EliteGen《星尚》 2016 CALGARY March Luxury Magazine (Chinese/English)

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A publication by Sing Tao Media Group March


March 2016 Vol. 15


Shoes of Spring and Summer Season



圓 莫

夢 蔚

KAReN MoK : Living her dreams





christmas Read Online: EliteGen.singtao.ca iOS App: “EliteGen” in App Store

編輯部 editorial

編輯主任 Editors

胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 葉子青 Leslie Yip

加西版 Can West

張萬青 Katherine Cheung

編審 Copy Editor

Ross Hopkins

助理編輯 Assistant Editor 參與 Contributors

吳皓沂 Crystal Ng Grace Chan, Iris Chui, Lorne Drury,

Kenson Ho, Zoe Mak, Peonne Lung, Monessa Ng,

Renée S. Suen, Mel Tobias, Shuk Wa Tsang,

Livian Wu, Miranda Yiu

美術部 art


廣告及市場部 sales & marketing 總經理 General Manager(Alberta)

出版 Publishing

鄺翠嬋 Sandy Kwong

Sing Tao Daily Limited

編輯部 Editorial Contact editorial@singtao.ca 營業部 Advertising Contact calsales@singtao.ca / 403-213-6882 Address : #10, 40 Hopewell Way NE, Calgary AB T3J 5H7

contentS MAR


Watch neWS



The BesT of sIhh 2016

cover Story


圓夢人生 莫文蔚

KAren moK : liVing her dreAms




chanel QuIlTed dIamonds

Watch Story

24 2016買入門錶好理由 A good time to get A new Accessible wAtch


58 圖紋春色 grAphic noise


40 雋永經典 VAn cleef & Arpels timeless clAssic


64 春之雪葩 bottegA VenetA spring sorbet

Men’S PickS

66 正宗狂迷 the originAl fAn


68 和諧春色 brown in hArmony

FaShion headline 42 春夏女鞋特集 shoes of spring And summer seAson FaShion Feature

50 巧手精製 意大利造鞋藝術 the Art of shoe crAftsmAnship

FaShion neWS

54 春日mix & mAtch oliViA pAlermo + chelseA28 mix & mAtch for spring

contentS MAR



elite choice

玻璃廚房 飽覽180度湖景




2016 VancouVeR WhIsKY fesTIVal

glAss Kitchen with A 180-degree lAKe View



三宝亭拉麵 從新潟市到 溫哥華

sanPouTeI Ramen fRom nIIGaTa To VancouVeR

Wine not

82 對大地的熱愛 tAste the loVe of the lAnd

elite liFe

84 奢華新定義 secret bAy, dominicA redefining luxury

elite car

92 凌志新境界 rc f coupe tAKes lexus into new territory


96 運動型自拍神器 cAsio ex-fr100 selfie in motion

98 搶攻手機市場 Zeiss exolens with optics AttAcKing the cellphone mArKet

部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 All prices are in CAD unless otherwise specified. 除特別標明外,所有價錢以加幣計算。

Dress Code text | 蔡安儀

Celia Wong 著名形象設計師黃欐堯Celia,曾任陳慧琳、謝安琪、孫耀威、江若琳等藝人的形象設計,亦有參與唱片封套形象設計及演唱會形象指導。 早年出書教人襯衫扮靚,近年主力負責個人形象和美容指導,還開設個人網誌celiawong.com,分享服裝潮流及扮靚心得。 Famous designer Celia Wong has been image designer for many celebrities, including Kelly Chan, Kay Tse, Eric Suen and Elanne Kang, and has also been a designer of many album covers and image director of numerous concerts. Wong has written books offering tips about clothing and beauty. In recent years, she has focused on coaching individual clients on image and beauty, and even started her own blog (celiawong.com) to share fashion trends and beauty tips.

Class aCt

豪門 氣派




性感 誘惑


Bursting through

脹爆 歌姬


Cathy Chui

Kelly Chen

Kay Tse

身穿Ashi Studio高級訂製晚裝,露出事業線的徐子 淇,很有豪門新抱氣派,猶如穿上宮廷服裝般, 氣質非凡,不過下身的多重皺摺設計,顯得有點累 贅,成為全身唯一美中不足之處。

Kelly一身白色飄逸長裙,配漆皮過膝長boot,上輕 下重的mix and match打扮,出奇顯得幾前衛,而 且開叉裙設計,若隱若現露大腿,散發陣陣性感誘 惑。

黑色不一定可以顯瘦,有時更會適得其反,穿上 Moschino長裙的謝安琪,第一眼已經覺得很肥,腰 間皺摺位太多,而且身型不夠高挑,令整個人看上 去很脹很短,有點弄巧反拙!

The glamorous daughter-in-law of one of Hong Kong’s richest men looks positively regal in this Ashi Studio couture gown with a plunging neckline. It would have been perfect, if not for the voluminous layers that weigh her down.

The lightness of the white tunic sets a surprising hip contrast against the heaviness of the thighhigh patent leather boots. Her long legs peeking through the slit in front set imagination on fire.

Black may not always look slim. Kay Tse, in this Moschino gown, is a case in point. She appears too round, with too many pleats overwhelming her waistline. Her lack of height makes her look even shorter and fuller in this get-up, definitely not a desirable effect when wearing black.




WindBloWn siren

亂髮 魔女

setting standard

型格 標準

simPly the Best

簡約 氣場

Lady Gaga

Bradley Cooper

Jennifer Lawrence

華麗了一陣子之後,百變天后Lady Gaga又回歸平 淡,這日以bra-top加半截裙現身,雖然稱不上奇 怪,不過加上一頭蓬鬆亂髮就不太好看,浪費了整 體的性感效果。

以畢列的優厚外型條件,隨便穿著已經有超水準效 果,但難得與最佳拍檔珍妮花同場,佢亦給面子地 端莊出席,重點是西裝裡頭加件背心,做成標準 three-piece造型,好帥氣!

無論轉多少次造型風格都好,配以簡單淡雅風格的 珍妮花,永遠是最漂亮的。這件晚裝有性感元素, 亦將她的氣質好好發揮,她與Dior真係天作之合。

The drama queen is coming down to earth. She looks almost normal with the bra top, paired with a floor-length skirt. If only her windblown hair hadn’t thrown a spanner into the works.

Blessed with the perfect physique, he looks a million dollars in almost anything he puts on. Dressing up to appear on the side of best partner Jennifer Lawrence, he sets standards, adding a vest to complete the three-piece appeal.

Of the numerous styles she has shown the world, Jennifer looks best in simple elegance. Her sex appeal is in full display in this simple, yet sexy, gown -- further proof that she and Dior are a match made in heaven.

套裝 Set:Kay Goss

套裝 Suits:Thom Sweeney

裙 Dress:Christian Dior Couture

網評:經常說整體styling最重要。 Web buzz: It’s been said that overall styling is very important.

網評:一個字:帥! Web buzz: One word – handsome!

網評:最普通的衣著也能帶得出她的霸氣! Web buzz: She commands attention, even in a simple dress.








Dress Code

youthful soPhistiCation

醒神 熟女

閃耀 舞台

shaking loose

懶理 鬆身

Julianne Moore

Eva Green

Alessandra Ambrosio

影后茱莉安摩亞志在參與,不過也要悉心打扮搶搶 鏡!這一晚她不sell性感,反而轉以玩顏色為主, 晚裝上的閃藍色令她熟女味驟減,反而添了幾分年 輕活力。

外型cool爆的「邦女郎」伊娃格蓮,亦捨棄低調路 線,改穿一件釘滿閃石的金色吊帶晚裝,華麗感大 增,證明只要有心思,紅地氈都做到主舞台!

想不到Alessandra有model級高挑身型沒show出 來,卻去挑這件又old school又鬆身的淡金喱士長 裙,雖然不算很凸顯到她的好身材,不過有時轉轉 路線,也算不錯!

The winner of multiple best actress awards dresses up for the occasion, even if it’s not an award ceremony.

Cool Bond girl Eva Green takes a break from being low profile and looks glamorous in the golden slinky sparkling gown, making the red carpet her stage with a bit of thought.

Hard to imagine Alessandra choosing not to show off her modelesque height in this oldschool, loose-fitting pale gold lacy gown. While it doesn’t show off her envious shape, sometimes a change in style is not a bad thing.

She plays with colour instead of sex appeal this time, and lets the sparkling midnight blue add youthfulness to her sophisticated image.

裙 Dress:Tom Ford 首飾 Accessory:Chopard

裙 Gown:Elie Saab 首飾 Accessory:Repossi

裙 Gown:Valentino

網評:如此閃爍卻毫不俗氣! Web buzz: Glistening but not tacky.

網評:原來金色很適合她。 Web buzz: Eva Green looks gorgeous in gold.

網評:其實也很斯文及典雅! Web buzz: A sense of poetic, bohemian romance.





glittering stage




regal sWirl

華麗 舞后

snoW queen

白雪 女皇

slim suCCess

脫肥 成功

Helen Mirren

Jane Fonda

Kate Winslet

又是影后海倫的show time,最近流行走華麗路 線的她,今次不着至愛的淺色,改以白底黑花長 裙化身舞后,很有新鮮感,閒來擺兩攞裙尾更加 grand!

能夠好像珍芳達把超強時裝品味keep到老,真的 一點不易。這件白色長裙超貼身,苗條身材完全呈 現,最厲害是加上件巨型ruffle披肩點綴,時尚感勁 升N倍。

今次不是想讚琦姐的衣著品味,始終一條吊帶黑 裙,基本上係任何女星都能carry,重點是見到她 瘦身成功,擺脫 「肥溫」 之名,縱尚有丁點 「bye-bye 肉」 ,也當看不到好了!

It’s show time again for Oscar-winner Helen Mirren. She’s been going for glamour recently, and she rocks in a monochrome rose gown, in lieu of her favourite light colour. Refreshing, especially when she swirls for grand effect.

You have to admire how she’s kept up her superb fashion sense over the years. The white gown hugs her amazing figure, and the exaggerated ruffle capelet steals the show.

It’s not her style that we wish to congratulate her on. After all, it’s not difficult for a star to carry off a black dress. The point we want to make is her success in slimming down.

裙 Gown:Dolce Gabbana 首飾 Accessory:Kwiat

裙 Gown:Yves Saint Laurent Couture 鞋 Shoes:Jimmy Choo 首飾 Accessory:Chopard

裙 Gown:Roland Mouret

網評:她看上去很風騷! Web buzz: She looks playful!

網評:她愈來愈能把驚喜帶給觀眾! Web buzz: She is getting better at bringing surprises to the audience.

網評:她那股大姐級壓場感依然存在。 Web buzz: She still has that strong presence synonymous with A-listers.








Cover Story

Love yourself necklace Love yourself bracelet $180 (tinaschoice.com) Victoria Beckham wrap bouclé knit dress $3,950 (farfetch.com)





5歲的我,想擁有Barbie,每天跟她訴心事。 18歲的你,想見K-Pop偶像真身兼深情抱抱。 25歲的他,想出走異國working holiday,浪蕩青春。誰人無夢? 莫文蔚 (Karen) 的夢由3歲開始: 「看電視綜藝節目,見到藝員載歌載舞,我好興 奮,由這一刻開始,我知道表演就是我的夢。」從此,她勇往直前為圓舞台夢。 今天,她得過中、港、台、韓的女歌手獎,參演過五十部電影,開過六十多場 演唱會,還人生如戲像《我的少女時代》重遇刻骨銘心初戀情人,happily ever after。她卻說人生未圓滿: 「夢總是做不完,不斷追尋,才有進步。」 她的字典從 來也沒有 「完美」 、 「圓滿」 或者 「100分」 。


莫文蔚 Karen MoK Living her dreaMs text | Candy Woo styling | Lucas Tang & Tina Liu photo | Sing Ho make up | Ling Chan @ ZING The Makeup School hair | Derrick Ng @ Queens Private i Salon

Be it a five-year-old girl dreaming of getting her first Barbie doll, an 18-year-old wishing to meet her K-Pop idol in person, or the 25-year-old yearning for that fabulous holiday, we all have dreams of how we’d like to see our lives play out. Karen Mok found her dream at the age of three. “I saw performers singing and dancing on a TV variety show, and I was very excited,” the award-winning actress and singer/songwriter recalls. “From that moment on, I knew performing on stage was my dream.” The 45-year-old performer is now living that dream. She has won numerous singing awards in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea, and has starred in 50 motion pictures, staged 60-odd live concerts and, just like in her movie Our Times, she is living happily ever after with her most endearing first love. Still, she thinks her life is not yet complete. “Dreams will never end,” she says. “We have to keep chasing our dreams to become better.” In her lexicon, words and phrases like “perfection” and “accomplished” or “full score of 100” don’t exist.







So, is that a case of having your future set at a young age?

莫文蔚在年紀小小時立下明確目標, 無論志願是什麼,也心無旁騖為理想天天下

“It’s true. I have never changed my mind. I


never missed a single opportunity to perform.


I had my first speech competition at primary


three. I learned to play piano, oboe and


Chinese Guzheng. I knew I had to prepare


myself for performances in the future.”

就決定了將來我也要做同樣的事。」 Did she identify any artist as a role model? 三歲真的定八十?「對呀!我一直都 無變過心!每一個表演機會都不錯過,

“None. There are indeed a lot of brilliant


artists, but I don’t want to be a carbon copy


of anyone. I want to be myself.”

自己,預備將來表演有用。」哪一位藝人 曾是她的偶像或者仿效對象? 「一個也沒

Born in Hong Kong of Welsh, Chinese


and Persian descent, Mok went to Taiwan in

想copy他們,我只想做自己。」 97年她到

1997 to further her career, and the Chinese

台灣發展,首張專輯就是名為 《做自己》 。

name of her first album aptly means “be myself.”

機會是留給有準備的人,她從英國倫 敦大學畢業後回港,23歲正式出道,還記得

When she returned to Hong Kong after


graduating from the University of London

「情與義,值千金」 會想起 《食神》 雞姐那一腔

at age 23, she made her official debut in


showbiz. Do you remember the album

機程式拍宣傳片,重演這段 「情與義」 ,旁觀

cover in which Karen lounged on a sofa


naked? Or do you recall her part as the


flamboyant food cart owner Turkey in The


God of Cookery when hearing the lines “care and righteousness are worth tons of gold?”

An early start Mok set herself a clear goal very early

It certainly made the audience roar with laughter. In the past 20 years, she has been

on – that whatever she wanted to do, she

involved in a lot of celebrated works, and

would stay focused and work hard every

her dreams have come true one after

day towards achieving that goal. That’s her

another. And now, she wants to share her life

success formula. She talked about how she

experience through an accessory she helped

made her dream come true in this interview.

in designing.

“The thought of becoming an artist just happened instantaneously. I remember my family was watching TV over dinner, as usual, one night when I was three. There were people singing and dancing on TV, and I sang


Vivienne Westwood floral dress

and danced along. I was very happy, and I

Little white flower trio ring set $180 (tinaschoice.com)

decided then that’s what I wanted to do in the

Lorina black hair piece


Giuseppe Zantti Design Anna pumps $1,130 (farfetch.com)





如何愛自己 這件與時尚教母劉天蘭合力創作的〈Love Yourself〉

How to love yourself The “Love Yourself” charm bracelet that she co-designed with style


icon Tina Lau features seven charms – a mini Karen in cheong sam


showing off her shapely legs, a sparkling gem-set high-heel shoe, a


pink corset, a mini guzheng, a gem-set microphone, a movie clapper

婚後定居倫敦的Karen,兼顧家庭、事業之餘,還 哪來時間設計飾物?「整件事醞釀超過一年,開過無數次

and an adorable moon bear. These are symbols that narrate her world view and mark the milestones of her career.

會,又要睇辦、改良,不得不multi-tasking。」和Tina由 好友變成合作夥伴,跟她三歲時許下志願一樣,也是「叮 一聲」 就成事。

One wonders how she found the time to design this, having to take care of family and work after settling in London as one half of a couple.

「我和Tina在97年已經認識,2011年合作《東成西就 2011》之後成了好朋友,每次見面都無所不談,有一次

“The project has been in the works for a year, through a number


of meetings, checking the prototypes and modifications,” she says.


“Indeed, one has to multi-task.”

以〈Love Yourself〉為名,宣揚女孩必須愛自己、做 自己,就如Tina和Karen一樣發揮自己的獨特個性,滿 懷自信地實現夢想。「做人一定要有夢想,每日所做的事

The partnership with best friend Tina was decided on as instantaneously as her decision to become an artist at the age of three.

都是向夢想進發,日子才過得有意義和滿足,這是愛自 己的最好方法。」 去年9月Karen開展了歷時一年的世界巡迴演唱,她

“Tina and I met in 1997. We became best friends after working on East Meets West in 2011. We talk about everything every time we


catch up. Once we took the same flight and talked about dreams and


life. She was about to open her new store, and it occurred to us that


we should work together to create this accessory.”

都好享受。」 Karen說,七個迷你墜飾都是她人生中最熱愛的

She says it was named “Love Yourself” to inspire girls to love


themselves and be themselves, and relish their individuality like Tina

戀男朋友,最終大團圓,也是我的dream come true,可

and Karen have, and to make their dreams come true with conviction.


Then, our life will be meaningful and satisfying, and that’s the best way


to love ourselves.”

當年選擇以金戒指求婚,這位德國人比中國人更加傳統。 Mok began her year-long worldwide tour last September. She has


taken short breaks to return to Hong Kong and check on the progress of her creation.

結婚四年,夫妻恩愛,事業也有新進展,去年成為 首位三度在台北小巨蛋開show的香港女歌手後,隨即展

“It was most memorable to be viewing samples with a loupe


(magnifying glass) in dark hotel lobbies at midnight, with Tina. That was


crazy but fun. To start something from scratch with a good friend, and


turn a notion into a product, is a very enjoyable process.

所以我珍惜每個機會,要做得更多更好,圓滿?我的人 生從來沒有圓滿境界,每件事可以做得更好,對人可以 更體貼,如果覺得圓滿就停止追求,只會浪費人生,上

She says all seven charms represent things she loves. So why is her husband, Johannes, not among them?

到高峰都會走下坡。」會為自己的表現打分嗎?「用分數 來衡量成績,好像有點市儈,我只給自己評ok或不ok, 永遠可以更好。」

“He is my Mr. Right, and my first love,” she responds. “The happy ending is a dream come true. So the next charm might be about him.”

Karen對自己要求高,成為人妻之後,更多一個範 疇要兼顧,「現在最想做的事,便是跟老公有更多相聚時

Would it be in the form of a Cupid’s arrow or a diamond ring?

間,到處去看看世界。」世界巡迴已安排到今年9月,惟 有請Johannes來探班,「倫敦是其中一站,他和親友可

“Diamond ring? I’d rather wait for him to give me one!”

以來捧場,到4、5月,我會以首個華人歌手身份到西班 牙、意大利劇院開show,到時可以和他夾時間見面。」


It seems this German fellow used a gold ring to propose, in a way


that’s more Chinese than many Chinese men. They were married in

得 「度期」 。





No limit for dreams After four years, the marriage is still going strong, and her career has taken a new turn. She became the first Hong Kong artist to stage three shows in Taipei Arena last year, and then she embarked on her yearlong world tour, taking the stage from mainland China to Asia to Europe. Having accomplished so much, does she feel her life is complete? “I know I am very lucky and I’ve been blessed with lots of good things. That’s why I treasure every opportunity, and want to do more and be better. Is my life complete? My life will never be complete. Everything can be done better and better. I can be more considerate of others. If we feel life is complete and stop wanting to be better, then it's a waste of our life. We will go downhill from the very top.” How would she score herself? “It seems tacky to evaluate ourselves with a score. I only evaluate myself on whether I’ve done OK or not, so that I can always do better.” Karen sets high standards for herself. She has one more area to take care of after getting married. “What I want to do the most at the moment is to spend more time with Johannes and to see the world together.” As the world tour runs till September this year, it looks like Johannes will have to pay her visits while she’s on the road. “London is one of the stops in the tour, so he and the family can come to see the show. In April or May, I will be the first Chinese artist to have shows in opera houses in Spain and Italy. We can also arrange to get together then.” It looks like Johannes also has to pencil in an appointment to see Karen, along with the media. There is no complaint from her, though. “Each show is a dream come true. How can I not Mosaic glamour shell necklace $270 (tinaschoice.com)

be happy when I can live my dream over and over again? Performing always brings surprises. Everything

Escada silver dress

is a refreshing experience. The working locations

FL Private gold bracelet

change every two to three days. Not everyone can get

FL Private ring

used to this, but I enjoy it very much.”






難得當事人不覺苦,「每一個show都 是夢想成真,能無止境地圓夢,怎會不快 樂?演藝工作常給我驚喜,每件事都有新 鮮感,兩、三日就轉換工作地點,不是人 人都可以適應,但我卻十分享受。」6月2日 出生的Karen,是適應力強、喜歡忙碌和變 化、聰慧及多才多藝的雙子座,還有誰比 她更適合吃演藝圈這口飯? Born on June 2, Mok is a Gemini, said to be typically adaptive, loves keeping busy and enjoys changes, and tends to be intelligent and talented. With even the stars on her side, she no doubt was born to be in the showbiz.

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Watch Story 2016買入門錶好理由

A good time

to get a new accessible watch 新一年,是買新錶的好藉口。 我們發現,往年的一千元,今年在鐘錶界好 像能當千二元花,這又是買新錶的好藉口。 我們再發現,今年的入門錶選擇,更多更吸 引,這更是買新錶的好藉口。 對不起,說錯了口,以上統統不是「藉口」, 而是 「好理由」 。 It’s the start of a new year and it’s time -- for a new watch! There’s a wide variety of entry-level watches to choose from this year and the fact that $1,000 can buy what used to cost $1,200 makes it all the more worthwhile to purchase that new timepiece. text | Ringo photo | Kauzrambler

CARTIER RONDE CROISIÈRE DE CARTIER 卡地亞、自家製機芯、三針加日曆靚修飾靚打磨配典雅錶盤,以上三個項目, 分開計每樣也值過千元。品牌的全新Ronde Croisière de Cartier腕錶系列,有齊 自家經典元素,例如羅馬數字時間刻度、軌道式分鐘圈、劍形指針……等,搭 載的是由品牌工作坊自家設計、研發及組裝的全新1847 MC自動機芯。我們更 欣賞的細緻位是錶盤的扭索紋雕飾,以及把高貴度加倍提升的圓形晶石錶冠。 ($6,000) The brand name, the in-house mechanism, the exquisite dial with three hands and date: any one of these elements can easily command a thousand dollars. The all-new Ronde Croisière de Cartier collection has them all, plus Cartier’s iconic Roman numerals, the minute track, the sword-shaped hands and more. (所有價錢為約價,僅供參考) (Prices are estimates, for references only)





It is powered by the brand’s latest automatic caliber 1847 MC, developed and assembled in-house. The guilloché dial and the cabochon winding crown are also very impressive. ($6,000)

BULGARI DIAGONO MAGNESIUM 看得上這作品,證明你大膽創新、具有不墨守成規的精神。Diagono一向是品 牌的物料試煉場,約廿年前已大膽採用鋁金屬製作腕錶。這枚腕錶更巴閉, 錶圈是陶瓷、錶盤是一種能抗高溫及震盪的Motorlac物料(看上去的質感很吸 引) 、錶殼中央藍色部分則由鎂合金跟全新PEEK物料製成。PEEK學名為聚醚 醚硐,是一種極輕又極堅硬的高科技聚合物。把腕錶拿上手,會立刻感受到一 份不能置信的輕巧質感。 ($6,250)

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Those who are attracted to this timepiece are bold, forward-looking and dare to be different. Diagono has always been the brand’s vehicle for trying new materials. It was the first to boldly adopt aluminum some 20 years ago.

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The latest model stands out by using ceramic for the bevel, heat-resistant and shock-proof Motorlac for the dial (the texture is indeed intriguing) and the blue material in the centre of the case is a mix of magnesium and PEEK (PolyEtherEtherKetone), a super lightweight and hardy polymer that makes the watch feel unbelievably light. ($6,250)





Watch Story

BAUME & MERCIER CLIFTON AUTOMATIC BIG DATE AND POWER RESERVE 從來對能量儲存功能不甚了了,覺得它可有可無,直至購入人生第一枚有 Power Reserve的腕錶,才知這想法是大錯。每朝起床返工裙拉褲甩,匆匆忙 忙把腕錶戴上時,原來這個裝置有極大作用─如果它不是直指向零,即是不用 上鏈不用調校時間,可以立刻出門口!名士這枚入門腕錶不只時分秒,還在6時 位置設有42小時能量儲存顯示,與之相對的12時位置,還有雙窗大日期。 ($5,500) To me, power reserve was no big deal – that is, until I bought my first-ever Power Reserve watch. I then realized there was no need to worry about winding it before leaving home, unless it pointed to zero. This affordable timepiece not only tells the time, but also indicates 42-hour power reserve at 6 o’clock, in addition to the date shown on the two apertures at 12 o’clock. ($5,500)





NOMOS NEOMATIK 1ST EDITION MINIMATIK CHAMPAGNER 不得不佩服NOMOS,去年才推出自家擒縱系統,今年便向 纖薄路線進發,試煉作是花了3年研發、厚度只有3.2mm的 DUW 3001自動機芯,裡面大部分組件均藏匿於基板與3/4 夾板之間,空間平均只有1mm,是以錶匠設計了較平常薄 50%的大鋼輪、以新式擺輪夾板取代傳統設計。我們推介 的是直徑只有35.5mm、看似女裝的Minimatik款式,其實 溫文爾雅的男士一樣容易戴得好看。說到尾,當德國簡約 設計遇上這抹香檳橙色,已經構成最大的購買藉口。不不 不,是購買理由才對…… ($5,550) I have to take my hat off to NOMOS for pushing on to slim designs this year after introducing its very own escapement just last year. The latest self-winding calibre DUW 3001, that R&D took three years to create, measures only 3.2 millimetres in thickness. Most of the parts are packed within the one-millimetre space between the base plate and the three-quarter plate. For these, the watchmakers have made ratchet wheels that are 50 per cent flatter than usual, as well as a flatter redesigned mainspring and train. The model shown measures just 32.5 millimetres in diameter, slim like a Minimatik lady to accentuate the elegance of a gentleman. After all, the German minimalism presented in champagne orange gives us the best excuse – er, reason -- to get one. ($5,550)





Watch News


The BesT of sIhh 2016 每年1月在瑞士舉行的錶壇盛事SIHH,從來都是各大錶廠爭雄之地。今年多款為SIHH 而設的新錶,從內至外,增添了不少新鮮感。 Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie, which takes place every January in Switzerland, is a prestigious and competitive event for major watch manufacturers around the world. This year, there were many new watches designed solely for SIHH to add to the excitement. text | Ringo、Delia photo | Ringo﹙Piaget﹚、金成﹙Cartier﹚





Piaget emPerador Coussin XL 700P

Piaget: Matching the Mechanical with Quartz Almost every year, Piaget’s pre-SIHH offering has “thin” as a main characteristic. Taking more than two years to develop, Piaget’s pre-SIHH watch is not only ultra-thin, but, for the first time, also takes

Piaget 700P

advantage of the best of mechanical and quartz elements.

PIAGET 把機械搭上石英

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the 7P, Piaget announced

差不多每年的伯爵pre SIHH作品,都跟纖薄拉上關係。今年

the newly developed 700P black ultra-thin, self-winding mechanical


movement — a new concept combining mechanical winding with a


quartz-driven movement. The 700P movement works on an automatic

為了慶祝7P誕生40周年,品牌今年宣布帶來全新研發的700P 黑色超薄自動上鏈機械機芯 ─ 一枚混合自動上鏈機械與石英推

balance wheel. The barrel stores up to 42 hours of power, just like most mechanical movements

進器的全新概念機芯。700P機芯的運作原理是這樣的:機芯的能 量來自自動擺陀,發條盒可儲存最多42小時能量,這部分跟一般

In turn, mechanical power is released to move a group of quartz


generators. The kinetic energy, combined with the magnetic field


generated by magnets, produces electricity (following Faraday’s law of


electromagnetic induction). These weak electric currents then power


the quartz resonator, which vibrates at a frequency of 32,768 times


per hour.

的振頻高、脈沖穩定,所以由它來regulate時間,會得到更準繩的 效果。

The resonator replaces the conventional mechanical escapement.

伯爵的「石英推進器」是透過6個銅金屬線圈高速旋轉(每個銅 金屬線圈圍繞了二千多圈銅線)以產生電流,再配合多項專利技

Because quartz vibrates at a high frequency and the strength of the vibration is consistent, it results in accurate regulation of time.

術,便能產生更多電流來。混合自動上鏈機械與石英推進器的優 點,是結集了機械及石英機芯兩者的好處。機械機芯的優點是不

Piaget’s quartz resonator uses six copper coils, each consisting


of more than 2,000 circles of wire rotating at high speed to produce


electrical current. Using several patented techniques, the resonator


is capable of producing even more current by combining the best of

腕錶的名字是Piaget Emperador Coussin XL 700P,其

both automatic winding technology and quartz generator technology.

46.5mm錶殼以18K白金打造,錶圈覆有黑色ADLC塗層;錶盤的 8字圖案,左邊為微形擺陀,右側是「石英推動器」,時分盤則偏心 於右下角位置。腕錶限量118枚,約$11萬。

The former’s advantage is that it doesn’t need to change batteries, and it exhibits the traditional aesthetics and sound of the mechanical movement. At the same time, using a quartz resonator to replace the traditional escapement system reduces magnetization and also reduces damage from friction. However, the most important advantage is that the time-keeping accuracy is higher than the traditional escapement mechanism.


01•這些物理解釋圖,老實說,我們也聽得一頭霧 水,歡迎讀者們指正指正。 Honesely, we couldn't understand the graphical explaination at all.



02•「石英推進器」的6個銅線圈,每個都繞上了 二千多圈銅線呢。 Each of the six copper coils on the quartz generator is made up of 2,000 circles of copper wire.

03•機芯的解構圖,左側三角形有圓柱體石英的部件,就是「石英共振器」 ;而有6個銅線圈構成花朵狀 的,就是把動能轉變為電能的 「石英推進器」 了。 This diagram explains the watch movement. The triangle on the left is the prism quartz resonator. The “flower” represents the six copper coils, which form the quartz generator and are responsible for converting kinetic energy into electrical energy.

Named Piaget Emperador Coussin XL 700P, the watch’s 46.5-millimetre case is made of 18-karat white gold and its bezel is painted with black ADLC coating. The dial displays a “figure 8” pattern, with a micro-rotor on the left, a quartz generator on the right and the division plate on the bottom right. There are only 118 of these limited-edition watches. Cost: approximately $110,000.





Watch News





CARTIER 趣味看動存 卡地亞這枚Pantheres et Colibri稱得上是活潑之 作,叫人眼前一亮。平時看這枚腕錶,只會見到代 表著卡地亞DNA的美洲豹伏俯在地上,當然牠很瑰 麗,因為是由270顆明亮型切割鑽石及梨形綠寶石 組成;另外牠的頭頂有一只金色小蜂鳥,以及背 脊上的小小時分盤。 原來只要按下錶冠,有趣的畫面便會出現: 首先,一隻豹BB會從母豹懷中走出來,然後那隻 小蜂鳥便會遠走高飛。牠會飛多遠?那便視乎你 的腕錶還剩下多少能量了;換句說話,這是一個能 量儲存顯示方法,果真玩味十足。腕錶搭載9915MC 型手動上鏈機芯,動存約3天,直徑42.75mm錶殼以 鍍銠18K白金打造,上面鑲滿314顆明亮型切割鑽石。

Cartier: A fun way to present the power reserve

Cartier Pantheres et CoLibri

Cartier’s Pantheres et Colibrir is a whimsical piece. At first glance, one immediately notices Cartier’s representative panther lying on the ground. To be sure, he is very elegant, with 270 pieces of brilliant-cut diamond and pear-shaped emeralds. On his head is a small golden humming bird and, on his back, is a tiny division plate. But then, if you press the crown, an interesting picture appears. First, a baby panther walks out of the belly of its mother, then the hummingbird flies away. And how far can the bird fly? That depends on how much power the watch has left. This is a fun way to display how much power is left in storage! The watch consists of a 9915MC hand-wind movement, with a power reserve of three days. The 42.75-millimetre case is made of 18-karat rhodium-plated white gold, with 314 pieces of brilliant-cut diamond adorning its top. Calibre 9915MC

Clé de CarTIer automatiC skeLeton

究竟Clé de Cartier吃了甚麼激生素,為甚麼成長速度可以如此迅速?這個法文中解作鑰匙 的Clé,是去年SIHH才首次登場的全新系列,當時還只有三針日期款;到了年底的W&W, 赫然推出陀飛輪及神秘鐘版,蛻變速度驚人。今年SIHH帶來的,又是品牌另一得意技藝: 鏤空機芯。保持著Cartier的固有傳統,設計師把羅馬數字的III、VI、IX及XII兼任機芯的橋 板,一石二鳥又好看。特別要重點申明的,是這枚9612MC型機芯採用了自動上鏈系統, 把automatic搭上skeleton,是品牌的首回嘗試。將擺陀套用在鏤空機芯,會不好看嗎?放 心,品牌早有準備,自動擺陀也同樣採用鏤空設計,以22K金打造以增加重量及上鏈效能。 What potion has Clé de Cartier imbibed in to encourage such rapid growth? Clé is “key” in French, and is a new series that debuted during last year’s SIHH. At that time, Cartier already had a model with a three-hand display. But the W&W appeared at the end of last year abruptly broke away from tradition and showed a tourbillon and a mystery clock. Cartier introduces another new trick at year’s SIHH —a skeleton movement. In keeping with the Cartier tradition, the designer doubles up the Roman numerals III, IV, IX, and XII as the bridge of the movement, killing two birds with one stone with this attractive design. Also of note is that this 9612MC watch movement uses an automatic hand-wind system. Combining automatic and skeleton movements is a new direction for Cartier. The design also alleviates any worries about aesthetics, putting a tourbillon on top of a skeleton movement by using the same skeleton design on the automatic pendulum, and adding to the weight and the winding mechanism by using 22-karat gold. Calibre 9612MC ELITEGEN




Watch News

01. roger duBuIs

eXCaLibur automatiC skeLeton Carbon WatCh 2015年品牌造了一款擁有雙陀飛輪的Excalibur Spider Skeleton腕錶,同時亦有首款沒 有陀飛輪但同樣全鏤空的Excalibur Automatic Skeleton。2016年,品牌為這款前置迷 型擺陀的鏤通腕錶換上新衣,以碳纖SMC (片狀模塑) 複合材料作為外殼;品牌以這種 比不鏽鋼輕兩倍又堅固兩倍的材質,配上鱷魚皮及橡膠組成的錶帶,成就極具男性魅 力的作品。腕錶直徑42mm,搭載RD820SQ自動機芯。 In 2015, this brand created the double-tourbillon Excalibur Spider Skeleton watch, and also created the first tourbillon-less, but completely skeletal, Excalibur Automatic Skeleton This year, Roger Dubuis dressed the front-rotor skeleton watch in new clothes, introducing a carbon steel SMC (Sheet Molding Compound) for the case. This material is twice as light, yet twice as sturdy, than stainless steel. Matched with a watchband made with alligator skin and rubber, this watch is full of masculine flair. The 42-millimetre watch is equipped with an RD820SQ automatic movement.


02. Baume & merCIer CLifton ChronograPh ComPLete CaLendar

名士的Clifton已推出過不少款式,由最簡單的三針日曆到陀飛輪到早幾個月前見過最 複雜的五分問袋錶,本以為軍容已十分齊備,但原來品牌還有後著,即將推出的這款 全日曆計時錶,錶盤上的資訊非常豐富,除了3個小圓盤,錶盤外緣還有日曆圈,星 期和月份視窗在12時位置,並有月相顯示,整個錶盤十分熱鬧,顯示卻仍然清晰。 There had been many different Clifton styles -- from the simplest three-hand calendar tourbillon, to the most complicated five-minute repeater pocket watch. But that isn’t all there is. Still to come is the full-calendar chronograph watch, with full information offered on the dial. In addition to three small discs, there is also a calendar ring on the outside of the dial. The view window for the month and week display is at the 12 o’clock position. There is also a display of the moon phases. Although the dial is very busy overall, the displays are still clear and crisp.

03. VaCheroN CoNsTaNTIN métiers d’art fabuLeuX ornements

去年品牌首次推出Fabuleux Ornements系列,由10位不同的工藝大師,以中國刺繡、 法國蕾絲、印度彩色圖案手稿及奧斯曼帝國建築製作出4款各具特色的女裝錶。2016 年再接再厲的全新四國之花,眼前這款是 「中國刺繡」 ,其錶盤施以白金掐絲工藝,再 鑲嵌翡翠、雕刻粉紅蛋白石及貝母。所有腕錶直徑37mm,白金錶殼,搭載自家研發 的1003手上鏈機芯,限量20枚。

The Fabuleux Ornement series, which debuted last year, featured 10 craft masters. Using Chinese embroidery, French lace, Indian hand-painted colour patterns and Ottoman Empire architecture, four styles of woman’s watches were produced.

geneva sWitzerLand


sIhh 2016

For 2016, the same four styles have returned, and this is the “Chinese Embroidery” model. The case is made using a white gold filigree technique and is adorned with emeralds, a carved pink opal and fritillaria. Each watch is 37 millimetres in diameter with a white-gold case and a 1003 hand-wound movement designed in-house. The edition is limited to 20 watches.






04. IWC

big PiLot’s WatCh annuaL CaLendar edition “Le Petit PrinCe” 《小王子》 電影在去年聖誕節上映,而IWC將推出一系列全新的Big Pilot's腕錶,小王子正是 其中之一,你可能覺得腕錶跟今年的Portugieser Annual Calendar有幾分相似,事實上無論 錶盤用色、年曆布局、搭載的52850自動機芯都是一模一樣。不過今次Big Pilot's系列首次 加入年曆功能,而紅金錶殼直徑為46mm,小王子則被鑴刻在錶背的擺陀上,限量250枚。 The Little Prince movie was just released over the holiday season. Correspondingly, one of the watches in IWC’s new Big Pilot’s watch series is The Little Prince. If you feel the watch is similar to this year’s Portugieser Annual Calendar, you’re right. Whether it is in the use of colour for the case, the layout of the calendar or the mounted 5280 automatic movements, it is exactly like the Portugieser Annual Calendar. The main difference is that this Big Pilot’s series includes a calendar function for the first time. The red case is 46 millimetres in diameter and a picture of the Little Prince is carved on the rotor on the back of the watch. This is a limited edition with 250 pieces issued.

05. audemars PIgueT royaL oak PerPetuaL CaLendar With Week indiCation and astronomiCaL moon



多年來品牌的Royal Oak出現過不同變奏,單是錶殼用料已非常多樣化,如鉑金、碳材質、 鈷合金、銅、橡膠、陶瓷、鈦和鉭金屬等等。今年愛彼錶的萬年曆決定讓它回歸至最經典 的材質:黃金。新錶搭載最新5134自動機芯,9時是星期、12時位置為月份、3時位置是日 期,閏年顯示亦在12時中央位置。天文月相則放在6時位置,還有一年的周次顯示位處錶 盤外圈。 The vintage Royal Oak brand has been transformed many times since 1972. For instance, with the case alone, we have seen platinum, carbon, cobalt alloy, bronze, rubber, ceramic, titanium and tantalum utilized over the years. This year’s Audemars Piguet offers a perpetual calendar in the most-classic yellow gold. Inside, the watch features the new 5134 automatic movement. At the 9 o’clock position is the week indicator; at 12 o’clock is the month, and at 3 o’clock is the date. Leap years are also indicated at 12 o’clock. As well, astronomical moon phases are displayed at 6 o’clock, and a one-year revolution is indicated on the outer rim of the case.


06. rIChard mIlle rm 67-01 automatiC eXtra fLat

品牌過往也造過薄錶,最先是長方形的RM 016,之後是圓形的RM 033,這次RM 67-01 終於擁抱傳統,用回最具代表性的酒桶形。機芯是專誠新造的,厚度約3.6mm,裝到錶殼 裡,腕錶只厚7.75mm,已是他們有史以來最薄的酒桶形腕錶。鈦金屬底板及搭橋全部被鏤 空,實金造的阿拉伯數字小時則放在兩條鈦金屬造的軌道上,纖薄之餘也具層次感。 This brand has offered super-thin models before. The first was the rectangular RM 016, followed by the round RM 033. This time, the RM 67-01 embraces tradition and returns to the iconic barrel shape. The movement is newly custom made and is only 3.66 millimetres thick. With the movement mounted in the case, the watch is only 7.5 millimetres thick. This is the brand’s thinnest barrel-shaped watch. Both the titanium bottom and the bridge are in skeleton design. The Arabic numerals, made with solid gold, are placed on two titanium tracks, giving a sense of texture to the slimness.

07. moNTBlaNC

heritage Chronometrie CoLLeCtion tWinCounter date


進取的定價、複雜的功能、積極的發展,是這兩年Montblanc的亮麗成績表。看來這項優良 傳統於2016年仍會保持,請看看這款Heritage Chronometrie,去年推出了年曆功能款,今 年則追加備有雙小錶盤的日期顯示腕錶。9時位置是小秒針盤、3時位置則是日期盤。腕錶 搭載自家製MB 24.23自動機芯,動力儲備有38小時,不鏽鋼錶殼直徑40mm。定價相當實 惠,約售$4,300。 Progressive pricing, complex functions, active development — these are all shining accomplishments of Montblanc over the past two years. It looks like this fine tradition will continue in 2016. Take a look at this Heritage Chronometrie. Last year, the annual calendar function was introduced. This year, the brand has added a watch with a dual small-dial date indicator. At the 9 o’clock position is a small second-hand dial and, at 3 o’clock, is the date dial. An MB 24.23 automatic movement, produced in-house, is mounted inside and has 38 hours of reserve power. The stainless steel watchcase is 40 millimetres in diameter. This watch is reasonably priced at around $4,300.





Watch News

08. a. laNge aNd söhNe 1815 tourbiLLon handWerkskunst

今年是德國製錶巨人Ferdinand Adolph Lange的200周年誕辰,品牌為其大肆慶祝,繼 早前推出的兩枚經典斯文又漂亮的1815小三針之後,今年SIHH改以這枚複雜的陀飛 輪為賀禮作結。這枚新作搶眼的地方,不止是具有歸零及停秒功能的陀飛輪,還有那 塊以玫瑰金製成的錶盤。錶面色澤如岩石灰,上面飾有精細的 「tremblage」 手工雕刻, 呈現出均勻的粒紋。腕錶只生產30枚,收藏家恐怕一錶難求。 This year is German watchmaker giant Ferdinand Adolph Lange’s 200th birthday. To celebrate, the brand earlier introduced two classic up-scale and attractive 1815 small three-hand watches. At this year’s SIHH, a complicated tourbillon watch concluded the celebration. The eye-catching part of this new watch is not limited to the tourbillon, which has the ability to return to zero and has a stopwatch function. The rose-gold case also adds to the attractiveness. The watch face has a stone grey colour and is decorated with a hand carved “tremblage” detail, showing an evenly-spaced grain pattern. Only 30 watches have been manufactured, making it difficult, even for a collector, to own one.

geneva sWitzerLand

sIhh 2016

09. Jaeger leCoulTre reverso tribute CaLendar

2016年是Reverso腕錶系列85周年紀念,為此品牌特意推出不同款式腕錶,包括小巧 的Reverso Classic、中型的Reverso Tribute及大型的Reverso One。這一款Reverso Tribute Calendar除了採用Duo雙時區設計概念外,還具有全曆功能,玫瑰金外殼尺寸 為49.4 x 29.9mm。錶盤正面是銀色粒紋裝飾蛋白石錶盤,備有時分、星期、月份、日 期及月相顯示;背面為灰色巴黎鉚釘飾紋、第二時區小三針及晝夜顯示。


This year marks the 86th anniversary of the Reverso series. To celebrate, the brand is offering several different special-edition watches, including the dainty Reverso Classic, the medium-sized Reverso Tribute and the large Reverso One. This Reverso Tribute has a calendar that uses the design concept of duo time zones and also has a full calendar function. The rose gold case is 49.4 x 29.9 millimetres, and the front of the dial plate is an egg-white dial decorated with a silver grain pattern. There are displays for minute, week, month, date and moon phases. On the front is a grey Parisian rivet design, with three small hands displaying the second time zone, and the day-night display.

10. ParmIgIaNI tonda metrograPhe bLeu abyss

要說腕錶今期流行的色調,深藍必定坐亞望冠。Parmigiani計時錶內深邃的藍是由電 鍍製成,將錶盤放進專用電鍍槽,顏色由最初的亮橙色,然後是棕色,到深紫色再變 成藍色。這個變色過程必須好好掌握,否則再過兩、三秒,錶盤便會變成寶藍色再變 成灰色。腕錶搭載自家研發及製造的PF 315自動機芯,所有可見零件均用珍珠圓點打 磨。


To name the trendy colours of this year’s watches, you need go no further than deep blue. Parmigiani’s time-keeping watch has a deep-blue electroplated interior. The watch dial is placed in a custom-electroplated groove. During electroplating, the colour of the dial changes from orange, to brown, to deep purple, to blue. The colour-changing process needs to be properly controlled. Otherwise, with an additional two or three seconds, the dial would turn into a royal blue and then grey. Inside the watch is an in-house researched and developed PF315 automatic movement, and all the visible parts are polished with pearl dots.

11. PaNeraI 10

radiomir 1940 3 days automatiC aCCiaio - 42mm

PAM 655直徑為42mm,比起新推出、同樣白面的PAM630略為縮小了2mm,是一個 男女都適合的尺寸。錶殼採用Radiomir 1940款,是這個系列第一次推出白面款式,同 樣配以黃針和黃色小圓點刻度,及全阿拉伯數字時刻。機芯採用自家製、僅3.95mm 厚的纖薄P.4000,搭載偏心式微型擺陀,可存儲三日動能,配啡色皮帶。 PAM 655 is 42 millimetres in diameter, which is two millimetres smaller than the new PAM 630. Both have the same white dial and this size is well suited for both men and women. The case utilizes the Radiomir 1940 style and is the first whitedial watch in the series. Like the Radiomir 1940, this watch has yellow hands and yellow dot-number indicators, as well as all-Arabic numerals. The watch movement is an in-house P.4000, which is ultra-thin at 3.95 millimetres, with a mounted micro-rotor. The watch has three days’ reserve power and is matched with a brown watchband.

11 34





Chanel手袋的經典菱格紋,靈感源 自Chanel迷鍾愛的馬術,尤其是穿 著夾克在馬場上飛馳的騎士雄姿。 品牌全新頂級珠寶系列「Signature de Chanel」 的48款作品,將經典曲 線菱格紋重新華麗演繹,以簡約設 計打造出完美線條。 The iconic quilting on Chanel handbags is inspired by the equestrian world dear to Gabrielle Chanel, especially by the jackets stable boys wear around the racetracks. The geometry of the 48 new pieces of Signature de Chanel, its first High Jewellery collection, is a variation on the quilted pattern and pays tribute to that inspiration. Graphic and refined, they express the purity of line and the perfection in simplicity.


Quilted diamonds text | Leslie Yip





photo | Chanel

Signature de Saphir耳環 18K白金耳環鑲嵌2顆總重12.8克拉的枕形 切割藍寶石,26顆總重2克拉的方形切割 鑽石,158顆總重4.5克拉的明亮式切割鑽 石以及2顆三角形切割鑽石。

Signature de Saphir earrings in 18K white gold, set with two cushion-cut sapphires, for a total weight of 12.8 carats; 26 square-cut diamonds, for a total weight of two carats; 158 brilliant-cut diamonds, for a total weight of 4.5 carats, and two triangle-cut diamonds.

Signature Ultime手鐲 18K白金鑲嵌一顆重1克拉的明亮式切割鑽 石,265顆總重66克拉的方形切割藍寶石以及 221顆總重7.7克拉的明亮式切割鑽石。

"Signature Ultime" bracelet in 18K white gold set with a 1-carat brilliant-cut diamond, 265 square-cut sapphires for a total weight of 66 carats and 221 brilliant-cut diamonds for a total weight of 7.7 carats.

Signature de Saphir項鍊 18K白金鑲嵌一顆重11.4克拉的枕形切割藍寶石,42顆總 重6克拉的方形切割鑽石,21顆總重2.3克拉的長階梯形切 割鑽石以及3042顆總重83.6克拉的明亮式切割鑽石。

"Signature de Saphir" necklace in 18K white gold set with an 11.4-carat cushion-cut sapphire, 42 square-cut diamonds for a total weight of 6 carats, 21 baguettecut diamonds for a total weight of 2.3 carats and 3042 brilliant-cut diamonds for a total weight of 83.6 carats.






Signature de Perles耳環 18K白金鑲嵌160顆總重 7.9克拉的明亮式切割鑽 石以及2顆日本養珠。

Signature de Perles earrings in 18K white gold, set with 160 brilliant-cut diamonds, for a total weight of 7.9 carats, and two Japanese cultured pearls.

Signature Cocoon項鍊 18K白金鑲嵌一顆重1.5克拉的明亮 式切割鑽石,652顆總重16.7克拉 的明亮式切割鑽石以及雕刻水晶。

Signature Cocoon necklace in 18K white gold, set with a 1.5-carat brilliant-cut diamond and 652 brilliant-cut diamonds, for a total weight of 16.7 carats, and carved rock crystal.

Signature de Perles戒指 18K白金鑲嵌一顆重3克 拉的祖母綠形切割鑽石 以及162顆總重2.8克拉 的明亮式切割鑽石。

Signature de Perles ring in18K white gold, set with a three-carat emerald-cut diamond and 162 brilliant-cut diamonds, for a total weight of 2.8 carats.

Signature Duo珠寶腕錶 18K白金鑲嵌668顆總重13.5克拉 的明亮式切割鑽石。

Signature Duo watch in 18K white gold, set with 668 brilliant cut diamonds, for a total weight of 13.5 carats. Quartz movement.

Signature Ultime手鐲 18K白金鑲嵌一顆重1克拉的明 亮式切割鑽石,265顆總重66克 拉的方形切割藍寶石以及221顆 總重7.7克拉的明亮式切割鑽石。

Signature Ultime bracelet in 18K white gold, set with a onecarat brilliant-cut diamond and 265 square-cut sapphires, for a total weight of 66 carats, and 221 brilliant-cut diamonds, for a total weight of 7.7 carats.


elegance is line CoCo Chanel





難得有機會去到位於巴黎旺 多姆廣場的工作室,一睹品牌頂 級珠寶系列的製作過程。 A rare peak inside Chanel’s high jewelry workshop, located at 18th Place Vendôme, Paris.

making-of signature de saphir ①



Cutting out the surplus gold.

Positioning the fall of the necklace.

每個細件都要先經擺位才可作最後 鑲嵌。

工匠以鵝毛擦亮每個細件。由於設 計複雜,過程需要超過220小時。

Each element has to be positioned before the final assembly.

The edges are polished with a goose feather for a perfect finish, a process taking more than 220 hours due to the intricate design of this piece.

作品完成。 The finalized piece, ready to be delivered.






Magic Alhambra Diamond Earclips $26,800 Vintage Alhambra Yellow Gold and Carnelian Necklace $20,300 Vintage Alhambra Yellow Gold Necklace $19,500 Magic Alhambra Pendant $6,800 Vintage Alhambra Bracelet $5,100 Signature Perlée Bangle $8,000


Timeless ClassiC Van Cleef & arpels text, photo | PL


Gold-leaf wall covering, hand-painted flowers,


luxurious textiles and black-lacquered furniture,


together with the soft light from magnificent

這正是法國高級珠寶品牌梵克雅寶(Van Cleef &

crystal chandeliers and crystal wall lights, creates

Arpels) 的一貫特色。

an atmosphere of warmth. This look is, of course, the signature style of French luxury jewelry brand Van Cleef & Arpels.









Van Cleef & Arpels專賣店設於溫市中心Birks旗艦店內,前者 高貴低調的裝潢與後者的尊貴風格自然融合。 The Van Cleef & Arpels boutique is located within Maison Birks’ flagship retail store in the centre of Vancouver. Birks’ elegant low-key décor is a natural match with Van Cleef & Arpels’s grand style.


an Cleef & Arpels專賣店裝潢設計秉承品牌規格,流露高 V 貴、典雅及溫暖感。 The decor of the Van Cleef & Arpels boutique follows the standards of the brand, effusing sophistication, elegance and warmth.


模特兒分別佩戴品牌的Florilege、Palmyre、Virevolte Between the Finger、Perlee 及Alhambra系列首飾,在開幕酒 會上向來賓展示。 Models display jewelry from the Florilege, Palmyre, Virevolte, Between the Finger, Perlee and Alhambra collections at the grand-opening reception. 04


溫市Van Cleef & Arpels專賣店剛完成了翻新工程,日 前特別舉行了盛大的開幕酒會。該專賣店設於享負盛名的 加國珠寶商Birks的溫哥華旗艦店內,面積擴充至1,435平方 呎,屬全國最大,陳列了Van Cleef & Arpels一系列珠寶首 飾及時計,展現出該品牌劃時代美學的嶄新室內設計概念。 高身透明圓頂玻璃櫃及典雅櫥窗,飾以黑色漆木、 拋光不銹金屬及玻璃,陳列品牌全新及最具代表性的創 作,包括具標誌性的Alhambra系列及Cadenas時計,還有 Between the Finger指環和Poetic Complications時計。店 內更特設一私家陳列館,為顧客提供個人空間,安坐欣賞 該品牌的珍品。 Van Cleef & Arpels總裁及執行長(President and CEO)Alain Bernard表示,該品牌與Birks享有多年的成功 夥伴關係,品牌期待憑籍此全新漂亮的店鋪,進一步加強 在本地的發展。 The Vancouver Van Cleef & Arpels boutique has completed its renovation and recently hosted a large grand opening reception. The boutique is located within the famous Canadian jeweller Birks’ Vancouver flagship store, and has been expanded to 133.31 square metres (1,435 square feet). It is

Florilege Turquoise Earring $148,000

the largest Van Cleef & Arpels store in the country, and exhibits

Palmyre Diamond Necklace $445,000

many jewelry and watch collections.

Palmyre Diamond Bracelet $210,000 Virevolte Between the Finger Ring $35,700

The tall, transparent, dome-top glass cabinets and the elegant display windows are decorated with black lacquered-

Van Cleef & Arpels於1906年在巴黎的Place Vendome誕生,由寶石商的女兒Estelle Arpels與寶石切割師之子Alfred Van Cleef夫婦所創。品牌多年來一直忠於風格獨特的設 計,產品兼具創意和精緻,充滿詩意和魅力,糅合最優質的石材—Pierres de Caractere及 大師級手工、超凡技術和革新精神。無論是受大自然或高級時裝的啟發,還是僅憑天馬 行空的想像,該品牌的高級珠寶、時計及首飾系列均散發劃時代的和諧之美。

paint, polished stainless metals and glass. These display

Van Cleef & Arpels began in Place Vendome, Paris, in 1906 and was founded by Estelle Arpels, the daughter of a jeweller, and Alfred Van Cleef, a gemcutter’s son. The brand has always been faithful to designs that are unique in style — creative while delicate, and full of poetry and charm. The Pierres de Caractere collection combines the highest quality stones and mastergrade craftsmanship, superior techniques and a revolutionary spirit. Whether drawing inspiration from nature, or from high-couture fashion, or from pure fantasy and imagination, the brand’s high jewelry, watches and ornaments all display iconic harmonious beauty.

the shop is a private library, offering a private quiet space for

Van Cleef & Arpels專賣店設有獨立大門 The Van Cleef & Arpels boutique has its own separate doorway.

the brand’s newest and most significant creations, including the iconic Alhambra collection, Cadenas watches, Between the Finger rings and Poetic Complications watches. Inside customers to sit and appreciate the treasured Van Cleef & Arpels pieces. Alain Bernard, Van Cleef & Arpel’s president and CEO, says the brand has been a successful partner with Birks for many years. With this beautiful new boutique store, Van Cleef & Arpels hopes to further its growth in Canada.





Fashion Headline 時裝潮流回歸簡約,運動服及 優閒服當道,新一季鞋履方面 也有不少平底及sporty款式。最 具女人味的尖頭幼踭pumps,今 季回復經典設計,色彩豐富,很 有夏日的感覺。還有粗踭款式高 踭鞋,配搭造型更具時尚感。 You can never predict when a fashion trend will end up on the rocks. Sport and casual footwear are still popular, with a variety of flats and sporty styles also appearing in the new season’s collection. One style that accentuates a strong feminine charm is the pump. They are back this season with classic and colourful designs, emanating a summery aura. Another would be block heels, which go well with any outfit.


Alexander McQueen off-theshoulder ruffled cotton-blend mini dress US$2,455 (net-aporter.com) Giuseppe Zanotti Design fuchsia pumps $TBD


of Spring and Summer SeaSon text & styling | CircleKaitlin photo | Alison Kwan model | Kim Won & Irina(Quest Model) make up | Soie Ip hair | Keith(La Biosthetique)





Miu Miu embroidered coat $TBD Dior gold pumps $TBD

Aquazzura Byzantine 105 embellished leather pumps $1,380 (mytheresa.com)

Christian Louboutin So Kate US$695 (christianlouboutin.com)

經典大方 Chic Pumps 款式簡單的pumps可說是長青款式,而且可變化出不同 的風格,尖頭配幼踭是典型的斯文大方款式,配粗踭則較剛 強型格。 With its simple design, the pump could be a very long-lasting trend. Pumps with thin heels and pointed toes are classic, while block heels highlight the tough side of your character.

Giuseppe Zanotti Design snakeskin effect pumps $1,005 (farfetch.com)

Saint Laurent classic paris skinny 105 Escarpin V pump in multicolor metallic leather US$645 (ysl.com)

Francesco Russo D’Orsay suede and snake pumps US$795 (net-a-porter.com)

Calvin Klein Platinum black sleeveless top $TBD Miu Miu printed cotton-twill mini dress US$1,375 (net-a-porter.com) Céline Rodeo V neck pump in black shiny calfskin $925 (contact Céline customer service)





Fashion Headline

Pierre Hardy chunky heel sandals $2,105 (farfetch.com)

Tabitha Simmons Harlow perforated cork and leather sandals US$845 (net-a-porter.com)

創意玩味 Chunky Heels with Creativity 大概受到casual chic的大潮流影響,不論是上班款或是晚裝款的高踭 鞋,都有不少粗踭選擇,設計師亦喜歡於粗踭上大展拳腳,如金屬通花、 透明、多角形等都是具創意的粗踭款式。 Under the influence of casual chic, different kinds of block heels can be seen everywhere, designs ranging from office footwear to fancy night-out footwear. A variety of patterns, such as golden flowers and transparent shapes, add a creative side to block heels.





Roger Vivier Décolleté U cut metallic leather pumps $1,060 (mythere sa.com)

Charlotte Olympia Claudine US$1,145 (charlotteolympia.com)

Ted Baker Tribal stripe crop top $185 (tedbaker.com) Ports 1961 white pants $TBD Roger Vivier leather sandals $1,065 (mytheresa.com)

Gucci cross over leather sandal $1,255 (gucci.com)

Max Mara beige sandals $TBD

Sportmax sandals with zippers $TBD

Boss nude heels $TBD

Michael Kors wooden heel sandals $TBD

Alexander Wang suede Abby sandals US$450 (barneys. com)

Sandro stripe top Black fringe skirt Black sandals Both from Giuseppe Zanotti Design All prices to be determined

Anteprima geometric print heels $TBD

Paul Andrew Blossom sandals $TBD







Fashion Headline

Valentino camouflage embellished suede sneakers $1,415 (mytheresa.com)

Miu Miu jeweled sneakers $2,210 (nordstrom.com)

着重配飾 Sneakers with Accessories 在運動潮流的影響下,大部分名牌都推出波鞋或slip on款式,走高貴 路線的會綴上閃石、釘飾,把casual的波鞋推上高檔層次,襯上cocktail dress可營造既casual又型格的感覺。 A number of brands have brought running shoes and slip-on styles to market. Those who go for a classy look could opt for a pair with shiny stones or studs. Pair them with a cocktail dress and you have an outfit that’s both casual and stylish.

Christian Louboutin Rush 30 spiked leather sneakers US$1,295 (net-a-porter.com)

Fendi Karl stuffed leather slip-on sneakers $1,305 (luisaviaroma.com)

Ted Baker Tribal stripe crop top $185 (tedbaker.com) Ports 1961 white pants $TBD Roger Vivier leather sandals $1,065 (mytheresa.com)





Marni 20mm neoprene & mesh sneakers $686 (luisaviaroma.com)

Marni glitter & mesh D’Orsay sneakers US$740 (barneys.com)

Dolce & Gabbana crystal embellished sneakers $2,065 (nordstrom.com)

Versace black medusa high-top sneakers $1,375 (ssense.com)

René Caovilla 20mm embellished lace sneakers $1,708 (luisaviaroma.com)

Gucci Satin fabric high-top sneakers $1,150 (gucci.com)

Saint Laurent signature court classic SL/18H fringed high top sneaker in hazelnut suede US$695 (ysl.com)

White one-shoulder top White embroidered skirt Both from Melissa Bui Giuseppe Zanotti Design white Franz sneakers All prices to be determined

Maison Margiela women’s stamped leather “Future” ankle-strap sneakers US$1,155 (barneys.com)





Fashion Headline

舒適型格 Comfy Flats 平底鞋實在是近年的大熱款式,不 論是較中性的oxford shoes及loafers、 resort style的espadrilles,或是斯文大方的 ballerinas都有不少創新選擇,拼料拼色或 圖案拼貼都是今季的重點設計。 In recent years, flats have become very trendy. Whether it’s neutral oxford shoes and loafers, resort style espadrilles or elegant ballet slippers, they all offer a variety of choices. Moreover, the combination of materials and patterns is this season’s design highlight.

Oscar de la Renta Adelaide woven raffia oxford $1,020 (neimanmarcus.com)

Maje orange top $TBD Roger Vivier 40mm sequined cotton satin espadrilles $861 (luisaviaroma.com)

Alexander McQueen studded leather loafer $1,270 (neimanmarcus.com)

Charlotte Olympia plaid punk kitty loafer $950 (neimanmarcus.com)

Striped white top Striped skirt Both from Sandro and prices to be determined Alexander McQueen nappa embroidered double layer sole US$1,095 (alexandermcqueen.com)





Valentino lace espadrilles $720 (farfetch.com) Mulberry ivory polished calf loafer US$395 (mulberry.com)

Jimmy Choo Vita pointy toe lace-up flat $880 (nordstrom.com) Miu Miu sneakers with crystals $TBD

Valentino striped rockstud ballerina flats $1,350 (farfetch.com) Prada leather creeper brogue espadrilles $1,470 (saksfifthavenue.com)

Dolce & Gabbana embellished brogues $1,300 (farfetch.com)

Bottega Veneta leather sneakers $1,200 (mytheresa.com)

Kenzo 20mm K-Peak nappa slip-on sneakers $633 (luisaviaroma.com)

Oscar de la Renta raffia embroidered winx mules US$690 (modaoperandi.com)

Givenchy chain-trimmed leather espadrille flats $1,030 (saksfifthavenue.com)







Fashion Feature

以四種不同類型皮革,包括人手磨 亮小牛皮和漆皮等組合而成的豪華 短靴Tundra Rock, US $475 Four different types of leather, including hand-burnished calf and patent leather, are sewn together to create this wingtip-style luxury boot. Tundra Rock, US$475.

巧手精製 意大利造鞋藝術

The ArT oF Shoe CraftSmanShip


Italian shoes are revered for their


creative styling and craftsmanship.


Enrico Tognoni, co-founder and

手工而馳名,著名品牌Tognoni Shoes的共同創辦人兼設計

designer of Tognoni Shoes, takes us

師 Enrico Tognoni便帶領我們到品牌於佛羅倫斯Tuscany的

behind the scenes to his workshop


in Tuscany, where master craftsmen


transform hide into masterpieces.

text | Leslie Yip photo | Tognoni Shoes





Enrico Tognoni道﹕「我和兄弟Luca均是生

“My brother, Luca, and I were born and raised in Tuscany, a region known for leather


craftsmanship and passion for quality. When designing our shoes, we try to rethink and


refresh traditional designs with new materials and techniques to reflect the taste of the


modern man.”

和技術,反映現代人的口味。」 With a master’s degree in architecture and construction engineering from the 擁有Pisa大學建築及建築工程學碩士學位的

University of Pisa, Enrico sees the art of shoemaking as just another form of expressing


the art of architectural design. In his words: “Much like any structure, heritage is built

徑。「 就如所有結構一樣,造鞋的傳統工藝講求

from the ground up, maintaining stability and strength by staying faithful to foundations,


possessing an astute sense of the present and an unwavering focus on the future.”



First Step: Leather Selection “First choice” grade Italian leather, sourced from the best Tuscan tanneries, has to


undergo specific treatments before being made into a shoe. Different types of design call


for different types of leather. For example, classic and elegant wingtips call for the use of


calf leather, which is coloured and burnished by hand. Cowhide leather is used for casual

同的皮革。比方是經典高雅的低筒W型翼 紋低筒牛津鞋,便需用上以人手著色和 錚亮的小牛皮﹔休閒綁帶鞋則應選用母

lace-ups for softness and comfort. Painted suede offers an element of surprise to traditional styles: stripes, pois and camouflage are only some of the many patterns that the tanners paint onto the leather to make the shoes absolutely unique.

牛皮,喜其皮質柔軟舒適﹔已著 色的絨面革盡見硝皮工匠手藝精 華,為傳統款式帶來新鮮驚艷感 覺:條紋、圓點和迷彩等,令鞋 履更具獨特色彩。

人手著色的迷彩圖案絨面鞋,是經 典Oxfords鞋款的另類選擇。Sprint Camouflage, US $329. Hand-painted camouflage suede makes this shoe a cool alternative to traditional Oxfords. Sprint Camouflage, US$329.





Fashion Feature

剪裁精粹 以鐳射切割皮革雖然先進,但Tuscany的工匠依 然堅持以人手切割,根據每張皮革的特性,裁剪出最 好的部份作製鞋材料。

Cutting Laser cutting may be grabbing headlines, but Tuscan craftsmen prefer to cut by hand. This way, the artisan can match the skins and cut only the best part of each hide.

固定鞋型 剪裁適當皮料後,便是按圖樣將它們縫合起來。先 是將鞋所用的皮革放到鞋楦拉長撐大,約放置十日至兩 星期來固定鞋型,日後即使穿著多久也不會輕易變形, 增加耐度。

Lasting After the leather pieces are cut, they are stitched together as required by the design pattern. The upper is then stretched over the last, where it remains for 10 to 14 days. This allows the leather to “memorize” the shape of the last, teaching it to hold its shape, even after extensive wear.





每雙人手精製的皮鞋都經過漫長而又考究的製作程 序,反映Tuscany傳統造鞋藝術的精粹。 Each pair of handcrafted shoes is one of kind, the result of a long and skillful process, and a reflection of the heritage of shoe craftsmanship in Tuscany.



沿用傳統意大利造鞋工藝方法,以美國人Lyman Reed

Typical Italian artisanal production uses Blake Welt Stitch Construction

Blake於1856年發明的縫製鞋機器,使用Blake Welt Stitch

with the help of a special machine invented by Lyman Reed Blake in 1856.


This process sews the insole directly to the outsole with a single strong row of


stitching. The beauty of this construction is in its simplicity. It also allows more


sole flexibility and a sleeker design than those built with other methods.

Tognoni Shoes精益求精,加添第二行縫線來連接鞋的

Tognoni Shoes goes one step further, adding a second row of stitches


to connect the midsole to the waterproof outsole. This more complex

能夠發展出更多優質款式,Florence wingtip牛津鞋系列便

construction has enabled the brand to develop more sophisticated footwear,


including the Florence wingtip collection.



視乎所使用的皮革種類,完成縫製工序的皮鞋便會由 專人以人手清潔﹑磨滑和擦亮。工匠再以人手逐層逐層的 為皮鞋著色,製造指定的懷舊效果。些微的顏色差異和瑕 疵會被視為品質和獨特性的表現。

Depending on the leather, the shoe is then cleaned, polished, buffed or brushed by hand. The artisan applies colour by hand, layer by layer, to give the shoes the desired vintage effect. Small imperfections and colour nuances are considered a sign of quality and exclusivity.

W型翼紋低筒牛津鞋是每個品牌 的必有系列。Tognoni Shoes便 提供了多種不同色澤供選擇。 Florence Wingtips, US $349 Wingtips are essential to every shoe collection. Tognoni Shoes offer a twist to the classic by offering them in many different shades. Florence Wingtips, US$349 tognonishoes.com





fashion news 春天將至,除了找尋個人喜好的 must have piece外,衣櫃中的 mix & match配件,亦是時候因應 潮流補充一下。 Other than going for your musthave piece all the time, the mix & match piece from your closet is time for a change, along with the approaching Spring season. Silk Pajama Top Blue Mazarine Poppy $108 Silk Culottes Blue Mazarine Poppy $108

春日Mix & Match

Olivia PalermO + Chelsea28

Mix & Match for Spring text | Kelvin Wu photo | provided by Nordstrom





在真人show《The City》成名的Olivia Palermo,本身是社 交名媛,其衣著亦經常備受關注。在她的時裝系列中,由輕鬆 便服至OL上班服裝;由春日圖紋褲子至華麗流蘇長裙,質料 更用上絨、絲及皮等,為春夏衣著提供無限配搭。 今次的Olivia Palermo + Chelsea28系列於Nordstrom各 分店及網頁nordstrom.com/oliviapalermo發售,並將推出春、 夏、秋及假日等系列。溫哥華及卡加利的Nordstrom已開業, 而多倫多的Eaton Centre及Yorkdale分店,將分別於本年9月 及10月開業。 rising star Olivia Palermo, from the reality show The City, is a socialite in real life and attracts numerous attention for her fashionable style. Using down, silk and leather, her fashion series ranges from causal outerwear to formal business attire, from patterned pants to elegant fringed dresses and provides the spring-summer collection with more options. This season’s Olivia Palermo+ Chelsea28 collection will be sold in all Nordstrom stores, as well its website nordstrom.com/ oliviapalermo, with the spring, summer, Fall and holiday series coming up soon. Nordstrom stores in vancouver and Calgary are already open, and those in Toronto’s eaton Centre and Yorkdale mall will open in september and October, respectively. 01•Fit & Flare Tank Dress $174 02•High Waisted Pleated Front Tie Pant $158 03•Bow Back Stripe Sweater $134



Sleeveless Suede Trench Tan Cognac $588

04•Shearling Peplum Vest $498 05•Silk Cami $94








Fashion News







Twill military vest $198 Twill ankle flare pant $108

01•Sheer Turtleneck Sweater $88 02•Retro Denim Skirt $138 03•Peasant Dress $188 04•Patchwork lace dress $158 05•Fringe Mini Dress $328 06•Leather Midi Skirt $348





Peasant Dress Paisley Print $188

Stretch Denim Blazer Dark Indigo $188 Poplin Peplum Top White Snow $148 High Waisted Pleated Pant Navy Evening $158




10 07•Off the shoulder peasant top $168 08•Embellished Jacket $328 09•Stripe pencil skirt $108 10•Belted Suede Skirt $258







Graphic Noise 濃冬時分,大地被一片霧霾籠罩,了無 生氣;但在時裝界,卻早已進入春分 時節,豐富圖像如:動物圖紋、花卉印 花或是幾何條子,均落力地為四周注入 春色,讓人自由遊走於四季之間。 Signs of renewal and hope are beginning to stir beneath the dreary haze of winter. Designers show us their vision of growth and rebirth with a riotous mix of animal prints, florals and geometrical patterns, generating enough energy to transcend the seasons. text & styling | Michelle Chow photo | Sing Ho model | Nadya@Style makeup | Kylie Chan hair | Taky Chung @ The FIFTH Salon





Givenchy old pink star sequins dress with lining Prada black heel Céline beads pompon earrings in black glass and brass $550 (special order)






T-shaped top in off white stretch linen and viscose canvas $2,300 Turtle neck top in tiger printed cotton jersey $730 Assymetrical strap skirt in large stripe cotton $2,700 All from Céline (special order) Prada yellow earrings





Etro long silk dress US$3,000 (etro.com) (US only) Ring with velvet and crystal $445 Ring with Swarovski crystals $390 Both from Gucci Céline beads pompon earrings in black glass and brass $550 (special order) Hugo Boss black and white print slippers






White snake skin dress Yellow stripe sleeveless top Both from Prada Ring with velvet and crystal $445 Ring with Swarovski crystals $390 Both from Gucci Céline Babouche V neck slipper in black, white and natural woven kidskin $1,490 (special order)





Hugo Boss blue and white floral print dress







Bottega Veneta Spring Sorbet

今年春天,Bottega Veneta的resort collection,作為設

This spring, designer Tomas Maier

計師,Tomas Maier能做的,便是透過設計,為世界帶

brings a bit of colour and joy to the

來一點色彩與歡樂,正如這位德國硬漢所言: 「系列構思

world with his Bottega Veneta’s resort

是mood-lifting,所以用了令人快樂的色調。」 紅紅綠綠,

collection. As this German strongman


said, “The concept behind this collection


is mood-lifting, so I used hues that make


people happy.” text | 冰汪





Reds and greens certainly bring happiness to all, but these colours are not special enough. So Maier chose a colour that is close to an orange-pink. One can also describe this as the colour of a delicious grapefruit sorbet. Closing one’s eyes, you imagine what a sweet, clean flavour this colour brings.

這些生果色系,配上Tomas Maier至 愛的earth tone,竟然是出奇地好看。其中 一個key look,是一件肉桂色的麖皮中褸, 裡面配一件西柚雪葩sweater,下身是一 條拖肥糖色運動褲,三色襯過三色雪糕, 簡簡單單,賞心悅目。這是他對顏色的敏 銳,以及熟練。

This fruit-like colour, matched with Maier’s favourite earth tones, results in a surprisingly pleasing combination. One of the key looks is a cinnamon-coloured suede medium-length jacket. Inside the jacket is a grapefruit sorbet sweater and, on the bottom, a pair of toffee sweatpants. The colour combination resembles neopolitan ice cream. It’s clean and easy on the eye, and completely shows off Maier’s sharp and skilful approach to colours. The leather and suede, for which Bottega Veneta is famous, are perennial focal points. This time, there are several suede jackets, both long and short, and also denim shirts and denim patchwork cardigans to meet customers’ complete expectations.

Bottega Veneta最拿手的皮革、麖 皮,永遠是焦點,這次也有幾件麖皮外

The cashmere sweater, offered in a variety colours, also exemplifies the brand’s


high standards. For the experienced shopper who knows how to choose, he/she would


definitely choose the limited-edition offers. In addition to leather and cashmere, the

不同色水的cashmere sweater,也是高水

seemingly commonplace sweatpants are also good choices.

準之作,識揀,當然是揀期間限定。皮革 及cashmere以外,反而想介紹下相對平凡

Sweatpants are not a new offering by this designer, but this time Maier has used


heavyweight jersey, which provides strength and durability. The strength of the fabric


gives them some shape, so they do not look embarrassingly like pyjama bottoms. At the


same time, however, the material offers the same soft warmth and comfort as PJs. This is


particularly important in the winter, when the advantage of wearing these pants is that they


are a hundred times more comfortable than denim jeans. 系列尚未定價 All prices TBD





Men Fashion 正宗狂迷

The Original Fan text | Clarence Lau

photo | Jack assisted by Hin

SAINT LAURENT flask in printed grain de poudre textured leather and aluminum US$545 (ysl.com)

DIOR HOMME belt in printed calfskin and palladium finish buckle $TBD

SAINT LAURENT printed leather shopping tote bag with pouch US$1,090 (ysl.com)

DIOR HOMME pouch in printed calfskin and flower $TBD


VALENTINO garavani cap US$ 257 (farfetch.com)

JIMMY CHOO grove metallic leather slip on shoes US$ 650 (neimanmarcus.com)






WOAWWEST patchwork small teddy bear US$38 (woawstore.com)

當你以為迷彩已走下坡之時, 今季卻一個180度翻身。一切的變

SANDRO division sweater $TBD

奏版本,甚麼數碼迷彩、螢光迷彩 等等已被叮走,最經典正宗的陸軍 迷彩才是王道,連一向端莊的Dior Homme都大力吹捧讓其擔任季度主 角!大概眾人都明白啡綠的主調最 中性百搭,無論配襯迷彩西裝褸作 造型焦點,還是選擇配件如迷彩手 套或鞋履作視覺調味,它都能夠與

DIOR HOMME silk tie $TBD

其他不同風格的衣著有趣和諧地融 合起來。所以說,陸軍迷彩的各式 單品絕不嫌多! If you think the camouflage trend is waning, you’re mistaken. Forget all those fancy styles, such as digital or fluorescent camouflage patterns. It’s the classic and original army


camouflage that’s the biggest hit right now and the elegant Dior Homme is taking this season’s lead! DIOR HOMME short sleeves crew neck top in wool and cotton jacquard knit $TBD

Olive green is a very neutral colour, whether it’s paired with a camouflage suit jacket as the focus of an outfit, or styled with accessories such as camouflage gloves or shoes. It goes with a variety of styles, which is why products with an army camouflage

DIOR HOMME skinny fit jeans in printed stretch cotton denim $TBD

PRADA tessuto wallet $TBD

pattern are never out of style.

SAINT LAURENT lace-up espadrilles in printed suede US$495 (ysl.com)






Brown In Harmony

今個春夏,帶點復古感 覺的啡色妝容會大行其 道,配襯簡單自然的 glossy啡色眼妝,又或以 nude妝襯上深啡嘴唇, 都是容易駕馭之選。 The retro look, with brown-toned makeup, is expected to be very popular this SpringSummer season, matched with a simple and natural, glossy-brown eye makeup. Or, you may prefer a nude look, matched with dark brown lips. Both looks are easy to master. text | Kate Lau photo | Mr.Cho model | Dominika B(Elite Model) makeup | Elaw Wong,assisted by Crystal@thelook-studio.com hair | April Chiu





Intense Lips 想畫出完美的啡調唇妝,就要巧妙地運用深淺營造層次感,另要細心地勾畫厚實 的唇部線條,眼妝則以簡約為主,以減低濃妝感覺。 To draw a perfect brown-toned lip, one needs to create layers, using dark and light colours. Additionally, one needs to draw a dark lip outline with care. For the eyes, stay simple to make the overall look less heavy.

On Eyes


On Brows


豐厚的深啡色 唇 The rich dark ,盡顯性感。 -b exude sexine rown lips ss.

On Lips 利用銀白色的eye base打底,提亮暗 黃的眼皮。 Use silver-white as the base layer to help brighten up the darkyellow eyelid.

由於眼妝較簡 約,所以眉毛 可以畫得偏啡 和粗身一點。

Make Up For Ever Aqua Cream #4 $28 (sephora.com)


於眼簾中央掃上少量橙色 眼影,略為加強眼部輪廓。 On the centre of the eyelid, brush on a little orange eyeshadow to slightly enhance the outline of the eye.


Shu Uemura pressed eye shadow refill P Soft Orange 241 $19 custom case mono $9 (sephora.com)

Because the eye makeup is relatively simple, one can draw a brow that is browner and thicker.

Too Faced Bulletproof Brows #Universal Brunette $38 (sephora.com)

On Cheeks

Brush on a black mascara. Wait until one layer dries completely, then brush on a second layer. The result is to make each eyelash to stand out.


於顴骨位塗上橙色 胭脂,這會和啡色 唇妝更為融合。 Trish McEvoy Lash Curling mascara $46 (nordstrom.com)


把啡色胭脂膏掃於顴骨和下顎 位,然後用化妝掃由上而下掃開。 Apply a brown foundation stick in a brush-like motion Bobbi Brown skin to the cheekbone jaw area. Then use a foundation stick #Golden Honey $53 makeup brush and (bobbibrowncosmetics. brush downward. ca)


掃上黑色睫毛液,待一層乾透 後,再掃上第二層,令效果更為 根根分明。


先以潤唇膏打底,利用啡色 唇筆勾勒唇形,可把唇形畫 厚少許,營造性感感覺。 First, put on a moisturizing lipstick as the base. Then, using a brown lip pencil, draw in the outline of the lip. To create a sexy feel, one can draw a thicker lip outline. Nars Velvet lip liner #Patong Beach $30 (sephora.com)

On the cheekbone, apply an orange rouge. This will blend well with the brown lip makeup.

Le Metier de Beaute The Cheeky Chic Kaleidoscope $140 (neimanmarcus.com)

以唇掃塗上啡色唇膏,集 中於唇中央塗多點,輕微 加強層次感。 Use a lip brush to brush on a brown lipstick, adding a bit more lipstick to the middle of the lip to add slightly to the look. MAC lipstick #Mocha $20 (maccosmetics.ca)










Glossy Eyes 暖色系如啡調眼妝,比起鮮艷色系更易運用,更易營造出立體感,微濕的效果更 可打造出一點點柔和的味道。 Eye makeup that uses warm colours, such as brown, makes it easier to create a threedimensional layered look than if you employ bright colours. If moistened slightly, the result is a softer, more delicate look.

On Eyes



帶點濕潤感的 啡色能造出清 爽的fresh look A slightly moi ! makeup crea stened brown tes a fresh lo ok.


以啞致感重的白色眼影打底, 範圍應塗至眉底。 Use a matte white eyeshadow as the base, brushing up and ending at the bottom of the eyebrow.

Shu Uemura drawing crayon #S beige $29 (shuuemura.ca)


塗上蘊含微細閃粉的啡 色眼影,由眼簾中央向 外掃開。 Apply a brown eyeshadow with a little bit of shimmering powder, and brush outward from the middle of the eyelid.

於啡色眼影之上塗上透明eye gloss,或以透明唇彩代替亦可。 Apply a transparent eye gloss over the brown eyeshadow. One can also substitute with a transparent lip gloss. Yves Saint Laurent Gloss Volupte #201 Pure $47 (saksfifthavenue.com)

On Brows


用透明eye gloss順着眉毛生長方向 掃,營造眉毛帶點濕潤的效果。

Burberry Wet & Dry Silk eyeshadow #300 Midnight Brown $43 (nordstrom.com)

於顴骨突起位置掃 上粉紅色胭脂,塑 造輕盈而紅潤的妝 效。 Brush a pink rouge onto the cheekbone to create a light, rosy look.

By Terry Terrybly Densiliss blush #5 Sexy Pink $105 (saksfifthavenue.com)

On Lips


Using a transparent eye gloss, brush along the eyebrow, following the natural flow of the brow. This creates a moistened effect. Yves Saint Laurent Gloss Volupte #201 Pure $47 (saksfifthavenue.com)

On Cheeks



最後,塗上蘊含細緻閃 粉的橙色唇膏,統一整 個妝容。

於鼻翼、顴骨、下巴和唇 山位置塗上highlight,然後 用化妝掃掃鬆,突出輪廓。 用同色系的眼影畫下眼 線,利用眼線掃掃鬆。 Using an eyeshadow from the same colour series, draw in the eyeline. Brush lightly using an eyeline brush.

Yves Saint Laurent couture mono eyeshadow #Fougue $44 (saksfifthavenue. com)

Apply a highlighter to both sides of the nose, the cheekbone, the jaw and the top of the lip. Brush lightly with a makeup brush to accentuate the facial features.

Finally, apply an orange lipstick with shimmering powder to complete the look. Guerlain Météorites Voyage Pearls of Powder refillable compact $261 (nordstrom.com)

Guerlain KissKiss shaping cream lip colour #344 Sexy Coral $54 (nordstrom.com)





Living 玻璃廚房 飽覽180度湖景

GLass Kitchen with a 180-deGree LaKe View text | Zoe Mak photo | John Trigiani designer | Tania Parkyn and team, Parkyn Design

Origin: 大屋原有的間隔為舊式設計,客廳廚房等都是以房間 形式分隔,不過這樣的設計阻擋了室內的自然光源,所以 屋主趁全屋大裝修的機會將被湖景包圍的廚房大改造成半 玻璃屋,讓近在咫尺的無邊界湖景和陽光180度透進屋內。 This large house was traditionally designed, with clearlydefined rooms, such as the living room and kitchen. Limited window area restricted the amount of natural light entering the house. During a total renovation, the owner used the opportunity to turn the kitchen into a glass house, allowing for an unlimited view of the nearby lake, as well as 180 degrees of sunlight exposure. 玻璃屋的長吧台上加入了兩盞色調柔和的wall lamp,燈色配合夕陽餘暉,令黃昏時份更添浪漫。 The long bar in the glass house, adorned by two wall lamps in muted tones, adds to the romance under the rose quartz-coloured sky at dusk.

玻璃廚房的主要光源來自面向東南的湖畔,加上 特大的窗戶和開放式設計,再配合米白色的櫥 櫃,讓主層的透亮度大增。 The dominant view from the glass kitchen is the lake to the southeast. The oversized window and open design, coupled with creamy white kitchen cabinets, greatly increase light throughout the main floor.





Highlight: 為確保室內舒適,設計師於主層焦點的玻璃屋內採用了HVAC(Heat, Ventilation and Air Conditioning),暖通空調的技術來控制空氣的溫度及濕度,同時利用了清潔和使用簡單 的遙控百頁簾來控制整個玻璃房的光暗和溫度。玻璃屋的長吧台為多用途設計,除了可以用 作每天享受陽光早餐的breakfast bar之外,傍晚則是一個跟三五知己在晚飯前共聚歡樂時光 的小酒吧。另外,長吧台另一面備有洗手盆,可以讓屋主一邊跟朋友暢聚,一邊準備餐前小 點,當有更大型的聚會時,這個二號洗手盆更可以分擔廚房的工作量。設計師為了配合同時 喜歡傳統和現代風格設計的兩位屋主,在廚房的顏色和用料方面使用了經典的深核桃色,以 及能夠增加空間感的米白色,配合開放式間隔,巧妙地將傳統和現代元素拿捏得準。 Given the considerable expanse of glass, the designer has provided HVAC (Heat, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) throughout the house to control temperature and humidity. It also features easy-to-use, remote-control blinds to control the amount of light and heat entering the house. 廚房的特大中央島為傳統經典的深核桃色, 配合靠牆櫥櫃的簡約米白色設計,成為了廚 房設計的classic accent。 The extra-large island in middle of the kitchen is in a classic deep walnut. Matched with the simple creamy white on the wall, the island becomes a classic accent in the kitchen design.

A full-length bar has also been added, at which to enjoy drinks with a few friends prior to dinner, or at which to sit and enjoy a sun-drenched breakfast. On one side of the bar is a sink, allowing the homeowners to prepare snacks while spending time with friends. During large gatherings, this secondary sink can share the workload with the kitchen sink. The designer has expertly co-ordinated


the differing style preferences of the two owners (one likes traditional, the other


prefers contemporary) in the use of


colour and materials in the kitchen.


Classic deep walnut is matched


with a creamy white. This helps


to open up the space visually and


perfectly balances the traditional with the contemporary.

在廚房的中央島放上玻璃擺設除了可以作收 納用途之外,亦不會阻礙透光感。 The containers on the centre island are glass, allowing light to shine through.

島之外,整個廚房更向湖景方向對外伸延,再將 breakfast area改建成半玻璃屋,成為主層的焦 點,讓屋主每個早上都可以享受真正的陽光早餐。 The owner took down all but the load-bearing walls on the main floor, bringing the lake view into much of the house. The

kitchen was expanded, with a large centre island added. The breakfast area, with its glass wall, became the focal point of the main floor, allowing the owner to enjoy a true sunlit breakfast every morning. 在廚房和餐室之間以一個小型備餐室(servery)作分隔,設計貫徹廚房的風 格,只是地磚和櫥櫃的顏色對調,而牆身依然選用米白色,另外還加了一個 通向玻璃屋的serving window,盡量將屋外的陽光帶進屋內。 Adding a servery to separate the kitchen from the dining room gives contrast to the kitchen. Here, the colours of the floor file and the cabinets are in reverse from the colours in the kitchen. However, the wall is still in creamy white. There is also a serving window leading to the glass house, which allows sunlight to reach deeper into the house. 設計師強調開放設計的概念,靠牆的櫥櫃都以米白色為主,這樣就可 以減低壓逼感。 The designer emphasized the open concept by opting to enhance the natural light with creamy white kitchen cabinets. No sense of claustrophobia here.

Cost 整個工程包括全屋翻新設計和裝修,大約$1,000,000;玻璃 屋造價大約佔$60,000。 The entire project, including a revamped design, construction and materials, cost approximately $1 million. Construction of the glass portion cost approximately $60,000.





Elite Choice 「威士忌傾進酒杯的輕聲,猶如一個悠揚 的插曲。」喬伊斯,《都柏林人》和《尤利西斯》 作者。 “The light music of whisky falling into a glass – an agreeable interlude.”James Joyce, Dubliners and Ulysses

世界級的Amrut單一麥芽威士忌 The world-class Amrut singlemalt whisky.





Vancouver is now renowned as a festival city,

覽活動之城 (festival city)。年中各種多元化的活

just like Toronto and Montreal. Throughout the


year, the diversity of festivals illustrates how


cosmopolitan it truly is. text | Kenson Ho & Mel Tobias











Joining the prestigious events was the inaugural Vancouver Whisky

包括1月在溫哥華Terminal City Club舉行的第一屆溫哥華年度

Festival, held in January at the Terminal City Club to celebrate “the water


of life.” The city’s growing whisky culture and like-minded enthusiasts met


brand ambassadors from around the world and sampled whiskies from


Scotland, Ireland, Canada, the United States and Japan, as well as non-


traditional whisky regions, such as India and Taiwan.

佳釀。 “Whisky is liquid sunshine.” George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright,

「威士忌是陽光般的液體。」蕭伯納,愛爾蘭大文豪劇作 家。

Pygmalion The festival’s organizer was Thomas Chen, general manager of

酒展的主辦人之一Thomas Chen,是Fountana Group

Fountana Group Canada, a Vancouver-based international liquor import/

Canada的總經理,亦是Companions of the Quaich溫哥華分

export company, as well as president of the Vancouver Chapter of the


Companions of the Quaich. He said he’s seen the demographic of


imbibers change significantly over the years. He noted that seven years


ago, when he attended the highly-respected Victoria Whisky Festival,


participants were mostly men in their 40s and 50s. Today, he’s seeing as many women as men, and younger people attending.

「沒有不好的威士忌,只有有些不及其他的好。」錢德勒, 小說家和編劇。

“There is no bad whisky. There are only some whiskies that aren’t as good as others.” Raymond Chandler, novelist and screenwriter

溫哥華威士忌酒展是由Fountana、Companions of the Quaich溫哥華分會,和西海岸威士忌協會合辦,為參加者

Together, Fountana, the Vancouver Chapter of the Companions of

帶來超過120個不同品牌的優質單一麥芽威士忌(Single Malt

the Quaich, and the West Coast Whisky Society offered festival guests

Whisky)及調和威士忌(blended whisky)。參加者更有機會參

the chance to taste more than 120 different brands of the finest single


malt and blended whiskies in the world. They also had a chance to take


classes with ambassadors and educators from distillers in Asia, Europe


and North America.

合了不同類型的威士忌,有時更加入了中性穀物酒精、色素和 調味料的產品,品質可保持不變。單一麥芽威士忌日益普及,

Single malts are whiskies made by a single distillery, distilled


from fermented mash made exclusively with malted grain. Whereas,


blended whisky is the product of blending different types of whiskies and sometimes also neutral grain spirits, colouring and flavourings. The 08



01/02• 來自世界各地的酒廠大使聚首威士忌酒展 Ambassadors and educators from distilleries attending the whisky festival.


05• Canadian Rockies 的品牌大使。 Ambassador of Canadian Rockies

03• Amrut在印度花園城市班加羅爾釀製 Amrut is made in Bangalore, the garden city of India.

06•「Canadian Whisky, The Potable Expert」 是作者品 嘗過加拿大100種頂級威士忌的品茗札記 Canadian Whisky, The Potable Expert has tasting notes on Canada’s 100 top whiskies.

04• 獲獎無數的Canadian Rockies 21 年有著醇厚 的幼滑口感。 Award-winning Canadian Rockies 21 Year Old provides a luxurious, creamy palate.

07• Dalmore Alexander III,單是釀酒木桶已使用了六 個不同風格的木材 Six different styles of wood casks were used to produce Dalmore Alexander III.


08• 除了威士忌外,酒展還供應雞美酒。 Other than whisky, there are cocktails available at the festival. 09• Dalmore亞歷山大三世,是頂級卓越手工的縮影。 The Dalmore King Alexander III is the epitome of handcrafted excellence. 10• Kavalan是台灣東北部唯一家族擁有的威士忌蒸餾廠。 Kavalan is family owned and the only whisky distillery in Taiwan, located on the northeast part of the island.





Elite Choice 11

「威士忌就像一個美麗的女人,是要被欣賞的。 你首先凝視,然後慢慢品嚐。」村上春樹,日本暢銷 書作家。

「威士忌是陽光般的液體。」 蕭伯納,愛爾蘭大文豪劇作家

Thomas興奮地告訴EliteGen:「今年的參展商 包括了一些非常出色、獲獎無數的酒廠。來自印度 12


“Whisky is liquid sunshine.” George Bernard Shaw, Irish Playwright Pygmalion

忌,而Amrut是名符其實世界級的釀酒廠。此外,亦 有來自台灣的Kavalan。而來自卡加里的Highwood 釀酒廠,亦從洛磯山脈帶來了令人無法抗拒的單一麥芽威士忌。」 《星尚》有機會在酒展期間向部分參展酒廠了解他們的精釀,包括獲獎無數的Canadian Rockies 21 年。- Whisky Advocate雜誌對這款威士忌有這樣的形容:「它層次複雜,香氣混和異


國果香和淡淡丁香,白胡椒、甜橡木焦糖及木桶的餘韻營造醇厚極致的口感。」 這些精鍊的描繪來自作家Davin de Kergommeaux,他亦在酒展中推介其新作《Canadian Whisky, The Potable Expert》。他在書中跟讀者分享了他對加拿大最頂級的100款威士忌的品 茗後感,包括最暢銷的佳釀以至一些並不常見、工藝蒸餾廠的出產。他的攤位就在Canadian Rockies的攤位旁。 世界級的Amrut單一麥芽威士忌,只採用於喜馬拉雅山腳種植、由該區流水灌溉並以傳統舊


式農業耕作栽培育而成的特選印度大麥釀製而成。收割後的大麥,被運到海拔3000英尺高、被喻 為印度城市花園的班加羅爾(Bangalore) 。大麥會分小批進行磨碎及蒸餾,以保持其天然香氣, 接著在當地獨有的熱帶氣候下於橡木桶中進行醇化。 日本Nikka的兩家麥芽威士忌蒸餾廠,生產出濃郁、帶泥炭味和粗壯的麥芽。採用直接蒸餾 方式,以天然煤粉加熱,釀成了充滿獨特香氣和質感的威士忌。這種傳統釀製方式,今天即使是 在蘇格蘭,都幾乎沒有蒸餾廠使用。 金車噶瑪蘭酒廠Kavalan位於台灣東北部,是該區唯一由家族擁有的威士忌蒸餾廠。坐落於 水質純淨,空氣清新的環境,絕對是亞熱帶島嶼生產威士忌的最理想環境。世界級的專業知識和 技術,確保了噶瑪蘭單一麥芽威士忌如絲般柔滑的口感和獨特風味,獲全球一致推崇被讚賞。 Dalmore亞歷山大三世,是頂級卓越手工的縮影。要成就這備受尊崇的佳釀,就從密蘇里州

11• Kavalan坐落於水質純淨,空氣清新 的環境,最適合生產威士忌。 Kavalan is located where water is pure and air is fresh, perfect for whisky production.

歐扎克山脈(Ozark Mountain) 的老式美國白橡木酒桶開始。酒液經過無數的採樣後,會被轉移到

12• Kavalan單一麥芽威士忌,口感如絲般 柔滑度,風味獨特,難怪獲全球推崇。 The silky smoothness and distinctive flavours of Kavalan single-malt whisky is appreciated globally.

大師教路 - 如何正確地品嚐威士忌

13• 日本Nikka的兩家麥芽威士忌蒸餾 廠,生產濃郁、帶有泥炭味和粗壯 的麥芽。 From Japan, Nikka’s two malt whisky distilleries produce rich, peaty and masculine malt.


14• 來自蘇格蘭的風笛,相當適合威士忌 酒展。 The Scottish bagpipe music was very fitting for the Whisky Festival.

六個由不同木材製成的木桶,每個木桶的成熟速度不一,從而賦予酒液非常不同的特性。最佳成 熟期取決於木材類型,從而加強威士忌的獨特味道和風範。

Dalmore蒸餾廠的蒸餾大師Richard Paterson指出:「最好使用威士忌聞香杯(nosing copita glass)。把杯放到鼻尖,慢慢嗅一次,第二次和第三次。並細看一下威士忌 – 慢慢來,不要心 下、然後再回到中間,讓酒液在口腔停留一會,然後才慢慢把它吞下。威士忌在口腔中時間越 長,你就越能揭開它深層次的味道。巧克力橙、果醬香料、碎杏仁等味道精髓,都會一一 顯現。很多人都從來沒有做到這一點,他們只是急於把酒液嚥下,實在錯過了威士忌最 精彩的地方。」 「其實要對威士忌認識更多,更加懂得享受,最佳方式莫過如成為威士忌俱樂部 會員。」Thomas Chen說。

15• Nikka的傳統釀製方式,即使在蘇格 蘭,都幾乎沒有酒廠使用。 Nikka’s traditional distilling method is hardly ever used today, even in Scotland. 15 76




16• Nikka釀製的威士忌有獨特香氣 和充滿質感。 Ambassadors and educators from distillers at the whisky festival.

growing popularity of single malts could be attributed to its stronger personality, welcomed by connoisseurs with more sophisticated and discerning tastes. Blended whiskies are consistent in quality, year after year. “Whisky, like a beautiful woman, demands appreciation. You gaze first, then it’s time to drink.” Haruki Murakami, best-selling Japanese author.

17• 酒展的主辦人之一Thomas Chen (左) Festival organizer Thomas Chen (left) 18• 來自印度的Amrut大使,暢談釀 酒心得。 Amrut ambassador gives a talk on Indian whisky

“We have some amazing award-winning participants this year,” an enthusiastic Chen told EliteGen in an interview. “India is producing some excellent whiskies and Amrut is a world-class distillery. We also have Kavalan from Taiwan. We are also seeing incredible single malts coming

19• 酒廠大使與參加者分享威士忌哲 學。 Participants are educated by distillery ambassadors during the festival.

from the Canadian Rockies, produced by Highwood Distillers in Calgary.” During the festival, EliteGen was introduced to the award-winning Canadian Rockies 21 Year Old. Whisky Advocate Magazine referred to as “a delicate yet fragrant, fruit-laden whisky. The complex, exotic fruit salad and


faint lilac-like flowers that characterized the original remain, along with blistering white pepper, sweet oak caramels, and crisp, clean barrel notes on a luxurious, creamy palate.” Those are the words of author Davin de Kergommeaux, who was right next to the Canadian Rockies booth, publicizing his book Canadian Whisky, The Potable Expert, which has tasting notes for Canada’s top 100 whiskies — from bestsellers to rare craft-distillery bottlings. The world-class Amrut Single Malt Whisky, distilled in the garden city of Bangalore, is made from selected Indian barley grown at the foot of the Himalayas, nurtured by the waters flowing there and cultivated by old and traditional agricultural practices. It is carefully mashed and distilled in small batches to preserve the natural aroma, and is aged in oak barrels at an altitude of 3,000 feet. From Japan, Nikka’s two malt whisky distilleries produce rich, peaty and masculine malt. The whisky


gets its distinct aroma and body from direct heating distillation, in which the pot stills are heated with finely powdered natural coal --the traditional method that is hardly ever used today, even in Scotland. Kavalan is Taiwan’s only whisky distillery, located on the northeast part of the island, where water is pure and air is fresh. The fusion of world-class expertise and the artistry of the blender is to ensure that silky smoothness and distinctive flavours of Kavalan single malt whisky can be appreciated globally.


The Dalmore King Alexander III is the epitome of handcrafted excellence. This noble spirit starts its journey in vintage American white oak casks from the Ozark Mountain range of Missouri. After numerous samplings, the liquid is then transferred into six different types of wood, each bestowing its unique characteristics. The optimum maturation period is dependent upon the particular wood to ensure its unique flavour and finesse. Richard Paterson, Dalmore’s master distiller, explains how to enjoy whisky properly. “Get the copita nosing glass. Bring the glass up to your nose. Nose it once, twice and nose it the third time. You need to look at the


whisky. Take your time and don’t hurry. Let it flow, and let it come up in its gentle manner. “Don’t just swallow it. Hold it in the middle of your tongue, underneath the tongue, back in the middle, keep it there and let it down. The longer you keep it in your mouth, the more you can reveal the inner flavour of the whisky. The top notes of chocolate orange, marmalade spice, crushed almond will be there. “The people out there never do that. They just knock it back. Look how much are missing.” “Actually, to learn more about whisky, and to appreciate it further, the best way is to join a whisky club.” said Thomas Chen.

「任何東西過量都是不好的,不過威 士忌從來沒有過量,往往只是勉強足夠。」 馬克吐溫,美國幽默作家 “Too much of anything is bad, but too much of good whisky is barely enough.” American humourist Mark Twain






三宝亭拉麵 – 從新潟市到溫哥華


混麵配雞湯 Maze Soba with chicken soup


Ramen is one of the most


popular dishes in Japan. It


is generally known as noodle


in broth, some with meat and


vegetables. Although the origin of


ramen is unclear, some sources


say it is of Chinese origin. Others


say it was invented in Japan in


the early 20th century. According

本第一家專業的拉 麵店於1920年於橫濱 啟業。

to ramen experts, the first specialized ramen shop opened in Yokohama in 1920.

text | Kenson Ho & Mel Tobias





沾麵的美味醬汁 Special flavourful dipping sauce for Tsukemen

香脆天婦羅蝦沙啦 Crispy Tempura Shrimp Salad

炸春雞加日食塔塔醬 Fried chicken with Tartar Sauce

炸春雞加日式辣醬 Fried Chicken with Chili Sauce

日式揚出豆腐 Agedashi Tofu

Nearly every region in Japan has its own ramen variation: Tonkotsu (pork broth) Ramen of Kyushu, miso Ramen of Hokkaido, Shoyu Ramen from Niigata. Normally, the colder the area, the thicker the broth, and perhaps even oilier. Niigata is really cold and the best sake is made there because of the purity of the water from the mountains. Rice from Niigata has been rated No. 1 in Japan. This rice basks in hot sunlight during summer and is covered with snow during the winter season. The significant temperature fluctuation creates this rice’s savoriness and unique texture.

Vancouverites Love Ramen 日本幾乎每一個地區都有自己的特色拉麵:九州的豬 骨湯拉麵、北海道味噌拉麵,及來自新潟的醬油拉麵。一般 來說,愈寒冷的地區,湯頭就越濃,油份亦較重。新潟市氣 溫甚低,令該區山水的純度十分理想,從而讓他們釀製出最 好的清酒。新潟市出產的白米亦被評為日本最優質的白米。 這種白米在炎熱的夏季時陽光下曬著,到了冬季則被積雪覆 蓋,顯著的溫度變化造就了稻米獨特的味道和質感。

In Canada, sushi has long been the most recognizable food from Japan, but is slowly being dethroned by Ramen. Vancouverites are in love ramen. More ramen shops continue to open and the locals are willing to queue up for their favourite ramen flavour. Sanpoutei from Niigata recently opened its first Canadian restaurant in Richmond. It introduced one of Japan’s most popular and authentic flavours, Shoyu Ramen, the original standard ramen flavour in Japan.

溫哥華人熱愛拉麵 在加拿大,最受歡迎的日本菜式是壽司,但過去5年,這 個皇者地位慢慢地被拉麵取締了。溫哥華人熱愛拉麵,拉麵 店如雨後春笋般開業,本地人亦從不介意排長龍等吃喜愛的 拉麵。

新潟市首家三 宝亭拉麵店 The original Sanpoutei in Niigata

來自新潟市的三宝亭,近日在列治文開設了第一家加拿 大拉麵店。它引入日本其中一種最流行和正宗的味道---醬油 拉麵。這是日本正宗拉麵風味的標準味道。






迷你豬肉片配生雞蛋飯 Mini Butariki Don (pork and egg)

充滿正宗日本風味的關東主 Oden – Simmer boiled egg, radish, fish cakes, konjac, served with mustard


炸春雞加日式柑橘醬 Fried Chicken with Ponzu Sauce

It was an immediate success and behind that success is a young,

主Jennifer Yap,年輕的她不但充滿激情、勤奮,更十分有

passionate, hard-working visionary, Jennifer Yap. She was born in Hong


Kong, but grew up in Vancouver. Initially wanting to be a pastry chef,


she went to cooking school, then worked in the pastry department of


River Rock Casino. She later realized that she did not enjoy baking on a


mass-production scale and decided to concentrate on Japanese cuisine, specifically ramen.

三宝亭 -- 傳統拉麵風味

SANPOUTEI -- Authentic Ramen Flavour

《星尚》問到Jennifer「為甚麼選擇開拉麵店?」她咧嘴地 回答:「拉麵和美食,是我的兩個激情至愛。我想開一家餐

“Why a ramen place?” EliteGen asked Yap. With a


broad smile, she replied: “Ramen and good food, are


my two great passions. I wanted to open a restaurant


where people could really taste the authentic flavour of


Japanese ramen.

製作拉麵時使用了低質素的商業麵粉。後來從一個朋友處 得知,某些在日本的拉麵店,是會在日本以外提供特許經營

”I have been to different ramen shops downtown


and, to be honest, they are not authentic because they


try to make it Vancouver style, like adding cheese to it. You never see this in Japan. Another factor is the low-quality


commercial flour they use in making the ramen.

不同地點品嘗不同的拉麵。有時候,一天試上8家麵店。他們 嘗到不同的口味,有些偏鹹、有些濃味、有些則較清淡。而 寶物尋歸底,他們愛上了最後到訪的拉麵店,這就是三宝亭。

A friend told me of some ramen restaurants in Japan that were offering franchises outside Japan. Then I went to Japan, did a lot of research and got the Sanpoutei franchise


for Canada and went through a long training period.”

市,該集團的使命是提供正宗的拉麵,為食客帶來一個豐富 難忘的美食體驗。集團在日本大島本州西北海岸的新潟市,

Prior to signing the deal with Sanpou Group, Yap, her sister and


brother initially went to five different locations to try the ramen. There were


days when they tried eight noodle shops in one day. They tasted different


flavours; some were salty, some heavy and some light. They fell in love with


the noodles of the last ramen shop they visited, Sanpoutei.

炒豬肉沙啦 Buta Sahbu Salad


濃厚雞味噌, 加軟熟煮蛋 Tori x Miso Ramen with favoured softboiled egg




新潟市的稻田 The rice terraces of Niigata

新潟市的稻田 Rice field from Niigata



白到日本人對他們的烹飪技巧是守口如瓶的,所以她承諾會把他們 的的秘方保密。集團專程安排幾位拉麵師傅從日本前來溫哥華培訓





Tsukemen(三宝亭特別Tsukemen拉麵乾沙丁魚和鰹魚湯) - 最受歡迎的選擇







涉及的所有準備工序。訓練亦包括如何經營餐廳,及所有的清潔工 作。培訓後,我們立刻回到溫哥華,根據日本的規格、監管新麵店







在紐約開設第一家三宝亭。 日式叉燒飯 Chashu Don

來自新潟市的白米, 有獨特的味道與質感 Rice from Niigata has a unique flavour and texture

三宝亭的手製拉麵 Handmade ramen at Sanpoutei

新潟市是最受歡迎的釀製清酒地區之一 Niigata is one of the most popular region for SAKE production

拉麵高湯,準備需時 Broth preparation for ramen

we make the noodles in-house and it takes an hour to make a batch The Sanpou Group comes with a long history.

of noodles. It is very fresh and we know what’s in the noodles. We

Founded in Niigata in 1967, the group’s mission is to

make the noodles a day in advance. Sanpoutei ensures that every

provide authentic ramen and a wholesome, memorable

bowl of ramen served stands 110 per cent for our philosophy and

culinary experience. Their first restaurant opened in Niigata, on the northwest coast of Honshu, the largest island in Japan. It is the most

commitment to ramen noodles. To emphasize our authenticity, the rice served in Sanpoutei is also imported from Niigata.”

popular city of Niigata Prefecture and is only two hours by bullet train from Tokyo. Sanpou Group now has many outlets in different parts of Japan.


They wanted to expand but did not have enough manpower.

Niigata Shoyu Ramen with flavoured soft-boiled egg Tsukemen Ramen (a Sanpoutei special, rich in dried sardines

Yap convinced them that Vancouver was a food city and that a

and bonito aroma) – most ordered dish in the restaurant

visit would confirm the fact that their type of ramen would be well

Maze Soba

accepted by the Japanese food-loving locals. She also realized that

Oden (Radish, Fish Cakes, Boiled Egg)

the Japanese are secretive about their cooking techniques and what

Crispy Tempura Shrimp Salad

she learned will remain unspoken. They now have several Japanese

Deep Fried Spring Chicken with Japanese sauce (Oroshi,Yuzu,

chefs in the restaurant, who will leave after the trainees are ready to

Ponzu Sauce)

take over. This is only the beginning of the Sanpoutei “Getting the franchise is one thing, the extensive training is

invasion. With the first Sanpoutei restaurant in

another,” Yap said. “Our training in Niigata was three months – 12

Canada now fully operational with long,

hours training daily, seven days a week. It included making the

daily lineups, Yap is planning to

noodles and broth and all the preparation involved before cooking.

open in different parts of Canada.

There was also training in running the restaurant and all the cleaning.

In the meantime, she is getting

兩種口味的雪米糍 Two flavours of Mochi ice-cream

ready to help head office launch “Then, to Vancouver for the construction and renovation, with the

the first Sanpoutei in New York.

specifications of the Japanese team. Another important factor is that ELITEGEN




Wine not

原籍意大利南部Calabria的Pasquale Forte先生,他雖非出生自世代相 傳的葡萄酒家族,但從種植穀物及橄欖的父母那裡遺傳了對大地的熱 愛,他在一次遊訪中,愛上了釀酒重鎮Tuscany地區內一個名不經傳的 小村莊Castiglione d'Orcia,見當地的百年莊園Podere Pertucci荒廢多 年,便毅然於1997年斥資收購,改名Podere Forte,展開他以現代新思 維傳承Orcia造酒傳統的大計。他說:種植方式與二千年前無異,但要擁 有領先別人二百年的進取思維。 Hailing from Calabria in southern Italy, he may not boast the ancestry of a long-standing, wine-making family. Nevertheless, Pasquale Forte has inherited a love of the land from his grain- and olive-growing parents.


TasTe The love of The land text | Ivan Wong

Petruccino Orcia D.O.C. 採用的是葡萄園新樹的Sangiovese與Merlot葡萄,於新舊參半的橡木 桶熟成12個月,裝瓶後陳存9個月後才推出,與Petrucci製作理念相 同,但多份清新嬌嫩感覺,算是較為女性化吧! Using the Sangiovese from new plants in the vineyard, and mixing it with Merlot grapes, the blend of new and old grapes matures in oak casks for 12 months. It is stored in bottles for nine more months before being sold. It is made in a similar concept to Petrucci, yet it delivers a refreshing feminine delicacy.





在Forte先生的構思下,Podere Forte不只是一個酒莊,也

After a tour, he fell in love with Castiglione d’Orcia, a little-known


village in the famous wine-making region of Tuscany. He came across


the deserted, century-old Podere Pertucci vineyard, and decided


to snap it up. He changed the estate’s name to Podere Forte and


embarked on his grand plan of combining contemporary concepts


with traditional Orcia wine-making.

是葡萄園,餘下便是牧場和花園。曾任工程師多年的Forte先生, 亦把他的專業知識融入大自然與傳統釀酒技術之中,他採用了細

To him, Podere Forte is more than just a vineyard. It’s a farm


(podere is Italian for farm) that strikes a balance between the


ecosystem and humans, animals and plants. He thinks a perfect


vineyard should be a harmony of nature. In this harmony, all elements

Claude Bourguignon分析,因應每塊葡萄田不同的土壤特質而種

“talk” to each other, and find an understanding in these days of


changing climate.

生物動力學(Biodynamic)耕作法。Sangiovese是Tuscany主要葡 萄品種,亦是Podere Forte的種

Within the 168-hectare vineyard, 8.5 hectares are


used for planting seedlings, 23 hectares for growing


olives and 70 hectares are forest. Only 15 hectares are


used for growing grapes, and the rest is for cattle farming


and gardens. Using refined scientific analysis, he co-


ordinates the landscape with cattle rearing and making


natural fertilizers. He has also adopted the most advanced


technology to build a self-contained ecosystem.

d'Orcia的自然風采,原來,Forte 先生那「要透過杯中液帶出Orcia 地區風貌」宏願,似乎已經踏進得 償夙願的階段了。

The vineyard has undergone thorough analyses Castiglione d'Orcia是Siena一條村莊,位處 Montalcino和Montepulciano之間,被樹林、農田、 葡萄園重重包圍,保留著相當古舊的大自然風景。 Castiglione d'Orcia is a village in Siena, located between Montalcino and Montepulciano and surrounded by woods, farmlands and vineyards -- a postcard-perfect quaint village retaining much of its natural scenic charm.

by soil scientist couple Lydia and Claude Bourguignon to determine the vine species best suited to the soil composition of each plot of the vineyard. Organic farming in the vineyard began in 2004, and later biodynamic farming was applied throughout the vineyard. Sangiovese, the main grape variety of Tuscany, is

Petrucci Orcia D.O.C.

also the mainstay of Podere Forte. He said that the growing method

採用莊園內最好地段、經過嚴格雙重人手篩選的100% Sangiovese葡萄,再經16個月法國橡木桶熟成,裝瓶 後再陳存24個月才推出,年產量只有3,000至4,000瓶。

and the density date back to the ancient Roman era that was the

Grown in the best soil of the vineyard, the 100% Sangiovese goes through double sorting by hand before being put into oak casks to mature for 16 months. It is then bottled and stored for another 24 months before it’s ready for retail. Annual production is limited to between 3,000 and 4,000 bottles.

golden age for Sangiovese. The best way to witness Forte’s dedication to winemaking is by paying the vineyard a personal visit. Nonetheless, the three flagship vintages in front of us help give us a glimpse of the natural essence of Castiglione d’Orcia. It looks like Forte’s grand plan of “showing off the character of Orcia through the liquid in the wine glass” is ready for harvest.

Guardiavigna Toscana I.G.T. 以完全法國派的Cabernet Franc (60至70%) 混合Merlot 及少量的Petit Verdot葡萄釀製,是酒莊結合傳統與 創新思維的代表作,原來Orcia的地區風味也可以 這樣溫柔輕巧的。 A mix of French Cabernet Franc, Merlot and a small portion of Petit Verdot grapes, this is a blend that denotes the vineyard’s philosophy in mixing tradition with innovation. It shows that such lightness is in Orcia’s character too.





Elite Life


SEcrEt Bay, Dominica Redefining LuxuRy


I must never tell my mom.


I am heading out to open sea, alone, in a small


kayak. The sun is hanging low on the horizon


— looks like it will be dark in an hour or so. My


paddle makes a thump on the water. Ugh, my


blade is at a wrong angle. I must admit, I am not


much of a water sports person. Heck, I am not


even much of an adventurer.


What am I doing? Am I out of my mind?


Ten minutes earlier, I was readying for a leisurely

跟我打招呼,他隨口問我: 「妳有沒有到過secret

soak in my private jacuzzi on the deck. Then, the


manager of the resort came by to say “Hello,”


and asked whether I had seen the secret bay yet.


“That is what our resort is named after,” he said.

下,我答到: 「好呀。」

“You must go see it.” In a moment of delusive courage and curiosity, I said, “Yes.’’ text | Leslie Yip photo | Leslie Yip





Secret bay只可乘船到達,島上的環保式豪 華度假酒就是以此這命名。 The eco-luxury resort is named after this secret bay, accessible only by boat.

究竟如何既環保又豪華:別墅全部由可持續的Guyanese Greenheart實木興 建,客房的家私由當地木匠以多明尼加紅杉木製作。 Defining eco-luxury: the villas are built using sustainably-sourced Guyanese Greenheart hardwood, while the bedroom furniture is made by local craftsmen from Dominican red cedar. 別墅的設計穿過森林向海洋伸延,讓住客盡情享受和 暖的熱帶海風及無敵靚景。 The villa cantilevers out through the forest towards the ocean, letting you enjoy the deliciously warm, tropical breezes and the spectacular views.

我正身處多明尼加 (Dominica) ,它位於瓜德羅普 (Guadeloupe)及馬提尼克 (Martinique)之間,是一個加勒比海聯 邦小島 – 千萬不要跟說西班牙語的多明尼加共和國混淆。多明尼 加以英語為主要語言,曾經是法國殖物地,後來成為英國領地, 及後於1978年獨立。其名字的正確發音為Do-mi-NEE-ka(重音放 在第三個音節),就是要向法國致敬。 多明尼加是有名的大自然島嶼,島上的熱帶雨林吸引不少旅 客慕名前往。由於其地形屬山多平地少,而且海岸線不規則,令 興建大型機場及海港變得困難。亦正因如此,小島無法負荷過多 的旅客,令島上的自然生態得以好好保存,可謂百年如一日。有 人說,如果哥倫布今日再次到訪多明尼加,相信他仍會認得島上 的一景一物。

i am in dominica, a small Commonwealth Caribbean island situated between guadeloupe and Martinique -- not to be confused with the Spanish-speaking dominican Republic. dominica is englishspeaking, and its name is pronounced with an emphasis on the third syllable: do-mi-nee-ka, in homage to its french colonial roots prior to becoming British, and then gaining independence in 1978. dominica is known as the nature island. it has all the tropical island features sought by vacationers, but its mountainous landscape and rugged shoreline have prevented the building of expansive airports and seaports, keeping large-scale tourism in check, and allowing nature to thrive. in fact, it is said that Christopher Columbus would still recognize this island, if he visited today. So little has changed. My mission here is simple: to get out of my comfort zone. As we

我的任務非常簡單:就是是走出我的安舒區 (comfort zone) 。

grow older, we tend to build a cocoon around ourselves. We stop


taking risks. We stop pushing ourselves. We close our minds to new


thoughts and challenges. in order to jolt myself out of complacency,


i signed up for the 13-kilometre Boiling Lake hike, ranked as one of


the island’s most demanding trails, through rugged mountains and


treacherous volcanic valleys. This should really test my physical limit.


And this little solo kayak outing is a challenge to my mental fears.





Elite Life

因為恐懼,你曾經多少次向一個又一個在你生命中出現 的機會說「不」?雖然我要孤軍作戰,又不擅於划獨木舟,加 上天又快黑,理性會叫我不要冒這個險,但慶幸今次我戰勝 了恐懼。 當我划著獨木舟穿過一個石拱,secret bay漸漸地出現 在我眼前。夕陽餘暉映照在垂直的懸崖上,海灘一片波光粼 影,當我踏足和暖的細沙,一隻隻迷你沙蟹立即急忙爬走。 除了緩緩的海浪,眼前景物都好像靜止一樣。我終於到達 secret bay,獨自擁抱這無價的大自然美景,我內心為自己 感到無比自豪。小小的冒險換來大大的回報。 我趕及在太陽完全下山前回到酒店的私人沙灘,同一時 間,一個穿著制服的男人駕著快艇回到岸邊。我記得這艘快 艇亦跟我差不多時間起程,當我抵達secret bay時,它亦停 泊在遠處,莫非這真是巧合? 事實上,這間度假酒店出名為顧客提供貼心周到及個 人化的服務。酒店為每間客房提供一部iPhone連防水手機 套,客人無論在酒店內外,都可以隨時聯絡酒店職員,每間 客房更由一位管家專門負責。擁有這樣服務水準的酒店,在 客人出海時派出巡邏艇同行確保客人安全也絕對不足為奇。 以上介紹的就是位於多明尼加Portsmouth懸崖頂的the Secret Bay Resort。整間酒店只有6間別墅,不設大堂、餐 廳或水療中心。酒店為尊貴服務從新定義 — 這裡不設服務 「餐單」 ,只按客人要求及喜好供最個人化的服務。 當預訂房間後,酒店會向客人發出問卷,從而了解客人 的喜好。抵達後,門房職員會在別墅內恭候,協助你安頓一 切。冰箱會按你要求預先添置你喜愛的食物及飲料。酒櫃亦 放滿你心愛的佳釀,如果一時心血來潮想歎spa,只需通知 酒店你想在陽台或客房進行,他們便會立即為你安排。 自2011年開幕至今,Secret Bay度假酒店已經獲獎無 數。包括Travel + Leisure網站選為全球最佳新酒店之一、 TheKnot雜誌評選它為全球最佳蜜月勝地之一、Harper's Bazaar雜誌認為它是頂級酒店、獲Smith Hotel Awards選為 全球最誘人客房第三位、被CNN認為是秘密小島遊 (Secret Island Getaway)。而在Trip Advisor’ s Traveler’ s Choice Awards的十大度假酒店排行中,Secret Bay亦名列第四位。 有些度假酒店標榜華麗,不過Secret Bay卻以貼心服 務為宗旨。當經歷一個歷險之旅後發現原來全程有人貼 身保護,感覺份外窩心。收費方面,可容納一至兩人的 bungalow,每晚$475 ; 可容納最多四人的兩睡房別墅,每 晚由$854起,最少住五晚。網址SecretBay.dm。 你的門房職員及專屬管家就好像911熱線 一樣,隨時候命提供細心周到的服務, 讓你的度假體驗集浪漫、私人及愛寵於 一身。 Your concierge and a dedicated villa attendant are on call to provide discreetq11 service, allowing you to experience the perfect balance of romance, privacy and pampering.





Tia Dalma's Hut

How many times have you said “No” to opportunities in life because you were afraid? I am alone. I am not good at kayaking. It will be nightfall soon. The rational me will never do this, but I am so glad this time. I did not let my fears hold me back. Steering past a stone arch, the secret bay unfurls before me. The setting sun casts a golden light against the vertical cliff in the backdrop, and the pristine beach glistens. Tiny ghost crabs scurry away as I set foot on the warm sand. Here I am, alone in the embrace of nature. All is still, except for the gentle rolling water. A warming sense of pride soars inside me. What a handsome reward for my little emprise. I returned to the resort’s private beach, just before the sun had fully set. I noticed a speedboat with a uniformed man heading back at the same time. That boat left shore just as I began my little adventure. It was anchored in the far horizon as I lounged in the

Indian River

secret bay. Is it just a coincidence that it is coming ashore right as I return? Come to think of it, this resort is known for its discreet, but personal, attentiveness. Each room comes with a complimentary iPhone with a waterproof case so guests can reach the hotel staff anytime -- whether they are inside the resort, or out exploring the island. There is a dedicated personal attendant for each room. At this level of service, it would not be too much of a stretch for them to send a patrol boat to guarantee their guests’ safety while out at sea. This is the Secret Bay Resort, located on a clifftop in Portsmouth, Dominica. The entire resort comprises just six villas, with no lobby, no restaurants and no spa. Luxury has been redefined as having no set menu — everything is to be “a la carte” to your desire. After reserving your stay, the resort will send you a questionnaire to discern your preferences. When you arrive, your concierge will meet you in the comfort of your own villa to help settle you in. Your fridge is pre-stocked, as you instructed. Your wine cooler holds your favourite vintages, and if you fancy a spa treatment on the spur of the moment, just let them know whether you want it on your verandah or in your bedroom. Since it opened in 2011, Secret Bay has swept numerous awards. It has been selected by Travel + Leisure as one of the best new hotels in the world. TheKnot has designated it as one of the best honeymoon destinations in the world; by Harper’s Bazaar as a top resort; by Smith Hotel Awards as the 3rd Sexiest Bedroom in the World and by CNN as a Secret Island Getaway. It has also earned four of the top 10 rankings in Trip Advisor’s Traveler’s Choice Awards. Other resorts may compete in grandeur, but Secret Bay excels in the minutiae of personalized service. It is great to know that you will be taken care of when you return from your adventures on the Nature Island. Bungalows for one to two people go for $475 per night; twoSunrise at Rosalie Bay

bedroom villas, for up to four persons, from $854 per night. Minimum stay of five nights. SecretBay.dm ELITEGEN




Elite Life

訪尋加勒比海盜的蹤跡 2005年春季,來自迪士尼影業的400位演員及工作人員 浩浩蕩蕩的抵達多明尼加,為荷李活電影《加勒比海盜》第二 及第三集進行拍攝,把島上猶如世外桃園般的自然風景搬上 大銀幕。拍攝期間,當地人曾經跟飾演巴積克船長(Captain Jack Sparrow)的尊尼特普 (Johnny Depp)及飾演維廉˙特納 (Will Turner)的奧蘭度布林(Orlando Bloom)近距離接觸,直 至10年後的今日,當地人對此仍然津津樂道。 到訪多明尼加可趁機參觀多個電影中曾出現的景點,以 下是我的心水推介:

Indian River 在尋找聚魂棺 (Dead Man’ s Chest)時,巴積克船長一行人曾駛經一處沼 澤,前往尋求神秘女祭司蒂婭˙達爾瑪(Tia Dalma)的幫助,希望可以找 到深海閻王Davy Jones。這場戲就是沿Indian River取景。這條兩旁種滿 紅樹林的海流位於島上第二首府Portsmouth附近,據說,哥倫布抵達多 明尼加的時候亦曾經駛經這蜿蜒曲折的海道,當日就是1493年11月3日 (星期日) ,而小島亦以此命名–星期日的意大利文是Domenica。 遊覽Indian River的其中一個方法是乘坐觀光小艇(以人手划艇)。這個體驗 類似乘坐迪士尼樂園中的森林之船駛經蒂婭˙達爾瑪的小屋,不過親身 航行於Indian River上當然別有一番風味,單是沿途的景觀已經叫人目不 暇給。遊客可一睹已荒廢的早期鐵道橋,又可以尋持大河蟹的蹤跡。不 妨在著名的Bush Bar稍作休息,歎一杯以當地rum酒、熱帶果汁、肉桂及 肉豆蔻調製而成的招牌特飲Dynamite rum punch。如欲體驗這小艇觀光 之旅,於cobra tours.dm預約,費用為每人$15美金,長程約一小時。

Titou Gorge 電影中維廉˙特納及其船員被關在一個由人骨製成的巨型籠牢中,畫面 上出現的懸崖瀑布及河景就是Titou Gorge。這條河將兩邊懸崖分開,河 水會流進湖中並形成兩條瀑布。它位於著名的沸湖登山徑 (Boiling Lake Hike)的登山口,登山徑全長13千米,走畢需時7小時。它穿越3座山嶺, 帶你走入熱帶雨林,穿過名為Valley of Desolation的火山區,觀看熱騰騰 的火山泥湖、長期處於沸騰狀態的河流及不時噴出硫磺的氣孔,最後到 達就像一個天然沸水鍋的沸湖。 攝製隊在Titou Gorge拍攝期間,其中一名工作人員表示, 「上班的路程十 分有趣。」 因為他要利用他的工具箱來涉水才能到達拍攝場地。穿越Titou Gorge的唯一途徑就是從水路。這裡是不少郵輪旅客的熱門景點,走畢艱 鉅的沸湖登山徑的朋友,回程時亦喜歡來到Titou Gorge。

Soufrière火山 電影中的食人村及繩索橋取景於多明尼加西南岸的Soufrière漁村,鄰近 島上首府Roseau。雖然電影場景已被拆卸,但這裡仍有幾個地方值得一 遊。 遊客可於貫穿Scottshead村及Fort Cachacrou的岩石地峽步道健行。這 是一個非常難得的機會讓你在兩大洋之間遊走,右邊是加勒比海,左 邊是大西洋,不妨用手感受一下兩大洋的水溫,你會發覺差別非常明 顯。堅持走到山頂,迎接你的是整個海岸的無敵靚景。最後當然要獎勵 一下自己,於Bubble Beach Spa歎足部水療,讓雙腳浸泡於火山熱硫 磺及海水中,肯定疲勞盡消。Bubble Beach Spa網址:facebook.com/ BubbleBeachSpaAndTherapy/。

Rosalie Bay 巴積克船長發現卡拉肯 (Kraken) 殘骸的黑沙沙灘位於Londonderry Bay, 不過想親身體驗貼心周到的度假享受,建議入住Rosalie Bay Resort。度 假酒店位於被聯合國教科文組織列為世界文化遺產的Morne Trois Pitons 國家公園山腳,亦是Rosalie河與大西洋的交匯點。酒店有一個被受保護 的黑沙沙灘,每年三種瀕臨絕種的海龜都會在沙灘上岸棲息。 金鳥赫蕉(heliconia) 、百合(lilies)及木槿花(hibiscus) ,為酒店營造鳥語花 香的氛圍。開揚的套房猶如你的私人熱帶度假天堂。餐廳採用的新鮮香 草、水果及蔬菜,來自酒店自設的有機花園。講究平衡養生的朋友,酒 店提供多個專為冥想而設的地點,還有瑜伽班及利用當地火山泥及冷壓 椰子油進行的水療療程,千萬不要錯過欣賞這裡的日出美景,肯定令你 畢生難忘。詳情可瀏覽RosalieBay.com。





Titou Gorge Titou Gorge是一條岩石窄縫間的小河。拐彎入去後,有兩個 天然小瀑布,加上河水清澈碧藍,絕對是別有洞天。 Follow the sparkling water of the Titou Gorge through this crevice, and you will be treated to two waterfalls.

On the Trails of the Pirates of the Caribbean in Dominica In the spring of 2005, more than 400 cast and crew from Walt Disney Studios descended upon Dominica for the filming of Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3, bringing the unspoiled splendour of the Nature Island to the silver screen. A decade later, locals are still sharing tales about their close encounters with Johnny Depp “Captain ( Jack Sparrow” ) and Orlando Bloom “Will ( Turner” ). Visitors to the island can still visit many sites where the movies were shot. Here are a few of my favourites:

Indian River During the search for the Dead Man’ s Chest, Captain Sparrow and his crew navigated through a swampy river to seek the help of Tia Dalma, a mysterious priestess, to find Davy Jones. The scene was filmed along the Indian River, a mangrove-lined river near the island’ s second capital, Portsmouth. It’ s said that Christopher Columbus once sailed up this meandering waterway when he arrived in Dominica on Sunday, Nov. 3, 1493. In fact, the island was named after this day: Domenica is Italian for Sunday. You, too, can explore the Indian River aboard hand-oared river boats. The experience resembles a Disney jungle boat ride as you sail past Tia Dalma’ s hut, but the real enjoyment comes when you admire the scenery along the slow-moving river. See the ruins of an early railroad bridge, and try to spot the big river crabs. Make a stop at the renowned Bush Bar and try their very potent signature Dynamite rum punch, made with local rum, tropical fruit juice, cinnamon and nutmeg. The approximately one-hour boat ride costs US$15 and can be reserved with cobra tours.dm.

Titou Gorge The cliffside waterfall and river scene, in which Will Turner and his shipmates were dropped inside a cage made with bones, can be found at Titou Gorge, a river that cuts between two cliffs and opens up into a pond and two waterfalls. It is located at the trailhead of the famous Boiling Lake Hike -- a seven-hour, 13-kilometre hike that traverses three mountain peaks. It takes you from wet rainforest, through the volcanic Valley of Desolation with bubbling mud ponds, flowing hot rivers and gassing sulphur fumaroles, to the Boiling Lake, a natural cauldron of boiling water heated by the underlying magnum chamber. One production team crew member remarked that shooting at Titou Gorge was a“funny way to get to the office” , as he tread water with his gear box. There is only one access through Titou Gorge, and that is by water. It is a popular stop for cruise ship passengers, as well as those returning from the strenuous Boiling Lake hike.

Soufrière Soufrière

The cannibal village and rope bridge scene of the movie was filmed on the southwest coast of the island, in the fishing village of Soufrière, close to the island’ s capital of Roseau. While the movie set has long been dismantled, there are still a number of unique experiences to be found. Track along the rocky isthmus linking the village of Scottshead to Fort Cachacrou. This is a rare chance for you to walk between two oceans: on your right is the Caribbean Sea; on your left, the Atlantic. Dip your fingers into the water to feel the temperature difference (it is very noticeable). Once you reach the top of the hill, you will be treated to a panoramic view of the coast. Afterwards, soothe your legs with a soak in a therapeutic combo of volcanic hot sulphur and sea water at the Bubble Beach Spa. facebook.com/ BubbleBeachSpaAndTherapy/

Rosalie Bay

Valley of Desolation Valley of Desolation位處活火山上,土地燙熱得 寸草不生,河水流著刺鼻的硫磺,周圍還滿佈冒 著煙的火山洩氣口。 Sulphur rivers and steaming volcanic vents make for an other worldly experience in the Valley of Desolation.

The ominous black sand beach where Captain Sparrow made his landing and found the remains of the dead Kraken is at Londonderry Bay, but for a more pampered and immersive experience, stay at the Rosalie Bay Resort. It is nestled in the foothills of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Morne Trois Pitons, where the Rosalie River meets the Atlantic Ocean. Here, three species of endangered sea turtles come ashore annually to nest on the resort’ s protected black sand beach. The resort is set in a lush garden of heliconia, lilies and hibiscus. The expansive suites are your personal haven in tropical paradise. The restaurant features fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables grown in the resort’ s own organic garden. For those into wellness, there are meditation spots throughout the property, private yoga lessons and spa treatments, using local volcanic mud and cold-pressed coconut oil. Be sure to catch the sunrise there — you will not regret it. RosalieBay.com

Black Sand Beach ELITEGEN




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Cocoa Cottage


Practical Information

前往多明尼加 Air Antilles/Winair航空公司有航班每日由St. Maarten的Princess Juliana 機場前往 多明尼加。其他中轉站包括安提瓜 (Antigua) 、巴巴多斯 (Barbados)、波多黎各 (Pueto Rico)及瓜德羅普 (Guadeloupe) 。如果乘坐飛機離境,雖繳付$22美元離境 稅。詳情可瀏覽AirAntilles.com。

Arriving in Dominica Air Antilles/Winair flies daily from Princess Juliana Airport in St. Maarten. Other regional hubs include Antigua, Barbados, Puerto Rico and Guadeloupe. When leaving the island by air, there is a US$22 departure tax. AirAntilles.com

當地交通 遊客可透過酒店或旅客中心獲得當地認可導遊的聯絡資料。 貨幣 當地官方貨幣為東加勒比元 (EC$),不過美元亦被廣泛使用。遊客到訪各受保育景 點如Indian River及Trafalgar Falls時,每個景點會收取$5美元費用。如打算到訪多 個景點,可考慮購買星期票 ($12美元) ,可於一星期內無限次數使用。 電壓 多明尼加的電壓為220伏特。如果電器不支援雙電壓,建議帶備變壓器。你或許亦 需要帶備多插孔的插頭,因為當地的電掣插頭可能是美式 (兩直腳插頭) 、英式 (呈 三角形的三直腳插頭)及印度式 (圓腳插頭) 。 有關多明尼加的詳細資料,可瀏覽Dominica.dm。

Local Transportation The names and phone numbers of certified tour guides can be obtained at hotels or through Tourist Information Centres. Currency The Eastern Caribbean dollar (EC$) is the official currency, but US dollars are widely accepted. Note that visitors to eco-sites, including the Indian River and the Trafalgar Falls, are required to pay a US$5 fee at each site. A weekly pass with unlimited access is also available for US$12. Electricity Voltage The voltage in Dominica is 220, so you will need a converter or transformer if your appliance does not support dual voltage. It’ s recommended that you also bring along a multiple socket adapter, as electrical outlets in Dominica can come in American type (two straight prongs), British type (three straight prongs in triangle format) and Indian type (round prongs). For more information about visiting the island, go to Dominica.dm.





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elite Car 凌志新境界

RC F Coupe

takes Lexus into new territory 凌志車廠素以製造堅固、可靠、豪華和某程度上保守的汽車和運動型 多用途車著稱。與其姊妹廠豐田一樣,凌志汽車過去為人稱頌的並不 是其時尚款式,不過為適應市場的需要,凌志已改變策略。 Lexus has forged its reputation on building solid, reliable, luxurious and somewhat conservative cars and SUVs. Like its Toyota cousins, Lexus vehicles have never been known for their styling flair. text, photo | Lorne Drury Metroland Media

凌志RC F車頭巨型主軸進氣格柵看來很有霸氣。 The massive spindle grille gives the Lexus RC F an aggressive look up front.







01•凌志注重RC F的性能,同時也保持讓這品牌有良好聲譽的 豪華品質。 While concentrating on performance, Lexus hasn’t forgotten the luxury touches that have created a stellar reputation for the brand over the years. 02•RC F後座位並沒有太多的伸腳空間,但若前座位拉前一點 的話,後座亦可坐上成年人。 There’s not much rear-seat legroom in the RC F, but the back seats can accommodate adults if the front seatbacks are pulled forward. 03• 沒有渦輪增壓器或超級增壓器,但有5.0公升V8引擎,產生 超過467匹馬力,扭力超過389磅/呎。 There’s no turbocharger or supercharger here, simply a 5.0-litre V8, producing 467 hp and 389 lb/ft of torque.



That has all changed in the past couple of years, however, as the Lexus brand


has really gone out on a styling limb with a much more edgy look, as witnessed by


its huge spindle grille. It’s a love-it-or-hate-it proposition. Some say it’s a face “only


a mother could love,“ but as always, it’s all a matter of taste.


This styling revolution comes about as Lexus tries to set itself apart from the


Audis, BMWs and Mercedes of the world. Or more to the point, Lexus is now trying


to match or surpass the best that the Europeans have to offer.

以往凌志在性能方面可能較為輸蝕,但這已成過 去。這部RC F高性能跑車,是寶馬M4、奧迪S4和平

One area that Lexus was lacking was on the performance side of the equation. No more.

治AMG款的超強競爭對手。RC F是凌志第二部V8「F 系」 ,採用凌志LFA超級跑車的最佳調節和技術。

Enter the Lexus RC F high-performance sports coupe, a solid contender against the BMW M4, Audi S4 and Mercedes-Benz AMG models. The RC F is the

凌志RC F首次在加拿大亮相是其2015年款,而 2016年款並沒有甚麼改變,都是以RC 350跑車為藍

second V8 ‘F series’ model from Lexus, taking the best of tuning and technology that went into the Lexus LFA supercar.

本製造的,只是RC F更會令所有跑車發燒友笑逐顏 The RC F arrived in Canada as a 2015 model and, for 2016, returns


unchanged. It is based on the RC 350 Coupe, but make no mistake -- the RC F is 它配備了凌志車廠歷來馬力最強勁的V8引擎。這

the model that will put a smile on the face of any performance junkie.

台全新5.0公升32氣門V8引擎,在高轉數時所迸發出 的最大馬力比過去的同級引擎高,馬力輸出超過467

It comes with the most powerful V8 in the Lexus lineup, a 5.0-litre 32-valve

匹,扭力超過389磅/呎。它還備有布雷博(Brembo) 高

power plant generating 467 horsepower and 389 lb/ft of torque. It also comes with


massive Brembo brakes and rides on 19-inch forged aluminum wheels.





Elite Car 從後面看來,凌志RC F有著高性能跑車的外觀,備有4個疊著的排氣喉和短車尾。 From the rear, the Lexus RC F has the look of a high-performance machine with its stacked quad exhausts and short rear deck.

RC F配備19吋鍛造鋁合金軨。 The RC F comes with 19-inch forged aluminum wheels.

RC F尾箱容量有287公升,可放上兩個高爾夫球袋或行李 箱。此外,較長的物件如雪橇亦可穿過。 With 287 litres of cargo room, the RC F will hold a couple of golf bags or luggage for a weekend getaway. There is also a pass-through for longer items, like skis.

這台引擎與IS F轎車所用的一樣,但已改良到可以提供高

This is the same engine as in the IS F, but it has been reworked to

12%功率的馬力。新的引擎配備了重新調校的8前速Sport Direct

offer 12 per cent more power. With the new engine comes a new eight-

Shift (SPDS) 跑車波箱,可順序換檔和在方向盤上安裝了撥片

speed Sport Direct Shift transmission, featuring sequential shift operation


and steering-wheel-mounted paddle shifters.

駕駛者可以選擇四種駕駛模式,包括:常規、跑車S,跑車 S+ 和手動,引擎採用自然吸排氣,這表示它並沒有在現今一般

The driver can select from four drive modes: Normal, Sport S, Sport S+ and Manual.

的轎跑車中可找到的渦輪增壓器或超級增壓器。 The engine is naturally aspirated, meaning there is no turbocharger or 這個巨大的V8引擎,就是我們常在高性能汽車所見的一

supercharger that comes with many sports coupes these days.

樣,而這個設計像在V10 LFA般,提供幾乎是即時的扭力。 This is a big old V8 engine like we used to see in almost all 這部前置引擎、後輪驅動的轎跑車勁力十足。在加拿大汽 車新聞從業員協會年度最佳汽車的測試中,錄得其由靜止狀態

performance vehicles and this one has been designed to deliver almost instantaneous torque, like in the V10 LFA.

加速至時速100公里僅需5.1秒,在尊貴—性能(售價超過75,000 元)組別中,它與平治AMG GT S、保時捷Cayman GT4和凱迪 拉克(Cadillac) CTS-V一起角逐年度最佳汽車的殊榮。

Power is no issue for this front-engine, rear-drive coupe that put in a 0-100 km/h acceleration number of 5.1 seconds during AJAC’s performance testing for the 2016 Canadian Car of the Year awards,

據廠方提供的資料,RC F由時速80公里加速至120公里只

competing in the Prestige Performance (over $75,000) class against the


Mercedes-Benz AMG GT S, Porsche Cayman GT 4 and Cadillac CTS-V.

均顯示它較標準略為低了一點。 The RC F also posted a 3.8-second 80-120 km/h time with a 100 不過,RC F的售價也較低,基本價格為81,650元,比最接 近的競爭對手便宜超過1.5萬元。若加上一套包括特別為RC F配

km/h-0 stopping distance of 38.2, with all marks being slightly off the standards set by the competition.

置的Torque Vectoring Differential(TVD)差速器、特殊輪胎、碳 纖維車頂和主動式設計的碳纖維尾定風翼的性能選置套裝,售 價為89,050元。

However, the RC F was priced more than $15,000 less than the next closest competitor coming in at $89,050 with options, up from the base price of $81,650 with the optional performance package, which gives

凌志車廠指出,RC F是全球首部使用TVD差速器的前置引 擎、後輪驅動的汽車。TVD是一個電子系統,將最大的扭力傳 送到每個後輪。





you Torque Vectoring Differential (TVD), unique wheels, carbon fibre roof and carbon fibre active rear spoiler.

RC F的車身外型較低和寬闊。它比RC 360更低、更闊和更長,而其 較寬的輪胎和經改良的車身,令這款高性能轎跑車有最佳的表現。 它的車尾設計特色有不少是來自LFA超級跑車,例如凸出的擋泥板、 疊排氣喉和4連桿主動尾翼。

SPEC Lexus RC F 2016 車身款式:豪華、高性能4座位轎跑車。 驅動方式:前置引擎,後輪驅動。

坐在RC F的車廂內,感覺有如在飛機駕駛艙般,所有配件都以駕駛者 為中心。RC F的方向盤、座椅和腳掣均採用獨有設計,而部分功能如主儀 表板等則是來自LFA。

引擎: 5 公升32氣門DOHC V8引擎 (467匹馬力及 389 磅/呎扭力),配以8速自動波。 耗油量: 15.2/9.5/12.6 公升/100 公里(市內/高速公 路/綜合) ,須用優質無鉛汽油。

RC F擁有縫線色調反差強烈的高背座椅。在高速駕駛時它為司機提供 良好的支撐,而在一般駕駛時它也相當舒適。

尾箱容量:287公升。 價格:81,650元,用作測試之車售89,050元。 網址: www.lexus.ca

這輛轎跑車的後座空間有限,尾箱的容量有287公升。不過,RC F肯 定是一輛可作日常使用的汽車—它不僅是部「泊在車庫只供晴朗日子使用」 的那類型汽車。

優點: 凌 志創製了一部真正高性能轎跑車,能與歐 洲最佳的轎跑車爭長短。 缺點: 資 訊娛樂系統的輕觸式控制器使用起來稍嫌

一如其他凌志汽車,這部RC F裡面的裝置一流,配備豪華真皮座椅和 美麗、優雅的高檔配件。

繁瑣。 誘人之處: 這 輛高性能轎跑車很多功能都是來自凌 志LFA超級跑車。

RC F轎跑車的面世,顯示凌志車廠所打造的優質高性能車,能與現今 世界最佳的轎跑車爭一日之長短,並沒有犧牲凌志這著名品牌眾所期望的 豪華和高質。 Lexus says the RC F is the world’s first front-engine, rear-wheel-drive vehicle to use TVD, an electronic system that optimizes torque transfer to each rear wheel. Outside, the RC F has a low profile with a wide, athletic stance. It is lower,

BODY STYLE: luxury, high-performance, fourpassenger sport coupe. DRIVE METHOD: front-engine, rear-wheel-drive ENGINE: 5.0-litre 32-valve DOHC V8 (467 hp, 389 lb/ft of torque) with eight-speed automatic transmission. FUEL CONSUMPTION: 15.2/9.5/12.6 L/100km (city/ hwy/comb) using premium

wider and longer than the RC 350 and comes with wider tires and body enhancements to maximize performance. The rear also has an athletic look with its bulging fenders, stacked exhaust pipes and four-link active wing that is adopted from the LFA. Inside, the cabin has a cockpit-like feel with everything driver-centric. The steering wheel, seats and pedals are unique to the RC F, while some features like the primary instrument cluster have been adopted from the LFA. The high-back seats with high-contrast stitching are highly bolstered for high-G manoeuvres, yet they are comfortable for everyday driving as well. Back-seat room is limited, as is cargo space (287 litres). However, the RC F is actually a car you could live with on a daily basis. It’s definitely not a “take-itout-only-on-a-sunny-day” type of car. As expected in a Lexus, fit and finish inside is superb with sumptuous

unleaded. CARGO CAPACITY: 287 litres PRICE: $81,650; as tested (with Performance Package), $89,050. WEBSITE: lexus.ca What’s Best: Lexus has created a true highperformance sports coupe to compete with the best that Europe has to offer. What’s Worst: the touchpad controller for the infotainment system is fussy to use. What’s Interesting: Many features on this highperformance coupe were adopted from the Lexus LFA supercar.

leather seating and beautiful, classy-looking trim accent pieces. In the RC F, Lexus has done a fine job crafting a high-performance car that can compete headon with the best sports coupes in the world without sacrificing the luxury and quality one expects from the Lexus brand. 凌志車廠把LFA超級跑車多個功能應用在2016 RC F高性能 轎跑車上。 Lexus has incorporated many features from its LFA supercar into its high-performance 2016 RC F Coupe, designed to take on the best sports coupes that Europe has to offer.





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其實分體式設計都真的很方便,用家可以將鏡頭拆下來安裝在指定位 置,屏幕部分還可以live view及遙控快門,適合用來自拍或一大班朋友一 起群拍。或者配合專用的多角度腰帶裝置,將鏡頭固定在頭部、背囊及手 腕等地方作攝錄,非常方便。




與自拍神器共用,用家只須要在手機安裝EXILIM CONNECT app,就可



豈止如此。新機出人意料的加入了美肌 功能,其實整個操作與「自拍神器」很相 似,就像是一部分體式多功能版自拍神 器,明顯Casio係想打入女性運動市場。

站。 另一項新加入的Highlight Movie拼接動畫亦相當好玩,用家亦只須要 選擇好日期,相機便可自動在所選的日子中挑選拍攝得最好的短片,組合 為一條全高清短片。這項功能的運算方式是參考專業電影製作人的故事 創作技術而得來,所以才可將零碎的短片拼接成為一個完整故事,相當有 趣。

Spring is in the air, so get ready to enjoy

the lens is detachable and can be mounted on desired spots. the monitor

the magnificent outdoors. Sporty cameras

screen (controller) can be used for live viewing and as a remote shutter, ideal

are still a hit after a good run last year, and

for capturing oneself or a group of people. the multi-angle belt set accessory

outdoor photo enthusiasts favour models

for shooting.

that are lightweight, shock- and water-

allows the camera to be conveniently affixed on the head, backpack or wrist

this camera also has the instant photo upload function of a selfie stick,

resistant, foolproof and capable of taking

using the same app as the stick. install the eXilim ConneCt app on your

wide-angle shots. Casio, the brand known

smartphone, and use the app to link up with the camera and instantly upload

for selfie cameras, offers much more with its latest model. It works like a multifunctional detachable selfie stick, and also

pictures and movies for sharing on social media. the new Highlight movie function that connects different clips and photos is also great fun. Pick a date and the camera will automatically select the best-quality shots taken on that date and assemble them into a high-definition

comes with a “beauty” function, perhaps

movie. the algorithms for this function references the editing technique of

aiming to win over the hearts of women

professional movie creators, stringing together different footages and stills to

who love the outdoors.

新機外形和上一代分別不 大,總共推出黑、白及黃三 種顏色。 The new model looks like its predecessor, and comes in black, white or yellow.

鏡頭和屏幕可一分為二, 用法更加靈活。 The camera lens can be detached from the monitor screen to add flexibility.

form a complete story. fascinating, indeed.

鏡頭設有開關掣、錄影掣及快門掣。 The camera lens is equipped with an on/off button, as well as movie and shutter buttons.

屏幕右側亦同樣設有開關掣、錄影掣及快門掣。 The controls for on/off, movie and shutter are also present at the right side of the monitor screen.

鏡頭右側為SD卡槽。 The SD card slot is to the right of the lens.

鏡頭更可和鉸鏈環分拆開來,以便裝入環形 燈架。 The lens can also be detached to mount the LED ring flash attachment.





Hi-Tech 搶攻手機市場

ZEISS ExoLEnS wITH opTIcS AttAcking the cellphone mArket text | Ringo

眼見愈來愈多人連去旅行也用手機拍照,如果知道將會推出這三支鏡頭, 肯定小型相機會進一步失寵…… More and more people are using cellphones to take pictures, even when they’re travelling. With these three new lenses, small cameras will certainly lose further market share. 一向都為iPhone度身訂造外置鏡頭的ExoLens,宣布了一個大家引頸以待的合作夥伴─蔡司 (Zeiss)。今次推出的三支鏡頭分別是0.6X廣角、3X長鏡以及macro微距,全部都會採用T*防反 光塗膜。 iPhone的鏡頭像素從沒有高踞過手機榜冠軍,但不少人(包括很多LG、Sony、Samsung用 家) 都承認iPhone拍攝效果無出其右,這次把iPhone搭上蔡司,期望是如虎添翼的組合。 網民吹捧「人人有機會做攝影大師」,我們當記者的,最希望去記者會、 去錶展去時裝show時,多拍幾張好照片放上網,賺多幾個like便好了。 產品將於第二季推出,未知定價如何,但坊間估計每支鏡頭大概會由 US$150-180起。 ExoLens, a company that produces custom external lenses for iPhones, recently announced a long-awaited partnership with Zeiss. With the new partnership, the company is introducing three lenses — 0.6X wide angle, 3X telephoto and macro — all utilizing Zeiss’s T* anti-reflective coating. iPhone built-in lenses have never been top among cellphones, in terms of number of pixels. However, many users (including LG, Sony, and Samsung owners) still acknowledge that pictures taken using iPhones are superior. Now, with iPhone’s partnership with Zeiss, we should expect an even more powerful combination. The Internet community promotes this new combination as “an opportunity for everyone to become a photography master.” For journalists, our hopes are modest. As long as we can earn a few more “likes” by taking a few more pictures at watch shows and fashion shows to post online, we will be quite satisfied. This product will be on the market during the second quarter of the year. Pricing information is not yet available, but each lens is expected to sell for US$150 and up.





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