Intermittent Fasting
This topic is near and dear to my heart and a perfect example of a time when I ignored what my body was telling me. For years I forced myself to eat in the morning because you’re ‘supposed to eat breakfast’. Although, as a child, when our bodies are growing it is important to eat when we are hungry. As I went into adulthood bound by ‘shoulds’ and ‘supposed to’s’ my body was sending the signal of not being hungry, but I ignored it.
From all the information I’ve gained now on intermittent fasting, I can see major impacts to my sleep, overall energy and maintaining weight.
Science Snippet There are two types of proteins in the body regulate how the cells function. Think of them as the yin and yang of our bodies. These “yang” proteins build cells and allow for proliferation and growth and are also what’s responsible for inflammation. The “yin” proteins encourage our cells to produce energy efficiently and allow for detox, repair and studies show their anti-cancerous effects by allowing for cell death of cells that are not beneficial to us. https://ccm.edu.au/