Short North Community Mobility Study

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Known as the art and soul of Columbus, the culturally rich Short North Arts District is a pioneer in the urban revitalization of Central Ohio.

With the rapid development going on in Columbus, the Short North Alliance initiated an assessment of the greater Short North neighborhoods. This initiative aims to systematically document, evaluate, and recommend improvements for pedestrian mobility within the district. The study area spans from 9th Avenue on the North to just South of the Greater Columbus Convention Center and from Neil Avenue to the Conrail Railroad on the East and West sides.

This mobility assessment is meant to address various aspects of pedestrian infrastructure and urban connectivity. The Neighborhood Design Center has reviewed and verified data from different mobility networks including roadways, bikeways, and more. Additionally, metrics such as crashes and transit boarding/alighting have been incorporated.

By assessing these elements, the aim is to identify opportunities to improve the pedestrian experience. This comprehensive approach will help create a more user-friendly urban environment, improving the experience for residents, visitors and businesses alike.






The City of Columbus has developed a variety of citywide plans that will contribute directly to improving mobility for residents. These plans will expand bike, sidewalk, and transit infrastructure and as a result also impact community health and safety by reducing car dependence for residents.

Vision Zero Action Plan 2023-2028

The Vision Zero Action Plan outlines a comprehensive approach that compiles data-driven insights with multidisciplinary and multi-agency collaboration. Commitments to specific actions and strategies focused on eliminating fatal and serious injury crashes on Columbus streets.

Within the study area, there are seven major overhauls planned for area intersections. Ten crosswalks are to be installed within the boundary as well. The majority of proposed work in the area is along four of the highest trafficked streets - N High Street, Neil Avenue, Summit Street, and N 4th Street.

Zone In is Columbus’ new zoning code which creates six new zoning districts. Three streets in the study area will be effected by these new codes. 4th and 5th Avenue are proposed to be zoned as Urban Center and N High Street is proposed to be zoned as Urban Core.

Plan for Sidewalks and Trails

On August 24 2024, COTA published their plan for sidewalks and trails in Columbus. Proposed projects from the plan are scheduled to be completed between 2026-2030. There is no proposed infrastructure within the SNA boundary. The Heritage Trail extension project almost reaches the boundary, but it is the only project that is adjacent to the boundary.

Bike Plus Draft Vision Network

Bike Plus is the updated plan to the 2008 Bicentennial Bikeways Plan. The plan is currently being developed with the focus on transportation improvements that make non-car transit more convenient and enjoyable.

There are ten total proposed routes that fall within the Short North Arts District. Of these routes, seven buffered bike lanes, two bike boulevards, and one shared bike lane are proposed.

Play Book 2025-2035 Master Plan

Columbus Recreation and Parks Department is developing its next 10-year Master Plan. This plan will serve as a guidebook for the department’s programming, development, and policies. The final plan will be published in Summer 2025.

LinkUS is COTA’s plan to increase service and access across Central Ohio. The plan aims to improve the current transit system and expand sidewalks, trails, and bikeways. Improvements to the transit system includes the development of three Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridors. The West Broad Corridor service is expected to begin in 2028 followed by the E Main Corridor in 2029.

While none of the proposed corridors run through the Short North area, a N High Street corridor will be the subject of a future study.

LinkUS Columbus


Road Types

Part of the national highway system, they are designed for long-distance travel and mobility. Interstates are freeways that connect major urban areas across state lines. Interstate:

Principal Arterial:

Minor Arterial:

Link cities, larger towns, and other major traffic generators.

A road that allows high access to properties, has a low to moderate capacity, and generally a low speed limit. They are also known as distributor roads. Collector: Road without controlled access that can carry a large volume of local traffic at a higher speeds. Serve large urban areas.


Located in a built environment with all kinds of properties that can be accessed from the road.


Speed plays a critical role in both the cause and severity of motor vehicle crashes. There is a direct correlation between higher speeds and crash risk. This is because as speed increases, the driver’s peripheral vision decreases and the amount of distance needed to come to a stop increases. Due to this, lower speed limits are best for cities.


Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) is the transportation industry’s most essential metric for analyzing and forecasting traffic volume. AADT is used when planning and designing infrastructure to track traffic congestion, estimate road safety, and assist in allocating highway funds. Essentially, AADT is a measurement of how busy a road is, it is calculated by dividing the total number of vehicles that use a road in a year by 365 days. This gives us an estimate of traffic volume on a typical day of the year.

Low-Volume Roads:

Roads that have relatively low use, usually an AADT of less than 400 vehicles a day and low design speeds of under 50 MPH. In terms of classification, low-volume roads are local roads.

High-Volume Roads:

Typically, high-volume roads have volumes in excess of 50,000 AADT and they usually have a higher design speed. These roads are typically classified as interstate or arterial.

Note: AADT breaks followed chart in “Contextual Guidance for Selecting All Ages & Abilities Bikeways”, NACTO. Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)

Source:OhioDepartmentofTransportation Seepage70formethodology


Sidewalk Conditions

Sidewalk conditions are a vital aspect of mobility in our cities. They are foundational to other modes of transportation; people need sidewalks to reach a destination regardless of their mode of transportation (unless both destinations have bike/car parking on premise). Despite the necessity and importance of sidewalks, their significance is sometimes understated when assessing mobility. Columbus road infrastructure heavily favors the automobile, and so drivers may be less reliant on sidewalks because of an abundance of parking options.

To support other modes of transportation, sidewalk conditions need to be improved alongside improvements to bike and transit infrastructure. Riders may want to get around by bike or bus, but could be discouraged by cracked and unsightly sidewalks or gaps in the sidewalk network. The SNA area generally has good sidewalk conditions (at almost 70% of sidewalks) but has room for improvement.

As a walkable community that serves a large number of residents and visitors, sidewalks conditions are very important and sidewalks in poor or fair condition as well as sidewalk network gaps should be addressed. Improved sidewalk conditions can impact the community in a number of ways; encouraging alternative modes of transportation to cars, better accessibility for those with mobility issues, and encouraging activity along commercial corridors such as North High Street.

Linear Feet of Sidewalks in The Study Area

Sidewalk Gaps


Sidewalk Gaps

In addition to sidewalk conditions, sidewalk gaps are also important factors to consider in the user experience for people getting around by foot. Sidewalk gaps not only pose issues for accessability, but they also impact the aesthetic of a block. They can discourage walkers from walking along entire blocks, and a lack of foot traffic can impact perceptions of safety and the amount of business a building could receive.

The sidewalk network for the Short North area has gaps that should be addressed to further improve the walkability of this already wealkable community.

Summit St & Warren Ave

Note: No windshield survey performed, results may vary from sidewalk conditions assessment

Source:CityofColumbus. Seepage71formethodology

Sidewalk Type


Crosswalk Conditions

Frequent and well-designated crossings are important in reinforcing the walkability of a city with a robust sidewalk network. Crosswalks are designed both as a guide for pedestrians as well as a way to communicate crossings to motorists. They should be designed to offer as much comfort and protection to pedestrians as possible. Intersection crossings should be kept as compact as possible, minimizing pedestrian crossing time and facilitating eye contact by moving pedestrians directly into the driver’s field of vision. Efforts should be made to highlight desired crossings using signage and pavement markings in order to discourage pedestrians from using uncontrolled crossings.

4th St

Pedestrian/Bike Crash Data (2021-2023)


Pedestrian/Bike Crash Data (2021-2023)

102 pedestrian fatalities and 8 cyclist fatalities in Columbus from the year 2017 to 2021. However, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) crash data for 2021-2023 lists no crash fatalities within the study area.


Non Pedestrian/Bike Crash Data (2021-2023)

Partners have identified many safety strategies to slow speeds, focus on safe street design, and foster community engagement.

This plan will affect four major roads in the Short North: N High Street, Neil Avenue, Summit Street, and N 4th Street.

These Improvements include:

Crosswalk Marking Installation

New pavement markings in order to delineate the crosswalk.

Crosswalk Marking Upgrade

Additional pavement markings and/ or signage to bring more attention to an already marked crosswalk.

Major overhaul of the intersection design and/or traffic signal rebuild

Verification that a motorist



There are over 8,900 parking spaces in the Short North Arts District.


2,250 Garage Spaces

6,000+ On-Street Spaces

The City of Columbus launched the ParkColumbus mobile app in early 2019 to simplify parking in Downtown Columbus and the Short North Arts District and has since expanded throughout the city. ParkColumbus brings together private and public parking options to allow drivers to find, reserve and pay for parking in garages and surface lots in the available areas. The app can also be used to pay for and keep track of on-street parking. Mobile payment is available in zones that are marked either by the ParkColumbus signage and or on parking meters that display the ParkColumbus sticker.

Greenwood Ave


Rideshare Zones

The Short North Alliance has teamed up with rideshare services like Uber, Lyft, and Columbus Yellow Cab to provide designated late night drop-off and pick-up zones that support safe, convenient mobility for rideshare users visiting the Short North Arts District. Starting at midnight and lasting until 4:00 am, select sections of N High Street in the district become noparking zones to allow for seamless rideshare pick-up and drop-off. This initiative not only enhances mobility, it also allows guests to fully enjoy the offerings of the area without the hassle of finding parking. By streamlining rideshare pickups, the Short North Alliance aims to foster a more accessible and enjoyable environment for everyone.

of Rideshare Services

Increase access to rideshare services in areas with the most late-night activity

Provide convenient and predictable pickup points for rideshare drivers and customers

Prevent double parking and mitigate traffic congestion

Encourage responsible rideshare use and discourage impaired driving

Minimize crowding on sidewalks

Limit towing


Motorized Two-Wheeled Parking

Motorized two-wheeler parking refers to designated areas where scooters, mopeds, electric bicycles, and motorcycles are allowed to park. Currently, there are four such parking areas within the study area, all located along Park Street and Front Street, near Goodale Park and The North Market. Notably, only the parking area directly in front of The North Market at the eastern corner of Park Street and Spruce Street features infrastructure for parking, such as designated bike racks. The other three locations are only marked by signage, lacking any physical accommodations for two-wheelers.

A map from the City of Columbus Open Data Portal from 2020 indicates additional designated parking areas located along N High Street, Park Street, and Front Street. However, the NDC team determined through a windshield survey that many of these two-wheeler parking spaces have been repurposed for paid parking, bus stops, and rideshare zones, significantly limiting the available parking options for motorized two-wheelers. This shift underscores the need for better planning and infrastructure to accommodate the growing number of scooters and motorcycles in the area.

Motorized Two-Wheeled Parking

Bike Infrastructure


COGO is Columbus’ public bikeshare system providing hundreds of share bikes to the city and it’s suburbs. COGO Bike Share 10 COGO Stations in the Study Area


Proposed Bikeways

Bike Plus Plan

Bike Plus is a plan created by the City of Columbus to create a safe, connected, and comfortable network for people to bike in the city. There are ten proposed bike lanes within the study area:

Seven Separated Bikeways

W Goodale St

N High St

N 3rd St / Summit Ave

N 4th St

N 5th Ave

E 2nd Ave

Neil Ave

Buffered Bike Lane

W 3rd Ave

Two Bike Boulevards

Buttles-Dennison Ave Hunter Ave

In addition to these new proposed bike routes, there are also two existing bike lanes that have proposed upgrades. The current bike lanes on Summit Street and N 4th Street are both proposed to be upgraded to separated bikeways. Based on the proposed bikeway map, the Short North aera is planned to have a higher density of separated bikeways than most other areas of Columbus. Proposed Bike Infrastructure





COTA is a public transit agency serving the Columbus metropolitan area. It operates fixedroute buses, bus rapid transit, microtransit, and paratransit services. There are three different types of bus routes offered by COTA:


Running throughout the day with departures 15 to 60 minutes apart


Running throughout the day with departures every 15 minutes or less

Rush Hour:

Running Monday-Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

COTA Bus Routes

This Area

Bus Stops by Type


Boarding January 2024 Trimester

LinkUS: COTA’s Plan to Increase Service and Access Across Columbus

Central Ohio is growing rapidly, bringing jobs and economic opportunities. As a result, COTA is modernizing and expanding through the LinkUS initiative. This transportation and growth plan will expand COTA transit service and make investments into sidewalks, bikeways, trails, and crosswalks throughout the region. These improvements will help to create a more walkable, connected communities and increase opportunities for all.

Plan for Transit

86% of people drive alone for their commute, crowding the highways. COTA is looking at how to move more people faster, safer, and more sustainably.

Plan for Corridors

Corridors are rapid transit lines that link residential areas to one another, creating access to more than 380,000 jobs.

Plan for Pedestrians and Cyclists

Micromobility hubs are areas that bring together varying forms of microtransit in one convenient location.

9: W Mound/Brentnell


Alighting January 2024 Trimester

LinkUS Outcomes:

Creating Walkable Communities

Transit-supportive infrastructure is key to building walkable communities. Investments in this infrastructure to expand transit access and connections across the region will be made, making it safer and more convenient to get around.

Bus Rapid Transit

Bus Rapid Transit is a faster and more efficient mass transit option. Combining the capacity and speed of a metro with the flexibility and affordability of a bus system.

Equitable TransitOriented Development

Housing developments around transit stations creates opportunity for people to experience the benefits of mass transit, making it easy, accessible, and affordable to get from point A to point B.

Improvements That Serve Everyone

COTA aims to increase frequency of service by 45%. New and improved sidewalks, bike lanes, crosswalks, and bus stops wil better connect residents.


Bus Rapid Transit

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

Bus Rapid Transit combines the capacity and speed of a metro with the flexibility and affordability of a bus system through features like:

Traffic signal priority

Platform-level boarding

High-capacity vehicles

Modern stations

Dedicated transit lanes

Off-vehicle payment

COTA’s LinkUS initiative will create three Bus Rapid Transit corridors in the Columbus area. These three corridors will extend into separate directions and connect with one another in the city’s downtown. While none of these lines are within the SNA boundary, multiple routes will be studied for future work. One of these routes could potentially travel directly through the SNA area, with others in close proximity.

Both planned and potential BRT lines will cross through parts of the Columbus downtown area. Although no planned routes directly cross into the SNA area, the area will greatly benefit from the planned BRT routes due to its close proximity to downtown. All bus lines in the community will directly connect to planned BRT routes, meaning that residents will be just a short ride to this new transportation option.

Northwest Corridor

This corridor connects major employment and institutional centers, including The Ohio State University, the OhioHealth hospital campus, and downtown. It’s physically constrained by the Olentangy River, CSX railroad, and highway.

East Main Corridor

One of the highest ridership transit corridors in Central Ohio, connecting key destinations, neighborhoods and job centers.

West Broad Corridor

Spans 9.3 miles from Prairie Township to downtown Columbus and includes the integration of bike lanes, sidewalks and new community amenities aimed at improving regional connectivity and accessibility, increasing the walkability of the surrounding area.


Urban Forestry Master Plan

of Columbus Streets are Stocked with Trees

Street trees enhance city streets both functionally and aesthetically. Functionally, trees provide shade to homes, businesses, and pedestrians. Shade helps to prolong the life of pavement and sidewalks by protecting them from sun damage. Street trees also have the potential to calm and slow traffic speeds. Aesthetically, street trees frame streets and sidewalks as discrete public realms, enriching each with a sense of rhythm and human scale.

Urban Forestry Plan

An urban forest refers to all the trees (both public and private) within a city. The Columbus Urban Forestry Master Plan is a long-term investment in Columbus’ tree canopy. Our tree canopy is vulnerable to threats from the changing climate and increased development in the area. Tree canopy reduces air pollution, intercepts stormwater, improves quality of life, and much more. The benefits from urban trees outweigh the cost of maintaining them. Goals of the Master Plan include:

E 5th Ave Neil Ave


Windshield Survey

Using the designated road typologies—principal arterial, minor arterial, collector, and local—a windshield survey was conducted by NDC staff to assess the current lighting infrastructure along these corridors. The number of streetlights and pedestrian lights present were estimated and calculated for the number of fixtures per mile. This analysis helps identify which areas in the district require additional lighting infrastructure. Further study is needed to pinpoint gaps in lighting and to gain a clearer understanding of maintenance needs and quantify lighting demand.

Ideal lighting conditions are determined by a variety of factors, including height of lighting poles, density of land uses, road speeds, and the size of light sources used along a roadway.

Principal Arterials Survey


Minor Arterials Surveyed

Collectors Surveyed

Selected Local Roads Surveyed

Local Roads off High Street Surveyed


For Urban Mobility

Mobility is a key aspect of the urban experience and a signature component of the Short North Arts District. Planners must embrace the multimodal and consider the different mobility needs of the population. Cities must be able to accommodate walkers, joggers, dogs, wheelchairs, scooters, bicyclists, motor vehicles, parking, drop-off and pick-up, trucks, delivery vehicles, buses, and any future transit technologies.

After assessing the existing conditions in the study area, NDC researched best practices for urban mobility. The categories selected to study best practices include transit, bike infrastructure, pedestrian safety, and other improvements such as branding and placemaking, car share zones, e-charging stations, and information kiosks.

Encourage residents to use public transportation by ensuring the system is consistent, reliable, and well-integrated with a robust network of sidewalks. This includes maintaining clean and safe bus stops and investing in supporting infrastructure to enhance the overall transit experience.

Transit Bike Infrastructure

The Short North area boasts the city’s most comprehensive bike infrastructure. To further improve it, ensure the design accommodates all ages and abilities by following NACTO guidelines. Prioritize pedestrian needs over vehicular traffic to create a safer and more inclusive environment for everyone.

Pedestrian Safety

Create high-quality pedestrian zones that encourage people to walk through the district. Wide sidewalks are key to this, sidewalks should be designed wide enough for two pairs of people to comfortably pass. The most successful pedestrian zones utilize safe crosswalks, pedestrian-scale lighting, street trees, and other plantings.

Other Best Practices

Besides the three categories listed above, there are many other aspects of urban planning that create better mobility. Other best practices to consider include branding, placemaking, car share zones, e-charging stations, and information kiosks.


Improved Bus Stops

Covered bus stops provide shelter from the weather, therefore they are beneficial to bus stops that serve many lines and anticipate high demand. For stops that don’t serve multiple lines, it is still beneficial to have a bench or other seating for the comfort of the riders.

Often located adjacent to transit stops, micromobility hubs serve as a transfer point for multiple transportation modes. At these hubs, people can access multiple types of transportation modes like bike share. Micromobility

Green Infrastructure

Integrating green infrastructure into sidewalks, medians, and curbs have many mobility benefits. Green Infrastructure can enhance pedestrian comfort while waiting for transit and calming traffic creating opportunities for safer pedestrian crossings.


COTA Plus On-Demand Shuttles provides mobility solutions by letting people request on-demand rides from one point to another point. Currently, this service is only available Grove City, Westerville, and the South Side of Columbus.


Bike Lanes are dedicated to biking, separated from traditional lanes that prioritize motor vehicles. Buffered Bike Lanes have the same goal but include a small barrier that serves to further separate the bike lane from the traditional lane.


Bike Boulevards are low-traffic, low-speed streets that prioritize walking and biking, usually connecting streets. Utilizing signs, pavement markings, and speed and volume management strategies, bike boulevards discourage motor vehicles and create safe areas for bike travel.

Meeting demands for safe public bike storage is key to a successful bicycle plan implementation. Bicycle parking comes in a variety of forms, including racks, lockers, and shelters. Self-service bike repair amenities are also beneficial to bicyclists.

Bike Specific Signaling

At busy intersections, turns can cause conflicts between motorists and bicyclists in a separated bike lane. Implementing bike specific signaling at intersections can reduce collisions between vehicles and bikes by guiding each separately.





Curb Extension at Pedestrian Crossing

Curb extensions make pedestrians more visible by visually and physically narrowing the roadway. This creates a safer, shorter crossing experience for the pedestrian. By implementing curb extensions, there is increased space for other amenities.

Pedestrian Scale Lighting

The presence of adequate scale lighting improves pedestrian safety, security, and comfort. It promotes visibility between motorists and pedestrians, reducing the frequency of crashes. Properly designed lighting can help define a streetscape as well as create a sense of place.

Crosswalk Visibility Enhancements

Three main crosswalk visibility enhancements include signage, pavement markings, and lighting. These features can be implemented individually or in combination to indicate the preferred location for users to cross.

Rideshare Drop-Off/ Pick-Up Zones

Using existing street parking as rideshare zones for drop-off and pick-up reduces the amount of traffic caused by rideshare services. Located in popular areas, these drop-off zones can be either permanent or temporary depending on demand.

E-Charging Stations

E-Charging stations can be implemented in existing public urban amenities like parking lots and garages, public parks, and public buildings such as libraries. Charging stations can also be implemented through partnerships with non-public organizations.

Public Art

Public art not only beautifies the city but also improves mobility and safety, as it encourages drivers to slow down. When strategically placed near busy intersections, it creates a safer environment for pedestrians by reducing vehicle speeds and significantly lowering the risk of accidents.

A well-designed pedestrian environment is the foundation for a safe and active community. Pedestrian infrastructure is essential to support mobility. Some amenities used to create a good environment include plantings, lighting, seating, trash receptacles, and shade.

Parklets are public seating platforms that convert curbside parking spaces into community spaces by incorporating amenities such as seating and lighting. Parklets accommodate unmet demand for public space in urban environments.


Online Survey

Following a comprehensive mobility analysis of the study area, the NDC team developed a detailed survey to gather insights from members of the Short North community. Two distinct surveys were implemented: one on Typeform and the other using The Typeform survey includes questions about how respondents get around the study area and how safe they feel using different modes of transportation.

It includes both multiple-choice questions and open-ended prompts, allowing participants to express specific concerns about their transportation experience. The survey features an interactive map that allows community members to highlight specific areas of concern and like or dislike existing suggestions. A map was developed from this information, providing a clearer picture of where enhancements are needed.

How do you identify?

Prefer to self-describe






Prefer not to respond

Which best describes your household income last year?






Prefer not to answer


What is your relationship with the study area? How






What is your age

Submissions 63.3% Completion Rate


“More marked crosswalks, protected bike lanes, four way stops, and slower speed limits”

Regarding transportation within the study area, respondents identified the three highest priority improvements to physical infrastructure as protected bike lanes, crosswalk installation and improvements, and additional parking options. Overall, they emphasized the need for a safe network of bike and pedestrian infrastructure that would connect them to the various amenities found throughout the district.

When asked about transportation outside of the study area, survey participants were the most interested in public transit. Many responses characterize the current bus system as slow and inconvenient. Improvements to the current transit system as well as the possibility of new systems connecting them to areas outside of the study area were brought up in the comments.

What is your primary transportation:

Within the study area

of the study area

Considering the built environment and existing physical infrastructure,

How safe do you feel walking / biking within the study area?

62.7% of participants feel safe when walking or biking in the district.

Generally, the majority of respondents feel somewhat safe when biking or walking in the Short North Arts District. However, only a small fraction (12.3%) of participants feel extremely safe when using micromobility options in the district. Upon analyzing the detailed comments provided, a significant portion of the feedback is related to biking, which constitutes 42% of the responses, followed by walking at 32%. This indicates a strong concern among respondents about the current conditions for both modes of transportation.

has created an environment that prioritizes the safety and convenience of drivers, often at the expense of pedestrians and cyclists. The current distribution of street space heavily favors vehicles, leaving limited room and inadequate facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. As a result, survey participants feel that there is a need to expand and enhance the infrastructure available for pedestrians and cyclists.

“Cars have the priority at all times it seems, walkers should be prioritized but that doesn’t seem to be the case.”

Overall, respondents report a lack of pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and an overabundance of car centric infrastructure. This imbalance

To address these concerns, respondents suggest that improvements can be achieved through sidewalk improvements and implementing protected bike lanes. Survey participants report that sidewalk obstructions and the lack of protected bike lanes are diminishing the quality of the walking and biking experience. These improvements would help alleviate the congestion and constraints faced by pedestrians and cyclists, providing a more balanced and equitable distribution of street space. By addressing these issues, the Short North Arts District could significantly enhance the safety and satisfaction of micro-mobility users.


Survey Results

Participants were given a list of types of physical infrastructure improvements and were asked to rank which of these were most important to for increase mobility within the greater Short North community. The results indicate that the community values infrastructure like pedestrian safety, public transit, bike infrastructure, and streetscape/beautification which are seen as crucial for boosting mobility in the area. Conversely, options like micromobility, which includes share bikes and electronic scooters, as well as branding and placemaking are considered less impactful for mobility enhancements. This suggests that residents value fundamental infrastructure upgrades that address core mobility issues over newer, less established solutions.

One of the main goals of this assessment is to improve connectivity not just within the study area but also to connect users to areas outside of the study area by placing an emphasis on public or other non-personal car options. We asked participants questions relating to public transit and connectivity both inside and outside of the Short North Arts District.

Following is a summary of open-ended questions designed to identify the barriers to using public transportation and other non-personal car travel options, and to understand what would encourage respondents to adopt these alternatives for reaching their destinations.

Adopt public/non-personal car options as a primary way of traveling in the study area

Survey participants want to see a variety of improvements to the transit system in how it operates, the types of amenities at stops and on the bus, and through infrastructure that supports an efficient system. Of particular importance is better bus frequency and speed (17% of responses). 13% of respondents hope for alternative forms of transit such as a light rail or trolley, but only 2% directly stated that they are interested in bus rapid transit. 11% of respondents already utilize a public/non-personal car traveling but many of them still hope for improvements to the transit and bike network to make these modes of transportation better options.

Barriers to using public transit/ non-personal car travel

Respondents are concerned with the speed and convenience of taking public transit in the area.

The top concerns are related to buses being infrequent and slow (20%), a lack of sufficient stops or routes (18%), and traffic and obstructions further slowing down public transit trips (20%).

Feedback recognizes that traffic along High Street is particularly bad for all users and that transit needs dedicated infrastructure to efficiently move along the corridor. Respondents are not particularly confident towards the bus system as it currently stands and imply that respondents will require major changes to the bus system before they are convinced to utilize this mode of transportation over cars. Current road designs and laws make traveling by any means other than a car inconvenient and will need to be addressed alongside improvements to the transit system.

Connect to your destinations outside the study area

Respondents were most interested in improvements to the current transit system (25%) as well as the possibility of new transit systems connecting them to areas outside of the study area, with a major focus on light rail (23%). Protected bike lanes was also a top suggestion amongst respondents (11%). Many responses characterize the current bus system as slow and inconvenient, taking too long to

reach destinations or not even providing a route to major destinations. Others also question the safety of the city’s current bike network and point to a lack of protected bike lanes as a major safety concern when getting around the city. Answers were not solely focused on transit and biking, many also view road and sidewalk conditions as major barriers to connecting to areas outside of the study area.


Survey Results

What infrastructure improvements do you want to see in this area?

NDC staff asked the community what kinds of infrastructure they want to see in the Short North Arts District. Using this feedback, a kit of parts can be developed to be used throughout the study area. The infrastructure can all fall into one or more of the categories described in the Best Practices section.

“More shade along sidewalks would make walking easier and more accessible” “It takes significantly longer to get to a destination using public transportation.”


Survey Results

Participants in the exercise were generally aligned in their views on how mobility and access could be improved in the Short North Arts District. The feedback collected revealed an emphasis on improving bike-related infrastructure. This was followed by general improvement ideas and suggestions related to pedestrian pathways. Of the top ten responses, half of them call for additional

bike infrastructure, such as buffered bike lanes. Additionally, three comments highlighted the need for new or improved crosswalks to enhance pedestrian safety and connectivity. Two responses suggest implementing designated scooter parking areas to accommodate the growing use of electronic scooters in the district. The majority of proposed improvements are located along the major roadways in the district.


Upon analyzing the survey results, the most prominent response highlights the community’s concerns with 5th Avenue. Respondents pointed out that this road presents significant safety issues for both pedestrians and cyclists. The original survey comment received 15 likes.

“5th Ave feels unsafe whether walking or biking. I hate crossing this street or moving along it.”

This response shows a need for attention along 5th Avenue, specifically, improvements in micromobility. Many of the responses call for separated or buffered bike lanes, pedestrian scramble signals, and electronic scooter parking to discourage riding on sidewalks.

When looking at the responses for bike infrastructure in the study area, the top three recommendations are all focused on Neil Avenue. Participants called the infrastructure on this road as “dangerous”, “scary”, and “might as well not exist”. One response suggested transforming the center turn lane into a buffered bike lane to avoid the removal of street parking and prevent conflicts with buses.

Pedestrian safety is another big concern of the survey respondents, specifically when crossing the busier roads in the study area. Requests for improving existing crosswalks were frequent, including additional signage and implementing curb extensions. In addition to requesting improvements to the already existing crosswalks, participants also called for the implementation of new crosswalks.

Bike General Ideas
Street Lighting, Streetscape Beautification, Transit, and Placemaking & Branding


Based on the data gathered during the assessment phase, best practices research, and survey results, the following are a list of high level physical infrastructure recommendations to improve mobility in the Short North Arts District. These include changes to the area speed limit, bike network, crosswalks, sidewalks, bus stops, and tree canopy.

Speed Limit

Reduce the speed limit on 35 MPH roads to 25 mph for all streets within the study area.

Streets with speed limit above 25 mph:

+ King Ave

+ 5th Ave + Summit St + N 4th St + 2nd Ave + Goodale St

To truly enhance pedestrian safety and support bike infrastructure suitable for all ages and abilities, this assessment proposes reducing the speed limit on 35 mph roads to 25 mph. In the Short North area, where pedestrian movement should take precedence over vehicle traffic. Lowering the speed limit will ensure that drivers have better peripheral vision and increased stopping distance, reducing the risk of crashes. This adjustment will create a more walkable and bike-friendly environment, aligning with the community’s goal of prioritizing pedestrians and slow-moving vehicles.

“Drivers reach up to 45-50 on this road [Neil Ave], but with no dedicated and protected bike lanes it is dangerous for cyclists.”
- Survey Respondent

Bike Network

The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) provides guidelines for conditions that should be met to promote safe and equitable bikeways along roadways throughout cities in their report

Designing for All Ages & Abilities: Contextual Guidance for High-Comfort Bicycle Facilities. The organization uses four metrics to recommend appropriate bike infrastructure based on roadway context: motor vehicle speed, annual daily traffic count, the number and direction of lanes, and operational considerations (such as curbside activity and frequent bus stops). While lane width was not available for analysis, other NACTO metrics were assessed for all nonlocal roadways in the study area to determine what the ideal bikeway for a particular road was. The roads were also assessed based on if speeds were reduced to 25 mph for all roads above this speed limit. Some roadway conditions support multiple types of bikeways, while other conditions only support one type of NACTO recommended bikeway. The two maps illustrate these findings to be consider as the city keeps expanding and improving the city-wide bike infrastructure.

Recommended Priorities:

+ 5th Ave redesign to fill the bike infrastructure gap and address layered issues of pedestrian safety.

+ 3rd Ave redesign to connect to the recently finished Olentangy Trail.

Crosswalk Network

Introduce a Pedestrian Priority Phase (PPP), also referred to as a pedestrian scramble, at signalized intersections with elevated pedestrian crash rates. This system allows pedestrians to cross in all directions at once, with vehicles stopped in every direction.

The main benefit is that it removes conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles, enhancing safety at these busy intersections. Implementing this approach can significantly reduce the risk of pedestrian accidents at locations where other design elements already exist but are insufficient for the volume of vehicles and pedestrians it serves.

Sidewalk Network

Invest in the approximately 9% of the existing sidewalk network in the district that requires improvements, totaling around 27,000 linear feet of infrastructure.

Upgrading these sidewalks is essential to enhance pedestrian safety and accessibility throughout the area. This investment will address current deficiencies, improve walkability, and ensure a more functional and inclusive network for all residents and visitors.

“Curb extensions could be added [to intersection of W Goodale St and Park St] without changing the lanes or path of traffic to decrease crossing distances.”
- Survey
± 27K ft of Sidewalk Improvements

Bus Stops

LinkUS has the opportunity to reshape how Columbus residents travel throughout the city. Because only 3 corridors are currently planned, it is vital that the overall bus network is drastrically improved, including bus stop conditions, to connect the entirety of the city to these corridors.

Residents will not be incentivized to use these new BRT corridors if their bus stops have no ammenities. Standing next to a busy road with no coverage or seating is dehumanizing and needs to be addressed in a meaningful way that improves the user experience.

Proposed covered bus stops:

+ Along N High St

+ Neil Ave and 5th Ave intersection

Proposed benches:

+ Along Neil Ave

Street Trees

One characteristic that often defines beautiful and desirable urban neighborhoods is an abundance of trees.

Additionally, Central Ohio summers are getting hotter and rainfall is increasing. Columbus is growing quickly and becoming a major heat island, and in need of smart climate solutions. Trees help by absorbing CO2, reducing flooding, and providing shade.

Increase tree canopy density in the Short North district. Prioritize adding street trees at the highlighted corridors, specially:

5th Ave

Summit St

4th St

Hunter Ave


PAGE 5: Study Area Boundary

Data for study area population and daytime population provided through Esri Business Analyst Commute Profile dataset. Data is based on ACS 2018-2022.

PAGE 9: Road Type Classification (ODOT)

Shapefile for Ohio roadways provided through Ohio Department of Transportation Information Mapping System. This shapefile provides categorizations for the types of roadways it contains, which were displayed through Esri’s ArcGIS Pro.

PAGE 11: Speed Limit

Shapefile for Ohio roadways provided through Ohio Department of Transportation Information Mapping System. This shapefile provides categorizations for the speed limit of roadway segments it contains, which were displayed through Esri’s ArcGIS Pro.

PAGE 13: Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)

Shapefile for Ohio roadway traffic counts provided through Ohio Department of Transportation Information Mapping System. This shapefile provides counts for the average annual daily traffic of roadway segments it contains, which were displayed through Esri’s ArcGIS Pro.

PAGE 15: Sidewalk Assessment

Shapefile for Columbus sidewalk network provided through City of Columbus Open Data Portal. This shapefile provides conditions for the sidewalk segments it contains, which were displayed through Esri’s ArcGIS Pro. NDC staff also performed a windshield survey to verify these conditions.


17: Sidewalk Gaps

Shapefile for Columbus sidewalk network provided through City of Columbus Open Data Portal. This shapefile provides sidewalk types for the sidewalk segments it contains, which were displayed through Esri’s ArcGIS Pro. A windshield survey was not performed for the sidewalk gap assessment, so results may be slightly conflicting with the sidewalk condition map.


19: Crosswalk Assessment

Shapefile for Columbus sidewalk network provided through City of Columbus Open Data Portal. This shapefile provides sidewalk types for the sidewalk segments it contains, which were displayed through Esri’s ArcGIS Pro. All sidewalk segments categorized as MC (Marked Crosswalk) were exported and displayed in this map. NDC staff also performed a windshield survey to verify these conditions.

PAGE 21: Pedestrian/Bike Crash Data (2021-2023)

Shapefile for crashes between 2021 to 2023 provided through Ohio Department of Transportation Information Mapping System. This shapefile provides the point location for crashes based on the type of crash and its severity. Through ArcGIS Pro, these points were separated based on if a pedestrian or cyclist was involved in the crash, and the points were then displayed as a heat map.


23: Non Pedestrian/Bike Crash Data (2021-2023)

Shapefile for crashes between 2021 to 2023 provided through Ohio Department of Transportation Information Mapping System. This shapefile provides the point location for crashes based on the type of crash and its severity. Through ArcGIS Pro, these points were separated based on if a pedestrian or cyclist was involved in the crash, and the points were then displayed as a heat map.

PAGE 25: Parking Inventory

Parking zone areas traced through Adobe Illustrator, based on map provided on page 3 of the Short North District Wayfinding Sign Assessment Findings and Recommendations document.



Rideshare Zones

Rideshare pick-up/drop-off zones traced through ArcGIS Pro, based on map provided on the Short North Arts District Parking and Transit page of the Short North Arts District website.

PAGE 29: Motorized Two-Wheeled Parking

Shapefile for Columbus two wheeled motor vehicle parking areas provided through City of Columbus Open Data Portal. This shapefile provides point locations for parking areas with descriptions of their locations. NDC staff performed a windshield survey to verify these conditions and updated the shapefile where parking areas no longer existed. Parking area locations were displayed through ArcGIS Pro.


31-33: Bike Infrastructure

Shapefile for Columbus bikeway network provided through MORPC Open Data Portal. The MORPC shapefile provides categorizations for the types of bikeways it contains, which were displayed through Esri’s ArcGIS Pro. Additionally, the MORPC shapefile categorizes bikeways by existing and proposed, which were separated into the two bikeway maps. Shapefile for COGO bike stations provided through the City of Columbus Open Data Portal. Toole Design provides an online map of proposed bike routes for Columbus’ Bike Plus Plan, which were traced as its own shapefile in ArcGIS Pro and categorized by bikeway types (categorized by Toole Design) and combined with MORPC’s proposed bike routes.

PAGE 35: Public Transportation

Shapefiles for bus lines and bus stops provided through COTA Open Data Portal. Bus stops and bus lines displayed by specific lines served through ArcGIS Pro.

PAGE 39: COTA Ridership

Shapefiles for bus stops provided through COTA Open Data Portal. Bus stop shapefile point sizes correspond to average daily alighting displayed through ArcGIS Pro.

PAGE 41: Future LinkUS BRT Network

LinkUS Bus Rapid Transit routes traced in ArcGIS Pro based on maps provided by LinkUS.

PAGE 37:

COTA Ridership

Shapefiles for bus stops provided through COTA Open Data Portal. Bus stop shapefile point sizes correspond to average daily onboarding displayed through ArcGIS Pro.


43: Tree Canopy

Shapefiles for trees provided through City of Columbus Open Data Portal. Tree shapefile point sizes correspond to tree diameter displayed through ArcGIS Pro.

PAGE 44-45:

Street Lighting

The number of lighting fixtures (pedestrian and streetlights) along select roads in the study area were counted through a windshield survey conducted by NDC staff. Total road length in miles were collected through ArcGIS Pro from a shapefile for Ohio roadways provided through Ohio Department of Transportation Information Mapping System. The total fixtures per mile were calculated through Excel by dividing the total number of fixtures by total road mileage.

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