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Public Policy
With new leadership in the Ohio House of Representatives, the Columbus Partnership has worked to ensure that advocacy is community-focused and solution-oriented as we direct our efforts towards this year’s election, the COVID-19 pandemic, economic challenges and the fight for racial equity.
The upcoming election will have major significance for Columbus.
City of Columbus Issue 2 A top priority for the Partnership this election season has been to work in collaboration with leaders across the community on Columbus Issue 2. Issue 2 is a charter amendment that, if passed in November, would establish an independent civilian review board and Inspector General for the Columbus Division of Police. Columbus is the only major metropolitan in the United States that does not have civilian oversight of police. Through a broad coalition of elected officials, business leaders, community organizers, and faith leaders, we believe that in November we can bring about this crucial change in the continued pursuit of racial justice in Columbus.
Connectivity with Candidates The Partnership’s public policy team has continued to connect with candidates on both sides of the political aisle who are running to represent local communities and the State of Ohio. City of Columbus Issue 1 With a commitment to sustainable energy, the Partnership has continued to promote economic prosperity via renewable energy aggregation by supporting ballot Issue 1. This ballot initiative, if passed, would allow Columbus residents and businesses to pay competitive consumer electric rates for clean energy. This proposal would generate $1 billion in new investments in Ohio and generate hundreds of construction jobs and many permanent jobs.
Franklin County Issue 24 The Partnership supports Franklin County Issue 24, which will guarantee that ADAMH has resources to ensure the operation of mental health, alcohol and drug addiction programs for children, adults and families are a priority in the region. This year’s only county-wide issue campaign includes the funding of addiction programs for children, adults and families including crisis, residential and outpatient treatment programs, school and communitybased prevention programs and patient housing support.
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE AND COMPETITIVENESS COUNCIL The introduction of new Ohio House Speaker Bob Cupp has ushered in a spirit of renewed collaboration at the Statehouse. Our team is looking forward to continuing to foster relationships with every sector of government, including this new Statehouse administration.
The Columbus Region Coalition continues its work to identify legislative priorities that affect economic advancement in our region. As we look towards a post-election lame duck session, we will continue to advocate for our priorities in a potential capital budget, tax issues and other legislative actions.
COVID-19 As we continue to face the health and economic ramifications of COVID-19, the Columbus Partnership has worked with elected leaders to protect Ohioans through:
The passage of House Bill 606, which provides civil immunity to the health care community, businesses, schools and individuals from lawsuit arising out the pandemic Continued advocacy on municipal income tax issues to ensure that our tax structure allows for economic recovery. This work aligns business groups under a long-term statewide tax policy that provides clarity for businesses and cities regarding remote worker tax issues that are tied to the Governor’s Emergency Order In-depth discussions with all sectors of government to identify solutions to COVID-19 disparities