2016 - 2021
Community Colle ege of Be eaver Cou unty OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENTT • CHRISTOPH HER M. REBER, PH.D. Comm unityColle Colle egeof ofBe Be eaverCou Cou unty Comm unity ege eaver unty OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENTT • CHRISTOPH HER M. REBER, PH.D.
OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENTT • CHRISTOPH HER M. REBER, PH.D. Comm unity Colle ege of Be eaver Cou unty OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENTT • CHRISTOPH HER M. REBER, PH.D. September 1,, 2016 Friends and Colleagues: 2016 October 1,Dear , 2016 September 1,
nity College of Be eaver County is honored to be a partner p with Beavver County and a ll of Southwesterrn Pennsylvania iin advanc The Commun and Colleagues: Dear Friends and Colleagues: 2016Friends October 1,Dear workforce, economic develop pment, and qualiity of life goals of o our region and d its people. Wo rking together, w we are all dedicaated to en continual pro ogress for our com mmunity at a tim e of monumenta l and promising c change and grow wth. nity College of Be eaver County is h onored to be a p ver County and a rn Pennsylvania i in advancing the The Commun nity College of Be eaver County is honored to be a partner ppartner with Beav with Beavver County and a llll of Southwester of Southwesterrn Pennsylvania iin advancing the The Commun and Colleagues: Dear Friends workforce, eeconomic conomic develop develop pment, and and quali qualiity ity of of life life goals goals of o our our region region and and its people. people. Wo Working rking together, together, w w we are are all all dedica dedica ated to to ensuring ensuring workforce, pment, oof dd its we ated rm lives through and high impac CCBC’s missi on is to transfo h personalized education, e dynam mic partnerships ct practices. Thr rough all continual pro ogress for our com mmunity at a tim e of monumenta l and promising c change and grow wth. continual pro ogresseaver County is h for our com mmunity at a time of monumenta l and ver County and a promising change c and grow wth. rn Pennsylvania iin advancing the nity College of Be onored to be a p partner with Beav ll of Southwester The Commun we w strive to lead, elife goals innovat and inspire. workforce, economic endeavors, develop pment, and quali ity of educate, of o our e region and d its people. Wo rking together, w we are all dedicaated to ensuring rm lives through and high impac impac CCBC’s missi on is to transfo h personalized education, e dynam mic partnerships ct practices. practices. Thr Thr rough all all of of our our through and high CCBC’s mission is mmunity at a tim to transform lives h personalized education, e dynam mic partnerships ct rough continual pro ogress for our com e of monumenta l and promising c change and grow wth. As we celeb first innovat haalf‐century ed ducational servicce to thousands of students, thheir families, and d other memberrs of our we strive to lead, e endeavors, w we w strive to rate lead, our educate, eeducate, innovat ee and inspire. and of inspire. endeavors, community, we w are also focus sed on our future e. Our new visio on, mission, strate egic priorities an nd goals will guide ourof work CCBC’s mission is to transform lives through h personalized education, e dynam mic partnerships and high impacct practices. Thrrough e all our as wee begin ou half century as a anha academic and citize en andce partner. As we celeb celeb rate our first ha alf‐century of regional ed ducational servic ce to thousands thousands of heir families, families, and and other member member rs of of our our larger larger of students, students, th th As we rate our first alf‐century of ed ducational servic to heir dd other rs we strive to lead, e educate, innovat e and inspire. endeavors, w community, w we are also focus sed on our future e. Our new visio on, mission, strate egic priorities an nd goals will guide e our work as we e begin our next community, we w are also focussed on our future e. Our new visio on, mission, strateegic priorities annd goals will guidee our work as wee begin our next behalf of all members CCBC commu d to shareth this CCCBC. The plan w was developed rategic plan of the I am pleased half century a nd regional citize en and partner. half century as aas an academic a anha academic and citize en and partner. As we celeb rate our On first alf‐century of regional ed ducational servic ce to nity, thousands heir stfamilies, and d for other member rs of our larger witth the gui of students, input and par rticipation of trus stees, students, f aculty, staff, alum mni, and commun nity leaders over a period of more e than a year. community, w we are also focussed on our future e. Our new visio on, mission, strateegic priorities annd goals will guidee our work as wee begin our next On behalf of he CCBC commu CCBC. The plan w was developed wit th the guidance, rategic plan for C all members of t nity, I am pleased On behalf of all CCBC community, dd to share this st to share this strategic The plan w was developed witth the guidance, plan for CCCBC. members of the I am pleased half century a as an academic a nd regional citize en and partner. We thank eve eryone whostudents, has participated in th hisalum exciting proce ess of nity charting CC CBC’s MyofCCBC community y members and I look forw input and par rticipation of trus stees, students, f aculty, staff, alum mni, and commun nity leaders over input and par rticipation of trusstees, faculty, staff, mni, and commun leaders overfuture. aa period of more period moreee than a year. than a year. our continuin ng partnership with this veryd to share this st special community th hat is poisedCCBC. The plan w for new n levels of greaatness. On behalf of all members of t he CCBC commu was developed wit th the guidance, rategic plan for C nity, I am pleased look forward to We thank eve eryone who has participated in th his exciting proce ess of charting CC CBC’s future. My CCBC colleagues We thank eve eryone who has participated in th his exciting proce ess of charting CC CBC’s future. My CCBC communityy and I members and I look forward to input and par rticipation of trus stees, students, f aculty, staff, alum mni, and commun nity leaders over a period of more e than a year. Sincerely, our continuin ng partnership wi th this very spec ial community th hat is poised for n new levels of grea atness. our continuin ng partnership with this very special community th hat is poised for new n levels of greaatness. We thank eve eryone who has participated in th his exciting proce ess of charting CC CBC’s future. My CCBC colleagues and I look forward to Sincerely, Sincerely, our continuin ng partnership with this very special community th hat is poised for n new levels of greaatness. Sincerely,
Christopher M. M Reber President Christopher M M. Reber Christopher M. M Reber President President Christopher M M. Reber 1 CAMPUS DRIVE • MON NACA, PENNSYLV VANIA 15061-25 588 • 724-480-3401 • FAX 724-4480-3570 • ccbc President 2
CAMPUSS DRIVE DRIVE •• MON MON NACA, PENNSYLV PENNSYLV VANIA 15061-25 15061-25 588 •• 724-480-3 724-480-3401 401 •• FAX FAX 724-4 724-4 480-3570 •• ccbc ccbc 11 CAMPU NACA, VANIA 588 480-3570
1 CAMPUS DRIVE • MON NACA, PENNSYLV VANIA 15061-25 588 • 724-480-3401 • FAX 724-4480-3570 • ccbc
To lead, educate, innovate, and inspire.
CCBC transforms lives through personalized education, dynamic partnerships and high impact practices.
Leadership and Service CCBC will guide and support the transformation and vitality of our community through innovative teaching; workforce and economic development leadership; and community, regional, statewide, and national service.
Partnerships and Preparation CCBC will be known as “the partnership college� through relationships that provide integrated programs and teamed approaches to fostering community development, expanding the economic potential of the region, and creating opportunities for lifelong learning.
Expansion and Innovation CCBC will develop specialized training to address high-priority workforce needs, create opportunities for college credential attainment in a variety of formats and modalities, and contribute to causes and activities that serve our region and its people.
Connections and Engagement CCBC will create places and spaces where every student, employee, and community member feels welcome and finds success in an atmosphere that inspires excellence and positions the college for growth. 3
STRATEGIC PRIORITY: LEADERSHIP AND SERVICE CCBC will guide and support the transformation and vitality of our community through innovative teaching; workforce and economic development leadership; and community, regional, statewide, and national service. 1. 5-YR GOAL: SUCCESSFULLY ESTABLISH CCBC HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIES METHOD (A): Launch new Academies annually (STEM, Business, Criminal Justice, Fine & Performing Arts, Online) and further develop Aviation and Health Academies METHOD (B): Develop Academy infrastructure and support pathways METHOD (C): Promote Academies to students, parents, K-12 stakeholders, and community METHOD (D): Evaluate success of academies
2. 5-YR GOAL: ENSURE THE VIABILITY AND GROWTH OF CREDIT AND WORKFORCE PROGRAMS METHOD (A): Research viability of current and future credit and workforce programs METHOD (B): Develop credit and workforce program infrastructure— including faculty/staff professional expertise—to ensure program viability METHOD (C): Promote credit and workforce programs to high school graduates, non-traditional students, displaced workers, veterans, and the community at large METHOD (D): Evaluate success of credit and workforce programs
OUTCOME MEASURES: • Academy enrollment (500 students across all academies in 2021 and annual growth rate of at least 33%), year-to-year retention (80%) • Academy completion (60%), matriculation to CCBC (50%), program outcomes met (70%), student satisfaction (75%)
OUTCOME MEASURES: Unduplicated annual credit program enrollment (17% increase over 2016 baseline to 4,200 in 2021), retention (80% term-to-term/70% year-to-year), six-year program completion rate (25%), program outcomes met (70%), student engagement (above Community College Survey of Student Engagement benchmarks), placement rate of 95% maintained for career and technical education majors in high priority/high demand programs 5
3. 5-YR GOAL: INCREASE COLLEGE FINANCIAL STRENGTH IN ORDER TO SUSTAIN COLLEGE GROWTH AND ENHANCE PROGRAM/SERVICE QUALITY METHOD (A): Research and review all financial processes METHOD (B): Develop systems, improved financial forecasting, modeling, and management
OUTCOME MEASURES: • College Reserve Fund equivalent to 10% of FY 2021 budgeted operating expenses • Capital Reserve Fund equivalent to 1% of FY 2021 annual net fixed assets
METHOD (C): Grow college reserve fund to reach national standards/best practices METHOD (D): Establish deferred maintenance plan and capital reserve fund METHOD (E): Assess financial strength
OUTCOME MEASURES: • Increased use of facilities by organizations/others (25% over 2016 baseline); increased revenue (100% over 2016 baseline)
METHOD (B): Develop programs and provide access to facilities and other resources to address community needs METHOD (C): Promote programs and resources available to the community METHOD (D): Track number of events/attendees METHOD (E): Evaluate success of community outreach efforts and use of facilities/other resources
5. 5-YR GOAL: INCREASE INVOLVEMENT OF CCBC FACULTY, STAFF, AND STUDENTS IN COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS AND CAUSES METHOD (A): Research current employee/student involvement as well as opportunities for employee/student involvement in community organizations and causes METHOD (B): Develop opportunities, resources, and support for employee/student involvement in community organizations and causes METHOD (C): Promote and celebrate employee/student involvement in community organizations and causes METHOD (D): Assess the prevalence and impact of employee/student involvement in community organizations and causes
6. 5-YR GOAL: ENSURE SUCCESSFUL MIDDLE STATES AND SPECIALIZED ACCREDITATION AND/OR REAFFIRMATION METHOD (A): Monitor compliance with Middle States Commission on Higher Education and specialized accreditation standards METHOD (B): Develop new and/or enhance existing planning, assessment, and improvement structures
OUTCOME MEASURES: • Number of employees/ students engaged in community organizations/causes (identify and address gaps/establish annual benchmarks), diversity of organizations/causes with which employees/students are engaged (identify and address gaps/establish annual benchmarks)
OUTCOME MEASURES: • Existing accreditations maintained and new specialized accreditations achieved as appropriate
METHOD (C): Promote, facilitate, and evaluate compliance with Middle States and specialized accreditation standards
STRATEGIC PRIORITY: PARTNERSHIPS AND PREPARATION CCBC will be known as “the partnership college” through relationships that provide integrated programs and teamed approaches to fostering community development, expanding the economic potential of the region, and creating opportunities for lifelong learning. 1. 5-YR GOAL: BUILD AND CAPITALIZE UPON MEANINGFUL PARTNERSHIPS METHOD (A): Research opportunities for new, strategically-centered partnerships METHOD (B): Develop and enhance new and current partnerships METHOD (C): Promote and communicate new and current partnerships
OUTCOME MEASURES: • Report annual enrollment, credits added, and participation in all appropriate partnerships; increase active value-added partnerships
METHOD (D): Assess and validate new and current partnerships
METHOD (A): Systematically work with Shell Chemicals and related industries to plan and implement programs and strategies to address evolving workforce needs
• Programs and strategies for Shell Chemicals and related industries and in other high priority workforce areas planned and developed; enrollment, completion, transfer, employment in related fields achieved (benchmarked using Workforce Opportunity and Investment Act yearly data)
METHOD (B): Review, evaluate, and, where appropriate, further develop college offerings in high priority workforce areas identified by the Allegheny Conference on Community Development and Beaver County Partnership for Community and Economic Growth, among others
STRATEGIC PRIORITY: EXPANSION AND INNOVATION CCBC will develop specialized training to address high-priority workforce needs, create opportunities for college credential attainment in a variety of formats and modalities, and contribute to causes and activities that serve our region and its people. 1. 5-YR GOAL: IMPLEMENT A SUCCESSFUL ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN THAT INTEGRATES MARKETING, RECRUITMENT, AND RETENTION STRATEGIES METHOD (A): Research enrollment management plan models focusing on new markets, innovation, and best practices; improve current enrollment management practices and procedures
OUTCOME MEASURES: Unduplicated annual credit program enrollment (17% increase over 2016 baseline to 4,200 in 2021), retention (80% term-to-term/70% year-to-year), sixyear program completion rate (25%)
METHOD (B): Develop/implement enrollment management plan METHOD (C): Communicate enrollment management plan to appropriate constituents METHOD (D): Evaluate the success of enrollment management plan
2. 5-YR GOAL: ESTABLISH NEW MARKETS THROUGH MULTIPLE MODES OF DELIVERY METHOD (A): Research and develop new modes of program delivery (e.g., fully online programs, evening/weekend/off-site offerings, stackable credentials) to reach new markets (e.g., nontraditional students, veterans, high school students) METHOD (B): Promote new modes of program and scheduling delivery to new and established markets
OUTCOME MEASURES: • New market enrollment (e.g., online, non-traditional, off-site), retention, matriculation, graduation, student learning outcomes, satisfaction consistent with campus-wide outcomes
METHOD (C): Assess new modes of program delivery and market response 11
3. 5-YR GOAL:
METHOD (A): Survey and consult faculty and staff to identify needs, skills gaps, and offer appropriate training, including campus-wide customer service training METHOD (B): Provide and evaluate appropriate training and development opportunities
courses), all other training (100% compliance)
STRATEGIC PRIORITY: CONNECTIONS AND ENGAGEMENT CCBC will create places and spaces where every student, employee, and community member feels welcome and finds success in an atmosphere that inspires excellence and positions the college for growth. 1. 5-YR GOAL: LEAD AND SUPPORT EFFORTS TO FURTHER DEVELOP AN ENVIRONMENT OF TRANSPARENCY AND POSITIVE CAMPUS MORALE METHOD (A): Administer employee satisfaction surveys
OUTCOME MEASURES: • Employee satisfaction (80%), annual calendar of activities established
METHOD (B): Evaluate campus communication processes and improve as appropriate (e.g., CCBC Forum, CCBC Insider) METHOD (C): Evaluate employee recognition and celebration activities; improve and offer consistently as appropriate (e.g., employee service recognition programs, annual picnic, retirement celebrations)
2. 5-YR GOAL: PROVIDE LEADERSHIP FOR ENHANCED DIVERSITY AWARENESS, EDUCATION, AND APPRECIATION METHOD (A): Research best practices and models to enhance diversity awareness, education, and appreciation across campus METHOD (B): Develop procedures, practices, and groups to champion diversity, equity, and inclusion, and develop an increasingly diverse student, faculty, and staff population METHOD (C): Promote and enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion across all college activities METHOD (D): Assess CCBC’s cultural competence
OUTCOME MEASURES: • Student/employee applicant pool and student enrollment demographics benchmarked and compared to other community colleges; environmental scan and self-awareness survey administered
3. 5-YR GOAL: STRENGTHEN THE STUDENT ON-BOARDING PROCESS METHOD (A): Research on-boarding and orientation processes METHOD (B): Develop and/or enhance first-year/first-touch strategies (New Student Orientation, College Success courses, High School Academies, Early Intervention program, advising, enrollment, recruitment, marketing, placement testing, etc.) METHOD (C): Assess on-boarding processes, practices, and events
4. 5-YR GOAL: DEVELOP COLLEGE-OWNED PROPERTY METHOD (A): Research potential viable uses for newly acquired college property (conduct student housing marketing study, consider needed zoning changes, and research potential academic/commercial development); identify potential partners METHOD (B): Develop and, if appropriate, implement new property plan METHOD (C): Promote and communicate new property plan METHOD (D): Advocate and secure funding for Dome and conference renovation plan
OUTCOME MEASURES: • Participation (80% student participation in on-campus New Student Orientation; 80% faculty participation in Early Intervention Program), application to registration yield (60%), retention (80% year-to-year/70% term-to-term), Titan Transition/College Success course evaluation (70% student satisfaction)
OUTCOME MEASURES: • Marketing study and successful rezoning completed if required, financial viability for implementation established, needed occupancy if student housing materializes generated, Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) or other funding for Dome/conference center acquired
5. 5-YR GOAL: CONTINUE TO DEVELOP PARK-LIKE CAMPUS ENVIRONMENT METHOD (A): Develop an ongoing maintenance plan and provide training opportunities for staff METHOD (B): Promote environmental stewardship and increase sustainability of campus grounds and facilities METHOD (C): Continually evaluate and address campus maintenance and enhancement needs METHOD (D): Develop new campus master plan
6. 5-YR GOAL:
METHOD (A): Research and identify potential donors (alumni, retirees, community leaders, corporate community, etc.) METHOD (B): Identify strategies to locate, communicate with, and engage alumni METHOD (C): Research and identify processes, procedures, and strategies to increase grant and other external funding for college priorities METHOD (D): Develop and implement campaign plan and campaign
OUTCOME MEASURES: • National standard for capital reserve fund met (1% of FY 2021 annual net fixed assets), training for staff provided (100% participation); opportunities for promoting environmental stewardship and increasing sustainability at CCBC identifed and realized
OUTCOME MEASURES: • Campaign funds raised (campaign goal achived and exceeded); College Trustee leadership and network leveraged in support of campaign; annual external funding processes, goals, and steering committee established; annual increases in external grant funding achieved
TIMELINE Summer 2015 Organized sessions, invited participants, trained facilitators, designed questions
Fall 2015 Conducted compression planning sessions for all internal and external groups
End of Fall Semester Submitted data from sessions to Institutional Effectiveness Council and drafted new goals
Start of Spring Semester Hosted campuswide workshop during Faculty Convocation to draft new Vision, Strategic Priorities and Mission statements
Summer 2016 Developed outcome measures for all goals
October 2016 Strategic Plan approved by Board of Trustees
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