. The women, on the other hand, almost made it to the third round of the NAIA national tournament but were thwarted by some horrendous decision making in their second round defeat to Trinity Christian. The women did however make history by winning a school record 16 games, as well as finishing second in the GSAC and earning a top 10 ranking for the second straight year. “The season went very well, we ended 16-5-1, and we set a school record for most wins. The team improved as a whole and that gave us a chance to battle for a national championship. The experience of playing top teams is invaluable and as a whole it gives us a great start for next year,” Kristen St. Clair, women’s head coach, said The men 7-8-3, 3-5-2 GSAC, started the season brightly recording three back-to-back wins, but soon lost momentum and went on to win only four out of a possible 15 games. However, the team did secure a playoff spot, a feat the Lancers have failed to achieve since 1990. “Our goal at the beginning of the year was to get in the play-offs, and we achieved that. The guys’ performance in the game was terrific, even though we didn’t get the result. It did however show a standard that we had being trying to achieve as far as the quality of play. On top of the standard we have set a platform for us going forward,” Ryan Jorden, head coach, said.

Robert Dodson, doing what he does best, as he goes by two defenders setting up another Lancer attack.

Along with the coaching staff, the men brought in a lot of new faces this year. The revamp saw the addition of 12 new players, some of whom made an instant impact. Casey Cordray, a senior transfer, slotted in the center back position adding leadership to the team. And up top the Lancers acquired the services of Gabriel Gonzalez. Going into his senior year Gonzalez, who earned a spot on the 2008 ALL-GSAC team. The women also brought a host of new talent, a total of nine players – all freshmen. The women however gelled right from the first whistle and carried on growing as the season progressed. “They impacted the team in a great way. It was a great mix, and their skills complimented the rest of the teams,” St. Clair said. To add to the women’s achievements, Jenna Oltmann, central defender and team captain, earned a 2008 NAIA Women’s Soccer AllAmerican third team selection. Oltmann started in all 22 games for the

Lancers and was a rock in their defensive line-up. Also, freshmen Kylee Nicassio and Fabiola da Silva both received NAIA All-American honorable mention, showing the strength in this young side. The women said a fond farewell to Lindsey Merrett, Brittany Shea and Adrianna ‘Mo’ Ramirez. Merrett and Shea, both team captains were the only two remaining members from the Lancers recruiting class of 2005. They both have been an integral part in the soccer programs success and have gone through a lot of changes since their freshmen year. Ramirez, a junior transfer, brought strength and stability to the Lancers midfield and will be missed for the holding role she brought to the team. “They all brought great leadership to the team. They set high standards, their work rate was really good. It’s going to be hard. Everyone will definitely miss these three seniors,” St. Clair said.

Lindsey Merrett, one of the Lancers most consistent goalscorers, leads another attack for CBU. [photos by: Kenton Jacobsen]

The men say their farewells to Cordray and Robert Dodson.

career, which is a tremendous collegiate accomplishment. He

Cordray just had one season with the Lancers but will be

was a silent leader but a very effective teammate to these guys,

missed for the presence he brought to the team. Dodson, a

and a very good role model for the work rate that is needed at

four-year starter for the Lancers, will be truly missed by the

this level. We will miss him,” Jorden said.

players and coaches. The silent assassin was always a model of professionalism through his work rate and attitude toward the

Quoting Jorden, as the final whistle blew on the Lancers season,


and as his men trudged off the field with their heads held high, “It was a season of almosts.”

“Robbie has been terrific for us, he worked his socks off and he led by example on the field. He played in 67 games across his

Andy Doyle, Diana Ravenda, & Eric McFarland Soccer 174-175

Brad Terwilliger and the team’s preparation for many months has paid off. They took the NAIA Championship for 2009. [photos by Mike Sampson]

swimming and diving

For His Glory Chlorine is not the only aroma that lingers on the pool deck of CBU swim and dive team. Talent, potential and great expectations also filled the air this season for the men and women’s team. 
“Keep the eye on the prize” is heard on a daily basis from Head Coach Rick Rowland, and this that ultimate prize meant more than just a national championship. The Lancer team pulled together incredibly, practice by practice and competition by competition- each time becoming closer not only through the love of the sport but through the love of the Lord. 
“It is easy to think of men and women’s swimming as two separate teams, but the reality iswe all practice together to accomplish the one goal,” Nicole Shipman said. “And in the sport of swimming it is easy to focus on your own individual races, but it is so much more than that, we are definitely a team too, and I think this year we’ve all been reminded of that.” 
 While the swim season definitely held its share of lows, the highs the Lancers shared throughout the season seem to overpower them. “Hell week, even though its name sounds horrible, really united us as a team,” Chrissy Rinveld said. Stefanie Olsen said looking back, “The team has become a family. We celebrate each other, laugh with each other and cry with each other.” The year seemed to convey one definite theme - teamwork. Although it seems cliché the Lancers have united as one, practiced as one and competed as one. All under the name of the Lord and Savior. “Keeping the eye on the prize,” and by keeping an eye on one another, the Lancers have found new meaning to what the prize is - swimming for His Glory.

Elena Zanone

Ben Wahlman and Trevor Graifman are the only two men on the diving team. They may be small in numbers, but do not underestimate them.

The CBU dive team will be losing one of its finest competitors, Ben Wahlman. Since he arrived on deck, Wahlman has not ceased to set and break record after record on the one and three meter diving boards. Winning six All-American titles and being a familiar face at national championships, there is no question that Wahlman has set the bar high for his predecessors. 
 While they are great in number, the scores Wahlman brings to the school records are trivial in comparison to the eternal difference he wants to make. After graduation, he hopes to become a youth pastor and use the experiences he has had in the world of diving as a testimony to others, especially to other athletes.
 “I’ve learned a lot through diving. Don’t take things for granted. Stay confident. Trust God. I can speak to students and athletes and let them know that this isn’t all there is,” Wahlman said.
 For Wahlman, ministry, if only on a small scale, seems to have begun in the lives of his teammates. “Ben notices the little improvements we make. He exudes big brother and does a good job encouraging us,” Julie Holden said. “You can tell he places his relationship with the Lord first. You can see the light of Christ in his daily words and actions.” Regardless of where the future might take him, it remains apparent that Wahlman is and will remain a shining example of the love of Christ no matter how many twists he can fit into a dive (and it’s quite a few.)

Kristin Vaughan

swim & diving 176-177

still enduring.

Water polo. At mention of the sport most students at CBU probably either envision Speedos or shrug their shoulders in naivety. A combination of swimming and soccer, water polo is a game of intense physical strength and perseverance. While players may spend endless hours in the pool working to keep their heads above water, it is the strength amongst teammates that really keeps the men and women’s water polo teams afloat. The men’s season brought a good number of “newbies” to the pool greatly changing the dynamic of the team. With almost half of the 23-member team being composed of incoming freshmen, the opportunity for growth within the team would prove to be the most important goal. “I think that our team grew a lot this year. We were a younger team. So as the season went on, it was very evident the progress that our team was making,” Aaron Steiger said. But the new team’s abilities were not to be underestimated and their stamina would be tested and proved. The season would bring difficulty, but rewarding games including a 9-7 win over Santa Clara that Head Coach Rick Rowland called the biggest win in our program’s history. “This was a season of endurance for us, playing more games than any other season,” Rowland said. Some players would even have to sink or swim in the shadow of an older sibling. In Aaron Steiger’s case, he swam. In February, Steiger followed in his older brother, Ryan’s footsteps, becoming the sixth Lancer to receive an honorable mention to the Association of Collegiate Water Polo Coaches All-American Team. The women’s team would not be without challenges and building of its own. “We had a just as many new girls as returnees this year and we all had to work hard to mesh together and be able to play well together. We took that and ran with it; some of us have even made some good friends through the process,” Chelsea Gentry said. The team was smaller than most. While most teams would have five or six extra players, the Lancers did not have that advantage and most of the starters would play the entire game; sometimes playing four games in a weekend. Kellan Frericks works together with his teammates for the winning point. [photo by Kristin Vaughan]

When asked how they try to show the love of Christ to each other and their competitors, Kylie Chevalier remarked, “Water polo is a brutal sport. The way we treat people in the water makes all the difference. All of our encouragement comes from us as team mates and how we respect each other and our coaches.”

Kristin Vaughan Water Polo 178-179



C N R e fEeRrE e n F c e E R





reference 180-181

Andrew Hochradel

Krissy Amstutz

Thank You:

Vice President for Marketing and Communication Mark A. Wyatt for watching over the book. Melitta Bentz was a housewife who lived in Dresden, Germany. She invented the coffee filter. So, thanks Melitta. It really comes in handy on deadline nights. The writers of LOST can pretty much do whatever they want. And they did. C.S. Lewis - For giving me creative inspiration and courage.

Design Editor Candice Ybarra

Editor-in-Chief Phylicia Paulson

Thank you to everyone at ASCBU and CAB. You guys are awesome. Thanks for putting up with all our postermaking and asking when events happen. Without you, we would be lost and so event-less. A thanks for Wanda, because that woman always has the biggest smile on her face. (Prof) Tawny Burgess!! If it wasn’t for this lady, chaos would ensue in the Angelos office. Seriously. She’s worked hard this year trying to get us all organized. Everyone should thank her! Amy Eckerdt, for being a pretty sweet roomie, and always putting up with my random ideas on how to improve the Angelos. Thanks for shooting the bad ideas down (you were right).

Academics Editor Andy Doyle

Index Editor Enoch Kim

Megatron. No, not the robot. She’s one of the cats that lives outside of Mission Hall. And she always greets me to and from Angelos. She knows how to put a smile on my face! Aaron Kim masterpieces.





The Banner - Our sister publication. You are such a pleasure to be neighbors with! You are all hard workers and have put out some amazing issues! Keep up the good work! The Baptist Press Conference and ACP Conference in San Diego! What an amazing opportunity it was to attend these conferences.

Sports Editor

Photo Editor

Editorial Staff

Mary Ann Pearson- Our adviser and our “mom”. Thank you so much for all that you do for us. You’ve given us all such a great opportunity to get a feel for the real world, and given us a chance to get our foot through the door. Without you, we would be going nowhere with this publication. Our Lord Jesus Christ! Oh man. Without you, life would be such a struggle. As a Big J representative, I hope we’re making you proud!

The Staff

Angelos Staff: [back, left to right] Victoria Taylor, Brennan Cackett, Jacob Breems, Jesse Parker, Elizabeth Dalbey, Ben Halsne, [fourth] Andrew Hochradel, Rebecca Newton, Elena Zanone, Laura Manimtim, Katherine Seipp, Nicole Davis, Sean Bowman, Serena Angeli, Nicole Palmer, [third] Brittany Sparkman, Jessica Swarner, Lisa Luna, Andy Doyle, Candice Ybarra, Ope Peters, [second] Cayla Ames, Sarah Garcia, Phylicia Pauslon, Kristin Vaughan, Victoria Wooldridge, Eric McFarland, Nathan Yi, Krissy Amstutz, [front] Adviser Mary Ann Pearon, Riley Hagel, Eleanor Wilhelm, Freizel Bagube Kabryelle Green, Wyvonia Brown, Adviser Tawny Burgess, [Not pictures] Aaron Kim, Abby Broyles, Danielle Morgan, Erin Whitt, Heather Campbell, Karen Helms, Kenton Jacobsen, Kimberly Lewis, Kyle Meyer, Michael Ring, Michael Sampson, Reina Mendez [photo by: Enoch Kim]

The Specs Voume 57 of the Angelos yearbook was printed by Walsworth Publishing Company of Marceline, Missouri. Therese Lyons served as our yearbook representative, and Sharese Berry was our customer service representative. This book contains 208 pages of Crown Matte FSC 100# paper stock. The end sheets are printed on Legend Matte Paper Stock and printed in formula color. The cover is printed on White Linenset on 160 PT Graphic FSC recycle, gloss varnish on full cover and 4-color. 1600 copies were printed with the majority of these being distributed to students. All photographs were taken digitally. Some of the photos were fixed with Adobe Photoshop CS3 or CS4, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, Capture One and Apple Aperture. The cameras used were: Canon 20D, 30D, 40D, Canon Rebel XTi, Nikon D40, D60, D300 and D3. Classic Image Photography took the mug-shot photos (Thanks, Steve!). All pages were designed with Adobe InDesign CS3 on two Mac OS X G5 computers and some random laptops. The body copy is in nine-point Kozuka Gothic Pro; the captions are in Lucida Bright Demibold nine-point; the folio is in Ank 10-point.Some of the major fonts that were used for headlines are: Route 3, Maple Origins, Birth of a Hero, Ank, Jailbird Jenna and Timeless.

Colophon 202-203

So there you have it, exactly 200 pages later. Our new president is Barrack Obama. We are still going green. We are still in an economic crisis. CBU has a new to-go meal policy, but you know what? CBU is still CBU, even after all these years. You’ve seen all the changes that have occurred around us. You’ve experienced them first hand. But amongst all the changes and organized chaos surrounding our lives, everything is still the same. We’ve learned how to be patient and turn to God when there is so much in our life that we can’t handle. We’ve learned how to be still and trust in the Lord. I hope you read and didn’t flip. Krissy Amstutz

I will be

exalted among the


I will be

exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10 b

Closer 204-205

Insert 206


From Sept. 22 to april 20 we brought you the stories of a girl and her bicycle, the new wrestling team, team sweetwater, Matthew mason and even some hebrew. The book was finished in march, but things still happened on campus.

You thought we were done,



Table of Contents

Thanks Kent Dacus, Vice

President of Enrollment & Student Services, for

25 years of service!

intro 01-02 Opener 01-02

It’s the end of the year and your brain is about to explode from the realization that your procrastination has finally caught up with you. Though in the midst of all of the studying, practicing, juries, packing and paper writing there is a light at the end of the tunnel -- a small beacon of hope, a chance to forget everything for a few hours and join together with your fellow classmates to fight for the ever sought after pot. That’s right, it’s Campus Day! A chance to take a break and test your drawing skills with a game of CBU Pictionary, fulfill your childhood dream of being a cheerleader (because I know that’s what you all secretly dreamed of) and racing around the track on a motorized toilet. So get your war paint on, decorate your shirts, bring your team spirit to field and fight hard for a chance to


get the timeless honor so many



strive after -- having your

e S eip p

name on the pot!

Teams gathered together and were entertained by the top three cheers as they eagerly awaited the announcement of who had proven themselves worthy of getting their names on the pot.

[above] “Campus Day ruled! Hearing our number called out as the winner was such an amazing feeling. I love how Campus Day unites the campus,” Hope Ekholm said of her team, the Fresh Prince, victory. [front; left to right] Lauren Tucker, Hillary Wragg, Ekholm, Erica Horn, Amanda Jenkins [back; left to right] Danny Cross, Bradley Vincent, Matt Huard, Bethanee Mathewson [below] 13D definitely made their presence known by running across the field with flags, held by Christopher Tracy, swords, shields and war paint.

Brittney Barton, Kristin De La Cruz, Alejandra Zuniga, Janet Harbin, Candace Dawkins, Elena Zanone and Samantha Shaw keep spirits high with their cheer and remind everyone that there are “no butts about it.”

“I never knew riding a toilet could be so much fun”

Mary Sorola, Josefina llanes, Sarah Cary, John O’Neil, Matthew Patten, William Marks and David Yoon work together to win second place for “Best Cheer” for the commuters.

Campus day 03-04

2009 SPORTS WRAP-UP Softball:

Women’s Golf:

Men’s Golf:

Possibly the best women’s golf team in CBU

While seeking some consistency, the

the 19 game of the season and has

history has consistently won tournaments

CBU men’s golf team won it’s first ever

already thrown a host of no-hitters. The

and nipped at the heels of NAIA’s top spot

tournament this season. Unfortunately,

Lancers have won over 25 games by way

like never before. Led by All-American Malin

the men have been unable to crack the

of the mercy rule and seem to be well on

Thorberg, the Lancer golfers aim to make

top 25 in the NAIA during the 2008-2009

their way to a sixth consecutive GSAC

waves at the NAIA National Tournament


Championship. They captured the elusive

beginning May 12. “Everyone has stepped

national championship at the NAIA National

up when needed, but Malin Thorberg has

Tournament on May 14.

been the rock of the team,” Lane Pace, head

The softball team was undefeated until

coach, said.


Men’s Tennis:

Women’s Tennis:

a minimum of 30 games for the fourth year

ensured the already strong CBU men’s

tennis team lost a host of talent to

in a row, it has proved a restructuring year

tennis team stay near the top of the

graduation, the young squad has been

for the Lancer baseball team. With a roster

NAIA rankings all season. After finishing

more than competitive this year. Riding

featuring a plethora of new faces and 23

a program best sixth in the country last

a program record-winning streak to the

roster spots occupied by either freshmen

season, the team never dropped below

sixth spot in the NAIA rankings, the Lancer

or sophomores, the future looks bright.

the top five this year and is now poised

women look ready for a spirited run at their

for National Title contention. The NAIA

second national tournament and first title.

National Tournament begins May 12.

The NAIA National Tournament begins May

Despite a solid record and a chance to win

An influx of top-notch international talent

Though the accomplished CBU women’s


Jacob Breems & Serena Angeli

Men’s Basketball:

Women’s Basketball:

In a season filled with ups and downs the

The Lancers women’s basketball team

Men’s Vollyball:

Lancers men’s basketball team finished

made an early first round exit from the

another outstanding season. Phenomenal

22-9 and was ousted in the second round

GSAC playoffs after a hard fought 17-13

seasons from Adiel Tiedjop and Levi

of the GSAC playoffs. The team got the

season. The squad was once again led by

Gabral carried the Lancers all the way to

opportunity to square off against two NCAA

senior guard Nicole Davis whose brilliant

the championship game, but it was not to

Division I powers in UCLA and Seton Hall

play earned her WBCA/State Farm Coaches’

be. Despite a strong effort, CBU had their

over the course of the year. Mark Roussin,

All-America first team honors.

championship hopes erased. Even so, the

The Lancers men’s volleyball team had yet

was also named to the All-GSAC team for

Lancers were ranked no.1 most of the year

the third straight year after another solid

and had wins over NCAA Div.I Stanford and


BYU establishing themselves as the team to beat for years to come.

Men’s Soccer:

Women’s Soccer:

Women’s Volleyball:

History was made when the women’s

The 2009 regular season was another

3-5-2 GSAC. Although many results were

soccer team achieved a school record of

dominant year for CBU women’s volleyball.

against the team, they managed to secure

16 wins. Additionally, the Lancers finished

All-Americans Fei Shi and Noelle Dyk led the

a play-off spot, the first since 1990. “We set

second in the GSAC and earned a top 10

team to a 28-8 record, before the Lancers’

a new standard for what our expectation

ranking for the second straight year. With

championship dreams were dashed by

of performance should be in that playoff

some incoming new faces this team could

Fresno Pacific, for a second consecutive

environment,” Ryan Jorden, head coach,

walk away with a national title in the near


said. Junior transfer Gabriel Gonzalez was


The Lancers finished the season 7-8-3,

named the 2008 All-GSAC team as selected by the conference coaches after scoring nine goals and two assists.


Men’s Water Polo:

Women’s Water Polo:

Riding an incredible season from Aaron

Women’s Water Polo reigned supreme

the most eventful years in CBU history. The

Steiger, the CBU men’s water polo team

after destroying opponents at this year’s

team won five awards this year.: First place

went 29-19 in the 2008-09 season. Steiger

NAIA Women’s Water Polo Invitational.

at the UC Irvine competition, First place at

became the first sophomore in school

“We were a very new team, in that, we lost

the West Coast Cheerleaders of America

history to receive honorable mention to

six of seven starters from last year’s team,”

competition, Second place at the challenge

the Association of Collegiate Water Polo

Jacob Medina, head coach, said. Still, the

cup, Second place at the US Spirit Leaders

Coaches All-American team, and led the

Lancers won their second consecutive

King of the Bleachers competition and

nation with 109 goals.

NAIA championship. With a young team

The CBU cheerleading team had one of

Fourth place at the United Spirit Association

that is continuing to improve, there could

Nationals competition.

be many more championships down the road.


Swim and Dive:

map opening their first year of competitions

pool. The men took their fourth consecutive

country program got up and running once

with a bang. John Petty, head coach, took

national title in record-setting fashion while

again in the fall. Despite the extended

his team to a national tournament where

the women placed second at the national

hiatus the Lancers had a steady season with

they walked away with valuable experience

tournament. “I’m really proud of our kids

their hastily assembled squad. With heavy

and a renewed drive to make next year

this year. We have a lot of quality people

recruiting and first year jitters out of the

even more successful. Although finishing

and that’s what I like to see,” Rick Rowland,

way, Head Coach Wade Watkins has high

the season 7-13 the silver lining is clearly

head coach, said.

hopes of competing with the nation’s best.

The Lancers have put CBU wrestling on the

The Lancers had another stellar year in the

Cross Country:

After five years in hiding the CBU cross

shining bright for the Lancers.

sports wrap-up 05-06

This is it. Your dream has come true. Your educational journey has

experience, coming together in intramural sports and countless hall events.

come to an end; that is if you don’t plan on attending grad, medical or law

Or maybe you remember the first day of class, or walking into the wrong

school, but we won’t talk about that right now. You and CBU are parting

class on your first day. You remember the kindness of your professors and

ways after spending four of the “best years of your life” together. This is your

life lessons taught both in and out of the classroom. You remember late-


night conversations with your best friends where you seemed to solve all

While parting can be such sweet sorrow you take comfort in the

of life’s problems, until you woke up the next day and figured out you over

fact that you can look back on these past four years and smile. You reflect

slept and were late for class. But no matter what you remember, you know

upon that first day when you arrived on campus and you had your car

you will never forget the journey of CBU. So, congratulations to all of you

emptied by over-zealous upperclassmen, your first meal in the caf, getting

graduates! You did it!

“Rikki Tikki Bear” stuck in your head for days on end, your first TWIRP

Katherine Seipp


618 Spring undergraduates 224 graduate

241 dec. undergraduates 1,063 CBU Graduates! The undergraduate ceremonies on Saturday morning featured Executive V.P. and Legal Counsel of the California Baptist Foundatio Phillip Kell. A former private practice attorney who also became an ordained minister in 1997, urged graduates to “stand for truth, in a world where ‘opinion’ is the only truth many know.”

To all graduates, from the Angelos staff, congratulations and good luck! Remember that no matter where God may take you, you are still Lancers.

Commencment 07-08

[Above] Dunya Wren, Kristin Fruh and Amanda Abdelmessih pray together after they recieved their diplomas. [right] Jaysen Kent walking with John Montgomery Dean of Spiritual Life and Campus Minister. [bottom left] Ronnie Jones tossed his graduation cap high in celebration. [bottom right] Hector Jimenez sung the CBU Alma Mater, “CBU, We’ll Love You.”

[above] On a beautiful Saturday morning, the CBU alumni, families and students gathered to participate in graduation. [left] John and Karen Helms, brother and sister, had the blessing of graduating together. [bottom left] S. Sue Johnson accepted an Honorary Doctorate in Community Service. [bottom right] The School of Nursing celebrated their first graduating class that completed the first year program.

Commencment 09-10


CBU: 1950

EXP. 05-02-09

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