CCBC 2016 Summer Courses

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REGISTRATION GUIDE SOAK UP SOME SUMMER COURSES. FLEXIBLE AND AFFORDA BLE We offer a variety of summer sessions to meet your needs, including 13-week, 10-week and 6-week terms and online, hybrid, and in-person courses. Many courses easily transfer to 4-year institutions and you’ll learn the same material at a fraction of the cost.

CATCH UP, GET AHEAD, OR IMPROVE YOUR GPA Summer is the perfect time to plan ahead and take an extra course or two. We offer a variety of general education courses to help you achieve your goals at CCBC and beyond.

HOW TO REGISTER Returning students can register online starting March 21. New students can register starting March 28. Visit to start the enrollment process now.

TRANSIENT STUDENTS Follow the steps below to take courses at CCBC to transfer back to your 4-year college or university. Provide a copy of your current transcript from your home institution. Complete the transient form (download at with your advisor at your home institution. Register in person with both above items at the Information and Registration Center, located in the Student Services Center. Pay your tuition at the Cashier’s Office, located in the Student Services Center.

13 WEEK SUBTERM • MAY 9 - AUGUST 15 COURSE TITLE CREDIT AVIC 238 01 Fac Rating II 5.00 AVIC 248 10 Approach Ctr II 4.00 AVIC 248 11 Approach Ctr II 4.00 AVIC 256 10 Radar Lab 5.00 AVIC 258 10 Radar Lecture 4.00 AVIC 260 10 ATC Intern 3.00 AVIP 101 70 History of Avia 3.00 AVIP 200 43 D Arsp Oper Mgmt 3.00 AVIP 201 43 D Business/Av Law 3.00 AVIP 230 01 Com Flight I 3.00 AVIP 231 01 Com Flight II 3.00 AVIP 232 01 Instrmnt Flight 2.00 AVIP 233 01 Multi Engne Flt 1.00 AVIP 234 01 CFIA 2.00 AVIP 235 01 CFII 2.00 AVIP 237 01 CFIA-M 2.00 AVIP 241 10 Adv Ext/Int Pil 3.00 CHEM 107 70 L Lab Techniques 1.00 MSHT 100 01 L Nurse Aide 6.00 MSHT 100 02 L

Nurse Aide


MSHT 105 70 Electrocardiogr 3.00 NURS 155 01 L PN II 9.00 PHAR 160 01 Phar Exp Learn 6.00 PHYS 105 70 L Physical Sci 4.00 PLIC 105 70 Phy. & Emo Read 2.00 PLIC 145 70 Pat. Pro. Oper. 3.00 PLIC 155 70 Prin. Crim. Inv R 4.00 PLIC 160 70 Human Relations 2.00 PLIC 162 70 Crisis Mgmt 3.00 PLIC 165 70 Basic Firearms 3.00 PLIC 170 70 Oper of Pat Veh 1.00 RADS 160 01 Rad Proc II 4.00 RADS 165 01 Pathology 4.00 RADS 170 01 Clin Prac III 4.00

1ST WEEK, 6 WEEK SUBTERM • MAY 9 - JUNE 20 COURSE TITLE CREDIT NURS 270 01 L Nursing III 4.00 NURS 270 02 L Nursing III 4.00 NURS 270 03 L Nursing III 4.00 NURS 270 04 L Nursing III 4.00

10 WEEK SUBTERM • MAY 31 - AUGUST 8 COURSE TITLE CREDIT ACCT 110 43 D Financial Acct 3.00 BUSC 110 43 D Interper Commun 3.00 BUSC 120 45 H Social Media 3.00 BUSH 241 43 D Hum Res Mgt 3.00 BUSM 112 43 D Prin of Mgmt 3.00 BUSM 205 43 D Business Law 3.00 BUSM 245 43 D Prin of Market 3.00 BUSM 255 43 D Macroeconomics 3.00 BUSM 256 43 D Microeconomics 3.00 CHEM 105 43 D Prin Bio Chem 3.00 CHEM 106 70 L Prin. Chemistry 4.00 CIST 100 43 D Intro Info Tech 3.00 COLL 100 43 D Titan Trans. 1.00 COLL 101 43 D Coll Succ Strat 3.00 COMM 110 43 D Interpers Comm 3.00 COMM 120 45 H Social Media 3.00 COMM 201 43 D Public Speaking 3.00 ECON 255 43 D Macroeconomics 3.00 ECON 256 43 D Microeconomics 3.00 FINE 220 45 H Digital Photo 3.00 HIST 102 43 D Western Civ. II 3.00 HIST 112 43 D US History II 3.00 HPER 220 43 D Nutrition 3.00 LITR 210 43 D Concepts of Lit 3.00 MATH 126 43 D Statistics 4.00 MATH 130 43 D College Algebra 3.00

10 WEEK SUBTERM • MAY 31 - AUGUST 8 COURSE TITLE CREDIT HIST 112 43 D US History II 3.00 HPER 220 43 D Nutrition 3.00 LITR 210 43 D Concepts of Lit 3.00 MATH 126 43 D Statistics 4.00 MATH 130 43 D College Algebra 3.00 MUSI 101 43 D Intro to Music 3.00 OFFT 120 43 D Word Expert 3.00 OFFT 125 43 D Excel Expert 3.00 PHIL 101 43 D Intro Philosoph 3.00 PHIL 110 43 D Intro to Ethics 3.00 POLS 101 43 D Amer Nat Govt 3.00 PREP 012 43 D Intro Reading 3.00 PREP 015 43 D Intro Coll Writ 4.00 PREP 020 43 D Arithmetic 3.00 PREP 021 43 D Pre-Algebra 3.00 PSYC 101 43 D General Psych 3.00 PSYC 106 43 D Hm Grow Dev 3.00 PSYC 208 43 D Abnorm Psych 3.00 SOCI 101 43 D Prin Sociology 3.00 VISC 120 45 H Social Media 3.00 VISC 220 45 H Digital Photo 3.00 WRIT 101 43 D English Comp 3.00 WRIT 103 43 D Writ Bus & Tech 3.00 XBUS 110 43 D Interpers Comm 3.00 XBUS 120 45 H Social Media X 3.00 XBUS 255 43 D Macroeconomics 3.00 XBUS 256 43 D Microeconomics 3.00 XVIS 220 45 H Dig Photo XL 3.00

8 WEEK SUBTERM • JUNE 20 - AUGUST 12 COURSE TITLE CREDIT BIOL 100 01 L Prin Biology 4.00 BIOL 101 01 L Gen Biology I 4.00 BIOL 201 01 L Hm Anat/Phys I 4.00 BIOL 201 02 L Hm Anat/Phys I 4.00 BIOL 202 01 L Hm Anat/Phys II 4.00 BIOL 202 01 L Hm Anat/Phys II 4.00 BIOL 202 02 Hm Anat/Phys II 4.00 BIOL 215 01 L Microbiology 4.00 BIOL 215 02 L Microbiology 4.00 BIOL 215 03 L Microbiology 4.00 BIOL 215 04 L Microbiology 4.00 CHEM 102 01 L

Gen Chem II


CIST 100 01 Intro Info Tech 3.00 COMM 201 70 Public Speaking 3.00 HLTH 101 01 Col Suc Hlth Ca 3.00 LITR 210 70 Concepts of Lit 3.00 MATH 126 01 Statistics 4.00 MATH 129 70 H

Coll Alg w/Rev


MATH 155 01 Pre-Calculus 4.00 MATH 161 01 Calculus II 4.00 MATH 200 01 Calculus III 4.00 PHYS 101 01 L Coll Physics I 4.00 PHYS 102 01 L Coll Physics II 4.00 PREP 012 01 Intro Reading 3.00 PREP 015 01 Intro Coll Writ 4.00 PREP 020 01 Arithmetic 3.00 PREP 020 70 Arithmetic 3.00 PREP 021 01 Pre-Algebra 3.00 PREP 021 70 Pre-Algebra 3.00 WRIT 101 70 English Comp 3.00

2ND 6 WEEK SUBTERM • JUNE 21 - AUGUST 1 COURSE TITLE CREDIT AVIP 106 05 Private Pilot 3.00 AVIP 108 05 Flight Lab I 2.00 AVIP 109 05 Flight Lab II 1.00 AVIP 110 05 Flight Theory 4.00 AVIP 121 05 Av Meteorology 3.00 AVIP 123 05 Aeron Knowledge 3.00 AVIP 136 05 Theory Inst Fli 4.00 CIST 100 46 H Intro Info Tech 3.00 CIST 100 47 H Intro Info Tech 3.00 COLL 100 01 Titan Trans. 1.00 COLL 100 70 Titan Trans. 1.00 COLL 101 70 H Coll Succ Strat 3.00 COMM 201 01 Public Speaking 3.00 HPER 130 71 Yoga I 3.00 HPER 140 71 Yoga II 3.00 HPER 230 71 Yoga III 3.00 HPER 240 71 Yoga IV 3.00 LITR 210 01 Concepts of Lit 3.00 MATH 130 01 College Algebra 3.00 MATH 160 01 Calculus I 4.00 PREP 020 02 Arithmetic 3.00 PREP 021 02 Pre-Algebra 3.00 PSYC 101 01 General Psych 3.00 PSYC 101 70 H Gen Psych 3.00 SOCI 101 01 Prin Soc 3.00 WRIT 101 01 English Comp 3.00


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