創刊號 Inaugural Issue A publication by Sing Tao Daily (Western Edition)
June 2016 San Francisco
2016 Paris Fall-Winter Fashion Week
Karena Lam: The Triple Crown in Life
Patek Philippe, Bulgari, Chanel, Rolex, Chopard, Omega, Jaquet Droz & more.
Karena Lam EliteGen.singtao.ca
The Triple Crown in Life 林 嘉 欣 人 生 大 滿 貫
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2016 1
5/19/2016 7:45:48 PM
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5/19/2016 7:32:27 PM
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2016 3
5/19/2016 7:33:42 PM
cover story
Fashion Headline
人生大滿貫 林嘉欣
The Triple Crown in Life: Karena Lam
2016 Paris Autumn-Winter Fashion Week
Watch Story
pages.indd 4
5/19/2016 7:35:36 PM
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pages.indd 5
2016 5
5/19/2016 7:36:46 PM
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部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 All prices are in US unless otherwise specified. 除特別標明外,所有價錢以美金計算。 6
pages.indd 6
5/19/2016 7:55:52 PM
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pages.indd 7
2016 7
5/19/2016 7:39:50 PM
Masthead 創刊號 Inaugural Issue A publication by Sing Tao Daily Western Edition
2016 Paris Fall-Winter Fashion Week
Karena Lam: The TripLe Crown in Life
Patek Philippe, Bulgari, Chanel, Rolex, Chopard, Omega, Jaquet Droz & more.
Karena Lam Read Online: EliteGen.singtaousa.com
The TripLe Crown in Life 林 嘉 欣 人 生 大 滿 貫
2016 1
編輯部 editorial
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5/19/2016 7:40:41 PM
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pages.indd 9
2016 9
5/19/2016 7:42:09 PM
Dress Code text | 蔡安儀
Celia Wong 著名形象設計師黃欐堯Celia,曾任陳慧琳、謝安琪、孫耀威、江若琳等藝人的形象設計,亦有參與唱片封套形象設計及演唱會形象指導。 早年出書教人襯衫扮靚,近年主力負責個人形象和美容指導,還開設個人網誌celiawong.com,分享服裝潮流及扮靚心得。 Famous designer Celia Wong has been image designer for many celebrities, including Kelly Chan, Kay Tse, Eric Suen and Elanne Kang, and has also been a designer of many album covers and image director of numerous concerts. Wong has written books offering tips about clothing and beauty. In recent years, she has focused on coaching individual clients on image and beauty, and even started her own blog (celiawong.com) to share fashion trends and beauty tips.
成熟 透視
盡顯 霸氣
Carina Lau
Fiona Sit
Janice Man
劉嘉玲穿上Atelier Versace高級訂製的湖水藍色羽 毛閃石拖尾長裙,確實甚具霸氣。羽毛設計的裙身 略帶一點擁腫,幸好配上高叉露腿的剪裁,行走起 來既性感且動感十足,令整個造型加分。
薛凱琪身穿半透視低胸露背晚裝裙,從後面看非常 誘人,吸引人多望兩眼。不過,似乎這條裙穿在她 身上略為成熟了一點。
文詠珊﹙Janice Man﹚上下真空,穿上Versus Versace超性感露腿裙,雖然前面平平無奇,但側 面及後面真是很搶鏡,盡顯她fit爆的身型,尤其是 側面大秀其長腿,確實十分誘人,亦非常出位。
This Atelier Versace haute couture aqua-blue maxi, with feathers, rhinestones and a long train, looks quite majestic on Carina Lau. While the feathers make it look a bit bulky, that’s offset by the high cut that shows off plenty of leg. As a result, the dress looks sexy and flowing as she walks, adding many points to the look.
In this low-cut, see-through, off-shoulder night gown, Fiona Sit looks quite alluring from the back, attracting plenty of attention. However, this dress makes her look a bit too mature.
Janice Man wears this super-sexy Versus Versace dress without a bra or underwear. The dress may be a bit plain in the front , but the side and back looks are quite attractive, accentuating her super-fit figure. In particular, the side view of her long legs is alluring, if not daring.
pages.indd 10
性感 女神
5/19/2016 7:43:26 PM
醒神 影后
Jessie Li
高貴 奪目
土氣 桌布
Li Bingbing
Laurinda Ho
今屆電影金像獎的23歲影后春夏,穿上英倫品牌 Fyodor Golan的印花tube dress,極具色彩之餘, 青春感亦十足。這條裙平時穿都很漂亮,但出席這 麼隆重的場合,就略為遜色了些。裙腳位的透視部 份不長不短,感覺一節一節,有點怪怪的。
李冰冰這身打扮看見讓人嚇了一驚,似是穿起十年 前的舊裙,雖然造型斯文,但太像「姊妹裙」了, 而且透視長袖款式土爆,紗裙又像桌布,不合格!
最怕見到把高級訂造服穿得很老氣,不過何超蓮恰 恰相反,身穿Ashi Studio高級訂製裙的她,少女味 十足,裙上繡有的印度print,古典又高貴,再配一 個Jimmy Choo羽毛clutch,十分cutie!
Jessie Li, the 23-year-old Best Actress winner at the Hong Kong Film Awards, wears this print tube dress by British designer Fyodor Golan, showing both colour and youthfulness. While it looks like it might make a pretty everyday dress, at a formal event Li looks a bit under-dressed. Also, the see-through part along the hem makes it look oddly segmented.
Here, Li Bingbing looks like she’s wearing a dress from a decade ago. Even though it is a poised look, it too much resembles a bridesmaid’s dress. The sheer long-sleeve style is also too old-fashioned, and the muslin material looks too much like a tablecloth. Super fail!
Haute couture fashion can often look matronly, but Laurinda Ho bucks the trend here. She looks very youthful in this Ashi Studio Haute Couture dress. The skirt has embroidered Indian prints, which look both classical and elegant. Matched with a Jimmy Choo feather clutch, this is definitely the look of a cutie!
pages.indd 11
2 0 1 6 11
5/19/2016 7:47:47 PM
Dress Code
不敗 貴氣
Kate Middleton
Gal Gadot
奧斯卡有不少打扮出色的女星,例如新一代《星 戰》女星黛絲,雖然她身材一向不算突出,亦沒加 入性感行列,但勝在觀眾緣超強,一條閃裙顯得她 十分斯文,討好就OK。
除了在《蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光》戲裡面,「神 奇女俠」姬嘉鐸在首映禮亦搶盡鋒頭,冠絕全場的 身高,超美的身型,加上Deep-V晚裝,誰與爭鋒?
English ladies have their own distinguished styles, and Princess Kate might be the most stylish of them all. (Let’s not mention that she hasn’t lost her figure after two pregnancies.) Her taste in clothes is quite classic. Like this light grey maxi, it is elegant, timeless and, of course, a sure winner.
At the Oscars, many stars looked outstanding. Daisy Ridley, the new Star Wars lead actress, does not have a particularly superior figure and was not among the super-sexy in attendance. But she has a special knack of connecting instantly with the audience. In this sparkling dress, she looks demure and quite likeable.
“Wonder Women” Gal Gadot stole the limelight in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Here, she is the focus of all attention: super height, perfect physique and a deep-V neckline gown. Who can defeat her?
裙:Chanel Haute Couture 鞋:Christian Louboutin 首飾:Chanel Fine Jewelry
裙:Prada 首飾:Tiffany & Co.
網評:每次的風格也很一致。 Webbuzz: Very consistent style.
網評:氣場這回事,是天賦的。 Webbuzz: The god-given star aura cannot be faked.
網評:不愧是model出身! Webbuzz: Not surprising at all that she used to be a model!
pages.indd 12
Daisy Ridley
英倫淑女味別樹一格,當中的表表者非凱蒂王妃莫 屬,先不提她兩度懷孕也不影響身材,單是選擇衣 服的品味就夠古典,就像這件淡雅灰色長裙,貴氣 得來又永不過時,真是「穩勝」。
高妹 本色
最合 眼緣
5/19/2016 7:48:56 PM
中規 中矩
Holly Hunter
綠野 仙子
娘味 盡洗
Brie Larson
Lupita Nyong'o
Holly Hunter這位金像影后身上的藍色薄紗裙,輕 柔得來不會喧賓奪主,畢竟已經過了要鬥美的階 段,倒不如穩打穩紮,未嘗不是對活動來說的最佳 選擇。
出爐影后Brie終於去到日本,宣傳代表作《抖室》 ,這個花花裙造型絕無「土味」,不是說她扮相一 向老土,只是戲中她做人娘親,這種帶適量少女味 的形象不乎合角色吧。
金像級女星Lupita一直是時尚圈寵兒,皆因她的 taste真是穩定高質,這件淡綠色喱士晚裝,帶出柔 和感覺,再加少許飾物顯高貴,就知她相當有時裝 觸覺。
The blue tulle dress on Oscar-winning actress Holly Hunter is soft and unassuming. After all, she is already past the beauty contest stage, so it is best to choose safe bets for these events.
Brie Larson, Oscar’s latest Best Actress winner, finally arrived in Japan to publicize her signature movie Room. This floral dress does not look “homely” at all. Not to say that her appearance is usually unsophisticated. It’s just that she played a mother in the movie, so this girlish look does not seem appropriate for the character.
Oscar winner Lupita Nyong’o has always been a favourite within fashion circles, because her taste is consistently high quality. This light green lace gown elicits a soft feeling and, by adding a little jewelry, it brings out the elegance of the look. She definitely has a keen fashion sense.
網評:恰如其分才最重要。 Webbuzz: Most important to be appropriately dressed.
網評:有點波希米亞! Webbuzz: Looks a bit Bohemian!
網評:可歸類為大膽配色系列! Webbuzz: Quite a daring colour combination!
pages.indd 13
2 0 1 6 13
5/19/2016 7:49:36 PM
Cover Story 人人都說獲封金馬影后的林嘉欣,得了金馬大滿貫,十四年、兩套作品,便拿下了最 佳新演員、女配角和女主角三大榮譽;四月的香港金像獎,卻與最佳女主角無緣。 跟嘉欣談獎項,她說:「享受過拍攝過程,已經滿足,贏不贏,不是最重要。」說得 淡然,因為她早就擁有了人生更珍貴的大滿貫,有志趣相投另一半,兩個可愛小公 主,當了五年全職媽媽,有發揮的角色仍然會找上門來,最近還得到十四年前《男人 四十》的好拍檔張學友支持,成就她與導演丈夫的首次合作《暗色天堂》。 林嘉欣的人生,如意事十常八九,這才是真正令人羨慕。 Karena Lam was recently crowned Best Actress at the Golden Horse Film Festival and Awards in Taipei, completing the proverbial Golden Horse Triple Crown. The Vancouver native has now won three Golden Horses — Best New Actress and Best Supporting Actress for her role in July Rhapsody (2002) and Best Actress for Zinnia Flower (2015). Regrettably, she did not win Best Actress at the Hong Kong Film Awards in April. Lam, whose father is from Hong Kong, while her mother is of Japanese-Chinese heritage in Taiwan, plays down the significance of winning awards. “I am satisfied with enjoying the filming process. Whether I win (an award) or not is not important.” Why is that? It’s because she had already captured the most valuable triple crown in her life — a husband that shares her interests, as well as two lovely little princesses. Despite being a full-time mom for five years, movie companies still come knocking with roles that allow her to show off her talents to the fullest. Recently, with the support of Jacky Cheung, her good acting partner from 14 years ago, she was able to work for the first time with director/husband Steve Yuen in Heaven in the Dark. What’s truly enviable is that Lam’s life is mostly full of fulfilled wishes.
人生大滿貫 林嘉欣
The Triple Crown in Life : Karena Lam text | Candy Woo styling | Michelle Chow photo | Mano Wong make up | Will Wong hair | Hin Wan location | The Park Lane Hong Kong, a Pullman Hotel
pages.indd 14
5/19/2016 7:50:23 PM
Paule Ka black and white dress Black long pearl and crystal earring US$230 Pearl ring US$190 Both from Salvatore Ferragamo and available at ferragamo.com
pages.indd 15
2 0 1 6 15
5/19/2016 7:51:20 PM
兼職監製 在溫哥華出生的林嘉欣,十六歲入行,丈夫袁劍偉 (Steve)又是知名廣告導演,這對演藝夫妻檔合作,應 該有十足默契,輕鬆順利吧?想像簡單,現實卻不,「做 前期準備壓力最大,我好想保持神秘感,但他會不時問 我:『你想怎演?』我想只好每次都答:『不告訴你!』 其實去到現場感受氣氛,加上演員互動,通常會有調整, 太早說實,就沒有驚喜。」說得對,無論第一次拍拖,抑 或第一次拍檔,都需要驚喜,才有火花。 驚喜不足以維繫和諧,常言道賢妻必須知所進退, 導演是片場的最高領導人,嘉欣也樂得做好演員本份,「 我事前已跟自己做好心理準備,叫自己成熟,在片場要公 私分明,絕對不會放肆挑戰他。」日常你才是家中話事 人?「我們習慣平等相處,有商有量,雖然工作上,我比 他多一點拍電影經驗,但他應該親自經歷和學習,就算發 現問題,我都會刻意迴避,由得他自己處理。」
Part-time Producer Lam, who entered the entertainment business at age 16, married Yuen, a famous TV commercials director at the time, in 2010. So, this showbiz couple must have a perfect understanding when they work together, and everything should go smoothly, right? Wrong. “The prep work was most stressful,” she recalls. “I wanted a certain degree of mystery, but he would keep asking me, ‘How do you want to act this out?’ Each time I
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wanted to answer, ‘I won’t tell you!’ “Actually, once you are on the set and feel the atmosphere there, and then the actors start interacting with each other, there are usually some adjustments. So if you have everything set too early, you’d eliminate the element of surprise.” Maybe she’s right. Whether you are dating for the first time, or partnering for the first time, the element of surprise is often needed for sparks to ignite. But surprise alone is not enough to maintain harmony. There is a saying that goes, “The wise wife must know when to advance and when to retreat.” As the word suggests, the director controls the film’s direction, so Lam is content with her role as an actress. “I already prepared myself psychologically ahead of time,” she says. “I told myself to be mature, and to be clear about what is professional and what is personal. I would not be presumptuous and challenge him.”
pages.indd 16
5/19/2016 7:53:31 PM
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5/19/2016 7:54:07 PM
When asked whether she is the person in charge at home, she replied:
“We are used to treating each other equally. We discuss everything openly.
Even though in terms of work, I have more experience with filming movies
that he does, he needs to experience and learn for himself. Even if I notice
some problems, I would deliberately demur, and let him handle them
訴」:「他只會公開讚學友演得好,對我卻敷衍:『回家再 說!』」
Really? He’s making his first movie and she completely refrains from
十四年的緣分 《暗色天堂》故事源自舞台劇《法吻》,講述教會助理
interfering? Well, not exactly. In the end, she doubled her role and acted as if she was a part-time producer. “There was an important location scene that was cut from four days
to two days,” she says. “Usually, if I were an actress, I would just let the
producer handle it. But this time, I really wanted to help solve the problem
章吧?嘉欣卻坦言當初毫無心理準備,「我早對他說,不必因 為我們關係而一定找我,應該找最合適人選,他說:『我一直 寫的時候都是想著妳呀。』」 一句話簡直令人甜在心頭,尋常女子哪可抵抗?夫妻檔 一拍即合,「電影是我們的共同興趣,由創作劇本、找投資、
It’s understandable she would want to help her husband, but it was a personal thing as well. “If the problem was not solved, it would affect my mood when acting, so I kept telling myself to stay calm.”
找演員、拍攝到剪片,我們一直維持在興奮狀態,非常好玩。 」電影創作就像玩育成遊戲,她今次不只演,連場景、道具 也有她的心思,「主角Michelle和杜牧師談判的場景,背景是
Even though she worked her heart out, the director did not pay her any compliments. She couldn’t help but complain.
一幅荷蘭畫家作品,繪畫一名因羞愧而切腹自殺的女子,跟 Michelle的心理狀況好接近,導演將它放在場景中,令我演Michelle時更有力量。」 為了演好角色,她甚至花兩個月返教會,「我沒有宗教
“He would only openly praise Jacky Cheung and say that his acting was good. To me, he would always stall and say, ‘Let’s talk about it at home.’”
Fulfilling 14 Years’ Destiny
信仰,想了解Michelle的虔誠教徒心態,便去教會做崇拜、聽 道,體驗在宗教的氣氛下,她為甚麼有勇氣與地位超然的杜牧 師在法庭對峙。」
Heaven in the Dark is based on the play French Kiss, which recounts a kiss between a church assistant and the church director that turned into a court case rather than a romantic relationship.
邀得學友出山,促成十四年後的緣分,嘉欣也是幕後推 手,「看完劇本,我第一個想到的人選就是學友,他有男主
After Lam and Yuen saw the play six years ago, Yuen began thinking
about turning the play into a film and eventually penned a movie script. With
an excellent actress as his wife, it may have seemed natural to cast her as
the lead actress. But Lam says she was completely unprepared for it.
“I told him early on, not to use me because of our relationship. Rather, he should find the best person for the part. And he said, ‘But I kept thinking
about you as I was writing!’”
面,但當我遇到難題,他會分享經驗,感覺他似哥哥多過前 輩,這些年的友情,令我更易入戲,見到他戲中的潦倒、失 意,那種心痛是從心而發的。」 只三言兩語,已讓人心急想看看二人怎樣併發火花,難
team was quickly formed and it proved to be a success. “From creating the script, to finding investors, to finding actors, filming to
editing, we kept staying in a state of excitement,” she says proudly. “It was
a lot of fun.”
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Such sweet words were surely difficult to resist. Thus the husband-wife
5/19/2016 7:57:01 PM
Valentino lace dress
Producing a film is like an “edutainment game.” This time Lam was not only acting, but also participating in the creation of scenes and props. “The set for the scene, in which Michelle negotiated with Pastor To, has a Dutch painter’s painting in the background. The painting is about a woman who committed hari kari out of shame. That is similar to Michelle’s psychological state in the scene. So the director placed the painting in the set, so I was more powerful as Michelle in that scene.” To do a credible job with the role, Lam even spent two months attending church. “I don’t have any religious beliefs. So in order to understand the religious devotion of Michelle, I attended worship services at a church, listened to the sermons and experienced how, under the religious influence, Michelle had the courage to confront the higher-status Pastor To in court.” It took 14 years to fulfil the destiny of an on-screen reunion with Cheung. To convince him to work on a film again, Lam worked behind the scenes. “After reading the script, my first choice was Jacky,” she says. “He has the confidence and charm of the male lead. When I suggested to the director to ask him, he said, ‘I want him too, but how it is possible?’” Lam says Cheung approached her shortly thereafter about the possibility of collaborating on a music video, “so I had the chance to explain the story outline to him in person, which, of course, was an easier sell.”
Hungering for Acting Working with Cheung this time around, Lam was no longer in awe, as when she was younger. “We don’t meet often, but when I would run into problems, he would share his experiences. I have always considered him more a big brother than a senior. The friendship we have had over the years makes it more possible for me to get into the story. Watching him get down and depressed in the scenes, my feeling of pain was truly heartfelt.” Just chatting with Lam about their relationship makes one impatient to see how the two create sparks on screen. It’s no wonder the movie received award nominations even before public screening.
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5/19/2016 7:58:02 PM
Claudie Pierlot Roze satin dress $470 (selfridges.com) Céline drop earrings
程,拍完就會放低,去年金馬獎宣布結果時,其實電影已拍完超過一 年,所以感覺已不太真實。」二人同台得獎,一定是我最期待的畫
面。 兩部復出作品,均大獲好評,會鼓勵她增產嗎?「之前當全職媽 媽,都有空虛餓戲的時候,復工之後,拍到好角色,生活的確開心得 多,不過我很滿足現狀,只會按生活節奏選喜愛的角色才演。」 初出道時,演戲是為得到更多認同,現在家庭才是生命的全部, 「劇本和角色要有好大吸引力,才說服到我割捨跟女兒相處的時間。 」甚麼角色,甚麼獎項,也不及跟兩位小女兒在家親子互動吸引,「 我常常跟她們玩面具遊戲,家姐設計了一個彩色面具,我拿它來扮演 不同角色,大家不用聲音,只用動作溝通,有時玩打觔斗,有時玩野 餐,兩姊妹好投入,覺得媽媽變身好神奇,玩極也不覺厭。」林氏創 意育兒法,兼可過足戲癮,那還需要iPad育兒嗎? “I will be happy for Jacky, because he really did a great job. It is also a big encouragement for the director. As for myself, I most enjoyed the filming process. I can totally put the whole thing down after shooting finishes. “Last year, when the Golden Horse Awards were announced, the film had already been finished for more than a year, so the feeling was somewhat unreal.” For the two to win at the same time, both with comeback performances, would undoubtedly receive critical acclaim. Would this encourage her to work more? “When I was a full-time mom, I would sometimes miss filming. Now that I am working again, and have got some great roles, I am happier, of course. But I am content with the current situation and I will work with the rhythm of life and only choose roles that I like.” When she first started acting, she was always in search of wider recognition. Now she considers that family has completed her life. “Both the script and the character will have to be very attractive to persuade me to cut into the time I spend with my daughters,” she says, insisting that no role or award compares with the nurturing interaction of her two young daughters — Kayla, 5, and Sophie, 2. “I often play mask games with them. My elder daughter designed a colourful mask, and I would use it to act out different roles. We don’t use our voices, but just motions, to communicate. Sometimes we will do somersaults. Sometimes we will have pretend picnics. Both girls are very much into it, and they think it is magical to have mom transformed into different characters. The play never gets old.” Lam’s creative style of parenting also fulfils her hunger for acting. Of course, iPad parenting is not necessary in this household. Not yet, anyway.
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5/19/2016 7:58:44 PM
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5/19/2016 7:59:47 PM
Fashion Headline 過去的巴黎時裝周總像個嘉年華會,到處充滿驚 喜。場外明星、時尚達人的花枝招展,場內充滿 舞台感的布置等,讓人興奮莫名。 但今季雨雪紛飛的氣候,似令時裝Show收起了 過往的浮華,沒有太多驚喜的布置及finale。惟有 各品牌相繼換血,Dior、Lanvin、Balenciaga的 新創作團隊、總監紛紛上場,嶄新風格令人耳目 一新。 text | Candy Choy
01 Dior Show場外以巨型鏡牆反射扭曲的羅浮宮景像,未來感十足。 Outside the theatre, a giant mirrored wall conveyed a twisted image of the Louvre, adding to the futuristic feel. 02 Iris Van Herpen的show打破傳統,視覺效果屬全個時裝周最驚喜的一場。 Iris Van Herpen’s show broke with tradition. Its visual effects were, perhaps, the biggest surprise during the entire Fashion Week. 03 Senior Reporter, Candy Choy
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5/19/2016 8:01:05 PM
2016 Paris Fall-Winter Fashion Week 2016巴黎秋冬時裝周 Paris Fashion Week is known for its carnival-like atmosphere, with surprises everywhere you look. Whether it’s the fashionable celebrities milling about outside the theatre, or the beautiful décor inside, excitement abounds. But this season, with persisting rain and snow outside, the show seemed more subdued than usual. Thankfully, the fresh blood infused into the Dior, Lanvin and Balenciago creative teams generated some new styles.
Dior場館就像走進未來的隧道,配合兩位新創作總監Lucie Meier和Serge Ruffieux的首個系列,喻意一切重新開始。 The Dior hall was built to look like a tunnel into the future, which seemed appropriate, given this was the first collection combining the work of the fashion house’s two new creative directors, Serge Ruffieux and Lucie Meier. Indeed, a new beginning for Dior.
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5/19/2016 8:02:12 PM
Fashion Headline
秋冬潮流預告 Forecasting the Fall-Winter Trend 80's Fever 過往幾季都是七十年代嬉 皮復古風的天下,今季終於輪 到回歸八十年代,浮誇闊膊、 巨袖、單膊、金屬色盡出。 The past few seasons have been dominated by the hippy look of the 1970s. This season, we turn to the ‘80s, with exaggerated wide shoulders, giant sleeves, single shoulders and metallic decorations. Saint Laurent
Isabel Marant
Acne Studios
Victorian Ruff 維多利亞浪漫風延續至 秋冬,但今季只有荷葉邊樽領 服仍能留下,全因能配出層次 感,同時能帶出女性媚態。 The romantic style of the Victorian era continues through the Fall-Winter season. But this season’s only Victorian element is the ruffled turtleneck, combining a nice texture with feminine charm.
Off-Shoulder Jackets 把春夏大熱的一字膊服飾 轉化成「海潮式」V字跌膊外 套,內裏不論襯樽領、圓領或 低領都型格十足。 The hot Spring-Summer off-the-shoulder look evolves into jackets with a wide V neckline that’s almost off the shoulder. A stylish match with turtleneck, round neckline and plunging neckline.
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5/19/2016 8:03:29 PM
College knits 書院風以條紋、格仔圖案 的針織上衣成功在今季回歸, 配搭長青的條子恤衫,中性中 見復古味。 The college style, with striped and checkered knits, returns with a bang this season. Matched with the ever-popular striped shirt, this look is both gender neutral and retro.
Dries Van Noten
Isabel Marant
Maison Margiela
Be Chunky 秋冬服飾大多較簡約色 沉,浮誇的飾物正好有點睛之 效,尤其是今季的飾物特別巨 型,簡單戴一對耳環或頸飾已 極搶眼。 Most Fall-Winter clothing is simple and dark-coloured, so an exaggerated accessory piece can create a great focal point. This season’s accessories are particularly large, so a simple pair of earrings or a necklace can be Céline
quite eye-catching.
Keep Tiny 手袋細小得有如添了肩 帶的銀包,卻能側孭或掛在腰 間,懶理容量實用與否,今季 就是要mini bag傍身才時尚。 The purse is so small it’s more like a wallet with straps. However, it is versatile, in that it can be slung cross the body, or hung on the waist. It may not be practical, given its small capacity, but this minibag certainly is trendy. Chanel
Louis Vuitton
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5/19/2016 8:06:54 PM
Fashion Headline
Back to Reality回歸現實 傳聞82歲的Karl
的先兆。經歷過機場、賭場、超市、小酒館等讓人目不暇給的騷場布置,今季 僅參照Rue Cambon總部的傢俬來製作一排排的金色座椅,回歸平淡。可能Karl Lagerfeld明白位置太遠的未能看清服飾的細節,所以今季人人也能坐front row, 讓人看清楚每個細節。系列亦為Chanel多年的經典來一次大回顧,九十多個造型 中,有如披肩般的一串串珍珠頸鏈、綴以山茶花的皮革草帽、各式各樣的變種菱 格、tweed jacket、little black dress等,盡現Chanel把經典與時尚融合的魅力。 Rumour has it that 82-year-old Karl Lagerfeld is about to retire. Whether the rumour is true or not, the master does seem like he is getting ready to call it quits. In the past, he has used an airport, a casino, a supermarket and a bar as show decorations, offering a lot of visual interest. This season, he has simply replicated the furniture of Chanel’s Rue Cambon headquarters to produce rows of gold seating, and the resulting look is more subdned than usual. However, Lagerfeld may simply have wanted to ensure everyone had a good seat and was able to see every detail. The collection is also a Chanel retrospective, featuring more than 90 styles. There are multiple strands of pearls adorning shoulders and necks, a leather hat bedecked with camellias, quilts in differing sizes and shapes, tweed jackets, and little black dresses. All this, to demonstrate the power of Chanel — from classic to contemporary.
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5/19/2016 8:08:10 PM
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5/19/2016 8:09:08 PM
Fashion Headline
Rich Visual Effect豐富視覺 首季沒有了Raf Simons的Dior,令人充滿期待。團隊首席設計師Lucie Meier和 Serge Ruffieux今季首次攜手擔起大旗,自然用盡200%的努力,一方面保留Dior先生 的經典,另一方面發揮其無限創意。場外搭建巨型鏡面牆壁和圓形的隧道入口,寓意走 進未來的方向,系列以多元化的風格,配合大量不對稱的剪裁,展現都會女性的活力一 面,手繪印花絲絨及與鈕扣式束腰緞帶,重新詮釋Dior先生的緹花紋路和經典bar suit設 計。此外,今季的飾物如多層次的耳環、戒指和多夾層手袋亦呈現品牌的豐富性。 This is Dior’s first season without Raf Simons, so we awaited the handiwork of new designers Meier and Ruffeux with bated breath. We were rewarded with a show that preserved Dior’s classics and, at the same time, demonstrated infinite creativity. Outside, the giant mirrored wall and circular tunnel signalled a futuristic direction. The collection offers diverse styles, matched with many uneven hemlines, to emphasize the active side of the urban woman. Further, the hand-painted floral velvet and buttoned waist ribbon are reinterpretations of Dior’s jacquard pattern and classic bar suit designs. Finally, this season’s accessories include multiple-layer earrings, rings and handbags with multiple pockets to show off the brand’s rich textures.
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5/19/2016 8:10:00 PM
Ballet Fairy芭蕾仙子 Valentino每季都散發着獨有的仙氣,雖然上季突然遊走非洲土著部落,仍不忘 添上透視、羽毛等華麗細節。今季孖寶設計師Maria Grazia Chiuri和Pierpaolo Piccioli以生命與藝術的聯繫,拼湊出一場浪漫的「芭蕾舞劇」,隨着現場的鋼琴伴奏聲 響起,服飾亦跟隨着不同的節奏而變化,從一開始的全黑造型配中性短靴,到慢 慢演變為優雅的舞者,軍大衣披在蟬薄的連身裙上,花卉圖案蓬蓬裙當短上裝 穿,半截傘裙配襯新派芭蕾舞鞋,飄逸的袍形裙襯以絲襪及跳舞涼鞋等,展現 自由奔放的情懷。 Each season, Valentino exudes a unique, fairy-like elegance. Even though it suddenly wandered off to African tribal lands last season, the brand still retained elegant details, such as see-throughs and feathers. This season’s creative designers, Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pierpaolo Piccioli, fused life with art to put together a romantic “ballet drama”. With piano accompaniment, the clothing changed with the changes in rhythm. Starting with an all-black look, matched with gender-neutral booties, the style changed slowly into that of a graceful dancer. From a military jacket draped over a thin dress, to a floral-patterned tutu worn as a short top, to an umbrella skirt coupled with a pair of avant-garde ballet shoes, to a breezy robe dress matched with stockings and dancing sandals — everything gives off a free-spirited feeling.
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5/19/2016 8:11:21 PM
Fashion Headline
Neat Reproduction利落再現 一向帶着中性氣質的Céline上季驟然轉化成性感女神,大量絲質、喱士等內衣元素 和復古風的燈籠袖造型,叫人眼前一亮。今季再度回歸簡約主義,大量earth tone色調夾 雜橙、翠綠等鮮明色彩,以利落的輪廓,加上扭曲的細節,營造層次感,Oversized的外 套、寬鬆喇叭褲等亦盡顯瀟灑氣質。為了配合簡約服飾,Phoebe Philo近年亦着重飾物的 設計,今季最矚目的要數那巨型的耳環、水晶腰飾,手袋方面則清一色以繞手腕的拿法, 貫徹其率性風格。 The usually gender-neutral Céline suddenly, and refreshingly, turned into a sexy goddess last season with lots of lingerie elements, such as silk and lace, and the retro lantern-sleeve styling. This season the brand returns to minimalism, using earth tones as a base and mixing them with bright colours, such as orange and emerald green. With clean lines and twisted details to create texture, the oversized jackets and loose bell-bottom pants also express a casual chic. In keeping with the minimalist style, designer Phoebe Philo also emphases accessories. This season, the most notable accessories are giant earrings, as well as a crystal waistband. Even the handbags are all wrist bags, to complete the carefree style.
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5/19/2016 8:12:31 PM
The Past and The Future過去與未來 自Nicolas Ghesquière上任以來,Louis Vuitton已經面目全非,但今季設計師試圖把我 們帶進未來與過去的交叉點,場館布置了五十七條破鏡銀色大柱,靈感來自法藝術家Justin Morin作品《Melted Bones》,瀰漫着未來與懷舊的氣氛。系列有如跨越時空以及穿梭回憶的 疆界,從過往的設計如皮外套、安哥拉山羊毛衣、拉鏈貼身外套等擷取靈感,並加以改良至 適合現今的潮流。今季還加入富科技味道的針織連身裙,配上精心配搭的皮革及絲綢等名貴 衣料與精工,為這個穿透時間的系列增添活力時尚感。 Since Nicolas Ghesquière took charge of Louis Vuitton, the brand has undergone a metamorphosis. This season, the designer tries to take us to the intersection of Past and Future. The hall is decorated with 57 silver pillars made with broken mirrors. Inspired by French artist Justin Morin’s Melted Bones, Ghesquière has created an atmosphere that feels both futuristic and retro. The collection crosses time and space and shuttles between different memories. Drawing inspiration from such retro looks as leather jackets, angora sweaters, zippered tight-fit jackets, and matched with fine materials such as leather and silk and superior handiwork, this collection traverses through time with a lively and contemporary feel.
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5/19/2016 8:13:50 PM
Fashion Headline
New Kid on the Block新官上任 告別Alexander Wang後,新官上任的Demna Gvasalia究竟會讓Balenciaga以怎樣的姿 態示人?這位新創作總監曾在Martin Margiela、Louis Vuitton擔任設計師,難怪在Balenciaga 處女show中,可見不同風格的服飾拼合和剪裁上的拆解重組,增添一份叛逆味道。 After bidding farewell to Alexander Wang, many wondered how Demna Gvasalia, who (once was) a designer at Martin Margiela and Louis Vuitton, would introduce Balenciaga to the public. The new creative director has combined different styles of clothing, as well as a disassemble-thenreassemble regrouping in the cutting. This all adds up to a taste of rebellion.
Fun Re-mix趣味拼湊 Miu Miu今季把觀眾和模特兒的距離拉近,讓人更容易欣賞到「物料皇后」的拼貼藝 術,Miuccia Prada希望今個系列的服裝能夠表現有趣。首先是穿起牛仔布服的模特兒,然是 配上花布大褸、皮草、復古風針織,到最後的刺繡服,對比效果沒有令人失望,尤其是華麗 的珍珠毛毛拖鞋,把街頭與貴氣感再次拼現驚喜。 This season, Miu Miu shortened the distance between the audience and the model, allowing the public to appreciate the mixing-and-matching characteristics of “The Material Queen” more fully. It is the wish of Miuccia Prada to make the collection fun. We see the models sporting denim, which is then matched with long floral coats, fur coats, retro-knit jackets and, finally, embroidered jackets. Contrasts are not at all disappointing. In particular, the pair of gorgeous pearl-and-fur slippers is a nice surprise, combining a street look with a classy look.
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5/19/2016 8:14:36 PM
Low-key Luxury低調奢華 愛馬仕的奢華,除了能在其招牌手袋、絲巾中感受到之外,在今季的成衣系列中亦展視 出另一份簡約奢華的魅力。設計師Nadege Vanhee-Cybulski今季不再以線條勾勒立體曲線, 改以利用小羊皮、羊毛、絲綢的幾何拼接盡顯布料功力的同時,簡約的剪裁就如其配飾一 樣,不受潮流、時間所限,這種低調的奢華就是Hermès獨有的吸引之處。 The luxury of Hermès can not only be found in its signature handbags and scarves. In this season’s ready-to-wear collection, the brand again exudes a simple luxury. Designer Nadege Vanhee-Cybulski is no longer using complex lines to accentuate curviness. Instead, he has used a simple cut, unrestrained by trends, and has accessorized with lambskin, wool and silk in geometric shapes to highlight the uniqueness of each type of material. Thus, Hermès has successfully created a special space as a brand that speaks luxury in understated tones.
Bejewelled and Bedazzled珠光寶氣 對於Alber Elbaz去年被Lanvin解僱的事件,彷彿仍是個夢⋯⋯。今季我們沒看到絲毫 Elbaz的影子,服飾不再是剪裁敏銳、just fit的輪廓,換來的是80年代的華麗一面,雖然感覺 與以往大不同,但在浮誇的珠寶金屬頸鏈、耳環中,仍讓我們看見Lanvin的精神。 With the termination of artistic director Alber Elbaz last year, the Lanvin collection no longer has a clean-cut and just-fit outline. Instead, we see the luxury of the 1980s — a completely different feel. But somewhere in between the extravagant gold necklaces and gold earrings, we still catch a glimpse of the Lanvin spirit.
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5/19/2016 8:15:25 PM
Chanel手袋的經典菱格紋,靈感源 自Chanel迷鍾愛的馬術,尤其是穿 著夾克在馬場上飛馳的騎士雄姿。 品牌全新頂級珠寶系列「Signature de Chanel」的48款作品,將 經典曲線菱格紋重新華麗演繹,以 簡約設計打造出完美線條。 The iconic quilting on Chanel handbags is inspired by the equestrian world dear to Gabrielle Chanel, especially by the jackets stable boys wear around the racetracks. The geometry of the 48 new pieces of Signature de Chanel, its first High Jewellery collection, is a variation on the quilted pattern and pays tribute to that inspiration. Graphic and refined, they express the purity of line and the perfection in simplicity.
Quilted Diamonds text | Leslie Yip
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photo | Chanel
5/19/2016 8:16:37 PM
Signature de Saphir耳環 18K白金耳環鑲嵌2顆總重12.8克拉的枕形 切割藍寶石,26顆總重2克拉的方形切割 鑽石,158顆總重4.5克拉的明亮式切割鑽 石以及2顆三角形切割鑽石。
Signature de Saphir earrings in 18K white gold, set with two cushion-cut sapphires, for a total weight of 12.8 carats; 26 square-cut diamonds, for a total weight of two carats; 158 brilliant-cut diamonds, for a total weight of 4.5 carats, and two triangle-cut diamonds.
Signature Ultime手鐲 18K白金鑲嵌一顆重1克拉的明亮式切割鑽 石,265顆總重66克拉的方形切割藍寶石以及 221顆總重7.7克拉的明亮式切割鑽石。
"Signature Ultime" bracelet in 18K white gold set with a 1-carat brilliant-cut diamond, 265 squarecut sapphires for a total weight of 66 carats and 221 brilliant-cut diamonds for a total weight of 7.7 carats.
Signature de Saphir項鍊 18K白金鑲嵌一顆重11.4克拉的枕形切割藍寶石,42顆總 重6克拉的方形切割鑽石,21顆總重2.3克拉的長階梯形切 割鑽石以及3042顆總重83.6克拉的明亮式切割鑽石。
"Signature de Saphir" necklace in 18K white gold set with an 11.4-carat cushion-cut sapphire, 42 square-cut diamonds for a total weight of 6 carats, 21 baguette-cut diamonds for a total weight of 2.3 carats and 3042 brilliant-cut diamonds for a total weight of 83.6 carats.
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5/19/2016 8:17:22 PM
Signature de Perles耳環 18K白金鑲嵌160顆總重 7.9克拉的明亮式切割鑽 石以及2顆日本養珠。
Signature de Perles earrings in 18K white gold, set with 160 brilliantcut diamonds, for a total weight of 7.9 carats, and two Japanese cultured pearls.
Signature Cocoon項鍊 18K白金鑲嵌一顆重1.5克拉的明亮 式切割鑽石,652顆總重16.7克拉 的明亮式切割鑽石以及雕刻水晶。
Signature Cocoon necklace in 18K white gold, set with a 1.5-carat brilliant-cut diamond and 652 brilliantcut diamonds, for a total weight of 16.7 carats, and carved rock crystal.
Signature de Perles戒指 18K白金鑲嵌一顆重3克 拉的祖母綠形切割鑽石 以及162顆總重2.8克拉 的明亮式切割鑽石。
Signature de Perles ring in18K white gold, set with a three-carat emerald-cut diamond and 162 brilliantcut diamonds, for a total weight of 2.8 carats.
Signature Duo珠寶腕錶 18K白金鑲嵌668顆總重13.5克拉 的明亮式切割鑽石。
Signature Duo watch in 18K white gold, set with 668 brilliant cut diamonds, for a total weight of 13.5 carats. Quartz movement.
Signature Ultime手鐲
Signature Ultime bracelet
Elegance is line 36
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5/19/2016 8:17:56 PM
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5/19/2016 8:19:31 PM
Beauty News
近年因為環境污染影響下,肌膚都很容易出現敏 感問題。所以愈來愈多人愛挑選有機、純天然的 護膚品,來呵護肌膚。為了減低敏感情況,利 用純天然植物和花卉成份來研製的產品亦愈來愈 多,務求將天然配方注入肌膚之內,令肌膚在無 負擔的情況下得到高效的保護。 In recent years, environmental pollutants have led to increased skin allergy issues. Thus, more and more people are choosing organic, natural care products to pamper their skin. To prevent allergic or sensitivity reactions and to provide the highest level of protection, more and more products have been developed using only natural plant and floral ingredients.
Natural Skin text | 黃嘉恆 photo | 黃幹文 model | Kelsey (Primo) make up, hair | Jan Chan (Annie G)
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5/19/2016 8:20:38 PM
星級化妝師Jan Chan Star Makeup Artist Jan Chan 又到了轉季的日子,為了 加強皮膚的抵抗力,來對 抗氣候轉變。自己會特別 留意保濕問題,尤其是夏 天最好選用保濕力強和滲 透力高的護膚品,好似液 體狀和啫喱狀的護膚品就 是最佳之選。因為這類型 產品不容易堵塞毛孔, 且分子較細,容易被肌膚吸收。其中Perfect Potion的玫瑰保濕面膜,內含藥蜀葵、蘆薈 及洋甘菊等天然萃取成份外,當中亦混合了 玫瑰花水,能有效滋潤缺水肌膚,提升肌膚 水潤度,並同時有效舒緩肌膚敏感、泛紅問 題,能為肌膚帶來豐盈滋潤感,最重要是一 年四季都合用! It’s time for a change of seasons again. In summer, it is particularly helpful to choose a skincare product that keeps moisture in and can be absorbed easily. Liquid and gel moisturizers are great choices, because they do not easily clog up pores, and they are made of small molecules easily absorbed by the skin. Perfect Potion’s rose hydration mask contains marshmallow extract, aloe, chamomile and other natural ingredients mixed with rose water. It is most effective in hydrating thirsty skin. At the same time, it reduces sensitivity and redness in the skin, and brings a rich, moist feel to it. The best thing is that this product can be used all year around! Perfect Potion pure plant hydration mask $37 (perfectpotion.com.au)
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5/19/2016 8:21:55 PM
Beauty News
蠟菊 Immortelle
蘭花 Orchid
L’Occitane Immortelle Divine Cream $114 (loccitane.com)
Guerlain Orchidee Imperiale The Rich cream $510 (thebay.com)
功效: 特別針對紫外線及游離基兩大損害 肌膚的元兇來製成的精華日霜,加入了防曬 成份,為每天出外時做足準備。當中蘊含的 蠟菊精華油,則能抑制導致衰老的游離基, 全面抗氧化,令肌膚保持年輕。 Effect : This essential day cream is formulated to offset the skin-damaging effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays and free radicals. With an SPF rating of 20, the cream also helps protect again sunlight. The immortelle essence oil controls the oxidation effects of free radicals that cause aging, and keeps the skin youthful.
功效: 十周年限量版的御庭蘭花極緻全效 修護豐盈乳霜,以矜貴的蘭花成份及高技術 來調配,塗抹後除了令肌膚增加滋潤度和防 禦力外,亦有效提升肌膚質素,膚質明顯提 升起來。
雪絨 Edelweiss
玫瑰 Rose
水仙/百合Narcissus and Lilies
Dior Diorsnow White Perfection anti-spot & transparency brightening serum $165 (sephora.com)
001 Rosa Damascena essence mist $92 (001skincare.com)
Origins Three Part Harmony nourishing cream for renewal, repair and radiance $85 (thebay.com)
功效: 配合雪絨花精華、錦葵花精華及提 昇透亮複合物,讓強效的雪絨花複合物深入 皮下細胞,激活亮白機能,有效擊退黑斑同 時加強膚色亮度讓色澤更顯均勻。 Effect : Combining the essence of edelweiss, mallow extract and Dior’s trademarked Transparency Enhancing Complex, this seeps through the cells beneath the skin, and activates a brightening and whitening mechanism. This, in turn, reduces dark spots, brightens and evens out the skin.
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功效: 從超逾千朵幼嫩的大馬士革玫瑰蒸 餾出來的罕貴精油,特別適合修復成熟、脫 水、皮膚敏感,或發炎造成的紅腫不適。 且有效控制微絲血管擴張,可柔滑和提亮暗 沉和疲倦肌膚,其香氣更令人有喚發提神效 能。 Effect : Made from the rarest and most expensive essence extracted from over a thousand delicate Damascus roses, this product is perfect for repairing mature, dry and sensitive skin, or skin that is red and inflamed. Not only does the mist control the expansion of capillaries, and smoothen and brighten up tired skin, its fragrance also wakes up both body and spirit.
Effect : The 10th-anniversary, limitededition Guerlain Orchidee Imperiale Rich Cream utilizes high tech to infuse the expensive orchid essence. Not only does the cream hydrate and protect the skin, it also improves skin quality.
功效: 為了令肌膚喚發青春及能減淡幼紋 和皺紋,這滋潤面霜內含了水仙百合球莖、 白桃木、虎杖和乳木果油成份。在滋潤的同 時也可提升肌膚緊緻度,以及可修復欠缺亮 澤感的膚質,令肌膚更具透明感。 Effect : To make the skin younger and reduce fine lines and wrinkles, this moisturizing face cream contains lily bulbs, white peach wood, Japanese knotweed and shea butter. The product moisturizes and increases the elasticity of the skin, making it brighter and more translucent.
5/19/2016 8:22:31 PM
玫瑰 Rose Perfect Potion rose water $12/50ml $17/100ml (perfectpotion.com.au) 功效: 蘊含大馬士革玫瑰純露來研製而成 的有機玫瑰水,具高效的滋潤度,且能淨化 及調理缺水肌膚,無論上妝前或上妝後都可 噴上,最適合極乾燥肌膚人士選用。 Effect : This pure rose water from Damascus is extremely hydrating. In addition, it purifies and regulates skin that lacks moisture. You can spray it on before, or after, applying makeup. Rose water is best suited for individuals with dry skin.
玫瑰 Rose Eve Lom radiance lift cream $89 (available at Murale) 功效: 質地十分豐潤的緊膚面霜,以燕麥 精華、維他命C及保加利亞奧圖玫瑰精油來 製成,能打造細緻膚質外,也可抵禦外在氧 化壓力,令亮澤感可提升,肌膚加倍緊緻。 若塗上時配合簡單按摩動作,肌膚緊緻效果 更佳。 Effect : This rich cream has the effect of tightening the skin. Using oatmeal essence, vitamin C and Bulgarian rose otto essence, the product creates a fine skin texture. It also resists skin oxidation and improves the brightness, elasticity and softness of the skin. Apply using a simple massage action to improve skin elasticity.
Skin Saver
To combat the negative effects of exhaust fumes
and other greenhouse emissions, a simple skin-care
regimen that incorporates natural plant ingredients
for hydration has become popular. As well,
ingredients extracted from plants have other unique
properties to suit the needs of different people.
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5/19/2016 8:25:18 PM
Beauty News
榛果 Argan Tree Kernels
山茶花 Camelia
薰衣草 Lavender
Josie Maran 100 percent pure argan oil $60 (sephora.com)
Tatcha camellia beauty oil $95 (tatcha.com)
Perfect Potion replenish fine tuning solution $35 (perfectpotion.com.au)
功效:新鮮有機摩洛哥榛果含有豐富維他命 E和必需脂肪酸可有效保濕和滋潤肌膚;同 時修復、護理乾燥肌膚細胞之外,更適合各 種皮膚使用,還可以用於頭髮或者手部護 理。
Effect : Using the essence from rose otto, lavender, frankincense and patchouli, this solution can rapidly replenish moisture and nutrients in the skin. It also shrinks pores and evens out the skin tone.
天竺葵 Geranium
葡萄籽 Grape Seed
杏脯 Apricot
Perfect Potion geranium moisturising emulsion $35 (perfectpotion.com.au)
Caudalie Premier Cru The Elixir $100 (sephora.com)
NUDE Skincare ProGenius treatment oil $97 (sephora.com)
功效:天竺葵平衡保濕乳,除蘊含天竺葵成 份更有薰衣草和絲柏等精油,能平衡油脂分 泌的同時,也可有效淨化肌膚,令乾燥膚質 得以回復水潤。
功效: 99.5%天然成份再結合五種天然植物 油研製的逆轉全效精華油,內裏以半油半精 華結合而成,塗抹後可令肌膚迅速吸收。而 且只要一小滴已可修復疲倦肌膚,令膚質更 柔軟和具亮澤感,適合不同膚質人士選用。
功效:利用10種可減退過敏紅腫、修復修護 和深層保濕的植物油包括杏脯油、白芒花籽 油、堅果油等含有豐富奧米茄3、6、7、9的 天然成分,特別為抗老肌膚需要製成,有效 於24小時內改善幼紋、撫平肌膚。
Effect : This all-powerful essential oil combines 99.5 per cent natural ingredients and five natural plants oils. Half oil and half essence, this product is quickly absorbed by the skin. Just one little drop is enough to revitalize tired skin, leading to greater softness and brightness. This is suitable for different skin types.
Effect : This product uses 10 different plant oils, including apricot, meadowfoam and nuts, to reduce redness and puffiness. These oils also contain rich omegas 3, 6, 7 and 9, which can improve the appearance of fine lines and smoothen out the skin within 24 hours of use.
Effect : Geranium balances and moisturizes. In addition to geranium, this emulsion contains essences of lavender and cypress. While balancing oil secretion, the emulsion also clears up the skin and restores moisture.
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功效:由奧圖玫瑰、薰衣草、乳香及廣藿香 等精油調配,可迅速為肌膚提供充足水份和 養份,更可收緊毛孔,及平衡面上不均勻膚 色等問題。
Effect : This beauty oil is made of luxurious 24-karat gold flakes, camellia and squalene, and seals moisture inside the skin. The gold content adds to the skin’s brightness. This can be used all over the body, including the hair.
Effect : Effect: The fresh Moroccan argan tree fruit is full of vitamin E and essential fatty acids. It effectively hydrates and moisturizes, as well as repairs and protects the cells of dry skin. It can be used on all types of skin, as well as on hair.
功效:由奢華的24K金箔、山茶花和角鯊烯 調製出來的美顏油,有效鎖緊肌膚水份之 外,由於內有金箔成份,塗抹後大大提升亮 澤感。而且除了適合塗抹在肌膚上,也適用 於頭髮和身體部位。
5/19/2016 8:25:52 PM
Stay Fresh
故要做到即時注入水份和提供滋潤度。近年不少女士都愛選用天然植物精油,因 它除有高度的滋潤效能外,不少精油都用上矜貴的花卉萃取成份,及有機配方來研 製。當中最受歡迎的玫瑰精油和薰衣草精油,更具強效的補水力,遇上乾燥天氣時 選用,能發揮出保濕功效外,內裏的成份亦可做到潤肌作用。故一到轉季日子,精 華油絕對是肌膚的最佳拍檔。 It is easy for one’s skin to lose moisture and immunity and, in turn, increase the production of free radicals, which leads to different skin problems. Thus, it is important to add moisture and hydration to the skin. In recent years, many have opted for natural plant essences, because
白芒花籽 Meadowfoam
they are highly effective in hydration. Serums
Fresh Crème Ancienne infusion toner $90 (sephora.com)
extracted from the essence of expensive
功效:除了含有極具保濕成分的竹葉水、薰 衣草水和玫瑰水,另外為提高修護成分加入 白芒花籽油和含有豐富奧米茄3、6、7、9 還有具抗氧化成分的沙棘油。保濕和修護成 分結合,有效加強為肌膚注入水分和養分。
Rose essence and lavender essence are two
Effect : In addition to the hydrating power of bamboo water, lavender water and rose water, the toner also contains the restorative powers of meadowfoam oil and sea buckthorn oil, which is full of omegas 3, 6, 7 and 9, as well as protective anti-oxidants. The toner combines hydration and restoration, and adds moisture and nutrients to the skin.
flowers are developed using organic formulas. of the most popular and are wonderful for hydration. Used in dry weather, and especially during seasonal transitions, these ingredients are wonderful for increasing the skin’s moisture.
金盞花 Calendula Melvita Calendula oil $22 (melvita.com) 功效:由多種有機精華油混合出來的有機金 盞花油,特別針對敏感及脆弱肌膚人士而 設,加上它具保濕、活膚和抵禦肌膚能力, 塗抹後具修護和消炎效能。加上它是100% 天然及不含人造色素,就算孕婦選用亦可。 Effect : Organic calendula oil is made by combining different essential oils and is most effective on sensitive and fragile skin. It has the ability to hydrate, revitalize and protect the skin, while reducing inflammation. With 100 per cent natural ingredients and no artificial colours, this product is particularly appropriate for pregnant women.
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5/19/2016 8:26:22 PM
Scent Also available: Hydrating face and body balm 200 ml Hair and body shower gel 200 ml Hand and body foaming gel 300 ml Fragranced soap 100 g (choice of three in a gift box)
Eau de néroli doré Bottle and spray $149.00/100 ml
His & Her
Introducing Two New Fragrances from Hermès text | Leslie Yip photo | Hermès, Cesar Lucadamo, Wesley Vieira Fonseca
讓她緋紅的火參 獨特、大膽、清新。Eau de rhubarbe écarlate不僅是 怡人的香氣,也是顏色視覺的衝擊。這款以草本植物香為 主題的香水,讓人聯想到花園裡茂盛生長的火參。 這款新作,出自於日內瓦出生的著名調香師Christine Nagel手筆。Christine於1997年在巴黎開始她的調香事 業。 她早期的得意之作,包括Narciso Rodriguez for Her ( 與Francis Kurkdjian合作), Jimmy Choo Flash 和 Guerlain Les Elixirs Charnels系列等。在加盟愛馬仕與JeanClaude Ellena共事之前,她曾效力Jo Malone London。 在甜美而緋紅的玻璃樽,這款迷人香水散發著活躍 與爽朗的個性。「我一直都很喜歡火參的雙重特質。」 Christine說:「而且是視覺加嗅覺的兩種雙重特質:從綠 色轉變成紅色;味道從清脆微酸轉變成甘香柔順。」 就像畫家畫龍點睛地美化其作品,Christine Nagel選 擇融入提煉過的白麝香,讓火參的細緻香氣發揮得淋漓盡 致。
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For Her: Eau de rhubarb écarlate Unique, bold and fresh, Eau de rhubarbe écarlate is an interplay of smell and colour. More vegetal than citrus, it evokes the sensation of inhaling the scent of a stem of rhubarb, just before it’s picked. Its creator, Geneva-born Christine Nagel, launched her perfumemaking career in Paris in 1997. Her early creations included instant classics like Narciso Rodriguez for Her (with Francis Kurkdjian), Jimmy Choo Flash and Guerlain Les Elixirs Charnels collection. After several years at Jo Malone London, Nagel joined Hermès, to work alongside Jean-Claude Ellena. Housed in a luscious ruby-coloured glass bottle, the new scent is brisk and invigorating. “I have always liked the duality of rhubarb,” Nagel says. “It is a two-fold duality, both visual and olfactory. Its green colour morphs into red. From acidic and crisp, its scent becomes smooth and velvety.” Like a painter who concentrates on the detail of the subject to intensify it, Nagel has chosen to amplify the delicate olfactory traits of rhubarb, instilling the alluring scent of refined white musk.
5/19/2016 8:27:00 PM
For Him: Eau de néroli doré
Neroli橙花油是從橙花萃取的精華,名字源自十七世紀的意 大利Nerola公主。據說她特別喜歡橙花的芬芳,手套上必定會 噴灑橙花花露水。 Eau de néroli doré是香水調配大師Jean-Claude Ellena自 2004年加入愛馬仕後創作的第五款古龍水。他的作品,題材充 滿自由幻想。這款以橙花油為主調的古龍水,靈感源自他年輕 時在地中海沿岸的回憶。
Neroli is an essence extracted from orange blossoms and is named after the 17th-century Italian Princess of Nerola, who used it to perfume her gloves. Eau de néroli doré is the fifth creation in the Hermès Cologne family by Jean-Claude Ellena, who joined the house in 2004 as its exclusive perfumer. Each of his creations is an expression of craftsmanship and disciplined fantasy. This citrus-dominant cologne is said to be inspired by memories of his Mediterranean youth.
「當我開始從事調配師這個行業時,首先要學會如何提取 素材的精華,當中也包括橙花。」他說:「當你走進蒸煉的世 界,全身如淋香氣之中,隨而融入其中,連自己也變成香氣的 一部分。
“When I started out in the profession of perfumer, I learned to distill raw materials, including orange blossom,” he says. “When you enter the world of stills, you are also immersed in a scent. Impregnated with it, you become it.
「尤記得當時我身上蓋滿了濃烈的橙花香。為了尋回這種 感覺,我決定打破只用小量橙花油的慣例,盡情去揮霍,甚至 浪費,到達一個史無前例的地步。」
“My entire being was fragranced with orange blossom. To reproduce this sensation, where normally one uses very little neroli, I used it abundantly, with abandon, as never before.”
他的地中海回憶,除了橙花之外,還有金色的陽光和誘人 的食用香料。因此,他在古龍水還加入了番紅花,名符其實打 造了金色的回憶。
To pay tribute to his cherished Mediterranean sunshine and its spices, he enhanced this golden neroli with saffron.
Also available: Hydrating face and body balm 200 ml Hair and body shower gel 200 ml Hand and body foaming gel 300 ml Fragranced soap 100 g (choice of three in a gift box)
Eau de rhubarb écarlate Bottle and spray $149.00/100 ml
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5/19/2016 8:27:33 PM
Scent The Hermès adventure began in 1837, when harness maker
Le Parfum Hermès
Thierry Hermès opened a workshop in Paris. Fragrance entered the
愛馬仕的傳奇,由1837年馬具工匠Thierry Hermès在巴黎設 立了馬具製作坊正式開始。 愛馬仕的精彩香氛之旅,則於1951年Edmond Roudnitska 調 配的Eau d'Hermès問世後才真正開啟。之後,許多鼎鼎大名的調 香師都曾為愛馬仕調配香水, 屢創經典, 讓品典立香水界的一哥 地位。
house of Hermès in the 1930s and evolved in unison with the other métiers. The Hermès olfactory adventure began in 1951 with Eau d’Hermès, created by Edmond Roudnitska. Since then, there has been a succession of creations from the great names of perfumery, all contributing to Hermès’ commitment to the métier of fragrance, as both artisan and artist.
The “library” of Hermès perfumes can be grouped under four categories:
傳記 - 香水系列 就像傳記故事中多姿多彩的人物情境一樣,傳記香水系列要
在一段持續的長時間中散發延展而出,從愛馬仕的豐富傳統文化 中汲取靈感。不論是較經典的傳記如Calèche驛馬車或Équipage 男士香水,或是較新近的傳記如Eau des Merveilles橘彩星光香水 或是今年慶祝十週年的Terre d’Hermès愛馬仕大地男士香水-它 們都分別訴說著一段獨特的故事。
The Novels Like stories filled with characters and events, the Novel-Fragrances
expand time with their lasting presence, and draw their inspiration from the heritage of Hermès. Whether it’s one of the well-loved classics, like Calèche and Équipage, or the “new novels” – Eau des Merveilles or Terre d’Hermès – which are celebrating their 10th anniversary this year, each perfume tells its own unique story.
散文 - 香水系列 就像精辟俐落的短篇故事一樣,散文香水系列包括了花園系 列和古龍水系列。花園系列的靈感源自愛馬仕的年度主題,勾畫 出一片感性的新天地。而愛馬仕古龍水系列則表達出大方又豐富 的情感。
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The Novellas Like shorter tales with a more limited number of characters and events, the Novella collection includes the Gardens and Colognes series. The Garden fragrances establish a new sensory geography inspired by the annual themes at Hermès, while the Colognes are generous, figurative expressions of simple pleasures.
5/19/2016 8:29:36 PM
詩歌 - 香水系列 猶如日本短詩俳句一樣,既樸實又濃烈的詩歌香水系列創 出一種既珍貴又奇特的香水風格。在Hermèssence愛馬仕聞香 珍藏系列內,題材簡潔直接的方式命名,表達出細微的感覺和 不可言喻的感受。今年五月,Hermès還會推出它們系列的第13 章-鈴蘭香味的 Muguet Porcelain.
The Poems Like haikus, simple and intense, the Poem fragrances reinvent a precious and unusual aspect of nature. In the Hermessence collection, raw materials produce subtle sensations and ineffable impressions. This May, Hermès will be launching the collection’s 13th fragrance – Muguet Porcelain, with the scent of lily of the valley.
夢幻系列 夢幻香氛讓靈動的芬芳瀰漫整個家居 空間-夢幻系列是Parfum de la Maison 主要香水系列之一。 此系列以五款三 種大小的陶瓷杯香氛蠟燭起首,包 括: Des pas sur la neige雪地腳 步,Fenetre ouverte 敞開心 窗,Temps de pluie 雨中氣 息,Champ libre 自由原野 和A cheval躍馬馳聘!
The Reveries Diffusing dream-like scents of the home, the Reveries is part of the new Parfum de la Maison fragrance line. Five Reveries, in the form of candle bowls available in three sizes, initiate the collection: Des pas sur la neige, Fenêtre ouverte, Temps de pluie, Champ libre and À cheval !
著名調香師Christine Nagel和Jean-Claude Ellena是Le Parfum Hermès背後的靈魂。 Perfumer/designer Christine Nagel and perfumer Jean-Claude Ellena are the brains and noses behind Le Parfum Hermès.
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5/19/2016 8:30:07 PM
Men’s Picks 不羈的費多拉
The Rebellious Fedora text | Clarence Lau photo | Jack assisted by Hin
歷險電影主角到近代的荷李活明星Michael Jackson、Johnny Depp以及Justin Timberlake 等,眾人的招牌造型都離不開頭上那頂紳士帽,它的正確名字叫Fedora,一種帽冠上部 及前兩方皆有凹位的絨帽款式。 In the movie classics, lead actors like Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney and Gregory Peck incorporated the gentleman’s hat as part of their signature look. Now, Hollywood stars such as Johnny Depp, Justin Timberlake and Leonardo DiCaprio have also adopted the chapeau.
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5/19/2016 8:30:44 PM
1. Tasteless the classic camel fedora hat $198 (kapok. com) 2. Rag & bone Hackman felted-wool fedora hat US$155 (mrporter.com) 3. Maison Michel mixed colours soft fedora hat $TBD 4. Larose grosgrain-trimmed rabbit-felt fedora hat US$295 (mrporter.com) 5. Maison Michel Andre showerproof fur-felt trilby hat $810 (matchesfashion.com) 6. Maison Michel contract stitched panel fedora hat $TBD 7. Lock & Co. voyager felt trilby – camel fedora hat US$350 (thearmoury.com) 8. Maison Michel Henrietta rabbit-fur felt hat $945 (matchesfashion.com)
To be more specific, they’ve taken to the fedora,
a brimmed felt hat that is typically creased lengthwise down the crown and pinched near the front on both sides. 05
This hat was actually popularized first by a woman. In 1882, French author Victorien Sardou penned a play
entitled Fédora, which featured famous actress Sarah Bernhardt as female lead Princess Fédora Romanoff, who enjoyed cross-dressing as a man. In the play, the princess often wore a man’s dress hat that had a crease down the middle of the crown and soft edges. The name Fédora actually comes from the Greek Theodora, which means “God’s gift.” In 1924, Prince Edward of Britain started wearing this style of hat 08
and immediately created a buzz in the world of men’s fashion.
In the early 20th century, Orthodox Jews started incorporating the fedora into their daily dress, and that tradition continues today. The popularity of the 這種帽子原來是由女士帶頭興起。1882年,法國作家Victorien Sardou
fedora reached its zenith in the mid-20th century, but
創作了一個劇目叫《Fédora》,由當時的著名女演員Sarah Bernhardt扮演
unfortunately the hat also became synonymous with
喜歡男裝女著的主角Princess Fédora Romanoff,劇中她經常以一頂帽冠
gangsters, such as Al Capone.
By the late 1950s, dress had become more casual and the fedora gradually disappeared from fashion
trends. Although it enjoyed a brief renaissance during
the ‘70s and ‘80s, it took the notoriety of current
Hollywood stars to return the fedora to mainstream
men’s fashion.
後期,非正裝衣著開始流行,它逐漸消失於時裝潮流之中;七十及八十年代 曾經短暫冒起過一陣子。
Among new fedora products, those produced by Paris brand Maison Michel are the most fashionable.
It even had the courage to reconfigure the structure of
品牌Maison Michel最有時裝味,有勇氣將帽子解構重組,再配一條腰果花
the hat and add a new paisley bandana, achieving an
impressive, unconventional look.
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5/19/2016 8:31:18 PM
Men Fashion
縱然心裡再喜歡一個人,日日看著他穿 同一款白恤衫,始終都會有一日覺得不 再耀眼。所以今次的白恤衫,不是衣櫃 裡有超過十件一式一樣的正路白恤衫, 而是在領位、手袖、胸前、口袋等各個 細節上花過心思的白恤衫,讓人擺脫白 恤衫的沉悶公式,穿出獨特個性。是白 恤衫,讓你變耀眼。 Wearing the same white dress shirt every day is boring. Unlike the 10 standard white shirts you might have in your closet, today’s haberdasheries feature shirts with designs on the collar, sleeves and pockets. These refreshing designs bring out the uniqueness in a white shirt no one could have imagined only a few years ago.
Transformation of the White Dress Shirt text | Lisa photo | Jack assisted by Hin
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5/19/2016 8:32:39 PM
01.Comme des Garçons Shirt $TBD / 02.Dior Homme $TBD / 03.Dior Homme $TBD/ 04.Agnes b. $350 (lyst.ca) / 05.Comme des Garçons Shirt $105 (endclothing.com) / 06.Prada $TBD / 07.Comme des Garçons Homme Plus $1,852 (farfetch.com) / 08.Dior Homme $TBD / 09.Burberry $1,050 (burberry.ca) / 10.Balenciaga $TBD
Back in the Middle Ages, when the white shirt was first introduced, it was an undergarment and was worn with only the collar and sleeves exposed. It wasn’t until 1779, when Marie Antoinette wore a simple, loose-fitting, lace-trimmed white gown for the famous Chemise à la Reine portrait, that people took note and the white shirt evolved.
在中世紀已出現恤衫,但當時是男人的底衫,穿在層層衣服 之下,只露出領口及手袖。直到1779年法國瑪麗皇后在《Che-
Today, white shirts are no longer ordinary. With designs on the
miseàla Reine》畫作中穿著白色花邊長衫,將近似底衫的長裙當
collar, sleeves and chest pocket, the traditional white dress shirt has
been elevated to a whole new level.
Undoubtedly, Comme des Garçons is the industry leader, applying
deconstruction ideology to the ordinary white shirt. Comme des
換來跳脫感覺。Comme des Garçons肯定是當中的表表者,將舞
Garçons founder Rei Kawakubo once said that if there was only one
台上的解構主義放諸平凡無奇的白恤衫,其Comme des Garçons
thing she could design, it would be the white shirt. Uneven cutting
holes-in-chest design, printed sleeves and open-cut pockets have
elevated its image.
做到了。無論是恤衫下襬的不規則剪裁、胸前穿窿的設計、手袖 上的切割印字、剪開恤衫口袋或在恤衫上併布印花等細節,均打 破了白恤衫呆板的既定印象。
Every brand is trying to transform the white shirt into a more refreshing piece. Burberry has utilized lace to add balminess to its ever-masculine style, and Dior Homme, especially famous for its
playboy image, has employed a diamond check pattern on the chest,
a camouflage pattern on the collar flip and a rose embroidery on the
足夠自信及勇氣都駕馭不來。Dior Homme一貫的公子哥兒形象
少不了白恤衫,今季在胸前綴以菱格紋、將領位反摺露出裡面的 迷彩,或在手袖加上玫瑰刺繡等,低調細節保留了恤衫斯文的大
Prada uses this season’s trending rabbit print for its white shirts,
radiating a young and refreshing look. Agnes b. continues its artistic
衫,看來年輕活潑。Agnes b.延續其藝術風格,找來不同藝術家
chic by doing crossovers with various artists, bringing enthusiasm out
through classic artwork.
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5/19/2016 8:33:31 PM
Watch Story Blancpain
Métiers d'Art The Great Wave 這是錶盤複雜,雕刻不一定非金即 銀,Blancpain今年示範了銅鏽綠 雕刻,以去年面世的赤銅合金為基 礎,施以日本rokusho獨特處理工 序,呈現灰綠色澤的波浪圖騰。要 是再下一城連續第二年奪得日內瓦 製錶大賞最佳工藝錶,可以成為一 時佳話。 The complication of this watch lies in the dial. The Great Wave applique in white gold is coated with a unique patina through a bath of rokusho salts and polished in certain parts to intensify the impression of a huge billowing wave. It will be a great triumph if it wins the brand the Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève for the second time in a row.
Octo Finissimo Minute Repeater 難怪大鑼大鼓事先張揚,Bulgari今 年推出不可思議三問錶,機芯薄錶 殼更薄,三問機芯只厚三點一二毫 米,許多普通機芯也望塵莫及;鈦 金屬錶殼僅厚六點八五毫米,全錶 僅重四十三克,三問錶竟然可以用 於一般腕錶,我們當作平常配戴, 怎不能向設計團隊脫帽子致敬。 It’s not surprising Bulgari made a lot of noise about the launch of this incredible minute repeater. The movement is a very thin 3.12mm, much thinner than a regular movement, and the titanium case is not much thicker, at 6.85mm. The whole watch weighs a mere 43 grams. Making a minute repeater in such dainty dimensions is indeed worthy of a salute.
Fugaku Tourbillon
極罕曝光,精工Credor首做陀飛輪, 錶面又金雕又上漆東瀛江戶時代波浪 圖,日本人就是有這種民族團結,何 需刻意奉承別人標榜異地風情?尊貴 身份配鉑金殼,直徑四十三毫米,主 角陀飛輪在九時位置,錶圈鑲有四十 八顆藍寶石,只造八枚,暫定價五千 萬日圓,即約售五十八萬,不過單靠 日本人應該掃清。 The first-ever tourbillon by Seiko Credor is a rare gem. The dial stands out with waves in a yellow and white gold engraving set against Kaga lacquer. With the combined prowess of Japanese craftsmen, who needs any other exotic appeal? Its premium quality is underscored by the 43mm platinum case and a bevel is set with 48 sapphires. The tourbillion is prominent at 9 o’clock. Only eight pieces have been made, each going for 50 million yen, or about $580,000, and they could very well all be snapped up by local Japanese buyers.
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Complicated allure
我相信,今年無論如何,BASELWORLD官方不 可能再公布今年入場人次再創新高,個人目測, 至少少了三份一人。我只會說,市況下滑是明顯 和激烈,品牌有調整價格,但仍未追及到超吸引 水平。所謂複雜篇,也不能用以往複雜絕倫的定 義,能夠創造有趣點子便已經很好。 text, photo | 金成
5/19/2016 8:34:08 PM
Patek Philippe Ref. 5930G
Patek Philippe的world time夠經 典,chronograph亦一絕,兩者 結合成今年最有份量新作5930G 。Guilloche藍面很有PP world time 傳統因子,只設一個三十分鐘累計令 錶面保持空靈美。搭載全新自家飛返 計時機芯,白金錶殼直徑三十九點五 毫米,厚度約十三毫米。約售九萬。 Patek Philippe’s world time is a classic, and its chronograph is one of a kind. Bringing the two complications together in this year’s 5930G is a real eye-opener. The blue guilloche dial bears the DNA of the PP world time, and the single 30 minutes chronograph keeps the dial minimalistic. The flyback chronograph is an all-new, in-house creation. The white gold case measures 39.5mm in diameter and 13mm in thickness. (About $90,000)
Academia Skeleton Basel當然不是只有簡約錶,還有 DeWitt「在盒子外思考」,七時位置 加入雙逆跳秒鐘顯示,雙行刻度,短 指針走完三十秒會變長指針逆方向再 走三十秒,視覺效果不俗,連陀飛輪 都變成配角。 Minimalistic watches are not the only stars in BASELWORLD. DeWitt thinks outside the box and adds a unique bi-directional seconds hand at 7 o’clock. It runs for 30 seconds and then instantly jumps back to the starting position and goes in the opposite direction to run for 30 seconds. The stunning feature even overshadows the tourbillon.
Big Bang Unico Sapphire All Black
BASELWORLD is unlikely to report another year of record attendance. The downward trend this year was apparent and steep – possibly 30 per cent. Brands were adjusting prices, albeit not quite to irresistible levels. While the complicated collections didn’t take our breath away as much as before, they still managed to offer some talking points.
Hublot不光設計出人意表,款式多產 才最瘋狂。法拉利五十日鍊、眼鏡聯 乘作、新十日鍊鏤通機芯、Berluti特 別版、歐聯限定版等等,數都數到氣 咳。還有最重要一枚,紀念All Black 系列問世十周年,全黑色藍寶石水晶 錶殼,隱約呈現smoky black透明效 果。限量五百枚,另有純透明藍寶石 水晶錶殼款式,約售八萬。 Hublot dazzles as much with its stunning designs as with the diversity of its collection. The Ferrari special with 50-day power reserve, the crossover with eyeglass brands, the new 10-day power reserve skeletonized watch, the Berluti special and the limited collection dedicated to UEFA Euro 2016. The list goes on and on. The most significant one marks the 10th anniversary of the All Black collection. The sapphire case is transparent in a smoky-black tone. Limited to 500 pieces, the collection also features a version in a transparent blue sapphire case. (About $80,000)
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5/19/2016 8:35:09 PM
您的客戶想買保險,但因身份問題而買不到嗎? 沒有身份、沒有居留權、甚至人不在美國,我們都會保您! 以我33年之人壽保險經驗,可為您量身規劃一份最完美的人壽保險。歡迎來電! Watch Story
還以為是那家傳統機芯生產商還有 勇氣生產自製機芯,原來卻是香奈 兒出品,巴嫂果然臥虎藏龍。首次 造自家機芯極精緻,底版竟用上西 裝領花邊設計,更首度突破可調校 前後的逆跳指針, 大幅度二百四十 度逆跳分鐘,香奈兒魔法原來不只 在珠寶領域才湊效,約售四萬五千 元。 I was wondering which traditional watchmaker had the gumption to make an in-house calibre these days. It turned out to be Chanel, which helps to confirm BASELWORLD is really full of hidden talents. Chanel’s firstever, in-house movement is very delicate, with a base plate design inspired by lapel ruffles. It also makes a breakthrough with the retrograde minute hand that can be set forwards and backwards on a 240-degree display. So, Chanel is definitely more than premium jewellery. (About 45,000)
Graff今年做世界,GyroGraff World 錶盤用大明火琺瑯勾勒不同區分地 圖,層次立體,色澤鮮明,世界每 秒在轉,GyroGraff陀飛輪也在旁 邊圍着轉,姿態非常誘人,稱之為 ART PIECE不為過。
Monsieur de Chanel
GyroGraff World
The map of land and sea in vibrant hues is applied by enamel grand feu and then hand-varnished. It moves every second in sync with the GyroGraff tourbillon in mesmerizing choreography -- a true art piece indeed.
Ulysse Nardin
Corum的金橋多年沒有以圓形錶殼 的姿態現身,新鮮感首先加分。這 枚Golden Bridge Round的錶盤兩 旁建有金門大橋,由於是圓殼的關 係,錶盤兩邊有大量空間讓品牌表 演雕功,令層次感更豐富, 雕藝陸 續有來。約售五萬六千元。
雅典加Christophe Claret團隊設計的 超複雜作,錶面中央是雙窗跳時, 分鐘刻度橫跨錶面,最嚇人是藍色 分鐘擺桿的活動跟一般Retrograde 很不同,緩慢地被幾條鈉米幼線拉 來扯去,掠過分鐘環顯示分鐘,技 術創意都厲害。約售四十萬元。 The super-complicated watch made by Nardin and Christophe Claret’s team stands out with the jumping hour indicator and the technologically stunning retrograde minute indicator that uses nanowires to pull the blue aluminium retrograde minute hand to indicate the minute. (About $400,000)
Golden Bridge Round
Corum’s Golden Bridge hasn’t come in round shape for many years, which makes this one a refreshing change. This Gold Bridge Round takes inspiration from the Golden Gate Bridge, featured on either side of the dial. The round shape provides plenty of room for playing with skeletonized structures, giving it more depth and room for engraving. (About $56,000)
Grand Deck Marine Tourbillon
BASELWORLD現場的人流較往年下跌。 BASELWORLD has drawn a lower attendance this year.
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5/19/2016 8:35:49 PM
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5/19/2016 8:36:12 PM
Watch Story
Presage Chronograph
Seiko的Presage系列近年有數款漆面和瓷 面錶非常靚,奈何只在日本國內發售。不 過今年是精工生產機械自動錶六十周年, 特別推出兩款各限量一千枚的漆面和瓷面 計時錶,搭載8R48自動機芯,最緊要是供 應全球市場,價錢更只是約四千餘元。 Seiko’s Presage collection has presented a few fetching watches with enamel or ceramic dials in recent years, but they were only sold in Japan. This year, as Seiko marks its 60th anniversary of making automatic mechanisms, the brand introduces two limited collections of enamel dial and ceramic dial -- 1,000 pieces each. They are powered by the 8R48 automatic mechanism and are available worldwide for around $4,000.
Blancpain Fifty Fathoms
都說今年是藍色天下,Blancpain今年的「 五十噚」換上藍面藍圈,再襯上NATO錶 帶,腕錶由頭到腳流着潛水血液,跟黑色 錶圈錶盤又是另一種味道,約售一萬七千 元。 So blue does continue to dominate this year. Blancpain’s Fifty Fathoms for this year appears with a blue dial and a blue bezel, and a matching NATO watch strap to show off its DNA as a diving watch. The version in black dial and black bezel gives off yet a different feel. (About $17,000)
親民入手篇 Accessible
entry-level options 至於親民選擇,有說今年藍色錶盤是主流,其 實七、八年前藍色錶盤早已崛起,反而今年不 少貴價品牌首度推出平價鋼錶,也有品牌把複 雜功能大幅割價的創舉,最矚目動作首選Tag Heuer 02 Tourbillon。 For accessible options, some say blue dial is the mainstream this year. Actually, blue dials have been “in” for seven or eight years. Some upmarket brands are introducing more budgetfriendly stainless steel watches, and some are slashing prices for complicated watches. Perhaps the most noticeable is the Tag Heuer 02 Tourbillon.
Heritage Black Bay Bronze Tudor今年繼續將Black Bay復古系列發揚 光大,更史無前例用銅造殼,再配上同色 系的棕色面及棕色錶圈,配織布錶帶或風 化皮帶,約售五千元左右,之前沒有銅錶 的話,今年出手,後年就可以感受金屬綠 銹的質感與味道。 The Heritage Black Bay collection takes the spotlight this year with the unprecedented use of a bronze alloy for the case, with matching brown dial and brown bezel, and a woven-fabric or aged brown-leather strap. The watch is priced at around $5,000. If you don’t have a bronze watch, get one this year and you will begin to see the texture and allure of patina two years later.
Heritage 1936
天梭復刻功力強勁,每年都有精采復刻作 品,Heritage 1936既是腕錶也是懷錶,復 刻一九三○年代風格,時標、logo、指針 都美不勝收,價錢也吸引,才千元,幾乎 想立即放下訂金。 Tissot shows its retro prowess year after year. Heritage 1936 is a wristwatch, as well as a pocket watch, in 1930s vintage style. The hour markers, the logo and the hands are awesome, as is the price: $1,000. Where do I put down a deposit?
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5/19/2016 8:36:45 PM
Tag Heuer 02 Tourbillon
幾乎不用花唇舌推介, Tag Heuer的Heuer 02 Tourbillon打破了陀飛輪和中價錶「風 馬牛不相及」的界線,最便宜只賣萬多 元,今年真身終於登場,有鈦金屬也有玫 瑰金版,還有限量的Phantom黑魂版。不 少專造陀飛輪的品牌都會頭痛欲裂。 The Heuer 02 Tourbillon needs little introduction. It breaches the gap between tourbillon and the mid-price range and makes the complication available for just over $10,000 at the entry level. The real thing has finally made an appearance, in titanium or rose gold, as well as the limited-edition Phantom in black. This tourbillion is going to give other tourbillion makers a bad headache.
Jaquet Droz
Grande Seconde Off-Centered 今年Jaquet Droz有兩枚親民鋼殼,先有跳 秒首次於不鏽鋼殼粉墨登場,不需十六萬 算是中度驚喜;再來Grande Seconde OffCentered偏心式「8字」錶盤,設計有型 有格,售價只約萬二元,好吸引。 Jaquet Droz has introduced two accessible stainless steel versions – one is the jumping seconds priced enticingly below $160,000, and the other is the Grande Seconde Off-Centered, with an off-centered 8-shaped dial and an attractive price tag of about $20,000. Hublot的宣傳活動。由Baselworld提供。 Publicity by Hublot (Photo Courtesy of Baselworld)
Speedmaster CK 2998 Omega Speedmaster CK 2998是最矚目的 新錶,取材自一九五九年款式,CK在當年 的意思是不鏽鋼,藍和米白錶盤流露自然 懷舊味道。新錶搭載一八六一手動上鍊登 月機芯,錶殼直徑三十九點七毫米,限量 二千九百九十八枚。定價只需約八千元。 Omega Speedmaster CK 2998 is one of the most eye-catching new watches. The CK, which meant stainless steel in the early years, is inspired by a 1959 design and has a vintage blue and beige dial. It features the 1861 hand-winding moonwatch calibre. The case is 39.7mm and it is limited to 2,998 pieces. (About $8,000)
Avenger Hurricane 五十毫米錶殼先聲奪人,驟眼看以為是炭 殼的Breitling Avenger Hurricane用新物料 Polymer造錶殼,比鈦金屬輕比炭纖硬, 造型啞黑超酷,售萬餘元,物有所值之 選。 The 50mm carbon-like case of the Breitling Avenger Hurricane is actually a new form of polymer that is lighter than titanium and harder than carbon fibre. The matte black colour is super cool. just more than $10,000, it is great value for the money. 今年BASELWORLD吸引來自世界各地人士參觀。 BASELWORLD attracts visitors from around the world. ELITEGEN
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5/19/2016 8:37:19 PM
Watch Story
Daytona神話通常只發生在鋼殼是真理, 黑瓷錶圈配白色錶盤不用多作介紹,近日 肯定鋪天蓋地總看得見,可以說這十年 Daytona都是黑錶盤佔上風,今年白色錶 盤卻贏盡口碑,定價一萬一千八百瑞郎, 約萬五元和舊款相近,個人估計炒價維持 至少一年。 It is true that the Daytona legend happens only with stainless-steel cases. The one with black ceramic bezel, set against the while dial, is showcased everywhere these days. While black dials had been the norm for Daytona for the past decade, this year’s white dial is winning a lot of applause. The price of $15,000 is about the same as the older models, and I bet speculation will keep the price high for at least a year.
L.U.C Perpetual Twin
今年鋼錶大熱,尤其鋼殼萬年曆更是必爭 之地,Chopard以約十八萬的價位推出這 款不鏽鋼萬年曆,錶盤布局如計時錶般充 滿運動氣息,十二時位還配置大日曆,四 十三毫米大小剛好,加上自家機芯、雙發 條鼓、珍珠陀自動上鍊同天文台認證。 Stainless-steel watches are in this year, and perpetual calendar in stainless steel even more so. Chopard introduces this perpetual calendar at the price point of about $180,000. The dial is as dynamic as a sporty chronograph. A big date dominates the 12 o’clock position. The size of 43mm is just right. It is fitted with an mechanical self-winding, in-house calibre with two barrels and is certified by the COSC.
Diver 65
一見Oris這枚Diver 65,老實說是會令人想 起那枚經典潛水錶,而且是人人在二手市 場爭個頭崩額裂的舊版本,特徵包括大圓 點時標、微拱錶鏡,都是錶迷癡心所愛, 復古味一發不可收拾,而且售一萬多實在 吸引。 This Oris Diver 65 reminds me of the retro dive watch that everyone is fighting for in the second-hand market. The well-loved features, like large circle hour markers and the slightly concave glass, are as retro as it gets. The price of around $10,000 is also very attractive.
Slim d'Hermès
今年最愛簡約錶之一,Slim d'Hermès有 枚藝術字體時標配上大明火琺瑯錶盤,美 感靚絕全場,售約三萬多元。退一步,同 樣美得出塵的灰色銅製錶盤,則只售萬多 元。 One of this year’s minimalistic watches, Slim d’ Hermès, uses artsy hour markers on a grand feu dial. Priced at about $30,000, it is the epitome of elegance. The more accessible version, with a slate-grey dial and priced at just over $10,000, is also very fetching.
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5/19/2016 8:37:49 PM
Heritage 1918 每年不去看浪琴一定會後悔,Heritage系 列不買也值得一看。今年Heritage1918白 面配黃字,男裝鋼殼四十一毫米,才賣二 千多元,喜歡的話再買三十八點五毫米女 裝湊成一對復刻絕配。 Longines’ Heritage collection is worth taking a look at, even if you’re not buying. This year, Heritage 1918 comes with a white dial and yellow numerals. The man’s stainless steel 41mm is going for just over $2,000. Get the lady’s stainless steel 38.5mm as well, for a perfect retro pair.
Nomos去年新造的超薄自家機芯 DUW3001,今年由圓殼移植至方殼的 Tetra,尺寸為三十三乘三十三毫米,正經 四正之餘,機芯更獲優化,加入了自家的 regulator system,令腕錶的心臟跳得更穩 定。白色錶面約售四千五百元,黑面貴百 多元,簡簡單單已經好靚。 The ultra-thin DUW3001 automatic calibre that Nomos created in-house last year has migrated from a round case to a 33x33mm square Tetra case this year. The movement is optimized with an in-house regulator system to make the heart of the watch beat more consistently. Simple is beautiful. The white dial version is going for $4,500, with the black dial model costing about $100 more.
Frederique Constant
Slimline Perpetual Calendar
今年Basel一件重大事情!你猜猜,這枚 設計如此好看、如此經典的萬年曆,搭載 品牌全新設計的自家製機芯,售價是多 少?你沒可能猜得對的,這枚Frederique Constant的Slimline Perpetual Calendar只 售萬二元左右,是全球最便宜。 This is big at Basel this year! Can you guess how much this good-looking perpetual calendar, powered by the brand’s all-new, in-house movement, costs? Would you believe this Frederique Constant Slimline Perpetual Calendar can be had for about $20,000 -- possibly the cheapest such watch in the world?
Heritage Pilot Cafe Racer Spirit
在瑞士巴塞爾舉行的BASELWORLD保安嚴密。 Security is tight at BASELWORLD, staged in Basel, Switzerland.
也許大家對品牌去年的銅殼軍錶還念念不 忘,不過今年大家有再多一個選擇,是不 鏽鋼錶殼經過舊化處理後,配合獨特灰色 錶盤,呈現強烈懷舊味道的Heritage Pilot Cafe Racer Spirit,四十五毫米直徑自家機 芯,售價約一萬元更是非常吸引。 Last year’s stainless-steel version was memorable, but this year’s Heritage Pilot Cafe Racer Spirit, with an aged stainless-steel case and unique grey dial, gives off a distinctive vintage feel. It is fitted with a 45mm, in-house calibre and costs around $10,000. That’s attractive, too.
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5/19/2016 8:38:18 PM
Three-Star Restaurants in the Bay Area
對於米芝蓮的星星評價,有的人不以為然,有的人卻視為飲食權威。無論 如何,米芝蓮的確是很多食客心目中的飲食評價標準。很多餐廳也為了摘 星而感到驕傲。 Some people don’t place much stock in the Michelin stars, while others see them as the definitive authority when seeking the perfect epicurean experience. Regardless of your own feelings, the Michelin rating is, indeed, the standard for fine dining and something restaurants truly covet. text | 余紀儂 Jaslin Yu
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5/19/2016 8:39:17 PM
米芝蓮Michelin是一家法國公司,每年都會印刷訂製出紅色封面的 飲食指南,推介多個國家的餐廳。米芝蓮的評分制度以三星為最高等 級。三星代表優秀出衆,值得特別遠道到訪。二星代表優異,值得到 訪。一星代表非常好。要摘得米星一點都不容易,米芝蓮的審查員微服 多次到訪餐廳以非常嚴謹的態度和標準作出評價。也難怪獲得星星榮譽 的餐廳非常驕傲。很多食客也把此指南視為美食聖經。不以為然的一幫 覺得,法國人評法國當地的餐廳還有道理,可是到世界各地,在不一定 懂得當地飲食文化的情況下,評價他國的餐廳品質,就有點說不過去。 而且飲食體驗本身是多麽個人的一件事。好與壞並不是黑與白,究竟什 麽解釋真的說不清。不過無論是捧米幫還是反米幫的,了解一下灣區那 家食府摘得星星也是有趣。
只五家摘三星 2016年三藩市灣區五十家餐廳列入米芝蓮星星系列。其中獲得一星 的有三十八家,兩顆星星的有七家,三星最高榮譽的衹有五家。現在就 為大家介紹一下這五家能突圍而出的三星餐廳。這五家餐廳各有特色, 但是都有一個共同點,就是價錢不菲。每位平均最低消費都要好幾百 元。如果錢包滿滿,又捨得花在吃飯上的話,不妨親身體驗一下。
Michelin is a French company that publishes an annual international dining guide, using a three-star rating system: three stars means “exceptional cuisine, worth a special journey”; two stars means “excellent cooking, worth a detour”; one star means “a very good restaurant”. Michelin reviewers, with serious attitude and high standards, visit each restaurant multiple times incognito before making their evaluation. No wonder restaurants that receive the honor of Michelin stars are proud of the accomplishment, and many diners view the Michelin guide as the bible of gourmet food. Yet, there are Michelin detractors who question how reviewers can travel around the world and evaluate the quality of restaurants in other countries without fully understanding the local food culture. Further, dining is a personal experience, where good and bad is not necessarily that black and white. But whether you are pro-Michelin or anti-Michelin, it is still interesting to know which restaurants in the Bay Area have received Michelin stars.
Only 5 Restaurants Awarded 3 Stars For 2016, there are 50 restaurants in the Bay Area that have been awarded Michelin stars. Of those, 38 received one star; seven were given two stars and only five earned the highest honor of three stars. In this article, we introduce you to these five three-star establishments and outline what sets them apart. While each exhibits its own unique attributes, they all have one thing in common — they are all very expensive. Come with a stuffed wallet and count on “forking out” several hundred dollars per person at each restaurant.
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5/19/2016 8:39:50 PM
Benu — French with Asian Flavor This San Francisco restaurant has a clean and bright theme. Even its webpage is clean: completely white, devoid of color. The name of the restaurant comes from the Egyptian word for “phoenix”, signifying a theme of rebirth. Many members of the culinary team here have worked previously at famous world-class restaurants. Dishes are mainly prepared using French cooking techniques, but with a rich Asian flavor added. The tasting menu includes 14 to 19 dishes and costs around $250 per person, plus 20% gratuities.
The French Laundry – Six Straight Years Benu法國菜融亞洲風 Benu,http://www.benusf.com/ 位於三藩市的這家餐廳是以 最簡潔明亮來作主題。就算網頁都是一點色彩都沒有,全白色。 餐廳名字是埃及語,意思是鳳凰代表重生。厨師班底很多之前都 曾在各大世界級著名餐廳工作過。餐廳提供的菜式以法國烹調方 法為主但加入了濃厚的亞洲風味。品味套餐大概十四到十九道
Located in North Bay wine county, this restaurant has boasted a three-star rating for six straight years. Originally a small cottage built in 1900, it bears no semblance to a famous restaurant from the outside. There are two nine-course tasting menus offered daily — one with meat, the other vegetarian. The dishes are prepared using French cooking techniques, and each menu costs just over $300 per person, wine extra. Worth mentioning is the fact that no ingredient is repeated through the entire dinner.
Manresa – Contemporary American Cuisine
The French Laundry六連霸
owner David Kinch is a pioneer of the farm-to table movement. He has partnered with local
The French Laundry,http://www.thomaskeller.com/tfl 位於 北灣酒鄉的這家餐廳可以說是殿堂級了。連續六年保持米芝蓮三 星。小屋子型的餐廳舊址是住宅,1900年建成,在外面看不太像 是一家大名鼎鼎的餐廳。每天提供兩套九道菜的品嘗套餐,就是 有肉和素食。菜式中富有法國烹調手法。兩份套餐價錢一樣都是 約三百多一位,配酒另加費用。整頓晚餐,沒有一種食材重複使 用。
Manresa Restaurant in South Bay offers contemporary American cuisine. Head chef and farms, as well as growing some special ingredients on the restaurant’s own farm. As a result, the restaurant is able to produce fine cuisine, using the freshest and most seasonal ingredients. The ambience here is extremely romantic and well-suited for couples. The tasting menu costs around $235 per person, with an additional $200 for wine pairing.
The Restaurant at Meadowood – Freshest Local Ingredients As the name suggests, this restaurant is located in the Meadowood Napa Valley Resort, with an atmosphere that is elegant, but not stodgy. It offers California cuisine, meaning it uses the
Manresa新派美國菜 Manresa,http://www.manresarestaurant.com/ 位於南灣的 Manresa餐廳的概念是新派美國菜。總廚兼老闆是其中一位帶農 場到餐桌的先鋒,與當地農場合作,甚至餐廳自設農場特定出產 供應,採用最新鮮和合時令的食材炮製出精美的菜式。在餐廳環 境氣氛浪漫非常,很適合情侶用餐。品味套餐一份約二百三十五
freshest local ingredients and employs first-rate preparation and cooking methods to bring out the fresh flavors. The 12-course tasting menu costs around $330, with another $225 for wine pairing. This is the only three-star Michelin restaurant in the Bay Area that is part of a hotel. Why not book a weekend stay and enjoy the beauty of wine country, as well as the wonderful food?
Saison – 18-Course Tasting Menu Saison, which is located in San Francisco, gets its name from the French word for “season”,
signaling that the restaurant is committed to constant innovation and improvement.
The Restaurant at Meadowood主打本地食材
own space formally in 2010, it was still a very small operation. However, it quickly gained critical
The Restaurant at Meadowood,http://www.therestaurantatmeadowood.com/
When it first opened in 2009, it was merely an impromptu restaurant. Even when it got its acclaim far and wide, and moved to its current location in 2013. There is a different menu every night. The tasting menu offers up to 18 courses, and costs about $400 per person.
食材,以一流的處理和烹調方法把食材的原有鮮味發揮出來。 品味套餐十二道菜約三百三十元,配酒另加二百二十五。這餐廳 是灣區唯一屬於酒店旗下的米芝蓮三星餐廳。客人在周末留宿酒 店,品美食之餘也可以好好享受酒鄉情懷。
Saison的特色甜點 Saison' dessert: Ice cream & caramel, cooked in the fireplace
Saison,http://saisonsf.com/ 位於三藩市的這家餐廳,名字 是法文,是季節的意思,以此命名代表著餐廳立志不斷創新和改 進。2009年剛開業的時候衹是一家即興餐廳,就算2010年正式 有位置也是一家規模很小的餐廳,很快地就受到各界認同。2013 年搬進現址。每晚的菜單都不一樣,品嘗餐單可以多達十八道 菜,約四百元一位。 62
pages.indd 62
5/19/2016 8:40:31 PM
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5/19/2016 8:41:06 PM
Taste 深山尋美食
Seeking Good Food in the Mountains text | Jaslin Yu photo | Jaslin Yu
Folks who enjoy gourmet food don’t mind driving
a distance to find it. As long as it is a great place,
distance doesn’t matter, right? After tasting the
蓋多斯(Los Gatos)山區的Manresa餐廳。
fine food in the North Bay Napa Area, we head to the South Bay Los Gatos mountain region and a visit to Manresa.
Manresa 餐廳的東主及總廚David Kinch在新奧爾 良長大,在青少年期間開始在餐廳工作,所接受的廚 藝訓練帶深厚的歐洲法式味道,而在他的菜式中也能 找到西班牙風味。Manresa餐廳佔盡地理上的優勢, 附近的Santa Cruz山區及蒙特利海灣出產的新鮮材料 正好供給餐廳所用。 灣區仍是寒氣攻心的一個晚上到達Los
區,一進入餐廳就被職員的親切熱誠招待將寒冷驅 走。餐廳的陳設布置很高雅也很寬敞,一點也不會感 到侷促,燈光暗淡很有情調,最適合情侶在此享受浪 漫溫馨。 David Kinch, Manresa’s owner and head chef, grew up in New Orleans. In his youth, he started working in restaurants where he received training full of continental European flavor. In his dishes, you can also find a Spanish influence. Due to its location, Manresa has the geographical advantage of having easy access to the freshest ingredients from the Santa Cruz mountain area, as well as Monterey Bay. We arrived on a chilly night, but as soon as we entered the restaurant, the warm and friendly greeting by staff drove the cold away. The restaurant is elegantly decorated and spacious and, with the ambience provided by the dim lighting, ideal for a romantic night out.
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5/19/2016 8:41:56 PM
Desserts as Appetizers
The menu simply lists appetizers, entrées and desserts. Guests can choose
any four courses from the menu, or leave their appetites completely in the hands
of the chef, who will generate special courses.
菜式。到訪當晚筆者懷著好奇心及冒險精神讓廚師精心 炮製菜式,未上前菜之前,服務員送上廚師精心獻禮,
That night, I was curious and adventurous and decided to let the chef present
his specials of the day. Before serving the appetizer, the server offered a gift from
the chef, consisting of mini appetizers. The most memorable one
was the first, a delicate soft fruit candy and a tiny little piece of
chocolate cake. A dessert served as an appetizer — how unique! The other gift from the chef is a raw oyster, with sea
urchin jelly. I usually don’t like sea urchin, but this dish was so
memorable, I can still taste those fresh flavors.
鮮味。之後送上的小杯暖湯,內有高貴的 鵝肝,味道濃濃滑滑非常滋味。前菜的貝
Then came a small cup of warm soup with fois gras — a rich,
smooth and flavorful dish. The appetizer consisted of shellfish
sashimi, with thinly sliced scallops. It was lightly flavored with only
olive oil and fruit, which brought out the fresh flavor of the scallop
sashimi. For me, this was a memorable dish indeed.
The Many Flavors of Mushrooms
在造期品嘗季節性的材料最為新鮮 When we visited, it was harvest season for mushrooms, so the
chef incorporated copious amounts of these tasty fungi.
類、根類蔬菜配梅子及黑菌,將本來清淡 的蔬菜燜得香甜味濃,非常惹味。
The freshest and healthiest ingredients are those in season. In one dish, root 肉類菜式方面,豬肉燜栗子及黑菌又是另一道以黑 菌煮成的美食。黑菌的味道香濃無比,配上所有菜式都
vegetables were matched with plums and black truffles, which added sweetness and richness to the usually light-flavored vegetables.
會神奇地為菜式加添高貴氣味。 Among the meat entrées offered was Pork Braised with Chestnuts and Black 當晚酒師為我所配的酒很適合我的口味,感覺就像 酒師是認識了我很久一樣,像是老朋友依我的喜好選出 最合適我的酒。
Truffles. The rich, fragrant flavor of truffles is unrivaled, and miraculously adds elegance to any dish. For dessert, the Chocolate Hazelnut Soufflé with Chocolate Almond Ice
甜品中的巧克力榛子琉乎厘配巧克力榛子杏仁冰淇 淋,單是那冰淇淋帶香濃的果仁味已經夠美味,再配上 熱烘烘的琉乎厘,的確滋味無窮! Manresa
Cream was amazing. The ice cream alone, full of rich nutty flavor, was delicious. But with the added hot soufflé, the result was an amazing creation with endless flavors.
320 Village Lane (just off North Santa Cruz Avenue)
Los Gatos, CA 95030
(408) 354-4330
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5/19/2016 8:42:50 PM
A Taste of Michelin Three Stars The Restaurant at Meadowood
北灣酒鄉那柏谷地區(Napa) 的確有其吸引之處,就算是對 葡萄酒沒有興趣,怎樣也不能 抗拒高質素的餐飲服務, The Restaurant at Meadowood餐廳 在那柏谷高級食府榜上絕對名 列前茅。 North Bay wine country has many attractions and, even if you’re not interested in wine, you will find the fine-dining experience here irresistible. The Restaurant at Meadowood is, most definitely, No. 1 among high-end restaurants in Napa Valley. text | Jaslin Yu
Meadowood itself is a resort hotel, so its restaurant is simply named The
The Restaurant。The Restaurant提供那柏菜式,即是源用
Restaurant. The Restaurant offers Napa-style cuisine, utilizing locally-grown
produce. Some of the vegetables and fruits are actually grown in the hotel’s
own garden.
變。 The menu utilizes the most seasonal ingredients, reflects the most current 不想花心思選點菜式的話,可以選擇廚師精選品嘗八
dining trends and is constantly being refreshed. If you can’t make up your
mind on what to eat, consider the eight-course Chef’s Selection Tasting
Menu.If you do wish to choose your own items, you can opt for a three-
course, four-course or five-course meal, and a sommelier is at your beck and
call to suggest a wine pairing for each course.
類。 The menu is divided into Local Garden (salads and vegetables), Near 到訪當晚,筆者在花園菜式中選擇了白蘆筍疏乎哩 (White Asparagus Souffle),疏乎哩本身是甜的,又打得
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the Water (seafood) and Ranch (meats). To finish off your meal, there is the desserts-and-cheese course.
5/19/2016 8:43:23 PM
鬆化入口即溶,配合新鮮白蘆筍,鹹甜交雜非常 特別。另一道冷夏天瓜果湯(Chilled
Squash Consomme),在夏天飲用透心涼,冷
On my visit, I chose the White Asparagus Soufflé from the Garden menu. The soufflé itself is sweet, fluffy and melts in the mouth. Matched with fresh white asparagus, the saltysweet taste is truly unique.
湯雖然是清湯底,但加入芝士及鹹魚後味道變得 很濃烈。
The Chilled Summer Squash Consommé is a refreshing choice in the summer. With the
inclusion of cheese and anchovies, the taste is quite rich for a cold soup.
Squid that Resembles Noodles
海鮮類方面,Pacific Kampachi in Vadouvan是一道魚片配燜生菜青豆、蟹肉及薄荷,魚
In the Near the Water section, Pacific Kampachi in Vadouvan is a course that features
sliced fish, crabmeat, braised lettuce, peas and mint. The fish and crabmeat are both fresh
and sweet, and with the braised lettuce and peas, are very easy on the palate.
Oil Poached Black Cod)配大鰭魷魚及魚子醬。 一眼看過去還以為是魚柳配意大利麵,將那貌似
The other seafood course offered is Olive Oil Poached Black Cod, with big fin squid and
橄欖油輕煮魚柳 Olive Oil Poached Black Cod
魚片配燜生菜青豆 Pacific Kampachi in Vadouvan
caviar. At first glance, the course looks like a fish fillet with spaghetti, because the squid is
cut long and thin. But at first chew, it is readily apparent the “spaghetti” is, in fact, squid.
The fish fillet is lightly poached in olive oil, and the caviar adds a level of luxury to the dish.
有不同了。魚柳簡單地以橄欖油輕煮,加入魚子 醬份外高貴。
Among the meat courses is Slow Cooked Beef Tenderloin with Oxtail Dumplings, Peas and Morel Mushrooms. The beef is cooked to tender perfection and the dumplings are nice
肉類菜式中,慢煮嫩牛脊肉(Slow Cooked
and smooth. Matched with fresh peas and morels, this is a delicious dish.
Beef Tenderloin)配牛尾餃、青豆及Morel 菇, 牛肉燜煮得非常嫩滑,牛尾餃又是滑滑的,配料
The other meat dish is named Suckling Pig and features three styles of pork on the
same plate, with cabbage, maple syrup and pickled apples. The sweet-and-sour sauce
balances the rich flavor of the pork.
Cheese lovers will salivate over the international selection available, but if you’re not a “fromager,” fear not. There are always several dessert delicacies to choose from. That night,
the restaurant’s offerings included organic strawberry sorbet, chocolate cake with sago
sauce and cotton candy, and rhubarb with yogurt. Each dessert is a skillful masterpiece,
and looks like a piece of art on the table.
晚餐廳提供的甜品包括有機草莓雪芭,巧克力蛋 糕配西米醬及綿花糖,及大黃莖配酸乳酪等等。 甜品都是精心傑作,放在桌上就將是藝術品一 樣。臨行前,服務員還會送上迷你糕餅及糖果, 讓客人感覺心甜。
Before you leave, the server will also give you mini-cakes and candies to make sure the sweet feeling endures. The Restaurant at Meadowood 900 Meadowood Lane St. Helena, CA 94574 (800) 458-8080
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5/19/2016 8:44:31 PM
宏觀一眾超級品牌,當中有不少是陪伴著你我成長,而亦有一些是 近年冒起的知名品牌。但無論是屬於那一類,它們定必符合五大條 件:年資、商譽、市場佔有率、顧客的忠誠及整體的市場接受度, 再配合各品牌獨有的成功因素,才打造出自己的金漆招牌。
資訊權威 盡情發揮
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5/19/2016 8:44:59 PM
Elite Life
雨果酒莊 阿爾薩斯葡萄酒巧配亞洲美食
FAMILLE HUGEL Chopstick’s Favourite Wines text | Leslie Yip photo | Leslie Yip, Famille Hugel
究竟味道複雜的亞洲菜餚如何配搭葡萄酒?今期 《星尚》編輯葉子青特別訪問了法國雨果家族酒 莊的第十二代掌舵人Monsieur Etienne Hugel, 讓這位於法國東北部阿爾薩斯省(Alsace)的酒莊 解開這道難題。 How do you pair French wines with Asian dishes? EliteGen editor Leslie Yip seeks answers from Etienne Hugel, a 12th-generation member of the venerable Famille Hugel winery in Alsace in northeastern France.
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5/19/2016 8:45:40 PM
Elite Life 「簡單不過。」當被問到亞洲菜餚
“Easy,” says Etienne Hugel, when asked
如何配法國葡萄酒,Monsieur Etienne
for his personal insights about pairing French
wines with Asian food. “Gentil with most dishes requiring a
「如果菜餚必須配乾身的餐 酒,Gentil就最適合不過;雷司令(Ries-
dry wine, Riesling with fish and seafood,
Pinot Gris with white meat, including
not Gris)可配白肉,包括雞肉、豬肉及蘑
chicken and pork, and mushroom dishes.
Gewurtztraminer is a companion with spicy
food and coconut milk-based foods like
curry. Alsace is the chopsticks’ favourite
匹配。」 It may indeed be easy for him, as Monsieur Hugel and his winery have strong
ties with Asia. They have had a solid
他本人及其酒莊與亞洲有著長久的淵源。 酒莊自1950年代起已經在亞洲大陸為人熟識,現時亞洲各國都可
presence on the continent since the 1950s and now cover every
country in the region. His winery is credited with being one of the first
to study the pairing of Asian delicacies with wines and, in 2014, he
led a team of international wine experts on a Riesling Revolution tour
Riesling Revolution tour (雷司令革命之旅) ,讓各紅酒飲家轉轉口
of China, converting red wine drinkers to Alsace Rieslings in Macau,
Xiamen, Chengdu, Shanghai and Beijing. His wines were also selected
日空航空公司(ANA airlines)選用,專門為商務客艙的乘客在品嚐
by ANA airlines in 2015 to go with their Asian menu for business-class
事實上餐酒配搭對他來說不單是專業知識。私底下他亦與亞 洲有緣。其妻子Kaoru曾經於東京Mandarin Oriental酒店擔任侍酒 師長達8年之久,他們夫妻倆更經常前往香港、台灣及新加坡等亞 洲地區,參與一些研酒晚宴,豐富其餐酒配搭的知識。
In addition to his own wine-pairing experience, his wife, Kaoru, was a sommelier at Mandarin Oriental Tokyo for eight years. The couple frequently travels together for educational wine dinners in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore.
始創於1639年,有三百多年歷史的 雨果家族酒莊坐落於法國東北部阿 爾薩斯省(Alsace)風景如畫的利克 維(Riquewihr)地區。 Established in 1639, Famille Hugel winery is located in the picturesque town of Riquewihr, in the Alsace region of northeastern France. 70
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5/19/2016 8:46:16 PM
The Chopsticks’ Favourite Wines Monsieur Hugel may appear to be blowing his own trumpet when championing the pairing of Alsatian wines with Asian food, but other food and wine experts seem to concur. Hrayr Berberoglu, Professor Emeritus of Hospitality and Tourism Management specializing in Food and Beverage at Ryerson University in Toronto, says that after two decades of considerable efforts, international chefs and gastronomes have concluded that Alsatian wines are the best complement to Asian foods.
由於一位台灣餐酒入口商在一個中式午餐時利用酒塞作筷子座之用, 雨果家族靈機一觸設計了這款筷子座。 Inspired by its Taiwanese wine importer using a wine cork to support her chopsticks at an informal Chinese lunch, Famille Hugel winery designed this whimsical chopstick holder.
與亞洲菜成絕配 大家或許會以為Monsieur Hugel賣花讚花香,但事實上不少 飲食及品酒專家均認同,阿爾薩斯出產的葡萄酒最適合用來搭配 亞洲美食。懷爾遜大學酒店及旅遊學系餐飲科名譽教授Hrayr Ber-
In another study spearheaded by Toronto wine guru Tony Aspler, Alsace Riesling, Pinot Gris and Gewürztraminer are among the most frequently cited wines to go with signature items at a Cantonese banquet, such as roast suckling pig, braised shark’s fin, deep-fried crab claws, wok-fried sea scallop and salt-baked chicken.
The Challenge Behind Asian Food Pairing If the experts make it sound so easy, why is there the impression that wine-pairing with Asian food is such a daunting task?
beroglu就曾撰文說,經過20年的研究,不少國際名廚及食家皆一 致認為阿爾薩斯美酒與亞洲美食可說是絕配。
Asian food is diverse. Take China, where regional dishes can differ greatly in seasoning and preparation methods. To illustrate this, think
多倫多品酒專家Tony Aspler亦進行了另一研究,他指出每當
about how differently fish is prepared in various cuisines: steamed
with ginger, green onion and soy sauce for the Cantonese, drowned in
sweet and spicy sauce in Szechuan, and dry smoked in Teochew.
搭配亞洲菜的挑戰 既然專家們都認為為亞洲美食配搭餐酒實在簡單不過,那為 什麼一直以來大家都以為這是個難題呢 ?
阿爾薩斯地區東面毗鄰德國,由於深受德國影響,所以成 為全法國唯一以葡萄品種而非地區名字為標籤的產酒區。 The Alsace region borders Germany to the east. Because of its Germanic influence, it is the only wine region in France to produce mostly varietally labelled wines.
原因之一是亞洲菜餚種類非常多樣化。單以中國為例,不同 地區的菜式無論在調味及烹調前的預備過程都迥然不同。同樣烹 調魚類,廣東人喜歡以薑、蔥、豉油清蒸;嗜辣的四川人則愛水 煮魚;而潮州人則喜歡煙燻。
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5/19/2016 8:51:31 PM
Elite Life
The sequence of how the dishes are presented also poses a challenge.
You may start with a meat course, followed by seafood, then back to meats
and more seafood as the menu progresses. Or, multiple dishes with varying
proteins and sauces can be served all at once. The pairing of wine seems to be
an afterthought, in contrast with Western menus that are designed with courseby-course wine pairing in mind.
此外,亞洲菜複雜的調味亦是難於配搭餐酒的原因 之一。常用的調味料如豉油、蠔油、海鮮醬及辣椒油等都
condiments, such as soy sauce, oyster sauce, hoisin and chilli sauce, are quite
distinct, and many of the dishes intensely flavoured. Furthermore, Asian dishes
因此,非乾型(off-dry style)的葡萄酒會更合適。味道較醇
tend to be sweeter than European cooking. The sweetness of a dish will make
a dry wine taste even drier, so an off-dry style is more preferable. A wine will
also need a fuller body to stand up to all those flavours. Lastly, big tannic wines
with oak-aging is undesirable, as tannins tend to clash with seafood, as well as
hot spices. These are the reasons why experts agree that Alsatian wines excel
with Asian foods.
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The complexity of Asian seasoning is also a factor. Commonly used
5/19/2016 8:51:59 PM
A Flavour Profile of Alsace Wines
阿爾薩斯餐酒相比起其他釀酒區的出產更醇厚而且 酒香更濃。其雷司令由優雅的非乾型以至口感細緻豐盈 的甜酒,其果酸度卻又平衡得剛剛好,跟德國出產味道 較淡的大不相同。灰皮諾帶著煙燻味,比意大利出產的 灰皮諾更有個性。格鳥白茗被喻為阿爾薩斯地區的旗艦 佳釀,一般來說口感偏乾,但如果是晚收型或特選晚收 型 ,卻又像熱帶果汁般香甜。灰皮諾及格鳥白茗用來配 搭以椰奶烹調的東南亞菜式就最適合不過。
counterparts from other regions of the world. Their Rieslings range from elegantly off-dry to opulently sweet and rich, always balanced by racy acidity and unlike Germany’s lighter style. Pinot Gris has pronounced smoky notes, and notably more character than Italian Pinot Grigios. The dry Gewürztraminers are often considered the flagship of Alsatian wines, but they can also be sweet like tropical fruit nectar when vinified as late harvest or selectione des grains nobles (selected late harvest). The last two are particularly unique in their harmony with coconut milk-based southeastern Asian cuisine.
以下列表提供多款最受歡迎亞洲美食如何選配餐酒的 建議。
Alsatian wines tend to be more full-bodied and aromatic than their
The following table lists the suggested wine pairings for some of the most popular Asian foods.
亞洲菜無論其地方菜式的多樣化、複雜的調味 及上菜的次序,都令配搭餐酒成為一大難題。 Asian foods present a veritable challenge to wine-pairing due to the wild diversity between regional cuisines, complexity in spices and seasonings, as well as the structure of a typical banquet
雨果酒莊所採用的酒桶是1715年古老的St. Catherine酒桶。阿爾 薩斯的釀酒師不喜歡使用新木桶,因此酒釀能充份保留葡萄的獨 有果香,亦是這個原因,令阿爾薩斯餐酒與亞洲美食成為絕配。 An ancient St. Catherine cask in the cellars of Famille Hugel dating back to 1715. Alsatian wine producers avoid using new woods, and the resulting wines preserve the distinct fruity aromas of their grape varieties, a trait that makes them ideal with Asian foods.
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Elite Life
這款乾澀而高貴的雷司令富有獨特的 結構,用以佐餐能把食物的鮮味充分 呈現出來。酒莊最出色的雷司令名 為Schoelhammer,這種單一園葡萄 酒,葡萄均來自Schoenenbourg特級 莊園。 A food wine par excellence, this dry Riesling is distinguished by its elegance and structure. The winery’s best Riesling comes from the Schoelhammer, one of the best areas within the Schoenenbourg Grand Cru vineyard.
由阿爾薩斯的特選葡萄釀製而成,格 鳥白茗擁有複雜的香氣,濃郁飽滿的 口感帶有玫瑰花香及黑椒的辛辣感, 迷人清爽的甜度及整體的乾澀口感令 人無法抗拒。難怪這是雨果家族歷代 最引以為傲的精心傑作。 The signature grape of Alsace makes for an aromatic and powerful wine with defining rose and black pepper notes, very tight sweetness for an overall dry balance. Famille Hugel has been renowned for generations for the elegance of its Gewürztraminer wines.
馥郁飽滿,質感細緻輕柔,雨果的灰 皮諾口感香濃而乾澀。最適合與禽 類、魚類及蘑菇等相佐。 Powerful and full of texture, Famille Hugel likes its Pinot Gris to be rich, but with dry expression. It goes superbly with poultry, fish and mushrooms.
菜式/Dish 上海菜 Shanghainese dishes
特色/Characteristics 上海菜經常使用煨燉來烹調,因而較濃味及油膩。糖、豉油、醋、 薑、麻油及米酒是最常用的調味料。 Shanghai cuisine tends to be highly flavoured and oily due to braising. Sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, ginger, sesame oil and rice wine are the common seasonings. 北京填鴨 進食時以蒸薄餅包裹並加入青瓜絲、青蔥及少許梅子醬或海鮮醬 Beijing Duck Usually wrapped in a steamed bun with cucumber and spring onion, with a dollop of sweet plum or hoisin sauce - a very difficult combination to complement. 粵式蒸魚及海鮮 調味料不多,盡量保留海鮮的鮮味 Cantonese-style fish and seafood dishes Seasoning is used sparingly in order not to mask the natural flavours of seafood. 廣東燒臘、切雞及燒鴨類 一般會加入調味料如海鮮醬或梅子醬,令配酒攻難 Cantonese-style roasted meat and poultry Challenge comes from the range of accompanying condiments, such dishes as hoisin sauce and plum sauce. 四川辛辣菜 中菜中最辣的菜系,大量使用香料、香草及辣椒 Szechuan spicy dishes This cuisine includes generous use of spices, herbs and chillies. 蒸蟹 (上海毛蟹或珍寶蟹) Steamed crab (Shanghainese hairy crab or Dungeness crab) 日本壽司及刺身 Japanese sushi and sashimi raw dishes
通常配以加了糖及薑的醋來食用,最適合配以酸味較濃的白酒 Usually served with vinegar sauce to which sugar and ginger may be added. A rich white wine with high acidity is needed. 伴以日本芥辣及醬油食用,最適宜配搭芳香及味道較濃的餐酒 Eaten with wasabi and soy sauce, it is best paired with aromatic and intense wines.
日式天婦羅 Japanese tempuras
鮮蝦、魚類及各款蔬菜沾上天婦羅粉漿後炸,即炸即上菜並伴以 淡醬油食用 Prawns, fish or vegetables lightly coated in batter and deep-fried, served piping-hot with a light soy sauce. 無論是鐵板燒烤或火鍋都會品嚐到多種食材,必須配搭一種口感 豐富的餐酒 Whether grilled or simmered in boiling stock, these multi-ingredient dishes demand a versatile wine. 印尼、泰國及馬來西亞等地的美食都用上辣椒、椰奶、花生、蝦膏 及各款香料 Indonesian, Thai and Malaysian cuisines feature the use of chillies, coconut milk, peanuts, shrimp paste and combinations of spices.
日本鐵板燒及火鍋 Tepanyaki, shabubu or hot pot 東南亞美食 Southeast Asian dishes
由多種葡萄釀製而成的Gentil,完 美地結合了格鳥白茗的辛辣、灰皮 諾的酒體、雷司令的精巧、墨斯卡 多(Muscat)的甜美和白皮諾(Pinot Blanc)及西方尼(Sylvaner)的清爽, 與味道複雜的亞洲美食是絕配。 The blended “Gentil” allies the suave, spicy flavour of Gewürztraminer, the body of Pinot Gris, the finesse of Riesling, the grapiness of Muscat and the refreshing character of Pinot Blanc and Sylvaner, making it a versatile match with Asian foods.
建議餐酒/Suggested Wine 灰皮諾及格鳥白茗 Pinot Gris and Gewürztraminer
灰皮諾、格鳥白茗或晚收型格鳥白茗 Pinot Gris, Gewürztraminer or late-harvest Gewürztraminer Gentil、雷司令及灰皮諾 Gentil, Riesling and Pinot Gris 格鳥白茗或晚收成灰皮諾 Gewürztraminer or late-harvest Pinot Gris 灰皮諾、醇厚的格鳥白茗或晚收成格鳥白茗 Pinot Gris, a rich Gewürztraminer or late-harvest Gewürztraminer 晚收成雷司令 Late-harvest Riesling Gentil 及雷司令 Gentil and Riesling 雷司令及灰皮諾 Riesling or Pinot Gris 灰皮諾 Pinot Gris 格鳥白茗及晚收成灰皮諾 Gewürztraminer or late-harvest Pinot Gris
(根據前國際餐酒及美食協會全球主席Dr. N.K. Yong撰寫的文章,轉載自blog.hugel.com。) (Based on an article by Dr. N.K. Yong, former worldwide president of the influential and respected International Wine and Food Society, courtesy of blog.hugel.com.)
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參觀雨果 家族酒莊 雨果家族酒莊位於利克維市的中心,這個古老的村落沒有行
Visiting Famille Hugel Famille Hugel winery is located in the heart of Riquewihr, a pedestrian-
only village that seems to come from the pages of Hansel and Gretel.
The tasting room is open every day from Easter to Christmas (9 a.m.-
noon; 1-6 p.m). hugel.com
酒店及餐廳推介 位於利克維市中心的Le B. Espace Suites,由一所14世紀
Where to Stay & Eat Smartly blending luxury, history and the latest technology, these spacious suites are located in a renovated 14th-century townhouse.
The owners, Anne & Jean-Luc Brendel, run two Michelin-
酒店東主Anne 及 Jean-Luc Brendel在鎮上經營另外兩間米芝
recommended restaurants in town. D’Brendelstub is a revolutionized
winstub — a contemporary version of the local pub, located on
the ground floor on the same building.
Monsieur Etienne Hugel舉行婚
This is where Monsieur Etienne Hugel held
宴的地方。必食推介是tarte flam-
his wedding party. One must try the tarte
flambée, an Alsatian specialty resembling a
super-thin pizza with thinly sliced onions and
crème fraiche. 另一間是獲米芝蓮星級的Table
Table du Gourmet is their Michelin-starred
du Gourmet,室內裝潢以風水學原
gastronomic restaurant. The décor is inspired
by the principles of Feng Shui, while the
dishes reflect the colours and abundance of
the Alsace region. jlbrendel.com Le B. Espace Suites
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5/19/2016 8:53:19 PM
Elite Artist
譚元元隨緣而舞二十年 Pirouetting with the flow
Yuan Yuan Tan
celebrates 20 years with San Francisco Ballet text | Xu Mingyue 徐明月
01• 譚元元的演出非常投入。三藩市芭蕾舞團提供 Yuan Yuan Tan shows dedication in every performance. (Photo courtesy of San Francisco Ballet) 02• 譚元元擔綱演出經典舞劇《吉賽爾》。三藩市芭蕾舞團提供 Yuan Yuan Tan is the principal dancer in Giselle. (Photo courtesy of San Francisco Ballet) 03• 譚元元2014年推出自傳《我和芭蕾》,在簽售會上為粉絲簽 名。資料圖片 Yuan Yuan Tan, seen at a book signing for her autobiography I and Ballet. (Archive) 04• 譚元元希望把眼前的每一支舞跳好。三藩市芭蕾舞團提供 Yuan Yuan Tan resolves to perform every dance well. (photo courtesy of San Francisco Ballet) 76
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芭蕾舞是起源於意大利,興盛於 法國的歐洲宮廷古典藝術,能夠 登峰造極的華人屈指可數,以東 方女孩在西方傳統藝術舞台上獨 領風騷,當屬三藩市芭蕾舞團首 席舞者譚元元。歷年來,她在世 界舞壇獲得了無數至高的榮譽和 獎項,去年更慶祝加入三藩市芭 蕾舞團20周年。回顧20年心路 歷程時,譚元元難掩對芭蕾舞事 業的癡迷與不捨。 While ballet is a classical European dance art that originated in the Italian Renaissance courts and flourished in France and Russia, a number of Chinese dancers have earned international acclaim – no one more Yuan Yuan Tan.
Yuan Yuan is principal dancer with the San Francisco Ballet and
has been with the company for 20 years. She has garnered numerous
accolades during her career and her dedication to ballet is stronger than
ever. With her elf-like movements and classic body shape, it’s hard to
believe it has already been two decades since she was handpicked by the
company after a performance in Shanghai at age 19. Since then, she has
從上海到三藩市 初到三藩市芭蕾舞團,譚元元因年齡小又是外族裔,難
spared no effort to display her talent and become a pin-up for ballerinas in China, as well as around the world.
From Shanghai to San Francisco
免不容易被同行接受。她哭過也傷心過,但她會選擇與父母 和朋友溝通的方式來調整心態。「雖然很多時候父母無法在
It was anything but clear sailing during her early days with the San
Francisco Ballet. She wasn’t a natural best friend for fellow dancers, given
her young age and her ethnic origin. As a result, a few tears were shed,
but she quickly regrouped after unloading to family and friends back home. ELITEGEN
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Elite Artist 譚元元相信命中注定,她形容她之所以20年未離開三藩市芭蕾舞 團,完全源於「緣分」二字。「我講究隨緣,我喜歡這裡,雖然也曾 經有其他的芭蕾舞團挖過我,但我已經對三藩市芭蕾舞團的舞劇適應 和熟悉,換個地方還要重新適應,不希望改變現在的狀態。」譚元元 認為三藩市芭蕾舞團給予她很大的平台,可以與世界級的編舞大師合 作,這在她看來非常寶貴。 去年,為慶祝譚元元加入三藩市芭蕾舞團20周年,中國特別邀請 譚元元在中國國家大劇院舉辦個人專場表演,而且於她的家鄉上海再 舉辦一場個人專場。譚元元說,國內的觀眾很有眼光,為此她帶去了 不同的世界級的舞碼來回饋,包括芭蕾舞團特別為她設計的節目包括 《Bell》、《蜂鳥》等,以及她主演的經典芭蕾舞《吉賽爾》。 譚元元在家中準備芭蕾舞鞋。資料圖片 Yuan Yuan Tan prepares her ballet shoes at home. (archive)
2011年譚元元擔綱主演《小美人魚》,獲公共廣播電視台拍成高清 DVD在全美播放。資料圖片 The Little Mermaid, featuring Yuan Yuan Tan as the principal dancer in 2011, has been made into a high-definition DVD by National Public Radio in the United States. (archive)
“My parents might not have been able to offer any practical help, but it was helpful enough to be able to confide to them,”
want change.” She thinks the local company affords her a big enough stage to work with world-class choreographers.
she says. Yet, Yuan Yuan understood adversity was part of the game: “it’s so important to center yourself and not be overwhelmed.
Last year, China invited Yuan Yuan to stage a personal show at the National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing, as well as in her hometown of Shanghai. To show her
“I believe in going with the flow. I like it here. Though I
appreciation to the discerning audience in China, she brought
had been approached by other dance companies, I am more
with her a world-class repertoire that included dances such as
comfortable and familiar with the repertoires of San Francisco
Bell, choreographed especially for her, Scarlett’s Hummingbird
Ballet. A new environment means starting over, and I don’t
and Giselle.
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說退役還太早 譚元元曾經說過35歲會是自己退役的時間,但是如今再問 她,她卻不想再將時間說得太絕對,「很多事情不能強求,還是 隨緣吧!」她說未來如果有一天不再跳舞,也會在芭蕾舞領域活 躍,做老師與編舞都是她想做卻還未嘗試過的,她希望到時候可 以探索自己在這些領域的可能性。 2014年,她花了五年時間撰寫自傳《我和芭蕾》,作為藝 術生涯的見證,希望人們不僅了解舞台上的譚元元,更了解她是 如何成就舞台上的自己。 「我真的為了舞蹈付出了一切,希望還在藝術的舞台上開 心地跳舞,也感恩如此幸運,可以得到全世界觀眾對的喜愛與關 注。」回首這20年,雖然譚元元大傷小傷不斷,更因胯骨錯位 導致現在有些舞蹈動作受局限,但她依然滿懷感恩。她說,最願 意做的事是簡單地在舞台上,為觀眾帶來優秀的作品,「我也不 會設立任何新的目標,只希望可以把眼前的每一支舞跳好。」
譚元元(右)2010年獲全美華裔菁英組織「百人 會」年會的表揚。資料圖片 Yuan Yuan Tan (right) was recognized in 2010 by The Committee of 100, an association of prominent Chinese. (archive)
Too soon to contemplate bowing out Yuan Yuan admits she once talked about retiring at 35, but if you ask her now, she refuses to be pinned down. “There is no point forcing an issue. Let’s just see what happens.” However, once her performing days are over, she will stay active in ballet, perhaps as a teacher or a choreographer. In 2014, her autobiography I and Ballet, was published. These memoirs, which took five years to write, provide a full account of her artistic journey. She hopes the book will help readers understand the Yuan Yuan on stage and how she got there. “I have truly given my all to ballet, and have been dancing joyfully on the stage,” she says. “I’m grateful for the love and care of the audience from around the world.” During her career, Yuan Yuan has suffered a variety of injuries, including a dislocated hip. Yet, she is still thankful for what life has given her – a chance to perform on stage and to share excellent works with the audience. 譚元元(右)在三藩市Stern Grove戶外藝術 節演出《天鵝湖》。資料圖片 Yuan Yuan Tan (right) performs Swan Lake at an outdoor art festival at Stern Grove, San Francisco. (Archive)
“I don’t set myself new goals. All I want to do is to perform every dance well.”
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5/19/2016 8:55:57 PM
三藩市亞洲藝術博物館「鎮館之 寶」──建武四年鎏金銅佛坐像。 The Gilded Bronze Seated Buddha dated 338, a masterpiece of the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco.
The treasure trail marked by the Buddha text | Zhang Zheng photo | Courtesy of the Asian Art Museum & Zhang Zheng
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5/19/2016 8:56:20 PM
筆者幾年前在三藩市認識一位普林斯頓大學 的歷史系在讀博士,她的碩士論文研究的是 佛教造像。她對我說,這是她第二次到三藩 市,第一次來這裡的時候,首先去的不是洗 手間,不是商店,不是金門橋,而是直奔三 藩市的亞洲藝術博物館。或者說,她第一次 到三藩市的目的只有一個,就是膜拜這裡的 鎮館之寶──建武四年鎏金銅佛坐像。 A history PhD candidate at Princeton University, who did her master’s thesis on Buddha statues, visited San Francisco for the first time some years ago and headed straight to the city’s Asian Art Museum. She wanted to pay homage to the masterpiece of the museum – the gold-covered Seated Buddha circa 338 of the Late Zhao dynasty of China.
金佛像的背後有一突出的地方,原來可能附有一把雨傘。 A protrusion at the back of the Seated Buddha may be an attachment for an umbrella.
This jewel is exhibited in a corner of the China Buddhist Art section on the third floor of the
museum. I call it a masterpiece, not only because it is the only work of its kind in the world,
but also because the value it holds for art history research.
著的藝術史研究價值。這個鎏金佛像是目 前世界上發現的最早標有確切鑄造日期的
The Seated Buddha is the earliest dated Buddha statue in the world. When you see in
history books that “the earliest record of China casting Buddha statue was in year 338,” do
note that the year 338 was the 4th year of the Jianwu era.
間是公元338年」,請你記得這個時間的 來歷,公元338年就是建武四年。
The beginning of Buddha casting The museum rates it a masterpiece, not only because of its research value, but also due to the meaning it holds for the museum. From the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, Asia
亞洲藝術博物館的「鎮館之寶」當然 不僅因為其研究價值而被選用,更在於其
spans a diverse range of cultures. So what paths do this imposing museum follow to map out its exhibition in logical order?
對這家博物館本身的意義。從印度洋至太 平洋,又跨亞歐大陸板塊,亞洲之大,囊
The museum ingeniously traces the footprints of Buddhism into Asia to map out the
galleries. Begin your museum journey on the third floor and you will see Buddha statues from
India, then Cambodia, the Middle East and across the Himalayas into China. It’s almost like
you are following the footsteps of the Buddha -- from the enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree,
to the civilized world of the Middle Kingdom.
應該先沿樓梯直上三樓開始看起。從印度 佛像,走到柬埔寨,走到中東,再到喜馬
The placement of the Seated Buddha in the China gallery highlights the whole localization
process of Buddhism in China. The Seated Buddha was created at a time when ethnic
groups from the North occupied parts of China in the era of the Sixteen Kingdoms, after the
decimation of the West Jin dynasty.
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The ethnic minorities wanted to win the Han people’s hearts, as much
as they wanted their land. How did they achieve that? By spreading
Buddhist beliefs and integrating politics with religion. At that time, hordes
of monks from the Middle East came to China via the Silk Road to spread
their teachings. This Seated Buddha was thought to have been brought
along by a monk to perform religious rites during the long journey.
在長途旅行中,放在身邊,方便朝拜的聖物。 Buddhism, being a foreign belief system, inevitably had to go through 佛教從印度經中亞傳入中國,既然是「舶來品」,當然會
a tough process of acclimatization in the course of spreading from India
to central Asia, and the Seated Buddha tells the stories of the trying
circumstances. Therein lies the historical value of this statue. Examine
closely and you can possibly find that the Buddha bears no resemblance
to Chinese people, nor to Middle Eastern folk. So what curious history facts do these intricate details betray?
首先是外貌。不像印度的悉達多王子,不像伊朗人,也 不像漢人。眼縫很長,不知從哪裡抄襲來,鼻子是外國人的
Let’s take a look at the face first. It doesn’t look like Indian prince
Sakyamuni, nor does it look Iranian or Chinese. The long slanted eyes
are of unknown origin. The shape of the nose is foreign. The expression
on the face, with a slight upturn of the corner of the mouth to show a hint of a smile, is intriguing. It seems the Chinese people then didn’t take
全球化風氣之先 那佛像到底有沒有中國元素?有,衣服。古代中國衣冠代
Buddhist teachings or meditation too seriously.
The predecessor of globalization
表官位與財富。佛祖一來到中國,首先是一番穿衣帶帽工程。 佛像穿著是當時中原人最流行的服飾,而且這種服飾在往後的
一百多年,至南北朝時期,仍在流行。印度的佛祖像,幾乎都 是一半肩膀袒露,來到中國北方就不耐寒了。博物館的西藏展
and wealth. When the Buddha arrived in China, the first thing he did
was dress like the locals, in what was then the “in look” in the Middle
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Is there anything about this statue that is Chinese? Yes, the clothing. In ancient China, the gown and the head piece were symbols of status
5/19/2016 8:57:18 PM
The look stayed in vogue for another century, until the era of the
Northern and the Southern dynasties. The Buddha images of India
mostly have one shoulder bared, but in China, the cold climate would
be too much for dressing that way. By all means cross-reference the
jade statue of Sakyamuni in meditation displayed in the small jade
gallery in the Tibetan Buddhist World of the museum.
會被命名為「微笑肚痛佛」。 The meditation posture also sets the statue apart from Indian 不得不提的是,亞洲藝術博物館建館,來自芝加哥大資
originals. Look at the position of the hands. India’s Sakyamuni statues
本家布倫戴奇(Avery Brundage)的捐贈。這件佛像也是這
usually have the palms facing up and placed on the thighs in the lotus
sitting position. The craftsmen of the Seated Buddha weren’t familiar
with this posture yet. They made it in accordance with what they were
familiar with – hands folded in front of the abdomen ready for a bow, in
typical Chinese mandarin style. From clothing to posture, it is clear that the aesthetics of Buddhist
除此之外,這尊佛像也與一名西域人有關,他就是佛 圖澄,漢傳佛教的早期宣教家。佛圖澄深明佛理,在其晚年
statues were also being slowly assimilated. People from the West
not familiar with Chinese etiquette might jolly well call this statue “the
smiling Buddha with a stomach ache”.
教,又以佛圖澄咨國事。佛圖澄傳播的是大乘佛教,重視面 佛冥想,現藏亞洲藝術博物館的這尊金佛像,就是供佛教徒
The Asian Art Museum was established with the bequeath of
Chicago capitalist Avery Brundage, including his Seated Buddha.
Brundage didn’t know the Chinese language, and the Seated Buddha was just another item in his enormous collection. After the collection was donated to the museum, researchers found Chinese characters
而佛教,也從此被往後幾百年的數位君王利用,借推廣 佛教來安定人民,這些君王包括南朝劉宋開國君劉裕和唐朝
engraved on the back of the base dating the statue to the fourth year
of the Jianwu era. This discovery was a major event for historians
worldwide. 02
The statue is also linked to Fotudeng, the notable Han Buddhism teacher from the West. He was well versed in Buddhist teachings and he traveled a long way to the East in his old age to share his teachings. He showed his super power to Shi Le, the founding emperor of the Late Zhao dynasty, by conjuring up a green lotus from a bowl of clear water to remind him to refrain from killing. Shi Le was convinced and he became a keen supporter of Buddhism. He also consulted Fotudeng on state issues. Fotudeng was a teacher of Mahayana Buddhism, which advocates meditation facing the Buddha. This Seated Buddha in the Asian Art Museum was one to be carried around by Buddhists for religious rites and meditation. The statue could therefore be construed as a product of Fotudeng’s teaching. Since then, Buddhism was used by several more generations of
01•晚商青銅器「小臣艅」尊,外形憨態可恭,是館長許傑的摯愛。 The rhinoceros bronze statue, dated to Late Shang dynasty, expresses a respectful demeanor and is a favorite piece of the museum’s director Jay Xu. 02• 博物館以佛教傳播的路線為線索排布展品,圖中佛像位於博物館 三樓的起始處,他們來自佛像首先被發現的地方──巴基斯坦的 犍陀羅。 The museum displays Buddhist artefacts in a way that follows the path of the spread of Buddhism in Asia. The Buddha statues pictured are located at the starting point on the third floor. They came from Gandhara of Pakistan.
emperors to unite people. Among such savvy rulers were Liu Yu, the founding emperor of the Southern dynasty, and Empress Wu of the Tang dynasty. In Longmen Grottoes known for fine Buddhist art, the face of the largest Buddha statue, dated to the Tang dynasty, is said to be made into the likeness of Empress Wu, to symbolize that man and god become one.
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5/19/2016 8:57:52 PM
Art 6月份開始,亞洲藝術博物館將會展出 近年的重頭戲──「皇帝品味:台北國立 故宮博物院珍品展」,以慶祝博物館成 立50周年。屆時,台北國立故宮博物院 的「鎮館之寶」肉形石即將空降灣區。 隨同「肉形石」一同前來灣區參展的還 有明成化鬥彩雞缸杯和宋徽宗親筆書墨 寶、郎世寧墨蹟等等。 To mark its 50th anniversary, the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco will stage its most notable event yet, from June 17 to Sept. 18: “Emperors’ Treasures – Chinese Art from the National Palace Museum, Taipei”. The Taipei museum’s masterpiece, the meat-shaped stone, will be on display, along with a cup from the chicken cup design from the reign of Changhua. Last year, Chinese collector Liu Yiqian made headlines when he splashed down the equivalent of $46 million to snap up a cup with chicken design at auction.
肉形石。亞洲藝術博物館提供 Meat-shaped stone (Photo courtesy of Asian Art museum)
Imperial treasures from Taipei text | Zhang Zheng
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5/19/2016 8:58:19 PM
The exhibit will also feature the calligraphy of Emperor
Huizhong of the Song dynasty, the calligraphy of the Qing dynasty,
the ink painting of Lang Shining, some 60 pieces of ceramics from
the Imperial Workshop and vases from the Ming Yongle era.
五件皇帝手跡卻只在三藩市展出。 The Taipei national museum’s three best-known masterpieces 館長許傑表示,亞洲藝術博物館在1966年成立,從收藏家布倫
are the meat-shaped stone, the jade cabbage and the tripod of
Duke Mao. He says it took rounds of grueling negotiations to get
the opportunity to exhibit the meat-shaped stone. While the Taipei
collection will be exhibited in Houston as well, the meat-shaped stone and five other works by the late emperors will only be shown
in San Francisco.
決策者花了7年的時間籌備這項宮廷大展,從故宮博物院借得74件藏 品,很多展品能在美國展出實屬難得。
Xu says that the number of exhibits in the museum has grown threefold since the museum was established in 1966
with the thousands of pieces donated by Brundage, who was
also president of the International Olympic Committee. After the
museum was relocated to its current address opposite City Hall
in 2003, the exhibition space has been expanded, making the museum one of the most excellent Asian art museums in the U.S.
另外,展覽還包括宋徽宗的「瘦金體」墨蹟和康熙大帝的存世甚 少的墨蹟,陶瓷方面則還包括世界現存只有六十多件的汝官窯瓷器、 明永樂青花瓷器等等。
Leading up to the museum’s 50th anniversary, Xu says the museum has been planning for the past seven years for the Taipei exhibition. About 74 pieces will be on loan and it’s rare for 1many
of those pieces to be exhibited in the U.S.
01•明成化雞缸杯。亞洲藝術博物館提供 Cup with chicken design dated to Ming Chenghua reign (Photo courtesy of Asian Art museum) 02•宋徽宗「瘦金體」。亞洲藝術博物館提供 Song Emperor Huizong’s calligraphy in “slender-gold style’’ (Photo courtesy of Asian Art museum) 03• 汝窯。亞洲藝術博物館提供 Work of the Imperial Workshop (Photo courtesy of Asian Art museum)
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5/19/2016 8:58:46 PM
歌劇在歷史悠久,富麗堂皇 的三藩市戰爭紀念歌劇院演 出。網絡圖 The opera will take place in the historic San Francisco War Memorial Opera House. (Publicity photo).
The epic Chinese classic Dream of the Red Chamber will soon
appear on the world stage — as an opera! A San Francisco
Opera production, with songs by famous Chinese-American
composer Bright Sheng and a script written by globally
recognized Chinese-American playwright David Henry Hwang,
Dream of the Red Chamber will make its world premiere in
September. The large-scale, English-language production also
boasts Oscar-winning artistic director Timmy Yip and highly-
popular Taiwanese director Stan Lai. The opera aims to bring
an audio-visual feast full of Chinese cultural charm to a western
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5/19/2016 8:59:23 PM
All Asian Actors
So, what attracted so many big-hitters of Chinese-language theater and
music to participate in the creation of this opera? To be sure, the main reason
is that Dream of the Red Chamber is a treasure in classic Chinese literature,
a sentiment shared by several of these big-bitters who attended the opera’s
news conference launch.
好奇。 They said it was very meaningful to be part of this re-creation. Further, 三藩市歌劇院院長高克利(David
they said they were very curious about what this enduring work actually says.
年前接到把中國文學巨著《紅樓夢》引進歌劇院的提議, 他讀過小說後欣然同意。他驚訝於在中國甚至專門有一門
San Francisco Opera General Director David Gockley said it was
suggested to him several years ago that Dream of the Red Chamber be
turned into an opera and, after reading the novel, he totally agreed.
Dream of the Red Chamber
找來了全亞裔的演員班底,我們也很有信心歌劇院集齊了 當今最顯赫的創作團隊創作紅樓夢。」
He said he was surprised to learn that, in China, there is a specialized subject called “Red Study” and that many scholars devote their lives to the study of this famous novel.
作曲家盛宗亮表示自己是典型的混血思維,骨子裡 既有中國文化又有西方風格,所以談到此次創作的音樂風
“I gave Bright Sheng a list of criteria for the music: it must be moving;
must create an atmosphere of reminiscence, and must preserve some
traditional Chinese sounds. Then we found a cast of all-Asian actors. We
are confident that the opera house has assembled the most outstanding
creative team to create the Dream of the Red Chamber opera.”
Sheng said he used his typical bi-cultural way of thinking, which combines Chinese culture and western style at its core. When talking
about the musical style of this creation, he said he wanted to present the
story to a western audience, and so he used western-style opera, but with
guzhengs as an accent.
單,容易讓西方人接受。 He emphasized that the production will have a distinct style, with 賴聲川強調,他是一個有著使命感的導演,希望創 作出好的藝術作品,將中國博大精深的文化推廣到世界。 他還表示,來美國指導歌劇,藝術創作並不算挑戰,最具 難度的是適應美國有限制的工作方式,包括如何與演員工
Chinese operatic song interpretations of Dream of the Red Chamber. The script for the two-act opera was jointly written by Sheng and Hwang.
Character Focus on Baoyu, Daiyu and Baochai
會打交道在他看來都需要學習。 This is Lai’s first attempt at tackling a work with Dream of the Red 美術指導葉錦添已不是第一次參與紅樓題材的創 作,中國大陸電視劇《新版紅樓夢》的服飾與妝容就出自
Chamber as its subject. Because of the differences between Chinese and western cultures, he said he had to specially organize the complicated
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5/19/2016 9:00:03 PM
Culture 歌劇《紅樓夢》發佈會現場,葉錦添展示部分舞台設計小樣。 Artistic Director Timmy Yip shows drawings of part of the stage design for Dream of the Red Chamber at the news conference.
歌 劇《紅樓夢》寶釵 造型。sfopera提供 Xue Baochai’s costumes in Dream of the Red Chamber opera. (Provided by sfopera).
歌劇《紅樓夢》黛玉 造型初稿。 徐明月攝 Daiyu’s costume from the opera ‘Dream of the Red Chamber’ is modeled here... (Pictures taken by Flora Xu).
其手,他大膽嘗試的崑曲造型曾引來觀眾熱議。 此番歌劇紅樓夢,葉錦添表示將以夢為創作中心,服
love triangle involving Baoyu, Daiyu and Baochai, so that the story is clear and simple, and more easily understood by westerners.
飾皆走飄逸夢幻風格,舞台設計則以中國水墨畫展現 柔美與唯美氛圍。希望設計可以讓西方人感受到中國 含蓄的美。
Lai emphasized that he is a mission-driven director -- one intent on creating a high-quality artistic work, while introducing the broad and deep Chinese culture to the world. He said the biggest challenge he’s faced since coming to the U.S. has
三藩市歌劇院公布的演員陣容全部來自亞洲,除 了在國際樂壇上享譽內外的演員外,也有嶄露頭角的
been to adjust to the more restrained American work style. This includes learning how to interact with the actors.
新秀。其中中國男高音石倚潔扮演寶玉、韓國女高音 曹青扮演黛玉、中國女中音王念飾演寶釵。歌劇《紅
On the other hand, this is not the first time Yip has participated in an
interpretation of Dream of the Red Chamber. He created the costumes and makeup
for the Chinese television show A New Version of Dream of the Red Chamber. In that
show, his bold interpretation of Kunqu styling created quite the buzz among viewers.
眾入場,讓他們有機會近距離接觸這一永恆的中國愛 情故事。
This time, in the opera version, he uses dreams as the creative center and has created elegant fantasy-style costumes. The stage design utilizes Chinese
ink paintings to display a soft beauty and an atmosphere based on the aesthetic
movement. He hopes his design will enable westerners to feel the subtlety of beauty
in Chinese culture. The main cast members all come from Asia. Jia Baoyu is played by Chinese tenor Yijie Shi; Lin Diayu, by Korean soprano Pureum Jo, and Lady Wang, by Korean mezzo-soprano Hyona Kim. The opera is sponsored by the Chinese Heritage Foundation. Pearl Lam Bergad, its executive director, said the opera showcases one of the finest pieces of Chinese literature, as well as encouraging creative, innovative art. She said she is confident Dream of the Red Chamber will attract new audience members who will instantly connect with this eternal Chinese love story.
三藩市歌劇院院長高克利(左)、導演賴聲川、作曲盛宗亮與美 術指導葉錦添共同宣佈創作陣容。 San Francisco Opera General Director David Gockley (left), Director Stan Lai, Composer Bright Sheng and Artistic Director Timmy Yip jointly announce the creative team.
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Dream of the Red Chamber will have its world premiere at San Francisco’s War Memorial Opera House on Saturday, Sept. 10. To purchase tickets, call 415-8643330, or go online to www.sfopera.com.
5/19/2016 9:02:00 PM
葉錦添為該劇設計的服 裝。sfopera提供 Costumes designed by Timmy Yip for the opera. (Provided by sfopera).
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5/19/2016 9:02:33 PM
馬振翼於智勝教育年度教育講座發表演講。 Steven Ma is giving a speech at ThinkTank Learning's Annual Education Seminar.
憑個性開啓星級大學之門 專訪馬振翼
An Interview with Steven Ma
Personality Opens Doors to Elite Universities 「有了熱忱和努力,成功必將到來!」(Find your passion、improve effort behind it, success
總部的辦公室內,他西裝革履,保持著企業家特有的專業度,沒 有一絲倦容,眼睛里則散發著穩重而又自信的目光。不用記者多
進名校不單靠成績 移民美國的華裔家長大部分都希望自己的孩子進入名校,而
“Do what you love, work hard at it, then success won’t be too far away from you.” This adage fueled the development of ThinkTank Learning, and has helped hundreds of thousands of young people fulfill their academic dreams. text | Flora Xu 徐明月 photo | Flora Xu 徐明月 ThinkTank Learning 智勝教育
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務,風塵僕僕的趕回美國,坐在位於聖荷西(San Jose)星騰科
will come! )就是這句話,激勵著美國星騰科國 青少年實現他們心中最美好的學業理想。而作為
01. 美國星騰科國際教育集團董事長兼全球執行總裁 馬振冀,希望未來獲得更多家長與學生的好口 碑。 Steven Ma, CEO and Global Executive Director of ThinkTank Learning, hopes to gain appreciation from more parents and students. Picture by Flora Xu. 02. 智勝教育在三藩市的分校。 ThinkTank Learning offers many classes to guide students toward achieving their academic dreams. 03. 馬振翼參加民主黨全國代表大會時與總統奧巴馬 合照。 Steven Ma with President Obama at the San Francisco DNC Event.
5/19/2016 9:03:10 PM
只要學習成績足夠優秀就可以敲響名校的大門,但 事實卻並非如此。通過多年的教育經驗,他總結出 進入名校的三大重要元素:優異的高中成績GPA、 良好的SAT成績以及學生本身的個人素質。
Founder Steven Ma is extremely passionate about education. He has dedicated his life to helping students discover their true passions and career path. Ma just returned from a ThinkTank Learning branch in China and is sitting in his office at the company’s headquarters in San Jose for this interview. Sharply dressed, Ma
「物以稀為貴,想進入好大學,要讓自己的經 歷獨特。」馬振冀一語道破申請名校的秘訣,也就 是個人素質的重要性。這其中包括學生的特長、業 餘愛好、參與的活動等,總之越能展現一個人的個 性越好。 馬振冀表示,能夠越早選擇自己的專業或感興 趣的領域越有利的。而事實是很多準備考取名校的 學生往往在申請前一年才開始準備,與他建議的初 二相差甚遠。即使準備的早,卻因年齡小不知道自 己對什麼專業感興趣而迷茫。此時智勝教育就可以 發揮大作用:通過挖掘學生身上的獨特性,培養符 合其自身特質的興趣愛好,輔配智勝家庭教師對學 習成績的輔導,多方努力,達到在申請大學時對症 下藥,藥到病除的效果。這種方法有多奏效?從其 每年幫助4000多名學生進入美國一流名校的數字便 可窺探一二。
maintains the energy of an entrepreneur and does not look at all tired. His eyes exude steadiness and confidence. He does not wait for the questioning to begin. Instead, he immediately begins to speak about the winning education programs ThinkTank Learning offers. He seems continually inspired by the ideas rooted in serving students.
It Takes More than Grades to Enter Elite Schools Most Chinese parents that immigrated to the U.S. hope that their children will attend elite colleges and universities. Ma, himself, was an excellent student and holds dual bachelor’s degrees in Mathematics and Physics from the University of California Berkeley. As everyone knows, it is not easy to gain admission to top schools. Ma says Chinese parents often think that excellent grades alone are the ticket to elite schools. But in actuality, based on his many years as a college admissions consultant, Ma concludes that there are three main factors in getting into an elite school: superior GPA in high school, excellent SAT scores, and the student’s extracurricular activities. “When something is rare it is worth more. In order to get into a competitive college,
長袖善舞 重質不重量
you must make your experience unique” Ma says the secret to being admitted into an
hobbies, and other extracurricular activities.
僅是教育界的翹楚,還是亞太裔事務的活躍分子, 他受到過習近平與奧巴馬的接見,也是總統選舉人 希拉莉的西北區競選幹事,更因為智勝優秀的申請 經歷被眾多知名主流媒體如Bloomberg、CBS This Morning專訪。而智勝在他12年的帶領下,一直佔 據著灣區申請名校數量最多教育機構的位置。
elite school is a student’s personal characteristics. This include the student’s strengths, Ma says a student should choose a specific area of interest as early as possible. In practice, many students only begin preparing one year before they apply to the elite schools. Ma suggests that this should begin in the 8th grade. However, if the preparation does begin early, young students may not be capable of making these decisions. Ma says it is at this point in time that ThinkTank Learning can be most helpful. By discovering the passions of each student, nurturing their interests, and supplementing
their academia with tutors, ThinkTank can fully maximize a student’s potential.
ThinkTank Learning believes that this multivariable approach provides the foundation
and unique narrative that is needed when the student is ready to apply to colleges. How
successful is this method? ThinkTank says it helps more than 4,000 students enter top
universities in the U.S. every single year.
Expanding His Network and Influence Ma’s resolve is clearly visible throughout the ThinkTank Learning operation. Not only is Steven the CEO of ThinkTank Lerning, he is a prominent leader in the educational industry, and he is also politically active in Asian-American affairs. He has met with Xi Jinping, Barack Obama, and Hilary Clinton’s campaign director. He has been interviewed by Bloomberg Business Week and CBS This Morning. Under his 12 years of leadership, ThinkTank Learning continues to be the leader in the educational industry, with the largest number of admittances to elite schools. Ma takes these excellent admission results with a grain of salt. To him, all these amazing admissions into top schools are not as important as the feedback and emotions of his clients. He says he will continue to focus on quality, not quantity, with the college applications handled by ThinkTank Learning. “To be able to receive praise and recognition directly from parents and students is what we aim for,” he says. 02
Questions? Contact # 408-475-1188 Free online consultation www.TTLearning.com/EliteJen
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5/19/2016 9:04:20 PM
戶外瑜伽活動受歡迎。Santana Row提供 Outdoor Yoga is very popular at Santana Row (Photo courtesy of Santana Row)
Santana Row
The Most Luxurious Shopping Place in South Bay 位於南灣聖荷西880公路和280公路交
Santana Row is probably the most high-end, luxurious
口旁的Santana Row,可算是南灣最
shopping center in San Jose’s South Bay. The main street
of the same name combines the easy walking paths of
California with the beautiful architecture of European manors.
Located at the intersection of highways 880 and 280,
Santana Row offers up the beauty of shady oak trees and
benches for rest and relaxation. The scene is both grand
and leisurely. Whether you come here for recreation, dining,
entertainment or shopping, the experience is the most
unique among Bay Area shopping centers. text | 王慶偉 photo | 王慶偉
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5/19/2016 9:04:50 PM
高雅名店街 Santana
和商店的混合建築,有鬧中取靜的整體規劃。巧妙 的設計曾獲得「美國工程建築公司加州分會」2014 年「傑出工程獎」及《建商雜誌》(Builder
zine)2013年「年度工程」兩項景觀與建築設計大 獎。 Santana Row是聖荷西都巿改造最成功的例子。 多年前這裡曾發生大火,但在這基礎上重建具有時尚 特色的建築,成功引進一家旅館、五家Spa、四十多 家特色餐廳,加上七十多家世界知名品牌店,打造出 與眾不同的購物中心。 Santana Row雖然是住家和商店的結合,但沒有
Santana Row 街道中央公園區有地上棋可玩。 Big chess board in the park
像中、港、台一樣,有著雜亂無章的看板和招牌,或 是商家的叫賣聲。放眼望去,Santana Row的每家店 面,除了自創的品牌以高雅的裝飾呈現,精心擺飾的 店面櫥窗,將英文裡「Window Shopping」(流連櫥 窗)變成了賞心悅目的活動。
漫步歐陸街頭 Santana Row的街道設計並不是很寬大,以人為 主的設計,對車輛的流通作了很好的規劃,車輛進出 都不太容易走到中央主要大街。在這裡逛街,只要幾 步路就可以到街對面,不用擔心兩旁的來車。馬路中 間的區域,則以矮牆劃為酒吧、噴水泉、休息座椅等 空間,結合了大樹草木綠化在旁,顯出寬闊不擁擠的 空間,成為公共空間及社交休閒的好地方。
World Class of Brands Santana Row’s design is inspired by the streets of Europe, a neighborhood of mixed residential and business use that balances bustle and balance. The clever design has received two major awards for landscape and architectural design: the 2004 Engineering Excellence Award, sponsored by CELSOC (the Consulting Engineers and Surveys of California, now called American Council of Engineering Companies of California), and Builder Magazine’s 2003 Project of the Year Award. Santana Row is the most successful example of San Jose’s reincarnation. Many years ago, there was a major fire, but the building with a contemporary design that was rebuilt on this foundation successfully introduced a hotel, five spas, more than 40 specialty restaurants and 70 world-famous designer stores --a one-of-a-kind shopping center. Even though Santana Row is a combination of residences and shops, it doesn’t have the jumbled mess of billboards and signs common in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Nor are there merchant’s calling out for customer’s attention. Each of Santana Row’s stores
Santana Row 主大街旁有許多露天餐館。 Many outdoor restaurants on Santana Row main street
displays its own brand in elegant and exquisitely arranged store windows, making “window shopping” a most pleasurable activity.
Stroll on European Streets The streets of Santana Row are narrow and designed to be pedestrian friendly and vehicular movement is difficult on main streets in the middle of the neighborhood. When crossing the street, you don’t have to worry about cars coming from both directions, because there is a middle boulevard that features bars, fountains and benches for resting. These, combined with the greenery provided by trees and shrubs on either side, help create a spacious and uncluttered public Santana Row 主大街商店和臨街露天餐館。 Outdoor bistro
area, perfect as a social and recreation space.
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5/19/2016 9:05:22 PM
的休閒空間。除了隨處可坐的長椅外,可以在多個露天的咖啡 座、餐廳品味用餐。大人在這裡天南地北地聊天、或牽狗散 步,小朋友則在小公園裡玩大型西洋棋,加上街頭藝術家的音 樂表演,氣氛溫馨,令人走到這裡也隨之放鬆心情。 這裡還有法國藝術家Andre Dumonnet和Christine Foulche 創作的巨型雕塑,有古典的噴泉和現場音樂表演,還經常有 藝術團體在這裡免費公開演出。在這裡,您可以輕鬆的消磨時 光,坐在長椅上一邊查看今天的購物收穫,一邊啃著Cocola新 鮮出爐的牛角麵包。如果您的購物品味更傾向於主流品牌而不 是巴黎精品,這裡有您熟悉的連鎖店Orvis和H&M。而且,在矽 谷玩樂的同時,更可以順便在Santana Row的特斯拉(Tesla)汽 車店訂購自己的豪華全電動汽車。
吃逛買娛樂全包 Santana Row有多家世界知名的高檔名牌店,包括女士最 愛的 Gucci,男女時尚服裝的 Diesel,個人造型Loft,眼鏡名店
Santana Row 有中國餐館。 Sino Chinese Restaurant.
Oakley,家用精品店Crate & Barrel,女士專店Lou & Grey,世 界最大時尚品牌H&M,首飾精品店Kendra Scott等多家名牌店。 當今熱門電動車特斯拉看好這裡的人氣和買氣,在這裡也有展示 專店。 坐落在Santana Row的多家餐廳,可說是集世界各地口味 於一地。中菜、西餐、地中海口味在這裡都有。如果只想悠閒 的坐下來喝杯咖啡,除了著名的星巴克(Starbucks)和Peets Coffee & Tea外,還有提供台灣著名冷飲波霸奶茶的Fantasia Tea Cave,這裡也喝得到。另有多家精品點心店,也提供高品質 的咖啡。如果想品嚐美酒,這裡有獲得好評的Vintage Wine Bar。 Santana Row不止購物和餐飲,還有家連鎖健身中心Bay
Tesla在Santana Row有陳列室展示最新款式的 電動汽車。 Santana Row Tesla store has the latest allelectric cars.
Club,一家三溫暖InSpa,數家美髮美容店,還有一家電影 院Century’s CineArts 6。如果想鬧中取靜住在這裡,也有 Misora、Levare、Santana Heights三種不同大小住屋單位可供 選擇。可說是休閒、娛樂、餐飲、購物、住家全都包括了。 Santana Row設有管理服務部(Concierge, 377 Santana Santana Row 咖啡點心館之一。 Cocola coffee shop
Row, San Jose, CA 95128),可以到這裡購買禮品卡(Gift Cards)、訂購禮品、預訂餐廳座位及宴會、詢問商店、住 屋、開店、產品資詢、商家活動,以及其他任何相關的服 務。Santana Row 詳情:www.santanarow.com。
Santana Row 午餐商務會議最佳地點之一。 One of the nicest place for business lunch.
Santana Row 主大街。 Santana Row
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Santana Row — 矽谷高檔商 業住宅購物中心。 Santana Row — Luxurious business and residential shopping center in Silicon Valley
5/19/2016 9:05:51 PM
On both sides of Santana Row’s main street, as well as in corner spaces, there are rest areas of varying sizes. In addition to benches on which to rest, there are several al fresco cafes and restaurants at which to dine. While the adults chat with each other, or walk their dogs, the children can play with a giant chess set in the small park. There are also musical performances by street artists, creating a warm atmosphere that relaxes everyone who comes here. There are also giant sculptures created by French artists André Dumonnet and Christine Foulché. You can spend time relaxing, sitting on the benches to examine your shopping finds, or munching on fresh-baked croissants from Cocola Bakery. If your shopping tastes favor mainstream brands rather than Paris boutique brands, you can also find the familiar Orvis and H&M stores here. Finally, if you’re in the market for a new set of wheels, you can order a luxury all-electric car from the Santana Row Tesla store.
Mix of Luxury, Fashion & Entertainment There are many high-end designer stores at Santana Row, 電影院吸引人流。Santana Row提供 CineArts is a popular cinema (Photo courtasy of Santana Row)
including the ladies’ favorite Gucci, Diesel, which offers trendy fashion for both men and women, the stylish Loft and the eyewear store Oakley. As well, you’ll find home equipment boutique Crate and Barrel, ladies’ boutique Lou & Grey, H&M, the largest trendy brand in the world, and jewelry boutique Kendra Scott. The myriad of restaurants in Santana Row bring together tastes from around the world. From Chinese food, to western cuisines, to Mediterranean flavors, you can find it all here. If you only want to sit down and relax with a cup of tea or coffee, there is the famous Starbucks and Peets Coffee & Tea, as well as Fantasia Tea Cave, which offers the famous Taiwanese cold drink Boba Tea. There are also many boutique dessert establishments that also offer high-quality coffee. For something a bit more sophisticated, there’s the highly acclaimed Vintage Wine Bar. In addition to shopping, food and drinks, Santana Row also features the fitness chain Bay Club, the InSpa sauna, several hair and beauty salons and a theater, Century’s CineArts 6. If you choose to live in this bustling but peaceful place, you have the choice of Misora, Levare and Santana Heights (three differentsized living units). In summary, Santana Row encompasses recreation, entertainment, dining, shopping and residential experiences.
Santana Row 名牌店 GUCCI。 Gucci
Santana Row offers a concierge (377 Santana Row, San Jose CA 95128), where you can buy gift cards, order gifts, make restaurant and banquet reservations, or simply seek information. Online, you can visit www.santanarow.com.
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5/19/2016 9:06:18 PM
Travel 享受陽光海灘 品嚐Rum酒美饌 體驗巴貝多的獨有魅力
Road View 房價: 3睡房 Price/nigh bedroom p
Sun, Sand, Food and Rum The charms and flavors of friendly Barbados
From the sand, surf and sun, to the candlelit
dinners overlooking the Caribbean Sea, how could
this not be paradise? text, photo | Renée S. Suen 孫詩敏
除了瑜珈室、髮型屋及健身室之外,Saint Peter’s Bay更擁有其 私人沙灘及長160呎的環礁湖形泳池。 Besides a yoga studio, salon and fitness centre, Saint Peter’s Bay also has its own beach and a 160-feet long lagoon-styled pool. Saint Peter’s Bay的水上的士服務,可載你從酒店前往位於 Barbados Riviera沿岸的各處餐廳、沙灘或其姊妹度假酒店Point Ferdinand。 Saint Peter’s Bay’s water taxi service takes you from the resort to any of the restaurants and beaches along the Barbados Riviera or to sister resort, Point Ferdinand.
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5/19/2016 9:06:51 PM
Road View, St. Peter, 1-866-978-6931, stpetersbaybarbados.com 房價: 3睡房豪華海濱單位,每晚美元$925-1950 Price/night: US$925-$1,950 for a 2,700-square-foot, threebedroom premium beachfront unit.
Point Ferdinand遊艇碼頭及豪華住宅位於Speightstown的 另一端,這裡提供遊艇泊位出租服務。 The Point Ferdinand marina and luxury residences are located on the other side of Speightstown and have rental berths to accommodate yachts.
Point Ferdinand的Pool Island Bar氣氛輕鬆,位於 遊艇碼頭中央的泳池及其香脆薄餅均十分有名。 Point Ferdinand’s casual Pool Island Bar is known for its thin-crust pizzas and a pool in the middle of the marina.
Voted the best of Caribbean destinations for 2016 by Expedia,
Barbados, the most easterly of the Lesser Antilles, is also one of the most
popular. Beyond its greatly admired beaches, copious amounts of sunshine,
friendly denizens and a proud rum culture, there’s also the promise of great
cuisine and drink in this popular playground for the affluent.
I’m in town for the Food & Wine and Rum Festival, where a notable list
Wine and Rum Festival (美食及蘭姆酒節) ,活動舉行期
of celebrity chefs can be found at various food and beverage events across
the island. Armed with the excuse to sample as many flavours from Zagat’s
culinary capital of the Caribbean as possible, these treasures will have you
planning your next visit before the end of your stay.
已經在計劃何時再來,因為當地的美食實在太吸引。 從雅致的bed and breakfasts小旅館,以至豪華的五星
From quaint bed and breakfasts to stunning five-star resorts, there are
accommodations to fit every budget. Travellers seeking the conveniences
果你喜歡酒店有「家」的感覺,Saint Peter’s Bay一定是
of home would be thoroughly impressed with Saint Peter’s Bay, a one-stop
hub with 4.5-star luxury.
Saint Peter’s Bay是位於島上西北岸(又被稱為Barba-
This impressive luxury condominium resort and residence on the
dos Riviera)的豪華柏文度假酒店及住宅,座落於沙灘旁,
island’s northwest coast specializes in group-friendly, two- or three-
bedroom beachfront homes. Situated on what is regarded by many as the
“Barbados Riviera”, each unit is decked out with a full kitchen and laundry
room, spacious ensuite bedrooms and ocean-view balconies equipped with
a full patio set, outdoor spa tub and a personal “bikini elevator” for direct
access to the 50-metre-long, lagoon-styled pool and lush tropical gardens
得上Barbados Riviera(巴貝多的海濱度假勝地)的美譽。
Guests also have access to the resort’s exclusive white sand beach
as well as extensive amenities (yoga studio, salon and fitness centre with
上的士服務,從Little Battaleys區前往西岸各處餐廳、沙灘
personal trainers) and a water-taxi service that takes you from the Little
或其姊妹度假酒店Point Ferdinand。在Point Ferdinand你
Battaleys location to one of the many restaurants and beaches peppered
along the west coast, or to sister resort, Point Ferdinand. Here, you can
而Sandbox Tree Spa則可讓你在林蔭下放鬆身心享受Spa,
admire the fleet of yachts from neighbouring residents while lunching on
thin-crust pizza, receive replenishing Bamford body line treatments under
the canopy of greenery at the Sandbox Tree Spa, while their kids enjoy
the supervised outdoor play area at the base of a 20-metre waterfall.
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5/19/2016 9:07:33 PM
好玩推介 巴貝多面積雖小但卻充滿個性,好玩的地方不計其
While relatively small, Barbados has plenty to explore. From the
world-famous Sandy Lane golf course that played host to the 2006
Lane,2006的PGA世界高爾夫球賽 – 巴貝多世界杯就在
PGA World Golf Championships World Cup, to one of its 60 beaches,
此舉行; 巴貝多共有60個沙灘,總長度達70平方公里,對喜
vacationers can be active, or relax as a spectator.
歡陽光與海灘的朋友來說簡直就是天堂。 The capital city of Bridgetown is duty-free, ideal for the travelling 巴貝多首府Bridgetown是島上的中樞,加上免稅吸引
shopper. It is also a UNESCO-recognized historic site, featuring an
eclectic mix of multi-storey concrete buildings and clusters of weather-
worn wooden chattel houses that border large and glamourous
At Oistins, a busy fishing village on the south coast, feast on an
array of the day’s catch, including flying fish, marlin and the firm and
grilled mahi-mahi at their popular Friday night fish fry. It’s informal and
outdoors, with flaming grills, live music and an arts-and-craft market.
工藝市集。 Northwest in Speightstown, art galleries mingle with weathered
Atlantis Hotel內的餐廳提供多種巴貝多 美食,如二人份的海鮮拼盤,食材全是 當日捕獲的海產包括魷魚、焦燒飛魚、 帶子、大蝦等,伴以海螺samosa及麵 包果脆片,是非常獨特的配搭。
來到Speightstown的西北端,可找到不少藝廊及飽歷 風霜的殖民地建築,這些建築物建於17世紀,當時這區是
17th century colonial architecture reminiscent of when the area acted as a major port.
主要港口。 Nearby, in Holetown, tourists shop for local arts and crafts, dine 想購物本地工藝品,可前往遊客聚集的Holetown。血 拼完後,不妨找一間沙灘旁的餐廳享用晚餐,又或者在夜店 狂歡達旦。
石洞Harrison’s Cave,這裡天然形成的鐘乳石及石筍,可 說是大自然的完美傑作。而位於St. George的Gun Hill Signal Station,顧名思義前身是軍用哨站,登上瞭望台可腑瞰 西印度群島的熱帶地形。
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a local night spot. Admire the island’s unique geography and impressive
at one of the beachfront restaurants, or while away the wee hours at
underground coral deposits – overhead stalactites and floor-hugging stalagmites – at Harrison’s Cave. Take a trip to the Parish of St. George for a panoramic view of the lush West Indian island’s tropical landscape from atop Gun Hill Signal Station.
5/19/2016 9:09:12 PM
Barbadians place a high priority on food and drink: from upscale
restaurants that attract both celebrities and the well-heeled, to
makeshift kitchens and food vans, there’s something that will please
every palate.
The Cliff Restaurant & Lounge 建於懸崖頂部的The
The Cliff From its oceanfront, cliff-top setting, this landmark is one
of the Caribbean’s top restaurants and an ideal spot for special
occasions. Praised for his use of fine, quality ingredients, chef
最優質上乘的食材,廚師Paul Owens設計了一系列精彩菜式,
Paul Owens creates an impressive menu that features such dishes
as snow crab cakes with coriander cream and Caribbean shrimp
in a Thai green coconut curry sauce that’s delivered by attentive
waiters, with beverage pairings from knowledgeable wine stewards. (thecliffbarbados.com)
Cin Cin by the Sea Cin Cin於2011年由Larry 及 Michelle Rogers創立。餐牌菜
Cin Cin by the Sea Opened by Larry and Michelle Rogers in 2011, guests are drawn
to Cin Cin’s chic and elegant space. Feast on a menu boasting
contemporary Caribbean-inspired, Mediterranean-style dishes, such
as pan-fried gnocchi with jerk pork, or a seafood-packed bouillabaisse
served with okra and aioli toad. (cincinbarbados.com)
Cuz’s Fish Shack 沒有到過Cuz’s Fish Shack朝聖又怎算到過巴貝多。這個
Cuz’s Fish Shack No trip to Barbados is complete without a pilgrimage to Cuz’s Fish Shack, a small foodstand in the parking lot on Carlisle Bay (near the
位於Carlisle Bay (鄰近希爾頓度假酒店)停車場的小食檔,最出
Hilton resort). Simplicity is key with their light and addictive fish cutter
(sandwich). Seasoned with fresh herbs, the fish is cooked until golden,
料調味並煮至金黃色,然後放入香軟的salt bread(味道其實並不
then stuffed into a soft and non-salty “salt bread” with lettuce. If heat
鹹) ,最後加入生菜及自家製的巴貝多黑椒醬,絕對是當地必試
is your thing, feel free to shake on some Bajan pepper sauce.
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5/19/2016 9:09:58 PM
據說巴貝多是rum酒的發源地,因此rum酒在當地的文化及工業有著舉足輕重的地位。 當地人飲酒原來不去酒吧,反而喜歡到小島上超過1,500家的傳統rum酒舖,邊吃 邊玩骨牌。Gagg’s Hill Rum Shop便是其中之一,它位於Joe's River,鄰近St Joseph parish 的Hackleton’s Cliff山頂,大家不妨試試他們口感豐富的rum酒賓治或當地人最 愛的Banks beer。 於世界上最古老的商業釀酒廠及rum酒生產商Mount
導賞遊,了解rum酒的釀製過程並試飲,更可於精品店購買酒廠限量推出的rum酒蛋 糕。(mountgayrum.com)
巴貝多美食及蘭姆酒節 這個為期四天的美食活動是島上一年一度的盛典,讓人盡情沉醉於陽光、海灘及 美食當中。活動強調高檔次及互動,入場人士可參加多個試食及試飲環節,亦可在島上 最佳的餐廳品嚐美食,更可參加烹飪示範,及跟當地及來自世界各地的名廚、餐飲專家 及美食愛好者聚會及交流。(foodwinerum.com)
Try the flavourful rum punch or a couple bottles of Banks beer (a local favourite) at Gagg’s Hill Rum Shop on Joe’s River, near the peak of Hackleton’s Cliff in St. Joseph Parish. At Mount Gay, the world’s oldest commercial distillery and branded rum, visitors can learn about the distilling process and sample the line of celebrated spirits in a 45-minute onsite. (mountgayrum.com)
Climate Tropical and almost always sunny, with average temperatures hovering around 30°C (86°F). Rainy season lasts from June to October. Infrequent hurricanes.
Barbados Food & Wine and Rum Festival
Language English
This four-day gastronomic celebration is an annual highlight for those who enjoy sun, sand and delicious food. The upscale interactive festival is filled with tasting events, finedining experiences in the country’s best dining rooms, cooking demonstrations, lively parties with local and international chefs, beverage experts and food lovers. (foodwinerum.com)
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Local Transportation Rent a car, grab a taxi (easily identified by the letter “Z” on the licence plates), or book a personal driver to chauffeur you around on an island tour. Currency The Barbadian dollar is tied to the U.S. dollar. (US$1 = BB$2).
signature tour, before stocking up on limited-edition releases and rum cakes from the shop
電壓 110/230V 50Hz
How to get there There are several 1-stop flights from San Francisco to Grantley Adams International Airport (BGI). Flight time is approximately ten hours.
can be found across the small island.
當地禮儀及限制 由於巴貝多曾是英國殖民地,故此仍然保留英國傳統,在衣著方 面不可太隨便,建議穿衣打扮為正式休閒裝 (smart casual) 、恤衫 領帶、輕便長褲或長裙。泳衣只可在沙灘或泳池穿著。在島上沙 灘無上裝或裸泳屬於違法。任何形式的喬裝亦被禁止。其他限制 還包括 : 在公眾地方吸煙、入口生果、蔬菜及違法藥物。
Practical Information
dominoes over cheap food and drink. More than 1,500 of these boisterous watering holes
語言 英語
查詢更多詳細資料,可聯絡巴貝多旅遊局: 105 Adelaide St. W., Toronto; 電話1-888-227-2236; 網址barbados.org。
Skip the bar and head to a traditional rum shop where friendly locals socialize and play
氣候 熱帶氣候,大部分時間陽光普照,平均溫度為30° C (86° F) 。雨季 由6月至10月。間中有龍捲風。
飲用水 可放心飲用自來水
country’s culture and industry.
貨幣 巴貝多幣跟美元掛勾,兌換率為$1美元 = $2巴貝多元。
小費 一般為10至15%
Said to be the birthplace of rum, the liquor has become an important part of the
01• 2015年度的慶典邀請了多位名廚,包括 來自三藩市的Chris Cosentino及來自多倫 多的Craig Harding。 T his past festival welcomed such renowned chefs as San Francisco’s Chris Cosentino and Toronto’s Craig Harding. 02• Taste the Spirts of Polo活動於巴貝多馬 球俱樂部舉行,賓客一邊欣賞球賽,一 邊品嚐由當地頂級廚師炮製的美食。 Taste the Spirits of Polo: food from top local chefs paired with a polo match at the Barbados Polo Club.
當地交通 最方便是租車或搭的士(的士車牌有Z字) ,亦可考慮聘請司機帶你 環島遊。
稅率 售價一般包括17.5% VAT。
The Mount Gay 遊客中心 Spring Garden Highway, Bridgetown, 246-4258757, http://www.mountgayrum.com/ 開放時間:周一至周五,早上 9:30 – 下午2:30 ; 周六,早上 10:30 –下午2:30 入場費: $10美元
前往巴貝多 三藩市有多間航空公司經中轉站飛巴貝多Grantley Adams 國際機 場(機場代號BGI) 。飛行時間約10小時。
The Mount Gay Visitor Centre Spring Garden Highway, Bridgetown, 246-425-8757 mountgayrum.com Hours: Mon–Fri, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.; Sat, 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Cost: US$10
Local Etiquette & Restrictions Due to its conservative British heritage, respectful attire is recommended (smart casual, shirt and tie, slacks or dresses). Swimwear is reserved only for the beach or in the pool. Topless or nude bathing is illegal on Barbados beaches. Camouflage clothing in any form is prohibited. Other restrictions include: public smoking, and importing fruits, vegetables, or illegal drugs. Electricity 110/230V 50Hz. Tax 17.5% VAT is usually included in the prices. Tipping 10-15% standard. Water Safe to drink from tap.
For more information, contact: Barbados Tourism Authority, 105 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, 1-888-227-2236 barbados.org
5/19/2016 9:10:28 PM
聽得! 睇得! 玩得! 又點可以停得手 ?
打造視聽新平台 ‧ 星島粵語電台 AM 1400 二十四小時廣播 ‧ 星島國語電台 FM 96.1 二十四小時廣播 ‧ 國際、美國、灣區之重要新聞,財經消息 ‧ 記者追訪香港娛樂消息 ‧ 包羅餐館推介,健康及教育資訊
‧ 電台主播跟知名人士的暢談節目
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5/19/2016 9:10:55 PM
Elite Car 單是外型,2016平治AMG
It had me sold on looks alone. Not only is
GT S已令我著迷。這款跑車
the 2016 Mercedes-Benz AMG GT S Coupe
a magnificent-looking car, it’s also a superb
performer -- on the street and the track.
卓。 The second sports car developed entirely inGT S是第二款完全由平治
house by Mercedes’ performance arm AMG,
the GT S is aimed squarely at the perennial
leader in its class, the Porsche 911, and other
competitors like the Jaguar F-Type R and
爭對手積架F-Type R和奧迪
Audi R8. It builds on its predecessor, the SLS
AMG GT -- the car many will remember for its
AMG GT,這款車那對出眾的
unusual gullwing doors.
有型有款 性能超卓
2016 Mercedes-Benz AMG GT S
Beauty and performance blended together text | Lorne Drury Metroland Media
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5/19/2016 9:11:37 PM
The SLS was an exciting car to drive, spectacular to look at and also terribly
impractical. The gullwing doors were an attraction, but trying to get in and out
without banging your head was a task that I never could master. I think I still have a
small scar to prove it!
Well, the gullwings are gone, but the new GT shares many of the SLS’s
underpinnings, minus a few pounds -- thanks to its stiff, yet lightweight, space-
比SLS為輕。全新的AMG GT S重量只有1,540公斤。
frame aluminum chassis. The curb weight is only 1,540 kilograms.
後輪帶動的GT S,其動力來自AMG全新的503匹
Power for the rear-drive GT S comes from AMG’s new 503-horsepower,
4.0-litre twin-turbo (or biturbo as they call it) V8, with peak torque of 479 lb/
ft available all the way from 1,750 to 4,750 rpm. It is mated with a seven-speed
AMG dual-clutch transmission.Mercedes-Benz says this is the first sports car with
internally mounted turbochargers. Rather than outside the cylinder banks, they are
inside the V configuration. Another unusual feature is a dry sump lubrication system
to ensure the oil supply, even with high lateral forces, and to allow the engine to be
mounted lower.
當然,這些優勢是要付出代價的。這款車售價由 149,900元起,而我測試的那輛售價為161,300元。
Of course, all this comes at a price, which starts at $149,900 with an as-tested price of $161,300.
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5/19/2016 9:12:08 PM
Elite Car
進出這輛車時,你會方便得多。車尾箱容量達350公升, 可放上至少兩套高爾夫球桿,又或放上周末度假的行李。
Where the SLS was totally impractical, the GT S has features that make it a more livable everyday ride. Ingress and egress is much easier and there is a luggage compartment that will accommodate at least two sets of golf clubs, or
luggage for a weekend getaway, with 350 litres of capacity.
叫人心花怒放。廠方聲稱這跑車由靜止狀態加速至時速100公 里為3.8秒,但於10月份加拿大汽車新聞從業員協會年度最佳
Of course, with a performance car like this, power is key and Mercedes-
Benz claims a 0-100 km/h time of 3.8 seconds. During performance testing for
AJAC’s Car of the Year program in October, the posted time was 4.1 seconds, with a jaw-dropping 2.5-second 80-120 km/h time.
能發也要能收。既有這麼強勁的動力,剎車時也必須同 樣出色。GT S的數據稱由時速100公里剎停的距離為37.1
With that kind of power, the vehicle has to stop equally as well and the
GT S posted a 37.1-metre stopping distance from 100-0 km/h, trailing only
於凱迪拉克(Cadillac) CTS-V的35.9米。
the Cadillac CTS-V in the Prestige/Performance (over $75K) category (35.9 metres).
GT S擁有美麗的流線型外觀,如雕刻般的車身,長長的 車頭以及順勢滑下的短車尾。
Outside, the GT S has beautiful flowing lines and sculpted looks, with a long hood area and short rear overhang. Inside, you sit low in the saddle -- so
車內的座位很低,坐在內的感覺仿如置身高卡車之中。 座位很舒適,不過如我這般加大碼身形的人可能會感到有些
low you get almost a go-kart-like feeling. The sport seats are comfortable, yet perhaps a bit tight-fitting for a plus-sizer like myself.
The cabin itself is a work of art, with a somewhat typical Mercedes
dashboard design, awash in a variety of gauges and dials, exquisite nappa
leather and high-end accent pieces. There is a central “aviation design” theme
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5/19/2016 9:12:40 PM
2016年平治 AMG GT S 一覽
Mercedes-Benz AMG GT S 2016 at-a-glance 車身款式: 驅動方式: 引擎:
雙座位高性能豪華跑車 前置引擎,後輪帶動 4公升V8雙增壓渦輪 (503匹馬力,479磅/呎 扭距) 尾箱容量: 350公升 耗油量: 14.5/10.8/12.8 公升/100 公里 市內/高速公路/綜 合 價格: 1 49,900元,用作測試 之車售161,300元。 網址: w ww.mercedes-benz. ca 優點: 內外觀與性能俱佳。 缺點: 向外視野受阻。 誘人之處: 雖然按SLS AMG來改 造,但它實用得多, 是一輛適合日常駕駛的 車。
BODY STYLE: two-seat luxury performance sports car. DRIVE METHOD:
front engine, rear-wheel drive.
ENGINE: 4.0-litre biturbo V8 (503 hp, 479 lb/ft of torque). CARGO CAPACITY: 350 litres. FUEL ECONOMY: 14.5/10.8/12.8 L/100 km city/ highway/combined. PRICE:
$149,900, as tested $161,300.
WEBSITE: mercedes-benz.ca What’s best:
looks and performance.
What’s worst:
outward visibility.
What’s interesting: although based largely on the previous SLS AMG, this is much more sensible, everyday car.
there, a hallmark of Mercedes-Benz sports cars.
外視野受阻,不過車廂則給人寬敞的感覺。 With the low centre of gravity and smallish greenhouse openings, outward 當你按下紅色的啟動鈕,興奮的心情馬上開始——來自 AMG高性能排氣喉和V8引擎的咆哮聲,對汽車發燒友
visibility is somewhat challenging, particularly with the huge A-pillars. However, the interior itself has the feeling of spaciousness.
來說,卻是悅耳的音樂。事實上,根據所選的動態模式,司 機真的可以選擇引擎的聲音。若長途駕駛,司機可感受V8引
The exhilaration begins when you punch the red Start button — the gurgles
and roars from the AMG performance exhaust and V8 engine are music to the
ears of an automobile aficionado. In fact, the driver is even able to select the
engine sound. Depending on the selected Dynamic Select mode, the driver can experience the V8 with a focus on comfort for long-distance driving, or with a
more powerful, motorsport touch via the sport, sport-plus or race modes. At
this end of the spectrum, the ride becomes stiffer and the emphasis more on
performance than comfort.
As at-home as this car is on the track, it also handles itself with ease
around town and on the highway where the bulk of all driving will be done. Not
only is the handling superb, thanks in part to the 47/53 front-to-rear weight distribution, but the steering also has a nice feel through the thick, easy-to grip
GT S在賽道上冷酷無情,但在公路上,它卻是一隻溫
steering wheel.
順、善良,令人神魂顛倒的野獸。這個神話般的組合,專為 想要兩全其美的跑車愛好者而設。
Top speed is listed at 310 km/h and there is a rear spoiler that deploys at speeds of 120 km/h, which we’ll never see (yeah, right!). The GT S is a car that begs to be driven hard when the racetrack beckons, yet is a tame, docile, spell-binding beast when you hit the public roads. It’s a fabulous combination for the sports car fan who wants the best of both worlds.
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5/19/2016 9:13:08 PM
Just for fun 民航價錢 富豪享受
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Flying by private jet is often seen as a luxurious
experience that only a select few can afford.
However, there are times when the cost of a
private jet can compete with the price of a
commercial airline ticket.
While the cost of flying privately is higher, many
people are surprised when they see the cost of a
private jet charter per person in comparison with
airline ticket prices to the same destinations. It’s
not always as high as they might have imagined
– sometimes coming fairly close to premium
airline seats.
5/19/2016 9:13:57 PM
That’s because, the cost of a private jet charter is given as a total aircraft price – meaning that the cost per person will vary depending on how many
出外旅行時,難以避免需要轉數次機才能到達終點站 的窘境。轉機除了扼殺了寶貴的時間、為旅途增添負擔之 外,最重要是價格隨時會超控飆升。這種行程選擇乘搭私 人包機,除了能夠自由來往兩地之外,還免去了麻煩的轉
people are flying with you. Obviously, the more seats that are occupied, the lower the cost per person. Of course, most people don’t travel by private jet to save money. For
most of our clients, it’s about time-saving and flexibility – not to mention
來自Manchester的電視劇組人員早前計劃飛往法羅 群島,拍攝一部有關日全蝕的影片。若要乘搭民航機的 話,每位乘客的機票價格卻比包一架私人飛機更貴。 乘搭民航飛往法羅群島要停2個中轉站,首先需要在 哥本哈根轉一次機,隨後還要在卑爾根再轉一次,總共飛 行時間為18小時,乘客每位花費約為3,300美元。 劇組人員最後包了一架CJ2
機,總共能夠載客6人,總價為16,550美元。6人平分下 來,每位乘客只需交付2,700美元,而總飛行時間僅需2小 時。
additional space, comfort and privacy. And there’s certainly no comparison
But let’s take a look at how private jet charter prices compare on cost alone. Here are some scenarios we’ve seen where they’ve come close:
INDIRECT FLIGHTS There are a variety of routes that can’t be done non-stop by commercial airline, which can significantly increase the total cost of your ticket. However, private jet charters provide direct connections between airports, and since you’re only paying for one flight instead of two (or three), the flight may be cheaper – not to mention the time you will save. As an example, we recently carried a Manchester TV crew to the Faroe
多人共乘 若果你將會與多名同事或友人前往同一個目的地, 選擇私人包機除了能夠節省時間之外,價格還會比民航便 宜。
Islands to film a total solar eclipse. Not only did this private flight allowed them to avoid a 15-hour journey on a commercial flight, but it also turned out to be cheaper. Airline Cost: Getting to the Faroe Islands, Varga would make two stops on the way (one in Copenhagen, the other in Bergen) and one on the return
真實例子(二) 從米蘭飛往巴黎的民航經濟艙價格從350元到600元 不等,而購買一張商務艙的票價則需1,300元。一個需要 如期從米蘭飛往巴黎的100人觀光團,由於法航罷工而被 迫滯留機場。最後,這100名觀光旅客選擇了乘搭私人包 機如期到達目的地。 多人共乘私人包機總價為35,300元,平分下來每人只 需350元,而這個價格並不比民航貴。相比起改乘火車等 替代交通工具,私人包機用尊貴的服務為他們免去了15小 時的顛簸。
(in Copenhagen) for a total flight time of 18 hours. The best price available for the dates then was $3,300 per person. Private Jet Cost: We booked a CJ2 Citation, which has six seats, for $16,550 – amounting to just $2,700 per person with all seats occupied. The duration of the direct flight was only two hours in each direction.
LARGE GROUPS A private jet flight may also be comparable in price to a commercial airline ticket when travelliing in large groups. Last September, during a strike by Air France, we organized a charter of a Fokker 100 for 100 people, from Milan to Paris. The clients were a group traveling together on a scheduled tour, whose commercial flight was cancelled due to the strike. Airline Cost: A budget airline ticket, booked on short notice, for the next day would have cost between $350 and $400 per person. A standard airline carrier would have charged at least $600 for an economy ticket and $1,300 for a business-class seat. (And, of course, it would be very unlikely they would have been able to book 100 seats together). Private Jet Cost: The total cost was $35,300, which worked out to $350 per person. This was less than alternative train transport (which would also have added 15+ hours to the journey). The cost would be similar for the same size group, if they were travelling from London to Paris.
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5/19/2016 9:14:28 PM
Just for fun
New ultra-first-class cabins are being adopted by various
airlines, and some travellers are comparing them to the same
experience as a private jet. The immediate surroundings will certainly be luxurious, but for many at this top end of the
真實例子(三) 若要從迪拜飛往倫敦,二人平分頭等艙的價格大約為 20,000元。而貴價的頭等艙機票、柔軟的床褥和可口的香檳並
travel budget spectrum, luxury is as much about the ability to customize travel arrangements and save time, as it is about a butler and a bed.
不能為你避免機場的繁鬧與生硬的行程安排。選擇私人包機, 你將永遠不會錯失任何一個銜接班機的時間,更免去了航班突 然取消的擔憂。
Even the most luxurious airlines still require you to travel on their schedules, share the aircraft with a large number of people and fly out of a busy airport.
同樣是迪拜飛往倫敦,一部Challenger 300型號的私人包機 最多能容納9名乘客,機票總價為85,000元。獨自出行的價格固
The appeal of private aviation is the ability to travel relaxed,
discreetly and conveniently – when and how you want to. With
customized scheduling, catering, entertainment and service, it’s the ultimate in VIP travel. But how do the costs compare? Airline Cost: Etihad offers residence tickets on some of its A380 routes, including Dubai to London. The price is $20,000 for two . Private Jet Cost: The cost for private charter of a Challenger 300 – a typical aircraft for this route – would be around $85,000. The per-person cost for a group of four on this nine-seater would be comparable to Etihad’s. If all nine seats were occupied, the cost per head would be $9,450.
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5/19/2016 9:15:04 PM
若你的行程較短,不妨考慮大受歡迎的Beechcraft King Air系
For short journeys, turboprop aircraft – such as the popular
Beechcraft King Air – can be very cost-effective. Some offer
luxurious interiors and a cabin experience to rival many private jets.
當豪華。 A typical King Air trip for our clients might be from New York 真實例子(四)
to Boston, for a weekend getaway, or a golfing trip. You can make
若要從紐約飛往波士頓參加一場週末的高爾夫球活動,不妨 與友人一同享用私人包機,自由安排往返時間。
together as a private group.
從紐約直飛波士頓,當日來回的民航價格為每人335元。若 選擇King
the most of your time away, setting your own itinerary and flying
Airline Cost: A short-notice overnight return to Boston this weekend, non-stop, would cost from $335 per person.
內坐滿8名乘客,大約每人580元。私人包機的價格雖然較民航稍 貴,但是能夠節省時間、靈活安排行程、與生意伙伴或友人享受 一個尊貴的飛行過程。
Private Jet Cost: The cost for an overnight return in a King Air would be $4,700. That would mean a per-person cost of $580 if all eight seats were filled. That’s not too far away from the economy
airline price, and a world away in terms of flexibility, time-saving and travel experience.
有些私人航班會在無乘客的情況下飛行,即所謂的空駛航段 或「空腿」。私人飛機公司會不定時地以特價出售這些空駛的航
段,讓單途的空駛飛機也能夠賺到錢,而乘客又可以用相宜的價 格享受一次私人包機的旅程。
Empty leg flights can quite often compare favourably with airline prices, but as they are repositioning flights, times and availability
唯一需要注意的是,這些空駛航段特價票都是單程的,乘客 需要自行購買回程票。
can be volatile. Therefore, they do require much more flexibility than a normal jet charter.
They are also only one-way flights, so some of our clients like
從奧蘭多飛往勞德代爾堡,價格最相宜的民航機單人票價大 約為250元,而民航的價格與乘搭空駛航段私人包機的價格相當接
to combine an empty leg in one direction with a return flight by commercial airline.
近。 Private Jet Cost: Recently, we offered an empty leg from 同樣是從奧蘭多飛往勞德代爾堡,乘搭Sabreliner
Orlando to Ft Lauderdale in a Sabreliner 65 for $2,800 (RRP $11,100). This would be $311 per person if all nine seats are filled.
果飛機上坐滿9名乘客,平分下來每人大約311元。 Airline Cost: The costs can be very close. With short notice, economy airline seat prices start at $250 on a budget airline.
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5/19/2016 9:15:36 PM
Hi-Tech VR視覺大氣勢
Making a visual impact with VR
text | 竺、祺 photo | Devil(product)、Frankie(model)、網上圖片
月前推出的新片《Hardcore Henry》,上
The trailer for the recently released movie Hardcore
Henry scored an insane number of hits in cyberspace,
simply because it’s the world’s first mass-distributed
POV (point-of-view) movie, giving viewers the feel
that they are personally involved in the on-screen
adventures. The trick in making the first-person POV
realistic is using 3D perspective and 360-degree
With the onslaught of VR (virtual-reality) products,
today’s technology is fully capable of making this
possible. At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona
earlier this year, smartphone titans Samsung and LG
vied to release wearable VR products, a sign that VR is
going to become very much a part of our lives.
But what is VR really? How can it deliver such realistic
experiences? Sit tight and I’ll show you the secret
behind the VR headsets, and you’ll find out it’s not that tricky to make your own VR videos.
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5/19/2016 9:17:16 PM
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5/19/2016 9:17:44 PM
VR的秘密 VR全寫為Virtual
虛擬的三維空間,再透過專用穿戴裝置,例如筆者下文會介紹的 VR眼罩及眼鏡等,讓用家在視覺及聽覺上同時帶來身臨其境的感 覺。要建構這個VR空間,亦有一個大前提,就是必須以3D空間 為基準。這裡所說的3D並非大家平時所見的又藍又紅的重叠影像 那種,而是利用兩眼距離差別,令眼前畫面營造出一種裸眼的3D 立體感,貼近我們平當看東西的感覺。VR的另一賣點,當然就是 玩家可以第一身視點參與這個虛擬的場景之中,這樣的參與方式 比起傳統打機或看電影戲時,只能夠坐定定在電腦前面要有趣得
多。不知大家有否看過《刀劍神域》這套動漫?其實這個故事就 是建基在VR技術之上,主角桐人就是戴上一個能夠連接虛擬世界 的VR 頭戴裝置「NERvGear」玩一隻名為「Sword Art Online」的 遊戲,玩家可以透過「NERvGear」裝置令自己完完全全進入遊戲 中的虛擬世界,真實感受用劍、魔法、飛行、打怪等體驗。 如今市面上的VR產品由高階至簡易入門款都有,當中HTC Vive、Oculus Rift及PlayStation VR屬於比較高階的,讓用家不僅 可以在視覺上感受,同時配合控制器參與其中,較多應用在遊戲
上。而Samsung Gear VR、LG 360 VR 及Google Cardboard就相 對較為低階,只限觀看,不能參與其中,作為個人化VR其實也算 足夠。不過對VR的期待值還可更高,傳聞Google和Apple已經有 專門的團隊正研發自家VR,這兩大科技龍頭公司出手,看來漫畫 中的VR裝置有望實現。
VR眼罩比拼 其實VR除了可應用在打機上之外,基本上所有娛樂都可以 用,例如演唱會、球賽。幾款可以配合其他配件如手掣、遙控器 甚至手套等的VR,如果連所有配件一次過買,相信價錢會相當
ble on both the ggles.
昂貴。另外如果入門的話,就可以選擇Samsung Gear VR、LG 360 VR或Google Cardboard,其實Samsung Gear VR 同Google Cardboard是同一原理,就是要用家事先在手機上打開360度影 片或3D VR影片,再將手機放置在上面觀看,不過Google Cardboard就不可以調校焦距及無頭帶固定,所以一定要用手hold住, 而且紙板很硬,會刺痛面部。至於LG
入面最輕便的,亦比Samsung Gear VR及Google Cardboard智 能化,用家只須將眼鏡連接手機,眼鏡會自動感應用家戴上的動 作,將手機畫面會跳轉至眼鏡內。控制上眼鏡內的一個綠色小圓 點,類似mouse的功用,會根據用家頭部的轉動而移動,這點比 Samsung
話,記得帶後備電。 01-03• Samsung Gear VR的使用相當簡單,只須要在手機打開影片,然後將手機對準位置固定在眼罩上便可。 Samsung Gear VR is simple to use. All you need to do is open the video on the smartphone and snap the phone into position on the headset. 05-06• LG 360 VR比起Samsung Gear VR輕巧得多,真的像是普通眼鏡般戴上便可用。不過就只可以對應LG G5使用。售價:$300 LG 360 VR is much lighter than the Samsung Gear VR, and no different from wearing a normal pair of glasses. However, it is only compatible with the LG G5. Price: $300. 07• 右上角有OK鍵及返回鍵。 The OK and Return buttons are on the top right corner. 08• 下方有耳機插孔。 The headphone connection is on the lower side. 09• 左右眼鏡都可各自調校焦距。Focus adjustment is available on both the left and right side of the goggles. 10-12• Oculus是VR技術發展得最成熟的公司,Samsung Gear VR都是由Oculus提供的技術。這款Oculus Rift還自帶耳機,不知聲效是否有足夠水準。 Oculus is the leader in VR technology and provides the technology for Samsung Gear VR. The Oculus Rift comes with its own headset, but the sound quality is still unknown though. 13-15• HTC Vive外形跟Oculus Rift有點相似,不要以為它是一個潛水鏡,在多個國家很受歡迎呢。售價:US$799/set HTC Vive looks a little like Oculus Rift. Despite its snorkel goggle appearance, it is popular in many countries. Price: US$799/set 16-17• 筆者覺得PlayStation VR的外形設計得最美最cyber,戴上去真有科幻感。售價:$550 I think PlayStation VR has the most appealing and cyber-looking design, which delivers a high sci-fi feel. Price: $550. 18• 好像這位model那樣配合控制器使用,更加有投入感。 Using a controller, as pictured, will get you into the scene even more.
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5/19/2016 9:18:59 PM
The VR secret VR uses computer modelling to create a virtual 3D space. By wearing a VR device, such as the VR headsets and goggles featured in this article, users will feel as if they’ve been dropped into the virtual space. Creating the VR space is the first step, and this space must be three dimensional.
Samsung Gear VR, LG 360 VR and Google Cardboard, on the other hand, are more entry-level. They allow viewing, but not involvement. It’s probably enough for personalized VR.
We are not referring to the fuzzy 3D images on movie screens that require 3D glasses to bring things into focus. We mean 3D with depth that’s perceivable with the naked eye.
We can only wish for more expansion in the VR field. Google and Apple are rumoured to have dedicated R&D teams to work on VR. With these technology giants pulling their weight, VR may very well become a commonplace reality soon.
Another selling point for VR is giving the player the feeling that he, or she, is inside the virtual scene, which is definitely much more
A tour de force of VR headsets
interesting than staring at a computer or movie screen.
VR systems can be applied not only to games, but to all forms
Have you seen the animated Sword Art Online? The story is
of entertainment, such as concerts and tournaments. Some can get
about VR technology. Main character Kazuto puts on a NerveGear VR headset to play Sword Art Online and feels as if he has entered the virtual realm of the game. He is able to sense movements, like a waving sword, using magic, flying or fighting monsters.
quite costly if you buy the accessories, such as controllers, remotes and gloves, all at once. The entry-level choices are LG 360, Samsung Gear VR and Google Cardboard. The latter two are similar, in that they both require
VR products currently available range from entry to advance
users to first open the 360-degree movie or 3D VR movie in the
levels. HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR are the more advanced choices. Not only do they offer visual reality, but they also allow the player to get into the scene through the controller. They are more commonly used for games.
smartphone, and then integrate the smartphone with the device for viewing. Google Cardboard, as its name suggests, is simply a smartphone paired a piece of cardboard and two lenses in its purest sense. It does not allow focus adjustment and has no headband to fix the headset in place. You have to hold the viewer with your hand, and the hard cardboard can be uncomfortable to the face.
12 10
LG 360 is the lightest of the lot and more intelligent than the other two. After the user connects the goggles with the smartphone, the goggles will automatically sense the move and pick up the visual
signals. The green dot on the goggles work like a mouse and will move according to the user’s head movement. There is no need to use the smartphone for making selections all the time, which makes it much more convenient than the Samsung version. However the LG model guzzles the smartphone’s power, so do bring an extra charger if you are going out with it.
A search of VR videos 13
As mentioned, Henry Hardcore had many netizens waiting with bated breath for its official release after the trailer became a cyber sensation. It you’re not interested in taking in the movie, you still might want to check out some clips, Do a search of “VR video” on YouTube and you will find a long list of them. If you are looking for 360-degree videos, then search for “360
video”. I recommend the horror, landscape and space sci-fi genres because they are the most effective in drawing you into the scene.
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5/19/2016 9:19:50 PM
VR影片推介 正如筆者前文所說,以主角第一身視點所拍攝的電影《Hardcore》,在上映前已憑其trailer俘虜一眾網友。暫時在手機上還 未有得看?先看看其他片吧。大家只要在YOUTUBE搜尋“VR video”就會有很多VR影片,如果想看360度影片的話,可以搜 尋”360
類,這幾類影片的代入感及臨場感會更強,尤其是太空VR影片, 真的很震撼。
自製VR影片 如果只是上網看人家拍攝的,當然不夠過癮!其實有沒有想 過自己都可以拍一段360度影片,然後用VR裝置看?其實要拍一 條360影片真的沒大家想象中那麼難,如果較簡單的,不追求大 製作的話,閣下只須要有一部360度相機,其實就可以拍攝到360 影片啦。現在市面上的360相機其實都有很多,例如Ricoh Theta S、LG、Samsung、Nikon及台灣品牌Lunad等,都有推出360度 相機,全部都是相當輕便,帶出街都不覺很大負擔。當然這些相 機拍攝的都只是較基本的360度影片,而且拍攝者都會一併被攝入
鏡。如果閣下想再pro一點,不妨可試試Kodak SP 360 set,它是 由兩部Kodak SP 360拼成,就變成前後各一個廣角鏡頭的360度 相機,還支援4K拍片及防水功能,不過就比起一部360度相機重 很多。 另外如果想再盡興一點,不如試下設一個圓形陣,將16部 GoPro拼在一起,那畫面出來就會更加細緻,真正做到無縫接 軌。其實《Hardcore》都是由主角戴著個GoPro頭盔拍攝,這也 能拍成電影啦,所以這個做法應該沒問題。 26
Make your own VR
Of course, it’s not enough to watch videos made by others. Have you considered making a 360-degree video yourself and watch it with your VR device? It’s not as difficult as you might think. All that’s required is a 360-degree camera. Such cameras are readily available, including the Ricoh Theta S, LG, Samsung, Nikon and Taiwan brand Lunad. They are rather light and easy to carry around, but are only capable of taking relatively basic 360-degree movies and you can’t avoid filming yourself into the scene. For something more professional, try the Kodak SP360 set — two Kodak SP360s bundled together to have two wide-angle lenses back to back. It also supports 4K video and is water-resistant. However, it is much heavier than a single 360-degree camera. To go one step further, try a circular set of cameras using the 16-camera GoPro. The resulting images will have higher definition and will be more seamless. In fact, Hardcore was made with the main character wearing a helmet-mounted GoPro.
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19-21• Google Cardboard只是用卡紙造成,用家須要自己組 裝,不過很容易。售價:US$15 Google Cardboard is made of cardboard and has to be assembled. The assembly is fairly straightforward, though. Price: US$15. 22-23• LG 360度相機及Ricoh Theta S的外形極為相似,兩者 都可選擇拍攝180度及360度影片。售價:Ricoh Theta S($450)LG 360 cam($250) LG 360 camera and Ricoh Theta S look very much alike, and both can shoot 180-degree or 360-degree videos. Price: Ricoh Theta S ($450), LG 360 cam ($250). 24• 由兩部Kodak SP 360 4K組成一set,已經可以拍到高 質360度影片。售價:US$889 /set The set of two Kodak SP 360 4K cameras can be used to make high-quality 360-degree videos. Price: US$889/set 25• Samsung Gear 360外形好像一隻眼,前後都各有一個 廣角鏡頭,輕易就可以拍到360影片。售價:待定 Samsung Gear 360 looks like an eyeball, with wide-angled lenses front and back. It’s very handy for making 360-degree movies. Price: TBD. 26-27• 如果組合16部GoPro來拍360影片,當然可以做到無縫 接軌的完美360度,但成本很高,加起來要幾千元。 Putting together 16 GoPros will definitely deliver seamless 360-degree videos, but that pushes the cost much higher, to a few thousand dollars.
5/19/2016 9:20:26 PM
世界銷售冠軍 按摩椅中的 「勞斯萊斯」
日本富士 醫療按摩椅王 Since 1954
日本富士按摩椅Fuji在同業中一直是領先群倫, 同時在消費者口中擁有「按摩椅中的勞斯萊斯」 的美譽。 text, photo | Samuel Chan
3800按摩椅成就獨創舉世無雙剛柔並 濟按摩法。它結合上下、左 右、前後、加上創新無段 式按壓、擬真人的極致、準確的力道與 手感,讓您任何疲勞、輕重深淺、通通釋放;再以2個機械手按摩
通過世界主要國家衛生管理單位嚴格檢驗審批認證已獲商 標、技術專利,任何侵權行動,務必追求法律責任。
球和氣壓組合,實現了從頸部到腳底727種按摩手法的極致真 人手 感按摩享受,精准細膩的無段式深層按壓、一次釋放肌底的氣結 與壓力,徹底讓專業理 療師折服。
北美富士醫療器集團日本富士健康館歐化中心分館的地址是 762 Barber Lane, Milpitas, CA 95035。Fremont總店在4399 Ingot Street, Fremont, CA 94538。網址是www.fujichair.com、www.
一位元資深的物理治療師 Matt Landfield 在感謝信中寫到:
“FUJIIRYOKI在很短的時間,已被證明是可用於治療脊柱疾病和 疼痛,效果獨特顯著。我曾嘗試FUJIIRYOKI按摩椅,僅15分鐘, 腰痛就消失了。我從來沒有發 現這樣一個有效的椅子上。我的一 個病人正在家中使用FUJIIRYOKI按摩椅,並發現它是在控制她以 後的日子腰背和腿部疼痛最有效的工具。再次感謝您為我們提供 了這樣一種最有效,使用方便,舒適,獨特的按摩椅。在我近10 年的實踐中,這無疑將繼續是我治療病人最有力的工具之一。” 天后巨星張惠妹極力推薦的高端款式Cyber-Relax(4D)按摩椅 EC-3800,採五大進化4D技勁手感和智慧按摩點感+12段漸進力
01•EC-3800 4D極至按摩 椅,「世界專利」4D 導航體型偵測傳感系 統,按摩椅極品中之 極品,100%日本製 造,天后張惠妹全球 推介! 02•北美富士總裁沈偉麟 醫師歡迎富士株式會 社社長木原定男親臨 嘉獎。
道,鬆開每一寸緊張、舒緩每一次疲勞,再以全身包覆式氣囊、 脈衝氣壓按摩、獨創U型手臂按摩人性化設計,來消除肩膀緊訊及 舒緩腰臀的腰酸疼痛。 北美富士醫療器集團的各種按摩椅榮獲「醫療器證書」和「 金質獎證書」榮譽,唯一擁 有734種按摩手法的世界專利,若合理 使用可高達20年使用壽命。現推出36分期特惠,免利息,免手續
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5/19/2016 9:21:00 PM
灣區矽谷高級精品時尚龍頭-CH Premier昌興珠寶 CH Premier Jewelers 昌興珠寶位於Santa Clara Westfield Valley Fair 名牌精品街,顧客可於此體驗非凡購物禮遇。面積將近九千 呎,裝潢以及設計格調豪華創新,無出其右。顧客們走過沉穩的 黃銅雙門,展覽廳明亮寬敞,光潔溫潤的大理石地面,數盞炫目 的施華洛世奇水晶燈耀眼閃亮,真正投入「尊貴體驗之源」的購 物樂趣。 CH Premier Jewelers 為昌興珠寶鐘錶集團旗艦店,昌興珠寶由李 榮傑和李余妙玲夫婦於1970年洛城創立, 現已是加州最大由美國 亞裔獨立經營的珠寶鐘錶行。在2002年,CH Premier Jewelers首 度於Westfield Valley Fair 購物中心開幕,當時規模已是精品界龍 頭之首。多年來CH Premier Jewelers 提供消費者誠摯的顧客服 務,精心引進世界品質最頂尖的名牌腕錶以及許多獲獎的名師設 計珠寶。比如百達翡麗(Patek Philippe) 、寶璣(Breguet) 、寶格麗 (Bvlgari) 、歐米茄(Omega) 、 寶珀(Blancpain)、伯爵(Piaget)、 積家(Jaeger LeCoultre)、 朗格(A.Lange&Sohne)、 萬國錶 (IWC)、宇舶(Hublot)、蕭邦 (Chopard) 、海瑞溫斯頓(Harry Winston)、 御木本(Mikimoto) 、香奈兒(Chanel) 、 Hearts On Fire、Forevermark美鑽、Roberto Coin等等. CH Premier經驗團隊每年參與全球最大珠寶以及腕錶展,務求將 最頂級的珠寶和腕錶帶給顧客,諸如瑞士巴塞爾鐘錶展,瑞士 SIHH高級腕錶沙龍, 拉斯維加斯 Couture和JCK Luxury珠寶大 展,及其他國際級寶石展等。 CH Premier每年皆舉辦貴賓鑑賞活動,如百達翡麗罕有錶展,香 奈兒高級收藏家珠寶腕錶展,伯爵高級珠寶暨腕錶特展,朗格收 藏家晚宴, Forevermark Exceptional 超凡美鑽系列特展和寶格麗 高級腕錶及珠寶展。顧客們也參與了許多大師宴會,與國際名牌 珠寶Qeelin創辦人陳瑞麟以及Mr. Roberto Coin大師見面互動。 還有在歐米茄製錶傳奇大師晚宴中,親自體驗拆裝歐米茄名錶機 芯。近期CH Premier更是拔得頭籌在全美搶先舉辦寶珀 “心繫海洋”國際巡迴攝影特展。 CH Premier昌興珠寶致力於將最優秀的腕錶和珠寶呈獻給我們忠 誠的客戶,不愧是灣區華人高級珠寶腕錶第一選擇. 116
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5/19/2016 9:21:26 PM
Valley 近九千 沉穩的 盞炫目 」的購
寶由李 由美國 elers首 品界龍 客服 名師設 、寶格麗 get)、
務求將 瑞士 寶大
展,香 朗格收 寶格麗 際名牌 動。 名錶機
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5/19/2016 9:22:00 PM
廚櫃風格 家居美學新焦點 “廚房”在現代居家的地位和功能角色,已遠遠 超過了其傳統的狹隘含義。現代裝潢,講究整體 風格,設計美學,才能滿足現代家居對廚房功能 和審美要求的基本美好廚房模式。 長實廚櫃實景。
text, photo | Samuel Chan
5、在開放廚房中,餐廳和廚房可連作一起,構成鄉村,現代或奢華 等不同風格餐桌; 6、最後沿牆設計的廚櫃,可為廚房打造充足的收納空間,讓廚房儲 物做到一應俱全。 除上述之外,未來廚房還要具備: ‧隱藏設計,讓廚房設備家具化 ‧可移動式設備,讓廚房空間可隨心移動 ‧最新材質及環保趨勢 ‧健康家電設備將或廚房新焦點 ‧方型矩陣,光影情景增加廚房空間 以上各點使廚房在居家位置日益重要,並逐漸成為帶動生活漸流的 先鋒,預告了未來廚房的方向大趨勢。 在此特別推薦在南灣華人經營最早,規模最大的廚櫃建材公司- 長實廚櫃建材公司。灣區六家名店,擁有30餘萬呎的大型展示廳和倉 長實廚櫃實景。
庫,15款廚櫃設計系列,全部商品現貨供應,工廠直銷貨源充足,實力 最強。
此中包括了廚房空間的分割,廚櫃的造型,廚房功能的區分,廚房 電器的擺置,抽氣通風排水工程系統等等理性功能的要求,均需歸納要 求,作為廚房美學上,全面的整體審美格調,均為設計師們必須考慮的 主要原素。
長實廚櫃款式多,高質材料,美觀實用,龐大專業設計及安裝團 隊,提供免費電腦圖樣和估價,務求做到讓您一站輕鬆變靚廚房! 長實廚櫃兼顧實用與美觀,追求玩時尚,講設計,品生活,質高價 錢合理廉宜,無論是新建或更新廚房,都可以幫您在預算內,擁有夢想 的廚房。
以下是幾種作為切入方向,兼顧實用與美觀,是追求理想廚房裝修 審美效果的學習方向:
長實廚櫃建材公司 KZ Kitchen Cabinet & Stone, Inc.:
總店:1560 Montague Expy., San Jose,(408) 433-2288;
新店:26250 Corporate Ave., Hayward,(510) 783-3338;
分店:2128 N. First Street #J, San Jose,(408) 441-1288; 3、廚房裝修,要最大化的節省及利用空間,開放式的廚房比較能掌
1500 El Paseo De Saratoga, San Jose,(408) 866-6008; 1015 El Camino Real, Mountain View,(650) 210-9288;
4、如果空間相對較大,能有足夠的操作空間,廚檯可作為廚房的焦 點,一切功用設計可環繞廚檯來作伸展;
245 & 247 W. Charter Way, Stockton,(209) 933-9688。 網址:www.KZKitchen.com。
總店 分店
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5/19/2016 9:22:28 PM
長實 櫥櫃建材公司 KZ Kitchen Cabinet & Stone, Inc.
Kitchen Cabinet
& Stone
長久堅實 實用與美觀兼顧
南灣華人經營最早• 規模最大的櫥櫃建材公司 專營
新增SAMSUNG、GE、FRIGID▲IRE、Smeg、Crosley...... 等廚房名牌家電
美國櫻桃木、加拿大楓木、歐洲櫸木、地板、瓷磚、媽媽樂第五代易拆洗抽油煙機及櫻花牌抽油煙機、富士炒鍋、 高級水嚨頭TOTO 、GROHE、Dawn...... 多種名牌櫥浴設備。
www.KZKitchen.com 總店
San Jose
San Jose San Jose
pages.indd 119
1560 Montague Expy (408)433-2288 新店 2128 N. First Street #J 1500 El Paseo De Saratoga
(408)441-1288 (408)866-6008
Hayward Mountain View Stockton
26250 Corporate Ave. (510)783-3338 1015 El Camino Real 245 & 247 W. Charter Way
(650)210-9288 (209)933-9688
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5/19/2016 9:22:57 PM
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5/19/2016 9:23:23 PM