EliteGen《星尚》 2016 TORONTO July-August Luxury Magazine (Chinese/English)

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A publication by Sing Tao Media Group July/August


July/August 2016 Vol. 18 Toronto


Tiffany & Co. Art of Transformation


Omega Globemaster in the City of Angels Annie Liu : LeisureLy enjoying the scenery


Summer Parade of Handbag Stars



Annie Liu


Leisurely enjoying the scenery CAN$4.99


BoyFriend_Watches_DPS_EliteGen.indd All Pages

16-06-23 16:42

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Read Online: EliteGen.singtao.ca iOS App: “EliteGen” in App Store

編輯部 editorial

編輯主任 Editors

胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 葉子青 Leslie Yip

加西版 Can West

張萬青 Katherine Cheung

編審 Copy Editor

Ross Hopkins

助理編輯 Assistant Editor 參與 Contributors

吳皓沂 Crystal Ng Grace Chan, Iris Chui, Lorne Drury,

Kenson Ho, Peonne Lung, Zoe Mak, Monessa Ng,

Renée S. Suen, Mel Tobias, Shuk Wa Tsang,

Livian Wu, Miranda Yiu

美術部 art


廣告及市場部 sales & marketing 副總裁 Vice President 營業經理 Manager

出版 Publishing

袁樹燊 Johnson Yuen 梅湄 Amy Mui Sing Tao Daily Limited

編輯部 Editorial Hotline EliteGen@singtao.ca / 416-861-8168 Address : 221 Whitehall Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 9T1 營業部 Advertising Hotline EliteGen@singtao.ca / 905-754-1532 發行部 Distribution Hotline circulation@singtao.ca / 905-752-0133

Shaping Facial Lift NEW

Enhancing Eye Lift Serum Bigger, brighter, bolder eyes.

Every pose, a perfect V pose! Re-contour your face, open up your amazing gaze!

立体V脸,深邃电眼 每个角度都自信!

追求完美的你,深知擁有立體V 臉和深邃電 眼才是決定因素!嬌韻詩專注於輪廓與植物 科學研究超過15 年,首創兩款精華產品,帶 給你絕美輪廓。兩者富含三種強效植物提取 物,包括瓜拉納、紅球薑和柿果精萃,幫助促 進脂肪分解,對抗水腫,穩固臉部線條與眼部 輪廓,使臉部輪廓驚人美麗,每個角度都無懈 可擊!

Guarana for slimming action. Zerumbet Ginger for de-puffing action. Oat polyose and kaki for lifting action.

It’s all about you.

contents JUL


Fashion headline



summer Parade Of handbag stars

cover story


Watch story

LeisureLy enjoying the scenery Annie Liu



悠然看風景 劉心悠


32 粉色天堂 PAsteL heAven


40 尋找香奈兒設計靈感之源 chAnneLLing coco

Omega glObemaster In the CIty Of angels

62 一分鍾換萬年曆 one-minute mAkeover of A PerPetuAL cALendAr 63 最複雜大炸彈 the most comPLicAted torPedo

46 經典復刻 vAn cLeef & ArPeLs Bouton d'or cLAssic reincArnAted

Fashion neWs

48 幻變樂章 tiffAny & co. Art of trAnsformAtion

64 richmond centre開設新門市 scotch & sodA oPens new LocAtion At the richmond centre


66 糖衣上的世外桃源 gucci A sugAr-coAted PArAdise

Men’s Picks

68 棱角銀 rough edges in siLver

a1 Model search

50 summer sPLAsh

Watch neWs

60 色 . 誘 roLex coLour APPeAL

passion and performance. Chopard proudly supports porsChe motorsport sinCe 2014.

superfast Chrono porsChe 919 edition (168535-3002). Chopard movement, Calibre 03.05-m

s u p e r fa s t sherway Gardens, toronto 416.622.9400 markville shopping Centre, markham 905.477.1273 vaughan mills mall, Concord 905.660.9993 www.loro.ca

contents JUL





hIgh teCh lIfe bOth IndOOrs and OutdOOrs

elite car


亮麗高貴 功能出眾 InfInItI QX60 aWd 2016 has a gOOd thIng gOIng



英吉利灣全新美食熱點 beaCh bay CafÉ and PatIO englIsh bay destInatIOn


70 塑顏新提 new tiPs on skin rejuvenAtion

Wine not

92 混酒鼻神 the nose of A mAster BLender

Beauty neWs

76 25倍極速修護銀箔臉膜 estÉe LAuder AdvAnced night rePAir concentrAted recovery PowerfoiL mAsk

elite liFe

94 佛羅倫斯貴族遊 fLorence, itALy Living Like A mediciv


104 煤氣鎮 精采絕倫的購物體驗 the wonderfuL BoutiQue worLd of gAstown

Just For Fun

108 兩種馬主 不一樣的喜樂 win-win horse ownershiP


116 經典重塑 mint sLr 670 - s

77 過敏肌膚照曬可也 esthederm sun uLtimAte suncAre for intoLerAnt And hyPersensitive skin 78 純天然草本美肌 coming uP roses Food

79 壽司工匠 從心出發 sushi ArtisAn creAtes from his heArt


82 滿地可 美食薈萃 montreAL 2.0

部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 All prices are in CAD unless otherwise specified. 除特別標明外,所有價錢以加幣計算。


Dress Code text | 蔡安儀

Celia Wong 著名形象設計師黃欐堯Celia,曾任陳慧琳、謝安琪、孫耀威、江若琳等藝人的形象設計,亦有參與唱片封套形象設計及演唱會形象指導。 早年出書教人襯衫扮靚,近年主力負責個人形象和美容指導,還開設個人網誌celiawong.com,分享服裝潮流及扮靚心得。 Famous designer Celia Wong has been image designer for many celebrities, including Kelly Chan, Kay Tse, Eric Suen and Elanne Kang, and has also been a designer of many album covers and image director of numerous concerts. Wong has written books offering tips about clothing and beauty. In recent years, she has focused on coaching individual clients on image and beauty, and even started her own blog (celiawong.com) to share fashion trends and beauty tips.


東方 霸氣




交叉 減分



摩登 古典


Gong Li

Michelle Reis

Karen Mok

鞏俐這身Roberto Cavalli晚裝裙簡直無與倫比,扇 形衣袖配露肩設計,很有東方氣派,貼身剪裁盡現 S形線條,再佩戴Piaget過千萬藍寶石鑽飾,高貴 性感。

交叉圖紋不要亂穿,否則就好像 「大美人」 李嘉欣這 樣,全身變得很亂很busy。Simone Rocha裙雖則 上身夠貼身,但下身cutting不闊又不窄,感覺較尷 尬,有點不太適合!

一看莫文蔚這身打扮已經覺得很亮麗,最欣賞她腰 間的金色花花腰帶,華麗又能點綴全身,加上裙子 的質料及印花很摩登,配上她的古典髮型,令人眼 前一亮。

This Roberto Cavali evening gown, worn by Gong Li, is one of a kind. Its fan-like sleeves and off-the-shoulder design exude an Eastern flair, while the tight-fit cut accentuates Li’s shapeliness. A blue sapphire necklace, worth more than $10 million, completes the sexy, elegant look.

Criss-Cross patterns should not be worn without considerable care, or else you might end up looking like the “Goddess of Beauty” Michelle Reis here - - messy and busy. While the Simone Rocha dress fits tightly on top, the cut at the bottom is neither loose nor fitting, giving it an awkward and inappropriate feel.

The gold floral belt accentuates Karen Mok’s look and brings elegance to the entire ensemble. The material and print of the dress are modern, and in sharp contrast to her classic hairstyle, resulting in a refreshing look.




Grande Seconde SW Red Gold, ref. J029033401 橡胶化处理的黑色表盘。表冠经橡胶铸模处理。 18K红金表壳。陀飞轮自动上链机芯。 7天动力储存。6时位置设小时和分钟盘, 12时位置设陀飞轮框架和秒针桥板。直径45毫米。


Sherway Gardens Toronto 416.622.9400 www.loro.ca

Dress Code


霸氣 晨褸




過度 老態



有型 性感


Shu Qi

Jennifer Tse

Charlene Choi

穿褲子不一定要斯斯文文,舒淇披上一件淺藍色超 長晨褸,即時為這身造型增添不少霸氣,再配上 La Perla性感黑色緊身束衣及Jimmy Choo閃石高跟 鞋,簡約得來又有焦點,絕對有型!

謝婷婷這條褐色Max Mara oversize jumpsuit相當老 氣,寬袍大袖,原本身型窈窕的她,也顯得下身肥 腫,而且內搭透視魚網上衣配搭古怪,完全遮蓋了 她平常性感健康的style。

阿Sa身上的Maison Valentino蕾絲裙時尚又型格, 特別喜歡裙子的透視蕾絲設計,帥氣中帶點性感, 配上一對Jimmy Choo厚底高跟鞋,渾身流露民族 色彩,好漂亮!

Pants don’t have to be demure. Here, Shu Qi adds a baby-blue, extra-long robe, which speaks of instant bossiness. Paired with a black tight-fitting bodysuit by La Perla and heels with glittering stones by Jimmy Choo, the look is simple, focused and super cool!

This loose and oversized Max Mara jumpsuit is too old a look for Jennifer Tse and makes her very fit body looks bloated. The fishnet long sleeves base layers looks strange and out of place, and the outfit completely masks her sexy and healthy look.

Charlene Choi’s Maison Valentino lace dress is trendy and stylish. The lace brings a look of coolness and sexiness and, when matched with a pair of Jimmy Choo platform shoes, provides an ethnic and attractive presence.




Dress Code



突然 正經


風格 絕配


低調 性感


Jennifer Lawrence

Sophie Turner

綠色是Rihanna當晚的打扮主調,頒獎台上的鮮綠 晚裝,當然令人印象深刻,但這身走個紅地氈的深 色套裝打扮卻似乎更不尋常,畢竟少見她不賣性 感,怎樣突然變得這麼端莊?

《變種特攻:天啟滅世戰》 的試映活動,影后珍妮花 理所當然地最受粉絲歡迎,打扮不用有新意,穿上 她最愛的Dior,還要是最常曝光的白色長裙,不就 很好看與很性感嗎!

其他同場女星,似乎不好意思太搶鏡,例如Sophie 就身穿黑色長袖長尾晚裝,四平八穩為上,尤幸胸 前與兩側開了不少孔洞位,玩低調性感也可!

Green is the main colour for Rihanna this night. The bright green evening gown on the award stage was indeed memorable, but this dark green suit on the red carpet looks rather unusual. Rihanna hardly ever misses the chance to show off her sexiness. How come she is suddenly proper here?

At the X-Men: Apocalypse preview, Oscarwinning actress Jennifer Lawrence is, of course, a fan favourite. Her look doesn’t have to be too creative. Nevertheless, this white Dior maxidress is very attractive and sexy.

Some stars aren’t necessarily interested in drawing attention to themselves. For instance, Sophie Turner’s black long-sleeve, long-train evening gown seems to be a safe bet. However, it does have holes in the bust area and on the sides, providing a low-key sexiness.

裙:Thierry Mugler 鞋:Manolo Blahnik

裙:Dior 首飾:Pomellato

裙:Balmain 裙:Jimmy Choo 裙:De Beers

網評:出奇多過有特色。 Webbuzz: Unusual is not always outstanding!

網評:事業線真是不得了! Webbuzz: Her career keeps soaring!

網評:還能遮掩她那非常健碩的身形! Webbuzz: Too bad it hides her very fit physique!








照樣 碰壁


高手 失準


左右 真空

Britney Spears

Jessica Alba


既然Britney的體重和身形不斷浮沉,就不應該嘗試 太多古怪造型,偏偏這個全黑look太多細節,不僅 透視位及網型boot都太難carry,也顯得整個人浮 腫。

時尚達人級女星失手已不是新聞,謝茜嘉可能覺得 沉悶便來點新意思,只不過長boot放在她身上土味 頗濃是事實,加上這個充滿偽東方味的髮型就更糟 糕!這樣子就失手了!

光靠事業線和長腿明顯不能夠滿足觀眾,不如好像 Ciara那樣毫無保留,銀色晚裝前面夠奪目,左右兩 邊真空,全方位大秀美好身段,必能令觀眾望多兩 眼。

Since Britney Spears’s weight keeps fluctuating, it’s not a good idea to try too many new looks. This all-black outfit has too many details, such as the see-through top and the fishnet boots. Both are difficult to carry and make the person look too bloated.

It’s not surprising that even the trendiest stars sometimes miss the mark. Jessica Alba may be trying some new ideas to break the tedium, but the long boots look too country on her. The faux Asian hairstyle also “accidentally” misses the mark.

Sometimes displaying both cleavage and long legs isn’t enough to satisfy the audience. So why not reveal more, like Ciara does? This eyepopping silver gown, with both sides open, shows off her beautiful figure without holding anything back. Of course, the audience will need a few more looks.

裙:Reem Acra 鞋:Schutz 首飾:Jacob and Co

裙:Zuhair Murad 鞋:Stuart Weitzman 首飾:Cartier

裙:Philipp Plein 鞋:Casadei

網評:黑色衣服都可以配搭成這樣子⋯⋯ Webbuzz: Even black is not always the best plan ⋯

網評:一有新意就出問題了。 Webbuzz: Be careful with new ideas!

網評:好look有好報! Webbuzz: A good look will get good results!








Cover Story

Michael Kors Collection belted chiffon poppy dress $5,200 (saksfifthavenue.com) Marni gold bangle






does not work hard to catch up, because she is


worried that, by over-exerting herself, she might


not make it to the finish line. With this approach,


she has managed to run 100 kilometres over the


past 10 years without any danger or fear.


The steadiness Liu displays in her running has


carried over into her career. Fortunate to be a


lead actress right out of the starting blocks,


we fast-forward 10 years and realize she has


broken no rules, or taken any shortcuts. She

「心悠」 原名 「凡平」 ,兩個名字蘊藏的優悠隨心, 實在很配合她。

has never run blindly without caring about the consequences, carefully adapting to the highs and lows along the way. She has not aimed at

Long-distance running can often be an

breaking records, opting to take in the scenery in

expression of a person’s true nature. Some are

a leisurely and comfortable manner.

determined to win, while others prefer to take it easy and simply enjoy the experience. Annie Liu belongs to the latter group.

Liu’s Chinese stage name means “heart in leisure”, while her given Chinese name means “plain and steady”. Both embody the essence of

She deeply believes in adopting a measured

ease and contentment, and are very well suited

and fluid pace. When others overtake her, she

to Liu’s personality.

text | Candy Woo styling | KandycandyC photo | Sing Ho make up | Jan Chan(Annie G.Chan) hair | Eric Chow(Xenter) venue | Dorsett Hotel Kwun Tong



Annie Liu

Leisurely enjoying the scenery

挑戰 吵架











馳的 《喜劇之王》 ,認真演戲,卻受盡嘲笑和白眼。」




演活臨時演員心態,挑戰性極高,「戲中我由臨時演員升格做女主 「上次親密戲多,開拍幾天熟絡後就有默契,今次吵架戲多,要做 角,去片場拍戲有化妝師、髮型師侍候,第一次得到這種待遇,



豪的噪門大到嚇我一跳,幾個take 之後,我已完全失聲,無法再










Since forming her own company, Liu has

Challenging Argument

intentionally taken on differing roles. She has played a ghost and a wife who longs to have a baby. In her new movie, My Wife is a Superstar, she plays a role she has never played in real life – she is an extra who is fortunate enough to find favour with the boss and becomes the lead actress in a movie celebrating Chinese New Year. “She is an extra who is passionate about acting, but without gaining the notice of anyone, just like Stephen Chow in King of Comedy, in which he took acting seriously but received ridicule and contempt in response.” Taking on the role of an extra is challenging to Liu who says, “I went from extra to lead, and got my own makeup artist and hairstylist on the set serving me. It was the first time I (her character) got this treatment, so I was very curious and would look at a makeup brush for half a day. “In real life, I am thankful that I never had to suffer being an extra, but I’ve been in the business for 10 years, so nothing surprises me anymore. I’d even say that I am a bit numb.” In the movie, she plays Chu Kay, a frank and direct, even a bit gruff, individual, who dares to yell at her boss. This is in sharp contrast to Liu’s true personality. To scold another person at rapidfire speed was a big challenge. “Since I started in movies, this is the first time I’ve had so many quarrel scenes,” she says. “In one scene, I had to scold Alex Lam for a long time. There were many lines, and I had to copy them by hand several times to memorize them. “Because my Cantonese is not very fluent, my tongue kept twisting before I finished the lines. It was a difficult scene for me.” She plays the wife of Pakho Chau again after the movie S for Sex, S for Secret, this time the atmosphere is much more combative. “There were many intimate scenes last time. After working together for a few days, we got used to each other and can understand each other. This time, there are many quarrel scenes, so I needed to prepare more.” Liu’s “preparation” turns out to be throat lozenges and throatsoothing tea. “Last time, Pakho’s voice was so loud I was thrown offguard. After a few takes, I completely lost my voice and could not continue. This time, I first took throat lozenges to get ready, and my voice was able to hold up.” To watch the usually sweet-voiced Liu scold people may indeed be a fresh new selling point. Valentino floral-print silk crepe de chine jumpsuit US$3,590 (net-a-porter.com) Tory Burch flower bud long necklace





2016-04 EliteGen Solaires_PRINT.pdf












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兩個 十周年

演藝事業踏入第十一個年頭,她想演的還有很 多,「吊鋼絲飛天遁地,綠布景加後期CG,要我刮 光頭也很有趣啊!」 想法百出,只因為自覺初出道時 太被動,「第一個五年,我對事業沒有想法,公司派 我演甚麼就演什麼,沒有主動爭取,到第六、七年才開

始計劃自己的事業。」 自立門戶後,她沒有野心勃勃,仍堅持隨心而行,「我不喜 歡太早訂一連串目標,要不斷迫自己做,會透不過氣,邊走邊 看,適當調節,我覺得會更有效率。」雖然隨心,北上發展卻是 必然重點,「好一段時間沒回到內地工作,下半年計劃跟內地公 司合作,亦會拍電視劇。」 關於工作,太多計劃屬商業秘密,未能詳述,但關於長跑, 她談得更興奮,畢竟今年剛好累積100公里,是人生壯舉,「工 作一年一年過,但馬拉松要親身參與過才算一年,這十周年感 覺實在得多。」2016年第十次10公里,她說:「是一個好特別的 finale,第一次比賽時下大雨,又濕又冷,幾乎看不清路面。」 第十度參賽,她竟然以慢慢跑來紀念,「我想真正享受比 賽,選擇慢慢跑,反正自知一定可在限時內到終點,其他人超 過我,我不會費力追,因為練習時知道自己不能應付加速,追上 去,就無力撐到最後。」 她聲言香港賽已經畢業,下一個目標是轉戰外地,「首選日 本或者加拿大,因為風景漂亮,我不會緊張跑得多快,更享受邊 跑邊看風景,香港東廊看了十次,下次想試跑新路線。」


低調 宅女

調,微博已久沒更新,對此她卻呼冤:「不是我太 低調,只是大家太高調吧。」女神不認為大家對她每 天行程、一日三餐有興趣,「吃了甚麼、做了甚麼都 要拍個照上載,吸引別人來comment自己的生活?沒

這個需要吧。」她笑說親友比她更高調,「食物上桌,手機先吃, 但我會選擇自己先吃。」 與其花心思公告近況,她樂得當宅女,跟最近才搬到香港同 住的媽媽談心,「我由台灣去加拿大讀書,再來香港工作,一直 沒機會跟媽媽同住,她終於搬來香港,我最初覺得開心,因為下 班回家有人氣,再想深一層,其實真正溝通很少,所以有空閒時 間,我會跟她悠悠閒閒喝杯茶,談天說地,至少:『How is your day?』不是hi and bye就算,只有開放自己來溝通,感情才會進 步。」 心悠刻意經營母女情,愛情卻一直空白,最近她為好友劉詩 詩當伴娘送嫁,又喚起一眾粉絲好友為她着急,「對呀!每天日 日都有人提醒我要找個伴,不過想太多也沒用,緣份這回事,不 是自己可以掌握嘛……」貫徹工作與生活切割的宗旨,她不多透 露擇偶條件,只展露甜美笑容,安撫大家,「我好滿意現在人生 google map上這個點。」一場人生馬拉松,獨自欣賞過100公里 的風光,隨心前進,步伐配合的伴侶早晚會在途中遇上,又何須 自亂陣腳?





Etro embroidered printed silk dress $4,300 (mytheresa.com)

Two 10-year anniversaries

In her 11th year in the performance business, Liu says there are many roles she’d like to play. “Flying on cables, using a green screen and adding postproduction CG effects, or shaving my head are all interesting to me.”

She is full of ideas now, because she realizes she was too passive when she first started out. “In the first five years, I didn’t have any ideas about my career. Whatever role the company assigned me, I would play. I didn’t actively fight for anything. It wasn’t until the sixth or seventh year that I started planning my own career.” Even after starting her own production company, she has not been overly ambitious. “I don’t like setting a series of goals too early. That would mean forcing myself to work, and I would get overwhelmed. If I walk a little, and look around, and adjust accordingly, I feel like I can be more efficient.” Even though she follows her heart, heading north to China to further develop her career is a must. “I haven’t worked in China for a while. In the second half of the year, I plan to partner with a Chinese company, and will shoot television series.” Many of her plans are trade secrets, so she could not share in detail. But when it comes to discussing running, she gets excited. This is the 10th year she has participated in a 10K run. “This 10-year anniversary brings me too many emotions. This is a very special finale. It rained in the first race, and was cold and wet. I almost couldn’t see the road.” In her 10th race, she adopted a very unceremonial slow pace to commerate it. “I really wanted to enjoy the race fully, so I chose a slow pace. I knew for sure I would finish within the time limit. When others overtook me, I wouldn’t try to race them, because when I was practising I knew I couldn’t handle acceleration. If I tried to overtake them, I would not have enough energy to last till the end.” She says she has now graduated from Hong Kong races and her next goal is to participate in overseas races. “My first choice is Japan or Canada, because of the beautiful scenery. I won’t fret about how fast I run, but will enjoy running and watching the scenery at the same time. I have seen the Island Eastern Corridor in Hong Kong 10 times already, so I want to try a new course next time.”





COVER STORY So how has Annie Liu’s preparation

Low-key Homebody

because she is such a low-profile person,

Cassie embroidered stretchcotton poplin skirt US$295 (net-a-porter.com)

and her Weibo hasn’t been refreshed for a

Both from Tory Burch

long time. But she has excuses, saying, “It’s not

Cornelia Webb set of four silver pearl rings US$270 (net-a-porter.com)

been progressing? It’s difficult to tell,

because I am too low key. It’s just that everyone else is too high key.” She doesn’t think people are interested in her daily travel schedule, or what she eats. “Taking a picture of everything I eat and everything I do and uploading it to attract others to comment on my own life? I don’t think I need it.” She laughs and says that all her friends and family are “higher key” than she is. “Once the food comes to the table, the cellphone eats first. But I decided to be the one who eat my food first.” Instead of taking time to share her life via social media, she is happy to be a homebody, and have heart-to-heart chats with her mother, who recently moved to Hong Kong to live with her. “I left Taiwan to study in Canada, and then I went to work in Hong Kong. Through this time, I haven’t had the chance to live with my mother. Now that she finally moved to Hong Kong, at first I was happy because when I came home after work, there was someone there. But when I thought more about it, I realized we really hadn’t communicated much. “So if I have free time, I will have a cup of tea leisurely with my mother and have a chat. I’ll at least ask, ‘How is your day?’ and not just ‘hi’ and ‘bye.’ I have to open up myself to communicate in order to improve our relationship.” While Liu is intent on building her relationship with her mother, her love life has drawn a blank. Recently, she was her good friend Liu Shishi’s bridesmaid and that led her friends to worry about her single status. “Yes, every day there is someone reminding me to find a partner. But there is no need to think too much about this. It’s all up to fate, and I can’t control it.” True to her philosophy of separating work from life, she declined to reveal her criteria for selecting a partner, offering only a sweet smile and this response: “I am very content with where I am now on my life’s Google map.”


Embroidered off-shoulder top $520 (farfetch.com)




As radiant as she is OfďŹ cial dealer of: _____________ Rolex Vacheron Constantin Audemars Piguet A. Lange & SĂśhne Jaeger-LeCoultre Breguet IWC Hublot Piaget Blancpain Roger Dubuis Girard-Perregaux Franck Muller Chopard Omega Tudor Pomellato Ippolita Backes & Strauss

Fashion Headline


Summer Parade of Handbag StarS text | Lucas Tang

經典放大 Chanel expanding on a ClassiC 品牌今季以機場為主題,並將長青的Classic Flap手袋換成加大碼款式,手袋 頓時變了overnight旅行袋,完全適合現代人貪方便的旅遊態度。 Chanel has chosen the airport as its theme this season. Changing the ever-popular Classic Flap into an oversized version, this handbag instantly becomes an overnight travel bag. It totally suits the modern traveller’s desire for convenience. 01


01. 名模Karen Olsen的綠色絲絨Flap bag,與其紅髮互映出 迷人氣場。 Supermodel Karen Elsen bestows an alluring air, while her green velvet Flap bag matched with her red hair. 02. 名模Cara Delevingne以小巧Classic Flap襯搭紅地毯晚裝。 Supermodel Cara Delevingne’s red carpet evening gown is matched with a dainty Classic Flap.

XXL red, white and blue $TBD

XXL silver $7,150 (Holt Renfrew)

Multi coloured $TBD

Mixed coloured $9,250 (Holt Renfrew)

徽章情結 dior love that Crest 全新Diorever手袋摩登獨特,翻蓋部分可收起變作tote bag,而近季品牌常用 的徽章亦出現於搭扣上,柔中帶剛的造型,充滿時尚氣息。 The new Diorever handbags are modern and unique. When the flipping part of the bag is up, it turns into a tote, and the Dior crest is displayed prominently on the clasp. A blend of masculinity and femininity, these bags are truly contemporary chic. 03


03. 韓國女團 「少時時代」 Tiffany以銀色Diorever配搭粉色春裝。 Tiffany, from the Korean girl group Girls’ Generation, sports a silver Diorever to match her pink spring outfit. 04. 潮媽陳慧琳對Diorever手袋愛不釋手。 Trendy mom Kelly Chen is a big fan of the Diorever bag.

Gold Diorever large $TBD





Silver Diorever large $5,400 (Holt Renfrew)

Blue Diorever medium $TBD

Neon pink Diorever small $4,000 (Holt Renfrew)


Just how many handbags does one need?


Ideally, just one that can satisfy every need. For


your perusal, we present 16 star-level new bags that express today’s varied rhythms.

華實兼備 Fendi luxurious yet praCtiCal 全新Dotcom手袋造型筆挺又實用,內置撞色扁平小袋,可獨立拆除充當clutch bag。系列除了柔滑皮革版本,更備束帶及立體花飾設計,手工細緻。 The new Dotcom bag has a trim and practical look. Inside is a small flat bag in contrasting colour, which can be removed to serve as a stand-alone clutch. The series includes a smooth leather version, as well as versions with a strap and 3-D floral decorations. All are exquisitely handcrafted. 05


05. 名模Lindsey Wixson選用 白色Dotcom,充滿摩登 氣息。 Famous model Lindsey Wixson chooses a white Dotcom, full of contemporary flair. 06. 時尚名媛邢嘉倩以皮革吊 飾及Strap You孭帶點綴 Dotcom手袋。 Trendy socialite Claudine Ying decorates her Dotcom bag with leather charms and Strap You shoulderstrap accessories.

Dotcom blue $3,130

Dotcom floral $4,300

Dotcom red $3,780 All available at Holt Renfrew

大方得體 louis vuitton e l e g a n t a n d p o i s e d City Steamer自今年早春起面世,靈感源自舊作Steamer Luggage行李袋,四 方造型高貴典雅,綴上窩釘與塗鴉等元素,又是如此狂野火辣。 City Steamer debuted this spring , inspired by the old steamer luggage travel bag. With an elegant and polished square shape, the bag shows its wild and sassy side with rivets and graffiti as decorations. 07


07. 剛奪奧斯卡最佳女配角的 Alicia Vikander手拿雙色 City Steamer。 Alicia Vikander, who won this year’s Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, carries a two-toned City Steamer. 08. 楊丞琳以紅鞋及紅唇襯托 其紅色City Steamer手袋。 Taiwanese singer Rainie Yang sports red shoes and lips to match her red City Steamer bag. City Steamer PM black/green $4,350 (Holt Renfrew)

City Steamer MM black/beige $4,900 (Holt Renfrew)

City Steamer PM black with golden studs $TBD ELITEGEN




Fashion Headline

圓滑變奏 CÉline smooth transition 新季品牌主打Trotteur手袋系列,外形與長青熱賣款Classic有些相似,但前者 的圓角袋身,明顯較後者平易近人,更能襯出casual潮味。 This season, Céline’s main focus is the Trotteur series. It’s very similar to the ever-

popular Classic box bag, but with a more rounded bottom that has a wider appeal — more casual chic. 09. 著名博客Chiara Ferragni選用中型Trotteur款式。 Famous blogger Chiara Ferragni chooses a medium-sized Trotteur bag. 10. Jennifer Aniston所用的舊款Trotteur少了新版的 金屬扣飾。 Actress Jennifer Aniston’s Trotteur is an older style, and doesn’t have the metal buckle seen on the new version.

Trotteur military green medium $TBD

Trotteur black/white snakeskin small $3,750 (Holt Renfrew)


Trotteur white small $1,950 (Holt Renfrew)


Trotteur red small $TBD

Trotteur orange/white snakeskin small $TBD

條理分明 saint laurent Clear and distinCt lines College Monogram運用了富vintage質感的條子車線及monogram金屬吊飾, 造型精緻迷人。雖然女星們一面倒力推小型款式,但個人認為中及大型款更具懷舊 韻味。 The College Monogram bag has a delicate appearance, utilizing the vintage look of straight stitching and the charm of the metal YSL monogram. Although many female celebrities are pushing small styles, some feel medium and large bags have a more nostalgic charm.



11. Janice Man選用甜美的粉紅College Monogram。 Janice Man chooses a cute pink College Monogram. 12. 女團f(x)成員Krystal亦是忠實用家。 Krystal, of the Korean girl band f(x), is a loyal College Monogram fan.

College Monogram blue $TBD




College Monogram bordeux matelassé medium US$2,450 (ysl.com)


College Monogram black small $2,995 (Holt Renfrew)

College Monogram dark green large US$2,590 (ysl.com)

College Monogram brown mixed matelassé suede large US$3,490 (ysl.com)

百獸圖 guCCi a Feast oF Beasts 品牌上季大熱的Dionysus,新季再度添食,monogram綴上蛇、鳥和蜜蜂等刺 繡外,還有充滿搖滾氣息的閃電及紅唇圖案。另外,tote bag版本配搭竹節手挽及 經典三色條子,同樣搶鏡。 Dionysus, which was widely popular last season, reappears this season. This monogram bag is adorned with embroidered snakes, birds and bees, as well as thunderbolts and red lips that are more rock ’n’ roll. The tote version has a bamboo handle and the classic tri-coloured stripes — equally eye-catching. 13


13. Beyonce以簡約黑白裝襯托Dionysus。 Beyonce sports a Dionysus to go with a simple black-and-white suit. 14. Sienna Miller挑選閃電圖案Dionysus,貫徹 其狂野形象。 Sienna Miller chooses a thunderbolt Dionysus to mirror her wild style. Dionysus snake print monogram $4,750

Dionysus multi-coloured snakeskin $5,665

Dionysus embroidered monogram $4,540

Dionysus embroidered bird monogram $4,540 All available at Holt Renfrew

小巧出眾 loewe small But prominent

Flamenco Knot今季推出迷你版,外形小巧可愛,除了signature軟熟羊皮外, 更配備色丁、絲絨和馬毛等多種選擇。 Flamenco Knot introduces a mini version this season. It features the signature soft lambskin, as well as other choices, such as satin, velvet and horse hair. 15. 澳洲天后Kylie Minogue對Flamenco bag情有獨鍾。 Aussie pop queen Kylie Minogue has a soft spot for Flamenco bag. 15

Flamenco Knot dove $2,685 (saksfifthavenue.com)


Flamenco Knot navy $2,990 (Holt Renfrew)

16. 中國時尚紅人韓火火亦力捧Flamenco Knot。 Chinese style icon Han Huo Huo is also a fan of Flamenco Knot.

Flamenco Knot black $3,150 (Holt Renfrew)

Flamanco Knot green $3,150 (Holt Renfrew)

Flamenco Knot leopard print TBD





Fashion Headline

V煞魅力 roger vivier t h e a l l u r e o F v i v ’ Viv'長賣長有,高貴外形加上那著名的方扣裝飾,的確教人難忘。新季品牌推 出了更豐富的變奏,如60年代印花、織皮及Viv' Micro迷你款式,各有各精采。 With its elegant appearance and famous square clasp, Viv’ remains a popular and

best-selling bag. New styles, rich in varieties, have been introduced this season, such as ’60s prints, woven leather and a Viv’ Micro — each with its own selling points.



17. 鄭秀文以Viv' Flower襯出60年代hippie風尚。 Sammi Cheng uses a Viv’ Flower to showcase a ’60s hippie style. 18. Kirsten Dunst一身黑裝配搭深藍Viv' bag,低調型格。 Kirsten Dunst’s stylish yet low-profile all-black attire is matched with a deep blue Viv’ bag.

Viv’Icon orange $1,725 (mytheresa.com)

Viv’Micro yellow $1,610 (mytheresa.com)

Viv’flowers $2,340 (luisaviaroma.com)

Viv’Tricot silver $TBD

Viv’East West mini $1,970 (mytheresa.com)

蝴蝶效應 givenChy By tisCi riCCardo t h e B u t t e r F l y e F F e C t 繼上季熱捧Pandora Box後,品牌今季則以Bow-Cut袋款掛帥,八角袋身造型 猶似蝴蝶結,優雅極致,難怪千億新抱徐子淇與韓國歌手CL都被它俘虜。 After pushing its Pandora Box last season, Givenchy’s main bag this season is the Bow-Cut — an octagonal purse that resembles a bow. Given its elegance and grace, no wonder Hong Kong socialite Cathy Tsui and Korean singer CL are captivated.



19. 來自日本的街拍紅人秋元梢選用黑白色Bow-Cut。 Japanese Instragram star Kozue Akimoto chooses a black-and-white Bow-Cut. 20. CL手拿迷你Bow-Cut充當晚裝袋。 Korean singer CL uses this mini Bow-Cut as an evening bag.

Bow-cut light blue medium $TBD





Bow-cut navy medium $TBD

Bow-cut pink mini $TBD

Bow-cut black/white mini $2,430 (Holt Renfrew)

沙塵滾滾 CholÉ d e s e r t s t o r m 品牌上季推出的Faye bag,今季備受追捧,系列以dusty color為主調,配合麖 皮拼圖及蛇皮等元素,別具異國風調。 The Faye bag, introduced last season, is still being widely pursued this season. The collection is primarily in dusty colours. Matched with suede patchwork, snakeskin and other elements, the style has an exotic charm. 21. 內衣天使Alessandra Ambrosio一身密實休閒裝,跟灰色Faye bag和諧相襯。 Lingerie angel Alessandra Ambrosio’s conservative casual suit is well matched with the grey Faye bag. 21

22. Will Smith太太Jada選用蛇皮奢華版Faye bag。 Will Smith’s wife Jada chooses a luxury snakeskin Faye bag.


Faye brown floral suede $3,050 (farfetch.com)

Faye rainbow patchwork suede $2,900 (farfetch.com)

Faye snakeskin and brown suede $TBD

Faye pink suede mini $TBD

Faye floral suede $2,300 (mytheresa.com)

不死款式 prada everlasting style Galleria推出多年,一向是OL們的心水上班袋,新季品牌除了推出Saffiano皮 革條子款式外,更有罕見的滑面皮革版,觸感更為奢華。 Galleria, the favourite bag among career women, has been around for years. This season, the brand introduces Saffiano with leather stripes, as well as a less-often-seen smooth leather version, which has a luxurious feel.



23. 澳洲名模Miranda Kerr的紅色Galleria正好襯出其火辣態度。 Famous Australian model Miranda Kerr’s red Galleria is well-suited to her fiery style. 24. 喜愛復古打扮的Taylor Swift亦是Galleria用家。 Taylor Swift is fond of the retro look and is another Galleria fan.

Galleria bright yellow $TBD

Galleria camel $2,980 (Holt Renfrew)

Galleria red/white $3,450 (Holt Renfrew)

Galleria baltic blue/white $3,450 (prada.com)





Fashion Headline

派對之選 miu miu p a r t y C h o i C e Club Bag顧名思義是用作派對之用,粗銀鏈長孭帶、Matelasse褶襇皮革,以 及新季的撞色配搭,在派對上應該會搶盡全場目光。 The Club Bag, as its name suggests, is for party use. With a long, thick silver chain strap, Matelasse pleated leather and this new season’s contrasting colour combinations, this bag is sure to attract attention at a party.

25 Club brown $2,840 (Holt Renfrew)


25. 名模Karlie Kloss的黑白色Club bag百搭易襯。 Supermodel Karlie Kloss black-and-white Club bag matches everything. 26. 著名博客Irene Kim以Club bag襯出韓式時尚。 Famous blogger Irene Kim expresses Korean chic with her Club bag.

Club black/white $2,570 (Holt Renfrew)

Club red/black $2,840 (Holt Renfrew)

Club gold $3,560 (saksfifthavenue.com)

Club silver $3,560 (saksfiftheavenue.com)

塗鴉勢力 lanvin the power oF doodle 全新Jiji手袋備有大小兩碼,綴有大金扣的flap bag款式,用上 多種不同戲法演繹,如蛇皮拼小牛皮、錯視圖案及手繪塗鴉,充滿 青春活力。 The new Jiji flap bag comes in two sizes with a large gold buckle and several variations, such as snakeskin matched with lambskin, an illusion pattern and a hand-drawn doodle — each full of youthful energy. 27


27. 陳妍希早前到訪巴黎時便帶了Jiji bag上機。 Michelle Chen brought a Jiji bag with her on the plane to Paris recently. 28. 名模陳碧舸的機場裝扮亦用上Jiji。 Famous Chinese model Bonnie Chen also incorporated Jiji as part of her airport outfit.

Jiji black/white graffiti $2,890 (saksfifthavenue.com) 30



Mini Jiji black/pink $TBD


Mini Jiji red graffiti US$1,550 (lanvin.com)

Jiji red/black $TBD

Mini Jiji pink $2,360 (saksfifthavenue.com)

民族主義 valentino strong nationalism My Rockstud手袋系列新季帶大家遊走非洲部落,利用彩色串珠、幾何圖案及 皮革雕刻,打造出豐富手工質感,奢華極致。 The My Rockstud handbag collection takes everyone on a tour of African tribes this season. Using colourful beads, geometrical shapes and leather sculptures to create a rich handcrafted style, the result is pure luxury. 29. Cameron Diaz的白色My Rockstud富休閒品味。 Cameron Diaz’s white My Rockstud bag is the epitome of casual chic.


30. 劉嘉玲近期亦愛用My Rockstud手袋。 Carina Lau has taken to My Rockstud bags lately.


My Rockstud black bead-embellished $3,960 (matchesfashion.com)

My Rockstud primitive medium $7,550 (neimanmarcus.com)

My Rockstud black painted medium $7,550 (neimanmarcus.com)

My Rockstud red bead-embellished $5,380 (neimanmarcus.com)

狂舞派 tod's the wild danCing type 一向形象斯文的Tod's,新季以Double-T手袋大玩搖滾狂野,拼皮、金屬飾、 閃石、結他扣飾……渾身散發反叛氣息。 Tod’s is traditionally demure in style, but this season’s Double-T bag is rock ’n’ roll. Using patchwork leather, metal accessories, shiny sequins and guitar buckles, this bag exudes a rebellious vibe.



31. 謝婷婷以性感春裝展現Double-T的搖滾 味道。 Jennifer Tse incorporates the Double-T in her sexy rock-style spring outfit. 32. 小S對紅色Double-T尤其喜愛。 Dee Hsu is especially fond of the red Double-T.

Double T red suede $TBD

Double T black, white and red mini US$2,095 (tods.com)(US only)

Double T pink, black and white micro US$1,765 (tods.com) (US only)

Double T silver, grey and black $TBD

Double T silver, yellow and white micro US$1,765 (tods.com) (US only) ELITEGEN





Pastel Heaven

粉色天堂 柔和的粉彩色調,總是散 發出一股純真味道,無論 是配以輕薄的透視質料, 或是girly的蝴蝶結或荷葉 邊綴飾,純真如初。 Ethereal sheers, girly bows and frilly ruffles exude an air of angelic innocence in washes of muted tones. text & styling | Michelle Chow photo | Alison Kwan model | Daria K.@Style makeup | Elly Wong hair | Taky Chung@The FIFTH Salon



White floral print sleeveless top Black and pink earrings Both from Prada Giorgio Armani pink see through dress Jimmy Choo Lucy pumps $1,340 (farfetch.com)

Fendi smocked off-the-shoulder midi dress $3,975 (saksfifthavenue.com) Pink tweed coat Silver logo bangle Both from Chanel Jimmy Choo Romy coarse glitter stripe leather pumps $1,165 (lanecrawford.com)






Chloé silk dress $9,980 (mytheresa.com) Chanel silver logo bangle Jimmy Choo Kaytrin 120 suede ankle-tie platform sandals $1,225 (saksfifthavenue.com)



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Salvatore Ferragamo blue strapless cotton poplin dress Fendi tortoise sunglasses Chloé mini shoulder bag Black and white earrings White flat with strap Both from Prada



Ruffled bib oversized blouse $1,410 (farfetch.com) White skirt Both from Ports 1961






Light blue dress Silver long earrings Both from Anteprima



Jewelry 尋找香奈兒設計靈感之源

Channelling CoCo Gabrielle“Coco” Chanel背後的 中式屏風,放置 於其位於巴黎31 rue Cambon的私 人公寓的玄關。 Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel in front of the Coromandel screens in the foyer of her apartment at 31 rue Cambon, Paris.

為了探索Chanel高級珠寶及腕錶的設計靈感泉源, 《星尚》 編輯葉子 青遠赴巴黎走訪Coco Chanel的私人公寓,走進Chanel的品味世界。 In a quest for the source of inspiration for Chanel’s high jewelry and watches, EliteGen editor Leslie Yip travelled to Paris to visit Coco Chanel’s private apartment. text | Leslie Yip photo | Leslie Yip, Chanel





01 01• 品牌位於溫哥華的旗檻店剛增設鐘錶及高級珠 寶銷售專櫃,店內的獅子像十分搶眼。 The lion figures prominently in the newly opened Watches and Fine Jewelry space in the Vancouver flagship store.

02 03 02•31 rue Cambon 的二樓是Coco Chanel的私人 公寓。 Coco Chanel’s private apartment occupies the second floor of 31 rue Cambon.


03•高級珠寶設計總監Benjamin Comar表示, Chanel的珠寶一向以設計為先。 Fine jewelry director Benjamin Comar says design always comes first at Chanel.

My first stop in the City of Lights was Chanel’s jewelry boutique and

位於18 Place Vendôme的珠寶店及總店,會見品牌高級

headquarters at 18 Place Vendôme and a meeting with fine jewelry director

珠寶設計總監Benjamin Comar,他與我們分享了品牌珠

Benjamin Comar, who explained the division’s design philosophy.

寶的設計理念。 “Most traditional jewelry houses base their design around a stone. Here 「大部分傳統珠寶工作室都先有寶石然後圍繞寶石進

at Chanel, we reverse the process. We create the design first and then look


for the stones. It is a nightmare for our gemstone purchasers, as they must


be like Indiana Jones in their search for the perfect gems for each design.


However, the result is an exquisite piece of wearable art.”

石,締造出如藝術品般卓爾不凡的首飾。」 The house produces two collections of high jewelry every year. Where do Chanel的珠寶工作室每年會推出兩個系列的高級珠

the designers find their inspiration? “The company has a wealth of material


to serve as inspiration,” says international watch director Nicolas Beau. “We

監Nicolas Beau解釋道:「公司的資料庫及博物館等都是

have our archives, and we have the Museum.”

我們的靈感泉源。」 By museum, he was actually referring to Mademoiselle Coco Chanel’s Beau口中的博物館,就是Coco Chanel女士的私人 公寓。公寓位於31 rue Cambon,跟我們身處的品牌總店

private apartment. Located at 31 rue Cambon, it’s just a stone’s throw away from where we met.

只是一步之遙。 She bought the four-storey building in 1918, The boutique occupied Coco Chanel於1918年購入這幢四層高的大廈。大廈

the ground floor. The first floor is a large reception room that was used to


present her collections and hold fittings for Haute Couture. A stairway lined

計系列及高級訂造服(Haute Couture)的試身室。而通過公

with mirrors, led to her second-floor apartment.

寓內著名的鏡面旋轉樓梯,便可通往她位於二樓的公寓。 While this space was called her apartment, Coco Chanel never slept 雖然我們把這裡稱為公寓,但事實上Coco Chanel並

there. She lived in the glitzy Hôtel Ritz at Place Vendôme, and this place was

非在此居住。當時,她已長居於Place Vendôme的Hôtel

her campement, or camp ground, where she entertained friends and special



賓。 I had expected her private quarters to reflect the simple and modern 我期待她的私人城堡會反映出品牌聞名的簡約美

aesthetics for which the brand is famous, but as I stepped into the foyer,


I was met instead with a myriad of artefacts befitting an Oriental bazaar:


ornate Chinese lacquered screens, Byzantine-style sculptures, a scattering of


trinkets and ornaments, plus a chandelier made with natural crystals.

水晶吊燈。 No wonder they call the apartment the Museum. It is a wealth of 難怪他們把這公寓稱為博物館。這裡的每一件物品

treasures, all dear objects of desire belonging to the founder of the house.

都是Coco Chanel女士的珍藏,穿梭其中,就好像感覺到

You almost feel her presence as you walk from room to room. Here, in her


private universe, you will find the source of inspiration for many of the brand’s


iconic symbols. Here are a few of them.






八角形圖案 八角形圖案可說是品牌最經典的圖案,曾經在品牌的產品中多次出現。如 Chanel N° 5香水的水晶瓶蓋,也是品牌第一隻女裝腕錶系列Première的形狀,而 Chanel今年初於Baselworld發表的首個男裝腕錶系列Monsieur,亦將八角形巧妙地 融入錶殼設計。 巴黎高級鐘錶及時裝心臟地段Place Vendôme亦呈八角形,有說Chanel的八角 形狀圖案是為了紀念此地。Chanel女士於廣場15號的Hôtel Ritz住了超過30年,酒 店在經歷4年的翻新後剛於6月重開。 在公寓裡也有不少八角形物件,包括擺放於玄關位置的金框鳳凰鏡子及飯廳的 兩面蝕刻鏡子。客廳上的加啡桌,亦擺放了多個八角形的古董銀製飾物盒,據說是 西敏公爵送給Chanel女士的禮物。

The Elongated Octagon The elongated octagon must be the brand’s most iconic shape, and it adorns its most epochal products. You can find it rendered as a crystal stopper for the brand’s first perfume, Chanel N°5. It is the shape of the Première, the brand’s first watch and the first women’s watch ever made by a luxury house. It also frames the jumping hour display of

Première及最新BOY.Friend 腕錶的八角形亦用於Monsieur 腕錶的錶殼設計。 The octagon shape of the Première and the new BOY.Friend appears in the Monsieur watch as a frame around the numerals, indicating the hour of the day.

這枚BOY.FRIEND Arty Diamonds腕錶,採 上18k金並鑲嵌鑽石,八角形的形狀跟經典 的Première腕錶同出一徹。這款腕錶只限量 編號發行18枚。 The BOY.FRIEND Arty Diamonds watch, in 18-carat gold set with diamonds, takes on the same octagonal shape as the iconic Première watch. It is part of a very limited edition of only 18 numbered pieces.

the Monsieur, Chanel’s first men’s watch, launched earlier this year at Baselworld. The shape is said to be reminiscent of Place Vendôme, the epicentre of haute horlogerie and luxury fashion in Paris. Mademoiselle Chanel lived there for more than 30 years at No. 15 — the Hôtel Ritz, which reopened in June after a four-year renovation. You will also find many octagonal objects in Chanel’s apartment, including the gold-framed phoenix mirror in the foyer, the etched-glass mirror lending sparkle to the dining room, as well as an antique silver trinket box, said to be a gift from the Duke of Westminister. 42




N° 5 L’Eau是Chanel N° 5系列 的最新香水,主調是來自法國 Grasse的五月玫瑰,是這款經 典香薰的清新版本。於今年9 月有售。 The latest fragrance in the legendary Chanel N°5 line is N°5 L’Eau, featuring a prominent note of May rose from Grasse. It is touted as the freshest version of the classic perfume. Available in September 2016.

獅子標誌 Coco Chanel生於8月19日,屬獅子座,因此她非常喜歡獅子形狀的擺 設。她的公寓可找到不少獅子雕像,其中一對捧著水晶球,而另一對則躺 於餐桌上。 獅子標誌亦經常見於品牌的高級珠寶設計。其中Sous le Signe du Lion 就是一套共有58件以美鑽及珍貴寶石鑲嵌而成的首飾系列。 象徵力量及權力的獅子,更於多方面點綴了品牌首枚男裝腕錶 Monsieur。獅子標誌一共出現三次,分別用於錶冠、錶扣及錶背,守護你 這是Coco Chanel私人公寓內眾多獅子雕像的其中之一。 One of the many lion statues inside the private apartment of Coco Chanel.


The Lion

Sous le Signe du Lion系列的Lion Solaire戒指,採用18K白金及黃 金,鑲嵌8.8卡枕形切割橙色石榴 石、177枚共重1.4卡明亮式切割 鑽石、98枚共重1.7卡明亮式切割 黃色藍寶石、6枚共重1.4卡梯形切 割黃色藍寶石以及1枚梨形切割黃 色藍寶石。 "Lion Solaire" ring from the Sous le Signe du Lion collection. 18-karat white gold set with a 8.8-carat cushion-cut orange garnet, 177 brilliant-cut diamonds for a total weight of 1.4 carats, 98 brilliant-cut yellow sapphires for a total weight of 1.7 carats, six baguette-cut yellow sapphires for a total weight of 1.4 carats and one pear-cut yellow sapphire.

Born Aug. 19, 1883, Coco Chanel was a Leo and liked to surround herself with her zodiac sign. Her apartment is filled with lion statues: a pair holds up a crystal ball, while another pair lounges on the dining table. The lion motif also finds its way into the brand’s high jewelry. “Sous le Signe du Lion” is a 58-piece collection, presenting in dazzling diamonds and precious gemstones. A symbol of strength and power, the lion is also a fitting representation for the brand’s first men’s watch. You will find the big cat on the crown, the strap buckle and the case back of the Monsieur watch, guarding the passing of time.

Camélia Brodé 系列項鍊用上18K白金,並鑲 有584枚共重7.5卡明亮式切割白鑽,以及164 顆Akoya珍珠。 "Camélia Brodé" sautoir in 18-karat white gold, set with 584 white brilliant-cut diamonds for a total weight of 7.5 carats and 164 white Akoya pearls. 山茶花是品牌化妝品最 常見的主題。Le Vernis Longwear 指甲油的 #506色便是山茶花色 ($32) ,為妳的指甲抹上 山茶花的嬌美。 The camellia is a favourite theme in the brand’s makeup product. Wear the flower on your fingertips with Le Vernis Longwear Nail Colour in #506 Camélia, $32.

山茶花圖案 山茶花,又稱中國玫瑰,可說是Chanel最具標誌性的圖案。這種在亞洲 象徵純潔及長壽的花卉,是Coco Chanel的至愛。 在Coco Chanel的公寓足以見證她對山茶花的鍾愛。她把屏風當作壁紙 裝飾牆身,當中包括以珍珠母砌成的山茶花圖案,而她那盞特別訂製的水晶 燈,亦有山茶花形狀的水晶。 品牌的時裝、皮具及化妝品,都可找到山茶花圖案。而當中最令人驚艷 的,是Mademoiselle Privé Camélia Lesage 腕錶錶盤上的山茶花刺繡,圖 案由巴黎頂級刺繡工坊Lesage以針畫刺繡技法,把山茶花的優雅神態一針一 針刺於錶盤上。

The Camellia One of the most instantly recognizable emblems of Chanel is the camellia, also known as the Chinese Rose. A symbol of purity and longevity in Asia, it is Coco Chanel’s favourite flower. Her love affair with the flower is evident in her private apartment. They are depicted in mother-of-pearl on Coromandel screens decorating the walls, and reincarnated in rock crystal in her custom-designed chandelier. From couture wear to leather goods to makeup, the pretty blossom appears

山茶花亦是品牌Privé腕錶系列最常用的主題,腕錶錶盤上的山茶花刺繡,由巴黎頂 級刺繡工坊Maison Lesage的刺繡大師以針畫刺繡技法刺上。 The camellia is a favourite theme in the Mademoiselle Privé watch collection. Here, a master embroiderer from Maison Lesage, Paris’s oldest embroidery studio, uses a needlepoint-painting technique to depict the delicate blossom.

in many Chanel creations. One of the most unexpected applications is in the form of the embroidered dial in the Mademoiselle Privé Camélia Lesage watch collection, where skilled hands from the legendary atelier recreate the delicate flowers — thread by thread, stitch by stitch. 除註明售價產品外,其他產品價錢請向品牌查詢。 (Price available upon request unless otherwise indicated.)





Fashion News Chanel溫哥華店剛於6月份重新開業。新店進駐Holt Renfrew Pacific Centre地面層,面積470平方米的店鋪,由紐約建築大師Peter Marino負責 設計,沿襲了Chanel精品店一貫風格,所有細節均經過精心構思,瀰漫高 貴、溫暖及舒適的氛圍。店內不同區域展示了品牌的服裝、配飾、珠寶首 飾及手錶。 Chanel’s Vancouver boutique shop has reopened on the bottom floor of Holt Renfrew Pacific. Designed by famous New York architect Peter Marino, the 470-square-foot store continues Chanel’s boutique style. Every detail is carefully thought out and oozes an elegant, warm and comfortable atmosphere. Inside the store, separate sections display the brand’s clothing, accessories , watches and high jewelry.


ChaNel boutique opens in Holt RenfRew pacific text | PL photo | courtesy to Chanel、Andrew Lai





Peter Marino亦曾多番以其藝術巧思,擔當品牌的巴 黎Rue Cambon總店,巴黎芳登廣場(Place Vendôme) 、 美國比華利山(Beverly Hills)、日本銀座與上海分店的設計 師,詮釋品牌的內涵與精髓。 Chanel目前在加拿大共有6家專門店。在溫哥華精品 店內,顧客可選購Paris in Rome系列及2016春夏新裝。

Before this project, Marino used his artistic touch to design Chanel’s main store on Paris’ Rue Cambon, as well as the Chanel boutiques located at Place Vendôme in Paris, Beverly Hills in California, Ginza in Japan and Shanghai. Currently, Chanel has a total of six boutiques in Canada. In the Vancouver shop, customers can purchase clothing from Chanel’s Paris in Rome collection, as well as the 2016 Spring/ Summer collection.





Jewelry 法國頂級珠寶品牌梵克雅寶(Van Cleef & Arpels),向以精湛的高級珠寶及鐘錶工藝見稱,其 細緻的設計、典雅的風格、非凡的氣派,加上嚴格的 寶石甄選標準及珠寶大師的巧手工藝,百多年來深受 皇室貴族鍾愛。全新推出的珠寶系列Bouton d'Or,靈感 來自1930年代創作的珠寶圖案Paillette,以不同的組合、 造型與色彩,重新演繹優雅與奢華,讓佩戴者一舉手一投足 都散發著動人美態。該系列月前已正式登陸加國著名珠寶公 司Birks多倫多旗艦店內的梵克雅寶專櫃。


Van Cleef & arpels Bouton d'or ClassiC reinCarnated text | Sing Tao staff reporter photo | courtesy of Van Cleef & Arpels

Van Cleef & Arpels dazzles with exquisite designs, elegant style and regal charm. The luxury brand’s superior craftsmanship is apparent in its haute jewelry and watches — exquisite designs, elegant style and regal charm that’s accentuated by meticulously selected gems and skilled artistry. It has garnered a strong following among the royal and families nobles for more than a century. Its latest jewelry collection, Bouton d'Or, is inspired by the Paillette design and uses a combination of shapes and colours to reinterpret elegance and luxury and underscore beauty in every movement. The collection has arrived at the Van Cleef & Arpels counter at Birks’ flagship Toronto store.





Bouton d'Or系列由兩套各5件首飾組成,用色鮮明且對比強 烈。好像以綠黑色為主調的系列,感覺有如初春新綠的綠玉髓, 襯以黃K金及深黑色的縞瑪瑙,再配上閃亮的鑽石,散發著無窮的 生命力。另一套以紅玉髓配襯玫瑰金及珍珠貝母的組合,色調溫 暖柔和,擁有迷人的魅力,令佩戴者舉手投足間綻放耀眼光芒。 Bouton d'Or系列也貫徹著梵克雅寶一貫嚴格的寶石甄選標 準,特別注重寶石的色彩,確保色澤鮮明且一致。系列中所採用 的珍珠貝母,表面均勻有致,並展現濃烈光澤。採用的鑽石同樣 根據梵克雅寶嚴格的寶石甄選標準精挑細選,顏色均達到D、E或 F級別,淨度則為IF及VVS級別。 Bouton d'Or系列珍貴之處,除了高質素的材質,也體現出 精湛的珠寶工藝。講求的是極致精準、一絲不苟與精湛技術。各 個金質組件經過手工打造而成型後,便會進行人手拋光。對於 「Paillette」的凹凸造型而言,這項工序的要求更高,既要展現珍貴 金屬的閃爍,又要保持圖案的造型。 The collection comprises two five-piece sets, each featuring 為了確保作品靈動柔美,這些圖案採用精巧細膩的方式連

strong colour contrast. The green and black design pairs spring-


like chrysoprase with black onyx, highlighted by brilliant diamonds


and yellow gold to celebrate vitality. The warm red-tone design


mixes carnelian with mother-of-pearl in rose gold to radiate charm


that will surely capture attention at any special event.

巧手。完成後的作品,仍需要經過仔細檢查,以確保符合世家嚴 格的品質及成品標準。

It exemplifies the French brand’s stringent standards on gem selection, ensuring sublime shine and colour mixes. The motherof-pearl allures with a regular surface and a lustre of the highest quality, while its diamonds are selected according to Van Cleef’s standards of excellence: D, E or F for colour; IF and VVS for clarity. Superb materials aside, the collection also makes a powerful statement of Van Cleef’s exquisite artistry and uncompromising craftsmanship. Every fine composition is hand-crafted and handpolished to the highest standard. Undertaking to magnify radiance is a challenge, given the Paillette’s concave and convex pastilles. The secret to the fluidity of the creation is revealed on the back of the necklace or bracelet, in the way they are attached. The precise composition ensures that the necklace and bracelet hug the curves of the wearer. The pendant is designed with a pin, so that it can be detached and worn as a brooch. As each piece has hundreds of components — in the case of the necklace, the number of components is close to a thousand — it requires deft and agile hands to assemble. The finished piece is then put under close examination to ensure it meets the brand’s stringent standards of quality and finish.





Jewelry Tiffany & Co. Blue Book 高級珠寶系列, 面世至今已有171年歷史,每次都以頂級天然 寶石展現卓爾不凡的品質、以及巧奪天工的 工藝。設計總監Francesca Amfitheatrof在搜 羅彩色天然寶石的環球旅程中,感受到大自 然變幻的力量,尤其海洋的生命力,於是啟 發了價值逾千萬元的魔幻瑰寶系列The Art of Transformation的誕生。 Tiffany & Co.’s Blue Book has been around since 1845. Every year, this high jewelry collection utilizes the best natural gems to display the outstanding quality and expert craftsmanship of the company. In the course of gathering colourful natural gems from around the world, Creative Design Director Francesca Amfitheatrof experienced the transformative power of Mother Nature, especially the life force of the ocean. This inspired her to create The Art of Transformation, a collection of magical treasures worth more than $10 million.

鉑金戒指,中央鑲 嵌一顆重 8.55卡D色IF無 瑕圓形明亮式切割鑽石,周 圍密鑲鑽石。 Platinum ring with an 8.55-carat white IF (internally flawless) round brilliant-cut diamond set in the middle, surrounded by diamonds in a pavé setting.

鉑金吊墜頸鏈,墜一顆重達 20.37卡圓形明亮式切割鑽石, 鑽石底座密鑲鑽石。 Platinum pendant necklace. Each pendant consists of a 20.37-carat, round brilliant-cut diamond, with diamonds in a pavé setting on the back.

18K白金立體章魚 造型胸針,中央鑲嵌一顆 超過1英寸大、帶有銀色藍灰 光澤的巴羅克式珍珠,周圍密鑲 鑽石和藍寶石。 An 18-karat white gold solid octopus brooch, with a single silver blue-grey Baroque pearl in the middle, surrounded by diamonds and sapphires in a pavé setting.


Tiffany & Co. Art of trAnsformAtion

text & styling | Chappie photo | Simpson model | Nataliya K(Model One) hair & makeup | Chris Lam





18K白金戒指,中 央鑲嵌一顆重3.32卡菱形 切割的祖母綠寶石,周圍密 鑲圓形鑽石、沙弗萊石和藍色 藍寶石。 An 18-karat white gold ring with a single 3.32-carat, diamondcut emerald, surrounded by round diamonds, chevalet stones and sapphires in a pavé setting. 鉑金鑽石耳環一 對,分別鑲嵌一顆重0.50 及0.59 卡圓形鑽石,周圍密 鑲長階梯形鑽石和圓形明亮式切 割圓形鑽石。 Platinum diamond earrings with 0.50-carat and 0.59-carat round diamonds, surrounded by long ladder-shaped diamonds and round brilliant-cut diamonds in a pavé setting.

鉑金戒指,中央 是一顆未經加熱處理的 10.14卡枕形天然粉色藍寶 石,周圍密鑲鑽石、錳鋁榴石和 紫粉色藍寶石。 White gold ring, with a 10.14-carat, pillow-shaped natural pink sapphire (with no heat treatment) set in the middle, surrounded by diamonds, spessartines and purple pink sapphires in a pavé setting.

18K白金海星造形 手鐲,密鑲鑽石、錳鋁榴 石和粉色藍寶石。 An 18-karat white gold bracelet in the shape of a starfish, with diamonds, spessartines and pink sapphires in a pavé setting.





a1 model Search

Summer SplaSh! 2016

A1 Model SeArch

早前由A1中文電台主 辦的A1 Model Search 2016,8位參賽者穿 上由Simons贊助的 的黑色泳衣,配合 JCY Jewellery提供的 Swarovski飾物,在沙 灘上散發出古銅色魅 力。 Finalists in A1 Chinese Radio’s Model Search 2016 heat up the beach in swimwear from Simons, and Swarovski accessories from JCY House.

Bella 2016

A1 Model Search

text | Kelvin Wu photo | Fizheye Studio hair | Spellbound Hair Design make up | Beauty Art Make Up and Wedding swimsuits | Simons accessories | JCY Jewellery





Sally 2016

A1 Model Search





A1 Model Search

juN 2016

A1 Model Search

Nora 2016

A1 Model Search





elva 2016

A1 Model Search

vita 2016

A1 Model Search

SereNa 2016

A1 Model Search

Sophia 2016

A1 Model Search





Watch story 在天使之城遇上

Omega glObemaster In the CIty of Angels

發布會的嘉賓是奧斯卡金像影帝Eddie Redmayne。雖然主演的《丹麥女孩》 未能為他蟬聯影帝,但他的心情似乎 非常不錯,既攜同正大肚中的太太出 席,在台上台下亦笑容滿面,有講有 笑。他向大家透露,他與歐米茄的關 係其實很早就已經建立於他父親的歐 米茄腕錶之上。 The event’s guest of honour is Academy Award winner Eddie Redmayne. Although his most recent performance in The Danish Girl didn’t earn him a second Best Actor Oscar, he still appears in a good mood. He attends the event with his expectant wife, Hannah Bagshawe, and he glows on stage and off. He tells the audience his relationship with Omega was established long ago because of his father’s Omega watch.

今次發布會於已有100年歷史的Mack Sennett Studios舉行,過去有多套舉世知 名的電影和MV都是在這個工作室拍攝的,例如Charlie Chaplin自編自導自演的 多套默劇電影。 The launch is staged in the 100-year-old Mack Sennett Studios, where many cinematic blockbusters and music videos have been shot, among them a number of Charlie Chaplin classics.

在享用過晚宴之後,便是享受音樂和美酒的party time。歐米茄請來的五人樂隊 可謂各有特色,負責吹喇叭的主音又吹又唱又跳舞非常落力。 After dinner, it’ s party time, with music and great wine. The five-piece band put on by Omega is full of character. The lead singer is a ball of energy -- singing, dancing and playing the trumpet.


I wandered around Los Angeles recently and, while


I didn’t spot any angels, I did come across an arrival


from Switzerland -- the Omega Globemaster. text & photo | Gavin Ho





洛杉磯Los Angeles,在西班牙語中的意思是「天使之城」。雖

now more of a euphemism for American-made motion pictures. That’s


because more and more so-called Hollywood productions are actually


being made elsewhere, many of them in Canada.

無不對「荷李活」三個字趨之若鶩。不過,雖說現時荷李活戲院林 立,星光大道上仍然鑲嵌著多個明星的手印腳印,但其實大部份

This visit to LA was not for star-gazing. I was there at the


invitation of Omega, to attend the global launch of its spanking new



代名詞而已。 Meeting Oscar-winning actor Eddie Redmayne, one of the brand’s 今次到洛杉磯的目的,不是為了去荷李活碰電影明星,

global ambassadors, was a surprise bonus arranged by Omega.


Globemaster was actually unveiled at last year’s Baselworld, and the


Swiss Federal Institute for Metrology METAS certification for this new


watch had also been talked about internationally.

實早在去年Baselworld錶展時已率先曝光,而與新錶息息相關的 全新瑞士聯邦計量科學研究所METAS認證,亦在之前作了全球性

So, staging another high-profile launch underscored the


importance of this watch to the brand. The highlight of the event,


other than showcasing again the classic three-hand model, was to


unveil the collection’s first complicated watch, the

戲,便是系列首個複雜型號Globemaster Annual

Globemaster Annual Calendar.


Globemaster Annual Calendar

A ‘Classic’ Upgrade The new Globemaster Annual Calendar adds

全新Globemaster Annual Calendar是在原

the annual calendar complication to the classic


three-hand watch. Unlike other annual calendar


watches, this one only shows month and date, but


the lack of the day of the week is no big deal.

大雅,最重要的是,12個月份縮寫被安排在12個 小時刻度之間,並透過中央指針來指示,更具備 瞬跳功能,會於每月1日的零時與6時位置的日期一起向前跳一格。

This watch stands out with the 12 months marked between the hour markers and indicated by a central hand. The hand instantaneously jumps by one space at midnight on the first


day of every month, synchronized with the date change at 6 o’clock.

但保持了左右平衡,其經典的12邊形盆形錶盤相對傳統年曆錶 亦特別簡約清新,再配合藍色的指針、時刻、月份、品牌標誌、

The watch, enlarged from 39 to 41 millimetres, looks very


balanced. Its classic 12-facet, pie-pan dial looks more minimalistic

狗牙圈的fluted bezel凹槽錶圈,個人來講它比大三針更好看更吸

than other typical annual calendar watches. A blue hue has been


applied to the hands, hour markers, month markers, brand logo,

狗牙圈其實是以非常堅硬的碳化鎢tungsten carbide來製造。碳化

model name and the star above 6 o’clock denoting the Constellation


collection. Set against the fluted bezel, this is even better looking than


the classic three-hand.

圓珠等,所以非常襟撞襟刮。 Other than its attractiveness, the bezel has a practical function of 至於新錶搭載的全新Cal. 8922同軸自動機芯,與去年的大三

protecting the glass. This bezel is made of tungsten carbide, which


measures 2,600HV in hardness -- much higher than the 600HV of


316 stainless steel. Tungsten carbide is highly scratch-proof and is


traditionally used for making knife sharpeners, hard armour, the core of armour-piercing bullets and the point of high-quality ballpoint pens.

Los Angeles is Spanish for the city of angels. It’s not home to any cherubs that I’m aware of, but it does have a dream factory that has made many dreams come true. Those involved in movies -- be it watching them, producing them or acting in them -- are inexorably drawn to “Hollywood,” which is

Last year, the new automatic Co-Axial Master Chronometer Cal. 8922 powering this complicated watch passed the eight stringent tests set out by the METAS, as did the classic three-hand. The eight stars surrounding the observatory emblem on the transparent case back recognizes this achievement.





Watch Story

瑞士聯邦計量科學研究所﹙METAS﹚認證 品牌在2014年底聯同瑞士聯邦計量科學研究所(METAS)推

1. COSC認證機芯在高磁場環境下的運作精準度 Precision of COSC-certified movement when exposed to high magnetic fields

出全新高於COSC的認證標準,將防磁和將機芯裝配於錶殼後的 表現納入測試之中,只要腕錶成功通過為期10天的8項測試,就 會獲發Master Chronometer證書。如COSC一樣,這項測試是 由METAS獨立進行的,既非歐米茄獨家,也非由歐米茄進行測

將具備COSC瑞士官方天文台認證的機芯,放置在 15,000高斯的磁場環境下進行兩個方位的測試。 This exposes a COSC-certified movement to a


magnetic force of 15,000 gauss for testing in two positions.

The METAS certification

2. 腕錶在高磁場環境下的運作精準度 W atch precision when exposed to high magnetic fields

In late 2014, Omega partnered with the Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology (METAS) to develop a new certification with higher


standards than the Official Swiss Chronometer Testing Institute


(COSC). It also tests anti-magnetic properties and a movement’s


performance within the watch case. A watch that passes eight tests in 10 days will get the Master Chronometer certification. Like COSC, the tests are conducted independently by METAS. It’s open to all brands, not exclusive to Omega and not conducted by Omega.

The entire watch is exposed to a magnetic force of 15,000 gauss, to test its precision in daily settings where magnetism is everywhere.

3. 腕錶暴露於高磁場環境後的平均日差 Precision deviation after exposure to high magnetic fields 先測試腕錶暴露於15,000高斯磁場環境24小時後 的運行精準度,然後於翌日替其消磁,再測試其後24小 時運作的精準度。 This test works on the precision performance 24 hours after exposure to high magnetic fields, and then demagnetized and tested again 24 hours later.

4. 腕錶的平均每日精準度 Average daily precision of the watch 將腕錶交替置於攝氏23度和33度兩個不同溫度, 以及15,000高斯磁場環境中進行6方位測試,為期4天, 之後計算其每日運行的偏差。 The watch is placed in 23°C and 33°C environments and exposed to magnetism of 15,000 gauss, then tested in six different positions for four days. The daily deviation in accuracy is recorded. 56




5. 動力儲備 Power reserve 測試腕錶在動力儲備將要耗盡時是否 仍然可以精準如一。 This checks the accuracy of a watch towards the end of the expected power reserve limit.

6. 6方位測試 Six positions test 替腕錶進行6個不同方位的精準度測 試。 This tests accuracy when the watch is placed in six different positions.

7. 100%與33%動力儲備的偏差率 R ate deviation between 100% and 33% of power reserve 在腕錶的動力儲備達100%時進行6方 位測試,然後待動力儲備損耗2/3時再進 行6方位測試,以檢視腕錶在兩個不同狀 態下的精準度偏差值。 This tests the watch in six positions at full power reserve and then again at onethird of the power reserve, to check the rate difference.

8. 防水功能 Water resistance 將腕錶放入水中並加壓至其標示的 防水深度壓力,以測試其防水功能是否達 標。 The watch is submerged to the stated water resistance level to determine whether the claimed level is accurate.

Globemaster的設計取材自經典的 Constellation腕錶,包括pie-pan 盆形錶盤和6時位置的星星標記。 The Globemaster takes on Constellation characteristics, such as the pie-pan dial and the star above 6 o’clock.

Globemaster果然真金不怕洪爐 火,就算被磁石吸附,依然運作 如常。 Globemaster’s true colours shine through. It works normally, even with a magnet attached. ELITEGEN




Watch Story

歐米茄總裁Stephen Urquhart : 解構Master Chronometers

Omega CEO Stephen Urquhart : Defining Master Chronometers 今次Globemaster發布會屬於全球性質,大會忙於招呼來自世界各 地過百位記者和嘉賓,但忙得不可開交的品牌總裁歐科華依然抽出時間 接受我們的訪問,實屬難得。 ﹙E︰《EliteGen》/ 歐︰歐科華﹚ E ︰ 說起Master Chronometer,聽聞歐米茄目標在2020年完成所有新 推出的自動錶都取得相關認證,真的嗎? 歐 ︰ 對,希望所有新推出的Co-axial同軸自動機芯甚至所有新系列都會 取得相關認證。例如在Baselworld錶展,我們便推出屬於Master Chronometer的Speedmaster計時錶,有月相顯示,另外亦會有女 裝錶推出等。同軸自動機芯本身的規格已經達天文台級,所以要 進一步取得METAS認證在技術上是完全可行的。其他機芯則因為 技術性問題,難以達到Master Chronometer的標準。 E ︰ 為何選擇Constellation系列作為靈感推出首款Master Chronometer 錶款? 歐 ︰ 因為我們希望能夠將這個最新的認證和相關技術,擺放在一款 可以代表品牌整個歷史的腕錶系列中。Constellation不但歷史最 悠久,而且亦擁有多個最精準的紀錄。不過要澄清的是,雖然 Globemaster的設計取材自Constellation,但嚴格來講並不是一枚 Constellation來的。 E ︰ 現時除了歐米茄外,還有其他品牌參予METAS認證嗎? 歐 ︰ 暫時只有歐米茄一家。這個認證仍在初生階段,需要一點時間才 會流行。 The international launch, attended by media and guests from all parts of the world, kept Omega CEO Stephen Urquhart on his feet throughout the event. However, he still took the time to talk with us. (E : EliteGen / U : Stephen Urquhart) E : Regarding the Master Chronometer, we have heard that Omega aims to complete the certification for all new automatic watches by 2020. Is that true? U : Yes. We hope all new co-axial automatic movements, as well as all our new collections, will be certified. At Baselworld, we launched a Master Chronometer Speedmaster Chronograph with moonphase. There will be women’s watches too. The co-axial escapement has already achieved the COSC standards, so it’s technically feasible that it can get the METAS certification. It might be harder for the other movements to meet the Master Chronometer standards, due to technical issues. E : Why is Constellation used as the inspiration for the first Master Chronometer? U : It is because we would like to apply this latest certification and related technology to a collection that represents the entire history of the brand. Constellation not only has a deep heritage, it also boasts a number of precision records. We should clarify, though, that Globemaster takes inspiration from Constellation but, strictly speaking, is not a Constellation. E : Are there brands other than Omega using the METAS certification? U : Omega is the only one for now. This certification is still in an infant stage, and it will take time to grow.





Watch News 今年瑞士舉行的Baselworld,Rolex憑藉黑白兩色

Rolex’s black-and-white Daytona stole the


limelight at Baselworld and we have been

今期 《星尚》 獲邀到多倫多Rolex總公司,近距離欣

invited to Rolex’s headquarters in Toronto to


take a closer look at the new models and marvel


at their distinguished craftsmanship. We are


putting the spotlight on three models that bring


surprises in colours: the aubergine Pearlmaster

茄子色的Pearlmaster 39;logo用上黃綠原色的

39, the Air-King that features a gold-and-green

Air-King;以及用上橄欖綠的Day-date 60週年特

Rolex logo and the olive green Day-Date 60th-


anniversary edition.

色. 誘

text | Livian Wu photo | Courtesy to Rolex


Colour appeal 經典黃綠logo 今次這枚Oyster Perperial Air-

Gold and Green Classic The Air-King features the iconic gold


crown and the Rolex brand name in green


will surely be nostalgic for Rolex fans. The


logo epitomizes the brand’s unique links


with the world of aviation in the golden


age of the 1930s. The typography of the


Air-King mark on the dial was specifically


designed for the original model in the 1950s. The seconds hand and the brand


name in green are certainly eye-catching.

重,綠色秒針及綠色Rolex logo在腕

The Air-King feels weightier and chunkier


on the wrist, but women used to oversized


watches can, without a doubt, carry off the



Oyster Perperial Air-King 40毫米精鋼錶殼及錶鏈,襯黑色磨砂錶盤,搭載3131型自動上鏈機械計時機芯, 同時獲認證為 「頂級天文台精密時計」,中央時、分及秒針。 Powered by the 3131 automatic caliber, the Oyster Perpetual Air-King in a 40mm stainless steel case and bracelet with matt black dial and three hands in the middle is certified Superlative Chronometer (COSC + Rolex certification after casing).





茄子色誘惑 芸芸新品當中,最吸引女士 的,大概會是堪稱為寶石鑲嵌腕錶 之瑰寶的新款Pearlmaster 39腕 錶吧。39毫米錶殼完美表現出寶 石鑲嵌工藝,無論是寶石的排列、 朝向、位置、鑲嵌的規律和美感, 以至最終的珠粒修飾等都經過嚴格 品質監控,確保腕錶上的鑽石展現 出最璀璨的光芒。其中一款用上茄 子紫色作為底色,更添典雅瑰麗氣 質。新款Pearlmaster 39獲得勞力 士2015年奠定的頂級天文台認證, 性能方面難以挑剔。

Tempting Aubergine My personal favourite in the latest collection is the Pearlmaster 39, a masterpiece among gemstone watches. The gem setting on the 39mm case is exquisite, evident in the aesthetics of the meticulous alignment, orientation, positioning and the presentation of the gems that accentuate the sparkles. The aubergine dial adds a touch of classic elegance. The new Pearlmaster 39 received the Superlative Chronometer (COSC + Rolex certification after casing) certification attained by Rolex in 2015, an assurance of superior performance.

沉實橄欖綠 Day-date為品牌中最尊貴的款式,

Pragmatic Olive Green Day-Date is one of Rolex’s most iconic watches.


Labelled the “presidents’ watch”, it is favoured by state


leaders, business tycoons and high-flyers alike. Celebrating


the 60th anniversary of Day-Date, Rolex reinterprets the


model with its hallmark olive colour, set against 18-carat


Everose, or white gold, and the characteristic fluted bezel


associated with the model since 1956.


The bracelet of the “presidents’ watch” was created


for Day-Date in 1956, and the tradition continues with the


latest model.





Watch news 一分鐘換萬年曆

One-minute makeOver Of a perpetual calendar

不消一分鐘,你腕上的手錶能夠變換為萬年曆 款式,說的是江詩丹頓今年其中一個主打系列 Overseas,全新的錶帶簡易拆卸裝置,保證用家

今年SIHH,江詩丹頓帶來5款共12個型號的Overseas腕錶, 當中三款採用了全新機芯,功能涉獵甚廣,日期、計時、超薄、 萬年曆式式俱備。它們的同共特點是:秉承系列的休閒優雅和堅 固實用特性、全都獲得日內瓦印記認證、均採用輕鬆簡便錶帶更 換裝置。錶展期間,品牌工作人員示範徒手把Overseas的錶帶解


開,再細心換上另一條錶鏈,手法相當俐落。出門口上班前無論 多趕時間,也保證一分鐘內能完成整個步驟。

No more than a minute. That’s how long it takes to give a perpetual calendar watch a new look. We are referring to Overseas, a flagship collection from Vacheron Constantin and its

5款新錶最厲害的代表,是這枚超薄萬年曆Overseas UltraThin Perpetual Calendar Patrimony,它採用1120 QP自動機芯, 以276個零件組成,具有40小時動力儲備,僅厚4.05mm;連同直 徑41.5mm的白金外殼,厚度也僅有8.1mm。灰色錶盤上帶有藍

easily-interchangeable straps and bracelet. In


less than 60 seconds, you can change the look


to suit your mood, or the occasion.

期、以及12時位置帶有閏年的48個月份顯示,布局穩重清晰,萬 式錶扣及真皮和橡膠錶帶各一條,只在品牌專門店發售。

At this year’s SIHH, Vacheron Constantin presented five new models (12 references) in the Overseas collection. Three of the models are powered by all-new calibers, offering a combination of complications and features, from date to chronograph, ultra-thin and perpetual calendar. All of them have these in common – they are practical, elegant sport watches bearing the Hallmark of Geneva, and all feature ingenious interchangeable bracelets and straps. The brand’s representatives at the show demonstrated how deftly they could change a strap into a bracelet, or vice versa, with no tools. So, rest assured that you, too, can do it within a minute when you’re in a hurry heading to work or a social engagement. The Overseas Ultra-Thin Perpetual Calendar Patrimony is, hands down, the most eye-catching piece in the collection. The watch is fitted with the 1120 QP automatic movement, formed of 276 parts. The caliber, with 40 hours of power reserve, is fitted into a 41.5-millimetre (diameter) case that is only 4.05 millimetres thick. The grey dial is decorated with blue highlights. The layout is balanced – with moon phase at 6 o’clock, day of the week at 9 o’clock, date at 3 o’clock and 48-month counter with leap-year indication at 12 o’clock. The perpetual calendar only requires manual adjustment on March 1, 2100. It comes with a white gold bracelet and two straps – one leather, the other rubber – that are secured by a white gold buckle. It’s sold exclusively in the brand’s stores. text | Ringo photo | Zuak





Watch News 去年PAM616的Carbotech及今年

The Carbotech PAM616 launched last year, and


the skeletonized PAM578 unveiled this year,


are both eye-catching and full of gimmicks.


Still, some watch enthusiasts feel they are

……」 。或許正因如此,Panerai在

“somehow missing a touch of complexity”. In

5月份往錶壇投下這枚深海炸彈 -

answer, Panerai dropped this torpedo in May ––


the brand’s most intricate watch ever.

最複雜大炸彈 The mosT complex

torpedo text | Rango

Panerai宣佈Radiomir 1940 Minute Repeater Carillon

It’s not your garden variety minute repeater. It has three gongs and

Tourbillon GMT誕生,對,看到名字已清楚了,是三問,終於盼到

three hammers. The first set sounds the hour in a low-pitch gong. The


second set indicates the number of 10-minute intervals past the hour

牌的Laboratorio di ldee廠房用四年時間研發,絕不是一般的三問

by sounding three intermediate gongs. The third set uses a high-pitch


gong to sound the number of minutes past the last 10-minute interval.


(For instance, at 3:45, the watch will chime three dings, two sets of


ding dong dung, and four dungs.)

打,省卻了心算加數。(舉例現在是3時24分,腕錶便會敲出「叮、 叮、叮、叮噹燈、叮噹燈、燈、燈、燈、燈」)留意錶壇的你可能 會挑剔:朗格不是剛推出了decimal repeater,方法不是一樣嗎? 沒錯,不過這枚PAM600更厲害,除了加配每30秒轉一圈的陀飛 輪,還有GMT,而且這個GMT,同樣也有三問報時功能,只要預 先調好home time或local time (9時小盤有indicator),一按錶殼8時 的敲打鍵,便能聆聽到異地或家中的時間了,方便非常。

This is called a decimal repeater, and it is more user-friendly with easier arithmetic than traditional minute repeaters that chime the hours, then the number of quarters past the hour, and then the number of minutes past the last quarter hour. The observant ones among you might immediately counter that A. Lange & Söhne also released a decimal repeater recently that works

Panerai announced the birth of Radiomir 1940 Minute Repeater

in the same manner. That’s true, but this PAM600 ups the ante with

Carillon Tourbillon GMT. That’s right, you see it in the name. It’s a

a tourbillon that rotates in 30 seconds. It is also a GMT, and it chimes

minute repeater. The wait is over. This super-complicated, hand-

the time in two time zones, as long as the home time and local time

winding movement P.2005/MR, with GMT, tourbillon and minute

are set (indicated in the sub-dial at 9 o’clock). When the pusher at 8

repeater, took the brand’s Laboratorio di ldee four years to research

o’clock is pressed, you can hear the time at home or wherever you are

and develop.

in the world. Isn’t that handy?

PANERAI RAdIomIR 1940 mINutE REPEAtER CARIlloN touRbIlloN Gmt PAm 600

about $515,500.





Fashion News

Richmond centRe開設新門市

Scotch & Soda

opens new location at the Richmond centRe 阿姆斯特丹時尚品牌Scotch & Soda,在

Amsterdam fashion brand Scotch & Soda has opened

Richmond Centre開設卑詩省首間分店,

the doors of its first British Columbia location at


Richmond Centre, its fourth stand-alone store in Canada. text, photo | Scotch & Soda





位於CF Richmond Centre的Scotch & Soda店內陳設

The Scotch & Soda interior at CF Richmond Centre.


The space provides an intimate shopping experience and offers a

Scotch & Soda男裝系列、Maison Scotch女裝系列以及

curated selection from the original Scotch & Soda menswear line, the

Amsterdams Blauw 男、女牛仔裝系列。門市經悉心裝潢,

Maison Scotch line for women and the Amsterdams Blauw denim collection

以自然燈光營造的氛圍、匠心經營的美感,皆結合Scotch &

for men and women. Customers are treated to carefully crafted displays,


ambient lighting and an eclectic aesthetic that weaves together Scotch &


Soda’s Amsterdam roots with its global travelling spirit.

阿姆斯特丹品牌Scotch & Soda,把從世界各地發現的

Its signature looks mesh unexpected fabrics and patterns. Men’s,


women’s and children’s clothing, along with soft furnishings, all start life at


Number 22, Scotch & Soda's canal-side design studio that’s housed in a

人意想不到的布織及圖紋設計。Scotch & Soda所有男裝、

former church in the heart of Amsterdam.

女裝、童裝及布飾皆原創於Number 22,即集團Scotch & Soda設於阿姆斯特丹心臟地段、毗連運河旁、前身為教堂的

Scotch & Soda has more 150 stores worldwide, with Canadian outlets


also found in Edmonton, Calgary and Toronto. Its clothing line is also carried


in more than 8,000 global department stores and Independents, as well as


its online store: scotch-soda.com.





On Runway 自從Alessandro Michele在Gucci出 現,為男裝天橋呈現一片鳥語花香的 新風貌,亦帶來前所未有的想像空 間。新系列稱為「Détournement」, 原指六、七十年代反資本主義的創作 手段,作品帶強烈控訴及諷刺意味, 最經典是Punk之班霸Sex Pistols的 經典細碟 《God Save the Queen》 , 以及唱片封面上的蒙眼英女皇。

As soon as Alessandro Michele



appeared at Gucci, he began creating a new scene for the men’s fashion runway, a paradise filled with beautiful

A SugAr-CoAted PArAdiSe text | 冰汪

flowers and lively birds. He also opened up unprecedented new ground for imagination.


The new series is entitled Détournement, a reference to the anti-


capitalism of the 1960s and ’70s, which is used as a creative tactic.

一刻開始,他一直義無反顧地懷舊,要把 早已封塵的元素,透過悉心設計和美指, 重新包裝成有型且萬眾渴求的產品。 Michele得到老闆全力支持,由天橋上

The products are full of denouncements and satire. One classic piece is the record by punk icon Sex Pistols, God Save the Queen, with a blindfolded Queen Elizabeth on the record cover. It’s this type of rebellion and rock ’n’ roll mentality that


Michele incorporates into his fashion. From the moment he

平面廣告,甚至連紙袋和press kit,都一律

arrived at the Milan runway last year, he has been obsessed

換上他的指定新裝,統統彌漫著七十 年代的青春氣息。Attention to detail

with this vintage theme, dusting off forgotten elements and repackaging them as trendy, desired attire.

永遠是勝利的先決條件,英雄造時 勢,他能令Gucci生意逆流而上, 是完美執行概念與視野的成果。

With the full support of his boss, the 44-year-old native of Rome has taken these clothes from the runway and into every shop window. Attention to detail is always a pre-requisite for


victory, and heroes shape the course of history. For Michele


to be successful in building Gucci’s brand back up, his


perfectionism and vision are to be credited.

言萬語要表達,綿密的圖案、刺 繡及窩釘裝飾,幾乎每吋都要設 計到盡才罷休。

The men’s fashion series this season is all about the ’70s. Both bell bottoms and wide collars are back in full force. Each look seems to be waiting to convey a thousand messages

系列中其中一個key look是一套紅

through its detailed patterns, embroidery and rivets.

色tracksuit,他採用大量金銀銅線, 把原本很old school的衣服,刺繡出一



A key piece of this collection is a red tracksuit, embroidered with


a Japanese-style flower of gold, silver and bronze thread, which he

geek look眼鏡,結合起來,出奇地舊舊

matches with the brand’s popular geek-look glasses. The resulting


combination is surprisingly refreshing.



Technical jersey jacket with metallic gold floral embroidery and web detail $2,255 Technical jersey pants with metallic gold floral embroidery and web detail $2,265

我樂見Michele為男裝帶來美麗新天地。在 時裝周期間,已有小撮花樣男兒將他的設計分 拆上身,一種是Nick Wooster那樣的粗獷鬍鬚硬

Check cotton twill jacket with contrast tape details $3,015

漢,另一種是像天橋上的瘦弱文青,兩種南轅 北轍的style,卻異曲同工穿出隱藏衣服的嫵媚。 飾物方面,他嘗試跳出monogram及金屬猛 獸框框,一個巨型Gucci壓紋皮革tote bag和閃 亮的銀色波鞋,象徵他開始轉向,令整個系列 更完整。 Michele, who was appointed Gucci’s Creative Director in January, 2015, has brought a beautiful new world to men’s fashion. During Fashion Week, a handful of attractive men divided up his designs. One group represented the rough, bearded type, like Nick Wooster; the other, the lanky hipsters prevalent on the runways. Both of these polar-opposite styles display the hidden charm of the clothing in their own way. As for accessories, Michele opted for a giant

GG supreme trench coat with suede trims and printed scarf interior $5,675

Gucci-embossed leather tote bag and a pair of New Palma Herbarium print cotton jacket $2,845 Herbarium print cotton skinny pants $1,015

shiny silver tennis shoes — both signalling the new direction he has taken to make the entire collection more coherent. All available at Gucci

Gucci XL leather tote $2,835

Leather biker jacket encrusted with embroidered appliqués and studs $9,075

Navy twill two-button jacket with shrunken fit $2,675 Glitter web sneaker with studs $830

Check jersey embroidered sweater $3,065





Men Picks


Rough edges in silver

常言道: 「皮鞋最能反映男士品味。」 同時,它也可以是一種性格的顯示。 It’s been said that shoes can be an indicator of a man’s personality. For women, it can be the first thing they take note of when meeting a man. To them, the care and thought men put into the selection of footwear can translate directly into the care they take in other life situations. text | Clarence Lau photo | Kauzrambler

Giuseppe Zanotti Franz US$1,075 (giuseppezanottidesign.com) (US only)

Church's studded oxford shoes $TBD





Fendi metal stitch blucher lace-ups $1,555 (saksfifthavenue.com)

Givenchy iconic studs Richel leather oxfords $1,365 (lanecrawford.com)

大部分男人對衣著的取向是融入(blend in),最好

As men mature, many choose to blend in. That’s why classic shoes are


always best-sellers – the less paraphernalia the better. But why not change it up

(stand out)的造型。是故,皮鞋最好賣的永遠是經典款

from time to time, and add a touch of edginess to the daily look? Prove that you


are not a bore at heart and still have the rough edges of youth.

加添時尚觸覺,來證明內心並非悶蛋,年輕有趣的棱角 其實仍然存在。

Flamboyant styles may be hard to accept, but a few contemporary details thoughtfully added to classic designs are worth checking out. Look at these

大放大鳴的誇張款式可能較難接受,於經典設計上 加入時尚細節的心思作才更值得推介,正如今季大舉出

black leather shoes adorned with silver embellishments, which are prevalent among this year’s collections.

現的銀飾黑皮鞋,全黑正規皮鞋款確立優雅的底蘊,再 運用不同形狀的銀色細節,例如圓孔、長條以及尖釘等

Classic black designs form the elegant base to which silver details in


different shapes and sizes – round, baguettes or studs – are added. These


deliver the right amount of ruggedness to the daily look.

Christian Louboutin studded slip on shoes $TBD

Diego Vanassibara zigzag studded shoes $TBD

Jimmy Choo black studded fergus boots $1,325 (ssense.com)

Givenchy box calf leather t-strap shoes $TBD






在網絡世界,女生們可以借助各式各樣的修圖技 巧,輕輕鬆鬆「重塑」精緻分明的瓜子臉。然而每當 攬鏡自照,便發現隨着年齡增長,以及脂肪、水份囤 積等因素影響,連串問題如鬆弛、浮腫甚至下垂等, 已相繼湧現到面上。倘若想真正重拾完美V臉,首要任 務還是選用具緊緻及提升作用的修護產品,全方位重塑 臉部輪廓,將包包臉徹底擊退。

In the digital world, women can use image-editing techniques to create a clearly defined face. But in the real world, if they look at themselves in the mirror, they will realize that, with aging, comes fat and fluid deposits and such problems as swelling and sagging. To restore a perfect V-shaped face, the first step is to choose skincare products designed to firm and lift the skin and defeat the appearance of a puffy face.


New Tips oN skiN RejuveNaTioN text | 張琬雯 photo | 黃幹文 model | Karo R.(Sun Esee) make up, hair | Mon Cheng(Annie G.)





星級化妝師 Star Makeup Artist Gary Chung


Firming Methods 無可否認,當年紀逐漸增 長,肌膚鬆弛現象亦因為地心吸 力的影響而愈趨明顯,除此之外, 經常吃高鹽份及味精的食品,亦會 令多餘水份積聚於體內,繼而衍生面 部浮腫問題。想重塑更精緻分明的面 部線條,最有效方法,當然就是使用帶 有緊緻及塑顏作用的精華素及面膜產品, 協助重塑更分明的面形輪廓。面部護理以 外,呈現於眼周肌膚的眼袋及水腫現象亦同 樣不容忽視。 早前試用過Clarins全新電眼緊緻精華,質 地不只清爽,當中還加入了柿果及紅球薑等成 份,有助收緊肌膚及改善浮腫。塗搽後建議於眼 周位置進行簡單的指壓按摩,收緊效果立即顯而易 見,眼袋亦可撫平過來。另一特色是產品加入了具 強化睫毛作用的維他命B5,可令睫毛脫落有所改善。 It’s undeniable that skin gets noticeably looser as one ages because of the effects of gravity. In addition, if one eats food containing large amounts of salt and MSG, this will lead to fluid retention and a puffy face. The most effective way to achieve a delicate and defined facial outline is to use facial masks that contain essences with firming and lifting elements to help reshape the contour of the face. Also, don’t forget issues such as bags around the eyes. Recently, this author tried the Clarins Defining Eye Lift Serum. It is non-greasy and contains kaki (persimmon) and zerumbet (ginger), among other ingredients. It has the effect of firming up the skin and reducing puffiness, ideal for bags under the eyes. The Clarins Enhancing Eye Lift Serum $64 (Hudson's Bay)

product also contains Vitamin B5, which strengthens eyelashes and reduces the shedding of lashes.







Sisley Sisleya Global Firming Serum $650 (Holt Renfrvew) 水潤、易吸收的精華素,內含 有蒔蘿精華、油沙草精華及黑 麥精華等多種活性成份,使 用後能重點提升彈性及收緊輪 廓,令面部線條更加細緻分明。 A moisturizing, easily absorbable serum containing such active ingredients as dill, chufa sedge and rye essence. The serum increases skin elasticity and firms the contours to make facial features more defined.


Natura Bisse High Density Lift $370 (net-a-porter.com) 除了集中改善肌膚彈性,面霜 亦加強針對皺紋及乾燥問題, 故特別引用PDGF青春再生因 子及雙效透明質酸為主要成 份,讓肌膚回復健康、緊緻。

A B 踼走包包面

Getting rid of the puffy face


試問有哪個女生不想擁有完美無瑕的V Shape面形,只可惜隨着歲月流逝,加上抵 抗不了地心吸力的自然定律,肌膚開始逐漸

In addition to improving skin elasticity, this face cream also focuses on solving problems with wrinkles and dryness. Its key ingredients are PDGRemodelling Complex (Platelet-Derived Growth Factor) and Dual Hyaluronic Acid, which restores the health and tightness of the skin.

出現鬆弛現象,另一方面亦有可能因為脂肪 及水份囤積,又或是高鹽、高味精的飲食習 慣而引發面部浮腫問題。眼見面部線條不夠 立體分明,這時候最好使用有收緊面形、增 加肌膚彈性功效的保養品,讓面部輪廓獲得 進一步的提升,輕鬆達至纖顏效果。 As soon as one discovers that the facial contour is getting less defined, one should


utilize skin products that firm up the skin,

This serum is formulated with a cell-rejuvenating CMAge Complex, which enhances metabolism, while stimulating the production of collagen in the cells. Thus, the skin is kept fine and moist, and the light rose and musk scent is particularly soothing.

increase its elasticity and thereby achieve a slimmer, more chiselled face.






La Colline Lift & Light Global Illuminating Serum $620 (lacolline.com) 通過配方中的細胞新生複合物CMAge,精華素能促進新陳代謝,並激活細胞製造骨膠原,讓肌膚 時刻保持緊緻飽滿。其淡淡的玫瑰花及麝香味道,更具有紓緩的作用。

Clarins Shaping Facial Lift Total V Contouring Serum $82 (Hudson’ s Bay) 藉着由巴西香可可、紅球薑及柿果萃取結合而 成的V輪廓微塑科技,精華素不但可消除面上 多餘脂肪及排走多餘水份,同時有助收緊蘋果 肌的線條。 Through the V-contouring effects of Brazilian cocoa, zerumbet ginger and kaki, this serum not only reduces excess fat and fluids from the face, but also defines cheekbone lines.


Clinique Sculptwear Lift and Contour Serum for Face and Neck $66 (Hudson’ s Bay) 精華素以結合甜杏仁籽萃取、紅海藻萃取及大 豆籽萃取的專利PolySculpt輪廓重塑技術作為最 大賣點,其主要作用為提拉肌膚及撫平幼紋。 配方中的咖啡豆萃取,亦能進一步提升肌膚活 力。 This serum combines sweet almond seed extract, red seaweed extract and soybean seed extract with a patented PolySculpt contour-sculpting technique as its main selling point. The serum lifts the skin and smooths out wrinkles. The cocoa bean extract further increases the skin’s vitality.


Shiseido Bio-Performance LiftDynamic Serum $120 (sephora.com) 針對肌膚鬆弛現象,精華素特別採用嶄新的 TruStructiv科技,以重整肌膚結構,並提升其彈 性及柔韌度。另蘊含迷迭香植物精華及生物激 活複合物,同時有助減淡皺紋。 To combat saggy skin, the serum uses the new TruStructiv technology to restore skin structure and increase elasticity and flexibility. The serum contains rosemary plant essence and a bio-renewal complex, which also helps reduce wrinkles.



H 敷出美顏


Masks for Beautiful Skin 替臉龐敷上具緊緻及提升作用的面膜,當然能令纖顏功效更加事半 功倍。大家除可以試試一邊敷乳霜狀面膜,一邊進行簡單的提拉按摩動 作,以強化其收緊效果,另外亦可選用質地富彈性的凝膠狀面膜,敷的 時候會更加緊貼肌膚,提升效果同樣再明顯一點。

Using a mask can effectively lift facial skin – be it a creamy mask that is massaged into the skin to increase the firming effects, or a more elastic gel



mask that clings to the skin and has an even more visible lifting effect.

Clarins V-Facial Intensive Wrap $58 (Hudson’ s Bay) 乳霜狀面膜主要蘊含了紅球薑及紫珠莓 萃取等成份,以集中加強排水效能,可 用來急救因女性生理周期、壓力或睡眠 姿勢而引發的面部浮腫問題。成份中亦 包含了法國白泥,有助吸走面上污垢與 油脂。 This creamy mask contains zerumbet and buchu extracts, which help drain excess fluids. This can be used to alleviate the problem of puffiness in the face due to the effects of the menstrual cycle, stress or sleep posture. The ingredients also include French white clay, which absorbs dirt and grease from the surface of the face.


Chanel Le Lift Masque de Massage $135 (nordstrom.com) 品牌將有助提升真皮層緊緻度的橙花精 華,以及可促進纖維母細胞生長的3.5DA活性成份混入至按摩面膜之內,使 用後能令肌膚變得更加緊實、明亮。 This product contains neroli essence, which improves the fineness of the skin. The massage mask also contains the active ingredient 3.5-DA, which increases the growth of fibroblast and improves the skin’s firmness and brightness.


La Mer The Lifting and Firming Mask $330 (nordstrom.com) 附設專用掃子的精華面膜,主要利用高 濃度Miracle Broth活膚精華、提升酵母 與海洋胜肽等成份,來重點提升肌膚密 度及增強支撐肌膚組織,使用後面部線 條明顯變得細緻起來。 Applying with specialized application brush, this serum mask uses a high density Miracle Broth skin revitalization essence, enhanced with yeast and marine peptide. The mask focuses on increasing the density of the skin and strengthening the skin cells to make the contours visibly firmer.









Elemis Pro-Collagen Hydra-Gel Eye Masks $107/6 pairs (yesstyle.ca) 眼膜既蘊含保濕的透明質酸成份,另糅合了具收緊作用的小團扇藻及浮游生物萃取, 從而擊退眼袋及浮腫現象。 This eye mask contains hydrating hyaluronic acids, mixed with chlorelia algae plankton extracts, and has the effect of preventing puffiness and bags under the eyes.


Clarins Skin-Smoothing Eye Mask $49 (cosme-de.com) 集野玫瑰、杏桃及玫瑰水等成份於一身的眼膜,有效排走多餘水份,以及撫平和重整 眼周肌膚輪廓。 Combining wild rose, apricot and rose water, this eye mask drains excess fluids and smoothens wrinkles, as well as reshaping skin contour around the eyes.


Methode Swiss Vitalift Eye Patches $38.5/10 pairs (sasa.com) 蘊含緊緻活化眼部複合物及亮眼光彩配方的眼膜,一方面能提升眼部肌膚彈性及緊緻 度,另一方面可淡化色素,令雙眼回復明亮。 Containing Bio-Peptides Vitalift Eye Complex and a eye-brightening formula, this product increases skin elasticity and firmness, as well as reducing skin pigmentation to restore the brightness of the eyes.



Firming around the eyes 除了面形線條需要進行重塑,大家亦不能忽視眼周肌膚的鬆弛及眼袋問題,否則情況 只會愈變愈差,令雙眼看起來更加神采欠奉,連帶面容亦更顯憔悴。坊間有不少針對眼部 肌膚而設的緊緻保養品及眼膜產品,倘若持續使用,便能夠協助收緊下垂及浮腫的肌膚。 In addition to the need to improve the contour of the face, one must not neglect the sagging of the skin around the eyes. Otherwise, the situation will get worse and leave the skin lacking in energy, and make the whole face look weary and haggard. There are many firming products and eye masks aimed at improving skin around the eyes. Used consistently, these products help alleviate sagging and puffiness.



Using Okinawa red algae, 23-karat gold dust and organic hyaluronic acid as ingredients, this serum moisturizes, brightens, and firms the skin around the eyes. Used with the cool ceramic massage head applicator, the product quickly reduces puffiness.


Dermacept by Dr. Zein Obagi Derma Lift Eye Specialist $125 (yesstyle.ca) 由眼部護理複合物和高濃度紅藻提取物結合而成的配方, 既能提升肌膚彈性,並改善浮腫及鬆弛問題,同時有助擊 退眼周位置的幼紋及皺紋。 Using a formula that combines eye-care complexes and red algae extract, this product increases skin elasticity and reduces puffiness and sagging. It also reduces fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes.



O 74

Tatcha Luminous Deep Hydration Firming Eye Serum $114 (sephora.com) 以沖繩紅藻、23K金箔粒子及生物衍生的透明質酸作為成 份,令眼部精華具有保濕、提亮及收緊眼周肌膚之效。配 合其冰涼的陶瓷按摩頭設計,能加快減褪浮腫現象。




belif Moisturizing and Firming Eye Cream $79 (yesstyle.ca) 眼霜先加入堅果油、白芒花籽油等天然成份,為眼周肌膚 形成長效鎖水膜,另混入了山桑子成份,能對提升肌膚輪 廓起正面作用。 The eye cream contains natural ingredients, such as nut oil and meadowfoam seed oil, to form a long-lasting, moisture-locking film around the eyes. Adding billberry essence, the product also improves the contour of the skin.


Getting rid of wrinkles on the neck 不少女生也不太重視頸部肌膚的護理,若然 長期缺乏保養,有可能因缺水和彈性流失而觸發 頸紋及鬆弛等問題。有見及此,大家還是應勤於 使用頸部肌膚專屬的緊緻產品,讓肌膚得到充足 的保護及養份。 Many women neglect the skin on their necks. Over time, this can lead to wrinkling and sagging, due to dehydration and the subsequent reduction in elasticity. To combat these problems, one must be diligent in applying products aimed at firming the skin.


Rodial Chin & Neck Lift Triple-Action Sculpting Gel $140 (skinstore.com) 質地輕盈的緊緻啫喱,內含有獨特專利成份,用後 能重點消除積聚於下巴及頸部位置的脂肪,令線條 即時獲得提升。 This light firming gel contains patented ingredients and can reduce fat that deposits on the chin and neck, and instantly improves the contour of the skin.


Origins Plantscription Powerful Lifting Neck and Decollete Treatment $73 (sephora.com) 由於修護乳霜蘊含了具收緊作用的杞子及杏仁油成 份,另混入能刺激肌膚天然微纖維蛋白組織增生的 非洲長青木萃取,持續使用有助改善頸紋及頸部肌 膚的鬆弛問題。 This protective cream contains firming ingredients, such as goji (wolfberries) and almond oil, as well as African aoki extract, which stimulates the skin’s natural fibrillin. Consistent use will reduce wrinkles and prevent the sagging of skin on the neck.




Innisfree Soybean Firming Neck Cream $32 (yesstyle.ca) 濟州島毛豆經發酵後不只具有抗氧化功效,更有提 升肌膚彈性的作用,故頸部乳霜引用它作為成份, 以集中對抗頸紋及加強肌膚緊緻度。 Fermented Jeju soybeans not only are an antioxidant, but can also improve skin elasticity. That is why this neck cream uses these soybeans as its main ingredient, to focus on reducing neck wrinkles and improving skin firmness. Clarins Extra-Firming Neck Anti-Wrinkle Rejuvenating Cream $81 (Hudson’ s Bay) 針對頸部肌膚因肌肉較少而較易出現如紋理、粗糙 及鬆弛等老化跡象,頸霜結合了向日葵萃取、有機 燕麥糖及藥蜀葵粉末等成份,既令肌膚回復結實、 收緊,亦可撫平皺紋及軟化肌膚。 Because neck skin is less muscular, it is easier for lines, roughness and sagginess to form as the skin ages. This neck cream combines sunflower extracts, organic oat sugar and marshmallow powder to restore tightness and firmness to the skin. At the same time, it smoothens out wrinkles and softens the skin.








Beauty News ESTÉE LAUDER 25倍極速修護銀箔臉膜



Estée Lauder invents the future


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deep and fast within skin’s surface. The outer matrix drives the potent formula

銀箔臉膜緊貼臉部的內層滲滿Advanced Night Repair升級特潤基因修護露,其滋潤和 修護功效能迅速透進皮膚內;配合外層銀箔 的PowerFoil先進科技,大大提升臉膜的吸收

Advanced Night Repair Concentrated Recovery Powerfoil Mask 4 Pack, $88.00 Advanced Night Repair Concentrated Recovery Powerfoil Mask 1 Pack, $25.00

into skin using the new PowerFoil technology that offers 25X faster* penetration for immediate glow and healthier, younger looking skin.

度,以比一般臉膜* 快上25倍的速度,極速滲 透進皮膚,用後有煥然一新的感覺,皮膚即時變得充滿光澤、健康

This powerful, concentrated weekly treatment mask also immerses


skin in a double dose** of nature’s moisture magnet, hyaluronic acid, for a


surge of liquid revitalization. In just ten minutes, skin emerges more radiant


and translucent, looking instantly fresher and renewed for the week ahead.

活。 • Repair Technology – the high-performance, foil-backed sheet mask • 修護功能 - 高效能的銀箔臉膜內含差不多半瓶Advanced Night Repair中獨有的ChronoluxCB™成分。 • Hyaluronic Acid透明質酸-透明質酸有極強保濕功效。每塊銀箔

includes nearly half a bottle’s worth of Advanced Night Repair’s exclusive ChronoluxCB™. • Hyaluronic Acid – each sheet mask immerses skin in a double dose


of moisture-locking hyaluronic acid, helping ensure the ultimate


hydrated environment at night, when skin is most susceptible to water loss.

• 高效抗敏成分-銀箔臉膜使用了多種高效抗敏成分,包括有


Lady's Thistle (牛奶薊)、Birch Extract (樺樹精華) 和Magnolia

• Potent Anti-Irritants – A potent blend of anti-irritants including lady’s

Bark Extract (木蘭花樹皮精華),都是以平伏和紓緩皮膚的功效見

thistle, birch extract and magnolia bark extract, known to help calm


and soothe skin. This concentrated recovery mask helps fatigued skin appear more

使用Estée Lauder的銀箔臉膜,修護疲乏的皮膚,讓臉容回復 滋潤、晶瑩的最佳狀態。

hydrated, radiant and renewed.

*和傳統棉紙質臉膜相比 **和Advanced Night Repair serum相比

* Versus traditional cotton sheet masks ** Versus Advanced Night Repair serum




Beauty News

Sun Ultimate是最新的Esthederm 防曬護理產品,專為高度敏感或 過敏性皮膚而設,也適用於對陽 光敏感和難以曬得古銅膚色的人 仕身上。 The latest Esthederm suncare product : Sun Ultimate is a specially designed suncare for intolerant and hypersensitive skin. Also benifits people with sun-intolerant skin: sun allergy, very difficult tanning.

成立已超過三十年的Institut Esthederm,是擁有傑出 防曬科研成就的著名法國品牌,研究重點集中於皮膚 和陽光的相互影響關係,認為要妥善保護皮膚免受過 度陽光傷害,便需作出適當有效的防曬準備。努力不 懈的長時間鑽研帶來多項主要科研突破,令Esthederm 的防曬護膚系列成為目前市場上最具效果的產品之 一,也為沐浴於陽光中帶來新的輕鬆愉快感受。 Since its foundation, Institut Esthederm has focused its research on exploring how the skin interacts with the sun. Its research has enabled major scientific breakthroughs which now mean that Esthederm’s sun protection products are some of the most highly effective youth-preserving products on the market. More than mere sun protection, these products embody a certain way of living in the sun, a unique pleasure, reserved to the lucky few.

過敏肌膚 照曬可也

EsthEdErm suN ultimatE

suncare for intolerant and hypersensitive skin text, photo | provided by Institut Esthederm


At the heart of every Esthederm suncare product is

都蘊含其專利技術Global Cellular

the patented technology Global Cellular Protection, which


protects the quality and youthfulness of the skin in the sun


by neutralising photo-ageing.

侵害所導至的皮膚老化現象。 Global Cellular Protection leaves the skin cells better Global Cellular Protection幫助

Photo Regulateur是為局 部地方出現色素沉澱 現 象而設,可減弱色斑的 強度,令經日曬的膚色 更均勻。 Photo Regulateur has been designed to protect localized hyperpigmentation, to attenuate the intensity of pigmentation spots and promote an even tan.

equipped to withstand solar radiation by reactivating


defence and cell repair mechanisms that are insufficient or


saturated by the sun:

足而衰退的細胞修復機能;同時保護 皮膚免卻因氧化壓力而提前老化,出 現皺紋和失去彈性的情形(經試驗證

• Protection against oxidative stress, responsible for accelerated ageing: wrinkles, loss of firmness (in vitro test).

明)。 • Anti-inflammatory protection, to shield the skin 其消炎保護作用,避免皮膚受陽

against inflammaging and pigment spots.

光炙傷及因色素沉著而出現色斑,同 時強化細胞膜,增強自身功能,以免 DNA結構受破壞。

• Protection against DNA damage, the cause of changes to cellular genetic material.





Beauty news 純天然草本美肌

Coming Up Roses text | Leslie Yip photo | Sangre de Fruta

Sangre de Fruta,意謂「水果的血」,充份呈現

Sangre de Fruta, literally “the blood of fruit”, celebrates the essence


and healing power of fruits and flowers. The line is comprised of water-


free formulations made of locally sourced, organic and wild-crafted,


plant-based ingredients and is free from synthetic perfumes and toxins.


One of its best sellers is the botanical body cream. Designed for

霜(Botanical Body Cream)。天然的質感芳香令人愛

decadence in texture and scent, it is made with active botanicals for


healthy skin.


Reaching cult status is 另一款星級產

the luxurious Rose No.


1 cream, in which

的Rose No. 1

400 Bulgarian rose


blossoms are

瓶100 ml 的


溫哥華時尚達人Allison Audrey


and infused into


400朵保加 利亞玫瑰花

each 100 ml jar. The scent of the


由蒸餾而成 的精華。據

Vancouver fashionista Allison


Audrey Weldon turns her

可觸動心靈, 玫瑰花油亦有

love for healing plants into


an exclusive line of organic


botanical beauty products.

熟、乾燥或敏感肌膚使 用。

rose is said to lift the heart, while rose oil is renowned for its balancing and soothing properties, particularly good for mature, dry or sensitive skins. Another favourite is the Solis


flower nectar face oil. This summer

(Solis Flower Nectar Face Oil)則

essential is a blend of French and


English lavender, together with vetiver, ylang

國薰衣草、香根草、依蘭依蘭、藍洋甘菊及 鼠尾草的精油,最適合於曬太陽前、後使用。 所有產品均於溫哥華以人手小量精製,深紫色

ylang, blue chamomile and sage oils, and is to be applied before and after sun exposure. All products are made by hand in small batches in


Vancouver and housed in sleek violet glass bottles and jars, reminiscent

(網址: sangredefruta.com )

of ancient apothecaries. (sangredefruta.com)

Sangre – Rose Collection Rose No. 1 Botanical Body Lotion, $89 for 200 ml Rose No. 1 Botanical Body Cream, $32 for 50 ml and $64 for 100 ml

Sangre – Solis Solis Flower Nectar Face Oil, $124 for 20 ml





Food 壽司工匠 從心出發

SuShi ArtiSAn Creates From His Heart

步進一間餐廳,往往著眼於內裡有什麼特別的新菜式、味道如何、廚司功架等等… 然 而,這天到高級日本餐廳「匠心」(Shoushin)採訪,原來除食物的味道或賣相以外, 還能在老闆的飲食藝術之道,悟出人生道理。 A visit to Shoushin is much more than a delightful culinary experience. It’s also an opportunity to learn about the taste and appearance of the food, as well as the owner’s cooking philosophy.

眼前這位年輕人,謙卑有禮,縱然早已榮升主廚,也當上餐廳老闆,但仍自稱為「高級學徒」 :「做人跟做 壽司一樣,凡事用心,只要是真心喜歡做的事,永不言辛苦。」 他來自廣州,十多歲隨家人移民到多倫多,校內成績不算標青,在機緣巧合下接觸到日本壽司文化,無 心插柳,卻成為今天北美頂尖的日本壽司師傅之一。他的名字叫 Jackie Lin。 This humble and respectful young man is the head chef and owner of Shoushin, yet he still calls himself an “advanced apprentice”. “Making sushi is the same as being a good person,” he says. “You need to put your heart into everything. As long as you are doing what you like, it will never be too hard.” A native of Guangzhou, he emigrated to Toronto with his family as a teenager. In school, his grades were mediocre. However, he became acquainted with sushi culture by chance and serendipitously has become one of North America’s top sushi chefs. His name is Jackie Lin.

text | Livian Wu photo | Alfred Chow






餐廳選用” Omakase”形式,中文是 「信賴」 的意思,即客人所吃的都是由廚師全權作 主。 The restaurant features omakase-style sushi, meaning everything customers eat is decided by the chef.

十二年磨劍 過去12年,他一直於著名的日本餐廳 Zen

Twelve Years of Training Lin spent 12 years working at the famous Zen Japanese Restaurant, where he

Japanese Restaurant 工作,拜師學藝、努力學

perfected his skills at sushi, as well as submersing himself into Japanese food culture.


Last year, the 31-year-old decided to take the leap and open his own restaurant and


devote his energy to producing the highest quality sushi.

將最優質的壽司帶給真正喜歡品嚐美食的朋友。 When asked if it had been a tough slog the past 12 years, he said, “No! Even though 問到在12年的光陰裡,過程辛苦嗎?他 說:「不會! 工作時間雖長,但當你真正投入

the work hours were long, when you are truly immersed in something you love to do, it’s not hard and nothing is difficult.”

做自己喜歡做的事,沒有什麼辛苦、也沒有什 麼難事。」現在說來輕鬆,但其實Jackie也曾經

It all looks easy now, but in reality, Lin did experience some hard times, and one


challenging episode is unforgettable. “When I first started my apprenticeship, because I


didn’t have enough experience, my performance wasn’t good. There was a time that the


customer was displeased, and I was so emotional that I ran into the kitchen and cried.”


The fact Lin shed those tears is indicative of a man who demands the most of himself.

而流淚,可見 Jackie是個對自己表現要求極高

“I don’t consider myself a perfectionist, but I think that you have to pour your heart into


everything, and dedicate your whole attention and energy to it. Only that way will you be


able to do justice to yourself and to your customers.”

對得起自己、對得起客人。」 Based on this philosophy, it is easy to understand the origin of the restaurant’s 憑著這套理念,不難理解餐廳名字「匠心」


name, “Shoushin” (“the heart of an artisan”). “It is not important who the artisan is,” Lin


says. “Most important is that there is heart in the work. To step onto this stage, you


must consider the customer’s satisfaction as the most important assignment. You must


work from their perspective and their thinking. That way, the customers feel the genuine


sweetness of the heart in the food.”




江戶前壽司 Jackie所做的乃是日本江戶(現在的東京)時代興起的壽司,稱之為「江戶前壽司」,也就是現 今最流行的一種做法,主要由「飯」和「魚」組成。而談到當中的的技巧,Jackie竟謂壽司中的飯遠 比魚重要!原來每位壽司師傅對於做壽司飯都擁有自己獨門秘方,不得外洩。追問下,Jackie只願 透露他每天都會把所需的飯(20-30人份量)分開三次煮,而且只挑最好的部份來用。「一次煮太多米 會不好吃,所以要逐少逐少煮,是麻煩點,但這是我對自己的基本要求。而且煮出來的飯,只取 中間部份,接近煲邊的飯口感會有些落差,只好扔掉。」也許這就是日本人對飲食文化的一種執著 吧! 至於魚,Jackie謂來源尤其重要。他所選用的,80%都是從日本進口,而70%是野生的天然 魚。「日本有豐富的天然資源,無論是海域流向、微生物的數量、火山礦物質元素等都是孕育優質 魚的條件。」而江戶前壽司當中,就以「小肌魚」最為有代表性。「首先要加入適當的鹽醃、吸走水 份,然後再用醋浸。份量方面並沒有一條特定的方程式,廚師要按照魚的體積大小、脂肪含量等 去自行拿捏,全憑經驗,這就是表現功架的時候了。」 Jackie重申,握壽司中的魚是用來配合飯,飯是重點,因為飯有「果腹」之用,即是令人飽肚 的意思 。看完Jackie的訪問,也許你對江戶前壽司重新認識了吧!

餐桌上的一碗一碟都是由Jackie親自從日本選購的,而壽 司吧的卓面更是選用罕有的檜木,價值不菲。 Every bowl and every plate on the table was personally selected by Lin in Japan. The sushi bar’s tabletop is made from Japanese hinoki cypress wood.

Edomae Style Nigiri Sushi The type of sushi Lin makes was popular in Edo, Japan (modern day Tokyo.) It’s called Edomae style nigiri sushi (thin slices of raw fish over pressed vinegared rice) and is one of the most popular types of sushi today. Surprisingly, Lin says the rice is far more important than the fish! Nearly every sushi chef has a secret formula he’s not willing to share. After much questioning, Lin is only willing to say he divides the rice he needs every day (for 20-30 customers) into three parts. “If I cook too much rice at once, it won’t taste good, so I cook it in small portions,” he explains. “This is more troublesome, but it is my basic requirement. Further, after the rice is cooked, I only take the middle portion, because the rice that is close to the edge of the pot has a less desirable texture.” It’s this attention to detail that’s indicative of the Japanese dedication to food culture. As for the fish, Lin says its origin is most important and that 80 per cent of the fish he uses is imported from Japan while 70 per cent are wild-caught. “Japan has rich natural resources. Whether it is the flow of Jackie自從發現自己對壽 司文化產生濃烈興趣,便 毅然放棄學業,全心全意 當上廚師。 As soon as Lin discovered his interest in sushi culture, he decided to leave school and devote his attention to becoming a chef.

the ocean, the amount of micro-organisms, the minerals from the volcanoes, or other elements, these all contribute to the excellent conditions for high-quality fish. ” Within Edomae style nigiri sushi, kohada (gizzard shad) is the most iconic one. “First, you need to marinade the fish with adequate salt to absorb the water,” Lin says. “Then you need to soak it in vinegar. The proportions do not have to follow a strict formula. The chef will adjust, based on the size of the fish, the amount of fat it contains, etc. It all depends on experience, and is a chance to show off one’s skill.” Lin reiterates that the fish in nigiri sushi is an accompaniment to the rice, which is the focal point. After speaking with him, one gains a new understanding of Edomae style nigiri sushi. ELITEGEN




Taste 滿地可 美食薈萃

MonTreal 2.0 滿地可美食薈萃,今期為大家介紹的餐

Beyond the tried and true, these Montréal


restaurants and bars will keep you coming back for more.

身處加拿大這個多元文化國度,各國佳 餚比目皆是,不過要數本國美食之都,

The flavours found in Canada might be diverse, but


when food lovers speak of a strong culinary scene,


many gravitate towards Montréal -- and for good


reason. The city has a rich culinary tradition, and an


enviable talent base, with more to offer than simply

Viateur’ s與Fairmount相比,個人較喜歡

smoked meat and bagels, which are fantastic. (This


writer prefers St-Viateur’s over Fairmount.) text, photo | Renée S. Suen 孫詩敏

海膽忌廉($12)是其中一道季節限定菜色,這前 菜跟餐牌上其他菜餚一樣,為大家帶來驚喜。 A seasonal special might include the sea urchin cream ($12). The refined starter is just one of the many ethereal surprises on the simple-sounding menu.

滿地可有不少令人趨之若鶩的著名食府,如Au Pied De Cochon或Joe Beef等。不過這個以法語為主的城 市,其實還有很多優質的餐廳等待大家發掘,它們無論 在服務及食物質素方面都亳不遜色,令不少美食愛好者 讚嘆不已。

Having respected temples of unbridled excess, Au


Pied De Cochon or Joe Beef, it’s easy to lose sight of the city’s many other attention-worthy restaurants. Hospitable

結束與名廚Normand Laprise十年的賓主關係,前 Toqué主廚Charles-Antoine Crête與另一名廚師Cheryl Johnson、以及前檯經理Sébastien Blanchette決定另起 爐灶,在婚紗店林立的Plaza St-Hubert,攜手打造這家 還沒開業已教人萬分期待的Montreal Plaza。

and, most of all, delicious, these places are leaving food lovers from far and wide clamouring for more.

Bold and Terrific After a decade working for legendary Normand Laprise, former Toqué chef de

Montreal Plaza主打新派魁北克菜,菜色充滿玩

cuisine Charles-Antoine Crête steps out with co-chef Cheryl Johnson and front


of house manager Sébastien Blanchette to open the hugely anticipated Montréal


Plaza, a lively contrast to its bridal shop surroundings in Plaza St-Hubert.

新演繹的經典菜式,還是可與良朋共享的主菜,都用 上最時令的優質食材。店內選用由本地農場供應的農

accessible and affordable, but prepared with the same exacting care expected


from fine dining establishments. Tweaked classics and share-friendly mains


showcase the season’s finest, from pristine local produce to coveted seafood from


the Gaspé.



Serving what some have termed new Québécois cuisine, the food is playful,


While the sea urchin cream might sound simple, the finished plate – like much


of the menu – is anything but ordinary. Here, the sweet tongues come coddled in a


lush velouté, dotted with fresh herbs and herb oil.




Montreal Plaza選址Plaza St-Hubert,令 人意想不到。 Montréal Plaza’s location in sleepy Plaza St-Hubert is just one of the restaurant’s unexpected surprises.

Montreal Plaza 6230 rue Saint-Hubert, 514.903.6230, montrealplaza.com Hours: Open daily, 5 p.m.-11 p.m. Reservations recommended. Mains: $18-$52. 01•這是其中一款house wine,產自法國Rhone Valley一個小酒莊,酒釀 十分優質,但餐廳卻幽默地為它起名為Cuvée des Pas Bons(意謂不 好) 。 Crête shows us one of the house wines, cheekily named Cuvée des Pas Bons (aka not good), which is produced in a small vineyard in southern Rhone Valley (and is very good). 02•Montreal Plaza的藍蛋白糖霜脆餅,是一道玩味十足的甜品 ($11) 。 Montréal Plaza’s intriguing blue meringue dessert is a playful take on a cheese plate. ($11) 03•二人份的甘荀蛋糕,配以香滑的法式蛋奶醬($22) 。 The “carrot cake for 2” at Montréal Plaza is finished with a tableside drizzle of crème anglaise ($22).


營業時間: 每日下午5時至晚上11時,建議訂座,主菜價格: $18至52。

怪,但廚師在蛋白糖霜脆餅上加上藍芝士脆粒,香脆甜滑,口感出奇 地和諧。 餐廳空間寬敞,可容納70位客人。裝潢由名設計師Zébulon Perron主理,有著巴黎小酒館的寫意氛圍,同時帶點本地傳統法式居 所的溫馨。除了偌大的開放式廚房外,餐廳的陳設亦令人目不暇給。 單是主廚Crête在店內工作室親手製作的各款小裝飾,已經別致非常 (其中一款是旋轉桌上倒掛著公仔屋),另外還有種滿蘭花的溫室、他 父親的木製工藝品,以及於酒窖上方展示的各個小熊公仔收藏。


Toasted brioche cubes sop up the liquor left behind by whelks that have been coated in an umami-packed miso butter. It’s almost a balanced meal if you consider the dish’s aromatic garlic, root vegetable and chive topping a serving of greens. Even the quirky-sounding blue meringue dessert, a cacophony of crushed meringues casually scattered over crumbled blue cheese, delights. Crisp, creamy, sweet and savoury, the combination is punchy and surprisingly harmonious. 03

Warm and welcoming, the spacious 70-seat Zébulon Perron-designed room resembles a cross between a Parisian brasserie and a traditional French-Canadian home. Besides a large open kitchen, the room is a visual feast. Look for whimsical trinkets made by Crête in his onsite workshop (like the dollhouse hanging upside down above a rotating table on a pedestal), a greenhouse filled with orchids, woodwork made by his father and a changing display above the wine cellar featuring his stuffed bear and online alter-ego, Ritalin.






Le Vin Papillon的藏酒量十分豐富。 The end-of-night scene, featuring Le Vin Papillon’s well stocked back bar.

滄海遺珠 由Claude Pelletier及Hubert Marsolais主理,位於滿地可 舊城區的Le Club Chasse et Pêche,多年來一直深受食評家

帶來的一系列餐酒,相信總有一款合你心意。例如Isabelle et Denis Pommier 出產的Chablis、Pierre Frick Riesling等,如果 想「豪一次」,店內的1990 年Château Latour隨時恭候。無論你 選擇哪一種酒都沒關係,盡情享受才最重要。

及食客愛戴,當中野味及魚類菜色尤為出色。最近,其姊妹店 Le Filet亦人氣急升,由主廚Yaku Okazaki主理的當代亞洲及



賞心樂事。說的是由Marc-Alexandre Mercier主理的Hôtel




食,並帶著terroir的原產風味。如耶路撒冷亞枝竹濃湯,在幼 滑的奶油上放上如珍珠般的鯡魚子,魚子的鹹味與奶油的香濃

香煎帶子配南瓜蓉意大利雲吞,再以parmesan芝士泡沫圍 邊,賣相一絕。大蝦意大利飯鮮味十足,秘訣是以由貝類海鮮

配合得天衣無縫。所以說,滿地可除了鵝肝外,還有其他精彩 美食等你發掘(不過餐廳亦有提供鵝肝菜色供選擇)。

濃汁及椎茸菇來烹調醬汁,更加入意大利乳酪mascarpone。 記得還要品嚐Okazaki的藍芝士蛋糕,香滑芝士配鬆脆餅底,

Le Vin Papillon的Little Burgundy酒吧不設訂座,不想排


隊等候的話,不妨早點來到,吃一個early dinner,輕鬆品嚐


由Marc-Olivier Frappier炮製的精緻素菜。黑板上列出多款有 機及天然培植餐酒,不但有趣而且酒味香醇。這些與別不同



的餐酒,是由其中一位店主Vanya Filipovic、以及侍應Max



話,由店主之一Patrick St-Vincent及侍酒師Philippe Boisvert所





The Gems For years, critics and food lovers have been praising Le Club Chasse et Pêche, co-owners Claude Pelletier and Hubert Marsolais’ Old Montreal space, for its refined game and fish dishes. Recently, its younger sister, Le Filet, has begun to make its own waves, wooing discerning palates with chef and coowner Yaku Okazaki’s modern Asian- and French-inspired menu. Chocked full of premium seafood, the reasonably priced dishes are split into three sections: Game (share-friendly starters), Set (cold dishes) and Match (hot mains). Seared scallops emerge from the rear open kitchen with panache. Surrounded by ravioli filled with sumptuous squash puree, the bivalves proudly sport a crisp golden crust and a whisper light parmesan espuma (foam) skirt. Scampi risotto bursts with umami, thanks to concentrated shellfish jus and shiitake mushrooms, and it’s elevated further with a quenelle of mascarpone. Okazaki’s blue cheesecake is marvellous, and will convert the most adamant protests into songs of praise. The reincarnated cheese plate comes with a savoury sweet dessert that’s broken up with a pleasing sandy sablé crust and richness-cutting poached pears and berry coulis.

山羊奶甜品加入了沙棘果及porcini菇, 屬驚喜之作($10)。 An unexpected, but pleasant, goat milk dessert, with sweet milk skins, sea buckthorn berries and porcini mushrooms. ($10)

Start the night with the aptly-named house cocktail, Piscine, which is composed of vodka, Campari and sparkling Bugey-Cerdon rosé. Unless a teetotaler, follow it up with a flight of wines from the impressive list compiled by co-owner Patrick St-Vincent and sommelier Philippe Boisvert. Try the Chablis from Isabelle et Denis Pommier, a splash of Pierre Frick Riesling, or if you’re feeling super spendy, a bottle of the 1990 Château Latour. Whatever you choose, you’re guaranteed to have a memorable, wonderful and seriously tasty time. Looking for market-driven fare that uses quality ingredients handled with skill, and served in a relaxed room that has a horseshoe bar? Head to Hôtel Herman where Marc-Alexandre Mercier cooks artful, almost delicate, terroir-driven food. Jerusalem artichoke soup, served tableside, forms a warm blanket over pearls of mullet caviar mounded over smoked crème fraiche. The former adds pops of salinity, while the latter provides aroma and cooling, rich texture. It’s a stark contrast to the foie gras-laden indulgences (although foie gras does appear on the menu) the city is most known for. Partake in an early dinner at Le Vin Papillon. Not only will you beat the crowds to the Little Burgundy wine bar, but you’ll have all night to graze through Marc-Olivier Frappier’s lighter, vegetable-focused plates. The chalkboard list of food-friendly, organic and biodynamic wines are interesting and delicious. They’re also brought in specifically by managing partner Vanya Filipovic and server Max Campbell’s wine import agencies. Don’t be afraid to let the staff guide you through uncharted territories. It will be a worthwhile experience.

Hôtel Herman 5171 Boulevard St-Laurent, 514.278.7000, hotelherman.com Hours: Mon-Tues, Thurs-Sat, 5 p.m.11:30 p.m.; Sun, 5 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Mains, $15-$23. 營業時間: 星期一至二及星期四至六,下 午5時至晚上11:30。星期日,下午5時至 晚上11:30。主菜價格:$15至$23。 Le Filet 219 Av. Mont-Royal O., 514.360.6060, efilet.ca Hours: Tues-Sat, 5:45 p.m.-11 p.m. Mains: $21-$30. 營業時間: 星期二至六,下午5時45分至 晚上11時。主菜價格:$21至30。 Le Vin Papillon 2519 Notre-Dame O, vinpapillon.com Hours: Tues – Sun, 3 PM – 12 AM. No reservations taken. Prices: $8-15. 營業時間: 星期二至日,下午3時至凌晨 12時。不設訂座。價格:$8至$15。

Le Filet的油甘魚刺身,魚生上 灑上香料及芝麻,配以由日本蘿 蔔、紅菜頭、青瓜及炸韭蔥製成 的沙律($17)。 Le Filet’s sumac- and sesame-dressed hamachi sashimi starter that’s topped with a fine slaw comprised of shredded daikon, beets, cucumber and deep fried leeks. ($17)






誘人甜品 如果你對甜品情有獨鍾,以下介紹的幾間餐廳,都肯定可滿足你 嗜甜的味蕾。 如果說麵包及朱古力店Fous Desserts出產的法式牛角包,是城 中優質牛角包,相信大部分滿地可人都不會有異議。表面焗至金黃 鬆化,內裡卻軟綿綿,輕輕用手撕開亦不會在手指留下油漬。Fous Desserts更是滿地可法式牛角包節La Fête du Croissant的主辦單位之 一,活動每年4月舉行,所有參加的商戶都會以$1出售他們的糕點。

01•Fous Dessert的法式牛角包為城中 之最($1.85) 。 The celebrated butter croissants from Fous Dessert are a mark of perfection. ($1.85).


02•Chef Demers自言不太嗜甜,因此 喜歡 在甜 品裡 加入水 果來 中和 甜 味。除甜品外,他的午餐及brunch 亦同樣精彩。 Chef Demers confesses he’s not one with a sweet tooth and tends to use fruits to flavour his desserts. His savoury lunch and brunch menu items shouldn’t be overlooked as they are equally wonderful.

位於Plateau Mont-Royal的Patisserie Au Kouign Amann甚有 鄉村風味,必試推介是kouign amann,這是一種來自法國Brittany地 區的傳統酥餅,以一層層的viennoiseie麵糰加入牛油及糖製成,酥 餅內裡是薄薄的分層,焦糖化的外層則香甜鬆脆。店內雖然還有其 他人手製作的法式甜品,不過顧客似乎都是為了kouign amann而慕 名前來。 要數魁北克省最赫赫有名的糕餅廚師,非Patrice Demers莫屬。 他位於Little Burgundy區的店 Patrice Pôtisser,已成為當地人和遊客 必到之地。店內提供午餐及周日brunch,食品全部自家製,美味又有 營養。用餐過後別忘了「入貨」,這裡的焦牛油financiers蛋糕、鬆餅、 canneles蛋糕及各式迷你糕點,統統都是「上倉」目標。無論如何一定 要品嚐Demer的招牌甜品Vert,這道甜品巧妙地把清新的青蘋果冰沙 灑於白朱古力乳酪慕絲上,再加上帶果味的橄欖油、烤西西里開心果 及嫩芫荽,絕對稱得上是傑作。 走入Pôtisserie Rhubarbe的原因很簡單,因為連Patrice Demers 都大力推介,來到才發現其mille feuilles vanille-caramel絕對值得一 試。這款千層酥餅以一層層的焦糖酥皮製成,層與層之間夾著雲呢拿 忌廉及焦糖忌廉。可堂食或外賣,有朋友就曾在雷雨交加之際,把這 個精緻的酥餅,從滿地可帶返多倫多作手信。

Montréal en Lumière

魁省最有名糕餅廚師Patrice Demers,正拿著 他的chou a la crème pastries($6) 。這款糕點 加入了朱古力、香蕉及Chantilly忌廉。 Much admired pastry chef Patrice Demers places one of his finished chou a la crème pastries ($6). Each pastry contains a layer of chocolate and sliced bananas before it’s filled with Chantilly cream.

Montréal en Lumière


Motivation might be difficult to muster when the temperature


drops well below zero, but every year between the end of

Montréal en Lumière。除了各項藝術活動、演唱會和免費戶外活動之

February until early March, denizens and visitors flood the streets


for Montréal en Lumière. Besides an eclectic arts program, concerts, and free outdoor events, the annual highlight features

在場人士可參加休閒的brunch活動和雞尾酒工作坊等,最特別 之處是大會邀請到來自國內外(包括魁省Laval市以至美國波士頓)的

an impressive food program that draws chefs in from all over the world.

廚師,合作烹調美食。今年的焦點 城市是中國深圳,項目名為Hello

Attendees of the world’s largest winter festivals can participate


in casual brunch events, cocktail workshops, among others, but it’s


the collaborative meals with guest chefs from i.e. Laval (provincial)


to Boston (North American)that deserve special attention. This year’s international featured city was Shenzhen, China, who

美食活動為大家介紹傳統中 Chef Xu 特地從中國帶來四川胡椒, 用來炮製A5級和牛。 The cooked Wagyu beef dish using A5 grade beef and Sichuan peppers that Chef Xu had to bring into the country.





commissioned the Hello Kongzi project to install a hundred


Confucius figurines at the Place des Festivals, and introduced


festivalgoers to Chinese designs and pop music from the region.

幾家餐廳招待了由中國來的客席 廚師。來自深圳東方銀座美爵酒 店(Grand Mercure Shenzhen

The culinary program showcased both traditional Chinese cuisine, and its flavours fused with Quebecois cuisine. Several

Sweet Success If pastries are your siren song, then plot a course to these shops that have mastered the art of butter and flour. Most Montrealers would agree that artisan bakery and chocolatier Fous Desserts make the city’s best croissants. Each pastry has a deep golden hue, a crispy, caramelized flaky crust and a buttery sheen that doesn’t leave fingers greasy when


the moist layers of the buttery-sweet laminated gem is pulled apart. Fous Desserts

Fous Desserts

is responsible for La Fête du Croissant (Montreal’s Croissant Festival), an annual

809 Avenue Laurier E, 514.273.9335, fousdesserts.com

celebration in April where participating shops sell the beloved pastry for $1.

Hours: Tues-Wed, 7:30 a.m.-7 p.m.; Thurs-Fri, 7:30 a.m.7:30 p.m.; Sat, 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sun, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

Visit Patisserie Au Kouign Amann, a rustic bakery in Plateau Mont-Royal, for a slice of kouign amann, a classic cake from Brittany made from viennoiseie dough

營業時間: 星期二及三,上午7:30至晚上7時;星期四及 五,上午7:30至晚上7:30時;星期六,上午7:30至下午6 時,星期日,上午8:30至下午5時。

swaddled in layers of butter and sugar. There are other hand-crafted French treats, but those in the know beeline for a wedge of this pizza-sized pastry for the pleasing contrast of the deep golden caramelized sugar crust and the tender crepe-like interior. One of the best known pastry chefs in the province is chef-owner Patrice Demers whose shop, Patrice Pâtisser in Little Burgundy, has become a mandatory stop for food lovers near and far. Stay in for a nutritious and delicious made-from-scratch lunch or a Sunday brunch plate, or stock up on his brown butter financiers, scones, canneles or mini-pastries. But save room for Demer’s signature Vert, a complex and brilliant combination where refreshing green apple granité is shaved over white chocolate yogurt mousse, and topped with fruity olive oil, toasted Sicilian pistachios and young cilantro shoots.

Patisserie Au Kouign Amann 322 Avenue du Mont-Royal E, 514.845.8813 Hours: Mon-Fri, 7 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sat-Sun, 7 a.m.-6 p.m. 營業時間: 星期一至五,上午7:30至晚上7時;星期六及 日,上午7時至下午6時。 Patrice Pâtisser 2360 Rue Notre-Dame O, 514.439.5434, patricepatissier.ca Hours: Wed-Fri, 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; Sat, 9:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; Sun, 9:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Mains: $6-$16. 營業時間: 星期三至五,上午10:30至下午6:30;星期 六,上午9:30至下午6:30;星期日,上午9:30至下午5 時。主菜價格: $6至16 Pâtisserie Rhubarbe

Not one to dismiss a suggestion from tastemakers like Demers, I head to quaint and cute Pâtisserie Rhubarbe and discover the heavenly mille feuilles vanillecaramel. The multi-layered pastry is a glorious creation made from alternating layers of caramelized, shatteringly flaky, light-puffed pastry sandwiching ethereal layers of vanilla bean-speckled Chantilly cream and caramel pastry cream.

5091 Rue de Lanaudière, 514.903.3395, patisserierhubarbe.com Hours: Wed, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Thurs-Fri, 11 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sat, 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Sun, 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 營業時間: 星期三,上午11時至下午6時,星期日至五; 上午11時至晚上7時,星期六,上午10時至下午5:30; 星期日,上午10時至下午4:30。

Oriental Ginza)的大廚Mark Wu,就

Montreal restaurants hosted the visiting Chinese chefs. Guests at Europea , experienced everything

與Europea的主廚Jér ôme Ferrer合

from a slow simmered coconut and ginger-infused duck and chicken broth, to a modernized


version of braised abalone and winter melon in their six-course collaborative meal between


host Jérôme Ferrer and Grand Mercure Shenzhen Oriental Ginza’s Mark Wu. Top table Toqué!,

曾獲頒加拿大總督功勛獎 (Order of

Order of Canada Laprise opened his kitchen to Scott Xu of the Grand Hyatt Hotel Shenzhen. The


excellent meal showcased some of the region’s best – many ingredients which had to be specially

則與來自深圳君悅酒店(Grand Hyatt

ordered, including the specialty dried goods in Xu’s version of KungFu Soup which contained a

Hotel Shenzhen)的Scott Xu一同展

reconstituted seahorse in each tiny KungFu teapot. For the lucky few who secured a ticket to the


honorary president dinner held at Le Renoir, Anthony Dong of Hôtel Futian Shangri-La prepared

來 的 乾 貨 食 材 , 包 括 X u 用 來 烹 調「 功

a masterpiece that took diners to all four corners of China via thoughtfully composed plates that

夫 湯 」的 海 馬 乾 。「 功 夫 湯 」以 功 夫 茶

showed off the Chinese master chef’s knife skills and beyond.

壺盛載,十分別致。如有幸參與在Le Renoir舉行的榮譽主席晚宴,便有機

The 18th edition is set for February 23 to March


12, 2017. See montrealenlumiere.com for more

Futian Shangri-La)名廚Anthony

information and event locations.

Dong的巧手美饌,並一睹其精湛刀功。 Montréal en Lumière明年將會 是第18屆,舉行日期定於2017年2 月23日至3月12日。詳情可參閱網址 montrealenlumiere.com。

Scott Xu的 「功夫湯」 (盛湯的功夫茶壺特地由中國運來) ,以海馬、冬蟲夏草、桂圓、金華火腿、乾貝、鮑魚、 鴨及豬蹄等多款上等食材熬煮而成,非常矜貴。 A peek inside Chef Scott Xu’s KungFu Soup (that’s served in a KungFu tea pot set shipped in from China). The premium ingredients include seahorse, cordyceps, dried longans, Parma ham, conpoy, abalone, duck and pork knuckle. ELITEGEN




Restaurant fé Ca ay hB ac Be

English Bay英吉利灣是大溫哥華最美麗、最浪漫的地方

i fé Ca ay hB ac Be 點 熱 的 灣 利 格 英 於 位

之一。地名的由來,是為了紀念英國海軍上教溫哥華與 西班牙海軍上教巴爾德斯和加利亞諾於1792年在此地 會面,有著濃厚歷史意義。

English Bay is one of Vancouver’s


most beautiful and romantic spots.

d ate oc

Historically, it commemorates the

in the

meeting of the British Captain

art he of

text | Kenson Ho & Mel Tobias





y Ba







Vancouver and Spanish Captains Valdes and Galiano in 1792.

盡顯西岸風情 West Coast flair at its best

Beach Bay Café,熟識位置,全新個性 Beach Bay Café, a familiar location, with a totally new personality

周大廚每天都親力親為準備菜式 Chef Zhou is a very hands-on chef

英吉利灣位於市中心,景色秀麗怡人,最適宜欣賞雄偉日落或沉殿於海洋的恬靜。這裡鄰近溫 哥華潮區West End,Denman夾 Davie街交界,無論是遊客或本地居民,毋須遠離市區,便可享受 那份令人心曠神怡的西岸海灘氛圍,同時亦可感受熱鬧的都市脈搏。 位於英吉利灣的心臟地帶,1193 Denman街這個極旺的位置,曾經是著名餐廳Raincity Grill 的舊址,可惜這家有超過25年歷史的餐廳最終結業。新登場是去年開業的Beach Bay Café and Patio,繼續為客人帶來無敵海灘美景。走過對面街可找到街頭藝術展品A-maze-ing Laughter。這 個價值5百萬元的雕塑出自北京藝術家岳敏君的手筆,設計由14個咧嘴後仰大笑的銅像組合而成, 現已成為城中最知名的戶外藝術品之一,引來很多途人自拍留念。 雖然在開業之初,餐廳仍在摸索其方向及定位,但現時Beach Bay Café已決定走休閒典雅路 線,為食客提供太平洋西北岸的沿海美食,採用本地食材,及不破壞海洋生態的海鮮。

A scenic beach in the middle of the city, English Bay is a perfect place to view glorious sunsets or take in the peaceful ocean. This bustling neighbourhood is located near the West End intersection of Denman and Davie streets. Here, tourists and locals alike can enjoy the relaxed West Coast beach vibe and urban city living at the same time. In the heart of English Bay, a legendary restaurant called Raincity Grill operated at 1193 Denman St. for more than 25 years. It eventually closed and a new restaurant, the Beach Bay Café and Patio, emerged last year. Just like its predecessor, Beach Bay provides its clientele with spectacular beach views and more. Across the street is the A-maze-ing Laughter, a public art and selfie-taking hotspot. The $5-million sculpture, which consists of 14 giant statues of men laughing hysterically, was designed by Beijing artist Yue Minjun. It has become the city’s most recognizable piece of outdoor art. Although it struggled initially to find a clear direction, Beach Bay Café has now established itself as a casually elegant restaurant serving Pacific Northwest cuisine that is locally sourced and ocean friendly. 炸魚(龍躉)和薯條Lingcod Fish and Chips





Restaurant 01•餐廳充滿自然光源 The restaurant is flooded with natural light.

01 05


02•「古舊」是一個經典的威 士忌雞美酒 Old Fashioned is a classic bourbon cocktail 03•小蘿蔔沙拉,是溫市獨 一無二的原創 Radish salad, one of a kind in Vancouver 04•酸醃鮮蝦,配上海膽 Prawn Cevichi, topped with Uni 05•不少這裡的雞尾酒是原 創的作品 Many cocktails here are original and creative 06•莫吉托Mojito:傳統古巴 雞美酒 Mojito: a classic Cuban cocktail



無心插柳成大廚 -- Felix Zhou周軼


Felix Zhou周軼是餐廳的新任行政總廚。他在中國

Felix Zhou is the restaurant’s new executive chef. Born in Hunan, China, he moved


to Canada when he was 10 years old. He grew up and studied mostly in Vancouver and


considers himself a true Vancouverite.


Zhou initially intended to be part of the computer world, but accidentally discovered


his talent for cooking. He enrolled at Vancouver Community College and life in the culinary


world was underway.For a young man in his 30s, he has an impressive résumé in the food and beverage industry. He began as an apprentice at West Restaurant before moving to


Shangri-La’s Market by Jean-Georges.

的廚藝經驗。一開始他在West Restaurant當學徒,然 後轉到香格里拉酒店的Market by Jean-Georges工作。

Determined to gain some international experience, he moved to London for


two years where he had a kaleidoscopic exposure to the world’s favourite


cuisines and classic dishes. This could be the reason why many of his


original creations have the same basic ingredients, but are approached


in different ways.

在2014年,他回到了加拿大並在威士拿Nita Lake

In 2014, he returned to Canada to work at Nita Lake Lodge in


Whistler, then moved to Vancouver as chef at Parker, a fine-dining

Parker,餐廳後來改名Big Trouble,提供創新的泛亞風

vegetarian restaurant which was later rebranded as Big Trouble, serving


innovative Pan-Asian fusion food.

他為Beach Bay餐廳設計的菜單又有何特色呢? 「我創作的菜單,首要考慮採用本地食材。我個人的風 格,是精緻獨創的菜餚,與餐廳坐擁的無敵靚景,一同 90




“The menu I created prioritizes locally-sourced ingredients. My personal spin is refined, originally created dishes that truly capture the restaurant’s super-hot beachfront location. My cooking philosophy is simple – less is more.

為客人提供最優質享受。我的烹飪理念很簡單的 – 貴精不貴多。無 05

論小碟及主菜都是乾淨俐落,沒有太多的材料、複雜的味道,或不 匹配的食材組合。」 餐廳的菜單會定期更新,務求為食客提供最新鮮的海鮮及 時令食材。斯高沙省龍蝦和龍躉,是當天我們試菜時的特選。 最近,周大廚更從新西蘭進口最新鮮的hamachi油甘魚,如果 油甘魚夠新鮮,他會簡單地用鹽及胡椒調味來炮製烤魚頭(菜 單上沒有列出)。周末的早午餐亦深受「千禧世代」這群年輕客 戶歡迎。

原創雞尾酒和卑詩省餐酒 06

Beach Bay的酒吧提供經典和極富創意的雞尾酒。來自澳洲阿德 萊德的Adrian Linder,是酒吧經理、調酒師及侍酒師,他是當地業界備 受尊敬的餐酒專家。Linder分別從新世界及舊世界的餐酒中,精心挑選優 質佳釀,他更特別推崇由奧卡納根及溫哥華島酒廠出產的卑詩省葡萄酒。 至於甜品,他們極力推薦巧克力慕斯(伴以咖啡味脆酥及水煮梨)和創

每天都有供應最新鮮的生蠔 Oysters of the day are always fresh

意芝士蛋糕 (配以菊苣果醬及酥餅)。 The small and big plates are clean and don’t go astray with too many competing flavours and mismatched components.” The menu changes regularly, depending on the catch. Nova Scotia lobster and lingcod were the specials when we dined there. Recently, he’s been importing fresh hamachi from New Zealand and, if the timing is right, he will roast the fish head (not on the menu), simply with salt and pepper. The weekend brunch is gaining popularity with the millennials.

ORIGINAL COCKTAILS AND BRITISH COLUMBIA WINES The bar at Beach Bay serves original and highly creative cocktails. Adrian Linder, originally from Adelaide, Australia, is the bar manager, mixologist and sommelier who has become a highly respected wine specialist in the Vancouver hospitality industry. 醃漬野生三文魚,配牛油果、紅菜 頭、野米 House-cured wild sockeye salmon – avocado, beets, puffed wild rice

Linden stocks excellent wines from the old world and new world alike, with special emphasis on British Columbia vintages from the Okanagan and Vancouver Island. For dessert, They highly recommend the Chocolate Mousse (coffee crumble, poached pears) and Deconstructed Cheese Cake (endive jam, shortbread). 周大廚推介



Certified Angus Beef Carpaccio $14


Sake Marinated Sablefish $28


Nova Scotia Lobster (asparagus and mustard emulsion)




Octopus and Chorizo (couscous and red peppers) $23


Radish Salad (spring radishes, kalamata olives,


almonds, tarragon oil) $12


Lingcod Fish and Chips $21

廚師特製tasting menu$49

Chef’s special tasting menu $49

Beach Bay Café and Patio 1193 Denman St. 604.685.7337 beachbaycafe.com 營業時間: Brunch –早上11 時至下午3時 (周一至周六), 早上 10時至下午.3時. (周日); Happy Hour – 下午3時至 5時 (每日); 晚—下午5時至晚上10時 (每日).

Hours: Brunch -- 11 a.m.-3 p.m. (Mon-Sat), 10 a.m.-3 p.m. (Sun); Happy Hour -- 3-5 p.m. (daily); Dinner -- 5-10 p.m. (daily). ELITEGEN




Wine Not


The Nose of A MAster Blender

Blending,把不同酒液混合起來,調配 出﹙混酒師認為﹚最完美的佳釀,這是 各大酒廠酒莊最神聖的工作。 Blending is the most honourable job in distilleries and wineries. In the production of Scotch whisky, the master blender is the most revered position, the soul of each distillery’s unique style. text | Ivan Wong

Richard Paterson,一會 兒把手中的威士忌邊搖邊 嗅,一會兒又把杯中威士 忌猛力倒在地上。 Richard Paterson rocked the glass of whisky in his hand, smelled it, then suddenly poured it onto the floor.





Mackenzie家族在1878至1960年期間擁 有的Dalmore,因祖先曾在公鹿角下救出 受困的蘇格蘭國王亞歷山大三世(12491286),因而採用鹿角為標誌。釀酒廠於 1960年已出售予White & Mackay。 The Dalmore was owned by the Mackenzie family from 1878 to 1960. An ancestor is reputed to have rescued Alexander III, King of the Scots (1241-1286), from the antlers of a stag. Thus, a stag’s head with antlers is the distillery’s emblem. The distillery was sold to Whyte & Mackay in 1960.


To be sure, their taste buds are important, but their noses are vital.

Master Blender都擁有很崇高的地位,他們可說是每家酒

Thus, when many industry experts in Scotland look for master blenders,


the first focus is on their noses. Those with large proboscises, with


which to probe, have a natural advantage.

一眼便聚焦在他們的鼻子上,大鼻當然有先天性優勢。 In the British TV series Shackleton, which chronicled 20th-century 曾看過一個關於重塑二十世紀初探險家Ernest

explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton’s journey to the South Pole, whisky was


prominent. The grand task of recreating that century-old whisky became


the responsibility of one of these big noses — Richard Paterson, master

這位大鼻子負責,他是The Dalmore的總混酒師Richard

blender at The Dalmore.

Paterson。Richard要根據Shackleton團隊於二十世紀初遺 留在南極探勘基地(只是一間小木屋)、已冰封近一世紀的

In 2007, a Mackinlay’s blended malt whisky that had been buried


under ice for nearly 100 years was discovered in the small wooden


shack that was the base left behind by Shackleton’s team in 1909.


Using his expert blending skills, Paterson shaped a reproduction of that



Richard有本著作叫《Goodness Nose》,那次老眼昏花驟 眼看以為是Goddess Nose,還不是 「鼻神」?

The greatest challenge was that he could only use his nose, and the assistance of colleagues in the laboratory, to interpret the original flavour


of the whisky. To preserve the original as much as possible, taste


testing was limited to a very small glass, or just a few drops.

距離仰仰他的鼻息。「鼻神」雖然 在推廣自家出品,卻有別於一般

Paterson wrote a book entitled Goodness Nose. At a


promotional event, “The Nose”, as he’s affectionately known,


gave a talk that was anything but boring. He was full of


British humour and demonstrated


the requisite body language of a


comedian. After rocking the glass of


whisky in his hand and sniffing it, he

夏拜神灒酒之法 - 他說那樣做

emphatically poured it onto the floor.

便能確保杯子是百份百乾淨。 其 實 他 在 這 裡 主 持 一 次Dalmore晚宴,他挑選了 Dalmore的12年、18年和Cigar Malt Reserve等配合不同的菜 式,彰顯Dalmore各種深層次的

入門級的Dalmore 12 年,風味已比一般的12 年威士忌來得濃郁,還 帶點皮革味道。 Dalmore’s entry-level 12 Year is richer and more flavourful than many 12-year-old whiskies, with the hint of leather.

風味。 整體而言Dalmore屬濃重型的高地單一純麥芽威士 忌,具備豪邁的蘇格蘭剛陽氣息,口味豐富厚實,亦帶 獨特的橘子果醬味道,除可配合魚類海鮮或紅肉之外,

Unknowing folks might think he learned the custom of pouring wine onto the ground as part of the Chinese ritual of worship. But 刻意用來配雪茄的Cigar Malt Reserve當然要重口 味,當中的黑朱古力及焦糖 味亦甚為精采。 The Cigar Malt Reserve is made especially to match with cigar smoking. It is full of flavours, including dark chocolate and caramel.

according to Paterson, it’s simply the surest way of ensuring that the glass is 100-per-cent clean! The event was actually a Dalmore dinner that Paterson hosted, at which he chose Dalmore’s 12 Year,


18 Year and Cigar Malt Reserve to pair with different menu items and

便特意為雪茄度身訂造一瓶風味特別濃厚的Cigar Malt

demonstrate Dalmore’s wide diversity of flavours.

Reserve。無奈囿於當晚餐廳所限,無法即席以帶烘焙香 味的Davidoff Winston Churchill伴之,亦未能親睹「鼻神」 從鼻子呼出雪茄雲霧的風采。

Dalmore is a heavy Highland single-malt whisky, full of bold Scottish masculinity. It has a rich, full taste, with a unique marmalade-like flavour. It is good for pairing with fish, seafood and red meat, and also great with an after-dinner cigar. Regrettably, because of the restrictions in the restaurant that night,

Dalmore酒廠的蒸 餾器設計獨特, 以水浴冷卻,上 半部呈圓椎形。

it wasn’t possible to light up a Davidoff Winston Churchill cigar with its

The Dalmore distillery uses a water bath for cooling, and its top half is a circular prism.

which he puffs smoke out that famous nose.

characteristic roasted flavour to accompany “The Nose’s” Cigar Malt Reserve. As a result, attendees weren’t treated to a performance, in





Elite Life 電影《翡冷翠之戀》( A Room With a View)及《好想有嫁期》(Under the Tuscan Sun ) 將佛羅倫斯的華麗與浪漫呈現於大銀幕,讓這個城市成為意 大利的旅遊熱點。但早於電影面世之先,梅迪奇家族 (the Medici family)已 經把佛羅倫斯及其周邊地區變成貴族們的遊樂宮。 Long before E.M. Forster’s A Room With a View and Frances Mayes’ Under the Tuscan Sun made this part of Italy all the rage, the Medici family was fashioning Florence and the surrounding area into a playground for gilded aristocrats. text | Leslie Yip photo | Simon Boucher-Harris, SMNovella

梅迪奇家族贊助的Cosimo de’Medici,贊 助了文藝復興時期建築師Brunelleschi興 建聖母百花大教堂的著名大圓拱頂。 The famous dome of the cathedral was erected by Renaissance architect Brunelleschi, who was sponsored by Cosimo de’ Medici.






Most of Florence’s major sights can be linked to the Medici’s, but you

遊覽各梅迪奇家族景點。最近,我跟Insight Vacation

are only skimming the surface if you follow the usual tourist routes. Recently,

遊覽意大利,參加了他們的Ultimate Italy Luxury

I travelled to Italy with Insight Vacations on its Ultimate Italy Luxury Gold

Gold itinerary,居於其家族莊園、穿越神秘的Vasari

itinerary and was able to enjoy a much more immersive experience, staying in


a Medici villa, crossing the mysterious Vasari Corridor, sampling the perfume


of a Medici queen and taking a cooking class in a former Medici hunting




Living LikE a MEdici Florence, Italy

穿梭貴族秘密走廊: the Vasari Corridor 本來無人知曉的The Vasari Corridor因為丹布朗 (Dan Brown)的著名 懸疑小說《地獄》(Inferno)而一舉成名。這條秘密走廊由Cosimo de' Medici 興建,貫穿其位於彼迪宮內的住所及其辦公室,現為烏菲茲美術館(Uffizi Gallery Museum) 的所在地。 這裡平日不向公眾開放,多虧Insight Vacations的安排我們才有幸獨家 參觀。穿過烏菲茲美術館一道平凡的木門便是入口處,沿著樓梯向下走會慢 慢走入另一個世界。展館之外由天花到地面都是華麗的裝飾,但走廊之內卻 平凡之極,牆身是單一的白,地上亦只鋪上普通的地磚。 但當我走到俗稱 「金舖橋」 的舊橋(Ponte Vecchio)上方那部分,俯瞰橋上 一家家的金匠,此時我察覺到原來我正走在人們的頭頂之上。明顯地,這條 走廊的尊貴並非來自其裝潢,而是滿足其高人一等、鶴立雞群、「大地在我

The Vasari Corridor全長過千米,其中一部分更建於Ponte Vecchio 的鎮屋之上。 The Vasari Corridor spans a kilometre across the city. Part of it is built atop existing townhouses on the Ponte Vecchio.

腳下」 的優越感。網址:Uffizi.org。

Walk like a Medici: the Vasari Corridor The Vasari Corridor was largely unknown to the world until Dan Brown made it famous in his thriller Inferno. It is a secret passageway built by Cosimo de’ Medici, linking his residence at Pitti Palace to his office, now the Uffizi Gallery Museum. Normally closed to the public, I was spoiled by Insight Vacations with an exclusive tour. The entrance is through a non-descript wooden door in the Uffizi Museum. Once you descend the stairs, you find yourself in a totally different atmosphere. While the gallery outside is ornately decorated from floor to ceiling, the corridor inside consists of bare white walls and plain tiled floors. Apparently, the prestige of this revered passageway lies not in its décor.

這是全世界最長的畫像走廊。現時收藏了過千幅畫作,包括16至20 世紀名畫家的自畫像,藏量是全世界最豐富的。 It is the world’s longest single passageway of portraits. Nowadays, it houses more than 1,000 paintings, including the world’s largest collection of self-portraits by some of the most famous painters from the 16th to the 20th century.

It is only when I reached the part above the Ponte Vecchio, overlooking the goldsmith shops lining the bridge, that I realized I was literally walking over people’s heads. I am sure this bit of snobbish sentimentality was not lost on the Medici clan! Uffizi.org

梅迪奇家族為佛羅倫斯留下不少華麗的景點。 Florence owes a lot of its splendour to the House of Medici.





Elite Life

品嚐貴族美食: Villa Dianella 電影《Eat Pray Love》令大家愛上托斯卡納的美 食,而今次貴族遊則帶我們來到Villa Dianella,前梅迪 奇家族的狩獵度假莊園,來一堂大師烹飪課。 烹飪課一開始教我們做甜品朱古力大肉腸:其實 是以餅乾及朱古力為主要材料的圓柱形甜品。之後我們 以粗粒小麥粉(semolina flour)及雞蛋自製意大利粉。最 後,利用當地出產的蔬菜來做香滑的Bolognese醬汁。 一邊上堂一邊享用無限量供應的Prosecco香檳及玫瑰 氣酒,三小時的課堂一眨而過。網址:Villadianella.it。

自製意大粉的過程非常有趣。 It is fun to make your own fresh pasta.

Eat like a Medici: Villa Dianella The movie Eat Pray Love sparked an interest in Tuscan gastronomy, and the Luxury Gold tour took us to Villa Dianella, a former Medicean hunting lodge, for an authentic hands-on master cooking class. Our cooking class began by making chocolate salami, a dessert log with biscuits and decadent chocolate. Then we rolled our own pasta, using semolina flour and eggs. Finally, local vegetables were used to make a silky Bolognese sauce. The three-hour class whisked by, aided with bottomless flutes of Prosecco and sparkling rosé wines. Villadianella.it





藥店的現址由一間教堂改建而成,在這裡保證可獲得視覺和嗅覺的雙重享受。 Housed in a converted church, the apothecary is a feast for the eyes and the nose.

擁有貴族香氣: Officina ProfumoFarmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella 有別於一般「鴨仔團」,Insight Vacations貴族遊的行

Shop like a Medici: Officina ProfumoFarmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella Unlike most packaged tours, Luxury Gold by Insight Vacations’ itineraries


feature relaxed starts and a leisurely pace, allowing plenty of time to explore


and shop. To continue with our theme of Medici-style indulgence, it is time to shop like a queen.

梅迪奇家族出產了兩名皇后,其中一位是Catherine de Medici,她於1547年下嫁亨利王二

The Medici family produced two queens. One of


them was Catherine de Medici, who became Queen of


France when she married King Henry II in 1547. She


was credited with bringing the latest fashion to the French court, including high heels and fancy underwear.

當她想要新的香水,就會命令歐 洲最歷史悠久的藥店,位於佛羅倫斯

When she desired a new perfume, she

的Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica di

commissioned it from the Officina Profumo-

Santa Maria Novella為她調製。藥店

Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella in Florence.

於1221年由多明尼加的修道士創立, 是歐洲最古老的藥店。他們首創利用 酒精來代替慣常使用的橄欖油或醋, 來使香氣更馥郁。香水原本名為Aqua

你都可以擁有一瓶跟16世紀法國皇后Catherine de Medici配方相同的香水。 You can own a perfume with the same formulation as Catherine de Medici, Queen of France in the 16th century.

Founded in 1221 by Dominican friars, it is the oldest pharmacy in Europe and was the first to use alcohol to infuse the scents for the queen’s perfume instead of the then-customary olive oil or vinegar. Originally named

della Regina (意謂皇后之水) ,現時則名為Aqua di Santa

Acqua della Regina (the queen’s water), it is now called Aqua di Santa Maria

Maria Novella。經歷五個世紀,這瓶以佛手柑為基調的香

Novella. The spicy bergamot scent is still a bestseller five centuries later.

水,仍然是熱賣產品。網址: Smnovella.it。






Elite Life

住宿貴族酒店: Villa Le Maschere Insight Vacations貴族遊另外一個與別不同的地方,就是酒店的選擇。一 流的地點、優越的服務、輝煌的歷史及舒適的環境,都是他們篩選酒店的主要 因素。如果想親身體驗文藝復興時期貴族們在托斯卡納鄉郊的生活,Villa Le Maschere是絕對之選。 於19世紀時,這裡曾招待過一名教宗及兩位法國沙佛(Savoy)王;而數百 年來,不少貴族及藝術家亦選擇下榻於此。最近,酒店剛完成歷時5年的重修工 程,現已成為尊貴的5星級豪華酒店及度假別墅,讓旅客在歷史悠久的建築中, 享受當代意國氛圍。酒店的提供尊貴的水療服務,穿過設計典雅的圓拱便可直 達2個戶外泳池。而距離酒店10公里便是UNA Poggio dei Medici的所在地,這


高球場被喻為托斯卡納最佳高球場之一。而Agriturismo Toscana牧場亦近在咫 尺,提供西部形式的騎馬體驗,最適合好動的朋友。網址: villalemaschere.it。

Insight Vacations的The Ultimate Italy Luxury Gold tour 讓 你享受尊屬的VIP體驗,包括在

01•酒店的室內裝潢結合了當代 設計及古代建築。 The interior marries contemporary design with historic architecture. 02•Villa Le Maschere前身是文 藝復興時期一所豪華大宅, 後來經梅迪奇皇室首席建築 師重修而成為豪華酒店。 Villa Le Maschere is a grand late Renaissance country house remodelled by the Medici court’s chief architect.

開放予公眾前,私下參觀梵蒂岡 Sistine Chapel、佛羅倫斯烏菲茲美 術館後台探索遊、於Perugia欣賞傳 統的編織手藝、當然不能缺少於威 尼斯運河來一趟浪漫的貢多拉遊。 對於美食愛好者來說更絕對 不會失望。你有機會於托斯卡納的 01

農舍享受晚餐,更可品嚐由老奶 奶親手炮製的甜品、在戶外試飲 Chianti、於Capri的米芝蓮星級餐廳 用膳、更有機會一嚐意大利不同地

Sleep like a Medici: Villa Le Maschere

區最有名的美食。更多詳情可瀏覽 網址: insightluxurygold.com。

Another distinguishing feature of Luxury Gold by Insight Vacations is its selection of hotels. They are chosen for their superb locations, genteel service,

More Insight Moments

illustrious history and supreme comfort. Villa Le Maschere is an exceptional abode for those who want to experience the idyllic Tuscan countryside like a Renaissance

The Ultimate Italy Luxury Gold tour


lets you experience a host of Insight Vacations’ exclusive VIP moments,

It has hosted a Pope and two Savoy kings in the 19th century, as well as many

such as a private tour of the Vatican’s

renowned noblemen and artists throughout the centuries. Recently, it underwent

Sistine Chapel before it opens to

a five-year restoration to become an exclusive five-star hotel and resort, offering a

the public, a behind-the-scenes visit

contemporary Italian atmosphere in an historic architectural setting. It also offers a

to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, a

stunning spa, featuring three graceful arches leading to the two outdoor pools. For

demonstration of traditional frame

those who like to stay active during your holidays, the UNA Poggio dei Medici Golf

weaving in Perugia and a serenaded

Club, touted as one of the best golf courses in Tuscany, is just 10 kilometres away.

gondola ride in Venice.

Or, there’s the nearby Agriturismo Toscana Ranch, which offers Western-style horseback riding. Villalemaschere.it

Those who are gastronomically inclined will not be disappointed. From dinner at a Tuscan farmhouse where “nonna” makes dessert, to al fresco Chianti tasting, to a Michelinstarred feast in beautiful Capri, there is a chance to taste each region’s most famous flavours. For more information, visit insightluxurygold. com.






iPad Edition Free App Name : EliteGen




HigH TecH Life Both Indoors and outdoors text | Zoe Mak photo | Bill Toms

Origin: 為配合現代生活智能化,手機的功能已經不 再只限於通話聯繫,現在不少室內冷暖系統都可 以透過手機操控,不過就有屋主對智能家居有更 高、更奢華的要求。 屋主希望利用高科技和高智能,加上現代化 的設計將家居完全自動化。屋主還希望能夠隨時 隨地利用手機上的中央系統應用程式,來管理和 配合家庭個人日常生活的需要。 整套智能家居系統主要控制燈光、暖氣、空 調、影音系統、保安系統如門鎖和車房門。除此 之外,這個智能家居系統還可以控制家中的高爾 夫球模擬器,可以讓屋主利用真的高爾夫球棒及 高爾夫球向著模擬畫面擊球,並利用高清畫面效 果和4高速鏡頭計算擊球的速度和轉速。 另外,系統還可以控制家庭影院的電動屏 幕。 To stay current with the high-tech modern life, cellphones are being used for much more than voice communications. This homeowner wanted to use high tech and smart tech, together with modern design, to automate his home and be able to manage and co-ordinate the daily needs of family members with a cellphone. The entire smart home system controls lighting, heat, air conditioning and the audiovisual and security systems, such as door locks and the garage door. In addition, the smart home system also controls the home’s golf simulator, which allows the homeowner to use real golf clubs to hit real golf balls towards the screen. It also utilizes high-definition effects and four high-speed lenses to calculate and control the hitting speed. The system also controls the motorized screen in the family theatre.





Feature: 這所位於多倫多的智能家居配備了個人化的智能系統。負責設 計和安裝的Bill Toms表示,這個項目利用了幾年時間,分兩個階段 進行。第一階段先完成部分智能系統的安裝,並將所有電線都收藏 於牆內;重頭戲是第二階段,我們把其他大型電器及裝置一併加進 系統,包括三部電視、高爾夫球模擬器、更多的照明控制,並同時 加入冷暖和影音系統,以及更多的保安裝置。 為兼顧項目的實用性和設計美感,整個項目其中一個挑戰是將 所有電視及音響組合的電線,或者屬於任何後台的電線組完美地收 藏於牆內。 屋主可以利用手機應用程式來控制整個系統,為了提高系統智 能性,設計師在編寫程式時就加入屋主和家人的個人日常習慣和喜 好,讓系統可以完全配合屋內每個人的需要 。例如可以為不同房間 設定不同的鬧鐘響鬧時間,更可按個人喜好預先設定當鬧鐘響時各

安裝團隊與設計師緊密合作,務求在妥善安裝 所有電器及裝置的同時,確保不會影響室內設 計的舒適度和美感。 The installation of all the appliances and cabling are carefully co-ordinated by the interior designer to ensure comfort and beauty inside the home.

種自動化的貼心服務,如立即開燈還是讓燈光漸進式開啟、調節室 內溫度及窗簾開關等。此外,系統還可以預先設定照明、保安等來 配合各種不同模式。 整套智能系統主要由電腦Control4控制,加上另外不同的器 材,再配合個人化的設計程式讓整套系統滿足屋主和家人的個 別需要。設計師表示Control4可以適用於大部分電子產品,例如 Yamaha Receivers, Sun Projects Shades, Definitive Technology Speakers, Sony Projectors, Samsung TVs, Axis Security Camera, HAI Security System, Leaf HDMA Video Matric, Planet Networking, Wattbox Power Control 等。如果有其他品牌,他們可 以特別編寫程式來配合。

屋主希望智能家居能集實用和美感於一身。 The homeowner requires that the smart home system balance practicality and aesthetics.

This Toronto home has a personalized smart system designed and installed by Bill Toms, who says it was a multiyear project, divided into two stages. The first stage consisted of installing part of the smart system in the fish house, and hiding all the cables inside the walls. In the second stage, larger appliances were added to the system, such as three televisions, the golf simulator, more lighting control, the HVAC and audio-visual systems, and more security equipment. In order to balance the practicality and aesthetics of the project, the most difficult part of the project was to hide all the television and audio system wiring, and all backstage cabling, inside the walls. The entire smart system is controlled by a Control4 computer. Other equipment was added and co-ordinated with a personalized design to satisfy the individual needs of the homeowner and his family members. The homeowner can utilize the mobile app on his cellphone to control the entire system. To further increase the “smartness” of the system, the designer added the daily habits and preferences of the owner and his family to the programming of the app. For example, you can set different alarm times for each room and turn lights on or off. The opening and closing of curtains can also be co-ordinated with the alarm time. Toms says the Control4 computer can co-ordinate with such products as: Yamaha receivers, Sun Projects shades, Definitive Technology speakers, Sony projectors, Samsung TVs, Axis security cameras, HAI Security System, Leaf HDMA Video Matric, Planet Networking and Wattbox Power Control. Designers can also write new programs to work with other brands.






Highlight: 為配合系統使用,Bill提及某些家電品牌可能需要特別改裝, 不過基本上所有家電都適用於這個智能系統。例如Sub Zero推出 的智能雪櫃與系統融合後可讓你控制溫度、設定不同模式如度假時 適用的vacation mode,或者加快製冰速度的party mode,甚至可 以通知你雪櫃門未關好等。另外Wolf焗爐則可以讓你以手機操控隨 時預熱、改變煮食模式,甚至透過手機通知你焗爐內的食物已經煮 好。 智能家居的主要用途就是提高室內外生活質素和便利,同時提 供穩妥的保安設備。當門鐘響時,屋內所有電視都會即時播放門外 Toms says that some home appliances may need to be adapted, but most can be used with this smart system. For example, Sub Zero has smart refrigerators that allow for temperature control and different pre-set modes, such as vacation mode, or party mode (which increases the speed of producing ice). There is even a mode that notifies you if the refrigerator door has not closed properly. Wolf ovens also allow you

當有訪客時屋主可以透過電視畫面看到 保安鏡頭的影像,還可以利用手機開啟 門鎖。 When there is a visitor, the homeowner can see the image captured by the security camera on the television screen and can use the cellphone to unlock the door.

to increase oven temperature, change cooking modes and will even notify you, via the cellphone, that the food in the oven is ready. A smart home’s main objectives are to increase the quality of life and offer a safe security system. For example, when the doorbell rings, the security camera activates all the television screens within the house to display the images captured by the camera. The homeowner’s





個人化的智能家居系統,可 以配合家庭每一位成員不同 的生活習慣和喜好。 A customized smart home system can be designed according to each family member’s life habits and preferences.

整個項目最特別之處就是高清高爾夫球模擬器。除了 可以揮動真高爾夫球棒擊球之外,還可以邊看電視、 聽音樂邊打球,加上旁邊的酒窖和照明系統的智能控 制就可以完全放鬆地享受。 The most unique part of the entire project is the high-definition golf simulator. Besides swinging a real club and using a real ball, you can watch television and listen to music while golfing. The wine cellar nearby and the smartcontrolled lighting system further enhance the golfing experience.

Cost 包括設計和安裝照明、冷暖、音響、保 安、門鎖、車房門系統,高級家庭影院電動 屏幕和高爾夫球模擬器,約$120,000。 Including the design and installation of lighting, heat, audio, security, lock, garage door systems, the motorized theatre screen and the golf simulator, the cost is about $120,000.

Designer Bill Toms, Premier Smart Homes

保安鏡頭所拍攝到的影像,屋主的手機亦會接到通知,並可透過手機控制門鎖。當 有盜竊危機,系統就會立刻通知屋主,同時將全屋所有照明和音響系統啟動,而保 安攝錄機亦會將影像傳送到屋主的手機。當保安系統啟動時,屋主還可以透過手機 鏡頭和應用程式跟門外的訪客通話。為了進一步加強保安效果,屋內的音響系統更 會播放狗吠聲來提高阻嚇作用。 而門鎖亦可兼容多組密碼的設定,例如清潔鐘點工人有一套個別的密碼,只 適用於指定日子和時間;如果有人於該設定的時間後嘗試輸入,屋主會即時接到通 知。另外,當孩子放學後利用特定個人密碼開門,系統就會通知屋主孩子已經安全 到家了。

cellphone also receives notification, so that he can the phone to control the door locks. If there is a risk of burglary, the system will notify the homeowner immediately, as well as activate all light and sound systems. The security camera will transmit the image it captures to the homeowner’s cellphone. When the security system is activated, the homeowner can use the camera on the cellphone and the cellphone app to communicate with the person outside. To further increase security, the sound system will play dog barks to warn the potential intruder. The locks in the house can be pre-set for different people to further enhance security. For example, the cleaning person may have a personalized code that can only be used on an appointed date and time. If someone tries to enter a code after the designated window has passed, the system will immediately notify the homeowner.

屋主可以在家中不同角落利用電視、手機來控制系統。 The homeowner can use the television and the cellphone to control the system from different corners of the house.

When children use their personalised codes to gain entry, the system notifies the homeowner that they have arrived home safely.








Vancouver’s historic Gastown district has traditionally


been associated with tourists posing in front of the


legendary steam clock, then buying mass-produced


souvenirs, or dining on soggy pasta.


Today, besides the renaissance of restaurants and


bars, Gastown shops are selling some of the world’s


most coveted fashion brands -- original, distinctive,


even funky. It is a true shopping experience in one of


Vancouver’s unique neighbourhoods.





Boutique stores are now abundant, for both men and women, reminiscent


of Saulsalito in San Francisco Bay Area, Soho in New York or the Quartier Latin


in Paris.


Gastown stores also highlight Vancouver’s up-and-coming independent


designers and their creative works, from casual, formal, dressy to streetwear.


Some can be pricey, but they are original and cannot be found in other shops.


Shopping here is a joy because of the diversity of products, ranging from


antiques to First Nation art, to the works of the city’s leading, cutting-edge


fashion and home design stores.


Here are stores that merit a visit.



煤氣鎮的蒸氣鐘,是遊客的拍照熱點。 The steam clock in Gastown is a tourist's favourite photo spot.

STRIKE MVMNT (聯合行動) 299 Columbia St. 這家售賣鞋履及時裝的店舖,最適合好動的朋友,

煤氣鎮令人想起紐約的蘇豪、三藩市的梳莎列 托,或是巴黎的拉丁區。 Gastown may remind shoppers of Saulsalito in San Francisco, Soho in New York or Quartier Latin in Paris.

STR/KE MVMNT (United in Motion) 299 Columbia St. This is a shoe and clothing store for athletes and more, a place to find


athletic goods, healthy foods, espresso and fresh juice. Founded in 2010, it


launched its first shoe in 2012, designed on a minimalist cross-training platform that allows the wearer to move naturally.

公司成立於2010年,兩年後推出了第一雙鞋,設計 簡約而適合多用途,穿上後可舒適自然地走動。該品牌

The brand’s mission is to merge technical athletic performance with classic


aesthetics. The layout of the store is exceptionally organized. Prices are what


they are -- $$$ -- but worth it.


The store’s clientele include athletes, trainers and movement enthusiasts.


The brand celebrates motion and mobility and strives to promote a community


of all ages that is healthy, fit and productive. In the store’s apparel section, the

品是連帽衛衣Keeper Hoody。

perennial bestseller is the Keeper Hoody.






NEIGHBOUR 45 Powell St./12 Water Street Unit 125 Neighbour/Woman是一家極具吸引力的服裝

NEIGHBOUR 45 Powell St./12 Water St., Unit 125 A trendy, attractive-looking clothing store, Neighbour/Woman carries exclusive


clothes with brand names like Acne and Robert Clergerie shoes. You can find

及Robert Clergerie皮鞋。店內的貨品包括女裝、珠

clothing, jewellery, accessories and fragrances, as well as unisex objects, carefully


crafted and merchandised. There is also an avant-garde collection of apparel,

找到前衛潮牌Nice Collective 及Obedient Sons的時

shoes, bags and colognes from innovative brands, like Nice Collective and Obedient




Just a few steps down from the women’s shop is Neighbour, a menswear store,


sharing much of the same foundation and sensibilities as its counterpart. Both


stores have a seductive appeal, minimalist design and a light-and-airy atmosphere


to showcase their special products. It also sells accessories and special-interest books and publications.



ORLING & WU 28 Water St. 如果想找一些充滿設計玩味的禮品及家居用品,

ORLING & WU 28 Water St. This store is a trusted source of designer gifts and homeware. The mission


of Orling & Wu is to bring pleasure and improve the quality of life through simple


products that work well and are highly original. Their philosophy is: Don’t follow a


trend, follow your heart.

願。 Each item displayed in the store have been specially handpicked by the creative 在店內展示的每件貨品,都由二人從比利時以至 日本等地精心挑選和採購,融匯歐陸和亞洲風格,為

duo and sourced from Belgium to Japan. It is a lovely mix of European and Asian items, so there are many surprises.


EYELAND FRAMEMAKERS 45 Water St. 此店是一家本地手工製作的眼鏡公司,亦同時售

EYELAND FRAMEMAKERS 45 Water St. Here is a local handmade eyewear company that also carries premium European frames. Sara Moshurchak is the woman behind the concept of designing

賣高級歐洲眼鏡框。Sara Moshurchak一手推動這設

and creating custom handmade eyewear. It’s the idea of mixing science, optics and



和時尚的理念。 Moshurchak started working here in 2001, instantly fell in love with the business 她於2001年開始在EF工作,並立即愛上了這行

and eventually became its owner in 2008. She takes great pleasure in helping clients


create a distinctive look with the frames they wear. Her glasses are not just glasses:


they are a fashion statement.



品牌眼鏡框的價格由$750起至 $1,200以上。但

Frame prices range from around $750 to more than $1,200. However, there is


a secondary line called MOSH, which is a bit cheaper than the entirely handmade








NIFTYDO 227 Carral St. 一家與別不同的男士服裝和配飾店。這家店




NIFTYDO 227 Carral St. This is a men’s clothing and accessories store with a difference. Evidently, its true


intention is to represent and support other passionate individuals, who share the same


interest in quality goods and craftsmanship,Niftydo offers the highest quality garments,


selvedge denim and leather goods in a casually elegant environment.

OLD FAITHFUL 320 West Cordova

OLD FAITHFUL 320 West Cordova St.


A cute and welcoming store with many interesting things for the home. It is actually a


provision store with modern touches that stocks good quality goods for simple, everyday

日常生活帶來高素質的商品。開設Old Faithful


的靈感來自店主的祖父母,他們曾經營多家雜貨 商店,商店更是區內街坊閒聚及互動的聚腳地。

The inspiration for Old Faithful came from the owner’s grandparents, who owned and operated successful general stores. The shopping space also served as a gathering

PETER WILD DESIGN 51 Powell St. 這是享負盛名的室內設計師Peter Wild,於

space and hub for the community’s social interaction.


Gastown中心位置所開設的工作室,提供全方位 的室內設計服務。他更創作出糅合了新穎與典

Renowned interior designer Peter Wild opened a full-service interior design studio in


the heart of Gastown. He has also curated home décor items that blend the curious and

是Peter Wild的辦公室,提供多元化的室內設計

the classic, the trendy and the traditional.

服務;由小至一個房的設計,以至全屋翻新也能 妥善安排,必須預約。

The studio is also Wild’s office and provides an array of services, ranging from singleroom redesign to fully-detached house renovations. By appointment only.

ONE OF A FEW 353 Water Street

ONE OF A FEW 353 Water St.

此店搜羅全球設計師的傑作,細心挑選出 各款衣物、歐洲皮鞋、精緻手袋及優質時裝(有

A store with thoughtfully selected clothing, European footwear, exquisite handbags and


impeccable fashion wear (collared shirts and cardigans) by designers from around the world.


The one-of-a-kind pieces for sale reflect the store’s sophisticated clientele. All the designers


selected by the store bring high value, artistry and beauty to their products.





Just for fun 兩種馬主 不一樣的喜樂

Win-Win horse oWnership text | Livian Wu photo | OSPCA



Being a horse owner can be a gratifying


experience. For those who race their animals,


it’s the attraction of holding the reins for a photo


in the winner’s circle. For others, it can simply


be the pure joy of showering it with tender,


loving care.

無論你想成為 「刺激型」 馬主也好,或是簡簡單單

Whether it’s for thrills or for love, what are the

做個 「愛心型」 馬主也好,應如何踏出第一步?

first steps in becoming a horse owner?




贏在起跑線 如果你想成為「刺激型」馬主,位於安省的「多倫多活拜賽馬


場」(WoodbineRacetrack) 是不二之選。這裡集賭場、餐廳、酒吧




安坐餐廳,邊吃邊為自己的馬匹吶喊助威。 至於馬匹出賽的黃金時期是在2至7歲,視乎馬匹的品種、體 活拜賽馬場的行政總裁Jim Lawson指,馬場提供一條龍服 務,由選馬、照料、訓練以至安排出賽,都一手包辦。

格和健康而定。「一年有133個賽馬日,每匹馬平均每3至4星期出 賽一次,一年參加約10至12場比賽。每次參加賽事的馬主都可獲 $400 作為鼓勵,勝出的馬主可按百份比獲贈獎金。」

「想擁有一匹fit馬,建議選一歲至一歲半的馬匹,經過8至 12 個月的訓練便剛好達適合出賽的年齡。馬匹的價錢範圍十分廣,





為 $24,000,算是不錯的 「收入」 。偶爾有些大賽的獎金金額更可高 達200萬呢!

獎金的分配: 名次 首名 第二名 第三名 第四名 第五名

總獎金的百份比 60% 20% 11% 6% 3%

Prize money allocation:

看著自己的愛駒出賽實在刺激,很多馬主都會在早上看牠們晨 操,然後餵飼牠們作為鼓勵支持。 While it’s exciting to watch their horses race, many owners will also take in the morning exercises and then feed their horses as an encouragement.

Ranking Dividend % Winner 60% First runner-up 20% Second runner-up 11% Third runner-up 6% Fourth runner-up 3%

Winning at the starting line If racing is your interest, a stop at Toronto’s Woodbine Racetrack,

At Woodbine, horses are cared for and trained by appointed

complete with slot machines, dining outlets and a lounge, is in order.

specialists, at a daily cost of around $80. In winter, they are stabled at

There, horse owners can get down to the parade ring for a strategic

farms for three to four months, for $40 to $50 daily.

pre-race tête-à-tête with the trainer and the jockey, and then head to the dining room to watch the races.

Lawson says the golden years for a race horse are between the ages of two and seven, depending on the breed. He notes that at

Woodbine CEO Jim Lawson says the track provides one-stop service -- from help in the purchasing a horse, to providing a stable,

Woodbine, “there are 133 race days in a year. Each horse will generally race every three to four weeks, or 10 to 12 races in a year.

training and a racing venue. “Horse owners will get a $400 dividend for each race, and the “To have a fit horse, I suggest picking one aged 12 to 18 months,”

owner of the winning horse will get a portion of the prize money.”

he says. “After eight to 12 months of training, it will be at the prime age to race.

In general, a regular race will have an average prize pool of $50,000, and the winning owner will receive 60 per cent of that --

“The prices for horses range widely, from thousands to tens of

$30,000. The owner will net $24,000 after deducting $3,000 for the

thousands, or even millions or tens of millions. A good race horse will

trainer and the jockey. Not bad for a day’s work. Some major races

cost between $18,000 and $25,000.”

can have a prize pool as large as $2 million. ELITEGEN




Just for fun

再生父母 另一邊廂,有些馬主養馬純粹基於使命感,或擁有一顆「救助有需要動


物」 的善心,希望成為馬匹的再生父母。 Green亦謂,希望透過領養計劃,為更多馬匹找到適合的照顧者和家 安省愛護動物協會(OSPCA) 每年都會有馬匹讓好心人領養,從這裡領








都來自本身擁有農場的家庭。安省愛護動物協會高級檢查員Alison Green






牠們可以抬起頭站立和自由走動。此外還要確保有良好的衛生環境 、飼料


Kind benefactors Some owners keep horses purely out of kindness and want nothing more than to give them a second chance in life.

“The horses come from different backgrounds. Some are elderly, some injured and some are retired race horses. There are also some that had not received proper care, or were abandoned. Regardless, all horses that need care will be considered

The Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA) has horses

for the program, and then we will find them new owners.”

for adoption every year. It can be a big challenge to adopt a horse because, in many cases, owners will have to single-handedly take care of the animal’s daily needs.

Green says the cost of caring for an adopted horse depends on a range of factors.

The first condition for becoming a loving horse owner is to have plenty of space for the horse to roam. Most adoptive owners will have their own farms or ranches.

“Taking into account the costs for the living space, hay, feed, supplements, vaccines, medical and dental work, the annual bill could be up to $4,800, on

“We will carry out an on-site inspection to determine if an applicant can become

average. If the horse is stabled somewhere other than the adoptive owner’s own

a horse owner,” says Alison Green, a senior OSPCA inspector. “For instance, the

farm, then the cost of the feed and stable cleaning will range from $300 to $550 per

stable must be large enough for a horse to lie down fully. The rest of the indoor


space has to have sufficient height to let them walk around with their neck fully stretched. As well, the owner must maintain stable hygiene, feed and medical care, and must be able to provide adequate daily exercise for the horse.”





Then, there’s the customary donation of a few hundred dollars to OSPCA.




01• 馬匹應該長期待在室外有遮陰的地方,為 牠們提供更多活動空間、吸收自然光及清 新的空氣,這樣才可保持健康的體魄。 Horses should be provided with a sheltered outdoor space and lots of room to exercise, keeping them healthy and in good spirits. 02•在農場生活的馬匹沒有受訓練出賽的壓 力,往往跟其他動物也能成為朋友呢! Horses living on farms do not have to go through stressful training and can easily become friends with other farm animals. 03•大部份領養馬匹的馬主都愛心爆棚,並希 望馬匹能成為陪伴自已的朋友。 Most adoptive horse owners are full of love, hoping to make their adopted horses their close companion.






Elite Car

QX60是Infiniti車隊在加拿大市場 最暢銷型號,2016年款經過輕微 修改,核心特質保持不變。 The QX60 has been refreshed for 2016, but the core attributes remain the same for Infiniti’s bestseller in Canada.

亮麗高貴 功能出眾

InfInItI QX60 AWD 2016 has a good thing going


Infiniti knew it had a good thing going with its QX60


crossover SUV. So, with a refresh in order for 2016,


the goal was to improve, not reinvent, the vehicle. text, photo | Lorne Drury Metroland Media





這款高級中型混合車是Infiniti車隊在加拿大市場最暢銷型 號,經微調後更富現代感,外型更時尚。

2016年款的QX60外觀更新潮,新款雙氙氣(bi-xenon)頭燈 位於重新設計的雙拱邊前格柵兩側,日間行車燈和霧燈也以更光 亮的LED替代。此外 LED指揮燈嵌入了邊鏡,而前後防撞欄都是



引人注目。 新款的QX60外型討好,車頂線條降低,流線十足,風阻系數 最近試駕2016年款、車身為亮麗彩藍色,並襯以小麥色真


皮座椅的QX60的那個星期,竟然有好幾個人把我截停,跟我談 論這輛車,令我十分詫異,並非說QX60的樣子不夠吸引,而是 通常人們在駕駛高檔跑車時,才會這般受關注。

QX60車廂氣勢十足,三排座椅共7個座位,容量是標準尺 寸CUV中最佳的。車內的地台平坦,第二排座位可前後滑動139 毫米(5.5吋),伸縮靈活,方便乘客進入第三排座位,車門入口闊

為何人們會對多用途混合類型車(CUV)這麼著迷?原因很簡 單,CUV揉合小型客貨車的功能,以及房車的性能和操控能力,

大,也方便出入第三排。第二排座位可以60/40分摺,而第三排位 則可50/50折疊,駕駛者可按需要覆折座位。

對消費者來說,選用CUV是雙贏的。 車廂寧靜舒適,前窗採用隔音玻璃,把風聲和車胎的噪音降 QX60於2013年面世以來,可說是市場上其中一款最好 的CUV。到目前為止,Infiniti在加拿大已售出超過12,000部

至最低。Infiniti採用新的引擎支架,減少車廂的震動,並提高轉彎 時的穩定性。


2016 QX60的新外觀,體現 了Infiniti的新設計。新款雙 氙氣頭燈置於重新設計的 雙拱邊前格柵兩側。 The refreshed exterior of the 2016 QX60 embodies Infiniti’s new design language. The doublearch grille is flanked by new bi-xenon headlights.

QX60標準電動升降式尾門的鍍鉻表 面,從任何角度去鑑賞,都非常吸引。

QX60的內飾高貴,尤其選置豪華駕駛套裝(Deluxe Touring Package)後,圓潤的楓木裝飾更顯高雅。

Attractive from any angle, the rear of the QX60 features chrome finish around the standard power liftgate.

The interior of the QX60 has a premium look, particularly with the Deluxe Touring package that adds rich-looking maple accents.

The result is a more modern, stylish look for this premium

One of the best

intermediate-size crossover that is the best-selling vehicle in Infiniti

on the market is the

Canada’s lineup. While not the biggest in the Infiniti fleet, the QX60 is

QX60, which has

big on features and one sure to attract attention.

been available since 2013. Since then, Infiniti has sold more than 12,000 units in Canada,

During a recent week with a 2016 QX60, dressed in a rich

and more than 90 per cent of those buyers were new to the brand.

Hermosa blue colour on the exterior and a contrasting wheat leather interior, I was slightly taken aback by the number of people who stopped me to talk about it.

For 2016, the QX60 has a more modern look with a new double arch-grille flanked by bi-xenon headlamps, LED daytime running lights and fog lights, integrated LED turn signals in the rearview mirrors and

It’s not that the QX60 isn’t attractive, but one would expect this

new front and rear fascias.

kind of attention while driving a high-end sports car. But I’ve come to realize that crossovers are “where it’s at” these days, making cars --

The updated styling is pleasing to the eye with a low roofline that

even expensive sports cars for that matter -- an afterthought for many

doesn’t compromise interior headroom while achieving a 0.34 drag



Why the public fascination with CUVs? It’s quite simple. They offer the utility of a minivan, combined with the performance and handling of a sedan. It’s a win-win situation for consumers.

Inside is where the QX60 really shows its stuff, with three-row, seven-passenger seating and best-in-class interior volume that is in the full-size CUV range.





Elite Car


我們試駕的車輛附加了高科技套裝(3,500元) ,配備特別多輔



置,若添置豪華駕駛套裝(Deluxe Touring Package)和高科技套裝


(Technology Package),便有高雅的楓木裝飾。我們所測試的車





另外添置的至尊套裝(Premium Package,5,000元)有聲控導




匙加強版、司機位兩級位置記憶座椅、進出司機位輔助功能、通 過藍牙播放音樂,以及連接Infiniti的車載資訊系統。

QX60配備3.5公升DOHC V6引擎,輸出265 匹馬力和248磅/ 呎扭力,配搭無間斷變速器和Infiniti標準智能全輪驅動,令其性能

第三組附加的是豪華駕駛套裝(價值4,500元) ,包括有15條幅



每100公里12.2/8.9/10.7公升 (市內/高速公路/綜合)。

13個喇叭、先進的溫度控制系統,以及第二和第三排座椅上的天 窗。

駕駛者可選擇4個駕駛模式,分別是標準、跑車、節能和雪 地,這些選擇可改變油門的反應和換檔模式,以提高行車的性能。

我們測試的CUV包括了這3個合共14,385 元的選置,另加 1,995元運費和交付前檢查費,售價為63,770元。

The platform floor is flat, allowing for more versatility. Second-row seats slide fore and aft 139 millimetres

空調及導航系統安裝在中控台上方, 在彩色資訊顯示屏之下。 HVAC and navigation system controls sit at the top of the centre stack, just below the colour info screen.

Infiniti QX60誘人的儀表組合,配有里程計 及資訊屏,兩側有速度計及轉數計。 The Infiniti QX60 has this attractive gauge package with speedometer and tachometer flanking the odometer and an information screen.

to allow easier access to the third row. The wide door openings also help in this regard. Second-row seats are split-folding (60/40), as are those in the third row (50/50).

Drivers can select from four drive modes, which vary throttle response and shift patterns to improve performance. You can select from Standard, Sport, Eco and Snow on the consol-mounted rotary dial.

Cabin noise has been reduced through better insulation, including the use of acoustic glass in the front windows that cuts down wind

Our tester was loaded with technology features – thanks, in part, to

and tire noise. Infiniti is also using new engine mounts that reduce

the optional Technology Package ($3,500), which included Intelligent

vibration in the cabin and enhance cornering.

Brake Assist, Blindspot Warning and Intervention, Intelligent Cruise Control, Backup Collision Intervention, Lane Departure Warning and

“Elegant” and “luxurious” are two words to describe the QX60

Prevention and Predictive Forward Collision Warning.

cabin, which features a new graphite weave design with standard leather seating and maple wood accents that come with the Deluxe

The Premium Package ($5,000) included navigation with voice

Touring and Technology Packages. The comfy front seats are heated,

recognition, rain-sensing front wipers, around-view monitor, remote

as is the steering wheel. Cooled front seats and heated second-row

engine start, enhanced intelligent key, two-position memory driver’s

seats are optional.

seat, entry/exit assist for driver’s seat, streaming audio via Bluetooth and Infiniti connection telematics system.

Power comes from a 3.5-litre DOHC V6 engine that generates 265 horsepower and 248 lb/ft of torque. It is mated with a CVT


Our tester also came with the Deluxe Touring ($4,500) package,

transmission and comes standard with Infiniti’s ‘intelligent’ all-wheel

which added 20-inch, 15-spoke aluminum alloy wheels, maple interior

drive. Transport Canada fuel economy ratings are 12.2/8.9/10.7 L/100

accent, Bose surround-sound audio system with 13 speakers, advanced

km city/hwy/combined.

climate control system and a second- and third-row moonroof.




新款QX60在路上行走時較舊款的沉穩,原因之一是 它採用了新的避震和彈簧系統,減低了轉彎時車身擺動, 而速度感應的風油軑盤,比舊車款反應更快更完善。 整體來說,QX60的駕駛質量極佳,十分舒適,除非 路面情況非常惡劣。有些駕駛人士可能會覺得在加速時有 點遲緩,但我認為它的引擎馬力足夠,能應付任何環境。 在高速行駛時,QX60會帶給你非常寧靜和行車穩定 的旅程。總括而言,QX60差不多符合高級CUV買家的所 有要求。它擁有七座位,饒富彈性,是方便家庭使用的豪 華運輸車。 優點: QX60具備多種功

These option packages, along with $1,995 freight and PDI, took the


as-tested price to $63,770.


缺點: 與其他競爭對手 比較,加速時可

第二排座椅可前後滑動139毫米(5.5吋),第 三排座椅對成年人也很方便。 The third-row seats are actually adultfriendly and accessible, thanks to the second-row seats that slide fore and aft 139 millimetres (5.5 inches).

第二排座椅的腳部空間頗具彈 性,可前後滑動139毫米(5.5吋)。 Legroom in the second row is flexible, with seats that slide fore and aft 139 millimetres (5.5 inches).


On the road, the new QX60 is more composed than its predecessors,


in part because of new shock and spring systems that reduce body


movement when cornering. The speed-sensitive power steering is quicker and improved over the outgoing unit.

誘人之處: 這款車的第三排

Ride quality is excellent overall, with comfort


the name of the game, except on the most


What’s Best:

extreme road surfaces. Some drivers might find

The QX60 offers a great

acceleration a bit sluggish for their liking, but

deal of versatility at a

in my driving experience, engine power was

competitive price in the

adequate for all situations.

seven-passenger premium crossover market.

At speed, the QX60 provides a wonderfully quiet, composed ride. What’s Worst:

第三排座椅後的尾箱載貨量 達447公升,當放下第二及 第三排座椅後,尾箱容量 跳升接近5倍至2,166公升。 Cargo volume is 447 litres behind the third-row seat, jumping to 2,166 litres when the second- and third-row seats are folded.

選置豪華駕駛套裝(Deluxe Touring Package),可有 20吋、15條幅鋁合金輪轂 的輪胎。 Twenty-inch, 15-spoke aluminum alloy wheels are part of the optional Deluxe Touring package.

What’s Interesting:

A bit sluggish

This vehicle has

compared with some

third-row seats that

of the competition.

are accessible and

All in all, the QX60 meets almost all the requirements of buyers in the premium crossover class. Its seven-passenger versatility makes it a luxurious family-friendly people-hauler.


Infiniti QX60 2016 AWD at-a-glance


BODY STYLE: Mid-size premium crossover


DRIVE METHOD: front-engine, all-wheel drive with multi-step continuously-

引擎:3.5公升四凸輪軸V6引擎 (265 匹馬力,扭力248 磅/呎)

variable transmission (CVT)

尾箱容量:第三排座椅後447公升(15.8立方呎) ;第二排座椅後有

ENGINE: 3.5-litre quad-cam V6 (265 hp and 248 lb/ft of torque)

1,155公升 (40.8立方呎);第一排座椅後2,166公升 (76.5立方呎)

FUEL ECONOMY: 12.2/8.9L/10.7L/100 km city/highway/combined

耗油量:12.2/8.9/10.7 升/100 公里 (市內/高速公路/綜合)。

CARGO VOLUME: 447 litres (15.8 cu ft) behind the third row, 1,155 litres

拖重能力:2,268公斤 (5,000磅)

(40.8 cu ft) behind the second row, 2,166 litres (76.5 cu ft) behind the first row


TOW RATING: 2,268 kg (5,000 lb)


PRICING: Base $47,400; as tested $63,780, including $1,995 freight and PDI


WEBSITE: infiniti.ca






MiNT SLR670-S外形和SX-70一樣, 充滿復古味。 (售價:US$675) MiNT SLR670-S has the same vintage look as the SX-70. (US$675)



MiNT很久以前已經生產過向Polaroid SX-70 致敬之作 SLR670α及SLR670m,最近MiNT再推出後續旗艦版,稱為 SLR670-S。MiNT還表示,這款是目前最先進的SX-70。雖然新機 外形和前兩部一樣,取Polaroid SX-70的經典外殼及專業型號SLR 680的性能打造而成,操作方式亦和SX-70相同,但卻可調校快門 速度。你可能會說,SLR670m也有這個功能啊,沒什麼特別…那 就錯了!它的特別之處正是在於全新研發的Time Machine,提供 16種快門速度選擇,最快支援1/2000,而且還有B、T快門可選。

Time Machine上的轉盤有16種快門模 式可以選擇,還可以揀A600及A100對 應不同ISO的相紙。 The Time Machine dial offers a choice of 16 shutter speeds, and options of A600 and A100 to use with different ISO films.

著重細節,MiNT改良了機身焦距及光 圈的轉輪,令轉動更加順暢。 Details-oriented MiNT has modified the focus and the aperture dials to enable smoother turning.


MiNT SLR 670 - S text | 竺 photo | Pang

Polaroid在相機史上絕對堪稱經典,大底即影即有配合復古外形,時至今天仍不乏用家。其實有玩菲 林機的人,對香港相機品牌MiNT不會陌生,更可能注意到MiNT對Polaroid的敬愛深厚無比。 Polaroid holds an indisputable place in the annals of cameras. This large format instant camera with the vintage look is not short of diehard fans. Photo enthusiasts who are into classic film cameras will be familiar with the Hong Kong brand MiNT, a company that puts Polaroid on a pedestal.

Some time ago, MiNT produced SLR670α and SLR670m to pay tribute to the Polaroid SX-70. It repeated the feat recently with a new flagship model, the SLR670-S, which it describes as the most advanced model of the SX-70 series. The latest creation looks no different from its predecessors and still takes inspiration from the classic silhouette of the Polaroid SX-70 and works like the professional model SLR 680. The operation is also the same as the SX-70, except for the added feature of adjustable shutter speeds.

這就是MiNT最新研發的Time Machine, 非常小巧,不須電池亦可使用。 MiNT’s newly developed Time Machine is compact and does not need a battery to operate.

MiNT SLR670-S亦可如SX-70一樣折叠 起來,方便隨身攜帶。 MiNT SLR670-S can be folded like the SX-70 for carrying around.




你可想象SX-70竟然有一日能夠用上B快門拍攝嗎?MiNT就將這個 不可能變成可能了。 除此,Time Machine最令人驚喜的地方在於,竟然還有 A600及A100可以選擇!若是以前,大家想影ISO600或ISO100相 紙,只能在指定Polaroid相機才能用到,或要去改機。但現在用 SLR670-S,只須轉一轉Time Machine的設定,內置的全新測光 眼就會根據環境光線計算出最準確的曝光,連ND filter都不用, 便可隨時以ISO600及ISO100這兩款相紙拍照!真是造福了不少 Polaroid愛好者。 除此之外,MiNT亦同時為去年推出的全球首部雙眼即影即 有相機InstantFlex TL70推出後繼機InstantFlex TL70 2.0 Bright Screen,據聞MiNT 團隊特意到訪德國Rolleiflex舊工廠取經,新 機捨棄了上一代的十字磨砂取景器,而轉用菲涅耳透鏡,亮度比 MiNT亦為InstantFlex TL70 2.0 Bright Screen推出一系列配件,包括 日本製造的相機套 (US$207) 、頸繩 (US$63) 及鏡頭套裝 (US$103) 。 MiNT has also introduced a range of accessories for InstantFlex TL70 2.0 Bright Screen, including a Japanese-made case (US$207), strap (US$63) and lens set (US$103).

上一代高出五倍之餘,新取景器上有圓形紋路,讓用家更容易對 焦。亦推出一系列配件,包括日本製造的頸繩及相機套、鏡頭套 裝(包括三片減光鏡、近攝鏡及遮光罩),令雙鏡即影即有的玩法 更多變。

You may counter that this is nothing special as SLR670m also has this feature. But that’s not true. SLR670-S stands out with the newly developed Time Machine feature, which offers a choice of 16 shutter speeds, the fastest being 1/2000, and there are the B mode and T mode to choose from. Ever imagine that the SX-70 might one day offer a B mode? MiNT has made that come true! As well, Time Machine also presents the choices of A600 and A100. In the past, you could only use a specific Polaroid camera for either ISO600 or ISO100 photo film, or modify your camera. With SLR670-S, you can simply adjust the Time Machine setting and the processor will calculate the most accurate exposure, based on the ambient light. You won’t even need an ND filter to be able to use ISO600 and ISO100 films -- good news, indeed, for Polaroid fans. MiNT has also introduced InstantFlex TL70 2.0 Bright Screen to upgrade the world’s first twin-lens instant camera, the InstantFlex TL70, which debuted last year. It’s said that MiNT’s team made a pilgrimage to the old German factory of Rolleiflex. The resulting new model replaces the last-generation matt viewfinder with Fresnel Super Viewfinder that is five times brighter. The circular lines of the viewfinder also help in focusing. Handy accessories, such as a Japanese-made neck strap, case and a lens set (three ND filters, a close-up lens and a lens hood) enhance the versatility of the twin-lens instant cameras. Available at mint-camera.com.





同時推出的InstantFlex TL70 2.0 BrightScreen外形維持不變。 (US$389) InstantFlex TL70 2.0 BrightScreen presented at the same time has the same appearance. (US$389)

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