EliteGen《星尚》 2015 TORONTO Jul/Aug Luxury Magazine (Chinese/English)

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A publication by Sing Tao Media Group July/August


July/August 2015 Vol. 09

早秋手袋巡禮 Pre-Fall Bags Galore Fiona Sit the SeaSon oF MadneSS

夏日太陽眼鏡潮流 An Expert Guide to Summer Sunglasses 來自德國的黑馬 NOMOS Glashütte The Dark Horse from Germany

薛凱琪 瘋的季節 Fiona Sit The Season of Madness





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2015-05-01 09:16 AM

Editor Picks

夏日太陽眼鏡潮流 Cool shades An Expert Guide to Summer Sunglasses

鈕上情結 Button up, dress up

Fashion Feature 34 Focus 62 elite liFe 94 elite car 108 豪華性能完美融合 Audi S8 a perfect blend of luxury and performance

坐古老過山車 嘆北歐名菜 30小時玩轉哥本哈根 Four Meals and a Roller Coaster 30 Hours in Copenhagen





contentS JUL


FaShion headline



Ocean Myth



Pre-fall BaGS GalOre

watch Story



nOMOS GlaShütte the Dark hOrSe frOM GerMany

FaShion newS

12 Funky Fun


48 Chanel CoCo CruSh

46 花嫁系列 Sergio roSSi Bridal ColleCtion

watch newS

58 50 層彩馬 50-layer Colour horSe herMèS arCeau Cheval d’orient

cover Story

14 瘋的季節 薛凱琪 the SeaSon oF MadneSS Fiona Sit

FaShion Feature

34 夏日太陽眼鏡潮流 Cool ShadeS an expert guide to SuMMer SunglaSSeS

60 試試44MM的古典 panerai luMinor Marina 8 dayS aCCiaio paM590 the ClaSSiC appeal oF 44MM


62 鈕上情結 Button up, dreSS up


40 a1 Model SearCh Cool vS WarM

elite PickS

44 BeSt piCkS

部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 All prices are in CAD unless otherwise specified. 除特別標明外,所有價錢以加幣計算。




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contentS JUL





Langdon HaLL Country House HoteL and spa



不丹 最快樂的寧靜國度

tHe Happiest Land of peaCe and Quiet



Dive intO Water! Beauty newS

72 全新循環自生亮白系列 eStÉe lauder neW CreSCent White Full CyCle Brightening


74 享受戶外的層次感 More than a patio enjoying diFFerent layerS oF outdoor Fun

elite choice

78 完美結合 Manuel BernaSChek and the FaZioli ConneCtion

wine not

86 the MoSt underrated … 最被低估的…


88 極盡豪華的世外桃源 Sonora reSort eSCape to paradiSe in luxury

elite liFe


elite car

108 豪華性能完美融合 audi S8 a perFeCt Blend oF luxury and perForManCe


112 限量版ColleCtiBle BeatS By dr. dre x MCM exCluSive ColleCtion

坐古老過山車 嘆北歐名 30小時玩轉哥本哈根 Four MealS and a roller CoaSter 30 hourS in Copenhagen

地址 Address : 221 Whitehall Drive, Markham, Ontario.L3R 9T1 電話 Tel : 416-861-8168 / 905-754-3288 廣告部 Advertising : EliteGen@singtao.ca / 905-754-1532 編輯部 Editorial : 905-754-1512 / 416-861-8168


Take risks. Follow your heart. Dream the impossible. David Guetta does. It is not always easy. But like TAG Heuer, he never cracks under pressure.

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Fashion News Fendi Karlito backpack $6,516.75 (farfetch.com/ca)

Fendi Karlito Fur Applique Boyfriend Jeans US $1,300 (bergdorfgoodman.com)

以Karl Lagerfeld為主題的Karlito自登場後,憑着 趣致造型大受歡迎,今季更首次登陸品牌的成衣 及配飾系列,並糅合fur、牛仔布及運動元素,饒 富趣味。 Fendi Karlito Goat & leather sneakers

Karlito is no longer just a key chain. This season,

$1,710 (luisaviaroma.com)

look for the funky reincarnation of designer

FuNky FuN text | Michelle Chow photo | Mano Wong





Karl Lagerfeld on ready-to-wear items and accessories, many of which are accented with fur, denim and a sporty twist.

Some jewelry displayed patented (US Pat. No. 7,007,507) • © 2015 Pandora Jewelry, LLC • All rights reserved • PANDORA.NET







Cover Story

瘋的季節 薛凱琪 fiona SiT The SeaSon of MadneSS

text | 張馨遙 styling | Lucas Tang photo | Mano Wong hair | Jo Lam @ Queen's Private i makeup | Jessica Chan @ Jessica Chan Makeup Workshop

Celine white dress Vivienne Westwood Jordan necklace US$475 (viviennewestwood.com) Charlotte Olympia Celebration Meredith wedge US$1,395 (charlotteolympia.com)





剛過去的金像獎頒獎禮,上台領 「最佳原創電影音樂」 的盧


凱彤自爆曾患躁鬱症,訴說邊工作邊以淚洗面的黑暗日 子,今天她終走出陰霾,昂首迎向鎂光燈和人生高峰。 當時台下的薛凱琪 (Fiona) 看着看着,感同身受,眼泛淚 光,因為盧凱彤經歷過的痛苦、恐懼、無助,也曾困擾着

本身對爭奪金像獎「最佳女配角」獎,有沒有 信心? 「我其實投了《暴瘋語》的鮑姐一票,就算我之 前被提名女新人或者女主角,我都不會投票給自 己,感覺很老土呀,那張form會寫名,給人知道














未必最開心,神可能覺得你十年後拿,多點人生 緣,我只會執着自己做得好不好。」有獎當然錦上

低谷過後,Fiona說: 「這個病是上天給我的一份禮物。」

添花,但其實演員最希望得到一個可以發揮的好角 色,連角色都垃圾,還說甚麼得到觀眾、評委的認 同。

吓!?想法這麼正面,好像真的完全康復了! At the recent Hong Kong Flim Awards, Ellen Loo revealed that she had a history of depression, and she talked about the dark days of working with her face drowned in tears. Today,

Losing the Best Supporting Actress Award Was she confident about competing for the

she has finally stepped out of that darkness, and can face the

Best Supporting Actress Award at the Hong

spotlights with her head held high. At that “coming out,” so

Kong Flim Awards?

to speak, fellow actress Fiona Sit was in the audience. She

“Actually, I voted for Nina Paw from Insanity.

watched with tears in her eyes, feeling the same pain, fear

Even when I was nominated for Best New

and helplessness. She, too, had suffered from depression –

for myself. It feels weird. You have to sign your

an illness that almost claimed her life. Celebrities are often showered with flowers and applause, and give the impression they’re happy all the time. However, behind the lights and the glory, all kinds of feelings are often

Actress or Best Actress previously, I didn’t vote name on the ballot, so if other people found out, it would be so embarrassing!” Was she OK in losing to newcomer Ivana Wong (Golden Chickensss)? “First, it is already wonderful to be nominated.

suppressed, and the celebrity’s true personality is masked

Second, I believe in God. I think whether you

in order to please others. Every word and every action is

Heaven. Maybe you feel that you gave the best

get an award or not, it is already decided in

scrutinized, and every fault is criticised without mercy. So if one’s

performance in this movie, but if you were to

spirit is not strong, it can easily be crushed.

the happiest.

receive the award at this time, you may not be

“God may think that letting you get the

After experiencing the low point in her life, the 33-year-old Sit

award 10 years later, when you have more life

said: “This experience is a gift to me from heaven.”

experience, will make you even happier. So, I am not stressed out about awards or positions, but I am totally committed to making sure I do my

Wow, such positive thinking! Sounds like she’s totally recovered!





COVER STORY 「沒錯,《閨蜜》的角色很具挑戰性,戲裏的我像 女版占士邦,是媾仔高手,強吻男仔那種,每次拍這 類挑逗戲,我也喝很多白酒,演了十年戲,從來不需 要喝酒壯膽,唯獨這齣,我不斷叫自己放鬆。我自 己都覺是時候轉型,不想做乖乖女,超悶。」說真, Fiona演戲是令人看得舒服的,往往感情的爆發位亦 富感染力,我相信這是天賦的才能。

黑面的理由 頒獎禮那晚經常聽到的其中一部電影《暴瘋雨》, 男主角是劉青雲、黃曉明,女主角是葉璇和Fiona, 她在戲中飾演黃曉明的女朋友。 「我跟黃曉明是第一次合作,如果對手是初相 識,我會私底下主動跟他多些交談, 講爛gag逗他 笑,在銀幕上做best friend也好,情侶也好,演出來 可信性會高一點。」 To be sure, an award is icing on the cake. What actors and actresses most desire is to have a role that allows them to use their skills to the fullest. If the role is substandard, there is no chance to get any acclaim from the audience or from the awards committee. “Yes, it’s true that Girls has a role that is rather challenging. In that movie, I was like a female James Bond, skilled at picking up boys, and forcing kisses on them. Every time I play these titillating scenes, I drink a lot of white wine. “I’ve been acting for 10 years now, and I don’t need to drink to get bold, except for this movie. I kept telling myself to relax. But I think it was time for me to change my role. I don’t want to be the good girl all the time. Too boring.” Actually, Sit’s acting comes across as quite natural. Often the emotions she expresses are explosive and moving. I think she has an inherent gift for acting. The movie that received the most mention on awards night was Insanity. The male leads are Sean Lau and Huang Xiao Ming and the female leads are Michelle Ye and Sit, who plays Huang’s girlfriend.

So why was she upset? Vivienne Westwood burgundy tube dress

“This is the first time I have worked with Huang Xiao Ming. If the other actor is a new acquaintance, I usually initiate more talking with him in private and will start some silly gags to make him laugh. Whether we are playing best friends or a couple on screen, those interactions help make the acting more believable.” She is not an extrovert by nature, but in order to get into a role, she takes more initiative. Sometimes, she understands that an actor may purposely keep his distance from an actress in order to avoid any misunderstanding. But she thinks that if they are going to play lovers, it would be difficult to convince the audience if she cannot convince herself. 16





她本性並不熱情,只是為了投入角色,不得不主動一點,她 明白有時候男演員為免被誤會,會刻意與女演員保持距離,她覺 得如果飾演情侶,連自己都說服不了,怎能說服觀眾? 「其實我本身很不喜歡跟陌生人交談,譬如一大夥人食飯, 只要有一個陌生人在場,我可以整晚不出聲沒表情,感覺好似黑 面,其實不是,我只是覺得缺乏安全,緊張到整個人僵硬起來。 但如果十個人十個都是熟朋友,我絕對是最吵最多話說的一個。 但當你知道為了工作,會慢慢學習囉!演員跟演員又不同,大 家同是天涯,同一個處境,可能他也不想跟我交談呢,大家要 professional一點。」 美女,沒有男人不喜歡親近的,即使有女朋友也好,Fiona不 用懷疑。 「黃曉明比我想像中開朗,我之前以為他一定是cool cool的, 不過他feel到我想大家get to know each other quicker的時候,他 都很配合,I think this is a very lucky project,我們的場次不多, 但可以在短時間內擦出應有的火花。」

想過自殺 《暴瘋雨》以精神病患者的無助為軸心,曾患嚴重抑鬱症的 Fiona也曾感覺到自己像跌進一個深不可測的井,四周是令人窒息 的黑暗,卻凝望着一個遙不可及的希望。 「你會想自己是否一世都要活在這個negative的空間呢?這個 病不止影響我的工作,甚至所有思維和生活,我一度沒有動力再 活下去。」 她用了很多方法去拯救自己,親人、朋友只能耐心守護,看 着心痛。 「梁祖堯送了一隻貓給我,我又看了兩個醫生,一個負責開 解,一個負責開藥,神又幫我很多,有些是exercise,有些是祈 禱,做了很多很多才治好。」 我總覺得好事不會完全地好,壞事不會完全地壞,在於個人 的心態。

Black sleeveless top Black bell bottoms Necklace with gold pendent all from Celine





“I actually don’t like to talk to strangers. For instance, if I go out to eat with a large group, even if there is only one person I don’t know there, I will not talk all night and will be expressionless. People think I am upset, but actually I’m not. I just feel insecure and am so nervous that my whole body is stiff. But if all 10 people are close friends, I am definitely the person who is the loudest and talks the most. “But if you know you are doing your job, you will learn slowly. If the other person is an actor too, it is a bit different as well. Both of us are in the same world and under the same circumstances, so maybe the other person doesn’t like to talk to me. Everyone needs to be more professional.” As an attractive woman, it seems that no man would be averse to getting close to Sit — even if he has a girlfriend — so she need not worry. “Huang Xiao Ming is more outgoing that I had imagined. Previously, I thought he was all cool, but he felt that I wanted us to get to know each other quicker, and he really connected with me. I think this is a very lucky project. We didn’t have many scenes together, but we were able to create the appropriate sparks in a short amount of time.”

Sit had once considered suicide Insanity’s plot focuses on the helplessness of a mental illness patient. Sit had been severely depressed in the past, feeling she had fallen into a deep well, surrounded by suffocating darkness. That glimmer of hope seemed far out of reach. “You think about whether you will be in this negative space forever. This illness not only affected my work, but all my thoughts and my life. At one time, I did not have the motivation to stay alive.” She used many methods to save herself. In the meantime, her family and friends could only watch patiently, hurting while they waited.





COVER STORY 「這個病令我學識甚麼是愛,甚麼是happiness,快樂與 否是自己決定,靠別人給你快樂就死定了,男朋友愛你當然 好啦,但in case你波士不喜歡你呢?如果男朋友和波士都愛 你,但best friend有一日對你不好呢?又要去割脈嗎?你不 可以認為身邊所有人都瘀你才是快樂的人。」 現階段的Fiona很快樂,因為享受工作,除了幕前唱歌 拍戲,一直熱衷的幕後製作也有機會嘗試。 「早前拍了一套微電影很開心,其實我從小想做美術指 導,沒想過做演員,今次辛苦到發瘋了,後期剪接、調色都 是自己跟。現在我有一半MV都是自己拍,我幫方大同拍那 個MV,還幫他造衣服弄道具,可能退休會轉做幕後。」 可能大家不知道,Fiona讀大學時是主修裝置藝術的。

“Joey Leung gave me a cat as a gift. I also saw two doctors — one was responsible for cognitive therapy and the other was responsible for prescriptions. God also helped me a lot. I did a lot of exercise and a lot of praying. It took a lot for me to be finally cured.” I keep thinking that good things are not all good and bad things are not all bad. It depends on one’s state of mind. “This experience made me learn what love is and what happiness is. Whether you are happy or not is your choice. If you depended on others for happiness, you would die for sure. Of course, if you have a boyfriend that loves you, it’s a great thing. But what if your boss doesn’t like you? What if your boyfriend and your boss both love you, but your best friend was mean to you one day? Will you cut your wrist? You cannot become a person that can only be happy if all the people around you fawn over you.” At this stage in her life, Sit is very happy and enjoys her work. In addition to singing and being active on screen, she also has had the chance to fulfill her dream of producing. “I was very happy to finish a micro movie a little while ago. Actually, I have wanted to be an artistic director since I was young, and I had never thought that I would become an actor. This time I was so crazily busy. The editing and colour correction at the end were all my own work. Now I have finished shooting half of an MV (music video) myself. For the MV I shot for Khalil Fong, I even made the clothes and props myself, so I think I may work on production after I retire.” That should come as no surprise. After all, Sit majored in installation art at college.





Floral print top Floral print skirt both from Celine

Summertime shines Official dealer of:

Rolex Piaget Vacheron Constantin Breguet Audemars Piguet Roger Dubuis Franck Muller Harry Winston Blancpain Girard-Perregaux Jaeger-LeCoultre Hublot IWC Backes & Strauss Chopard Omega Tudor Pomellato Ippolita

Fashion Headline 中國名模秦舒培一身黑 裝襯搭Belt bag,低調 型格。 Chinese supermodel Shu Pei Qin looking sleek in an all-black ensemble with the sleek Belt bag.

Celine款式多元 以簡約風格見稱的Celine袋款愈出愈熱鬧,既 有長青的Luggage、Trapeze實用大袋,較新 推出的Symmetrical、Tab、Belt,精緻小巧,

美國女星Amanda Seyfried鍾情經 典的Luggage Nano。 Luggage Nano, a classic and a favourite of Hollywood actress Amanda Seyfried.


Celine Playing with Sizes Celine, a believer in simplicity, has launched a line of bags of varying sizes. apart from its signature big bags, like the luggage and Trapeze, watch out for the new kids on the block -- the symmetrical, Tab and Belt -- which are small and exquisite.

Green Trotteur crossbody $TBD

Small Tab bag in tan natural calfskin $2,000.82

Sangle camera bag in brick natural calfskin $2,483.78

Seau Side Ring bag in khaki vegetal calfskin $2,759.75

Mini Belt bag in mint grained calfskin $2,345.79

Medium Trapeze handbag in multicolour bullhide calfskin $2,897.74


Pre-Fall Bags galore text | Lucas Tang





Mini Luggage handbag in terracotta elephant calfskin $3,449.69

Medium Symmetrical bag in black box calfskin $2,069.81

Medium Luggage Phantom handbag in khaki textile $2,138.81

Small Ring bag in chalk smooth calfskin $2,483.78 (all contact celine.com customer service)

時裝轉季快如閃電,炎夏還未過渡,早秋手袋系列已急不及 待上架,各大品牌至新袋作,今趟就讓大家先睹為快吧! A seasonal fashion change is, indeed, as swift as lightning. Major fashion labels have their bags for the pre-Fall season on the shelves whilst the world enjoy the Summer season.

*available at Holt Renfrew

Pink Micro Peekaboo handbag $4,300*

Black Karlito handbag $TBD

Pink Demi Jour snakeskin handbag $TBD

Orange Mini 3Baguette handbag $TBD

Petite 2Jours – Monster handbag $2,480*

Multicolour Peekaboo handbag $7,490*

Peach Baguette with rhinestones $3,140*

Bag Bug black backpack $3,800*

Pink 3Jours handbag $2,390*

超模Naomi Campbell 情迷的骰M i c r o Peekaboo。 Supermodel Naomi Campbell falling in love with Micro Peekaboo.

Fendi玩味創新 Fendi手袋不乏經典作,Baguette、 Peekaboo時尚又耐看,上年推出的2Jours、3Jours 系列造型大方得體,新季品牌以迷你版手袋掛帥,精細 小手袋頓成IT girl的指標。

Fendi Mini-me Fendi’s Baguette and Peekaboo are stylish classics that never go out of fashion. The 2Jours and 3Jours series, which were launched last year, are elegant and presentable as well. The fashion Multicolour Mini 2Jours totebag $TBD

house goes “mini” with the new season, presenting ladies with cute miniature bags.

時尚編輯Anna Dello Russo全 副Fendi裝備,手中的By The Way手袋更是熱賣款式。 Fashion editor Anna Dello Russo in Fendi, armed with By The Way, the IT bag of the season.





Fashion Headline Rihanna亦是Girl Chanel的 忠實粉絲。 Rihanna is a diehard fan of Girl Chanel.

Kahki suede crossbody $TBD

Chanel溫暖質感 Chanel 2015早秋系列以Paris-Salzburg為靈 感,運用針織刺繡粉飾手袋,繽紛圖案別具民族色 彩。品牌同時用上麖皮、羊毛等物料,豐富質感營 造無比溫暖。

Chanel Feel Warm Grey Girl shoulder bag $5,850*

Inspired by Paris and salzburg, the pre-Fall series from Chanel uses hand-knit embroidery on its bags to give a folksy feel. red deerskin and wool are used to bring a warm and rich texture to the bags.

Knitted flap bag $TBD White sheepskin backpack $TBD

氣質女星桂綸鎂鍾愛品牌 的Petite Malle袋款。 Taiwanese actress Gwei Lun-Mei with thePetite Malle clutch.

Louis Vuitton改良經典 Louis Vuitton於2014年推出的Dora款式,是由 Burgundy Dora monogram tote bag $3,800*

1934年的Squire及1950年的Marceau兩款旅行袋演變 而來,新季特別添置了軟熟皮革及Malletage菱格紋的變 奏,更顯設計柔美的一面。

Louis Vuitton Classic Remake

Blue Dora ultra soft tote bag $TBD

In 2014, the Dora series was launched by louis Vuitton, inspired by the squire from 1934 and Marceau from 1950. available this season is the soft leather and the Malletage monogram.

Red and pink Dora tote bag $TBD

Black Dora Malletage tote bag $5,050*

法國新星Adele Exarchopoulos 率先用上Dora系列。 French actress Adele Exarchopoulos was one of the first ladies to get her hands on Dora.

Black and cream Dora tote bag $TBD *available at Holt Renfrew





Black studded Pandora bag $3,085*

荷李活女星Anne Hathaway (左) 與Lily Collins (右) 都起用 品牌的Pandora Box,袋不離 身。 Hollywood actresses Anne Hathaway (left) and Lily Collins (right) are hooked on the Pandora Box.


Black studded Antigona handbag $TBD

Pandora可算是品牌最受歡迎的手袋款式,進 化版Pandora Box更是女星們的新寵,早秋系列品牌 大玩野性態度,釘飾、豹紋、民族print,精采絕倫。

Givenchy Gone Wild a big part of givenchy’s new collection is the Pandora line, hugely popular with female celebrities. The newly improved Pandora Box has gone wild with leopard prints, nails and exciting tribal prints.

Leopard print Pandora Box $TBD

White embroidered Micro Lady Dior tote bag $TBD

Brown Shark handbag $TBD

Multicoloured Shark handbag $TBD

Silver Diorama handbag $TBD

Dior淑女典範 Lady Dior手袋多年來深得女士們厚愛,早秋 系列品牌再下一城,推出多款迷你新作,配合啤牌刺 繡及金屬色Cannage圖案,更添藝術氣質。

Dior My Mini Lady lady Dior, which has won the hearts of many women, has gone artistically miniature with a collection of bags featuring the golden Cannage and bear-shaped embroidery. Black embroidered Lady Dior tote bag $6,200* Metallic pink Micro Lady Dior tote bag $2,900*

Pink and purple Micro Lady Dior tote bag $5,400*

美魔女鍾楚紅喜愛 classic設計,Lady Dior正合她心意。 Hong Kong actress Cherie Chung looking timeless with Lady Dior.





Fashion Headline

Loewe一袋多用 上季Loewe推出的Puzzle Bag一 鳴驚人,袋款百變,可當clutch或背囊 用,早秋系列品牌再添食,換上蛇皮、 鱷魚皮新裝,奢華upgrade不失型格。

Loewe Puzzle Reloaded loewe’s Puzzle Bag made headlines last

Black peeling bag $TBD

season, a bag that can multi-task as a clutch or a backpack. The pre-Fall season comes with snake and crocodile skins that provide an elegant touch. 陳慧琳品味獨到,Puzzle Bag亦是其近期最愛。 Hong Kong actress-singer Kelly Chen is also a big fan of the Puzzle Bag.

Crocodile skin Puzzle Bag $TBD

Orange Puzzle bag $2,655 (available at Holt Renfrew)

吳雨霏以casual look襯出 Puzzle Bag的率性型格。 Hong Kong songbird Kary Ng displaying casual chic with the Puzzle Bag.

Snakeskin Puzzle bag $TBD

《格雷的五十道色戒》 女星Dakota Johnson愛用品牌的流蘇袋。 Dakota Johnson, of Fifty Shades of Grey fame, is a fan of the tassel bag.

韓國女團 「少女時代」 成 員Tiffany是Sac de Jour 的忠實用家。 Tiffany, of Korean pop group Girls’ Generation, with her favourite Sac de Jour.

Saint Laurent流蘇浪族 Saint Laurent的搖滾形象深入民心,近 季更添置了陣陣Bohemian色彩,如早秋系列的 Emmanuelle及Anita兩款流蘇手袋,瀟灑型格的 態度分外迷人。

Saint Laurent Bohemian chic saint laurent has added a touch of Bohemian chic to

Classic small Sac De Jour bag in black leather and black and ivory snake skin US$2,750*

Large shopping Saint Laurent tote bag in Bordeaux leather US$950*

its pre-Fall collection, launching two tassel bags -- emmanuelle and anita -- which are both charming and stylish.

Black handbag with decorative pin $TBD *available at ysl.com





Small Emmauelle fringed bucket bag in Bordeaux leather US$1,990*

Classic small Baby Sac De Jour in oxblood leather $3,110 (available at Holt Renfrew)

Anita tasseled flat bag in black leather US$1,490*

*available at Holt Renfrew

Balenciaga摩登線條 Alexander Wang堅守Balenciaga的摩登前 衛,Le Dix手袋線條簡約,早秋換上雲石紋圖案, 幾可亂真,打造另類奢華感。新款Neoclassic及Nude Work則以鮮色調取勝,夠晒classic。

Balenciaga Modern Colours The Balenciaga pre-Fall collection, designed by alexander Wang, features the le Dix bags that are extremely defined, appearing on white marble. on the other hand, Neoclassic and Nude Work make their classic appearance with loud hues. 荷李活型男George Clooney的律 師老婆Amal選用Le Dix系列。 George Clooney’ s attorney-wife Amal with Le Dix.

Lady Gaga最近成為了品牌的繆斯,當然 要力捧品牌袋作。 Lady Gaga has fallen in love with Le Dix and she is showing her full support for the collection.

Marble Le Dix tote bag $TBD

Green Nude Work handbag $TBD

Mime Intarsia Prisma leather tote $4,379.03 (saksfifthavenue.com)

Yellow Le Dix Soft handbag $2,215*

Red Neoclassic handbag $1,800*

Valentino童趣品味 早秋系列Valentino將繽紛的幾何圖案融入手 袋,playful有個性,另外大熱的Rockstud系列亦加 添了新元素,猶如小孩畫作的星座刺繡,令經典Va Va Voom手袋滿是童真。

Valentino Child’s Play Valentino’s pre-Fall collection features handbags with a cosmic motif -- moons, planets and constellations. even the classic Va Va Voom looks gorgeous, with just the Multicoloured clutch $TBD Multicoloured with yellow small single handle bag US$2,975 (valentino.com)

Tri-coloured studded handbag $TBD

right amount of kitsch.

Black studded handbag $TBD 鄭秀文近日於Instagram上大騷品牌春夏clutch bag。 Hong Kong pop diva Sammi Cheng posing on Instagram with her Valentino clutch bag. Va-Va-Voom constellation embroidered shoulder bag US$3,895 (neimanmarcus.com)





Fashion Headline

Bamboo shopper calf hair shoulder bag $3,660 (gucci.com)

女神全智賢貴為Gucci 代言人,平日亦狂用品 牌的手袋。 Gucci spokeswoman Gianna Jun spotted with the stylish handbag.

Gucci竹枝藝術 Red Bamboo Daily $2,040*

Gucci新季主攻辨識度高的Bamboo系列,從 易襯搭的Bamboo Daily及Bamboo Shopper,至小巧 別致的Miss Bamboo,鮮艷配色更是扣人心弦。

Gucci The Art of Bamboo gucci’s Bamboo Collection brings out the sophisticated style with a retro edge, featuring the easymatching Bamboo Daily and Bamboo shopper and the Dark yellow interlocking leather shoulder bag $2,195 (gucci.com)

Pink Soho handbag $1,035*

brightly-coloured and cute Miss Bamboo.

Pink Miss Bamboo handbag $TBD

Tri-coloured New Bamboo handbag $3,240*

p.8 (Lanvin上,左至右)

Miu Miu復古拼色

Burgundy Madras handbag$2,195* (下,左至右)

Miu Miu 早秋系列盡是復古元素,風琴式tote bag、公事包,還有新季大熱的Madras手袋,低調拼 色層次豐富有深度,設計尤其耐看。

Red and baby blue Madras (Alexander McQueen上,左至右) handbag $1,600*

Miu Miu The Retro Touch The pre-Fall collection from Miu Miu features


retro elements, such as the tote bag and briefcase, and the hot favourite of the season -- the Madras. although the collection is dominated by dark colours, the handbags are, nevertheless, innovative and unique. Black and gold Madras handbag $2,060*

Dark green Madras handbag $2,135*

日本女星菊地凜子用上粉 紅Madras bag襯出甜美態 度。 Japanese actress Rinko Kikuchi looking sweet with the pink Madras. Dark blue and black Madras handbag $TBD *available at Holt Renfrew





Baby blue and navy blue Madras handbag $TBD

Red Happy tote bag $TBD

Lanvin高貴糖衣 品牌設計向來sexy and feminine,近季推出的 Sugar bag鏈袋備受熱捧,早秋系列Sugar bag依舊甜 美,耀眼的粉紅、黃調,配搭誘人的蛇皮壓紋,勢必能 夠保持人氣。

Lanvin Saccharine Sweet

靚媽梁詠琪對 Sugar Bag愛不 釋手。 Celebrity mom Gigi Leung loving her Sugar Bag.

after several seasons of unfettered glitz and glam, lanvin is taking a more relaxed approach to pre-Fall this year. The new lanvin sugar Bag, which became a big hit last year, comes in different shades of pink and yellow this season. It is saccharine sweet and lovely. Black and yellow Sugar medium quilt leather flap bag $TBD

Pink Sugar medium quilted leather flap bag $2,555 (lanecrawford.com)

Leopard calf hair flap bag US$3,245 (neimanmarcus.com) White tote bag $TBD

Purple leather tote bag $TBD

Black Mini Heroine handbag US$1,945 (alexandermcqueen.com) Black Mini Padlock handbag $2,130 (available at Holt Renfrew)

Alexander McQueen 優雅傳奇 剛於康城電影節擔任評審的 Sienna Miller也是Legend bag 用家。 Sienna Miller, who was on the judging panel at Cannes this year, is a fan of the Legend.

數季前女星們熱捧McQueen的Heroine bag,早秋來 內地女星劉詩詩遊日時都有帶 上Legend bag。 Chinese actress Cecilia Liu seen with her Legend bag.

臨,即轉投Legend bag的懷抱,除了原裝款式,新季更備變 種Legend Box,小巧又型格。

Alexander McQueen Legendary Elegant alexander McQueen’s Heroine bag was a hot favourite among celebrities a few seasons ago. McQueen is determined to create another legend with the

Military green Legend Box bag in grainy calf leather US$2,095 (alexendermcqueen.com)

launch of a new generation of the legend box bag this pre-Fall.

Snakeskin Legend Box bag $TBD Burgundy Legend handbag $2,295 (available at Holt Renfrew)






Blumarine floral dress

Ocean Myth text & styling | AnchoR Lai photo | Michael K model | Paris Miller(Sun Esee) make up | www.christylam.com, assisted by Oyi Lai hair | Ivan Or(Momo Aveda)



Channel your inner mermaid with these flowing


marine-inspired pieces that echo summer sea


breezes and gentle rolling waves.




white mesh top white mesh skirt white body suit all from Balenciaga






Burburry Prorsum tulle bustier dress $5,500 (burberry.com)





Salvatore Ferragamo handpainted cotton knit dress $4,408 (luisaviaroma.com)







Fashion Feature

Spektre ‘she loves you’ acetate mirror sunglasses $270 (lanecrawford.com)

烈日當空,要造型又要遮 擋陽光與紫外線,太陽眼鏡可 謂首要必備,綜觀今個夏日太陽 眼鏡潮流,水銀鏡面為頂頭大熱,另 外粗框和圓鏡款亦大受歡迎,看看一眾亞 洲潮流先鋒如何挑選太陽眼鏡。

夏日太陽眼鏡潮流 Cool shades text | AnchoR photo | Sing & Alison design | Ali、Jen

The blinding sun in summer makes a pair of sunglasses a necessity for fending off UV light, not to mention looking cool. This summer, mirrored lenses, thick rims and round shapes are the coolest options. Just take a look at the preferences of Asia’s trendsetters.

Kelly Leung Senior Fashion Buyer (Lane Crawford) Matthew Williamson x Linda Farrow metal aviator sunglasses $365 (lanecrawford.com)

Dolce & Gabbana black sunglasses $TBD





Victoria Beckham Classic Victoria desert rose US$446.67 (sunglasscurator.com) Fendi red and purple sunglasses $TBD

Mirrored lenses are still hot

水銀鏡面 大熱

Q1: What is the trendiest style for sunglasses?

Q1 今季流行甚麼款 式的太陽眼鏡?

Kelly : “Mirrored lenses are still the hottest

Kelly 「水銀鏡面仍然大熱, : 特別是aviator款式的。今季我 最喜歡Victoria Beckham的機師款

choices, especially those in aviator style. My top

3.1 Phillip Lim black cat eye sunglasses $TBD

favorite is Victoria Beckham’s pilot-style sunglasses. They are luxurious and chic. I also adore Spektre’s


funky designs featuring acrylic mirrored lens.”

時亦鍾情Spektre其別具funky玩味的acrylic mirrored lens款式。」

Q2: How to pick a best match for oneself? Kelly : “One must try them on before buying. Pick the ones that

Q2: 如何選擇適合自己的太陽眼鏡?

compliment the shape of your face, and are lightweight. When getting

Kelly 「買之前一定會試戴,選擇一些適合自己面形和輕 :

new styles, go for the shapes and colors that you don’t already have.”

身的設計,要買新款式時,會盡量揀選一些自己沒有 的形狀和顏色。」

Q3: How do you coordinate clothes and sunglasses? Kelly : “I don’t specifically use sunglasses to match what I

Q3: 服飾方面,怎樣配襯不同的太陽眼鏡?

wear. Rather it depends on the mood and where I’m

Kelly 「沒有特別利用太陽眼鏡去配襯衣 :

going. For the beach or casual occasions, aviator


and mirrored lenses are the top choices, whereas


for attending more sophisticated events or


wedding, I would pick one with black

出席較為sophisticated 的

acrylic frame that looks more


Jimmy Choo gold and transparent sunglasses $TBD



式,感覺classic 一點。」

Polaroid sunglasses $TBD

Marc by Marc Jacobs pink and gold sunglasses $TBD

Thom Browne gold aviator US$638.1 (sunglasscurator.com)





Fashion Feature Dries Van Noten tortoise sunglasses $TBD

Try first, buy later Q1: What is the trendiest style for sunglasses this season? Faye : “Reflective mirrored lenses and big frames are in. Tortoise shell is an all-time favorite of the style set. Of which, Karen Walker tortoise sunglasses $TBD

I love Karen Walker’s bigger frame tortoise shell sunglasses.” Q2: Where do you buy sunglasses usually? Faye : “From specialist optical stores or fashion retail stores. After all, it’s better to try on in person to see if the style works with our face, and to find out what brands suit you better. That will make it easier for picking shades down the road.” Q3: How do you coordinate clothes and sunglasses?

Reve by Rene wish you were here big sur blue sunglasses US$365 (revebyrene.com)

Faye : “Start with the colors. The color of the frame or the lenses may go with what you wear. As well, determine the style of the frame. For example, large round frames will go well with ethnic or retro looks.”

Faye Tsui Stylist

先試才買 Q1: 今季流行甚麼款式的太陽眼鏡? Faye:「反光的水銀鏡面和大鏡框的都流行,另外玳瑁花就一向 也是時裝人熱愛的設計,當中我最喜歡Karen Walker框架較大的 玳瑁花太陽眼鏡。」 Q2: 習慣在哪裏購買太陽眼鏡?

Thierry Lasry red sunglasses US$400 (thierrylasry.com)(US only)

Faye:「專業眼鏡店或fashion retail store,始終親身試戴可以看 看是否適合自己面形,從而亦可知道哪個品牌較適合自己,往後 便更容易揀選太陽眼鏡吧。」 Q3: 服飾方面,怎樣配襯不同的太陽眼鏡? Faye:「從顏色方面着手,像一些鏡框或鏡面顏色可用來配襯你 當天所穿着的造型,另外亦會以框款式作配襯,像大圓框型,可 配襯民族或復古造型。」

Marc Jacobs green lens sunglasses $TBD





Shanghai Tang transparent sunglasses $TBD

Light ones please Q1: What is the trendiest style for sunglasses this season?

Tianyo Ma Founder of Fame Glory

Tianyo : “Mirrored lenses with subtle curves that look almost flat are in this season, such as Karen Walker’s round lenses and large lenses. They work well with bigger faces.” Q2: What are the key considerations for selecting shades? Tianyo : “Style first, and then weight. I don’t like heavy sunglasses

Dior mirrored two-tone aviator sunglasses, rose golden/white $563.50 (neimanmarcus.com)

because you have to wear them for a long time, and light ones are more comfortable to wear. And then check if the lenses are dark enough and provide enough protection for the eyes.” Q3: How do you coordinate clothes and sunglasses? Tianyo : “It depends on the occasion. It will be different for work, getting on a plane, exercise or when the sun is really bright. Sunglasses come in different styles and functions and this makes them very functional.” Carrera 57mm navigator sunglasses $179.9 (nordstrom.com)

愛輕身太陽鏡 Q1: 今季流行甚麼款式的太陽眼鏡? Tianyo:「今季流行水銀鏡,鏡面沒太大弧度 和平平的那種。例如Karen Walker的圓 形鏡和大鏡面的,適合較大的面形。」 Q2: 選擇太陽眼鏡時,會着重考慮哪 些元素? Tianyo:「款式行先,再到重量,我不喜 歡重身的太陽眼鏡,因為要戴好長時間,所

Dior gold sunglasses $605 (available at Holt Renfrew)

以輕身會較舒服,最後要看鏡片是否夠黑,可 以遮到對眼。」

Oxydo silver sunglasses $TBD

Q3: 怎樣配襯不同的太陽眼鏡? Tianyo:「看場合,工作、上飛機、做運動和真的要 遮太陽時都有不同的款式,太陽眼鏡有很多款式和用 途,十分functional。」

Le Specs Hey Macarena sunglasses $57.05 (lespecs.com)

Tommy Hilfiger transparent frame sunglasses $TBD





Fashion Feature


Erdem 14 dual toned cat eye sunglasses US$445 (lindafarrow.com)

Q1: 如何選擇適合自己的太陽眼鏡? Eleanor:「不會特別跟潮流去挑選太陽眼鏡,主張選擇適合自己 面形的款式,個人特別喜歡大鏡框及特別形狀的太陽眼鏡。」 Q2 : 服飾方面,怎樣配襯不同的太陽眼鏡? Eleanor:「70's的時尚風盛行,復古的牛仔造型跟粗框圓形太陽眼 鏡成為絕配。此外,今季我特別喜歡純白服裝,配襯一副色彩奪 目的粗框太陽眼鏡甚至潮爆的反光aviator鏡款,也可以為素淨的

Gentle Monster moon cut s3 US$265 (gentlemonster.com)

造型帶來亮點。」 Q3 : 習慣在哪裏購買太陽眼鏡? Eleanor:「專業眼鏡店,始終眼鏡店夠多花款,可因應面形試戴

Celine tortoise sunglasses $TBD

適合自己的款式,亞洲人面形和輪廓跟外國人迥異,所以我主張 亞洲人挑選Asian fit的款式,我較着重太陽眼鏡的舒適度,故此特 別注意鼻樑和鏡柄位置的設計。」

Thierry Lasry flaterry 053 sunglasses US$470 (thierrylasry.com) (US only) Dior sunglasses $TBD

Going for big frames Q1: How to pick a best match for oneself? Eleanor : “I don’t tend to follow trends when picking sunglasses. I suggest we go for styles that match our face. Personally, I prefer big frames and those in unique shapes.” Q2 : How do you coordinate clothes and sunglasses? Eleanor : “The 70s style is in, and thick round frames are perfect to go with a retro denim look. As well, I love the all-white look this season. A colorful thick-rimmed sunglasses with trendy mirrored aviator lenses will add a highlight to the minimalistic look.” Q3 : Where do you buy sunglasses usually? Eleanor : “Specialist optical stores have the richest range of styles to try on to see what goes with specific face shapes. Asians have different facial features than Caucasians, so I suggest Asians pick styles that fit Asian faces. I think comfort is important, so pay special attention to the positions of the nose bridge and the arms.”

Dior purple and pink sunglasses $575 (available at Holt Renfrew)

Eleanor Yeung Stylist






Yohji Yamamoto sunglasses US$544 (ln-cc.com)

Q1: 今季流行甚麼款式的眼鏡? Pazo: 「Pilot style和平面鏡片,水銀鏡片當然仍是大熱!如要 『一 鏡走天涯』 ,方形黑色大膠架太陽眼鏡是永恒之選。」 Q2: 選擇太陽眼鏡時,會着重考慮哪些元素? Pazo:「阻隔紫外線功能為大前提,因為眼球系統在戴上深色太 陽鏡片後因感光轉暗時瞳孔放大,若鏡片不能有效阻隔紫外線, 會比不戴上太陽眼鏡更加損害眼睛。其次是因應場合用途,品牌 信譽,最後是潮流款式。」 Q3: 習慣在哪裏購買太陽眼鏡? Pazo:「一定要找信譽良好的專業眼鏡太陽眼鏡店,確保太陽鏡 片符合100%阻隔紫外線功能。有須要時可以要求店員用儀器確 定鏡片保護功能,一般精品店或網店未必能提供此服務。」

Super America sunglasses $234.56 (retrosuperfuture. com)(US only)

Carrera 64mm aviator sunglasses $192.84 (nordstrom.com)

Anderne Aeroplane flap up sunglasses $TBD

Pazo Ho Founder of Visual Culture

Square is forever Q1: What is the trendiest style for sunglasses this season? Pazo : “Pilot style and flat lenses are in, and of course mirrored lenses are always a hit. If you use only one pair for all occasions, then large square black frame is a choice Matthew Williamson by Linda Farrow Gallery red lens sunglasses $TBD

that will never go wrong.” Q2: What are the key factors for choosing sunglasses? Pazo : “The UV protection power is primary because the irises will expand when we put on dark lenses, and if the lenses cannot effectively block UV light, the harm to the eyes will be even more detrimental than not wearing sunglasses. And then we have to consider the occasion and the reputation of a brand. Trends come last.” Q3: Where do you buy sunglasses usually?

Hakusan Megane black flap up sunglasses $TBD

Pazo : “It has to be a reputable specialist optical and sunglasses store, to make sure that the lenses can block UV light 100%. If need be, ask the optician to verify the UV functions with the right equipment. Boutiques and online stores will not be able to offer this service.”






ALLen CAO 曹雄宇

FAn F. 樊帆

COOL vs WARM text | Kelvin Wu hair | Spellbound Hair Design make up | Emmy Leung photo | Fizheye Studio

8 位2015 A1 Model Search準模特兒,身穿兩位本地設計師Wendy Ng及Katherine Phan設 計時裝,一位專長冷艷Goth Look,一位專長暖意羊羊的手工編織,來個冷酷與熱情之間的 秋前預演。 Contenders at the recent A1 Model Search debut in cool Goth and warm knitted attires by local Toronto designers Wendy Ng and Katherine Phan. 40




sunnY zeng 曾沛陽

ChRIsTIAn Yeung 楊灌澤


設計師Wendy Ng原為土木工程師,畢業於懷雅遜時裝 設計系後自創品牌,結合對建築及時裝的鍾愛,創作 出不一樣的結構。 自2010年起,分別有5個系列服裝在多倫多時裝藝術 周及藝術周展出,並出現於加國及海外多本雜誌。 Civil engineer-turned-designer, Wendy Ng combines her love of architecture into fashion. She has showcased five collections at Fashion Art Toronto Fashion & Arts Week since 2010, and has been widely featured in national and international publications. A1 Model Search的美術造型團隊。 Beauty team of A1 Model Search, organized by A1 Chinese Radio in Toronto. ELITEGEN





AngeLA LI 李嘉慧

vAnIA Feng 馮煒雯

sIMPLesMILes & CO.

擁有一位專業裁縫母親,設計師Katherine Phan自少習得傳統技術,配合現 代的設計思維,創出自由自我的風格。 品牌專注於本地人手製作的針織衣物,她著重人手製作,希望每位穿著的人 都感受到這份情感。自2010創立以來,很快就獲得不少媒體注意。 Inspired by the classic artistry of her mother, a trained seamstress, Katherine Phan reinvents traditional garment construction with modern functionality. Her affinity for hand-crafted designs is a signature touch of her brand, and has attracted much attention from the media.





ARRIkA he 何媛睿






Elite Picks Emporio Armani Glossy faux leather necklace $TBD Glossy faux leather bracelet $TBD 英文有句諺語叫「Every cloud has a silver lining.」 ,意指任何困難都總有希望,電光藍飾 物大概可成為煩悶多雨天氣的銀邊吧。 There’s a saying, “Every cloud has a silver lining” -- never giving up hope when facing difficulties. Electric blue accessories can be the silver lining during this depressing, gloomy wet weather.

Stella McCartney Metallic blue clutch (On Pedder) US$875 (mytheresa.com) 謝絕一切動物皮革,承諾只會用不流血物料做時 裝,Stella的時尚人道論為設計加入一種脫俗的 意識。即使一百巴仙聚酯纖維,質感同樣豐富。 Refusing to use animal skins and promising to use only blood-free materials, Stella McCartney makes fashion humane. Despite being 100 per cent polyester, it still retains a rich texture.





Maison Margiela Silver-plated enamel ring US$265 (netaporter.com)

Christian Louboutin Peep-toe stiletto with fringes US$1,295 (us.christianlouboutin.com)

Christian Dior Lady Dior mini-bag with flowers and butterflies $TBD

雛菊的花語是天真、純潔和忠貞的愛情。搪瓷鍍 銀做成的抖擻神態,與真的沒有兩樣,戴上手彷 彿聞到一股清新芳香。 In floral language, daisy means “innocent, pure and loyal love.” It is made so life-like using silver-plated porcelain enamel that you can almost smell its fresh scent.

女人著起幼細高跟鞋的步履性感嫵媚,如 果再加上流蘇點綴,多幾分搖曳生姿。來 一曲華爾滋,舞動的桃紅色迷惑眾生。 A woman sashaying in stilettos is extremely attractive. Embellish the heels with tassels, aided with some swing and a dose of waltz, and the swaying fuchsia casts a bewitching spell on you.

屬於花仙子的手袋,使用高級訂製的超凡 裝飾技巧,色丁作底,不同形狀的珠片成 就鳥語花香的景象,誰捨得用啊? This is a bag meant for flower fairies. Made using haute couture techniques on a satin base, it’s embroidered with sequins, forming flowers and butterflies. What a scene!


text | Clarence Lau photo | Jack assisted by Yan

Jimmy Choo Lips printed leather coin wallet $TBD

Vivienne Westwood Salome ring $315 (shopbop.com)

Kate Spade Watering can clutch US$328 (katespade.com)

時裝界愛紅唇愛得瘋狂,楚楚惹人愛的身 影時不時出現。常見容易生厭,保持新鮮 感的唯一方法是改頭換面,今回就玩迷彩。 The fashion world is crazy about red lips. Regular appearances make it look stale. This time round, it’s updated with a fresh camouflage.

好多人天生怕蛇蟲鼠蟻,但完全不介意造 成飾物放上身。華麗水晶與雲石化身大大 隻甲蟲,為日常造型增添玩味。 Lots of people are afraid of snakes and bugs. However, most have no issues putting on accessories made in their likeness. This large beetle is made with beautiful crystals and marble, making your day more interesting.

淋花壺竟然可以變手袋,大概只有Kate Spade才夠膽嘗試。綠色真皮打造,像真 度極高,森林系女生可有興趣? Kate Spade is probably the only one bold enough to make a handbag styled like a watering can. Made to look like the real thing in green genuine leather.





Fashion News


Sergio Rossi為品牌經典的水晶裝飾鞋履,換上多種婚禮大 熱顏色,如白色、香檳金、紅色及銀色等。 Sergio Rossi adds popular bridal color choices such as white, champagne, red and silver to its range of classic crystal-encrusted heels.

Sergio roSSi Bridal ColleCtion text | Michelle Chow

Open toe Swarovski embellished white pumps $1,355 (shoescribe.com)

七八月是婚禮旺季,故此多個品牌亦愛在夏 季初開推出bridal collection,像意大利品牌

Mermaid Swarovski embellished white Pumps US$ 1,180 (sergiorossi.com/ca)

Sergio Rossi,為一眾待嫁新娘推出全新婚 禮系列,品牌設計總監Angelo Ruggeri希望 藉由鞋履令新娘的造型錦上添花,他將品牌 的經典款式飾以Swarovski水晶裝飾,配以 縐緞及軟羊皮鞋墊,讓新娘在大日子時即使 穿上高踭鞋亦能舒適自在,此系列更提 供個人化服務,客人可在鞋墊上 縫製姓名的首個英文字母,為 婚禮畫上完美句號。

Tresor Swarovski embellished cage suede sandals $2507.39 (saksfifthavenue.com)

Red Swarovski embellished pumps $TBD

Beige Swarovski embellished suede sandals $2,541 (lanecrawford.com)

July and August are the peak months for tying the knot, so major brands parade their bridal collections head of summer in time for wedding bells. Italian brand Sergio Rossi has unveiled a brand new bridal range for brides-to-be. Design director Angelo Ruggeri hopes to help brides stand tall on the most important day of their lives with classic heels sparkling with Swarovski crystals and lined with crepe satin and soft lambskin insert to keep the brides’ feet in comfort throughout the important day. Brides can even personlize their heels with monograms on the insert to mark the very memorable occasion. 品牌更為每位購買婚禮系列的客人設計了精緻的bridal kit,隨鞋履附送。 An exquisite bridal kit prepared specially for brides-to-be is offered in compliment with the shoes as part of the bridal collection package.





Jewelry 時尚經典能貫穿時空,能駕馭不同的時期和形 態,名為Matelasse的菱格紋圖案源於馬術專 用皮革,於1920年代首次在Chanel設計的禮 服中亮相,及至1955年,菱格紋與2.55手袋 合體登場,成為時尚標誌。今年,這Chanel 專屬的圖案進一步為高級珠寶系列帶來驚喜, Coco Crush 18K金戒指和手鐲,以360度演繹出 菱格紋的美學,緊貼現代女性的高貴品味。

Chanel CoCo Crush

text & styling | Chappie photo | Mano Wong model | Olga V (Starzpeople) make up | Alexandro Ng nail | Crystal Chan (Fifth Salon) hair | Roy Yan

Classics stand the test of time and remain relevant throughout. The quilted patterns of Matelasse originate from equestrian leather crafts. Matelasse first appeared in the 1920s with Chanel-designed dresses. In 1955, Chanel released its Matelasse 2.55 handbags, creating a fashion icon. This year, Chanel brought Matelasse into its luxury jewelry series with “Coco Crush” 18K gold rings and cuffs, appealing to the tastes of the modern lady.





18K yellow gold ring (medium version), $3,400 18K white gold ring (small version), $2,570 18K white gold ring (medium version), $3,550 Chanel Le Vernis #659 Beige Pur nail polish

18K yellow gold cuff, $23,500






18K yellow gold ring (small version), $2,450





Watch Story 來自德國的黑馬

NOMOS GlaShütte

The Dark horse from Germany text | Douglas, Ringo photo | Douglas

參觀Nomos兩大總壇,體驗非常新鮮,看不到幾百部巨型機器,沒發現幾萬平方米面積;那裡只 有cozy的環境,精緻的設計,和平易近人的工作人員,沒錯,我們遇上過的公關、錶匠、設計師等 等,都是又平實又和藹,都是你會喜歡跟他們打交道的。造訪Nomos最深刻的感覺,是我們的確來 遲了,早該見識腕錶品牌原來是可以這樣經營,早該明白就算自製機芯也可如此定價親民的。25年 前,Roland Schwertner和兩位伙伴創辦了Nomos,和許多勵志故事相若,他們就是在一間只有3房 的單位裡,創作了Nomos的先頭部隊:Tangente、Orion、Ludwig和Tetra,於1992年推出市場。今 天,品牌擁有5位合伙人,仍然獨立、創作和生產,若非如此,大家也未必可以遇上這股錶壇清泉。 Nomos名字裡找到「Glashütte」這個字,顧名思義,就是源自Glashütte的意思,但要真正了解這品 牌,除了Glashütte,還要到柏林走一趟,他們是兵分兩路的,生產廠房在Glashütte,設計工作室在 柏林,一邊是傳統、機械工序,另一邊是創新、抽象意念,缺少了任何一邊都不能成事。





和機械味重的製錶廠房比較,設計工作室是另 一個世界。 The design workshop is a world apart from the industrial feel of the factory.

Visiting Nomos’s two facilities was an eye-opening experience. It’s not that we were overwhelmed by hundreds of gigantic machines, or tens of thousands of square metres of space. Rather, we were enveloped by a cozy ambiance and amicable staff. That’s right. The PR people, the watchmakers and the designers were all down to earth and personable -- the sort that everybody would be happy to befriend. I felt strongly that we should have been there much sooner, to witness for ourselves that watch brands could operate this way, that proprietary calibers could be this accessible.

外圍環境一般不會太脫節的,柏林設計總 部就是位處這幢充滿文化氣息的大樓內。 The right place for the right brand – the design base in Berlin is located in a building with a rich cultural feel.

Roland Schwertner established Nomos 25 years ago with two partners. Like many other success stories with humble beginnings, the trio worked in a three-room space to produce the pioneering collections in 1992: Tangente, Orion, Ludwig and Tetra. The number of partners in the brand has increased to five, but the brand remains independent in creation and production. Had it not been for their insistence, we wouldn’t have come face to face with this breath of fresh air in the world of horology. Nomos has Glashütte attached to its name, indicative of its origins in Glashütte. To truly understand the brand, we had to make two trips -- to Berlin, where the design is done, and to Glashütte, where the watches are manufactured. They work in tandem -- creativity and outside-the-box imagination alongside tradition. You really can’t do without either.





Watch Story

Uwe Ahrendt, CEO of NOMOS

「大部分人都能負擔得來。」“Most people can afford this.”

設計心臟 Nomos的Berlinerblau設計工作室棲身一幢極富歐陸建築風格的大樓 內,佔據一整個樓層。我們經常強調腕錶是工藝品,這裡活脫脫就是腕錶 專屬的art gallery,藝術味道蓋過商業味道,雖然還是會展出腕錶製成品, 但只在工作室盡頭的小房間裡。品牌現時擁有11個型號,衍生了70多個 不同版本,然而在這裡,你可找到更多林林總總的變奏,錶盤顏色配搭千 變萬化,錶帶物料及錶扣設計層出不窮,連指針、刻度也是五時花六時變 的。大家可別誤會,這裡不是boutique edition或tailor-made version的陳列 室,Nomos只想和大家分享他們的設計意念,款式絕大部分都是展示品, 暫時不會投產。 關於功能技術,各大品牌當然希望在日內瓦製錶大獎金榜題名,然而 Nomos在另一個領域卻是獨領風騷的,那就是有關腕錶設計的殊榮,走過 了銀禧歲月,Nomos合共贏得120個大小獎項,開國功臣Tangente個人便 獨攬40項。2014年,在Metro型號大放光芒之下,Nomos亦獲得10項大 獎,而且份量極重,包括設計界著名的iF Product Design Award、Red Dot Design等。 Nomos現時聘用了約200位員工,當中約170位於Glashütte工作,另 外的30員精英,則留守柏林的創作堡壘。眾設計師中,有的是全職,有的 是freelance,一個人主要負責一個系列,像Mark Braun是「Metro」之父, Thomas Honhel是「Ahoi」的創作者,品牌都是毫無保留的公告天下,給予 設計師名份和尊重。

Nomos的優點從一而終,是以相宜的價錢提供優質 腕錶,也是行政總裁Uwe Ahrendt口中的 「democratic luxury」 「我們所製作的腕錶,希望大部分人都可以 : 享受得到,有賴現代化的製錶技術,令我們可以生 產出又漂亮、又long lasting、又適合任何場合的腕 錶。」有人認為去年的自家擒縱系統是Nomos的里程 碑,然而追溯至2005年,Nomos早已誕生首台自家 機芯。Uwe表示: 「作為Glashütte獨立的腕錶品牌, 我們一向崇尚自家創作,創製出Nomos獨有的擒縱 系統,令我們不再需要依賴第三者提供此部分重要零件,更能穩定控制 機芯的產量和質量。」 Nomos的形象就是親民,定價就是入世,一旦換上更複雜的功能,又或 加入自家機芯等元素,會否360度轉變?Uwe是這樣解讀的: 「不錯我們 在2013年推出了兩款貴金屬型號:Lux和Lambda。但因應腕錶的用料和 工藝,我們認為價位仍是恰當的,但我們仍會盡量保持合理的定價,令 大部分人都能負擔得來。」 The best thing about Nomos has always been the accessible prices for its high-quality watches. This is what Uwe Ahrendt means by “democratic luxury.” “We hope a lot of people can enjoy the wristwatches we make,” he says. “Thanks to modern watchmaking technology, we can produce beautiful and long-lasting watches for any occasions.” Some people may think that making its own escapement is a major milestone, but Nomos has been manufacturing its own movement since 2005. “As an independent watch brand in Glashütte, we are a proponent of original creation,” Ahrendt says. “The making of Nomos escapements means we don’t have to rely on third parties for some parts. That gives us more sustained control over the quantity and quality of our movement production.” Nomos is about being accessible, and the pricing is exactly that. Yet, wouldn’t the introduction of more complicated functions and proprietary elements bring about drastic price changes? Not so, says Ahrendt. “Indeed, we produced two precious metal collections, Lux and Lambda, in 2013, but we think the price points are spot-on, considering the materials and craftsmanship. We will continue to set reasonable prices to make sure our watches are affordable to most people.”

The heart of creation Nomos’s Berlinerblau design workshop occupies an entire floor of a building with classic continental architecture. Underscoring the artistic aspects of watchmaking, this space is a living and breathing art gallery of wristwatches that has a much stronger art feel than commercial presence. There are product displays, for sure, but they’re relegated to a small room at the end of the workshop. The brand has 11 collections with 70-plus designs, but one can see many more variations here – from dials of different colours, to bracelets in different materials and buckles of different designs. Even the hour and minute indicators and indexes come in a wide array of choices. Don’t get me wrong. This is not a showroom for boutique editions or tailor-made versions. This is the way that Nomos shares its creative ideas. Many designs here are prototypes that may never go into production. All brands strive to garner awards for complications and craftsmanship in major Geneva watchmaking halls of fame. There, Nomos stands apart.

錶扣的尺寸、 形狀,差之毫 釐,味道可以 相差千里。 Any minor variation in the size and shape of the buckle can make a substantial difference.

The watchmaker has accumulated some 120 awards of all descriptions over a quarter-century. Tangente, the founding collection, has harvested 40 awards alone. The Metro collection took the spotlight in 2014 and won 10 major awards, including the highly sought-after iF Product Design and Red Dot Design awards. Nomos has a staff of 200 – 170 deployed in Glashütte and 30 in Berlin. It employs full-time and freelance designers, with each taking charge of a specific collection. Mark Braun, for example, is the creator of Metro and Thomas Honhel is responsible for Ahoi. The brand makes a point of highlighting the designer of each collection to give them their due credit.





生產基地 Nomos設計孕育於柏林,切實生產的廠房就在


Glashütte。大家都知道掛上「Swiss Made」冠冕必須符合指定要



輪自己造,去年終於推出Nomos Swing System,真真正正成為



進行,上文提及品牌現時約有200位員工,當中大概120位就在生 產線效命。

即使Nomos廠房面積不算很大,但現場卻找到不少特製儀 器應付自製機芯的需要。例如廠房擁有3部名為「Long Turning









The production base It is well known that the “Swiss Made” label comes with stringent requirements. What about the Glashütte label? It is legitimate when at least 50 per cent of the production is carried out in the Glashütte region. Nomos takes it many notches further, by having 95 per cent of the production in Glashütte. As mentioned, some 120 of Nomos’s 200 employees are involved in the Glashütte production line. There are at least 20 watchmaking factories in the Glashütte region, but only three have the capacity to make calibers in-house, and they form a triumvirate in the core. A brand that was set up in 1990 produced

對不起,因為Nomos廠房並不允許傳媒在機 芯生產組裝的部分拍照,只想說一句,有時 間絕對值得一逛。 No pictures are allowed in the mechanism production area of the Nomos plant. All one can say is it is definitely worth taking the time for a visit.

its first proprietary movement in 2005. It may not be 100 per cent made in-house, as it used ETA caliber as a base. But true to the German reputation for stringent standards, it put in plenty of effort in remodelling. Seven years ago, Nomos dedicated some 10 million euros ($14 million) to create a mechanism it could call its own. In collaboration with Dresden University of Technology, the brand made its proprietary escape wheel and pallet and unveiled the Nomos Swing System last year, elevating itself to the league of 100 per cent in-house manufacturing. Though the Nomos plant is by no means enormous, there is plenty of tailor-made equipment to manufacture the proprietary movements. It has one large and two small long-shaft turning lathes for cutting the escapement parts. All 150 steel or copper parts in Nomos mechanisms are made here, including the balance spring, the escape wheel and the pallet. This is rare, not only by German standards, but by Swiss standards as well.

又長又像大炮的就是切割機芯零件的「Long Turning Lathe」 。 The cannon-like machinery is the longshaft turning lathe, used for cutting parts.





Watch Story

火車站是是生產腹地,其實Nomos在遠處還有另外一幢廠房,前身是Chronometry Building,14位員工在此設計腕錶機芯。沒有他們的大膽創意,別名 「DUW」 的Nomos擒縱系 統也可能永遠不見天日。擒縱系統裡的藍色游絲,以獨特的鋼合金製成,成分是甚麼我們不得 而知,品牌花上千多萬研發,當然不會輕易公諸於世。肯定的是,那並非矽質物料,而且技術 人員也說得坦白,新游絲不會大幅提升精準度,普通人更看不出究竟和傳統nivarox游絲有何 分別,然而那份象徵意義大於一切,強調品牌不用再依靠他人提供游絲,這個才是重點。 The railway station is a production base. Actually, Nomos has another plant further away. It used to be the Chronometry Building and 14 employees work there to design movements. Without their bold creativity, the Nomos Swing System, nicknamed DUW, might never have seen the light of day. The blue balance spring is made of a unique and undisclosed steel alloy. The brand has put some 10 million euros ($14 million) into research and development, so it has every right to keep this under wraps. For sure, it’s not silicon material. The technicians are frank in saying that the new balance spring would not drastically enhance precision, and a regular customer won’t be able to tell the difference between the traditional and the Nivarox balance spring. The importance lies in the symbolism – that the brand no longer needs to rely on others. For Nomos, isn’t that the whole point?





設計工作室的盡頭位置 是一間陳列室,檯布上 的圖片是從Glashütte製 錶廠房拍攝然後移植過 來,creative的品牌就 是有這種幽默。 See the creative brand’s sense of humour in the showroom tucked away at the end of the workshop. The pattern on the tablecloth is actually pictures of the Glashütte facility.


偉大的照片存在於瞬息之間。這就是索尼推出 6000 系列相機的原因。這是一款別緻的無反光鏡 相機,配有令人驚喜的圖像傳感器和世界上最快的自動對焦功能*。本款相機小巧玲瓏。其强大功 能足以捕捉瞬間即逝的細微之處。

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Watch News

Hermès Arceau Cheval d'Orient

Nathalie Rolland-Huckel繪畫之前,先在黑漆錶盤上以 鉛筆勾勒駿馬圖案。 Before Nathalie Rolland-Huckel begins painting, she first draws an outline of the horse on the black lacquer dial with a pencil.

愛馬仕的法式漆繪,跟琺瑯彩繪沒兩樣,也需要超乎常人的耐性和專注才能完成。工匠首先將顏料和柯巴脂清漆混合成亮 漆,用極度幼細的畫筆塗在錶盤上,每當塗完一層,要等足三天讓亮漆完全乾透,仔細磨平後才再塗另一層。如是者不斷重覆 塗漆、待乾及打磨,直至錶盤累積塗上約30層亮漆!要注意是,花了數個月時間和心機,都只是在錶盤造出一個亮麗漆黑的圖 案背景而已。 繪畫之前,工匠會先用鉛筆在黑漆錶盤上勾勒圖案,然後將顏料壓碎和混 合,調好色後再慢慢分層上色。駿馬圖案栩栩如生地展現後,工作還未完成, 又需要等待最少10天以上,圖案才能乾透,然後又再塗上20層清漆,這個過程 當然又要經歷等待又等待的日子。一切都準備就緒,最後再小心奕奕地打磨 一次,這樣才叫大功告成。 負責製作這塊漂亮漆繪錶盤的幕後功臣是漆藝大師Nathalie RollandHuckel,由2002年開始她已被愛馬仕羅致,為他們繪製各式各樣的漆器餐具, 這枚Arceau Cheval d'Orient,就是取材自愛馬仕的東方之馬餐具系列,內搭 H1837自動機芯,41mm錶殼以白金打造。如果你已經擁有這套駿馬餐具,自然 也想一併擁有這3枚駿馬腕錶,每款只限量24枚。(est. $88,800)





只看錶盤,你會以為錶盤上那匹色彩繽紛駿 馬,是由琺瑯微繪製成。只答對一半,微繪, 是對的,但卻不是琺瑯,它其實來自愛馬仕著 名的法式漆繪。

Looking at the watch dial, you would probably think the colourful steed pictured there is micro-painted enamel. But that is only half the answer. The horse is micro-painted, but not using enamel. It is drawn using French lacquer painting, a technique made famous by Hermès.

50 層彩馬

50-layer Colour Horse Hermès ArceAu cHevAl d’Orient text | Ringo photo | Kauzrambler

This technique is similar to enamel colour painting. Both require

Then, 20 layers of varnish are applied and the waiting process

super-human patience and focus in order to complete. The painter

starts all over again. After all of this is finished, there is another careful

first mixes paint and copal varnish to make a lacquer and then uses a

sanding before the work is complete.

super-fine brush to draw on the watch dial. With every layer of lacquer, the painter has to wait three days for it to dry completely. Then the

The person in charge of producing this beautiful lacquer watch

drawing has to be carefully sanded down before applying another

dial is lacquer master Nathalie Rolland-Huckel. She was recruited


by Hermès in 2002 to help produce a variety of lacquer dinnerware. This Arceau Cheval d’Orient watch was inspired by the dinnerware

These steps of painting, drying and sanding are repeated over and over, until 30 layers have been applied. After several months of time

series of the same name. Inside the watch is an H1837 automatic movement. The 41-millimetre case is made with white gold.

and effort, the result is a beautiful black lacquer background. If you already own the Arceau Cheval d’Orient dinnerware, you will Before painting the horse, the artist will use a pencil to make an outline on the black lacquer dial. Then he or she will crush and mix the

naturally also want to have this watch. There are three different dial designs, limited to 24 pieces (est. $88,800)

paint to achieve the desired colours. Each colour is painted layer by layer and takes 10 days to dry thoroughly.





Watch News 試試44mm的古典


LumINoR mARINA 8 DAys AccIAIo PAm590 The classic appeal of 44mm





text | Michelle Chow

photot | Kauzrambler

只看這枚PAM590一眼,吸引你的會是甚麼?是錶盤3 時位置預示的8日鏈長動能、是那泛出微黃的指針及時 刻夜光物料,還是肉眼看不到要親自戴上手才感受到的 44mm的懷舊感覺? What caught your attention at first glance of this PAM590? The eight-day power reserve indicator at 3 o’clock, or the luminous patina hands and indices, or the retro feel of the 44-mm size that you can’t see but only feel? 這枚Luminor Marina 8 Days Acciaio PAM590,有

This Luminor Marina 8 Days Acciaio PAM590 has a classic appeal. Like


a smaller version of PAM203, it also features the power reserve indicator


and the balanced sub-dial layout. Take a closer look. Other than losing the

9兩個數字時標,PAM590還用上仿變黃hour markers,

index for 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock, PAM590 has the rare combination of hour


markers in simulated patina, the brand name in white and the eight-day power


reserve inscription. From recall, this combination has appeared only in the

Forever PAM532。

10th-anniversary Paneristi PAM360 and Paneristi Forever PAM532, launched in 2013.

8日鏈是這枚腕錶的一大賣點,這內搭的8日鏈機 芯並非來自經典的Angelus Calibre,而是採用自家製造

Its biggest selling point, the eight-day power reserve, is not powered by the

的P.5000手上鏈機芯,在表盤3時位置印上的「8 Giorni

classic Angelus Calibre, but its in-house hand-wound mechanical eight-day


P.5000 movement. The “8 GIORNI BREVETTATO” inscription at 3 o’clock is


the insignia that mesmerizes diehard Panerai fans. This logo of eight-day power


reserve was first seen on the 1950 classic Submersible created for the Egyptian

的PAM203、復刻60mm Big Egyptian的PAM341,以及

navy. It made only three appearances in the past – on the revered PAM203, the


retro 60mm Big Egyptian PAM341 and PAM339 that uses composite materials.


This mark, along with the human torpedo and the OP marks, has the power to


make fans’ eyes dilate. One more thing -- a human torpedo is engraved on the

再增加你的購買欲? (US$7,700)

case back of PAM590. Does that mean you have to have it? (US$7,700)






大概,每個男人都想做現代 紳士,只是因為懶因為怕做 錯而寧願不做。 事實上,袖口鈕除了用在正 式場合,更應用在日常生活, 在舉手之間隱約流露紳士品 味,那種不經意的優雅才是 紳士精神所在。 Many a man dreams of being a modern-age gentleman, but doesn’t necessarily practise gentlemanly customs for fear of doing something wrong. Such is the case with cufflinks. In reality, cufflinks are appropriate not only for formal occasions, but also for everyday wear. It is the unscripted mannerisms that reveal a gentleman’s taste and the casual elegance of every-day

Georg Jensen black and white cube cufflinks $TBD

life that displays his spirit.

Dior Homme diamante chain cufflinks $TBD Lanvin black crystal cufflinks $TBD


Button up, dress up text | Lisa photo | Jack assisted by Yan





The Armoury sapphire ruby and tiger’s eye chain cufflinks $TBD

The historical link As early as the 1500s, men in England had begun to wear “shirts.” However, the “shirt” at that time was more like the “undershirt” of today. Even though the shirt was worn on the inside, the collar and cuffs were exposed and would be decorated with pleats, embroidery and lace. Sometimes, ribbons were added and these ribbons became the initial closures for collars and cuffs.

繫結起源 早在1500年代的英國,男士已穿「恤衫」,但當時恤衫的意 義等同現在的底衫。縱使穿在裡面,衣領、袖口位置仍然會露出 來,所以會綴以褶襉、刺繡、花邊等裝飾,再繫上絲帶,是最一 開始連接衣領及袖口的做法。 到了十九世紀維多利亞時代,恤衫逐漸演變成現在所見的模

By the time the 19th-century Victorian era rolled around, shirts had evolved to where they resembled the current look. The collar and cuffs had to be stiff to fit the aesthetics of formal wear. However, the stiffer the cuffs, the harder it was to attach the ribbon. As a result, someone came up with the idea of using metal and silver chains instead of ribbons. This became the forerunner of the cufflink. Later, again to fit with


the aesthetics, gemstones were added to adorn both ends of the


silver chains. The wealthier the family, the more precious the stones.


Thus, cufflinks were used to measure the social status of men.

用上愈珍貴的寶石,故袖口鈕亦用以衡量男人的社會地位。由此 時開始,幾乎所有中產及貴族男士都會用上袖口鈕,是紳士衣著 的一部分。

From this point on, almost every middle-class and upper-class man wore cufflinks and they became an essential element of a gentleman’s attire. The most traditional cufflinks had a metal chain

最傳統的袖口鈕中間是以金屬鏈連接(chain link),現在除了 專造袖口鈕的品牌依然會有這種袖口鈕外,已買少見少。

link in the centre, but these have become rarer and rarer as the years have gone by. Today, only specialized cufflink brands sell this type.






鈕之恤衫 用袖口鈕,並不是任何一件恤衫都適合,所以買袖口鈕之 前,先要買恤衫,說的是一件French cuff shirt,又稱double cuff shirt,沒有鈕扣,雙層袖口設計,跟袖口鈕是天作之合。維多利亞 時代要求衣領和袖口愈硬挺愈好,於是將恤衫袖口加長再對上摺一 層,令袖口位更挺身,再用袖口鈕固定。後來這種英式西裝文化傳 到法國,在貴族間大受歡迎,便有了French cuff之說。 最傳統穿French cuff恤衫的做法,是必須配戴袖口鈕,亦一 定要穿著西裝外套,並露出恤衫袖口的四分一,讓人隱約看到袖口 鈕,方為正式,所以後來不少人錯覺French cuff恤衫只適用於隆重 場合。但到了今日,已無硬性規定必須無時無刻穿著西裝外套,亦 有人將之配上牛仔褲、冷衫外套,只要因應場合配襯得宜便可。

揀鈕之道 有了恤衫,之後就要懂得選擇適合自己的袖口鈕,從配襯中突 顯品味。Tateossian是Robert Tateossian於1990年創立的配飾品 牌,由一開始就專門製造袖口鈕,更有「The King of Cufflinks」之 稱。對他來說袖口鈕不只是裝飾,更是表達個性、自我的一環,所 以選擇袖口鈕,應該以直覺為大前提。Robert Tateossian創立品 牌之前是個banker,而在倫敦從事銀行業,佩戴袖口鈕是基本衣著 的一部分:「袖口鈕是身分象徵,在開會時見到有人沒有佩戴袖口 鈕,會覺得他是小職員。」想保留袖口鈕這個傳統之餘,他也希望 袖口鈕可以變得更有玩味更貼合時代,於是便索性辭工創立品牌, 專門造袖口鈕。過往袖口鈕一直被視為是高職位、專業人士才用的 配飾,多少帶點傳統、老土的感覺,亦因為這個印象而令不少人對 袖口鈕卻步。Robert Tateossian同意袖口鈕現在仍是不少老闆、 經理的基本配飾,但同時也有一群對時裝、品味執著的人會用袖口 鈕:「我覺得袖口鈕是最容易令人覺得你有用心配襯過的配飾,它 是紳士造型的完美點睛。現在反而少人用領呔,但又想看起來姿整 醒目,很多人會選擇用袖口鈕,從小地方表現品味。」

(上至下form top to bottom) Babette Wasserman ‘noughts and crosses’ cufflinks $190 (lanecrawford.com) Lanvin textured cufflinks $313.75 (farfetch.com) Lanvin twist knot cufflinks $280 (lanecrawford.com)

對Robert Tateossian來說,現在已沒甚麼所謂的穿衣規條, 用袖口鈕唯一要穿對French cuff恤衫,穿不穿外套、配襯甚麼褲 子、鞋子已不怎麼拘謹。「現今男士最緊要是dress up,要懂得 打破傳統規條,穿出自我風格,用袖口鈕也是一樣。比起穿衣規 條,我覺得更重要是選擇一對能表達個性的袖口鈕。而最切合個性 的袖口鈕,一定是憑直覺就喜歡的那對。」因為自創品牌,Robert Tateossian有幾百對袖口鈕,對於配襯之道,他說最簡單是看物質 和顏色:「金屬最好相配,如用純銀呔夾、皮帶扣,就選擇純銀袖

正確French cuff恤衫穿著方法 The proper way to wear a French-cuff shirt

口鈕,戴藍色呔,就用帶藍色的袖口鈕,這是上班族最簡單的配襯 方法。想看來時尚, 不妨穿得smart casual一 點,再配搭有趣玩味的袖口鈕。」

品牌今年25周年,為過往最出名的設計 如時計、指南針、寶石袖口鈕推出限量 系列。 This year is the brand’s 25th anniversary. Thus, the company has issued limited editions of its past bestselling designs, such as timepieces, compasses and gemstone cufflinks.





French cuff恤衫袖口應是長身, 向上對摺令袖口更挺身。

向上對摺後應該內袖貼內袖,形成kissing cuff,而不是像普通恤衫般捲入袖內。

將袖 口穿

French cuffs are designed to be longer so they can be folded to form a stiffer look.

Fold the cuff over so that the ends are kissing each other –“kissing cuff”– and the four bound holes are aligned.

Stra the c hole


A shirt for the links The type of shirt associated with cufflinks comes with a French cuff, which folds over into a double layer. Rather than buttons, the shirt has bound holes in the cuffs to accommodate the cufflinks. This English style of men’s clothing was introduced to France, and became popular among the nobility there – hence the name French cuff. It was essential that a quarter of the sleeve cuffs be visible at the bottom of the suit jacket sleeves, so that the cufflinks could be seen. These days, there are no strict rules about wearing a suit jacket. Folks can wear a French cuff shirt with jeans, sweaters, or whatever seems appropriate for the occasion.

Selecting the right cufflinks Cufflinks need to suit your style and accentuate your taste. Tateossian, founded by Robert Tateossian in 1990, has earned the nickname “King of Cufflinks.” For Tateossian, cufflinks are an expression of one’s personality and self-confidence. As a result, one needs to rely on one’s instincts to choose the appropriate cufflinks. Before founding the brand, Tateossian was a London banker and cufflinks were part of his every-day dress. He once said: “Wearing cufflinks is a status symbol. In a meeting, if one sees someone not wearing cufflinks, one would assume that he is low-level staff.” In addition to preserving the tradition of wearing cufflinks, Tateossian also wanted to make them more playful and contemporary. He resigned from the bank, founded his brand and the rest is history. For some, the idea of wearing cufflinks seems old-fashioned and, for that reason, they avoid wearing them. Tateossian believes cufflinks today are basic accessories for bosses and managers. “I feel that cufflinks make it look like you spent time to accessorize,” he says. “They are the perfect enhancement to the gentleman’s look. These days, fewer people are wearing ties. To add a smart look, many people will choose cufflinks to give a subtle hint of high class.” To Tateossian, there no longer are strict requirements for dressing. To wear cufflinks, one does need a French-cuff shirt. But whether to wear a jacket or not, or what trousers or shoes to go with it, there really are no rules. “Today, the most important thing is for men to dress up,” he says. “They need to break the traditional rules and show their own styles. This is the same when using cufflinks. More than following rules for dressing, I think the most important choice is to find a pair of cufflinks that expresses one’s personality. To do that, one needs to follow one’s instincts.” Tateossian admits to owning several hundred pairs of cufflinks. To accessorize properly, he says the simplest way is to match the materials and the colours. “Metals are the easiest to match” he says. “For example, if you use a pure silver tie clip and a pure silver belt buckle, then you should choose a pair of pure silver cufflinks. If you wear a blue tie, you should use blue cufflinks to go with it. This is the simplest matching method for the working crowd. If you want to look contemporary, then go smart casual, and use a pair of interesting whimsical cufflinks to round out the look.”

將袖口鈕背面轉直,由手背的袖 口穿入、手心面穿出鈕門。

完全穿過恤衫上四個鈕門後, 再將之打橫固定,完成。

Straighten the prongs on the back of the cufflinks, insert them through the holes.

Fold the prongs back to secure them. Voila! Finis!

Rules for the beginner In choosing cufflinks, consider the occasion. For a job interview, going to work, or attending a formal occasion, one needs to stay inside the lines. For the beginner, a silk knot is a must-have. This is a knot made from knitting silk threads together and because of its ELITEGEN





左至右,上至下 From left to right, top to bottom The Armoury silk knot cufflinks $TBD Hermes “H” silver plated cufflinks $TBD Prada silver gear cufflinks $TBD Patinova double lotus cufflinks $277.62 (patinova.com) Georg Jensen black and while check cufflinks $TBD Loewe squared cufflinks smoke grey US$160 (loewe.com)(US only)

Penrose London Apollo b cufflinks $245 (lanecrawford.com) Prada milti-colour octagon cufflinks $TBD Loewe round cufflinks with anagram US$240 (loewe.com)(US only) The Armoury lapis purple cufflinks $TBD Ermenegildo Zegna metal and carbon fiber cufflinks US$280 (zegna.com) Paul Smith copper zinc carbon fibre plated cufflinks $TBD



選購袖口鈕,講直覺講性格之外,也要看場合,見工、上 班、出席隆重場合,穿的用的總不能太越軌。初入門,silk knot 不可少,是由絲線織成的結,因為看來像猴子握拳,亦稱猴拳結 (monkey fist),是巴黎恤衫世家Charvet於1904年設計的袖口 鈕。因為店內沒有袖口鈕,便造出此結讓客人試French cuff恤衫

當然,穿衣規條是死的,亦不是所有人都要遵守正經八百的 dress code,不少職業已接受smart casual打扮,這時一對富有 玩味的袖口鈕能為造型畫龍點睛,表現幽默性格之餘,也為生活 增添趣味。

時可以此做樣辦,後來因為此結看來簡潔,又比袖口鈕便宜一大 截,還有不同顏色配搭,最容易襯衫,不少男士乾脆以此作袖口



Lagerfeld化身迷你版,也有調皮bag bug造型,非常趣致。

篇一律的上班服最合適,優雅端莊又不致太浮誇。 尋求變化的可以選擇金、銀以外顏色配搭的袖口鈕,但形狀


Agnès b.將品牌招牌photo print放諸袖口鈕,Paul Smith向來 幽默,鈕扣、昆蟲、郵票袖口鈕貫徹品牌風格。各地品牌亦有宣








左至右,上至下 From left to right, top to bottom Agnes b photoprint cufflinks $TBD Tateossian cufflinks $275 (available at Holt Renfrew) Deakins & Francis silver skull cufflinks $TBD Tatty Devine gilbert & George gin cufflinks $54 (ka-pok.com) Patinova wen cufflinks US$150 (thearmoury.com) Patinova twenty cents coin cufflinks US$100 (thearmoury.com)

Paul Smith sky blue multi-stripe button cufflinks US$100 (paulsmith.co.uk)(US only) Fendi Bag bug cufflinks $TBD Lanvin beetle cufflinks $336.23 (nordstrom.com) Fendi fur karl cufflinks $775.91 (saksfifthavenue.com) Paul Smith gold plated dragonfly cufflinks $TBD Paul Smith stamp cufflinks US$125 (paulsmith.co.uk)(US only)

look, it’s often called the “monkey fist.” The silk-knot cufflink was designed by Parisian shirt tycoon Charvet in 1904. At that time, his store did not carry cufflinks. This style caught

adding some fun to life. This season, the most playful representation belongs to Fendi’s Karlito cufflinks. This is a mini-version of Karl Lagerfeld, in a cute and playful bug pose. Meanwhile, Agnès b.

on because of the low cost of manufacturing, compared with metallic

uses its signature photo print on a pair of cufflinks. As for the usually

cufflinks. Also, the fact that the knots came in different colours made

humorous Paul Smith, the button, insect and stamp cufflinks all display

it easy to match with coloured shirts. The common H-shaped cufflink, in silver or gold, is a nice accessory for work clothes, elegant and

the brand’s style.

understated. For variety, choose other colours. However, the shape needs to be regular. For formal occasions, you can choose cufflinks adorned with gemstones or pearls for added prominence.

Being playful Stodgy dress codes are no longer followed. Many professions have accepted the smart casual look, and a pair of whimsical cufflinks

Different brands from different countries have products that express local cultures. Cufflinks are actually not as formal and boring as some imagine. As long as they can be matched appropriately, cufflinks can be an integral part of life, highlighting a gentleman’s unique style.

can be a great highlight, expressing one’s sense of humour and ELITEGEN





Dive into Water! text | Angel Siu photo | Sing Ho model | Lauren R. @ Starzpeople makeup | Winki Winki hair | Green Cheung






Simply Nude

7至8月,游水及遊船河等節目一個接一個,不願 素顏見人,就要準備好防水妝,自信無憂地盡情

油底霜,再薄薄掃上一層具防水功效的粉底 液,盡量保持底妝透薄,這樣即使不小心溶 妝,也不會太顯眼。眼妝方面,主要以防水眼 線及睫毛液,令雙眼更精靈有神便可。完成妝容 後,可全臉噴上持久定妝水,進一步提升妝容防水度。


Before going for a dip, apply some oil-control liquid veil makeup

The months of July and August are full of swimming, boating and other water fun. If you prefer to go without traditional makeup, waterproof cosmetic products are a must.

and then brush on a thin layer of waterproof liquid foundation. Make sure this foundation layer is thin and translucent. That way, even if the makeup is accidentally smudged a bit, it won’t show too much. As for eye makeup, the main emphasis is on using a waterproof eyeliner and a waterproof mascara to make the eye look bright and energetic. After applying the makeup, spray on a longlasting makeup setting spray to further protect the makeup from the water.

Steps On Face


Cle de peau beaute sheer fluid veil $85 (available at Holt Renfrew)

On Face


首先塗抹一層輕柔 的持久化妝底霜, 幫助控制油脂分 泌。 First, apply a light layer of longlasting liquid veil makeup to control the secretion of oil on the skin.

用粉底掃掃上薄薄 的防水粉底液,均 勻膚色。 Using a foundation brush, apply a thin layer of liquid foundation to even out the skin tone.



Bobbi Brown perfectly defined long-wear brow pencil #Saddle $49 (bobbibrowncosmetics.ca)

然後用防水眉筆填 補眉毛空隙,描出 自然眉形。 Then, use a waterproof brow pencil to fill in the brows, creating a natural shape.

以淡金色眼影霜塗 抹於眼窩內。 Brush a shimmering light gold eyeshadow on the eyelid.

Shiseido shimmering cream eye colour #YE 216 $29 (shiseido.ca)

On Eyes

On Eyes



再用啡色眼影霜輕輕 畫一條上眼線,並塗抹 一些在上眼尾,用指 腹向前暈開。 Then, use a brown eyeshadow to lightly draw in the upper eye line, brushing a little on the outside of the eye. Using the tip of your fingers, smooth over the eyelid.

用啡色防水眼線 液畫上內眼線。 Use a brown waterproof liquid eyeliner, draw a line along the lash line.

Shu Uemura metal:ink liquid eye liner #ME Brown $38 (shuuemura.ca)

On Eyes

On Cheeks


Nars dualintensity blush #Jubilation $52 (sephora.com)

Make Up For Ever Aqua Cream #15 Taupe $28 (sephora.com)

Make Up For Ever face & body liquid make up #20 Ivory $46 (sephora.com)

On Brows

On Eyes


Yves Saint Laurent volume effet faux cils waterproof mascara $37.84 (nordstrom.com)

最後於上下睫毛 掃上防水的黑色 濃密睫毛膏。 Finally, brush on a thick black waterproof mascara on both the top and bottom eyelashes.

On Lips


先噴濕胭脂掃,然 後沾取盒內較深一 色,掃於顴骨下的 三角位。 First, spray some water on the blush brush to moisten it. Then, take some of the deeper colour from the dualintensity blush box and brush on the cheek, just below the cheekbone. 於雙唇塗上淡裸色 唇膏。 Apply a light natural-coloured lipstick to the lips.

Chanel rouge coco ultra hydrating lipcolour #402 Adrienne $45.4 (nordstrom.com)

On Face

Make Up For Ever Mist & Fix $34 (sephora.com)


最後,於全臉噴上 持久定妝水,提升 妝容防水度,同時 抗汗,預防溶妝。 Finally, apply a long-lasting makeup spray all over the face. This increases the waterresistance of the makeup and decreases the amount of sweating, thus avoiding smudging.










想為雙眸添加奪目色彩, 建議以彩色眼線液或眼影霜層疊畫 出數條眼線,顏色飽和鮮明,防水效果 超卓,玩樂過後也不怕眼妝溶化。

Waterproof Liners

To add some spectacular colour to the eyes, use coloured liquid eyeliners or eyeshadow cream in different bright colours to draw several eyelines. The colour will be full and bright, as well as waterproof,


and will not smudge, even after all the fun in the sun. On Eyes


首先用鮮藍色防水 眼線液畫一條稍為 向後延長的上眼線。 First, use a bright blue waterproof liquid eyeliner to draw an upper eyeline, extending a little past the corner of the eye.

Make Up For Ever Aqua Liner #18 Diamond Blue $27 (sephora.com)

On Eyes


Make Up For Ever Aqua Seal $25 (sephora.com)


Make Up For Ever Aqua Liner #4 Diamond Lagoon Green $27 (sephora.com)

On Eyes

On Eyes


Make Up For Ever Aqua Cream #24 Yellow $28 (sephora.com)

從藍色眼線的中間 開始,用綠色眼線 液向後畫多一條眼 線,長度較藍色眼 線長一些。 Using an aqua eyeliner, draw another line from the middle of the blue eyeline. This line should be a little longer than the blue eyeline.

然後再用黃色眼 影霜畫前半段的 眼線,並用掃稍為 推鬆眼頭眼線的邊 緣,增加眼線的立 體感。 Then, brush a yellow eyeshadow onto the front part of the eye line, towards the inside corner of the eye. Using the brush, smudge the colour a little on the tip to add to the threedimensionality of the eyeline.

On Eyes


為了增加眼線的 防水度,可於畫 好的眼線上再掃 上一層透明防水 定妝液。 To improve the degree of water resistance of the eyeline, brush on a clear Aqua Seal waterproof liquid converter.

以防水黑色眼線 液畫內眼線。 Use a waterproof black liquid eyeliner to draw a line right on the lashline.

M.A.C Liquidlast liner #Pointblack $24 (maccosmetics.com)

On Eyes

Yves Saint Laurent volume effet faux cils waterproof mascara $37.84 (nordstrom.com)

On Cheeks


用指腹在蘋果肌 輕印上珊瑚色的 膏狀胭脂。 Using the tip of the finger, apply a light layer of coral-coloured blush cream to the apple of the cheek.

Chanel le blush crème de chanel #63 Revelation $43 (available at Holt Renfrew)


On Lips

先用鮮粉紅色唇 線筆塗滿雙唇。 First, use a bright pink lipliner pencil on both lips.

M.A.C lip pencil #Candy Yum-Yum $19 (maccosmetics.com)


在上下睫毛掃上 具強力防水功效 的纖長睫毛膏。 Brush on a highly waterresistant lengthening mascara on both the upper and lower lashes.


On Lips

再疊掃上鮮粉紅 色唇膏,讓唇色 更實色及持久。 Then, apply a pink lipstick to make the colour solid and long-lasting.

Guerlain Rouge Automatique #662 Pink Fluo $41 (available at Holt Renfrew)





Beauty News 全新循環自生亮白系列

全新循環自生亮白淡 斑精華 New Crescent White Full Cycle Brightening Spot Correcting Essence $122 Available at select Hudson’s Bay, Sears, Holt Renfrew and Nordstrom Estée Lauder counters and online at www. esteelauder.ca


全新亮白系列配合肌膚晝夜規律日夜亮白 An All-New Brightening Collection that Works in Sync with Skin’s Circadian Rhythm


Fair, flawless skin – the power is within every Asian woman, thanks to the


new Crescent White Full Cycle Brightening from Estée Lauder. Harnessing


the power of an exclusive combination of naturally derived botanicals, this


collection works in sync with skin’s circadian rhythm to address dark spots


and pigmentation, while promoting skin’s natural ability to self-brighten


and repair. The regimen includes new products created for, and tested on,


Asian women in Asia: New Crescent White Full Cycle Brightening Cleanser,


Moisture Treatment Lotion, Spot Correcting Essence and Moisture Creme.

嶄新發現: 肌膚晝夜規律與色素沉著的關係



Best known for expertise in nighttime repair, Estée Lauder scientists


uncovered that pigmentation is impacted by the skin’s own day/night


cycle: exposure to environmental assaults during the day can trigger


melanin production at night. New Crescent White Full Cycle Brightening

用 「循環自生亮白淡斑科技」 研製而成,是全面和24小時日夜

was formulated as a comprehensive, 24-hour brightening system and is


gentle enough for year-long use.

全新循環自生亮白淡斑精華 雅詩蘭黛循環自生亮白淡斑精華含全新獨家的「循環自


生亮白淡斑科技」 (Light Cycle Complex) ,強力亮白和修護肌 膚,是高效的精華素,令肌膚從根本成為不易變黑的膚質。

Empowered for intensive brightening and repair with exclusive New Light


Cycle Complex, this high-performance essence is the key to the regimen.


Pure and potent, the formula features the Light Cycle QD Complex to help


prevent and visibly reduce the look of dark spots, discolouration and uneven


skin tone, while also addressing yellow skin tone from multiple sources.


Dullness disappears to reveal a natural, youthful transparency and a lustrous glow that emanates from within. A clinical test involving 102 Asian women



showed a significant reduction in the look of spots and uneven skin tone in


just two weeks. After one month of use, 96 per cent of women thought the


look of dark spots and discolourations had been reduced and that their skin


looked fairer.




每一件 都是藝術品





Living 享受戶外的層次感

more than a patio

Enjoying DiffErEnt LayErs of outDoor fun text | Zoe Mak photo | D.A Gracey & Associates Ltd.

多倫多的夏季絕對是一年間最好的季節,屋主 將後園打造成一個多元化的優閒空間,後園地 形四四方方,設計師將平凡的圖則加入不同元 素打造層次感,為原是一片平地的綠草原變身 成為充滿層次感的後花園 。 in toronto, summer is definitely the best season of the year. the owner of this house has turned the backyard into a beautiful, multi-purpose leisure space. the shape of the backyard is a plainold square, so the designer has added different elements to the otherwise ordinary grounds to create the feeling of layers, and transformed the flat lawn into a backyard full of textures and complexities.

四四方方的後園都可以巧妙地利用開高了的 patio來打造層次感。 With a raised patio, even a simple square backyard can achieve a layered look.

大屋本身有walk out basement,設計師就善用這個由下而 上的通道直達露天風呂浴池,巧妙地利用從廚房門口外的deck 以及旁邊的香草園和花卉形成一個天然的屏風,另外特別訂製 的露天風呂以嵌入地面式設計打造,有別於一般於地面裝嵌的 現成露天風呂,充分襯托後花園以石為主的設計,另外還以石 牆作分隔來增加私隱度。露天風呂的另一面則以小水池作為後 花園的點綴,貼心為坐在露天廚房的客人在綠林間增添另一番 流水美景。 一個水池設計可以有兩種不同的效果。 the design of a pond can have two different effects.





設計師還利用簡單的格子紋圖案在水池旁邊以flagstone拼 成另外一個小型patio,為屋主加入一個多用途地方之餘,還為 原本一片綠色的後花園增加了不同的視覺效果。

The spacious house has a walkout basement, and the designer expertly utilizes this vertical passageway to reach the open-air Japanese-style sunken pool. The deck outside the kitchen and the herb garden and flowering plants deftly form a natural modesty panel to shield the custom-made, in-ground concrete pool. It co-ordinates impeccably with the stone theme of the backyard design and a stone wall adds even more to the privacy. On the other side of the pool is a small pond -- an additional embellishment to the backyard. It allows guests sitting in the openair kitchen to enjoy a beautiful running water adornment amidst the green trees. In addition, the designer uses flagstones in a simple grid pattern to line a small patio by the pond. This not only allows the homeowner another multi-purpose space, but also adds a new visual effect to the otherwise all-green backyard. On the other side of the backyard is a deck made of ipe wood. The handrails boast a contemporary glass and stainless steel design. Leading to the open-air kitchen and barbecue, the designer utilizes a wood pergola to provide the slightly-raised kitchen with a privacy shield. The designer uses different types of masonry stonework in this project, including Credit Valley and Kingston Hue ledgework, to adorn the outer wall of the house. In addition, the designer has carefully chosen plants that flower in different seasons, and in varied colours. By the open-air kitchen is a small vegetable and herb garden, providing the homeowner with fresh ingredients.

Approximately $250,000 Designer: adam gracey, owner of D.a gracey & associates Ltd.

在後園的另一面,從屋內廚房的French doors走出來就是利用重 蟻木製成的deck,扶手以摩登的玻璃和不鏽鋼設計,直達露天廚房和 BBQ,設計師就利用一個木製棚架為後園加插一條從則門進來的小路以 及為這個地勢較高的露天廚房作屏風以增添私隱度。 設計師在這個patio project當中選用了不同的石材作設計,包括利用 Credit Valley ledgerock和Kingston Hue ledgerock來襯托大屋外牆的石 塊。另外,設計師亦特別為屋主挑選後花園所栽種的植物,貼心為屋主 搜羅在不同季節開花以及不同顏色的花卉,而在露天廚房旁邊更加入了 一個小小的蔬果香草園,來方便屋主隨時可以採摘及即時在露天BBQ烹 調新鮮食材。

寬敞的後園都不一定需要一個泳池,反而一個小小的露天風呂還 可以凸顯屋主享受生活的個性。 a spacious backyard may not need a swimming pool. on the other hand, a small open-air, japanese-style sunken pool highlights the homeowner’s personal style of loving to live the life.







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Elite Choice 認識Manuel Bernaschek這個名 字,會即時聯想到來自意大利薩奇 萊、首屈一指的Fazioli鋼琴,及在 西百老匯街和列治文的鋼琴專門店 Showcase Pianos。 Showcase Piano創辦人Manuel Bernaschek能說一口 流利的國語。 Showcase Pianos founder Manuel Bernaschek is fluent in Mandarin.


界出現,由一位鋼琴家和工程師Paolo Fazioli創辦,他希望創造一個顯 著超越任何現存的鋼琴。這家製造廠每年只出產100部精工手製鋼琴, 而每部鋼琴的製作過程需時兩年之久。大部分的配件都鍍上18K金, 防止腐蝕。每個Fazioli核心音板採用的木材,就正是當年名樂器師 Antonio Stradivari為製作他享譽的小提琴,在北意大利森林區精挑 細選那類。 時至今日,愈來愈多的專業鋼琴家確認Fazioli製造了全球最佳的鋼 琴之一,他們包括不久以前曾到溫哥華演出的爵士樂傳奇Herbie Hancock,及加拿大世界級演繹巴哈高手、譽Fazioli絕對是鋼琴世界 「巔峰之作」的Angela Hewitt 。 問及Bernaschek究竟Fazioli為何如此特殊,他充滿熱誠的回答: 「Fazioli廠商為了竭誠製造在每一個環節都絕對完美的鋼琴,不受成 本所限。最後的出品能產生最好的聲音,和更大的動態。在彈奏者來 說,他們毋須妥協,也能夠彈出更輕柔或更響亮的琴音。某次UBC的 教授被要求測試Fazioli,他以最快的速度彈奏,沒有放慢,因為鋼琴 動態完全是有求必應。」Manuel繼續解釋說:「彈奏Fazioli時,就像看 高清電視,一旦體驗便會被寵壞,因為你已不能再看普通電視了。」







Mention the name Manuel Bernaschek and the instant association would be Fazioli Pianoforti, the premier high-end piano from Sacile, Italy, and Showcase Pianos, the stores he operates on West Broadway in Vancouver and the Aberdeen Centre in suburban Richmond. Fazioli pianos appeared in the classical world of music more than 30 years ago, developed by Paolo Fazioli, a pianist and engineer who wanted to create a piano significantly better than anything in existence. The company produces only 100 handcrafted pianos a year, each one taking more than two years to make. Many of the parts are plated in 18-carat gold to prevent corrosion. The heart of each Fazioli is the soundboard, manufactured from trees in the same northern Italian forest where Antonio Stradivari once carved wood for his famous violins. Today, a growing number of professional pianists are convinced that Fazioli makes the finest pianos in the world. Among Fazioli’s fans are jazz legend Herbie Hancock, who was in Vancouver not too long ago, and Canadian concert pianist Angela Hewitt, the world’s leading interpreter of Bach’s works. Hewitt hails Fazioli as the absolute “pinnacle” of the piano world. When EliteGen asked Bernaschek what makes Faziolis so special, so exceptional, this was his passionate reply: “The Fazioli makers try to make every aspect of a piano to absolute perfection, at any cost. As a result, they have produced a piano with the finest sound and greatest dynamics. “To the player, they can play softer and louder than on other pianos, without compromise. Once, a UBC professor was asked to test a Fazioli. He played as fast as he could and didn’t have to slow down, because the piano was responsive. “Playing on a Fazioli is like watching high-definition TV. Once you’ve experienced it, you’ll be so spoiled that you can’t go back to ordinary TV.” Manuel客人之一,以白色的Fazioli布置頂層家園。 White Fazioli F183 in the penthouse of one of Bernashek’s clients.





Elite Choice 每個Fazioli 鋼琴都是完 美的藝術作品。 Every Fazioli is a perfect piece of art.

最昂貴是24K黃金葉 Fazioli鋼琴的售價由十萬至超過三十萬元。但最昂 貴的Fazioli是黃金葉,鋼琴完全被24K的金箔覆蓋了, 售價為五十三萬五千元。這個鋼琴型號提供了最尊貴 的觸感,在美態與音質已達到至高無上的境界。現在 世界上唯一的黃金葉Fazioli,陳列在列治文時代坊的 Showcase Piano鋼琴專門店。

Fazioli的尊貴客戶 究竟誰是Fazioli的買家,曾任琴行鋼琴銷售人員及 前會計師的Bernaschek說:「能夠負擔購買Fazioli的人 士,是真真正正欣賞美感和音樂。他們擁有一個Fazioli 不是要炫耀自己的財富,而是深知這是最優美動聽的樂 器。 「我們相當感謝中國客人,在經濟困難和音樂業的 衰落期間,他們的經濟實力和堅持,對音樂的熱愛和 惠顧,使音樂行業從逆境中生存下來。在過去音樂業 銷量是依賴於美國市場,但現在情況不同了。」接著他 補充說:「我的太太Judy來自台灣,在溫哥華長大,對 Fazioli的熱情,實在令人難以置信。正因如此,她是 Showcase Pianos的最佳銷售員。」

Fazioli與WestBank Corp.的結緣 能說多種語言的Manuel(普通話、英語、西班牙 語,法語和些少德語)告訴《星尚》,原來Fazioli與溫哥 華不少全新高層華廈有著密切的聯繫。其中有悠久關聯 的包括開發商WestBank Corp. 東主Ian Gillespie。他 們最近令人矚目的發展項目,是外形扭身、似是推翻地 心引力、將成為溫哥華的重要地標建築物 - 52層高華廈 Vancouver House。華廈裏壯觀禮堂的中心,將會是兩

名歌手Joni Mitchell金曲《My Old Man》的歌 詞,被刻在定製的Fazioli上。 The lyrics of Joni Mitchell’s My Old Man have been carved into a custom-made Fazioli.


STEPHANO RICCI 2016年將在溫哥華推出 Bernaschek的下一個發展項目,將會與Fazioli 同一水平。他將會為溫哥華引進超豪華品牌男裝 Stephano Ricci。Ricci的時裝以最高素質用料和傳奇 工藝生產見稱。在1972年開始時原本只是領帶廠,業 務不斷增長,現在他們華麗的精品店已在上海、新加 坡、巴黎、紐約等大城市設立。Bernaschek進一步解 釋說:「我剛剛在意大利佛羅倫斯會見了Ricci家族, 敲定了在溫哥華市中心名店街區設立豪華Ricci店的計 劃。」 總括來說,Manuel Bernaschek很明顯地像磁石般 吸引了最高的層次。





24k金葉鋼琴是目前溫哥 華最貴的Fazioli鋼琴。 The most expensive Fazioli in Vancouver – the 24K Gold Leaf.

Fazioli廠房位於意大利。 The Fazioli factory in Italy.

MOST EXPENSIVE FAZIOLI: THE 24-CARAT GOLD LEAF The cost of a Fazioli piano starts at about $100,000, with

FAZIOLI AND THE WESTBANK CONNECTION The multilingual Bernaschek – he speaks Mandarin, English,

the most expensive being the Gold Leaf, completely covered in

Spanish, French and a bit of German – told EliteGen readers that

24-carat gold leaf and costing $535,000.

Fazioli has a close link to Vancouver’s new high-rise buildings. Fazioli has had a long-time association with developers like Ian

This model provides a touch of royal prestige and there’s

Gillespie of WestBank Corp. One of their high-profile projects is

nothing higher in beauty and sound perfection. The world’s only

Vancouver House, a twisting 52-storey tower that seems to defy

Gold Leaf Fazioli is now on display at the Showcase store in Richmond.

CHINESE ARE CONNOISSEURS OF FAZIOLI Bernaschek, a former Tom Lee Piano sales executive and former accountant, says affluent people purchase Faziolis, not just to show off their wealth, but because of their true appreciation of beauty and superior sound. “We owe a lot to the Chinese,” he said. “During the hard economic times and the decline of the music industry, the Chinese persevered. With their economic strength and love for music, and

gravity. The tower will have a spectacular auditorium and the centrepiece will be its two specially designed Fazioli pianos.

STEFANO RICCI COMING TO VANCOUVER IN 2016 Next year, Bernaschek will branch out into another area of highend retail. He is bringing Stefano Ricci, the ultra-luxurious men’s clothing line, to Vancouver. Ricci is known for the high quality of its fabrics and its legendary workmanship. Started as a local tie factory in Florence, Italy in 1972, the business has grown steadily and now has opulent boutiques in Shanghai, Singapore, Paris, New York and other major cities around the world.

their patronage, the music industry survived. In the past, music sales relied on the U.S. market, but not anymore.”

“I just got back from Florence,” says Bernaschek, “after meeting the Ricci family and finalizing plans for a luxury store in downtown

Then, he added: “My wife, Judy, is originally from Taiwan and

Vancouver’s luxury block.”

grew up in Vancouver. She is incredibly passionate about Fazioli. Because of that, she is the best salesperson at Showcase Pianos.”

To sum it all up, it’s obvious that Manuel Bernaschek has a magnetic attraction to things of the highest order.






沙律的賣相如藝術品般一絲不苟: 自家種植的蔬菜、 香料及野生洋蔥,擺放在繪以雙手作圖案的碟上,感 覺猶如農夫親手奉上其自家種植的優質農產一樣。 The salad course’s stunning presentation: gardenharvested leaves, herbs and wild onions are presented as if being offered from the farmer who grew the delicate produce.

遠離煩囂 體驗尊貴享受


Langdon HaLL Country House Hotel and spa

Whether you’re looking for a day trip or a weekend getaway, a breath of tranquility is just an hour’s drive away. text, photo | Renée S. Suen 孫詩敏





都市人要遠離煩囂、回歸恬靜其實有不少選擇,但若能同時 體驗豪華尊貴的享受,那就更理想不過。 位於安省劍橋市的Langdon Hall鄉郊酒店及水療中心,相 信可以滿足這兩個願望。距離多倫多約一小時車程的Langdon Hall,是加拿大最首屈一指的鄉郊酒店之一,環境雅致,更提 供最優質的服務,在這裡度過一個周末或甚是一天,可以讓你 盡情地放鬆身心,享受寧謐恬靜。 這幢擁有25,000平方呎及75公頃保育區的豪華建築,前身是 Eugene Langdon Wilks及家人的「夏宮」。現任業主Bill Bennet 及 Mary Beaton買入後,把它改建成為現時的Langdon Hall 酒 店。Langdon Hall 酒店曾獲Condé Nast Traveller雜誌及CAA的高 度讚揚,其餐廳更榮獲「五鑽」殊榮,這還不止,酒店開業後兩 年便獲Relais & Châteaux豪華精品酒店集團邀請加盟為成員,成 為加國其中一所最優質的酒店。 去年,Langdon


邦式復興建築及其周邊的建築物進行了令人振奮的革新。首先, 他們邀請了曾於多倫多高級食府Auberge du Pommier 及Luma 任職的Jason Bangerter加盟成為行政總廚。酒店亦進行多項翻 新,包括廚房及餐廳的擴建工程。剛過去的冬季,他們更加建了 一個擁有20個房間的全新水療中心,更大型的活動場地及8間全 新客房(房間總數增至60間) 。

頂級客房設備 住客可以選擇入住主樓(main manor) 、stable側樓或cloister 的其中一座。每間客房不單寬敞開揚,更備有高級的羽毛床褥、 精緻的古董擺設、舒適的小客廳、以及傳統的木柴火爐,聆聽著 木材燃燒時發出的聲音,倍覺溫暖。除了娛樂系統、高速上網服 務、設有浴缸及淋浴間的私人浴室外,部分客房更設有獨立陽台

野菌CAPPUCCINO 這看上去像cappuccino的其實是野菌湯,湯面上那層以柏馬遜奶製成的泡 沫是亮點所在。這個湯是主廚Bangerter的名菜之一。 The wild-mushroom cappuccino, topped with parmesan milk foam, is a crowd favourite and one of chef Bangerter’s signature courses.

It’s a stress-free jaunt from Toronto to nearby Cambridge and Langdon Hall, one of Canada’s finest country hotels. The luxury property has been lauded by Condé Nast Traveller and CAA, and is home to a five-diamond restaurant. It’s also a member of the highly respected Relais & Châteaux family, achieving that recognition two years after owners Bill Bennet and Mary Beaton transformed Eugene Langdon Wilks’ 25,000-square-foot former summer estate and its associated 30 hectares of rare reserve into a celebrated destination. Both the elegant Federal Revival-style home and surrounding property have undergone exciting updates since celebrating their 25th anniversary last year. First, they welcomed a new executive chef, Jason Bangerter, formerly of Toronto fine-dining stalwarts Auberge du Pommier and Luma. They also made extensive renovations and extensions to the kitchen and dining room. This winter, the luxury property underwent a huge expansion, including a new spa with 20 treatment rooms, larger event spaces

或平台,可眺望Langdon Hall的優美景色。

and eight more guest rooms (for a property total of 60).


Posh Accommodation

酒店內的設施亦包羅萬有,除了室外泳池、種滿百合花的小 池塘及蘋果園外,這裡還有長12公里的健行徑或單車徑、網球 場及板球場,客人亦可漫步於酒店內著名的蔬菜園及維他利亞式 庭園,有興趣的話更可以報名參加射箭課程,無論好動或好靜, 都可以各適其適,盡情享受戶外空間。走進室內,活動同樣多不 勝數,大家可以跟品酒師學品酒,或者跟甜品大師學做松露朱古 力,酒店內的健身室更為你24小時全天候開放,隨時想做運動都 可以。身處於環境雅致的酒店內,就算只悠閒地在舒適的小客廳 坐上一會,呷一口由Wilks’ Bar炮製的特飲,已是一大享受。

Guests can choose to stay in the main manor, stable or one of the cloister wings. Each spacious suite is furnished with a plush feather bed, fine antiques and a cozy sitting area to enjoy the crackle from the ensuite wood-burning fireplace. There’s also a private bath, complete with soaking tub and walk-in shower, an entertainment centre and access to high-speed wireless Internet. Some rooms come with a private balcony or terrace that overlook Langdon Hall’s grounds.

Property Amenities Besides an outdoor pool, manicured lily pond and apple orchard, there are 12 kilometres of walking or biking trails, a tennis court and cricket lawns. Guests can roam around the property’s famous vegetable and Victorian gardens, or take archery lessons. Head inside for sommelier-guided wine tastings, or a truffle-making class with the pastry chef. You can burn off calories at the exercise room that’s open 24 hours a day, or simply relax in one of the cozy sitting rooms with a drink from Wilks’ Bar.





Taste Langdon Hall亦提供各種美容水療服務,其面部護膚療 程都選用瑞士護膚品牌Valmont中最專貴的產品系列,其他 服務還包括身體磨砂及纖體療程、香薰按摩及瑞典式按摩。 享用美容水療服務的客人更可同時享用按摩浴池、桑拿浴室 及蒸氣浴室。有興趣的朋友可致電預約。酒店內更設有數個 會議室,可舉辦容納多達50人的派對或活動。

驚喜味覺體驗 識飲識食的你來到Langdon Hall,又怎能錯過酒店為你 帶來的各種美食體驗。 美食饗宴由豐富的早餐揭開序幕。甫走進餐廳迎來的 是樸鼻香氣,早餐桌上擺放著琳瑯滿目的餐點,令人食指大 動。暖陽微醺的午後,最幸福的莫過於嘆一頓下午茶。一邊 品嚐各式精緻甜點、三文治、糕點及英式鬆餅,一邊呷著矜 貴的「皇室名茶」,再配以一杯香檳,寵自己就是這麼簡

認識Relais & Châteaux

More About Relais & Châteaux Relais & Châteaux 於1954由Marcel Tilloy創立,以幸福之路(Route du Bonheur) 為概念,邀請由巴黎至尼斯這些位於法國隆河谷沿岸的城市中,最頂級的酒店 及旅館加盟成為會員。這個世界知名的豪華精品酒店集團,現時在全國62個國 家擁有50個會員,全屬私人經營的高級酒店及餐廳。這些酒店或餐廳的老闆, 對提供優質的服務充滿熱忱。而每所酒店內的餐廳都提供其獨得的菜餚,充份 反映出其老闆的品味、本土的飲食特色及能代表其國家的味道。而且大部分獲 邀加盟Relais & Chateaux的餐廳,都於米芝蓮獲得極高評鑑(大部分獲米芝蓮三 星評級)。 Relais & Châteaux was founded in 1954 by Marcel Tilloy, as a Route du Bonheur that linked charming hostelries from Paris to Nice, along France’s picturesque Rhone Valley. The recognized and highly-respected brand is a global collection of independently-owned and operated luxury hotels and restaurants, which has now grown to 50 Routes du Bonheur across 62 countries. Each property is a reflection of its owner, who is driven with a passion and personal commitments in welcoming and unforgettable hospitality. Each restaurant within the property has a cuisine style that’s reflective of the owner, flavours of the terroir and the identity of the country. Most properties with a Relais & Chateaux designation also rank well with Michelin (most with three-star designations where the guide is available).

單。 而數人氣最強的必定是其夏日燒烤美食巡禮。酒店會 邀請多倫多數間高級食府的主廚,包括Oliver & Bonancini 的Anthony Walsh及Splendido的Victor Barry等前來一展廚 藝。客人可於餐廳露天平台中央架起的天幕下品嚐美食,興 起更可與廚師及音樂表現者互動一番,在璀璨燈飾映照下,


極品魚子醬配酪乳果凍,加上 茴香及青檸,是一道清新的開 胃前菜。 Opening act. The superb caviar on buttermilk panna cotta, with fennel and lime, amuse.

盡情享受熱情的一夜。 不過Langdon Hall美食體驗的重點推介,肯定是由總廚 Bangerter主理、榮獲「五鑽」殊榮的餐廳。Bangerter精心 設計的菜單,以自家種植的材料為靈感,無論單點菜式或 tasting menu都堅持選用當地最新鮮的材料入饌,部份更取 自酒店菜園種植的食材,菜式更會配合時令,為食客帶來最 佳的美食享受。 如寶石般晶瑩的本地虹鱒魚魚子及BC鱘魚魚子醬,配 以由本地農場生產的酪乳(buttermilk)及果凍,醬汁是經調味 的白豆醬油及青檸汁,最後綴以茴香、香菜花及清香的萬壽 菊花瓣,絕對是一道巧手前菜。


芝士餐車上可找到各式各樣的優質芝士。 Choose from a bounty of delicious cheeses brought in via The Cheese Boutique.

Bangerter的Terroir 沙律亦帶來驚喜。沙律選用了優質 香料及蔬菜,並淋上以冷壓處理的安省芥花籽油。底部鋪了 一層烤得香脆的野生洋蔥乾,看上去就好像一層泥土。而亮 點則是盛載著沙律的碟子,繪製於碟上的那雙手,感覺猶如 一位農夫以雙手奉上沙律讓你享用一樣,意境可媲美藝術 品。 野菌湯的賣相像極一杯香濃的cappuccino,上面躺著 一層以柏馬遜奶製成的泡沫,再綴以磨碎了的caribou moss 及松露,濃香樸鼻。 主菜可選擇以特製肉汁調製的烤野味。品嚐過 主菜之後可以這道以接骨木花(elderflower)製成的 果凍配以甘菊花奶,清一清味蕾,最後可從芝士餐 車選擇喜歡的芝士,為豐富的晚餐劃上完美句號。 美酒配佳餚,餐廳品酒師Kathleen Moore為食客提供來 自世界各地超過1,000種餐酒,加上店內專業細心的服務, 一定會為你帶來精彩的味覺享受。 84





品嚐甜品之前,先來一客清新的 接骨木花果凍配以加入甘菊花製 成的牛奶, 清一清味蕾。 A delightful palate cleanser featuring elderflower gelée in chamomile-infused milk.

Spa services range from nourishing facials using the prestigious skin care line Langdon Hall Country House Hotel & Spa, 1 Langdon Drive, Cambridge, 519-740-2100, www.langdonhall.ca

by Switzerland’s Valmont,

客房每晚$295起。主題套餐如美食之旅、水療美容、紀念慶祝或浪 漫之旅等,二人收費由$495起。

slimming treatments, to relaxing

Rooms start at $295. Packages, ranging from gourmet getaways, spa focused, celebratory or romantic retreats, start at $495 per couple. 餐廳營業時間: 上午5:30至晚上9:00,衣著規定: 建議穿著西裝外 褸。Tasting menu $125; 餐酒配對$95 周日Brunch供應時間: 中午12時至下午2時 Wilks’Bar營業時間: 中午12時至晚上9:30 水療中心營業時間:周日至周二上午9時至下午5時; 周三至周六上午 9時至晚上7時,可致電519-624-3220預約。療程收費由$55起。 Dining Room Hours: 5:30 p.m.–9 p.m. Suit jackets are recommended. Tasting menu $125; wine pairing $95. Sunday Brunch Hours: 12 p.m.–2 p.m. Wilks’ Bar Hours: 12 p.m.–9:30 p.m. Spa Hours: Sun-Tues, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.; Wed–Sat, 9 a.m.–7 p.m. Call 519-624-3220 to book. Treatments start at $55.


朱古力bouchon、奶油泡芙及蛋糕等各款精緻美 點,為豐富的晚餐劃上甜蜜的句號。 Mignardises to finish the meal: chocolate bouchons, cream puffs and sweet cakes.

cleansing body scrubs and aroma touch and Swedish massages. Guests can also enjoy the spa’s whirlpool, sauna and steam room. Call to book an appointment. There are also a number of meeting rooms for gatherings or functions of up to 50 people.

Dining Options Food lovers will rejoice in the variety of dining experiences available at Langdon Hall. Wake up to the smell and sight of a generous feast laid out across the main dining-room’s country breakfast table. Later in the day, pamper yourself with afternoon tea. Nibble away at an assortment of sweet and savoury sandwiches, pastries and scones, or indulge in the “royal tea,” which caps the experience with a glass of champagne. There’s also the popular summer barbecue series, where chefs from some of Toronto’s top restaurants – including Anthony Walsh of Oliver & Bonacini and Victor Barry of Splendido – come to cook. Here, patrons can interact with their favourite purveyors and musical guests under the sparkling canopy of an illuminated Camperdown elm in the middle of the Dining Room Terrace. However, the signature experience at Langdon Hall is its five-diamond restaurant where chef Bangerter crafts a thoughtful, garden-inspired menu. Both the à la carte and chef’s tasting menus use local ingredients, much of it harvested on site. The picturesque dishes are seasonally influenced, featuring the best ingredients du jour. In the award-winning chef’s hands, local farm buttermilk, lightly set with gelatin and mildly seasoned with white soy and lime juice, becomes a custardy vehicle for gemlike local trout roe and briny B.C. sturgeon caviar. It’s a silky foil to the tender wisps of fennel fronds, delicate coriander flowers and tangy marigold petals that’s also the “amuse bouche,” or hors d’oeuvre, to the meal. His Terroir salad features delicate and tender foraged herbs and greens hiding cold-pressed Ontario canola sorbet, sitting on a bed of dehydrated and crumbled charred wild onions that resemble earth. The backdrop, a cupped pair of hands painted on fine china, makes the artful plate look like it’s an offering from the farmer’s hands. Wild-mushroom soup is presented like a whimsical cup of cappuccino, christened with an airy and warm parmesan milk froth, and finished with fairy ring dust, crumbly crisp caribou moss and showers of truffles.There’s also dressed roasted game meats au jus, a delightful palate cleanser with fragrant elderflower gelée floating in a pool of chamomile milk, and a tableside cheese trolley to pick and choose those final memorable bites before retiring for the evening. Accompanied by attentive and knowledgeable service, a wine list by sommelier Kathleen Moore that features more than 1,000 offerings from around the world, it’s a meal guaranteed to tickle every sense and leave you planning your return. ELITEGEN




Wine Not

這個話題落入含酒精類型液體 範疇中,廣闊得可以用一整

Arnaldo Caprai旗艦酒Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG 25 Anni,盡 顯最被低估的意大利隱世風味。 Arnald Caprai’s flagship wine Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG 25 Anni shows off the hidden charm of this “most underrated” Italian wine.

個專題故事甚至是一本硬厚皮 大書去探討,遠的不說,光是 葡萄品種,就要細分到一個國 家、一個產區,才能輕輕的用 這裡有限的篇幅言簡意賅去沾 上其邊。今次最被低估的主 角……是來自只生產於意大利 著名產區Tuscany隔籬Umbria 的Sagrantino。 The topic of “most underrated” within the realm of alcoholic drinks is so broad it could take an entire feature story, or even an entire book, to explore properly. Even if the topic is narrowed down to just grape varieties, one still needs to distinguish between countries and specific regions

莊主Marco Caprai也像擁有 Sagrantino般的氣質:粗獷強壯雄渾 有勁,但骨子裡實是溫柔婉順而極富 深度。 Winery owner Marco Caprai seems to possess a temperament similar to Sagrantino — rough, strong and forceful, but gentle, docile, and deep on the inside.

– a challenge in its own right. This time, the leading role of “most underrated” is played by Sagrantino, a grape variety produced only in Umbria, next to the famous Italian production region of Tuscany.





Sagrantino幾乎是世上擁有最高單寧 的葡萄品種之一,果實細小,色澤深 沉外皮厚實。 Sagrantino is one of the most tannic grapes in the world. Each grape is small, dark-coloured and has a thick skin.

The mosT uNderraTed … 最被低估的… text | Ivan Wong


We need to zoom in a bit on the map of Umbria and focus on


Montefalco, the only region in the area producing this variety of grape.


The total acreage of vineyards growing this variety is little more than

量所佔全球比率,可算是雨點很小,但那裡生產的Sagrantino di

200 acres, so you can imagine how obscure the variety is. On a global


scale, this grape variety is infinitesimal, yet Sagrantino di Montefalco has


the reputation of being the strongest Italian red wine and a formidable


challenger to well-established Sangiovese and Trebbiano.

有太多主觀意願,當地文獻最早記載有Sagrantino也只是百多年 前的1879年,比很多新世界產區還要新。

It’s the belief of Italians that the once almost-extinct Sagrantino grape originated in Montefalco. However, when discussing the history


of grapes, these subjective views may not be accurate. Literature in the


region shows the earliest mention of Sagrantino in 1879, which, with only


a little over 100 years’ history, seems even newer than many “new world”


production regions. In terms of taste, Sagrantino is one of the most tannic


grapes in the world. Each grape is small, dark-coloured and has a thick


skin. The grapes enjoy the extreme weather of hot days and cold nights. The soil in the region is a mixture of sand, limestone and clay, which


allows the vines’ roots to retain the moisture absorbed during nighttime.

酒莊中,Arnaldo Caprai算是走得最前而又最備受認同的一個,

Even with brilliant daytime sunlight, the grapes do not dry out. Because


only Montelfalco offers this unique combination of weather and soil

元祖,Arnaldo Caprai的努力於43年前才開始。但第二代莊主

conditions, the production of Sagrantino is limited.

Marco Caprai對Sagrantino的開發卻不遺餘力,打從1988年開 始,Arnaldo Caprai酒莊已聯同意大利米蘭大學合作研究,讓

Among the many Montelfalco wineries that have tried hard to


help save the Sagrantino grape, Arnoldo Caprai has been the most


progressive and most respected. A relative newcomer, it started


operations only 43 years ago. Marco Caprai, the second-generation


winery owner, has spared no effort in developing the Sagrantino grape.


Since 1988, Arnaldo Caprai Winery has been collaborating with the


University of Milan on research that focuses on expanding the production


of Sagrantino.

讓隱世的Sagrantino走進國際葡萄酒舞台。旗艦作品Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG 25 Anni早已獲獎無數,而「評分王」Robert

Marco possesses the same temperament as the Sagrantino grape

Parker的《The Wine Advocate》至愛的是2000年份,給予97的極

even — rough, strong, and forceful, but at the same time gentle, docile


and deep on the inside. He says his father was a successful textile Montefalco Rosso DOC 2010 由Sangiovese主 導,Sagrantino只 佔15%,彰顯的是 Sagrantino有無限的 混釀潛質,酒感更覺 溫柔。 With Sangiovese leading the pack, Sagrantino’s market share is only 15 per cent. Yet, Sagrantino has endless potential and feels more gentle than Sangiovese.

Montefalco Sagrantino Passito DOCG 2008 百分百的Sagrantino 另一特質是能釀造出 可能是世上最強勁的 甜酒。 Another special feature of the Sagrantino grape is that it produces a sweet wine that may be the strongest in the world.

entrepreneur who bought the land in Montefalco and built the winery in order to fulfill a lifelong dream of making wine. With the influence of the planning genes of a textile family, Marco has relentlessly pursued superior quality since taking over the winery’s operations. He has combined careful planting with research and the development of wine-making techniques. Along with the addition of modern management methods, he has successfully pushed the obscure Sagrantino grape onto wine’s world stage. The flagship product, Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG 25 Anni, has already received numerous awards. Robert Parker, deemed “The King of Reviewers,” listed the 2000 vintage his favourite in The Wine Advocate, awarding it the extremely high score of 97.








英國名作家詹姆斯•希爾頓在1933年為讀者虛構了 《Lost Horizon》 ,一 個位於崑崙山西端、雖是神秘但極之和諧的山谷,而在這個遙遠而幽 靜世外桃源裏的居民,違抗著無情的歲月,不會老化。即使在今天, 很多讀者都為這故事心醉,而不少相信,這遙遠美麗、幾近完美的安 寧之地仍然存在,令城市人可暫避喧囂和人群。 不談虛構歷史,快速進入2015年, 《星尚》 最近探索了Discovery群島 之一Sonora島的Sonora Resort。這個度假村位於北美的一個最深入 陸地的水灣Bute Inlet,恍如置身當年詹姆斯 • 希爾頓構思中的意境。 Sonora度假村實在是萬般寵愛集一身,它是一家豪華酒店、也是世界 級的水療健體中心。這個西岸高檔的周末度假勝地,讓你可踏足大自 然原野之地,生態探險之餘,也提供了豪華舒適的居所及極盡奢華的 美食,還有數之不盡的享受。 Sonora度假村是世界馳名、滿布全球的Relais & Chateaux酒店系列成 員之一 。他們每一家旅館都提供眾多獨特、令人難忘、無與倫比的身 體和感官體驗。





In I933, British author James Hilton took readers to a fictional place, a mystical, harmonious valley enclosed in the western end of the Kunlun Mountains. It’s called Lost Horizon, a distant and secluded hideaway where residents don’t age.Even today, many readers are enchanted and some believe that this remote and beautiful place, where life approaches perfection and peacefulness, really exists. It is an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Fast forward to 2015, when EliteGen discovers Sonora Resort on Sonora Island, part of British Columbia’s Discovery Islands. The resort is at the mouth of the Bute Inlet, one of the deepest inlets in North America. The state of mind created by Hilton can be found here. Sonora Resort is many things: a luxury hotel, world-class spa and wellness retreat amidst virgin wilderness. There are amazing amenities for opulent comfort, gourmet dining, an eco adventure and much more. Sonora Resort is a member of the worldwide Relais & Châteaux chain of 在Sonora度假村,你可體驗一個驚嘆和難 忘的周末 Sonora Resort can give you an aweinspiring experience, a truly breathtaking and memorable weekend getaway.

resorts. Each of their properties offers the opportunity to enjoy an unparalleled range of sensory and physical experiences. It makes every stay rare and uniquely unforgettable.

戶外射箭活動— 《飢餓遊戲》 的主角勞倫斯小姐箭逢敵手 了! OUTDOOR ARCHERY – Watch out, Ms. Lawrence of Hunger Games!

位於Sonora島的世外桃源Sonora度假村 The Lost Horizon on Sonora Island – Sonora Resort.

溫室內種有不少熱帶的 植物 You can find many tropical plants in the Conservatory.






如不在乎價錢 而只在乎體驗 Sonora度假村是一個賞心悅目,給身體及靈魂的一個盛宴。 這個海島讓客人與原始天然美景所帶來的那股靈氣,一個互相連

訓練有素的接待人員,立刻為客人帶來一份親切感,他們講解以你 預先的要求,早已為你安排妥當的項目。他們友好熱情的態度,為 你解答一切問題,甚至在抵達前,早已徵詢你的飲食限制,體貼入 微之餘,也極之專重你的個人空間,讓你更能輕鬆享受。

接的氛圍。Sonora度假村有其獨特款客個性,盡顯奢華和高品 味風格。這是一個尊貴生活的享受,如不在乎價錢,而只在乎體












1至15日)為$1,070至$2,140,在半旺季(6月1至30日)為$1,430 至$2,860,在旺季(7月1至9月30日)為$1,790至$3,580。別墅在 淡季(5月1至31日,10月1至15日)為$3,580至$5,080,在半旺季 (6月1至30日)為$4,740至$7,320,在旺季(7月1至9月30日)為 $6,500至$11,060。

每年只由5月至10月款待客人 Sonora度假村是一個讓你忘卻時間的地方。這是一個精緻 優雅、輕鬆隨意的生活方式典範,在雄偉環境、精心尊貴的策劃 下,這份夢幻般的真實感受,是必需親身體驗。最精采的總是限

Sonora度假村酒店收費是固定的 – 它包括所有的美食餐


酒、房間內迷你酒吧項目、免費無線上網和無限量的使用國際電 話,及度假村裡不少設施,包括室外溫水泳池、頂層熱水池、礦 物池及9洞小型高球場。這是一個只提供88個套房的豪華精品酒











直都是喜歡款待客人及烹調美食的。在2002年我到了溫哥華,當 時的飲食業有很多大廚師大展拳腳,在國際飲食界打出了名堂,


不但為溫哥華的美食寫下了新的一頁,而且造就了不少入行發展 的機會。」

從溫哥華到Sonora度假村,只有通過直升機或水上飛機(約 一小時的飛程),或從溫哥華島東岸金寶河搭乘水上計程船才 能抵達。無論從水或天路,卑詩省的風景總是那麼迷人和 壯觀,讓人一再讚歎灣島的天然美。

Terry大廚到了烹飪學校學藝,其後在Parkside(現已 結業)及幾家高檔的歐洲餐廳工作。他更在溫哥華四季 酒店的Yew餐廳工作,後來更跟隨當時的行政大廚 Raphael Gonzales到了安圭拉Viceroy Anguilla度

從你踏出飛機或船,登陸Sonora度假村 之際,你就知道你已經抵達了一個特殊之

假村作二廚,優異的表現為他帶來Sonora行 政總廚的高位,轉眼已是六年了。


度假村內其中之一的豪華別墅 One of the spectacular villas in Sonora Resort.

別墅的房間,設有令人鬆馳美景的浴池 The relaxing bathtub view, in one of the Villa ensuites.





搭乘水上飛機,從溫哥華到Sonora度假村 只需一小時 The seaplane takes about one hour from Vancouver to Sonora Resort.

在Island Current Spa體驗放鬆身心的療法 Experience relaxing treatment at Island Current Spa.

ACCESSIBLE IF MONEY IS NOT AN ISSUE The resort is a feast for the eyes, body and soul, where guests connect with the island’s spiritual aura and pristine natural beauty. Sonora Resort has its unique brand of hospitality, luxuries and a high sense of style. It is rather exclusive, but it is easily accessible if money is not a problem. It is a world away from discounted, budget tours and mass crowds in search of cheap souvenirs. Single-room rates are $535-$625 in low season (May 1-31, Oct 1-15), $715-$825 in shoulder season (June 1-30) and $895-$1,065 in high season (July 1-Sept 30). Corresponding suite rates are $1,070$2,140 (low season), $1,430-$2,860 (shoulder season) and $1,790$3,580 (high season). Villas are priced at $3,580-$5,080 (low season), $4,740-$7,320 (shoulder season) and $6,500-$11,060 (high season). Rates include all gourmet meals, liquor and wine, mini-bar items, complimentary wireless Internet, unlimited international phone calls and use of the resort’s many amenities. These include an outdoor heated pool, roof-top hot tubs, mineral pools and a nine-hole mini-golf layout. The property defines boutique grandeur with only 88 suites. Each room has a grand view of the frenetic Campbell River. There are a couple of grand villas for big family gatherings or intimate, but luxurious, weddings. Adventure and wilderness enthusiasts don’t need to sacrifice the comforts of luxury living. At Sonora Resort, you will find

生態探險之旅已經開始 Ready for a bumpy ride? Eco Adventure has begun.

know that you have arrived at a special place -- serenity, exclusivity and privacy. Guests are welcomed by well-trained staff who can prepare a customized activity itinerary, or you can pre-book your preferences. The staff is friendly, warm, accommodating and pleasantly informal. They don’t intrude into one’s personal space. They know when guests want to be left alone. It makes guests feel like they have the place to themselves. Dietary restrictions are checked before arrival. Guests come from different parts of the world. Friendly, but not intrusive, they seem to have a genuine interest in their fellow guests. Conversations with complete strangers often lead to friendships. Dress is casual here and good walking shoes are a must for hiking, brisk walking, fishing or just plain strolling around. Sonora is the kind of place were you lose track of time. It is a refined example of a casually elegant lifestyle in a majestic and peacful setting that must be experienced. However, due to weather restrictions, the resort is only open from May to October each year.

A CONVERSATION WITH SONORA’S EXECUTIVE CHEF Award-winning Executive Chef Terry Pichor grew up in Pine


Falls, Manitoba. As a young man, he was drawn to the big city, with


seriously then.

Sonora Resort is only accessible by helicopter or seaplane from Vancouver (a one-hour flight), or by water taxi from the city of Campbell River, on the east coast of Vancouver Island. The scenery of British Columbia is mesmerizing and spectacular via air or water. It makes people appreciate the supernatural beauty of the Gulf Islands. From the moment you get out of the seaplane, helicopter or water taxi, you

the culinary world at the back of his mind. He did not take cooking

“I was working on a diploma in Greenspace Management College Program,” Pichor explained. “It’s designing and maintaining golf courses, outdoor landscaping and management of urban land. However, I love entertaining and food. “Then, I went to Vancouver in 2002 and saw numerous opportunities in the food industry. In retrospect, there were many great chefs during this period. They gave Vancouver a new dining-out experience. Vancouver chefs became superstars and highly recognized in the international food world.” Pichor went to cooking school and worked at Vancouver’s Parkside (no longer exists) and then in several high-end European restaurants. He worked with the celebrated Executive Chef Raphael Gonzales and followed him to Angora Resort as a sous chef. He did a remarkable job there and was eventually offered the executive chef position at Sonora Resort. He is now in his sixth season there.

豪華別墅內每一個套房都是極寬敞舒適的 In the villa, the ensuites are extremely spacious. ELITEGEN





甜品大拼盤,不能獨佔,必需分享 Dessert extravaganza to be shared.


清新的青翠綠豆湯 Refreshing pea soup.

合,一併參加在Discovery Islands群島最美麗森林之一 中遠足。

談到Terry大廚為Sonora度假村創作的菜單時,他 解釋說:「這是根據季節性及全球趨勢而創造的。我接





和全身按摩 (Island Currents紓緩壓力按摩、加拿大香油深


層組織按摩或熱石按摩) 。

創造食譜時,我會選擇了某種肉類,然後配合上來自 Aldergrove農場最新鮮的農作物。在Sonora度假村,我 有栽種蔬菜及香草,但量不多,所以只在這裏教學時, 或私人宴會上使用。」

直升機冰川之旅 – 欣賞壯觀的卑詩省海岸及其白雪 皚皚的高山,冰川峽灣和島嶼。體驗這個世界上很少人看 過的景點。CAMPBELL HERITAGE FLOAT TOUR – 在 CAMPBELL River水晶般清澈的河水上乘坐橡皮艇,沿途

Terry大廚每天晚上都提供不斷變化的多道菜美食 品嘗菜單,備受好評。由於到Sonora有不少亞洲客人,

觀察野生動物。此行程包括交通,美味午餐和所有的裝 備。

冷前菜拼盤 Cold appetizer extravaganza.

Terry大廚很快就作出適應。他的特式菜中,含蓄地點綴 著一絲亞洲風情。他也瞭解到中國家庭喜歡一起分享食

HOTHA瑜伽課程 – 由認可導師帶領半私人的小組





的盛器端上,可以傳送大家分享,相當受幾代同堂的家庭 歡迎,更融合度假村農莊生活的氛圍。

精采的戶外室內活動和設施 Sonora度假村設計了一系列活動,讓你身體回復精 力充沛,心情放鬆。下列的一些活動供大家參考。

小型影院欣賞電影 晚飯後到Tyee Lodge的最先進小型影院看部電影, 人生一樂也。備有超過400套經典與新電影可供選擇,更 備有一懷舊式爆谷機。 還有在度假村設備齊全的健身室 瀟灑地鍛煉一番。或享受虛擬高爾夫球,以最新電腦模擬 技術,活現完整的高爾夫體驗。然後,享受桌球或Xbox


360和Playstation 3各種高科技遊戲電玩。

懶洋洋的海獅,為你 擺姿勢拍照 The lazy sea lions are ready for a close-up.

備所需的魚餌和釣具、浮水和全天候裝置,魚獲清潔和包 裝,讓你帶回家享用。 在Storey Creek享受高爾夫 – 該球場被Golf Digest 評為 「最佳球場」 之一。包括運送來回Storey Creek高爾夫 球場、球場使用費、球桿及高球車租賃。你也可以在任何 天氣情況下室內打網球。

戶外射箭活動 –《飢餓遊戲》 的主角勞倫斯小姐,妳 箭逢敵手了!想領略完全不同的體驗,您可以學習射箭藝 術。Sonora的戶外射箭場有多個射箭地點。所有的弓箭 手都由訓練有素的導師伴隨。 《星尚》在Sonora度假村,體驗了一個驚嘆和難忘的 周末。無可否認,相比其他度假村,他們更加盡力、更進


專業導遊引領的生態探險之旅 – 這是一個令人興









這區盛產Chinook三文魚 Chinook salmon is prevalent in this area.

FRENCH-INSPIRED PACIFIC NORTHWEST CUISINE What’s so special about the menu he created for Sonora Resort, EliteGen inquired. He explained: “It’s based on seasonal, global trends. I’m French-trained, but I don’t do traditional French cuisine. The plating is modern, but I use European influences. “The menu is casual that’s been influenced by French and Italian techniques while utilizing a lot of local and seasonal products. When I write a menu, I pick which protein I want to work with, then select fresh vegetables from Aldergrove farms. I grow some vegetables and herbs, but the quantity is not big enough, so I utilize them for my cooking classes at Sonora, special functions and private parties.” Pichor’s multi-course Food Tasting Menu, paired with

Terry大廚精心創造新菜式 Chef Pichor at work.

appropriate wines, is highly acclaimed. It is offered every night and its offerings are constantly changing. Because of

Stone Massage).

many Asian guests at Sonora, Pichor is quick to adapt. He has some original specialties with a hint of Asian flavour.

HELICOPTER GLACIER TOUR – View the spectacular

He also learned that large Chinese families like to share

British Columbia coast with its snowcapped mountains,

their food. There’s the option to order family-sized portions

glacier fjords and islands. Experience a part of this world

that are placed on big plates and passed around. It’s quite

rarely seen by man.

popular with multi-generational families and it blends well with the resort’s cottage-life feeling.


CAMPBELL HERITAGE FLOAT TOUR – Raft through crystal-clear waters while spotting wildlife along the way. This tour includes transportation, gourmet lunch and all the gear. HOTHA YOGA CLASSES – Small, semi-private classes are

Sonora Resort offers a series of activities to invigorate the body and relax the mind. Here are some for your

conducted by certified instructors. They will lead you through a relaxing series of postures to the sound of soothing music.

consideration. MOVIE MINI-THEATRE – Located in the Tyee Lodge is a GUIDED SALMON FISHING – Board a huge cruiser with a

state-of-the-art mini-theatre for after-dinner entertainment.

professional guide. Necessary bait and tackle, flotation and

There are more than 400 classic and new titles to choose

weather gear, fish cleaning and packaging for transportation

from, along with an old-fashioned popcorn machine.

to take home are provided. EXERCISE ROOM – Work out in style in the resort’s fullyGOLF AT STOREY CREEK – The course was voted as one

stocked exercise room, or enjoy virtual golf that utilizes the

of the “Best Places to Play” by Golf Digest. The package

latest in computer simulation technology. For high-tech

includes transportation to and from Storey Creek Golf

gamers, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 are available with a

Course, green fees, club and cart rentals. If golf is not for you,

variety of games to play. Pool tables are also available.

or the weather turns nasty, why not try indoor tennis? OUTDOOR ARCHERY – Watch out, Ms. Lawrence of GUIDED ECO-ADVENTURE TOUR – An exciting adventure

Hunger Games! For something completely different, learn the

aboard a rigid inflatable Polaris vessel. It includes a guided

art of archery. Sonora’s outdoor archery range has multiple

viewing of local land and marine wildlife, waterways and local

shooting locations. All archers are accompanied by a trained

history. The Eco-Tour can be combined with a hike through


one of the most beautiful forests in the Discovery Islands. EliteGen had an awe-inspiring experience at Sonora Resort, ISLAND CURRENTS SPA – Experience treatments and

a truly breathtaking and memorable weekend getaway. It is

specialty therapies at Sonora’s spa for relaxation, revitalization

a fact that Sonora goes further than most to provide its own

and rejuvenation. Highly recommended are the facial and

unique brand of hospitality and high-end luxury surrounded

body massage (Island Currents Tension Relieving Massage,

by an unblemished scenery. It’s just like in Lost Horizon,

Canadian Balsam Oil Deep Tissue Massage or the Warm

except this time it’s for real. ELITEGEN




Elite Life 坐古老過山車 嘆北歐名菜 30小時玩轉哥本哈根

Four Meals and a roller Coaster 30 Hours in CopenHagen text, photo | Leslie Yip

由多倫多飛抵哥本哈根,轉機往葡萄牙里斯本之前,我有 30小時遊走這個城市。由於時間有限,我決定好好運用每 分每秒。我為這黃金30小時編排了密密麻麻的行程:前往 嘉士伯啤酒廠嘆啤酒,跟人魚公主雕像來個自拍,坐船遊 覽新港Nyhavn,於世界上最長及最古老的街道Strøget血 拼,到Lego朝聖(Lego由丹麥人發明),學識讀smørrebrød 這個字(這是當地最具人氣的開面三文治),坐一坐有過百 年歷史的過山車,而且來到Noma的所在地,當然更要親 身體驗哥本哈根的餐廳能躋身世界第一的原因。 Between flying in from Toronto and flying out to Lisbon, I have just 30 hours in Copenhagen and I intend to make the most of it. My itinerary is ambitious: drink beer at the original Carlsberg brewery, take a selfie with the Little Mermaid, tour Nyhavn on a boat, shop on Strøget (the world’s oldest and longest pedestrian street), pay pilgrimage to Lego (a Danish invention), learn to pronounce “smørrebrød” (the famous local open-faced sandwich), ride a century-old roller coaster and, since I am in Noma-land, I must see for myself why the Copenhagen restaurant scene is touted as the best in the world.







踏足哥本哈根 Touch Down

時可探索歷史。進入酒廠必須經過象塔(Elephant Tower), 4隻巨型石象歡迎來自世界各地的參觀者。轉右可找到建


築風格華麗的 「新」 酒廠,是創辦人的兒子Carl Jacobsen於

岔子 – 我的航班延誤了個多小時。雖然如此,我仍處之泰












機場儲物櫃。接著趕乘Metro,15分鐘之後到達市中心,再 乘幾個站巴士,我便抵達首個目的地:嘉士伯啤酒廠。

A beer is a beer, and Carlsberg is available virtually everywhere in the world. Why should one venture all the way to its Nordic capital? You can call this food pilgrimage. When J.C. Jacobsen founded the brewery in the suburbs of Copenhagen in 1847, Denmark was not the happiest nation on Earth, as ranked by the United Nations World Happiness Report. It had lost its

嘉士伯啤酒廠的象塔,正好反映創辦人兒子 Carl Jacobsen對建築的獨有品味。 The Elephant Gate at Carlsberg is just one example of the eclectic architectural taste of its founder’s son, Carl Jacobsen.

My flight is delayed for more than an hour, just as Murphy’s

entire naval fleet to the British in the Napoleonic Wars, and was ceding parcels of land left and right. The Danes had to take a bow from the international stage to lick its wounds. Although the country was defeated in many ways, Danish pride was not. Perhaps it was Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales that helped

Law decreed. Undeterred, I keep faith in my flawless plan – it all

soothe the pain of reality and fan hope for the future. Perhaps

comes down to meticulous planning when you want to do so

it was Jacobsen’s new beer that fuelled their spirits – the lager

many things in such a short time period. I get my Danish crowns

was clear and fresh, not like the dark ales prevalent at the time.

at the currency exchange by the luggage carousel. The rates

Denmark re-emerged with as much vigour as bubbles rising in

may not be the greatest, but I save precious time while waiting

a beer glass, and these bubbles exploded like fireworks, igniting

for my suitcase.

the Golden Age of Industrialization in Denmark.

The suitcase is for the later part of my trip, and there is no point lugging it around Copenhagen since I am only stopping over for one night. So, I leave it at the airport locker service, taking just what I need in a convertible trolley backpack. Then, onto the Metro I hop. Just 15 minutes and a short bus ride later, I arrive at my first destination: the old Carlsberg brewery.


午餐+試飲@嘉士伯啤酒廠 Carlsberg Brewery: visit, tasting and lunch 事實上差不多在全世界任何一個角落都可以飲到嘉士 伯啤酒,為什麼非要老遠來到這個北歐的國度?你可以將

名為Jacobsen的比爾森啤酒,由當 地嘉士伯酒廠自家釀製,只在丹麥 發售。 Jacobsen is a Denmark-exclusive house-brewed pilsner by Carlsberg.


Visiting the old Carlsberg brewery is an architectural and

告中名列榜首,但於1847年當JC Jacobsen在哥本哈根郊

historical tour rolled into one. Visitors are greeted by four granite


elephants at the Elephant Tower. Turn right and take a peek


at the ornate “new” brewery built by the founder’s son, Carl


Jacobsen, in 1871. Cross the road, walk through the expansive


courtyard and admire the Winding Chimney, a 56-metre-tall


chimney decorated with Egyptian lotus flowers and Notre

亦可能是JC Jacobsen的全新啤酒激起了大家的鬥志 – 這

Dame-style gargoyles. Listen to the fascinating story of how the


founder’s son feuded with his father. At the end of the tour, head


up to the restaurant where, in addition to great Danish dishes,


you can taste one of the eight house-brewed beers, fondly


named after the Jacobsen family and available only in Denmark.





Elite Life


in the World in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2014 by Restaurant magazine. René

晚餐@ Relae (米芝蓮星級餐廳及全球最佳五十間餐館其中之一) Dinner at Relae, Michelin-starred and one of the World’s 50 Best Restaurants 對遊客來說,午餐飲啤酒並不出奇,不過計計時差,下午3時 相等於多倫多時間上午9時,果真啤酒做早餐。出發前透過Airbnb 預訂了公寓,check in後真想小睡片刻,不過我預訂了5:30吃晚 餐,一覺睡醒可能會錯過了時間。可以成功預約到Relae自覺十分 幸運,此店由Noma前副總廚Christian Puglisi創立。眾所周知, 每每提到哥本哈根的美食,不能不提Noma。由René Redzepi創 辦的Noma,於2010、2011、2012 及2014年獲英國《Restaurant Magazine》評為全球最佳餐廳第一位。René一手打造的全新北歐 菜,及其獨創的20道菜晚餐,更將哥本哈根推向世界美食最前線。 當我決定在哥本哈根停留一晚後,已經想盡辦法嘗試預約 Noma,包括拜託一位數年前曾在店內實習的朋友。可惜餐廳每日 的輪候名單多達1,000人,而店內只有45個位,我深知機會渺茫。 於是決定轉移目標,預約Relae,別誤會這絕非退而求其次的 選擇,Relae一樣有其精彩的故事。餐廳位處的Nørrebro區曾經是 一個龍蛇混雜的地方,毒犯毆鬥、電單車黨集結屢見不鮮。當地 政府為了優化該區,廣邀不同範疇的創意企業家如廚師Puglisi等在 此開業,成功把該區改頭換面。現時區內的街道上林立著藝術小 店、咖啡店、酒店及餐廳,而Relae便是市內18間米芝蓮星級餐廳 的其中之一。

Redzepi, Noma’s founder and chef, single-handedly reinvented Nordic cuisine and brought Copenhagen to the forefront of the gourmet world with its 20-course meals. I did make an effort to try to book a seat at Noma when I decided to stop over in Copenhagen. I even sought help from an acquaintance who interned there a few years ago. But with only 45 seats and a daily waiting list of over 1,000 guests, my chances are slim to none. Relae it is then, and it’s not like it’s a compromise -- it has an interesting story of its own. The restaurant is located in a once-seedy neighbourhood called Nørrebro, where drug gangs fight for territory and biker gangs party. The locals tried to clean up the streets by inviting creative entrepreneurs like Chef Puglisi to set up shop here, and the strategy worked. Now, the street is dotted with art shops, cafes, bars and restaurants, and this restaurant holds one of the city’s 18 Michelin stars. A table for one is, in reality, a bar seat for one, but no complaints here. I am seated right by the kitchen prep table, and it’s a treat to see each of my dishes prepared, sushi-bar style. Relae must be the most casual Michelin-starred restaurant I have been to. The chefs are your servers, and you are responsible for setting your own table with the knives and forks hiding in a wooden drawer under the table. I order the four-course omnivore menu and am treated to a chicken liver ragu with strips of squid pretending to be pasta. The second course is a humble porridge, made with toasted and sprouted grains – not your grandma’s textureless congee. The chicken dish is a testimonial to the famous Danish chicken. Cooked sous-vide for 15 hours, it is beautifully wrapped in buttery cabbage leaves. For dessert, it’s yogurt ice cream with lemon curd,

Relae雖被評為米芝蓮 星級餐廳,又是全球 最佳五十間餐廳的其 中之一,但風格簡約 平實。 Relae restaurant stays humble despite its Michelinstar and World’s Best 50 ranking.

accented with a cured egg yolk. The play on creaminess and tartness is ecstasy for the tongue.


坐古老過山車@ Tivoli公園 Solo Roller Coaster at Tivoli Gardens 哥本哈根的店舖一般在下午6時關門,但這個城市並未「休 息」,因為當夜幕初垂,Tivoli 公園華燈正起。園內不乏富東方色 彩的建築物 – Nimb酒店那洋蔥形狀的頂部掛滿了夢幻般的燈飾,

我被安排坐在吧檯,旁邊就是廚房出菜前的預備檯,就好像 坐在壽司吧一樣,欣賞著廚師在我面前預備每一道美食,絕對是 賞心樂事。在我去過的米芝蓮星級餐廳中,Relae 絕對是最隨意的 一間。廚師兼任侍應,食客更要從隱藏於餐桌下的木櫃中自行拿 出餐具。我點了4道菜的雜食餐(omnivore),頭盤是雞肝醬配墨魚 條,墨魚切成細長條狀,乍看像極意粉。第二道菜是麥片粥,以 香烤穀物煮成,極富質感,吃慣稀爛白粥的我,感覺新鮮。主菜 可謂向丹麥出產的嫩雞致敬,雞肉以真空慢煮15小時,再以用牛油 煮過的椰菜葉包裹著,賣相一流。甜品是乳酪雪糕伴檸檬乳凍及 燻製蛋黃,幼滑中帶點酸,為味蕾帶來全新體驗。 Having beer at lunch may not seem too out of place for a tourist, but if you factor in the time difference, beer at three in the afternoon translates into

亮起時,氣勢有如泰姬陵般的雄偉壯觀。而中國塔上高掛著大紅 燈籠,看著反照在中央湖上的倒影,仿如置身上海的城隍廟。可 以想像,當公園於1843開幕時,哥本哈根人對東方事物之著迷。 不過身為東方人,我更鍾情古歐式的魅力。在眾多機動遊戲中, 我決定先乘坐於1914年建造的古老過山車。因為我相信以現在的 標準來說,這款過山車應屬「小兒科」– 我不希望浪費了胃裡面只 消化了一半的美食。你期望在經典過山車中找到的元素:過山車 行經木製路軌所發出的隆隆聲響、慢慢爬上山頂、旋轉著走進黑 漆漆的神秘山洞、以及經典式的下滑等統統俱備,一定不會令你失 望。雖然時速只有每小時58公里,又沒有那些挑戰地心吸力的反 轉再反轉,但是我的胃仍然感到不適。這與過山車的速度無關,主 要是我發現過山車原來是以人手操控,萬一…想到這裡,不期然 打了一個冷顫。

beer at nine in the morning, Toronto time. I am really tempted to indulge in an afternoon nap after checking into my Airbnb apartment, but I have an early dinner reservation (5:30 p.m.!) and I will not miss it over some shut-eye.

聽說安徒生是Tivoli 公園的常客,他有好幾部作品都在這裡找 到創作靈感。為了向這位童話家致敬,名為The Flying Trunk的機 動遊戲,會帶你於其32部童話穿梭。而我最愛的就是雪皇后,沒

I am lucky to score a seat at Restaurant Relae, founded by former Noma



sous chef Christian Puglisi. You see, one cannot mention the restaurant


scene in Copenhagen without mentioning Noma, ranked Best Restaurant

假山、人工湖及購物大道等元素,都是來自Tivoli 公園的。




Stores in Copenhagen tend to close by six o’clock in the evening, but that doesn’t mean the city shutters itself at nightfall. When the sun sets, the Tivoli Gardens come to light. The onion-shaped top of the Nimb is strung with white fairy lights and, when illuminated, resembles the Taj

第二日Day 2

12 noon

午餐@ Amass Lunch at Amass

在Tivoli Gardens度過了刺激的3個 小時後,是時候好好睡一覺。我決定讓 自己一直睡到自然醒 - 信我,這是對抗 時差最有效的方法。一覺醒來,今日第 一個活動就是午餐,而且是非一般的午

Mahal in all its majestic glory. The red lanterns around the

餐。延續我對Noma的渴慕,我選擇了由Noma前主廚Matt Orlando 主理

Chinese pagoda reflect upon the centre lake, transporting


you to the old City God Temple of Shanghai. Copenhagen


must have been infatuated with the Orient when the park


opened in 1843. Being from the East, I am drawn more

再懶惰的人都敵不過美食的誘惑。當我開始品嚐6道菜中的第1 道菜時,

towards old-European charms. The first ride I pick is the


old roller coaster, built in 1914. Surely it must be tame by


modern standards, I reckon. I don’t want my half-digested


dinner to go to waste. Indeed, the ride is all you’d expect


from a classic roller coaster: rumbling wooden tracks, the climb up a mountain peak, spiralling through a dark mysterious cave and the quintessential waterfall. The speed is a modest 58 km/h, with no gravity-defying flips. But my stomach is churning nonetheless. It’s not because of the ride, but the fact that the coaster is controlled by a brakeman whose grip on the braking handle determines the speed of the cars. What if… I shudder at the thought. It is said that Hans Christian Andersen visited the park often, where he found inspiration for several of his tales. The park pays tribute to the writer with The Flying Trunk, taking you through moving scenes from 32 of his tales. The Snow Queen is my favourite – yes, I am an addict to Disney’s Frozen. Speaking of which, did you know it was here that Walt Disney got his inspiration to build the first Disneyland? He actually stole several key concepts from here: the mountain, the lake and the main street can all be traced back to Tivoli Gardens.

After three adventurous hours at Tivoli Gardens, I’m ready to meet my bed. I allow myself to sleep until I awaken naturally the next morning – it’s the best way to nip jet lag in the bud, trust me. First item on today’s itinerary is lunch, and not just any lunch. Continuing with my courtship with Noma, I reserve a seat at Amass, led by former Noma head chef Matt Orlando. I don’t understand why this brood likes to open up restaurants in formerly unsavoury places, Relae at a former ghetto, and Amass in a derelict industrial park. It is proof that delicious food can draw the laziest to walk the extra mile. As I sit down to enjoy the first dish of my six-course meal, I can’t help but notice that it’s breakfast time at home. Well, who gets crispy potato with salted cod, roasted squid with seaweed and pork fat, porridge with fermented grains with cured yolk, baby monkfish with house-cured wild plums, foraging chickens in marzipan and stout mousse with coffee-grind crisps for breakfast anyway? Having each dish served to you by the very handsome chef surely wakes up your tastebuds. Maybe all my breakfasts should be like this in the future.

靚仔廚師Matt Orlando為我端上主菜: 甜杏有機走地雞伴接骨木花。 The very handsome Chef Matt Orlando proudly presents my entrée: organic chicken with marzipan and elderflower.





Elite Life


水上巴士遊新港Nyhavn Harbour Bus to Nyhavn 在地圖上顯示,Amass看似位置偏遠,但來回哥本哈根運 河的水上巴士站正正就在餐廳的後園。就如哥本哈根其他交通 工具一樣,水上巴士的班次十分準時:比預定時間早一分鐘便 到達並準時離開,分秒不差。一對夫婦因為想多拍一張相便因 而錯過了這班巴士。巴士由Amass開到新港Nyhavn,即是明信 片上常見,色彩斑斕的17世紀沿岸建築。根據旅遊書介紹,人 魚公主好像就在附近,不過要看你認為「附近」的定義。我查看


血拼時間! Shopping time! Lego旗艦店座落於全世界最長的行人道Strøget,店外 佇立著兩個6呎高的Lego丹麥皇家軍人佇立於店前,面帶微 笑的準備遊客們跟他們自拍。我本希望買到一些在丹麥獨家 發售的產品當手信,但可惜,除了身上有丹麥國旗的Lego公 仔匙扣之外,這裡並無其他特別版產品。我唯有在Lego砌成 的Nyhavn湖畔景前拍幾幅照片跟朋友分享。Strøget街名店林 立,門面亦非常吸引,可是一想到那25%的銷售稅,即時令

手機的Google地圖,顯示人魚公主像距離Nyhavn 1.7公里。以 一般成年人每小時走5公里來計算,來回需時40分鐘。我必須 要在下午5:30前返回機場,即是我只剩下3小時時間,我還想去 Lego、Strøget及吃smørrebrød,而這些地點又在相反方向, 一時間我處於人生交叉點。我望一望錶,決定向人魚公主說句

farvel – 即丹麥語的再見。 Amass may seem out of the way on the map, but the Harbour Bus serving the Copenhagen canal docks practically stops in its backyard. Like every other mode of public transport in Copenhagen, punctuality is its virtue. The yellow and blue water bus arrives one minute ahead of schedule and departs just as the second-hand hits 12, leaving behind a couple who wanted to take just one more photo. This water bus takes you from Amass to Nyhavn, the iconic waterfront with the colourful 17th-century buildings. The Little Mermaid is supposed to be close by too, according to the guide books. Well, that depends on how you define proximity. I check the Google map on my phone, and it appears to be 1.7 kilometres away. An average adult can manage to cover five kilometres per hour, so it’s 40 minutes to get there and back. I need to be back at the airport by 5:30 p.m., so that leaves me with less than three hours. I still have Lego, Strøget and smørrebrød on my list, and they are in the opposite direction. Hither or wither? That is the question. I look at my watch and decide to bid the bronze web-footed girl farvel – that’s Danish for goodbye.

水上巴士以循環線形式沿哥本哈根運河行走。全程20分鐘,可以一般 公車票乘搭。 The Harbour Bus serves a circuitous route along the Copenhagen canal. The trip takes about 20 minutes and can be paid with a normal public transport ticket.





來到丹麥,必定要前 往Lego旗艦店朝聖。 A visit to Denmark will not be complete without a pilgrimage to its Lego flagship store.

Smushi將丹麥開面三文治與壽司二合為 一,帶來視覺與味覺的雙重享受。 A cross between the Danish openfaced sandwich and Japanese sushi, the smushi is a treat for the eye, as well as the palate.


Smørrebrød + Sushi = Smushi Smørrebrød是丹麥式的開面三文治,在麵包上放上各種材料 如燻魚、芝士或肉醬。除了味道外,精緻的賣相亦是其賣點。而皇 家Smushi Café更創新地把smørrebrød及壽司來個crossover,變 成的骰小巧的smushi。傳統的smørrebrød在哥本哈根隨處可見,

我的購物慾大減。雖然理論上在我離開歐洲時可以辦理退稅, 但我回程的航班時間是清晨,根據我過往的經驗,辦理退稅的 櫃檯最早8時才辦公,所以我肯定無法辦理。不過,在街上閒 逛,間中停下來欣賞街頭表演亦十分滿足。走著走著便到達我 旅程的最後一個目的地:皇家Smushi咖啡店。

不過對於剛吃完六道菜午餐的我來說,還是壽司般大小的smushi 更合心意。店主Lo Østergaard為我端上一set三件的smushis。第一 件是羊肉醬,另配一小瓶醃蕃茄及青瓜作配菜。而第二件煙三文 魚配黑麥包簡直是一絕。煙三文魚不太鹹不太粘,令我想起世界 聞名的煙三文魚產地挪威曾經是丹麥領土。最後一件是百分百丹 麥地道口味,以丹麥北部漁港Gudhjem島的鯖魚魚生醃製,上面

The Lego flagship store is located right on Strøget, the


longest pedestrian street in the world. Two six-foot-tall Lego


Danish Royal Lifeguards stand at attention at the door with


a smirky smile, ready for selfies and ussies with tourists. I

用);亦愛用蛋黃 (丹麥人以鹽或糖燻製;日本人則喜歡溫泉蛋);

hope to find a few Denmark-exclusive sets to bring home


as souvenirs, but alas, save for a Lego-man keychain with a Danish flag as the body, there are no special editions here. What a shame. Instead, I take a few photos of the Lego Nyhavn streetscape to show my friends. The rest of Strøget is a mix of international brand-name stores. The storefronts are attractive, but my desire to shop is dampened by the 25 per cent Value-Added Tax. That’s one quarter for the government! Although in theory I could get a refund when I leave Europe, my return flight home is at an ungodly hour in the morning, and past experience tells me that the office for refunds does not open till around 8 a.m. I am content just to stroll along, stopping occasionally to enjoy a busker performance, until I reach my final checkpoint: The Royal Smushi Café.

Smørrebrød is a Danish open-faced sandwich, with toppings ranging from cured fish to cheese to pâté. It is prized for its taste, as well as its artful presentation. Here at The Royal Smushi Café, the visual element is further upped by transforming the treat to sushi-size, hence the name. There are other eateries serving traditional smørrebrød, but my stomach wouldn’t be able to accommodate a full-sized one after the six-course lunch, so smushi is just the right form for me to try before I leave. Café owner Lo Østergaard brings me a set of three smushis. The first one is a lamb pâté, paired with a tiny jar of marinated tomatoes and cucumbers. The salmon roll on rye bread is exquisite. It is smoky and not at all salty or slimy, reminding me that Norway, producer of world-famous smoked salmon, was once part of the Kingdom of Denmark. The third one is unmistakably Danish. It›s name translates to “sun over Gudhjem,” and it is a cured egg yolk over a sliver of marinated raw mackerel from Gudhjem Island. Smørrebrød and sushi do have their similarities: the use of raw fish (the Danes marinate them, the Japanese dip them in soy sauce), the use of egg yolks (salt or sugar-cured for Danes, onsen-style for the Japanese), and the open-faced presentation. I would never have known if I hadn›t made this stopover in Copenhagen.



Back at the Copenhagen airport 等候登上下一班機時,我回顧剛過去的30小時,雖然跟Noma 及美人魚像這兩個旅客熱棒的景點緣慳一面,不過仍然度過了充 實的30小時。我為了安排今次的行程可謂費盡心思,想做的事情 太多,時間卻十分有限,但我所體驗到的令我非常滿足。最重要的 是,現在又多了兩個藉口讓我重遊哥本哈根。 As I await my flight, I reflect on the past 30 hours. Eating at Noma and seeing the Little Mermaid may be top reasons for a lot of people to visit Copenhagen. I failed at both, yet still had a rich experience. The itinerary may seem implausible, the bucket list too ambitious, but for someone with limited time for travelling and a thirst for new experiences, I did it with zealous planning and an equally zealous heart. And I leave myself two good excuses to return at some point to Copenhagen.





Elite Life

實用資訊 Practical Information 哥本哈根機場 – 儲物櫃 Copenhagen Airport – Lockers 行李儲物櫃位於2號客運大樓對面的 P4停車場內。兩座客運大樓是相連的,可步行往返。儲物 櫃24小時隨時使用。可容納一個中型行李箱的小型儲物櫃,每24小時收費約加幣$9.33;而大 型儲物櫃的收費則約加幣$14。使用者須預先繳付至少24小時的費用,如果存放時間多於24小 時,額外收費會於提取行李時收取。雖然機場網頁列明儲物櫃接受以丹麥硬幣及信用卡付款, 但當我嘗試以信用卡付款時,讀卡器卻出現故障。 Luggage lockers are located in Parking P4 opposite Terminal 2. The two airport terminals are connected and within walking distance. Lockers are accessible 24 hours a day. A small one can accommodate a medium-size suitcase and costs 50 dkk/$9.33 for 24 hours. A large one costs 75 dkk/$14. Minimum payment of 24 hours to be paid in advance. Additional time will be charged as you retrieve your stored items. Although the airport website says Danish coins and credit cards are both accepted, the credit card reader was out of order when I tried. 由機場到市中心 Airport to City Centre 在眾多歐洲城市中,哥本哈根相信是最適合作為短途停留的旅遊目的地。從機場到市中心可選 擇乘坐火車或Metro。兩者的班次皆非常準時,行車時間不到15分鐘。收費亦一樣,每程約加 幣$6.75。如果逗留2日1夜,買單程票會更划算,不過如果逗留時間較長,則可考慮購買哥本哈 根卡(Copenhagen card),因為隨卡附送多種優惠,包括免費乘坐公車及超過74個博物館及旅遊 景點的入場劵,當中包括Tivoli公園。 Copenhagen is perhaps the best European city for a short stopover. The airport is connected to the city centre by a train line and the Metro. Both run like clockwork and get you to and from in less than 15 minutes. They cost the same, at 36 dkk/$6.75 a journey. For a two-day stopover, it would be more economical to pay the per-trip fare. For longer stays, consider the Copenhagen card which gives you free public transportation, as well as free admission to 74 museums and attractions, including the Tivoli Gardens. 到訪嘉士伯酒廠 Visit Carlsberg 酒廠除了釀製啤酒外,年中更會舉辦季節性展覽及活動。最受小朋友歡迎的必定是到馬房跟馬 兒來個親密接觸,而品牌專門店則是買手信的好地方,店內可找到多種嘉士伯旗下品牌的產品。 In addition to the working brewery, there are seasonal exhibitions and events throughout the year. The horses and stables are a hit with kids, and the brand store is a perfect place to pick up souvenirs from a variety of Carlsberg-owned brands. 地址:Gamle Carlsberg Vej 11, 1799 København, Denmark 網頁:visitcarlsberg.com 入場費:成人 (18以上) 約加幣$16,包2瓶啤 酒或汽水;青少年 (6-17歲) 約加幣 $11.50,包2 瓶汽水;5歲以下小童免費 持哥本哈根卡旅客免費入場 開放時間 周一至周五上午10時至下午5時,最後入場時間 為關門前30分鐘

Address:Gamle Carlsberg Vej 11, 1799 København, Denmark Website:visitcarlsberg.com Prices:Adults (18+) 85 dkk/$16, 2 beers/ soft drinks included; young people (6-17) 60 dkk/ $11.50, 2 soft drinks included; free for children under 5 years old. Hours:10 a.m.–5 p.m. Last admission is 30 minutes before closing time. Free admission for visitors with a Copenhagen card.

Relae餐廳 Relae Restaurant 座落於型格潮區的Relae,裝潢輕鬆簡約,主打北歐創意菜。此店摘下米芝蓮一星,並於「聖沛黎 洛全球最佳五十間餐館」排名中名列45。4道菜omnivore(雜食)或herbivore(素食)收費約加幣$84; 7道菜收費則為加幣約$135。餐廳亦提供餐酒配對,4杯酒收費約加幣$74;7杯酒收費約加幣 $128。 Inventive dishes in a smart, minimal space on an artsy, gentrified street. One Michelin star and 45th in San Pellegrino’s World’s 50 Best Restaurants. Four-course omnivore or herbivore menus for 450 dkk/$84. Seven courses for 725 dkk/$135. Wine pairing available at 395 dkk/$74 for four glasses or 685 dkk/$128 for seven. 地址:Jægersborggade 41, 2200 København, Denmark 電話:+45 36 96 66 09 網頁:restaurant-relae.dk 周日及周一休息

Address:Jægersborggade 41, 2200 København, Denmark Phone:+45 36 96 66 09 Website:restaurant-relae.dk Closed Sundays and Mondays.

Tivoli 公園 Tivoli Gardens Tivoli 公園於1843年落成,安徒生作品《夜鶯》的創作靈感便源於它,就連迪士尼樂園創辦人和路 迪士尼也從這裡偷師。想懷舊一番,園內建於1914年的木製過山車可帶你走進時光隧道;要驚險 刺激,被選為2014全歐洲最佳過山車的Vertigo,以時速100作180度旋轉,肯定刺激你的腎上腺素 分泌。美麗的景色及富異國情調的建築,當中包括東方的風格,令人目不暇給。當夜幕低垂,在 成千上萬顆彩燈映照下,宛如置身夢幻的童話國度中。 Founded in 1843, it inspired Hans Christian Andersen to write The Nightingale and Walt Disney to build Disneyland. The wooden roller-coaster, built in 1914, is delightfully nostalgic, while the Vertigo, voted Europe’s Best Ride in 2014, will match the expectations of the keenest thrill seekers with its 180-degree turns at 100 km/h. The scenery is beautiful with exotic architecture and Oriental influences abound. When night falls, thousands of coloured lights create a romantic, fairytale atmosphere. 入場費:8歲以下小童免費;成人約加幣$18.50 機動遊戲設施額外收費,園內亦提供可任玩多個過山車的優惠套票,購買者會獲得手帶以茲識別。 Admission: free for children under eight; 99 dkk/$18.50 for adults. Rides are extra. Multi-ride bracelets also available. 夏令時間由4月1日至9 月20日 開放時間:周一至周四上午11時至晚上11時 周五及周六:上午11時至午夜12時





Summer hours in effect from April 1 to Sept. 20. Monday–Thursday and Sunday: 11 a.m.–11 p.m. Friday and Saturday:11 a.m.– 12 midnight.

Amass 餐廳 Amass Restaurant 此店的特色是以自家種植的食材及香料來烹調美食。餐廳所在地前身是一所造船廠,負責人在店 外建立了一個蔬菜種植場,保證以最新鮮的食材入饌。6道菜收費約加幣$110,餐酒配對另加加 幣約$74。菜式數目可按需要增多或減少。此店在「聖沛黎洛全球最佳五十間餐館」排名中名列66。 Six-course menu (595 dkk/$110, add 395 dkk/$74 for wine pairing) with foraged ingredients and herbs from the restaurant’s water-side garden in a former shipyard building. A simplified and an extended menu is also available. No. 66 in San Pellegrino’s World’s 50 Best Restaurants. 地址:Refshalevej 153, 1432 København, Denmark 電話:+45 43 58 43 30 網頁:amassrestaurant.com 周日及周一休息

Address:Refshalevej 153, 1432 København, Denmark Phone:+45 43 58 43 30 Website:amassrestaurant.com Closed Sundays and Mondays.

哥本哈根水上巴士 Copenhagen Water Bus 藍色及黃色的水上巴士是當地其中一種最方便的交通工具。只需付出相等於一般巴士的票價, 你便可以由被稱為「黑鑽石」的皇家圖書館開始,沿Christianshavn恬靜宜人的湖畔,途經新港 Nyhavn及皇家歌劇院,最後在位於Refshaleøen的Amass餐廳前上岸。對遊客來說,水上巴士比 起私人運河觀光船更有彈性,因為水上巴士的班次為每半小時一班(周末及周日每45分鐘一班) 。 如果你有哥本哈根卡,你更可以隨時在沿途9 個站自由上落。 The blue and yellow harbour bus is a great means of transportation. For the price of a normal bus ticket, you can get from the “Black Diamond” – the Royal Library, through the idyllic district of Christianshavn, the iconic Nyhavn and the Royal Opera House, right to the doorstep of Amass Restaurant in Refshaleøen. For travellers, this may be a more flexible option than private canal boat tours, as buses run every 30 minutes in both directions (every 45 minutes on weekends). If you have the Copenhagen card, you can hop on and off at any of the nine stops. 收費:12以下小童並有家長陪同免費;否則16以下小童收費約加幣$2.25,成人收費約加幣 $4.50 Cost:free for children under 12 in parents’ company; otherwise 12 dkk/$2.25 for children under 16 and 24dkk/$4.50 for adults.

Lego旗艦店 Lego Flagship Store 雖然在這間丹麥旗艦店中,除了身上戴有紅白國旗徽章的Lego公仔外,並不會找到只此一家的 特別版產品,不過可親身欣賞其鎮店之寶 - 以Lego磚塊砌出17世紀Nyhavn的河畔美景,絕對 不枉之行。 While there are no sets exclusive to the Danish flagship store, except for a Lego-man with the red and white flag insignia for the body, enthusiasts can admire at the Lego-rendition of the famous 17th century waterfront scene of Nyhavn. 地址:Vimmelskaftet 37, 1161 København, Denmark 電話:+45 52 15 91 58 網頁:stores.lego.com 營業時間:周一至同四上午10時至下午6 時;周五上午10時至晚上7時; 周六上午10時至下午6時;周日 上午11時至下午5時。

Address:Vimmelskaftet 37, 1161 København, Denmark Phone:+45 52 15 91 58 Website:stores.lego.com Hours:Monday–Thursday, 10 a.m.–6 p.m.; Friday, 10 a.m.–7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.–6 p.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m.–5 p.m.

皇室Smushi Café The Royal Smushi Café 於Strøget行人專用區,哥本哈根皇家旗艦店旁,有一間環境雅致的小餐房,在這裡可以品嚐到 別出心裁的smushi。Smushi是把當地最有名的smørrebrød開面三文治製成壽司般大小,精緻可 口。售價每件約加幣$9,三件則約加幣$25.75。此店的室內裝潢由丹麥設計大師Holmegaard、 Bang & Olufsen及Fritz Hansen操刀,以法式boudoir閏房為設計意念,玩味十足。 Located right by the Royal Copenhagen flagship store in the Strøget pedestrian zone. It is a dainty place to try the smushi, an artful presentation of smørrebrød-style open-faced sandwiches as sushi-sized snacks (one piece for 48 dkk/$9, three pieces for 138 dkk/$25.75). The interior features humorous boudoir décor designed by Danish design icons Holmegaard, Bang & Olufsen and Fritz Hansen. 地址:Amagertov 6, 1160 København, Denmark 電話:+45 33 12 11 22 網頁:theroyalcafe.dk 營業時間:周一至周五上午10時至晚上7時;周六 上午10時至下午6時;周日上午11時 至下午5時。

Address:Amagertov 6, 1160 København, Denmark Phone:+45 33 12 11 22 Website:theroyalcafe.dk Hours:Monday–Friday, 10 a.m.–7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.–6 p.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m.–5 p.m.


不丹 最快樂的寧靜國度

The happiesT Land of Peace and Quiet text | Zoe photo | courtesy of COMO Hotels and Resorts

不丹被認為是世界上最寧靜最潔淨的國度,本來這個在喜馬拉雅山旁的 南亞小國從來都與世隔絕,並未有太多人認識,隨著梁朝偉和劉嘉玲到 這片淨土舉行婚禮,不丹國皇及後亦廣為人知,被譽為全世界最年輕最 英俊的國皇,在 「世界最快樂國家」 排名第八,亦是亞洲最快樂國土的不 丹,就在這十年間成為了一個很受歡迎的wellness vacation好地方。 102




在露天草地上晚餐,帶來非一 般的浪漫。

Dinner on the lawn, under the open evening sky, is especially romantic.

Bhutan has long been considered one of the quietest and cleanest countries in the world. this small, remote South asian kingdom, on the side of the Himalaya Mountains, remained cut off from the outside world for centuries. However, the 2008 marriage of tony Leung and carina Lau raised the visibility of this landlocked kingdom, bordered by china to the north and by india to the south, east and west. the King of Bhutan also has become well known and is reputed to be the youngest and most handsome king in the world. ELITEGEN







人口密度低,風景優美的不丹都是被山谷圍繞著,對於喜歡私密度高或 者愛寧靜的遊客很受歡迎。COMO Hotels and Resorts在不丹共有兩間度假 酒店,分別為梁朝偉和劉嘉玲舉行婚禮的Uma Paro和在Punakha山坡上的 Uma Punakha。 Uma Paro酒店前身是不丹貴族的寓所,倚山而建,隱於半山松林中, 建於2,300米的Paro山谷上,位置隱蔽,有20間房間和9座別墅,酒店保留 著不丹傳統的同時亦巧妙地把傳統風格時尚化,建築與環境互相融合,酒店 利用最簡單的風格,配合石頭、木塊和瓦片,以及外牆的不丹傳統手繪圖 案,襯托環繞著酒店的山谷美景,讓住客有如置身於一條傳統簡潔的不丹小 村莊。 酒店客房都以森林景觀為主,可遠眺周圍的松林,而豪華山谷景觀客房 則可以欣賞Paro山谷的原始風情。另外有2間1,023平方呎的套房備有小廚 房,另外臥室可180度新山Paro山谷美景,另外可於山谷景觀客房相連。 一共9座別墅的Uma Paro,其中8座為單臥室別墅,別墅備有廚房、睡 房和小客廳,另外配有傳統的Bukhari柴火壁爐和私人水療室。另外所有別 墅都有提供私人管家服務。 酒店還有1座最特別和最豪華的COMO別墅,面積達3,229平方呎,備

酒店為住客提供一個完美的不丹假期,設計 了3晚至7晚得喜馬拉雅探索遊,讓住客可以 無憂地享受不丹的怡人風景,除了會在偏僻 的Bumdra露營1晚之外還可以入住兩間Uma Paro和Uma Punakha酒店。探索遊還包括徒 步至虎穴寺或老虎洞修道院。酒店亦有其他 有關喜馬拉雅山脈和瑜珈的excursions提供。 the hotel offers a perfect Bhutanese vacation to guests. there are Himalayan exploration tours, which give guests full enjoyment of the pleasant scenery of Bhutan. in addition to camping in the remote Bumdra area for one night, the package includes three-night stays at both the uma Paro Hotel and uma Punakha Hotel. the tour also includes walking to tiger’s nest temple or tiger’s nest Monastery. the hotel also offers other excursions to the Himalaya Mountains, as well as yoga excursions.





由木塊為主打造的別墅大廳讓住客 置身傳統簡潔又豪華的不丹小村莊。

The villa’s living room is decorated mostly with wood, giving the feel of a traditional Bhutanese villa: simple, yet elegant.

Bhutan has also gained fame as the happiest country in Asia and the eighth happiest country in the world, according to Business Week, and has also become a popular wellness vacation spot during the past decade. With a low population density, the scenic Bhutan is surrounded by valleys, and is favoured by both tourists who enjoy privacy and those who embrace tranquillity. COMO Hotels and Resorts has two vacation properties in Bhutan. One is Uma Paro, where the Leung-Lau nuptuals took place. The other is Uma Punakha, located on the slopes of the Punakha Valley. Uma Paro was once the residence of a Bhutanese nobleman. Half-hidden in a pine 住客能夠享受不丹獨特的風土人 情,欣賞當地的節日舞蹈表演。

To experience the unique culture of Bhutan, guests have the opportunity to enjoy local festival dance performances.

forest 2,300 metres above sea level, this secluded site has 20 rooms and nine villas. The hotel has retained many traditional Bhutanese elements while, at the same time, skilfully providing modern updates. The hotel’s architecture blends in with its environment. Using a simple style, with coordinated rocks, wood and tiles, and the traditional Bhutanese hand-drawn patterns on its exterior walls, the hotel’s décor goes perfectly with the beautiful valley scenery around the hotel. Guests feel as if they are wrapped in the simple and clean beauty of a traditional Bhutanese village, with most rooms offering a panoramic view of the pine forest. There are also two 1,023-square-foot suites, equipped with kitchenettes, and in which the bedrooms offer a breathtaking 180-degree view of the beautiful Paro Valley. There are interior doors that can be opened up to adjoining mountain-view guest rooms. There are a total of nine villas at Uma Paro. Eight are single-bedroom villas with a kitchen, bedroom and small living-room, as well as the traditional Bukahri wood-burning fireplace and private water spa. Private butler service is provided at all the villas. The remaining villa measures 3,229 square feet and has two bedrooms. Guests can enjoy a full view of the Paro Valley, an outdoor hot stone pool, a private water spa and an outdoor courtyard with fireplace. This villa also has private butler service. To be sure, each bedroom is equipped with the usual amenities of a five-star hotel. But what gives guests the total enjoyment of the traditional beauty of Bhutan are the cotton sheets from India embroidered with the traditional Bhutanese stripe patterns, the hand-woven rugs from Nepal and the fireplace familiar to all Bhutanese homes.






有2間睡房,可一覽Paro山谷全景,有戶外熱石浴池、 私人水療區和有火爐的露天庭院,另外還提供私人管家 服務。 每間客房除了備有一般五星級酒店的設備之外,讓 住客能夠完全感受不丹的傳統簡約美,在房間特別不但 備有繡上不丹傳統條紋圖案的印度棉質床單和來自尼泊 爾的手織地毯,在別墅房間裡還特別設置了不丹人不可 缺少的火爐。 酒店餐廳Bukhari為不丹皇室最愛,為住客提供不 同的香巴拉美食、還有西式、不丹和印度美食。另外, 酒店還提供不同探險活動,例如射箭、登山遠足、騎馬 等,而且還有英語導遊服務。 除了欣賞美景之外,不少人都希望能夠讓身心在 假期中得以調整,不丹為佛教國家,而酒店的spa服 務和會所設施亦以瑜珈和冥想活動為主,配合Paro山 谷的靈氣,可以讓身得以舒緩之外,心亦可以從這個 wellness vacation中平靜下來。

The hotel restaurant, Bukhari, is a favourite among Bhutanese royalty. It offers delicious Shambhala dishes, as well as western, Bhutanese and Indian cuisine. The hotel offers many adventure activities, such as archery, hiking, horseback riding and guided tours in English. In addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery, many people also look forward to improving their physical and mental health during their vacation. Since Bhutan is a Buddhist country, the hotel spa service and club facilities focus on activities such as yoga and meditation, which goes hand-in-hand with the spiritual atmosphere of the Paro Valley. Not only does the body find relaxation, but the spirit also gains some calmness.





據說被譽為亞洲瑞士和全世界最快樂國家的不 丹全國生產總值和國民認字百分比都不高,不 過就是因為不丹政府對於旅遊、發展和移民都 有一定限制,而且對於任何發展計畫都堅持以 保護國家傳統和環境為前提,所以這片幾乎從 來都與世隔絕的樂土在1974年才開放給外國 人入境旅遊。


The private dining room and private butler service offer guests a romantic setting for two, undisturbed by outside distractions.

Bhutan, often called “the Switzerland of asia,” has been recognized as the happiest country in asia, despite not having a high GdP or high literacy rate. the government of Bhutan has restrictions on tourism, development and immigration, and also prioritizes the protection of the country’s traditions and environment. this isolated country did not open it borders to foreigners until 1974.

要前往不丹的確需要耐性和時間,現在要到不 丹可以經幾個不同城市前往,包括曼谷、加爾 各答、德里、孟買、新加坡、加德滿都都有航 班直飛。所以前往不丹一般都會加入以上的亞 洲國家在行程當中順道遊覽。 it takes a lot of patience and time to travel to Bhutan. these days, one can reach Bhutan by connecting through several cities. there are direct flights from Bangkok, calcutta, new delhi, Mumbai, Singapore and Kathmandu. thus, most people add several other asian countries to their itinerary when travelling to Bhutan.

為了保留傳統文化,不丹人上班、上學必須 穿着傳統裝。男士穿連身及膝短袍,稱為「幗 (Gho) ;而女士則穿連身長裙和薄外套,稱為 「旗拉(Kira)。另外再不丹的所有建築都需要依 照傳統形式搭建,不論是醫院、銀行、學校或 是住宅,都需要遵循傳統的風格。 to help preserve their culture, the Bhutanese wear traditional clothes to work and to school. the men are dressed in a one-piece, knee-length short robe, called a “gho”; the women, in a one-piece long dress and light jacket called a “kira.” in addition, all buildings in Bhutan have to follow a traditional construction style -- be it a hospital, bank, school or residence.

每個房間都有免費無 線上網 Each room is equipped with free Wi-Fi internet service.

住客有機場接送服務 Hotel guests can enjoy transportation service to and from the airport.

嬰兒托管服務 Babysitting service.

酒店房間每晚由 US$475-1,650起。 The hotel rooms are US$475$1,650 and up per night.

不丹為全國禁煙,而且不准在公共場所抽煙,在 不丹境內亦禁止任何煙草售賣,遊客入境時可帶 入自用的煙,不過需要申報而且需要繳付稅項。 Smoking is prohibited in public places and the sale of tobacco is banned inside Bhutan. tourists may bring cigarettes for personal use, but must declare them and pay taxes.





Elite Car

S8具有與別不同的散熱罩,奧迪 的四環標誌放在前方中心。 The S8 has the distinctive grille with Audi’s trademark four-ring logo front and centre.


Audi S8

a perfect blend of luxury and performance text, photo | Lorne Drury Metroland Media/ Wheels.ca

假如我們這裡有德國高速公路的話,便可以真正地盡情享受駕駛像奧迪 S8這種汽車的樂趣。儘管我們沒有不限時速的高速公路,但不用花很多 時間,我們就能確定S8是世界上最佳的汽車之一。 If only we had the German Autobahn here to fully enjoy an automobile like the Audi S8. But even without our own speed-limit-free highway, it doesn’t take long to determine that the S8 is one of the best automobiles on the planet.





雖然新一代的車款已出,但2015 S8沒有丁點過時。

although a new generation is on the horizon, the 2015 S8 is hardly


showing its age. If the next generation proves to be even better, we


certainly have something special to look forward to. 以奧迪以言,我常喜歡以動感和速度來形容「S」系

In audi-speak, I like to think the S8 designation stands for “sporty and


speedy.” It’s actually the performance version of a particular model and


that’s what differentiates the S8 from audi’s flagship a8 sedan.

A8是奧迪的傑出汽車,但配以「S」的名頭,在超級豪 華的基本型號上,增加了超凡的表現。

the a8 is an outstanding vehicle in its own right, but with the S designation, you add exceptional performance to the ultra-luxury features of the base model.

在這裡用「基本型號」來形容有點不太準確,因為A8 的售價由85,000元起,而S8的最低價為126,900元。我

I use the word “base” loosely here because the a8 starts at $85,300


and the S8 at $126,900. as tested, it prices out at $141,800 when you


add in $14,800 worth of options and the $100 federal excise tax applied


to all new cars with air conditioning. there’s also a freight charge of $2,095 on top of that.

車輛的威力以及豪華的設施肯定是昂貴的,但對於 口袋裡有足夠能力付擔得來的人士而言,S8是物有所值 的。

all this power and luxury certainly comes at a premium, but for anyone with pockets deep enough to afford the S8, it’s a price worth paying.


for a full-size luxury sedan, the S8 is just as comfortable carving


through the twisties on winding back roads as it is on the highway –


thanks, in part, to audi’s famed quattro permanent all-wheel drive that


transfers power from front to back and side to side, as needed, to maintain grip.

S8還特別改善了懸掛系統。它的自動適應空氣懸掛 系統,會根據車速而調節車身的高度,確保行車平穩。

the S8 is also specially tuned to improve handling with its adaptive air suspension that adjusts body height according to speed. audi drive Select

奧迪的駕駛模式選擇,可讓駕駛者按需要來選擇跑 車或舒適模式,軚盤和油門會據此作出相應的配合。

also lets the operator select the appropriate throttle and steering response for the type of driving being done, from sporty to comfort-oriented.

奧迪生產一些在業界是最 好的內部裝置,S8也不例 外,採用高檔的物料,並 關顧到每一細節。 Audi produces some of the best interiors in the business and the S8 is no exception, with its high-end materials and attention to detail.





Elite Car 啟動汽車時,大型的顯 示屏會從儀表板彈出。 This large display screen pops out of the dash on start-up.

儀表設計精美及細膩。 A detailed and nicely designed gauge package greets the driver.

奧迪S8配備了520匹馬力的4公升雙增壓渦輪V8引擎,有481磅/呎的超 大扭矩。雖然車輛的重量達2,125公斤,但令人驚嘆的是它由靜止狀態加速 至時速100公里只需4秒。S8通過8速帶手動換檔的自動變速器將動力傳輸。 雖然S8體型大,但仍相當省油,這全賴奧迪的汽缸按需求制定引擎技 術所賜。當車在高速公路行駛時,會關掉一半汽缸,這時儀表板上會顯示 出引擎正以4汽缸模式運行。 我們測試的S8所增添的選置項目中,最具吸引力的要算是價值7,000 元的Bang & Olufsen出產的1,400瓦音響系統。這系統配置有19個揚聲器, 包括兩個隱藏在車頭玻璃兩端像小蘑菇形狀般的小型喇叭,當引擎發動 S8有520匹馬力的4公升 雙增壓渦輪V8引擎,扭 矩為481磅/呎,由靜止狀 態加速至時速100公里只 需4秒。 The S8 comes with a twin turbocharged 4.0-litre V8 engine that produces 520 hp and 481 lb/ft of torque, powering the car from 0-100 km/h in 4.0 seconds.

時,這對喇叭便會彈出。 這車同時配備夜視輔助裝置(2,500元),利用熱能影像攝像機及圖像識 別軟件去偵測黑暗中前方的行人。若系統認為他們有危險時,會發出警告 鐘聲,而7吋的司機訊息顯示屏會由黃色變成紅色。 駕駛輔助配套(3,600元)包括非常有用的自動適應巡航控制功能,利用 雷達感應器,系統會自動加速或減速,與前方車輛保持特定的距離。 我會以外形亮麗,而內裡真的無與倫比來形容S8。 若翻起後座的肘托/扶手,S8可坐5人,如果將後座兩座位之間的肘托 放下的話,則可坐4人,而兩邊後座座位備有發熱功能。 前座兩個跑車型座椅配有冷暖座設備,超級舒適。我們作了幾次每次 逾三小時的測試,離開時精神爽利,有如剛做完了背部按摩的感覺。 噢,其實我們真的享受過背部按摩。S8的前座椅配有按摩器,提供舒 展、推拿及其他按摩功能。假如每部車都有這功能的話,那就….

S8其中一個小瑕疵是行 李尾箱較細,容量只有 402公升。 One of the few weak links of the S8 package is its smallish trunk, with only 402 litres of cargo space.

奧迪為全鋁製底盤的先驅,早在90年代中推出的A8便已採用,以助減 低車輛的重量。2015年款的A8(及S8)繼續採用鋁質車身,而今時今日很多 汽車都有採用。 這構造有助S8的操作遠較其它大型轎車好。這車確實有予人很巨大的 感覺,但它操控得很好,即使在交通密集的都市裡仍十分矯捷。在高速公 路上,它的勁力、速度及舒適,令它如常的光芒四射。 S8的功能多不勝數,這個當然,因為它的價格高於很多人渴望能賺到 的年薪。 但對於想擁有一輛汽車性能與豪華都近乎完美的富豪來說,奧迪S8是 不二之選。





2015 奧 迪 S 8 一 覽 除非前座座椅推到最後,否則有足夠的伸腳空 間予後座乘客。 Unless the front seats are in their rearmost positions, there is plenty of legroom for backseat passengers.

奧迪S8擁有比其他一些高檔豪華 轎車更多輪廓分明的線條。 The S8 has more chiselled lines than some other high-end luxury sedans.

the S8 comes with a twin turbocharged 4.0-litre V8 engine that produces 520 hp and 481 lb/ft of torque. It will do the 0-100 km/h run in 4.0 seconds -- amazingly quick for a car that weighs in at 2,125 kg. power is transferred through an eight-speed tiptronic automatic transmission with manual paddle shifters.

Audi S8 2015 at a glance 車身款式:大型豪華高性能轎車 驅動方式:前置引擎,quattro全時四輪驅動 引擎: 4公升增壓渦輪V8引擎(520匹馬力, 扭矩481磅/呎) 配以8速自動變速器 尾箱容量:402公升 耗油量: 14.2/8.8/11.8升/100 公里 市內/高速公路/綜合 價格: 1 2 6 , 9 0 0 元 , 用 作 測 試 之 車 售

despite its size, the S8 is fairly fuel-efficient -- thanks, in part, to audi’s cylinder-on-demand engine technology that shuts down half the cylinders when cruising on the highway. a display on the instrument cluster shows when the engine is operating in four-cylinder mode. among the options on our test car was a killer $7,000 bang & olufsen 1,400-watt sound system with 19 speakers, including two neat little mushroom-like ones at each side of the windshield that pop up out of the dash when the engine is started.

141,800元另加2,095元運費及交車前 檢查費 網址:www.audi.ca 優點:性能、豪華及舒適的配搭,難與匹敵 缺點: 沒 有甚麼缺點,要找的話,以大型 轎車來說,其車尾行李箱的容量較 細小。 誘人之處: 雖然重達2,125公斤,但S8有如 小車般的靈活,加油時,強勁的

the car also had night Vision assistant ($2,500) that uses a thermal imaging camera and image recognition software to detect people ahead in the darkness. If the system sees them as being at risk, a

馬力,使你的背部緊貼在座椅 上。

warning bell sounds and the image on the seven-inch driver’s information display turns from yellow to red. the driver assistant package ($3,600), with features like adaptive cruise control, is a useful option to include on your checklist. using radar sensors, the system automatically brakes and accelerates to keep a set distance behind the vehicle in front.

BODY STYLE: Full-size luxury performance sedan. DRIVE METHOD: Front-engine, quattro allwheel drive. ENGINE: 4.0-litre turbocharged V8 (520 hp, 481

Handsome on the outside, and truly exceptional on the inside, is the way I would describe the S8. It has seating for five people with the back-seat console/armrest in its upright position, or four if the console is in place between the two outer rear seats, both of which are heated. the front sport seats are both heated and cooled and are extremely comfortable. We did a couple of three-hour-plus drives and came away refreshed as if we’d just had a back massage. oh, in fact, we did have back massages as the S8 boasts massaging front seats that offer stretch, wave and other massage features. If only every car had this!

lb/ft of torque) with an eight-speed automatic transmission. CARGO CAPACITY: 402 litres. FUEL CONSUMPTION: 14.2/8.8/11.8 L/100 km city/highway/combined. PRICE: Base $126,900, as tested $141,800, plus $2,095 freight and PDI. WEBSITE: www.audi.ca What’s best: The combination of performance, luxury and comfort is hard to

audi was a pioneer with an all-aluminum chassis for the a8 when it launched in the mid-‘90s to help reduce weight. the 2015 a8 (and S8) continues with an aluminum body, one of many vehicles going that route today. this platform helps the S8 handle much better than one would expect from a full-size sedan. the car does feel large, but it manoeuvres nicely, even in tight city traffic. on the highway, it shines with power, speed and comfort the order of the day.

match. What’s worst: Not much. Well, the trunk capacity is somewhat limited for a full-size luxury sedan. What’s interesting: Even for a sedan that weighs 2,125 kg, the S8 handles like a much smaller car and has power to keep you pasted back in your

and the list of features goes on and on, as it should for a car that costs more than most people will ever hope to earn in a year.

seat when you tromp the throttle.

but for the well-heeled, who want a car with a near-perfect mix of performance and luxury, it doesn’t get much better than the audi S8.






Studio Wireless附上的 MCM保護套,盡顯品牌的 高貴風格。 US$600 The MCM case for Studio Wireless shows off the brand’s classiness. US$600

Beats Studio Wireless,耳罩用上 印有MCM花紋的皮 革所造,加上黑金色 配搭,極盡奢華。 Beats Studio Wireless features luxurious MCMmonogrammed leather ear covers set against a blackand-gold design.


Beats Tour入耳式耳機及定 製保護殼,其實當成一個 散紙包用都可以。 US$250 Beats Tour earbuds and the customdesigned case that can also double as a coin purse. US$250


Beats這個潮流耳機品牌,一向都會連同其他大品牌推出一些限量版來將產品大變身,最近就連 同德國潮流品牌MCM合作,推出了一系列Beats x MCM的產品。Beats在登陸Apple Store後,北 美音響迷想購買限量版也變得更加容易。而這次的合作,將會推出3款音響產品,而且Beats Pill 公仔更可背上一個MCM的小背囊,打造最潮的音響喇叭。 Beats, by now synonymous with trendy audio products, has been producing limited editions in collaboration with other major brands to give its product line a refreshed take. The Beats x MCM collection is the result of its latest venture with German lifestyle brand MCM. With Beats products filling the shelves of the Apple Store, North American audiophiles have ready access to these collectible items. Three sound products were born of this partnership with MCM, and the Beats Pill character, bundled with a mini-backpack, makes for a hip speaker. 112




橙黑企劃 Beats x MCM這個系列,總共推出了3款音響產品,包括Beats Studio Wireless, Beats Pill及Pill公仔還有Beats Tour,在設計上當然加入了MCM品牌的Cognac Visetos印 花圖案,在Beats Studio Wireless的耳罩上就用上了印有MCM花印的皮去製作,而且配合 黑金色的耳機外殼,盡顯品牌高貴的一面。此外還附上了一個配上MCM印花的保護套, 在保護套上亦有着MCM常用到的鍋釘設計及一塊logo牌仔,單是這個保護套都物有所值。 另外Beats Tour入耳式耳機則是比較低調的一款,同樣用上黑橙色的設計,不過在耳 機身上就沒有任何花紋圖案,幸好也附上了一個MCM定製保護殼,這樣一來就變得不凡。 反而最特別的就是這個MCM特別版的Beats Pill便攜式無線音箱,雖然Beats Pill曾 與多個不同設計師或品牌推出過多個不同版本,但這次除了在音箱中間部分印上了MCM 花紋外,還連同了一隻Pill公仔一同附上,可以將Beats Pill放到他的口中作擺設,相當過 癮,而且還設有一個MCM小背囊給他背上,變成一隻最潮的Pill公仔,出外遊玩時帶出街 都絕不失禮。

The black-andorange scheme The Beats x MCM collection includes Beats Studio Wireless Headphones, Pill Speaker Character bundle and Beats Tour earphones. MCM’s signature Cognac Visetos monogram is incorporated into the design, decorating the Beats Studio Wireless covers and, set against the black-and-gold case, adding a touch of classiness. The Beats Tour earbuds are the more understated component, featuring the blackand-orange design, minus the monogram. Its MCM connection comes through on the case and this alone makes it stand out.

Beats Pill的中間位置同樣 印上了MCM品牌花紋,另 外更可與Pill公仔分開來使 用。 US$400 Beats Pill also features the MCM monogram, and is detachable from the Pill character. US$400 coming soon: store.apple. com

The most outstanding component has to be the MCM edition Beats Pill portable wireless speaker. Beats Pill has appeared in different incarnations mastered by different designers. This version stands apart with its MCM monogram strip in the middle and slips into the mouth of the Beats Pill character bundled with a mini-backpack – a playful gadget that is also trendy, definitely something to show off when you’re out and about.






Beats x Fragment

專訪Interview LUKE WOOD President of Beats Electronics Beats的產品平時就經常看得到,不過在背後默默付出的一班設計及工程師,就 很少機會可以與他們接觸,這次與LUKE WOOD訪問,想必會加深對這個品牌 的認識。 「Beats在設計方面,其實主要源自於一個想法,就是想將音樂分享到 更多不同地方,又或是融入生活之中,例如跑步就是一個很好例子,許多人都 喜歡在跑步時聽音樂,就連我也不例外,所以Beats都會因應不同因素去推出產 品,一些專為運動而設、最輕身的耳機就是從這些概念而生。最近亦開始與亞 洲等地的歌手及音樂媒體合作,希望可以令品牌產品普及至全世界。」 Behind the highly visible Beats products is a group of designers and engineers who work quietly and tirelessly on the products. This meeting with Luke Wood will definitely acquaint us with the brand. “The Beats design comes from one ideal – to spread music to different places and integrate it with living. Jogging is a good example. Joggers, myself included, like to listen to music when running. So Beats designs products for different circumstances. Some are designed for use with sports, hence our most lightweight headphones. We have also started collaborating with artists and music organizations in Asia and other places to expand the brand’s global presence.”






Beats x Fragment collection 去年Beats曾與潮流教主Fragment的創始人藤原 浩合作,推出了這個以白色及閃耀的銀色作配搭 的Beats Solo2 耳機及Beats Pill音箱,最重要是在 產品上都印上了Fragment的標誌,簡約得來更顯 得高貴。 Beats collaborated with Fragment Design founder Hiroshi Fujiwara last year and came up with the white and gloss silver Beats Solo2 headphones and Beats Pill speakers. The signature style of Fragment is underscored by its clean and classic appeal.

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