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Leadership Development
In the face of the pandemic, our partners at the Harvard Business School have organized a number of virtual sessions gathering YALP cohorts from around the country. In July, the group studied and discussed Singapore’s development and launch of the first Bluetooth based contact tracing system, TraceTogether, a beta for the world designed to limit to the spread of COVID-19.
Locally, with support from the Columbus Foundation, Columbus YALPers exclusively gathered for a discussion with Bina Venkataraman, author of the Optimist’s Telescope and editorial page editor for the Boston Globe. The group had an inspiring dialogue about the premise of the book and the role of optimism as we plan our present and future.
In September, we resumed hosting the In the Boardroom Series with members of YPO with a conversation with Alex Fischer. As we begin to look ahead to 2021, we will be calling on members of the Partnership to host these roundtable discussions to share their career journey and leadership lessons with this group of next generation leaders in our community.