— Navigating a smooth and effective onboarding process is essential to successfully launching the ministry. That process is as follows: CCO STAFF SUPPORT RAISING MINISTRY TRAINING Support Raising Ministry (SRM) is one of the most important factors in staff success and retention. Once a candidate accepts an offer, the CCO sends them a Support Raising Ministry Kit, which includes theological frameworks for fundraising, support raising resources, and best practices. We expect staff to reach full support within three months of their start date. If the staff person does not reach their goals, they are assigned a CCO Support Raising Coach to strategically assist in reaching that goal as soon as possible. It is the CCO’s expectation that the percentage of time working on support raising will be greater than the campus or partnership responsibilities until the staff person reaches full support. NEW STAFF TRAINING REQUIREMENTS The CCO provides excellent training and resources for staff to succeed in campus ministry. Staff who are beginning their first year of ministry (including all CCO Fellows) will be required to attend all of New Staff Training, which typically starts in June and lasts through the third week of July. Independent Study with coaching from a CCO supervisor is also an option for those who may have an approved alternative start date. NEW STAFF TRAINING SCHEDULE Summer New Staff Training: June and July • Support Raising Ministry Training • Orientation to CCO history, marketing, and employment policies • Planning a strategy for campus: CCO Campus Ministry Playbook and Arc of Discipleship Winter Conference: January (one week) Spring Regional Training: April or May (one to two days) Training Cohorts: offered by CCO training department annually based on ministryspecific trends for professional development. RELOCATE CAMPUS STAFF New staff typically relocate to the partnership context during the last week of July or early August upon completion of New Staff Training. Partners have the option to contribute toward moving expenses. We invite you to contribute a one-time donation to the staff person’s CCO Ministry Account from which the staff is able to reimburse approved moving expenses.