Right Brain Enhancing Exercises – to Work More Harmoniously with the Left Brain

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Right Brain Enhancing Exercises – to Work More Harmoniously with the Left Brain

I’m assuming that if you are reading this you know that we have two hemispheres of the brain, the left brain and the right brain. The left brain is the logical thinking mind, able to solve problems and think of solutions. It’s the analytic and objective side of the brain. Whereas the right brain, sometimes called Gestalt, has to do with the feelings. It is the creative, intuitive, artistic, and also impulsive side of the brain. It is driven by our feelings and emotions, our beliefs and the subjective thinking that we do. Read below for some enhancing right brain exercises.

We live in a logic dominant world, for the most part, which heavily relies on the left brain. So, tuning more into the right brain can be very beneficial. Don’t forget one brain isn’t ‘good’ and the other ‘bad’. They both work together as a team and are very necessary to use both regularly for optimal function. The reason for these right brain exercises is to help stimulate creativity, the feeling and imaginative side of your brain, and it shouldn’t be neglected. Paying attention to both sides of your brain can allow you to live more harmoniously in life.


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