EliteGen《星尚》 2015 CALGARY November Luxury Magazine (Chinese/English)

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A publication by Sing Tao Media Group November


November 2015 Vol. 12

2016米蘭春夏時裝周 Milan Fashion Week Spring-Summer 2016

Watches & Wonders 錶展精選 Piaget, Cartier, Baume & Mercier, Panerai, Van Cleef & Arpels, Vacheron Constantin, IWC & more.

Gaile lok : Slow livinG


Fall Shoes Galore

Slow Living:Gaile Lok

慢 活

樂 基 兒



coNteNts NOV


cover story


慢活 樂基兒

slow liVing: gaile lok

FashioN headliNe



Milan Fashion Week springsuMMer 2016



an oMega Journey to savour

watch story


36 巴黎直擊Direct from Paris chaumet JoséPhine high-Jewelry collection

watch News

48 盼望奇跡再臨 watches & wonDers wishing for miracles again

FashioN Feature

54 秋冬鞋履特集 fall shoes galore

FashioN talk

61 街拍鐵膽的時尚學 nick wooster street-style aesthetics


64 宅男宅女潮流 gucci: trenDs for inDoorsy guys anD gals

Beauty News

66 升 級再生基因修護露 estée lauDer aDVanceD night rePair synchroniZeD recoVery comPleX ii

67 8小時潤澤霜多效護膚油 eliZaBeth arDen eight hour®cream all-oVer miracle oil


68 multi-faceteD green

coNteNts NOV


elite car



2015 lexus gs 350 aWD F sport proviDes coMFort, perForMance in a luxury seDan



panasonic luMix g gx8 4k4k4k4k

elite liFe



st. Martin, French caribbean private villas by the beach


72 在 水中央的現代田園 舍 water surrounDeD moDern countrysiDe cottage

wiNe Not

elite choice

hi-tech 74 頂 尖音響系統打造家庭影院 ultimate auDio system anD home entertainment at hifi centre


78 西 岸地道風味 寰宇世界美食 market By Jean-georges shangri-la’s west coast worlD cuisine with chef ken nakano

82 為了single malt你可以去到幾盡? how far are you willing to go for a single malt? 98 激返生教主? iPaD Pro is JoBs turning in his graVe?

部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 All prices are in CAD unless otherwise specified. 除特別標明外,所有價錢以加幣計算。

maSthead 12

A publication by Sing Tao Media Group November


November 2015 Vol. 12

2016米蘭春夏時裝周 Milan Fashion Week Spring-Summer 2016

Watches & Wonders 錶展精選 Piaget, Cartier, Baume & Mercier, Panerai, Van Cleef & Arpels, Vacheron Constantin, IWC & more.

Gaile lok : Slow livinG

Fall Shoes Galore

Slow Living:Gaile Lok

慢 活

樂 基 兒


Read Online: EliteGen.singtao.ca iOS App: “EliteGen” in App Store



EG012_cover_final_Van_v1.indd 2

29/10/2015 0:30:07

編輯部 editorial

編輯主任 Editors

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Ross Hopkins

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美術部 art


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Cover Story 人生有時須懂得放慢腳步,好好欣賞美景,因為有 些事錯過了就只能回憶。名模樂基兒(Gaile)數年 前與黎天王離婚後,選擇轉移陣地,搬往峇里島生 活,沒有密密麻麻的work schedule,在這寧靜小 島上她閒時到海灘衝浪、做瑜伽,同時舒展其設計 神經,創立自家珠寶品牌Smokey Roses。今年初 Gaile強勢回歸香港,工作量有增無減,唯一的分 別?以往兩小時極速完成的封面拍攝,今敞Gaile決 定按時辦事,感染我這個急性子也陪她好好過了四 小時美妙時光。 In life, it’s sometimes best to adopt a slower pace and enjoy the beautiful scenery around you, for there are some things in life you simply don’t want to miss. A few years ago, after her divorce from Leon Lai (one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Cantopop in Hong Kong), famous model Gaile Lok chose to move her home base to Bali. No longer bound by a tightly packed work schedule, Lok enjoyed leisurely surfs and relaxing yoga sessions. At the same time, she flexed her designer muscles and founded her own jewelry brand, Smokey Roses. Early this year, Lok returned home to Hong Kong with an increased workload. The difference is that, instead of a fast two-hour cover shoot, Lok decided to take her time, inspiring impatient me to accompany her on a beautiful four-hour session.

Black deep v-neck maxi gown $1,230 (farfetch.com) Nappa leather gloves $479 (luisaviaroma.com) Both from Ann Demeulemeester Ryan Storer RS.4.E.005 drop ear cuff with stud US$560 (ryantorer.bigcartel.com)





慢活 Slow

三城記 14歲被發掘當模特兒的Gaile,早早習慣了漂洋過海的生活,比較 香港與峇里島的節奏,她認為最好是兩種兼備,「香港始終是一個大城 市,而峇里島是一個island lifestyle,香港會快速許多,經常有很多節 目、很多瑣碎事要做,於峇里島感覺好chill,可能平日半小時辦妥的事 會用兩小時慢慢完成。」 「如果環境許可,我希望同時擁有這兩種生活節奏,因為時常處於 city life也需要輕鬆一下。」作為半個峇里島人,Gaile推介大家一定要試 試於那裏上瑜伽課,「那裏的yoga跟香港非常不同,首先它是戶外進 行,做yoga時可能會看到蝴蝶飛過,還有聽到風聲,呼吸新鮮空氣,看




Francisco,我在那裏長大,那裏不論是藝術、美食還有文化上的多元 化,都是非常吸引。」

基 兒

A Tale of Three Cities Lok began her modelling career at age 14 and, since then, has got used to a life of travel. Comparing the rhythms of Hong Kong and Bali, she decided she wanted to have the best of both worlds. “Hong Kong is, after all, a big city, while Bali has an island lifestyle, and so Hong Kong is much faster in pace,” Lok says. “There are always lots of activities, lots of detailed things to do. But on Bali Island, you experience that ‘chill’ feeling. Something that may ordinarily be finished in half an hour may take you two hours to do at a relaxed pace. “If the environment permits, I would like to have both of these life rhythms at the same time, because sometimes I really need to relax while immersed in city life.” In Bali, Lok encourages everyone to take a yoga lesson, emphasizing they are different from those in Hong Kong. “First, they are held outdoors, so while you are practising yoga, you can see butterflies flying by, and you can also hear the sound of the wind, breathe in fresh air, watch the sun set. The feeling is completely different.” As for the most ideal place to live, Lok doesn’t hesitate in saying, “My favourite is still San Francisco. I grew up there and find the arts, food and cultural diversity there extremely attractive.”

gaile lok

text & styling | Lucas Tang photo | Michael K make up | Wendy@Wendy's Workshop hair | Hin Wan@il colpo






French Connection Navy blur starry dress $TBD







An active person

天生是個好動兒的Gaile,近年熱衷衝 浪、瑜伽外,最近又多了一個obsession,「數

Lok was born active and has been passionate in recent years about surfing and yoga. Recently she added another obsession.

月前開始學拉丁舞,不是跳得很好,但就是想 找一些不同的cardio workout,如果只做單一

“A few months ago, I started learning Latin dance,” she says. “I can’t do it very


well yet, but I want to find some different cardio workouts. If I just do one kind of


workout, my muscles will become lazy.

昨日才剛剛由早上十點練到下午四點,我最 喜愛上Zumba課,跳舞的確很好玩,而且是 effortless workout,一點也不覺辛苦。」 香港女生大多愛美白,但個人認為古銅肌 的Gaile更健康迷人,奈何model工作需要,

“I use boxing to work on my abdomen and arms, dancing to train my heart and lungs, and yoga to improve the flexibility of my ligaments. Yesterday, I worked out from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. I like zumba lessons best, because dancing is fun and it is an effortless workout. It doesn’t feel difficult at all.”

Gaile惟有認命,「不是不能曬黑,但以前着 onepiece曬太陽往往曬得不均勻,所以現在我

Most Hong Kong girls love fair skin, but Lok thinks bronze-coloured skin looks


healthier and more attractive. Unfortunately because of modelling, Lok has to



衝浪衝上癮的Gaile,連著名泳衣品牌 Roxy亦邀她合作,「After all the surfing,好

“It isn’t that you cannot be tanned at all. But before, I used to wear one-piece


swimsuits and had uneven tan lines all over. Now I am fully prepared before I go


surfing. I wear a long-sleeve body suit, cap and put on sunscreen.”

着的款式。平時我較喜歡edgy and cool,但今 次我希望新系列是非常開心,好colourful的。」

The famous swimsuit brand Roxy has invited Lok to be a partner. “After all the surfing, I was very happy to be able to collaborate with Roxy on


designs. I will be designing surfboards, as well as a series of surfing suits and swimsuits. They will also be styles that I like to wear. Usually, I like to be edgy and

早年修讀藝術課程,對設計分外有心得, 下半年design projects陸續有來, 「最近正在籌 備Smokey Roses的第二個season,剛剛看過

cool, but this time I hope to convey happiness, so it will be very colourful.”

Reality Show

一些sample,但是我的schedule有點忙,希望 年尾可以順利推出,新季會保留之前的宗教元

Lok, who took art classes years ago, has non-stop design projects on the go.

素如十字架等等,再會加上一些東方色彩的設 計。」

“Recently, I have been planning Smokey Roses’ second season,” she says. “I just

「今次只是我的第二次,還有很多東西需 要慢慢學,設計是我的一個passion,或者有

finished viewing a few samples, but my schedule is a bit packed and so I am hoping to introduce the new season at the end of year.

天我不再當model,我可以全心投入讓這盤 生意維持下去,但暫時來說這是興趣多過生 意。」

“The new season will preserve some of the religious elements from before, such as crosses, and will incorporate some designs that have an eastern flavour.

行騷、出event駕輕就熟,Gaile今年亦多 了不少新嘗試,「之前與Joey(容祖兒)一同上

“This year is only my second year. I still have many things to learn over time.


Design is one of my passions, so perhaps one day I won’t be a model any more, and


I can fully engage in keeping this business going. Right now, it is most interest than



但主持可以令觀眾看到我另一面。」 剛度過35歲生日,Gaile覺得自己從內 到外都起了不少改變,「以前着衫風格會好

Lok is a veteran of fashion shows and event appearances, but this year she’s taken on new challenges.

sporty、masculine,but still sexy,30歲前很 沉迷搖滾,好似爛T恤,所有東西都是黑色,


“Early on, I appeared in a reality show in China with Joey Yung. I also went to


Italy to host a travel program about fashion. I find hosting very interesting work. As


a model, I usually don’t have to talk, so my image is cool and somewhat aloof. As a


host, I can let the audience see another side of me.”




Lok recently celebrated her 35th birthday and feels she has changed -on the inside and the outside. “My dress style previously was very sporty and masculine, but still sexy. Before 30, I was in love with rock, so I had ripped T-shirts and all my clothes were black. But I realize the older I get, the more I like colour, even designs that are patterned.” My guess is that the change has less to do with age than with a happier mood.

Grey sweater $TBD Delia skirt $555 (shopbop.com) Black belt $TBD All from IRO






Simone Rocha red & White checkered tweed dress $2,825 (ssense.com) Kurt Geiger nude Carvela $220 (kurtgeiger.com)





Fashion Headline


Milan FasHion Week Spring-Summer 2016

Circle Tang, Fashion Editor





這趟米蘭時裝周可謂事事順境,一切都在掌握之中,不 單只我順風順水,連首派成績單的Emilio Pucci新設計總監 Massimo Giorgetti及於Gucci獲發第二張成績表的Alessandro Michele也順利過關,他倆擔上新崗位後,均落力擺脫前任的 影子,前者更大膽棄掉品牌經典的腰果花,看得我心裏歡呼大 喊:「有guts!」 今季好像特別多的亞洲女星出席時裝周,有胡杏兒、張栢 芝、陳意涵、天王嫂昆凌等等,剛產子不久的昆凌幾乎所有大 品牌均有出席,筆者更與她同住一間酒店,多次在酒店大堂碰 上,是挺親民的,不過未知是Gucci玩她還是她玩自己,穿上 品牌提供的秋冬灰色套裝出席Gucci show,不論風格、剪裁或 尺碼都好像不太合身-不過,我因此而印象難忘,你問我胡 杏兒、張栢芝、陳意涵穿過甚麼,我已忘得一乾而淨了。 By any measure, things went smoothly at this year’s Milan Fashion Week for Massimo Giorgetti and Alessandro Michele. Giorgetti, Emilio Pucci’s new design director, and Michele, from the house of Gucci, both got favourable report cards. Since assuming their current roles, both had been working hard to emerge from the shadow of their predecessors. Giorgetti was even bold enough to drop Pucci’s emblematic paisley print. What a gutsy move! Milan Fashion Week attracted a number of Asian showbiz celebrities, among them Myolie Wu, Cecilia Cheung, Ivy Chen and Hannah Quinlivan, wife of Jay Chow. Quinlivan graced the shows of most major brands. We stayed in the same hotel and bumped into each other in the lobby a few times. She came across as very personable, yet her chemistry with Gucci wasn’t quite right. The grey suit given to her from Gucci’s Autumn-Winter collection, just wasn’t her. Having said that, she did make an impression on me, much more so than the other actresses. Honestly, I can’t recall what they wore to the shows.

昆凌這套裝的剪裁有點 不妥,只有五呎二吋的 她,似乎駕馭不來。 This suit looks wrong on Hannah Quinlivan and appears to overwhelm her five-foot-two frame.

品牌除了着重場地布置外,邀請卡也很花心 思,Moschino送卡的同時更附上工程帽一 個,此舉已賺了很多IG或FB post! Moschino’s invitation card stands out as much as the venue design. That it is delivered with a hard hat is already a winner, garnering numerous posts on Instagram and Facebook.





Fashion Headline

The Tails 利用前長後短的不對稱剪 裁,視覺上把整體線條拉長。「尾 巴」跟着步伐躍動,跟隨節拍「舞 動」起來,魅力十足。 An asymmetrical hemline that is short in front and long at the back visually lengthens the body. The “tail” dances in rhythm as you Emporio Armani


sashay, and every step gives off Gucci


irresistible charm.



Ethereal Sheer 透視、輕薄、飄逸等東西在來季再 度降臨,設計師們把透視拼以圖案或其 他物料,甚至利用多層透視效果,使層 次感更為突出,走起路來更為飄逸。 Sheer, flimsy and flowy fabrics are back next season. Designers set translucent materials against block prints, or juxtapose different textures or layers to give weight to the layering and flowy effect.








Milan Fashion Week Spring-Summer 2016 trend preview Laid-back Stripe 休閒風於春夏季大行 其道,而橫間有着濃厚的 resort風格,因此各大品 牌如Dolce & Gabbana、 Blumarine及Max Mara都以 橫間帶出航海或休閒情懷。 A holiday-making feel looms large for Spring-

Dolce & Gabbana


Summer. Stripes are so synonymous with resort style that major brands like Dolce & Gabbana, Blumarine and Max Mara are applying them generously



Dolce &



Light Up 秋冬深沉,春夏彩色似乎是時裝界的用色定 律,新季的色彩除了繽紛,更愛撞色,或加上圖 案,希望藉着歡欣的氣氛帶動低迷的零售業。 Dark for the cold months. Vibrant for SpringSummer. This seems to be the unspoken colour

to bring out a nautical or resort holiday feel.

rule in the fashion world. The palette for the next season is definitely vibrant. Colour contrast is played up, along with prints. The joyful spirit brought on by the brilliant colours might also be the pick-me-up that the retail


Max Mara

industry sorely needs.

Gucci 24





Fashion Headline



Vintage Fairies

論invitation card,Gucci是我最

Of all the invitation cards, Gucci’s is the one I like the


most. The lace-on-card envelope contains a laser-cut card

封,內有laser cut的卡紙,整個氛圍

conveying a fairyland feel. As well, a lot of thought was put


into the choice of venue. The show was staged in an open


area near Milan Monumental Cemetery. Only the runway was


under cover. Trees lined either side of the runway, and the


semi-open setting indeed made us feel we were in fairyland.

有如置身仙境。Alessandro Michele






The Gucci collection masterminded by Alessandro


Michele is indeed dream-like, rich in colour and full of floral


and exciting prints. Sequin accessories are applied liberally,


obviously with a sense of humour, as in the case of the


sequined bow. The popular fluffy loafers now in stores


will appear again in the new season, updated yet not


compromising the vintage and casual feel.

Dolce & Gabbana


Beyond Sicily

設計師Stefano Gabbana及

Designers Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce

Domenico Dolce想稍為偏離一點西

wanted to veer away a little from the Sicilian style and


sought inspiration from famous Italian cities. Their


inspiration boards were covered with postcard shots from

主題,其inspiration boards也貼滿

Venice, Rome, Florence and Capri. The first look was


decorated with studs forming the phrase “Italia is love.”

島等旅遊照片,首個出場look釘有 「Italia is love」的字樣,品牌慣性地

The finale, with models overrunning the runway as


per their usual style, had the entire lineup of models in


outfits bearing images of touristy sites. It seemed like a


hard sell of Italy’s famous sights. There were still elements


synonymous with the brand -- like embroideries, laces,


see-throughs, big patterns, crop-tops and shorts that


are still very Sicilian. There were also plenty of ethnic

有不少民族元素如流穗、pom pom

touches, using fringes, pompoms and even cheongsam







Fashion Headline

Salvatore Ferragamo Massimiliano Giornetti於Salvatore


A Breakthrough

Massimiliano Giornetti has been with Salvatore Ferragamo for 15 years and has


seen the brand evolve. In 2010, he took up the task of designing women’s fashion as


its creative director, and it was speculated then that he would maintain the Salvatore


Ferragamo influence. However, he has proven to be resourceful and has filled the last few


seasons with androgynous designs that provide a touch of femininity, yet occasionally


throwing in a sprinkling of “wild women.”

的野性女人味,新一季則大玩ruffles、褶襉、 布條繩結、毛毛等,不論是輪廓剪裁或風格


For the new season, he plays with ruffles, pleats, fabric knots and furs. The cutting


and the style are unlike anything he has done before, and are highly wearable. It’s a


breakthrough indeed. Coupled with lace-up shoes that will continue to be a hit this


season, carrying on from last season, he is totally in sync with the times.




Fashion Headline

Emilio Pucci


No More Flowers

前任設計總監Peter Dundas離任後, 頂上的竟是修讀會計,早年以音樂為首的 MSGM創辦人Massimo Giorgetti。由他 掌舵的Emilio Pucci,應該很有驚喜,結 果沒有令人失望,大玩物料與質感對比, 褶襉及透視薄紗貫穿整個系列,他並沒有 把MSGM的幽默玩味放到品牌之中,極 其量只有他愛用的拼貼圖案,那些海洋生 物釘飾拼貼圖案無損品牌的高雅女人味。 Show行至大半時,筆者心想難道Emilio Pucci那些標記式腰果花放在壓軸?至完 show離場,腰果花半粒也沒有出現過, 只有花似的抽象人像圖案,Massimo Giorgetti 果然大膽,人見人buy!

Following the departure of design director Peter Dundas, this designer house turned to a man trained as an accountant, who was also in the music business at one point -- MSGM founder Massimo Giorgetti. Under his direction, one should rightfully expect plenty of surprises, and he doesn’t disappoint us. He plays with the contrast of materials and textures. Pleats and see-through organza are applied throughout the collection. He stopped short at injecting MSGM humour into the brand. At most, he only let in his favourite technique of throwing in patterning. The sea creature decorations do not diminish the feminine elegance. More than halfway through the show, I began to wonder whether he would be retaining the paisley designs. When the show was over, I have my answer -- no sign of even half a paisley and only abstract human forms in floral shape. That’s very gutsy, Massimo. I buy that and so will others.





Fashion Headline



Quirky Vintage


It was clear that Miuccia Prada wouldn’t be at


this season’s biggest fashion show because she


was keeping vigil for a close relative, who passed


away recently. The spooky music seemed reflective

好像在訴說着Miuccia Prada不

of her sadness, yet her work was not at all spooky.


She continued with the vintage theme that has


become her trademark in recent years.




The look is quirky with stripes, checks,


geometric shapes in different textures and cuts,


adorned by playful net-like neckline accessories and


big earrings. The collection’s tailored jackets stand

A字肩膊剪裁,可謂打破 「西裝能

out with sloping-shoulder cutting, but it only serves


to break the rule that suits make the wearer appear


slimmer. Not every model managed to carry it off.






Ultimate Proportions


Well before the show, matriarch Carla Fendi had

已跟大家說:「I prefer to focus

stated, in no uncertain terms: “I prefer to focus on

on proportion 」,以為是新一

proportion.” It seemed like she was hinting at the


long-short asymmetrical hemline. Turned out she was


playing with puffed sleeves, the only designer to do so


in the whole Milan Fashion Week. The puffed sleeves


and balloon pants stuck with me for a long time after


the show.

配修身剪裁或束腰細節;一闊 一窄把比例玩得淋漓盡致,微

Big sleeves or balloon pants set against slim-fit or


cinched-waist designs achieves the desired effect of


contrast. Even rounder bodies can rock the look. It can

間鏤空的設計是cropped top之

easily become a top seller. The mid-section cutouts are


a variation of cropped-top design. The top and bottom


segments of the outfit are joined together by the front panel, which is also a nifty trick to hide the belly bulge.





Fashion Headline



Feminism Rules

「Am I happy with who I am ?

“Am I happy with who I am? Am I happy with the

Am I happy with the people around

people around me? Am I happy with the way my life

me ? Am I happy with the way my

is going?” The voice-over backed by vibrant beats

life is going? 」強勁的音樂節拍配上

was created for International Women’s Day, and


clearly directed at strong women. Creative director

International Women's Day而設的,

Donatella Versace said: “When I heard it, I was so


sure of myself. I wanted to challenge myself, to do

Donatella Versace道: 「When I heard

something strong.”

it, I was so sure of myself. I wanted to challenge myself, to do something





First step: turn around the Autumn-Winter

strong. 」首先,她為秋冬系列來個大

collection. Instead of a mature and sophisticated feel,


a military theme was adopted, with panther stripes.


Each detail underscores a toughness. Tube tops

節都很剛強,即使tube top也襯上西

are topped with a suit jacket and paired with tailored


pants. It’s sexy and still strong. Knots add a touch of


femininity, but they only come in black, to draw a line


with being romantic and lovely.

Giorgio Armani 未知是否因為慶祝品牌四十周


Take it Easy in Red

Perhaps it’s for the brand’s 40th anniversary.

年,Mr Giorgio Armani特意用上紅

Giorgio Armani has made a point of using red as the


new season’s theme colour. The casual pants, big-


rimmed hats and various mix-and-match individual


pieces appear elegant and soft. The easy-going look is


apparent, even when it combines the brand’s signature

西褲、也帶出easy going的感覺。直

executive look and the light grey short tailored pants.

至show的後段,音樂開始「認真」起 來,眼前的裙子也不再relax,取而

Towards the end of the show, the music gets


serious and “relax” dresses give way to gemstone-


adorned evening gowns, with a touch of red hidden in


the silky lining -- a different type of femininity.






巴黎直擊Direct from Paris

Chaumet Joséphine HigH-jewelry collection text | Chappie photo | Sing


The classic tiara


Chaumet’s imperial connections date back to the Napolean era, after


the brand made the empress’s tiara that defined its unique style. The


Joséphine high-jewelry collection exudes imperial charm and elegance,


inspired by classic architectural geometry, majestic gardens and water


fountains. The tiara designs for this season evoke scenes of water dancing in fountains.


4 1. 擁 有230年歷史的Chaumet,其設計與花有緊密關係,一切源於約瑟芬皇后的 花園,今次巴黎珠寶展,品牌將皇后花園重現眼前,展現原裝法式浪漫。 The floral designs that the 230-year-old Chaumet is synonymous with are inspired by Empress Joséphine’s gardens. The majestically romantic gardens are recreated for this Paris jewelry show. 2. Chaumet Joséphine“ Rondes de Nuit” 腕錶 (未定價) 18K白金錶殼密鑲鑽石,推 開可看到隱藏錶盤,搭載石英機芯襯黑色絹錶帶。 Chaumet Joséphine “Rondes de Nuit” wristwatch The diamond-paved 18-karat white gold case opens to reveal the hidden dial. The black satin strap accentuates the classiness of this quartz watch.(Price on application) 3. 為 了向品牌的繆斯女神─約瑟芬皇后 (Empress Joséphine) 致敬,在巴黎總壇 以皇后的房間為主題,來展示今季主打鑲嵌白鑽的Joséphine 高級珠寶系列。 Paying tribute to the brand’s muse, Empress Joséphine, a room themed as the empress’s boudoir in Chaumet’s maison is the stage for this season’s diamondadorned Joséphine high-jewelry collection. 36






5 4. C haumet總壇內掛着一幅約八尺高的人像油畫,畫中人就是約瑟芬皇后 (Empress Joséphine) ,比瑪麗安東尼皇后年輕八年,也是一位享樂主義者, 追求感官享受,並擁有過人品味。 Chaumet’s maison displays a 2.5-metre-high portrait of Empress Joséphine, who, at eight years younger than Marie Antoinette, was just as hedonistic and as much a purveyor of the finer things in life. 5. 生 於十九世紀的約瑟芬皇后對珠寶設計非常講究,也造就Chaumet發展出獨有 浪漫風格。 Empress Joséphine of the 19th century was very particular about jewelry designs, which helped Chaumet define its unique romantic style. 6. Chaumet Joséphine“Eclat Floral”鉑金冠冕,中央鑲嵌一顆1.02卡 D色VVS1高淨 度鑽石。$110,000 Chaumet Joséphine “Eclat Floral” platinum tiara, with a 1.02-carat diamond of D colour and VVS1 clarity. $110,000


在巴黎可以感受到最傳統的法式浪漫以外,還有 過百年歷史累積的藝術美學。早前到巴黎Place Vendôme Chaumet總壇欣賞最新高級珠寶系 列,伴隨着除了逾二百年歷史的建築物之外,還 有約瑟芬皇后(Empress Joséphine)的畫像、宮 廷式的浪漫花園等等,在浪漫氛圍籠罩下欣賞 四十五件源自王室的巨鑽瑰寶。 (所有價錢均為約價,僅供參考)

Chaumet Joséphine "Aigrette Imperiale" 鉑金手鐲 中央主石D色高淨度,重達2.10卡。 $380,000

Chaumet Joséphine “Aigrette Imperiale” platinum bangle The 2.1-carat main gem boasts the highest grade D colour. $380,000


Paris evokes quintessential French romance and aestheticism of centuries-old proportion. Thus, the journey to Chaumet’s maison in Place Vendôme makes for a royal treat. Be immersed in the romantic ambiance emanated by the collection of 45 pieces of imperial gems, in the company of Empress Joséphine’s portrait in a 200-year-old historical building surrounded by regal and romantic gardens. (Prices are approximate, for reference only)


Chaumet Joséphine“Eclat Floral”鉑金冠冕, 中央主石重2.01卡。$430,000

Chaumet Joséphine “Eclat Floral” platinum tiara, featuring a 2.01-carat crown jewel.$430,000






Chaumet Joséphine “Rondes de Nuit” 戒指 鉑金指間戒,主要鑲嵌一顆重2.12卡梨形鑽石,及一顆重1.04卡梨形 鑽石,兩顆均D色VVS1高淨度。 $430,000 Chaumet Joséphine “Rondes de Nuit” ring The between-the-finger ring in platinum is adorned with a 2.1-carat, pear-shaped diamond and a 1.04-carat, pear-shaped diamond, both of D colour and VVS1 clarity. $430,000






Chaumet Joséphine “Eclat Floral” 鉑金戒指,中央黃鑽重1.11卡。 (未定價) Chaumet Joséphine “Eclat Floral” platinum ring, with a 1.11-carat yellow diamond. (price on application)

Chaumet Joséphine “Aigrette Imperiale” 鉑金戒指, 中央鑲嵌5.05卡D色無瑕巨鑽。 (未定價) Chaumet Joséphine “Aigrette Imperiale” platinum ring, with a 5.05-carat flawless D colour diamond. (price on application)

Chaumet Joséphine “Rondes de Nuit” 鉑金吊墜頸鏈,中央 梨形鑽石重3.34卡。 約$900,000 Chaumet Joséphine “Rondes de Nuit” necklace and pendant in platinum, with a 3.34-carat, pear-shaped diamond. $900,000





Watch Story

博物館現時以登月為中心主 題,太空人模型身上穿的也是 真實太空衣。 The current theme for the museum is the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969 and a genuine space suit adorns the astronaut display.


An OMEGA Journey to Savour

出發前公關說會讓我們細意感受品牌理念、哲學、歷史、將來,慢慢看,慢慢玩,可以逐一向博物 館裡幾百枚錶行注目禮,也可以跟隨Sergio Garcia﹙Omega代言大使﹚的步伐,在高球場內由這個 洞打到那個洞。慢煮是一種潮流,慢觀也該是賞錶的模式,以下數頁篇幅,請慢慢欣賞。 The press officer on the Omega tour tells us to take our time pouring over the hundreds of items in the Omega museum to get a good feel of the brand’s DNA, history and future. He also assures us there’s no need to rush when following the brand’s ambassador, Sergio Garcia, around the course during the golf tournament. As with slow cooking, slow viewing is the way to savour the art of watchmaking. So sit back and read on. text & photo | Douglas Sung





博物館內收藏逾400枚作品,要全部看完,請預留半天時間。 One should set aside at least half a day to do justice to the 400-odd exhibits in the Omega Museum.



Biel的Omega Museum,一個是位於Lausanne的Olympic



為題布置,紀念Speedmaster衝出太空50年的事蹟。繼 續榕樹頭講古時間,當年美國太空總署於坊間擺擂台招

Omega Museum棲身品牌總壇對面,樓高兩層,沒









這個疑問,何解NASA要向Omega頒發Snoopy Award,


Woodstock、Charlie、Lucy Award不可以嗎?原來Snoopy







芯,還有創辦人Louis Brandt當年用過的工作檯。當中展














今年巴塞爾錶展上Omega既有Snoppy新版,又有 57年復刻版,再有Dark Side或White Side映照月球錶,

止計時。除了袋錶和腕錶,實在也不能抹殺Omega發展各 類大型計時器的功德無量。

參觀完Omega Museum,我們向Olympic Museum進發, 那裡再沒腕錶展出,最吸睛的是奧運火炬獎牌場館模型等,但 也有向Omega致敬的部分,展出了Omega為奧運會特別設計的 重點計時儀器,如剛才提及過的泳賽觸摸板,以及田徑比賽專 用的違規起步探測器。明年以後,會否加插高爾夫球比賽專屬 的創新計時儀器? We went on to the Olympic Museum after the Omega Museum. With no wrist watches in the museum, our eyeballs were drawn to the Olympic torches and medals. There is also a section paying 相片中間的是違規起步探測器,而右上角的黃色板塊就是 觸摸板。 The starting block timer for detecting false starts in track-and-field events and the yellow touch plates for aquatic timekeeping.

tribute to Omega, showcasing its major timekeeping inventions for the Olympics over the years, such as the electronic pressure plates in swimming pools. Will we be seeing an innovative timekeeping solution for the Olympic golf tournament next year?





Watch Story

Omega達天文台級別的鐘錶曾獲獎 無數,從Neuchatel、Geneva、KewTeddington天文台準繩度比賽中刷新 了多達72項紀錄。 Omega watches have broken more than 72 records of precision at major observatories, including those in the Swiss cities of Neuchatel and Geneva, and Kew-Teddington, just outside London.

The journey to Switzerland is one of connecting

watch, along with the Dark Side of the Moon and the

with history. Our first stops are at the Omega Museum

White Side of the Moon. These will certainly make the

in Biel and the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, both

Speedmaster collection the star this year.

closely linked to Omega and its art of watchmaking. Its importance is underscored in the museum. The The two-storey Omega Museum, located opposite

first thing that caught our eyes was the moonwalk-

the brand’s headquarters, is devoid of grandeur, but is

themed display showing off the Speedmaster worn

a treasure trove nonetheless. The museum was opened

during the historic Apollo 11 moonwalk in 1969. As the

in 1984 and was the first-ever museum for a single

story goes, NASA was soliciting for a perfect watch for

brand. It was refurbished and reopened in 2010 as the

the astronauts. Four brands were in the early running

showcase of 400 precious timepieces.

-- Hamilton, Longines, Omega and Rolex.

Our museum guide is a master storyteller who

Hamilton was quickly eliminated with its pocket

needs no script to regale us with stories of the evolution

watch, and Omega eventually was the last brand

of women’s watches, the secrets of the moon watch

standing, with the Speedmaster. If you wonder why

and the evolution of the Olympic Games. His stories

NASA picked Snoopy (not Woodstock, Charlie or

helped us become something of an expert on Omega

Lucy) to name its award, it’s because the helmeted

ourselves. No need to envy us, for anyone can visit

appearance of the astronauts resemble Snoopy. Since

the museum. It’s open to public and commentary is

then, Snoopy has been the award’s mascot.

全人類都對今年的Snoopy再 版虎視眈眈,博物館內有舊 版給你望梅止渴。 Admire the vintage Snoopy collection in the museum while we eagerly await this year’s Snoopy collection.

available in English, French, German and Putonghua. Let’s move on now to the third part of the A small room near the museum’s entrance is filled

storytelling. When we watch the adrenaline-pumping

with antique watches and mechanisms, as well as the

track-and-field and swimming events at the Olympics,

workbench of the brand’s founder, Louis Brandt. One

we have Omega and its hard work to thank. Omega

of the exhibits is a pocket watch circa 1885 with a

has been the official timekeeper for the Olympics

12-hour totalizer. It was quite ahead of its time in an era

since 1932 and has introduced 30 high-precision

when most totalizers were up to only 30 to 45 minutes.

chronographs, accurate to within one-tenth of a second. The timekeeping shown on the television

Turning around, we are greeted by a collection of

screen as we watch Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt flash

women’s watches that gained significance when pocket

across the finish line, is also Omega’s contribution. It

watches slowly gave way to wrist watches. It was

debuted with the 1964 Tokyo Games.

only after the First World War that male wrist watches became more dominant. Staying true to history, Omega

in the 1960s, using electronic pressure plates on pool

and more than 30 per cent of its collection consists

walls as a stopwatch. It goes to show how Omega has

of women’s watches, the most notable ones in the

played a significant role in sports timekeeping. That’s

Constellation collection.

in addition to delighting its many fans with pocket

At this year’s Baselworld, Omega showcased a new version, as well as a retro version, of the 1957 Snoopy


Omega also invented the aquatic timing system

is as attentive to watches for women as for men,




watches and wrist watches throughout its 167-year history.

誕於1894年的The 19' Omega Calibre機芯,品牌名 字也是由此而來。 The name of brand come form the 19'Omega Calibre mechanism, invented in 1894.

Watch Story

這裡是第18個洞的所在地,球手還在其他洞努力中,已有不少人霸佔最佳位置準備欣賞。 Spectators have already staked out the best positions around the 18th hole before the players get there.


Golfing on picturesque Swiss mountain

Swatch Group旗下品牌很是和睦相處,不會勾心鬥角你爭我奪

The various brands of the Swatch Group work in harmony,


and each has its own sport to champion. Blancpain associates


itself with car racing, Hamilton with flying, Longines with


equestrian eventing and Omega with golf. The brand’s

冠軍的Sergio Garcia,以及年初仍排名世界第一的Rory Mcllroy(截稿

involvement is not limited to advertising. Omega has snapped

前排名第二) 。

up nine golf celebrities as brand ambassadors, including Sergio Garcia, the winner of seven PGA titles, and Rory


Mcllroy, the world’s No. 1 player earlier this year

早已踏足過觀瀾湖、粉嶺等高爾夫球會的草地,這次大費周章遠征瑞 士Crans-Montana,參與此項歷史悠久的Omega European Masters

This isn’t the first time Omega has invited media to a


golf tournament. They have been to events at Mission Hill in


California and the Fanling Golf Course in Hong Kong. This


time, we were taken to Crans-Montana, Switzerland for the

Rory Mcllroy大戰Sergio Garcia不是天方夜譚。

long-standing Omega European Masters tournament.


The journey to Crans-Montana is filled with twists and


turns. The golf course sits halfway up the mountain and is


surrounded by hotels and small shops. It is a year-round resort


-- golf in summer, skiing in winter. The greenery and the hilly


scenic views of the course indeed made our hearts sing.






題外話一則,這次Omega相當貼心,給我們每人分配了一 枚腕錶全程試戴,我選了最新的Seamaster Aqua Terra James Bond特別版,戴著戴著不以為然,連參加golf clinic時也懵然不 覺,揮了一百次桿之後才如夢初醒。好彩我們不是Sergio Garcia 又不是Daniel Graig,不敢過份使勁揮桿生怕老骨頭受不了,否則 腕錶能否抵禦揮桿時的G-force真的很難說得準。放心,腕錶在事 後一兩天也運作如常,想不到Omega除了防磁大躍進,防G-force 也深藏不露。 Seamaster Aqua Terra 占士邦最新特別版,經非專業真人測 試,輕微揮擊動作是沒問題的。 As an aside, Omega thoughtfully gave each person on the tour a watch to try on. I picked the latest special edition Seamaster Aqua Terre James Bond. I must have made hundreds of golf swings with the watch on my wrist before remembering I was wearing it. Luckily, aging bones slowed me from hitting as hard as Sergio Garcia or James Bond actor Daniel Craig would have, or else the G-force from the golf swings might have hampered the watch’s precision. I’m happy to report that the watch worked perfectly in the days after the event. Perhaps that’s indicative of how Omega has quietly taken a big leap forward in proofing against G-force, other than magnetism? Omega European Masters最後由英國球手Danny Willett以 總成績低17桿奪冠,獲Omega頒贈Seamaster 300 Master Co-Axial腕錶。 British player Danny Willet takes the Omega European Masters title with a 17-under-par score. He also wins an Omega Seamaster 300 Master Co-Axial watch.


Seamaster Aqua Terre James Bond special edition has been tested by non-professionals to be G-force proof after amateurish golf swings.


01. 球手聚精匯神擊球,但我們的焦點,很 容易被球道後面的壯闊景致吸引過去。 Golfers must concentrate on the ball, but we can let ourselves be distracted by the magnificent views. 02. 高球比賽仍然採用人手更改的告示牌, 貫徹慢條斯理精神,電子顯示器還是留 給速度感強勁的運動項目。 In keeping with the spirit of a slow game, golf tournaments still use manual updating of the scoreboard. Automation is for speedier sports. 03. 一般只要發球台上出現了球手,就會招 徠一大班觀眾圍攏,平常觀眾都是各散 東西,似去郊野公園。 Spectators scatter, much like on a picnic, before players tee off.






Watch news 記得去年Watches & Wonders香港錶

Last year’s Watches & Wonders opened in Hong


Kong in the thick of the umbrella movement


when people were campaigning for a political


miracle. This year, the show opens in a lacklustre

品生意的更要扭盡六壬,在Watches &

market, and luxury brands are pulling out all


the stops, hoping for a miraculous recovery.

「奇跡」 再現:市道能早日暢旺過來!就 看看今年參展新品,希望好錶好有報。

Hopefully, the sterling lineup for this year’s show will help them achieve what they’re after.


Watches & Wonders Wishing for miracles again text | Ringo photo | Kauzrambler (Montblanc)






Heritage Spirit Perpetual Calendar Sapphire 大家對Montblanc去年推出的一款萬年曆錶記憶猶新,不鏽鋼版破天 荒只售萬五元,玫瑰金版亦只是兩萬多元,超值得令人難以置信。夠驚喜 嗎?大概還未算,因為品牌將於今年W&W中推出Heritage Spirit Perpetual Calendar Sapphire,是該款萬年曆錶的變奏版,依然是玫瑰金錶殼,但 改配淡煙薰色藍寶石水晶透明錶盤,搭載的MB29.15自動機芯結構和萬年 曆系統的運作一覽無遺,售價竟然同樣是兩萬多元,定價的驚喜程度比去 年的玫瑰金版有過之而無不及。腕錶的萬年曆系統在2100年前毋須調校 外,就算因沒動力而停止了,也可透過錶殼側的correctors快速調校各項 功能。此外,品牌現時實施了嚴謹品質測試,只有通過品牌實驗室500小 時品質測試的產品才能推出市場,極有信心保證。 Montblanc created an indelible impression with last year’s Perpetual Calendar, unbelievably priced at very accessible $15,000 for the stainless-steel version and just over $20,000 for the red gold version. More pleasant surprises are in store at this year’s show with the launch of the Heritage Spirit Perpetual Calendar Sapphire. It’s still priced at just over $20,000 for red gold, but has been updated with a transparent smoky sapphire dial to display the MB29.15 automatic mechanism and the perpetual calendar that requires no adjustment before 2100. Even if it runs out of power, it can be quickly readjusted with the correctors on the side of the case. Stringent testing ensures that only the timepieces that excel in the 500 hours of quality-control work in the laboratory will be released.


Emperador Coussin XL Lune Astronomique 這次伯爵最新推出的Secrets & Lights - A Mythical Journey by Piaget高級腕錶系列,陣容相當鼎盛,一共有38枚腕錶!這枚畫了 精緻地圖的月相腕錶是當中的一員。錶盤以內填琺瑯、手工雕刻及 微縮琺瑯繪畫出威尼斯與撒馬爾罕美麗國土,6時位置還有一個122 年後才需要調校的巨大月相顯示(直徑達12mm)。玫瑰金錶殼直徑 46.5mm,搭載860P自動機芯,限量8枚。 The “Secrets & Lights - A Mythical Journey by Piaget” Haute Horlogerie collection is extensive, with 38 timepieces in all. The moonphase in the collection features an exquisite world map. The ancient map of Venice and Samarkand is depicted on the dial using the champlevé enamel technique with miniature enamel-painted details. The astronomical moon, with a large aperture of 12 millimetres at 6 o’clock, needs no adjustment for 122 years. Powered by a 860P caliber in a 46.5-millimetre red gold case, the watch is a limited edition of eight pieces only.





Watch News

Piaget Limelight Stella

這是伯爵首次為女性打造的複雜功能 腕錶,特意挑選富有詩意的月相作主角, 用閃亮生輝的鑽石化作星星伴隨著12時 位置的特大月相顯示。玫瑰金錶殼直徑 36mm,鑲有126顆美鑽共重0.65克拉呈



Clé de Cartier Flying Tourbillon Calibre


9452 MC

色。腕錶搭載的是584P自動機芯,具42小時 動力儲備。 Piaget’s first-ever complicated women’s watch stars the poetic moonphase at 12 o’clock, surrounded by diamonds for stars and framed by rows of 14 diamonds of 0.06 carats. The 36-millimetre oval red gold case is set with 126 diamonds of 0.65 carats. The design is reminiscent of the Gouverneur in the men’s collection. It is powered by the 584P caliber and features 42 hours of power reserve.

卡地亞今年初推出的Clé de Cartier系 列腕錶,錶殼造型返璞歸真,圓中帶方的簡 約線條襯衫容易,走的是日常佩戴的時尚路 線,功能應該不會太複雜。想不到原來這是 一廂情願,就算簡約如Clé de Cartier系列, 只要搭載品牌經典的Cal. 9452 MC手上鏈機 芯,在6時位置加入造型和手工都一絕的飛 行式陀飛輪,品牌signature的大C字秒 針與陀飛輪一起轉呀轉,配合足足鑲 了478顆共重3.56克拉鑽石的白金錶 殼,以及與指針和時刻襯到絕的藍 色鱷魚皮帶,證明新系列一樣可 以既複雜又華麗。 The shape of the Clé de Cartier launched early this year is down to earth – the round shape with a hint of square creates

Baume & Mercier Classima 36.5mm

simple lines styled for all fashions and, hence, makes for a good everyday watch. So perhaps it won’t be overly complicated in functions? Wrong. The Cal.


9452 hand-winding caliber powers a flying


tourbillon that goes around with the brand’s


signature C-shaped seconds display at 6


o’clock, demonstrating a top-notch look and



有日曆功能,簡單以四字概括就是漂亮大方。 這個新的皮帶款更討人歡心,估計價錢也相當 宜人。 Baume & Mercier unveiled a women’s version of its evergreen Classima collection at SIHH earlier this year, but it was overshadowed by the men’s watches. At second look, the Classima for women is a great entry-level timepiece. Its size (36.5 millimetres) is just right, and it is a classic beauty with a diamond bezel, mother-of-pearl dial and three-hand arrangement. In addition, the Roman numerals and the calendar function work together for a complete package. The new leather-strap version is sweet, and the price shouldn’t be unsavory.



The watch in white gold will surely function as sophisticated as it looks -- what with 478



diamonds weighing a total of 3.56 carats, and the colours of the hands, the indexes and the alligator leather strap in perfect harmony.

Jaeger-Lecoultre Master Ultra Thin Squelette

近年各大品牌都喜歡在錶盤上施展各項人手工藝爭妍鬥麗,積家也 不例外,正確來說,他們是其中一個始作俑者。琺瑯、雕刻、超薄、鏤 通無不是他們長久以來擅長的絕技。即將新鮮出爐的新作Master Ultra Thin Squelette,就集合了以上工藝於一身。腕錶是超薄設計,藍色錶盤 型號的錶殼厚度僅3.6mm,錶匠先在錶殼側精雕細琢,然後以機刻飾紋 點綴錶盤,再塗上琺瑯釉於爐中反複燒製多次才製成。 Watch brands have been vying to show off their craftsmanship with innovative dial designs. Jaeger-LeCoultre is a frontrunner, having proved its superiority in enamelling, engraving, ultra-thinning and skeletonizing. All of these converge in its latest offering, the Master Ultra Thin Squelette. This watch, featuring a blue dial, is just 3.6 millimetres thick. Master craftsmen have etched patterns on the side of the case and hand-engraved patterns with guilloche machines. Then, it’s been hand-painted with enamel multiple times to ensure a perfect finish.


Radiomir 1940 3 Days Automatic Titanio - 45mm PAM619 W&W是特別看顧Radiomir 1940的福地,品牌旗下首次配備珍 珠陀的自動機芯P.4000,就選擇去年W&W作為隆重登場的舞台。 今年再下一城,Radiomir 1940系列第一次採用鈦金屬錶殼,45mm 直徑,內藏P.4000三日鏈機芯。錶盤布局和去年的PAM572如出一 轍,小三針設計,但就換上棕色錶盤,復古味散發得淋漓盡致。還 有一點正面看是難以察覺的,因為P.4000機芯換上了袖珍陀,機芯 厚度只有3.95mm,或許錶迷都不在乎這小改變,但手感沒那麼厚 重倒是事實。 The W&W show is perhaps a Mecca for Radiomir 1940. It was last year’s platform to unveil the Radiomir 1940, fitted for the first time with the automatic P.4000 caliber featuring a micro-rotor. This year, it’s the debut of the Radiomir 1940, using titanium for the 45-millimetre case for the first time. It is powered by the P.4000 caliber with three-day power reserve. The dial replicates last year’s PAM572 with a small second hand, but features a brown dial instead to underscore its vintage appeal. The side profile makes it obvious that the P.4000 with the micro-rotor has helped it to slim down to 3.95 millimetres. This may not be a big deal to its fans, but it does feel less chunky.





Watch News

Van Cleef & Arpels Cadenas

1935年問世的Cadenas腕錶,獨特造型靈感源自溫莎公爵夫人,不同人可能有 不同解讀,可以是手牽手共諧白首,可以是相沫之情深鎖永固,也可以是心有靈犀 兩相通,不論大家如何理解她的含意,反正女士們都會情不自禁喜歡上她的雙圈圓 柱形錶鏈。2015年腕錶將會推出9種全新款式,搭配石英機芯,有純淨的黃金版本, 也有奢華的鑲鑽及密鋪鑲鑽款式,同時配備鏈帶或鱷魚皮帶選擇。 Cadenas, first introduced in 1935, was inspired by the Duchess of Windsor. Some may interpret this as love forever, or the interlocking of emotions or two becoming one. Whichever way one looks at it, it doesn’t change the fact that women can’t help falling in love with its double snake-chain bracelet. The 2015 quartz-powered collection features nine new designs in pure gold, set or paved with diamonds, in bracelet or alligator leather strap.

A. Lange & Sohne 1815 Chronograph

2015年是對於朗格甚至整個德國製錶業都相當 重要的一年,因為今年是鐘錶界巨人F.A. Lange的 200周年誕辰。年中朗格推出了1815黑面賀壽特別 版,接著第二枚曝光的生日禮物就是1815計時錶, 滲入一抹清新藍調,時標和刻度統統換上藍色,和 朗格慣常的黑字黑刻度截然不同。還有一點是別開 生面的,現役1815計時錶一般只設軌道式刻度,新 作卻加入了藍色脈搏計,頓時令腕錶更古意盎然, 致敬意味更突出。 This has been a milestone year for A. Lange & Sohne and, by extension, the entire German watchmaking industry. The brand is marking its 200th anniversary by launching the 1815 black dial anniversary collection, followed up by the 1815 Chronograph. The latter shines with its blue hour index and scale, a refreshing change from the usual black colour for the scale. This one also stands out from other 1815 Chronographs for having a blue pulsometer scale to play up its vintage appeal and pay tribute to its deep heritage.

Vacheron Constantin

Historques Cornes de Vache 1955 腕錶和牛角有甚麼關係?其實牛角是指錶耳的設計。五十年代江 詩丹頓推出了第一枚防水防磁的計時錶,它身上就有一個很特別的牛 角形錶耳,連錶名也稱為Cornes de Vache,即牛角的意思。今次江 詩丹頓將牛角形錶耳重新演繹,圓形計時按鈕、兩圈布局、測速計、 羅馬數字混合條狀小時刻度也是原汁原味。新筆觸的尺碼由35mm變 成38.5mm,是恰當的優雅。新作的兩個小圓盤亦比舊作略為向中央靠 攏,感覺截然不同。錶殼內搭載了具日內瓦印記的1142手上鏈機芯。 When do cowhorns have anything to do with watches? When they are adopted for the lug design. In the 1950s, Vacheron Constantin introduced the first-ever waterproof, anti-magnetic chronograph with unique cowhornshaped lugs -- aptly named Cornes de Vache. The brand has reprised the design, and the latest version is also characterized by the original round chronograph pushers, two scales, tachometer and a mix of Roman numerals with indexes for indicators. The dimension is updated, from 35 to an elegant 38.5 millimetres. The subtle nudging of the two sub-dials closer to the centre also sets it apart. It is powered by hand-winding Caliber 1142 carrying the Hallmark of Geneva.






Portofino Hand-Wound Monopusher The very masculine fans of IWC might have

上年男性IWC粉絲或許心有不甘, Portofino系列在W&W只集中眷顧中性型號,

felt somewhat let down with the asexual Portofino


launched at last year’s W&W. The table is turned this


year, as the 45-millimetre version is definitely masculine,


despite its simplistic and elegant lines. The single push-button design is very Portofino. The 60-minute

秀氣跟典雅化身,不光線條簡約,並採用 單按鈕設計,秉承Portofino優雅作風,60分

stopwatch and the small-seconds sub-dial are


positioned on the top and bottom halves of the dial,


and the eight-day power reserve indicator at 9 o’clock.


The slate-coloured dial, set against the grey Santoni


alligator leather strap, adds a magic touch.

Roger Dubuis Excalibur Star of Infinity

品牌年初以來的新作都以星際為主題,將橋板打造成星 星形狀,又把錶盤鏤空,示範了精湛的製錶手藝。來到下半場 W&W,星星仍然高掛錶盤之上,而且變得更璀璨耀眼,取而 代之的是一顆鑲滿baguette鑽石的星星,甚至連錶殼、內外錶 圈、錶耳、錶冠及護橋都鑲得滴水不漏。腕錶直徑45mm,搭載 RD01SQ手上鏈機芯,總共鑲有312顆鑽石,共重14.93克拉,份 量十足,差點就搶過雙陀飛輪的風頭。

Richard Mille RM 69 Erotic Tourbillon

I want to caress you madly。如果你想講又不敢講,Richard Mille可以幫到你。它動用了錶盤一半的部分,以3條由鈦金屬製作 的滾柱表達各式各樣的情色字句,按10時位置的按掣,就可按心 意選出你想講又不好意思直接說的情話。錶殼側8時位置有一個按 掣,按下去時分針就會 「被消失」 ,對方就沒有藉口說看不清楚。 手上鏈陀飛輪機芯是跟Renaud & Papi合製,由505塊零件組成, 可儲存接近70小時動力,要將發條鼓和陀飛輪放置在同一條軸線 上,才能將這一切載於42.7mm x 50mm的鈦金殼裡。 If you are too coy to say “I want to caress you madly,” this watch from Richard Mille can help. Three titanium rollers on the top half of the dial put across erotic messages with a pusher at 10 o’clock.

Carrying through with an astronomical theme, the new collection introduced earlier this year exhibits superb watchmaking art with its star-shaped bridge and skeletonized dial. The latest Excalibur Star of Infinity, presented at the W&W show, is sparkling with baguette diamonds for the star-shaped bridge, and still more diamonds covering the case, the inner and outer rings, the lugs, the crown and the bridge. This 45-millimetre watch is powered by the RD01SQ hand-winding movement. In all, there are 312 diamonds totalling 14.93 carats The bling almost overshadows its star feature, the double tourbillon.

Another pusher at 8 o’clock will make the hour and minute hands disappear to make sure the words are highly visible. The handwinding tourbillion movement form of 50-odd parts is a collaboration with Renaud & Papi and it provides nearly 70 hours of power reserve. The mainspring barrel and the tourbillon placed on the same axle result in a compact 42.7x50-millimetre titanium case.





Fashion Feature

Fall ShoeS

Galore 秋冬鞋履特集


Autumn is here and it's time to get


equipped with new Autumn-Winter shoes.

氣款式,包括今季人氣極高的lace up

For this issue, we have gathered four


in-vogue styles for different looks: this

備的型格短boots,以及輕便的slip on

season's trending lace-up design, retro-


styled stacked heels, must-have booties


and casual sneakers and slip-ons. Alice & Olivia burgundy tube dress $TBD Jimmy Choo teal lace up pumps $TBD

text & styling | Michelle Chow photo | Simpson Chiu model | Nana@Model Genesis make Up | Elly Wong hair | Taky Chung@The FIFTH Salon





Lace Up 今季焦點 The Focus For This Season 從芭蕾舞鞋延伸而來的lace up款綁帶鞋,在今季人氣急升,不同品牌紛紛推出多款顏色和皮革物料,高踭、平底 一應俱全,襯以牛仔褲能穿出casual chic造型,襯以半截傘裙則散發浪漫氣息,難怪深得女士歡心。 Lace-up shoes are quickly gaining in popularity this season. Various brands are pushing them out in multiple styles of high heels and flats, in different colours and materials. For a casual look, match them with a pair with jeans, or get into the mood for romance by matching a pair with a half-length umbrella-cut skirt. Their adaptability is well loved by ladies.

Venilla Suite black and white python lace up pumps $TBD

Venlla Suite red patent lace up flats $TBD

Aquazzura leopard print lace up flats $TBD

Aquazzura‘Matilde’lace-up tie back suede pumps $885 (lanecrawford.com)

Stuart Weizman white lace up pumps $TBD

Pedder Red black lace up pumps $TBD

1. 可嘗試以型格皮褸 中和lace up高踭鞋 的女性味道。 Match a trendy leather jacket with lace-up high heels for a lady-like look. Gianvito Rossi nude lace up pumps $TBD



2. 豹紋lace up高踭鞋 為all white上班造型 添加時尚細節。 Leopard print laceup high heels, with all-white officewear, adds a dash of vogue.





Fashion Feature

Ruffled cotton-poplin blouse US$1,185 (net-a-porter.com) Grey and cream tweed skirt $TBD Both from Miu Miu Gianvito Rossi Lorraine pumps $920 (farfetch.com)

Stacked Heels


REDValentino black heels $TBD

Pierre Hardy ace glittered leather pumps US$695 (net-a-porter.com)

REDValentino pink heels $TBD

Repetto dark green heels $TBD




粗踭鞋款絕對是復古造型的一 大亮點。 Retro-style stacked heels are definitely shining brightly.

Stacked Heels 復古美態 Retro Beauty 復古時裝熱潮不斷,鞋履潮流亦一樣,今季粗踭款式大熱,輔以閃粉、tweed、 蛇皮或漆皮等設計元素,復古得來,又較一般高踭鞋舒服穩陣,今季必買。 Retro fashion is red hot, including footwear. This season, stacked heels are trending with various styles like glitter, tweed, snakeskin and patent leather. Not only are stacked heels attractive, they also feel more comfortable and stable than usual high heels. This season's must buy.

Alice & Olivia haven structured dress US$485 (aliceandolivia.com) Miu Miu patent leather Mary Jane US$830 (miumiu.com)(US only)

Kate Spade bia too heels US$428 (katespade.com)

Charlotte Olympia white marble heels $TBD

Charlotte Olympia pink Vendome US$825 (charlotteolympia.com)





Fashion Feature

Parden ruffle-trim printed silk top $1,130 Roscoe zip-front cotton-crepe skirt $650 Both from Isabel Marant and matchesfashion.com Saint Laurent classic Paris 105 strapped ankle boot in black leather US$1,095 (ysl.com)








Booties 秋冬必備 Autumn-Winter Necessities 時尚百搭的短靴乃入秋必備,除了一貫的尖頭和矮踭款外,buckle和流蘇細節亦是今 個秋冬的熱門選擇,襯以今季大熱的闊褲,型格十足。 Booties are versatile fashionwear for the season. Besides the usual pointed-toe and low-heel styles, buckle and tassels are trendy this Autumn-Winter season. Match them with trendy wide pants. Cool!

Ash black lace up boots $TBD

Ash black buckles boots $TBD

Repetto Clement boots $TBD

Miista black boot $TBD

BCBGeneration crushed leather bootie $161 (bcbgeneration.com)

UGG Astralia Poppy brown boots $265 (uggaustralia.ca)

適度露出腿部的短boots能令造 型更簡約時尚。 Low boots, with moderately exposed legs, create a simple chic look.

貼腳設計的皮革短boots能令雙 腿更修長。 Tight, low leather boots can make legs look longer.





Fashion Feature

Sneakers + Slip-Ons 輕便時尚 Light Chic 女人味造型以外,穿得最多的必然是舒 適百搭的sneakers和slip on,款式方面,黑 白圖案、tweed拼皮、絲絨、窩釘閃片等設 計細節層出不窮,定能挑選到心水設計。 When not dressing up like a lady, the most popular style is definitely the versatile sneakers and slip-ons, in a multitude of styles: blackPuma x McQ Move Lo sneakers $492 (mcq.com)

Ash womens soda sneaker Bordeaux black fabric US$235 (ashfootwearusa.com)(US only)

Ash Iman womens slip on black leather US$275 (ashfootwearusa.com)(US only)

Ecco womens soft 7 high top $200 (ecco.com)

and-white prints, tweed with leather, velvet, studs, etc. There’s a style for everyone.

Kurt Geiger multi coloured sneakers $209 (kurtgeiger.com)

少女味的紗裙襯以螢光色 sneakers,充滿玩味。 Youthful gauze skirt with neon sneakers -- playful!





金屬色sneakers能為earth-tone造 型注入搶眼細節。 Gold sneakers add sharpness to a down-to-earth look.

Miu Miu croc-effect faux patent-leather mini dress US$1,550 (net-a-porter.com) Jimmy Choo red London suede sneakers $TBD

每件聯乘系列的外套都會附送 一枚Nick Wooster的卡通樣襟 針,狀甚可愛。 Each jacket in the collaboration collection comes with an adorable Nick Wooster cartoon pin.


Nick Wooster Street-Style aeStheticS 於網絡世界被譽為全球最識著衫的男人, 無論你認同與否,Nick Wooster的確在時 裝周街拍獲得極高的曝光率。與那些張牙 舞爪的浮誇潮人相比,他的穿衣之道更易 入口,自成一格之餘仍流露著傳統的男士 西裝哲學。 He has been crowned the best-dressed man in cyberworld. Whether you agree or not, Nick Wooster has indisputably garnered high exposure in Fashion Week Streetsnap. text | Clarence Lau photo | Jack





Beauty News 一頭銀灰短髮、修剪細緻的鬍渣以及保養得宜完全

不似五十五歲的身形,這條本身已經好難成就的方程式 呈現的成熟不羈異於常人,即使是對時裝不太熱情的男 人個個都想學,五十一萬Instagram追蹤人數就是個人魅 力的最佳證明。

His style is distinctive, with a hint of traditional suit philosophy, which is way more palatable than that of many self-styled ostentatious trendsetters. With his silvery-grey coif and manicured fingers, he has a well-preserved body shape for a 55-year-old. It’s


a hard-to-match combination, and it brings about an atypical, sophisticated, carefree

範疇,過往僱主包括Barneys New York、Bergdorf

demeanour that even men who are not into fashion would want to emulate. Proof?

Goodman、Calvin Klein、Neiman Marcus、Thom

How about the 510,000 followers of his Instagram.

Browne等等,之後乘著社交網絡的高人氣之勢,自稱 「free agent」,代表著「可以自由選擇有興趣的工作項 目」 ,是升上神檯的口氣。

Wooster started off as a fashion buyer and later became a design and style consultant. He worked for Barneys New York, Bergdorf Goodman, Calvin Klein, Neiman Marcus and Thom Browne before becoming his own “free agent.” Riding

一切走紅的開端始於2010年1月的米蘭時裝周,掛 著Neiman Marcus時裝總監的職銜睇騷,被著名街拍攝

on his new-found popularity in social media, Wooster put himself on the pedestal to cherry-pick work that tickles his fancy.

影師Scott Schuman和Tommy Ton捉著影相,迅速被時 裝博客廣傳。2011年的夏天正式登記instagram,大量增

Fame came knocking at Milan Fashion Week in January 2010, when he was

加的粉絲數目驚醒這位幕後之士,連他都話: 「好受寵若

snapped by renowned streetsnap photographers Scott Schuman and Tommy Ton

驚,不明所以」 ,又謙虛話自己影相唔靚云云, 「只是有

while attending the show as fashion director for Neiman Marcus. His photos went viral

幸做到有趣的事情,大概這才是吸引別人的原因吧。」 享

with the help of fashion bloggers.

受自己的名氣,但直言 「絕對不是一夜成名。之前,我在 時裝界工作了一段很長的時間,如果計埋讀書時期的時 裝店兼職,應該超過四十年。可惜,網絡之下,年輕人

When he opened his Instagram account in the summer of 2011, the rapidly bloating rank of followers surprised even himself.

以為這一切都是容易及即時。有誰知道在光鮮的背後, 我都做了很多苦悶和辛苦的工作,instagram點會話到

“I was flattered. It’s baffling,” he exclaimed, humbly conceding that he’s not all that


photogenic. “I am lucky to be doing something interesting. That’s perhaps why it’s


drawn others’ interest.”


He relishes his fame, but insists it wasn’t achieved overnight.

正傳統的風格不再是主流命脈,不同的潮流正於各地處 處開花,「這是男裝從業員的好時機,也是作為男人的

“I have been in the fashion industry for a long time. It would be more than 40 years


if you count the part-time work in fashion stores. However, in the cyberworld, young

新。以往,如果你對衣服好有興趣,你就是基。」 作為一

people think it comes easily and instantaneously.

個貪靚的男同志,出身於美國堪薩斯州薩利納小鎮,估 計年輕時代受到不少白眼吧。好在,人類的思維不斷前

“Who is to know that behind the glory is a lot of tedious and hard work. Instagram

進, 「不同種類的男士都開始對衣服有或多或少的興趣。

won’t tell you that. My training in the early days put me where I am today, and I’m


thankful for that.”

是焦點,現在男裝成為了另一棵搖錢樹,對零售業來說 是一大喜訊。」

Given that he’s been immersed in men’s fashion over a long period of time, he has witnessed certain classic styles fall by the wayside, giving room for various other trends to mushroom. “This is the golden opportunity for us in men’s fashion, and the gold time for being a man,” Wooster said. “Men’s perception of clothes has been overhauled, compared with 30 years ago. In the old days, if you showed lots of interest in clothes, you had to be gay.” Wooster must have got his fair share of sneering as a homosexual who loved to dress up while growing up in Salina, Kansas. Fortunately, people’s attitudes towards sexual orientation has evolved over time. “Now, different men are showing some level of interest in clothes. They may be

衣服以不嘩眾取寵的時尚細節作賣點,外套內裡的鮮橙色塊 就是最好的詮釋。 The collection’s key selling point is stylish details that are not gimmicky, as shown in the bright orange lining of the jacket.





dressing up work. Whereas women were the clear targets in the world of fashion before, men are now spawning another lucrative area. They are a boon for fashion retail.”

The Wooster + Lardini collection, his collaboration with Lardini, comprises purely and simply “what I want to wear.” The signature patchwork jackets are very Wooster, blending grey blue, khaki green with patterns of checks or herringbone to turn up the style volume of the traditional suit. “The target customers are those in the 35-to-45 range, who care about their look,” he said. But he contradicted himself somewhat when he added: “I don’t think age matters. Hey I’m 55.”

除自家系列之外,他更親手挑選了一堆店內其他品牌的新貨,推介 愛牌Thom Browne、Kolor以及上海品牌Ziggy Chen。 Other than his own collection, he has also personally selected for the store the latest designs of his favourite brands: Thom Browne, Kolor and Shanghai brand Ziggy Chen.

與Lardini合作的Wooster + Lardini系列,一句說穿, 就是「自己想著的衫」。主打的多件patchwork外套充滿 Wooster味道,將灰藍、軍綠、格仔同herringbone等不同 的色調、紋理相拼,比正統西裝多幾分時尚,可穿性甚 高。 「目標客群是三十五至四十五歲注重外表的男人。」 隨 即自打嘴巴表示「不相信年齡這一套,你看我都五十五歲 啦!」所以打扮不在乎年齡,只在乎心態與身形。當聽到 他話鍾意倫敦品牌Craig Green,分明是敢於嘗試的冒險之 士, 「將經典西裝外套與Craig Green的褲裝配襯,效果可 以好出乎意料。」 平時喜著短褲,訪問當日都是以其示眾, 可惜下季的春夏系列才會推出,穿著建議是「一定要襯西 裝褸,否則以為你去沙灘。」

This shows age has nothing to do with looking good, but mentality and body shape do. He is definitely a risk-taker, daring to try anything when he said he likes London brand Craig Green. ”Putting a classic suit jacket on top of Craig Green pants will look extraordinary well.” Wooster was sporting his favourite look – shorts -- for this interview, but we will have to wait for the Spring-Summer collection to see what else he will be wearing. “You must wear this with a suit jacket, or you will look like you’re heading to the beach,” he advised. It may not seem this way in his street snaps, but Wooster is no taller than five-foot-seven. So how does he do it? “Short men like me should wear Thom Browne, Neil Barrett or Japanese

不說不知,原來Nick Wooster身高不夠一百七十公

brands to achieve better proportions, or wear a single colour to avoid visually


cutting yourself into segments,” he said. “High-waist pants also help to elongate

法? 「個子矮的男士,例如我,應該著Thom Browne、Neil

the legs.”

Barrett或者日本牌子的出品,身形比例會睇落較好。另一 個方法是以單一色調作配襯準則,避免身體在視覺上被砍

What are his tips for dressing high-flying stylish men?

開一截截。高腰褲其實都幫到手,雙腳看起來會更加修 長!」

“Start with the basics. A blue or white shirt, with a grey or navy suit, tancoloured coat, black or brown brogues -- better still if they are Church's or

問成就型男最重要的穿衣貼士,他耐心回答「首先從 基本款開始,藍色和白色恤衫,灰色和寶藍色西裝、駝

Tricker's. For accessories, a simple and narrow leather belt is a must, such as Ralph Lauren’s or Brooks Brothers’ brown alligator belts.

色大衣、黑色和啡色brogues皮鞋,最好是Church's或者 Tricker's出品。配件方面,一條簡單設計的幼身皮帶是必需

“Also, every man needs a pair of Ray Ban aviator sunglasses. When you

的,如Ralph Lauren或Brooks Brothers的啡色鱷魚皮款。另

have all these basic items, and a keen understanding of proper styling, then you

外,每個男人都要有一副Ray Ban的Aviator太陽眼鏡。當

can play with colours, proportions and shapes in line with the prevailing trend.”

有齊基本單品和熟悉正統的著裝技巧,再於其基礎上因應 潮流的轉變去玩顏色、比例和形狀。」 對應常講的一句: 「In order to break the rules, you first must know the rules.」

That’s exactly what he means when he says: “In order to break the rules, you first must know the rules.”





On Runway 今季Gucci男裝,都是油脂

This season’s Gucci men’s fashion line is


full of retro ‘70s Grease flavour. Adding to


this is a gender-neutral design that creates


a down-home look.



Trends for Indoorsy Guys and Gals 秋冬男裝系列,是新官Alessandro

The Autumn-Winter collection was completed in an


incredible five days by newly appointed Creative Director


Alessandro Michele. Miraculously, it is not just visionary, it looks


more appealing than the work that other designers take half a year to complete.

系 列 主 題 是 都 會 浪 漫 主 義( U r b a n Romanticism),打頭陣出場的男模,一頭

The theme of the collection is Urban Romanticism. The


first male model that appears has long, flowing blond hair and


wears a satin shirt with a bright red bow, well-ironed twill pants


with wide straight legs, a pair of gold wool sandals and gold


rings with carvings on both hands.

的妖豔,又夾雜六十年代的文藝氣息。從一 套衫,或多或少感受到,他將一切情感、愛

The whole look seems retro and modern at the same time.


It is reminiscent of the flirtatious ‘70s, while mixing in the literary


air of the ‘60s.


The style is completely different from that of former


Creative Director Frida Giannini. In his debut collection, Michele


purposefully adds many symbolic features, from the wool cap


on the models’ heads, the nerdy but cute glasses, different

目中浪漫陰柔的Gucci man。

types of bows,rings and wool sandals. Every detail goes into building his ideal Gucci man -- romantic and gentle. text | 冰汪






Michele, who grew up in the ‘70s, is quite attached to that decade. Whether in


cutting, patterns, or the overall look, the series contains re-packaged ‘70s fashion. He

全新包裝的70's fashion,他甚至不介意把作品稱為

even calls his work fake vintage and takes it to a different level with gender confusion.

fake vintage。換了是純粹懷舊,那就不值一提,他的

The male models wear lace, while the female models wear pantsuits. The clothes exhibit

fake vintage,重點是玩性別混淆,男model穿喱士、

a sentimentality that transcends gender.

女model穿西裝,衣服交叉走位,呈現一種超越性別的 感性。他精挑細選的模特兒,每一位都像發育中的文 青,這班青春少艾,有助發揮隱藏於設計的文藝基因。

This clothing collection consists of lace and bows, so the clothes are challenging for those without the proper figure or flair. To bring out the spirit of the collection successfully and psychologically prepare for the critical voices and looks, you must be


gentle on the outside and tough on the inside.

氣質,出事率頗高。即使擁有一切,穿出神韻,還要 有心理準備迎接四方八面的聲音與目光,必須外柔內

If you do not have the courage to tackle lace, the collection also contains the


traditional dress shirt, as well as the retro-classic turtleneck sweater, allowing everyone


an opportunity to enter Michele’s vintage paradise.

他的vintage樂園。值得一讚,是他襯色有一手,心 繫vintage,色調自然投向舊日色彩,他選取觀眾緣偏

The most laudable aspect of Michele’s design is his ability to match different colours.

低的啡系,其中一套由宅女演繹的pant suit,深藍色

Since his heart is in vintage, the colours naturally hearken to those of yesteryear. For


example, a pantsuit worn by a female model consists of a navy-blue blazer, baby-blue


satin blouse and a pair of brown pants that look like those often seen in Buddhist


schools. Blue and brown usually do not go together, but matched with a wool cap and a


boutonniere, the brown pants actually look quite attractive.






01•Red silk satin shirt with scarf 02•White alpaca and wool turtleneck sweater 03•Cerulean blue crepe satin shirt 04•Bottle green wool mohair jacket 05•Blue stretch twill jacket with velvet pipping 06•Camel cotton lace shirt






07•Blue stretch twill loose pants 08•Dark blue wool cape with fur collar 09•Aged palladium finish ring with open work design 10•Aged palladium finish lion head ring 11•Aged gold finish tiger head ring





12• GG supreme canvas tote with green blooms print 13• GG supreme canvas tote with black caleido print 14•Black leather slipper with kangaroo lining





Beauty News




Estée Lauder revolutionizes night-time repair once again with the

Night Repair Synchronized Recovery Complex II 升級再生基因修

introduction of New Advanced Night Repair Synchronized Recovery


Complex II.

這款全新的修護精華,擁有超過25項專利,能顯著減褪肌膚 的老化跡象,大幅淡化細紋及皺紋,同時強健肌膚,令肌膚變得 水潤、細滑,看起來更淨透,而且膚色更均勻亮白。

With more than 25 patents and patents-pending, it dramatically reduces the look of key signs of aging. Lines and wrinkles look reduced, skin feels smoother, hydrated and stronger, and looks more translucent


and even-toned.

Estée Lauder科學家領先探究肌膚24小時生理韻律的重要


性,以至生理時鐘基因 (clock genes) 與肌膚天然修復及自我保 護的緊密關係,揭示晚間細胞修護的關鍵環節 — 細胞自癒系統

Estée Lauder makes a breakthrough discovery related to skin cells’

(Catabolysis) 的突破新發現。這是一種幫助肌膚細胞清除內部

catabolysis, a critical night-time cellular repair process that helps skin


cells eliminate internal debris that can cause cellular damage, which


in turn optimizes cellular performance and repair. The efficiency of this


process declines with age and becomes desynchronized from the night.

Estée Lauder研創出獨家新科技— 基因排毒淨化協調技術

Leveraging this knowledge, Estée Lauder introduces the exclusive

(ChronoluxCB™ Technology) ,將排毒淨化及同步修護結合,將

ChronoluxCB™ Technology to take advantage of the restorative power


of night by combining potent purifying and synchronizing technologies:

•細胞自癒再生科技(Catabolysis Technology)— 屬活性成分 複合物,包括海藻萃取物及酵母萃取物,有助皮膚細胞增強其 天然細胞自癒系統的活動能力 。

• Catabolysis Technology – a complex of active ingredients that includes algae and yeast extracts to help skin cells increase

•基因協調技術(Chronolux™ Technology)— 專利強效生 理時鐘基因技術,支援肌膚天然同步修護,讓肌膚回復協調

their natural catabolysis activity . • Chronolux™ Technology – helps support the natural


synchronization of skin’s night-time renewal process, so that skin renews itself at exactly the right time.



全新Advanced Night Repair Synchronized Recovery Complex II升級再生基因修護露高效幫助 肌膚發揮晚間修護能力。產品更加入全天候對抗污 染科技 (Anti-pollution technology)及強效抗氧化物

The New Advanced Night Repair Synchronized

組合,加上高濃度透明質酸 (Hyaluronic Acid) ,為

Recovery Complex II also includes anti-pollution


technology, anti-irritants, as well as hyaluronic acid


for deep and instant skin hydration. After four weeks


of use, 83 per cent of women felt their skin looked healthier, fresher and more rested*.

產品不含油分及香料,不會導致粉刺,且經過 皮膚科醫生及眼科醫生測試,適合各類型肌膚使用。

Oil and fragrance-free, non-acnegenic, dermatologist- and ophthalmologist-tested, it is


ideal for all skin types and ethnicities.


30 ml, $75.00; 50 ml, $108.00

text, photo | provided by Estée Lauder





* Based on a clinical, sensory and safety testing on more than 1,000 women of different ethnicities around the world.

Beauty News 8小時潤澤霜多效護膚油 為肌膚提供全方位保濕修護


EIGHT HOUR®CREAM ALL-OVER MIRACLE OIL Head-To-Toe MoisTurizing and CondiTioning TreaTMenT 由伊麗莎伯雅頓女士親自研製的8小時潤澤霜 (Eight Hour®

Developed by Elizabeth Arden herself, Eight Hour® Cream is one

Cream) ,是全球最受歡迎的護膚產品之一。為延續品牌在多效護

of the most well-known beauty products in the world. Continuing


the brand’s heritage as a leader in multi-purpose beauty essentials,

效護膚油(Eight Hour® Cream All-Over Miracle Oil) ,一款可適用

Elizabeth Arden introduces Eight Hour® Cream All-Over Miracle Oil, a


new oil formulation for use on the face, body and hair.


A Perfect Meeting of Nature and Science

伊麗莎伯雅頓的團隊走遍全世界,搜羅及萃取合適的植物油 用以研發這款產品。產品中的成份包括原產自韓國濟州島的樁花 油(Tsubaki Oil) ,當中蘊含高濃度奧米加6及9,有效滋潤、舒緩 及呵護肌膚。此外,它有助提升肌膚的天然骨膠原,令皮膚更柔 滑細緻,同時改善整體膚質。產品散發淡雅的橘子花香,清新的 香氣使人心曠神怡,在家中做spa時使用最適合不過。

Elizabeth Arden scoured the globe to source and extract botanical oils to develop this product. Tsubaki Oil, native to Jeju Island off the coast of Korea, contains a high concentration of Omegas 6 and 9 to help nourish, soothe and protect the skin. In addition, it helps to boost skin’s natural collagen to smooth skin and improve its overall texture. Catering to the at-home spa experience, it is delicately scented with a light, citrus floral fragrance accord that promotes the sense of well-

一瓶護膚油 多效修護功能


一小瓶的8小時潤澤霜多效護膚油,能為您提供多效修護,而 且適合不同的膚質使用,包括敏感肌膚。產品有以下用途:

The Result: One Oil…A Multitude of Benefits Eight Hour® Cream All-Over Miracle Oil is


an “all-you-need” product in one sleek bottle,


suitable for all skin types including sensitive. It can be used in the following ways:

身體:臨床實驗證明這款護膚油能鎖緊肌 膚水份8至12小時*。

For the face: Massage in an upward circular motion for a healthy and radiant


looking complexion.


For the body: this fine oil is clinically

售價: $36.00 | 100 ml

proven to deeply lock in skin’s moisture for 8-12 hours*.

*根據一項美國的臨床研究,對象為30名年齡界乎24至65 歲的女性,使用產品後12小時的研究結果。

For the hair: A light mist to impart hair with a glossy shine. Price: $36.00 | 100 ml

*Based on a US Clinical Study of 30 women aged 24-65 after 12 hours.

text, photo | provided by Elizabeth Arden






Multifaceted Green

text | Angel Siu photo | Micheal K. model | Katy S@Model Genesis makeup | Winki Winki hair | Green Cheung





Forest Fairy

秋冬時裝展台上,Unisex 一詞大行 其道,致使予人中性感覺的墨綠色成 為今年秋冬不可或缺的時尚色彩。

運用墨綠色為主色調的眼妝不一定要暗沉又濃烈, 大面積使用亮度高的青綠色打底,再掃上墨綠色眼影,中 間用淡金色,只要將眼影邊緣暈開,完成的效果可以很輕 柔,猶如仙子般甜美。

On the Autumn-Winter fashion runway, unisex seems to be a dominant theme. Forest green is a colour with a genderneutral feel and has become a must-have trendy colour.

Steps On Eyes


Make Up For Ever Aqua Cream Acid Green $28 (sephora. com)

為了保持清透 的感覺,建議 只掃上睫毛膏, a base over most of the area, then brush on a forest green 不要畫內眼線。 To maintain a clear eyeshadow and use light gold in the middle. Lightly and transparent feel, it smudge the different shades to blend the colours. is a good idea to brush on mascara and not draw The result is a light, sweet, fairy-like effect. an eye line.

does not need to be dark and intense. Use a bright light green as


用眉粉勾勒眉 形,填補空隙。 Use a brow pencil to draw the shape of the eyebrow, filling in any gaps.

Shu Uemura calligraphy:inc pressed eye shadow refill G Beige 821 $19 mono custom case $9 (shuuemura.ca)

Bobbi Brown dark brow kit $56 (bobbibrowncosmetics.ca)


Eye makeup that utilizes forest green as the main colour

先於整個眼窩塗 上青綠色眼影 霜,然後於眼頭 疊多一層。 Brush a light green eyeshadow cream over the entire eyelid. Add an additional layer of eyeshadow near the inner corner of the eye.


Shu Uemura brave beauty eye palette green $90 (shuuemura.ca)

Cle de Peau Beaute eye color quad #311 refill $76.46 case $34.75 (nordstrom.com)(US only)

於上眼尾掃上藍 綠色眼影,向眼 窩推鬆邊緣。 On the outer corner of the eye, brush on an aqua eyeshadow. Smooth the edges of the eyelid.

從下眼尾開始, 向前掃上墨綠色 眼影。 On the lower lid, moving from the outer corner towards the centre of the eye, brush on a forest green eyeshadow.


於下內眼線掃上 米白色眼影。 Brush an ivory white eyeshadow on the lower eye line.

Urban Decay Naked Smoky Palette $75.07 (nordstrom. com)

On Cheeks


在蘋果肌掃上淡 淡的粉紅色胭 脂,增添紅潤氣 色。 On the apple of the cheek, brush on a faint layer of pink rouge to add a healthy glow.

Burberry light glow natural blush Cameo Blush No.02 (sephora.com)

06 03

將淡金色眼影掃 於眼球突起處, 連接前後的眼影。 Brush a light gold eyeshadow on the middle of the eyelid. Make sure all of the colours bleed into each other with no gaps.

再於下眼頭掃上 銀色眼影。 Brush a silver eyeshadow on the lower lid, near the inner corner of the eye.

Cle de Peau Beaute eye color quad #311 refill $76.46 case $34.75 (nordstrom.com)(US only)


On Lips10

雙唇掃上淡粉紅 色唇膏。 Apply a light pink lipstick to the lips.

By Terry Terrybly Rouge lipstick 100 Terribly Nude $70.78 (saksfifthavenue.com) 夾翹睫毛後,於 上下睫毛掃上睫 毛膏。 Curl the lashes with an eyelash curler. Then apply mascara to the lower lashes.

Nars Audacious mascara $36.14 (nordstrom.com)










Sophisticated Goddness 以墨綠色化成的煙燻眼妝固然迷人,不過也可一試較玩味 的畫法。以對比色的珊瑚橙色襯托,再用黑色眼線液、銀綠色及 銀白色眼影締造層次感,份外型格攝人。 A smoky eye makeup using forest green is alluring. One can also try a more playful look by using a contrasting coral orange as an accompaniment. Then add a black liquid eyeshadow, a silver-green and a silver-white eyeshadow to achieve a textured and more striking look.

Steps On Eyes


Chanel Fall 2015 Illusion d’ Ombre Long-wear luminous eyeshadow #816 Rouge Rouge $50.04 (nordstrom.com)(US only)


Shu Uemura brave beauty eye palette green $90 (shuuemura.com)


先在眼窩內塗上 珊瑚橙色眼影霜。 Apply a coralorange eyeshadow to the eyelid.

輕微噴濕斜角眼 影掃,沾取墨綠 色眼影,畫一條 稍粗的上眼線。 Lightly spray some water on an angled eyeshadow brush. Dab on a little forest green eyeshadow and draw a thick upper eye line.


Dolce & Gabbana intense liquid eyeliner #Black Intense $53.26 (saksfifthavenue.com)

07 03

在墨綠色眼線 上,用黑色眼線 液畫一條幼眼線。 Above the forest green eye line, use a black liquid eye liner and draw a thin eye line.


然後在下眼頭掃 上銀白色眼影。 Brush silver-white eyeshadow onto the lower lid, near the inside corner of the eye.

M.A.C Veluxe Pearlfusion shadow #Lapisluxe $25 (maccosmetics.com)

Nars Audacious mascara $36.14 (nordstrom.com)

緊貼上下睫 毛,用黑色眼 線液畫上下內 眼線。 Draw an inside eye line very close to the eyelashes, using a black liquid eyeliner.

在下眼線重疊掃 上銀綠色眼影, 暈開眼線邊緣。 Brush silver-green eyeshadow over the lower eye line and blend well.

M.A.C eye shadow #Greensmoke $16 (maccosmetics.com)

On Cheeks10

Bobbi Brown Long-wear eye pencil #Hunter $28 (bobbibrowncosmetics.ca)

以墨綠色眼線筆 畫下眼線及下內 眼線。 Using a forest green eyeliner pencil, draw the lower eye line beneath the eye as well as in the lower inside corner of the eye.


在眼線以上的眼 窩位,掃上墨綠 色眼影。 Brush a forest green eyeshadow onto the eyelid, right above the eye line.

掃上睫毛膏,可 重複先上纖維, 再上睫毛膏的動 作兩次,增加睫 毛的豐盈度。 Brush mascara on the lashes. You can use a doubletipped mascara. Use the fiber tip first, and then apply the mascara and repeat the two steps. This enhances the thickness of the lashes.

從顴骨斜斜向前 掃上啡粉紅色胭 脂,修飾臉形。 From the outside of the cheekbone, brush on a pinkbrown rouge diagonally to shape the face.

Chanel Fall 2015 Joues Contraste powder blush #260 Alezane $62.56 (nordstrom.com)(US only)

On Lips 11

Dolce & Gabbana intense liquid eyeliner #Black Intense $53.26 (saksfifthavenue.com)


由於眼妝的顏色深沉, 必須強調睫毛的濃密度, 加強眼妝的立體感。 Because the colours of this eye makeup are more muted, it is important to emphasize the thickness of the lashes to enhance the 3-D effect of this look.

雙唇可以用淡粉紅 色唇筆填色,然後 用唇掃掃勻。 For the lips, use a light pink lip pencil to fill in the colour. Then use a brush pencil to smooth all over the lips.

Gucci lip sleek contouring lip pencil #010 Rose Dragee $46.25 (saksfifthavenue. com)

Nars single eye shadow #Night Porter $31 (sephora.com)





Living 懸架於大池塘上的平台是屋 主和朋友享受夏日的好地方。 The cantilevered deck is the ideal location for the owner and his friends to hang out and enjoy the summer.

在水中央的現代田園 舍

設計師貼心為屋主設計的窗戶 可以無死角欣賞屋外的池塘風 光。 The designer thoughtfully put in this window to provide a view of the ponds.

Modern chic barn

Water surrounded modern countryside cottage Origin: 這座別緻的鄉舍位於多倫多以北,約130公里外Simcoe

This elegant cottage is located in Creemore, Ont., 130 kilometres


north of Toronto. The owner tore down the original structure and


rebuilt it into a modernistic barn-like style. The exterior wall is stained


to match the surrounding natural landscape, while the sidings


are custom-made to match the cottage windows, reinforcing the

特別窗框來加強modern barn的感覺。鄉舍旁有兩個池塘,本來在

impression of a modern barn. The two ponds beside the cottage


were a challenge, but the designer ingenuously incorporated these


natural features, juxtaposing the rustic with the modern to create a


distinguished structure for this property.

text | Zoe Mak photo | Simon Burns, Kimberly Seldon Design Group





鄉舍4間套房都有個別浴室,而且每一間還可以欣賞到屋外的池塘。 The four guest room's in the cottage are not only equipped with it's own washroom, but are also allow guest's to enjoy the view of the ponds.


With a strong contrast of modern versus rustic, the two


surrounding ponds became


unique features. The designer


decided to retain the ponds’ rich


natural life and plants and added a


Zen-style sand garden nearby. The


renovation project promotes the


modern element while retaining


the simple country style.

平台上的戶外廚房和燒烤設施與 良朋共聚,享受夏天。

不少人都會喜歡在市郊買入度假屋度過週末假期,不過亦有不少人像鄉舍的屋 主一樣,喜歡長住在市郊以外,享受田園風光。 A lot of people enjoy spending their weekends at cottages, but others are like the owner of this house, who prefer to reside in the country year-round.

The cottage owner frequently has overnight guests, so he double-sized the second floor to accommodate four guest rooms. The cantilevered deck above the pond is everyone’s favourite gathering place. Not only is it a great spot for watching sunsets, but its outdoor kitchen and barbecue grills allow the hosts to create countless delicious outdoor meals.

Highlight: 除了鄉舍內外的時尚元素與田園風光造成別緻的強烈對比之 外,鄉舍的另一焦點當然就是屋外兩個大池塘。設計師在重新建造 鄉舍時,決定保留了兩大池塘內的野生和鄉土植物,而另外在池塘 附近亦加入一個以禪為主題的庭院,並於地面舖上砂礫,為整個重 建項目加入摩登元素之餘亦不忘保留簡樸自然的田園風光。 此外,設計師亦為鄉舍的窗戶花了不少心思。木製的窗戶為設 計增添了田園鄉郊氣息,而且屋內無論任何一扇窗都可以欣賞到池

The second-biggest feature is its custom-designed windows. The designer opted for wooden

frames to better merge the countryside theme with the modern concept. This thoughtful design also allows guests to enjoy the view of the ponds from every room in the house.

Cost: 整個重建項目,建築、設計、物料等大約$2,000,000。 The whole renovation project, including construction, design fees and materials, cost roughly $2 million.

Designer: Kimberley Seldon Design Group, offices in Los Angeles and Toronto. www.kimberleyseldon.com






Elite Choice 頂尖音響系統打造家庭影院


ULTIMATE AUDIO SYSTEM AND HOME ENTERTAINMENT 安坐家中,細聽悠揚悅耳的好音樂,盡 Listening to good music at home is a 享休止的時刻,是一個絕美的體驗。只 thing of beauty, a moment of repose. 需片刻,身、心、靈都沉澱於音樂的意 Music takes moments and transposes 境當中。

them into thoughts and feelings.

價值約$200,000的家庭影院組合 Home theatre setup at about $200,000

text | Kenson Ho & Mel Tobias





HIFI Centre 示範室之一 HIFI Centre Display Room #1

HIFI Centre 示範室之二 HIFI Centre Display Room #2

與家人和朋友在私人家庭影院中欣賞電影,不受其他 觀眾騷擾,絕對是人生一大樂事。

HIFI Centre 五千呎的陳列室是音響發燒人士必到之地 The new 5,000-square-foot HIFI Centre showroom is a must-visit for audiophiles

Watching a new or classic movie at home is a relaxing way to enjoy life with family and friends in complete privacy. However, one must have the right audio-video equipment.

話雖如此,我們必須有完美的播放設備。建設一個附 有高端音響系統聽音室,及設備完善的家庭影院,可能是

If you want to set up a listening room with a high-end


sound system and home theatre, check out Hifi Centre,

議你到Hifi Centre參觀一下。

a family-owned business since 1984 when Alex Kivristy founded the store .

屬家族式經營的Hifi Centre於1984年由Alex Kivristy 創立。多年來,店舖非常成功而且生意不斷增長,可是商

As success and growth continued, one challenge


remained consistent. Their showroom resided in an older


building not designed with acoustics in mind. They wanted to


establish a new location to give customers a fantastic sound


experience and to showcase the full sonic potential of each piece of equipment they sell.

Kivristy的夢想在今年二月終於成真,Hifi Centre的 5,000呎全新音響/視聽陳列室,於溫哥華煤氣鎮地區隆重

The dream came true in February this year when Hifi


Centre opened its new 5,000-square-foot audio-video

Alex的兒子Igor Kivristy掌舵。新店座落於433 Carrall街,

showroom in the Gastown district of Vancouver, with Igor

全新裝修的BC Electric Building內。

Kivristy (son of Alex) at the helm. The new store is located in the newly renovated BC Electric Building at 433 Carrall St.

內代理各款優質產品包括高性能音響、家庭影院設 備、全屋音響系統、微型系統和耳筒。所有銷售代表都是 有25至30年經驗的專家,可說是hi-fi音響的百科全書。

It represents the finest manufacturers of highperformance audio, home theatre, whole-house audio, compact systems and headphones. All sales representatives


are specialists, with experiences ranging from 25 to 30 years.

專門的聽音室中試聽音響組件,或可在被描述為溫哥華最 強大的家庭影院中體驗電影播放。新店亦採用了Bang& Olufsen的設計概念,打造非同凡響的感官體驗。

Customers can try out the latest headphones in a custom-made display, audition audio components in five





Elite Choice

Audio Physic Classic 20 喇叭(鋼琴黑色),價值$6,300/一對 Audio Physic Classic 20 speakers in Gloss Black for $6,300/pair

Bowers & Wilkins喇叭803 D3 (玫瑰果仁 色)$20,000/一對 Bowers & Wilkins speakers 803 D3 in Rosenut $20,000/pair

HiFi Centre是加拿大第一家展示這設計的陳列室,這個新概

Bowers & Wilkins喇叭804 D3 (玫 瑰果仁色)$10,500/一對 Bowers & Wilkins speakers 804 D3 in Rosenut $10,500/pair

dedicated listening rooms, or experience a movie in what can be


described as Vancouver’s most powerful home theatre. Within


the store is the sensory retail design concept by Bang & Olufsen.

說是傲視同儕。 Hifi Centre is the first showroom in Canada to showcase this 《星尚》問及Igor Kivisty家中設置高性能音響系統所需的過

new design, also present in Copenhagen, New York and Chicago.

程。他詳盡地解釋說:「顧客來到Hifi Centre,我們首先會跟他們

The store takes the presentation of audio and video products


to an entirely new level and will give customers an experience unrivalled anywhere in North America.

其實許多人都不知道他們想要什麼,此時便需要我們的經 驗加以協助。這裡有很多示範室,我們會建議客人逐一試看及試 聽,毋須急於選購產品。」

EliteGen asked Igor Kivristy what the consumer needs to know before acquiring a high-performance home sound system. He explained in detail: “The qualification process starts with a


thorough interview.

可了解什麼給客戶帶來共鳴。然後我們集中找出如何把這個共 鳴,重建在他們的家庭影院,打造理想中的視聽系統。我們會

Hifi Centre will find out what the client is looking for and their


expectations. Many will say they don’t know and that’s where we


come in. We have many demonstration rooms and we ask the


customer to spend some time just looking and listening, not to pick up products.

McIntosh 功率放大器 MC1.2KW 價值 $32,400 McIntosh power amplifier MC1.2KW at $32,400

McIntosh 真空管功率放大器 MC1.2KW價值$32,400 McIntosh vacuum tube power amplifier MC1.2KW at $32,400





透明Magnum Opus 八呎 喇叭線 $87,750/一對及 Magnum Opus 1M XLR 訊 號線 $47,250/一對 Transparent Magnum Opus 8-foot Speaker Cable Pair $87,750 and Magnum Opus 1M XLR Interconnect Cable Pair $47,250

Primare PRE32前置放大器/DAC價值 $6,250及A34.2放大器價值$4,160 Primare PRE32 Preamplifier/DAC $6,250 and A34.2 Amplifier $4,160

01•高檔家居辦工室音響組合 High-end home office audio setup 02•HIFI Centre 上陣不離父子兵Igor 及 Alex Kivristy Igor and father Alex Kivristy of HIFI Centre 03•Bang & Olufsen 高清HDTV Bang & Olufsen High Quality HD TV 04• HIFI Centre 是採用了Bang & Olufsen 的感官零售設計理念 The sensory retail design concept by Bang & Olufsen at HIFI Centre



05•HIFI Centre林林種種的高檔耳筒選擇 HIFI Centre’s array of high-end headphones





“Our demonstration rooms are a different environment and we


see what resonates with the customer. Then, we zero in and figure


out how to re-create it in their home. Our work is to custom build


the system to their expectations. We go on-site to see what is


achievable. There’s a lot of math required. A room with a complete 談及轉盤或唱機的復興,Hifi Centre這位知識豐富和友善的總

audio-visual setup can range from $50,000 to $500,000.”

經理解釋說:「我們的轉盤銷量一直以來都相當穩定,沒有流失, 不過自年輕一代興趣的確是有增無減。技術不斷在進步,有了更

We asked Igor about the latest in home entertainment and


he enthusiastically talked about television technology with higher


resolution and giant screens, either flat or curved. The latest trend is


the changeover to computer-based systems, which offer reliable and


consistent sound quality. They can hold one’s entire musical library, thereby freeing up more home space.

家庭影院系統的價格範圍很廣,但真正重要的是客戶的滿意 程度。總括來說,如果能夠負擔得起極致的影音家用設備,當然 是要選擇最好的,因為它能提供無數小時的享受。

On the subject of the return of the turntable, he explained: “Our turntable sales have never went away and there is a resurgence of interest from the younger generation. Technology continues to advance, with better test facilities and new engineering. A good turntable can cost around $6,000, while the cartridge is around $1,500.” The price range of a home entertainment system varies widely. Ultimately, what matters most is the homeowner’s satisfaction level. To sum it all up, why settle for second best if you can afford the ultimate in audio-visual home equipment that will provide you countless hours of enjoyment?

European Audio Team C-Sharp 轉盤 $5,250 European Audio Team C-Sharp Turntable $5,250

Dr. Feikert Woodpecker Zebrano轉盤$11,200 年輕一代對轉盤的興趣正在復甦 Dr. Feikert Woodpecker Zebrano turntable $11,200 There has been a resurgence of interest in turntables from the younger generation





Restaurant 西岸地道風味 寰宇世界美食


HIGH-END CASUAL DINING AND MODERN ASIAN CUISINE ON THE RISE 溫哥華可算是國際飲食文化的縮影,這裡薈萃各國美食,再融 合西岸地區的美食特色,令卑詩省的美食比起本國其他省份更 為與別不同。 Vancouver is a microcosm of international cuisine, a mosaic of influences blended with West Coast flavours. This makes British Columbia distinctive from other provinces. text | Kenson Ho & Mel Tobias

Market休閒舒適的氛圍,讓客人輕鬆地 品嚐精緻美食。 Market offers a fine-dining experience with casual and comfortable ambience





超豪fine dining曾經在溫哥華紅極一時,不過這種著重形式而且收費過高的高級料理似乎風 光不再。加上經濟不景氣,而且溫哥華人的「搵食」態度總是「貪新忘舊」,因此水準一般的餐廳 早已被淘汰,只有像Market by Jean-Georges這種優質餐廳才可以屹立不倒。 近來fine dining熱潮似乎有復甦跡象,更以全新姿態吸引食客。菜餚的創作靈感來自世界各 地,當中可找到不少來自太平洋沿岸地區的美食元素,這種跨地域的烹調理念正正展示出溫哥 華的多元文化氣息。食材方面以本地出產及時令的食材為主,為食客帶來最優質的美食體驗。

精選美饌盡在Market by Jean-Georges 座落於香格里拉酒店內的Market by Jean-Georges自2009年1月隨酒店開業以來,一直深受 食客歡迎,其人氣、形象及名聲與日俱增,在溫哥華的飲食業界更是地位超然。 眾所周知,Market背後的靈魂人物是米芝蓮三星大廚Jean-Georges Vongerichten。在 Market的菜單中可找到他最受歡迎的菜餚,菜色採用了卑詩省本土出產的豐盛優質食材,尤其 是太平洋水域的海鮮。富「動感」的烹調特色可說是Jean-Georges個人標記,他於法國學廚,卻 又深受東南亞美食的影響,因此他的美饌糅合了寰宇美食的精髓,卻同時保留了地道特色,完 美地展現了他的烹調哲學“global in reach, local in content”。

黑松露fontina芝士pizza。 Black Truffle Pizza with Fontina Cheese.

Chef Jean-Georges Vongcherichton是全球最 享負盛名的廚師之一。 Chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten, a legend as one of the world’s most famous chefs.

Ultra-fine dining had its glory days in Vancouver, but eventually fizzled out. The stiff, traditional and overpriced haute cuisine went out of style. There was also an economic downturn and Vancouverites are known to be fickle in their quest to discover what’s “new” in town when it comes to food. Yet, the best restaurants -- like Market by Jean-Georges -- survived, and now fine dining is making a comeback, this time with a difference. The food being served is now globally inspired and it defines the cultural diversity of Vancouver. It is food that people are comfortable with and it’s focused on local and seasonal ingredients. The influence of Pacific Rim countries is quite noticeable.

Best of the best at Shangri-La’s market by Jean-Georges Market by Jean-Georges in the Shangri-La Hotel has stood the test of time since its opening in January 2009, as part of the hotel’s grand opening. It has retained its popularity, presence, image and prestige, and is an integral part of Vancouver’s culinary scene. It’s common knowledge that the person behind Market is the legendary master chef with threestar Michelin culinary background, Jean-Georges Vongerichten. The menu represents the best of his most popular dishes, highlighting the richness of British Columbia’s local high-quality products, especially the seafood of the Pacific waters. Jean-Georges’s signature “vibrant cuisine” is a reflection of classic French training and years spent in Southeast Asia. His cooking philosophy has always been “global in reach, local in content.”









要品嚐西岸地區的美食精髓,絕 不能錯過這道吞拿魚他他(Tuna Tartare)伴牛油果及辣薑汁。 West Coast world cuisine at its best -- Tuna Tartare on Avocado with Spicy Radish Soy Ginger Dressing.

新大廚KEN NAKANO傳統中求變 《星尚》最近走訪了餐廳的新任行政大廚,問及他 跟隨一個星級廚師工作是否一個很大的挑戰。和藹的 加國日裔總廚Ken充滿信心地回答:「不會,當然JeanGeorges會要求我們服從他的指示,但當中亦有很多空 間讓我發揮創意。能夠與著名的米芝蓮星級廚師工作, 相當難得,亦是我學習和成長的機會。Jean-Georges 把廚房日常運作這個重任交托在我們手裡,我們必須遵 循他的遠見和理念。我們是否可自作主張做任何的事 情,答案肯定是「不」,但他給予我們很大的空間讓我們 提出建議,創作和展示新構思,他亦會細心聆聽。」 主廚Ken是真真正正的地道溫哥華人,在此出生、 成長和接受教育。他在日本家庭長大,在家中品嚐到以 時令食材烹調的家常飯菜,為他帶來美好的回憶。因為 這個緣故,雖然家中男士們都嚴禁進入廚房這個屬於母 親的領土,他卻年紀輕輕已經對烹飪建立了濃厚興趣。

01•Market by Jean Georges的私人貴賓房不但設計典雅,更可欣 賞無敵靚景。 Exclusive and elegant private room with a view at Market by Jean-Georges 02•Market by Jean Georges 的新任行政總廚Ken Nakano。 Ken Nakano, new executive chef at Market by Jean-Georges. 03•餐廳入口鋪上黑色白紋的大理石,園拱形天花懸掛著意大利 Artemede玻璃 「海葵」 吊燈。 Diners are welcomed to the restaurant by an intimate circular space with a glass Artemede “sea anemone” chandelier hovering above a white-veined, black-marble floor.





Ken Nakano -- new chef continus tradition and more EliteGen met up with Ken Nakano, the restaurant’s new executive chef, and asked him whether it’s a challenge to work under a culinary superstar. With confidence, he replied: “Not really. There’s a lot of creativity required, but allegiance and loyalty is always to Jean-Georges. “It is my big chance to work with a famous Michelin-trained chef. It is my opportunity to learn and to grow. We are running the kitchen and Jean-Georges trusts us to look after the operation. That’s why we have to follow his vision and philosophy. Can we do anything we want? The answer is ‘no’, but there is a lot of room to suggest, to create and to show-off new ideas. And he listens.” Nakano is a true Vancouverite -- born, raised and educated there. He grew up in a Japanese household and has lovely memories of home-cooked meals and seasonal food. The love for cooking came early, although male members of his family usually stayed out of the kitchen. That was mom’s territory. To pursue his calling, he studied at the British Columbia Institute of Technology and Vancouver Community College, then worked in leading hotels. He initially thought of cooking as a hobby, but when he started cooking on a bigger scale, he realized that the culinary world was where he wanted to be full time. Nakano honed his skills working in Singapore, on Southeast Asian cruise ships and then the Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong. He later returned to Vancouver to work

為了追求自己的理想,他就讀於BCIT和VCC時便開始在知名酒店 工作。他最初以為烹飪只是興趣,但當他愈來愈投入烹調的世界,他 發覺這就是他希望全身投入的行業。

餐廳其中一道招牌菜是香烤黑鱈魚, 外層香口、肉質鮮嫩的黑鱈魚配上細 香蔥、辣椒茸和泰國九層塔。 One of the signature dishes, Roasted Sablefish with Scallion, Chili Compote and Thai Basil.

Chef Ken為了磨練廚藝,他遠赴世界各地工作,包括新加坡、印尼 及峇里島的郵輪,然後再到香港半島酒店。後來他回到溫哥華,並分別 於Delta酒店、維多利亞的Fairmont at Empress Hotel及Georgia酒店工作。 在Georgia酒店工作了數年後,某天他接到來自香格里拉酒店的電 話,向他提出了一個無法抗拒的邀請,於是成為酒店的行政總廚。他目 前正在忙於設計Market的秋季菜單。他深知菜單就像季節一樣,是要不 斷更新求變。他以Jean-Georges的特色風格為理念,把色、香、味這三 個重要元素完美地和諧結合。此外,他亦堅持採用本土食材以帶來西岸 地區的美食風格,務求為食客帶來高質素及富創意的美食。 Chef Ken進一步介紹他即將推出的菜單:「全新菜單將會為顧客帶 來煥然一新的時尚新派菜色。風格以casual為主,食材的搭配是重點所 在。我們會將西岸地區的特色美饌注入亞洲風味,不過絕不會成為fusion 混合菜。食材方面可找到各種野味 (兔、野牛、麋鹿和野豬) 、根莖類蔬 菜及符合可持續性的海鮮(sustainable seafood)。如果選擇太多令你難以 抉擇,不妨試試我們出色的tasting menu,一次過品嚐多款美食。」

在溫哥華土生土長的 Chef Ken Nakano, 秉承了Jean Georges 的傳統並,提出了一 個獨創的新菜色 Vancouverite chef Ken Nakano presents an original creation, following the tradition of Jean-Georges.

Sashimi用上鮮美甘腴的steelhead鱒刺身, 配以煎得香脆的壽司飯糰,並以墨西哥 chipotle醬調味,絕對是驚喜的開胃前菜。 An excellent starter -- Steelhead Sashimi on Crispy Rice with Chipotle Emulsion.

at the Delta Hotel. Then it was off to Victoria and the Fairmont Empress Hotel, before returning to Vancouver and the Georgia Hotel. After several years there, he got an important call and job offer that was difficult to turn down – executive chef at the Shangri-La Hotel Vancouver. Nakano is currently preparing Market’s fall menu, guided by JeanGeorges’s signature style -- texture, flavour and colour in perfect harmony. He is also committed to upholding the principles of quality, tradition and innovation, plus the regional elements that define the West Coast’s world cuisine. “It will be fresh, with modern flavours,” he says. “It will be casual food and ingredient-focused. It will be West Coast with Asian influences, but definitely not fusion. “It will be artistic and expect game (rabbit, bison, elk, wild boar), root vegetables and seafood that is sustainable. Can’t make up your mind? Then you must check out our exceptional multi-course tasting menu.”

Market的大理石吧檯鑲嵌了珠母貝瓷磚,華麗高貴。 Market’s alluring marble-inlay bar with mother-of-pearl tiles





Wine not

How far are you willing to go for

a single malt?

為了Single Malt 你可以去到幾盡?

那管他是蒸餾器銅匠或是木桶匠- Glenfiddich同樣注重每一位參與製酒的人 才,成功不獨是釀酒師一人的功勞。 Whether it’s the metalworker responsible for the distillery equipment, or the carpenter who makes the wood barrels, Glenfiddich values the skills of every person who participates in the manufacturing process. Success is not based on the work of one person.


For those who love dancing, the answer to the


question “How far will you go” can be found in the


movie The Way We Dance. Those who love single


malts may tell you that you have to take tens of

威士忌廠少東Sandy Grant Gordon呢,他當然

thousands of dollars to an auction to win a bottle


or two of a Japanese out-of-production whisky.


Then you can say you’ve gone far enough. text | Ivan Wong





1960年代的蘇格蘭單一純麥芽威士忌市場 — 嚴格點

But for Sandy Grant Gordon, former owner of a Scotch


whisky distillery, going far enough requires sharing the story


of how he introduced the first bottle of pure single malt

去得很盡,大聲疾呼:Sit when drink Glenfiddich — you

whisky to the world in 1963. Glenfiddich was launched with

may never stand for a blended Scotch again。雖說蘇格

a bang that year, an advertisement boldly proclaiming, “Sit


when you drink Glenfiddich — you may never stand for a

靠所謂plain malt (「原味」麥芽威士忌),來與其他「加味烈

blended Scotch again.”


The so-called plain malt that was popular in the mid-18th


century was an equal rival with other “flavoured liquors,” such

世界破舊立新的革命創建思維實在強烈,Sandy Grant

as gin. But once blended whisky became popular in the mid-


19th century, malt whisky was demoted to the same rank as

來,若沒有那股破格風潮,說不定Sandy Grant Gordon

grain whiskies, merely an ingredient for mixed whiskies.

今天仍只為他人作嫁衣裳,single malt whisky亦從未復

The first 15-yearold whisky to occupy a space among the world’s top 10 best-selling single malts.

In the 1960s, counter-culture dominated the world and


everyone was ready to throw out the old and bring in the

士忌 「一哥」 。

new. Gordon’s decision was, no doubt, influenced by this.


Glenfiddich 15年, 世界單一純麥芽威 士忌十大銷售榜中 的首瓶15年陳釀。

Distilled pure Scotch whisky has existed for a long time.


Had there not been the counter-culture trends, perhaps

大使Ian Millar:「雖說Glenfiddich銷量第一並獲獎無數,

he would still be working for someone else today and


Glenfiddich would not have become the world’s champion


among pure single malt whiskies.

人說,最受全球愛戴的單一純麥芽威士忌是 Glenfiddich 12年,要印證此論調,從其銷售數字著手便

Today, the narrator of the moving story is Ian Miller, Glenfiddich’s global brand ambassador.


“Even though Glenfiddich enjoys No. 1 sales in the world


and has received countless awards, our success is definitely


not based on money or power,” Miller insists. “From when we


first started the company to today, we have been operated


by the same family.“The distillery sees quality as the most


important priority.”


The popular opinion is that Glenfiddich 12 Year Old is the

年及18年為主,不過,Glenfiddich 15年,便有能力成為

most adored single malt whisky in the world. To substantiate


this claim, one can point to the sales numbers. Aged in

Glenfiddich 15年有種別於一般15年威士忌的層次感,

bourbon oak barrels from the United States and sherry oak

Ian Millar續說:「因為原酒經西班牙雪莉、美國波本及美

barrels from Spain, this whisky has a fresh, fragrant, fruity


taste, which is the signature Glenfiddich flavour. The finish is


elegant and smooth, and it has the fragrance of pears.


A long-time whisky fan jokes that the Glenfiddich 15 is


at an awkward age, between 12 and 18, but that’s probably


because of prior bias. The mainstream market has touted

一瓶15年陳釀後,你可能真的不會「stand for a blended

Glenfiddich 12 and 18, making them more prominent in

Scotch again」 呢!

people’s minds. However, Glenfiddich 15 still has the abilities to be the first 15-year-old whisky to stand among the top 10 in sales in the single malt whisky category. Glenfiddich 15 has a uniquely textured feel that is different from other 15-year-old whiskies. “This is because it has been aged in Spanish sherry,

Glenfiddich 12 年,有種清新果 香的風味,那亦是 Glenfiddich的招牌 味道,酒感亦優雅 圓潤,還滲著點點 梨子香味。 Has a fresh, fruity flavour. This is also Glenfiddich’s signature whisky. It has an elegant, smooth finish and a faint pear fragrance.

American bourbon, and American new oak barrels, and then placed in large Solera Vats specially made for Glenfiddich,” Miller explains. “We keep them filled half or more with old liquor, and then we mix in new liquor to produce a richer, more textured taste.” 蘇格蘭單一純麥芽威士忌世界銷量冠軍,原來只像間家庭式製酒 廠,但勝在上下一心,為酒質貢獻最大努力。 The sales champion among single malt Scotch whiskies looks like a mom-and-pop distillery. However, the whole operation is committed from top to bottom to making the finest whisky possible.

After you “sit and drink” to taste the first bottle of Glenfiddich 15, you may really not want to “stand for a blended Scotch again!”





elite Car

GS 350全輪驅動是凌志設計的出色轎車,這 部獨特的5座位中型轎車,與450h雙動能組 成了2015年的GS系列。

The GS 350 AWD is a grand touring sedan as Lexus envisions it. This premium, fivepassenger, mid-size sedan joins the 450h hybrid in the GS lineup for 2015.


2015 Lexus Gs 350 AWD F sport 兼備豪華轎車的舒適與性能

provides comfort, performance in a luxury sedan 凌志的GS系列共有兩款車,分別是汽油車和雙動能車。在2015年,加拿大消費者可以選擇汽油車款 的GS 350 AWD或汽油和電動的雙動能GS 450h車款。 Lexus has two models in its GS lineup that represent the Japanese automaker’s vision of what a grand touring sedan should be all about. Yet, while they are both sold under the GS label, the two models are as different as night and day - or should we say gasoline and hybrid technologies? 我們這次測試的GS 350型號,目前在加拿大出售的只有全輪 驅動這款。而GS 450h則是高性能、後輪推動的雙動能汽車。

我這樣說是因為GS 350 AWD有很多方面都值得去嘗試。從 外型開始,我認為它引人注目,這不是豐田/凌志品牌經常可以令

GS 350型號於2013年經重新設計,並作了幾項修改之後,這



造型線條方面一般不會被放在首位。不過,GS 350卻不一樣。


GS車廂寬敞,豪華和溫馨,除司機之外,有足夠空間讓4個乘客 乘坐。

在2014年,平治E級房車在高檔的中型轎車中銷量第一,與 寶馬5系和奧迪6佔據頭三名位置。凱迪拉克 (Cadillac) CTS及積


架(Jaguar) XF賣出的數量也超過GS兩個型號的總和。前兩者都




我用這個雙關語) 則令人感到驚訝。

和「操作」區,將重要行車資訊顯示在司機的視線之內,所有控制 text, photo | Lorne Drury Metroland Media





for 2015, canadian consumers can choose between a gasoline-only Gs 350 aWd model, or a gasoline-electric

and leather upholstery and trim with contrasting stitching create an inviting interior environment with a premium look and feel.

hybrid Gs 450h. We tested the Gs 350, which is now sold here in all-wheel-drive format only. the Gs 450h, meanwhile,

lexus says its designers aimed for a driver-focused

is a high-performance, rear-wheel-drive, hybrid-powered

dashboard and the Gs 350 fits that criteria. they have


created distinct “display” and “operational” zones with the gauges positioned directly within the driver’s field of view.

the Gs 350 was restyled for 2013 and few changes have

controls are placed intuitively within reach.

been made since then in this mid-size luxury sedan that finds itself in a segment dominated by German sedans.

the heated and cooled front seats are nicely bolstered and comfortable for long-distance road trips, as one would

in 2014, the mercedes-Benz e-class had a healthy lead

expect in a high-end grand touring sedan. our tester

on the pack in the sales race of premium mid-size sedans,

came with the f sport package, adding even more seat

with the BmW 5-series and audi 6 rounding out the top three.

adjustments than the base model offers.

cadillac’s cts and the Jaguar xf also outsold the two Gs

if i had one complaint with the Gs 350, it would be

models combined. the former are excellent vehicles in their

with the remote touch interface. the large 12.3-inch lcd

own right, but the lack of traction (pardon the pun) with the

display screen is wonderful, but the controller is a mouse-like

Gs models among canadian buyers is surprising.

apparatus on the centre console that is awkward and not particularly user-friendly.

i say this because the Gs 350 aWd has so much going

power for the Gs 350 aWd comes from a 3.5-litre v6

for it. start with exterior styling that i see as eye-catching,

engine that cranks out 306 horsepower and 277 lb/ft of

something not always associated with the toyota/lexus

torque. it is mated with a six-speed sequential shift-mode

brands. their vehicles are usually described as reliable,

automatic with paddle shifters. With all the eight- and nine-

comfortable and economical, but not always at the forefront

speed transmissions out there today, it’s surprising to see

of the styling curve.

lexus still using a six-speed in such a high-end vehicle. that said, i had no issues with the transmission. it shifted smoothly

inside, the Gs cabin is roomy, luxurious and welcoming, with space for five. classic-looking wood trim, soft-touch materials

and the driver has the option of using the side-shift gated manual or paddle shifters.

F跑車套裝的前方有獨特聳立的散熱面罩, 這可能是買家傾心或反感的地方,喜愛與 否,實是見仁見智。 Dominated by this front grille that is unique to the F Sport package, would-be buyers are going to be either enamoured by the looks or put off by it. You be the judge.

即使司機將座椅調至最後的位置,GS 350是一部仍能提供後座乘客有足夠腿部 空間的中型轎車。 The GS 350 offers decent rear-seat legroom for a mid-size sedan, even here with the driver’s seat at its rearmost position.





Elite Car

GS 350全輪驅動的F跑車尾部安裝有擾流板,並有凌志的徽章。 This is the GS 350 AWD in F Sport trim, which adds a spoiler and badging at the rear.

嵌有橡膠的鋁合金跑車腳踏,是GS 350 F跑車套裝的其中一 部分。 These aluminum sport pedals with rubber inserts are part of the F Sport Series 1 Package on the GS 350.

凌志 GS 350配置3.5公升V6引擎,提供306匹馬力及277磅/呎扭距。 它配以6速順序手自排變速箱。 Power for the Lexus GS 350 comes from a 3.5-litre V6 engine that cranks out 306 hp and 277 lb/ft of torque. It is mated to a six-speed sequential shift-mode automatic with paddle shifters.


外,再加上如驅動模式選擇器、跑車型方向盤 、前排10向電動調




車型的特色部件,如獨特的前格柵、後擾流板、車門框板、排檔 頭、金屬儀表板和鋁合金跑車踏板。使用安裝在控制台的驅動模

假如對GS 350有不滿的話,我會說是凌志的操控介面。車內





生威。儀表板內氛圍照明燈的顏色,甚至會隨著駕駛者的選擇模 式而變化 - 省油模式為舒適的藍色,而跑車模式則轉為紅色。

GS 350 AWD配置有3.5公升的V6引擎,提供306匹馬力及 277磅/呎扭距。它配以6速順序手自排變速器。目前大部分車輛都







上,這是一輛比單看馬力數字要快得多的汽車,尤其是當你的腳 踏在油門的時候。

GS 350擁有前、後和中央不同的全新先進全輪驅動系統,在 正常的操作下,30%動力被分配到前輪,70%到後輪。在車輪打






GS 350 AWD的售價由57,850元起,我們測試的車款加添了

加拿大自然資源部評GS 350 AWD的耗油量為市內12.6公升

一個昂貴(價值8,800元) 但包含了很多功能,稱為F跑車套裝2的

/ 100公里,在公路則為9.1公升,而兩者綜合則是11.1公升。若駕

選置。這套裝包括了有17個鑑賞級揚聲器的Mark Levinson音響



在這類別的轎車只可從性能和舒適中二擇其一,但在GS 350,你



凌志GS 350全輪推動轎車一覽

Lexus GS 350 AWD 2015 at-a-glance 車身款式 驅動方式 引擎 行李箱容量 耗油量 價格 網址





四門、5座位豪華中型轎車。 前置引擎,全輪驅動。 3.5公升24閥門V6引擎(306匹馬力、扭距277磅/呎)。 405公升。 12.6/9.1/11.1升/100 公里 市內/高速公路/綜合 $57,850,試駕型號價格為$68,824,包括$2,045運 費及付貨前檢驗費用。 www.lexus.ca

有些人可能認為凌志GS 350的內飾設計有點過時,但其他 人,例如我自己則欣賞它的包括復古石英鐘等的經典外觀。 Some may find the Lexus GS 350 interior somewhat dated in design, but others, like myself, will appreciate the classic look, including the analog clock.

GS 350的F跑車套裝配以原廠19吋九幅條合金車輪。 These 19-inch, nine-spoke alloy wheels come as part of the F Sport package on the GS 350.

the Gs 350 has a new advanced all-wheel-drive system that has

suspension settings.

front, rear and centre differentials that distribute power to the wheels at 30 per cent front and 70 per cent rear under normal operation. on wheel slip, the traction control system automatically adjusts the

the instrument cluster even changes colour, depending upon the selection — blue for eco mode and red for sport.

power, sending up to 50 per cent to the front wheels. all is done seamlessly, creating stability and worry-free drivability.

What makes this car interesting is its split personality. it can be calm and comfortable around town and on the highway in normal

priced from $57,850, our test Gs 350 aWd had an expensive

mode when you take it nice and easy. punch sport+ mode and the

($8,800), but very nice, option package called f sport series 2 that is

mood changes to an energetic performer that yearns to be driven

loaded with features. series 2 includes a 17-speaker mark levinson

hard. in fact, this is a much quicker car than one would expect simply

audio system, lexus pre-collision and driver-monitoring systems,

by looking at the horsepower numbers, particularly when you employ

dynamic radar cruise control, power folding exterior mirrors and a

the paddle shifters.

handy head-up display. trunk space is adequate at 405 litres, but strangely the rear seats this is all in addition to the series 1 features, like drive-mode selector, sport steering wheel, 10-way power adjustable front

do not fold to add more cargo room. However, there is a passthrough for longer objects, like skis.

passenger’s seat, adaptive variable suspension, 19-inch alloy wheels and various f sport feature items, like unique front grill, rear spoiler, scuff plates, shift knob, metallic dash accents and aluminum sport

natural resources canada rates the Gs 350 aWd fuel consumption at 12.6 l/100 km city, 9.1 highway and 11.1 combined.

pedals. for drivers who like a touch of performance and their comfort in using the console-mounted drive-mode selector, one is able to

a luxury sedan, the Gs more than fits the bill. many sedans in this

choose from eco, normal and sport snow settings. the f sport

category offer one or the other, but with the Gs 350, you don’t have

package adds sports and sport+ models to the mix for even more

to sacrifice comfort for performance — particularly with the f sport

spirited driving. for example, sport+ ramps up steering input and

option box checked off.


four-door, five-passenger luxury mid-size sedan. front engine, all-wheel drive. 3.5-litre, 24-valve V6 engine (306 hp, 277 lb/ft of torque). CARGO CAPACITY 405 litres. FUEL CONSUMPTION 12.6 L/100 km city, 9.1 highway and 11.1 combined. PRICE $57,850 base; as tested $68,824, including $2,045 freight and PDI. WEBSITE lexus.ca





Elite Life 豪住私人度假別墅 法屬加勒比海St. Martin島

PrivatE viLLas by thE bEach St. Martin, French caribbean


Escape this winter in style by checking into


one of these luxury private villas in St. Martin,

紹加勒比海St. Martin島上幾座豪華的私人度假別

including Donald Trump’s extravagant nine-

墅,當中包括Donald Trump那座設有 9間客房的

bedroom beachfront mansion.

超豪別墅。 text | Leslie Yip photo | Luxury Retreat, Leslie Yip Alain Duzant

別墅中不只有一個泳池而且有兩個打孖上:一個是 位於特長陽台上的恆溫無邊際泳池(infinity pool),另 一個則位於沙灘的搭建的pavilion內。 There are not one, but two swimming pools: one is a heated infinity pool on an extended balcony, while the other sits nestled in the beach pavilion.





別墅客廳的室內裝潢充滿摩洛哥及印尼風情,木製的 拱形天花十分有特色,客廳亦可直通戶外平台。別墅 的廚房亦設備齊全,不過住客毋須親自下廚,因為度 假村會為你安排法籍廚師,照顧你的一日三餐。 The villa’s living room boasts Moroccan- and Indonesian-inspired furnishings, a vaulted wood ceiling and access to the terrace. There’s also a gourmet kitchen, but you won’t need to worry about cooking – the on-site French chef will cook three daily meals for you.

每間套房都備有king size大床、私人浴室、冷氣及 在設備完善的健身室運動完後,不妨走到室外按摩浴池 衛星電視。部份房間更有私人露台。 一邊浸浴,一邊欣賞周圍的園林景致;又或者到水療區 (設有兩間療理室)來一個按摩,盡情放鬆身心。 Each suite includes king-size beds, ensuite For a truly relaxing moment, take a soak in the bathrooms, air conditioning and TVs with outdoor jacuzzi surrounded by tropical greenery satellite connections. Some rooms also boast after toning your muscles at the gym where you will private patios. find cardio machines and free weights. Or, you could opt for a massage at one of the two massage rooms in the spa area.

L’Oasis 這座私隱度極高的豪華別墅位於Baie Rouge沙灘旁,坐擁無

An indulgent getaway, this secluded, seven-bedroom home along


the sands of Baie Rouge offers direct access to the beach, fantastic


views of the sea and lots of sun and surf time. Up to 14 guests can


comfortably stay in the villa’s seven bedrooms, making it an ideal holiday home for a gathering of friends or family.

度假別墅 vs 度假酒店

Villa Vacation vs Hotel Resorts

加勒比的酒店選擇出名多,由價錢大眾化的以至極盡豪華的都 有,為什麼要選擇租住度假別墅呢?

The Caribbean boasts hotel resorts of varyin price ranges, from family-friendly to ultra-luxury. Why should one choose to rent a villa instead?

住酒店表示你要跟其他住客共用酒店內的設施如泳池、健身室 或酒吧,你唯一的私人空間就只有你的客房。但租住私人度假 別墅的話,整個假期你都可以把別墅私有化,玩得更盡興。

Staying in hotel resorts means sharing amenities with other guests, whether it is the pool, the gym or the bar. Instead of living in just one room on a corridor, you have the luxury of a whole home to yourself for the duration of your holiday when you rent a private villa.

此外,大部分別墅都擁有1至10間客房與及其他空間如客 廳、飯廳、酒吧及廚房,還有室外泳池、按摩浴池及patio等 設施。如果跟朋友及家人一起度假,絕對有足夠空間與大伙 兒同樂,當回到自己的套房時又可以擁有私人空間。而且對 於打算一家大小或幾對情侶/夫婦一同外遊的朋友來說,租住 私人別墅相比起酒店來得更划算。

Most villas range from one to 10 bedrooms, plus additional living space: living and dining rooms, bar and kitchen, as well as outdoor spaces such as swimming pools, jacuzzis and patios. When you are travelling with friends and family, it is easy to balance private time and social time. There is ample common space to enjoy each other’s company, but when it is time to retreat, you can return to your own private suites. Furthermore, renting a villa often proves a better value for travelling families and couples than multiple hotel or resort suites.


The Villa at a Glance

房間數目:7 最多可容納人數:14 游泳池:一個恆溫泳池,一個位於沙灘旁 是否直達沙灘:是 每晚收費:$4,429 - $12,857 (所有費用為美元)

Number of bedrooms: 7 Maximum occupancy: 14 Swimming pool: yes, one heated and one by the beach Direct beach access: yes Rental cost per night: $4,429 - $12,857(all prices in U.S. funds) Staff & Services Included: Caretaker Butler services 3 meals a day, French chef service Gardener Housekeeper Poolkeeper At Extra Cost – advance notice may be required: Food and beverages Activities and excursions Spa treatment Water activities

員工及服務 包括: 護理員 管家服務 由法籍廚師主理一日三餐 園丁 房務員 泳池管理員 以下服務額外收費 – 或須事先預約: 食物及飲品費用 活動及觀光行程 水療療程 水上活動





Elite Life

悠閒地在沙灘旁2個涼亭或戶外酒吧的陰涼處歎杯特飲,就這樣已經可以消磨半 天。 Relax with a drink in one of the two screened-in beachside gazebos, or in the shaded exterior bar.

Le Reve 這座度假別墅與沙灘可謂零距離,因為它座落於一個私人 沙灘上,只需行幾步便可以擁抱加勒比海的熱浪。Le Reve是St. Martin島上其中一座最豪華的度假別墅,設施一應俱全,住客可 以悠閒地在沙灘上曬曬日光浴、亦可以在暖上按摩池浸浴、或在 大型的恆溫無邊際泳池(最深達10呎)暢泳,之後在池邊的酒吧歎 一杯特飲,感覺就好像在自己的私人度過村度假一樣輕鬆寫意。 You can’t get much closer to the beach than at this villa. Sitting on a private beach, this home is on the edge of the sea and you are just steps away from the warm Caribbean waves. Bask in the sun on the sand, soak in the heated jacuzzi, or spread out on one of the loungers surrounding the large heated infinity-edge pool which flows from a shallow bank to a depth of 10 feet. Le Reve is one of the grandest villas in St. Martin, and with so many amenities, it feels like you are at your own private resort.

當夕陽垂照,不妨在視聽室看齣電影,又或者跟友人來一場桌球友誼賽,切磋 球技。而別墅頂的平台是欣賞日落美景的最佳位置。 In the evening, have a movie night in the media room, or challenge a loved one to a game of billiards. The rooftop terrace is an ideal spot to take in sunsets.


Le Reve擁有8間客房,最多可容納16人,客房均設有私人浴室、冷氣及電視。 Up to 16 guests are welcome to stay in Le Reve’s eight premium bedrooms — all featuring ensuite bathrooms, air conditioning and TVs.

旺季 vs 淡季

High Season vs Low Season

對於北美洲人來說,加勒比是冬季旅遊的熱門目的 地,而旺季跟淡季的價錢可說是差天共地。最抵玩 是4月至11月,因為9月及10月是颶風季節,遊客較 少。旺季則是12月至3月,價錢當然會較高。氣溫方 面,當地全年的溫度差距不大,平均氣溫為27.2 ° C。 一般來說,當地的酒店或度假別墅都要求住客最少 訂7晚,聖誕節及元旦更最少訂14晚。

The Caribbean is a popular winter getaway destination for North Americans, and you can expect to find a big difference between high-season and low-season pricing. You will find the lowest prices between April and November (September and October being hurricane season). December to March is considered high season, with prices to match. Temperature-wise, it remains quite comfortable throughout the year, with an average mean temperature of 27.2 °C.




There is typically a seven-night minimum booking throughout the year, and a 14-night minimum during Christmas and New Year’s.


The Villa at a Glance

房間數目:8 (備註:最少租住6間客房才可同時租用別 墅主人的房間) 最多可容納人數:16 游泳池:一個恆溫泳池 是否可直達沙灘:是 每晚收費:$4,950 - $17,993

Number of bedrooms: 8 (Note: Owner’s bedroom available only when renting at least six rooms Maximum occupancy: 16 Swimming pool: yes, heated Direct beach access: yes Rental cost per night: $4,950 - $17,993 Staff & Services Included: Chef service House Manager Maintenance and Exterior workmen Housekeeper Security guard At extra cost: Butler service In-villa spa services

員工及服務 包括: 私人廚師服務 房務員 額外收費服務: 管家服務

房務經理 保安員







Elite Life

Le Chateau des Palmiers Le Chateau des Palmiers是Donald Trump的私人度假 別墅,坐落於Plum Bay沿岸,是St. Martin可租住的度假別 墅中最豪華的一幢。別墅位置僻靜,私隱度高,更可直達 島上水清沙幼的白沙沙灘,加上多姿多彩的夜生活及當地 暖和的天氣,絕對是加勒比海最佳的度假勝地。 Unwind at Donald Trump’s opulent mansion that sits ocean-side along Plum Bay. Offering a sense of seclusion and direct beach access, this is one of the grandest St. Martin villas available for rental. The island’s white sandy beaches, eclectic nightlife and temperate climate make it an ideal Caribbean getaway.

別墅的室內設計極盡奢華,用料高級。客廳的裝潢金碧輝煌,無論家私、火爐及各種豪華擺設 都盡顯氣派。屋內的廚房設備齊全,不過你不用操心,因為你的私人廚師會為你打點每日的膳 食。別墅亦會安排保安及房務員服務 (星期日除外)。無論在室外在無敵海景陪伴下用膳,或在 豪華飯廳中進餐,都絕對是一大享受。 Throughout the interior, this home features ornate decor and high-end finishes. The formal living room boasts stately, gold-trimmed furniture, a fireplace and lavish home accents. There’s a fully equipped kitchen, but you won’t need to worry about cooking, for there’s an on-site chef included. Also included in your stay are security and daily maid services (except Sundays). Enjoy your meal outdoors facing the sea, or in the interior dining room under a chandelier.





位於主樓的主人套房設有按摩浴池及兩個私人露台。所有客房均設有電視、冷 氣及私人浴室。除了其中兩間客房提供queen size床外,其他客房均備有king size大床。 In the main villa, the two-storey master suite features a jacuzzi tub and two private balconies. All bedrooms have TVs, air conditioning and ensuite bathrooms. All come with king-size beds, except two where you will find queens.

別墅擁有9間客房,可容納最多20人。當中5間客房位於主樓main villa,而其餘 4間則位於garden-side villa,另設有客廳及飯廳供這4間房共用。 There are nine bedrooms on this property, accommodating up to 20 guests. There are five rooms in the main house, with the other four in a separate garden-side villa that boasts its own shared living room and dining area.

別墅的設施應有盡有,當然唔少得超大的恆溫泳池,泳池在晚上更會變得燈光 璀璨,在池邊的沙灘椅一邊歎杯特飲,一邊在婆娑的棕櫚樹影下欣賞海景,勁 有度假feel。想跟大海零距離接觸的話,可走到沙灘的涼亭,或索性走入大海中 暢泳一番。 This villa offers a plethora of amenities, starting with the ample-sized, heated swimming pool that lights up at night that’s surrounded by cushioned lounge chairs where you can sit with a drink and admire views of the sea and swaying palm trees. Take in more ocean views from the beach gazebo, or simply head into the waves.


What’s Included?

度假別墅通常屬私人擁有,業主有權決定費用包括什麼設 施及服務,亦會清楚列明。上述介紹的三座別墅都由位於 滿地可的加國公司Luxury Retreats所代理,並由他們在St. Martin的分社Carimo管理。禮賓服務已包括在房租內,當 預訂一經確認後便會有專人聯絡訂房者並提供相關協助。 他們可代為預訂餐廳、船河、水上活動及租車等。 別墅亦會更供由St. Maarten的Princess Juliana 機場至別墅 的接送服務。 Luxuryretreats.com Carimo.com

Rental villas are privately owned, and the owner can decide what amenities and services they wish to include in the rental price. This will be clearly spelled out in the listing. The three properties featured here are represented by Luxury Retreats, a Canadian company based in Montreal, and managed by their local branch, Carimo, in St. Martin. Concierge services are included in the rental rate, and the concierge team will reach out to the renter as soon as the booking is confirmed to help co-ordinate their stay. They can arrange for restaurant reservations, boat charters, water activities and local car rentals.


The Villa at a Glance

房間數目:9 最多可容納人數:20 游泳池:一個恆溫泳池 是否可直達沙灘:是 每晚收費:$6,000 - $20,000 員工及服務 包括: 每日膳食服務(一日三餐) 衣物清洗 房務員 (每星期6天) 泳池保養人員 園丁 抵步及離 接送Arrival and departure transfers 24小心管理熱線 門房服務 美藉別墅經理兼保安 一個洞的高爾夫球練習場

Number of bedrooms: 9 Maximum occupancy: 20 Swimming pool: yes, heated Direct beach access: yes Rental cost per night: $6,000 - $20,000 Staff & Services Included: Daily chef service (3 meals daily) Laundry service Housekeeper (6 days a week) Pool person Gardener Arrival and departure transfers 24-hour maintenance hotline Concierge service American estate managers, doubling as security 1 golf practice hole

Complimentary arrival transfer from Princess Juliana airport in St. Maarten to the villa is included. Luxuryretreats.com






Elite Life

Saint Martin or Sint Maarten St. Martin或St. Maarten是加勒比群島東北面的一個小島,面

St. Martin/St. Maarten is a small island at the northeast of the Caribbean Archipelago. With an area of 88 square kilometres, it is the smallest inhabited island in the world to be under the sovereignty of

積僅88平方公里,是全球有人居住並分屬兩個國家(法國 – 法語

two countries: the French (St. Martin) and the Dutch (St. Maarten).

為Saint Martin及荷蘭 - 荷蘭語為Sint Maarten)的小島中面積最小

Geographically, the French side is larger, accounting for 60 per cent


of the island. But in terms of population, both sides are roughly equal.


In effect, the French side is often overshadowed by the Dutch, as

蝕」 ,因為島上的國際機場及郵輪碼頭皆位於荷蘭的領地。

the international airport and cruise ship ports are both located on the

St. Martin的5大景點 一走進如世外桃源般的私人別墅,實在很難說服自己離開, 不過島上有一些獨有的活動卻又不能錯過,以下是我個人的6大心 水推介。

Dutch side.

Top 5 attractions in St. Martin Once settled in the private paradise of your villa, it is hard to peel yourself away. However, there are unique experiences on the island that

樹頂上的酒廊 喜愛親近大自然的朋友,相信會愛上Loterie Farm。Loterie

should not be missed. Here are my top six picks.

Lounge above tree tops


Make a trek to Loterie Farm, a 0.60 square-kilometre site on

Peak(Pic du Paradis)的山坡上。追求刺激的朋友可挑戰鋼索叢林

the slopes of Paradise Peak (Pic du Paradis), the island’s highest


point. Thrill-seekers can fly through tree tops on a zipline adventure

原始feel的Cabana木屋更設有一個泉源泳池 (spring-fed swimming

course, while those who prefer to be more earth-bound can relax


in L’eaulounge, a private cabana enclave with a natural spring-fed

酸辣醬 (15€)。餐廳由來自多倫多的主廚Chef Julia Purkis主理。

swimming pool and jacuzzi. Be sure to try the curry spinach chicken

鋼索叢林飛行收費為25€ (7歲以下小童)及40€(成人)。租住 Cabana收費由200€起,費用包括一瓶Laurent Perrier香檳。逢星

with sweet potato and mango chutney (15€). It is prepared by Chef Julia Purkis, originally from Toronto.


Zipline courses start at 25€ for children under seven and 40€


for adults. Cabana rental starts at 200€ and include a bottle

90分鐘的“Trail and Beach Ride”絕對是一次奇妙的體驗。

of Laurent Perrier champagne.

Bayside Riding Club Ranch可讓你體驗策騎的樂趣,你可以騎著馬

Closed Mondays. (Loteriefarm.



走入海中。如果想更刺激,指導員會帶你走到更深水的區域(水深約 2米) ,這時候你的馬匹自然會開始在水中暢泳,你只需捉緊牠的鬃 毛,便可以騎在馬背上於清澈暖和的海水中浮游,Trail and beach ride 收費95€。備有短途的策騎體驗,不包括游泳部分。必須預 約。星期日及星期一休息。詳情可瀏覽Baysideranch.com

Swim with a horse For a truly magical experience, go for the 90-minute “Trail and Beach Ride” at Bayside Riding Club Ranch. You will ride through the mangroves in the Nature Reserve to a sandy beach, where the guide





will take off the horses’ saddles and let you ride bareback into the sea. If you are up for it, the guide will take you to deeper waters (about two metres) and your horse will start swimming. Just hold on to its mane and float along in the warm, pristine waters. Trail and beach ride 95€. Shorter rides available, with no swim time. Reservations required. Closed Sundays and Mondays. (Baysideranch.com)

Create your own perfume Tijon Parfumerie & Boutique in Grand Case is St. Martin’s first and only working parfumerie. Don a white lab coat and mix your own


blend: start with a base of 12 premixed oils and add three additional ones from 300 available. Theoretically, there are more than one trillion

位於Grand Case 的Tijon Parfumerie & Boutique 是St. Martin

possible combinations, meaning the scent you create is unlikely to


have been created before. I am obsessed by frangipani lately, and

你的專屬香薰。步驟是先從12種預先調好的香薰油(premixed oil)

I chose plumeria, monoi de Tahiti and oak moss with premixed oil


number 2027.


A one-hour perfume-making class, costing 85€, includes a bottle


of your own creation, plus a VIP gift bag with Caribe Baie sun lotion,


massage oil, lip balm and more. (Tijon.com)

梔子(plumeria)、自來大溪地的monoi de Tahiti及橡樹苔蘚(oak moss) ,配以


2027號的premixed oil。 一小時的香水調製課程收費85€,

Many French labels otherwise not available in North America can


be found in Marigot, the capital of the French side. The stores are just

VIP禮品包,內裡包括Caribe Baie防曬

steps away from the two marinas, Marina Royale and Marina Fort-



情可瀏覽Tijon.com。 The shopping on the Dutch side is famous too -- St. Maarten

血拼 在法屬領地的首都Marigot,你可以找到很多在北美洲買不到

is considered one of the Caribbean’s top duty-free shopping destinations. Its capital, Philipsburg, is only four streets deep and very easy to navigate. Visit Front Street for the jewelry stores and designer

的法國品牌。這些名店就在兩大遊艇碼頭Marina Royale及Marina

clothing stores; Back Street for local markets, souvenir shops and


inexpensive clothing; Old Street for gift stores and art galleries. The shops on the Dutch side tend to stay open a little later than the French

很多人亦喜歡在荷蘭領地血拼,因為St. Maarten是加勒比海

side due to the traffic that comes


from the casinos’ late-night hours

街,路牌亦非常清晰,方便遊客閒逛。Front Street以珠寶店及名

and the cruise ships that dock

牌時裝店為主;Back Street是本地市場,有很多紀念品及平價服


飾專賣店;Old Street則可找到禮品店及畫廊。荷蘭地帶的商店比 法國領地的營業時間較長,以應付賭場客及郵輪遊客的人流。

La Samanna嘆spa 雖然你的私人度假別墅可讓你盡享奢華,但如果想轉換環

Spa at La Samanna For a change of scenery from your private villa, head to the beautiful Hotel Belmond La

境,可到Hotel Belmond La Samanna歎個spa。加勒比海天氣炎

Samanna. The aloe gel body wrap


is perfect for effective hydration


and easing sunburns. For a more holistic experience, book a one-hour


consultation with naturopath Martine, who can help design a personal


nutrition and health-care regimen, based on your existing condition.


While you are there, enjoy dinner by the beach at Restaurant Trellis.


Live music every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Panoramic views of


the ocean. (Belmond.com)





Hi-Tech 這個年代,高清也嫌太低清了,我們

These days, even High Definition (HD) seems too low. We


demand Full High Definition (FHD), Ultra High Definition


(UHD), and 4K High Definition (4K HD). Even cellphones


are taking pictures in 4K HD, so how can cameras have

Lumix G GX8相機,真的交足功課,

specifications that are lower than 4K? The Panasonic


Lumix G GX8 camera introduced below is fully equipped


— 4K, 4K, 4K, plus 4K. The cost: $1,599!


Panasonic Lumix G Gx8


It has been many years since the debut of the M4/3 camera. However, its resolution


never reached the 2,000 megapixel mark. Panasonic was committed to break this barrier


and introduced the first 2,300-megapixel M4/3 to the world.

Lumix G GX8,也被標榜為最強的M4/3。當然,單 是2,030萬像素沒有足夠支持GX 8索價千六元的能

This Lumix G succeeds the GX7 and is billed as the strongest M4/3 camera. Of course,


2,030-megapixel resolution alone does not support GX8’s ability to demand such a pricetag.


Its true worth lies in its ability to shoot a panoramic view in 4K. In terms of shooting, GX8 has

格式為3,840×2,160、25p(50Hz)的QFHD 4K或

the ability to capture high-resolution 4K video, in either 3,840×2,160, 25p (50Hz) QFHD 4K

24p的MP4。而較特別的,是另一個稱為 「4K相片」

format or 24p MP4 format. Another special feature is its “4K Photo Mode.”

的拍攝模式,用家可以在拍攝4K/30fps影片後, 隨時capture內裡的800萬像素4K相片;而且方法

After shooting a 4K/30fps, the user can instantly capture the 800 megapixel 4K still text | Ringo photo | Kauzrambler





不只一個,可以是4K Burst Shooting (即是按實快門

photos in the video. Further, the user can capture the stills using more than one method.


He or she can use 4K Burst Shooting (holding down the shutter and taking 30fps

過) 、4K Burst S/S (按一次shutter開,再按一下快門

consecutive shots rapidly, which is well-suited to capturing instant video, such as taking

結束,較適合長時間拍攝,例如唱歌、運動比賽) 及

video of pets, or of passing race cars); 4K Bursts S/S (press to open the shutter once,

4K Pre-burst (相機會自動記錄按下shutter錄影前或後

and then press again to close the shutter, which is well-suited to take a longer video,


such as a singing performance or athletic meet); and 4K Pre-Burst (the camera will


automatically record the 60 still photos from the two seconds before or after the shutter is pressed to record.)

所謂一闊三大,因為要處理4K拍攝的龐大資 料,所以GX8的其他裝備都要因應壯大。首先,相

Other ancillary developments also naturally follow. In order to process the large

機採用了最新研發的Venus Engine影像處理器,連

amounts of data captured by 4K video recording, GX8’s other features also need to be


strengthened. First, the camera uses the newly developed Venus Engine image processor,


together with a four-core CPU, to process the much larger amounts of data.

(Depth From Defocus)技術,把相機跟鏡頭之間的 數碼訊號以高達240fps的高速傳送,令相機的自動對

The high-speed processor enhances the GX8’s DFD (Depth From Defocus)

焦(Contrast AF)速度提升到0.07秒。再牽連到遠一

technology, to transmit data signals from the camera to the lens at a speed as high as


240fps. This way, the camera’s auto-focus (Contrast AF) speed is increased to 0.07

Digital Live MOS影像感應器,以及採用低通濾鏡,

seconds. GX8 is also equipped with a Digital Live MOS image sensor, which enhances


the camera’s response, sensitivity and dynamic range. Finally, it uses a lower-filter lens, such that the image resolution of the GX8 is improved by 15 per cent over the previous


generation GX7.

震系統Dual Image Stabilizer。由久以來,GX系列的 相機,不是採用一勞永逸的機身防震 (Body I.S.) ,便

Another practical selling point of the GX8 is its pioneering use of the Dual Image

是針對性的鏡頭防震 (Lens I.S.) ,這次GX8 能夠破天

Stabilizer. Traditionally, the GX series cameras has either utilized the global Body I.S.


(Body Image Stabilizer) or the targeted Lens I.S. (Lens Image Stabilizer.) This time, GX8


combines the two for the first time. Whether you are zooming in or zooming out, you can


use the camera body’s four-axis stabilization, as well as the lens’ two-axis stabilization.


This makes it possible to achieve superior results in both night picture-taking and hand-


held photography.

採用五軸Hybrid O.I.S +光學影像穩定器;但這個 「一 般」 ,即是除了4K拍攝。

GX8’s hand grip is superior to that of the previous generation, making it easier to keep the camera steady. Speaking of image stabilization, one must also mention that under

無反跟單反最根本的構造差異,就是單反能透 過一塊反光鏡把鏡頭捕捉的影像,real time反射到

normal recording conditions, GX8 is able to employ five-axis Hybrid OIS (Optical Image Stabilizer). However, this “normal condition” does not work in 4K recording mode.

觀景器上,得到what you see what you get的俐落效 果。而無反要努力的,就是盡量做到what you see

The difference in structure between a mirrorless camera and a SLR (Single Reflective

what you get。GX8的努力成果,是製造了一個具備

Lens) camera is that an SLR uses a reflective mirror to capture the image and then shows

1.54倍/ 0.77倍 (相等於35mm格式) 放大率及100%可

it through the viewfinder in real time, giving a clean wysiwyg (what you see what you get)


effect. On the other hand, the mirrorless camera has to work hard to achieve wysiwyg.

的236萬像素OLED實時觀景器。 「實時」 的真正實力, 是只有0.01秒的時滯。雖然,跟光學觀景器 (OVF) 仍

The GX8 has successfully created a flip-up 236 megapixel OLED real-time viewfinder,


which has amplification power of 1.54X/0.77X (equivalent to 35mm format) and 100 per


cent frame accuracy, about 21mm viewfinder image and 10000:1 ratio. The true power of


“real time” means only a 0.01 second delay. Of course, this is still a bit different from OVF (Optical View Finder), but this viewfinder is able to adjust automatically for colour and brightness, and can be displayed in monotone to observe whether the focus is at its peak, which an OVF is not capable of.

2,030萬像素17.3×13mm LiveMOS / 3吋104萬

2,030 megapixel, 7.3×13mm LiveMOS / 3-inch 104 megapixel viewscreen/236

像素屏幕 / 236萬像素觀景器 / ISO 200-25,600 /

megapixel view finder / ISO 200-25,600 / 60s-1/8,000s shutter /

60s-1/8,000s快門 / 133.2×77.9×63.1mm / 435g

133.2×77.9×63.1mm / 435g

機身:$1,599 (bccamera.com)

$1,599 (bccamera.com)





Hi-Tech 那夜Apple Keynote完結後,網上流傳一些插畫,

When the Apple Keynote was concluded,

謂Steve Jobs若泉下有知,看完這次發布會,

caricatures began to circulate online, of Jobs


turning in his grave after seeing the new release.


The indictment was levelled at the Apple Pencil, the

說,聽到Apple Pencil登場,心裡不禁嚇一跳,

very thing that goes against the Apple founder’s

當年教主言之鑿鑿說「Who wants a stylus?」,

edict of “Who wants a stylus?”


My heart skipped a beat, too. But, having taken a

過iPad Pro及Apple Pencil之後,又覺得未至於那

closer look at the iPad Pro and the Apple Pencil,


they don’t seem that bad at all.

text | Ernus


iPad Pro

Is Jobs turnIng In hIs grave?

iPad Pro本身的規格的確是不錯的—顯示屏

The iPad Pro boasts solid specs. The screen has been enlarged to match the size

加大至接近MacBook的12.9吋,Retina Display的

of MacBook’s. The retina display has higher resolution and the new iOS allows running


of two apps at once for real multi-tasking.

以同時並排工作的真正多工功能。以前用iPad看 電影,將它打橫放之後,聲音只能從左邊或右邊

The audio experience has also changed. Mono output has given way to a

輸出,現在的iPad Pro在四個角落加入揚聲器,

high-fidelity speaker at each corner of the body. The quality of the sound output


automatically adjusts according to the orientation, so much so that the experience of


watching movies on the iPad will never be the same again.

Pro的厚度比起iPad Air 2,只不過是多出區區 0.8mm,6.9mm厚度,加上713g重量,完全沒有 投訴了吧?

For all that edge, the iPad Pro, at 6.9 millimetres, is slightly thicker than iPad Air 2 -by a mere 0.8 millimetres -- and it weighs in at 713 grams. What more can one ask for?

今回最引人爭議的,就是隨iPad Pro推出的

The bone of contention is the Apple Pencil launched along with the iPad Pro. A

Apple Pencil。想當年iPhone第一代推出之時,

stylus was a thing for antiquated smartphones, used when resistive touch screen that


can only sense a single contact point was the norm. Since the iPhone revolutionized


smartphones with a touch screen that can sense multi-touch operations, there was no


longer any need for a stylus.

電容式顯示屏,能感應多點及手指操作,有了這 樣的科技,還用拿筆?來到八年後的今天科技進

Eight years later, with the 32.7-centimetre iPad Pro, we have circled back to this

步了,Apple Pencil的靈活度已遠勝從前,它內置

point. Today, technology has enabled Apple Pencil to be a lot more agile. Its built-in tilt


and pressure sensors will adjust stroke thickness. The subsystem that scans its signal,


at 240 times per second, makes sure what you draw shows up on the screen almost

現筆觸幾乎零時滯,你試下問問Apple Pencil針對

instantly. How can this not capture the imagination of designers and artists, the target


fans of the Apple Pencil? Jobs is described as an inventor, while Tim Cook is considered a businessman. We can’t argue with that. There may never be another Steve Jobs, but Apple’s hold on the market is ever so strong four years after his departure. What more could its founder ask for?





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