Paying for College
Tuition and Fees The tuition and fees shown at present represent the rates established by the Board of Trustees for 2021-2022 effective starting with the Fall 2021 semester. Tuition Rates Tuition rates are based on residency. Three rates apply: • $170 per credit hour - Beaver County Resident • $340 per credit hour - Other PA Resident • $510 per credit hour - Non-PA Resident Police Academy Police Academy curriculum provides training for individuals interested in becoming a municipal police officer. • $195.71 per credit hour Out-of-County Dual Enrollment CCBC students enrolled in classes who are enrolled in a Non-Beaver County high school will be charged a tuition rate of 1 ½ times the Beaver County Resident tuition rate plus all applicable fees. The current tuition rate is $255.00 per credit hour. College in High School CCBC courses offered in high school and taught by teachers in the school district. Students will receive college credit upon successful completion of the course. Tuition rates are based on location of school district. Two rates apply: • $50 per credit hour – Beaver County school districts • $100 per credit hour- Non-Beaver County school districts Student Fees Capital Fees A capital fee is charged to all non-Beaver County residents. The capital fee defrays the cost of facilities including property, buildings, and equipment operated by the College. • $25.00 per credit - Other PA Resident • $50.00 per credit - Non-PA Resident General Student Fee The general student fee funds the cost of student services, publications, academic support services, student activities, security, and library. • $14 per credit hour Technology Fee This fee is charged to help defray the operating, software, and equipment costs of providing student access to technology in support services and academic programs. • $26 per credit hour Laboratory Fee The laboratory fee covers the cost of expendable laboratory supplies and maintenance of laboratory equipment in those science and technology courses that include a laboratory. • $20 per credit hour 18