Join the Movement

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When you invest in Habitat, you invest in the community. Now, more than ever, we are counting on your partnership to help transform entire neighborhoods and provide safe, affordable homes for those in need. Because our homes are built primarily with volunteer labor, every dollar you generously give becomes two dollars of actual construction.

By supporting Habitat for Humanity, you help provide children with a safe, quiet place to do their homework, explore their creativity and get a good night’s sleep. In fact, we have partnered with Capital Region Sponsor-A-Scholar to ensure that hardworking families not only have a decent place to live, but have the tools their children need to graduate high school and earn a college degree. Qualified families can now become Habitat homeowners and enroll their eligible high schoolers in the Sponsor-A-Scholar mentorship and scholarship program. Because at Habitat we know that success in school starts at home. To learn more about this partnership, visit

HOW IT WORKS: • Make a one-time donation • Become a sustaining donor by pledging monthly gifts • Donate building materials or in-kind professional services • Donate to and shop at the ReStore • Sponsor a room, a house or entire neighborhood!

habitat reSTORE The Habitat ReStore is a home improvement resale store. The store is open to the public and sells new and gently-used building materials, furniture, appliances, cabinets and more. Looking to renovate your home? Stop by and check out the great deals! Looking to get rid of gently-used items or overstock inventory from your business? By donating these items to the Habitat ReStore, you are helping to build more homes and revitalize neighborhoods throughout the Capital District.

Visit or call (518) 462-2993 to learn how you can invest in the future of your community.

ADVOCATE Become an advocate! Communities thrive when people care. Stay connected with Habitat and join the movement—one home, one family, one neighborhood at a time. By learning more about the housing challenges facing hardworking, lower-income families in our community, you can become a voice for change. Become informed, start a conversation and get involved! What will you build?

Capital District Headquarters 200 Henry Johnson Blvd., Suite 1 Albany, NY 12204 ph: 518.462.2993

volunteer Volunteers are the lifeblood of Habitat. Volunteers help build homes and so much more. When you volunteer with Habitat, you become part of something bigger. You become part of the solution. Habitat volunteers hammer nails, raise walls and build staircases—but they also gain valuable skills, make new friends and form a community. Volunteer with Habitat today by visiting

Visit or call (518) 275-6638 to learn more or schedule a donation pick-up.

REsTORE location

sTORE hours

70 Fuller Road Albany, NY 12205

Tuesday 10am-5pm Wednesday 10am-5pm Thursday 10am-7pm Friday 10am-5pm Saturday 10am-5pm

Our mission: Through homeownership, Habitat for Humanity Capital District helps to develop and transform communities by building affordable and sustainable homes in partnership with lower-income families.

We believe that every man, woman and child deserves a safe, decent place in which to live. By providing

homeownership opportunities in partnership with lower-income households, Habitat is making safe, affordable shelter a matter of conscience and action. Together, we are breaking the cycle of poverty and building foundations for a stronger future. We believe that no one lives in dignity until everyone can live in dignity. We believe that every person has something to contribute and something to gain from creating communities in which all people have decent, affordable places to live. We believe that dignity and hope are best achieved through equitable, accountable partnerships.

HOW IT WORKS: Through volunteer labor and donations of money and materials, Habitat builds alongside our homeowner partner families. abitat is not a giveaway program. Habitat houses are H sold to partner families at no profit and financed with zero-interest mortgages. omeowners invest hundreds of hours of their own H labor into building their Habitat house and the houses of others.


A world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Good housing equals healthier families, improved high school graduation rates and safer communities. Families in safe, healthy homes have far fewer incidences of asthma, obesity and diabetes. 97% of children in Habitat homes graduate from high school, compared with the average 50% graduation rate from Albany High School. Homeownership stabilizes communities and helps make neighborhoods safer. Good housing is a catalyst community engagement and investment. Habitat for Humanity has shown that building homes does more than put a roof over someone’s head. In good housing, families can provide stability for their children. A family’s sense of dignity and pride grows as their health, education and financial security improve. In short, a safe and affordable home can make all the difference.

HISTORY & MINISTRY Habitat for Humanity International was founded in 1976. The organization’s 2,300+ affiliates have built or rehabilitated more than 600,000 homes around the world. Habitat for Humanity is the 6th largest homebuilder in the United States. Habitat for Humanity Capital District was founded in 1988 as the local affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International. We serve Albany, Rensselaer and Southern Saratoga Counties. Habitat affiliates are all independent and locally run nonprofit organizations. Each affiliate is responsible for coordinating all aspects of Habitat home building in its local area, including fundraising, building site selection, partner family selection and support, house construction, and mortgage servicing. To help support HfHI’s work, each year HfHCD tithes a portion of our undesignated contributions to Habitat for Humanity International to fund house-building work in other nations. Since our inception, HfHCD has tithed over $80,000 to our partner countries, enabling the building of more than 30 homes internationally.

Habitat International’s Mission Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.

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