Elitegen 《星尚》2015 TORONTO October Luxury Magazine (Chinese/English)

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A publication by Sing Tao Media Group October


October 2015 Vol. 11


A Guide to Achieving the Goddess Look


Watch News Bulgari, Cartier, Panerai, Vacheron Constantin, IWC, Hermès

Janice Man : Hong Kong’s BlacK WidoW


Cheval Blanc in St. Bart’s An LVMH Luxury Resort

Janice Man: Hong Kong’s Black Widow

文 詠 珊 港 版 黑 寡 婦



maSthead 11

A publication by Sing Tao Media Group October


October 2015 Vol. 11


A Guide to Achieving the Goddess Look


Watch News Bulgari, Cartier, Panerai, Vacheron Constantin, IWC, Hermès

Janice Man : Hong Kong’s BlacK WidoW

Cheval Blanc in St. Bart’s An LVMH Luxury Resort

Janice Man: Hong Kong’s Black Widow

文 詠 珊 港 版 黑 寡 婦


Read Online: EliteGen.singtao.ca iOS App: “EliteGen” in App Store



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23/9/2015 0:05:54

編輯部 editorial

編輯主任 Editors

胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 葉子青 Leslie Yip

加西版 Can West

張萬青 Katherine Cheung

編審 Copy Editor

Ross Hopkins

助理編輯 Assistant Editor 參與 Contributors

吳皓沂 Crystal Ng Grace Chan, Iris Chui, Lorne Drury,

Kenson Ho, Zoe Mak, Renée S. Suen,

Mel Tobias, Shuk Wa Tsang, Miranda Yiu

美術部 art


廣告及市場部 SaleS & marketing 副總裁 Vice President 營業經理 Manager

出版 PubliShing

袁樹燊 Johnson Yuen 梅湄 Amy Mui

Sing Tao Daily Limited

編輯部 Editorial Hotline EliteGen@singtao.ca / 416-861-8168 Address : 221 Whitehall Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 9T1 營業部 Advertising Hotline EliteGen@singtao.ca / 905-754-1532 發行部 Distribution Hotline circulation@singtao.ca / 905-752-0133

ContentS OCT


Cover Story


Janice Man


Hong Kong’s BlacK WidoW

FaShion headline



a guide to acHieving tHe goddess looK

FaShion newS

52 時尚美

SwaRovSki StyLe

FaShion newS

12 RetRo LoveR 14 女性魅力 SeRgio RoSSi Feminine chaRm

watCh Story

60 全新經典 the new cLaSSic

watCh newS

64 豈止黑白 montBLanc moRe than juSt BLack and white


24 電影節時裝秀 tiFF 2015 FaShion Show

elite PiCkS

42 BeSt PickS


44 RetRo LaStS FoReveR


54 巴黎特飾 van cLeeF & aRPeLS a PaRiSian SignatuRe


72 家民族 dRieS van noten : FamiLy and tRiBe


56 張震 只能意會 Zhang Zhen : heaRt FeeLing

FaShion talk

74 若你喜歡怪人 thom BRowne : the odd one

66 BuLgaRi BReeZed thRough eLegance 68 691,200秒走不停 PaneRai 691,200 SecondS non-StoP

ha p py di am o n ds

Vaughan mills 905-660-9993 – markville mall 905-477-1273 www.loro.ca

ContentS OCT




小碟變主菜 西班牙taPaS美食藝術 toRonto LoveS SPain - taPaS cuLtuRe

elite liFe



Cheval BlanC in St. Bart’S : an lvMh luxury reSort

JuSt For Fun



Private islands at a Bargain


78 秋冬化妝潮流 autumn-winteR tRend

elite ChoiCe


溫哥華戀上巴黎 vancouveR LoveS PaRiS

Beauty newS

82 提升肌膚天然防護及修復功能 SuPeRStaRt Skin RenewaL BooSteR BooSt youR Skin’S natuRaL deFenceS & aBiLity to Renew, now!

wine not


用藝術說干邑故事 cognac thRough the eyeS oF aRt

elite Car


四門轎車女神 meRcedeS-BenZ cLS 400 ShowS how Sexy a FouR-dooR Sedan can Be



四千元服侍喵星人 Sonya7R ii the kittieS aRe woRth it

83 多角度微注緊塑系列 eStée LaudeR new dimenSion tRanSFoRmative coLLection living

86 懸掛式地下酒窖 home—caBLe SyStem wine ceLLaR

部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 All prices are in CAD unless otherwise specified. 除特別標明外,所有價錢以加幣計算。

金箔雕花时分小针盘(Petite Heure Minute Paillonnée)J005033257 18K红金蓝色大明火(Grand Feu)珐琅 金箔雕花表盘, 18K红金表壳。自动上链机芯。68小时动力储存。 jaquet-droz.com

Sherway Gardens 25 The West Mall, Etobicoke 416-622-9400 - www.loro.ca

Fashion News Gucci Amstel leather clogs $980 (italist.com)

Gucci Amstel studded goat-fur clog $1,202 (neimanmarcus.com)

RetRo LoveR 也許一些設計師對復古風情有頗深層的迷 戀,近年設計的配件系列中,多次向懷舊風 格取經,仿vintage的皮革包包、earth tone 木屐等,與大熱的懷舊闊褲一同捲土重來。 It seems some designers are deeply enamoured with the retro style. From fauxvintage leather bags, to earth-tone clogs, to super-hot bell-bottoms, the retro style has come back with a huge bang. text | AnchoR photo | Killy

Miu Miu Madras printed textured-leather top handle bag $TBD





HSW_9x11.75_LOroCupido.indd 1

2015-09-24 7:50 PM

Fashion News

秋冬廣告中,品牌的繆 絲女神Bianca Brandolini d’ Adda穿上不同的lace up 設計,化身為一個充滿誘 惑又獨具魅力的女人。 The brand’s muse, Bianca Brandolini d’Adda, seduces with feminine charm in the various lace-up designs in the Autumn-Winter advertising campaign.


Sergio roSSi Feminine charm text | Michelle Chow

TUXEDO Sandals US$ 1,295.00

Sergio Rossi今季與其繆絲女神Bianca Brandolini d'Adda合作, 將意大利女性的獨特個性及魅力作為元素,並以Bianca所推崇的自 然優雅為設計方向,於經典的女性化輪廓中加入modern細節,創造 出一系列風格獨特的秋冬鞋款。色系方面,以暗灰及深紅色為主,配 上鏡面元素,令款式更為亮眼,而黑白兩色之間的鮮明對比,以及 metallic皮革的運用,亦突顯了女性剛強及神秘的一面。設計師又為 SECRET Boots US$ 1,850.00

設計注入lace up元素,無論是綁帶短靴、高踭鞋或是過膝長靴,均將 女性魅力發揮得淋漓盡致。

BRANDON Booties US$ 1,125.00

Sergio Rossi collaborates with his muse, Bianca Brandolini d’Adda, and imbues into its Autumn-Winter collection Italian women’s individualities and charm, in a naturally elegant style that’s all Biana. Modern details can be seen in the classic feminine silhouette. The colour palette is mainly dark grey and deep red, married with shiny elements to make the style pop. On the other hand, the contrast of black and white, and the use of metallic leather, accentuate the tough and mysterious side SECRET Booties US$ 1,050.00

of women. The lace-up design, applied in short boots, heels or above-

DALLAS Pumps US$ 650.00

knee boots, shows off feminine charm to the fullest.

CLERKS Pumps US$ 825.00

TUXEDO Flat Sandal US$ 795.00

CLERKS Loafers US$ 675.00

SECRET Pumps US$ 725.00 Available at sergiorossi.com\ca





Cover Story 有看過電影 《赤道》 的讀者,未必認為劇情很懸 疑吸引,或者張家輝、張學友鬥戲戲味濃,但 一定認同文詠珊(Janice Man)身手好到難以置 信的程度,看着她以MMA式鉸剪腳鎖實大男 人張家輝,拳拳到肉打到飛起,有一剎那我覺 得她有《復仇者聯盟》Black Widow(黑寡婦)的 影子,想不到集中港台韓七大男神的大片,卻 跑出了她這個唯一港產女角。 由 《大追捕》 的幽怨弱女到 《赤道》 的兇狠殺手, Janice Man成功破格。 「《赤道》 的確為我開拓一條新戲路,角色tough 的一面相當似我,面對事業,我絕不柔弱,是 那種多辛苦都不怕的人,我承認自己野心很 大。」 想紅想成功,每個藝人都想,但誰敢說出 口?Janice Man敢,因為她從來目標明確,且 抱絕不罷休的決心。 眼見昔日十多歲的發夢少女,今天勇敢地一步 一步靠自己力量實現夢想,將來成功,不會被 人說成靠哪個男人,多好!

開槍不皺眉 大好機會放在眼前,許多人卻會把握不住,覆水難收, Janice Man當然不會做這種後悔的事。當接到《赤道》劇本,她 便展開足足半年的折磨式鍛鍊,不停說服自己沒有最好,只有 更好。「一日三餐要跟餐單食來train up muscles,一起床就跑 八公里練氣,每日抽三、四小時練boxing拉筋踢腿,柔軟度一 定要高,因為好多用腳的鎖技,這個角色沒甚麼對白,一來就 打。雖然有替身,但有些危險動作看到臉,我都要求自己做。」

Lela Rose double V dress $2,498.94 (shopbop.com) Kenneth Jay Lane white earrings Dannijo choker Jimmy Choo lemon yellow leather pointed toe pumps $1,006.02 (profilefashion.com)





Janice Man

Hong Kong BlacK WidoW 港版黑寡婦 text | 張馨遙 styling | KandycandyC photo | Mr Cho makeup | Vinci Tsang(VW Makeup) hair | Matt Chiu(Xenter)

Readers who have seen the movie Helios may

To be popular and successful is, of course, every

find the plot a bit lacking in suspense. They may

actress’s dream, but how many are bold enough

also think that Nick and Jacky Cheung worked a

to voice their dreams? Man is one such brave

bit too hard trying to upstage one another. But all

soul. She has always demonstrated clear goals

would agree they demonstrated some amazing

and the determination never to call it quits.

martial arts skills. It is so gratifying to see a dreamy teenage girl Yet, who would have thought that a movie

from years past boldly step forward and realize

featuring the top seven male screen idols from

her dreams, utilizing her inner strength and not

China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea would be

needing to depend on any man!

highlighted by a Hong Kong lady as the female lead? Her use of the classic MMA move -- the scissor takedown to leglock the macho Nicky Cheung -- and her other aggressive moves reminiscent of the Black Widow in Marvel: Avengers Alliance.

Shooting a gun without batting an eyelid Even when presented with good opportunities, many people are unable to grab hold of them. Instead, they watch them slip through their fingers. Not Janice Man. As soon as she received the Helios script, she went into bootcamp mode for six months. She kept training herself to believe that

From the sad and weak girl in Nightfall, to the vicious killer in Helios, Janice Man has successfully shattered some significant stereotypes.

there is no such thing as the best, but rather to do better every day. “I follow a strict menu for all three meals each day to build up my muscles,” she says. Every morning, I run eight kilometres as

“Helios really opened up a new theatrical direction for me,” says the 26-year-old modelturned-actress. “The role is tough, like me. I am

soon as I wake up to build endurance. Every day, I spend three to four hours boxing, stretching and kicking to build a high level of flexibility. “I needed to use my legs for locking a great deal. This role did

not at all weak with respect to my career. I am

not have many lines, but was full of action. Even though I had a

not afraid to work, regardless of how hard it is. I

shown. I always request to do those myself.”

stunt double, there were many risky scenes in which the face is

also acknowledge that I am very ambitious.”





COVER STORY 作為一個殺手,槍是主要武器,不得不苦練。「記得第一次去槍房練 習,只有一、兩百呎的密室,每一槍都好像爆炸般巨響,我戴了耳塞, 耳膜仍然痛,反被槍嚇到,但我一定要克服。」 於是她每星期去槍房兩、三次,不斷射子彈「燒錢」,終於練成開槍 不皺眉。「導演曾經叫我用AK重型步槍,兩支大炮『澎』那款,我說控制 不到,結果用了一款相對輕盈的長槍做我的主要武器,for一個嬌滴滴女 生,我覺得頗有型。」

白花油自救 更有型的是,《激戰》的張家輝都被她打得落花流水,顯得格外武藝 高強。「最初導演說要我跟家輝哥打,我不知有多怕,『殘輝』喎,怎麼夠 打呀?!但家輝哥超級照顧我,反而怕弄傷我,叫我放心騎他打他,哈... 哈...」入行12年,Janice Man才等到這個令人刮目相看的反派角色,做演 員的確很被動。「不可以心急,我不太認同甚麼戲都接,對,可以練到演 技,但我會選擇拍電視劇,天天拍十五小時,磨到你不會都變會,EQ也 同時提升。」 As a killer, the gun is the weapon of choice, so Man had to train hard to hone her shooting skills. “I remember the first time I went to practise at a shooting practice room. It was a closed room. Every shot produced a loud explosive sound. Even though I wore ear plugs, my ear drums still hurt. I was a bit afraid of the gun in the beginning, but I knew I had to overcome the fear.” She practised two or three times a week, burning through money, firing shot after shot. “The director asked her to use an AK-type heavy machine gun. You know, carrying two cannons and going ‘pop, pop.’ I thought I couldn’t handle it, so we switched to a pair of pikes, which are lighter in comparison. For a delicate girl, I thought the pikes were rather cool.”

Saving oneself with white flower oil Even cooler was that Nick Cheung, the lead from Unbeatable, was pounded by her superior martial-arts skills. “At first, the director said I was to have fight scenes with Nicky. I was quite afraid. Nicky has quite a reputation as an action actor. How was I to be his match? But Nicky was super-protective of me. He was instead worried about hurting me, and told me not to hold back in my holds and punches. Ha…ha…” After 12 years in the business, Man finally got this antagonist role and the chance for audiences to view her differently. It is certainly true that actors are often passively influenced by their circumstances. “I couldn’t be too impatient,” she says. “I don’t believe that you should take every role. Yes, you can build your acting skills that way, but I would rather choose to be in a TV series. That way, you work 15 hours a day, and you learn everything quickly. Your EQ improves quickly.”





Sweater in bonded light bi-colored viscose US$640 Miniskirt in bonded light bi-colored viscose US$590 Both from marni.com Jimmy Choo python pumps Fierce gold necklace Gold ring Both from Giuseppe Zanotti Ela Stone gem stones ring


由去年10 月到今年6月,Janice Man一直

From October 2014 to June 2015, Man was filming the period piece The

在內地拍攝古裝劇 《蜀山戰紀之劍俠傳奇》 ,不諱

Legend of Zu in China. She says this was the most challenging experience of her



度,古裝衫包到密不透風,每日要記十版國語對 白,又要吊威吔對打,試過拍到中暑,搽著白花

“Even in the heat of over 30 degrees Celsius, you are all wrapped up in these


ancient costumes. Every day I had to memorize 10 pages of Mandarin lines.


Then I was flying around on cables doing fight scenes, too. Once I experienced heatstroke, yet continued to do the scenes with the help of putting white flower

很多港星會帶自己助手北上開工,為求同 聲同氣知自己習慣,但Janice Man堅持請當地

oil on me. At that moment, I thought, ‘If I survive this trial, I can do anything.’ In contrast, working on movies is much more comfortable than working on TV series.”

人,認為對方知當地規矩又可練習地道國語,她 不似外表柔弱,工作上,硬淨度不輸任何人。

Many Hong Kong stars bring their own assistants when they work in China, people who know their habits. However, Man insists on using local assistants, who

堅持不濫拍 Janice Man離開天王黎明旗下,自組公 司剛巧一年。如果之前五年的前進速度等如火 車,自己做management這一年可以形容為子

are familiar with local customs. She can also practise Mandarin at the same time. She may seem delicate in appearance, but in terms of work, she’s tougher than nails.

Quality, not quantity: reputation more important

彈火車,還要是turbo全開那種。「非常充實,很 intense,但是開心的勞碌。以前有人manage,

Man parted ways with Leon Lai (one of Hong Kong’s Four Cantopop Heavenly


Kings) to form her own company a year ago. Suddenly, she was her own boss,


complete with many new responsibilities.

提出。」 “It was a very solid, very intense year. But it was a ‘happy’ busy. Before, 直接交流,導演清楚知道演員的底線,少

someone else was managing, so I didn’t have to bother with much. Now I need to


take care of many things, such as choosing a script, negotiating with directors, etc.


If I see something wrong with the plot, I bring it up proactively myself.

自己的狀態,如果我是其他公司artists,可能劇 接劇拍個不停,賺錢嘛!不同現在,我覺得是

“No one else knows my current condition better than myself. If I were an artist


working for a company, I might be working non-stop, show after show, just to make


money. But it’s different now. If I feel that I need time to refresh, I can call ‘stop’. I’ve

闆 (太陽娛樂文化有限公司) 蝕錢。」

been turning down some jobs in China. Of course, my team relies on me for their compensation, but I am confident that I won’t make the boss (Sun Entertainment

錢沒人嫌多,但是賺不完的,Janice Man

Culture Limited) lose money.”

明白不理質素的濫拍,只會做壞自己名聲。「內 地市場跟香港很不同,可以嘗試很多不曾做過的 事,不是為了 『人仔』 ,我想在一個不是自己的地

Man understands that if you keep working on shows without regard to quality, you risk ruining your own reputation.

方闖一番事業,會怎樣呢?」 “The market in China is different from Hong Kong. You can try different things 很多人樂於留在comfort zone,就是沒有作 出改變的膽量,更上一層樓也需要勇氣的。

you haven’t tried before. It is not about how much you make. I want to see how I can make my own career in a place that isn’t my own.” Many people are happy to stay in their comfort zone, because they do not have the courage to change. Janice Man is not one of them.





V neck top Stripe printed wool flannel pants $675 (luisaviaroma.com) Both from Sportsmax Balenciaga silver-tone earrings US$465 (net-a-porter.com) Dannijo gem stone bangle








Balenciaga metal grommet front colourblock crepe dress Marni grey open finger mittens Giuseppe Zanotti crystal-studded jagged suede mule sandals $2,567.65 (neimanmarcus.com) Ela Stone gold necklace Cye Designs gem stone ring







Official dealer of: Rolex Piaget Vacheron Constantin Breguet Audemars Piguet Roger Dubuis Franck Muller Harry Winston Blancpain Girard-Perregaux Jaeger-LeCoultre Hublot IWC Backes & Strauss Chopard Omega Tudor Pomellato Ippolita

Get lost in the colours of fall

Dress Code Celia Wong 著名形象設計師黃欐堯Celia,曾任陳慧琳、謝安琪、孫耀威、江若琳等藝人的形象設計,亦有參與唱片封套形象設計及演唱會形象指導。 早年出書教人襯衫扮靚,近年主力負責個人形象和美容指導,還開設個人網誌http://www.celiawong.com,分享服裝潮流及扮靚心得。

暗藏 心思

Textural Details

艾莉西亞菲瑾德 aliCia VikanDeR

麗素慧絲 RaChel Weisz







At first glance, this tailored black maxi looks unremarkable, but there is actually more to it. The dress is made from a fabric that combines velvet, crepe and leather - full of texture. But the style is too simple, and does not make a strong first impression.

It is not easy to abandon a familiar look, just like the usually elegant Weisz wearing this half see-through maxi with flora patterns all over. Although the look lacks sexiness, the overall feel is refreshing and definitely commendable.

裙 Dress:Louis Vuitton 網評:既然是訂造,何解不多搞些亮點? Buzz from the net: “Since this is already custom-made, why can’t it be made even brighter?” (style.com)


暗藏 心思

Outside the Box




裙 Dress:Valentino 鞋 Shoes:Jimmy Choo 網評:髮型夠簡單,整個造型看上去更舒服。 Buzz from the net: “The simple hairstyle makes the overall look even more appealing.” (fabsugar.com)

TiFF 2015 Fashion shoW

text | 陳梓健 photo | 路透社 Reuters

Celia Wong

Famous designer Celia Wong has been image designer for many celebrities, including Kelly Chan, Kay Tse, Eric Suen and Elanne Kang, and has also been a designer of many album covers and image director of numerous concerts. Wong has written books offering tips about clothing and beauty. In recent years, she has focused on coaching individual clients on image and beauty, and even started her own blog (http://www.celiawong.com) to share fashion trends and beauty tips.

Semi-Mature Red

暗藏 心思

艾莉芬寧 elle Fanning

Energizing Look

暗藏 心思

娜奧美屈絲 naomi WaTTs







No one would expect the demure Fanning to wear a fiery red maxidress, sporting a semi-mature look to a film premiere. The dress’s unique design has a three-dimensional feel, such that even though Fanning’s career has not been outstanding, the look stands out sharply.

This neutral look from Naomi Watts steals the limelight! Her pink suit with bright red is sharp and vivacious. For Watts, to carry this look is very impressive — not looking at all like a 46-year-old pretending to be young.

裙 Dress:Gucci 網評:始終都有一陣強烈少女味。 Buzz from the net: “There is still a strong youthful feel to her look. (actresshot.com)

套裝 Suit:Vionnet

鞋 Shoes:Jimmy Choo

網評:效果不比普通小妹妹差。 Buzz from the net: “She pulls this off as well, or better, than the average young girl.” (coolspotters.com)





Tiff 2015


TIFF 2015 Gallery photo | Eastweek、Xinhua News Agency

賈樟柯(右)的《山河故人》於影展中作北美首映,與眾演員趙 濤、張艾嘉及張譯 (右二起) 到場宣傳。 Mountains May Depart made its debut at the festival. Director Jia Zhangke (right) was in attendance to publicize the film, along with actors Zhao Tao, Sylvia Chang and Zhang Yi (from second person on the right).

王佳佳聯同演員張譯出 席《回到被愛的每一天》首 映。 Actress Esther Wang and actor Zhang Yi attended the premiere of The Promised Land at the Toronto International Film Festival.





金 像 影 后 珊 迪 娜 布 洛( S a n d r a B u l l o c k )的 攝 影 師 男 友 B r y a n Randall近日被翻吸毒及拋妻棄子的 舊帳,她卻懶理閒言,以最靚心情 宣傳新戲 《Our Brand IsCrisis》 。 Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock’s photographer friend Bryan Randall has incurred bad publicity as a result of his past drug record and his abandoning of his wife. But Bullock seemed oblivious to the gossip and was in the best of moods as she publicized Our Brand is Crisis.

以電影監製身份出席影展的佐治古尼,魅力不亞於其他演員,大量 粉絲在他到場時夾道歡迎,盡顯紅人地位。 Wearing the producer’s hat to the festival, George Clooney’s charm still rivalled other actors. Many fans lined both sides of the street to welcome him, indicating that he still enjoys red-hot popularity.

Tiff 2015

身穿Balmain貼身長裙的娜奧美屈絲 (Naomi Watts) ,出席電影 《Demolition》 於 影展的首映禮,表現輕鬆。 Wearing a tight-fitting Balmain maxidress, Naomi Watts appeared to be rather relaxed at the premiere of Demolition.





另一位影后級人馬妮妲莉寶雯 (Natalie Portman) , 同樣走高貴路線,以一襲高貴的Lanvin晚裝,為處 女執導作 《A Tale Of Love And Darkness》 造勢。 Natalie Portman, another award-winning actress, also took the elegant route. Wearing a luxurious Lanvin evening gown, she brought much attention to her first work as a director in A Tale of Love and Darkness.

帶同新作 《Eye in the Sky》 現身多倫多的 奧斯卡影后海倫美雲 (Helen Mirren) ,保 持一貫雍容華貴的姿態。 Another Oscar-winning actress, Helen Mirren, came to the festival with her latest work, Eye in the Sky, looking elegant as usual.

愛美莉賓特 (Emily Blunt、右) 的主演作品 《毒裁者》 (Sicario)強勢參展,廿四孝老公John Krasinski當 然現身力撐愛妻。 Emily Blunt (right) starred in Sicario, which debuted with a bang at the festival. Supportive husband John Krasinski was, of course, at her side.

有份主演《Demolition》的型男積佳蘭賀 (Jake Gyllenhaal) 近期新作多籮籮,難怪 曝光率忽然飊升。 Another star in Demolition is the stylish Jake Gyllenhaal. He has had many new works of late and so has appeared frequently in public.

在 《火星》 的首映禮上,麥迪文帶同打扮性感 的妻子Luciana Barroso出席,乘機大晒恩 愛。 He was accompanied by his sexily dressed wife, Lucian Barroso.

由凱特瑪拉 (Kate Mara) 主演的 《神奇4俠》 , 早陣子票房及口碑皆滑鐵廬,卻無損她為 《火星》 造勢的心情。 Although Kate Mara’s Fantastic Four enjoyed neither box office success nor popular acclaim, she was in good spirits as the attended the premiere of The Martian.

科幻片 《火星任務》 (The Martian) 為影展最矚目的作品之一,主角麥迪文 (Matt Damon) 早前出席記者會時, 鬼馬地示範了在火星 「慢步」 的動作,引得哄堂大笑。 Sci-Fi movie The Martian was one of the more high-profile films at the festival. Lead actor Matt Damon attended a media conference, where he mischievously demonstrated the “moon walk” on Mars, to an audience roaring with laughter.

曾拍攝科幻劇集 《星空奇遇記》 而廣為人熟悉的柏德 烈史釗域 (Patrick Stewart) ,深受現場的年青觀眾愛 戴。 Patrick Stewart, who gained notoriety by starring in Star Trek: The Next Generation, enjoyed the adoration of the younger members of the audience.

盛裝赴會的謝茜嘉謝西婷 (Jessica Chastain) 舉止優 雅,更主動與粉絲貼頭玩自拍,大打親民牌。 The graceful Jessica Chastain was all dressed up, but remained personable. She even took the initiative, posing for selfies with fans.





Tiff 2015

金 像 影 后 琦 溫 絲 莉( K a t e W i n s l e t )近 日 修 身 成 功 , 穿上一襲灰色的Badgley Mischka晚裝,出席電影《The Dressmaker》 的首映禮,盡顯高 貴氣質。 Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet wore a grey Badgley Mischka evening gown to attend the premiere of The Dressmaker, showing off her elegant charm.

同場還有人氣女星狄高達莊 遜(Dakota Johnson),身穿 Alexander McQueen花花裙 輕露小蠻腰,性感得低調。 Also present was the everpopular Dakota Johnson, who wore a floral dress by Alexander McQueen that showed off her willowy waist in a sexy, but low-key way.

(Julie Delpy) 再 墨西哥女星莎瑪希恩 (Salma Hayek) 女星茱莉蝶兒 身上的Gucci火紅連身裙看似簡約, 做導演,即使右腳受傷,亦 其「事業線」卻讓在場男影迷看得目 無損她出席影展,宣傳作品 《Lolo》 的興致。 不轉睛。 Despite an injured her right Mexican actress Salma Hayek’s foot, actress-director Julie bright red Gucci dress looked simple, but cleverly showed off her Delpy was enthusiastic when she appeared at the festival beautiful cleavage – much to the to publicize her film Lolo. delight of males in the audience.





安芭赫德(Amber Heard、右)身穿「碧 咸嫂」 Victoria Beckham出品的全黑裙, 力撐老公尊尼特普 (Johnny Depp) 的新 作《極黑勢力》(Black Mass),甚為搶 鏡。 Amber Heard (right) stole the limelight wearing an all-black dress by Victoria Beckham to support husband Johnny Depp’s new work Black Mass.

design a n d technology.

radiomir 1940 3 days automatic (ref. 572)

pa n e r a i . c o m

Fashion Headline 外套是用來披肩的,這是 常識吧!

最近蜜運中的冰冰穿着上多了幾 分甜美少女味。

Everyone knows that the best way to wear a jacket is to drape it over the shoulders!

Her recent positive romantic life added a touch of sweetness to her look.

花裙襯搭麖皮高踭鞋, 提升華麗氣派。 A floral dress matched with suede heels gives an extra measure of elegance to the look.

冰冰每次現身康城紅毯都是焦點所在,這身 華麗cape dress便是最佳示範。 Every time Bingbing appears on the red carpet at the Cannes Festival, she immediately becomes the focal point. This luxurious cape dress is a perfect example.


Dolce & Gabbana

Bingbing Fan: The Retro Goddess

Anteprima black and yellow floral print top $TBD

suede Mary Jane embellishedheel pumps $1,345 (saksfifthavenue.com)

紅地毯上范冰冰所向無敵,充滿霸氣的造型 連外國傳媒亦將她列入best dress list中。范爺對 復古風尤其拿手,bold print印花傘裙、紅唇妝配 側分捲髮、隆重晚裝襯上華麗披風,戲裏戲外都是 一身女皇風範。 On the red carpet, Bingbing Fan is peerless. Her

Alice+Olivia demetria lantern dress US$440 (aliceandolivia.com)

unrivalled look has landed her on the Best Dressed lists of numerous foreign media. Bingbing is an

Louis Vuitton

expert in the retro look. Whether it is a bold print

Nano Alma $1,160 (louisvuitton.com)

umbrella dress, bright red lipstick, curly hair parted on the side, or a grand evening gown matched with an elegant shawl, Bingbing looks like a queen -- both on and off the screen. Missoni

Marimekko Laila skirt US$195 (merimekko.com) (US only)

intarsia wool-blend cape US$2,710 (net-a-porter.com)

M Missoni floral print coat $1,686 (farfetch.com)


Dolce & Gabbana

heart pendant necklace $2,290 (available at Holt Renfrew)

floral macrame tunic dress US$3,600 (dolcegabbana.com)

A Guide to AchievinG the

Goddess Look 女神造型指南 text | Lucas Tang





Adam Lippes cropped pleated satintwill top US$890 (net-a-porter.com)

Maje Maje jolane guipure lace skirt US$480 (net-a-porter.com)


Shu Qi: Sexy Trilogy 舒淇迷人之處在於其性感永遠點到即止,鎖緊一個重點,不 論是透視、cut-out或是露肩剪裁,都能展現她那無窮女人味。 The allure of Shu Qi lies in the fact that her sexiness is always just right. There is always one point of emphasis. Whether it is the see-

花裙腰身綴以薄紗,露出纖細 腰線。

通花裙襯上冷衫及領飾一副少 女模樣。

This floral dress has a layer of lace decorating the waist, emphasizing her trim waistline.

The cut-out lace dress is paired with a sweater and collar tie to give a youthful look.

長腿、低胸以外,鎖骨亦是教 人着迷的地帶。

舒淇喜愛以簡潔stilettos拉長 比例。

In addition to her long legs and cleavage, Shi Qi’s collarbone is another area of attraction.

Shu Qi likes to use a simple pair of stillettos to lengthen her lines.

through look, the cut-out, or her bare shoulders, she is always able to express her extreme femininity. Fausto Puglisi sleeveless cut out dress $1,806.06 (farfetch.com)

Stella McCartney cutout two-tone stretchcrepe gown US$3,835 (net-a-porter.com)

Etro floral-print slit-keyhole pleated gown $6,218.91 (neimanmarcus.com)

Rupert Sanderson ankle strap sandals-mikie fur high heel $1,103.89 (bloomingdales.com)

Harve Leger sleevelss V-Neck peplum dress $1,930.07 (nordstrom.com)

Kurt Geiger Bond blue high heels $330.76 (kurtgeiger.com)

Bulgari Serpenti forever leather shoulder bag $TBD


A goddess not only needs to have a pretty face, but she also has to


have stylish and appropriate clothing to truly shine. For this issue, we’ve


picked seven Chinese and non-Chinese goddesses and have analyzed


their unique styles and tastes to show how goddesses are created.





Fashion Headline

Saint Laurent紅唇裙襯上短髮油頭, 充滿80年代的玩味。 Saint Laurent’s Red Lips dress, matched with a greasy short hairstyle, is reminiscent of 1980s playfulness.

Jumpsuit代替晚裝裙,型格 不失隆重感。 Replacing an evening dress with a jumpsuit gains style without losing gravitas.

Louis Vuitton的波希米亞風,搭對皮 革短靴為造型添上modern touch。 Louis Vuitton’s Bohemian style, together with a short leather boot, gives a modern touch to the look.

小鎂獨愛biker皮褸,百搭易襯衫。 Lun-mei enjoys biker leather jackets, because they are versatile and go with everything.

Isabel Marant forange floral dress $TBD

Valentino suede fringe skirt $5,405 (stylebop. com)

Acne Studios mock red wine biker jacket $1,800 (acnestudios.com)

Vivienne Westwood sleeveless top with print $TBD


Kwai Lun-Mei: The French Connection 曾於法國遊學、大學主修法語的桂綸鎂,不僅對巴黎情


有獨鍾,連穿着口味亦流露陣陣Parisian chic。喜愛Louis

embroidered tiger cotton sweatshirt $451.28 (nordstrom.com)

Vuitton、Maison Margiela、Saint Laurent等法牌,帶點反 叛rock味,造型瀟灑不羈。 Kwai Lun-Mei studied in Paris, majoring in French, so it’s not surprising that Paris occupies a special place in her heart and her manner of dress. She enjoys French labels, such as Louis Vuitton, Maison Margiela and Yves Saint Laurent. Her style is a bit rebellious-rock, independent and indelible.

Elie Saab sleeveless peplumwaist jumpsuit, black $4,544.32 (neimanmarcus.com)





Karen Walker


Saint Laurent

The Harvest sunglasses $373.86 (shopbop.com)

small trotteur bag in indigo grained calfskin $1,879.34 (contact celine.com)

boots $1,195 (available at Holt Renfrew)

Fashion Headline

西裝長褸為白裙添置 帥氣層次。 A long dress jacket adds a handsome look to the white dress.


Zadig & Voltaire

sleeveless dress $2,331 (farfetch.com)

blazer with wool $685 (stylebop.com)

長腿姐姐穿上skiny jeans 襯風褸,比例依然完美。 Miss Long Legs pairs skinny jeans with a windbreaker and still looks perfectly proportioned.

Tory Burch cotton sleeveless dress US$395 (toryburch.com)

Hache grey wool dress $TBD

Hotel Particulier black dress $TBD

配搭挺身傘裙的cardigan look,是俏祕書的造型 嗎? Adding a cardigan to a stiff umbrella dress results in a cute secretary look.

Body-conscious長袖貼身 短裙不暴露卻如斯性感。 This body-conscious, longsleeve dress is tight-fitting and short, but shows no skin while being ultra-sexy.

Maje blue skirt $TBD

Tiffany Victoria mixed cluster drop earrings $53,000 (tiffany.ca)


Jun Ji-Hyun: The Sharp-Looking Goddess 擁有40吋半長腿的全智賢,深知其長腿的殺傷力,出席活動時 最愛穿着及膝短裙,大方得體的裙款配襯搭帶高踭鞋及帥氣西裝外 套,從野蠻女友蛻變成sophisticated都會形象,星味由心而發。 Jun Ji-Hyun is blessed with super-long legs – forty and a half inches to be precise, -- and she is well aware of their powerful attraction. When she appears at public functions, she loves to wear knee-length dresses and skirts. Her polished dress styles, matched with high heels and handsome suit jackets, transform her look from a wild girl to a sophisticated urban professional. The look is full of star power from inside out.





Sergio Rossi

Proenza Schouler

Suede lace-up back pumps $1,007.53 (saksfifthavenue.com)

oxblood Kent bag US$2,150 (proenzaschouler.com)


Kiko Mizuhara: Japanese Texture 24歲日本名模水原希子(Kiko)只有5呎5身高,卻是各大品 牌的寵兒,隨性穿着將Dior、Chanel等high fashion穿出年輕態 度,活潑形象人見人愛。Kiko常把不同有趣質感混搭,針織、 牛仔布、流蘇⋯,營造young and modern的層次。 Japanese model Kiko Mizuhara is only five-foot-five tall, but is the favourite of every major brand. The 24-year-old casually shows her youthful attitude while wearing high-fashion labels, such as Dior and Chanel. Her active image is adorable. Kiko frequently mixes interesting textures — knits, denim, tassels, etc. — to create young and modern layers. Coohem 針織衫當裙,再配上背囊,青 春洋溢。 Wearing a knit shirt as a dress, and adding a backpack, Kiko shows off her youthful energy.

Kiko近年成為Chanel大小騷的常客。 Kiko appeared at Chanel’s recent shows.

multicolour jacket $TBD

Moschino intarsia teddy bear sweater $725.16 (farfetch.com) DKNY patchwork embellished dress $675 (dkny.com)

火辣的Dior紅裙,落在Kiko身 上,立即變得鬼馬有趣。 This fiery Dior red dress becomes mischievous and fun on Kiko.

有時低調一下,denim look襯西裝 褸又得。 Sometimes you can go with a lower-key look. This denim look, paired with a suit jacket, works amazingly well.

Pushbutton pink ruffle skirt $TBD

Mulberry by Cara Delevingne

Mes Desmoiselles

bag steel blue quilted nappa $1,590

grey fringe top $TBD

Sophia Webster Sandro×Reebok silver runners $TBD

coco share a coco cola patent leather heels $727.03 (fwrd.com)

Odd cropped shirt $716.08 (farfetch.com)





Fashion Headline

Met Gala穿着Burberry白色晚裝,充 滿Old Hollywood的星味。 At the Met Gala, Tang Wei wore a white Burberry evening gown and looked like an Old Hollywood star.

全身裸色襯搭,清新脫俗。 The combination, using nude colour all over, is refreshing and out of this world.

一條簡單白裙湯唯已星味十足。 Even in a simple white dress, Tang Wei shows that she is a true star.

穿着淡黃色Vionnet長裙出席首映, 簡潔有力。 She wore this pale yellow Vionnet maxi-dress for a film opening. It’s simple, yet powerful.


Tang Wei: The Intellectual Romantic 湯唯不是typical美人胚子,然而氣質搭夠,她的穿着打扮同樣

Ports 1961 lace sleeveless top $TBD

值得參詳。浪漫造型似乎最得她歡心,飄逸雪紡、蕾絲、印花及 柔和色調,正如廣告中的她卸下濃妝艷抹尋回真我,自然不造作。


Although Tang Wei does not have the typical pretty-girl look, her

floral print Italian lace shift dress $3,495 (burberry.com)

beauty lies in her style and sensibility. How she dresses and spruces up her look is worth admiring. She seems to like the romantic style best, using flowing chiffon, lace, prints and soft colours. The look is natural and authentic, just like in the commercial when she took off thick makeup to reveal her true self. Tibi


windowpane jacquard skirt US$689 (bysymphony.com)

embroidered techno tulle dress $1,242 (luisaviaroma.com)

Vionnet double breasted coat $4,287.89 (farfetch.com)

Diane von Furstenberg ‘Ivy’ floral brocade dress $692.07 (nordstrom.com)


Charlotte Olympia

Sara Battaglia

Vaninas Profile clutch US$1,195 (charlotteolympia.com)

fringed polka dot clutch $1,594.57 (farfetch.com)




Valentino black and white sandals $TBD

Fashion Headline

Saint Laurent satin-lapel single-breasted blazer $3,300 (matchsfashion. com)

The Row ‘Boro’ blazer $6,060.61 (farfetch.com)

Stella McCartiney cropped trousers $1,084.29 (farfetch.jpg)

露背紅裙襯上西褲,頓時變 得型格。 Pairing a backless red dress with suit pants instantly creates a stylish look.

Tuxedo搭紅唇,感覺誘人。 Tuxedo with red lips makes for an alluring look.

白色短裙襯裸色高踭鞋,青 春無敵。 This short white dress, together with nude-coloured pumps, gives off some powerful youthful energy.

短髮Emma穿格仔衫及鬆身 sweater,率性casual look分外 型格。 A short-haired Emma Watson, with a checkered short and loose-fitting sweater, results in a whimsically stylish, casual look.

Chloe wide leg trousers $1,183.46 (farfetch.com)

Theory pants $340 (available at Holt Renfrew)

Roger Vivier belle vivier trompette pumps in leather US$850 (rogervivier. com)(US only)

Emma Watson蛻變輕熟女

Emma Watson: The Ever-Maturing Lady 從當紅童星、長春藤畢業生,到成為聯合國慈善大

Tom Ford

使,Emma Watson告訴大家何謂內外兼備。形象上Emma

crepe tuxedo trousers $1,667.35 (mytheresa.com)

愈見成熟韻味,喜愛穿着型格smoking suit,同時亦會利用 Christian Louboutin J String US$945 (christianlouboutin.com)

suit pant襯搭長裙,打造另類層次,處之淡然的態度更是賞 心悅目。 From popular child star, to Ivy League graduate, to United Nations goodwill ambassador, Emma Watson is a classic example of beauty -- inside and outside. As she has matured,






she has become fond of stylish smoking suits. She also uses

deco embossed gold-tone box clutch US$495 (neta-porter.com)

suit pants under maxi-dresses to create a unique layered look. Her matter-of-fact attitude makes this all enjoyable and attractive.





高達 折

減價期由 2015年11月11日 星期三 至 2015年12月23日 星期三 11月15日星期日 中午12 時至下午5時 照常營業


MONDAY - SATURDAY 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM P 416.256.3150 • F 416.256.9204


Elite Picks

BEst Picks text | Lisa photo | Kauzrambler


White Double Plate Clutch $TBD 看上去是一隻碟,其實是一個clutch!Chanel今個秋冬以命名為Brasserie Gabrielle的法式咖啡室為主題,模特兒個個化身型格女侍應,當然少不了手挽碟 子,碟、袋兩用,Karl Lagerfeld總有這份幽默心思。 From a distance, it looks like a plate, but on closer look, you realize it’s actually a clutch! This Fall-Winter season, Chanel uses the French Café Brasserie Gabrielle as the theme of its collection. Each model role-plays a stylish waitress, so of course their hands are full of plates. Making a plate also function as a bag, Karl Lagerfeld displays his signature sense of humour.






Brass Wonderland Crystal Blackberry Earrings $TBD Gold Wonderland Raspberry Earrings $TBD Gold Wonderland Daisy Necklace $TBD 都說Céline今季比以往多了點感性,衣服上綴滿童話書的動物圖案,連配飾也 一樣有紅莓、藍莓、雛菊耳環頸鏈,貫徹綠野仙蹤的感覺,是品牌難得的玩味。 Many have commented on how Céline is showing more sentimentality this season. The brand’s clothes are full of fairy tale animal prints. Even the accessory collection is full of earrings and necklaces displaying strawberries, blueberries and daisies. The entire series has a Wizard of Oz feel to it, and is uncharacteristically whimsical for Céline.



自從品牌創造了bag bug,確是令配飾更受歡迎,今 次將之放諸迷你背囊,當散紙包用,可愛又實用。 Since Fendi introduced its bag bugs, the brand’s accessories have become increasingly popular. This time, Fendi is adding bag bugs to the minibackpack. As a change purse, the bag bug is both adorable and practical.

香水取名「悟」,因為香氣要用心感受。成分亦不常 見,融合岩蘭草、羅勒精油、柚子,聞落清新醒神。 Australian botanical brand Aesop will launch Tacit, a new fragrance inspired by traditional Eau de Cologne and the aromas of the Mediterranean. Tacit was developed by perfumer Céline Barel. Notes include citrus, basil and vetiver.



以為是男裝煲呔,原來是為女人而設,真絲煲呔上 是蝴蝶飛舞,繽紛浪漫,其實大可買一條男女共用。 This is a bow tie that’s actually intended for women. The pure-silk tie is resplendent with a romantic display of flying butteries. In reality, it can be worn by both men and women.

女人買手袋看款式也看實用度,像Loewe這個有兩 條肩帶,是裝飾同時也可長揹短揹,就是最佳示範。 The female shopper looks at both style and substance when shopping for handbags. This bag from Loewe features two shoulder straps that are both decorative and allow for it to be worn in two different ways -- a great example of combining style with substance.

Bag Bug Backpack Keyring $1,100 (ssense.com)

Blue Silk Bow Tie with Print US$155 (US only, hermes.com)

Tacit Eau De Parfum US$135 (aesoponline.com)

Navy V Clutch $3,540 (polyvore.com)

Mykita x Damir Doma

PS by Paul Smith

今次聯乘以八十年代大熱的clip on太陽眼鏡為材, Mykita的超輕物料配上Damir Doma的極簡風格,很 有型。 These sunglasses are reminiscent of the hot ‘80s clip-on style. M uses a super-lightweight material, combined with Damir Moma’s ultra-simple style, to present this stylish creation.

男士們實在要多謝Sir Paul Smith,每季推出的印花 恤衫色彩鮮豔細緻,今季有這件滲色print,為上班 服增加趣味。 Men have Sir Paul Smith to thank for new print shirts every season that are brightly and delicately coloured. This season, he offers this smudged print, adding a bit of fun to the career wardrobe.

Bradfield Grey-Grey Sunglasses $ 756 (farfetch.com)

White Shirt With Print $235 (mrporter.com)






Furla sunglasses Gucci llosanga wool jacquard coat $6,054 (gucci.com) Prada black shirt Gold choker Mixed colour top Both from Carven

RetRo Lasts FoReveR 往事不一定只能回味,設計師們總愛注入五十到

Drawing inspiration from the best of the past, fashion


designers are mixing retro touches like colourful


patterns, sleek silhouettes, bell bottoms and brown-


coloured shades to create the latest looks.

text | KandycandyC photo | Simpson Chiu model | Maria Sogina(Sun Esee) makeup | Angel Mok hair | Nasaki Chu(Queens Private i)





Wool jacket with brooch $2,930 Blooms print silk button-down shirt $1,465 Charmeuse pleated skirt $1,025 Leather slipper $1,040 Ring with Swarovski crystal and glass pearls $915 All from gucci.com Fula sunglasses






Olive and beige long dress US$2,145 (emiliopucci.com) Dark purple belt Both from Emilio Pucci Furla sunglasses Anteprima grey choker Ring with Swarovski crystal $360 Ring with velvet and Swarovski crystal $410 Both from gucci.com






Green and grey plaid jacket Black short sleeves shirt Baby blue short sleeves sweater Baby blue gloves Green plaid pants Mary Jane shoes $790 (available at Holt Renfrew) Green hair piece White crystal hair piece All from Prada Edwin leather watch





Baby blue floral print shirt Baby blue floral print skirt $413 (luisaviaroma.com) Both from Blurmarine Anteprima yellow earrings Prada pink Saffiano handbag Furla sunglasses Gucci lion head ring with Swarovski crystal and glass pearls $560 (gucci.com)








Printed crepe mini dress US$2,530 (net-a-porter.com) Yellow crystal earrings Both from Miu Miu Anteprima black clutch bag Furla sunglasses







Miranda Kerr

Collection from $69

Fashion News Miranda Kerr作為全球矚目的時尚icon,除 了因為擁有天使美貌和魔鬼身材外,其多 姿多采的生活也為人津津樂道。Miranda無 論任何時候,對自己都充滿自信,成功建 立了個人風格。最近她與Swarovski創作總 監Nathalie Colin合作,拍攝秋冬造型,分 別演繹工作、假日及約會時的打扮,透過 手鐲疊戴、手錶加手鏈的層次混搭,以及 奪目的圓形頸鏈等,帶出自主又富活力的 都會女性新形象。 Indisputable style icon Miranda Kerr captures imagination, not only with her glamourous face and devilish shape, but also with her colourful lifestyle. The epitome of confidence in the way she carries herself, Kerr partners with Swarovski creative director Nathalie Colin to create Autumn/Winter looks for work, holidays and dating. Layered bangles, watches and bracelets set off a chain-link necklace to underscore the independent and go-get-it spirit of contemporary metropolitan women.


SwarovSki Style

text | Chappie








假日時,輕巧薄身trench coat襯金 色首飾,簡易襯出女性美。 Light trench coat accentuated by gold jewelry gives a hint of femininity in this day-off look.

01•遇上隆重場合,little black dress佩 襯耀眼寶石頸鏈,和層次混搭手 帶配飾,感覺醒目高貴。 Gem necklace set off by understated wristbands add sparkle and sophistication to the LBD look. 02•白色套裝與chunky配飾,為上班 look增強個性。 Chunky trinkets add character to the all-white office look. 03•延續上季,Swarovski再次誠邀 Miranda Kerr及型格攝影師組合 Inez & Vinoodh合作,拍攝秋冬廣 告造型。 Miranda Kerr is invited by Swarovski to work again with celebrated style photography duo Inez & Vinoodh to repeat the previous season’s success in this Autumn/Winter campaign.

Swarovski Octea Dressy White Watch $399







Van Cleef & arpels

A PArisiAn signAture text | Chappie photo | Simpson

法國珠寶世家Van Cleef & Arpels的Perlée系列, 自1948年開始以百年黃金極致工藝為賣點,工 匠以人手將黃金塑造成小圓珠形狀,再組合成戒 指,或是沿着手鐲的弧線排列成珠串,成為品牌 經典設計。近年更新添鑲鑽石及天然顏色寶石款 式,設計典雅脫俗,彰顯個人品味。 The Perlée collection embodies Van Cleef & Arpels’ savoir-faire, refined in the maison’s workshops for over a hundred years. The handcrafted gold beads formed into a ring or lined along the borders, has become a brand classic. Recently, the collection has been refreshed with embedded diamonds and gemstones, expressing one’s elegant and impeccable taste. (所有價錢均為約價,僅供參考) (All prices estimated) (上至下, Top to bottom) Perlée Signature白金手鐲 Perlée Signature bracelet, white gold. $9,250 Perlée黃金鑲鑽四葉幸運圖騰手鐲 Perlée lucky clover diamond bracelet, pink gold. $37,000 Perlée白金鑲鑽手鐲 Perlée bracelet with diamond, white gold. $59,100 Perlée Signature黃金手鐲 Perlée Signature bracelet, pink gold. $8,550 Perlée玫瑰金鑲鑽四葉幸運圖騰手鐲 Perlée lucky clover diamond bracelet, pink gold. $37,000 Perlée玫瑰金鑲鑽手鐲 Perlée bracelet with diamond, pink gold. $58,600 Perlée Signature玫瑰金手鐲 Perlée Signature bracelet, pink gold. $8,550





(左至右, Left to right) Perlée黃金鑲鑽耳環 Perlée hoop earrings with diamonds,o pink gold. $25,000 Perlée白金鑲鑽四葉幸運圖騰戒指 Perlée lucky clover ring with diamonds. $19,500 Perlée Signature黃金戒指 Perlée Signature ring, pink gold. $2,800

(左至右, Left to right) Perlée黃金鑲嵌孔雀石戒指 Perlée Couleurs ring with malachite, yellow gold. $3,250 Perlée Couleurs黃金鑲嵌縞瑪瑙戒指 Perlée Couleurs ring with onyx, yellow gold. $2,700 Perlée Couleurs白金鑲嵌綠松石戒指 Perlée Couleurs ring with turquoise, white gold. $4,000 Perlée Couleurs黃金鑲嵌紅玉髓戒指 Perlée Couleurs ring with carnelian, pink gold. $2,900 Perlée Couleurs黃金鑲嵌虎眼石戒指 Perlée Couleurs ring with Tiger's Eye, yellow gold. $2,900





interview 《刺客聶隱娘》 ,台灣導演侯孝賢奪得康城 「最佳導演獎」 的作品。 改編自唐代傳奇小說 《聶隱娘》 ,也是侯導的第一部武俠電影。看過的人無不讚嘆鏡頭之美,每 一格每一節都是一幅畫,唯獨劇情,有人說像聶隱娘,隱了,看不明白。 「看一遍不明就多看幾遍」 ,這是侯導的回答,也很貫徹他的風格,因為他在片場,對演員也是 這樣,你演一次,他認為感覺不對,再來,「但他不會告訴你甚麼地方有問題,只能靠我們自 己不停想。」 張震笑說。 都說侯孝賢是誠實的導演,你想了解他或者他的電影,都只能同樣交出真心來意會。

張震 只能意會

Heart feeling Zhang Zhen

text | Iris photo | Devil makeup | 瑤瑤@美少女工作室 hair | Betty@Flux





中國古代《蟻俠》? 唐代傳奇小說《聶隱娘》,其實是一個奇幻故事:聶隱 娘是唐末河北魏博節度使田季安部下的女兒,十歲時被一 個道姑綁架,訓練成殺手後送回魏博,之後情節還有聶隱 娘化為蚊(中國古代《蟻俠》?)、給人神奇藥丸保平安等, 頗神怪,「侯導給我看原著時,沒說過會怎樣改編,我也以 為他會拍一個科幻故事。」那時正是他們首次合作之後,即 2005年的《最好的時光》,轉眼十年,結果現在侯導的版本 電影中張震的角色其實頗暴戾又剛愎自用,另一男角,妻 夫木聰演的磨鏡少年則是帶着陽光笑容的青年,剛好是一 個相反,讓聶隱娘得到解脫。 Zhang Zhen’s character is brutal and hard-headed, a contrast to another actor Satoshi Tsumabuki, a sunny and youthful mirror polisher who gives Nie Yin Niang a way out.

很踏實,聶隱娘不懂變大變小,但也會用輕功飛來飛去, 不過亦以「真」為大前提,「我們打得頗多,打戲都是拍攝當 日早上排練,然後下午一直打,他少少的動作都要修正, 我們蠻辛苦的,哈哈。」劇情則變成藩主田季安(張震飾)是 聶隱娘(舒淇飾)的表哥,二人本來有婚約,但田氏為了增 加勢力,讓元氏(周韻飾)嫁給田季安,聶隱娘則上山跟道

Taiwanese filmmaker Hou Xiao-yin was named Best Director at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival for his latest work, The Assassin.

姑學做殺手,下山後,道姑要她殺的,正是舊愛兼表哥田 季安。

一直演一直演 看故事簡介,《刺客聶隱娘》有點像宮殿恩怨愛情片,

Based on Tang dynasty legend Nie


Yin Niang, the movie is Hou’s first



martial-arts flick. Those who have


seen it invariably marvel at the


breathtaking beauty of each shot. Every frame is like a painting. The

覺得他拍電影的方式依舊,好像拍紀錄片一樣,等我們進 演,你不知道他到底甚麼時候會cut,哈哈,有時我們也會 想『到底完了沒有?』殊!不要被他聽到。」 因為當時侯導在房間的另一端做訪問,我們一起看了

storyline, however, is deemed by


some as illusive and impenetrable as


the story’s heroine.



Hou’s reaction? “See it a few more

的編劇謝海盟寫了一本《行雲紀 ─「刺客聶隱娘」拍攝側

times if you don’t get it the first


time!” This is typical of him, and he is the same way with actors during filming. After one take, he will do it again if he feels it’s not right. “But he will never tell you what isn’t right,” quipped Zhang Zhen. “We can only

錄》,有寫張震每次都嘗試以不同方式演田季安,旁人眼中 他的樂趣來源,原來自己還有這麼多不同的可能性。

生命的餘韻 「戲中我跟演寵妾瑚姬的謝欣穎第一次合作,跟她有場 戲我們拍了很多次,後來以為完成了,結果幾個月後導演 把景換了又再拍一次,他沒說有甚麼問題,不過有時在當 中跟對手甚至導演尋找一種默契,也是很有趣的。像我的 角色,他只給了我很多很多唐代古書,說田季安這個角色 很有爆發力,然後就讓我自己去想。導演叫我多磨戲,我

keep guessing.”


That’s why we say Hou is true to



himself. If you want to understand


him or his work, you have to feel it


with your heart.

來去去,張震覺得這鏡頭很有生命力,「最後又有一架火車 希望是這樣。」不知多年之後,我們都是如何細味張震。






China’s ancient Ant Man?

documentary. “The camera will be set up and begin to roll when we are getting

Tang legend Nie Yin Niang is really a fantasy story. Nie, the daughter of a man who worked for General Tian Ji’an based in Hebei’s Weibo in the Tang dynasty, was kidnapped by a Taoist nun at age 10 and trained to be an assassin before she was sent home. There are plots in which Nie turns into a mosquito (China’s version of Ant Man perhaps?) or gives people magic potions as remedies. “When Hou gave me the original story to read, he didn’t say how he would change it,” Xhang recalled. “I thought he was going to do a sci-fi story.” The duo was reunited for the first time since doing Three Times in 2005. In the end, Hou’s version of Niez is rather down to earth – she doesn’t transform from small to large size, though she can zip around flying, in kind of a “realistic” way. “There were a fair bit of fighting scenes,” Zhang said. “Most of them were rehearsed in the morning of the day of filming, and then we kept fighting throughout the afternoon. He would make the smallest corrections to the moves. It was hard work.” The storyline has been modified. General Tian (Zhang) is the cousin of Nie (Shu Qi). They are betrothed to each other, but Tian marries Lady Yuan (Zhou Yun) instead, in order to expand his power base. Nie runs away to the mountains to train as an assassin with a Taoist nun. When her training is completed, the very person the nun orders her to

‘Cut.’ LOL, we thought to ourselves, ‘Is it done yet?’ Keep this to yourself and don’t let him hear this.” Zhang said Hou doesn’t want actors to rehearse because he wants an authentic feel. When actors get into positions, they do not know what chemistry they will have with the other actors. This can make even an experienced actor appear as green as normal people on screen. In A Rolling Record of the Filming of The Assassin, written by The Assassin’s screenwriter Hsieh Hai-Meng, Zhang is said to try using a different way to interpret Tian. It looks like hard work for him, but such endless exploration may be the kind of fun that helps an actor discover his own possibilities.

The aftertaste of living “I worked for the first time with Hsieh Hsin-Ying who plays beloved concubine Huji,” said Zhang. “We did many takes for one scene. When we thought it was done, Hou asked us to film it again months later in a different setting. “He didn’t say what was wrong with it. Having said that, it is interesting to try to build rapport with the fellow actor or even the

kill is her former beau and cousin, Tian.

director in the process. For my role, he only gave me lots and lots of

Just keep acting

explosive, and then he left me to ponder.”

old Tang dynasty books to read. He said the character Tian Ji’an is

The story of The Assassin reads a bit like a tale of love and anguish in a royal court, reminiscent of Curse of the Golden Flower or Empress Wu. Yet in Hou’s hands, the only thing that one can be sure of is that there will be plenty of long shots. “When I worked with Hou for the first time 10 years ago on Three Times, the script he gave us was like poems,” Zhang said as Hou was in another corner of the room for another interview. (We took a peek to make sure Hou was focusing on the interview and didn’t hear us.) “I couldn’t get used to it. It’s better this time. The script is more like a script, but the way he directs is still the same -- very much like filming a

張震與寵妾瑚姬 (謝欣穎飾) 重拍的一場戲,劇情 講張震知道了殺手是聶隱娘時非常憤怒,兩人大 約一兩分鐘的鏡頭都沒有對白,真的很考演員的 肢體語言及互動默契。 Zhang Zhen and concubine Huji (Hsieh HsinYing) reshoot one scene, in which Zhang is furious when he finds out Nie is the assassin. The two have no dialogue in the shot, which lasts one to two minutes. It’s a real test of the actors’ body language and rapport. 58

into our roles, and we will keep acting, not knowing when he will yell




In addition to Three Times and The Assassin, Hou and Zhang worked together on the 2003 movie Coffee Jikou. Zhang fondly remembers the closing shot of a railway junction near the river with trains crisscrossing. Zhang thinks the shot is full of life force. “In the end, another train goes in. It’s a really beautiful shot, and it leaves a certain inexplicable aftertaste. This is what life is about.” That leads to the question: how will we savour Zhang Zhen years later?

舒淇在戲中只有9句對白,一生都在尋找自 己:自我的位置、價值、另一半。這也是她 少見穿殺手裝以外的鏡頭,那件山水畫裙美 極了。 Shu Qi has only nine lines in the entire movie, and is in search of herself her whole life: her own place and value in the world, and with her other half. This is a rare shot of her out of the assassin costumes, in a breathtaking landscape painting dress.

戲中每個角色都好似一直 「谷住谷住」 ,很多冤屈不知如何宣洩,這 是少有的開心場面,瑚姬跳舞,節度使田季安打鼓,「那個鼓我只 學了一個月,不過最難是你不知道導演甚麼時間才叫cut,我只好 一直打,哈哈,不過現在剪了不少鏡頭。」 All characters in the movie seem repressed, bottling up a lot of grievances. There is a rare happy scene when Huji dances and General Tian Ji’an plays the drum. “I only learned the drum for one month. The hardest part was we didn’t know when Director Hou was going to call ‘Cut,’ so I kept drumming away. Alas, much of the shot was cut.”

watch Story Clé de Cartier

新舊交織才最經得起時間洗禮,Cartier、 Hermès、Vacheron Constantin 及IWC,四大 名錶品牌以此為概念創作全新腕錶,展現奢侈 品味與時尚經典。


18K玫瑰金鏈錶 35毫米18K玫瑰金錶殼及錶鏈,錶殼鑲嵌 明亮式切割鑽石,搭載自動上鏈機械機芯。 18K rose gold bracelet 35mm, rose gold case set with brilliant diamonds, a rose gold bracelet and manufacture self-winding movement.

Blending classic concepts with new designs is the formula that can best withstand the test of time. This can be seen in the classic and luxurious new creations of four leading brands – Cartier, Hermès, Vacheron Constantin and IWC.


The New ClaSSiC text | Chappie photo | 溫進鏘

圓錶新星 All-round stars 矩形Tank、方形Santos 和圓形 Balloon Bleu都是Cartier最受歡迎的經 典型號,事隔幾年,品牌終於在這方 面再添新成員 — Clé de Cartier,將圓 形錶融入建築美學,令線條保持簡約優 雅,而且更立體突出,個人最愛3時位 置的上鏈新設計,除了別具時尚機械感

Clé de Cartier



18K玫瑰金鏈錶 40毫米18K玫瑰金錶殼配皮革錶 帶,搭載卡地亞1847 MC型工作坊 精製自動上鏈機械機芯。 18K pink gold bracelet 40mm, 18K pink gold case with leather bracelet and manufacture self-winding movement, caliber 1847 MC.

Cartier The rectangular Tank, square Santos and round Balloon Bleu are some of Cartier’s best-selling classics. Clé de Cartier joins this esteemed league after a gap of several years. Integrating the circular shape with architectural

Clé de Cartier

aesthetics, the lines of this new creation

18K白金鏈錶 31毫米18K白金錶殼及錶鏈,全錶鋪鑲 嵌明亮式切割鑽石,搭載卡地亞1847 MC型工作坊精製自動上鏈機械機芯。 18K white gold bracelet 31mm, 18K white gold case with bracelet, both paved with brilliant diamonds, and manufacture selfwinding movement, caliber 1847 MC.

are simple and elegant, yet threedimensional. The newly designed crown at three o’clock is kind to those with fashion nails, yet does not compromise on mechanical style.







(Prices are estimates, for references only)

淑女之美 Sophisticated beauty Hermès腕錶的款式從來都是低調品味, 每枚腕錶配襯品牌最耍家的真皮錶帶,新錶 如Slim d' Hermès系列從圓形錶殼單一線條配

Arceau Petite Lune

襯特色阿拉伯數字時標;或是Nantucket 系列


月相錶 38毫米精鋼錶殼配紫色短吻鱷皮革錶帶, 錶盤為珍珠貝母,錶圈鑲嵌60顆明亮式切 割鑽石,搭載自動機芯。

從代表馬術的飾扣製成錶殼等,都是從細節 上更加展現淑女的格調。

Moon Phase Watch 38 mm steel case with purple alligator strap. Mother of pearl finishing with 60 small diamonds on the bezel. Selfwinding mechanical Movement.

Hermès Hermès timepieces dazzle with understated beauty, accentuated by the brand’s signature leather straps. Subtle sophistication is underscored in the new collections, as seen in the Arabic numerals set against a smooth, round shape in Slim d’ Hermès, and the anchor-chain link-


inspired case of the Nantucket collection.

18K粉紅金腕錶 18K粉紅金錶殼配黑色短吻鱷 皮革錶帶,搭載石英機芯。


18K pink gold 18K pink gold case with black alligator strap and quartz movement.

Sac Cherche Midi


黑色皮革手袋 Black leather hand bag.

Slim d'Hermès


18K粉紅金腕錶 32毫米18K粉紅金錶殼鑲嵌70顆鑽石, 配紅色短吻鱷皮革錶帶,搭載石英機芯。 18K pink gold 32mm, 18K pink gold case set with 70 diamonds, red alligator strap and quartz movement.





Watch Story

個性系列 Individualistic collections

Portugieser Yacht Club

世界時間腕錶 45.4毫米精鋼錶殼配黑色鱷魚皮革錶帶,透過錶 冠快速設置,佩戴者可隋時查閱不同時區的時 間,除24小時圈外,城市圈上更列出全球23個地 方名稱,各代表一個特定時區。

以時尚機械感為賣點的IWC,隨了向男士 招手之外,也為個性女錶迷製作錶款, 其中印象最深刻的星級代表是Victoria

World Time 45.4mm stainless steel case, with black crocodile strap and instant world time display through crown mechanism. The 24-hour ring is marked with 23 cities to denote time zones.

Secret超模Adriana Lima和Karolina Kurkova,不禁令人聯想IWC與完美女性 的關係,品牌新錶概念圍繞上天下海冒險 精神,或是賽道上速度比併,營造出獨有 優皮奢侈的格調。

IWC The mechanical prowess of IWC’s stylish creations appeals as much to women as men. Victoria’s Secret supermodels Adriana Lima and Karolina Kurkova are prime examples of the connection between the brand and beautiful women. Its latest creations denote an individualistic yuppy lifestyle, characterized by the adventurous spirit of flying high, diving deep or racing fast.

The Ingenieur


自動腕錶 40毫米精鋼錶殼及錶鏈,搭載自動上鏈機芯,上 滿鏈可提供42小時動力儲備,顯示時、分、秒及 日期。市圈上更列出全球23個地方名稱,各代表 一個特定時區。 Automatic 40mm stainless steel case and bracelet, with automatic mechanism and 42 hours power reserve when fully wound. Indicators for hours, minutes, seconds and dates. The city ring is marked with 23 cities to mark time zones.

The Portugieser


年曆腕錶 44.2毫米精鋼錶殼配黑色鱷魚皮錶帶,搭載自家 製自動上鏈機芯,上滿鏈可提供7天動力儲備, 錶盤上方年曆具有月份、日期和星期顯示。 Annual Calendar 44.2mm stainless steel with black crocodile strap, automatic mechanism and seven days power reserve when fully wound. The annual calendar on the top of the dial displays month, week and date.






限定錶藝 Collectible masterpieces 今年為紀念Vacheron Constantin 誕生

Vacheron Constantin marks its 260th anniversary this year


with the new Harmony collection, featuring seven designs in


cushion cases inspired by the brand’s very first timepiece in

殼,總共七款限定版全新Harmony 系

1928. All seven designs for men and women are powered by the


brand’s own automatic mechanisms carrying the Hallmark of


Geneva. The clean-cut and easy-to-read dial underscores the


brand’s status as the premier brand for complicated watches.

Vacheron constantin Harmony


計時碼錶 42.00×51.97毫米18K粉紅金錶殼,搭載全新3300手動上鏈機 芯,具有小時和分鐘顯示功能,9點位置設有小秒針,並配備單 一按鈕計時功能、脈搏計刻度以及動力儲存顯示。 Chronograph 42mm by 51.67 mm, 18K pink gold case, powered by the new 3300 automatic caliber, with small hour and minute sub-dials, and small second at 9 o’clock, and monopusher chronograph, pulsometric scale and power reserve indicator.



鑲鑽計時碼錶 37.00×46.60毫米18K粉紅金錶殼,錶圈鑲嵌總重1.20卡鑽 石,搭載48小時動力儲存的高抗震手動上鏈1142機芯。 Chronograph with diamonds 37mm by 46.6mm, 18K pink gold case set with 1.2ct diamonds on the bezel, with 48 hours power reserve and high shock-proof 1142 caliber.



兩地時間錶 40.00×49.28毫米18K白金錶殼,搭載江詩丹頓全新 的自製自動上鏈機芯,具有40小時的動力儲存功能。 Harmony Dual Time 40mm by 49.28mm, 18K white gold, all new Vacheron Constantin automatic caliber and 40 hours power reserve.



兩地時間小型號 37.00×46.6毫米18K白金鑲鑽錶殼,搭載自動上鏈機芯,具有40 小時的動力儲存功能,顯示小時、分鐘,晝夜顯示第二時區。 Dual Time small model 37mm by 46.6mm, 18K white gold diamond case, with automatic caliber and 40 hours power reserve. Displays for hour, minute, second and time zone in day and night.





Watch news



more than just black and white 近年Montblanc都喜歡舉行產品大包圍,稱得上包圍,產品當

Montblanc is a traditional manufacturer of


luxury writing instruments. However, in recent


years, Montblanc has launched a number of


products across multiple platforms, including


timepieces, leather goods and jewelry. The talk of the town this year centres around their

品牌的Meisterstuck Selection Sfumato皮具系列是近期的重

TimeWalker Urban Speed e-Strap.

點新品,書寫工具主角則是Patron of Art系列Luciano Pavarotti 限量版,腕錶方面除了今年SIHH的新作,還有終於見到真身的

This season's focus on leather goods is the Meisterstuck

TimeWalker Urban Speed e-Strap。今年Basel大家見到智能腕錶

Selection Sfumato collection. For writing instruments, it's the


Luciano Pavarotti limited-edition collection from Patron des Art. For


timepieces, there is this year's new release SIHH and the long-


awaited TimeWalker Urban Speed e-Strap.

相機、尋找手機等等。老實說,這裝置的操控感不算十分好, e-Strap誕生的象徵意義大於一切;象徵的,是新與舊大融合,是

At Basel this year, we can see wearable technology creeping


into Swiss watches in various ways. One of the first is probably the

& White Weeks」 何止黑白?繽紛奪目也形容不來呢。

TimeWalker. E-Strap with an interchangeable strap and an integrated technology device that offers an activity tracker, smart notifications, remote controls and Find-Me functions. Honestly, its usability is not exactly good. However, the real significance of e-Strap is about old world meeting new technology, and a brand's determination to be technologically relevant, adding lucidity into monotone “Black & White Weeks.” text | Ringo





Watch News

BuLGARI OCTO BI-RETROGRADE text | Ringo photo | Kauzrambler

複雜錶俯拾皆是,鑲鑽錶也如恒河沙數,有本事把兩者融洽妥當的,市場 上Bulgari屬表表者。Octo Bi-retrograd搭載Retro GG7722機芯,時鐘是跳 時、分鐘是逆跳、日期也是逆跳,複雜程度何止以三倍計;襯托著它的, 是43mm 18K白金錶殼及錶盤共鑲滿450粒共重17.21卡拉的鑽石。補充一 句,Octo錶殼共有110個刻面,本身已是一枚藝術結晶。 (est. $822,500)





There are countless complicated watches and just as many jewelry watches. Bulgari stands out in integrating the two seamlessly. Its Octo Bi-retrograde powered by Retro GG7722 movement features jumping hour and retrogrades for minutes and date. That’s triple the complication. It is encased in a 43mm, 18K white gold case with the refined details of 110 facets and a dial paved with 450 brilliant diamonds of 17.21ct, making it a true work of art. (est. $822,500)

TOuRBILLON CHRONO RATTRAPANTE text | Ringo photo | Kauzrambler

出現在Bulgari身上的複雜腕錶,總帶有一點儒雅的味道,這當然 要把部分功勞歸於品牌早年收購的傳統製錶王國Daniel Roth。觀 眾請看看這枚謙謙君子,上半部有陀飛輪,左下部分是偏心時分 盤,右側是30分鐘累計盤;而中央其實重疊了兩支指針,一枚負 責秒鐘計時,另一枚則是計時追針。玫瑰金錶殼配黑色錶盤,落 落大方最好襯西裝。 (est. $236,500)

Bulgari’s complicated watches have had a gentlemanly feel since making classic watchmaking powerhouse Daniel Roth one of its own years ago. Case in point is this gracious design characterized by a tourbillon on the top half, offset by the asymmetrically arranged hour and minute sub-dial on the bottom left and the 30-minute chronograph on bottom right. It also features two centre second hands – one is a regular chronograph hand and the other a flyback (Rattrapante) hand. The black dial set against the pink gold case underscores its sophistication. (est. $236,500)





Watch News 691,200秒 ÷ 60﹙1分鐘有60秒﹚÷

Eight days is, in fact, a good buffer. If the user fully winds

60﹙1小時有60分鐘﹚÷ 24﹙1天有

the watch at the start of the week, he can be assured it will


run for an entire week with no slippage. Seven-day power


reserve probably works just as well, but it still doesn’t offer


the absolute peace of mind that it will work as precisely on


the last leg in the cycle.


(Prices are approximate, for reference only.)



691,200 seconds non-stop 其實8天是一個保障。如果用家在星期一上

The more common three-day power reserve


watches can be bothersome, for it’s sometimes hard


to remember whether it was wound yesterday, or


the day before. So, one tends to wind it daily, just to


be on the safe side.

戴過便會明白,因為記不清楚昨天有沒有上鏈、 前天又有沒有?所以為免閃失,你可能寧願每天 也替腕錶上鏈,臨出門口多做一件事。 當然,坊問有很多更長動力的腕錶,例如

Certainly, there are plenty of timepieces with even longer power reserves – Chopard’s L.U.C claims nine days, Blancpain’s Villeret has 12 days,


Vacheron Constantin’s Patrimony offers 14 days,

有12日、Vacheron Constantin的Patrimony有

Jaeger LeCoultre’s Master Grande Tradition goes

14日、Jaeguer LeCoultre的Master Grande

for 15 days, A. Lange & Sohne’s Lange 31 features

Tradition有15日,A. Lange & Sohne的Lange

a whopping 31 days, and then Hublot’s MP-05


LaFerrari takes the cake by offering a record 50-day

MP-05 LaFerrari,它的50天能量儲存創造了長

power reserve.

氣袋歷史。但針沒可能兩頭利,要提供源源動 力,內裡的發條鼓便要大、便要多,到時要犧牲

Having said that, you can’t have your cake


and eat it too. It takes a substantial barrel drum


(or drums) to sustain such massive power reserve.


What gives? It will have to be the size of the caliber

服務一周的8日鏈是很make sense的。

or functionalities. So it comes down to the balance


of having a watch of the right proportion offering a


right combination of functions, yet not a chore to


keep running. For that, we think eight-day power


reserve makes the most sense.

text | Ringo photo | Kauzrambler






The power for keeping a watch running comes from the tension


of winding the mainspring in the barrel drum, either through


hand-winding with the crown or, in the case of automatic watches,


through movement of the wrist to make the rotor pivot. When the


mainspring barrel is fully wound storing plenty of energy, the torque


is greater and naturally releasing greater forces. As time goes on,


the mainspring loosens, the torque lowers and the force reduces.

例,通常每天正常走時只會用上4圈鏈,剩 下來的3圈只是後備,如配戴者忘記上鏈,

This is a challenge watchmakers have battled over the years.


Some designers have tried using fusee chains, or adding constant-


force mechanisms to keep the power continual. In the case of a


mainspring with a spiral of seven turns, it only takes four turns


daily to keep a watch running perfectly. The three extra turns are


for back up, in case the wearer forgets to wind the watch and the


residual power can keep it going for another 10 hours or so, albeit


less precisely.

空間,把發條彈簧盡量延長,又或把發條 鼓數量增加。經過多年研究,現時要把發

The mechanism seems straightforward – as long as the


mainspring is long, strong and flexible enough and the barrel


is large, then more power can be stored. What has flummoxed


watchmakers all these years, though, is how to maximize the


length of the mainspring and the number of drums within the

就舉剛才朗格的Lange 31為例,它

physical confines of a mechanism. After years of research, the


most adopted means is to lengthen the mainspring and connect a


number of barrels vertically or horizontally, directly or indirectly.

條彈簧,兩個合起來的長度足足是傳統機 芯的8-10倍。而更誇張的Hublot MP-05

Lange 31, for example, has two vertical mainspring barrels,


each of a diameter of 25 millimetres that can accommodate a


mainspring of 1,850 millimetres. The length of two mainsprings

今天我們把範疇收窄,只集中欣 賞Panerai的8日長動能腕錶。為甚麼是

combined is eight to 10 times that of a traditional watch mechanism. Hublot MP-05 LaFerrari has a staggering 11 barrels.

Panerai?因為品牌於2005年推出首枚自家 機芯P.2002,正正擁有8天動力,看得出品

We narrow down the field today, and examine closely Officine


Panerai’s eight-day power reserve. Why Panerai? Because the


brand’s very first caliber P.2002, introduced in 2005, featured an


eight-day power reserve, an indication that the brand puts an


emphasis on this function. Interestingly, it has not stood still, and


the four watches featured here play with eight-day power reserves in different ways.





Watch News

PAM590 8 days acciaio Luminor marina

很 簡 約 的 錶 盤 設 計 。 3 時 位 置 沒 有 阿 拉 伯 數 字 , 而 換 上 了「 8 G I O R N I BREVETTATO」 字句,這個代表8日鏈的logo,首次出現於五十年代品牌為埃 及海軍生產的Submersible,之後也只曾亮相過3次,包括神級經典PAM203、 復刻60mm Big Egyptian的PAM341,還有近年大家熟知的啡陶Composite PAM339;所以說,這個大大logo本身已具備一定吸引力。 跟8日鏈標記遙遙相對的,是9時位置的小秒針,錶盤上還有仿變黃的小時刻 度,跟12時位置的白色品牌名字來個低調對比。設計雖懷舊,但這枚PAM590 並沒有採用昔日的Angelus Calibre,而是搭載品牌引以為豪的P.5000自家機 芯。大家翻轉錶背雖不能察看機芯律動,但密封底蓋刻上了品牌signature的魚 雷圖騰,對錶迷來說,又是另一賣點。最後一提,PAM590的Luminor錶殼並 不是47mm,採用的是小一點的44mm,會不會更襯它的典雅氣質? ($9,400)

腕錶6時位置的線性顯示,並不是8天power reserve……對,這枚腕錶的主角 是太陽真時,想一窺PAM516的能量剩餘多少,要麻煩大家翻到錶背,看清楚 這個指針式能量儲存顯示。話說2005年品牌以四十年代的Angelus機芯作設計 靈感,推出P.2002手上鏈機芯,揭開自家研製機芯的序幕。接下來,P.2003、 P.2004、P.2005、P.9000、P.2006、P.3000、P.9100、P.9100R,再到去年的 P.4000及P.5000,數數手指,10隻手指都不夠用了……這裡搭載的P.2002/E機 芯,由P.2002作基礎研發而成,加上了 「E」 ,大概是代表增設Equation of Time功 能罷。 PAM516採用48mm以精鋼打造的Radiomir 1940錶殼,9時位置是小秒針,3時位 置同時具備日期窗及月份轉盤,動力儲存192小時,防水100米,限量200枚。如 果你喜歡Luminor 1950殼多點,可以考慮配備同樣功能的PAM601。 ($27,000)

The minimalistic dial etches “8 GIORNI BREVETTATO” in lieu of an Arabic number at 3 o’clock. This eight-day power reserve symbol first appeared in the Submersible collection that the brand produced for the Egyptian navy in the 1950s. It has appeared three times again since, in the classic PAM203, the retro 60-millimetre Big Egyptian PAM341 and the more recent Composite PAM339 brown ceramic. This is proof that the big logo has a certain appeal.

The linear display at 6 o’clock is not an eight-day power reserve indicator. That’s right, as the star of the watch is the equation of time showing the difference between the mean time indicated by a watch and the true time indicated by the solar meridian. You have to look at the caseback to check power reserve through the needle indicator.

Opposite the logo at 9 o’clock are small seconds. The hour markers assume a yellow tint, in subtle contrast against the white of the watch brand beneath 12 o’clock. While the look is retro, this PAM590 isn’t using the Angelus Calibre from bygone years, but features the brand’s pride and joy, P.5000. The solid caseback doesn’t show off the movement inside. Rather, it is engraved with the brand’s signature torpedo motif, another key selling point for the brand. It’s also worth mentioning that the Luminor case of PAM590 is not 47 millimetres, but a smaller 44 millimetres. Is this, perhaps, a reflection of its classiness? ($9,400)


PAM516 equation of time 8 days acciaio 48mm radiomir 1940




The brand launched the P.2002 hand-winding movement in 2005, inspired by the Angelus Calibre of the 1940s. It also paved the way for P.2003, P.2004, P.2005, P.9000, P.2006, P.3000, P.9100, P.9100R, and then last year’s P.4000 and P.5000. That’s more than we can count with our fingers. The P.2002/ E in this watch is an extension of P.2002, and the ‘E’ perhaps indicates the addition of the Equation of Time complication. PAM516 uses 48-millimetre stainless steel Radiomir 1940 case. It features small seconds at 9 o’clock, date aperture and month sub-dial at 3 o’clock and power reserve of 192 hours. It is water resistant to 100 metres and limited to 200 pieces. If you prefer the Luminor 1950 case, the PAM601 with similar functions is an option. ($27,000)

PAM502 8 days Gmt oro rosso 45mm

radiomir 1940 chrono monopuLsante

PAM609 8 days acciaio

radiomir BLack seaL

在2012年以前,大家都以為Panerai的錶殼只有Radiomir及Luminor,後來品牌 回歸上世紀四十年代的設計,引入了結集兩者味道的Radiomir 1940錶殼。最 早期Panerai腕錶採用的是Radiomir殼,配上枕形形狀成為一代經典;在轉變為 後期大錶把Luminor款式前,中間曾出現過一個「過度性」設計,便是Radiomir 1940年殼。 最早期的Radiomir 1940都是搭載OP XXVII機芯,到了2013年,品牌推出很多 新作,全都用回自家機芯。這枚在2013年Watches&Wonders曝光的,是具備 最複雜功能的8日鏈計時錶,它搭載P.2004/10鏤通機芯,配備了3個發條鼓,長 動力顯示置於6時位置,以橫向線性指示。錶殼直徑是45mm,紅金殼配啡面的 PAM502,限量300枚,白金殼PAM503則配類似S.L.C的圓點刻度的黑色錶盤, 限量150枚。 ($55,000)

這個專題最便宜的8日鏈選擇,是這枚搭戴自家P.5000機芯的PAM609。P.5000 機芯於去年誕生,除了由兩個發條盒及連續齒輪替腕錶提供長達8日共192小時 的動力儲存外,P.5000機芯的最大特色就是穩健以及精準。穩健,是因為它構 造堅固,以上下兩層夾板保護內裡零件。 至於精準,則要由其平衡擺輪說起。設計上,平衡擺輪的夾板由兩顆螺絲在下 方固定,只要調校這兩顆螺絲,便能控制擺輪的擺動軸心幅度;至於振動間 距,則可透過擺輪外部的螺釘控制。以上兩項設計,均有助擒縱系統受到震盪 時,擺輪仍能穩定走動,確保腕錶的精確性。 P.5000並沒有power indicator,PAM609只於錶盤6時寫上 「8 DAYS」 以及在機芯 背部刻上 「EIGHT DAYS」 字眼,不嘩眾,也沒取寵。錶殼直徑45mm,以316L 精鋼打造,防水100米。 ($9,100)

Prior to 2012, people thought Panerai only had Radiomir and Luminor cases. Then the brand returned to its 1940s design and introduced the Radiomir 1940, blending the essence of the two cases. The earliest Panerai watches used the Radiomir case in the idiosyncratic cushion shape. In the interval of moving to the large-size Luminor, the Radiomir 1940 case appeared.

The most budget-friendly of the eight-day power reserves in this story, this watch features a proprietary P.5000 movement born last year. Other than having two barrels and continuous gears producing power reserve for 192 hours in eight days, the mechanism also boasts superior stability and precision. It is stable because it is solidly made, with the parts sandwiched between two metal plates.

The earliest Radiomir 1940 used the OP XXVII movement. By 2013, the brand introduced more new creations featuring its own movements. This watch, which debuted in the 2013 Watches&Wonders, has the most complicated eight-day power reserve chronograph, powered by P.2004/10 skeletonized movement. It has three barrels and a power reserve linear indicator at 6 o’clock. The PAM502 in a 45-millimetre rose gold case and brown dial is limited to 300 pieces. The PAM503 white gold version with S.L.C. dots for hour index on a black dial is a limited edition of 150 pieces. ($55,000)

As to precision, we have to start with the balance wheel. The bridge supporting the wheel is fixed by two screws that can be turned to adjust the end shake of the balance staff pivots. Its period of oscillation is adjusted by turning the little timing screws on the outside of the balance wheel. The two features work together to ensure the escapement keeps running precisely even at shock. P.5000 doesn’t have a power indicator. Instead, it is marked “8 DAYS” at 6 o’clock and engraved “EIGHT DAYS” on the case back -- subtle, not brazen. The case in 316L stainless steel, measures 45 millimetres and is water resistant to 100 metres. ($9,100)





on runway


Dries Van noten Family and Tribe

最初把題目定為家族與民族,因為Dries Van

In his latest collection, Dries Van Noten draws


inspiration from his family and from Asian and


Indian tribes, marrying familiarity and exoticism


with an expert’s touch. text | 冰汪










長外套,casual有patchwork blouson、T恤及短褲,連背囊都融





值得一讚的,是反衫底的手工沒有馬虎,膊位、布料接駁位 統統乾淨俐落。雙面外套家族中,除了淨色毛主席裝,還有民族

使是花花撞圖騰,看看天橋的官方示範,不只沒有出事,反而比 同系衝刺更有火花。











In recent years, reversible clothing has not enjoyed much popularity. However, it has not completely

such as ethnic prints and zippered jackets. Each one offers surprises to the customer.

disappeared from the stage. Almost every Autumn-Winter The men’s collection matches well with this season’s

season, someone has come up with some reversible design. This year it is DVN’s turn to offer its take on the reversible.

women’s collection. The collection’s main theme is ethnic prints. As a fashion designer and not an ethnic costume

By virtue of its name, both sides of a reversible jacket

designer, DVN cleverly selects muted colours as opposed

can be worn on the outside. But honestly, one of the

to the traditional happy, bright colours of tribal dress. To add

sides often looks better, so the other side is seldom

colour, he expertly added patterns to the menswear.

seen. This time, Van Noten has designed a long wool jacket, with a straight collar full of buttons — very

For formal wear, there is the ethnic robe and shirt.

formal looking. Once the jacket is reversed, it is totally

For a wilder look, there is the long vest with fur collar.

different. Using tri-coloured satin as lining and the

For a casual look, there is the patchwork blouson, plus

trademark sparkling fabric of DVN, the jacket features

T-shirt and shorts. Even the backpack radiates tribal

a quilted upper layer with embroidered patterns, with

exoticism, completing the whole look.

a feel that is similar to the Chinese lacquered jacket. This series of ethnic prints follows two main trends

There are a few flowing ties, giving even more interest

— floral and totem. Even though the two patterns seem

to this reversed side.

to be from different ethnic groups, DVN has carefully used The reverse side also showcases impeccable

matching colours that are close relatives. So although the

craftsmanship. In the reversible jacket family, not only is

florals sometimes clashed with the totems, the walkway

there the single-coloured Mao jacket, but also other styles

presentation did nothing but ignite creative sparks all over.

01•Navy blue cotton sweater with tribal print quilted sleeve 02•Multicolour plaid wool bomber jacket with grosgrain stripe 03•Multicolour plaid wool pants with kilt overlay 04•Black and navy wool tribal jacquard sweater 05•Black quilted wool-cotton blazer




06• Dark navy wool sleeveless coat with tribal print quilted and detachable faux fur collar 07•Black and navy wool tribal jacquard pants 08-9•Black wool reversible jacket with satin quilted lining 10•Floral print canvas backpack







Fashion Talk


Thom Browne The odd one

Thom Browne絕對是近年的西裝代言

Thom Browne is, no doubt, the contemporary


authority on suits. Not only does he walk the walk by


constantly sporting the same grey suit, but he also has


contemporized his suit lines to make them resonate with


the youthful set. More than just having a suit as the focus


of every collection, he has been wearing the same grey

著、名為「New York Suit」的灰色西裝

New York Suit every day. Each piece of this particular suit


line is hand-made in New York and hence carries a price

品牌普通西裝貴幾倍,Thom Browne直

tag several times that of regular suits.

言: 「買的人都是為了我。」

“People buy them because of me,” Browne boasts. text | Lisa photo | Kauzrambler






02 03

01,03• Thom Browne早前特地來港發佈他 的最新2016春夏系列,向日本文化 及工藝致敬,將傳統和服、日本刺 繡融入西裝。 Thom Browne visits Hong Kong to unveil the latest 2016 SpringSummer collection, a tribute to the Japanese culture and artistry, incorporating the essence of kimonos and Japanese embroidery into suits.

02•每套西裝均繡上日本傳統圖案,細緻之 處是外套、背心、西褲上的圖案是完全 連接的,組成一幅完整圖畫。 Each suit is embroidered with classic Japanese patterns, with exceptional details down to connecting the patterns on every piece to form a full picture -- from the jacket, to the vest, to the pants.

不是Thom Browne囂張,他早已不是第一次自己做生招

He’s not bragging. This is not the first time he has put himself up as

牌。在2001年成立品牌之初,Thom Browne就找紐約裁縫依

the brand’s front man. When the brand was first launched in 2001, Brown


got New York tailors to sew five sets of the same suit to be worn day in,


day out: wherever he goes. Soon, friends and strangers alike took notice,

室。之後品牌愈做愈大,但Thom Browne仍然堅持每天穿著同

and this paved the way for him to set up his own workshop.

一套西裝,到今日那套灰色西裝已成了他的個人標記。「我覺 得西裝是經典設計,一套造得好的西裝能提升一個人的氣質,

The brand has grown much larger since, and Browne still sticks to


wearing the same suit -- so much so that the grey suit has become his

以。」 他說。



“I think suits are classic designs,’ says Browne. “A set of well-made suits


can underscore the wearer’s class. Suits should be appreciated by men and


women alike. As long as it’s well made, it can be worn every day.”

水」,不少人批評他的西裝奇怪、不合比例,他卻一於少理: 「這不是適合所有人的設計,總有人不喜歡的,但只要喜歡的

Be that as it may, not every man is into his designs characterized by

人,他會明白欣賞它的怪。」 而事實是,他的西裝剪裁居然獲得

a slim fit with broad shoulders and a shrunken look. The jacket extends

年輕人青睞,Thom Browne亦自認他為傳統西裝重新定義,將

to just above the waistline and the pants stretch only to above the


ankle, exposing short socks. Critics say his suits are strange and out of proportion, but he couldn’t care less.





Fashion Talk

“It is not a design for everybody, and I accept that there are people who don’t like it, but those who do will appreciate its oddness,” he said. Indeed, his suits have found fans among young people. Browne believes he has redefined classic suits and made old fuddy-duddy suits hip and fun so that young people are happy to wear them. With the exception of Browne’s signature


New York Suit, the brand’s suits are always made 04•為了發佈New York Suit,Thom Browne早前在紐約時裝周特地佈置全 鏡面房間,無論身處哪裡都能看到New York Suit的設計和工藝。西裝 於香港店有售,在店內度身後將會送到紐約訂製,讓人可擁有與Thom Browne身上同出一家的西裝。 Thom Browne sets up a mirror room in New York Fashion Week for the release of New York Suit to have the designs and handiwork seen from all angles. The suit that is synonymous with Browne is sold in its Hong Kong store, where measurements are taken for tailoring in New York.

in Japan, for Browne appreciates the Japanese doggedness for detail. The latest 2016 Spring-Summer collection is a tribute to the Japanese culture and artistry, incorporating classic elements of kimonos, embroideries and wooden clogs. “I admire the Japanese people’s passion towards life,” Browne says. “Whatever they do, they care about details. That way, you are assured that the things they make are of the highest quality. You can’t find this elsewhere.

品牌西裝向來在日本製造,因為Thom Browne非常欣賞 日本人對細節的執著,最新出爐的2016春夏系列就向日本文

That’s why this collection is a tribute to Japan. Each garment is a revelation of the Japanese people’s impeccable artistry and deep heritage.”

化及工藝致敬,將傳統和服、刺繡圖案、木屐融入設計。「我 很欣賞日本人對待生命的熱誠,他們造甚麼都好,對細節都很

Despite being a fan of Japanese craftsmanship, he is wearing


something made not in Japan, but by New York tailor Rocco Ciccarelli. He


has stuck with him since Day 1.

精緻手工、深厚文化。」 他說。 “It’s difficult to find a classic tailor willing to make non-classic suits, 如此欣賞日本手工,但他自己天天穿的西裝卻不是日 本製,而是由紐約裁縫店Rocco Ciccarelli所造,由Thom

but Rocco Ciccarelli accepts my innovative ideas and makes what I want, though he must have rolled his eyes along the way.”

Browne成立品牌開始,他所穿的西裝都是出自Rocco Ciccarelli之手。「很難找到一個傳統裁縫願意造些完全不

After years of collaboration, Browne eventually bought Ciccarelli’s tailor

classic的西裝,Rocco Ciccarelli卻會接受我的創新提議,造

shop and turned it into his workshop. The latest New York Suit collection is


rooted in the design that he has been wearing all these years. A tailored suit

最近Thom Browne索性買起Rocco Ciccarelli的裁縫店,變成

here costs upward of $7,000.

品牌自家工作坊。最近推出的New York Suit系列,就是根據 Thom Browne一直以來所穿的西裝設計,在這裡度身訂造,每

“I would say the quality of suits made in Japan or New York is about the


same,” Browne explains. “The difference is I’m in New York. New York Suit

和紐約製的質素是相差無幾的,只是我身在紐約,New York

is what I have been wearing, so no doubt I’m giving it more attention. It is a


personal connection that true Thom Browne fans will understand. I would

人連結,真正喜歡Thom Browne的人就會明白,可以說會買

say they buy New York Suit because of me.”

New York Suit都是因為我。」 Sounds pompous? That’s because Browne has indeed revolutionized 這麼大口氣,因為Thom Browne確實改變了西裝傳統

the silhouette of suits to encourage young people to wear them.

輪廓,令很多年輕人在這年頭都穿起西裝來,而他的自成一 「怪」,亦是別處找不到的。「怪都是別人說的,我的設計未必


“Odd is just a perception” he says. “My designs may not be embraced


by ordinary men, but at least they will make them think, and try to move


forward just a little bit to wear something different. This is what I think I can

事。」 怪的背後,原來藏著這麼一個抱負。

do for fashion.”




© 2015 P&G

“ 我要由內而外, 散發珍珠光芒。” 2014 多倫多華裔小姐冠軍方詩揚

2 周 內, 肌膚閃燿珍珠光芒, 無需刻意經營。

Olay Regenerist Luminous 產品系列 深入滲透 10 層表面細胞,加速更新, 由內而外深層呵護肌膚,令肌膚時刻 散發珍珠光芒。


女 性 美 容 護 膚 品 牌*

美麗致極的妳由 Olay.ca開始 * 根據截至 2014 年 6 月,大眾市場在過去 12 個月在潤膚品及潔膚品的銷售金額計算。


AutuMn-Winter trend 自然透亮的妝感,是秋冬季彩妝

The natural and translucent look is one of the hot makeup trends


this Autumn-Winter season. Utilizing cosmetics with a sparkling


and translucent texture, this look highlights and brightens the


different parts of the face, giving a clear, three-dimensional glow. text | Angel Siu photo | Micheal K. model | Kitti @ Modelone makeup | Elly Wong hair | Green Cheung





Luxurious Skin


For the Autumn-Winter season, a low-key yet luxurious, understated yet


naturally glowing skin is the focal point. The difficulty lies in how to create


a delicate and elegant brightness, yet not make it look greasy. Professional


makeup artists suggest using a shimmering liquid foundation and then


applying a thin layer of power foundation all over the face to set the makeup.

On Face




底妝會以深淺兩色粉底液塑造自 然立體感,先將較深一色塗於顴 骨下及腮骨處,用海綿均勻推開。 For the base, use a two-toned liquid foundation to create a sculpted, three-dimensional look. First, apply the darkercoloured foundation beneath the cheekbone and at the jaw line. Smooth with a sponge.




全臉掃上薄薄一層蜜粉餅,將 光澤感降低一些。

然後於下眼睫毛根部掃 上啡色眼影。

Brush a thin layer of power foundation all over the face to lessen the brightness.

Brush on eyeshadow at the roots of the bottom eyelashes.

Chanel Les Beiges healthy glow sheer colour SPF 15 No10 $80.50 (nordstrom.com)

Estée Lauder Bronze Goddess shimmering nudes eyeshadow palette $66 (sephora.com)

On Eyes





Laura Mercier silk creme moisturizing photo edition foundation #Beige Ivory $58 (sephora.com)



輕輕夾翹睫毛,於上下睫毛掃上 纖長濃密睫毛膏。

於上眼皮掃上淺金色眼 影,提亮眼皮。 On the eyelid, brush on a lightgold eyeshadow to brighten up the skin around the eyes. Estée Lauder Bronze Goddess shimmering nudes eyeshadow palette $66 (sephora.com)



Using an eyelash curler, lightly curl the lashes. Brush a lengthening and thickening mascara on the top and bottom lashes. Make Up For Ever Aqua Smoky Extravagant $28 (sephora.com)

On Cheeks



於T字位及臉中央點上較淺一色 的粉底液,然後慢慢向外推開。 In the T-zone and the centre of the face, dab on the lightercoloured foundation. Slowly blend all over the face. Laura Mercier silk creme moisturizing photo edition foundation #Cream Ivory $58 (sephora.com)





Brush a light-coral rouge onto both cheeks, brushing diagonally upwards.

Dab a little brown eyeshadow and brush it on the eyelid. Estée Lauder Bronze Goddess shimmering nudes eyeshadow palette $66 (sephora.com)



Le Métier de Beauté The Cheeky Chic Kaleidoscope $131.85 (neimanmarcus.com)

On Lips



用遮瑕膏點在黑眼圈及暗瘡印等瑕疵 上,用指腹輕按兩下,令其更貼服。 Dot concealer over dark eye circles, acne marks and other blemishes. Lightly press twice with the finger for a more refined look. Cle de Peau concealer #Beige $97.15 (nordstrom.com)

用膚色珠光眼影筆畫下內眼線。 Using a flesh-coloured shimmering eyeshadow pencil, draw in the eyeline. Make Up For Ever Aqua Matic #ME54 $26 (sephora.com)

為了與胭脂呼應,在雙唇可塗上 同色系的珊瑚色唇膏。 To match the rouge, apply a lightcoral lipstick to the lips. Shu Uemura rouge unlimited sheer shine CR340 $36 (shuuemura.ca)










Smoky Waterline


Super-stylish, heavily smoky eye makeup is featured prominently each


Autumn-Winter season. This year is no exception. However, the early autumn


look does not need a deep black. Rather, the smoky area is concentrated


beneath the eye and spreads downwards. The look is autumnal, but not


serious. Using a simple technique, one can create a delicately exquisite texture.

On Eyes




先將啞致的啡色眼影掃滿 眼窩及眉頭下方凹位。 Brush a matte-brown eyeshadow to the entire eyelid and the area just beneath the brow bone. Chanel Les 5 Ombres de Chanel eyeshadow palette $111.03 (nordstrom.com)


Next, use a black eyeliner pencil to draw the eyeline under the eye. The line should be thicker near the outer corner of the eye.

Finally, brush a thickening and lengthening mascara onto the lashes.

Dior Diorshow waterproof pro liner 092 Backstage Black $32 (sephora.com)

Chanel Fall 2015 Le Volume de Chanel mascara $44.41(nordstrom.com)




於下眼線疊掃上深啡 色眼影。 Brush several layers of dark-brown eyeshadow onto the lower eyeline. Chanel Les 5 Ombres de Chanel eyeshadow palette $111.03 (nordstrom.com)

Brush a shimmering lightbrown eyeshadow onto the raised part of the eyelid. MAC Veluxe Pearlfusion Shadow: Copperluxe $48 (maccomestics.ca)





用黑色眼線液在上眼睫毛根部畫一條 幼身眼線,末端向後拖長一些。 Using a black liquid eyeliner, draw a thin line at the root of the upper eyelashes, extending slightly beyond the outer corner of the eye.


然後用黑色眼線筆畫下內 眼線,眼尾位置較粗。


於眼球中間突起處,掃上淺啡 色珠光眼影。



On Cheeks

在顴骨下方,斜斜掃上淡啡 色胭脂,令輪廓更立體。 From the bottom on the cheekbone moving diagonally upwards, brush on a light-brown rouge, sculpting an angular three-dimensional outline. Nars Tribulation blush $37 (murale.ca)

On Lips 在下眼影前半部分,再掃上啡 色珠光眼影。 Brush on a shimmering brown eyeshadow beneath the eye, starting from the centre and moving towards the inside corner of the eye. MAC Veluxe Pearlfusion Shadow: Copperluxe $48 (maccomestics.ca)



Chanel Blue Rhythm Ligne Graphique de Chanel $47.19 (nordstrom.com)





雙唇可塗上粉紅色唇膏。 Apply a pink lipstick to the lips. Estée Lauder Pure Colour Envy sculpting lipstick $34 (esteelauder.ca)

掃一些珠光白色眼影霜在下眼 頭,讓眼妝更乾淨透亮。 Brush a shimmering white eyeshadow onto the lower inside corner of the eye to give a clean, translucent look. Dolce & Gabbana duo creamy powder cheeks and eyes $52.82 (harrods.com)





Beauty News Elizabeth Arden護膚品素以全面周到而聞名,最新推出一種 全新的護膚理念,Arden Active Skincare,用於修復、美化和提 升皮膚的整體健康表現。今天,Elizabeth Arden非常自豪地推出 首個Arden Active Skincare新品 SUPERSTART Skin Renewal Booster,為表層皮膚提供日常護理,幫助提升肌膚的自然防護 及修復能力,最終達到優化整體護膚的效果。 SUPERSTART標誌著一個新的活膚美顏類別的出現,介紹 給消費者在護膚方案中加入一個必須的新的步驟,妥善照顧了健 康的皮膚表層及角質層。SUPERSTART Skin Renewal Booster 質感輕柔,迅速被皮膚吸收,塗上臉後再抹上精華素或潤膚乳 液,經臨床實驗證明,可有效修護臉部肌膚,令皮膚柔軟、順滑 和有光澤。 事實上,92%的女仕用後都認為SUPERSTART有助修護 肌膚外貌和感覺。* 95% 的女仕用後表示SUPERSTART有助 提升她們所用護膚品的功效。**同時配合使用Elizabeth Arden PREVAGE®及Ceramide產品,SUPERSTART Skin Renewal Booster更能將美膚功效大幅提高+﹕ •增加皮膚天然膠原蛋白 - 5倍 •增加皮膚天然彈力蛋白 - 9倍 •增加皮膚天然水份 - 25倍

提升肌膚天然防護及 修復功能


SUPERSTART Skin Renewal Booster成份包含獨有的複合益生菌 (Probiotic Complex)、海茴香(Sea Fennel)和亞麻籽精華(Flaxseed Extracts),為肌膚帶來全方位呵護, 回復天然健康狀態,感覺清新亮麗、 充滿彈性。

* 根據美國家庭測試,89 名年齡界乎25-59歲女仕 於使用8周後 得出的結 果 ** 根據美國家庭測試,62 名年齡界乎25-59歲女仕 於使用8周後 得出的結 果 + 根據活體以外測試, 比較單獨使用Elizabeth Arden最暢銷抗衰老 產品,還是結合使用 SUPERSTART Skin Renewal Booster所得出 的結論

SKIN RENEWAL BOOSTER text, photo | Provided by Elizabeth Arden

Known for its holistic approach, Elizabeth Arden has introduced


In fact, 92 per cent of women agree that SUPERSTART helps

a new skincare philosophy, Arden Active Skincare, which works to

repair the look and feel of skin,* and 95 per cent also agree that

repair, transform and optimize skin’s overall healthy appearance.

SUPERSTART boosts the effectiveness of their skincare products.**

Today, Elizabeth Arden is proud to launch its first new Arden Active

When used in tandem with Elizabeth Arden PREVAGE® and Ceramide

Skincare innovation: SUPERSTART Skin Renewal Booster. This

products, SUPERSTART Skin Renewal Booster is proven to increase+:

product provides daily support to the surface layer of skin, to help boost its natural defences and renewal ability, while ultimately

• Skin’s natural collagen by up to 5x

optimizing the results of the entire skincare regimen.

• Skin’s natural elastin by up to 9x • Skin’s natural hydration by up to 25x

SUPERSTART marks the emergence of a new skin-boosting beauty category, introducing consumers to an imperative new step


SUPERSTART Skin Renewal Booster

in their skincare regimen that addresses the healthy look of the

is designed with an exclusive probiotic

skin’s surface layer, the stratum corneum. Used before a serum or

complex, sea fennel and flaxseed extracts

moisturizer, SUPERSTART Skin Renewal Booster’s ultra-lightweight,

that work holistically to help skin restore

fast-absorbing formula is clinically proven to restore the healthy

its natural barrier for a healthy-looking

appearance of the surface layer for supple, smooth, more radiant-

condition. Skin feels resilient, refreshed

looking skin.

and capable of real transformation.




* Based on a U.S. homeuse consumer survey of 89 women 25-59 years of age after eight weeks. ** Based on a U.S. homeuse consumer survey of 62 women aged 25-59 after eight weeks. + Based on an exvivo test comparing the effectiveness of top-selling Elizabeth Arden anti-aging products when used alone vs. when used in combination with SUPERSTART Skin Renewal Booster.

Beauty News 多角度微注緊塑系列

EstéE LaudEr









撼呈獻New Dimension Transformative Collection

Estée Lauder introduces the new Dimension




experience that can redefine a woman’s perspective

Dimension Shape + Fill Expert Serum(多角度微

on how she sees herself. The breakthrough – the


new Dimension Shape + Fill Expert Serum – is a


powerful, concentrated formula that helps define

廓線。若與Expert Liquid Tape(多角度速效提拉精

the look of contours to help lift the look of cheeks

華貼) 和兩款輪廓緊塑法寶Shape + Sculpt Face

and the jawline by improving both visible volume

Kit(輪廓緊塑面部組合)和Shape + Sculpt Eye Kit

and structure. When used with the Expert Liquid

(輪廓緊塑眼部組合) 一併使用,有助塑造美麗容

Tape, along with two custom-shaping experts --


Shape + Sculpt Face Kit and Shape + Sculpt Eye


Kit -- it can help create beautiful contours and a


visibly more defined facial shape. Working on


every level of the skin’s surface, the revolutionary




products work together to produce a new angle

美麗新視角 多角度微注緊塑系列同時改變了女性對自 己的看法。雅絲蘭黛打破傳統顧客試用的測試方 法,採用先進的神經科學測試去研究女士使用 New Dimension Shape + Fill Expert Serum後生

on beauty through the transformative power of contouring. The multi-faceted transformation can be seen immediately and over time.


理和情緒上的反應。這類通過大腦和神經系統運 作的測試,一直以來用於了解人們的反應,但用

New Dimension is also changing women’s


perspective on the way they see themselves. Estée


Lauder went beyond traditional consumer testing,

Dimension Shape + Fill Expert Serum後,感到

using advanced neuroscience testing to measure


the physiological and emotional responses of women after using New


Dimension Shape + Fill Expert Serum. This type of testing has long been used to understand people’s reactions through the workings of the brain and nervous system, and it is the first time it’s been used to

* 雅絲蘭黛於參與臨床測試的女士身上,錄取使用New Dimension Shape + Fill Expert Serum的數據。在使用10週後,以神經科學圖片與使用前 及使用後8週作的反應作出比對。 *Estée Lauder measured the reactions of women in our clinical testing panel for New Dimension Shape + Fill Expert Serum. After 10 weeks usage, their reactions to before and 8-week after photos were measured using neuroscience.

measure the effect of skincare on women. The results are remarkable: 91 per cent of the panellists* experienced a positive change in attitude after using New Dimension Shape + Fill Expert Serum and felt more enthusiastic about the way they looked. They also expressed feelings of delight and astonishment.

多角度微注緊塑系列在加拿大雅絲蘭黛專櫃有售,顧客也可在網上www.esteelauder.ca訂購。 The New Dimension collection is now available at Estée Lauder counters across Canada and online at www.esteelauder.ca. Dimension Shape + Fill Expert Serum $98.00






提供 See sales representative for details. Prices and specifications are subject to change. E.&O.E. September 2015.


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Cable SyStem Wine Cellar

基本上Cable Wine System®可以承托任何數量的酒瓶,視乎設計如何配合。例如以每 支大約3磅重的紅酒來說,10呎的鋼線每行最多可以承托24支。 Basically the Cable Wine System® can support any number of bottles, depending on the design. For example, if a bottle of red wine weighs approximately 1.4 kilograms, a 3 meter column of cable can support 24 bottles.

Origin: 崇尚簡約主義的屋主為了打造一個不一樣的cottage,希望利用最簡單而 又獨特的設計來陳列其收藏的餐酒,特意在屋內加入不平凡的現代元素。他 採用由高級不銹鋼製成的鋼線,再運用黃銅(brass)和鎳(brushed nickel)製成 的索緊裝置(tension set)把鋼線由上至下拉緊,一行行由天花連至地面的鋼線 架起這個CABLE WINE SYSTEM®。它可以架空把酒瓶懸掛在牆身,讓酒瓶 從天花一直排列到地面,有如一幅紅酒垂簾一樣,成為整個地庫的焦點。 This homeowner adheres to a simplistic style. In order to create a one-of-akind cottage, the owner has used a simple and unique design to display his wine collection. Adding an unusual modern element — cables made from high-quality stainless steel pulled taught with tension mounts made of brass and brushed nickel — the ceiling connects with the floor. The Cable Wine System ® suspends bottles in the air, allowing them to hang from the ceiling to the floor. This “red wine curtain” becomes the focal point of the entire cellar.


text | Zoe Mak photo | courtesy of CABLE WINE SYSTEMS® Inc.














土板 (concrete slab),玻璃和有backlit效果的瑪瑙牆,另外地面為


軟木地板(cork tile)。屋主希望能夠善用cottage地庫樓梯旁的三角




和空間感,他利用有backlit效果的瑪瑙為另一幅牆,再利用不銹 鋼鋼線造成的CABLE WINE SYSTEM®,分叮於兩幅以玻璃和混






This wine cellar was designed with three walls of differing materials

The owner of this cottage in Caledon, Ont., just north of

– concrete, glass and a back-lit onyx -- forming a prism. With a cork

Toronto, has introduced an ultra-contemporary design to this dark

tile floor, the total area is about 10 square metres.

basement. The Cable Wine System® adds a unique sense of space and becomes the focal point of the cottage. The entire design has

The owner has put the prism-shaped space next to the stairs to good use. The glass wall was installed first to increase transparency.

a high degree of transparency, and is both visually appealing and convenient for the owner to organize his wine collection.

Then, to increase the feeling of light and space, an oynx wall with a back-lit effect was added. Finally, a Cable Wine System® made with

The cellar houses more than 1,000 bottles of red wine. The

stainless steel cables was added to two of the walls, creating display

system consists of 28 columns, each displaying 20 bottles. The

shelving on both the glass and concrete walls. This delicate and

glass display shelf on the oynx wall stores an additional 500

simple look showcases a collection of more than 1,000 bottles.


Cost: 01•整個Cable Wine System®可以度身定造,及隨意配襯任何酒架,例如將 鋼線系統由天花至地面於整幅牆身架起,或選擇訂造其中一部分亦可。 The entire Cable Wine System® can be custom-made and paired with any rack system. For example, the entire wall from ceiling to floor can be customised, or just part of it. 02•利用不銹鋼鋼線造成的Cable Wine System®可以襯托不同顏色和原料的 牆身。 Using different types of stainless steel cable, the Cable Wine System® is able to co-ordinate with walls in different colours and made from different materials. 03•利用有back-lit效果的瑪瑙牆對比玻璃牆,讓地庫更具透光感。 An oynx wall has a back-lit effect, and thus gives an increased level of transparency to the cellar than a glass wall. 04•這個設計曾經用於不同設計和大小的酒窖,無論是時尚或傳統風格,這 個系統都能與你的室內設計完美地結合。 This design has been used in cellars of different styles and sizes, and can be adapted for use with either contemporary or traditional designs.

整個空中酒窖約為$85,000,包括設計、房間裝修、準備工 作、酒窖冷卻系統、物料、安裝等。 The entire cellar, including design, room construction, preparation cooling system, materials and installation, cost Approx. $85,000.

Designer: Steve Papadimitriou of PAPRO Wine Cellars & Consulting





Elite Choice




“If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris


as a young man, then wherever you go for

這 個 體 驗 會 永 遠 跟 著 你 走 。」海 明 威

the rest of your life, it stays with you.” Ernest


Hemingway wrote this in his book Moveable


Feast. This state of mind applies to regular Paris


habitué and first-time visitors to the city of light


and love. It is so easy to fall in love with Paris,

城市,亦常在歌曲中被喻為rein due

a magical city referred in song as “reine du

monde 「世界皇后」 ,愛上她絕非難事。

monde” (Queen of the World).

text | Kenson Ho and Mel Tobias





每個人對巴黎的魅力都有不同的詮釋,回憶自然也獨一無 二。不談旅遊景點,真正的巴黎是無論你走進哪一個角落,都 有著獨特的驚喜待你發掘。 法國和加拿大在歷史及文化上關係密切,所以我們對法國 產品或多或少有著一份情意結。當然還有重要一點,加拿大是 以雙語(英語及法語)為法定語文。 如果巴黎的美好在你的記憶中餘韻縈繞,可是身在溫哥 華,何以一解思念之情呢?其實溫哥華到處都是法式風情,雅 致的法式溫馨咖啡館、小餐廳酒館、及提供新先出爐牛角包及 馬卡龍等的麵包店等,都可以讓你回味巴黎。 與我們一起同行,無須離開加拿大國境,漫步溫哥華的街 道和社區,重拾巴黎那份美麗的體驗。

LE CROCODILE – 100-900 Burrard St. 這家經典法式餐廳,自30年前開業以 來,一直備受歡迎。大廚Michel堅持優質和傳

Everyone has his or her version of Paris. Beyond the tourist attractions, the true Paris can found in the perpetual anticipation that whenever you turn a corner, something wonderfully unique is waiting to be discovered. The love for things French is intrinsic in Canadian history and culture. Linguistic duality is an important aspect of the Canadian identity. If you live in Vancouver and are homesick or pining for Paris, don’t despair. The city is alive with French-style cozy cafés, tucked-away bistros and bakeries with rich-and-flaky croissants. Join us as we saunter the streets and neighborhoods of Vancouver in search of delectable Parisian experiences.

統法國美食的原則。Le Crocodile盡顯別緻典雅的巴黎氛圍。必食 推介是他們的龍蝦湯、香煎鵝肝和洋蔥撻。而餐後他們為每位顧 客奉上的小鱷魚形狀巧克力亦不可錯過。 Check out this classic French restaurant that’s been a popular spot since it opened more than 30 years ago. Chef Michel has upheld the principles of quality and traditional French cuisine. The Parisian ambiance of Le Crocodile is very chic and elegant. Be sure to try their lobster bisque, seared foie gras and onion tart. Don’t leave without enjoying their complimentary chocolates, shaped like tiny crocodiles.

LE CENTRE CULTURAL FRANCOPHONE (法國文化中心)1551 West 7th Ave 中心提供各種在溫哥華舉行的法國文化活動信息,亦會為巴 黎流行或古典樂手舉辦迷你音樂會。該中心出版的雙語月刊會公 佈最新音樂/戲劇表演的資訊,更提供經典與現代的法國電影DVD 租賃服務(大部份附有英文字幕)。他們的電影收藏頗廣,從大師 高達到泰希內,杜魯福至奧桑的作品都可找到。中心更提供各級 法語課程、法國音樂收藏和圖書館。 This is the place to get information on French cultural events happening in Vancouver and attend mini-concerts of visiting Parisian pop and classical artists. The centre publishes a monthly bilingual news bulletin, presents musical/theatrical shows and rents French classic and contemporary movies on DVD, most with English subtitles. Their cinematic collection is quite wide, from Godard to Téchiné, Truffaut to Ozon. Check out their French-language classes for all levels, French music collection and library.





Elite Choice

SALADE DE FRUITS CAFÉ – 1551 West 7th Avenue

AU COMPTOIR -2278 W. 4th Avenue 這是位於Kitsilano心臟地區,較新的傳統巴黎風格小店,令


人聯想起在巴黎聖日耳曼大道的Le Comptoir du Relais。店內非





口配炸薯條、燒羊架,牛排和洋蔥撻。這家小店有著巴黎狂熱極速 的節奏,友好的侍應生以輕快優美的步伐、沒帶絲毫傲慢的態度, 靈活穿梭於客人之間。此店就位法國文化中心內,地點方便。 Here’s an unassuming neighbourhood French bistro that serves authentic French food at comfortable prices in a modest setting -- a

This is a relatively new classic Parisian bistro in the heart of Kitsilano (reminiscent of Le Comptoir du Relais near Boulevard St-Germain in Paris). It can be very busy and noisy with tables bunched close to each other to accommodate enthusiastic fans of classic French bistro food. The waiters are really from Paris and there’s a good wine collection.

favourite of locals and French customers alike. They only accept cash and reservations are only taken for parties of six or more. Standouts include mussels and frites, roast rack of lamb, steak and onion tart. The café has the frenetic pace of Paris and the friendly waiters move with graceful speed and without attitude. It is conveniently located inside the French Cultural Centre.

COUNTRY FURNITURE – 3097 Granville St 不要被店名Country(意謂鄉村)所誤導,以

OPUS SALON – 耶魯鎮431 Davie St. Yaletown 店裡的大堂天花上懸著的經典吊燈,頓時給你那份巴黎的 感覺。店主曾經在歐洲受訓,師承巴黎的髮型大師。無論你想剪 一個珍茜寶式髮型來懷舊一番,或者享用店內的水療服務亦可。 Opus採用百分百無氨產品,並積極參與國際美容專門店綠化循環 計劃。Opus美容服務必須事前預約。 The classic chandelier in the shop’s foyer will immediately give you

為這裡賣的都是老土鄉村家具,相反這間精緻的 家具店可以找到很多充滿巴黎風格的家居配件, 包括餐碟、海報、杯墊、蠟燭、花瓶、香水、 雨傘等,亦有印著「我第二個家在巴黎」、「有一天我會在巴黎居 住」的坐墊。更有咖啡杯上印著「巴黎,總是一個好主意」,真是 道出不少人心聲。店內另一吸引之處是收藏了大量優雅的法式硬 面精美圖書,包括Sweet Paris、Hungry For Paris、Little Paris Kitchen、My Paris Kitchen及Le Petit Paris等等。 The word “country” can be misleading because this quaint home

that Paris ambiance. The owners was trained in Europe under Parisian

interior and furniture store has a lot of Paris-inspired accessories

principles. You may want a Jean Seberg cut or try their spa services.

including plates, posters, coasters, candles, vases, scents, umbrellas

Opus is 100 per cent ammonia-free and participates actively in the

and throw pillows that say “My Other Home Is In Paris” or “One Day I

international Green Circle Salon recyling program. Aesthetic services

Will Live In Paris.” How about a coffee mug that says “Paris Is Always

are available by appointment.

A Good Idea”? Another feature of the shop is its wide range of elegant French coffee-table books. Sample titles include Sweet Paris, Hungry For Paris, Little Paris Kitchen, My Paris Kitchen and Le Petit Paris.





BEAUCOUP BAKERY & CAFÉ – 2150 St. and West 6th 這間充滿巴黎風格的麵包店/咖啡館,門面不大起眼,稍一不 留神便會錯過。他們提供城中最好的法式糕點和優質咖啡,主人

THIERRY CHOCOLATERIE & PATISSERIE – 1059 Alberni Street 被著名的溫哥華時尚雜誌推選為「最佳甜品」和「最佳糕點

是在巴黎受訓的糕點師。在門外經常看到人龍,排隊購買新鮮的 牛角麵包、奶油麵包、花生醬三明治餅乾和鹹鴨片配甜包。他們 亦烘烤傳統醉人的法國糕點等。 It’s easy to miss this hidden Parisian-style bakery and café serving


the best French pastries and quality coffee. The owner is a pastry


chef trained in Paris. People often line up to get fresh croissants,


brioche loaf, peanut butter sandwich cookies and sandwiches with


duck prosciutto on a brioche. They bake traditional decadent French

This establishment has been voted “Best Desserts” and “Best

pastries and more.

Patisserie” by prestigious Vancouver lifestyle magazines, Thierry is renowned for creating the finest handcrafted chocolates and macaroons. It is also a chic and comfortable café that will make you feel like you’re in Paris. Whether you drop in for morning coffee or for a late-night dessert on the patio, Thierry will never fail to uplift your spirits.

LA CIGALLE – 1961 West 4th La Cigalle的意思是蟋蟀,是法國南部普羅旺斯地區的特徵。 這家開業超過3個年頭的餐廳,採用卑詩省的時令食材,將傳統法 國鄉村美食加入創新的元素,盡顯其獨特風格。餐廳的氣氛,以 巴黎重於普羅旺斯風格。推介美食包括橄欖醬、田螺、胡椒醬牛 排、紅酒燴雞、青口和帶子。La Cigalle熱情友好的體貼服務,讓 你在寫意閒適的巴黎情調下享用豐富美食。

LE MARCHÉ ST. GEORGE – 4393 St. George St.

La Cigalle (the cricket) is the distinctive symbol of the Provencal Region of France. The three-year-old restaurant offers rustic French cuisine with bold flavours, utilizing B.C.’s seasonal produce and

這家充滿魅力的咖啡館及小商店,位於東溫哥華,遠離主要 街道和商店,隱藏在一個幽靜的住宅區。Le Marché St. George本

recipes that maximize individual flavours. The mood is more Parisian


sauce, chicken cooked in wine sauce, mussels and scallops. The


service is personalized, warm and friendly. La Cigalle is casual dining


with a Parisian touch.

than Provencal. There’s tapenade, escargot, steak with peppercorn

奶、,工匠乳酪、冰淇淋、法式烤品等,更可享用清淡午餐和香濃 的法式風格咖啡。一位顧客更表示:「此店讓我搞不清楚我究竟身 在溫哥華還是在巴黎近郊?」 This is a charming café and general store in an East Vancouver residential area. It is quite hidden from all major streets and shops. Le Marché St. George looks like a neighbourhood hangout, but lately has been discovered by many non-residents -- a victim of success and wordof-mouth publicity. You can recapture the atmosphere of Rue Montorgueil, the vibrant and popular food street of Paris. Expect local dairy, artisan cheeses, ice cream, French baking, light lunches and good Frenchstyle coffee. A customer remarked, “Am I really in Vancouver or in a

其實溫哥華提供的還有更多,等待著你的發現。以下是 其他你可嘗試探索的地方 - Les Faux Bourgeoise, Left Bank, Provence, La Regalade, Bistro Pastis, Pied-A-Terre, L’Abattoir, Ganache Patisserie 及 Batard Boulangerie。 There is much, much more to discover. Here are some other places you might want to explore – Les Faux Bourgeoise, Left Bank, Provence, La Regalade, Bistro Pastis, Pied-A-Terre, L’Abattoir, Ganache Patisserie and Batard Boulangerie.

Paris suburb?”

巴黎,我們很快再見! À BIENTÔT!





Taste Bar Raval以別致的木雕設計作 裝潢,靈感源自建築師Antoni Gaudí-esque的作品,並由本地 室內設計公司Partisan設計並打 造,造價高達$200,000。 Bar Raval’s stunning Partisandesigned Antoni Gaudíinspired woodwork is associated with a $200,000 price tag.

廚師把小墨魚以豬油煎香, 肉質鮮嫩,嚼勁十足。($8) Best bet: Bar Raval’s tender and succulent baby squids, prepared a la planxa in pork fat ($8)

小碟變主菜 西班牙tapas美食藝術

toronto loves spain tapas culture

多倫多雲集世界各地美食,絕對稱得上是美食愛好者的天 堂。今次我們為大家介紹城中五間西班牙餐廳,讓大家認識這 個位於伊比利亞島上的國家,如何以美饌風靡饕客。 For lovers of good food, Toronto’s culinary scene provides diners easy access to the world’s many flavours. Here’s a look at five Iberian-inspired restaurants that are satisfying Toronto’s current obsession with Spanish cuisine. text and photos | Renée S. Suen 孫詩敏





Bar Raval這道磨菇小菜 看似平凡,但其實鮮味 多汁。($6/2件) Buyer beware: there’s plenty of flavourful juice trapped in the overturned caps of Bar Raval’s innocentlooking mushroom tower ($6/2 pcs).


Spanish cuisine, in particular the culture of tapas, has been an increasingly popular


movement. Besides being share-friendly, these small snacks or appetizers showcase


foods that vary in ingredients and preparation, with each region of Spain having its own


specialties. For example, the Basque Country in northern Spain often serves skewered


small snacks that are called pintxos (derived from the Spanish word meaning “to pierce”).

tapas,如位於北部的Basque Country最常見到串燒

The approach is casual; guests are encouraged to graze on small plates, drink and

小吃,當地人稱為pintxos (西班牙語 「刺穿」 的意思)

socialize in a relaxed environment.

。提供tapas的餐廳一般都比較casual,食客可以在 輕鬆的環境下一邊品嚐各款精緻小碟,一邊與好友 把酒言歡。

Toronto hasn’t been immune; the city’s embrace of Spanish flavours in recent years has been supported by a number of great dining options, each with a unique guest experience. Whether you linger at one of the restaurants listed, or bar-hop to all five, there’s

這股tapas風潮亦席捲多倫多,近年多間西班牙 餐廳皆成為城中熱點。以下介紹的其中五間餐廳都 各具特色,就算你只鍾情於其中一間,或者想試勻

something for everyone.


全部五間,都肯定會帶給你與別不同的美食體驗。 Many venture to co-owner and chef Grant van Gameran’s Mediterranean-inspired


tavern, Bar Isabel, for its vibe and Iberian-influenced dishes. But for a true sense of the Spanish approach to life, head to sister restaurant Bar Raval where the chef and his

相信很多人對廚師Grant van Gameran開設的

partners, bartenders Mike Webster and Robin Goodfellow, transport guests to a casual,

地中海菜餐廳Bar Isabel並不陌生。餐廳以伊利比亞

but well-stocked pintxos bar that’s flanked by a large wrap-around patio. As tempting as


it is to occupy a space next to the patio’s raw bar, it’s harder to resist the interior’s stunning


Antoni Gaudí-esque woodwork (a Partisan design).

Raval。由Grant van Gameran及其拍擋兼酒保Mike Webster及Robin Goodfellow主理的Bar Raval,氣 氛輕鬆舒適,店內的pintxos bar為你提供種類繁多 的串燒小吃。而圍著餐廳外圍設計的超大patio,以 及旁邊專門供應新鮮海鮮的raw bar亦是此店的一大 特色。不過要數店內最亮眼的地方,莫過如貫穿整 間店的木雕設計。靈感源自建築師Antoni Gaudíesque的作品,並由本地室內設計公司Partisan設計 並打造出這別樹一幟的裝潢。 Bar Raval既是餐廳亦是酒吧,早上為顧客提供 香濃咖啡及各款精緻doughnuts;而到了凌晨時分則 會轉型為snack bar。除了每日新鮮烤焗的糕點、各 式各樣的小碟及pintxos外,其獨有的罐頭海鮮亦是 此店的重點必吃推介。這些罐頭海鮮部分由餐廳自 家醃製、部分則從外地入口(靈感來自巴塞隆拿的知 名tapas餐廳Quimet y Quimet,餐廳以高級海鮮製成 美味的罐頭美食而聞名) 。 如果你見到食客拿著罐頭魚也吃得津津有味 時,切勿太驚訝。因為店內的罐頭海鮮如茄汁沙甸 魚、Raval汁蟶子或扇貝等,均以西班牙加里西亞式 (Galician)獨有的方法醃製(Conservas de Campados) 而成,是罐頭中的精品。最後記得留肚品嚐巴斯克 (Basque)式芝士蛋糕,只經過微微的烤焗,口感比 一般的芝士蛋糕香軟鬆化,味道更可媲美位於西班 牙San Sebastian的著名餐廳La Viña的出品。這款芝 士蛋糕絕對是城中最佳甜品之一。 美食當前又怎能沒有佳釀,餐廳提供各款加度 葡萄酒(fortified wines)、苦艾酒(vermouths)及雪利酒 (sherries)供選擇,更有多款特別為配襯美食而調製 的雞尾酒,肯定有一款合你心意。

Bar Raval的酒吧全日供應各款串燒 小吃(pintxos) 。 Selections of pintxos are available along Bar Raval’s bar all day.

Bar Raval的巴斯克(Basque)式芝士蛋糕 是城中最佳芝士蛋糕之一。 Bar Raval’s heavenly Basque-style cheesecake is one of the city’s best.

The restaurant/bar transitions throughout the day: a café in the early morning serving coffee and dulce de leche-filled doughnuts, to a hopping snack bar into the wee hours of the night. Beyond the daily-made pastries, flavourful small plates that have been cooked with restraint and pintxos, it’s the canned seafood – some preserved in house, others imported (and inspired by Barcelona’s Quimet y Quimet, famous for serving well-prepared canned foods) – that’s Raval’s specialty. It’s not an anomaly to find happy diners digging into tins of sardines in tomato sauce, razor clams in Raval sauce, or berberechos (cockles), a Galician delicacy made by Conservas de Campados. Save room for the Basque-style cheesecake, cooked slightly more than the wobbly, near-runny version from San Sebastian’s famed La Viña. The blistered dessert is one of the city’s best. To drink, there are fortified wines, vermouths and sherries, plus fantastic food-friendly craft cocktails built with quality ingredients and spirits. Bar Raval, 505 College St., 647-344-8001, www.thisisbarraval.com 營業時間:每日早上8 時 – 凌晨2 時

Hours: 8 a.m. – 2 a.m. daily

價格:自定製麵包由 $2 起,西班牙 火腿(Iberico Béllota) $34,罐 頭扇貝$68

Prices: start at $2 for house-made bread, to $34 for the Iberico Béllota, to $68 for a can of berberechos.






Barsa Taberna的原條燒鱸魚配以釀 piquillo peppers及jardinera 。($26) Barsa Taberna’s whole grilled sea bass is served with stuffed piquillo peppers and jardinera ($26).

懸掛於Barsa Taberna酒吧上的藝術品象徵西班牙鬥牛。 The hanging installation above Barsa Taberna’s bar immortalizes Spain’s running of the bulls.

BARSA TABERNA Barsa Taberna位於一幢建於1800年的歷史

Housed across from St. Lawrence Market, in the basement of a heritage-protected


building from the 1800s, this modern Barcelona-inspired cocina offers its guests three dining

在St. Lawrence Market對面。這間富有巴塞隆拿

spaces: a Market Street-lining terrace; a bright bar area by designer John Tong of +tongtong


fame, and a cavernous, dimly lit dining room. The former RCMP stable is also home to works


by local Toronto artists, including an installation hanging above the bar that immortalizes


Spain’s running of the bulls.

明亮酒吧、及以昏暗光線營造出神秘感的餐房。 餐廳展示了不少本地藝術家的作品,就好像懸掛

Open for lunch and dinner, consulting ch ef Chris McDonald’s modern tapas menu draws


from coastal Catalonia and the Basque County. Besides Manchego churros sided by saffron


sofrito, or hand-cut jamón Serrano, there’s also grilled octopus pintxo in a charred corn husk.


A smoky plate of olive oil-slicked escalivada finds house-cured Spanish anchovies draped

McDonald’ s設計的時尚tapas菜單,揉合了西班

over silky fire-roasted eggplant, onions and candy-like strands of red peppers. Sea bream

牙沿岸城市Catalonia及Basque County的烹調特

is roasted whole until the flesh falls off the bone, and rests atop jewel-like stuffed piquillo


peppers. Barsa also offers a dessert tapas platter for two or more, and a tasting menu for

jamón Serrano火腿及以炭燒栗米皮盛載的燒八

groups wishing to leave their meal up to the kitchen.

爪魚pintxo等都值得一試。 There are plenty of Spanish wines and cocktails available, but 其他美食如橄欖油烤蔬菜(escalivada)用上自

the bar specializes in pitchers of sangria made with white, red

家醃製的西班牙鯷魚(Spanish anchovies) ,配以

and rose wines or cava. For a treat, try a bottle of food-friendly


Estrella Damm Inedit ($22), the beer designed by Ferran Adrià

香烤海鯛(Sea bream)以原條烤製直至魚肉離骨,

of renowned El Bulli, that’s brought in by private order.

綴以如寶石般精緻的釀piquillo peppers。Barsa亦 提供二人份或多人份的甜品tapas拼盤,有興趣的 更可以團體形式預訂他們的tasting menu。 店內更提供多款西班牙餐酒及雞尾酒,不過 其皇牌推介則是由白酒、紅酒、玫瑰酒或西班牙 氣泡酒(cava)調製而成的sangria汽酒。另外,喜 歡啤酒的朋友不妨試試Estrella Damm Inedit ($22) ,這款佐餐百搭的啤酒由分子料理大師,西班牙 El Bulli餐廳總廚Ferran Adrià監製,餐廳以私人 訂購的方式購入。





以炭燒栗米皮盛載著燒八爪魚及薯仔,這道 octopus a la Gallega可謂別出心裁。($12) Barsa Taberna’s octopus a la Gallega is served in a charred corn husk with potatoes ($12). Barsa Taberna, 26 Market St., 647-341-364, www.barsataberna.com 營業時間:星期一至六早上11:30 – 凌晨12 ; 星期日早上 11:00 – 晚上10 價格:煙燻青花魚及西班牙火腿炸丸子 (jamón croquetas)由 $3.50 起; 5至8 道菜tasting menu 由每位 $40起

Hours: Mon – Sat, 11:30 a.m. – 12 a.m.; Sun, 11:00 a.m. – 10 p.m. Prices: start at $3.50 for the housesmoked albacore and jamón croquetas; a five- to eight-course tasting menu starts at $40/pp.

CARMEN 由Veronica Carmen Laudes及廚師Luis Valenzuela主理的Carmen,為繁囂的Queen Street West帶來一抹西班牙風情。甫進入餐廳便可見到愜

Carmen的蕃茄火腿包 (Pan de cristal con tomate de rama)以香烤麵包、鮮製蕃茄醬 及Manchego芝士製成。($6) Pan de cristal con tomate de rama at Carmen’s is made of crisp bread, fresh tomato spread and Manchego cheese ($6).

意的小酒吧,再入是明亮開揚的分層式主餐房,餐 廳後方更有花園式的patio,讓顧客舒適地享用美食。 餐廳招牌菜是二人份的西班牙海鮮飯 (paellas),用來盛載的圓形器皿直徑長達30厘米, 可見其份量之大。此外當然不少得各款傳統的

這道pinxto de pulpo的材料包括八 爪魚、薯仔及西班牙香腸。($4) Carmen’s pinxto de pulpo -octopus with confit potatoes and Spanish chorizo ($4).

tapas,如烤辣味馬鈴薯(patatas bravas) 、八爪魚及 西班牙香腸(chorizo) pintxo等。 「鮮」 是西班牙菜的特 色之一,開業接近2年的Carmen,堅持保留這個傳 統,以最新鮮的食材入饌,採用本地農場供應的時 令農產品,就連其蕃茄火腿面包(pan con tomate)的 食材都全部本地出品,包括本地餅店提供的面包、 後園種植的蕃茄及西班牙Manchego芝士。餐廳的 brunch menu亦有不錯的選擇,如大西洋鱈魚三文治 (Atlantic haddock bocata) 、pan dulce (西班牙式的 西多士,加入了溫柑(quince)及煉奶焦糖醬(dulce de leche)製成) 、及Huevos Carmen (三隻太陽蛋配西 班牙香腸) 。 除了以西班牙烈酒如orujo調製的各款雞尾酒 外,這裡更為食客提供多種雪利酒、啤酒、汽酒 (cider) ,大部分來自西班牙 (亦有少量本地酒供選 擇) 。 餐廳旁邊將會加開全新外賣櫃檯,全日供應西 班牙咖啡及tapas。

Co-owners Veronica Carmen Laudes and chef Luis Valenzuela bring a slice of Spain to busy Queen Street West via Carmen, where guests have the option to spend their time in the lively split-level dining room, cozy entrance bar, or rear-garden patio during warmer months. While the open kitchen is known for its 30-centimetre paellas for two, they excel with their traditional Spanish tapas, such as patatas bravas, or an octopus and chorizo pintxo. Much of the two-year-old restaurant’s menu focuses on cooking with Spanish sensibilities: fresh, simply prepared food that uses local, seasonal produce. Even their pan con tomate uses bread from a local bakery, tomatoes from their backyard garden and Spanish Manchego cheese. At brunch, there’s an Atlantic haddock bocata (sandwich), pan dulce (a Spanish version of French toast with quince and dulce de leche) and Huevos Carmen – three overeasy eggs with Spanish chorizo. In addition to a cocktail list featuring Spanish liquors (i.e. orujo), there’s a very strong selection of sherries, wines, beers and cider that are mainly from Spain (with a few local picks scattered in between). Coming soon: a sister storefront that will be an all-day Spanish café, tapas bar with takeaway counter in the space adjacent to the restaurant. Carmen, 922 Queen St. W., 416-535-0404, www.carmensayz.com 營業時間:星期日至四 下午5:30 – 晚上11:00; 星期五至六下午 5:30 – 晚上11:00; brunch 星期六及日 早上11:00 – 下午3:00 價格:小碟如調味橄欖由 $4起,西班牙海鮮飯 (連原條烤地中海鱸魚及西班牙 chimichurri醬)$50 Hours: Sun – Thurs, 5:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.; Fri – Sat, 5:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.; brunch Sat – Sun, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Prices: start at $4 for the marinated olives to $50 for paella with a whole roasted Mediterranean bass and chimichurri.

Carmen的烤辣味馬鈴薯(patatas bravas)在香脆的薯粒上加上 brava汁及aioli沙律醬。($8) Carmen的開放式廚房, 讓顧客一邊品嚐美食一 邊欣賞廚師真人騷。 Carmen’s open kitchen gives dining room guests that chance to enjoy live kitchen theater.

Carmen’s patatas bravas features diced fried potatoes drizzled with a slightly piquant brava sauce and aioli ($8).





Taste 由於Cava的招牌菜papas fritas (西班牙炸 馬鈴薯片)放於錐形紙筒內上菜,因此店 內每張餐桌都有為紙筒而設的特製托座, 薯片配上煙燻辣椒沙律醬 (smoky paprika aioli)就更美味。 The tables at Cava are all outfitted with a standholder for their cones of papas fritas, herb-dusted French fries that come with a dish of paprika aioli ($7.50).

Cava的餐房由3rd Uncle設計。 Cava’s 3rd Uncle-designed dining room.

CAVA 如果你想品嚐高質素的伊利比亞及拉丁美洲美 食,這間位於多倫多midtown的星級餐廳相信不會令 你失望,因為它的tapas多年來一直獲得高度評價。 Cava找來著名室內設計公司3rd Uncle為餐廳注入簡 約時尚風格,雖然開業接近10年,裝潢絲毫未見過 時,餐廳亦愈來愈有人氣,無論主餐房或patio都經 常坐無虛席。

色份量十足,最適合三五知己一同分享。 而店內亦提供多式各樣的pintxos及tapas,就 是一人前來同樣可以吃得精彩。要數這裡的招牌菜 非papas fritas (西班牙炸馬鈴薯片)莫屬,薯片必須 炸兩次,然後放於錐形紙筒內,進食時沾一下煙燻 辣椒沙律醬 (smoky paprika aioli) ,正宗西班牙香辣 口感。另一道菜Supergilda亦可稱為小吃中的精心 傑作,廚師將醃製沙甸魚柳 (先煎香然後醃過夜)放 於塗上蕃茄的多士上,再伴以鯷魚、橄欖及guindilla pepper串成的小串,沒想過一道tapas都可以這般豐 富精彩。而紅酒煮鵝肝 (Gamay-poached foie gras) 則甘香油潤,滋味無窮。 餐廳還有一個餐牌提供多款魚類及蔬菜類美 食,當中採用的食材都來自本地或以不破壞生態環 境的方法種植或飼養。就好像其炸茄子,外皮炸得 香脆但茄子肉卻保持嫩滑,並以tomatillo salsa作調 味;酸橘醃紅鯛魚(red snapper ceviche)則以青桔汁 調味,伴以香橙及牛油果;而烤黑鱈魚(sablefish)則 以黑糙米及高麗菜作配菜。愛驚喜的你更可要求廚 師為你 「發板」(價錢另議) ,你的驚喜主菜可能會配 以香烤甜包或radicchio-poblano智利沙律,充滿無限 可能性。

包括多款雪利酒及wines by the glass供選擇。


doesn’t show any signs of age; regulars are still filling the dining room and courtyard patio. Although it’s easiest to maneuvre through chef and co-owner Doug Penfold’s superb menu with a group, solo diners can belly up to the room’s beautiful lacquered bar to graze on an array of pintxos and tapas. Twice-cooked papas fritas, a restaurant signature dish, is served in a paper cone with a dish of smoky paprika aioli. Their Supergilda, a two-bite masterpiece, features a fat-marinated sardine fillet (that’s been seared then pickled overnight) perched proudly on a tomato-rubbed piece of toast, all christened with a skewered anchovy weaving between a pair of olives and a crisp guindilla pepper. The Gamay-poached foie gras is buttery rich and delightful. The sustainable and ethically sourced menu boasts plenty of fish and vegetable options, from the sublime fried eggplant dish that sports a crisp shell around the creamy vegetable’s flesh and dressed with a tomatillo salsa and curls of bonito shavings, to the clean and bright red snapper ceviche that’s tossed in calamansi juice, with pops of orange and avocado, or the beautiful roasted sablefish resting on nutty black rice and collard greens. Adventurous diners might even choose to leave their meal in the kitchen’s hands (priced upon request), where the day’s special might show up next to a chubby lobe of pan-roasted sweetbread on a pleasing radicchio-poblano chile salad. To drink, there’s an extensive, but moderately priced, wine list, with plenty of sherries and wines by the glass. Cava, 1560 Yonge St., 416-979-9918, www.cavarestaurant.ca 營業時間:每日下午5:00 – 晚上10:00



For refined and well-executed Iberian and Latin American fare, head to this celebrated kitchen in midtown Toronto that’s been churning out small plate after delicious small plate to critics’ praises. Now nearing a decade in service, Cava’s modern 3rd Uncle-designed space

Doug Penfold是餐廳主廚兼老闆之一,他的菜


Cava的SuperGilda ($5)及Gamay-poached foie gras pintxos ($9.50)為城中最佳小吃。 The “SuperGilda” ($5) and Gamay-poached foie gras pintxos ($9.50) from Cava are two of the best single bites in the city.


Hours: 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. daily. Prices: start at $3.50 for the warm marinated 價格:tapas如醃製橄欖由 $3.50起, olives, $5 for the Supergilda, topping at Supergilda為 $5, 西班牙海鮮飯則 $65 for their seafood studded paella. 為 $65

Patria的西班牙海鮮飯加入了帶子、鮮蝦、青口、墨魚、 鮟 魚、甜豆及不可缺少的番紅花。($50) Paella Patria with bay scallops, shrimps, mussels, cuttlefish, monkfish, snap peas and saffron ($50).

懸掛於Patria店內的巨形掛牆編織藝術,而質達505 平方呎,共花了485小時、繡上17,109針才完成。 Patria’s cross-stitch art installation took 485 hours and 17,109 stitches to complete the 55-squarefoot design.

PATRIA Icon Legacy旗下的Patria位於King Street West,

Fideos con Almejas y Chorizo是西班牙蜆肉香腸 天使粉,並以aioli為醬汁。($19) Patatas bravas con huevos fritos – crispy potato, spicy tomato sauce and a fried egg at Patria ($10).

A hot spot on King Street West, Icon Legacy’s Patria is billed as an authentic Spanish eatery that’s upscale modern with a decidedly dramatic flair. The Commutedesigned room is stylish – split into two levels with an open kitchen and a tapas bar. There’s even a courtyard patio for al fresco dining. Inside, rich artwork and


contemporary suspended lighting, with Marlo Onilla’s (Biography Design) striking


505-square-foot, cross-stitched installation wrapped around the warm room.

tapas bar,並由室內設計公司Commute打造出型格時 尚。顧客亦可選擇於courtyard patio享用美食。店內的藝

Using premium ingredients imported directly from Spain, executive chef Stuart


Cameron and chef de cuisine Janet Hoediono have created a menu that’s jammed-

Marlo Onilla設計,面積達505平方呎的巨形掛牆編織藝

packed with flavour: from finger-friendly small plates topped with pan con tomate, to


incredible embutidos (Spanish charcuterie), like the hand-cut jamón Ibérico de bellota – ham from prized acorn-fed black hoof pigs that’s been cured for 36 months. There’s

行政總廚Stuart Cameron及廚師Janet Hoediono採 用來自西班牙的優質食材,設計出豐富的菜色,由蕃茄

an impressive selection of Spanish cheeses, including a 12-month aged Manchego and the Murcia al vino, a goat cheese that’s been immersed in Murcian wine for 75 days.

火腿面包(pan con tomate)等小碟,西班牙醃製肉拼盤 (embutidos) , 以至手切西班牙風乾黑蹄豬火腿(jamón Ibérico

Large meat platters, along with traditionally prepared paellas chock full of concentrated goodness within its shallow layer of caramelized bomba rice, are made to

de bellota) – 黑蹄豬以橡果為主食,火腿肉更經36個月

share. While crispy croquetas, filled with a creamy béchamel filling spiked with Serrano


ham, or tender, thimble-high plancha grilled octopus on creamy fingerling potato

熟成的Manchego及Murcia al vino (一種浸於Murcian酒

coins showered with olive oil and paprika, can be part of a simple meal for one. Fideo

75日的goat cheese)。

pasta (toasted short angel hair) makes an appearance here with calms, chorizo and a generous dollop of aioli.

份量較大的菜色如肉類拼盤及傳統西班牙海鮮飯 等,適合與一大班朋友分享。如果人少則可以選擇一些

Weekend brunch features variations on eggs that range from classic tortilla de

小碟如西班牙白汁火腿炸丸子(crispy croquetas)或香烤

patatas (Spanish potato omelet), to a duck egg dish with chorizo migas (a sort of


breakfast hash). There’s also plancha cooked bacon in sherry and maple syrup, crispy

(Fideo pasta)亦值得一試。

patatas bravas topped with a fried egg (of course), and a Spanish-influenced house cocktail list to supplement the experience.

餐廳的周日 brunch則提供多款以蛋為主的美食, 如傳統的西班牙薯仔奄列(classic tortilla de patatas)、鴨

Above all, let the restaurant’s in-house sommelier, Simon Leblanc, guide you

蛋配香腸肉碎(duck egg dish with chorizo migas) 、香煎

through the largely imported private-order Spanish wine list that’s refreshing, food-

煙肉伴雪利及楓糖漿、及香炸薯仔伴煎蛋(crispy patatas

friendly and delicious.

bravas topped with a fried egg)等。不妨點一杯充滿西班 牙風情的雞尾酒,來一個徹頭徹尾的西班牙大餐。

Patria, 478 King St. W., 416-367-0505, www.patriatoronto.com 營業時間:每日下午5:30 – 凌晨12:00; 周日Sun brunch為上午10:30 – 下午2:30

店內亦有豐富的藏酒供選擇,包括從西班牙私人 訂購的餐酒,品酒師Simon Leblanc亦樂意為你提供意 見,為你最選擇合適的佳釀。

價格:tapas如catalan (用上kale, 以雪利酒浸過的葡萄乾及松子)由 $7 起 Hours: 5:30 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. daily; Sun brunch, 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Prices: start at $7 for the catalan (kale, sherry-soaked sultanas and pine nuts).





Wine not Anton Corbijn攝影機下小釀 酒廠Le Peu Distillery的兩位 員工,便是軒尼詩二百多年 來賴以成功的英雄人物。 Two workers at the Le Peu Distillery, the true heroes of the brand’s success for over two centuries, through the eyes of Anton Corbijn.



through the eyes of art 常說傳統老牌干邑酒莊,其實他們

Cognac brands are often described as long-standing, but


how long have they been standing, really? The most famous


cognac houses have been around for 200 to 300 years.


Hennessy, for example, is celebrating its 250th anniversary


this year. It is, of course, an occasion for grand celebrations.


In addition to issuing special blends, Hennessy has invited


contemporary artists to tell the 250-year legend of the brand


through their works text | Ivan Wong





軒尼詩請來Charles Sandison、Pierrick Sorin、Tony Oursler、

The stellar lineup includes Charles Sandison, Pierrick Sorin,

Laurent Pernot、Olga Kisseleva、Daniel Arsham、楊泳梁及Anton

Tony Oursler, Laurent Pernot, Olga Kisseleva, Daniel Arsham,


Yang Yongliang and Anton Corbijn. They created a range of


works for the global exhibition “Hennessy 250 Tour.” It was first


staged in Guangzhou, followed by Moscow, New York City and


Johannesburg, before returning to Paris.

不同取向的藝術創作,但無論他們以裝置藝術、影片、肖像或是美 術作品等媒介去表達,內容都依軒尼詩的世代傳承作為主要創作靈

The artists presented different forms of art in the storytelling


– from installations to films and paintings. They adopted a


contemporary approach, taking inspiration from the Hennessy


heritage and the brand’s distilling philosophy. Much of the


information of the brand’s 250-year history was exhibited for the first time – the archived documents and letters extending several

以為因為有楊泳梁,展覽便會充滿其破格水墨的新中國色彩, 怎知他創作那以「流動」為主題的抽象視像作品,只是一心想透過一

thousand metres were curated by researchers from around the Cognac region and other parts of the world.

幅幅如液體般流暢變幻的圖形,探尋酒莊代代相傳的文化洪流, 創意十足卻沒讓人有半點中國想像。而法國藝術家Laurent Pernot

The participation of Yang Yongliang brought anticipation of


contemporarized landscape painting, but he showed an abstract

Chinoiserie的意味。俄羅斯藝術家Olga Kisseleva則以較傳統的十七

piece playing with fluidity instead. The idea is to use liquid-like


transformation of patterns to illustrate the flow of civilization from

年的緊密連繫,及其深厚淵源。Daniel Arsham的短片創作,則以立

one generation to another in the cognac glass. It’s highly creative


with not a hint of a Chinese touch.

核心價值:時間、歷史、美式文化。說整個展覽中最欣賞的,還是 Anton Corbijn言簡意賅的黑白肖像攝影,他背後的概念尤為精采,

The hint of Chinoiserie is stronger in the show puppet


theatre by French artist Laurent Pernot that combines modern


technologies with old pictorial tradition. Russian artist Olga


Kisseleva uses a video of still-life photographs reminiscent of


a 17th-century painting to interpret the deep link between the


Hennessy heritage and Russian history since 1818.

然營運的小釀酒廠Le Peu Distillery為背景,用攝影機捕捉了這系列 人物的外形及氣度,描繪出隱藏

Daniel Arsham’s short film explores the present generation


from a futuristic standpoint, playing with notions that reflect on


the values central to Hennessy's identity today: time, history and


synchronic snapshots of U.S. culture. The works that resonated


with me the most are those of Anton Corbijn. His expressive series of black-and-white photographic portraits stand out for their underlying thinking. He believes that the true heroes of each celebrated bottle of cognac are the individuals who work on them collectively.

Anton捕捉的小人物中的一個大 人物—尼日利亞酋長Ogbebor, 是當地的獨家分銷商。 One of the individuals photographed by Corbijn is Nigerian emir Ogbebor, a local distributor for the brand.

These “small potatoes” are credited for deepening the heritage that is the pride of the brand with their unique skills showcasing traditional craftsmanship and hardworking ethos. Every one of them – be they the winemaker, distiller, cooper, calligrapher or international agent – is the true hero of the success of the brand over the past 250 years. The backdrop is the compact Le Peu Distillery still in operation today. He has captured the appearance and the aura

酒莊隆重其事推出的是這瓶特別陳 釀,250周年珍藏干邑,是軒尼詩品酒 委員會特別調配的一款獨一無二干邑。 To celebrate its 250th anniversary, Hennessy has created a unique blend that embodies the brand’s history.

of these people through the camera, and depicts the real soul hidden in the maison. Take a closer look and you can see the unusual qualities of these ordinary folks through Anton’s eyes.





Just for fun


Private islands at a bargain 加拿大樓價屢創新高,不少人都慨嘆「上車」 難。其實有沒有想過轉移目標,不做業主做 「島主」?不說不知,原來加拿大本地有些私 人小島幾萬元已經有交易,部分備有基本設 施的也只需數十萬元,分分鐘平過買樓。 With Canada’s real-estate market spiralling out of the reach of many first-time homebuyers, why not consider a private island instead? text | Zoe Mak photo | Private Islands Inc





現時世界各地其實都有不少小島出售,例如加勒比海、墨西 哥、巴哈馬、甚至地球另一端的斐濟群島等,而近在咫尺的美國 甚至本地加拿大安省都有不少小島可以私有化。 多倫多小島租售公司Private Islands Inc的CEO Chris Krolow 指出,加拿大或者美國的買家一般對加勒比海的小島情有獨鍾, 因為地點較近而且屬於熱帶氣候,無論一年四季都適合度假;此 外、中美洲國家Belize亦是不少多倫多買家「入貨」的首選,除了因 為地理位置鄰近多倫多而加分之外,當地放售的「島盤」選擇亦較 多,買家可以慢慢揀。 其實要一嘗成為「島主」的滋味,熱帶地區並非唯一選擇,不 少多倫多人都喜歡在安省省內買入私人小島。Chris解釋地點是最 吸引的原因,只需數小時車程便可到達,省卻坐飛機出境入境的 時間和精神,就算每個周末想度假都可以,買家便可以「島盡其 用」,一年四季盡情享受自己的私人小島。 安省省內比較受歡迎的小島多半位於Georgian Bay和 Muskoka附近,距離多倫多市中心約數小時車程。Chris指出,一 般來說,準買家多會選擇距離多倫多車程5小時之內的小島,而距 離多倫多3小時車程之內的「島盤」則最受買家歡迎,喜歡開船的買 家則特別鍾情於Georgian Bay附近的小島。

It’s a well-kept secret that some Canadian islands can be had for as little as five figures, and those with basic infrastructure are still within the range of a six-figure price. Chris Krolow, CEO of Private Islands Inc., a Toronto company specializing in small island rentals and sales, says Canadian and American buyers tend to be drawn to the Carribbean islands where the tropical climate is a huge draw. Belize, in Central America, is also a prime target for Toronto buyers, because available islands are plentiful. However, one doesn’t have to go to the tropics to snap up a 一般未經開發、沒有任何許可證,位於加拿大東岸 Nova Scotia的小島,售價大約$20,000-$30,000;而 已經有小型度假屋、碼頭、許可證的加拿大小島約 $500,000。最昂貴的加拿大小島是位於BC省擁有高爾 夫球場的James Island,售價約$75,000,000。 Most undeveloped islands with no permits in Nova Scotia are going for $20,000-$30,000. The islands with small holiday homes, a pier and development permits can be had for around $500,000. The most expensive island is James Island in B.C. It has a golf course and is going for $75 million.

private island, Krolow maintains. Torontonians can find their own piece of paradise in their own backyard of Ontario. Available islands are within a few hours drive, making them easily and economically accessible every weekend if you want to, and enable you to get the most out of your real estate year-round. The most popular islands are located near Georgian Bay or in Muskoka. Krolow says prospective buyers tend to choose islands no further than five hours away, with those within a three-hour drive even more popular.





Jtust for fun

不少私人小島除了擁有私人度假屋和私人碼頭之外,有些更甚至擁有高爾夫球場、直升機 坪和小型飛機跑道等豪華設施。 Many private islands have their own resorts and jetties. Some even have the luxury of golf courses, helipads and runways for small jets.

Cottage style的安省小島跟加勒比海小島的陽光與海灘風格不一,Chris 曾經有一位加拿大買家,同時擁有巴哈馬和Georgian Bay的小島,所以買家 可以因應個人喜好和需要而選擇合適的地點。 Chris更特別提醒買家,除了地點之外,小島本身的設備和發展亦是重 要的考慮因素。大部分買家認為一個完美的小島應該有海灘、山丘、附近有 深水海域、小島上有適當的樹林在風季擋風而又不會完全把日落遮蓋、小島 離岸不應太遠;另外最重要就是便利,跟醫院、油站、超級市場等必需要到 訪的設施不能相距太遠。 Chris認為安省的小島之所以受買家歡迎,是因為它們都符合上述提到 的每一個條件,而且當有需要求助海岸警衛隊的時候,一般來說直升機都會 在十分鐘內到達。 除了小島的設備外,其發展對買家來說都是影響決定的另一重要因素。

Krolow has several tips for prospective buyers. Other than looking at the location, he says buyers should also consider an island’s basic facilities and development potential. Most buyers think a perfect island should have a beach, hills, be close to deep-water coastal areas and have some wooded areas to act as wind shields without blocking magnificent sunset views. Krolow also says an island shouldn’t be too far from the mainland and should have convenient access to vital facilities, such as hospitals, supermarkets and gas stations. He also points out that when island owners need help, Coast Guard helicopters can usually get there within 10 minutes.





加勒比海的小島售價大約$1,000,000,Belize為最經濟 的選擇,而巴哈馬則較昂貴。Chris提醒在選購國外小島 時,必需要考慮小島位處國家政府的政治穩定性。 The asking price for Carribbean islands is around $1 million. Belize has the most budget-friendly choices, whereas the Bahamas are slightly pricier. Krolow reminds buyers to consider political stability when looking to buy islands overseas.

距離紐約市中心約15分鐘直升機飛行距離的 Petra Island,擁有2間著名建築師Frank Lloyd Wright設計的度假屋,另外備有私人直升機 坪和私人碼頭。 Petra Island, about 15 minutes by helicopter from the heart of New York City, has two holiday homes designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, as well as a private helipad and a private jetty.

Chris 指出,最理想是買入本身已經有一間房 屋可以拆卸的小島,因為這樣就說明了小島 本身已經擁有建築物許可證,只要在許可的 情況下改建就會容易得多。不少買家都會趁 春天買入小島,利用幾個月時間改建或加建 設施,趕得上在夏天時候享受假期。 Krolow suggests it’s best to buy an island with a house that can be torn down because it implies the island already has a building permit, and it will be much easier to redevelop as long as it falls within legal parameters. Many buyers opt to buy in spring, so they can enjoy it by summer after a few months of work.


He cautions that prospective owners need to keep in mind that turning


that island into utopia can mean pumping money and time into getting


development permits for those without any. Even then, the permits may


not be forthcoming, and then all buyers are left with is disappointment.

一場空。 The island market emerged about 15 years ago, with the St. Lawrence 其實加拿大私人小島買賣的市場約於15年前冒起,最

River region a key area. Surprisingly, many of those initial buyers were

先讓買家感興趣的為St Lawrence River地區,Chris提到最

Germans, a sign that Canadian islands were attracting international



以國內的小島都吸引到來自不同國家的買家垂青。 On the other side of the globe, places such as Fiji are perhaps too 至於位於世界另一端的斐濟群島地區,其小島對於北

remote for North American or European buyers to turn into personal real


estate. Most investors of Fijian islands use them to develop commercial







Elite Life


ChEvaL BLanC in St. Bart’S An LVMH Luxury resort

你可能手挽Louis Vuitton皮包、身穿Kenzo

Anyone can own a Louis Vuitton bag, toast with a


glass of Moët & Chandon champagne or indulge in a

膏、呷著Moët & Chandon香檳或Hennessy

snifter of the finest cognac from Hennessy. You could


dress in Kenzo, colour your lips with Dior and flaunt a


Hublot on your wrist. But these earthly treasures can


hardly match the truly authentic and truly immersive

界,就要來到位於St-Barth Isle de France的

LVMH experience at Cheval Blanc St-Barth Isle de

Cheval Blanc豪華度假酒店,享受與別不同

France, a hidden gem of luxury set in the French


West Indies. text | Leslie Yip photo | Leslie Yip, Alain Duzant, Cheval Blanc





在LVMH旗下的度假酒店中,專業團隊會 為顧客可以帶來獨一無二的體驗,這位小 女孩就正在跟國際知名藝術家Kate Kova上 堂,將當地的海灣美景描繪於畫布上。 This little girl is learning to paint beautiful seascapes from international artist Kate Kova, just one of the many customized experiences you can expect at this LVMH resort.

美人魚突然於沙灘上出 現,令小朋友雀躍萬分。 A surprise visit by a mermaid to play and swim with this little guest on the beach.

Cheval Blanc的煉金術師團隊(The Alchemists)可以為你安排度 身訂造的帆船旅程。我會希望沿St Barts海灣航行,興起跳入海 中徒手捉龍蝦,然後於一個無人的沙灘上來個私人野餐。 The Alchemists at Cheval Blanc can create bespoke sailing excursions. On my wish list, I want to sail St. Bart’s bays, dive to catch my own lobster and enjoy it at a private picnic on an idyllic beach.

獨一無二的體驗 甫抵達St-Barth Isle de France的Cheval Blanc度假酒

The Experience The little girl is the first thing that catches my eye as I arrive at Cheval


Blanc St-Barth Isle de France. She is maybe eight or nine years old, the age


when a Caribbean vacation should mean endless splashing in the pool or


on the beach. But here she is, intensely focused, painting on an easel in the cool shade of the verandah.

“Ta peinture est très belle”(意謂: 你的畫畫得很漂亮) 我用有限的法語跟她說。 「妳媽媽肯定以你為傲。」

“Ta peinture est très belle,” I try in my limited French. “Your mama must be proud.”

「她不是我媽媽。」小女孩直率的答道。原來她身旁的女 士是國際知名藝術家Kate Kova,她獲酒店邀請前來為這位

“She is not my mother,” comes a curt reply. Indeed, the lady sitting next


to her is none other than international artist Kate Kova, brought in by the


hotel for an afternoon painting class with this artistic child. They are already


working on their second canvas. The first one is a seascape, and now they


are painting the white umbrellas by the pool. These paintings will certainly bring back fond memories for years to come.

隨著旅客的要求愈來愈高,「到此一遊」式的旅程已經不 能滿足他們。他們更希望可以在旅程中經歷一些特別的體驗 – 例如跟大師級名廚學烹飪、揚帆出海前往荒島採險、又 或者於熱帶花園享受貴族式的spa 等等。為了滿足尊貴客戶 天馬行空的念頭,Cheval Blanc特設專業團隊為顧客實現夢 想,他們就好像煉金術師一樣,職責就是要創造難忘的黃金 時刻。

Savvy travellers are now demanding a more experiential holiday. It is not enough to have “been there”. They want to have “done that” — whether “that” is a cooking class with a master chef, a sailing excursion to a deserted island, or the most luscious spa treatment in a tropical garden. To cater to the whims of its prestigious clientele, Cheval Blanc has a team of experience-creators on standby. Coined the Alchemists, they wield their magical powers to make every moment golden.





Elite Life


客房、套房及別墅 來到我今次入住的Garden Bungalow,迎來的是撲鼻芳香。這是Guerlain為Cheval

Cheval Blanc St-Barth Isle de France是 LVMH酒店集團旗下的第三間酒店,另外兩 間分別位於馬爾代夫的Randheli及法國滑雪 度過村Courchevel。把Cheval Blanc稱為貴 族專屬酒店可謂一點不誇張,威廉王子及王 妃凱特於去年喬治小王子七個月大時,便曾 入住馬爾代夫的Cheval Blanc。

Blanc特別研製的Tropical Chic香氛,只此一家。有說氣味能喚醒回憶,我一定會把酒店 附送的香氛蠟燭帶回家,讓我隨時回憶起這裡的熱帶花香及瀰漫著大自然氣息的微風。 五星級的Cheval Blanc共有40間客房、套房及別墅,客房分為Beach Room 或 Garden Room(每晚收費由$870起(590€) ) ,套房則有一房或兩房供選擇(每晚收費由$3,240起

而家政天后Martha Stewart亦曾在訪問中表 示,Cheval Blanc是她每次到St Bart’s旅遊時 最喜歡入住的酒店。

(2,200€) ) 。而最豪華的要數兩間座落於沙灘上的Flamands度假別墅 (每晚收費由$8,548起 (5,800€) ) 。別墅設有三間房、私人健身室、設備齊全的廚房及私人影院。每間別墅更各 自擁有私家泳池,可飽覽海灣的無敵靚景,更可直接通往沙灘。

Cheval Blanc St-Barth Isle de France chevalblanc.com 01



Rooms, Suites and Villas


A beautiful fragrance greets me as I step into the airy bedroom of my Garden Bungalow. So this is the famous Tropical Chic fragrance, a scent custom-created by Guerlain, not available anywhere else. They say the sense of smell is closely tied to memories. I am definitely taking the complimentary scented candle home to remind me of the tropical flowers and mountain breezes here. There are 40 rooms, suites and villas at the five-star Cheval Blanc. They range from a Beach or Garden Room (from $870 (590€) per night) to One- or Two-Bedroom Suites (from $3,240 (2,200€) per night). The most coveted living quarters are the two Flamands Villas. Set directly on the beach, the three-bedroom villas (from $8,548 (5,800€) per night) have their own fitness centre, fully-equipped kitchen and cinema room. Each villa has its own private infinity pool overlooking the bay and private access to the beach.

Fit for a Royalty Cheval Blanc St-Barth Isle de France is the third property in LVMH’s new hotel management group. The other ones are in Randheli, Maldives and the ski village of Courchevel, France. The brand has already proven itself fit for royalty — Prince William and Duchess Kate stayed at the Maldives property last year, when Prince George turned seven months old. Domestic queen Martha Stewart also gave a vote of confidence to the resort when she said in an interview that Cheval Blanc is her favourite place to stay while vacationing in St. Bart’s. Cheval Blanc St-Barth Isle de France chevalblanc.com 05

01•Flamands別墅的面積達4,300 平方呎,於 客廳中可飽覽Flamands灣的無敵海景。 The living and sitting area of the 4,300 square-foot Flamands Villa overlooks Flamands Bay. 02•現代化的線條配以素淨的布料,為房間帶 來低調的優雅美感。 Contemporary lines and neutral fabrics lend an understated air of elegance to each room. 03•浴室亦可欣賞美景。 A bathroom with a view.





04•這裡每間房間都採用由Guerlain調香師 Thierry Wasser特別研製的Tropical Chic 香氛,為客房添上淡淡果香及木香。 Guerlain是LVMH集團旗下的品牌之一。 Every room is subtly perfumed by the fruity and wooden notes of Tropical Chic — a fragrance created for this resort by Thierry Wasser of Guerlain, another LVMH House. 05•兩房Garden Suite設有寬敞的平台及私人 泳池,每晚收費由加幣$3,240起 (2,200€)。 A spacious terrace and private pool at the Two-Bedroom Garden Suite, from $3,240 (2,200€) per night.


Culinary Fantasies

St. Bar t’s被喻為最豪華時尚的法屬海外領

With St. Bart’s being touted as France’s ritziest

土,而Cheval Blanc又屬於LVMH家族的一員,讓 人對其食物的水準有一定期待。La Case de l’Isle

outpost, and Cheval Blanc belonging to the LVMH family, culinary expectations are high.

是酒店的signature restaurant,它以露天開放式

Chef Yann Vinsot celebrates French cuisine with


an infusion of tropical flavours. Its signature restaurant,

景。廚師Yann Vinsot喜歡在傳統法國菜中加入熱

La Case de l’Isle, is an al-fresco restaurant overlooking

帶元素。餐廳最擅長烹調簡單卻又鮮味十足的海 鮮美食。位於沙灘旁的La Case de l’Isle風格則較

the swimming pool and facing the sea. It specializes in


La Cabane de l’Isle is a relaxed feet-in-the-sand spot


for casual lunch and sunset cocktails. The casual

White Bar則全日為客人提供果汁、雞尾酒及簡餐。

White Bar serves fruit juices, cocktails and light treats

simple, yet delightful, seafood dishes. The beachfront

throughout the day. 想食得挑剔,the Alchemists團體樂意為你效 勞。無論你想在杳無人煙的海灣上野餐,或與伴侶

The restaurants are a


delight, but to fully exploit


the resort’s services, you shouldn’t be shy to ask

06•滲著當地本土風味的法國菜,是味覺的一大享受。 Locally-inspired French cuisine delights the tastebuds. 07•悠閒地在沙灘旁嘆尾酒,可謂當地的最佳消遣。另 外,酒店更備有超過150法國餐酒及香檳供選擇。 A cocktail by the beach is a favourite Caribbean pastime, but the resort has a large selection of more than 150 French wines and champagnes that beg to be tasted.

one of the Alchemists to help craft your culinary fantasy. A gourmet picnic at a pristine cove? A romantic dinner cruise? Time to get creative.

Chef Yann Vinsot曾於 法國Burgundy地區的 L’Espérance酒店工作, 他的創意菜色相信會為你 帶來新鮮的美食體驗。 Chef Yann Vinsot, trained at Burgundy’s L’Espérance, is looking to cater to your culinary fantasies.

Spa水療中心 想盡情地放鬆身心,嘆spa是最好不過的選擇。Cheval Blanc水療中心的一大特色,是採用Guerlain特別為 酒店而研製的療程,在加勒比海當地可謂獨一無二。其皇牌療程是St-Barth Solar Escape,水療師會以品牌的 Terracotta Huile du Voyageur為肌膚進行按摩,讓肌膚回復彈性之餘同時打造黃金光澤。這裡更是當地唯一提供 Orchidée Impériale Prestige Treatment(收費約加幣$340 (230€) ) 的Spa,這是Guerlain面部護理中最尊貴的療程。 而其Spa boutique更可謂香氛收藏家的天堂,因為這裡是巴黎以外唯一一個地方可以找到Guerlain全線的獨 家珍藏系列產品,包括以婚禮為主題的le Bouquet de la Mariee香氛。香氛以橘子花香為基調– 寓意為新娘子帶 來幸運,加上甜杏 (法式傳統婚禮必備之物) 的清香,香氣清雅浪漫。 (125 ml售價約加幣$1,250(849€) )

The Spa

想一邊按摩一邊感受熱帶風 情,可考慮於戶外的pavilion 進 行按摩,讓你在大自然環境下 體驗Guerlain如何呵護你的肌 膚。可選擇單人或雙人按摩, 80分鐘4手按摩收費約加幣 $642 (435€)。 An exotic outdoor pavilion allows guests to enjoy exclusive tropical experiences by Guerlain, alone or as a couple. An 80-minute, fourhand Imperial massage, approx. $642 (435€).

Continuing on the quest for unique sensory experiences, the Cheval Blanc Spa offers treatments by Guerlain – the first of their kind in the Caribbean – created exclusively for the

Le Bouquet de la Mariée香 氛是Guerlain的exclusive collection產品之一,專門 為新娘子而研製,於酒店的 Spa boutique有售。 Le Bouquet de la Mariée, part of Guerlain’s exclusive collection, is created especially for brides and is available for purchase at the Spa boutique.

resort. Signature therapies include St-Barth Solar Escape, a harmonizing massage using the Huile du Voyageur from the brand’s Terracotta range to offer a soothing escape to the skin and enhance its healthy, after-sun glow. It Le Cheval Spa設有4間療程房 間及一個土耳其式浴池,可 讓你盡情地放鬆身心。Spa內 所有療程均採用Guerlain的產 品,在加勒比當地是只此一 家。 Le Cheval Spa, with its four treatment rooms and a hammam (Turkish bath), is a sanctuary for well-being and beauty. Its Guerlain rituals are exclusive in the Caribbean.

is also the only place in the Caribbean to offer the Orchidée Impériale Prestige Treatment (approx. $340 (230€)), the quintessence of Guerlain facials. The Spa boutique is worthy of a pilgrimage by perfume collectors, as it is the only place outside of Paris to carry a full range of Guerlain’s exclusive collections, including the wedding-themed le Bouquet de la Mariee perfume. The delicate floral bouquet is based on orange blossom – considered a goodluck charm for brides -- combined with the notes of sweet almond, a French wedding tradition. (125 ml. for approx. $1,250 (849€))





Elite Life St Bart’s首都Gustavia因為放眼盡是紅色屋頂的建築物,因而被稱為 red-roofed capital。這裡可找到不少時尚名店、免稅店及餐廳等。更 可發現破舊漁船及超豪遊艇並列停泊於港口的有趣風景。 Gustavia, St. Barts’ red-roofed capital, is lined with chic boutiques, duty-free shops and gourmet restaurants. In the harbour, rustic fishing boats are docked alongside mega-yachts.

St. Bart’s躋身星級度假勝地的9個原因 不少荷里活巨星都是St. Bar t’s的常客,Harrison Ford、 Beyoncé及Kate Moss都曾被記者影到在這裡度假兼曬日光浴。 Jessica Simpson更與30及好友在這裡慶祝其35歲生日。其實不只 明星,就連已故蘋果主腦Steve Jobs及Bill Gates等都曾被目睹在 島上駕著遊艇度假。究竟St. Bart’s有什麼吸引力,把全球人類中 最頂尖的1%都吸引過來呢?

3. 毗鄰美國亦為St. Bart’s加了不少分數。由紐約飛抵聖馬丁(St. Maarten)的Princess Juliana機場只需約4小時,轉乘內陸機約 12分鐘便可到達St. Bart’s。 4. 很多加勒比海的島嶼幾乎被郵輪旅客「攻陷」,但St. Bart’s卻寧 可被「與世隔絕」。當地法例禁示大型船隻停泊,令小島得享平 靜寧逸。 5. St. Bart’s Gustaf III機場的跑道只有650米(皮爾遜國際機場及溫 哥華國際機場的跑道分別超過2,700及3,000米),是全世界最

1. 其法式魅力當然是原因之一,試問全世界有哪個民族對生活 藝術的追求比法國人來得更狂熱。St. Bart’s原本是瓜德羅普 (Guadeloupe)的領土,但到了2007年,它成為法屬海外自治 區。其總統Bruno Magras同時兼任代表St. Bart’s的法國國會參 議員。 2. 加勒比以悠閒自在的氛圍而聞名,就連平日穿金戴銀的名流貴 族,在這裡都可以暫時放下「全副武裝」,輕鬆寫意地享受陽光 與海灘。St. Bart’s有不少著名的沙灘,當中包括the Saline、 the Gouverneur及the Colombier等。

短的機場跑道之一。跑道位處於一個緩坡的底部,上面則是島 上的主要道路,跑道的盡頭是沙灘,因此它是世界上最難降落 的跑道之一。機師必需持有特別證書才可在此降落。而且機種 的選擇亦十分有限,擁有19個座位的STOL(short takeoff and landing的簡稱)Twin Otter是適合在此降落的機種中最大型的。 雖然如此,不過總統Magras表示他們無計劃擴闊機場,「我們 不希望把門開得太大。」(意謂不希望過多遊客到訪。) 6. St. Bart’s上的酒店亦不能建得太高,島上只容許興建一層或兩 層高的建築物,目的是希望保留「舊世界」的魅力。 7. 島上的治安十分良好。由於到訪的旅客非富則貴,他們為當地 經濟帶來巨大收益。St. Bart’s不但沒有任何債務,島上9,000名 居民亦毋須繳交入息稅。這裡更是零犯罪率 – 事實上小島面 積只有25平方公里,就算有賊人亦無處可逃。 8. 馬蹄形的Gustavia Harbour是豪華遊艇的停泊港口,每年除 夕,超過130艘遊艇會停泊於此欣賞煙花。不過一些巨型遊艇 因為太大,所以要停泊於海灣之外,就好像由俄羅斯首富兼 車路士班主Roman Abramovich擁有的162.5米長遊艇Blohm + Voss Eclipse。他被目睹去年於St. Bart’s慶祝除夕。 9. 對愛購物的朋友來說,最吸引莫過於免稅購物。St. Bart’s是

走上Fort Gustav的燈塔,可俯 瞰小島的無敵靚景。 Hike up to the lighthouse in Fort Gustav for an incredible panoramic view of the island.





無論任何時候,St. Bart’s的港口 都停泊了世界上最豪華的遊艇。 Year-round, St. Bart’s attracts the most stunning yachts in the world.

免稅港口,沿著Gustavia harbour會發現多間名店如Hèrmes Louis Vuitton Chopard Bugari及Cartier等林立,宛如置身巴黎 的香榭麗舍大道。

St. Bart’s: 9 Reasons Why the Rich and Famous Vacation Here

St. Bart’s機場是世界上最難降 落的機場之一。不單只擁有全 世界最短的跑道之一,飛機更 要在交通要道上急降,隨時拿 起相機都可拍到有趣的畫面。 St. Bart’s has one of the most unique airports in the world. Not only does it have one of the shortest runways, the steep descent over the traffic roundabout on top of the hill makes for some interesting photo moments.

St. Bart’s: 9 Reasons Why the Rich and Famous Vacation Here Harrison Ford ran. Beyoncé danced. Kate Moss tanned. Jessica Simpson celebrated her 35th birthday with 30 friends. And it is not just the Hollywood types. The late Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were spotted on the island with their yachts. Why do the world’s top one per cent flock to St. Bart’s? 1. Its Frenchness certainly holds appeal, for which other culture has the art de vivre so well-figured out but the French? St. Bart’s was formerly a town within the department of Guadeloupe, but in 2007, it became a formal part of France as an Overseas Collectivity. Its president, Bruno Magras, represents St. Bart’s in the French senate.

(short takeoff and landing) Twin Otter is the largest plane that can land here. President Magras says there is no plan to expand the airport. “We don’t want to open the doors too wide,” he says. 6. St. Bart’s doesn’t want tall hotels either. Only one- and two-storey buildings are permitted on the island, allowing it to retain its old-world

2. The Caribbean is known for its laid-back vibes, so even the most bejewelled A-listers can strip down and enjoy the beach and the sea

charm. 7. It is stable and safe. Luxury tourism bestows enough money to

breezes. Some of the most famous beaches in St. Bart’s are the

support the local economy. The collective is debt-free and its 9,000

Saline, the Gouverneur and the Colombier.

citizens pay no income taxes. The small island of just 25 square

3. Its proximity to the United States doesn’t hurt. It’s just a four-hour flight from New York City to nearby St. Maarten’s Princess Juliana airport, and then an additional 12-minute trip by regional planes.

kilometres is also crime-free — no hideouts for thugs. 8. The horseshoe-shaped Gustavia Harbour is a haven for luxury yachts. On New Year’s Eve, more than 130 vessels gather to take

4. Many Caribbean islands get inundated with cruise ships, but St. Bart’s

in the fireworks. Some of the latest mega-yachts are getting too

wants to stay secluded and exclusive. Local laws forbid the big liners

big for the port though, and need to be anchored outside the bay.

from docking there, so it remains peaceful and orderly.

One example is the 162.5-metre Blohm + Voss Eclipse, owned

5. St. Bart’s Gustaf III airport has one of the world’s shortest runways

by Russian tycoon Roman Abramovich — owner of the Chelsea

at just 650 metres (compared to 2,700+ at Pearson and 3,000+ at

Football Club. He was spotted spending last New Year’s Eve in St.

Vancouver’s International Airport). The short airstrip is at the base of


a gentle slope on top of which lies the island’s main road, and it ends

9. Tax-free shopping! St. Bart’s is a duty-free port. Along Gustavia

directly on a beach, making it one of the most difficult approaches in

Harbour, you will find elegant avenues lined with designer shops like

the world. Pilots must have special certification to land there, and the

Hèrmes, Louis Vuitton, Chopard, Bugari and Cartier, rivalling Champs-

type of planes allowed is also severely limited. The 19-seater STOL

Élysées in Paris.

前往St. Bart’s

Arriving in St. Bart’s

St. Barthélemy(當地人稱為St. Barth,北美則稱作St. Bart’s) 是位於東加勒比的法屬海外自治區。歐聯、美國、 加國及香港公民前往當地毋須簽證。當地官方語言是法語, 但英語亦十分普及。而歐羅是當地的官方貨幣,但美元亦流 通。 距離小島最近的機場是位於聖馬丁的(St. Maarten)Princess Juliana機場。當地的航空公司Winair每日提供16班航班往返 小島 (9月及10月的颶風季節則每日4班) 。飛行時間約12分 鐘。來回機票費用約$200。詳情: fly-winair.sx 此外亦可從水路前往St. Bart’s,Great Bay Express 及 MV Voyager每日提供渡輪往返小島及聖馬丁多個碼頭。來回船 票費用約$100,每程需時約1小時。 島上沒有公共交通工具,出入可搭的士或自行租車。小島其 實很細,無論要前往任何一個角落,車程都不會超過20分 鐘。 saintbarth-tourisme.com

St. Barthélemy (known as St. Barth locally and St. Bart’s in North America) is a French Overseas Collectivity in East Caribbean. There is no visa requirement for entry for citizens of the European Union, the U.S.A., Canada or Hong Kong. The official language is French, but English is widely spoken. The official currency is the euro, but U.S. dollars are widely accepted. The closest international airport is Princess Juliana Airport in St. Maarten. Regional airlines Winair operates 16 daily flights to the island (four daily during the hurricane season in September and October). The flight time is about 12 minutes. A roundtrip is approx. $200. fly-winair.sx If you are nervous about flying to St. Bart’s, Great Bay Express and MV Voyager operate daily ferry crossings from various points in St. Maarten. A roundtrip is approximately $100 and takes roughly one hour each way. Once on the island, hail a taxi or rent a car. There is no public transportation. The island is quite small. From anywhere on the island, you can get to any other part in less than a 20-minute drive. saintbarth-tourisme.com





elite car 什麼時候一輛轎跑車不是轎跑車?當它是一輛婀娜多姿的四門平治 CLS 400轎車,卻帶著轎跑車外型而有四門功能的時候。 When is a coupe not a coupe? When it’s the curvaceous fourdoor Mercedes-Benz CLS 400 sedan that has coupe-like styling and four-door functionality.


Mercedes-Benz cLs 400 shows how sexy a four-door sedan can be

2015年的平治CLS 400 4MATIC轎跑車就是這樣令人一見傾心


的汽車。雖然在2015 CLS系列的3款車中,400 4MATIC轎跑車的

707匹馬力的道奇Charger SRT Hellcat,簡直震撼了我。不過,我們




列車只有V8引擎,現在CLS 400既可滿足不同駕駛者的需要和欲望, 同時又能為他們省錢,在我看來是雙贏的結果。

若與其他同系車款比較,CLS 400確實抵買。一部329匹馬 力的雙增壓渦輪V6引擎,售價由79,500元起;而V8引擎的型號,

雖然名為轎跑車,CLS 400其實是一輛外型設計像轎跑車的4門

CLS 550 4MATIC需要86,700元,而CLS 63 AMG S 4MATIC則要




後兩者肯定更著重性能,尤其是有577匹馬力的AMG型號。所 有的3款4MATIC型號都是全輪驅動。

2015年CSL車系在款式上只有輕微的轉變,但今年轟動的新聞就 是推出增壓渦輪V6引擎的型號。

據平治的資料顯示,CLS 400在起動時毫不遜色,只需5.3秒便


可由靜止狀態加速至時速100公里,而兩款CLS V8引擎型號,由靜




text, photo | Lorne Drury Metroland Media wheels.ca





如果我告訴你, 在我評價一部汽車的時候,首先會考慮的是它的款式, 你一定會認為我很膚淺。 簡單來說,我就是喜歡駕駛 「有型有款」 的汽車。 Think of me as superficial, if you will, when I say that styling is the first thing I think about when assessing a vehicle. Simply put, I love driving beautiful cars.

The 2015 Mercedes-Benz CLS 400 4MATIC Coupe is one such

Hellcat. But here we have a different flavour of vehicle, one that leans

vehicle. While it is the least powerful of the three in the CLS lineup for

more towards the luxury side of the scale. Previously it only came with

2015 and the only one without a V8, it looks stunning and does so

the V8, but now the CLS 400 is a car that can satisfy many drivers’

many things well that I would be delighted to have one in my garage.

wants and needs and save on the pocketbook at the same time. It’s a win-win in my books.

Compared to its siblings, the CLS 400 is a real bargain, starting at $79,500 for a 329-horsepower, turbocharged V6. The V8 models

Although it is called a coupe, the CLS 400 is, in fact, a four-door

-- the CLS 550 4MATIC and the CLS 63 AMG S-Model 4MATIC --

sedan designed to look like a coupe. Mercedes-Benz started the four-

will run you $86,700 and $123,400, respectively. The latter two are

door coupe design concept about a decade ago when the first CLS

definitely more performance oriented, particularly the AMG model that

made its debut.

gives you 577 horsepower. All three models come only in 4MATIC all-wheel drive.

For 2015, the CLS line underwent minor styling changes, but the major news was the introduction of this turbocharged V6 model. Even

Mercedes-Benz quotes a 0-100 km/h time of 5.3 seconds,

though this second-generation CLS has been left largely untouched

making the CLS 400 certainly no shrinking violet in the get-up-and-go

since 2011, the looks are still stunning with a coupe-like roofline and

department. Those 0-100 km/h times drop to 4,8 and 3.6 seconds,

flowing, curvy features. As such, it does have its shortcomings.

respectively, for the CLS V8 models. While the CLS is very similar to the E-Class sedan, there is less I love performance like the next guy. In fact, I was blown away

room inside with seating for only four, instead of five, and trunk volume

during my recent time with the 707-horsepower Dodge Charger SRT

is compromised slightly. That said, it still has 520 litres of cargo space.





Elite Car

從任何角度看都很漂亮,CLS 400尾部有陡斜的車頂輪廓 線,導致進出後座時較正常的轎車有一點困難。 Beautiful from any angle, the CLS 400 has a sloping roofline at the rear that makes back-seat entry and exit a little more difficult than with a normal sedan.

CLS 400後座有充足的放腳空間,然而由於車頂輪廓線陡 斜,進出較會為困難。 There is adequate legroom in the back seat of the CLS 400 but entry and exit is a chore due to the steep slope of the roof.

2015年款平治CLS 400 4MATIC內飾亮麗, 配以水晶灰色的真皮裝飾 The interior of the 2015 Mercedes-Benz CLS 400 4MATIC is beautifully finished, here in Crystal Grey leather upholstery.

儘管CLS車系與E系列的房車極為相似,但它的車廂較小,只有 4個而不是5個座位,而行李箱也稍為小了一點。即使如此,它仍有 520公升的載貨容量。 另外,由於車頂的尾後斜落,導致後座乘客上落較為困難。事 實上,你可能需要用上 「軟骨術」 才可進入車廂。而前座方面,以我6 呎高的身型來說就剛剛好,但若有比我更高的司機,就會出現頭頂 空間不足的問題。 2015年款的CLS 400,外型作出了多處改良,最顯著的是重新 設計的保險槓和釘上鍍鉻鑽石型圖案的水箱護罩。而車廂內部裝飾 亮麗,有全新設計的儀表和方向盤。前排座位提供穩健支撐,當你 駕駛興奮至得意忘形時,會牢牢地把你固定在司機的座位上。 一項非常好卻又很容易令人忘記的功能,直至你「掟彎」時,身 旁有被輕推的感覺才會記起。 車廂內燈光的顏色有3種選擇,而最特別的是中控台上方安裝 有一個8吋高解像度彩色熒幕。在中控台的控制器可多控制車內名為 COMMAND的多媒體系統。 雖然CLS 400的售價由75,900起,但我所測試的汽車增加了 10,000元的選置,令這車的價值達86,050元。它添置了價值為5,950 元的至尊組合,包括有自動調節高燈輔助、電動尾箱開關、後窗太 陽簾、被動式車道偏移警示輔助、電熱後排座椅和方向盤功能、主 動轉向照明多光束車頭燈,360度攝影鏡頭、Harman/Kardon環迴音 響系統和免匙引擎啟動。





The sloping roof at the rear makes entry and exit from the back seat more difficult. In fact, you need to be a bit of a contortionist to do it. Up front, my six–foot frame fits just fine, but taller drivers will find headroom an issue. For 2015, the exterior gets a nip here and a tuck there. Notable are redesigned bumpers and a new-look grille featuring a prominent diamond pattern with pins and chrome. Inside, there is a new instrument cluster and steering wheel. The interior is beautifully finished with comfortable front seats that feature active bolstering to hold you firmly planted during spirited driving. It’s a very nice feature that you may forget about until you feel a nudge on your side as you negotiate a sharp curve. There is a choice of three ambient light colours inside and the most prominent feature is a freestanding eight-inch diagonal media display screen atop the centre stack. A controller on the centre console accesses the infotainment system, called COMMAND. While the CLS 400 starts at $75,900, our tester had more than $10K in options, taking the as-tested list up to $86,050. Ours had the Premium Package ($5,950) that includes features like adaptive highbeam assist, power trunk closer, rear window sunshade, passive lane-keeping assist, heated rear seats and steering wheel, active multibeam headights, 360-degree camera, Harman/Kardon surround-sound system and keyless-go.

平治CLS 400 4MATIC 一覽 Mercedes-Benz cLs 400 4MATIc AT A gLAnce

這車還增加了一個價值2,700元名為 「智能駕駛」 的高科技套裝,包括有盲點偵 測輔助功能、自動保持行車線功能、巡航控制系統和十字路況交通輔助。 另外,增添的跑車選置套裝(1,500元) ,讓這車可享有色彩爛漫的司機座位、






3.5公升雙增壓渦輪V6引擎(329 匹馬力、扭距354磅/呎)配備7

跑車式懸掛裝置、18吋5輻條AMG輪圈和跑車剎車系統。 CLS 400的動力來自雙增壓渦輪V6引擎,它有329匹馬力和354磅/呎扭距。7 前速自動波變速器,將動力傳輸到4車輪,扭距分配為前輪45及後輪55。這款車 的耗油量為12.1/8.5/10.5公升/100公里 市內/高速公路/綜合。在我試車的一個星期 裡,大部分時間平均耗油量為9.4公升/100 公里。 有了這個強勁裝置,這款CLS真是一部非常好開的汽車。它行車暢順和反應敏 捷,差不多在所有情況下都有足夠的應付能力。如果你想要更強的動力,可選擇同 系的兩款高性能V8引擎車款。而CLS 400精裝版外型既亮麗,又能讓你駕駛時充 滿樂趣,同時更可減輕你錢包的壓力。

速自動波。 行李箱容量:



12.1/8.5/10.5公升/100 公里 市 內/高速公路/綜合。


$75,900,試駕型號售價為 $86,050。



Body style:

four-door luxury coupe-like sedan.

drive Method: engine:

4MATIC all-wheel drive. 3.5-litre, twin-turbo V6 (329 hp, 354 lb/ft of torque) with a seven-speed automatic transmission.

cargo capacity: 520 litres.

2015年款的CLS 400配備有新的雙增壓渦輪V6 引擎,而另外兩款CLS型號則配有V8引擎。 The CLS 400 has a new feature for 2015, a twin-turbo V6 that augments the V8s in the two other CLS models.

CLS 400 4MATIC配備有18吋5輻條的 AMG輪圈作為跑車選配套裝的一部分。 The CLS 400 4MATIC is fitted with 18inch, five-spoke AMG wheels as part of the optional Sports Package.

Also included was a technology package called Intelligent Drive ($2,700). It consists

Fuel economy:

12.1/8.5/10.5 L/100 km city/ highway/combined.


$75,900, as tested $86,050.



優點:這是一輛簡單而有華麗外型的汽車,無論 開到哪裏都會受到注目。 What’s best: This is simply a gorgeous-looking vehicle that will draw stares wherever you go.

of active blind-spot assist, adaptive lane-keeping assist, adaptive cruise control and


cross-traffic assist. The Sport Package ($1,500) adds a multi-colour driver’s seat, sport

為困難。 What’s worst: Because of the steep, sloping

suspension, 18-inch AMG five-spoke wheels and a sport braking system.

roofline, getting in or out of the back seat is Power for the CLS 400 comes from a twin-turbo 3.5-litre V6 engine, rated at 329 horsepower and 354 lb/ft of torque. The transmission is a seven-speed automatic, transferring power to all four wheels, with torque split 45/55 front and rear. Fuel consumption is rated at 12.1/8.5/10.5L/100 km city/highway/combined. During my week with the car, I averaged about 9.4L/100 km on most outings. With this powertrain, the CLS is a really nice car to drive — smooth and responsive

difficult. 誘人之處:CLS款過去只有V8引擎,但2015年 款有新的雙增壓渦輪V6引擎。 What’s interesting: The CLS model had previously only been available with a V8. This twin-turbo V6 is new for 2015.

and with enough power for almost any situation . If you want more power, you have the two highperformance V8s to think about. Consider the 400 the CLS Lite model — beautiful and fulfilling to look at and drive, but less stressful on the pocketbook. 2015年款平治CLS 400 4MATIC有一個釘 上鍍鉻鑽石型圖案的全新外觀水箱護罩。 The Mercedes-Benz CLS 400 4MATIC has a new-look grille for 2015, featuring a prominent diamond pattern with pins and chrome.






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What is the best use for Sony’s latest MILC


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However, we did find it exceptional in capturing the antics of cats -- or any pet for that matter. text, photo | Ringo





Sony A7R II Price: $3,999.99 (bccamera.com)

Sony has been the leader in compact full-frame cameras. From the fixed lens RX1, to the A7 and A7R MILCs released two years ago, Sony has 把full frame微形化,Sony一直在業界佔著領導地位, 由不可換鏡的RX 1開始,到兩年前的無反A7及A7R,不斷 替業界締造驚喜、革命創新。今天再來的後繼機A7R II,再 以君臨天下之勢到來,單從四千元淨機價來看,就知道它的 目標是新一代機王寶座。以現時的電子技術,以Sony很user friendly的軟件操控,再收你四千元的硬件價格,很難想像這 部A7R II會拍到質素不高的相片。我們為甚麼推介用A7R II 來影寵物?因為這部新機所強化軟、硬件功能,正好用來征

been delighting fans with one innovation after another. The latest A7R II is set to take the market by storm – the price tag of $4,000 alone shows that it is going after the top spot among new generation MILCs. It can’t possibly take bad pictures, given the technology and Sony’s user-friendly software controls. Why then do we suggest using A7R II to shoot pets? Simply because it’s augmented hardware and software are best for capturing the little darlings who will never stand still and dart away at the hint of sound or light.


隨處動,如何對焦? 貓迷影相面對最大的問題,首項離不開對不準焦點。是 以,要影wide shot貓仔周圍走,或close up炯炯有神精靈眼 球內的黑實瞳孔,首要條件是要有一個快而準的對焦系統。 A7R II的混合對焦系統除了提供25點contrast detection AF 外,還有多達399點phase detection AF,成為全球最廣闊的 覆蓋範圍;論速度,也比上一代A7R快了4成。不過平心而 論,若要跟單反相比,差別仍是有的。

不夠光、易手震? 影貓日頭好還是夜晚好?小學生也會知道,當然是晚上 好,因為光線不足時貓的瞳孔會放大,圓圓大大如龍眼,看 起來比起垂直一線更逗人喜愛。但光線不足,正正是影相大 忌。要彌補光線,方法不外乎:閃光燈、大光圈鏡頭、防震 技術和高ISO感光度。用閃光燈閃貓是超級蠢才才會吧,相 信我們的讀者沒有這類人;大光圈鏡頭當然好,Sony E鏡頭 系統也提供很多,但價錢相對貴很多;防震方面,A7R II新 增了五軸影像防震系統,根據官方資料,這系統能抵償4.5級 快門,試想想,如要買一支大4.5級光圈的鏡頭,價值是如何 不菲;至於ISO,A7R II能夠擴展至50-102,400,這是一個 很誇張的數字,打個1折ISO 10240都已經很夠用,而要成就 這驚人數值,得靠相機採用了全新的背照式設計感光元件, 大大增加接收光線的能力,從而提升高感光度拍攝。

Focusing on those constantly on the move? The biggest photo-shooting issue for cat slaves is, invariably, focus. It takes a fast and correct focus system to capture kitties on the move in a wide shot, or the sparkles in their deep dark eyes in a closeup. A7R II’s fast hybrid autofocus system provides 25 points of contrast detection AF, as well as a whopping 399 AF points phase detection. That is the widest focal plane available as yet. In terms of speed, it’s 40 per cent faster than its predecessor A7R, though it still has a fair way to go to catch up with SLR, to be honest.

Lack of light and shaky images? Is it better to shoot cats at daytime or nighttime? That’s a no-brainer. Nighttime is the best time because their irises dilate in the dark, making their eyes appear round and big and all the more lovable. The lack of light, however, is the biggest challenge for photo shooting. This can be compensated for by using flash, lens with large aperture, vibration compensation design or high ISO light sensitivity. Flash is a fool’s device for shooting cats and I don’t think our readers are among them. Large aperture lenses are great and there are plenty in the Sony E lens series, but they are costly too. In terms of vibration compensation technology, A7R II has added 5-axis image stabilization that, according to Sony, can compensate for f4.5 stop, and the cost for a lens with f4.5 stop is not to be sneezed at. As to the ISO, A7R II can go up to 50-102,400. It sounds astronomical,






嚓一嚓,嚇走貓? 有時貓貓乖乖躺下來,你構好圖對好焦,按下快門、反

and just 10 per cent of that at ISO 10240 is already quite enough. The high ISO is achieved, thanks to its back-illuminated structure that enhances light sensitivity.

光板彈起發出「咔嚓」一聲,牠就驚醒過來,甚或被嚇得逃之 夭夭,這麼便不知要再等多久才有另一次機會。A7R II的快 門系統經過大幅改良,除了高達500,000次使用,也比前作

The click scares away the cat?

減少50%震盪;當使用靜音模式,拍攝時感測器便不會震盪 及移動。試過便明白,用A7R II拍了貓貓100張相,牠還是傻 呆呆的不知發生了甚麼事。

The cat is resting in peace, and you have framed it perfectly in focus. However, as soon as the shutter clicks, the scaredy cat darts out of sight in no time. You may or may not catch the same moment again. The revamped

爬高爬低靠腰力? 拍寵物最常遇到的,是需要爬低擒高去取景,所以只能 用viewfinder取景的舊式單鏡反光機不是影寵物的好器材。

shutter system of A7R II has a silent mode that reduces 50 per cent vibration in shooting and allows 500,000 times of use. You have to find out by clicking it – the cat is still oblivious after I took 100 pictures with the A7R II.

A7R II的3吋120萬像素TFT LCD屏幕,能夠作向上104度 向下41度調節取景,稱得上是一塊很好的「捕獵器」 ;用Live View屏幕來影貓,肯定比viewfinder好,因為你仍可騰出一

Climbing up and down?

張笑臉來逗牠們注意你,有時單靠發出「啜啜啜」聲不足夠叫 喵星人望鏡頭的。雖然影貓未必用得上viewfinder,但A7R II

Shooting pets takes a lot of climbing up and down, so the standard

的XGA OLED Tru-Finder觀景器,進步程度是不可不提的。

SLR that relies on the viewfinder is not a good choice. The A7R II, featuring


a three-inch TFT LCD panel with a resolution of 1,200,000 pixels, can be


tilted 104 degrees upward or 41 degrees downward, making it the best tool


for capturing pets in action. The Live View panel is definitely better than a viewfinder for shooting cats, because you can use your smiley face to catch


kitty’s attention when clucking doesn’t work.

A7R II的拍片功能也是神級的,它是全球首部能拍攝4K

Though the viewfinder is not much use for shooting cats, we still have to

(QFDH 3840 x 2160)影片的全片幅數碼相機,而且能夠用

give a mention to the much-improved XGA OLED Tru-Finder of A7R II. It has

盡剛才提及的399點phase detection AF,那麼拍貓咪跑動時

double-sided aspherical elements, T* coating, resolution of 236,000,000


pixels, and the world’s highest magnification at 0.78x, providing views of


brilliant clarity and contrast in shooting or play back.

飛撲玩羽毛等超細微動作,那麼便提議大家採用XAVC S HD 格式,因為在1280 x 720的高清模式下,能夠提供每秒120

How high can the resolution go for catnip antics?

格拍攝,看慢動作重播時趣味性倍數提升。 A7RII is also superior in taking movies. It is the world’s first full-frame 當你拍完照,忙著透過A7R II的WiFi或NFC把作品無線

digital camera optimized for recording 4K (QFDH 3840 x 2160) movies.


Coupled with the 399 AF points phase detection AF, it is capable of keeping

會狂玩狂咬它,怎麼好?不用太擔心,A7R II約127 x 96 x

the focus on flighty kitty. The 4K recording in100Mbps bit rate can be saved


in the inserted SD card. Use the XAVC S HD format if you wish to capture


her royal cuteness drinking water with a curled tongue or catching catnip. The 1280 x 720 high-resolution mode films at 120 frames per second, so viewing in slow motion is so much more fun. While you’re busy uploading the adorable clips using the WiFi or NFC of A7R II, and neglected to put away the camera before kitty lays her claws on it, wouldn’t the result be disastrous? Not to worry. The body of the compact 127 x 96 x 61mm A7R II is built from hardy magnesium alloy that is certainly claw-proof. The lens, however, is a different issue.





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